Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130827 :

Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130827

this is a live picture this morning from danville. a car crash taking the life of a high school student. a tragic story, as the first day of school is getting underway this morning. we'll have more on that story in just a moment. good morning. thank you for joining us here on "mornings on 2." it's tuesday, august, 27th. i'm pam cook in for tori campbell today. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. we're gone check weather and traffic for you. steve? >> we have pockets of thick fog. but nothing compared to yesterday when there was a lot of drizzle and low clouds went inland. hardly a breeze. temperatures will warm up after we get through some of the fog. most locations have sun. 84 in santa rosa yesterday. concord up 4 from 84. palo alto, 77. both checking in at 81. mainly 50s. look at santa rosa, 49. that's a huge difference. about 11 degrees cooler than yesterday. still some upper 50s and very low 60s but not the mid-60s that we had. 57, 74 go for a high today of 82 degrees. sunny and warmer. a lighter breeze. some patchy fog on the golden gate. overall, highs will come up. inland temperatures, a couple of low 80s to low 90s. here's sal. good morning, steve. we're looking at traffic slow getting into san francisco via the bay bridge. we're gonna look at traffic also that's going to be slow approaching the bay bridge. so we have a couple of slowdowns there that are going to be, for example, 80 and 580 and even interstate 880 will be slow as you drive through the area. also, we're looking at the traffic on interstate 80 in oakland. you can see this traffic here is moving along very nicely driving north and southbound. as we take a look at our maps, livermore valley, the traffic here, it's pretty slow. as a matter of fact, it's very slow all the way into the livermore area. in fact, it gets better after first street. back to the desk. we have some developing news in danville, where a 16- year-old boy is dead after a crash. it happened just before 9:00 last night. on el capitan drive. alex savidge is there on the scene of the accident with why today's date makes this more of a tragedy. alex? >> reporter: well, three teenaged boys inside this car, all of them set to start school later on this morning. now, police at this point are not saying exactly how fast this car may have been going. but some neighbors say that speed can certainly be a problem here on el capitan drive where this accident happened. you can see the results of the crash from late last night. this car spun out of control and the right side of the car slammed into this tree and also took out part of someone's backyard fence. a 16-year-old boy riding in this car was killed in the accident. it happened just before 9:00 last night. that 16-year-old boy pulled from the car by emergency first responders transported to san ramon regional medical center but he died there at the hospital. the 17-year-old driver of the car suffered broken ribs and a 16-year-old passenger had a broken leg. both of those boys are in stable condition at john muir medical center this morning and they are expected to survive. police are not saying what high school these boys attend but the chief told us they were all supposed to head back to class today after their summer break. a few minutes ago, i talked with the neighbor in this area who said he came home shortly after the crash last night and he told me drivers do tend to go fast here on el capitan drive. >> people tend to speed through here. they come speeding through here. at least twice people trying to negotiate this turn here since i've lived here in 12, 13 years. one guy almost went through my back fence there. >> reporter: now, police at this point, say there are no obvious signs that the driver was under the influence or that alcohol was involved in this deadly crash. but i do have a call into a police sergeant here in danville hoping to hear back at some point later this morning to find out if investigators are getting a better sense of the factors that led up to the deadly crash that left a 16- year-old high school student dead the night before the first day of school. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. more coverage this morning of the rim fire burning in and around yosemite national park. it is now the 13th biggest wildfire in california history. late yesterday afternoon, crews gained some ground against the flames but they are not out of the danger, out of the woods yet. we're getting a unique view of the rim fire for you. take a look at this photo taken yesterday from the international space station. the fire has burned almost 161,000 acres. it's 20% contained. almost 4,000 firefighters have been sent out there to fight it. according to the last update this fire has burned 15,000 acres into yosemite national park. now, i want to show you video of half dome. this is one of yosemite's most famous landmarks. when the video pans to the left there, you can see where the fire line is. incredible. this is the southern edge of the fire. less than 20 miles from half dome. now, firefighters say there's no immediate danger to yosemite valley. a hotel and curry village. >> some firefighters have been staffed there to protect some rare trees. there are two groves of giant sequoias in the southern part of the park. some of those are more than 2,000 years old. now, firefighters say they are not concerned with other areas of the park that are on fire. that's because the flames are moving towards granite which will burn the fire out. the cost of the rim fire, creeping past $20 million. state lawmakers say $172 million was budgeted for the entire fire season and so far a quarter of that has been spent. we're only eight weeks into the fire season. the federal government announced yesterday, it would reimburse the state 75% of the cost of fighting the rim fire. you can get more information and more video any time of day on the fire on our website, just look for it under the top story tab right on our home page. 7:07. the countdown clock is ticking as well. tomorrow night, caltrans will shut down the bay bridge, the bridge that first opened more than 75 years ago. caltrans is making final plans for closing down the bay bridge at 8:00 tomorrow night. we're learning the new bridge could open up earlier than expected. the plan is for it to open shortly before dawn, tuesday morning, one week before today. it's looking more and more likely. traffic could be moving on the new bridge a day earlier. the new bay bridge could be open for business later in the afternoon on labor day shortly after a grand opening ceremony. in the meantime, local transit agencies will be helping bay area drivers and commuters get across the bay during the weekend bridge closure. b.a.r.t. will be adding cars and running trains all night long. there will be overnight stops at 14 b.a.r.t. stations all around the bay area during the bay bridge closure. ferry companies are also expanding service to help people get across the bay during the labor day weekend. you can get all of the details about the closure by going to our channel 2 website, we've set up a special section dedicated to the bay bridge. you can find it under hot topics at new this morning, a couple was robbed at gunpoint at a palo ail told post office. ktvu's janine de la vega joins us now with what police are saying about the robbery. >> reporter: well, the robbery happened in this parking lot on east bayshore road. we're told the lonby was closed at the -- lobby was closed at the time. the only other place to mail letters was at the dropoff. a couple came here when they were approached by a gunman. they called fln shortly after midnight whun they got home because neither of them had a cell phone on them during the robbery. the couple was mailing letters when two men drove up in a four- door dark-colored sedan. they demanned their property. the husband handed over his wallet and the suspects drove away northbound on east bayshore road. the victims were not hurt but the police are wanting to get a more detailed description of the suspects. right now it's very vague. they are searching for two black men between the ages of 20 to 30 years old. one was wearing dark clothing. the other one wearing a gray hooded sweat slirt and dark pants. because that's so vague, they are going to reinterview the victim so they can put out a sketch of those suspects later today. janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:09. happening today, prosecutors in the east bay may wrap up their case in the so-called dirty dui trial. a former contra costa county sheriff's deputy is facing seven counts of extortion and briary. prosecutors -- briberies prosecutors say the stings involve women looking for leverage against cases that involve their spouses. mario bellinghousen is accused of stealing $20,000 from a safe at the safeway where he used to work. now, police say bellinghousen new the code to the this safe and may have -- to the safe and may have been angry about losing his job. yesmith sandoval has been arrested as well. a fast-moving fire. what investigators are telling us here at ktvu about the possible cause. and signs the united states is getting closer to taking military action in syria. things are beginning to slow down on the morning commute. almost everywhere you look, we see slow traffic. find out what's going on in the city these first few days of the week. a nice tweet from the captain in hercules. blue skies, 60 degrees. we do have thicker fog out there. will this mean warmer or cooler temperatures? xy welcome back. chuck hagel says american forces are ready to strike syria if president obama gives the order. now, syrian -- >> yes. syrian leaders warn against the strike and russia is accusing the u.s. of making excuses to attack syria. as kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom, the situation in syria is intensifying with every hour. kyla? >> reporter: pam, we know the united nations inspectors pushed off their investigation until tomorrow, citing security concerns. they were supposed to return to the site of last week's attack. john kerry says the use of chemical weapons last week is undeniable. >> make no mistake. president obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people. >> reporter: senior administration officials say their goal is not to overthrow president assad but rather punish him for using chemical weapons, killing hundreds in syria last week. the u.s. navy deployed four destroyers. they launch would be missiles. the russian president vladimir putin chimed in saying there's no evidence that assad's regem used the chemical weapons. cnn says a new intelligence report about the use of the weapons in syria is set to be declassified at some point today. i'm working on that story for you at 8:15. live in washington, kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. two 16-year-old boys in washington state accused of the beating death of an 88-year-old world war ii veteran will be tried as adults. police say the attack on the man appears to have been random. now, they say the two 16-year- olds stole the man's wallet and then savidgely beat him -- savagely beat him. >> our information is the individual fought back and that may have, you know, made this a worse situation and then we would certainly encourage individuals to fight back. >> the man served in the army in world war ii and was shot in the leg in the battle of okanaga. 44-year-old rosa aldano died friday night in her marin city apartment. police say her 22-year-old son killed her. he was shot by police after getting off a bus in san francisco. his mental health is being evaluated now. so far no charges have been filed. the victim is survived by three other couples. same-sex couples in new mexico's largest county are able to apply for marriage licenses. the clerk's office in albuquerque has just started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. it comes after a judge ruled same-sex marriage legal in the county in a surprise decision. two other new mexico counties also allow sakes marriage -- same-sex marriage. >> sal, let's see what's happening on the roads. >> we do have a look at the traffic in san francisco. people trying to get their business done. it's been more crowded today. yesterday, was more crowded. i have a feeling tomorrow will be more crowded in the city as thursday and friday, the bay bridge will be closed and a lot of people just -- anecdotally, some people told me they are getting all of their business done in the city and then on thursday and friday many will be working from home, perhaps taking b.a.r.t. this is a look at the commute -- i like the way i refer to b.a.r.t. i would be taking some b.a.r.t. this is a look at interstate 880 northbound and southbound, the traffic looks good. we're looking at the east bay traffic here in the traffic on 880 southbound, it's slow from 238. very thick into the south bay getting towards south bay and also slow traffic this morning as you drive in the south bay all over the place. you can see 280, 101 and 85 are slow. 7:17. let's go to steve. >> that was good, sal. >> thank you, steve. we have some patchy fog out there. some of it is hugging the coast. santa cruz coast looks mostly sunny. some of the fog starting to move over the bay a little bit. most inland locations are clear, sunny. there's many, many signs saying warmer weather. even san francisco. i know there's areas where the pockets of fog are thick. i think we'll get sunshine here and a high of 70 in san francisco. a little bit above average for this time of year. let's do a last check on back to school. martinez unified school district, sleepy heads time to wake up. 82 degrees. a lot cooler lows than yesterday. that's for sure. we had a lot of 60s, mid-60s. sonoma county, 49. walnut creek, 52. san jose, 57. 56 in san francisco. a good, 5, 10 degrees cooler when travis goes under 10 miles per hour. that's a sure sign, they will be warmer. most areas say calm. sfo at 8. livermore also calm and san jose. everything is pointing toward a warmup even though the lows are cooler. we'll make it up later on. some of that fog there. it's hard to-pressed to move over the bay. tropical clouds and the rain in southern california has pushed off and thinned out. there's a lot more coming up from mexico. some of this later in the week might move up maybe help the rim fire. maybe. it doesn't look good until maybe the end of the week. today the wind is out of the west and turn more forkerer thisly. that won't do it. it doesn't look promising for that. 50 on the temperatures. up and down the coast dealing with some fog. the system will punch in. there's one coming in on the weekend. this will be -- it will be strong for this time of year. it's on the weekend. that's when we'll cool down. 60s to 90s. clearlake in there. chloe said it's a beautiful morning. i think 59. antioch, 91. oakland, 76. walnut creek, alamo, 86. santa cruz looks to be in the 80s. i think they are out of the gate with some already. 60s on the coast. san mateo, 78. 81 palo alto. woodside, 82. i don't see much change tomorrow. there will be pockets of fog. a little cooldown starts on thursday. maybe much cooler by sunday. heavy rain from tropical storm eva has left behind quite a mess in southern california. take a look. mud from flash floods stranded drivers in los angeles counties, antelope valley. some campgrounds will be closed up to two weeks. a cleanup is underway in parts of san francisco and riverside counties. 7:20. a marin county woman in very serious trouble. what she's aed while picking up children from school. a big discovery for police in a san francisco storage locker. welcome back. san francisco police recovered hundreds of stolen electronics from a storage lockerrer. they found laptops, tablets and cell phones after following several suspects to a locker on 7th and market. now they are trying to get the items back to their rightful owners. >> that's a really sick ter nally ill -- terminally ill woman who owned the ipod and they were able to get it back to her. >> the police plan to post the pictures of the stolen items to help find their rightful owners. sonoma county is one of six in california benefiting from a pilot program at a dna lab in richmond. the lab uses a groundbreaking new method of analyzing dna samples. it used to take months for sonoma county detectives to receive the test results. that time has been reduced to a few weeks. that's helping out in the investigation of rape cases and other serious crimes. new information about the number of cases given bus tickets out of town by a psychiatric hospital in las vegas. a new study found 40% of mental patients whose charts were reviewed were released from the hospital without any planning for their future care. last week, dennis herrera says he plans to sue the state of nevada for patient dumping. they may be one of the worst teams in baseball bub the oakland as, the american west rivals, the houston astros are reportedly one of the most profitable teams in baseball. "forbes magazine" says they are on track to make $99 million in operating income. the astros, meantime, they are disputing the report. the team released a statement saying some of the figures relating to their revenue, they are off base. they also say they never disclose their financial information. 7:25. and right now, the rim fire continues to control. mandatory and advisory orders are in effect. coming up we'll have a live report from the evacuation center in sonora. >> reporter: we're live in oakland where crews are beginning to board up a home gutted by an early-morning fire. we'll tell you how crews plaqued to prevent -- managed to prevent it from spreading to other homes. traffic is getting busier all over the bay area as we look at 280. take another look at this and show you how bad the backup is. most inland locations are already sunny. along the coast, we have thick fog. will it be warmer on the coast today as well? ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? 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>> there's no way you can prepare. there's no way to say i'm gonna do this now because this is gone. no. it's like doing a game plan. one step at a time. >> reporter: and again, this morning, there are about 50 individuals and families who are staying here after either a mandatory or strongly advised evacuation. there are are a lot of people here in the communities waiting to hear their fate. later at 8:30, we'll show you the big community meeting that was held and what firefighters told them. live in sonora, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. san francisco utility officials say water from the hetch hetchy reservoir is still safe to drink. the rim fire is getting close to the reservoir. firefighters are out there trying to protect it. some ash has been found in the water but we're told it's not affecting its purity. the hetch hetchy provides water to all of san francisco. now, as a precaution, waters have increased the amount of water being pumped from hetch hetchy to other reservoirs in the system. over the weekend, the big fire burned through a berkeley owned camp that's been out hear operating for 91 years. some of the people out there ain. t will never be the coming up for you at 7:46. the vigil from last night for that camp and how people are reacting after being evacuated just before the flames roared in. a nanny in marin county is accused of driving drunk on the way to pick up two children from their first day of school. police were called to the school on sir francis drake boulevard in kentfield after someone said they saw a car repeatedly hitting a school sign yesterday afternoon. officers say the driver is 46- year-old natalie wynn. she was arrested. the children were not in the car yet and were kept at school until their parents could pick them up. two federal agencies are locked in a court battle as they investigate the refinery fire in richmond last year. 15,000 people reported breathing problems after the accident at chevron's refinery last year. the two agencies have spent the past year looking for answers. but they have some major dibses on how to hand -- differences on -- on how to handle the situation. they are in a fierce legal battle in a washington, d.c. courtroom. contra costa county is stepping up efforts to prepare for the next refinery accident. the county will test the emergency alert system tomorrow. the test phone calls will go out to people who live near four refinery and chemical plants. the calls will start at 5:30 tomorrow evening and continue for a few hours. 7:36. the countdown clock for the new bay bridge, it's ticking. take a look at it. tomorrow night, caltrans will shut down the bay bridge that first opened more than 75 years ago. some commuters are excited about driving over the bay bridge. while others they are anxious over the closure over the next five days starting tomorrow night. brian flores in our newsroom now with the possibility, brian, the new span could open earlier? >> yeah, i just got off the phone with an official who said it's possible the bridge could open earlier perhaps on labor day but they say it depends on the final construction work completed when it closes starting tomorrow night. let's take a look at the old and new spans this morning. you can see the traffic moving on the old span. this time next week we'll be talking about the morning commute and what it is like on the new span, that is, if everything goes as planned. according to caltrans there's a still a lot of work to be done. bay bridge officials will continue to work on things like road deck preparation, lane striping, electrical work and moving barrier rails. the entire span closes tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. until next tuesday at 5:00 a.m. it's likely it could open before an opening ceremony scheduled monday afternoon. some others hope it opens earlier, too. >> i will pace myself. >> that's one reason why labor day is so important. historicically, the weather has been very good to us. >> expect heavy traffic on the other bridges as well which is why local transit agencies will help the drivers get across the bay during the closure. b.a.r.t. will be adding cars and running trains all night long. there will be overnight stops at 14 b.a.r.t. stations during the closure and ferry companies also expanding service to help people get across the bay during the labor day weekend. at this point, the bike/pedestrian path is also scheduled to open at noon next tuesday. in the newsroom, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> okay. well, caltrans has an optimistic progress report on the stress test on those bad bolts on the new bay bridge. >> the test started about a month ago after 32 rods on the new span failed. caltrans engineers say the bolts have held up well, only one of them snapped over the weekend. >> we did have one rod that was at the highest stress level that we put the bolts to which is 85% of the capacity which is more than they've seen in capacity. one of those rods did fracture. >> caltrans still wants to know how many of the 2200 already installed rods and bolts will need to be replaced. you can get complete details about the bay bridge closure by going to our channel 2 website. we set up a special section. it's dedicated to the bay bridge. you can find it under the hot topics section at well, now that the stage is set for september's america's cup oracle team usa has one more clal to face. an -- challenge to face. an international jury has been trying to figure out how three catamarans were altered with heavy fittings and illegal lead hidden in the boat's frame. the jury will hold hearings on thursday in san francisco and is expected to rule on whether individual oracle team members have engaged in any misconduct and whether they will be penalized. oracle team usa is scheduled to compete against new zealand starting september 7th. 7:40. it's the first week of classes in oakland schools. already educators are taking steps to keep kids in class. why the district says the absent students are not the only ones who miss out when the youngest kids cut class. caught on video. the new evidence police are looking to use to find the suspect in a walnut creek smash and grab. highway 4 is affected by an overturned car on bailey road. that's why traffic here seems so light because there is a big accident up the road. some pockets of thick fog, mainly up the coast. temperatures will warm up. we'll have that warmer forecast. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ welcome back to "mornings on 2." time now is 7:43. taking a live look at the big board, dow jones back down. it recovered a little bit of the early loss. it's down almost 100 points. nasdaq and s&p 500 actually down -- s&p 500, almost a full percentage point. and nasdaq even more. worries about the tensions in syria and that a strike could happen as early as this week. another stock to watch today, best buy founder is going to sell some of his stake shares down on that news. apple has a new plan to encourage you to upgrade. according to the tech site 9 to 5 map, they will launch a trade- in program. the program has already been in place for a few weeks at some of the apple stores. the 4 and 4-s could be worth as much as $400 toward the new phone and that new phone, they say, will be unveiled september 10th. u.s. regulators have asked executives of the new york stock exchange and the nasdaq to come up of a time line of last week's disruption in trading. so far the rival exchanges have been unable to agree on the details. this could damage investor confidence in the markets. the oakland school district wants more kindergarten kids to show up for school. the school district says 16% of all kindergarten kids miss more than 10% of class year. that's 60% higher than the number of all students in the school district who were chronically absent. teachers say it makes it harder for them to get a good foundation for learning. >> the more that they are truant, the more learning they are missing. >> my son's mom doesn't drive. we do the bus thing. i'm working. it's not easy for us. >> now, the school district officials say they know it's hard to get kids to school but the individual kids are not the only ones suffering. the school district gets $32 for every student in class every day. oakland schools more than $2 million last year because of the children who often missed class. students who are at the highest risk of dropping out are not being tracked as closely as they were. that's what a new study by an education reform group says. under the original no child no- child-left-behind law, schools report on learning levels by all students. but waivers from the current education department allow schools to stop reporting on some of the disadvantaged students. the campaign for high school equity says that could lead to less support for the students who need it the most. a big jump in the number of school districts that banned judge food in vending machines should decrease the number of kids with weight problems. but that may not be the case. 44% of school districts across the country do not allow sugary drink, candy and even chips on on-campus vending machine. that's up 14% from 2006. but the number of obese or overweight students is holding steady at 17%. now, we have a special back- to-school section at you will find tips for bal shopping. we have a -- back-to-school shopping and we have a lot of pictures there of our colleagues there. i just saw sal castanedo, one of his school photos. more coverage of the rim fire, which, over the weekend, bushed up the berkeley tuolumne camp owned by the city of berkeley. last night hundreds of people gathered for a vigil to remember happy days at that camp. ♪ >> the berkeley camp had been operating near yosemite national park since 1922. now the entire camp all of its buildings, they've been ruined in the fire. there's no one there when the fire roared through that area. the camp had been evacuated last tuesday. >> the sky was completely red. it was smoke and ashes on camp everywhere. it was really scary. >> last night, people at this vigil said generations of their family had been at that camp. they say it was a place to get pay way from cell phones and the internet. so far, there are no plans on rebuilding out there, but people say even if they did, the new camp just couldn't have the same character or charm. now, another bay area camp located in the fire zone is closed for the season more than a month early. the san jose family camp near groveland has no water because the well is damaged. now, the 70 tent cabins, about a dozen were burned. the camp lost equipment and supplies. in the next couple of weeks, the staff out there plans to take down fire-damaged trees from the area. you can get more information and see more video of the rim fire on our channel 2 website, just look for it under the top story tab on our home page. time is 7:48. let's get you to where you need to go now. sal, everybody behaving for you? >> well, in some areas. some areas are good. some bad. let's take a look at what we have now. we'll start with maps if we can take them. highway 4 at bailey road. we have a crash involving an overturned vehicle. that's just making a mess of the commute from antioch to baypoint. after that it looks good because a lot of people are held up. i want to move the maps over to livermore and -- it will be awkward. i will do that later. let's take a look at the bay bridge teep. the traffic is -- bridge toll plaza. the traffic is moving along relatively well. if you are driving to the toll plaza, the traffic is moving along nicely coming into san francisco. well, actually, after you get on the bridge. the toll plaza is slow. but once you get on the bridge, it looks good into the city. you will have to wade through 20 minutes of stop-and-go traffic. we also have traffic on interstate 880. moving along okay. no major problems here. the traffic continues to move along nicely as you drive up to downtown oakland. i want to mention on los pasetos road in livermore, there is a crash near bennett drive. the result of a high-speed crash that happened. four vehicles involved. just a big mess there near bennett. this is near 580 avoid the area. let's go to steve. a very good morning. some fog out there. a couple of reports of lighter drizzle sorts montera and pacifica. yesterday it was widespread. not the case this morning. although many inland locations are already sunny. thick fog for some. sunny and warmer for almost ev. i don't see much change tomorrow. morning clouds about the same. it does look cooler and breezy for the weekend. i will tell you, they are getting closer and closer. one more to dip farther south. could be rain in northern california. some of that thick, patchy fog and hardly a breeze. yesterday there was a delta breeze. santa rosa, a lot of 50s, 60s, 5, 10 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. some of the fog making a push on the bay. last check, some of the fog was not making it towards santa cruz. a little bit. there's always some around monterey. it's mostly sunny for the santa cruz coastline. a good day to sneak over there. a little bit of moisture is sneaking in toward the rim fire. the heavier rain is pushing off into arizona away from las vegas. partly cloudy skies moving towards the rim shower. there could be an isolated shower. there's a lot of moisture coming up from mexico. today, it looks like partly cloudy/partly sunny. 40s in the mountains. 50s, 60s, 70s through the intire year. las vegas's high yesterday was 76. coolest high since may 19th due toot cloud cover. there's only partly cloudy skies. for us temperatures warming up by the coast. the fog will burn off sooner. 50, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. livermore, 88. 86 walnut creek. alamo, danville, 86. pleasanton, 87. berkeley, oakland, alameda, low to mid-70s. santa cruz starting off with sun. 80 degrees there. sunnyvale, 80. 80s on the peninsula and palo alto. san mateo, 78. 73 san bruno and 70 in san francisco. not much change wednesday. it does look like a cooldown starts on wednesday. a bigger cooldown will take us into the weekend. 7:52. overnight, a newly released video game is proving to be a big hit with bay area football gance. madden 25 released -- fans. madden 25 released at midnight. there were long lines outthe door -- out the doors. feeding ducks at certain parks, that's a no-no. bay area city that could make that illegal and how the ban could help wildlife. plus, who you are friends with online could have an effect about how some lenders see your ability to pay your bills. walnut creek creek police hope extra surveillance video will help catch thieves that robbed the tiffany's at broadway plaza that happened -- that happened august 15th in the morning. it shows six people gathering in the parking lot. later two men are seen taking license plates off what police think is the getaway car. they are searching for three separate cars in the video. a truck, that truck was used to smash through the front door of tiffany's and then the thieves went in and robbed the cases. police say the victims of a home invasion in pleasanton may have been targeted after winning at a casino. the victims say three armed men broke into their on bernal avenue. police believe they were looking for a bag of cash the couple just won at a casino. police have not said how much money the robbers got away with. but if you have any information call pleasanton police. facebook is now worth more than $100 billion. just checking in on the stock right now, the price of facebook, trading at a -- a little more than $40.25 share. it's down about $1 a share today. increased nearly 2%, though, to slightly more than $41 a share yesterday. they jumped 55% so far this year. that's because investors are now more optimistic that facebook can boost sales from mobile advertising. facebook's stock sold for less than $18 last september. lenders may be judging you by the company you keep on facebook and other social networking sites. tech startups can check how often would-be borrowers interact with people who have bad credit, connection to people who don't pay bills on time can be bad for you. dealing with people who have high credit scores could be good for you. this information is used for people when people don't have an established credit history. apple has a new design for its new store at its flagship store. the building itself remains a tall cube of glass and steel. customers will enter on post street but now the side on stockton street will include a notch with a wide window and the fountain will stand among the steps leading to the back of the store. there's a picture of the fountain there. you probably recognize it. the original store design did not include the noun talk. it's studded with images of the 1970s. you have to take a close look at that fountain. 7:57. gunman at the post office, where this happened and what thieves may have been after at a bay area post office. and a deadly car crash in danville last night kills a 16- year-old boy and leaves two others -- two other boys injured. we'll tell you what we're learning about the students, what school they attend and what police are saying about the crash -- coming up. a crash in livermore city streets, we'll tell you what happened to make it such a violent collision. thick pockets of fog. inland it will warm up even though the lows were noticeably cooler. good morning. these are live pictures. san ramon valley high school. students are arriving for first day of school. as the sad morning. a somber mood there this morning. students are finding out a car crash last night took the life of one of their fellow students. we'll tell you more about what happened in a couple of moments. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is tuesday, august 27th. i'm dave clark. i'm pam cooke. thank you for waking up with us. tori campbell is a off today. steve, nice weather it sounds like. >> unless you don't like anything over 75. the tropical clouds thinning out. partly cloudy skies over the rim fire today. yesterday temperature 70s mainly low 80s. picked up a northerly breeze. 87 today. concorde 86. 81 san jose. san francisco has pockets of fog. it will burn off sooner. high temperatures above average. fog hugging the coast. 50s and 60s. we had a couple upper 40s in the north bay for lows. cooler than yesterday. you can feel clouds bumping up. they thinned outcome paired out out compared to yesterday to the south. today thick fog near the coast. >> four car crash. one person was ejected from the vehicle. it is going to be a big investigation. it is near first street in livermore in the area. it is a good area to avoid. livermore police told us they would be out there a bit. someone appears to be seriously injured. the person driving erratically was taken into custody. let's look at the bay bridge toll plaza. 25 minute delay shy of the maze. if you are driving san jose northbound 280 slow after an earlier crash has been move today the shoulder. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you very much. new information on a develops story from danville. a 16-year-old boy was killed last night in a car crash. it happened at 9:00 p.m. everyone involved in the crash attends san ramon valley high school. that's where alex savidge. today is the first day of school there. >> reporter: it will be a difficult first day of school here to say the least. as students return to class today learning about the death of a classmate. i spoke with a district spokesperson a few minutes ago. he told me there will be grief counselors on the campus today. the district activated the crisis management team. there will be support for students today as they come to terms with what happened late last night. three boys, all of them seniors, according to the school district at san ramon valley high school involved in a car crash that happened at 9:00 last night. one boy, a 16-year-old was killed in this crash. the car spun out of control and slammed into a tree. the 16-year-old passenger died at the hospital. a 17-year-old who was driving the car suffered broken ribs. a 16-year-old, who was another passenger had a broken leg. both of those boys survived the accident. this morning police are not identifying the students who were involved in this crash. a fellow student, i talked to with here on campus, told me about the boy killed in last night's crash. >> i did have a lot of experiences with him at the school. he was a great guy he is going to be really missed. he had a lot of good friends at the school. all i can say is he will be missed. >> reporter: two teenager boys who survived last night's crash are in stable condition this morning. police are trying to figure out what lead up to the accident. they say at this point there are no obvious signs the driver was under the influence or alcohol was a factor in the crash. classes began moments ago at the high school. i'm told by the district spokesperson, the school will be holding a moment of silence for the student who lost his life in this accident last night. and offering support for fellow students grieving at this point over the death of a classmate. live this morning in danville, alex savidge ktvu. two men with dead and another fighting for his life after an accident last night in burling. police in morgan hill say a former safeway employee has been arrested in the theft at the grocery store. san jose mercury news reports mario is accused of stealing $20,000 at the safe at the safeway where he used to work. he knew the code to the safe and may have been angry about losing his job. the other person in the picture has been arrested in connection with that theft. this morning police in palo alto are asking for the public's help to find a bank robbery suspect with bad hair. the robbery happened friday in a chase bank after the suspect passed a teller a note. suspect is 5'11", 160-pounds. has waist long brown frizzy hair. police are not sure if the suspect was a man or a woman. an early morning scare for a couple on the peninsula after they were robbed at a post office. janine de la vega is joining us live. >> reporter: the postmaster from here told me off camera they were surprised this was happening in this parking lot. this is an isolated area. some crime happens. it bordered east palo alto and palo alto. people cut threw here because it is easy access to the freeway. last night a married couple in their 50s came to mail letters. they were approached by two men with a gun. they demanded property. stole the husband's wallet and drove off in a newer model dark colored four door sedan on bay shore one. the couple was not injured. police are working to track down the suspects. >> we'll attempt to locate surveillance video and contact witnesses and reinterview the victims. see if we have any other same crimes in other jurisdictions. anything that might tie this together. >> reporter: victims may be able to provide police with a more detailed description. right now it is vague. they have a description of two black men 20 to 30 years old. one was wearing dark clothing. one was in a gray headed sweat shirt with black pants. they are hoping to talk to them so they can have a sketch artist sketch a picture of these two suspects so they can release it to track down the suspects. in the meantime police will step up patrols in the area. janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. san jose could be become the latest bay area city to ban styrofoam containers. it would apply to fast food chains starting january 1st. other food vendors would have to comply before next year. 70 other california cities already banned styrofoam. if approved san jose will be the largest city in the state to move forward with the ban. in palo alto the park commission is considering a plan to make it illegal to feed wild life or ferrel animals in places. a study found wild life is being harmed by the food. feeding poses a health risk to humans as well. the meeting is scheduled at 7:00 p.m. tonight at palo alto city conference room. a couple in hay word devastated. a dog they took to the city's animal shelter ended up being euthanized. they found the pomeranian and they took it to the shelter saying that is where they thought the owner would look. when the couple went back 11 days later they were told the dog had been euthanized because it didn't pass a behavioral test that the shelter gives all dogs to see if they are fit for adoption. all charges are dropped in a bizarre sexual assault case. clyde bird was arrested. his wife claimed he chained her to a bed when she was 9 months pregnant and assaulted her with a golf club. the judge threw out the charges and called the allegations rediculous. the judge was skeptical of the claim by his wife saying she was able to dial 9-1-1 with her tongue while hiding a phone under the mattress. prosecutors no east bay are expected to wrap up a trial that is called dirty. he is accused of taking bribes in exchange for setting up men for dui test. these stings involved women looking for leverage against their husbands in divorce cases. bay area activist plan to join a rally to call reaction to the governor's reduction plan. last week the governor said the state would have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to house them. now they are asking legislators to vote against the plan. cracking down in oakland on illegal dumping. how the city wants your help. they are trying to find people who are dumping trash illegally. signs that the u.s. is moving closer to taking military action in syria. good morning. we have a variety of problems out there. looking at some slow traffic on i-880 and big problems in the east bay. pockets of thick fog over the golden gate bridge. inland it is sunny and warming up. goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. on the air. in the air. welcome back. new developments this hour. obama administration is expected to declassify information about syria. it would detail evidence showing the syrian government was responsible for last week's deadly chemical weapons attack. as kila campbell reports from the washington, d.c. news room the pentagon says it is ready to strike syria. >> reporter: chuck heggel is working with allies and said the military is ready to act if president obama gives the order. four military are off the coast of the sea and preparing to launch missles. they target malicia training camps and command posts. the goal is not to overthrow the president but to punish him for last weeks attack. secretary of state john kerry said the evidence is undeniable. cnn reports officials will declassify a report as early as today. that report could include syrian government communications intercepted by the u.s. providing direct evidence that chemical weapons were used last week. images include satellite pictures of chemical weapon storage sites. house speaker john boehner said president obama should consult congress before any strike. they are on recess until september 9th. i called the white house to see if they would call back congress early but so far no one has gotten back to me. treasury secretary wants congress to raise the debt limit as soon as possible. treasury secretary said unless congress takes action the government will not be able to pay bills starting in october. it does not allow new spending but allows the government to pay for spending congress approved. tomorrow president obama will take part in a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. the president will speak from the steps of the lincoln memorial where martin luther king gave the famous i have a dream speech on august 29, 1963. the president was two years old then. george zimmerman's lawyer reportedly wants the state of florida to pay $300,000 of his legal fees. he reportedly said that last night. he says since zimmerman was acquitted state law requires florida to pay for his legal costs. zimmerman was acquitted of all charges including second degree murder for the shooting death of trayvon martin last year. a former child psychiatrist from san mateo was sentenced to eight years in prison for molesting five patients. he may have sexually abused 50 boys. many of those cases fell outside of the statute of limitation. the justice system referred children to him for decades despite getting complaints about sexual abuse. he'll be required to pay a $10,000 fine and he'll have to register as a sex offender. serious crash in livermore. >> it happened as a result of a high speed chase. livermore police spotted a vehicle driving erratically. they thought the vehicle was driving too fast so they called off the chase. but that vehicle got in a crash at bennett drive. four vehicles involved. we heard preliminary reports that one person was ejected from the vehicle. one of the people responsible for that crash was arrested at the scene. good area to avoid. livermore police department tweeted to avoid the area they'll be out there several more hours for the investigation. let's look at live pictures. westbound bay bridge is backed up to the foot of the mccarther maze. 20 minute delay there. in oakland northbound 80 is slow driving past the coliseum up to the brick wall. some fog. it is confine today the coast and pockets around the bay. overall inland sunny. cooler this morning. although the end result will be a warmer day. probably today and tomorrow. thick fog giving way to sunshine and warmer temperatures. about the same tomorrow. couple reports of brandon. a lot of the tropical moisture is thinned out. maybe partly cloudy skies over the rim fire. heavy rain moved off and calmed down. 50s on the temperatures. we had upper 40s and low 50s for a while hon the north bay. warming up now. upper 50s and 60s. ten degrees cooler than yesterday. fair field is under ten. that's a sure sign it will be warmer. higher elevations are five degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. stock market calm and livermore calm. that's an indicator it will be warmer today. high pressure is moving in. look at santa cruz looking good. temperatures warming up in the low 80s. partly cloudy skies filtering up. rain has moved off. plenty moisture is coming up from mexico. that bears watching on friday. 44 tahoe. they dip to 39 briefly. 50s to 80s for the interior. cloud cover thinning out over the desert. for us this system will stay north. stronger one moves in on the weekend. next couple of days look to be 80s and 90s. 60s, 70s and 80s closer to the water. temperatures slightly above average for a couple of days. looks like we'll settle in. one day cool down. next day or two a warm up. that's what we have. it will be a dip in the temperatures thursday. slight rebound friday. then it looks cooler. stronger system from the gulf of alaska and settled around oregon on sunday. one of the stars of breaking bad will play lex luther to the next sequel of man of steel. he signed a deal that includes at least six appearances in a variety of films connected to dc comics. this news followed the announcement that ben affleck has been cast as "batman" for the sequel. a lot of talk about that. surprising discovery in a san francisco storage locker. what the police found that could lead to more arrests. damage caused by vandals in a oakland playground and how parents are fighting back. we have a crash result of a high speed chase. other vehicles were involved. one person was arrested at the scene. one person was reportedly ejected from one of the cars. livermore police on social media are asking you to stay away from this area for their continuing investigation. now back to the desk. >> thank you very much. city of oakland is cracking down on illegal dumping. they want your help. they want you to take foers to videos of people dumping trash illegally like old mattresses, furniture and garbage through the city of oakland. groups will be working together to track down illegal dumpers and make them pay for it. here's how you can report illegal dumping in oakland. take photos of the vehicles doing the dumping. take photos of the license plate. if you don't have a femme raw write it down. write down the date, time and location. if it is happening at the moment call the oakland police department's nonemergency line. the number on your screen. >> they are children. what are they supposed to play with? it is just sad that they would do that and what somebody gets out of that i could not imagine. >> parents are collecting balls and jump ropes so the children can play while they wait for equipment. one local store donated money toward the cost of the new equipment. student in beneath, connecticut are going back to school at the zahn hook -- sandy hook elementary school. overnight the rim fire grew from 161,000 achers to 179,000 acres. coming up, we'll bring you a live report. we'll have more on today's fire fight and evacuations. >> reporter: we are live in oakland. police are not just fighting crime on the streets but the water as well. we'll explain coming up. >> reporter: high speed chase leaves one person injuried in livermore. find out why the streets will be closed in this area for the next few hours. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. looking live at the new span of the bay bridge. after tomorrow morning the commute across the bay will change forever. stay tuned. we'll have more on that coming up in a couple moments. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is tuesday august 27th. let's check weather and traffic for you. a lot going on. good morning, steve. >> good morning. we have a warmer pattern it looks like here. system is too far offshore to help too much. thick fog. temperatures yesterday cooled down. we had extensive drizzle in the morning. only a little bit this morning hardly worth mentioning. 80s for some. 70s yesterday. more 80s today near 90 far enough inland. san francisco dealing with some pockets of fog. we are going warmer. above average for this time of year. high of 79 degrees as fog gets chewed up by high pressure. had cooler lows this morning. most locations bouncing off the lows in the 60s. looks like to rain from southern california thinning out. partly cloudy skies probably for the rim fire. sunny and warmer weather. lighter breeze. patchy, thick fog. 60s and 70s and 80s. a few locations checking in the low 90s. here's sal. >> we have a serious accident in livermore. high speed violent collision at the corner of bennett drive. this happened after 7:00 when police were chasing a pickup truck. they chased it a while. they decided it was too dangerous. the car crashed anyway causing a violent collision. four cars were involved. that area will be closed. avoid bennett drive at las pocitas road. we have slowed traffic on 580 to dublin. road sensors show slow traffic all the way threw. 880 traffic is slow driving through the freeway. especially from 238 all the way down. give yourself plenty of extra time. let's go to some live pictures. i want to show you the bay bridge backed up for 25 minutes. san jose northbound 280 is recovering after an earlier crash. let's go back to the desk. we have continuing coverage of the rim fire burning in and around yosemite national park. that fire has grown to 179,000 acres. it is still only 20% contained. robert honda is there joining us live from a red cross evacuation center. robert, tell us about a community meeting that was held last night. >> reporter: i will. the red cross is already started on another busy day of feeding and providing shelter for people who had to evacuate because of the rim fire. and there are a lot of residents in the city and county of tuolumne that say they feel the same way. last night they filled the sierra bible church to get an update from the national fire service incident team. the deputy incident commander listened to concerned questions but reassured the audience even though the number of acres burned continues to rise, firefighters are making good progress in the main active areas around tuolumne and yosemite national park near the hedge reservoir. >> there has been a lot of efforts in that area the last several days. we are feeling confident about the structure protection that we'll be able to do up in that part of the fire. >> reporter: after the meeting many residents told us they feel reassured. >> it has been scary. never gone through this before. >> did this meeting help at all? >> absolutely. it really did. >> just being able to touch bases and know that there are so many people that are coordinating together for our safety. >> reporter: firefighters say that coordination has helped bring the containment level up to the 20% level. rim fire continues but so does the community effort. red cross is still housing 40 to 50 evacuees. with the help of the lions club dwelling out 600 meals a day to residents and volunteers. robert honda ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can get more information and see video of the rim fire at look for it turned top story tab on our home page. autopsy is being done today on a body of a woman killed by her son. 44-year-old rosa aldona died friday night in her apartment. she was stabbed multiple times but her 22-year-old son. he was later shot by police after getting off a bus in san francisco. no charges have been filed. police are evaluating his mental health. so far there is no word on a motive. san francisco police recovered hundreds of stolen electronics from a storage locker. police say they found laptops, tablets and cell phones after following suspects to a storage unit at 7th and market. >> i had no idea i would ever get it back. >> so it was a nice surprise? >> yes. >> police made three arrests with connections to the stolen items. they plan to post photos of the stolen electronics on their website to identify the owners. a nanny in marin county accused of driving drunk on their way of picking up two children on their first day of school. police were call today the elementary school in kent field after someone said they saw a car repeatedly hitting a school sign yesterday afternoon. police say that driver was 46- year-old natalie win. she was arrested. the children were not in the car. they were kept at the school until their parents could come up and pick them up. two federal agencies locked in a court battle as they investigate last year's massive refinery fire in richmond. 15,000 people reported breathing problems after that accident at chevron's richmond refinery on august 8, 2012. u.s. chemical safety board and epa spent the past year investigating. they have major differences on how to handle the investigation. they are now in a fierce legal battle in a washington, d.c. courtroom over getting access to documents and other issues. the county will be testing its emergency alert system tomorrow. the test phone calls will go out to people who live near refineries or chemical plants. calls will start at 5:30 tomorrow evening. they will continue for a couple of hours. new this morning, they fight crime on the streets every day. this morning oakland police are combating crime on the water. ktvu tara moriarty is joining us to explain. >> reporter: oakland police are not sure what they'll find on the water. whether meth labs, stolen property or illegal boats. once they zero in on it they'll be able to take care of business so the speak. joining me live is officer gordan. >> we are including the coast guard, almeida county sheriffs and almeida police department. we'll post vessels we'll try to get out of this area. we have to post boats have to get out within 30 days. if they don't we'll take them out of the water. we are using a depth finder to see sunken boats. we'll use this flair to see if anybody is on board. one thing we are worried about is while we are posting somebody might come to confront us. that's why we have these officers with us today. >> reporter: let's head out here. we want to show you one last thing jim will be using to pinpoint exactly people who should not be here who are. >> this is a radiation detector. it may not pinpoint folks. might be radiation on vessels sunken. this is a tool as we get closer to the derelict boats that might have radiation. that is precautionary thing. it is a tool we have on board to help clean this area up. >> reporter: thank you very much for joining us. officer gordan. we'll have more at noon. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. tomorrow night call trans will shut down the bay bridge that first opened in the 1930s. there is a lot of commuters making alternative plans for the next few days because the bridge will be closed for the final construction. we are in the news room this morning with important work being done today. >> when i spoke with caltrans they say this is their punch list or things that need to be get finalized before the bridge can officially opened. scheduled for next week now. as we look at the old and new eastern span this morning it is hard to believe it is getting to this point. this is the last tuesday you can drive across the old span. i have seen sentimetal tweets from commuter. bay bridge officials say crews will work on road deck preparation. lane striping. electrical work and moving barrier rails. bay bridge entire span will close tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. until next tuesday at 5:00 a.m. chp warning drivers not to go on the bridge after 7:00 tomorrow night so they can begin the closure process. there is a small possibility the bridge could open earlier. when i spoke with caltrans this morning they say it depends on the progress of the work done during the closure. some of the commuters we spoke with hoping the bridge opens earlier. >> for everybody on this side of town it is hard going around the other way or san rafael. >> i can't wait to have it done. as a commuter i'm coming in and out of the city. i would like to have it finished. >> reporter: expect heavy traffic on the other bridges during the closure. which is why local transit agencies will be helping bay area drivers get across the bay. bart will be adding cars and running trains all night there. there will be overnight stops at 14 bart stations during the closure. ferries are expanding service to help people across the bay during the labor day weekend. the other alternative, if you can work from home. lit take three years to complete the project. brian flores ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can get complete details about the bay bridge closure. we set up a special section under hot topics at a new high-tech system getting faster results for dna tests in sonoma county. they are benefiting from a pilot program at a dna lab in richmond. this lab uses a ground breaking new method of analyzing dna samples. it used to take months for detectives to get dna test results. that time has been reduced to a couple of weeks. topping out on the investigation of rape cases and other serious crimes. new information now about the number of patients that were given bus tickets out of town by a psychiatric hospital in las vegas. new federal study found 40% of mental patients whose charts were reviewed were released from the neil psychiatric hospital without any planning for their care. last week san francisco city attorney said he plans to sue the state of nevada over the alleged patient dumping. you might want to take a second look at your facebook friends. find out how they can affect your credit rating. >> reporter: difficult first day of school at san ramon valley high school in danville after a senior is killed in a car crash last night. we'll tell you what the school is doing to help his classmates cope with the death. good morning. highway 24 looks good heading up to the tunnel. busy in lafayette and livermore. temperatures will be warming up. how much and how long? welcome back to mornings on 2. want to take a look at the big board. dow jones has been down close to 100 points all morning. most of the concern here in the u.s. and around stock markets around the world across europe. concerns over the situation in syria as they get more tense this week. we'll keep an eye on that. facebook now worth more than $100 billion. we are keeping an eye on facebook stock. it has made a nice gain this week. it is down a little bit this morning. still more than $40 a share. it increased nearly 2% to $41 yesterday. shares jumped 55% so far this year. that's because investors are more optimistic that facebook can boost sales from mobile advertising. facebook stock sold for less than $18 last september. if you are applying for a loan lenders may be judging you by your friends on facebook and other social networks. tech start ups can check out often would-be borrowers interact with people who have bad credit. connections to people who don't pay their bills on time could be bad for your credit score. a lot of dealings with people who have high credit scores may be good for your standing. the credit tracker say that information is used when people don't have an established credit history. let's go back over to sal to look at the commute. i know there is a big problem in livermore. >> that's right. livermore traffic is affected at bennett drive because of a crash that happened after 7:00. high speed collision. pickup truck driving erratically. police stopped chasing it. unfortunately they got an injury crash at the corner. one person was ejected. 580 has been a mess. gets better in dublin. heavy traffic on 880 southbound out of 238 down toward union city. bay bridge toll plaza backed fun for 15 minutes at the toll plaza. it is going slow into san francisco. northbound 280 traffic in san jose is recovering. some patches of fog. plenty blue sky. the fog is getting squashed. only a few pockets of drizzle near pacifica. we see mostly calm conditions. that's a sure sign temperatures will start warming up. livermore in the calm. same for san jose and mountain view. some of the fog made it over the bay. it is retreating. looks good on the santa cruz coastline. a lot of rain on the desert in southern california thinned out. it will be better today. only partly cloudy skies probably for the rim fire. there may be a blessing from mother nature later in the week. tremendous amount of moisture streams north. 80s down in the desert. palm springs, las vegas held down because of cloud cover. it is better today. this system will sweep in here in a couple of days. we end up with 90s. 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s inland. areas in the 80s that were 70s yesterday. mid 70s for some around the bay. then 80. sunny dale 80 degrees. 60s and 70s san francisco. 80s on the peninsula. palo alto 81. not much change wednesday. a dip thursday as the low moves north. looks cooler for the weekend. other top stories we are following. this morning the rim fire keeps getting bigger at yosemite national park. it is 179,000 acres. it is 20% contained. 4,000 firefighters are out there helping to battle those flames. there are increasing signs this morning the united states is moving towards taking military action in syria. secretary of state john kerry says there is undeniable evidence the syrian government used chemical weapons in an attack last week. a 16-year-old boy has died after a car crash last night in danville. it happened on el captain drive. the young man was supposed to begin school this morning at san ramon valley high school. alex savidge is there this morning. i know grief counselors are there to help students with this. >> reporter: it will be a sad first day of school at san ramon valley high school. today the first day of classes here. 16-year-old boy who was set to begin his senior year will not be here today. he was killed in a car crash last night. two other students at this high school also hurt in the accident. they survived the crash. i just talked a short time ago with a fellow student who told me he knew all three of those boys. >> it is a rough day. you have to come back to there bag death. everyone is having a rough day. all of the seniors have to come back to this. they have to come back to their best year in high school as being a death. it is not a good feeling. >> reporter: this accident was last night about 9:00 on el captain drive in danville. 16-year-old boy was killed when the car he was riding in slammed in a tree. 17-year-old driver suffered broken ribs and a 16-year-old passenger had a broken leg. police this morning have not identified the boys involved in the crash. classmates are learning about what happened and a district spokesperson told me there will be grief counselors and crisis management team on campus today to help students cope. three boys involved in the accident were all seniors set to start their last year of high school today. >> they have grief counselors on campus for the first day of school is not the way you want to start. it is what it is. we have to go on and help people cope with it. typically you want to maintain a sense of normalcy. >> reporter: shortly after classes started this morning there was a moment of silence held for the student who died in last night's accident. two teenagers who survived the crash remain in stable condition in walnut creek. police are trying to figure out what lead up to this accident. at this point they say there are no obvious signs that alcohol played a role. live in morning in danville alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. >> our hearts go out to all of them. you can get an inside look at the new home of the 49ers today. guess what? you don't have to leave your couch. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. welcome back. now that the stage is set for september's america's cup or call team u.s.a. has one more challenge to face. international jury is figuring out how three america catamarans were fitted with illegal ledges on the boat frame. the jury are hold hearings on thursday in san francisco and is expected to rule on whether or call team members engaged in misconduct or whether they'll be penalize. oracle team u.s.a. is scheduled to compete against new zealand starting september 7th. new video game released overnight is proving to be a big hit with bay area football fans. stores experienced long lines for midnight release of madden 25. if you play it in 49ers mode you get a virtual tour of the team's new santa clara stadium. it is ticket tuesday. today three lucky viewers will win tickets to see journey and tower of power. tickets are monday, september 16th in san francisco. band says this will be a special hometown show. for you to enter go to before mid night tonight. and enter the secret record faithfully. secret word faithfully. >> getting closer to 9:00. let's check on the commute. >> we have been following this crash at livermore since it happened after 7:00. avoid the area at bennett drive for an investigation of an injury accident that happened after a high speed chase. a violent collision. livermore police would like you to stay away from that area if you can. let's take a look at the bay bridge. that is backed up to about the foot of the mccarther maze. 880 is slow. people are trying to get their business done this week in their first three days. thursday and friday the bridge will be closed this week and through the weekend. reopen on tuesday to the new east span. if that's the first time you are hearing it you'll be hearing it again a lot. this is 880 northbound and southbound. traffic is looking good. now to steve. >> thick fog. lots of sunshine for many areas including most of santa cruz coast. temperatures 70s and 80s. about the same wednesday. cooler thursday. okay friday. big time cooling by sunday. a roller coaster ride. >> that's good because it is creeping up for some people. that's our report for this morning. thank you for making ktvu your choice for the news. >> watch ktvu channel 2 news nows at noon for more on the efforts to contain the huge fire in the yosemite area we are here for you on ♪ too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste. hi, everyone. i'm beth trout man. let's take look at some great videos "right this minute." >> standing on the edge of a lava lake going where no man has gone before. >> this is neil armstrong kind of stuff. >> meet the man who faced 2,000 degrees of sheer danger. >> people have said it looks like you're standing on the surface of the sun and it might as well be there. >> he's asking you to go. >> incredible video as sailors spot a fishing boat in deep trouble. >> do you see the arm waving. >> the rush to rescue the crew when that thing sinks like a rock.

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Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130827 :

Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130827

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this is a live picture this morning from danville. a car crash taking the life of a high school student. a tragic story, as the first day of school is getting underway this morning. we'll have more on that story in just a moment. good morning. thank you for joining us here on "mornings on 2." it's tuesday, august, 27th. i'm pam cook in for tori campbell today. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. we're gone check weather and traffic for you. steve? >> we have pockets of thick fog. but nothing compared to yesterday when there was a lot of drizzle and low clouds went inland. hardly a breeze. temperatures will warm up after we get through some of the fog. most locations have sun. 84 in santa rosa yesterday. concord up 4 from 84. palo alto, 77. both checking in at 81. mainly 50s. look at santa rosa, 49. that's a huge difference. about 11 degrees cooler than yesterday. still some upper 50s and very low 60s but not the mid-60s that we had. 57, 74 go for a high today of 82 degrees. sunny and warmer. a lighter breeze. some patchy fog on the golden gate. overall, highs will come up. inland temperatures, a couple of low 80s to low 90s. here's sal. good morning, steve. we're looking at traffic slow getting into san francisco via the bay bridge. we're gonna look at traffic also that's going to be slow approaching the bay bridge. so we have a couple of slowdowns there that are going to be, for example, 80 and 580 and even interstate 880 will be slow as you drive through the area. also, we're looking at the traffic on interstate 80 in oakland. you can see this traffic here is moving along very nicely driving north and southbound. as we take a look at our maps, livermore valley, the traffic here, it's pretty slow. as a matter of fact, it's very slow all the way into the livermore area. in fact, it gets better after first street. back to the desk. we have some developing news in danville, where a 16- year-old boy is dead after a crash. it happened just before 9:00 last night. on el capitan drive. alex savidge is there on the scene of the accident with why today's date makes this more of a tragedy. alex? >> reporter: well, three teenaged boys inside this car, all of them set to start school later on this morning. now, police at this point are not saying exactly how fast this car may have been going. but some neighbors say that speed can certainly be a problem here on el capitan drive where this accident happened. you can see the results of the crash from late last night. this car spun out of control and the right side of the car slammed into this tree and also took out part of someone's backyard fence. a 16-year-old boy riding in this car was killed in the accident. it happened just before 9:00 last night. that 16-year-old boy pulled from the car by emergency first responders transported to san ramon regional medical center but he died there at the hospital. the 17-year-old driver of the car suffered broken ribs and a 16-year-old passenger had a broken leg. both of those boys are in stable condition at john muir medical center this morning and they are expected to survive. police are not saying what high school these boys attend but the chief told us they were all supposed to head back to class today after their summer break. a few minutes ago, i talked with the neighbor in this area who said he came home shortly after the crash last night and he told me drivers do tend to go fast here on el capitan drive. >> people tend to speed through here. they come speeding through here. at least twice people trying to negotiate this turn here since i've lived here in 12, 13 years. one guy almost went through my back fence there. >> reporter: now, police at this point, say there are no obvious signs that the driver was under the influence or that alcohol was involved in this deadly crash. but i do have a call into a police sergeant here in danville hoping to hear back at some point later this morning to find out if investigators are getting a better sense of the factors that led up to the deadly crash that left a 16- year-old high school student dead the night before the first day of school. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. more coverage this morning of the rim fire burning in and around yosemite national park. it is now the 13th biggest wildfire in california history. late yesterday afternoon, crews gained some ground against the flames but they are not out of the danger, out of the woods yet. we're getting a unique view of the rim fire for you. take a look at this photo taken yesterday from the international space station. the fire has burned almost 161,000 acres. it's 20% contained. almost 4,000 firefighters have been sent out there to fight it. according to the last update this fire has burned 15,000 acres into yosemite national park. now, i want to show you video of half dome. this is one of yosemite's most famous landmarks. when the video pans to the left there, you can see where the fire line is. incredible. this is the southern edge of the fire. less than 20 miles from half dome. now, firefighters say there's no immediate danger to yosemite valley. a hotel and curry village. >> some firefighters have been staffed there to protect some rare trees. there are two groves of giant sequoias in the southern part of the park. some of those are more than 2,000 years old. now, firefighters say they are not concerned with other areas of the park that are on fire. that's because the flames are moving towards granite which will burn the fire out. the cost of the rim fire, creeping past $20 million. state lawmakers say $172 million was budgeted for the entire fire season and so far a quarter of that has been spent. we're only eight weeks into the fire season. the federal government announced yesterday, it would reimburse the state 75% of the cost of fighting the rim fire. you can get more information and more video any time of day on the fire on our website, just look for it under the top story tab right on our home page. 7:07. the countdown clock is ticking as well. tomorrow night, caltrans will shut down the bay bridge, the bridge that first opened more than 75 years ago. caltrans is making final plans for closing down the bay bridge at 8:00 tomorrow night. we're learning the new bridge could open up earlier than expected. the plan is for it to open shortly before dawn, tuesday morning, one week before today. it's looking more and more likely. traffic could be moving on the new bridge a day earlier. the new bay bridge could be open for business later in the afternoon on labor day shortly after a grand opening ceremony. in the meantime, local transit agencies will be helping bay area drivers and commuters get across the bay during the weekend bridge closure. b.a.r.t. will be adding cars and running trains all night long. there will be overnight stops at 14 b.a.r.t. stations all around the bay area during the bay bridge closure. ferry companies are also expanding service to help people get across the bay during the labor day weekend. you can get all of the details about the closure by going to our channel 2 website, we've set up a special section dedicated to the bay bridge. you can find it under hot topics at new this morning, a couple was robbed at gunpoint at a palo ail told post office. ktvu's janine de la vega joins us now with what police are saying about the robbery. >> reporter: well, the robbery happened in this parking lot on east bayshore road. we're told the lonby was closed at the -- lobby was closed at the time. the only other place to mail letters was at the dropoff. a couple came here when they were approached by a gunman. they called fln shortly after midnight whun they got home because neither of them had a cell phone on them during the robbery. the couple was mailing letters when two men drove up in a four- door dark-colored sedan. they demanned their property. the husband handed over his wallet and the suspects drove away northbound on east bayshore road. the victims were not hurt but the police are wanting to get a more detailed description of the suspects. right now it's very vague. they are searching for two black men between the ages of 20 to 30 years old. one was wearing dark clothing. the other one wearing a gray hooded sweat slirt and dark pants. because that's so vague, they are going to reinterview the victim so they can put out a sketch of those suspects later today. janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:09. happening today, prosecutors in the east bay may wrap up their case in the so-called dirty dui trial. a former contra costa county sheriff's deputy is facing seven counts of extortion and briary. prosecutors -- briberies prosecutors say the stings involve women looking for leverage against cases that involve their spouses. mario bellinghousen is accused of stealing $20,000 from a safe at the safeway where he used to work. now, police say bellinghousen new the code to the this safe and may have -- to the safe and may have been angry about losing his job. yesmith sandoval has been arrested as well. a fast-moving fire. what investigators are telling us here at ktvu about the possible cause. and signs the united states is getting closer to taking military action in syria. things are beginning to slow down on the morning commute. almost everywhere you look, we see slow traffic. find out what's going on in the city these first few days of the week. a nice tweet from the captain in hercules. blue skies, 60 degrees. we do have thicker fog out there. will this mean warmer or cooler temperatures? xy welcome back. chuck hagel says american forces are ready to strike syria if president obama gives the order. now, syrian -- >> yes. syrian leaders warn against the strike and russia is accusing the u.s. of making excuses to attack syria. as kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom, the situation in syria is intensifying with every hour. kyla? >> reporter: pam, we know the united nations inspectors pushed off their investigation until tomorrow, citing security concerns. they were supposed to return to the site of last week's attack. john kerry says the use of chemical weapons last week is undeniable. >> make no mistake. president obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people. >> reporter: senior administration officials say their goal is not to overthrow president assad but rather punish him for using chemical weapons, killing hundreds in syria last week. the u.s. navy deployed four destroyers. they launch would be missiles. the russian president vladimir putin chimed in saying there's no evidence that assad's regem used the chemical weapons. cnn says a new intelligence report about the use of the weapons in syria is set to be declassified at some point today. i'm working on that story for you at 8:15. live in washington, kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. two 16-year-old boys in washington state accused of the beating death of an 88-year-old world war ii veteran will be tried as adults. police say the attack on the man appears to have been random. now, they say the two 16-year- olds stole the man's wallet and then savidgely beat him -- savagely beat him. >> our information is the individual fought back and that may have, you know, made this a worse situation and then we would certainly encourage individuals to fight back. >> the man served in the army in world war ii and was shot in the leg in the battle of okanaga. 44-year-old rosa aldano died friday night in her marin city apartment. police say her 22-year-old son killed her. he was shot by police after getting off a bus in san francisco. his mental health is being evaluated now. so far no charges have been filed. the victim is survived by three other couples. same-sex couples in new mexico's largest county are able to apply for marriage licenses. the clerk's office in albuquerque has just started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. it comes after a judge ruled same-sex marriage legal in the county in a surprise decision. two other new mexico counties also allow sakes marriage -- same-sex marriage. >> sal, let's see what's happening on the roads. >> we do have a look at the traffic in san francisco. people trying to get their business done. it's been more crowded today. yesterday, was more crowded. i have a feeling tomorrow will be more crowded in the city as thursday and friday, the bay bridge will be closed and a lot of people just -- anecdotally, some people told me they are getting all of their business done in the city and then on thursday and friday many will be working from home, perhaps taking b.a.r.t. this is a look at the commute -- i like the way i refer to b.a.r.t. i would be taking some b.a.r.t. this is a look at interstate 880 northbound and southbound, the traffic looks good. we're looking at the east bay traffic here in the traffic on 880 southbound, it's slow from 238. very thick into the south bay getting towards south bay and also slow traffic this morning as you drive in the south bay all over the place. you can see 280, 101 and 85 are slow. 7:17. let's go to steve. >> that was good, sal. >> thank you, steve. we have some patchy fog out there. some of it is hugging the coast. santa cruz coast looks mostly sunny. some of the fog starting to move over the bay a little bit. most inland locations are clear, sunny. there's many, many signs saying warmer weather. even san francisco. i know there's areas where the pockets of fog are thick. i think we'll get sunshine here and a high of 70 in san francisco. a little bit above average for this time of year. let's do a last check on back to school. martinez unified school district, sleepy heads time to wake up. 82 degrees. a lot cooler lows than yesterday. that's for sure. we had a lot of 60s, mid-60s. sonoma county, 49. walnut creek, 52. san jose, 57. 56 in san francisco. a good, 5, 10 degrees cooler when travis goes under 10 miles per hour. that's a sure sign, they will be warmer. most areas say calm. sfo at 8. livermore also calm and san jose. everything is pointing toward a warmup even though the lows are cooler. we'll make it up later on. some of that fog there. it's hard to-pressed to move over the bay. tropical clouds and the rain in southern california has pushed off and thinned out. there's a lot more coming up from mexico. some of this later in the week might move up maybe help the rim fire. maybe. it doesn't look good until maybe the end of the week. today the wind is out of the west and turn more forkerer thisly. that won't do it. it doesn't look promising for that. 50 on the temperatures. up and down the coast dealing with some fog. the system will punch in. there's one coming in on the weekend. this will be -- it will be strong for this time of year. it's on the weekend. that's when we'll cool down. 60s to 90s. clearlake in there. chloe said it's a beautiful morning. i think 59. antioch, 91. oakland, 76. walnut creek, alamo, 86. santa cruz looks to be in the 80s. i think they are out of the gate with some already. 60s on the coast. san mateo, 78. 81 palo alto. woodside, 82. i don't see much change tomorrow. there will be pockets of fog. a little cooldown starts on thursday. maybe much cooler by sunday. heavy rain from tropical storm eva has left behind quite a mess in southern california. take a look. mud from flash floods stranded drivers in los angeles counties, antelope valley. some campgrounds will be closed up to two weeks. a cleanup is underway in parts of san francisco and riverside counties. 7:20. a marin county woman in very serious trouble. what she's aed while picking up children from school. a big discovery for police in a san francisco storage locker. welcome back. san francisco police recovered hundreds of stolen electronics from a storage lockerrer. they found laptops, tablets and cell phones after following several suspects to a locker on 7th and market. now they are trying to get the items back to their rightful owners. >> that's a really sick ter nally ill -- terminally ill woman who owned the ipod and they were able to get it back to her. >> the police plan to post the pictures of the stolen items to help find their rightful owners. sonoma county is one of six in california benefiting from a pilot program at a dna lab in richmond. the lab uses a groundbreaking new method of analyzing dna samples. it used to take months for sonoma county detectives to receive the test results. that time has been reduced to a few weeks. that's helping out in the investigation of rape cases and other serious crimes. new information about the number of cases given bus tickets out of town by a psychiatric hospital in las vegas. a new study found 40% of mental patients whose charts were reviewed were released from the hospital without any planning for their future care. last week, dennis herrera says he plans to sue the state of nevada for patient dumping. they may be one of the worst teams in baseball bub the oakland as, the american west rivals, the houston astros are reportedly one of the most profitable teams in baseball. "forbes magazine" says they are on track to make $99 million in operating income. the astros, meantime, they are disputing the report. the team released a statement saying some of the figures relating to their revenue, they are off base. they also say they never disclose their financial information. 7:25. and right now, the rim fire continues to control. mandatory and advisory orders are in effect. coming up we'll have a live report from the evacuation center in sonora. >> reporter: we're live in oakland where crews are beginning to board up a home gutted by an early-morning fire. we'll tell you how crews plaqued to prevent -- managed to prevent it from spreading to other homes. traffic is getting busier all over the bay area as we look at 280. take another look at this and show you how bad the backup is. most inland locations are already sunny. along the coast, we have thick fog. will it be warmer on the coast today as well? ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. right now, get a 2013 chevrolet volt for around $269 per month. welcome back. you are looking live of what's left of a home in oakland. city workers now boarding it up after an early-morning fire. we'll have more on what happened there and what neighbors are saying about why that fire may have started. good morning. it's tuesday, august 27th. i'm pam cook. tori campbell has the day off today. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. steve is right over there. >> thank you. we do have thick fog on parts of the coast. some of that produesing a little bit of drizzle. not like yesterday. most inland areas are sunny. the highs from yesterday, we'll bump all of those up. 87, 86, 81, 81. this could be the warmest day of the week. lows starting off a good 10 degrees lower. 48 to 60. it won't take long to start warming up. i think most of the coast gets in on the sun later on. we'll see some inland temperatures in the 90s. 49 sonoma county airport. low 60s. a lot more 50s than yesterday. sunny -- sunny and warmer after some of that thick fog. there's a lighter breeze. away from the coast, you will find 80s and 90s. closer to it, 60s and 70s. here's sal. all right, steve. good morning. we're looking at the traffic getting around the east bay but also slow in the south bay this morning. northbound 280 is going to be slow all the way up into the valley. it begins to slow near the downtown exits on northbound 280 from ray up to highway 17 and all the way through to the valley. i want to show you some things on the map. you can see the traffic is going to be busy in the valley. do that again. there we go. kind of a wider view of the valley here. the traffic is not all that bad on 101, but 280 is a lot worse than usual. we had an accident northbound 2280 near the loirns -- 280 near the lawrence expressway. they are clearing that. that's why traffic is slow. the toll plaza traffic is backed up for a 25 to 30-minute wait. back to the desk. an early-morning fire at a home in east oakland and neighbors say squatters may be to blame. ktvu's's tara moriarty was the -- ktvu's tara moriarty was the first reporter on the scene. >> reporter: the flames were shooting 20, 25 feet up the roof. the firefighters had to cut a hole through the roof to let it breathe and they were able to douse it. one of the other challenges they had to deal with, a lot of these windows had been boarded up. right now, city workers are here and they are trying to close it up, so people don't get inside. flames raced through the house on 58th avenue on international just before 3:00. one distraught woman we spoke to was concerned her brother was still inside. firefighters found no one. nearly 40 firefighters were on scene. several neighbors called 911. one of them was sleeping next door when she woke up. >> i was sleeping. i woke up. i see a bright light in my room. i went to call my mom so she could call the fire department. >> reporter: the fire appears to have started in a back of the home. but the fire investigator has not said what may havic nighted it. crews found a number of mattresses on the floor. one woman who stays at the house said they do light candles frequently. crews had to cut through the boarded windows to let the fire breathe and get all of those hot spots out. damage is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. this house, a complete loss. live from oakland, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:32. we have continuing coverage out of the massive rim fire urn burning at yosemite national park. the fire has grown to 179,000 acres and mandatory and advisory evacuations are in effect. robert handa is joining us live from the red cross evacuation center ino >> reporter: despite the climbing number, there has been slow but steady progress being made on the rim fire. it will be still a long day for firefighters and emergency agencies. we're at the largest evacuation center in tuolumne county, the red cross shelter set up at the fairgrounds. even though the fire officials put the fire at around 180,000 acres and counting, there's some encouragement. they've been successful at protecting many structures. some say they may never get over the trauma of leaving their home behind. >> when you cont mate it and it's inevitable, you don't know -- contemplate it and it's inevitable, you don't know what to do. what are we gonna do when all of this blows over? >> there's no way you can prepare. there's no way to say i'm gonna do this now because this is gone. no. it's like doing a game plan. one step at a time. >> reporter: and again, this morning, there are about 50 individuals and families who are staying here after either a mandatory or strongly advised evacuation. there are are a lot of people here in the communities waiting to hear their fate. later at 8:30, we'll show you the big community meeting that was held and what firefighters told them. live in sonora, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. san francisco utility officials say water from the hetch hetchy reservoir is still safe to drink. the rim fire is getting close to the reservoir. firefighters are out there trying to protect it. some ash has been found in the water but we're told it's not affecting its purity. the hetch hetchy provides water to all of san francisco. now, as a precaution, waters have increased the amount of water being pumped from hetch hetchy to other reservoirs in the system. over the weekend, the big fire burned through a berkeley owned camp that's been out hear operating for 91 years. some of the people out there ain. t will never be the coming up for you at 7:46. the vigil from last night for that camp and how people are reacting after being evacuated just before the flames roared in. a nanny in marin county is accused of driving drunk on the way to pick up two children from their first day of school. police were called to the school on sir francis drake boulevard in kentfield after someone said they saw a car repeatedly hitting a school sign yesterday afternoon. officers say the driver is 46- year-old natalie wynn. she was arrested. the children were not in the car yet and were kept at school until their parents could pick them up. two federal agencies are locked in a court battle as they investigate the refinery fire in richmond last year. 15,000 people reported breathing problems after the accident at chevron's refinery last year. the two agencies have spent the past year looking for answers. but they have some major dibses on how to hand -- differences on -- on how to handle the situation. they are in a fierce legal battle in a washington, d.c. courtroom. contra costa county is stepping up efforts to prepare for the next refinery accident. the county will test the emergency alert system tomorrow. the test phone calls will go out to people who live near four refinery and chemical plants. the calls will start at 5:30 tomorrow evening and continue for a few hours. 7:36. the countdown clock for the new bay bridge, it's ticking. take a look at it. tomorrow night, caltrans will shut down the bay bridge that first opened more than 75 years ago. some commuters are excited about driving over the bay bridge. while others they are anxious over the closure over the next five days starting tomorrow night. brian flores in our newsroom now with the possibility, brian, the new span could open earlier? >> yeah, i just got off the phone with an official who said it's possible the bridge could open earlier perhaps on labor day but they say it depends on the final construction work completed when it closes starting tomorrow night. let's take a look at the old and new spans this morning. you can see the traffic moving on the old span. this time next week we'll be talking about the morning commute and what it is like on the new span, that is, if everything goes as planned. according to caltrans there's a still a lot of work to be done. bay bridge officials will continue to work on things like road deck preparation, lane striping, electrical work and moving barrier rails. the entire span closes tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. until next tuesday at 5:00 a.m. it's likely it could open before an opening ceremony scheduled monday afternoon. some others hope it opens earlier, too. >> i will pace myself. >> that's one reason why labor day is so important. historicically, the weather has been very good to us. >> expect heavy traffic on the other bridges as well which is why local transit agencies will help the drivers get across the bay during the closure. b.a.r.t. will be adding cars and running trains all night long. there will be overnight stops at 14 b.a.r.t. stations during the closure and ferry companies also expanding service to help people get across the bay during the labor day weekend. at this point, the bike/pedestrian path is also scheduled to open at noon next tuesday. in the newsroom, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> okay. well, caltrans has an optimistic progress report on the stress test on those bad bolts on the new bay bridge. >> the test started about a month ago after 32 rods on the new span failed. caltrans engineers say the bolts have held up well, only one of them snapped over the weekend. >> we did have one rod that was at the highest stress level that we put the bolts to which is 85% of the capacity which is more than they've seen in capacity. one of those rods did fracture. >> caltrans still wants to know how many of the 2200 already installed rods and bolts will need to be replaced. you can get complete details about the bay bridge closure by going to our channel 2 website. we set up a special section. it's dedicated to the bay bridge. you can find it under the hot topics section at well, now that the stage is set for september's america's cup oracle team usa has one more clal to face. an -- challenge to face. an international jury has been trying to figure out how three catamarans were altered with heavy fittings and illegal lead hidden in the boat's frame. the jury will hold hearings on thursday in san francisco and is expected to rule on whether individual oracle team members have engaged in any misconduct and whether they will be penalized. oracle team usa is scheduled to compete against new zealand starting september 7th. 7:40. it's the first week of classes in oakland schools. already educators are taking steps to keep kids in class. why the district says the absent students are not the only ones who miss out when the youngest kids cut class. caught on video. the new evidence police are looking to use to find the suspect in a walnut creek smash and grab. highway 4 is affected by an overturned car on bailey road. that's why traffic here seems so light because there is a big accident up the road. some pockets of thick fog, mainly up the coast. temperatures will warm up. we'll have that warmer forecast. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ welcome back to "mornings on 2." time now is 7:43. taking a live look at the big board, dow jones back down. it recovered a little bit of the early loss. it's down almost 100 points. nasdaq and s&p 500 actually down -- s&p 500, almost a full percentage point. and nasdaq even more. worries about the tensions in syria and that a strike could happen as early as this week. another stock to watch today, best buy founder is going to sell some of his stake shares down on that news. apple has a new plan to encourage you to upgrade. according to the tech site 9 to 5 map, they will launch a trade- in program. the program has already been in place for a few weeks at some of the apple stores. the 4 and 4-s could be worth as much as $400 toward the new phone and that new phone, they say, will be unveiled september 10th. u.s. regulators have asked executives of the new york stock exchange and the nasdaq to come up of a time line of last week's disruption in trading. so far the rival exchanges have been unable to agree on the details. this could damage investor confidence in the markets. the oakland school district wants more kindergarten kids to show up for school. the school district says 16% of all kindergarten kids miss more than 10% of class year. that's 60% higher than the number of all students in the school district who were chronically absent. teachers say it makes it harder for them to get a good foundation for learning. >> the more that they are truant, the more learning they are missing. >> my son's mom doesn't drive. we do the bus thing. i'm working. it's not easy for us. >> now, the school district officials say they know it's hard to get kids to school but the individual kids are not the only ones suffering. the school district gets $32 for every student in class every day. oakland schools more than $2 million last year because of the children who often missed class. students who are at the highest risk of dropping out are not being tracked as closely as they were. that's what a new study by an education reform group says. under the original no child no- child-left-behind law, schools report on learning levels by all students. but waivers from the current education department allow schools to stop reporting on some of the disadvantaged students. the campaign for high school equity says that could lead to less support for the students who need it the most. a big jump in the number of school districts that banned judge food in vending machines should decrease the number of kids with weight problems. but that may not be the case. 44% of school districts across the country do not allow sugary drink, candy and even chips on on-campus vending machine. that's up 14% from 2006. but the number of obese or overweight students is holding steady at 17%. now, we have a special back- to-school section at you will find tips for bal shopping. we have a -- back-to-school shopping and we have a lot of pictures there of our colleagues there. i just saw sal castanedo, one of his school photos. more coverage of the rim fire, which, over the weekend, bushed up the berkeley tuolumne camp owned by the city of berkeley. last night hundreds of people gathered for a vigil to remember happy days at that camp. ♪ >> the berkeley camp had been operating near yosemite national park since 1922. now the entire camp all of its buildings, they've been ruined in the fire. there's no one there when the fire roared through that area. the camp had been evacuated last tuesday. >> the sky was completely red. it was smoke and ashes on camp everywhere. it was really scary. >> last night, people at this vigil said generations of their family had been at that camp. they say it was a place to get pay way from cell phones and the internet. so far, there are no plans on rebuilding out there, but people say even if they did, the new camp just couldn't have the same character or charm. now, another bay area camp located in the fire zone is closed for the season more than a month early. the san jose family camp near groveland has no water because the well is damaged. now, the 70 tent cabins, about a dozen were burned. the camp lost equipment and supplies. in the next couple of weeks, the staff out there plans to take down fire-damaged trees from the area. you can get more information and see more video of the rim fire on our channel 2 website, just look for it under the top story tab on our home page. time is 7:48. let's get you to where you need to go now. sal, everybody behaving for you? >> well, in some areas. some areas are good. some bad. let's take a look at what we have now. we'll start with maps if we can take them. highway 4 at bailey road. we have a crash involving an overturned vehicle. that's just making a mess of the commute from antioch to baypoint. after that it looks good because a lot of people are held up. i want to move the maps over to livermore and -- it will be awkward. i will do that later. let's take a look at the bay bridge teep. the traffic is -- bridge toll plaza. the traffic is moving along relatively well. if you are driving to the toll plaza, the traffic is moving along nicely coming into san francisco. well, actually, after you get on the bridge. the toll plaza is slow. but once you get on the bridge, it looks good into the city. you will have to wade through 20 minutes of stop-and-go traffic. we also have traffic on interstate 880. moving along okay. no major problems here. the traffic continues to move along nicely as you drive up to downtown oakland. i want to mention on los pasetos road in livermore, there is a crash near bennett drive. the result of a high-speed crash that happened. four vehicles involved. just a big mess there near bennett. this is near 580 avoid the area. let's go to steve. a very good morning. some fog out there. a couple of reports of lighter drizzle sorts montera and pacifica. yesterday it was widespread. not the case this morning. although many inland locations are already sunny. thick fog for some. sunny and warmer for almost ev. i don't see much change tomorrow. morning clouds about the same. it does look cooler and breezy for the weekend. i will tell you, they are getting closer and closer. one more to dip farther south. could be rain in northern california. some of that thick, patchy fog and hardly a breeze. yesterday there was a delta breeze. santa rosa, a lot of 50s, 60s, 5, 10 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. some of the fog making a push on the bay. last check, some of the fog was not making it towards santa cruz. a little bit. there's always some around monterey. it's mostly sunny for the santa cruz coastline. a good day to sneak over there. a little bit of moisture is sneaking in toward the rim fire. the heavier rain is pushing off into arizona away from las vegas. partly cloudy skies moving towards the rim shower. there could be an isolated shower. there's a lot of moisture coming up from mexico. today, it looks like partly cloudy/partly sunny. 40s in the mountains. 50s, 60s, 70s through the intire year. las vegas's high yesterday was 76. coolest high since may 19th due toot cloud cover. there's only partly cloudy skies. for us temperatures warming up by the coast. the fog will burn off sooner. 50, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. livermore, 88. 86 walnut creek. alamo, danville, 86. pleasanton, 87. berkeley, oakland, alameda, low to mid-70s. santa cruz starting off with sun. 80 degrees there. sunnyvale, 80. 80s on the peninsula and palo alto. san mateo, 78. 73 san bruno and 70 in san francisco. not much change wednesday. it does look like a cooldown starts on wednesday. a bigger cooldown will take us into the weekend. 7:52. overnight, a newly released video game is proving to be a big hit with bay area football gance. madden 25 released -- fans. madden 25 released at midnight. there were long lines outthe door -- out the doors. feeding ducks at certain parks, that's a no-no. bay area city that could make that illegal and how the ban could help wildlife. plus, who you are friends with online could have an effect about how some lenders see your ability to pay your bills. walnut creek creek police hope extra surveillance video will help catch thieves that robbed the tiffany's at broadway plaza that happened -- that happened august 15th in the morning. it shows six people gathering in the parking lot. later two men are seen taking license plates off what police think is the getaway car. they are searching for three separate cars in the video. a truck, that truck was used to smash through the front door of tiffany's and then the thieves went in and robbed the cases. police say the victims of a home invasion in pleasanton may have been targeted after winning at a casino. the victims say three armed men broke into their on bernal avenue. police believe they were looking for a bag of cash the couple just won at a casino. police have not said how much money the robbers got away with. but if you have any information call pleasanton police. facebook is now worth more than $100 billion. just checking in on the stock right now, the price of facebook, trading at a -- a little more than $40.25 share. it's down about $1 a share today. increased nearly 2%, though, to slightly more than $41 a share yesterday. they jumped 55% so far this year. that's because investors are now more optimistic that facebook can boost sales from mobile advertising. facebook's stock sold for less than $18 last september. lenders may be judging you by the company you keep on facebook and other social networking sites. tech startups can check how often would-be borrowers interact with people who have bad credit, connection to people who don't pay bills on time can be bad for you. dealing with people who have high credit scores could be good for you. this information is used for people when people don't have an established credit history. apple has a new design for its new store at its flagship store. the building itself remains a tall cube of glass and steel. customers will enter on post street but now the side on stockton street will include a notch with a wide window and the fountain will stand among the steps leading to the back of the store. there's a picture of the fountain there. you probably recognize it. the original store design did not include the noun talk. it's studded with images of the 1970s. you have to take a close look at that fountain. 7:57. gunman at the post office, where this happened and what thieves may have been after at a bay area post office. and a deadly car crash in danville last night kills a 16- year-old boy and leaves two others -- two other boys injured. we'll tell you what we're learning about the students, what school they attend and what police are saying about the crash -- coming up. a crash in livermore city streets, we'll tell you what happened to make it such a violent collision. thick pockets of fog. inland it will warm up even though the lows were noticeably cooler. good morning. these are live pictures. san ramon valley high school. students are arriving for first day of school. as the sad morning. a somber mood there this morning. students are finding out a car crash last night took the life of one of their fellow students. we'll tell you more about what happened in a couple of moments. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is tuesday, august 27th. i'm dave clark. i'm pam cooke. thank you for waking up with us. tori campbell is a off today. steve, nice weather it sounds like. >> unless you don't like anything over 75. the tropical clouds thinning out. partly cloudy skies over the rim fire today. yesterday temperature 70s mainly low 80s. picked up a northerly breeze. 87 today. concorde 86. 81 san jose. san francisco has pockets of fog. it will burn off sooner. high temperatures above average. fog hugging the coast. 50s and 60s. we had a couple upper 40s in the north bay for lows. cooler than yesterday. you can feel clouds bumping up. they thinned outcome paired out out compared to yesterday to the south. today thick fog near the coast. >> four car crash. one person was ejected from the vehicle. it is going to be a big investigation. it is near first street in livermore in the area. it is a good area to avoid. livermore police told us they would be out there a bit. someone appears to be seriously injured. the person driving erratically was taken into custody. let's look at the bay bridge toll plaza. 25 minute delay shy of the maze. if you are driving san jose northbound 280 slow after an earlier crash has been move today the shoulder. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you very much. new information on a develops story from danville. a 16-year-old boy was killed last night in a car crash. it happened at 9:00 p.m. everyone involved in the crash attends san ramon valley high school. that's where alex savidge. today is the first day of school there. >> reporter: it will be a difficult first day of school here to say the least. as students return to class today learning about the death of a classmate. i spoke with a district spokesperson a few minutes ago. he told me there will be grief counselors on the campus today. the district activated the crisis management team. there will be support for students today as they come to terms with what happened late last night. three boys, all of them seniors, according to the school district at san ramon valley high school involved in a car crash that happened at 9:00 last night. one boy, a 16-year-old was killed in this crash. the car spun out of control and slammed into a tree. the 16-year-old passenger died at the hospital. a 17-year-old who was driving the car suffered broken ribs. a 16-year-old, who was another passenger had a broken leg. both of those boys survived the accident. this morning police are not identifying the students who were involved in this crash. a fellow student, i talked to with here on campus, told me about the boy killed in last night's crash. >> i did have a lot of experiences with him at the school. he was a great guy he is going to be really missed. he had a lot of good friends at the school. all i can say is he will be missed. >> reporter: two teenager boys who survived last night's crash are in stable condition this morning. police are trying to figure out what lead up to the accident. they say at this point there are no obvious signs the driver was under the influence or alcohol was a factor in the crash. classes began moments ago at the high school. i'm told by the district spokesperson, the school will be holding a moment of silence for the student who lost his life in this accident last night. and offering support for fellow students grieving at this point over the death of a classmate. live this morning in danville, alex savidge ktvu. two men with dead and another fighting for his life after an accident last night in burling. police in morgan hill say a former safeway employee has been arrested in the theft at the grocery store. san jose mercury news reports mario is accused of stealing $20,000 at the safe at the safeway where he used to work. he knew the code to the safe and may have been angry about losing his job. the other person in the picture has been arrested in connection with that theft. this morning police in palo alto are asking for the public's help to find a bank robbery suspect with bad hair. the robbery happened friday in a chase bank after the suspect passed a teller a note. suspect is 5'11", 160-pounds. has waist long brown frizzy hair. police are not sure if the suspect was a man or a woman. an early morning scare for a couple on the peninsula after they were robbed at a post office. janine de la vega is joining us live. >> reporter: the postmaster from here told me off camera they were surprised this was happening in this parking lot. this is an isolated area. some crime happens. it bordered east palo alto and palo alto. people cut threw here because it is easy access to the freeway. last night a married couple in their 50s came to mail letters. they were approached by two men with a gun. they demanded property. stole the husband's wallet and drove off in a newer model dark colored four door sedan on bay shore one. the couple was not injured. police are working to track down the suspects. >> we'll attempt to locate surveillance video and contact witnesses and reinterview the victims. see if we have any other same crimes in other jurisdictions. anything that might tie this together. >> reporter: victims may be able to provide police with a more detailed description. right now it is vague. they have a description of two black men 20 to 30 years old. one was wearing dark clothing. one was in a gray headed sweat shirt with black pants. they are hoping to talk to them so they can have a sketch artist sketch a picture of these two suspects so they can release it to track down the suspects. in the meantime police will step up patrols in the area. janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. san jose could be become the latest bay area city to ban styrofoam containers. it would apply to fast food chains starting january 1st. other food vendors would have to comply before next year. 70 other california cities already banned styrofoam. if approved san jose will be the largest city in the state to move forward with the ban. in palo alto the park commission is considering a plan to make it illegal to feed wild life or ferrel animals in places. a study found wild life is being harmed by the food. feeding poses a health risk to humans as well. the meeting is scheduled at 7:00 p.m. tonight at palo alto city conference room. a couple in hay word devastated. a dog they took to the city's animal shelter ended up being euthanized. they found the pomeranian and they took it to the shelter saying that is where they thought the owner would look. when the couple went back 11 days later they were told the dog had been euthanized because it didn't pass a behavioral test that the shelter gives all dogs to see if they are fit for adoption. all charges are dropped in a bizarre sexual assault case. clyde bird was arrested. his wife claimed he chained her to a bed when she was 9 months pregnant and assaulted her with a golf club. the judge threw out the charges and called the allegations rediculous. the judge was skeptical of the claim by his wife saying she was able to dial 9-1-1 with her tongue while hiding a phone under the mattress. prosecutors no east bay are expected to wrap up a trial that is called dirty. he is accused of taking bribes in exchange for setting up men for dui test. these stings involved women looking for leverage against their husbands in divorce cases. bay area activist plan to join a rally to call reaction to the governor's reduction plan. last week the governor said the state would have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to house them. now they are asking legislators to vote against the plan. cracking down in oakland on illegal dumping. how the city wants your help. they are trying to find people who are dumping trash illegally. signs that the u.s. is moving closer to taking military action in syria. good morning. we have a variety of problems out there. looking at some slow traffic on i-880 and big problems in the east bay. pockets of thick fog over the golden gate bridge. inland it is sunny and warming up. goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. on the air. in the air. welcome back. new developments this hour. obama administration is expected to declassify information about syria. it would detail evidence showing the syrian government was responsible for last week's deadly chemical weapons attack. as kila campbell reports from the washington, d.c. news room the pentagon says it is ready to strike syria. >> reporter: chuck heggel is working with allies and said the military is ready to act if president obama gives the order. four military are off the coast of the sea and preparing to launch missles. they target malicia training camps and command posts. the goal is not to overthrow the president but to punish him for last weeks attack. secretary of state john kerry said the evidence is undeniable. cnn reports officials will declassify a report as early as today. that report could include syrian government communications intercepted by the u.s. providing direct evidence that chemical weapons were used last week. images include satellite pictures of chemical weapon storage sites. house speaker john boehner said president obama should consult congress before any strike. they are on recess until september 9th. i called the white house to see if they would call back congress early but so far no one has gotten back to me. treasury secretary wants congress to raise the debt limit as soon as possible. treasury secretary said unless congress takes action the government will not be able to pay bills starting in october. it does not allow new spending but allows the government to pay for spending congress approved. tomorrow president obama will take part in a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. the president will speak from the steps of the lincoln memorial where martin luther king gave the famous i have a dream speech on august 29, 1963. the president was two years old then. george zimmerman's lawyer reportedly wants the state of florida to pay $300,000 of his legal fees. he reportedly said that last night. he says since zimmerman was acquitted state law requires florida to pay for his legal costs. zimmerman was acquitted of all charges including second degree murder for the shooting death of trayvon martin last year. a former child psychiatrist from san mateo was sentenced to eight years in prison for molesting five patients. he may have sexually abused 50 boys. many of those cases fell outside of the statute of limitation. the justice system referred children to him for decades despite getting complaints about sexual abuse. he'll be required to pay a $10,000 fine and he'll have to register as a sex offender. serious crash in livermore. >> it happened as a result of a high speed chase. livermore police spotted a vehicle driving erratically. they thought the vehicle was driving too fast so they called off the chase. but that vehicle got in a crash at bennett drive. four vehicles involved. we heard preliminary reports that one person was ejected from the vehicle. one of the people responsible for that crash was arrested at the scene. good area to avoid. livermore police department tweeted to avoid the area they'll be out there several more hours for the investigation. let's look at live pictures. westbound bay bridge is backed up to the foot of the mccarther maze. 20 minute delay there. in oakland northbound 80 is slow driving past the coliseum up to the brick wall. some fog. it is confine today the coast and pockets around the bay. overall inland sunny. cooler this morning. although the end result will be a warmer day. probably today and tomorrow. thick fog giving way to sunshine and warmer temperatures. about the same tomorrow. couple reports of brandon. a lot of the tropical moisture is thinned out. maybe partly cloudy skies over the rim fire. heavy rain moved off and calmed down. 50s on the temperatures. we had upper 40s and low 50s for a while hon the north bay. warming up now. upper 50s and 60s. ten degrees cooler than yesterday. fair field is under ten. that's a sure sign it will be warmer. higher elevations are five degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. stock market calm and livermore calm. that's an indicator it will be warmer today. high pressure is moving in. look at santa cruz looking good. temperatures warming up in the low 80s. partly cloudy skies filtering up. rain has moved off. plenty moisture is coming up from mexico. that bears watching on friday. 44 tahoe. they dip to 39 briefly. 50s to 80s for the interior. cloud cover thinning out over the desert. for us this system will stay north. stronger one moves in on the weekend. next couple of days look to be 80s and 90s. 60s, 70s and 80s closer to the water. temperatures slightly above average for a couple of days. looks like we'll settle in. one day cool down. next day or two a warm up. that's what we have. it will be a dip in the temperatures thursday. slight rebound friday. then it looks cooler. stronger system from the gulf of alaska and settled around oregon on sunday. one of the stars of breaking bad will play lex luther to the next sequel of man of steel. he signed a deal that includes at least six appearances in a variety of films connected to dc comics. this news followed the announcement that ben affleck has been cast as "batman" for the sequel. a lot of talk about that. surprising discovery in a san francisco storage locker. what the police found that could lead to more arrests. damage caused by vandals in a oakland playground and how parents are fighting back. we have a crash result of a high speed chase. other vehicles were involved. one person was arrested at the scene. one person was reportedly ejected from one of the cars. livermore police on social media are asking you to stay away from this area for their continuing investigation. now back to the desk. >> thank you very much. city of oakland is cracking down on illegal dumping. they want your help. they want you to take foers to videos of people dumping trash illegally like old mattresses, furniture and garbage through the city of oakland. groups will be working together to track down illegal dumpers and make them pay for it. here's how you can report illegal dumping in oakland. take photos of the vehicles doing the dumping. take photos of the license plate. if you don't have a femme raw write it down. write down the date, time and location. if it is happening at the moment call the oakland police department's nonemergency line. the number on your screen. >> they are children. what are they supposed to play with? it is just sad that they would do that and what somebody gets out of that i could not imagine. >> parents are collecting balls and jump ropes so the children can play while they wait for equipment. one local store donated money toward the cost of the new equipment. student in beneath, connecticut are going back to school at the zahn hook -- sandy hook elementary school. overnight the rim fire grew from 161,000 achers to 179,000 acres. coming up, we'll bring you a live report. we'll have more on today's fire fight and evacuations. >> reporter: we are live in oakland. police are not just fighting crime on the streets but the water as well. we'll explain coming up. >> reporter: high speed chase leaves one person injuried in livermore. find out why the streets will be closed in this area for the next few hours. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. looking live at the new span of the bay bridge. after tomorrow morning the commute across the bay will change forever. stay tuned. we'll have more on that coming up in a couple moments. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is tuesday august 27th. let's check weather and traffic for you. a lot going on. good morning, steve. >> good morning. we have a warmer pattern it looks like here. system is too far offshore to help too much. thick fog. temperatures yesterday cooled down. we had extensive drizzle in the morning. only a little bit this morning hardly worth mentioning. 80s for some. 70s yesterday. more 80s today near 90 far enough inland. san francisco dealing with some pockets of fog. we are going warmer. above average for this time of year. high of 79 degrees as fog gets chewed up by high pressure. had cooler lows this morning. most locations bouncing off the lows in the 60s. looks like to rain from southern california thinning out. partly cloudy skies probably for the rim fire. sunny and warmer weather. lighter breeze. patchy, thick fog. 60s and 70s and 80s. a few locations checking in the low 90s. here's sal. >> we have a serious accident in livermore. high speed violent collision at the corner of bennett drive. this happened after 7:00 when police were chasing a pickup truck. they chased it a while. they decided it was too dangerous. the car crashed anyway causing a violent collision. four cars were involved. that area will be closed. avoid bennett drive at las pocitas road. we have slowed traffic on 580 to dublin. road sensors show slow traffic all the way threw. 880 traffic is slow driving through the freeway. especially from 238 all the way down. give yourself plenty of extra time. let's go to some live pictures. i want to show you the bay bridge backed up for 25 minutes. san jose northbound 280 is recovering after an earlier crash. let's go back to the desk. we have continuing coverage of the rim fire burning in and around yosemite national park. that fire has grown to 179,000 acres. it is still only 20% contained. robert honda is there joining us live from a red cross evacuation center. robert, tell us about a community meeting that was held last night. >> reporter: i will. the red cross is already started on another busy day of feeding and providing shelter for people who had to evacuate because of the rim fire. and there are a lot of residents in the city and county of tuolumne that say they feel the same way. last night they filled the sierra bible church to get an update from the national fire service incident team. the deputy incident commander listened to concerned questions but reassured the audience even though the number of acres burned continues to rise, firefighters are making good progress in the main active areas around tuolumne and yosemite national park near the hedge reservoir. >> there has been a lot of efforts in that area the last several days. we are feeling confident about the structure protection that we'll be able to do up in that part of the fire. >> reporter: after the meeting many residents told us they feel reassured. >> it has been scary. never gone through this before. >> did this meeting help at all? >> absolutely. it really did. >> just being able to touch bases and know that there are so many people that are coordinating together for our safety. >> reporter: firefighters say that coordination has helped bring the containment level up to the 20% level. rim fire continues but so does the community effort. red cross is still housing 40 to 50 evacuees. with the help of the lions club dwelling out 600 meals a day to residents and volunteers. robert honda ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can get more information and see video of the rim fire at look for it turned top story tab on our home page. autopsy is being done today on a body of a woman killed by her son. 44-year-old rosa aldona died friday night in her apartment. she was stabbed multiple times but her 22-year-old son. he was later shot by police after getting off a bus in san francisco. no charges have been filed. police are evaluating his mental health. so far there is no word on a motive. san francisco police recovered hundreds of stolen electronics from a storage locker. police say they found laptops, tablets and cell phones after following suspects to a storage unit at 7th and market. >> i had no idea i would ever get it back. >> so it was a nice surprise? >> yes. >> police made three arrests with connections to the stolen items. they plan to post photos of the stolen electronics on their website to identify the owners. a nanny in marin county accused of driving drunk on their way of picking up two children on their first day of school. police were call today the elementary school in kent field after someone said they saw a car repeatedly hitting a school sign yesterday afternoon. police say that driver was 46- year-old natalie win. she was arrested. the children were not in the car. they were kept at the school until their parents could come up and pick them up. two federal agencies locked in a court battle as they investigate last year's massive refinery fire in richmond. 15,000 people reported breathing problems after that accident at chevron's richmond refinery on august 8, 2012. u.s. chemical safety board and epa spent the past year investigating. they have major differences on how to handle the investigation. they are now in a fierce legal battle in a washington, d.c. courtroom over getting access to documents and other issues. the county will be testing its emergency alert system tomorrow. the test phone calls will go out to people who live near refineries or chemical plants. calls will start at 5:30 tomorrow evening. they will continue for a couple of hours. new this morning, they fight crime on the streets every day. this morning oakland police are combating crime on the water. ktvu tara moriarty is joining us to explain. >> reporter: oakland police are not sure what they'll find on the water. whether meth labs, stolen property or illegal boats. once they zero in on it they'll be able to take care of business so the speak. joining me live is officer gordan. >> we are including the coast guard, almeida county sheriffs and almeida police department. we'll post vessels we'll try to get out of this area. we have to post boats have to get out within 30 days. if they don't we'll take them out of the water. we are using a depth finder to see sunken boats. we'll use this flair to see if anybody is on board. one thing we are worried about is while we are posting somebody might come to confront us. that's why we have these officers with us today. >> reporter: let's head out here. we want to show you one last thing jim will be using to pinpoint exactly people who should not be here who are. >> this is a radiation detector. it may not pinpoint folks. might be radiation on vessels sunken. this is a tool as we get closer to the derelict boats that might have radiation. that is precautionary thing. it is a tool we have on board to help clean this area up. >> reporter: thank you very much for joining us. officer gordan. we'll have more at noon. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. tomorrow night call trans will shut down the bay bridge that first opened in the 1930s. there is a lot of commuters making alternative plans for the next few days because the bridge will be closed for the final construction. we are in the news room this morning with important work being done today. >> when i spoke with caltrans they say this is their punch list or things that need to be get finalized before the bridge can officially opened. scheduled for next week now. as we look at the old and new eastern span this morning it is hard to believe it is getting to this point. this is the last tuesday you can drive across the old span. i have seen sentimetal tweets from commuter. bay bridge officials say crews will work on road deck preparation. lane striping. electrical work and moving barrier rails. bay bridge entire span will close tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. until next tuesday at 5:00 a.m. chp warning drivers not to go on the bridge after 7:00 tomorrow night so they can begin the closure process. there is a small possibility the bridge could open earlier. when i spoke with caltrans this morning they say it depends on the progress of the work done during the closure. some of the commuters we spoke with hoping the bridge opens earlier. >> for everybody on this side of town it is hard going around the other way or san rafael. >> i can't wait to have it done. as a commuter i'm coming in and out of the city. i would like to have it finished. >> reporter: expect heavy traffic on the other bridges during the closure. which is why local transit agencies will be helping bay area drivers get across the bay. bart will be adding cars and running trains all night there. there will be overnight stops at 14 bart stations during the closure. ferries are expanding service to help people across the bay during the labor day weekend. the other alternative, if you can work from home. lit take three years to complete the project. brian flores ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can get complete details about the bay bridge closure. we set up a special section under hot topics at a new high-tech system getting faster results for dna tests in sonoma county. they are benefiting from a pilot program at a dna lab in richmond. this lab uses a ground breaking new method of analyzing dna samples. it used to take months for detectives to get dna test results. that time has been reduced to a couple of weeks. topping out on the investigation of rape cases and other serious crimes. new information now about the number of patients that were given bus tickets out of town by a psychiatric hospital in las vegas. new federal study found 40% of mental patients whose charts were reviewed were released from the neil psychiatric hospital without any planning for their care. last week san francisco city attorney said he plans to sue the state of nevada over the alleged patient dumping. you might want to take a second look at your facebook friends. find out how they can affect your credit rating. >> reporter: difficult first day of school at san ramon valley high school in danville after a senior is killed in a car crash last night. we'll tell you what the school is doing to help his classmates cope with the death. good morning. highway 24 looks good heading up to the tunnel. busy in lafayette and livermore. temperatures will be warming up. how much and how long? welcome back to mornings on 2. want to take a look at the big board. dow jones has been down close to 100 points all morning. most of the concern here in the u.s. and around stock markets around the world across europe. concerns over the situation in syria as they get more tense this week. we'll keep an eye on that. facebook now worth more than $100 billion. we are keeping an eye on facebook stock. it has made a nice gain this week. it is down a little bit this morning. still more than $40 a share. it increased nearly 2% to $41 yesterday. shares jumped 55% so far this year. that's because investors are more optimistic that facebook can boost sales from mobile advertising. facebook stock sold for less than $18 last september. if you are applying for a loan lenders may be judging you by your friends on facebook and other social networks. tech start ups can check out often would-be borrowers interact with people who have bad credit. connections to people who don't pay their bills on time could be bad for your credit score. a lot of dealings with people who have high credit scores may be good for your standing. the credit tracker say that information is used when people don't have an established credit history. let's go back over to sal to look at the commute. i know there is a big problem in livermore. >> that's right. livermore traffic is affected at bennett drive because of a crash that happened after 7:00. high speed collision. pickup truck driving erratically. police stopped chasing it. unfortunately they got an injury crash at the corner. one person was ejected. 580 has been a mess. gets better in dublin. heavy traffic on 880 southbound out of 238 down toward union city. bay bridge toll plaza backed fun for 15 minutes at the toll plaza. it is going slow into san francisco. northbound 280 traffic in san jose is recovering. some patches of fog. plenty blue sky. the fog is getting squashed. only a few pockets of drizzle near pacifica. we see mostly calm conditions. that's a sure sign temperatures will start warming up. livermore in the calm. same for san jose and mountain view. some of the fog made it over the bay. it is retreating. looks good on the santa cruz coastline. a lot of rain on the desert in southern california thinned out. it will be better today. only partly cloudy skies probably for the rim fire. there may be a blessing from mother nature later in the week. tremendous amount of moisture streams north. 80s down in the desert. palm springs, las vegas held down because of cloud cover. it is better today. this system will sweep in here in a couple of days. we end up with 90s. 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s inland. areas in the 80s that were 70s yesterday. mid 70s for some around the bay. then 80. sunny dale 80 degrees. 60s and 70s san francisco. 80s on the peninsula. palo alto 81. not much change wednesday. a dip thursday as the low moves north. looks cooler for the weekend. other top stories we are following. this morning the rim fire keeps getting bigger at yosemite national park. it is 179,000 acres. it is 20% contained. 4,000 firefighters are out there helping to battle those flames. there are increasing signs this morning the united states is moving towards taking military action in syria. secretary of state john kerry says there is undeniable evidence the syrian government used chemical weapons in an attack last week. a 16-year-old boy has died after a car crash last night in danville. it happened on el captain drive. the young man was supposed to begin school this morning at san ramon valley high school. alex savidge is there this morning. i know grief counselors are there to help students with this. >> reporter: it will be a sad first day of school at san ramon valley high school. today the first day of classes here. 16-year-old boy who was set to begin his senior year will not be here today. he was killed in a car crash last night. two other students at this high school also hurt in the accident. they survived the crash. i just talked a short time ago with a fellow student who told me he knew all three of those boys. >> it is a rough day. you have to come back to there bag death. everyone is having a rough day. all of the seniors have to come back to this. they have to come back to their best year in high school as being a death. it is not a good feeling. >> reporter: this accident was last night about 9:00 on el captain drive in danville. 16-year-old boy was killed when the car he was riding in slammed in a tree. 17-year-old driver suffered broken ribs and a 16-year-old passenger had a broken leg. police this morning have not identified the boys involved in the crash. classmates are learning about what happened and a district spokesperson told me there will be grief counselors and crisis management team on campus today to help students cope. three boys involved in the accident were all seniors set to start their last year of high school today. >> they have grief counselors on campus for the first day of school is not the way you want to start. it is what it is. we have to go on and help people cope with it. typically you want to maintain a sense of normalcy. >> reporter: shortly after classes started this morning there was a moment of silence held for the student who died in last night's accident. two teenagers who survived the crash remain in stable condition in walnut creek. police are trying to figure out what lead up to this accident. at this point they say there are no obvious signs that alcohol played a role. live in morning in danville alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. >> our hearts go out to all of them. you can get an inside look at the new home of the 49ers today. guess what? you don't have to leave your couch. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. welcome back. now that the stage is set for september's america's cup or call team u.s.a. has one more challenge to face. international jury is figuring out how three america catamarans were fitted with illegal ledges on the boat frame. the jury are hold hearings on thursday in san francisco and is expected to rule on whether or call team members engaged in misconduct or whether they'll be penalize. oracle team u.s.a. is scheduled to compete against new zealand starting september 7th. new video game released overnight is proving to be a big hit with bay area football fans. stores experienced long lines for midnight release of madden 25. if you play it in 49ers mode you get a virtual tour of the team's new santa clara stadium. it is ticket tuesday. today three lucky viewers will win tickets to see journey and tower of power. tickets are monday, september 16th in san francisco. band says this will be a special hometown show. for you to enter go to before mid night tonight. and enter the secret record faithfully. secret word faithfully. >> getting closer to 9:00. let's check on the commute. >> we have been following this crash at livermore since it happened after 7:00. avoid the area at bennett drive for an investigation of an injury accident that happened after a high speed chase. a violent collision. livermore police would like you to stay away from that area if you can. let's take a look at the bay bridge. that is backed up to about the foot of the mccarther maze. 880 is slow. people are trying to get their business done this week in their first three days. thursday and friday the bridge will be closed this week and through the weekend. reopen on tuesday to the new east span. if that's the first time you are hearing it you'll be hearing it again a lot. this is 880 northbound and southbound. traffic is looking good. now to steve. >> thick fog. lots of sunshine for many areas including most of santa cruz coast. temperatures 70s and 80s. about the same wednesday. cooler thursday. okay friday. big time cooling by sunday. a roller coaster ride. >> that's good because it is creeping up for some people. that's our report for this morning. thank you for making ktvu your choice for the news. >> watch ktvu channel 2 news nows at noon for more on the efforts to contain the huge fire in the yosemite area we are here for you on ♪ too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste. hi, everyone. i'm beth trout man. let's take look at some great videos "right this minute." >> standing on the edge of a lava lake going where no man has gone before. >> this is neil armstrong kind of stuff. >> meet the man who faced 2,000 degrees of sheer danger. >> people have said it looks like you're standing on the surface of the sun and it might as well be there. >> he's asking you to go. >> incredible video as sailors spot a fishing boat in deep trouble. >> do you see the arm waving. >> the rush to rescue the crew when that thing sinks like a rock.

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