Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20140714 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20140714

township will be providing more information at 8:00. but i would suggest that they will not know at that time what has been collected at the home. >> they're in the lab as we spoke, again, the source has not been determined, meanwhile, hundreds of homes evacuated, those green notices on the doors, telling residents if they come back, to make a call and do not enter the home at this point. we should know more at 8:00 when those crews are back in the neighborhood. for now, live in montgomery county, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". thank you, steve. we will check back with you. new this morning, 54 year old woman is in police custody, accused of shooting a man and another woman in south philly overnight. this happened around 3:00 a.m. on the 1800 block of tasker. forty-three year old woman, 25 year old man, are being treated at the hospital. they have expected to be okay. police blame an earlier argument for the gunfire. also, following a bunch of developing stories right now, more than a thousand employees of atlantic city trump plaza could get notice today the casino is closing, casino owners say they expect that closing by mid september. also work underway on the italian coast to move the massive shipwreck costa concordia. that ship renee grounds in 2012, 32 people were killed. that ship is being scrapped. and, sergeant bowe bergdahl is expected to arrive and return to active duty in the army today. bergdahl was released by the taliban six weeks ago after five years in captivity. coming up on 6:03, our traffic and weather together. stormy day, katy? >> certainly looks that way, while we are going to see not the entire day be washed out, a day that easily features strong and possibly some severe weather as we go through the day. all because of this huge clash that's taking place in the atmosphere. i want to start things off by going out to the live neighborhood network if we k take you back on little time lapse here. put things into motion, through the overnight, all is pretty quiet, one, two, folks walking out and about out there at this point, this morning. you're generally just sort of dreary. but there is a bit of activity not just rehoboth but out toward say the western suburbs, just right across the i95 corridor now crossing into new castle county, delaware, down through cape may county where you have the little isolated pockets of showers and not necessarily thunderstorms, but i wouldn't be surprised if you did hear rumble every thunder with any of the storms firing up right now. off to the west, you can see, much more significant batch of heavier rain, sort of right along the ohio river valley region, there but that's all going to be headed our way, and again, when we get even little bit of sunshine, all it will do is help fuel fire. you want the heat. you want that humidity to really garner the instability necessary for showers and storms to turn local will he severe. the whole region is in severe storm risk here today for heavy downpours, frequent lightning, gusty winds, that could cause minor damage, certainly some hail and i can't even rule out tornado. it is not a guarantee, it never is, but there is potential for us to see some of that tornado activity today. so we have to keep close watch on the radar. meanwhile we shooed for 90 degrees today. it is hot, steamy, very much stormy out, there as the day progresses, so eyes to the sky, guys, if you could zero do have outdoor plans, be very careful. if you hear thunder on a day like this make sure to head inside. bob, over to you. >> 6:04, monday morning back to work. back to our normal routine here. outside we go to live look at the blue route, 476, an accident, northbound side, police, penndot, and the vehicle all off to the shoulder here. watch yourself if you are headed northbound, flood bed about to put the car up on the back of the trailer there. gang back from the shore this morning, you are not alone, monday mornings always little hectic coming back, folks like to stay down the shore an extra night and come right from the beach right into the office. and we're seeing that extra volume there on the freeway headed toward philly. new jersey transit using shuttle buses this morning on the princeton line, between the main line here, princeton junction, over into princeton itself. garden state parkway southbound crash in wear town, heads up for the gang head in the toward lib this morning. crash outside of coatsville, along route ten, and chapel avenue. getting word hereof water main break, lafayette drive at sylvan drive. otherwise, the bridges look fine at the moment. and mass transit running with no delays. err cape, over to you. >> we know the jersey city police officer killed at drug store had only been on the job for six months. authorities say the accused gunman laurence campbell never even tried to rob the walgreens. they say he was waiting to ambush police. minutes before shooting 23 year old officer melvin santiago, campbell allegedly told an eyewitness to watch the news because he was, quote, going to be famous. santiago got shot in the head. >> twenty-three years old, he was good boy, and he didn't deserve to get a bullet in his head for no reason. he was just doing his job. >> campbell shot rather police shot and killed campbell at the scene. he was wanted for a previous murder, no customers were injured. well, israel offensive on the gaza strip is a weak old, no signs slowing down. as susan macinnis reports, thousands of pal continue januaries are in shelters after israel warned them to clear out of northern gaza. >> i zero israel continued to bomb hamas targets in the gaza strip this morning. hamas has been answering back with rockets of its own. israeli officials say it is iron dome missile defense system intercepted 12 on sunday. in a diplomatic push toned the bloodshed, secretary of state, john kerrey, called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the weekends and offered to mediate a trues. in a appearance on cbs "face the nation", netanyahu vowed he will achieve secure tip for his people. >> i won't say right now how and when that goal will be achieved, whether by diplomatic, military means, but that goal has to be achieved. >> thousands of palestinians fled to united nations shelters after israel warned it would bomb northern gaza. >> most of the people don't want to be here. this is miserable. >> israeli cabinet still considering launching full grounds invasion. today, israeli security forces raided a home belonging to relatives of one of two suspects wanted in relation to the killing of three israelii teenagers last month. those killings further inflamed the most recent tensions between israel and the palestinians n washington, susan macinnis, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> your time 6:07. tempers flare in argentina's capitol, lead to go at least 30 arrests after a world couple is breaks gets out of hand. meanwhile, in brazil, police rye oath gear work to disperse crowd who blocked streets in rio de janeiro last night. officers blasted unruly group of mostly argentinian fans with pepper spray. we'll show you exciting finish to the game coming up in just a bit in sports. 6:07. president obama traveling to delaware this week. president will be in wilmington thursday to speak about the economy. also expected to check out repairs on the i495 bridge that's been closed for more than a month now. white house not released any other details regarding this visit. happening thursday, another aid to governor chris christie is expected to testify about the new jersey bridge scandal. regina agia is scheduled to appear before the committee investigating last year's shutdown every lanes near the george washington bridge. christie is scheduled to be in iowa that day attending other political events. well, fire lights up the night sky outside of boston, the flames were so intense, firefighters warned neighbors to get out of their homes. >> the bertha promises to gave you a energy boost and lower blood pressure. >> started out as typical day on the beach. and then it all changed in a instant. wait until you see what sent beach-goers running for safety. when we come back. >> ♪ >> jazzy tack on a stormy monday here. >> play little symbol now and then. >> i like it. >> stormy monday. katie has your forecast. bob is looking at your roads. good morning, family. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> inferno near boston, entire neighborhood put on alert, several homes evacuated this after house under construction caught fire. now, the flames could be seen from miles away. strong winds, fueling the fires, and blowing embers onto a building next-door. no one was hurt, and the cause that far fire is under investigation. the disney world monorail shuts down after possible lightning strike. the elevated train at epcott lost power yesterday, forced dozens of customers evacuate. no one injured. some passengers reported seeing lightning at the time the train stopped. walt disney world officials still attempt to go determine the exact cause that far power outage. well, the national weather service will be in up-state new york today trying to figure fought a tornado caused all of this damage. fears winds ripped apart several homes near watkins glenn yesterday. that's the second round of severe weather to hit the state in less than a week. >> frightening moments, as beach-goers in russia were caught by surprise when a sudden storm swept in, dropping hail stones, the size of golf balls. in this youtube video, sunbathe err captured the transition as it dropped from a stifling 105 to 71 degrees in a matter of seconds. fortunately, appears no one was injured, despite the size of the hail stones, and the lack every shelter out there in the wide open on the beach. 6:13, here's our traffic and weather together. >> crazy stuff, because all it has is gravity to work with, so comes slamming down at you. thankfully nobody got hurt there. meanwhile we are also looking at the poe zero potential for own rounds of severe weather here today. see very well defined frontal boundery draped across our area, in tandem, with much cooler canadian air will try to sing in, you probably heard the rumbling of the july version of the polar vortex, while polar vortex is not necessarily the right way to describe it, if you think back to what that was like, much cooler air, starting to sing in, not for us, looking at drop on the thermometer, severe weather out in advance of this. why is this happening? we take you all the way out to the islands off alaska, the remnants whatever was typhoon niagori. what it does is sends the jet stream on almost like a jump rope with the peaks and valleys, ridge out west leading to extreme heat for our neighbors across the country, for us, though, it is sends this really cool air mass down, and that will lead to new rounds of severe weather for us, not just today but possibly tomorrow, but by wednesday we thankfully start to clear out for one thing, also cool down, get much more refreshing air mass. so it is hot. it is steamy. it is very stormy. today specially, i can't rule out tornado. that is low risk, but we've got to keep eye on the radar. please do you the same. we will obviously let you know if things evolve there. tomorrow another day to fit yourself ear weather before we start to clear out wednesday, thursday looks so much nicer. bob, over to you. >> good morning, 6:14, this monday morning, live look at the ben franklin bridge, so far so good coming in from south jersey headed up and over toward philly. only have three lanes so far heading in toward philly. typically by this time they've moved the barrier over to give us four coming into philadelphia. so let's hope they didn't oversleep here this morning, because that is certainly going to give us delays if they don't get the extra lane in there by that 7:00 magic, witching hour. sun begins to rise in malvern, live look at route 202, this is the stretch of 202, where if you notice, they shifted everyone over on not newly paved stretch of the roadway. so, if you are headed south, on 202, this morning, between chesterbrook boulevard, down through that 29 interchange, there is that new traffic pattern to look out for, you will notice your driving on that newly constructed concrete stretch of the roadway, and until you get down to route 401-6789 and new project begins tonight, two new project beginning on 95. this is one of them here. between the blue route and 322, and another project begins tonight on 95, between the girard point double decker bridge, down toward the airport, heading in toward route 420. mainly work on the overnight. ukee, erika, over to you. >> developing stories begin our look at today's headlines on cbs36789 more than 100 people are force from the their homes by strong odor in skippack montgomery county. hazmat crews searching for the source of the oath or. >> man and woman in a hospital after double shooting in point breeze. >> police have a female suspect in custody, but so far they have no motive for that violence. more than a thousand more casino workers could be out after job by fall. trump plaza employees are expected to get notices the casino will close by mid september. be right back. can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. >> worlds cup 2014 mid history along the way, battle of international power houses came down to the final minutes and then some. correspondent wendy gillette has those details. >> (cheers). >> it was tournament winning goal, that was more than two decades in the making. >> germany netted the only score of the game in over time. 113 minutes into the match against argentina. the country last won the worlds cup 24 years ago. the goal brought ecstasy to the standard beer guards never manhattan, where all things were german. german food, and drink, german flags, and clothing. >> traditional german, all leather, kind of tight, but it is, you know, i try to stretch it out. >> whole lot of german pride. >> the beer garden, like many restaurants and bars across the country, benefitted from the world cup surge in popularity among americans. reservation was sold out for every game. >> the earlier world cup games broke ratings records around the world, but this match could be even bigger with more than billion people expected to tune in. >> rooting for argentina but said soccer is the real win they are past month. >> i'm happen that i finally there are a bunch. americans watching soccer. it is pretty amazing. >> reporter: soccer fans only have to wait another four years for the next worlds cup in russia. wendy gillette for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". a great tournament. phillies scattering for all-star break today. chase utley will represent the phils tomorrow night. phils wrapped up first half against the nationals in south philly. phils were down three-nothing, before single national batter made it out. jayson werth, 12th homerun of the season, put the nats on the road to a ten to three victory over the fighting's. the phils ends the first half in last plate in the nfl -- nl east. time to turn this baby around when they get back later in the week. >> could you be allergic to your ipad? coming up in the health watch, why popular tablet could cause a rash. also, scows me, ma'am, but there is cents a leap or on your baby's head, yes, picture that went viral. now we're hearing from the babe he's mom. on the other side. >> excuse me, ma'am, i would like to move it, move t we'll be back. move it off the baby. morning, kate. >> i morning, today may end up being very unsettled day for us, active, in other words, when we are tracking radar, dealing with potential of severe weather out there today, storm scan3, brinking in couple of pockets of some scattered showers, nothing terrible, but few localized heavier downpours in some spots, right now, in the city, though, you have few glimmers of sunshine out there, currently muggy, very light winds, sort of steam settle in, 57 degrees, the current temperature, i think we easily have shot to hit 09 today with again limited sunshine, but just enough to send us up to the 90. again, threat for severe weather, not just today, but even tomorrow. though today looks like it may be the most widespread potential in terms of those strongest storms. bob, over to you. >> morning, everybody, 6:24, on a monday, roads little damp, wet, from all of the rain we had on the overnight. we begin our monday morning, live look peaking around the treason the schuylkill expressway, right near conshohocken, no delays, but as you can see, starting to pick up volume here in this 6:00 hour. we roll in toward 6:30, north on 295, an accident, right near route 73, that's the mt. laurel interchange there, and downed tree, in collegeville. maybe a result of some of the storms last night, but route 113 blocked at creek road, so traffic using the germantown pike, this morning, and we're starting to see some volume south along i95, between woodhaven road and center city. trip time about 19 minutes altogether. 422 so far so good from oaks in through king of prussia and mass transit running with no delays. ukee, back over to you. >> thank you, most times when parents take their children to the zoo, it is to show them the animals. >> not to have the animals show up on your children. >> oh, oh? >> not the goal. angie widener had brought her nine week olds babe baby to wildlife park, when the almost or just came up and sat on the babe he's head. sleeping baby, not even noticing. she had to bring the baby in her carseat, has cents toys attached to the top, there and they they think that is what attracted the animal to the baby. pulling on the toys, but the baby just not doing anything. >> just chilling, just chilling. >> baby was giggling and said ma'am there is a lemor on your baby. so i look down, saw the little baby kind of on her head, and kind of shocked at first, but the zoo keeper was right there, and he is like it is totally fine, he's not going to hurt her. >> ma'am, there is a lemor on your baby. that's fantastic. well the baby did not seem to mind. her two olds ers sisters also got some good laughs. of course there was the safety first. >> pictures to last a lifetime. >> that's hilarious, coming up in the next half hour, big stink in a local neighborhood. how about it, steve? >> volatile. that's what that mystery odor is being called. and it is led to the owe agents of more than 100 homes, what the epa is doing about it now. >> plus the terror hoist kidnapped nearly 300 my gear quan girls has released new message. see it next. >> bob and katie return with your traffic and weather together. we do it together on the 3's, back at the bottom of the hour. so glad you're with us on this monday morning. be right back. hyou fiftcar insurance. more on everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? >> developing right now, officials trillo trying to ida odor forced evacuation of about 100 homes in montgomery county community. "eyewitness news" reporter keith patterson joins just skippack township to bring us to up date, good morning, steve. >> erika, i'm happy to report that can you not smell that odor on the street, but i am told inside the home there is a serious scene. that's led to evacuation of an entire skippack township community. earlier, though, crews were on the scene, several agencies called out to hear the dep, epa, fire department, after a neighbor called about a serious odor here in skippack, shortly before about 6:00 last night. >> every home they went to, high readings, volatile organic cop pound, were town, about 100 homes in nearly everybody in this neighborhood, evacuated. the latest, crews have collected samples, they're testing to find out what in the world that compound is. the good news, if there is any today, no illnesses, no symptoms reported, so far everybody, very concerned. >> the dep and epa, number one goal, to find out what this volatile compound s have not confirmed it, so township will be providing more information at 8:00. >> i suggest they will not know what's been detect in the these homes. >> advised us to go get the kids checked out at the hop hospital. >> crews have traced the the substance, to the sump pumps of the basement in these homes. again, they've collected samples, recording and looking at those samples, trying to determine what in the world again that smell is they will be back on scene at 8:00. several families about four, ten people that are with the red cross at this point, with no where to go. everybody else is out of the neighborhood. it is the latest from montgomery county, steve patterson, cbs 3, "eyewitness news". steve, thank you, we'll get back to you. also in the news, driver arrested on dui charges, after his car struck a septa paratransit bus in north philly. five people were injured in that crash. now, police say, man driving cadillac blew a red light, at sixth and cambria yesterday slamming into the side of the bus. now the impact of the crash caused the bus to slip on its side. all on board were returned to area hospital including the driver. >> i don't like to see this, but praise god nobody was killed in the accident. >> all involved in yesterday's accident are expected to be okay. well, another driver is arrested on the suspicion of dui in north philadelphia. authorities tell us the driver of this truck, ram right into a fire vehicle, at 17th and lehigh. fire engine and ladder truck with sirens blaring were responding to fire when motorist t-bonds the italian chief's suv. no one was seriously hurt in this crash. 33:00, here is your traffic and weather together together on 39's. >> good morning, happen mine day everybody, we get you out the door today, just be ready for potential of stronger storms before the day is said and done. even little activity out there on the radar at the moment, not all that widespread. later on today, actually going see i think line that starts to move in of some stronger storms, there is actually pretty steady, heavy pocket of rain. but for the most part, just off shore, of cape may, atlantic county, few little showers here and, there most of us off to cloudy and sort of steamy start. we put things into motion, see the movement whatever we've seen sort of unfold in the last few hours, steam out there, you have got moisture in the atmosphere, so any of the showers and storms that fire up through the day have the potential to douse us, that's why flashflood watch will take effect at noon today. also, sitting in a slight risk for severe weather, guys. now, today's dew point, although certainly muggy right now, is expected to spike into the mid 70s, and that means, that it is going to feel awfully oppressive to you when you walk out the door here. so really any time today. i wouldn't say that it is a good hair day, certainly may want to think about grabbing the umbrella on the way out the door. even though showers, storms, will likely be scattered for the most part, it is all about timing here. if you get hit, just the wrong time, you're going to get doused. as i mention, we are in slight risk for severe weather region wide today. nobody is excluded from that. our biggest concern, looks to be downpours, very gusty wind, but bob, i just can't rule out even isolated tornado, there is at least ripe necessary in the atmosphere for that to take place, just keep an eye on the radar. >> crazy day ahead, giving us heads up, 6:34, monday, good morning, everybody, outside, roads little damp from all of the rain we had last night, we always see on a monday, folks from the beach to office on a monday morning, extra volume on the 42 freeway, atlantic city expressway, as well, all coming back from the shore towns head in the toward philadelphia. lets guess to northeast philly live look at i95, southbound, again, heavy cottman, in through downtown, the beginning that far morning crawl, starting to unfold here. and downed tree in collegeville. may be a result of the rain we had, route 113 blocked at creek road, traffic diverted on to the germantown pike this morning. and a water main break, developing here, lafayette drive, at silva drive in the neighborhood above norristown. watch for local detours. and south jersey, on 295, the northbound stretch heading into route 73, that's the mt. laurel interchange there. watch for a crash. new jersey transit, they're using shuttle buses on the princeton line, that basically takes everyone from princeton junction, into princeton itself. all because of some track work. so, expect some extra delays this morning. otherwise, mass transit looking good. erika, back over to you. >> and attack on septa bus driver in north philadelphia, remains under investigation. it happened early sunday morning, near 22nd and lehigh avenue. police say two men, jumped on route 54 bus, then assaulted the driver. they then jumped out and fled in a white mercedes benz. the bus driver, suffered minor injuries. no passengers on that bus were hurt. >> israel continues deadly offensive in the gaza strip aimed at halting rocket attacks by hamas militants. thousands of palestinians, in northern gaza, have fled their homes, after israel dropped leaflets warning them of plans to bomb the area. well, she almost lost a life campaigning for girls education rights. now, she is supporting the efforts to find nearly 300 kidnapped nigerian school girls. it con sides with a newly-released video by the captors. >> more than 200 my gear quan school girls are still miss 3-g months after their kidnapping. the parents of the and ducked girls say they don't see any movement or support from the government. >> they broke down, pakistani teen, shot by the taliban for campaigning for girls education, pledged to help get their children back safely. >> tell cbs news, although several rescue develops fallen apart, back door channels still open, could be action within a few days. >> cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the department of homeland security says, most undocumented arrivals to the u.s. are going back starting this week. the influx every unaccompanied children, 57,000, over the last nine months have, highlighted the crisis. president obama's request for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to deal with the influx has stalled in the republican led house. your time 38:00. up next in the health watch, why ipad caused one little boy to break out in a rash. >> also, a to looks like little bit like a blue berry, but has thrhree times the antioxidants, next super fruit that promises to increase energy and lower blood pressure. >> oh, and talk about a party crasher, how this suv ended up in the pool. when we come back. >> ♪ >> great and soggy down the shore. >> not a great shore day. but if you're down the shore, can't than bad. >> oh, i haven't been on a ferris wheel in a long time. i have to check that out this summer. >> that's a good goal. >> it is. we'll be back. >> dealerships coming to pennsylvania, tom corbett signed ledge lakes to let the electric car dealership to open. its business model ran up against state law prohibiting manufacturing from also arcing as a dealer. 6:42, party crash nerve ohio, really makes quite an entrance. >> even gets the attention of police. check it out. this jeep, ended up at the bottom of the pool, at apartment complex in cleveland. the driver smashed through a fence and slashed right into the water. swimmers in the pool, too, at the time, we're told, but fortunately no one seriously injuredment driver was charged with dui. more amazing video, this year, assume err moon led to beautiful sunset in new york city known as manhattan when the sun, when the setting sun, lines up with the street grid of manhattan. sun won't set like that again until next year. a loft folks come out, particular the pictures, beautiful. >> so cool. >> beautiful like the eighth wonder of the worlds almost. >> i'm sure new yorkers think so. >> i'm sure they do. 6:43, let's check our weather forecast, stormy, steamy. >> looking at the storms last night, too? >> little bit. i went right back, i went right back to sleep. >> like a rock. >> that's how you sleep, ukee. >> solid as a rock. >> here's kate. >> i oh, hello. yet again, thank you guys for covering for me, just running out of my quick radio hit with chris over at sister station wphs. we wear many hats, traffic and weather together. thank you for stalling for me. let's take a look at the pollen report, lows are pretty low, solo, traffic and weather picks it up. 2.1, is the worse we have to deal with here today with the pollen levels, grasses, plane tape, issues, but levels again are very, very low for the next couple every days, i want to walk you through little tour, storm scan3, have seen couple of showers and thunderstorms firing up over the last couple of hours, bulk of it though in terms of the heaviest just actually off shore now, but clipping portions of cape may county, meanwhile, the wider zoom, the bigger picture is that this frontal boundary is slow to move through. and it is cents a very intense upper level trough area of low pressure, see some of the flow coming in from canada, so helping to deliver just total almost like shock to the system, we've been building up heat, we have been building up humidity, now that keel drier air mass wants to sing in, because of the clash taking place we got two days straight of potential for severe storms. looks most widespread today, we will heat to up 09 degrees, watching for that stormy weather to fire up this afternoon and evening and then tomorrow another day stormy as well. by mid week seeing temperatures start to take little hit here, but won't be quite as cool, as what we've seen for our neighbors out through the midwest. and hey, guys, storms of course in the forecast, you can get your updated forecast all day long, with our new cbs philly weather app, check live radar, get severe weather alerts and so much more to download the app for freon itunes and coming soon to android, as well. bob, over to you. >> morning, 6:45, live look downtown philly here an accident on the vine st. express expressway westbound side between the parkway and the ramps for the schuylkill expressway, looks like this pick-up truck, involved, along with at least one of the vokes here there is guy scooting, around going up the shoulder of the roadway i wonder if that's a hit-and-run there? westbound on the vine, approaching the ramps. to the next camera, 476 right near the baltimore pike, again there is hour starting to see volume pop, rush hour starts town fold, brand new traffic pattern, and new construction zone on i-95, just what we need, right? another work zone on 95, beginning tonight, penndot will resurface the stretch of 95 from girard point double decker through the airport area down to 420, will last through december, so headed to or from the airport be aware of the uneven surface and the active construction zone, that begins tonight, they also beginning another stretch between the blue route and 322, developing stories begins our looks at today's headlines here on cbs-3, more than 100 people have been force from the their homes in skippack, montgomery county by powerful but unidentified odor. crews are searching for the source, some residents went to hospitals as a precaution. >> employees of atlantic city trump plaza will be getting notice today. the resort expects to close in mid september. sources say the company is trying to find a buyer. >> concordia refloat dollars along the italian coast in preparation for it to be scratched scrapped. ship renee grounds in 2012 killing 12 people. snatch and sniff test could reveal whether a person has altzheimer's disease, show december kree ability to identify odors could be associated with the loss of brain cell function. the findings were revealed this weekend at the altzheimer's association international conference in denmark. >> and 40% of parents admit to giving their children incorrect dosages of liquid medicine in a new pediatric study. researchers found parents often got confused by the units of measurement on medicine labels like teaspoons and tablespoons, to alleviate these problems, centers force disease control want drug makers to use millimeter as the standard measurement. >> could make you sick, your ipad, if you have a nickel allergy. doctors treating at california boys for unexpected rash detecting at compounds found in nicole on the ipad outside coating. they say the boys rash was triggered by his daily use of the device. he got better after putting on protective case on his ipad. >> new super fruit grown in the u.s. a so gaining popularity in. >> this is a roney berry, gross on bush, but find them in supplement form, too. look similar to blueberries but have three times the antioxidants. researchers claim the bitter tasting fruit can increase energy levels, and also lower blood pressure. >> definitely growing to in popularity, basically going to change your life if you are using it right. >> grown quite well for us. there is a good market potential here. and we will put more out. needs rich soil, only found in iowa, and france. so you know them. >> words this morning j wow, she is a mom this morning. >> former cast member gave birth to baby girl. j wow real name jenny farley, name her daughter, melani alexandra matthews, mom and daughter doing well. this is the first child for farley and her fiancee roger matthews. >> another show stopping act taking up residency in sin city, according to usa today, legendary bands, rock bands, kiss, will play nine shows at the hard rock hotel in las vegas. the band fronted by jean simmons is expected to play the joint starting on november 5th, tickets go on sale friday, they start at $50. >> movie-goers go april at the weekends box office, indeed, dawn of the planet of the aims took in more than $70 million in its opening weekend. that's one of the summers best debuts thus far. >> now, dawn easily beat the competition, coming in a distance second, transformers, age of extinct sean, earned 16 and a half million. tammy was third, followed by 22 jump street and how to train your dragon. i know, those planet of the april movies are your favorite? >> seen them all. the first one i saw at the tower theater here in philadelphia, oh, upper darby area, with charlton heston. the original. >> you weren't even born yet. >> right. videotape years after it came out, ya. >> right now 6:50. want to see what's coming up on cbs this morning. >> charlie roads joins us, good morning to you. >> oh, here we go. just learning about your movie history. >> yes, sir. >> it is intriguing. >> charleston heston one of the best, you remember him. >> yes. i remember him personally. >> there go. >> let me tell you what is going on this morning, gaza sit, spoke to family injured in a israeli air strike. plus monitoring biggest maritime, in italy, crews there working to remove the costa concordia. and this homes and restaurants and hotels, could soon fill an area near the grab canyon. how the controversial plan could alter iconic views. >> the news back in the morning. we'll see in you about ten minutes. >> charlton heston, they blew it up. blew it up. >> we could go on and onment thanks, buddy, take care of lots of pedal pushing as thousands ride their bikes to help fight chancier. well, they hit the road for the 42nd annual american cancer society bikathon. riders started at the ben franklin bridge yesterday morning, and they traveled 65 miles, to buena, in south jersey. event organizers tell us they raised more than $1 million. >> beautiful. >> great effort. everyone's part. we'll be right back. good mornings erika, we are going to be tracking some stormy weather in the forecast today, spec to see specially this afternoon, evening, a round of heavier showers, around storms develop, some of them could turn locally severe, we walk you through quickly, storm scan3, already showing signs of life. but mainly just some very isolated showers. >> bullet being every rainout to shore. storm threats today vary on the threat. looking to be the biggest concern, i can't rule out tornado, we are at least in a elevated risk for it, the atmosphere ripe for it, but if it actually develops pretty much anyone's guess, so we have to keep our wits about it us, keep our eye on the radar. we'll let you know when things evolve. it will be hot, steamy, stormy, the next two days, back over to you. >> 6:55, monday, looking live downtown villi on the vine st. expressway. accident approaching the schuylkill, just cleared out of the way, traffic starting to back up here, that single file right lane trying to get into 30th street station. the rest of the majors, rush hour underway, for the gang from northeast philly heavy wood half mean downtown, put about 20 minutes as you work through through the construction zone, east on the schuylkill, heavy conshohocken into belmont, montgomery into girard, 20 minute trip there, as well, coming into philadelphia. coatesville, an accident, along route ten, at chapel avenue. just below the 30 bypass there. and new jersey transit, using shuttle buses on the princeton line. that's the stretch freon princeton junction, allow few extra minutes to make that trip this morning. bridges looking good. back to you. >> a lot of people know the saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure. >> how about one man's trash is another man's boat? >> okay. >> contestants in the fifth annual kansas city trash boat regatta, boats made of trash like old tires, and traffic cones. any item from the trash or recycling bin can be used to build these unique boats. and i'm impressed because you have multiple people standing on top of these things. so you sp you expect it maybe to be a limb flimsy. >> where trash tacking send courage dollars. >> oh, how long have you been sitting on that one? >> just came to me. >> i'm impressed. >> life jackets on. >> oh, ya. >> next on cbs this morning, he's on why letting teenager aboard for dangerous work. >> to fin following your local newsws weather traffic and sports, keeping it live, keeping it local on your "cw philly". station. good morning, family, so glad you're with us. have a great day. hope to see some of in you just a bit. if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even... more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price. hi!hampton, with free wi-fi, just for staying the night... hi, buddy!'ll have more to smile about. now you can power up while earning double points or double miles on your next getaway. feel the hamptonality good morning. it is monday, july 14th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." overnight air strikes. our holly williams is live from gaza. refloating the "costa concordia." we're at the scene of the biggest maritime salvage operation ever attempted. changing the view at the grand canyon. condos and a gondola ride are just the beginning of this sprawling controversy. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> people will know when the next bomb will drop. the sound of israeli fighter jets and drones is constant. >> thousands flee as

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Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , United States , Skippack , Rehoboth , Hadarom , Israel , New Castle County , Delaware , Alaska , Brazil , California , Girard Point , Manhattan , New York , Russia , Malvern , Washington , District Of Columbia , Jersey City , New Jersey , Montgomery County , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , Nigeria , Atlantic City , Iowa , Cape May County , Jersey , Canada , Germany , Norristown , Argentina , Philadelphia , Cleveland , Ohio , Boston , Massachusetts , Collegeville , Gaza Strip , Pakistan , Coatesville , Denmark , Las Vegas , Nevada , Gaza , Israel General , France , Italy , Nigerian , Italian , Americans , Canadian , Pakistani , German , Israeli , American , Holly Williams , Jayson Werth , Steve Patterson , Laurence Campbell , Charlton Heston , Angie Widener , Bowe Bergdahl , Belmont Montgomery , Wendy Gillette , Roney Berry , John Kerrey , Keith Patterson , Susan Macinnis , Watkins Glenn , Alexandra Matthews , Chris Christie , December Kree , Germantown Pike , Charleston Heston , Tom Corbett , Baltimore Pike , Roger Matthews , Benjamin Netanyahu , Jenny Farley , Jean Simmons ,

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township will be providing more information at 8:00. but i would suggest that they will not know at that time what has been collected at the home. >> they're in the lab as we spoke, again, the source has not been determined, meanwhile, hundreds of homes evacuated, those green notices on the doors, telling residents if they come back, to make a call and do not enter the home at this point. we should know more at 8:00 when those crews are back in the neighborhood. for now, live in montgomery county, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". thank you, steve. we will check back with you. new this morning, 54 year old woman is in police custody, accused of shooting a man and another woman in south philly overnight. this happened around 3:00 a.m. on the 1800 block of tasker. forty-three year old woman, 25 year old man, are being treated at the hospital. they have expected to be okay. police blame an earlier argument for the gunfire. also, following a bunch of developing stories right now, more than a thousand employees of atlantic city trump plaza could get notice today the casino is closing, casino owners say they expect that closing by mid september. also work underway on the italian coast to move the massive shipwreck costa concordia. that ship renee grounds in 2012, 32 people were killed. that ship is being scrapped. and, sergeant bowe bergdahl is expected to arrive and return to active duty in the army today. bergdahl was released by the taliban six weeks ago after five years in captivity. coming up on 6:03, our traffic and weather together. stormy day, katy? >> certainly looks that way, while we are going to see not the entire day be washed out, a day that easily features strong and possibly some severe weather as we go through the day. all because of this huge clash that's taking place in the atmosphere. i want to start things off by going out to the live neighborhood network if we k take you back on little time lapse here. put things into motion, through the overnight, all is pretty quiet, one, two, folks walking out and about out there at this point, this morning. you're generally just sort of dreary. but there is a bit of activity not just rehoboth but out toward say the western suburbs, just right across the i95 corridor now crossing into new castle county, delaware, down through cape may county where you have the little isolated pockets of showers and not necessarily thunderstorms, but i wouldn't be surprised if you did hear rumble every thunder with any of the storms firing up right now. off to the west, you can see, much more significant batch of heavier rain, sort of right along the ohio river valley region, there but that's all going to be headed our way, and again, when we get even little bit of sunshine, all it will do is help fuel fire. you want the heat. you want that humidity to really garner the instability necessary for showers and storms to turn local will he severe. the whole region is in severe storm risk here today for heavy downpours, frequent lightning, gusty winds, that could cause minor damage, certainly some hail and i can't even rule out tornado. it is not a guarantee, it never is, but there is potential for us to see some of that tornado activity today. so we have to keep close watch on the radar. meanwhile we shooed for 90 degrees today. it is hot, steamy, very much stormy out, there as the day progresses, so eyes to the sky, guys, if you could zero do have outdoor plans, be very careful. if you hear thunder on a day like this make sure to head inside. bob, over to you. >> 6:04, monday morning back to work. back to our normal routine here. outside we go to live look at the blue route, 476, an accident, northbound side, police, penndot, and the vehicle all off to the shoulder here. watch yourself if you are headed northbound, flood bed about to put the car up on the back of the trailer there. gang back from the shore this morning, you are not alone, monday mornings always little hectic coming back, folks like to stay down the shore an extra night and come right from the beach right into the office. and we're seeing that extra volume there on the freeway headed toward philly. new jersey transit using shuttle buses this morning on the princeton line, between the main line here, princeton junction, over into princeton itself. garden state parkway southbound crash in wear town, heads up for the gang head in the toward lib this morning. crash outside of coatsville, along route ten, and chapel avenue. getting word hereof water main break, lafayette drive at sylvan drive. otherwise, the bridges look fine at the moment. and mass transit running with no delays. err cape, over to you. >> we know the jersey city police officer killed at drug store had only been on the job for six months. authorities say the accused gunman laurence campbell never even tried to rob the walgreens. they say he was waiting to ambush police. minutes before shooting 23 year old officer melvin santiago, campbell allegedly told an eyewitness to watch the news because he was, quote, going to be famous. santiago got shot in the head. >> twenty-three years old, he was good boy, and he didn't deserve to get a bullet in his head for no reason. he was just doing his job. >> campbell shot rather police shot and killed campbell at the scene. he was wanted for a previous murder, no customers were injured. well, israel offensive on the gaza strip is a weak old, no signs slowing down. as susan macinnis reports, thousands of pal continue januaries are in shelters after israel warned them to clear out of northern gaza. >> i zero israel continued to bomb hamas targets in the gaza strip this morning. hamas has been answering back with rockets of its own. israeli officials say it is iron dome missile defense system intercepted 12 on sunday. in a diplomatic push toned the bloodshed, secretary of state, john kerrey, called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the weekends and offered to mediate a trues. in a appearance on cbs "face the nation", netanyahu vowed he will achieve secure tip for his people. >> i won't say right now how and when that goal will be achieved, whether by diplomatic, military means, but that goal has to be achieved. >> thousands of palestinians fled to united nations shelters after israel warned it would bomb northern gaza. >> most of the people don't want to be here. this is miserable. >> israeli cabinet still considering launching full grounds invasion. today, israeli security forces raided a home belonging to relatives of one of two suspects wanted in relation to the killing of three israelii teenagers last month. those killings further inflamed the most recent tensions between israel and the palestinians n washington, susan macinnis, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> your time 6:07. tempers flare in argentina's capitol, lead to go at least 30 arrests after a world couple is breaks gets out of hand. meanwhile, in brazil, police rye oath gear work to disperse crowd who blocked streets in rio de janeiro last night. officers blasted unruly group of mostly argentinian fans with pepper spray. we'll show you exciting finish to the game coming up in just a bit in sports. 6:07. president obama traveling to delaware this week. president will be in wilmington thursday to speak about the economy. also expected to check out repairs on the i495 bridge that's been closed for more than a month now. white house not released any other details regarding this visit. happening thursday, another aid to governor chris christie is expected to testify about the new jersey bridge scandal. regina agia is scheduled to appear before the committee investigating last year's shutdown every lanes near the george washington bridge. christie is scheduled to be in iowa that day attending other political events. well, fire lights up the night sky outside of boston, the flames were so intense, firefighters warned neighbors to get out of their homes. >> the bertha promises to gave you a energy boost and lower blood pressure. >> started out as typical day on the beach. and then it all changed in a instant. wait until you see what sent beach-goers running for safety. when we come back. >> ♪ >> jazzy tack on a stormy monday here. >> play little symbol now and then. >> i like it. >> stormy monday. katie has your forecast. bob is looking at your roads. good morning, family. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> inferno near boston, entire neighborhood put on alert, several homes evacuated this after house under construction caught fire. now, the flames could be seen from miles away. strong winds, fueling the fires, and blowing embers onto a building next-door. no one was hurt, and the cause that far fire is under investigation. the disney world monorail shuts down after possible lightning strike. the elevated train at epcott lost power yesterday, forced dozens of customers evacuate. no one injured. some passengers reported seeing lightning at the time the train stopped. walt disney world officials still attempt to go determine the exact cause that far power outage. well, the national weather service will be in up-state new york today trying to figure fought a tornado caused all of this damage. fears winds ripped apart several homes near watkins glenn yesterday. that's the second round of severe weather to hit the state in less than a week. >> frightening moments, as beach-goers in russia were caught by surprise when a sudden storm swept in, dropping hail stones, the size of golf balls. in this youtube video, sunbathe err captured the transition as it dropped from a stifling 105 to 71 degrees in a matter of seconds. fortunately, appears no one was injured, despite the size of the hail stones, and the lack every shelter out there in the wide open on the beach. 6:13, here's our traffic and weather together. >> crazy stuff, because all it has is gravity to work with, so comes slamming down at you. thankfully nobody got hurt there. meanwhile we are also looking at the poe zero potential for own rounds of severe weather here today. see very well defined frontal boundery draped across our area, in tandem, with much cooler canadian air will try to sing in, you probably heard the rumbling of the july version of the polar vortex, while polar vortex is not necessarily the right way to describe it, if you think back to what that was like, much cooler air, starting to sing in, not for us, looking at drop on the thermometer, severe weather out in advance of this. why is this happening? we take you all the way out to the islands off alaska, the remnants whatever was typhoon niagori. what it does is sends the jet stream on almost like a jump rope with the peaks and valleys, ridge out west leading to extreme heat for our neighbors across the country, for us, though, it is sends this really cool air mass down, and that will lead to new rounds of severe weather for us, not just today but possibly tomorrow, but by wednesday we thankfully start to clear out for one thing, also cool down, get much more refreshing air mass. so it is hot. it is steamy. it is very stormy. today specially, i can't rule out tornado. that is low risk, but we've got to keep eye on the radar. please do you the same. we will obviously let you know if things evolve there. tomorrow another day to fit yourself ear weather before we start to clear out wednesday, thursday looks so much nicer. bob, over to you. >> good morning, 6:14, this monday morning, live look at the ben franklin bridge, so far so good coming in from south jersey headed up and over toward philly. only have three lanes so far heading in toward philly. typically by this time they've moved the barrier over to give us four coming into philadelphia. so let's hope they didn't oversleep here this morning, because that is certainly going to give us delays if they don't get the extra lane in there by that 7:00 magic, witching hour. sun begins to rise in malvern, live look at route 202, this is the stretch of 202, where if you notice, they shifted everyone over on not newly paved stretch of the roadway. so, if you are headed south, on 202, this morning, between chesterbrook boulevard, down through that 29 interchange, there is that new traffic pattern to look out for, you will notice your driving on that newly constructed concrete stretch of the roadway, and until you get down to route 401-6789 and new project begins tonight, two new project beginning on 95. this is one of them here. between the blue route and 322, and another project begins tonight on 95, between the girard point double decker bridge, down toward the airport, heading in toward route 420. mainly work on the overnight. ukee, erika, over to you. >> developing stories begin our look at today's headlines on cbs36789 more than 100 people are force from the their homes by strong odor in skippack montgomery county. hazmat crews searching for the source of the oath or. >> man and woman in a hospital after double shooting in point breeze. >> police have a female suspect in custody, but so far they have no motive for that violence. more than a thousand more casino workers could be out after job by fall. trump plaza employees are expected to get notices the casino will close by mid september. be right back. can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. >> worlds cup 2014 mid history along the way, battle of international power houses came down to the final minutes and then some. correspondent wendy gillette has those details. >> (cheers). >> it was tournament winning goal, that was more than two decades in the making. >> germany netted the only score of the game in over time. 113 minutes into the match against argentina. the country last won the worlds cup 24 years ago. the goal brought ecstasy to the standard beer guards never manhattan, where all things were german. german food, and drink, german flags, and clothing. >> traditional german, all leather, kind of tight, but it is, you know, i try to stretch it out. >> whole lot of german pride. >> the beer garden, like many restaurants and bars across the country, benefitted from the world cup surge in popularity among americans. reservation was sold out for every game. >> the earlier world cup games broke ratings records around the world, but this match could be even bigger with more than billion people expected to tune in. >> rooting for argentina but said soccer is the real win they are past month. >> i'm happen that i finally there are a bunch. americans watching soccer. it is pretty amazing. >> reporter: soccer fans only have to wait another four years for the next worlds cup in russia. wendy gillette for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". a great tournament. phillies scattering for all-star break today. chase utley will represent the phils tomorrow night. phils wrapped up first half against the nationals in south philly. phils were down three-nothing, before single national batter made it out. jayson werth, 12th homerun of the season, put the nats on the road to a ten to three victory over the fighting's. the phils ends the first half in last plate in the nfl -- nl east. time to turn this baby around when they get back later in the week. >> could you be allergic to your ipad? coming up in the health watch, why popular tablet could cause a rash. also, scows me, ma'am, but there is cents a leap or on your baby's head, yes, picture that went viral. now we're hearing from the babe he's mom. on the other side. >> excuse me, ma'am, i would like to move it, move t we'll be back. move it off the baby. morning, kate. >> i morning, today may end up being very unsettled day for us, active, in other words, when we are tracking radar, dealing with potential of severe weather out there today, storm scan3, brinking in couple of pockets of some scattered showers, nothing terrible, but few localized heavier downpours in some spots, right now, in the city, though, you have few glimmers of sunshine out there, currently muggy, very light winds, sort of steam settle in, 57 degrees, the current temperature, i think we easily have shot to hit 09 today with again limited sunshine, but just enough to send us up to the 90. again, threat for severe weather, not just today, but even tomorrow. though today looks like it may be the most widespread potential in terms of those strongest storms. bob, over to you. >> morning, everybody, 6:24, on a monday, roads little damp, wet, from all of the rain we had on the overnight. we begin our monday morning, live look peaking around the treason the schuylkill expressway, right near conshohocken, no delays, but as you can see, starting to pick up volume here in this 6:00 hour. we roll in toward 6:30, north on 295, an accident, right near route 73, that's the mt. laurel interchange there, and downed tree, in collegeville. maybe a result of some of the storms last night, but route 113 blocked at creek road, so traffic using the germantown pike, this morning, and we're starting to see some volume south along i95, between woodhaven road and center city. trip time about 19 minutes altogether. 422 so far so good from oaks in through king of prussia and mass transit running with no delays. ukee, back over to you. >> thank you, most times when parents take their children to the zoo, it is to show them the animals. >> not to have the animals show up on your children. >> oh, oh? >> not the goal. angie widener had brought her nine week olds babe baby to wildlife park, when the almost or just came up and sat on the babe he's head. sleeping baby, not even noticing. she had to bring the baby in her carseat, has cents toys attached to the top, there and they they think that is what attracted the animal to the baby. pulling on the toys, but the baby just not doing anything. >> just chilling, just chilling. >> baby was giggling and said ma'am there is a lemor on your baby. so i look down, saw the little baby kind of on her head, and kind of shocked at first, but the zoo keeper was right there, and he is like it is totally fine, he's not going to hurt her. >> ma'am, there is a lemor on your baby. that's fantastic. well the baby did not seem to mind. her two olds ers sisters also got some good laughs. of course there was the safety first. >> pictures to last a lifetime. >> that's hilarious, coming up in the next half hour, big stink in a local neighborhood. how about it, steve? >> volatile. that's what that mystery odor is being called. and it is led to the owe agents of more than 100 homes, what the epa is doing about it now. >> plus the terror hoist kidnapped nearly 300 my gear quan girls has released new message. see it next. >> bob and katie return with your traffic and weather together. we do it together on the 3's, back at the bottom of the hour. so glad you're with us on this monday morning. be right back. hyou fiftcar insurance. more on everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? >> developing right now, officials trillo trying to ida odor forced evacuation of about 100 homes in montgomery county community. "eyewitness news" reporter keith patterson joins just skippack township to bring us to up date, good morning, steve. >> erika, i'm happy to report that can you not smell that odor on the street, but i am told inside the home there is a serious scene. that's led to evacuation of an entire skippack township community. earlier, though, crews were on the scene, several agencies called out to hear the dep, epa, fire department, after a neighbor called about a serious odor here in skippack, shortly before about 6:00 last night. >> every home they went to, high readings, volatile organic cop pound, were town, about 100 homes in nearly everybody in this neighborhood, evacuated. the latest, crews have collected samples, they're testing to find out what in the world that compound is. the good news, if there is any today, no illnesses, no symptoms reported, so far everybody, very concerned. >> the dep and epa, number one goal, to find out what this volatile compound s have not confirmed it, so township will be providing more information at 8:00. >> i suggest they will not know what's been detect in the these homes. >> advised us to go get the kids checked out at the hop hospital. >> crews have traced the the substance, to the sump pumps of the basement in these homes. again, they've collected samples, recording and looking at those samples, trying to determine what in the world again that smell is they will be back on scene at 8:00. several families about four, ten people that are with the red cross at this point, with no where to go. everybody else is out of the neighborhood. it is the latest from montgomery county, steve patterson, cbs 3, "eyewitness news". steve, thank you, we'll get back to you. also in the news, driver arrested on dui charges, after his car struck a septa paratransit bus in north philly. five people were injured in that crash. now, police say, man driving cadillac blew a red light, at sixth and cambria yesterday slamming into the side of the bus. now the impact of the crash caused the bus to slip on its side. all on board were returned to area hospital including the driver. >> i don't like to see this, but praise god nobody was killed in the accident. >> all involved in yesterday's accident are expected to be okay. well, another driver is arrested on the suspicion of dui in north philadelphia. authorities tell us the driver of this truck, ram right into a fire vehicle, at 17th and lehigh. fire engine and ladder truck with sirens blaring were responding to fire when motorist t-bonds the italian chief's suv. no one was seriously hurt in this crash. 33:00, here is your traffic and weather together together on 39's. >> good morning, happen mine day everybody, we get you out the door today, just be ready for potential of stronger storms before the day is said and done. even little activity out there on the radar at the moment, not all that widespread. later on today, actually going see i think line that starts to move in of some stronger storms, there is actually pretty steady, heavy pocket of rain. but for the most part, just off shore, of cape may, atlantic county, few little showers here and, there most of us off to cloudy and sort of steamy start. we put things into motion, see the movement whatever we've seen sort of unfold in the last few hours, steam out there, you have got moisture in the atmosphere, so any of the showers and storms that fire up through the day have the potential to douse us, that's why flashflood watch will take effect at noon today. also, sitting in a slight risk for severe weather, guys. now, today's dew point, although certainly muggy right now, is expected to spike into the mid 70s, and that means, that it is going to feel awfully oppressive to you when you walk out the door here. so really any time today. i wouldn't say that it is a good hair day, certainly may want to think about grabbing the umbrella on the way out the door. even though showers, storms, will likely be scattered for the most part, it is all about timing here. if you get hit, just the wrong time, you're going to get doused. as i mention, we are in slight risk for severe weather region wide today. nobody is excluded from that. our biggest concern, looks to be downpours, very gusty wind, but bob, i just can't rule out even isolated tornado, there is at least ripe necessary in the atmosphere for that to take place, just keep an eye on the radar. >> crazy day ahead, giving us heads up, 6:34, monday, good morning, everybody, outside, roads little damp from all of the rain we had last night, we always see on a monday, folks from the beach to office on a monday morning, extra volume on the 42 freeway, atlantic city expressway, as well, all coming back from the shore towns head in the toward philadelphia. lets guess to northeast philly live look at i95, southbound, again, heavy cottman, in through downtown, the beginning that far morning crawl, starting to unfold here. and downed tree in collegeville. may be a result of the rain we had, route 113 blocked at creek road, traffic diverted on to the germantown pike this morning. and a water main break, developing here, lafayette drive, at silva drive in the neighborhood above norristown. watch for local detours. and south jersey, on 295, the northbound stretch heading into route 73, that's the mt. laurel interchange there. watch for a crash. new jersey transit, they're using shuttle buses on the princeton line, that basically takes everyone from princeton junction, into princeton itself. all because of some track work. so, expect some extra delays this morning. otherwise, mass transit looking good. erika, back over to you. >> and attack on septa bus driver in north philadelphia, remains under investigation. it happened early sunday morning, near 22nd and lehigh avenue. police say two men, jumped on route 54 bus, then assaulted the driver. they then jumped out and fled in a white mercedes benz. the bus driver, suffered minor injuries. no passengers on that bus were hurt. >> israel continues deadly offensive in the gaza strip aimed at halting rocket attacks by hamas militants. thousands of palestinians, in northern gaza, have fled their homes, after israel dropped leaflets warning them of plans to bomb the area. well, she almost lost a life campaigning for girls education rights. now, she is supporting the efforts to find nearly 300 kidnapped nigerian school girls. it con sides with a newly-released video by the captors. >> more than 200 my gear quan school girls are still miss 3-g months after their kidnapping. the parents of the and ducked girls say they don't see any movement or support from the government. >> they broke down, pakistani teen, shot by the taliban for campaigning for girls education, pledged to help get their children back safely. >> tell cbs news, although several rescue develops fallen apart, back door channels still open, could be action within a few days. >> cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the department of homeland security says, most undocumented arrivals to the u.s. are going back starting this week. the influx every unaccompanied children, 57,000, over the last nine months have, highlighted the crisis. president obama's request for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to deal with the influx has stalled in the republican led house. your time 38:00. up next in the health watch, why ipad caused one little boy to break out in a rash. >> also, a to looks like little bit like a blue berry, but has thrhree times the antioxidants, next super fruit that promises to increase energy and lower blood pressure. >> oh, and talk about a party crasher, how this suv ended up in the pool. when we come back. >> ♪ >> great and soggy down the shore. >> not a great shore day. but if you're down the shore, can't than bad. >> oh, i haven't been on a ferris wheel in a long time. i have to check that out this summer. >> that's a good goal. >> it is. we'll be back. >> dealerships coming to pennsylvania, tom corbett signed ledge lakes to let the electric car dealership to open. its business model ran up against state law prohibiting manufacturing from also arcing as a dealer. 6:42, party crash nerve ohio, really makes quite an entrance. >> even gets the attention of police. check it out. this jeep, ended up at the bottom of the pool, at apartment complex in cleveland. the driver smashed through a fence and slashed right into the water. swimmers in the pool, too, at the time, we're told, but fortunately no one seriously injuredment driver was charged with dui. more amazing video, this year, assume err moon led to beautiful sunset in new york city known as manhattan when the sun, when the setting sun, lines up with the street grid of manhattan. sun won't set like that again until next year. a loft folks come out, particular the pictures, beautiful. >> so cool. >> beautiful like the eighth wonder of the worlds almost. >> i'm sure new yorkers think so. >> i'm sure they do. 6:43, let's check our weather forecast, stormy, steamy. >> looking at the storms last night, too? >> little bit. i went right back, i went right back to sleep. >> like a rock. >> that's how you sleep, ukee. >> solid as a rock. >> here's kate. >> i oh, hello. yet again, thank you guys for covering for me, just running out of my quick radio hit with chris over at sister station wphs. we wear many hats, traffic and weather together. thank you for stalling for me. let's take a look at the pollen report, lows are pretty low, solo, traffic and weather picks it up. 2.1, is the worse we have to deal with here today with the pollen levels, grasses, plane tape, issues, but levels again are very, very low for the next couple every days, i want to walk you through little tour, storm scan3, have seen couple of showers and thunderstorms firing up over the last couple of hours, bulk of it though in terms of the heaviest just actually off shore now, but clipping portions of cape may county, meanwhile, the wider zoom, the bigger picture is that this frontal boundary is slow to move through. and it is cents a very intense upper level trough area of low pressure, see some of the flow coming in from canada, so helping to deliver just total almost like shock to the system, we've been building up heat, we have been building up humidity, now that keel drier air mass wants to sing in, because of the clash taking place we got two days straight of potential for severe storms. looks most widespread today, we will heat to up 09 degrees, watching for that stormy weather to fire up this afternoon and evening and then tomorrow another day stormy as well. by mid week seeing temperatures start to take little hit here, but won't be quite as cool, as what we've seen for our neighbors out through the midwest. and hey, guys, storms of course in the forecast, you can get your updated forecast all day long, with our new cbs philly weather app, check live radar, get severe weather alerts and so much more to download the app for freon itunes and coming soon to android, as well. bob, over to you. >> morning, 6:45, live look downtown philly here an accident on the vine st. express expressway westbound side between the parkway and the ramps for the schuylkill expressway, looks like this pick-up truck, involved, along with at least one of the vokes here there is guy scooting, around going up the shoulder of the roadway i wonder if that's a hit-and-run there? westbound on the vine, approaching the ramps. to the next camera, 476 right near the baltimore pike, again there is hour starting to see volume pop, rush hour starts town fold, brand new traffic pattern, and new construction zone on i-95, just what we need, right? another work zone on 95, beginning tonight, penndot will resurface the stretch of 95 from girard point double decker through the airport area down to 420, will last through december, so headed to or from the airport be aware of the uneven surface and the active construction zone, that begins tonight, they also beginning another stretch between the blue route and 322, developing stories begins our looks at today's headlines here on cbs-3, more than 100 people have been force from the their homes in skippack, montgomery county by powerful but unidentified odor. crews are searching for the source, some residents went to hospitals as a precaution. >> employees of atlantic city trump plaza will be getting notice today. the resort expects to close in mid september. sources say the company is trying to find a buyer. >> concordia refloat dollars along the italian coast in preparation for it to be scratched scrapped. ship renee grounds in 2012 killing 12 people. snatch and sniff test could reveal whether a person has altzheimer's disease, show december kree ability to identify odors could be associated with the loss of brain cell function. the findings were revealed this weekend at the altzheimer's association international conference in denmark. >> and 40% of parents admit to giving their children incorrect dosages of liquid medicine in a new pediatric study. researchers found parents often got confused by the units of measurement on medicine labels like teaspoons and tablespoons, to alleviate these problems, centers force disease control want drug makers to use millimeter as the standard measurement. >> could make you sick, your ipad, if you have a nickel allergy. doctors treating at california boys for unexpected rash detecting at compounds found in nicole on the ipad outside coating. they say the boys rash was triggered by his daily use of the device. he got better after putting on protective case on his ipad. >> new super fruit grown in the u.s. a so gaining popularity in. >> this is a roney berry, gross on bush, but find them in supplement form, too. look similar to blueberries but have three times the antioxidants. researchers claim the bitter tasting fruit can increase energy levels, and also lower blood pressure. >> definitely growing to in popularity, basically going to change your life if you are using it right. >> grown quite well for us. there is a good market potential here. and we will put more out. needs rich soil, only found in iowa, and france. so you know them. >> words this morning j wow, she is a mom this morning. >> former cast member gave birth to baby girl. j wow real name jenny farley, name her daughter, melani alexandra matthews, mom and daughter doing well. this is the first child for farley and her fiancee roger matthews. >> another show stopping act taking up residency in sin city, according to usa today, legendary bands, rock bands, kiss, will play nine shows at the hard rock hotel in las vegas. the band fronted by jean simmons is expected to play the joint starting on november 5th, tickets go on sale friday, they start at $50. >> movie-goers go april at the weekends box office, indeed, dawn of the planet of the aims took in more than $70 million in its opening weekend. that's one of the summers best debuts thus far. >> now, dawn easily beat the competition, coming in a distance second, transformers, age of extinct sean, earned 16 and a half million. tammy was third, followed by 22 jump street and how to train your dragon. i know, those planet of the april movies are your favorite? >> seen them all. the first one i saw at the tower theater here in philadelphia, oh, upper darby area, with charlton heston. the original. >> you weren't even born yet. >> right. videotape years after it came out, ya. >> right now 6:50. want to see what's coming up on cbs this morning. >> charlie roads joins us, good morning to you. >> oh, here we go. just learning about your movie history. >> yes, sir. >> it is intriguing. >> charleston heston one of the best, you remember him. >> yes. i remember him personally. >> there go. >> let me tell you what is going on this morning, gaza sit, spoke to family injured in a israeli air strike. plus monitoring biggest maritime, in italy, crews there working to remove the costa concordia. and this homes and restaurants and hotels, could soon fill an area near the grab canyon. how the controversial plan could alter iconic views. >> the news back in the morning. we'll see in you about ten minutes. >> charlton heston, they blew it up. blew it up. >> we could go on and onment thanks, buddy, take care of lots of pedal pushing as thousands ride their bikes to help fight chancier. well, they hit the road for the 42nd annual american cancer society bikathon. riders started at the ben franklin bridge yesterday morning, and they traveled 65 miles, to buena, in south jersey. event organizers tell us they raised more than $1 million. >> beautiful. >> great effort. everyone's part. we'll be right back. good mornings erika, we are going to be tracking some stormy weather in the forecast today, spec to see specially this afternoon, evening, a round of heavier showers, around storms develop, some of them could turn locally severe, we walk you through quickly, storm scan3, already showing signs of life. but mainly just some very isolated showers. >> bullet being every rainout to shore. storm threats today vary on the threat. looking to be the biggest concern, i can't rule out tornado, we are at least in a elevated risk for it, the atmosphere ripe for it, but if it actually develops pretty much anyone's guess, so we have to keep our wits about it us, keep our eye on the radar. we'll let you know when things evolve. it will be hot, steamy, stormy, the next two days, back over to you. >> 6:55, monday, looking live downtown villi on the vine st. expressway. accident approaching the schuylkill, just cleared out of the way, traffic starting to back up here, that single file right lane trying to get into 30th street station. the rest of the majors, rush hour underway, for the gang from northeast philly heavy wood half mean downtown, put about 20 minutes as you work through through the construction zone, east on the schuylkill, heavy conshohocken into belmont, montgomery into girard, 20 minute trip there, as well, coming into philadelphia. coatesville, an accident, along route ten, at chapel avenue. just below the 30 bypass there. and new jersey transit, using shuttle buses on the princeton line. that's the stretch freon princeton junction, allow few extra minutes to make that trip this morning. bridges looking good. back to you. >> a lot of people know the saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure. >> how about one man's trash is another man's boat? >> okay. >> contestants in the fifth annual kansas city trash boat regatta, boats made of trash like old tires, and traffic cones. any item from the trash or recycling bin can be used to build these unique boats. and i'm impressed because you have multiple people standing on top of these things. so you sp you expect it maybe to be a limb flimsy. >> where trash tacking send courage dollars. >> oh, how long have you been sitting on that one? >> just came to me. >> i'm impressed. >> life jackets on. >> oh, ya. >> next on cbs this morning, he's on why letting teenager aboard for dangerous work. >> to fin following your local newsws weather traffic and sports, keeping it live, keeping it local on your "cw philly". station. good morning, family, so glad you're with us. have a great day. hope to see some of in you just a bit. if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even... more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price. hi!hampton, with free wi-fi, just for staying the night... hi, buddy!'ll have more to smile about. now you can power up while earning double points or double miles on your next getaway. feel the hamptonality good morning. it is monday, july 14th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." overnight air strikes. our holly williams is live from gaza. refloating the "costa concordia." we're at the scene of the biggest maritime salvage operation ever attempted. changing the view at the grand canyon. condos and a gondola ride are just the beginning of this sprawling controversy. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> people will know when the next bomb will drop. the sound of israeli fighter jets and drones is constant. >> thousands flee as

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