Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160507 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160507

it's a very long list. and he is dividing america which i find absolutely intolerable. >> reporter: the democratic front-runner reaffirmed her overall support for sanctuary cities but mentioning the case directly clinton suggested she might have a different approach to the kate steinle case. she was shot and killed on pier 1 in san francisco by an illegal immigrant with a criminal history. >> violent offenders people who have been deported, people who shouldn't will be in the city in the first place, there should be cooperation in those kinds of cases. we are behind in roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, water systems, you name it. >> reporter: this week i attended a kickoff campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in california. would you vote for it? >> i'd have to study what it said and who it would actually be implemented? >> any gut feeling as a mother, grandmother? >> i have questions about it. i'm not going to -- as i say, right where i sit today, i favor more research into making sure medical marijuana is being used to the best effect. >> we just have a couple of seconds. final question. does california count? looks like you have the nomination. >> california always counts. >> there's a politician. >> no. but it's the way i feel. >> if that's the way she feels, she relayed to the crowd waiting for her later. you could hear the cheers. >> yeah. you have a tremendous career. you have covered a lot of politicians. but what's your takeaway? >> right from the get-go when i asked her about the campaign? she jumped to trump. it was as if bernie sanders wasn't even in the picture. but he still is. and if he is strong in california or happens to carry the state at least with the popular vote regardless of the delegates, that could lead to a very interesting and conflicting convention which would not serve hillary clinton really well right now. so she is not out of the woods yet but she was confident. she was clearly on a roll. and she was enjoying the fact of being a front-runner, something she hasn't seen for a while. >> no doubt. phil, thanks. you can catch phil's entire interview on our website, chopper 5 overhead, a half- hour ago clinton's motorcade left oakland and headed over the bay bridge towards san francisco. this is a live look over the masonic temple in nob hill where clinton is holding a fundraiser tonight. this one not just for high rollers. the cheapest tickets were $45. kpix 5's da lin is at la escuelita elementary school in oakland where clinton gave a speech this afternoon and it was free. da. >> reporter: free and packed, liz. clinton wrapped up her speech more than an hour ago so it's quiet now. but it was a zoo earlier. loud, packed, and very busy. in fact, it was so packed, so many supporters showed up, organizers had to shut the doors and turn hundreds away. a free event, 1,000 people in line. it stretched for blocks outside of the elementary school. the first person stood in line since 7:30 this morning. supporters say they wanted to hear clinton talk about her plans to help the middle class and she did. hillary clinton spent about 20 minutes focusing on jobs and the economy. senator barbara boxer was the person who introduced her to the crowd. and as you can tell, there are a lot of people excited to see her. quite a few millennials came out, as well. some turning 18 years old and voting for the first time. >> she really, like, inspired me. they say you can't be what you can't see. um, and so i don't think i would be as interested in politics as i am if it weren't for her. >> i don't see her being divisive at all. i think she is inclusive. and i think she will do a lot to bring this country together. >> reporter: yeah. this is footage around 4:30 or so. organizers basically closing the gate to the event leaving a few hundred people standing outside. they were pretty disappointed for the most part. by the way, there was a small group of protestors mostly bernie sanders supporters and a trump supporter. there was some screaming and yelling between the supporters of hillary clinton and some bernie sanders supporters here but for the most part it was a very peaceful event. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> meanwhile, vermont senator bernie sanders will visit california on monday. that's when absentee voting starts. he has rallies in sacramento, then he heads to stockton for more events on tuesday. the latest kpix 5/surveyusa poll shows clinton with nearly a 20-point lead over sanders here in california. 6% of likely primary voters are still undecided. here's some of the dates to know. beginning on monday, voters can send their ballots in by mail. may 23rd is the last day to register to vote. the primary is june 7. the city of san francisco has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the academy of art over its massive real estate holdings. the action comes just two days after our phil matier reported on growing tensions between the academy and the city. after a busy day with the clinton campaign he filed this report. >> academy camped it's an egregious land use scofflaw. >> reporter: he is charging the academy of art with illegally converting 23 properties into classrooms and dorms in intentional defiance of the city's planning requirements. >> again and again you met our good faith with bad faith. you set deadlines and missed, made promises and broke them. with our lawsuit today, it ends. >> reporter: the academy of art has grown over the past 20 years from a small family-run affair to the largest private art school in the country. in the process, the academy's owner dr. elisa stephens and her family have built up a real estate empire of more than 40 properties in the city. the complaint allegation she and her family fragrantly ignored restrictions depriving san francisco of critical housing stock. >> by filing suit against academy of art university we seek to restore 300 residential housing units that aau unlawfully displaced. >> reporter: the academy's attorney was quick to respond. >> he wants the students to be driven out of the buildings? he wants to close the school? he wants to stop the learning or the teaching that's going on in that school?! it is way over his pay rate. >> reporter: he says the academy put a generous settlement on the table that the city attorney has completely ignored. >> in writing, we offered the city $10 million, a building with 87 low-income housing units, a promise to deal with all expansion in the future by building, which would help not taking over buildings, and compliance with whatever it is the planning commission tells us. >> reporter: herrera just got a copy of it this morning. >> we'll look at this latest proposal that i received this morning after i filed the lawsuit. and we'll evaluate it on its merits and see if it represents a -- a -- a path forward. if not, we're litigating this and going to make sure that the aau adheres to the law. >> reporter: in san francisco, phil matier, kpix 5. >> the lawsuit charges the academy with unfair business practices and with being a public nuisance. closure for an oakland families who' little girl was -- whose little girl was shot to death during a sleepover. the man who killed her found guilty. the killing rocked this oakland neighborhood back in 2013. 8-year-old alaysha carradine was in the wrong place at the wrong time. she was killed when darrell williams fired a barrage of bullets through the front door of an apartment. three other people inside were also shot. >> this has been a long, long three years. >> oh, my god. nobody understands. yes, we're just so happy. we're so happy. >> we just had closure today. we appreciate the closure. >> prosecutors say williams went on a premeditated murder spree to get back against a gang member for a murder earlier that same day. california's drought showing some signs of easing. for the first time in three years the parts of the state in a drought dropped below 90%. the map makes it clear. extreme northern california better. scientists credit el nino for that change. of course, the drought means any rain is welcome. it was a wet day around parts of the bay area. that's steady rainfall earlier today in san jose. let's take a live look from our transamerica tower cam. many of us seeing a little break from the rain this evening. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward in berkeley with a look at the conditions there right now. jackie. >> reporter: allen, gray clouds have been hanging above us all afternoon but it hasn't rained since this morning. earlier today, it was coming down along grizzly peak road steady. it was a brief system but just enough to slick up the roads. it's been a busy weather week. in just the past few days the bay area has seen 12 to 1500 like strikes. with more rain on the way little league officials are keeping an eye on their pitchers' mounds. >> if we got too much rain the mounds made out of clay get slippery and become a slip hazard. >> reporter: what's too much rain? a steady heavy rain that adds up to about 1/3." the rain won't be too severe this weekend. he is hoping all those games scheduled will go on as planned. in berkeley, jackie ward, kpix 5. a little break from the rain right now. but there's noreen coming up for part of your weekend -- but there's more rain coming up for your weekend. 90% of the bay area is dry. look at the new shower over the diablo range. it's going to fremont, san jose and milpitas moving east to west. so we are not entirely done with the showers. it's not raining in any of our airport locations currently but that new shower popping up may impact you from fremont south of san jose. most active part of the day for the peninsula and the south bay was between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. some steady rainfall impacted san jose. rainfall totals really added up in a few specific spots. .4" of rain that's good for may in morgan hill. about a sixth of an inch in san jose and dublin. less than .10" in san francisco hayward and mill valley. but futurecast says there's another wave of low pressure that will move through. and if you are planning on doing anything outside before lunchtime tomorrow, this likely will impact that activity adversely. we are going to see some widespread light to moderate rainfall to begin your weekend tomorrow. we'll talk about whoing you that will last and what mother's day looks like coming up in a few minutes. thank you. lawyers for a former 49ers stair accused of rape come out -- star accused of rape come out swinging. why our legal expert says it won't work. >> the hunger strikers demanding the firing of the police chief in the hospital. they are frail but the reporters are loud in city hall. ♪[ music ] >> it's not often dashcam videos end in a danceoff. bay area police and students take on a '90s craze to send a powerful message about coming together. ,,,,,,,,,,,, when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at brings out police in riot g banging on drums and other e the echo, deafening from a protest at san francisco city hall brings out police in riot gear. [ screaming ] >> that echo deafening from protestors banging on sticks in the rotunda. they are demonstrating in solidarity with the hunger strikers who are now in the office. kpix 5's andria borba is at the mayor's office now. what's happening? >> reporter: the protestors have been in front of the mayor's office for an hour. the crowd is smaller and they have broken off into two groups. there's one group over here. then the other group right in front of the mayor's office right there as you can see. texas have gotten -- tensions have gotten a little calmer out here. the sheriff's depth in this in front of the mayor's door have not -- do know the have their riot gear on now. just in the past 10 seconds things have gotten loud again with protestors chanting, fire chief suhr. this has been going on for two hours here at city hall. back to you. andria borba, kpix 5. new at 6:00, bay area police department doing a different kind of outreach. kpix 5's maria medina with a message that's set to music. >> reporter: just two days after hitting the internet, this video got hundreds of thousands of views and shares on facebook. now take a closer look. the stars of the video, two of the police department's very own. did you think it was going to get in kind of response? >> no. actually not at all. >> reporter: jerome batista a corporal detective hand-picked by his partner. >> i checked him i was like dude we have to do this and he was like i'm in. >> reporter: the running man challenge a trend going crazy over the internet right now. even professional athletes are taking on the viral dance challenge. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: but coleman and bautista didn't want to do it alone and asked a group of teens interest vallejo's jesse bethel high to join. >> ma'am, the reason we pulled you over is because it's speeding. >> what does it feel like to be part of this video? >> it's dope. a lot of stereotypes. and they're like awesome. they break the stereotypes. >> reporter: in fact, with so much tension between communities and police departments, officer coleman says this was just one way to reach out to his community. >> we wanted to make the world a better place for one minute and 13 seconds and i think we accomplished that. >> reporter: little did they know the video that coleman shot and produced would go viral not only making bautista famous for his dance moves -- ♪[ music ] >> reporter: -- showing a side to a police department that many don't get to see. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: at last check, the video had 741,000 views. he had to get department approval to shoot the video and says everyone is pleased including the chief. in vallejo, maria medina, kpix 5. >> no doubt he got approval. >> the warriors dance team getting in on the challenge. the dancers took a break from practice with the junior dance squad to get a little silly and mixed it with the advanced expert dance moves. they don't disappoint. two options for pg&e customers. state regulators are considering how much to let the utility raise gas rates to pay for safety upgrades. under one plan, pg&e could collect $945 million total. the average monthly bill would go up 10.7%. under the second proposal, pg&e would collect $858 million raising the average bill by 9.9%. the public utilities commission could vote as early as next month. other bay area headlines. it's a photo san francisco police want you to see. they need your help finding this missing woman. 65-year-old hue lee was seen april 22 entering the caltrain station at 4th and king wearing a hat, light blue coat, brown handbag. she has a food problem and needs medication. police in campbell need your help finding car thieves. surveillance video clearly shows a woman getting into an unlocked car. this happened on mitchell court early wednesday morning. later a man joined her and it appears he tries to start the car. after several unsuccessful attempts, the suspects give up and leave the area. police say they got away with money and an iphone. el cerrito police looking for a woman who swapped an empty box for a package on the porch of a home in richmond. the woman in the surveillance video wearing the green and white jacket. the number 55 is on the back there. she was seen in a white gmc pickup truck. our windshield wipers andumbrellas got a workout today -- and umbrellas got a workout today. we'll need them again tomorrow. >> the drought, the water is beneficial as well as for allergist. that's good wednesday, thursday, friday. the weekend, you might want to get a little sunshine in there. you have to wait until sunday for the sunshine. more rain coming tomorrow. we'll look at the radar because we have one heavier shower bubbling up over the diablo range south and east of livermore but it's likely about 15 or 20 minutes away from impacting areas south and east of downtown livermore. and south of the 580 corridor. but this is moving from east to west the opposite direction from typical so eventually this rain may make it to fremont or milpitas or even san jose an santa clara. that's it for right now. otherwise, we are mainly dry most of the rainfall falling before 2:00 this afternoon. highs today, not that high. morgan hill is the warm spot at 64. you're also the wet spot today. fremont 60. san rafael 59. and san francisco only 58 degrees. your weather headlines talking about another cloudy night tonight which will be another mild tonight. with the cloud cover acting like a blanket, a chance of showers continuing. overnight lows will be only in the 50s. we're talking about temperatures in fact 50s once again overnight tonight. tomorrow, highs only in the 60s as rain chances are back and dry weather. dry on sunday. high temperatures tomorrow mid 60s. redwood city 68. livermore 67. vallejo 66. santa rosa 65. napa 67 degrees. your extended forecast calls for those mainly morning showers tomorrow. if i had to put a window on it i'd say 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. the best chance of seeing some showers tomorrow. then the afternoon should be drier but still cloudy and cool. mother's day, 70s inland, 60s near the bay but the big headline is it's not going to rain on sunday and next week that's a truckload full of sunshine for you. monday through friday comfortable. 60s near the bay, 70s close to 80 inland. tomorrow morning before lunchtime it will likely rain again. >> okay. >> but hang on. >> the allergies, that's huge. so many people are rubbing their eyes. >> sneezing and coughing. >> everything. >> so the rain helps. >> cleans out the air a little bit. thank you. two san francisco icons coming together. the permanent tribute to the say hey kid. >> bay area twins born in separate years. that's not the only thing that makes them special. why this will be a mother's day to remember. >> "bike to work" day is next thursday. we want to share your bike to work story. post your pictures and videos on our social media accounts and we'll put some of them on the air. ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, the mom of bay area preemie they finally get to go home. are pictures of mile an extra special mother's day for the mom of bay area people aries. they finally get to come home. pictures of miles and walker ericksson when they were born after 26 weeks, the people are one on february 28, the other on leap day. this were at alta bates summit medical center. chances of being born on leap day are one in 1400. but what makes these little guys unique is they are twins with different birthdays. >> very special babies. the giants say hey kid willie mays is 85 today. to celebrate, san francisco dedicated a special cable car in his honor. it is car number 24, the number mays wore on his uniform as a giant. a plaque was unveiled as part of the ceremony that will be mounted on the car. mays says he is honored but he was concerned about the team itself. >> what happened to the giants? don't they come play here? they the one that brought me here. they said no, no, no. the giants will come later. we gonna do something for them later but the cable car is yours. >> mays is widely considered one of the best to ever play the game. he was elected to baseball's hall of fame in 1979. a smaller scale design from one of the world's best known architects is coming to marin county. we mean a doghouse. marin county accepting the donated replica of a doghouse designed by frank lloyd wright in the '50s based on his original specifics. it will be displayed on tuesday at the board of supervisors at the meeting. coming up in our next half- hour, surprising twist in the rape case against a former 49er great. the unusual defense strategy and why our legal expert says good luck. >> and vice president joe biden's warning about the mistake we could all be making with donald trump! may not be what you think. >> police say a federal officer killed three people then went for a casual lunch. how a two-day shooting rampage ended outside the nation's capital. ,, before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. sat down with hillary clint this afternoon in oakland.. an exclusive interview. one-on-one with the democratic party front-runner. our phil matier sat down with hillary clinton this afternoon in oakland for an exclusive interview. she came out swinging against donald trump. >> i have never seen so much concern even in his own party by republicans about their nominee. um, you know, you have a hard- fought primary people usually close ranks and what we're seeing is that you have a lot of serious minded republican officials both current and former who are raising serious doubts. >> you can watch the entire interview on our website, relief and tears of joy for an oakland family after a man is convicted of killing a girl shot during a sleepover in 2013. the man was convicted of firing bullets through the front door. lawyers for dana stubblefield are fighting back after he was put in handcuffs in front of his kids after being accused of sexual assaulting as woman at his home. he claims it was consensual. len ramirez reports. >> reporter: this may be a case where the defense is going on the offense. attorneys for mr. stubblefield want the california attorney general to get involved to ensure that their client receives a far trial. [ pause ] >> reporter: dana stubblefield's lawyers accuse the santa clara county district attorney of prejudicing potential jurors in leaking information to the media and today they went to court to ask a judge to remove jeff rosen's office from the case. >> so the information that really was slanted in one particular way about the potential witnesses and the victim in the case was really put out to prejudice not to inform the public. >> reporter: stubblefield is accused of raping a 32-year-old developmentally disabled woman in his home last year after interviewing her for a nanny job. stubblefield said they had sex but consensual. his attorney cited what they called inflammatory phrases in the press release like she was unconscionably assaulted and if convicted he faces a substantial prison sentence. the attorneys also accuse the d.a.'s office of leaking information to the media about state services the alleged victim received. >> we feel that the case now needs to be handled by an impartial body. they are asking for the attorney general's office to be named the prosecutor in the case so mr. stubblefield can get a fair hearing. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office sent kpix 5 a text message that reads our response is the evidence we will present in court. we seek justice for the victim and the people. >> this isn't anything unusual in terms of the nature of the press release. >> reporter: kpix 5 legal analyst and former judge ladoris cordell says the motion to kick the d.a. off the cast will most likely fail but she says filing the motion does prove one thing. >> the defense in this case is sending a message loud and clear to the prosecutor that they're not going to take it. >> reporter: dana stubblefield's first appearance in court is scheduled for june 3. at that time he may or may not enter a plea in this case. but this is expected to be a very lively if not very heated court battle. reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. a man san francisco police say tried to sexually assault a woman on the street is now in custody. adamburg lund was arrested this morning after officers recognized him from surveillance video. berglund was seen walking around the hayes valley neighborhood after the woman reported the attack around 10 a.m. yesterday. police say the man followed the woman for several blocks before attacking her on grove street. the victim got away. she was not hurt. a federal worker is behind bars accused in three deadly shootings in the washington, dc area. police arrested eulalio tordil after he finished lunch at a restaurant near the scene of the latest shooting. two people were killed today at a mall and grocery store in montgomery county, maryland. yesterday, tordil's estranged wife was shot to death at a nearby high school. tordil worked with the federal protective service and homeland security. the body of a u.s. navy seal killed in combat is being returned to the united states. navy petty officer first class charles keating iv was killed in this gun battle with "islamic state" fighters in iraq on tuesday. his body was expected to arrive at dover air force base base today and the funeral will be in san diego. now to campaign 2016 and the race for the white house. president obama telling reporters today it's time to get serious about presumptive nominee donald trump. >> this is not entertainment. this is not a reality show. this is a contest for the president sift united states. and what that means is that every candidate, every nominee, needs to be subject to exactly standards and, um, genuine scrutiny. >> the president added if reporters do their job and people are well informed, then he is confident our democracy will work. meanwhile, vice president joe biden also weighing in today in an interview with our pittsburgh, pennsylvania affiliate. biden says not to underestimate trump. >> he has beaten the odds. he surprised everybody. um, i think, um, we all make a mistake if we don't take him seriously. >> trump isn't getting much support from his own party either. republican senator lindsey graham and ex-florida governor jeb bush won't vote for him. house speaker paul ryan says yesterday he is not ready it back the front yet. he invited trump to meet with him in dc next thursday. a disappointing labor report today. u.s. employers have slowed down their hiring. the u.s. economy added 160,000 jobs last month. it's the weakest gain in 7 months. the unemployment rate held steady at 5%. the good news? average hourly earnings went up by .3%. dow up 80. nasdaq up 19. s&p up 6.5. it has been ugly for apple lately. today its stock hit a new 52 week low. shares dipped to $91.85 at one point. they haven't about that low since the markets went squirrely last august. apple posted a nearly 13% decline in revenue in the 1st quarter. it was called the etsy for food. tonight you can call it closed. an east bay startup with a loyal following is served up with an order to stop. ♪[ music ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, helped home- cooks sell hom made meals... has been shut-down. "josephine," billed itself way for people who love to money by making an east bay startup that helped home cooks sell homemade meals shut down. josephine billed itself for a way for people who love to cook to paining money by making meals for people in their neighborhoods. the company is shut down by the alameda county health department. officials there contend the food sales were illegal because the meals were not prepared in a licensed facility. josephine's founders say they are exploring options to keep going. actress jamie lee curtis once had an addiction to painkillers admitted in reports to the singer prince also had an addiction. curtis wrote in the "huffington post," i also mourn the passing of potential artists past and present caught in this deadly vice. as we told you this week, the mill valley clinic called "recovery without walls" was contacted by representatives for prince. the call came a day before the singer died. the nationally known addiction treatment specialist dr. howard kornfeld couldn't meet with prince for a few days so he cents his son andrew to minneapolis. andrew was the one who called 911 after prince was found unresponsive. on monday, the bay area will get a rare glimpse of mercury passing the face of the sun. but only with solar telescopes. only happens about a dozen times a century. last time it came between the sun and the earth, 2006. it will be visible in the bay area between 6:01 and 11:44 a.m. but, of course, you do not look directly into the sun. catch it online or one of the bay area observatories. foothill college, chabot space center, they are holding events. it will be fun. you have special glasses eclipse glasses. they will work. usually find them for a dollar. we have some rain out there. that's worth more than a dollar. san jose john muir middle school about one sixth inch of rain even more more than that in gilroy and dublin and we're not done with the rain yet. it's going to rain on part of your weekend. find out which specifically when it's going to rain coming up. >> hey, at monte vista high school in the east bay, it is the best of the best in men's high school lacrosse. you won't believe it and you're going to meet 'em in just a few minutes. alo alto. it's usually about crime. but the people who live the have other stories to te hopeful st when you see news stories from east palo alto, it's usually about crime. but the people who live there have other stories to tell hopeful stories. tonight wendy tokuda shows us how one student is rising above as a leader in her community. >> reporter: yvonne hamill is not just painting here. she is making a political statement. >> i want to change it into hope. >> reporter: she wants people to know that east palo alto is much more than a crime rate. >> i see all of this and i love it and i'm here and this is my home. so of course i don't want to lose it. >> reporter: she lives where the sillicon valley meets the ghetto. >> i realize how much i love my hood until they tried to build it up and tear us down. >> there are a lot of community members that really care about where they're from and they live positive lives for fulfillment and beauty. >> from east palo alto. >> reporter: including yvonne. but she was a lot different when she first met community leader isaiah phillips. >> it was hard to work with her, you know, sometimes. you know? just because -- >> reporter: a lot of anger? >> anger, a lot of, um, a lot of hostility. >> 15 people in a three-bedroom house. >> reporter: anger came from pain. >> i was used to living [ indiscernible ] at school. i was used to dealing with fighting, drug abuse. but actually losing people. >> reporter: murder. >> yeah. having to deal with the idea somebody was murdered and it was so close to home that that kind of what hurt the most. >> reporter: it was her uncle and his murder made yvonne see something had to change. >> it's not right. and it's hurting people. and so a part of my [ indiscernible ] is combating gun violence. >> reporter: but become a leader it would take mentors like isaiah. >> and dealing with me with all of my attitude and all of the anger that i had in me but they didn't give up. >> get into a argument that neither of them [ indiscernible ] or you can have a real conversation and come to a conclusion that helps both sides. >> reporter: yvonne took that lesson to school. she used to be suspended a lot as a kid. but at east side college prep, she has a 3.9 gpa. >> some people started [ indiscernible ] and for her to have traveled as far as she did, it's even more, you know, borderline miraculous. >> so now my larger purpose is to serve my community and to better it. >> graduate from college it's going to be a force to be reckoned with. [ reading indistinguishable ] >> reporter: wendy tokuda, kpix 5. >> yvonne was just accepted to howard university in washington, d.c. and to help students like yvonne rise above, go to >> fantastic college. paul, we are just happy that we get a little more rain to put in our piggy bank. >> we are still adding snow to the sierra. we have had snow in the sierra nine of the last 11 days. right there behind me is a bashful rain shower, oh, so close to fremont, milpitas and san jose. but it just want to sit over the mountains. that's what it's been doing for the past hour not making any progress to the east or to the south. so this may never make it to you in livermore although it's raining like five miles to your south and east. we'll see where this moves if it moves it likely would head toward fremont, livermore or milpitas. that's the only shower out there. the rest of the bay area is dry. a few drips pop overnight tonight and another round of rain tomorrow and that's snowfall. still coming down in the sierra above 7,000 feet in elevation. want to check this with our kpix 5 weather watchers. about a 10th inch in brentwood. double that in hayward. tenth inch for alameda. and mountain view about .12" of rainfall. thank you to our faithful weather watchers. it's chilly outside has been all day. san jose 59. oakland 59. livermore currently 60 degrees. i want to set the scene for you with where the low pressure area is now. we have been watching this since monday when it was sitting offshore made landfall if you will yesterday. and it still is just rotating over southern california exercising a wide influence. from concord to colorado, that's where it's raining as a result of this. so it's a big storm. even though it moves hundreds of miles more tomorrow, not far enough away to take that rain chance. it will be centered over southern nevada over henderson and las vegas and eventually northwestern arizona but still there will be showers bubbling up over the high terrain of the sierra and the motion tomorrow is northeast to southwest which takes that unstable air and those showers and sends them back toward us. so what does that mean? cloudy tonight, rain tomorrow. so let's talk temperatures. mainly cloudy night with a chance of a few showers overnight lows will be in the 50s. and then here's futurecast. there it is. showers tomorrow morning, even a few showers possible for the north bay and the delta tomorrow afternoon. and generally just kind of cloudy and cool like it has been the past couple of days it will be once again tomorrow. dry weather thankfully returns on sunday but tomorrow morning has the potential to be light to moderate rainfall throughout much if not all the of the bay area. temperatures below average. mountain view some morning showers for you 68. pacifica only 61. walnut creek 66. some rain tomorrow morning for you. dublin 68. fairfield 66 degrees. 63 in san francisco and sausalito. mid-60s novato, san rafael, petaluma, corte madera. clearlake 66 with mainly cloudy skies. mother's day the transition day. rain gone, partly sunny, mid- 60s near the bay for mom. and inland, highs will be in the low 70s and then there is all the sunshine next week. so much different than this week. 60s and 70s near the bay. 770s. 70s and 80s inland. sports is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at school hosting s hey, welcome to monte vista high school. boy, this is the granddaddy of all east bay bragging rights for men's lacrosse. monte vista is hosting san ramon valley and a big one. it is a doozy. monte vista here warming up. they are the top team in california. fourth nationally according to max preps. they are putting a 20-0 record on the line against the san ramon team champs. even at 10-7, these guys are really, really dangerous. >> we started off low pressure and won at st. ignatius and since then we have been up around number one in the rankings. and we get everybody's best shot, hunted and a big target. in the nba, a little gamesmanship by the "dubs"? steve kerr said curry wouldn't play at game 3 in portland. then later on said he probably won't play. what-ever! [ laughter ] this is a shot of curry practicing today at the team facility in oakland. everyone hopped a plane to the pacific northwest. kerr expanded, he spinned a little bit on it. going forward -- >> i would still say doubtful for game 4 but with a little more optimism, um, based on what i sauteed and then we'll get a look tomorrow and sunday and we will see how much progress he makes and go from there. hey, out of the east coast, cleveland at 25 threes in game 2, how about 21 tonight? lebron james [ indiscernible ] decision 121-108. and a runaway. meantime, nhl. the sharks played a marathon last night in nashville. seemed like they have the game won in overtime but officials said no, no, no. joe pavelski took out the goaltender. yeah. it was ruled interference waved off. sharks claimed that pavelski was shoved into the goalie. the game stayed tied until about halfway through triple overtime. the winning goal by fisher. san jose dressing room obviously frustrated after the game. >> the explanation was that he had time to stop which i mean if you are reaching in for a puck and getting crushed from behind i don't know where i find time to stop. >> that rule has been clear as mud to every coach in the league all year. so why should it be different tonight? >> got to get ready for the next one. hopefully the shark tank is cool and loud. so -- the a's a rainout against the orioles. the giants go at 7:00. highlights coming up on "the late show." now, after giving up 17 runs last night against colorado, giants looking for a little pitching help. tim lincecum is looking for a job. yeah, that's right. today at scottsdale, lincecum held a showcase for scouts from 20 different teams including the giants. this fastball reportedly topped out at 91 miles per hour in the 41-pitch session. he last pitched in a big league game almost a year ago, then had hip surgery and still has yet to sign with a club this year. be but he's healthy. >> this whole process has taken a lot of time and it's been rigorous and a little groundhog day-ish. >> what's next? >> seeing where i'm going to go and where the interest of the teams is. i don't know. i have to think about it. all right. well, that will do it for the content section of the show. as we kick it back to san francisco, the natives are restless here at monte vista high school! they want to see the teams go 21-0 to continue that streak. ♪[ music ] >> back to you in the studio. >> let lacrosse begin. >> thank you. for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather, always on join us for nightbeat at 10:00 and back here at 11:00. stay dry. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: i appreciate that. thank y'all. appreciate that. thank y'all. ha ha! yeah, i do. i appreciate you, folks. i appreciate it. yeah, i do. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. listen. we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from atlanta, georgia--it's the champs--it's the patel family... [cheering and applause] and from villa rica, georgia, now to be confused with puerto rico, it's the rich family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge right there. hey, let's go meet the rich family. [cheering and applause] j: hey, steve. steve: j rich, how you feeling? j: hey, i'm doing great, steve. how about you? steve: first of all, welcome back. i've met you all before. j: thank you, sir. yes, sir. steve: so you all are back. let's go on down here and meet the queen. memaw, how you doing? memaw: i am good. steve: girl, you got back. you sure looking jazzy today. what you got on here? memaw: ooh, i... steve: girl, what's-- memaw: had to dress up because i was coming to see you. steve: this is-- memaw, how you been, though? memaw: i've been good. let me tell you something. steve: go ahead. memaw: i got blush on my cheek. i got my hair on fleek. i'm here to get that money stack. it's memaw. i'm back. j: whoo! yes! whoo! angel: whoo! getting the jams. yeah. memaw: did i do good?

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Fremont , California , United States , Nevada , Brentwood , Alameda County , Vermont , Redwood City , Mountain View , Santa Clara County , San Diego , Dublin , Ireland , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Nob Hill , Berkeley , Arizona , Clearlake , Milpitas , Pacifica , Sacramento , Hayes Valley , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , Sausalito , Oakland , Texas , Atlanta , Georgia , Stockton , San Ramon Valley , Puerto Rico , Marin County , Dover , Maryland , Colorado , Pennsylvania , San Francisco City Hall , Mill Valley , Montgomery County , America , Wendy Tokuda , Frank Lloyd Wright , Joe Biden , Steve Harvey , Jose John Muir , Santa Clara , Willie Mays , Jamie Lee Curtis , Allen Martin , Vallejo Jesse Bethel , Dana Stubblefield , El Cerrito , Paul Ryan , Bernie Sanders , Francisco Hayward , Josh Atkins , Yvonne Hamill , Jerome Batista , Andria Borba , Lebron James , Howard Kornfeld , Darrell Williams , Jeb Bush , Maria Medina , Lindsey Graham , Las Vegas , El Nino , Isaiah Phillips , Tim Lincecum , Steve Kerr , Elisa Stephens , Hillary Clinton , Len Ramirez ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160507 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160507

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it's a very long list. and he is dividing america which i find absolutely intolerable. >> reporter: the democratic front-runner reaffirmed her overall support for sanctuary cities but mentioning the case directly clinton suggested she might have a different approach to the kate steinle case. she was shot and killed on pier 1 in san francisco by an illegal immigrant with a criminal history. >> violent offenders people who have been deported, people who shouldn't will be in the city in the first place, there should be cooperation in those kinds of cases. we are behind in roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, water systems, you name it. >> reporter: this week i attended a kickoff campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in california. would you vote for it? >> i'd have to study what it said and who it would actually be implemented? >> any gut feeling as a mother, grandmother? >> i have questions about it. i'm not going to -- as i say, right where i sit today, i favor more research into making sure medical marijuana is being used to the best effect. >> we just have a couple of seconds. final question. does california count? looks like you have the nomination. >> california always counts. >> there's a politician. >> no. but it's the way i feel. >> if that's the way she feels, she relayed to the crowd waiting for her later. you could hear the cheers. >> yeah. you have a tremendous career. you have covered a lot of politicians. but what's your takeaway? >> right from the get-go when i asked her about the campaign? she jumped to trump. it was as if bernie sanders wasn't even in the picture. but he still is. and if he is strong in california or happens to carry the state at least with the popular vote regardless of the delegates, that could lead to a very interesting and conflicting convention which would not serve hillary clinton really well right now. so she is not out of the woods yet but she was confident. she was clearly on a roll. and she was enjoying the fact of being a front-runner, something she hasn't seen for a while. >> no doubt. phil, thanks. you can catch phil's entire interview on our website, chopper 5 overhead, a half- hour ago clinton's motorcade left oakland and headed over the bay bridge towards san francisco. this is a live look over the masonic temple in nob hill where clinton is holding a fundraiser tonight. this one not just for high rollers. the cheapest tickets were $45. kpix 5's da lin is at la escuelita elementary school in oakland where clinton gave a speech this afternoon and it was free. da. >> reporter: free and packed, liz. clinton wrapped up her speech more than an hour ago so it's quiet now. but it was a zoo earlier. loud, packed, and very busy. in fact, it was so packed, so many supporters showed up, organizers had to shut the doors and turn hundreds away. a free event, 1,000 people in line. it stretched for blocks outside of the elementary school. the first person stood in line since 7:30 this morning. supporters say they wanted to hear clinton talk about her plans to help the middle class and she did. hillary clinton spent about 20 minutes focusing on jobs and the economy. senator barbara boxer was the person who introduced her to the crowd. and as you can tell, there are a lot of people excited to see her. quite a few millennials came out, as well. some turning 18 years old and voting for the first time. >> she really, like, inspired me. they say you can't be what you can't see. um, and so i don't think i would be as interested in politics as i am if it weren't for her. >> i don't see her being divisive at all. i think she is inclusive. and i think she will do a lot to bring this country together. >> reporter: yeah. this is footage around 4:30 or so. organizers basically closing the gate to the event leaving a few hundred people standing outside. they were pretty disappointed for the most part. by the way, there was a small group of protestors mostly bernie sanders supporters and a trump supporter. there was some screaming and yelling between the supporters of hillary clinton and some bernie sanders supporters here but for the most part it was a very peaceful event. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> meanwhile, vermont senator bernie sanders will visit california on monday. that's when absentee voting starts. he has rallies in sacramento, then he heads to stockton for more events on tuesday. the latest kpix 5/surveyusa poll shows clinton with nearly a 20-point lead over sanders here in california. 6% of likely primary voters are still undecided. here's some of the dates to know. beginning on monday, voters can send their ballots in by mail. may 23rd is the last day to register to vote. the primary is june 7. the city of san francisco has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the academy of art over its massive real estate holdings. the action comes just two days after our phil matier reported on growing tensions between the academy and the city. after a busy day with the clinton campaign he filed this report. >> academy camped it's an egregious land use scofflaw. >> reporter: he is charging the academy of art with illegally converting 23 properties into classrooms and dorms in intentional defiance of the city's planning requirements. >> again and again you met our good faith with bad faith. you set deadlines and missed, made promises and broke them. with our lawsuit today, it ends. >> reporter: the academy of art has grown over the past 20 years from a small family-run affair to the largest private art school in the country. in the process, the academy's owner dr. elisa stephens and her family have built up a real estate empire of more than 40 properties in the city. the complaint allegation she and her family fragrantly ignored restrictions depriving san francisco of critical housing stock. >> by filing suit against academy of art university we seek to restore 300 residential housing units that aau unlawfully displaced. >> reporter: the academy's attorney was quick to respond. >> he wants the students to be driven out of the buildings? he wants to close the school? he wants to stop the learning or the teaching that's going on in that school?! it is way over his pay rate. >> reporter: he says the academy put a generous settlement on the table that the city attorney has completely ignored. >> in writing, we offered the city $10 million, a building with 87 low-income housing units, a promise to deal with all expansion in the future by building, which would help not taking over buildings, and compliance with whatever it is the planning commission tells us. >> reporter: herrera just got a copy of it this morning. >> we'll look at this latest proposal that i received this morning after i filed the lawsuit. and we'll evaluate it on its merits and see if it represents a -- a -- a path forward. if not, we're litigating this and going to make sure that the aau adheres to the law. >> reporter: in san francisco, phil matier, kpix 5. >> the lawsuit charges the academy with unfair business practices and with being a public nuisance. closure for an oakland families who' little girl was -- whose little girl was shot to death during a sleepover. the man who killed her found guilty. the killing rocked this oakland neighborhood back in 2013. 8-year-old alaysha carradine was in the wrong place at the wrong time. she was killed when darrell williams fired a barrage of bullets through the front door of an apartment. three other people inside were also shot. >> this has been a long, long three years. >> oh, my god. nobody understands. yes, we're just so happy. we're so happy. >> we just had closure today. we appreciate the closure. >> prosecutors say williams went on a premeditated murder spree to get back against a gang member for a murder earlier that same day. california's drought showing some signs of easing. for the first time in three years the parts of the state in a drought dropped below 90%. the map makes it clear. extreme northern california better. scientists credit el nino for that change. of course, the drought means any rain is welcome. it was a wet day around parts of the bay area. that's steady rainfall earlier today in san jose. let's take a live look from our transamerica tower cam. many of us seeing a little break from the rain this evening. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward in berkeley with a look at the conditions there right now. jackie. >> reporter: allen, gray clouds have been hanging above us all afternoon but it hasn't rained since this morning. earlier today, it was coming down along grizzly peak road steady. it was a brief system but just enough to slick up the roads. it's been a busy weather week. in just the past few days the bay area has seen 12 to 1500 like strikes. with more rain on the way little league officials are keeping an eye on their pitchers' mounds. >> if we got too much rain the mounds made out of clay get slippery and become a slip hazard. >> reporter: what's too much rain? a steady heavy rain that adds up to about 1/3." the rain won't be too severe this weekend. he is hoping all those games scheduled will go on as planned. in berkeley, jackie ward, kpix 5. a little break from the rain right now. but there's noreen coming up for part of your weekend -- but there's more rain coming up for your weekend. 90% of the bay area is dry. look at the new shower over the diablo range. it's going to fremont, san jose and milpitas moving east to west. so we are not entirely done with the showers. it's not raining in any of our airport locations currently but that new shower popping up may impact you from fremont south of san jose. most active part of the day for the peninsula and the south bay was between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. some steady rainfall impacted san jose. rainfall totals really added up in a few specific spots. .4" of rain that's good for may in morgan hill. about a sixth of an inch in san jose and dublin. less than .10" in san francisco hayward and mill valley. but futurecast says there's another wave of low pressure that will move through. and if you are planning on doing anything outside before lunchtime tomorrow, this likely will impact that activity adversely. we are going to see some widespread light to moderate rainfall to begin your weekend tomorrow. we'll talk about whoing you that will last and what mother's day looks like coming up in a few minutes. thank you. lawyers for a former 49ers stair accused of rape come out -- star accused of rape come out swinging. why our legal expert says it won't work. >> the hunger strikers demanding the firing of the police chief in the hospital. they are frail but the reporters are loud in city hall. ♪[ music ] >> it's not often dashcam videos end in a danceoff. bay area police and students take on a '90s craze to send a powerful message about coming together. ,,,,,,,,,,,, when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at brings out police in riot g banging on drums and other e the echo, deafening from a protest at san francisco city hall brings out police in riot gear. [ screaming ] >> that echo deafening from protestors banging on sticks in the rotunda. they are demonstrating in solidarity with the hunger strikers who are now in the office. kpix 5's andria borba is at the mayor's office now. what's happening? >> reporter: the protestors have been in front of the mayor's office for an hour. the crowd is smaller and they have broken off into two groups. there's one group over here. then the other group right in front of the mayor's office right there as you can see. texas have gotten -- tensions have gotten a little calmer out here. the sheriff's depth in this in front of the mayor's door have not -- do know the have their riot gear on now. just in the past 10 seconds things have gotten loud again with protestors chanting, fire chief suhr. this has been going on for two hours here at city hall. back to you. andria borba, kpix 5. new at 6:00, bay area police department doing a different kind of outreach. kpix 5's maria medina with a message that's set to music. >> reporter: just two days after hitting the internet, this video got hundreds of thousands of views and shares on facebook. now take a closer look. the stars of the video, two of the police department's very own. did you think it was going to get in kind of response? >> no. actually not at all. >> reporter: jerome batista a corporal detective hand-picked by his partner. >> i checked him i was like dude we have to do this and he was like i'm in. >> reporter: the running man challenge a trend going crazy over the internet right now. even professional athletes are taking on the viral dance challenge. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: but coleman and bautista didn't want to do it alone and asked a group of teens interest vallejo's jesse bethel high to join. >> ma'am, the reason we pulled you over is because it's speeding. >> what does it feel like to be part of this video? >> it's dope. a lot of stereotypes. and they're like awesome. they break the stereotypes. >> reporter: in fact, with so much tension between communities and police departments, officer coleman says this was just one way to reach out to his community. >> we wanted to make the world a better place for one minute and 13 seconds and i think we accomplished that. >> reporter: little did they know the video that coleman shot and produced would go viral not only making bautista famous for his dance moves -- ♪[ music ] >> reporter: -- showing a side to a police department that many don't get to see. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: at last check, the video had 741,000 views. he had to get department approval to shoot the video and says everyone is pleased including the chief. in vallejo, maria medina, kpix 5. >> no doubt he got approval. >> the warriors dance team getting in on the challenge. the dancers took a break from practice with the junior dance squad to get a little silly and mixed it with the advanced expert dance moves. they don't disappoint. two options for pg&e customers. state regulators are considering how much to let the utility raise gas rates to pay for safety upgrades. under one plan, pg&e could collect $945 million total. the average monthly bill would go up 10.7%. under the second proposal, pg&e would collect $858 million raising the average bill by 9.9%. the public utilities commission could vote as early as next month. other bay area headlines. it's a photo san francisco police want you to see. they need your help finding this missing woman. 65-year-old hue lee was seen april 22 entering the caltrain station at 4th and king wearing a hat, light blue coat, brown handbag. she has a food problem and needs medication. police in campbell need your help finding car thieves. surveillance video clearly shows a woman getting into an unlocked car. this happened on mitchell court early wednesday morning. later a man joined her and it appears he tries to start the car. after several unsuccessful attempts, the suspects give up and leave the area. police say they got away with money and an iphone. el cerrito police looking for a woman who swapped an empty box for a package on the porch of a home in richmond. the woman in the surveillance video wearing the green and white jacket. the number 55 is on the back there. she was seen in a white gmc pickup truck. our windshield wipers andumbrellas got a workout today -- and umbrellas got a workout today. we'll need them again tomorrow. >> the drought, the water is beneficial as well as for allergist. that's good wednesday, thursday, friday. the weekend, you might want to get a little sunshine in there. you have to wait until sunday for the sunshine. more rain coming tomorrow. we'll look at the radar because we have one heavier shower bubbling up over the diablo range south and east of livermore but it's likely about 15 or 20 minutes away from impacting areas south and east of downtown livermore. and south of the 580 corridor. but this is moving from east to west the opposite direction from typical so eventually this rain may make it to fremont or milpitas or even san jose an santa clara. that's it for right now. otherwise, we are mainly dry most of the rainfall falling before 2:00 this afternoon. highs today, not that high. morgan hill is the warm spot at 64. you're also the wet spot today. fremont 60. san rafael 59. and san francisco only 58 degrees. your weather headlines talking about another cloudy night tonight which will be another mild tonight. with the cloud cover acting like a blanket, a chance of showers continuing. overnight lows will be only in the 50s. we're talking about temperatures in fact 50s once again overnight tonight. tomorrow, highs only in the 60s as rain chances are back and dry weather. dry on sunday. high temperatures tomorrow mid 60s. redwood city 68. livermore 67. vallejo 66. santa rosa 65. napa 67 degrees. your extended forecast calls for those mainly morning showers tomorrow. if i had to put a window on it i'd say 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. the best chance of seeing some showers tomorrow. then the afternoon should be drier but still cloudy and cool. mother's day, 70s inland, 60s near the bay but the big headline is it's not going to rain on sunday and next week that's a truckload full of sunshine for you. monday through friday comfortable. 60s near the bay, 70s close to 80 inland. tomorrow morning before lunchtime it will likely rain again. >> okay. >> but hang on. >> the allergies, that's huge. so many people are rubbing their eyes. >> sneezing and coughing. >> everything. >> so the rain helps. >> cleans out the air a little bit. thank you. two san francisco icons coming together. the permanent tribute to the say hey kid. >> bay area twins born in separate years. that's not the only thing that makes them special. why this will be a mother's day to remember. >> "bike to work" day is next thursday. we want to share your bike to work story. post your pictures and videos on our social media accounts and we'll put some of them on the air. ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, the mom of bay area preemie they finally get to go home. are pictures of mile an extra special mother's day for the mom of bay area people aries. they finally get to come home. pictures of miles and walker ericksson when they were born after 26 weeks, the people are one on february 28, the other on leap day. this were at alta bates summit medical center. chances of being born on leap day are one in 1400. but what makes these little guys unique is they are twins with different birthdays. >> very special babies. the giants say hey kid willie mays is 85 today. to celebrate, san francisco dedicated a special cable car in his honor. it is car number 24, the number mays wore on his uniform as a giant. a plaque was unveiled as part of the ceremony that will be mounted on the car. mays says he is honored but he was concerned about the team itself. >> what happened to the giants? don't they come play here? they the one that brought me here. they said no, no, no. the giants will come later. we gonna do something for them later but the cable car is yours. >> mays is widely considered one of the best to ever play the game. he was elected to baseball's hall of fame in 1979. a smaller scale design from one of the world's best known architects is coming to marin county. we mean a doghouse. marin county accepting the donated replica of a doghouse designed by frank lloyd wright in the '50s based on his original specifics. it will be displayed on tuesday at the board of supervisors at the meeting. coming up in our next half- hour, surprising twist in the rape case against a former 49er great. the unusual defense strategy and why our legal expert says good luck. >> and vice president joe biden's warning about the mistake we could all be making with donald trump! may not be what you think. >> police say a federal officer killed three people then went for a casual lunch. how a two-day shooting rampage ended outside the nation's capital. ,, before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. sat down with hillary clint this afternoon in oakland.. an exclusive interview. one-on-one with the democratic party front-runner. our phil matier sat down with hillary clinton this afternoon in oakland for an exclusive interview. she came out swinging against donald trump. >> i have never seen so much concern even in his own party by republicans about their nominee. um, you know, you have a hard- fought primary people usually close ranks and what we're seeing is that you have a lot of serious minded republican officials both current and former who are raising serious doubts. >> you can watch the entire interview on our website, relief and tears of joy for an oakland family after a man is convicted of killing a girl shot during a sleepover in 2013. the man was convicted of firing bullets through the front door. lawyers for dana stubblefield are fighting back after he was put in handcuffs in front of his kids after being accused of sexual assaulting as woman at his home. he claims it was consensual. len ramirez reports. >> reporter: this may be a case where the defense is going on the offense. attorneys for mr. stubblefield want the california attorney general to get involved to ensure that their client receives a far trial. [ pause ] >> reporter: dana stubblefield's lawyers accuse the santa clara county district attorney of prejudicing potential jurors in leaking information to the media and today they went to court to ask a judge to remove jeff rosen's office from the case. >> so the information that really was slanted in one particular way about the potential witnesses and the victim in the case was really put out to prejudice not to inform the public. >> reporter: stubblefield is accused of raping a 32-year-old developmentally disabled woman in his home last year after interviewing her for a nanny job. stubblefield said they had sex but consensual. his attorney cited what they called inflammatory phrases in the press release like she was unconscionably assaulted and if convicted he faces a substantial prison sentence. the attorneys also accuse the d.a.'s office of leaking information to the media about state services the alleged victim received. >> we feel that the case now needs to be handled by an impartial body. they are asking for the attorney general's office to be named the prosecutor in the case so mr. stubblefield can get a fair hearing. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office sent kpix 5 a text message that reads our response is the evidence we will present in court. we seek justice for the victim and the people. >> this isn't anything unusual in terms of the nature of the press release. >> reporter: kpix 5 legal analyst and former judge ladoris cordell says the motion to kick the d.a. off the cast will most likely fail but she says filing the motion does prove one thing. >> the defense in this case is sending a message loud and clear to the prosecutor that they're not going to take it. >> reporter: dana stubblefield's first appearance in court is scheduled for june 3. at that time he may or may not enter a plea in this case. but this is expected to be a very lively if not very heated court battle. reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. a man san francisco police say tried to sexually assault a woman on the street is now in custody. adamburg lund was arrested this morning after officers recognized him from surveillance video. berglund was seen walking around the hayes valley neighborhood after the woman reported the attack around 10 a.m. yesterday. police say the man followed the woman for several blocks before attacking her on grove street. the victim got away. she was not hurt. a federal worker is behind bars accused in three deadly shootings in the washington, dc area. police arrested eulalio tordil after he finished lunch at a restaurant near the scene of the latest shooting. two people were killed today at a mall and grocery store in montgomery county, maryland. yesterday, tordil's estranged wife was shot to death at a nearby high school. tordil worked with the federal protective service and homeland security. the body of a u.s. navy seal killed in combat is being returned to the united states. navy petty officer first class charles keating iv was killed in this gun battle with "islamic state" fighters in iraq on tuesday. his body was expected to arrive at dover air force base base today and the funeral will be in san diego. now to campaign 2016 and the race for the white house. president obama telling reporters today it's time to get serious about presumptive nominee donald trump. >> this is not entertainment. this is not a reality show. this is a contest for the president sift united states. and what that means is that every candidate, every nominee, needs to be subject to exactly standards and, um, genuine scrutiny. >> the president added if reporters do their job and people are well informed, then he is confident our democracy will work. meanwhile, vice president joe biden also weighing in today in an interview with our pittsburgh, pennsylvania affiliate. biden says not to underestimate trump. >> he has beaten the odds. he surprised everybody. um, i think, um, we all make a mistake if we don't take him seriously. >> trump isn't getting much support from his own party either. republican senator lindsey graham and ex-florida governor jeb bush won't vote for him. house speaker paul ryan says yesterday he is not ready it back the front yet. he invited trump to meet with him in dc next thursday. a disappointing labor report today. u.s. employers have slowed down their hiring. the u.s. economy added 160,000 jobs last month. it's the weakest gain in 7 months. the unemployment rate held steady at 5%. the good news? average hourly earnings went up by .3%. dow up 80. nasdaq up 19. s&p up 6.5. it has been ugly for apple lately. today its stock hit a new 52 week low. shares dipped to $91.85 at one point. they haven't about that low since the markets went squirrely last august. apple posted a nearly 13% decline in revenue in the 1st quarter. it was called the etsy for food. tonight you can call it closed. an east bay startup with a loyal following is served up with an order to stop. ♪[ music ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, helped home- cooks sell hom made meals... has been shut-down. "josephine," billed itself way for people who love to money by making an east bay startup that helped home cooks sell homemade meals shut down. josephine billed itself for a way for people who love to cook to paining money by making meals for people in their neighborhoods. the company is shut down by the alameda county health department. officials there contend the food sales were illegal because the meals were not prepared in a licensed facility. josephine's founders say they are exploring options to keep going. actress jamie lee curtis once had an addiction to painkillers admitted in reports to the singer prince also had an addiction. curtis wrote in the "huffington post," i also mourn the passing of potential artists past and present caught in this deadly vice. as we told you this week, the mill valley clinic called "recovery without walls" was contacted by representatives for prince. the call came a day before the singer died. the nationally known addiction treatment specialist dr. howard kornfeld couldn't meet with prince for a few days so he cents his son andrew to minneapolis. andrew was the one who called 911 after prince was found unresponsive. on monday, the bay area will get a rare glimpse of mercury passing the face of the sun. but only with solar telescopes. only happens about a dozen times a century. last time it came between the sun and the earth, 2006. it will be visible in the bay area between 6:01 and 11:44 a.m. but, of course, you do not look directly into the sun. catch it online or one of the bay area observatories. foothill college, chabot space center, they are holding events. it will be fun. you have special glasses eclipse glasses. they will work. usually find them for a dollar. we have some rain out there. that's worth more than a dollar. san jose john muir middle school about one sixth inch of rain even more more than that in gilroy and dublin and we're not done with the rain yet. it's going to rain on part of your weekend. find out which specifically when it's going to rain coming up. >> hey, at monte vista high school in the east bay, it is the best of the best in men's high school lacrosse. you won't believe it and you're going to meet 'em in just a few minutes. alo alto. it's usually about crime. but the people who live the have other stories to te hopeful st when you see news stories from east palo alto, it's usually about crime. but the people who live there have other stories to tell hopeful stories. tonight wendy tokuda shows us how one student is rising above as a leader in her community. >> reporter: yvonne hamill is not just painting here. she is making a political statement. >> i want to change it into hope. >> reporter: she wants people to know that east palo alto is much more than a crime rate. >> i see all of this and i love it and i'm here and this is my home. so of course i don't want to lose it. >> reporter: she lives where the sillicon valley meets the ghetto. >> i realize how much i love my hood until they tried to build it up and tear us down. >> there are a lot of community members that really care about where they're from and they live positive lives for fulfillment and beauty. >> from east palo alto. >> reporter: including yvonne. but she was a lot different when she first met community leader isaiah phillips. >> it was hard to work with her, you know, sometimes. you know? just because -- >> reporter: a lot of anger? >> anger, a lot of, um, a lot of hostility. >> 15 people in a three-bedroom house. >> reporter: anger came from pain. >> i was used to living [ indiscernible ] at school. i was used to dealing with fighting, drug abuse. but actually losing people. >> reporter: murder. >> yeah. having to deal with the idea somebody was murdered and it was so close to home that that kind of what hurt the most. >> reporter: it was her uncle and his murder made yvonne see something had to change. >> it's not right. and it's hurting people. and so a part of my [ indiscernible ] is combating gun violence. >> reporter: but become a leader it would take mentors like isaiah. >> and dealing with me with all of my attitude and all of the anger that i had in me but they didn't give up. >> get into a argument that neither of them [ indiscernible ] or you can have a real conversation and come to a conclusion that helps both sides. >> reporter: yvonne took that lesson to school. she used to be suspended a lot as a kid. but at east side college prep, she has a 3.9 gpa. >> some people started [ indiscernible ] and for her to have traveled as far as she did, it's even more, you know, borderline miraculous. >> so now my larger purpose is to serve my community and to better it. >> graduate from college it's going to be a force to be reckoned with. [ reading indistinguishable ] >> reporter: wendy tokuda, kpix 5. >> yvonne was just accepted to howard university in washington, d.c. and to help students like yvonne rise above, go to >> fantastic college. paul, we are just happy that we get a little more rain to put in our piggy bank. >> we are still adding snow to the sierra. we have had snow in the sierra nine of the last 11 days. right there behind me is a bashful rain shower, oh, so close to fremont, milpitas and san jose. but it just want to sit over the mountains. that's what it's been doing for the past hour not making any progress to the east or to the south. so this may never make it to you in livermore although it's raining like five miles to your south and east. we'll see where this moves if it moves it likely would head toward fremont, livermore or milpitas. that's the only shower out there. the rest of the bay area is dry. a few drips pop overnight tonight and another round of rain tomorrow and that's snowfall. still coming down in the sierra above 7,000 feet in elevation. want to check this with our kpix 5 weather watchers. about a 10th inch in brentwood. double that in hayward. tenth inch for alameda. and mountain view about .12" of rainfall. thank you to our faithful weather watchers. it's chilly outside has been all day. san jose 59. oakland 59. livermore currently 60 degrees. i want to set the scene for you with where the low pressure area is now. we have been watching this since monday when it was sitting offshore made landfall if you will yesterday. and it still is just rotating over southern california exercising a wide influence. from concord to colorado, that's where it's raining as a result of this. so it's a big storm. even though it moves hundreds of miles more tomorrow, not far enough away to take that rain chance. it will be centered over southern nevada over henderson and las vegas and eventually northwestern arizona but still there will be showers bubbling up over the high terrain of the sierra and the motion tomorrow is northeast to southwest which takes that unstable air and those showers and sends them back toward us. so what does that mean? cloudy tonight, rain tomorrow. so let's talk temperatures. mainly cloudy night with a chance of a few showers overnight lows will be in the 50s. and then here's futurecast. there it is. showers tomorrow morning, even a few showers possible for the north bay and the delta tomorrow afternoon. and generally just kind of cloudy and cool like it has been the past couple of days it will be once again tomorrow. dry weather thankfully returns on sunday but tomorrow morning has the potential to be light to moderate rainfall throughout much if not all the of the bay area. temperatures below average. mountain view some morning showers for you 68. pacifica only 61. walnut creek 66. some rain tomorrow morning for you. dublin 68. fairfield 66 degrees. 63 in san francisco and sausalito. mid-60s novato, san rafael, petaluma, corte madera. clearlake 66 with mainly cloudy skies. mother's day the transition day. rain gone, partly sunny, mid- 60s near the bay for mom. and inland, highs will be in the low 70s and then there is all the sunshine next week. so much different than this week. 60s and 70s near the bay. 770s. 70s and 80s inland. sports is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at school hosting s hey, welcome to monte vista high school. boy, this is the granddaddy of all east bay bragging rights for men's lacrosse. monte vista is hosting san ramon valley and a big one. it is a doozy. monte vista here warming up. they are the top team in california. fourth nationally according to max preps. they are putting a 20-0 record on the line against the san ramon team champs. even at 10-7, these guys are really, really dangerous. >> we started off low pressure and won at st. ignatius and since then we have been up around number one in the rankings. and we get everybody's best shot, hunted and a big target. in the nba, a little gamesmanship by the "dubs"? steve kerr said curry wouldn't play at game 3 in portland. then later on said he probably won't play. what-ever! [ laughter ] this is a shot of curry practicing today at the team facility in oakland. everyone hopped a plane to the pacific northwest. kerr expanded, he spinned a little bit on it. going forward -- >> i would still say doubtful for game 4 but with a little more optimism, um, based on what i sauteed and then we'll get a look tomorrow and sunday and we will see how much progress he makes and go from there. hey, out of the east coast, cleveland at 25 threes in game 2, how about 21 tonight? lebron james [ indiscernible ] decision 121-108. and a runaway. meantime, nhl. the sharks played a marathon last night in nashville. seemed like they have the game won in overtime but officials said no, no, no. joe pavelski took out the goaltender. yeah. it was ruled interference waved off. sharks claimed that pavelski was shoved into the goalie. the game stayed tied until about halfway through triple overtime. the winning goal by fisher. san jose dressing room obviously frustrated after the game. >> the explanation was that he had time to stop which i mean if you are reaching in for a puck and getting crushed from behind i don't know where i find time to stop. >> that rule has been clear as mud to every coach in the league all year. so why should it be different tonight? >> got to get ready for the next one. hopefully the shark tank is cool and loud. so -- the a's a rainout against the orioles. the giants go at 7:00. highlights coming up on "the late show." now, after giving up 17 runs last night against colorado, giants looking for a little pitching help. tim lincecum is looking for a job. yeah, that's right. today at scottsdale, lincecum held a showcase for scouts from 20 different teams including the giants. this fastball reportedly topped out at 91 miles per hour in the 41-pitch session. he last pitched in a big league game almost a year ago, then had hip surgery and still has yet to sign with a club this year. be but he's healthy. >> this whole process has taken a lot of time and it's been rigorous and a little groundhog day-ish. >> what's next? >> seeing where i'm going to go and where the interest of the teams is. i don't know. i have to think about it. all right. well, that will do it for the content section of the show. as we kick it back to san francisco, the natives are restless here at monte vista high school! they want to see the teams go 21-0 to continue that streak. ♪[ music ] >> back to you in the studio. >> let lacrosse begin. >> thank you. for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather, always on join us for nightbeat at 10:00 and back here at 11:00. stay dry. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: i appreciate that. thank y'all. appreciate that. thank y'all. ha ha! yeah, i do. i appreciate you, folks. i appreciate it. yeah, i do. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. listen. we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from atlanta, georgia--it's the champs--it's the patel family... [cheering and applause] and from villa rica, georgia, now to be confused with puerto rico, it's the rich family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge right there. hey, let's go meet the rich family. [cheering and applause] j: hey, steve. steve: j rich, how you feeling? j: hey, i'm doing great, steve. how about you? steve: first of all, welcome back. i've met you all before. j: thank you, sir. yes, sir. steve: so you all are back. let's go on down here and meet the queen. memaw, how you doing? memaw: i am good. steve: girl, you got back. you sure looking jazzy today. what you got on here? memaw: ooh, i... steve: girl, what's-- memaw: had to dress up because i was coming to see you. steve: this is-- memaw, how you been, though? memaw: i've been good. let me tell you something. steve: go ahead. memaw: i got blush on my cheek. i got my hair on fleek. i'm here to get that money stack. it's memaw. i'm back. j: whoo! yes! whoo! angel: whoo! getting the jams. yeah. memaw: did i do good?

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