Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170907 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20170907

our team is on the ground this morning tracking every development. president trump's stunning decision striking a deal with the democrats on harvey relief and the debt limit. now the new backlash from his own party. houston's hero. one-on-one with nfl star j.j. watt. now he's making sure hurricane victims get the nearly $30 million he's raised first on "gma." and it's back-to-school time for the little prince. george hand in hand with his dad this morning. why mom princess kate is sitting this one out. good morning, america. hurricane irma showing no mercy right now. let's take a look at what it looks like on the ground in the dominican republic. this morning, there it is. that's just the outer bands of the hurricane. it is not going to be a direct hit on the dominican republic but you can see how powerful those winds are. >> and those first images of the storm's power, george, are extremely scary. just listen to it and also this morning, we're seeing so much destruction already and hopefully everyone is evacuated and safe. >> that's right, michael. so far the category 5 storm has killed at least ten people. winds are now 180 miles an hour. states of emergency have been declared in puerto rico and florida and parts of georgia and south carolina, as well. the hurricane center says a direct hit in south florida is likely. amy is live in miami and she'll have more just ahead. yeah, we want to look at the traffic there this morning. there you see the highways in south florida right now. mandatory evacuations have been ordered in much of the southern part of the state and we have team coverage from puerto rico all through florida. chief meteorologist ginger zee starts us off with the latest on irma's path. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, george. hurricane irma can now be said to be the strongest for the longest period of time on the globe. that is a huge statistic that brings us to the power of irma. and you can see it moving away from puerto rico now and toward the turks and caicos. those would be the next in the direct line. dominican republic will certainly be brushed as that more ragged eye moves north but west and northwest is the general trend and that's why we see hurricane warnings for surge up to 20 feet in places like turks and caicos and southern bahamas. now, we've got a hurricane watch that includes freeport and nassau. now, i want to watch this track. because this is what everyone's interested in. the timing, it's tonight through early tomorrow that turks and caicos, southern bahamas gets hit, then it's saturday into sunday it starts to close in on the florida key, sunday night into monday as we move through the southeast portion of florida. this cone now reaches all the way into south carolina, charlotte is included. linzie janis has been watching this storm from puerto rico and we watched that pass right by you. so glad that you are standing there this morning. >> reporter: thanks, ginger. hurricane irma batted us here. debris flying through the streets. treens down and this morning, 70% of the population is without power. but nowhere near the destruction seen also in the caribbean where at least ten are dead and dozens more injured. this is what the caribbean is waking up to this morning. utter devastation as 185-mile-per-hour winds tore through st. martin, an island paradise decimated. this resort near the airport now buried under shattered glass. parts of the ceiling scattered on the floor. justin cummings catching it all. >> when i woke up this morning, glass had gone through a lot of the walls. >> reporter: on "gma" we met a group of american fitness instructors on vacation. they spoke to us as water poured through their villa. >> the flooding is kind of amazing because the wind and rain are just bringing it through the sliding doors. >> reporter: this morning, they tell us they're happy to have survived the night. >> you don't want to be in the middle of this. we left our hotel room yesterday and just the amount of damages is horrible. >> reporter: these newlyweds were forced to spend their honeymoon in their hotel bathroom. >> got the wind going about 100 miles per hour. you can really hear it outside shaking the doors. >> reporter: although the hotel says everyone is safe their families say they're worried because they've yet to hear from them. on the tiny island of barbuda, officials reporting at least 90% of structures damaged. >> what we experienced is like something you see in a horror movie. >> reporter: at least 60% of the island's 1400 residents now homeless. the extent of the deaths and injuries still unknown. here in puerto rico, where nearly a million people are without power, the storm sending debris flying all over the streets. you may be able to see some surfers back out in the water despite dangerous rip currents. we spoke with a couple members of the justice department. they said of the u.s. territories, st. croix suffered the worst. >> those caribbean aisles trying to recover from all that destruction as florida braces for what's coming. people are racing to get gas before it's too late. at least 30% of gas stations in west palm, ft. myers, naples and miami are already out. i am robach is in miami with more on the rush to escape. good morning, amy. >> reporter: hey, good morning, robin. not only are tens of thousands of people trying to escape south florida right now, the coast guard is having to evacuate or reposition its planes, its helicopters, its aircraft. right now, the plan is to take them to mobile, alabama, to get out of the path of hurricane irma and then, as soon as that monster storm clears they'll be bringing these aircraft back to this area for any search and rescue mission for those who chose to stay behind. >> you will not bring another bottled water out -- >> reporter: hurricane irma's impending arrival creating chaos. >> attention, please, right now we are currently out of drinking water. >> reporter: as florida residents scramble for basic necessities. crowds lined up ten deep outside this publix hours before it opened its doors. >> someone on the street corner trying to sell generators that would normally sell for $250 for $1,000. >> reporter: the state's attorney general warning potential price gougers, the courtrooms may be closed but the jails will remain open. overnight, gas lines stretching miles. >> i'm very nervous. i've been driving around for 30 minutes and it's been on "e" for the past hour. >> reporter: some drivers waiting for hours only to find out there is no gas. >> just scary what could happen. >> we can rebuild your home, not your life. >> reporter: as miami residents board up home and business, and officials issue mandatory evacuations for low-lying areas, law enforcement is urging residents to get out now because interstate 95 already a parking lot. at the miami international airport, a mass exodus and for many, the destination doesn't matter. so you drove to the airport hoping you could get a ticket here at the ticket counter. what did they tell you? >> they just told me that all the flights are full and they don't have flights for today anymore. >> reporter: american airlines announcing its last flight out of miami will be at 3:49 friday to dallas-ft. worth. now, south florida, of course, is no stranger to hurricanes but the people we spoke with say they've decided to stay put for the past ten years or so as those hurricanes swept through. this one is different. they have seen the images and the destruction from hurricane harvey in houston and a lot of people say this time they are not taking any chances, they are getting out, and speaking of harvey and houston, this is pretty remarkable. miami-dade first responders just returned home yesterday from all their hard work there. we hope they have the next couple of days to rest up for what will unfortunately probably be a very busy weekend for them. >> no doubt. >> back to you guys. >> thank you, amy. >> i know being in houston a lot were saying they were getting ready to go to florida next. now, we're going to go to the florida keys where residents are facing those mandatory evacuations and gio benitez is in key west with more on what could be coming. good morning, gio. >> reporter: hey there, michael. good morning to you. those mandatory evacuations are in place, you mentioned that but you know what, they have a bus service. they've just added a free bus service. they'll pick people up here in key west, take them over to a shelter in miami just to make sure they are safe. that's at noon today. the concern right now is storm surge so i want to take a live look right now at our drone so we can show you what this is all about. you have the possibility of a storm surge here because the average key is just six feet above sea level. that's not very much because we're expecting some keys to experience storm surges of some nine feet. now let's go over that way because now you'll see all those homes that are over there. so many people live here in key west. so that's why they've had to evacuate and a lot of them have evacuated. what's interesting about this particular storm is that you have these storms that go over land masses and they weaken because of that. well, it turns out that these islands are so tiny if this storm were to come through, it just wouldn't weaken. it would feel the full force of this particular storm. i want to show you some video now because the hospital has had to evacuate. they've actually sent people over to alabama and flown them over. they are taking this very seriously here, michael. >> and, gio, all the residents of monroe county, which includes the key, they've been ordered to evacuate. do you have a sense of how many people have evacuated and if any plan on trying to ride this out. >> reporter: you know what, i have covered a lot of storms down here in the florida keys and for the most part people stay put. they like to stay in their homes. but in this case they've been told you've got to get out because if you don't, you're on your own. this storm is too strong so that's why they are taking this seriously, michael. >> all right, thank you, gio. as i said you can rebuild a home. you can't rebuild your life. >> i have spent a lot of time in the keys and i'm glad to hear that they are providing buses because not everyone has car there to be able to evacuate so good news there. now to homestead, florida, the city devastated by hurricane andrew in 1992. now they're bracing for the possibility of another major impact and rob is there with more on what how they're preparing for this storm. good morning, rob. >> hey, good morning, robin. hurricane andrew decimating this area in 1992, a category 5 storm with winds of 165 miles an hour. now 25 years later another cat 5 is threatening the residents of homestead. take a look at our drone shot. from above. they've obviously rebuilt this town, including the water tower, but, if you look at this same shot 25 years ago, the day after hurricane andrew hit these homes were pulverized. the picture speaks for itself. hurricane andrew, one of only three category 5 storms to strike the u.s., irma is stronger than andrew. you see what it did to st. martin. these are violent storms, florida has stepped up its game as far as the building codes are concerned, much stronger now. residents even using impact-resistant windows and hurricane-resistant roofs and we're looking to see how that holds up. i talked to a local police officer who grew up here, is there any complacency or storm amnesia. he said if you lived through hurricane andrew, that's something you don't forget. they have a healthy respect for hurricanes here. robin. >> all right, that's good to know. >> as well they should. we want to bring in the mayor of miami-dade county. carlos gimenez. looks like you'll get a direct hit over the weekend. are you ready? >> we're ready as we can be. we've learned a lot from different hurricanes that we've had, especially hurricane andrew. i was a fire chief of the city of miami during that time and in charge of emergency operations and so we are well prepared here in miami-dade county. our state partners are also better prepared and our federal partners are also better prepared. we learned a lot of the lessons of the past, but this is a hurricane that i've never seen before. so we are preparing here. we're telling some of our people to -- they need to evacuate some of the areas. we may have to issue additional evacuation orders today depending on some information that we get from the national hurricane center. but, you know, we are prepared and, but we are also praying that it doesn't come our way. >> yeah, you did decide to order some evacuations in some of the barrier islands. how widespread could the evacuations get across miami-dade county? >> we could have up to 400,000 people being ordered today. again, that all depends on similar information i'm waiting for from the national hurricane center. the initial evacuations were about 150,000 people. the barrier islands and some low-lying areas of next to biscayne bay, some of the same areas that were hit by hurricane andrew back in 1992. >> is there enough gas? >> yeah, well, you know, the issue isn't that we don't have gas, it's that everybody is buying it and everybody is topping off their tanks and so there's plenty of supply. there's the gas stations are going to be resupplied today. we also changed some of our codes and laws that mandate that a number of our gas stations actually have generators so that we need to tell folks that after the storm, if we do get hit it won't be like andrew, we will actually have gas stations that will be able to operate. we also have supermarkets that will be able to operate because what we also want is our -- us to get our residents to be back in -- as normal life as possible and as self-sufficient as possible so we tell our all residents they have to be self-sufficient for three days. food and water and so they're heeding our warning. >> mayor giminez, thank you for your time and good luck this weekend. >> thank you. but if you want to get out of florida by air, the window is rapidly closing. more than a thousand flights have already been canceled and david kerley has more. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, michael, the seriousness of this storm highlighted by the swift action by airlines to cancel flights and get their aircraft out of harm's way. three days before landfall an american airlines took the extraordinary step of canceling every flight in and out of miami and south florida, both saturday and sunday. that's 640 flights canceled by american airlines. they've just told us they are canceling any incoming flights from europe and south america starting tomorrow. now, a lot of airlines over the last couple of days were adding flights to try to get passengers out and evacuate tourists. that's coming to an end and we expect the number of cancellations to increase today. already, more than 1800 flights have been canceled. around the caribbean and around the florida area. michael, the only good news in all of this is that irma is hitting during the weekend but you can still expect this to ripple through other parts of our aviation sector. michael. >> all right, thank you, david. george. yep, in washington president trump keeping a close watch on the hurricane. on the phone with the governors of puerto rico and florida and he stunned his gop allies on capitol hill by making a quick deal with democrats yesterday securing emergency funding for harvey and irma in return for a three-month extension of the debt limit that the democrats were seeking. this, as the russia investigation moves forward. donald trump jr. will answer questions behind closed doors at the senate judiciary committee today. the focus, his june 2016 trump tower meeting with a kremlin connected lawyer promising dirt on hillary clinton. our congressional correspondent mary bruce tracking it all on capitol hill. mary, let's begin with that surprise deal the president made with the democrats yesterday. he really blindsided republican leaders in congress, even his own treasury secretary. >> reporter: yeah, george, many republicans i've talked with here are shocked and frustrated. this was a major blow to the gop. the president defied leaders to side with democrats for the first time agreeing with their plan to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months. republicans were looking for a longer-term solution hoping to avoid future fights. as they head into the midterms. the house speaker, in fact, blasted the democratic plan calling it ridiculous and disgraceful but the president, well, he disagreed this. is a surprise move that prevents a shutdown and a big fight for now but sets up a bigger battle in december. gives democrats more leverage down the road and could potentially make the president's agenda even more difficult to become a reality. >> meantime, on that russia investigation don junior answering staffers' questions. today for the most part. >> and this is the first time he will appear before congressional investigators, also the first time the judiciary committee will have a chance to grill him about that meeting at trump tower. that discussion between a russian lawyer who promised dirt on hillary clinton. now, this meeting is happening all behind closed doors, the staff asking questions but members tell us they want to know exactly what was discussed in that meeting. george. >> okay, mary bruce, thanks very much. let's go back to ginger. >> george, i wanted to show you this, hurricane-force winds represented by the red circle, 127 projected in the western turks, that's later tonight, georgetown, that thin sliver, 124. key largo, 127. remember, this all comes along with storm surge which is a major concern. sunny cities brought to you by macy's. good morning! i'm meteorologist mike nicco. we're off to a gray start with a chance of showers and cooler than average temperatures today. cool tonight, cloudy but hot, dry air for the weekend. today warmest in the east bay, 80s there. the rest of us into the 70s, until you get along the coast into san francisco, mid-to-upper 60s. already seeing signs of temperatures getting finally back to normal at night, 57 to about 64 degrees. notice a little drizzle possible near the coast coming up, hurricane irma. how will those high-rise buildings hold up to those punishing winds? and the nfl star who says he was threatened by police and targeted because of the color of his skin. targeted because of the color of his skin. hd 4 ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪ stars belong to everyone ♪ ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ brad. brad, you watchin'? nothing comes before coffee. dude are you mad at me? that's why we're introducing a whole line of espresso drinks from mccafe. ♪ find fast relief behind 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i was here with my friends. they told us to get out, everybody ran. >> reporter: officers were responding to reports of gunfire at a nearby hotel. in a just-released written statement, bennett writes he placed his gun near my head and warned me that if i moved he would blow my head off. they then cinched the handcuffs on my wrist so tight my fingers went numb. all i could think of is i'm going to die for no other than than i am black and my skin color is somehow a threat. bennett spoke to reporters about the incident for the first time yesterday. >> i didn't ask for this moment. it just happened to be me and i'm just lucky to be here to speak about it as any moment i could have made the wrong decision and moved or whether it felt like i was resisting and you guys would be wearing the -- the seahawks would be wearing the patch with number 72 on it. i try to tell my daughters every single day that they matter and that, you know -- >> reporter: bennett, the 31-year-old seahawks defensive end, wondered if he'd ever see his daughters again and watch them grow or, he says, be able to kiss my wife again and tell her i love her. the nfl and his coach pete carroll standing by bennett. >> couldn't help but convey what had taken place and how it affected him and how he was really so changed by it. >> reporter: las vegas metro pd asks the public to reserve judgment. their investigation now under way. >> as of today, we know there are at least 126 videos associated with those cameras that we have to review. if the investigation reveals any new policies or training were violated those officers will be held accountable. >> reporter: the question, was this force justified? now, the police department says so far they have no evidence that race was a factor. but bennett has hired a lawyer and he says he's weighing whether to file a lawsuit. >> and he has an impeccable reputation. >> great reputation. one of the outspoken guys in the nfl as well and very well respected. >> thank you, nick. you know what, coming up, another nfl player is very well respected. houston hero j.j. watt, how he raised that incredible $28 million and counting to help hurricane victims. he keeps on going. e victims. he keeps on going. for millions of baby boomers there's a serious virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. you're lucky your backyard is in the back. at lowe's, we'll help you find the lawn care products that are perfect for your area. so you can easily get your yard looking great. all projects have a starting point. start with lowe's. hurry into lowe's and get 5 bags of premium mulch for only $10. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. super-cool notebooks, done. that's mom taking care of business. and with the "25 cent event", office depot officemax takes care of mom! 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"wow" means is tyou save 50% or more.ngs. there are three stages of "wow". denial. - is this price right? - acceptance. and boooyah! wait for it. boooyah has three "o's". ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ announcer: this week, assorted flavors of power bars are just four for a dollar. and we are back on "gma." michael, you are just back from houston. right before you left you had a chance to sit down with the man who has done so much, j.j. watt. >> that's right, george. he is a big hero, figuratively and literally. i got a chance to sit down with the houston texans defensive end for "gma" and also for "fox nfl sunday." his fund-raiser started with a $100,000 donation and skyrocketed to $28 million and counting. i had a chance to speak about his incredible effort. i want to go back to august 27th. you're in dallas sitting in a hotel room and watching hurricane harvey just come through houston and just destroy the city. >> right. >> was it that moment as you're watching on tv that you decide i want to do something? i want to help? >> yeah, because you feel helpless seeing water rush down streets that i drive down every day. i said, how can i help? and so i started to think and i said, have this incredible platform. have all this social media and all these followers. let's see if i can raise a little bit of money to help these people out and get relief efforts going. just looked straight into the cell phone camera. start up a campaign and hoping to raise $200,000 and now we're over $27 million. >> you did all right. did you call somebody to say, you know, this is what i'm thinking, or did you just say, let me throw this out there? >> i texted my girlfriend, i texted my mom and financial adviser and pr person, amy, and i said, i'm going to donate $100,000 because i want to obviously help and then i said i'm going to encourage other people to do the same and we'll see what happens. >> i can tell you this, you're a smart guy. you know how i know you're smart because you reached out to the women in your life first. don't ever do anything without the women, j.j, i'm telling you. within 24 hours of his call to action, j.j.'s houston flood relief fund was at $500,000. at what point did you think, okay, this is serious. this is really catching on. >> when chris paul calls and says he wants to donate and when drake says how can i get involved. when you're on "good morning america" and cnn gets involved. million-dollar donations start to become the norm it gets a little crazy. when things look the bleakest, humanity steps up for each other and i think that there's over 160,000 people that have donated. there's as big as a $5 million donation, there's also as small as $5 donation and it's people giving whatever they can. >> reporter: watt and his teammates have already delivered much-needed supplies and so much more. >> in a time like this when things are so difficult, you wouldn't think that seeing your favorite football player would matter all that much but something as small as a smile, something like a handshake, a selfie, these people just light up. i appreciate it and i also want people to know that i take that responsibility extremely seriously and i'm going to make sure that what i do is do right by the people who donated and by the people who need the help. >> and j.j. tells me his goal is to raise as much money as possible and the campaign is going to remain open until september 15th at 5:00 p.m. and he says he's working with the local organizations to make sure this money gets to where it needs to go to the people who need the help. but very smart guy. big responsibility he's taking on. he's doing a great job. >> and you said when you were there and looking around and -- first of all, your family is fine. >> yes. >> the need is great for everything. >> the need is great for everything. and i think sometimes -- i told j.j. i want to come back and follow up and see what's going on because sometimes we cover it and then we move on, the next thing happens. >> sure. >> the need there is great as it is in florida and all these other places being affected by the storms coming in. >> a lot of people to keep in mind. coming up on the big board, the american women dominating the u.s. open. four of them now in the semifinals. come on back. are you totally ready? 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this is the first time we're going to see an american woman win a grand slam since 2008 who is not serena williams. this is just remarkable. >> but speaking of the williams sisters as chrissie said -- you can't underestimate the impact they've had. >> a surprise to people. these women are ranked, two in the top 22, right. sloane stephens is ranked 83 only because she's had injuries. these women have been around, doing their thing, and now we're seeing the fruits of their labor. >> good luck to all of them. >> there you go. thank you, t.j. you can see the women's semis 7:00 p.m. eastern on espn. coming up, big reveal. the brand-new bachelor. >> t.j. holmes. >> no, don't do that to him. you'll find out. you'll find out. not for people h rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". we come into this world needi♪ others. then we are told it's braver to go it alone. ♪ but there is another way to live. ♪ a way that sees the only path to fulfillment- is through others. ♪ stage 2 breast cancer. i have three little kids. i can't have cancer. so we decided to travel to cancer treatment centers of america. dr. fernandez was wonderful. he said it's up to me to do what's best. it's about giving her options, where amy has all the information to make a decision that's best for her. we left on day one feeling like we're gonna beat this and this is the place that's gonna help us do it ... that feeling is priceless. learn more at appointments available now. nothing comes before coffee. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by nondrowsy claritin and clarispray products. hey, good morning to you. i'm natasha zouves from "abc7 mornings." and you can see the live camera behind me. those are rain drops on the lens. that means, mike nicco, you were right. i never doubted you. >> i appreciate that. thank you! hi, everybody. yeah, we've got light rain falling in marin county, scattered elsewhere, thunderstorms to our north and showers developing to our south that are going to rotate our way 37. so we have a chance of showers through 2:00 or 3:00, then it will be mostly cloudy the rest of the afternoon. 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay, a few 80s inland. it's going to get hot again sunday and monday. alexis? >> okay, a lot of red showing up on the traffic maps this morning. we still have the left lane blocked westbound 580 on the richmond san rafael bridge midspan. not looking as bad here at the toll mraza, but definitely expect big plays on that approach. drive times, golden gate bridge 9 minutes, 28 across bay bridge and 12i across the san maino bridge. >> coming up, "tori's steals and and deals." we'll have another update in 30 minutes and always on o "wow" means is tyou save 50% or more.ngs. there are three stages of "wow". denial. - is this price right? - acceptance. and boooyah! wait for it. boooyah has three "o's". ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ announcer: this week, assorted flavors of power bars are just four for a dollar. ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. breaking overnight, one of the most powerful storms ever recorded. hurricane irma wipes out caribbean islands, deadly wind gusts of 200 miles an hour. all that rain and flooding leading to widespread destruction. american tourists trapped. buildings now rubble. now, florida, georgia, south carolina under states of emergency, as hundreds of thousands of people are ordered to evacuate. we're tracking the latest on the storm at this hour. new overnight, alanis morissette reveals her battle with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter saying, it's been a 14-month ordeal impacting her life, affecting her marriage. dr. ashton is here with what you need to know. off to school. the photos just out of prince george's first day. dad william right by his side as the 4-year-old heads into class. america, will you accept this rose? you rooted for nick. you cheered for ben. but now who is the brand-new man looking for love? the surprise pick who will blow away bachelor nation as we say good morning, america. and good morning, america. we hope you're well this thursday morning. >> and we have a lot ahead of us this morning. for you this morning we've got that parenting alert as your kids head back to school. there is a new device that can prevent bullying. we'll take a closer look at it. >> some people aren't quite sure about this. all that is coming up. but first, the latest on hurricane irma. the category 5 storm barreling through the caribbean heading toward florida. ginger, as you know, has new details on irma's track. good morning again, ginger. >> good morning. now we know 175-mile per hour winds with this. moving north-northwest. brand-new storm surges up to the southern tip of florida. up to bonita beach. that's a big development. hurricane watches are spreading north into florida. we'll see that as time progresses. speaking of time, let's time it out. it goes through turks and caicos tonight. it moves up into florida for sunday. sunday's really when you feel the effects from miami. when the storm surge could be at its worst. up along the coast and then eventually off just east of jacksonville and back on to land near charleston. charlotte is within that cone. it's not just the storm surge, the rain, but all of that water piling up and the flash flooding possible inland. you can see the timing here. just one of our computer models. taking it near miami. much more to come as far as the rainfall and what to expect in the coming hour. robin and george. >> gosh, just the impact it's going to have for days in so many different places. >> all across the southeast. irma's death toll is rising in the caribbean this morning. we're beginning to get a sense of the scale of the destruction. you see it right there and amy robach is already in south florida where new evacuations are being ordered ahead of the storm. >> reporter: we're here at miami's u.s. coast guard station where they're preparing to reposition their crew out of the path of hurricane irma. everyone here in south florida on edge. the caribbean waking up to utter devastation this morning. as 185-mile winds tore through st. martin, the island paradise transformed into a decimated wasteland. this resort near the airport now buried under shattered glass. on the tiny island of barbuda officials report at least 95% of its structures damaged. >> what we experienced is like something you see in a horror movie. >> reporter: at least 60% of the island's 1400 residents now left homeless. the extent of the deaths and injuries still unknown. hurricane irma's impending arrival creating chaos here in florida. >> attention, please, right now we are currently out of drinking water. >> reporter: as residents scramble for basic necessities, crowds lined up ten deep outside this publix hours before it opened its doors. overnight gas lines stretching for miles. >> i'm very nervous. i've been driving around for 30 minutes and my car's been on "e" for the past hour. >> reporter: some drivers waiting for hours only to find out there's no gas. >> we can rebuild your home, not your life. >> reporter: law enforcement urging residents to get out now because interstate 95 is already a parking lot. >> we learn our crew will have to evacuate our hotels as evacuation zones have been expanded throughout the day. george. >> those evacuations as we heard are likely to be broadened. we want to thank amy for that. coming up, alanis morissette gets candid about her struggle with postpartum depression. and everybody, get ready for "deals & steals." beauty bargains that are 50% or less. and lara, what's going on upstairs. hello, michael. guess who is here. the brand-new bachelor. we've got the big reveal coming up. there he is in silhouette and a great audience so come on back to "good morning america." 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[ applause ] also in "pop news" this morning, who could possibly fill bette midler's shoes as the lead in "hello, dolly!" how about bernadette peters, everybody. from one broadway legend to another peters will take over the role when bette leaves in january and another big star also stepping in for the male lead, played currently by david hyde pierce, the one, the only victor garver, everybody. we love him. i mean, "titanic," "alias." love you victor. both peters and garver will make their debuts january 20th. the revival has been quite successful with bette in the forefront, of course, the actress taking home a tony for best lead actress in a musical. she will be missed but i'm sure bernadette will give it her own spin and it will be terrific. [ applause ] >> save you a spot. >> absolutely. have you seen it? >> not yet. >> we better hurry. we better hurry. finally, talk about political drama. sad to report this morning julia louis-dreyfus' term on "veep" is coming to an end. >> no, no. >> i know. if you have not seen the show, get to it, people. hbo has announced the award-winning comedy's upcoming seventh season will be its last calling the decision bittersweet. >> a good run. >> it has had a great, great run and not totally unexpected. [ applause ] with reports that the cast signed only one-year contracts to return for the next season. julia is currently nominated for best actress in a comedy series at the upcoming emmy awards for her portrayal of selena meyer. and if she wins it will be her sixth consecutive emmy for the role. >> well deserved. well deserved. >> only six? in a row. >> thank you there, lara spencer. now to our "gma" cover story. grammy award-winning singer alanis morissette opening up in a revealing "people" magazine article about her battle with postpartum depression and said she suffered it after the birth of both her children and paula is here with this cover story. good morning, paula. >> good morning to all of you. happy friday eve. she says her postpartum depression is so debilitating there are days she can barely move but she's getting help through medicine, exercise, therapy and writing music. ♪ and i'm here to remind you >> reporter: this morning, rock star alanis morissette -- ♪ you you ought to know >> reporter: -- is revealing her most vulnerable side sharing with "people" magazine that she's currently suffering from postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter onyx solace now 14 months old. >> i was devastated and it had me question my identity. had me question everything. ♪ i want you to know >> reporter: the 43-year-old performer who rose to fame in 1995 with her hit album "jagged little pill" says the crippling effects of the disorder kicked in the moment after she gave birth. >> she's struggling with severe insomnia, physical pain, lethargy and she says she'll lose track of what she's saying or doing. >> reporter: and she says no matter what, her two children are her number one priority and her goal is to reduce the stigma around postpartum depression. >> it doesn't matter what sort of lifestyle you have or how much you're traveling or how much you're home or whether your kids are in school, you know, there's no -- postpartum depression doesn't discriminate. >> reporter: it does not discriminate. you can see her full interview on the people entertainment weekly app. it hits newsstands friday. in order to hurdle the stigma, you have to eliminate the guilt because you just had a baby and your body did this miraculous thing yet you're not happy and just because you didn't experience it with your previous pregnancies, i didn't have it with number one or two but i did with number three, just go get help and admit it to somebody. >> thanks for sharing that, paula. means a lot. joining us now is dr. jen ashton and just tell us a little more from a medical standpoint what we're talking about here. >> there is a lot to know about postpartum depression. we're still learning about it. it's thought to be due to a complicated combination of factors, some of them hormonal. when you deliver, your hormone levels drop and it affects neurotransmitters like serotonin. it's not a matter of just being stressed or overtired, though, although certainly, you know, that can play a role. keeping a living thing alive is a major psychological stressor so but there's a lot of factors involved. >> let's talk about the timing when it comes on, how long does it stay? i'm sure it varies. >> well, first of all, postpartum depression can actually start antepartum and during pregnancy and new awareness but it can start any time after delivery, usually the first two, three weeks, and it could last up to about a year. to be clear, if someone has a kid in college and say i'm suffering from postpartum depression it just started, that's just run of the mill depression but there can be a big overlap. >> how about the treatment? >> so many treatments. the key is medication. this can be a life-threatening medical emergency so antidepressant medication is key, peer support, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. all very important. this is where we need to drop that stigma. there's no shame in this game and get professional help and fill the boat with everything is our arsenal. because it doesn't just affect the mom and the baby it affects their entire circle. >> you have helped deliver a lot of babies. >> yes, ma'am. >> i think 1,500 and counting, something like that, and we are counting. what's on the horizon? >> a new study out of usc, dads can also suffer postpartum depression when their testosterone level drops, probably different reasons, but affects one in five dads and a new blood genetic test which can be used to help target therapy to see if a woman can be sensitive to the antidepressant medications. it just -- it needs more research but it's showing us there is more scientific approach to this because this is a serious situation. >> it's real. all right, thanks so much. let's get over now to michael. >> all right, thank you, robin. now we're going to do the big reveal that everybody has been waiting for. the new bachelor, and you know what, we won't keep you guys guessing so come on out. [ cheers and applause ] everybody say hello. arie! hey. >> what's up, man? >> have a seat. >> wow. >> they love it. they love it. has it sunk in yet? is it sinking in you are the bachelor? >> it sunk in just now for sure and it's been a little surreal. >> before we talk to you more, we want to take a look back at your journey to become the man looking for love on season eight of "the bachelorette." he's the race car driver who drove right into emily maynard's heart on "the bachelorette." arie falling in love before bachelor nation's eyes. >> i really feel at this point like i'm definitely in love with emily. >> making it to the final two vying for emily's heart. hoping to find a happily ever after, instead turned down right at the final moment. >> i have more confidence with jeff. >> not meant to be. >> i didn't feel like anyone else's story stacked up to ours. >> reporter: now finally ready to look for love again, the new bachelor here for the right reasons and ready to hand out the roses. [ cheers and applause ] so thank you again for coming. as i said earlier where were you when you got the call? >> i was at home and it was pretty recent and we kept in touch over the last few years but this just fit perfectly. the timing of this really fit for me. >> when they called and said arie, we want you to be the next bachelor. no hesitation. you said absolutely. >> i was a little skeptical just because we had been in talks for a few years about doing it so i just kind of went in with an open mind, open heart and just kind of hit me right now i'm here. >> and you're a race car driver. used to speed. how is race car driving and speed going to help you with this speed dating? >> yeah, i'd say making quick decisions probably. you know, that's probably the biggest one, being decisive. >> being decisive is very important. and we have this throwback thursday picture of you and your parents your dad posted a few years ago. >> oh, look at that. that's cute. >> your dad is a famous race car driver as well so what does he think about your quest for love. >> well, he's finding out right now so, hey, dad, mom. >> what do you mean? >> i kind of kept things really under wraps because i didn't know how this would turn out. it's been such a quick turn of events and my family doesn't know so now they know, so they know along with you guys. >> we thought he told you. we're sorry about that. [ laughter ] so everybody out there who is wondering what your ideal woman is, give us three characteristics of your ideal woman. >> god, i would say independent, strong but then still gentle. yeah, a little mix. >> hey, you're good. you're good. now, when you were on season eight of the bachelorette, they gave you a nickname, the kissing bandit. are you still the kissing bandit? >> with the right woman. you know. >> with the right woman. >> with the right woman, you know, obviously there's got to be that chemistry there. emily and i had it previously, and i'm hoping to find that type of love for sure. >> and i'm sure you say you always kind of stay close to the bachelor family, bachelorette family. so, has there been anything that's changed on the show you've seen since you were on? >> i don't know if it's changed or not. i don't really keep in touch with the current contestants or the contestants from the last few seasons. i'm still really good friends with john wolfner and sean lowe and so i'll reach out, sean, i need some advice. >> with those guys moving on with a family that's what you're looking for. >> yeah, i'll be 36 in a few weeks so for me it's time. you know, my friends and family, all my friends around me have kids and have grown up, so for me it's a little bit -- i feel like i'm the last one of my friends to really take that step and now my little brother got married. he's 24. >> oh, yeah, man, you've got to step it up. you're behind. >> i wore this suit at his wedding so i feel like it's good luck. >> i like that. i like that. good luck to you and this is the first of many times we'll see you here on "gma." we'll follow your journey of love, man. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> all right. congrats and good luck to you. now we go over to ginger. >> and, michael, a lot have been asking about the british virgin islands. and we have video from tortola. one of our co-workers has a place there. his cousins lived there and took this video and survived in their cement home but did not look good in their neighborhood when they emerged. and so many of those islands reeling this morning after irma passed by and more to come. but we have three hurricanes in the atlantic, this is the first time since 2010 that we've had three hurricanes and one of them, of course, we have been watching so carefully is going to go back into mexico, not go close to texas. so, mexico city would be a low pressure system by that time it gets there, flash flooding would be the main threat and then you watch jose. jose could pass by barbuda which was so hard hit. we'll track that in the coming days too. good morning! i'm meteorologist mike nicco. we're off to a gray start with a chance of showers and cooler than average temperatures today. cool tonight, cloudy but hot, dry air for the weekend. today warmest in the east bay, 80s there. the rest of us into the 70s, until you get along the coast into san francisco, mid-to-upper 60s. already seeing signs of temperatures getting finally back to normal at night, 57 to about 64 degrees. notice a little drizzle possible near the coast totototototototoo and we have a parenting otoo alert now about a new device designed to prevent bullying. diane macedo has a closer look at how it works. good morning, diane. >> schools try to supervise students but in a bathroom you can't put a camera and you can't put a guard. now you can install one of these, it's a new device that claims to detect bullying and vaping without sacrificing privacy. so i went to see it in action. the pencils are sharpened and the bookbags are packed. school is back in session. while parents have been busy preparing, schools have been preparing as well. >> we are looking to protect and be proactive, about what's going on inside of our schools. >> reporter: plainedge will be the first school to use a new anti-bullying and vaping detection device in its bathrooms. >> we look for devices like this in order to monitor where cameras aren't applicable. >> reporter: it's called fly sense equipped with dual sensors that monitor sound levels and air quality. if noise levels spike or the air changes because a student is vaping the fly sense detects those changes and immediately sends a text alert to school officials. in terms of the technology, bathrooms are so private that what do you say to parents that might be concerned about having something like this in a bathroom where their child is going. >> in our device there's no camera, there's no microphone. there's no earphones, so we're not recording anything. we're just looking at the environmental surroundings and so, therefore, privacy is, you know, kept to the utmost. >> reporter: nearly 30% of students in grades 6 through 12 have experienced bullying and 2016 data from the cdc show that e-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among youth for the third year. used by 11% of high schoolers and 4% of middle schoolers. so, we put fly sense to the test. look what happens when we stage a fight. >> what you're seeing is sound and this is normally what you would see here across as far as what the normal levels would be. this means that there's activity. >> reporter: the fly sense detects a change in the bathroom noise level and sends an alert to check it out. the same thing happens with our vaping demo. >> showing here above the line that's allowable. the air quality itself is changing. >> you know the second someone is doing something wrong. >> most definitely. >> and while plainedge is the first school district to install the device, the company says they're already working on a second district in the area and as laws get stricter on this they expect to expand nationwide. >> he was really vaping. >> they actually set off the fire alarms when they were doing the vaping demo. they maybe took it a little too far. most kids won't be doing it that much? >> we hope. coming up, reese witherspoon is here live. hi, good morning! i'm jessica castro from "abc7 mornings." making headlines, the bay area helping out in florida even though hurricane irma is days from landfall. pg&e crews are packing and are set to leave tomorrow. they will help outages affected by irma. they will stage outside of the area when it hits and then move in when it's safe. let's check traffic now. hi, alexis. hey, good morning. yeah, we've got a lot of heavy traffic out there. tough to really nail down one area. you saw some delays there on southbound 680 through walnut creek and a few of our heavier drive times as well. westbound 80 highway 4 to the maze just under an hour. that's really turned into a tough commute this week. about 17 the rest of the way across the bay bridge and southbound 101 just some slight delays heading to the airport, san francisco to sfo in the yellow at 16 minutes. back to you, jessica. >> okay, alexis, thank you. >> okay, alexis, thank you. meteorologist mike nicco has a you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap to friends at more banks than ever before. you got next? chase. make more of what's yours. chase. ♪ seed to the oat to the o, to the bowl to the spo♪n ♪ bowl to the spoon, to the mouth of the boy in the room ♪ room for that goodness... inside him to bloom ♪ ♪ good goes around... and around... and around ♪ ♪ seed to the oat to the o, on the first day of school ♪ ♪ schoolin' your sister on why...and just how to be cool ♪ cool if she hangs, you can show her what's go♪d ♪ good goes around...and around...and around ♪ ♪ good goes around and around ♪ for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ we're getting reports of light rain and light showers out there. you can see the biggest chance of wet weather still to our west and rotating up to the north, so we'll keep a chance of light rain and showers in the forecast through the morning commute and into the early afternoon hours. then we'll see a little sunshine before the sun sets, jessica. >> okay, mike, thank you. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app and join the team ♪ welcome back to "gma," everybody. and we want you to know that the excitement is real for our next guest. she is one of the postal leapted and hardest working actresses in hollywood. she's an oscar winner, golden globe winner and best actress emmy nomination now. she does it all and she has a new movie called "home again." please welcome reese witherspoon. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? hi. how are you? >> good. how is it going? >> mwah. >> mwah. how are you doing, beauty? >> this is so fun. i love this new place. everybody is here. it's like we're all having breakfast. >> yep. >> lights and cameras. >> we're so excited to have you here. you're so talented but also one of the sweetest people we know. you really are. and you have a new movie coming out "home again." emmy nominated tv series. you're part of more than 20 projects. you're the cover of "glamour" magazine. you wrote an essay in "glamour" magazine about ambition. >> great, by the way. >> thanks. >> you wrote a letter to young women. if a young woman is feeling her ambition is being stifled how do you address that? >> a couple of years ago i wrote this speech for "glamour" woman of the year about why ambition in women is considered a dirty word and we do kind of think they've done all these studies at harvard and columbia that women who have ambitious calls are seen as selfish or self-serving and it's actually completely opposite. usually they have a mission or a drive to help other people or get accomplished something. >> the tone in people's voice when they apply ambition to a woman it's different than applied to a man. >> out to get for herself or -- so i'm trying to take the stigma after the word to encourage more little girls to be ambitious. [ applause ] >> have you always been ambitious or did you grow into your ambition. >> oh, michael, i mean, i remember in third grade i told -- they went around the room and said what do you want to be when you grow up. this one wanted to be a doctor. i said i want to be the first female president of the united states of america. and i didn't blink and you know what, to my teacher's credit, she goes, i'm going to vote for you, reesie. it sounded like it, george. it was a character i played. i'm not like that at all. >> speaking of little girls, your little girl is almost 18. >> i know. my daughter is going to be 18 on saturday. >> she's so beautiful. >> i know. >> any special plans. >> don't make me call you, lara. >> we're just going to go out to dinner. she just wants it to be really quiet. i have a special something i'm going to give her -- i wrote a letter to her that i'm excited about. >> i love that. a great gift. >> it's incredible to think back about haul that time and the things they've learned and who they become. >> did you cry when writing it. >> oh. i was like a messy sobbing heap of like puddle of snot. >> i have a picture. >> yeah. >> still got two boys at home. >> i have, yeah. >> how did back to school go. >> they're back. it's like every mom's favorite time of the year. back to school. oh, yeah, that's deacon and tennessee. >> so cute. >> deacon is turning 14 and tennessee will be 5 this month. >> it goes so fast. >> you posted this picture. this is from the '80s. >> there you go. >> your daughter looks just like you. >> yeah. those are my jams. >> that's how it started. >> that style, i mean i knew everybody needed a little bit of that. the way i hike them up. >> it looks good in yeah. >> can we talk about "home again"? i had a chance to watch it last night. it is such a sweet movie. i cide. i laughed. the whole bit. so i want to play a little bit of it. we want to set it up a little bit because you play a young mom of two. separated, thinking about a divorce and you start kind of hook up a little bit with a young'un. >> yeah. >> is that safe to -- >> my character is separated and she's got two little kids. she doesn't know what she's going to do with her life. she has to move back home. she feels really untethered and i think a lot of people have gone through that thing where they made a decision when they were 25 and turned 40 and it's not the decision that works for their life anymore so she starts a romance with someone then her ex-husband comes back and she's confused and it's about a woman finding what the next chapter in her life is going to be. >> that's what it's about and here it is, "home again." >> hey, alice. >> yeah. >> do you have a minute? >> sure. >> could we just maybe exchange phone numbers or -- >> harry, i'm very late. listen, i think you woke up to a completely different person than you met last night and i appreciate the gesture. i really do but how are you, like 30, 29? >> something like that. >> oh! >> oh, gosh. [ applause ] >> you were talking so well about it. because you, you know, on the surface you would say a romantic comedy. no, it's so much more than that. >> i think it's a modern comedy. it's a woman who is defining her own life and, you know, it has a lyle bit to do with romantic relationship but that's not the thing you end up with in the movie. it's about her becoming a here reof her own story. >> like too the older woman had the little flip on the romance. >> how many types do we see older guys and younger women. i've never really seen it. >> side eye over there. what's that abouty. >> you say nothing. [ applause ] >> so you're going to be dipping into our world as well. you and jen aniston have a new project. >> a new tv show we're working about morning news shows. [ applause ] >> i know. >> we're all going to hold hands and we'll be okay. >> any notable personals. >> no, i don't look like anybody on television. and i don't think i have anyone else's personality. >> not ambitious at all. >> i'm not ambitious. >> no. >> it'll be interesting and it's talking about modern life and me and jen and we've worked together before on "friends" and found this project we can do together. >> that and we can't let you go without "big little lies." [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my gosh. >> i can't thank you enough. i watched it from end to end and it's not ending? >> we're talking about it. we had so much fun and literally the script of women, my closest frien friends. there's only one book and ended where the show ends. >> let's get to it. >> we got to get the writer to write another book. >> it is a real possibility because i feel like you combine these women for so much more. >> yeah, i think it's incredible. people just loved it. we had no idea people were going to be so excited about it so thank you, everybody, would watched. >> oh, my gosh. [ applause ] >> i know. >> yeah. >> i know. >> and "a wrinkle in time." >> yeah, i did this movie with oprah and mindy kaling and ava duvernay directed and that's coming out in march. can't wait for that. that's my girl oprah and my girl mindy. >> oprah makes killer margaritas, right? >> that's what we hear. >> it's the tequila. she gets really, really specialty we will la. i don't know where she gets it. it's one of oprah's favorite things. >> hey, robin, why don't you find out. >> i'm on it. i'm on it. >> the movie "home again" hits theaters tomorrow and we've got more reese coming up and also with your co-stars and the director of the movie as well. [ cheers and applause ] coming up next tory johnson here. she's got fall's beauty "deals & steals." do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. welcome back to "good morning america." with hurricane irma southeast florida will be one of the first to feel the effects after the islands and we wanted to time it out for you and show you how strong it can get. saturday 7:00 a.m. with the gfs, the american computer model, already by saturday morning seeing tropical storm-force gusts, anywhere from key largo up through miami beach. take it through saturday night just before midnight in west palm seeing 55-mile-per-hour gusts but 127 as that storm approaches key largo. it looks like it'll still be east especially in this computer model but you still get significant wind gusts up to 127 in miami beach. that does really big damage. i don't know how to tell anybody more than that but 127 should mean something to you. when we talk about severe weather taking down power poles and such and regular thunderstorm day that's a 60 to 70-mile-per-hour wind so that tells you that we'll see strong stuff. west palm by sunday 3:00 p.m. is at 114 miles per hour. now, this is with the computer modeling right now. we'll update it as that track gets closer but just to give you an idea of some outer bands that will reach even to southwest corner of florida, so rain will be up the coast but also charleston seeing how that makes another landfall there 5:00 p.m. on good morning! i'm meteorologist mike nicco. chance of sprinkles to light showers through at least noon. that tapers during the afternoon hours, but the lack of sunshine until late this afternoon means temperatures below average. a little drizzle along the that report brought to you by nulasta. lara, back up to you. >> excited for fall "deals & steals." tory is back with big savings talking 56% off some really great stuff. >> and best of all i have to say every company is supporting a charity connected to hurricane harvey relief. you'll find the details online so shop for this. this little thing leads to a flawless complexion. super simple. wet, squeeze, bounce, brooke is doing it over there. every single face that comes into the studio brooke uses a beauty blender on, kay is getting the special treatment today. but it just creates a flawless finish whether using any kind of foundation, powder, cream blush, a variety of sizes even one to use for self-tanner, one for your purse. fabulous sets. millions worldwide big fans. >> i did not know about know abo bounce. >> truly fabulous finish. all come in sets. they range from $20 to $75. everything slashed in half, $10 to $37.50. >> a portion to charity. >> wonder brow so wonder brow, one step even the most disobedient eyebrows can be tamed to perfection with it. comes in ava right of shades. long lasting, smudgeproof, waterproof, not going to wear off. alana here who runs our glam team who i can never teach her anything. i introduced her to this and she was like, i'm addicted. you will be too. a variety of shade, choose the one closest for you, normally $22 slashed in half, 11 bucks for wonderbrow. >> fabulous. cover effects makes great thingsment one of their products is this, blurring primer so use that before you put anything on. >> blurring primer. >> blurring primer. kind of creates what they consider is a flawless just canvas to be able to start with and then which is great. or you can use it alone, without any makeup. just for that nice soft just foundation. >> blurry. >> exactly. blurs any imperfections you don't want to be seen. alana is working on vanya making her gorgeous with her contouring kit or making her more gorgeous. the kit is fabulous as well as well as their concealer stick in eight different colors to match a variety of skin toevens. really, really terrific stuff from cover fx. they have a big following too. normally $20 to $8 depending what you choose. everything from them is slashed in half so starting at just $10 and from cover fx, free shipping. >> great. supersmiles -- ? a portion to charity. >> electric toothbrush. it has a specific -- there you go. you're very trustworthy. very specific angling. it's brand-new. you're the first and only one to use it. >> thank you. >> great angleing. >> what i love -- the mint toothpaste whitening toothpaste is amazing and you can use it on your natural teeth or it will restore the color on veneers what were you going to say. >> you said natural teeth and -- >> if you have bonding veneers, anything artificial there will help restore it to its original color. normally 8 to $19. slashed in half starting at $9.. >> perrycone md. big favorite for "gma" viewers so we brought back some of the favorites, board certified dermatologist focused on the science of healthy skin. so all of the products, you will go online and see more than a dozen products, all of the products focus on the science of healthy skin. you cannot go wrong. normally the products range from $30 to $239. everything slashed in half starting at $15 and free shipping from perricone m.d last, madison -- between salon visits, this is it. color, demi permanent color that lasts two weeks before salon visits and powders that fill in. add a little volume. everything from madison reed is great. these are the two for color and powder. you can't go wrong. normally $15 to $30. everything slashed in half, 7.50 to 15 buck. >> that is awesome. every single one of these, i love the xart component and want to thank beauty blender for sending every one of you guys home with a gift bag. we thank you. all of these companies on these great deals, get the details on our website. don't forget to buy big to help those in need. coming up, more with reese witherspoon and the cast and director of "home again." stay with us. we are back now with reese witherspoon and the cast of the new movie "home again." we have co-stars pico alexander, jon rudnitsky and director hallie meyers shyer. welcome, you guys. this is your first movie. >> it is? you wrote it. you directed it and how did you get that lady sitting to your left to jump on board and come on board. >> i'm still wondering that very question. but she was awesome. she came on board with us right away. jumped in and it's been a dream come true. really has. >> and dna, let's just say it. it's in your dna. what was it like working with both meyers women. >> hallie has had more of an education than watching her mom write and direct movies. edit and market them so she had this comprehensive knowledge of everything it takes to make a movie. >> and but obviously hallie, you have a lot of talent. does it bother you to be compared with your mom. >> no. she is a producer on this movie and i wanted her input on it and i made a film in a genre she's excelled at so if i'm going to be compared to somebody i'd like it to be in the family. >> not a bad role model. i love every one of her movies and i love this movie. pico, you had a plum role. you and reese had to have a little romance. >> yes, we did, yeah. >> how was that? >> it was lovely. >> reese, how was that. >> it was great. it worked for me. >> it worked for us too. >> i'm not complaining. >> no, absolutely but how was this experience working with your buddies, working with reese on a movie that is really so special. >> fantastic. i can't even begin to articulate it really. it's such a big, huge opportunity for me. i've really only been working for three years professionally and to be able to work with academy award winning reese witherspoon, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> and jon. >> you have to say academy award winner -- >> make them say that. >> jon, you and pico play aspiring filmmakers in this movie. they have to live in reese's character's guest house. >> they don't have to. >> it wasn't a bad deal they did but you two actually ended up as roommates while filming the movie. how did that work out. >> well, we just -- >> kind of just dove in. >> we got along well and found out the third guy, nat, him and i went to high school five blocks away from one another in the city. >> look how cute we are. >> answer this. looking all cute and very well made up. who is the messiest roommate? >> that would probably -- >> nat? >> yeah, that would probably be nat. >> that's not fair because he's not here. >> what a great guy. >> reese, is it true you had great cast party, dinner parties. >> yeah, we got together. we had fun. they came over my house and played with the kids. they ate all of tennessee's halloween candy. >> we had some candy. >> it was fine. it was good to hang out and nancy would come over too. >> reese was so welcoming to all of us and made us feel at home. >> if you could go to a sunday brunch, reese's, i would recommend it. >> i'm an okay cook. >> got a smart cast. thank you guys for coming in. reese witherspoon, hallie, jon and pico. "home again" hits theaters tomorrow. make sure to check it out. we'l ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. chase. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> we're having a great -- doesn't he look like david muir? ♪ hey! ♪ bee to hive for that honey you know ♪ ♪ a sweet tasty bowl ♪ of that get up and go ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ honey to the o is the yum in yo bowl ♪ ♪ playing around that's how we roll ♪ ♪ start with the good and watch good flow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ good goes around good goes around and around and around. hey! ♪ ♪ it's twith the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now the sleep number queen c2 mattress now only $699. ends sunday! good morning. i'm jessica castro from "abc7 mornings." mike, the last time i was outside, it was drizzling here in san francisco. still the same case? >> yes, exactly. it's going to be that case, drizzle, some light rain, even some light showers possible through about 2:00, 3:00 this afternoon. you can see the heaviest stuff is off to our west and up to our north, and that's where it's going to be for a couple hours. all right, let's look at my accuweather seven-day forecast. we'll have another chance next tuesday, but in between, look how hot it gets sunday and monday. alexis? okay, just hearing about a new crash involving a motorcycle southbound 880 near dixon landing, in the milpitas area. be on the lookout for that in the two left lanes. starting to look better here, westbound 92 across the san mateo bridge. we had an earlier stall past the midspan, and boy, that really was slowing you down, but a lot of heavy traffic out there this morning. a quick check of drive times. northbound 101280 to 680 to highway 85 solid red at a half hour. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the new series, seth macfarlane. and star of the hit drama "outlander," caitriona balfe. plus, a performance by recording artist lindsey stirling. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> kelly: that was crazy. hi, hi. >> ryan:

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