Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160504 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160504

9:00. may the 4th be with you. i said it five times already. i can't wait to say it 56 more. >> may the 4th. >> there you go >> so much to talk about when it comes to politics. and, of course, sports. the warriors, you may have left them for dead especially if you didn't watch that game. man you watched the first -- no. >> no way. >> did that cross your mind >> i was nervous. >> no. never crossed mine. the fourth quarter was brilliant. brilliant. they scored 34 points. the opponents scored 12. they came back to win that game. look at that. coming off the bench, bringing the energy he did. sealy. that was a fantastic move from the guy. festus had not played a lot. he provided the spark. the spark was not there in nashville last night for the san jose sharks as they lost a tough one. we'll get a little bit more into this. >> yeah, the sharks usually win on the road, right? >> yes, they do. >> they are a great team on the road. but nashville showed their muscle last night, just like draymond green. julie haener was out there on assignment. >> yes. >> here is how lucky jewel yeah haener is. look at what happens? she almost bumps into literally steph curry. she is there, doing a special assign and who comes out of this door? oh, steph curry. of course, they take the photo. both of them look perfect. i cannot wait. i have not called her because i think she might still be getting the kids off to school. she have popped it up on the ktvu facebook page. we threw it up and a lot of people are saying, wow, of all the people. >> she was there to independent view draymond green's mom which she did. that story will run thursday at 10:00. >> can't wait to see that. lucky, lucky duck. we'll talk about the sharks playoff run and the warriors comeback, return of steph curry. we'll bring him at 9:30 here on the 9. >> switching to politics, california voters may get to say whether they'll legalize marijuana. janine de la vega has been talking to people about how they would vote on that issue. >> we have run into a lot of people who are afraid to voice their support for legalizing marijuana. it's still a controversial topic and they don't want their employer to know how they feel but it seems like this initiative is getting a lot of support. the coalition pushing this initiative to legalize the recreation use of marijuana collected 600,000 signatures which is double than what is needed to get on the november ballot. the measure called the adult use of marijuana act would allow adults who are 21 or old tore possess, transport and use up to an ounce of marijuana for rec national purposes. it would also allow them to grow as many as six plants. it would be taxed and regulated under the department of consumer affairs. here is what some people thought bit. >> support it. i don't see the harm in it. we do a lot other other things with alcohol which is twice as bad or a lot worse. >> i'm against it. it's a drug. and in my area, there is a lot of accidents and it's attributed to that. and prescription drugs and alcohol and in my area, i'm sick and tired of it. >> up the measure, using marijuana in public and while driving would still be illegal. the california police chief association opposes the initiative because it is concerned about high addiction rate. but the group backing it does include lieutenant governor gaffein newsom, various -- gavin newsom, and other groups. janine de la vega, ktvu fox 2 news. now, support is growing but not everyone is on board with the i'd afterlegalizing recreational marijuana here. we want to know what you think. are you for or against the idea and why? make sure to let us know. in the race for the white house, for the republicans, it's not all about donald trump. trump easily won the primary in indiana and that cop vind ted cruz to drop out of the race. as for the democrats, bernie sanders was the winner in indiana with 352% the votes and hilly 37%. there are now calls for the republican party to come together. >> now, we are down to the presumptive nominee, donald trump and now is the time for the republican party to heal. time to come together. >> as for john kasich, there are now reports that he has canceled a planned talk with the media today and has, instead, scheduled a news conference in columbus, ohio, at about 2:00 our time although bernie sanders won indiana, experts say there is no way he can win enough delegates to challenge clinton. so the nominees may be decided but both face obstacles. trump does not poll well with women and hillary clinton is not trusted. >> donald trump does got do so great with honest and trustworthy numbers either. >> the remaining candidates will head to west virginia for the primary there. >> joining us is ross palumbo. at four, i said, cruz would have no rationale for staying in if he lost. >> i'm still surprised he dropped out. >> it was a shock. when the press conference started, carly fiorina looked like they were going to keep going. he didn't have enough support. he lost six races in a row. i have to tell you, i sat down with minimum -- with him one on one on saturday. i could tell that his confidence was breaking. a lot of unforced errors in the last few glais where do cruz supports go now? >> that's big question. we are hearing a lot of people this morning, a lot of dye in the wool republicans who say they will programs vote for hillary clinton. you know, it's still early. we have a long way to go until we get to november. hard to believe that any republican will not support the nominee of their party. we'll have to see. >> sometimes, when this happen, people don't vote. >> yeah. >> they will not -- they will not be able to bring themselves, the republicans, to vote for hillary. they don't want to vote for trump so they'll stay home. >> you are right, sal. >> that is the real danger for donald trump that people will not vote. that is trouble. if you look at the national polling already, hillary clinton is some 10 points ahead of donald trump if the general election were held today. the key constituency for trump is white men. if they don't come out, he won't win. >> i was listening to conservative radio to try to get a sense around the nation. just like you said, i would say 75% of the people calling in who were die-hard republicans say i would rather not vote than vote for trump. >> you will hear a lot of stuff. this is a shocker to everyone at this moment right now but, remember, we are months away until november. people are going to calm down. donald trump is going to pivot now more back towards the center. you heard when he made his speech last night, even he seemed surprised. it was a little disorganized and hastily arranged. he didn't say anything shocking or insulting, said good things about ted cruz. that's the donald trump he will we. >> how does he beat hillary clinton? what issue? >> two words. rust welt. he has to win the states he with flip. pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin. now, that has not been done in decades but if he can do it, he could possibly win. the only path he has at this point. >> john kasich is going to drop out from what we heard. there are reports he will. >> that's breaking right now. reports that he is, in facts going to suspend his campaign at that press conference coming at 2:00. >> do you think -- is it crazy to think he could be a vice- presidential candidate for trump? >> it's is not crazy. in our life times, republicans have not won without winning ohio. he says he will not do it. >> says, i'm running for president. he walked out of a media appearance upon hearing that question. >> yeah, just one thing that you can say about john kasich is that he is his own man. he says what he believes and does not swing with public been at all. does he run with donald trump if donald trump asks him? i doubt it. we'll see. >> that is a big question. who is his running mate. i would think he would pick someone from congress, someone who is embedded or has been over the last decade or longer. >> the big question on both sides is who will the running mates be? both of them are the presumptive nominee who can donald trump choose? that could get him the minority votes that will cause him to lose the general if he does not get the african americans and the latinos, both con stitt con -- both constituents barack obama bead. >> and bernie sanders is not calling a press conference, is he? >> no, he is not. ateenafeni shakur davis held the leg siev her son's music. who will control that now that she's gone? introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable. ♪ i ♪ shining through rs ♪ i see your true colors ♪ and that's why i love you ♪ so don't be afraid ♪ to let them show ♪ your true colors ♪ true colors ♪ true colors ♪ are beautiful taking a peek at stocks. we can see that the dow jones is down. s&p down by 1 1/2 of 1%. for more of the head lines, let's go to dave clark. >> here are some of the stop stories. jury deliberations beginning in the murder of allaysha carradine in oakland. she was killed as she opened the door of an apartment where she was spending the night. >> the lawyer for darnell williams said there are no fingerprints, no dna evidence, no eyewitnesses. prosecutors say that he wanted revenge after his friend was killed. former 49er and raider dana stubblefield is expected to be arraigned. we showed you the press conference he held last night. he says he is innocent. he is accused of raping a mentally disable woman who applied for a job. stubblefield's lawyers gave a packet saying that he passed a lie detectors to. he said that he had a consentual relationship with the woman and she had been texting him. the 49ers are gearing up for a legal battle over the team's rent payment in levi stadium. city of santa clara said that the 49ers have not paid their rent on time. team officials say their contract allows for a lower rent if the stadium's revenue is higher than projected. the 49ers say that the stadium cost less to build than the original estimate. both sides have filed for arbitration. those are just some of your morning head lines from our newsroom. gasia and sal and mike, back to you. >> thank you, dave. >> yeah. san francisco board of supervisors appear ready to support a proposal that would allow 17 and 16 years old to vote in municipal elections members of the san francisco youth commission spearheaded the effort to lower the voting age. the younger teens would only be allowed to vote in municipal and school board elections. the board will take an official vote on the measure at next tuesday's meeting. san francisco would become the first major u.s. city to allow people younger than 18 to vote. the mother of music legends tupac shakur protected his legacy even after his death. afeni shakur set up a trust to control and protect his music rights. afeni shakur died at her home. money will go to certain charities and family members including his aunt and his half sister. the paperwork is in perfect order so there will not be any legal battle as opposed to music legend prince the day before prince died, the minneapolis tribune said that his representatives contacted dr. horde cornfeld who runs a rehabilitation facility called recovering without walls. he sent his son because of a scheduling con anything. in fact, his son was at prince's home when he died. he even helped called paramedic the day when prince was found un responsive and a big encounter with two great sharks. this one was caught on camera. >> they were doing laps around the boat. >> no chance that i will get to see that again >> boys were fishing sunday afternoon when they say they spotted a gray white about 30 miles from shore, swam right for their boat and then began circling so they put a go pro camera in the water to take another look. they drove away after 30 minutes to continue their fishing trip. >> that's calm under pressure. >> absolutely. >> coming up here, experts in the field of earthquake research gathers for a national conference. it convenes here in southern california. we'll talk about the director of the tsunami center about being prepared here at home. welcome back. someone needs to introduce weather. >> a pregnant pause. >> he is checking twitter. we asked him a question. >> we'll talk about tsunami. >> first, steve paulson, we made you wait long enough. >> the microphone is not talking >> maybe we won't talk about -- >> a minute ago. >> he is back. >> you got me now? >> say it. thank you, guys. >> cloudy, mostly cloudy, some light rain this morning. and we're going to have the possibility of thundershower later today. some out in the valley around chick yo and maybe lake county, mend sin yo county, not much right now. a couple of little bands go through marin county. also san francisco, dailey city, petaluma. one 101 corridor, maybe light stuff. a sign of things to come here over the next few days. look at that, around corning, south of red bluffs on i-5, when they start firing up lightning and thunderstorms like that already, i think severe weather could be a factor later today. plenty of development offshore. that's when these swing in. if that does, then we are in the mix for thunderstorm activity as well. more likely, if it's not tomorrow, it will be tomorrow. that's the low spinning west- southwest, heading right towards us. it's going to park it there for two days, maybe three and then move south by saturday. until then, clouds cooler, possible thunderstorms. the good news, those is right in time for gasia on sunday's mother's day. will be better. >> perfect. >> thank you. >> any time. today marks the conference of earthquakes. >> the event happens every four years. and the event brings the who's who? over the next couple of days, we will be joined by a few of them here on the 9 and our noon and 4:00 p.m. newscast. >> we are kicking off today's coverage with paul whitmore, the director the tsunami warning center here. when you guys test the tsunami warning system each year, do you find bugs in it or is it working perfectly. >> the actual response is getting better and better. the science continues to improve. 20 or 30 years ago when we started, there was always a question whether people would get the message after we issued it. today, it's gotten very good, between social media and between sirens that have been incalled, between the weather radio, emergency alert systems. we have don't have the problem we used to have with people hearing the message. we really want people to understand, too if they feel a strong earth quick, they need to get out and on their own. >> just run. >> don't wait for something from us. >> what is the main -- now that people are getting the message, what is it that you want people to do when they hear the warning. obviously get to higher ground, is that it? sure. understand the surroundings. if you don't know, try to get 1100 feet above sea level. generally, there is one good thunk about tsunamis that the hazards zone is really small. if you are not right next to the coast, you are not going to be killed by one. stay away from the coast. first, survive an earthquake. big earthquakes happen, they trigger about 90% of the tsunamis. survive the earthquake and then away from the coast. >> most of us see earthquakes as a real danger. are tsunamis taken as seriously as earthquakes? >> i think they have since the 2004 indian ocean tune mi followed by the japanese tsunami. the awareness for tsunami danger has gone up in the last decade. >> i always hear about crescent city, even santa cruz here along the northern california bay area coast. is everyone along the coast here in the bay area vulnerable? or just certain spots? >> it's definitely higher in some spots than others. the outer coast of california is at a higher risk than people inside the bay. onal ya tend to be at a risk. >> so the tsunami can come into the golden great bridge, come over the marina. >> it's possible you will get some strong current, not likely that you will get a flooding wave like we saw in japan or in indonesia but definitely there could be some danger to boats or anyone out in the water. >> always been curious. >> paul, what are you looking forward to learning about or discussing at this conference. >> we'll talk about the future the tsunami weather system, what we'll learn and get feedback from our customers or emergency managers at this meeting. >> paul, thanks for taking the time and hope awful great conference. >> thank you. >> thank you, paul. coming up, we are following developing news out of canada. details about an out-of-control wildfire forcing 80,000 people to get out. and an emotional ceremony to honor the lives of those who died trying to protect the public. tame frizz-prone hair with wholesome, smoothing care. new whole blends by garnier. blending our best into new smoothing haircare. paraben-free formulas enriched with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. whole blends protects from humidity. for hair that's irresistibly smooth and full of shine. whole blends is true smoothing. new garnier whole blends coconut oil & cocoa butter. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend. we go to david nabors who would not support the legalization of marijuana. as of now, i cannot leave my office without being confronted with the smell. >> hi,high workers screwing my roads up. >> thanks for all your many, many reresponsibles today there is a renewed evident to generate clues in a mother's day killing spree three years ago. the victim was a yuck man trying to be a peace maker after a fight broke out between people he didn't even know. ktvu's brian flores is live where a news conference is set to begin at the top of the hour. >> we move from the berkeley police station to an area called grizzly peak lookout. this is an area where, about three years ago, a young man from frement was killed, as you guyed mentioned. at 10:00, we are expecting to hear more information about any new lead in this case. alberto santana silva and some friend why hanging out. at the time, there were other people here, too. according to police investigators, there was some type of argument or fight. alberto who didn't know anybody from the group tried to break up that fight. people from the group left. but 20 minutes later, the gunman who police believe was associated with the group came back and shot alberto as he was about to get into his car. he eventually drove away, at bertho did but his car ended up in a nearby embankment and he was killed. police announced a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest in this case. the man was either filipino or hispanic, 5'8", about 200 pounds. and the car was either a white chevy or white suburban with chrome, raised. there will be a press conference here with u c perk lee police as well as the sister. >> that's brian flores in berkeley, thank you. let's stay here and talk about the fact that walnut creek police have issued an alert for a missing young boy. his name is dillon, asian, brown hair and brown eyes and may be riding a bike. you are asked and urged to called wahl mutt police if you see him. a developing story out of canada where an out-of-control wildfire is forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate. this fire is burning near the city of fort mcmurray in canada. authorities have issued a mandatory evacuation order for a city of 80,000. entire neighborhoods are gone. >> started my career. and i am -- you know, the whole -- the people here are devastated. ever anyone is devastated. >> the fire closed off the southern exit from the city forcing everyone to head north. winds are expected to pick up later today which could make it even more difficult for crews to fight this fire. i looked up the population of chico, just to put this into perspective because you may think this is a wild firing burning there. and chick yo has 88,000 people. >> we saw the town today devastated in middletown. 1500 people live in middletown. >> watching that story for sure. happening in the south bay, the san jose police department will honor it officers who have fallen in the line of duty. the ceremony is about to begin in about 30 minute. the most recent was in march of last year when michael johnson was shot while responding to a call about a mentally disturbed man. we are following some of the top stories out of san francisco. ktvu's tara moriarty. a big protest involving the frisco five. >> they got into wheelchairs and marched down to city hall to send their message to the mayor. they say that they are very frustrated with the way that things have been going with the police department lately after the racist text message scandal as well as several police killings and shootings. the march started at mission police station where the campers have been spreading out. tensions flared. we were there as people were standing on the benchings and yelling. supervisor david campos says that firing the chief was not an answer and the restist culture would still be there even if he left. suhr declined to show at a forum schedule for him and public defender jeff adachi. the hunger strikers vow to not give up this fight. >> tara, in the traps bay center if you have been in downtown san francisco, you know it's been going up for a while. that project has had its share of financial woes but there is help on the way, right? >> that's right. this was a bill basic lip introduced by mayor ed lee yesterday that would give 260 million-dollar to bail out the project. we know that it is really stuck in a financial quagmire at the moment. since 2008, the project costs have koord growing from 1.1 billion to 2.2 billion. this money was needed to complete phase 1 by december. while the supervisors admitted that the project admitted substantial cost overruns, they felt it was too important for the future of the city's transportation system and they could not turn their backs on it. >> tell us what is happening at blue shield today. >> there is going to be a protest at 11:00 this morning. these are eating disorder advocates and they'll show up with their signs, picketing in front to let people know they are upset with the way that blue shield has handled these repeated denials, they say, to cover eating disorders for teens. they say that the giant insurer is hiring unqualified doctors and making medical opinions. this effort is spear head by two families who took their bat toll social media. they had it all over twitter and blue shield never responded. toi, they say today, they are taking their battle to the street. back to you. >> thank you, tara moriarty the warriors showed their strength in numbers with a solid comeback. scott reese has more on last night's action and the possible return of steph curry. >> they made us work for it. why is this team so great? they win big games in every possible way. game 1, blowout. game 2 anything but. the blazers led by 19 in the third. festus zeely it not even play in the first game but he got hot. draymond green was absolutely phenomenal. a monster. physically,ey mostally. when all is said and done, the dubbs won by 11. after the game, props to festus and the defense. >> festus was unbelievable when he came in. we had a sloppy game. coach went with fees. he was ready to play. we could not be happen yep or proud of the former rookie. >> we have to rely on our defense. you know, any time you are down and try to make a comeback, has to start defensively, you have to make stops. i thought in our run in the fourth quarter, we had a lot of guys step up and make big shots and big plays but it was our defense that fueled everything. >> yeah, i have to agree with that because, when you look, look at daily men little ard and the first three quarters, he was phenomenal and they shot him down in the fourth. >> he is phenomenal. he is such a big star, should have been an all-star. you know, they scored 12 points in the second quarter. >> 12 points, we are not worried i was not worried when they were down 17. no, not with this team. >> not with this team. >> you us a expect them to win, always >> and i expect the sharks to win on the road. they didn't win last night on the road, first time in the playoffs. >> it's the mayoffs. you are not going to win every game. peter did devore said that almost verbatim. san jose not very good, didn't capitalize as they did in the first two games. nashville was phenomenal with the power play. >> i love playoff hockey. that's different animal from the regular season. and interesting play last night from jeff samardzija. not on the mound, when he was in the batter's box. strike three. didn't like it. bang. >> with authority. you see big burly outfielders do this but not pitchers. he is 6'5", 225. >> he is an athlete. he is a fiery guy. >> he is an athlete, a great wide receiver in notre dame. >> i wonder fess waking up with a bruise. and bochy is probably saying, don't do that again. we are down to the final two new episodes of the hit know empire. it is wednesday and that means that we can watch it tonight. we'll give you a preview some some music you will hear tonight. listen and we'll be right back. e right back. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. caress presents the world's ♪ first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. caress love forever. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! check, it's 9:43. already the biggest recall ever for the u.s. auto industry but that massive takata airbag recall could get bigger. pam cook is in the studio to talk about the announce. that could come today. >> u.s. regulators have been press pressuring takata to expand the recall. that would represent one out of four cars on the road. the national highway transportation safety administration wants takata to expand that recall to save lives. the air bags can explode and send metal parts into cars. the latest death was a 17-year- old in texas which was involved in a minor crash but was killed by an airbag that exploded in her family's the two honda sips. there is a shortage of parts and people are telling us it's taking months, sometimes years to get that problem fixed. now, the recall may be very scary and confusing. if you do want to find out if your car is affected and when the announcement is announced that will their will be more cars, go to -- that there will be more cars, go to our website, go to the story and scroll down to the article and there is a link to you can can either type in your car's specific vin number or click on the affected -- to see the list of affected cars. you can see ford, gm, toyota, there's honda. click on honda, for example. and is has all the model names, years. gasia, mike and sal, if they do expand that recall this, will be more cars to check on that list but make sure that you do. >> all right. pam cook, thank you for following that story for tugs. the next guest has spent years on stage and the big screen and behind the scene. and on friday, they are kicking out their show, the empty nester in san francisco. >> joining us on the 9, husband and wife team pamela and gabe walker. this is life imitating art, you are empty nesters. >> that's right. we sure are. we have been for a while >> and you were reading a part with another male when you heard, hey, that should be me? >> somebody brought me the script and asked me if i would be interested in doing it. they brought an entourage in the house and he was sitting in the living room listening and i kept looking at him and laughing and crying. that was a really good script. maybe somebody ought to be doing that with her other than the guy reading it with her. we had done so many plays before in chicago and a little bit in new york. we got to do a lot of work together. i proposed to her on stage. >> we have win doing it for years then we took about 20 years off. listening to that play in our living room was like, maybe we ought to do that. >> that's a homecoming for us to be back on stage together after 20 years. >> you guys were in college together in south bend. >> notre dame. >> was there love right there, john, at first sight. right there. >> and after college, you both and went and did theater? >> we have done 40 shows together. >> and then 20 years off. >> great. >> none of us here know what it's like to be empty nesters. do you miss your children? what is it like? >> the funny thing is that i was processing the whole time they were in high school and i was hanging on to my acting career and he was in denial. so we dropped our oldest daughter off on the east coast for her first year and we got to the parking lot. she went into to have a meeting with her dorm mates. and he started sobbing and both of us were, get it together. >> women will process these things in advance. all i thought about, it's -- you know, airline tickets and all planning. suddenly, i realized in the parking lot as she walked away this is it. she was leaving. and i just -- >> i think you thought you never going to see her again. >> yes. >> and now she is back in the bay area. >> you thoughter prepared. but when it happens, what do you miss the most? >> for daughters, you feel like they'll come back. is okay. it took me three months where i was not on sure footing. then life went on and we stayed connected. but there is a lot of this funny back and forth dynamic in the show. >> i mean, that's why the play really spoke to us and issues that that change in life generates. you know, both sad and really funny. i think the play does a great job of capturing it. >> and you met when you were very young in college. you raised a family together but at a time, you were not living there because this one had to go to school and you had a successful job at pixar. now, you are sharing the same bathroom and working together. >> i love my spouse, but, wow, i don't want to share a bathroom. >> oh, no, i love working with him. >> really? there is a real natural chemistry. >> really? >> yes. >> it feels like this is -- i don't know. i always had a dream we would be, you know, like fontaine. that's big thing. reality hits you. we had to raise kids. >> we hung in there. we started our relationship that way. we started working together and did that for years and years. and then we had to sort of go our separate ways. now time to do that again >> does the marriage get -- because i have a six and a three-year-old so i'm far away from this. does the marriage get even stronger as soon as you become empty nesters? >> if you are vigilant if you can >> you have to do your work. i think the play -- you have to come to the play. >> okay. i will do that. >> you will learn that a lot. >> i'm the babysitter. >> we have had people with kids in kindergarten saying, we are already freaked out with them going to school. the show is great. >> it will prepare us as parent. >> lots of folks our age come to see the show and then come back with their adult kids and there's lots of this going on, you know. >> very relatable. great. >> you have to be vigilant >> love between you two personally? has it gotten stronger since working together since it's been 20 years. >> i was waiting for this day. and the fact that this peace came along was like a miracle, really. >> a hollywood ending if you would. i love it. i love it. thank you so much. john and pam will, the show starts friday. we have all the information that you need about tickets and more. we hope you get there to the web link section. >> how long does the show run? >> until june 11th. we are looking to move it. >> keep it going. >> congratulations. >> thank you. coming up here on the 2 at 9:00. >> a the sound of baby crying. how jetblue turned that sound into something that a lot of people could smile about. remember those days, you guys? >> yeah. people are celebrating the power of the fourth all around the world. >> hey, luke, mate force be with you. >> so hand some, so hand some. today is the unofficial star wars day. because it is may the 4th, people are saying may the 4th be with you. you can pick up a scavenger hunt list and start looking for star wars characters. there is a prize for the first 100 people to complete the hunt. and you can learn to be a jedi knight at 4:00. and then there is the force awakens at the village theater. costumes are not only allowed but encouraged. >> my computer is crashing. so is worried about that. >> sorry. 1996, basketball great michael jordan stepped on to an animated court as a star in space jam. fans favorite movie, jordan teams up with looney tune characters taking on a team of monsters which stole the characters of charles barkley, shaun bradley, muggy bogues. and lebron james will reprice the role in space jam 2. we are not hearing much on what story line was. the original one became the highest grossing movie everybody. >> did you see space jam? >> i never did. >> i never didn't. >> long time ago right now. >> just reading some of the basketball players game. we know have how tough it can be to fly with a baby or two. and other passengers don't like hearing your baby cry so jetblue did something to make the sound of the crying baby something to smile about. >> every time a baby cries, you receive 25% off, and equivalent to a free round trip ticket. >> sort airlines pulled this pre-mother day stunter in a six- hour flight from new york to long beach. during that flight, it four babies began to cry. that meant every passenger on board got a free round trip ticket. lots of smiles. that's not the reaction i get when my little ones cry. by the end the flight. every time a baby cries, people started clapping and cheering. >> they threw a party. >> popped the sparkly. >> we have all been there. you just went to hawaii with the two little ones >> my little one cried. not that much. it would have been terrible but wasn't. >> i fly solo now and i hear a baby crying, i kind of smile because i've been there. >> probably not as much before i was a parent. we have all been there. >> thanks for joining us on the 9. mike and i will see you at noon and see you back here. may the fourth be with you. it's "hot topics" live on "the wendy witness show." >> >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all "hot topics," all week long, all week. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] yes! yes! ♪ thank you for watching! say hello to my co-hosts, my

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160504 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160504

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9:00. may the 4th be with you. i said it five times already. i can't wait to say it 56 more. >> may the 4th. >> there you go >> so much to talk about when it comes to politics. and, of course, sports. the warriors, you may have left them for dead especially if you didn't watch that game. man you watched the first -- no. >> no way. >> did that cross your mind >> i was nervous. >> no. never crossed mine. the fourth quarter was brilliant. brilliant. they scored 34 points. the opponents scored 12. they came back to win that game. look at that. coming off the bench, bringing the energy he did. sealy. that was a fantastic move from the guy. festus had not played a lot. he provided the spark. the spark was not there in nashville last night for the san jose sharks as they lost a tough one. we'll get a little bit more into this. >> yeah, the sharks usually win on the road, right? >> yes, they do. >> they are a great team on the road. but nashville showed their muscle last night, just like draymond green. julie haener was out there on assignment. >> yes. >> here is how lucky jewel yeah haener is. look at what happens? she almost bumps into literally steph curry. she is there, doing a special assign and who comes out of this door? oh, steph curry. of course, they take the photo. both of them look perfect. i cannot wait. i have not called her because i think she might still be getting the kids off to school. she have popped it up on the ktvu facebook page. we threw it up and a lot of people are saying, wow, of all the people. >> she was there to independent view draymond green's mom which she did. that story will run thursday at 10:00. >> can't wait to see that. lucky, lucky duck. we'll talk about the sharks playoff run and the warriors comeback, return of steph curry. we'll bring him at 9:30 here on the 9. >> switching to politics, california voters may get to say whether they'll legalize marijuana. janine de la vega has been talking to people about how they would vote on that issue. >> we have run into a lot of people who are afraid to voice their support for legalizing marijuana. it's still a controversial topic and they don't want their employer to know how they feel but it seems like this initiative is getting a lot of support. the coalition pushing this initiative to legalize the recreation use of marijuana collected 600,000 signatures which is double than what is needed to get on the november ballot. the measure called the adult use of marijuana act would allow adults who are 21 or old tore possess, transport and use up to an ounce of marijuana for rec national purposes. it would also allow them to grow as many as six plants. it would be taxed and regulated under the department of consumer affairs. here is what some people thought bit. >> support it. i don't see the harm in it. we do a lot other other things with alcohol which is twice as bad or a lot worse. >> i'm against it. it's a drug. and in my area, there is a lot of accidents and it's attributed to that. and prescription drugs and alcohol and in my area, i'm sick and tired of it. >> up the measure, using marijuana in public and while driving would still be illegal. the california police chief association opposes the initiative because it is concerned about high addiction rate. but the group backing it does include lieutenant governor gaffein newsom, various -- gavin newsom, and other groups. janine de la vega, ktvu fox 2 news. now, support is growing but not everyone is on board with the i'd afterlegalizing recreational marijuana here. we want to know what you think. are you for or against the idea and why? make sure to let us know. in the race for the white house, for the republicans, it's not all about donald trump. trump easily won the primary in indiana and that cop vind ted cruz to drop out of the race. as for the democrats, bernie sanders was the winner in indiana with 352% the votes and hilly 37%. there are now calls for the republican party to come together. >> now, we are down to the presumptive nominee, donald trump and now is the time for the republican party to heal. time to come together. >> as for john kasich, there are now reports that he has canceled a planned talk with the media today and has, instead, scheduled a news conference in columbus, ohio, at about 2:00 our time although bernie sanders won indiana, experts say there is no way he can win enough delegates to challenge clinton. so the nominees may be decided but both face obstacles. trump does not poll well with women and hillary clinton is not trusted. >> donald trump does got do so great with honest and trustworthy numbers either. >> the remaining candidates will head to west virginia for the primary there. >> joining us is ross palumbo. at four, i said, cruz would have no rationale for staying in if he lost. >> i'm still surprised he dropped out. >> it was a shock. when the press conference started, carly fiorina looked like they were going to keep going. he didn't have enough support. he lost six races in a row. i have to tell you, i sat down with minimum -- with him one on one on saturday. i could tell that his confidence was breaking. a lot of unforced errors in the last few glais where do cruz supports go now? >> that's big question. we are hearing a lot of people this morning, a lot of dye in the wool republicans who say they will programs vote for hillary clinton. you know, it's still early. we have a long way to go until we get to november. hard to believe that any republican will not support the nominee of their party. we'll have to see. >> sometimes, when this happen, people don't vote. >> yeah. >> they will not -- they will not be able to bring themselves, the republicans, to vote for hillary. they don't want to vote for trump so they'll stay home. >> you are right, sal. >> that is the real danger for donald trump that people will not vote. that is trouble. if you look at the national polling already, hillary clinton is some 10 points ahead of donald trump if the general election were held today. the key constituency for trump is white men. if they don't come out, he won't win. >> i was listening to conservative radio to try to get a sense around the nation. just like you said, i would say 75% of the people calling in who were die-hard republicans say i would rather not vote than vote for trump. >> you will hear a lot of stuff. this is a shocker to everyone at this moment right now but, remember, we are months away until november. people are going to calm down. donald trump is going to pivot now more back towards the center. you heard when he made his speech last night, even he seemed surprised. it was a little disorganized and hastily arranged. he didn't say anything shocking or insulting, said good things about ted cruz. that's the donald trump he will we. >> how does he beat hillary clinton? what issue? >> two words. rust welt. he has to win the states he with flip. pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin. now, that has not been done in decades but if he can do it, he could possibly win. the only path he has at this point. >> john kasich is going to drop out from what we heard. there are reports he will. >> that's breaking right now. reports that he is, in facts going to suspend his campaign at that press conference coming at 2:00. >> do you think -- is it crazy to think he could be a vice- presidential candidate for trump? >> it's is not crazy. in our life times, republicans have not won without winning ohio. he says he will not do it. >> says, i'm running for president. he walked out of a media appearance upon hearing that question. >> yeah, just one thing that you can say about john kasich is that he is his own man. he says what he believes and does not swing with public been at all. does he run with donald trump if donald trump asks him? i doubt it. we'll see. >> that is a big question. who is his running mate. i would think he would pick someone from congress, someone who is embedded or has been over the last decade or longer. >> the big question on both sides is who will the running mates be? both of them are the presumptive nominee who can donald trump choose? that could get him the minority votes that will cause him to lose the general if he does not get the african americans and the latinos, both con stitt con -- both constituents barack obama bead. >> and bernie sanders is not calling a press conference, is he? >> no, he is not. ateenafeni shakur davis held the leg siev her son's music. who will control that now that she's gone? introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable. ♪ i ♪ shining through rs ♪ i see your true colors ♪ and that's why i love you ♪ so don't be afraid ♪ to let them show ♪ your true colors ♪ true colors ♪ true colors ♪ are beautiful taking a peek at stocks. we can see that the dow jones is down. s&p down by 1 1/2 of 1%. for more of the head lines, let's go to dave clark. >> here are some of the stop stories. jury deliberations beginning in the murder of allaysha carradine in oakland. she was killed as she opened the door of an apartment where she was spending the night. >> the lawyer for darnell williams said there are no fingerprints, no dna evidence, no eyewitnesses. prosecutors say that he wanted revenge after his friend was killed. former 49er and raider dana stubblefield is expected to be arraigned. we showed you the press conference he held last night. he says he is innocent. he is accused of raping a mentally disable woman who applied for a job. stubblefield's lawyers gave a packet saying that he passed a lie detectors to. he said that he had a consentual relationship with the woman and she had been texting him. the 49ers are gearing up for a legal battle over the team's rent payment in levi stadium. city of santa clara said that the 49ers have not paid their rent on time. team officials say their contract allows for a lower rent if the stadium's revenue is higher than projected. the 49ers say that the stadium cost less to build than the original estimate. both sides have filed for arbitration. those are just some of your morning head lines from our newsroom. gasia and sal and mike, back to you. >> thank you, dave. >> yeah. san francisco board of supervisors appear ready to support a proposal that would allow 17 and 16 years old to vote in municipal elections members of the san francisco youth commission spearheaded the effort to lower the voting age. the younger teens would only be allowed to vote in municipal and school board elections. the board will take an official vote on the measure at next tuesday's meeting. san francisco would become the first major u.s. city to allow people younger than 18 to vote. the mother of music legends tupac shakur protected his legacy even after his death. afeni shakur set up a trust to control and protect his music rights. afeni shakur died at her home. money will go to certain charities and family members including his aunt and his half sister. the paperwork is in perfect order so there will not be any legal battle as opposed to music legend prince the day before prince died, the minneapolis tribune said that his representatives contacted dr. horde cornfeld who runs a rehabilitation facility called recovering without walls. he sent his son because of a scheduling con anything. in fact, his son was at prince's home when he died. he even helped called paramedic the day when prince was found un responsive and a big encounter with two great sharks. this one was caught on camera. >> they were doing laps around the boat. >> no chance that i will get to see that again >> boys were fishing sunday afternoon when they say they spotted a gray white about 30 miles from shore, swam right for their boat and then began circling so they put a go pro camera in the water to take another look. they drove away after 30 minutes to continue their fishing trip. >> that's calm under pressure. >> absolutely. >> coming up here, experts in the field of earthquake research gathers for a national conference. it convenes here in southern california. we'll talk about the director of the tsunami center about being prepared here at home. welcome back. someone needs to introduce weather. >> a pregnant pause. >> he is checking twitter. we asked him a question. >> we'll talk about tsunami. >> first, steve paulson, we made you wait long enough. >> the microphone is not talking >> maybe we won't talk about -- >> a minute ago. >> he is back. >> you got me now? >> say it. thank you, guys. >> cloudy, mostly cloudy, some light rain this morning. and we're going to have the possibility of thundershower later today. some out in the valley around chick yo and maybe lake county, mend sin yo county, not much right now. a couple of little bands go through marin county. also san francisco, dailey city, petaluma. one 101 corridor, maybe light stuff. a sign of things to come here over the next few days. look at that, around corning, south of red bluffs on i-5, when they start firing up lightning and thunderstorms like that already, i think severe weather could be a factor later today. plenty of development offshore. that's when these swing in. if that does, then we are in the mix for thunderstorm activity as well. more likely, if it's not tomorrow, it will be tomorrow. that's the low spinning west- southwest, heading right towards us. it's going to park it there for two days, maybe three and then move south by saturday. until then, clouds cooler, possible thunderstorms. the good news, those is right in time for gasia on sunday's mother's day. will be better. >> perfect. >> thank you. >> any time. today marks the conference of earthquakes. >> the event happens every four years. and the event brings the who's who? over the next couple of days, we will be joined by a few of them here on the 9 and our noon and 4:00 p.m. newscast. >> we are kicking off today's coverage with paul whitmore, the director the tsunami warning center here. when you guys test the tsunami warning system each year, do you find bugs in it or is it working perfectly. >> the actual response is getting better and better. the science continues to improve. 20 or 30 years ago when we started, there was always a question whether people would get the message after we issued it. today, it's gotten very good, between social media and between sirens that have been incalled, between the weather radio, emergency alert systems. we have don't have the problem we used to have with people hearing the message. we really want people to understand, too if they feel a strong earth quick, they need to get out and on their own. >> just run. >> don't wait for something from us. >> what is the main -- now that people are getting the message, what is it that you want people to do when they hear the warning. obviously get to higher ground, is that it? sure. understand the surroundings. if you don't know, try to get 1100 feet above sea level. generally, there is one good thunk about tsunamis that the hazards zone is really small. if you are not right next to the coast, you are not going to be killed by one. stay away from the coast. first, survive an earthquake. big earthquakes happen, they trigger about 90% of the tsunamis. survive the earthquake and then away from the coast. >> most of us see earthquakes as a real danger. are tsunamis taken as seriously as earthquakes? >> i think they have since the 2004 indian ocean tune mi followed by the japanese tsunami. the awareness for tsunami danger has gone up in the last decade. >> i always hear about crescent city, even santa cruz here along the northern california bay area coast. is everyone along the coast here in the bay area vulnerable? or just certain spots? >> it's definitely higher in some spots than others. the outer coast of california is at a higher risk than people inside the bay. onal ya tend to be at a risk. >> so the tsunami can come into the golden great bridge, come over the marina. >> it's possible you will get some strong current, not likely that you will get a flooding wave like we saw in japan or in indonesia but definitely there could be some danger to boats or anyone out in the water. >> always been curious. >> paul, what are you looking forward to learning about or discussing at this conference. >> we'll talk about the future the tsunami weather system, what we'll learn and get feedback from our customers or emergency managers at this meeting. >> paul, thanks for taking the time and hope awful great conference. >> thank you. >> thank you, paul. coming up, we are following developing news out of canada. details about an out-of-control wildfire forcing 80,000 people to get out. and an emotional ceremony to honor the lives of those who died trying to protect the public. tame frizz-prone hair with wholesome, smoothing care. new whole blends by garnier. blending our best into new smoothing haircare. paraben-free formulas enriched with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. whole blends protects from humidity. for hair that's irresistibly smooth and full of shine. whole blends is true smoothing. new garnier whole blends coconut oil & cocoa butter. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend. we go to david nabors who would not support the legalization of marijuana. as of now, i cannot leave my office without being confronted with the smell. >> hi,high workers screwing my roads up. >> thanks for all your many, many reresponsibles today there is a renewed evident to generate clues in a mother's day killing spree three years ago. the victim was a yuck man trying to be a peace maker after a fight broke out between people he didn't even know. ktvu's brian flores is live where a news conference is set to begin at the top of the hour. >> we move from the berkeley police station to an area called grizzly peak lookout. this is an area where, about three years ago, a young man from frement was killed, as you guyed mentioned. at 10:00, we are expecting to hear more information about any new lead in this case. alberto santana silva and some friend why hanging out. at the time, there were other people here, too. according to police investigators, there was some type of argument or fight. alberto who didn't know anybody from the group tried to break up that fight. people from the group left. but 20 minutes later, the gunman who police believe was associated with the group came back and shot alberto as he was about to get into his car. he eventually drove away, at bertho did but his car ended up in a nearby embankment and he was killed. police announced a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest in this case. the man was either filipino or hispanic, 5'8", about 200 pounds. and the car was either a white chevy or white suburban with chrome, raised. there will be a press conference here with u c perk lee police as well as the sister. >> that's brian flores in berkeley, thank you. let's stay here and talk about the fact that walnut creek police have issued an alert for a missing young boy. his name is dillon, asian, brown hair and brown eyes and may be riding a bike. you are asked and urged to called wahl mutt police if you see him. a developing story out of canada where an out-of-control wildfire is forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate. this fire is burning near the city of fort mcmurray in canada. authorities have issued a mandatory evacuation order for a city of 80,000. entire neighborhoods are gone. >> started my career. and i am -- you know, the whole -- the people here are devastated. ever anyone is devastated. >> the fire closed off the southern exit from the city forcing everyone to head north. winds are expected to pick up later today which could make it even more difficult for crews to fight this fire. i looked up the population of chico, just to put this into perspective because you may think this is a wild firing burning there. and chick yo has 88,000 people. >> we saw the town today devastated in middletown. 1500 people live in middletown. >> watching that story for sure. happening in the south bay, the san jose police department will honor it officers who have fallen in the line of duty. the ceremony is about to begin in about 30 minute. the most recent was in march of last year when michael johnson was shot while responding to a call about a mentally disturbed man. we are following some of the top stories out of san francisco. ktvu's tara moriarty. a big protest involving the frisco five. >> they got into wheelchairs and marched down to city hall to send their message to the mayor. they say that they are very frustrated with the way that things have been going with the police department lately after the racist text message scandal as well as several police killings and shootings. the march started at mission police station where the campers have been spreading out. tensions flared. we were there as people were standing on the benchings and yelling. supervisor david campos says that firing the chief was not an answer and the restist culture would still be there even if he left. suhr declined to show at a forum schedule for him and public defender jeff adachi. the hunger strikers vow to not give up this fight. >> tara, in the traps bay center if you have been in downtown san francisco, you know it's been going up for a while. that project has had its share of financial woes but there is help on the way, right? >> that's right. this was a bill basic lip introduced by mayor ed lee yesterday that would give 260 million-dollar to bail out the project. we know that it is really stuck in a financial quagmire at the moment. since 2008, the project costs have koord growing from 1.1 billion to 2.2 billion. this money was needed to complete phase 1 by december. while the supervisors admitted that the project admitted substantial cost overruns, they felt it was too important for the future of the city's transportation system and they could not turn their backs on it. >> tell us what is happening at blue shield today. >> there is going to be a protest at 11:00 this morning. these are eating disorder advocates and they'll show up with their signs, picketing in front to let people know they are upset with the way that blue shield has handled these repeated denials, they say, to cover eating disorders for teens. they say that the giant insurer is hiring unqualified doctors and making medical opinions. this effort is spear head by two families who took their bat toll social media. they had it all over twitter and blue shield never responded. toi, they say today, they are taking their battle to the street. back to you. >> thank you, tara moriarty the warriors showed their strength in numbers with a solid comeback. scott reese has more on last night's action and the possible return of steph curry. >> they made us work for it. why is this team so great? they win big games in every possible way. game 1, blowout. game 2 anything but. the blazers led by 19 in the third. festus zeely it not even play in the first game but he got hot. draymond green was absolutely phenomenal. a monster. physically,ey mostally. when all is said and done, the dubbs won by 11. after the game, props to festus and the defense. >> festus was unbelievable when he came in. we had a sloppy game. coach went with fees. he was ready to play. we could not be happen yep or proud of the former rookie. >> we have to rely on our defense. you know, any time you are down and try to make a comeback, has to start defensively, you have to make stops. i thought in our run in the fourth quarter, we had a lot of guys step up and make big shots and big plays but it was our defense that fueled everything. >> yeah, i have to agree with that because, when you look, look at daily men little ard and the first three quarters, he was phenomenal and they shot him down in the fourth. >> he is phenomenal. he is such a big star, should have been an all-star. you know, they scored 12 points in the second quarter. >> 12 points, we are not worried i was not worried when they were down 17. no, not with this team. >> not with this team. >> you us a expect them to win, always >> and i expect the sharks to win on the road. they didn't win last night on the road, first time in the playoffs. >> it's the mayoffs. you are not going to win every game. peter did devore said that almost verbatim. san jose not very good, didn't capitalize as they did in the first two games. nashville was phenomenal with the power play. >> i love playoff hockey. that's different animal from the regular season. and interesting play last night from jeff samardzija. not on the mound, when he was in the batter's box. strike three. didn't like it. bang. >> with authority. you see big burly outfielders do this but not pitchers. he is 6'5", 225. >> he is an athlete. he is a fiery guy. >> he is an athlete, a great wide receiver in notre dame. >> i wonder fess waking up with a bruise. and bochy is probably saying, don't do that again. we are down to the final two new episodes of the hit know empire. it is wednesday and that means that we can watch it tonight. we'll give you a preview some some music you will hear tonight. listen and we'll be right back. e right back. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. caress presents the world's ♪ first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. caress love forever. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! check, it's 9:43. already the biggest recall ever for the u.s. auto industry but that massive takata airbag recall could get bigger. pam cook is in the studio to talk about the announce. that could come today. >> u.s. regulators have been press pressuring takata to expand the recall. that would represent one out of four cars on the road. the national highway transportation safety administration wants takata to expand that recall to save lives. the air bags can explode and send metal parts into cars. the latest death was a 17-year- old in texas which was involved in a minor crash but was killed by an airbag that exploded in her family's the two honda sips. there is a shortage of parts and people are telling us it's taking months, sometimes years to get that problem fixed. now, the recall may be very scary and confusing. if you do want to find out if your car is affected and when the announcement is announced that will their will be more cars, go to -- that there will be more cars, go to our website, go to the story and scroll down to the article and there is a link to you can can either type in your car's specific vin number or click on the affected -- to see the list of affected cars. you can see ford, gm, toyota, there's honda. click on honda, for example. and is has all the model names, years. gasia, mike and sal, if they do expand that recall this, will be more cars to check on that list but make sure that you do. >> all right. pam cook, thank you for following that story for tugs. the next guest has spent years on stage and the big screen and behind the scene. and on friday, they are kicking out their show, the empty nester in san francisco. >> joining us on the 9, husband and wife team pamela and gabe walker. this is life imitating art, you are empty nesters. >> that's right. we sure are. we have been for a while >> and you were reading a part with another male when you heard, hey, that should be me? >> somebody brought me the script and asked me if i would be interested in doing it. they brought an entourage in the house and he was sitting in the living room listening and i kept looking at him and laughing and crying. that was a really good script. maybe somebody ought to be doing that with her other than the guy reading it with her. we had done so many plays before in chicago and a little bit in new york. we got to do a lot of work together. i proposed to her on stage. >> we have win doing it for years then we took about 20 years off. listening to that play in our living room was like, maybe we ought to do that. >> that's a homecoming for us to be back on stage together after 20 years. >> you guys were in college together in south bend. >> notre dame. >> was there love right there, john, at first sight. right there. >> and after college, you both and went and did theater? >> we have done 40 shows together. >> and then 20 years off. >> great. >> none of us here know what it's like to be empty nesters. do you miss your children? what is it like? >> the funny thing is that i was processing the whole time they were in high school and i was hanging on to my acting career and he was in denial. so we dropped our oldest daughter off on the east coast for her first year and we got to the parking lot. she went into to have a meeting with her dorm mates. and he started sobbing and both of us were, get it together. >> women will process these things in advance. all i thought about, it's -- you know, airline tickets and all planning. suddenly, i realized in the parking lot as she walked away this is it. she was leaving. and i just -- >> i think you thought you never going to see her again. >> yes. >> and now she is back in the bay area. >> you thoughter prepared. but when it happens, what do you miss the most? >> for daughters, you feel like they'll come back. is okay. it took me three months where i was not on sure footing. then life went on and we stayed connected. but there is a lot of this funny back and forth dynamic in the show. >> i mean, that's why the play really spoke to us and issues that that change in life generates. you know, both sad and really funny. i think the play does a great job of capturing it. >> and you met when you were very young in college. you raised a family together but at a time, you were not living there because this one had to go to school and you had a successful job at pixar. now, you are sharing the same bathroom and working together. >> i love my spouse, but, wow, i don't want to share a bathroom. >> oh, no, i love working with him. >> really? there is a real natural chemistry. >> really? >> yes. >> it feels like this is -- i don't know. i always had a dream we would be, you know, like fontaine. that's big thing. reality hits you. we had to raise kids. >> we hung in there. we started our relationship that way. we started working together and did that for years and years. and then we had to sort of go our separate ways. now time to do that again >> does the marriage get -- because i have a six and a three-year-old so i'm far away from this. does the marriage get even stronger as soon as you become empty nesters? >> if you are vigilant if you can >> you have to do your work. i think the play -- you have to come to the play. >> okay. i will do that. >> you will learn that a lot. >> i'm the babysitter. >> we have had people with kids in kindergarten saying, we are already freaked out with them going to school. the show is great. >> it will prepare us as parent. >> lots of folks our age come to see the show and then come back with their adult kids and there's lots of this going on, you know. >> very relatable. great. >> you have to be vigilant >> love between you two personally? has it gotten stronger since working together since it's been 20 years. >> i was waiting for this day. and the fact that this peace came along was like a miracle, really. >> a hollywood ending if you would. i love it. i love it. thank you so much. john and pam will, the show starts friday. we have all the information that you need about tickets and more. we hope you get there to the web link section. >> how long does the show run? >> until june 11th. we are looking to move it. >> keep it going. >> congratulations. >> thank you. coming up here on the 2 at 9:00. >> a the sound of baby crying. how jetblue turned that sound into something that a lot of people could smile about. remember those days, you guys? >> yeah. people are celebrating the power of the fourth all around the world. >> hey, luke, mate force be with you. >> so hand some, so hand some. today is the unofficial star wars day. because it is may the 4th, people are saying may the 4th be with you. you can pick up a scavenger hunt list and start looking for star wars characters. there is a prize for the first 100 people to complete the hunt. and you can learn to be a jedi knight at 4:00. and then there is the force awakens at the village theater. costumes are not only allowed but encouraged. >> my computer is crashing. so is worried about that. >> sorry. 1996, basketball great michael jordan stepped on to an animated court as a star in space jam. fans favorite movie, jordan teams up with looney tune characters taking on a team of monsters which stole the characters of charles barkley, shaun bradley, muggy bogues. and lebron james will reprice the role in space jam 2. we are not hearing much on what story line was. the original one became the highest grossing movie everybody. >> did you see space jam? >> i never did. >> i never didn't. >> long time ago right now. >> just reading some of the basketball players game. we know have how tough it can be to fly with a baby or two. and other passengers don't like hearing your baby cry so jetblue did something to make the sound of the crying baby something to smile about. >> every time a baby cries, you receive 25% off, and equivalent to a free round trip ticket. >> sort airlines pulled this pre-mother day stunter in a six- hour flight from new york to long beach. during that flight, it four babies began to cry. that meant every passenger on board got a free round trip ticket. lots of smiles. that's not the reaction i get when my little ones cry. by the end the flight. every time a baby cries, people started clapping and cheering. >> they threw a party. >> popped the sparkly. >> we have all been there. you just went to hawaii with the two little ones >> my little one cried. not that much. it would have been terrible but wasn't. >> i fly solo now and i hear a baby crying, i kind of smile because i've been there. >> probably not as much before i was a parent. we have all been there. >> thanks for joining us on the 9. mike and i will see you at noon and see you back here. may the fourth be with you. it's "hot topics" live on "the wendy witness show." >> >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all "hot topics," all week long, all week. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] yes! yes! ♪ thank you for watching! say hello to my co-hosts, my

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