Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170710 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20170710

three days later it is still smoldering and some spots. federal agents with the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms returned to help with the investigation on the cause of the fire. they brought the mobile command unit and they have set up here with the open fire department in the slot -- lot across the street. atf investigators are meeting with the oakland firefighters and police. i spoke briefly with one of these agents off-camera said the national response team comes to help investigate when there is a big fire like this. they have not determined the cause of the fire and they have not had chance to into the building to investigate because they are not sure whether it is safe enough to do so. the challenge for those that live and work in the area, yesterday more than a dozen glass panels from the office building near the fire started shattering and falling to the ground below. it was due to the radiant heat from the fire, sending the windows and two days later when the windows began to cool down they first falling to the ground. this is 180 grand and they went briefly to retrieve work supplies and laptops. dennis gathered stuff from his office, prepared to work from home for a while. >> it is unfortunate because a lot of people have been displaced for quite some time. we don't know what the fire was set intentionally, and certainly don't know the purpose of that. it is an inconvenience for everyone. >> reporter: friday morning when the fire was at its worst hundreds of people were forced to evacuate and most of them have been allowed to go back home. the atf has not determined the cause of the fire and they would not say whether they think it was suspicious or whether it was deliberately set, something they will have to determine in the course of the investigation however they are working closely with the oakland fire department and oakland police. there is a suspicion among the contractor and the construction crews, those directly involved with the project that there could be something not right about how the fire started. you can see there is a rewards sign put up this morning. and it is up to $1000 reward and conviction required for information leading to the arrest and we don't know whether that was the insurance company or the developer to put the sign up but it does indicate some of the people directly involved with this project believe it may have been suspicious in nature and that is why they are putting the call out the people to bring in the anonymous tips but again, atf has not said whether this fire is suspicious in nature but that is something they will be looking into in the course of the investigation.>> allie rasmus live from oakland. jackie speier just announced the new reward money to help solve the murder of the college baseball player from san mateo. >> the police are releasing information about the possible getaway car the killing that happened almost a year ago claiming the life of calvin riley, shot to death while walking along the aquatic part playing pokemon go. we are live from the park and the reward money has increased substantially. >> reporter: jackie speier put it best thing we will not allow the murderer of calvin riley to become a cold case and the city of san francisco is offering a 60,000 reward in addition to the $10,000 reward and the riley family has $50,000 making the total reward money $110,000. >> it has been hail and we are living a nightmare every day. we still feel he is coming home. [ crying ] we have to realize he is not. >> reporter: on august 6 last year just before 10 pm 20-year- old calvin riley was shot in the back while walking along the aquatic part playing pokemon go. the park police have been a bible -- unable to track down the killer but they release this sketch in a 2013 for dark hyundai sonata they believe was involved in the crime in there was a 2006-2009 dark-colored audi wagon that could've been involved as well. this is congresswoman jackie speier >> we will not allow this to become a colts face -- cold case and upping the money at $110,000 makes the case very much alive. >> it is important to our family to have closure to find the person that shot my baby boy in the back. >> reporter: calvin was a rising baseball star and playing at the delta college in stockton and training hard to make the division i team and his family moved. from boston so that he could play baseball year-round in the mild california weather. he attended the parksdale high school in san mateo and rallying around, the worst year for the riley's that need closure. they want to find his killer and to bring him to justice. they also want to make sure this does not happen that the family of anyone else. live from san francisco, back to you. happening today the oakland city attorneys are scheduled to appear in federal court to respond to allegations that the city mishandled the police sex scandal and jasmine abuslin set officers sexually exploited her as an underaged prostitute. the court appointed investigator filed a report and choosing to treat her more like a suspect then a victim. the report also claims that the then oakland police chief sean wendt failed to take oversight of the case, charging police corruption and the judge could rule that oakland violated a contempt of court order which could lead to more fines and police reform. the alameda county prosecutors said they will refile felony conspiracy charges against ryan walterhouse, the former officer paid a sex worker $200 at the castro valley hotel and warned her about undercover prosecution stings. the defense made the motion to disclose the identity of the p.m. of the prostitute but they refused saying it would put the witness life in danger. they dropped two felony counts of conspiracy to obstruct justice and prosecutors are asking to refile the same counts and the attorney is also a ktvt legal analyst and says this case is political. >> a month later the da office decides to refile the felony counts against my client. if he were not a police officer, this would not be happening. he is being treated very unfairly. >> besides the felony counts waterhouse is charged with felony counts and engaging in prostitution and this case is not surrounded around jasmine abuslin , by the way. breaking news out of fremont where the big rig is on fire on the freeway, and here's video from the social media that is coming to the newsroom on interstate 680 north of mission boulevard. five of the six lanes are currently closed. we have put in calls to the fremont bart department and we are waiting to hear back with more information on the extent of injuries in the case. obviously a major traffic situation on 680 and sky fox is heading to the scene and we will gather more information to pass along an update as soon as we get it. president trump back to the g20 summit and looking to get back to work on his legislative agenda. >> on the top of the list is getting the healthcare bill through the senate.>> reporter: president trump is urging congress to move on when it comes to the russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and vladimir putin subsequent claim during the g20 summit that the kremlin had nothing to do with it. the lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they are not budging yet. >> i don't think we can move on. we cannot expect the russians to be any type of credible partner in a cybersecurity unit. >> reporter: the backlash over the russian bobbin in the u.s. election taking on renewed vigor of the weekend after the new york times story broke alleging donald trump jr along the son-in-law jared kushner and the den campaign chairman paul manafort met with the russian lawyer back in 2016 supposed to ties to the kremlin. the lawyer reportedly prepared to give the truck team -- trump team dirt on the hillary clinton and donald trump jr corroborating that he had to listen. >> there was no follow-up whatsoever and what is important here is that this is day 200 with no evidence of russian collusion.>> reporter: president truck choosing to focus on getting that gop backed healthcare bill passed in the house and senate but the prominent gop senators are warning the bill will probably be dead on arrival.>> here is the bill says the democrats but that does not mean they control it, that means they can have it considered. >> reporter: president trump tweeting a message to the leadership say he cannot believe that congress would dare leave washington without the healthcare bill approved and ready to go. from washington, ktvu fox 2 news . a new survey showing there are 2 million fewer americans with health insurance compared to last year and 11.7% of the adults in the u.s. did not have healthcare coverage between april and june compared to the record low of 10.9% at the end of last year. analysts say these are statistically significant. we sit down with house minority leader nancy pelosi did talk about her wide range of issues including the first decent san francisco to the rise a speaker of the house, congresswoman nancy pelosi is a devout catholic and talked about president trump>> i pray to the president, and there are some things that you draw upon, and it is easy for me to pray for the president and hoping for the well-being of himself and his family, and also for the good of our country.>> congresswoman pelosi said she prays for the president has strong words for her colleagues across the aisle. >> i would like to say to my republican friends, take back your party because this is not who you are. it is a grand old party that is made some great contributions to our country. it has been hijacked by this radical right-wing. >> nancy pelosi goes on to explain her thoughts on possible impeachment proceedings against trump and her chances of becoming speaker once again after the midterm elections. see the ken wayne full interview with congresswoman pelosi tomorrow night at 7:30 pm on ktvu plus after the 7:00 news. firefighters battling over a dozen wildfires across the state and after the break some the biggest buyers in the helping sent from the departments in the bay area. a warm weekend for many folks but we have a pulled out in the forecast as we check in with our meteorologist on the details on what to expect in the upcoming work week. welcome back. there are 14 big wildfires burning in california right now with the biggest the wall fire in view county. -- in view county. >> it is burned 56 acres and 35% contain and they had had a tough time gaining ground due to the tough conditions in high temperatures. >> crews from alameda county, san francisco, piedmont, albany, hayward and fremont left for the fire lines and the marin county sheriff's office and officers to be part of the northbay incident management team. >> the two largest fires in california continued to burn out of control and the alamo fire grew to 5000 acres and nearly 29,000 acres with containment still at 15%. one structure was destroyed in more than 100 are in danger and they are has been issued a mandatory evacuation and the red cross set up a release shelter. the television news crew coming dangerously close while driving through dense smoke at the whittier fire in santa barbara county as the fire burned 3000 acres overnight and now nearly 11,000 acres in all. they that a hard time getting a handle on this fire as well and only 5% contained. you can see right in the middle of the smoke and flame, and the fire began saturday afternoon in an area that is not burned for over 60 years. we are talking about all of these wildfires and hoping for ideal weather conditions so let's go to rosemary with one more on what to expect. only minor improvement expected today with temperatures falling through the business week and still very hot in many areas including areas near the wall fire or i should say right here where they battle that at near 100 degrees this afternoon. temperatures at home cooling off some as we get into the afternoon today and at this hour some of us are slightly warmer than yesterday and some slightly cooler. looking over san francisco you can see the marine layer and the cloud deck hugging the coastline. 59 degrees in san francisco, but that number does not look right so we will have to update that. 70 degrees right now in oakland, 85 in livermore in san jose at 80 degrees with santa rosa 81. looking at storm tracker, these four corners with that pattern shifting a little bit to lead to cool down for us. it has to do with this system riding through the pacific northwest with the onshore breeze coming back but not as strong as we would like in order to cool off inland. we have a northwest breeze in oakland and concord under 10 miles an hour. we have the fog at the coastline from the northbay down through san francisco and the outer sunset with pacifica and half moon bay showing some clearing over santa cruz but for the rest of us partly to mostly cloudy today into the afternoon with mostly sunny skies around the bay and inland. we do expect some of these temperatures come down slightly from yesterday, especially inland where it is still quite warm but not as hot. 85 the afternoon hind sonoma with 80 expected in san rafael. upper 60s for sausalito and 70s in the forecast in oakland and san leandro. inland it is warm and 89 in danville, 92 expected livermore and 97 in brentwood. some these areas like antioch and brentwood went to 100 and above yesterday. even though that is an improvement in still a scorcher. 83 in san jose for today and along the peninsula 80 in redwood city and 65 in san francisco. your extended forecast showing temperatures continuing to drop into tuesday, wednesday and thursday, near 90 expected in the forecast but then back to the warmer weather into the weekend with temperatures back to about 100 degrees inland for saturday and sunday. >> here we go again. >> it is a long stretch with only a minor break for this week. a short time ago we learn the name of the 20-year-old man from oakland that drown at the beach along the russian river in sonoma county yesterday and identified as commonly no -- carmen leo domingo garcia and he disappeared not far from steelhead beach around 4:30 pm yesterday and firefighters search for him by both back and found him a half hour later -- bite boat and found him a half hour later but alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the drowning. thousands pedaling out to pacific ocean to honor jack o'neill in santa cruz, the inventor of the modern-day wetsuit and founder of the o'neill surfing brand. we will hear from our chief mineralogist and bill was at the powwow yesterday and it was estimated 3000 people showed up for the ceremony where the surfers paddle out into the ocean and tossed flowers into the sea. he died at the age of 94 on june 2. east bay board members will vote tomorrow on a proposed 90% rate hike for customers and critics are upset with the proposal saying that the people that conserve water during the drought are being punished with higher rates. the east bay officials say they need the money to fix aging pipes and other infrastructure and the board admits that the conservation efforts left them short on revenue to pay for the repairs. if approved the 19% increase would take place over two years. the northbay has 300,000 gallons of water that need to be drained after this 30 breach at the water tank in novato, and it belongs to the north marin water district. on friday someone cut the chain link fence and the lock on the lid of the tank and there's no evidence that the water is contaminated but it has to be drained as a precaution. coming up, a new survey revealing the best and worst tippers in america and we have the results coming up after the break. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. welcome back. we return to breaking news out of fremont where the big rig fire happened but the fires now out. you can see these pictures from sky fox and this is on interstate 680 north of the mission boulevard exit. five of the six southbound lanes are currently shut down for the emergency crews. luckily, no one was hurt here. the driver of the truck was able to escape safely. the trainer was carrying frozen cheese at the time it caught fire. as we take a peek we can see there is a big back up stemming from this site of the accident and certainly both lanes -- both directions are being impacted on 680 so keep in mind that the fire is out but this happened southbound north of mission boulevard but according to the map there is slowing on the northbound side as well. the amazon prime day begins early and running well for tomorrow and it will start later today for the third year in a row. customers can expect discounts on hdtv's and products offered to the amazon prime now but you must have an amazon prime mentorship which will cost you -- membership which will cost you $100 a year or about eight dollars a month but if you have lexa -- alexa, you can start a few hours earlier by saying, "alexa, what are your deals?" the dow jones slightly up but not very much movement on the three major index is but the nasdaq is seeing a bit of a bump at less than a half %. revealing who the best and worst tippers are in the u.s. and according to the best tippers are men, republicans and people that live in the northeast or those that use credit or debit cards which these groups typically leave an average of 20%. the women, democrats and southerners, and people that pay with cash have a tendency to be the worst tippers and leave a 15% to 16% on average. tipping etiquette experts recommend a 15 to 20% tip at restaurants in the survey found that about one out of every five people did not leave a tip at all.>> we talked about this all morning and i find that hard to believe. still ahead, homicide investigation underway near this popular taco shop in the mission and we have the footage caught on the nearby surveillance cameras. a high-speed chase making his way all of way through alameda county is investigated and the suspicious item that sent the police into motion. welcome back. san francisco investigators are looking for the gunman that shot and killed a man in the mission district early this morning.>> we have more on this homicide and how the vandal apparently targeted investigators after they arrived at the scene. >> reporter: looking into the latest homicide, the san francisco police and we looked at the surveillance video that unfolded here in front of this bar and it started at this bench in front of the bar with a group of men that were drinking. two men approached them and there was an altercation and two more men joined the altercation. one of the men was put up against the wall near the atm and that is where the fatal shot was fired. at this point the san francisco police are not confirming that account and they did release a short statement under this morning saying that officers responded after report of shots fired around 2:30 am. the officers arrived on the scene to find a male victim that had died from gunshot wound's but no word on any arrests or suspect information and no information about the victim. after several hours east mission was shut down between 23rd and 24th and this is a major thoroughfare with muni and bart stopped right here in the area. we are also following up on a sink that was thrown through the police car window after the responding units arrived on the scene but no reports of injuries. the police car was towed away investigators are looking for the explanation for that but it does not appear to be tied to the homicide. the san francisco police are looking for anyone that has information about either of these incidents, ktvu fox 2 news. the police in san jose are searching for woman accused of a deadly stabbing that occurred yesterday morning. officers were called to the home on south second street at the mchenry convention center. they arrived to find a victim with one stab wound and he was rushed to the hospital where he later died. the police spent much of sunday at the scene gathering evidence and ktvu interviewed a friend of the victim that said she was with him when he was stabbed and she had blood on her pants and cuts on her hand. >> he was a good person and he helped me a lot. it is really sad and messed up. >> the next door neighbor said that the victim was a retired navy veteran and authorities will be releasing his name once his family has been notified. a memorial service held at san francisco for the three ups drivers killed last month at the ups facility. family friend scattered in the city hall to say a final farewell to miosotis familia -- wayne chan, benson louie and michael lefiti . they were all tragically killed during that attack, mayor ed lee and congresswoman nancy pelosi were there along with fellow employees and teamsters. >> we are here to support the family anyway we can to steer the loss of their loved ones and we are thankful to be here at the unit. >> organizers of the memorial say was a way for people that could not make it to the funeral to say goodbye. authorities are releasing information about arrests in a high-speed chase across alameda county last night. ght. >> here was the scene at 10 pm last night and open police said they saw a suspicious man with a handgun at adeline and grand. they tried to stop the driver which led to a chase which hit speeds up to 100 miles an hour and it went through several freeways and cities including berkeley and san pablo and finally ending at 24th and adeline streets in west oakland. >> you can hear the onlookers cheering at the officers took the man into custody. the man that was behind the wheel with the group of people erupting in applause but so far the police have not recovered the gun. in the south bay now>> in the south bay is where we go to talk about a project to build new housing and now one step closer to approval. the city of santa clara has approved the multibillion- dollar development across the street from levi's stadium but the 239 acre former landfill site we need a lot of work to block the landfill waste from seeping to the surface>> if approved and built it will provide over 1600 housing units and here is a look at what could ultimately look like, representing the largest housing site proposed on the a landfill area and facing a number of environmental reviews. one of the biggest construction projects could be delayed, the muni project was scheduled to open december 26 of 2018 but according to the project monthly monitoring report if the transportation agency and contractor cannot catch up on the recent delays the suspect -- the project will not open until 2019, and it will connect chinatown to bart and the muni sub work. the stretch of 680 in san ramon is an be named after the barclays sergeant killed on the job, a proposal to honor sergeant thomas smith and this is exit 34. 34 is his badge number he wore with the department and smith was accidentally shot by the bart police detective while serving a warrant in dublin over three years ago and the name change had been approved by the state assembly and heading to the state senate tomorrow. the sign would be paid for with donations. happening today the parents of the terminally ill baby in england has until wednesday to present new evidence that their son, 11-month-old charlie gard should receive experimental treatment. the british court made the decision today after an emotionally charged hearing in which the mother of charlie gard wept in frustration and the father yelled at the lawyer. the judge says there must be new and powerful evidence to reverse the earlier rulings authorizing the hospital to take the child off of life support, and also barring him from traveling abroad for experimental treatment. he suffers from a rare genetic disease that is left him brain- damaged and unable to breathe unaided. the iraqi prime minister declaring victory over isis in mosul saying that iraqi forces have overtaken the city and just a few hours before the prime minister name the announcement the battle for mosul has killed thousands and displaced 187,000 people. they say there are areas of the city that must be back cleared of explosive devices and possible isis fighters in hiding . the cease-fire broker between the u.s. and russia in southern syria appears to be holding after the new round of peace talks in syria gets underway.>> the peace talks in the blood he civil war once again underway in geneva with the seventh round of negotiations between government and opposition leaders. >> reporter: there is a u.n. envoy acting as media very >> after witnessing this face- off simplified, the most complex conflict of our time. >> reporter: talks are getting underway during the cease-fire brokered by the u.s., russia and jordan, announced after the meeting between president trump and the russian president vladimir putin and it applies to three provinces in southern syria. >> we believe this is the part of the u.s. to broker such a cease-fire, and we want it to be extended to other parts of syria, to all of it. >> reporter: secretary of state rex tillerson meeting with the turkish officials and war-torn syria, are hoping they can broker a similar cease-fire agreement. >> we are making some progress in syria and we are hopeful we can replicate that with turkey on the areas in the northern part of syria.>> reporter: despite sporadic gunfire the cease-fire appears to be holding from our vantage point that there is apprehension, the fifth attempt since february for the cease-fire and that was 2016 with the others collapsing after only a few days. ktvu fox 2 news. still ahead, the major league a rookie takes baseball by storm. everywhere you go you see someone you know around the corner and the good thing about growing up there is i knew everyone. >> after the break, more about this small town guy from london and the connection he has to our own sports anchor. a cooldown in the forecast and thank goodness as we go back for more details. for years, men have enjoyed their man caves without guilt. now, it's mama's turn. welcome to my she shed. i've got my favorite outfit on. my literature. my armando! and these are my treats! i'm just gonna have one if that's okay. of course it's okay. this is my world. fiber one 90 calorie brownies. allll mine. outside of our door this afternoon we have fog along the coastline with an onshore breeze but not quite as strong as we would like. temperatures are running similar to where we were yesterday. as we get into the business week we are looking at a minor cooling trend. here's a shot from up above with the fog up against the coast, down to san francisco and all the way down past the half moon bay. santa cruz seeing a little bit of clearing off the coast with partly sunny and partly cloudy in and around santa cruz. as we take a look at monterey, the onshore breeze at 30 miles an hour. we like to see that closer to 30 in fairfield which is the way we know it is pushing into the sacramento valley but we will take what we can get. temperatures mild to warm depending on where you are with some folks hitting 100 yesterday and today we could see 95. here is a look at the high- pressure parked over the four corners and you can see the monsoonal moisture wrapping around and into southern california but we will not see any of this. we will see a little more influence from this trough moving through the pacific northwest. as we rolled to the next three days temperatures will slowly fall within onshore breeze picking up the marine layer. 60 degrees in san francisco. we had to question that number but that is accurate with low 60s reported in and around the coast with some fog. 61 and half moon bay and inland a mild day for these bay shore and 74 in hayward. well inland it is hot with brentwood at 91 already. 87 reported in concord and to the north beta81 in santa rosa and south bay showing 81 in san jose. they are likely to warm up a few degrees, 5 to 10 degrees for the second half of the day. 83 in dansville and pittsburg reporting 83. low 90s definitely expected for you. livermore is cooler but concord is warmer, fairfield down by a few degrees. we are looking at temperatures a little warm, special inland with upper 80s and low 90s. very hot and clearlake once again close to 100 degrees. 67 for sausalito, these bay shore showing low to mid 70s, 74 in san leandro. inland upper 80s for dansville, upper 90s in antioch and brentwood. 89 and morgan hill and 83 in san jose. 80 in redwood city, 71 in san bruno and 65 in san francisco. temperatures continuing to cool slightly tuesday and wednesday along with thursday but backup in time for the bay area weekend with upper 60s on the coast and upper 70s on the bay. the inland will be baking back to 100 degrees. heading into the all-star break with 11 games under 500 after losing to the mariners in seattle's and the mariners had more than enough support for the pitcher felix hernandez and nelson cruz hitting the 17th home run and hernandez gave up two hits and striking out eight. the first game back after the break is friday at home against the indians. that is it for the oakland a's. the giants had the most losses in franchise history at the break, and they were swept by the marlins at the at&t park. johnny cueto had a 2-0 lead early but miami tied it up and young carlos stanton drilling it and his 25th home run for the year. the pinch hitter miguel gomez steps to the plate. >> on the ground and it is a base hit and the kid ties up the game with his first big- league hit. >> that was it for 24-year-old miguel gomez and he gets his first major league hits and in the game in extra innings. george kontos gives up a two run home run to aj ellis in the final inning followed by another homer, and miami wins, 10-8. the next game is friday in san diego for the oakland a's. madison bumgarner makes another start tonight and he is been out for almost 3 months after injuring his shoulder in the dirt bike accident. bumgarner through 76 peaches and gave up nine runs in his last rehab game in the giants hope to have bumgarner back after the all-star break. some of the top baseball sluggers competing in the home and derby and giancarlo stanton comes to get the crown and another popular player among the favorites to take the title is aaron judge of the new york yankees>> judge is a california native that graduated from the san joaquin county london high school and we returned to the hometown for the judge were his rookie baseball career began. >> reporter: london, california is one of any number of small agricultural communities in this vast central valley. those communities come out in force to support their local high school and they know the name of every player that moves on to the bigger things. this is the home of the new york yankee rookie that has taking the major leagues by storm, the town of london with aaron judge. -- linden with aaron judge. >> here comes the judge and we call it judgment day. >> he is always working in trying to get better and understands his mistakes and does not make excuses. i remember a particular incident in spring training and he was there two hours after the game hitting. >> we said you have to go home pretty soon because we don't want your hands bleeding. >> reporter: in the social media, look at me climate that is the modern-day pro sports, judge is the old school throwback and his humble roots are a big part of that undoubtedly. it starts in this community where everybody knows everybody.>> everywhere you go you see someone you know around the corner and the good thing about growing up there is that i knew everybody. everybody is looking out for each other and there is no better place to grow up.>> reporter: there was no better example of how linden cares about its own then when the yankees made their appearance at the opening coliseum with the community of 1600 chartering buses and building two sections in right field. that is in support of judge with their first choice of the team to follow would be the giants or the oakland a's but not on this occasion. >> our town do anything for the people that leave here and it is amazing to have this community that is so supportive. >> when i first saw him he was a little guy running around and i would never have expected him to be six foot seven inches, 275 right now. he is a humble gentleman and impressive to watch. >> reporter: there are reasons why the fabric of these small towns run so deep and one is the fact that this 46 years worth of baseball players were coached by the same guy on what's name the bob ammerman field with eight players drafted or signed by major league organizations with over 30 going on to play in four- year college programs with one or two ending up in the media, and all got the same consistent message. >> i coach long enough to where i coached a father and son and when the sun went home the father said you listen to that coach, and that is the support from this community and school. i could tell you stories about the young people that would not have made it had i not made sure they were in class. i had one player right here that was a leading hitter in all of northern california. i set him down over there for two weeks and the mother never said one word to me. finally he came to me and said coach, how come i'm not playing . i told him why he was not playing. he changed immediately. this is the disciplinary here, the bench. when it gets really bad you have to send them in. i've only had to send in one or two in 46 years. >> reporter: ammerman never had to use that type of discipline on judge. >> i still talk to him to this day and he watches every at game and at bat and he sends me tidbits here and there. i could not thank him enough. he has really helped me as a player and in my middle game. >> reporter: that saturday afternoon at the coliseum on father's day weekend, it turned into a hometown reunion and the community turned out and the pro manager get the chance to talk with the high school coat. >> i told joe he would never get you in trouble. everything he does is just what you look for in a baseball player or an athlete. he could start as a tight end somewhere. like i said to joe, he is number one. they don't come any better or often. >> reporter: bob ammerman should know and at 46 years he coast a lot more guys that those that have a shot at winning the triple crown, aaron judge a small town kid with old- school values and a work ethic to go with that incredible talent. he is playing in the media capital of the world and he has the entire community pulling for him that are very proud of one of the people they produced.>> joe fonzi, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up, the team camp counselor is attacked by a bear while sleeping under the stars and how the teenager was able to wrestle the bear away coming up after the break. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica 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alive after being attacked by a bear that begin biting his head. the teenager was sleeping under the stars with the camp staffers at the glacier view ranch and said he was awoken by large -- excuse me, allowed crunching sound and quickly realized a bear was taking a bite out of his skull. the bear dragged him about 10 feet out of the sleeping bag but the young man fought back. >> i grabbed a hold of the bear by his ear and i found his eye, and i was poking it and it let go of me and i was able to get away. >> for the bear to walk up and body yemen and pulled him like that, that is a dangerous bear that is much too comfortable with people. now he is a threat to humans. >> the teenager had to have nine stitches but he is expected to recover. the colorado park officials want to prevent any other attacks like this so they are tracking and they want to track the bear and ultimately the bear will be killed. >> it is amazing he survived that, quite a story. we will see you back here for your 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[cheers and applause]

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