Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160322 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160322

november's paris terror attacks. >> we all stand together with our allies, belgium, on this dark day. >> reporter: in a show of solidarity and defiance, streets of brussels are covered with messages of hope and prayers for victims, including the three americans from utah recovkov ec from injuries. president obama condemned the attack from cuba. >> we will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing together those who are responsible to justice. >> reporter: police have found explosive devices and an isis flag. outside the stock exchange building in brussels, people are writing messages of hope, peace, and anger. hundreds gathered for a candle light vigil. a memorial has been set up with hundreds of flowers for the victims. the world is standing behind belgium tonight and several international monuments are honoring them. this is the eiffel tower in paris. a large crowd turned out in rome, also lit up in the colors of the belgian flag. this is the brandon brigade in bein. back in the u.s., officials say there are no specific threats but security has been increased, especially at large airports from new york's jfk to the bay area. vic lee is live at sfo with a look at the situation there. vic? >> reporter: here at sfo, we are at what's called heightened vigilance. what that means is there's more police presence, more police patrolling. the airport says it's discussing its security with tsa to see if they need to tighten procedures and security protocols. the sun was just rising at brussels international airport when darkness took over. the attack was at a terminal no different than this one, sfo's international terminal. but today, there was heightened alert. more police, some with dogs. on this morning, a united flight just arrived from paris. larry joyce was waiti for his inlaws to clear ustoms. goodness of hunity.thing does ne >> reporter: carl once had a close call of his o. >> were in thecity during thestbul bombing. it's tragic what's happening. >> reporter: george's relatives finally cleared customs. his sister-in-law lived here the belgium border. [ indiscernible ] i'm so sadrong feelings. orter: some didn't even ow about th attacks. we wer the first t tell fareed. >> it makes worried to get on planes and trains. >> we're already seeing the impact. it's oning, right? th secury lines are onger. >> reporter: but many said 're not l terrorists dictate their lives. >>nkf french and belgian people will not give up thei >> be careful, but going live my life. if it'sy time, it's going happen. >> reporter: here today at this airport, the warm home comings fond embraces made the insaty so distant and dlre y, they are real. vic lee, "abc7 news." belgians and muslims in silicon valley are sharing their thoughts. >> chris nguyen has more. >> reporter: both of these communities are very close nit. each of them are dealing with a lot of pain and sadness over what has happened. from his silicon valley office, he's monitoring the latest overseas. >> you almost think that something like that would never happen in such a small, peace loving nation. >> reporter: earlier today -- >> my dad was traveling to london for business today and luckily he decided to take the train this morning. sort of by accident. >> reporter: bay area muslim leaders were quick to condemn the attacks. >> they have their own desires, lam has nothing to do with this. we need people to step up to the plate and counter this ideology. >> reporter: the backlash is beginning. republican presidential candidate ted cruz is calling for heightened patrols of muslim neighborhoods saying the u.s. needs to protect its boarders. >> it is time to implement serious vetting, and we should not allow anyone to come to this country that we cannot vet to make sure they are not radical islamic terrorists. >> first and foremost, islam rejects all forms of terrorism. >> the last thing you want to do is stigmatize, whether it's religion, a country or people. >> reporter: he's scheduled to go back to brussels this weekend. >> i think it will be good to be there, be with my loved ones. and spend some time together. >> reporter: a trip that will hold more mbefore. chris nguyen, "abc7 news." an mam in brussels is voicing his concerns about the growing radicalism in belgium. coming up, what he believes may be behind these changes. a moment of silence is set to get under way in san francisco to remember the victims of the brussels attack. that starts at 7:00: >> there have been a lot of phone calls and e-mails and, of course, people sending condolences. but also fellow citizens seeking messages of reassurances. >> a book of condolences will be available at city hall. belgians seeking more information at the embassy can visit the website. a lot of people are showing support for belgium on social media. san francisco mayor ed lee tweeted, our hearts are heavy as we mourn what the people of brussels. we stand in solidarity. and apple ceo said our thoughts and prayers are with all the people of belgium. and actor june claude vandam posted this picture on instagram. you can see a heart with the colors of the belgian flag and the words, praying for our world. >> you can show your support by sharing this badge. go to our facebook pagend share it to your thoughts and ayers t brussels. and count on "abc7 news" nor continverage of the attack on brussels. we'll bring you updates throughout the news cast and on twitter at our coverage of the attack in belgium will continue. but now we turn to the bay area forecast. >> we're going to shift gears here. this is from our emeryville camera. sunny skies. >> spencer christian has a look at the accuweather update. >> much different from yesterday at this time where we had heavy downpours in some places. here's a live look at live doppler 7 hd. we have calm weather conditions. rainfall nearly 0.4 of an inch an francisco. many locat sionsaw far less. just a trace at concord. over half an inch here, which tends to be a wet spot. the weather is calm, but beach conditions are still hazardous. a high surf advisory in effect until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. large swells between 15 and 20 feet are possible. on we go to the view over the golden gate bridge. mainly sunny says at this hour. currently 57 in san francisco. 62 at mountain view, 57 in half moon bay. 61 at livermore. a string of sunny days coming our way, but rain coming. i'll have that for you later. >> spencer, thank you. thousands gathered in sacramento to salute a california highway patrol officer who was killed in the line of duty in the sierra. ♪ >> the voices of a quart filledh for the officer. taylor was hit by a skidding suv as he was helping another driver on march 12. >> he was the most giving and benevolent person i've ever known. his commander described him as the embodiment of selfless service to others. >> the 35-year-old taylor lives behind a wife and three young sons. he spent part of his six years with the chp in san jose. now to the latest on b.a.r.t., riders took shuttle trains between martinez and pittsburgh bay point stations this morning. but service is still limited since a series of power surges forced b.a.r.t. to close that part of the line. commuters need to change trains at north concord to continue their journey towards san francisco. b.a.r.t. has brought in outside experts, but so far they have not been able to fix it. still ahead on "abc7 news" at 4:00, the dispute over a yellow tagged building in pacifica. people forced to move out want back in. and a new report of those apartment s overlooking the ocean. new at 4:30, thousands of women packed the center for an annual conversation. we'll show you some of the big names. >> and our first live look at the commute. south bound of the 101 is jammed up. north bound is flowing nicely. >> this is "abc7 news." residents of a yellow tagged pacifica apartment building literally sitting right on the edge of a cliff. they are appealing to the city to let them back in. it is right next to a building demolished last week. 310 was yellow tagged in january because of erosion. wayne freedman is live in pacifica now with the latest. wayne? >> reporter: good afternoon, larry. there is 310 over my shoulder. there it is for now. at least although it too may disappear. residents think they want to move back in despite the fact that the city says this building is unsafe. >> good morning, everyone. >> reporter: in pacifica, even when things happen fast, it appears to move slowly. that would be the case for city government and also for this crumbling cliff beneath an apartment building. in january, the city ordered residents to evacuate, and now the city manager is trying to make it stick with the city council. would those apartments be approved today? >> not in the current land that they inhabit, no. >> reporter: it is the latest and longest battle in this el nino battered city. the owner and city have knocked down two apartment buildings, based on recommendations. >> every two or three days, we could lose ten feet. >> reporter: tomorrow, bart willowby intends to appeal. >> the basis of the appeal is that there was no imminent emergency or danger of the bluff collapsing wholesale. >> reporter: even though portions of balcony appear now to expend in thin air and others reside on the beach below. despite those signs, he has no fear. he says there's a lot more to go. >> i feel safe here. 13 others feel this is safe. there's been no change on this bluff since the 25th of january. >> reporter: a blink in gee logic time. >> you can just see it coming. >> reporter: wayne freedman, "abc7 news." the santa cruz county board of supervisors declared a local emergency because of damage from el nino storms earlier this month. it will make the county eligible for funding from the california office of emergency services. the county estimates the coast of the damage to be over $11 million. if you plan on visiting the golden gate bridge, don't try to do it this easter weekend. the parking lots will be off limits to personal vehicles saturday and sunday between 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. tour buses, taxis and rides for services can drop off and pick up passengers. if you have a dog, you'll want to learn about the new rules. the golden gate recreational area will allow some areas of off leash dog walking. a meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. additional meetings will be held this week and next week in san francisco and other locations. annie liebowicz has a follow up to her successful women's project from 1999 that showcased portraits of women. this focuses on outstanding women. she says the idea seemed overwhelming to her. >> i just thought, this is just too big, too broad of a subject. this is too big of an idea. and it's like going out to photograph the ocean or the sea. >> gloria steinem was on hand for the presentation, as is facebook's cheryl sandberg. the exhibit will be open at building 649 in chrissy field until mid april. what a great day for such an event, spencer. >> it was, and a great event. it was exciting and energizing. as is our weather right now i might add. here's a live look at live doppler 7 hd. mainly sunny skies, a few puffs of cumulous clouds hovering above. these are all forecast features, warmer days heading into easter weekend. the inland temps will reach mid 70s later in the week, but a chance of rain next monday late in the afternoon. rainfall totals are near or above 100% of average for virtually all locations around the bay area, except oakland airport which is only at 88% of average this time of the season. for the week ahead, most of it, sunny days and mild conditions. in san jose, the average high temperature for this time of the year is 67 degrees. next few days, highs of 71, 72 degrees in san jose thursday, friday, saturday. dropping off smartly on monday and tuesday. there's a reason for that, a little rain coming our way next week. here's the forecast beginning monday morning at 9:00. notice by early to md afternoon, showers developing and pushing in from the east and south. lit be pretty wet into monday night and perhaps overnight into tuesday morning. this will be a storm of light intensity, it will rank one on the storm impact scale. monday afternoon it arrives, producing less than a tenth of an inch of rainfall for most areas, but it could intensify. tonight, mainly clear skies, chilly in the inland valleys, lows in the upper 30s in napa and san ta rosa. lows in the low to mid 40s. tomorrow, a sunny, bright, and mild day with highs ranging from 60 degrees at the post to upper 60s to near 70 in antioch and morgan hill. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. look at the mild weather going through the remainder of the week into the weekend. low to mid 70s thursday through saturday. low to mid 60s at the coast. easter sunday is looking good and the bunny has lots to hop about. on monday, we get that weak system coming in, producing a chance of showers and a slight chance into tuesday. so nice looking week ahead. larry and kristen. up next, the local connection to agents of shields and why he's still in awe that he's on a show based on comic books. >> a look at the traffic situation in walnut creek. south bound flowing frey as it normally "agents of shield" has a lead character with bay area ties. reggie akey interviewed khloe bennett. the san jose native said he studied theater and art at cal. >> we have something for everything. it's funny, charming, action packed, sexy, romantic, it has inhumans and humans. >> and it's got a lot of heart. >> it's got explosions, leather jackets. they're going cut me off eventually. >> you're right, grant. it airs tonight here on abc 7 at 9:00 p.m. it has a little of everything, i think. >> indeed. "dancing with the stars" got under way last night. >> we have all the highlights from the first night of dancing. >> reporter: let the competition begin. "dancing with the stars" kicked off the season with a three-way tie for first place. all scoring 23 points to top the judge's leader board. >> my goal is to make sure i take that energy and bring it here and allow the technique to go to another level. >> i genuinely enjoyed what i just did. i want to do it again. >> today, we did a good job, but i want to be more perfect. i want something that the judges can't critique. >> reporter: four teams next on the leader board all scored 21 points for second. >> i'm used to fighting for barefoot. now that i have heels, it's maze rabbit. >> i just want to take advantage of this. it's a dream come true. >> i look forward to next week. >> your passion is everything. what you love and do, what you fear and want to overcome is everything. >> reporter: kim fields -- >> they just said they wanted them moved more. see how he is? >> reporter: and jody sweeten. >> my feet are killing me. you have to do all of this in three inch heels, so that takes a toll. >> reporter: the bottom three with 16 points, with geraldo rivera at 13 points. >> he can definitely fight. he's been in iraq and afghanistan and he said this is harder than any war he's been to. >> reporter: all 12 return next monday for latin night. "abc7 news" at 4:00 continues. coming up next, hillary clinton heading to the bay area for a big fund-raiser, but she'll make a key public appearance while here. plus -- >> another round of voting as the race pour the white house heads west. i'm brandi hitt in phoenix with live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is "abc7 news." here are the headlines now at 4:30. belgium is on high alert after back-to-back terror attacks on the airport or at the airport, as well as the subway in brussels. at least 31 people were killed in the suicide bombings. 250 were injured, including at least nine americans. officials sound a third bomb at the airport that didn't go off. isis is claiming responsibility. police are calling this man one of the possible terror suspects in the airport attacks in brussels. they believe he left a suicide vest behind at the airport. abc world news tonight which tweeted this. we'll have the latest starting here at 5:30 on abc 7. and a live look at brussels where you can see a memorial continues to grow tonight. many candles and flowers there. president obama tweeted -- the thoughts and prayers of the american people are with the people of belgium. and the president issued an order that american flags be flown at half staff until saturday to honor those killed in brussels. belgian security forces believe an average of five or six of their citizens leave their country to join isis every month and one muslim imam is trying to top that. he travels with a bodyguard at all times for his own safety and he fears for others who speak out. >> this is a part of islam that we try to make the country that we live in prosper. the problem is the misunderstanding of the youth that they think when i go to a nonmuslim country, it makes me a nonmuslim. >> he leads de-radicalization classes for joining men who have returned home from belgium after being recruited by extreme groups. administrators at uc berkeley reported three students studying in brussels are all safe. >> reporter: we did find one professor here watching events in brussels very closely on both a professional and personal level. the images are painful to those who are from there. >> we're devastated. i called my mom, she was crying on the phone. >> reporter: that includes this professor at uc berkeley. >> brussels is being seen as -- this is really devastating for the image of brussels for sure. >> reporter: samuel maril was in brussels last night. >> it was very peaceful and quiet last night. there was a general feeling of relief after the terrorist of islam was captured. then you see these images on tv and you recognize the space but it's devastated and you have all these people lying on the floor and all the rubble. it's very surreal. >> reporter: now both men worry how the terrorist attacks will change the city they love long known for its peaceful atmosphere. >> everyone was pretty much aware that something could happen, but still, i mean, when you see the images, this is very surprising. the impact and the power and the strength they have. >> reporter: laura anthony, "abc7 news." >> you can count on "abc7 news" for continuing coverage of the attack on brussels. we'll bring you updates news cast and on itr. president obama isr up historic three-day vit to cuba. this morning in havana,used his speech to people of havana to condemn the attack in brussels. >> reporter: president obama leaving cuba, his last day shadowed by the terror att in brussels. the american people are with the people belgium. >> reporr:ouing on the traged verseas, the president focused on his mission here, rebuilding the relationship between the u.s. and this communist country after decades of tension. >> i have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in the americas. i have come here to extend a hand of friendship to the cuban people. >> reporter: his speech, followed by a more personal discussion with political dissidents who were in prison for speaking out against the castro regime, highlights the human rights issues here. >> this is an area we continue to have deep differences with the cuban government. my hope is by listening and hearing from them, we can continue to refine our policy. >> reporter: from working towards policy change to baseball diplomacy. side by side with raul castro, observing a moment of silence for the people of brussels. >> the whole premise of terrorism is to disrupt people's ordinary dives. as long as we don't allow that to happen, we'll be okay. >> reporter: president obama is facing criticism for not returning home after the attack. they are now heading to argentina. marci gonzalez, "abc7 news," havana, cuba. barbara lee spoke to "abc7 news" from cuba moments after president obama spoke. she said today's attacks are a tragic reminder the world is a dangerous place and to stay vigilant. >> we're going to help the belgian authorities, and to bring those who are responsible to justice. secondly, to help with the unfortunate humanitarian crisis that has transpired. >> lee has been involved in pollty between the u.s. and cuba since 1977. she said she will continue to fight for opening trade and travel. voters in arizona, utah, and idaho are casting their ballots today. so far, all anybody can talk about is the situation in belgium. >> reporter: talk of terrorism dominating the campaign trail, on a day when three more states cast their vote, the candidates are focused on somewhat's happening thousands of miles away in brussels. >> we will defeat terrorism and radical jihadism. >> i would be hitting isis so hard. >> reporter: both parties pivoting to u.s. security, ted cruz calling for more surveillance, including patrols targeting muslim neighborhoods. >> we have seen for seven years a president that cannot distinction between our friends and enemies. >> reporter: that's catching the attention of bernie sanders. >> it would be wrong. we are fighting a terrorism organization, we are not fighting a religion. >> reporter: republican john kasich agreed, saying targeting specific religions would create division, but kasich reserved his criticism for the current commander in chief. >> i'm a little surprised that the president is going to a baseball game. i would have flown home. >> reporter: donald trump would like to see enhanced interrogation technies used on terrorist suspects, like salah abdeslam. >> i would use waterboarding and expand the laws. >> reporter: hillary clinton firing back. >> i don't think they need to resort to torture. that's like an open recruitment poster for more terrorists. wrong and doesn't work. >> reporter: this day is the biggest voting in arizona, with 58 delegates, and it is winner take all. brandy hit, "abc7 news," phoenix. the attacks in belgium prompted hillary clinton to change her bay area agenda. tomorrow morning at stanford, she plans to give a speech on counterterrorism and then head to a fund-raising lunch. still ahead, it is a view like no other. how the space telescope helped nasa create this amazing animation of an exploding star. i'm spencer christian. see a few dark clouds treling thugh. otherwise blue skies. i'll have the accuweather fore nasa will launch a spacecraft tonight to bring supplies to the international space station. it will happen in a few hours at 8:05. it will carry nearly 7500 pounds of supplies and hardware to the lab. it will remain at the space station until may when it will dispose of several tons of trash. this is what astronomers call the shock break out. it was just releas by sa after the space telescope caught the life of a massive superstar. that's the en right there. they're called red super giants, located about 1.2 billion light years away. >> which reminded us what will happen to us, but not in our lifetime. >> spencer christian right now. >> i thought an exploding star was larry having a meltdown in the sports office. >> that's a y occurrence. >> here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. we have a nice sunny day across the bay area. conditions are calm and bright. let's take a look at statewide conditions tomorrow. sunny, just about from top to bottom. maybe partly cloudy in your rika, but otherwise, sunny with highs in the 70s in los angeles. here in the bay area, another lovely, sunny day, continuing this warming trend. tomorrow's highs ranging from about 60 at the coast to upper 60s around the bay and 70 inland. in the days to come after tomorrow, highs continuing to climb. we won't see much rain, though, for a while. right on through the weekend, rain chances in the bay area are near zero. we're using san jose as the indicator of our rain chances. 30% chance of rain in san jose on monday. even though we're posting a 10% chance on easter sunday, if there is a chance on sunday it would be much, much later than when kids would be outside playing or hunting for easter eggs. it looks like the greater chance of rain will come at the beginning of next week. >> spencer, i like the unprovoked shot. i'm not prepared for that. it's on now. >> watch out. still ahead on "abc7 news" at 4:00, nutrient enriched foods, they're all the rage but are they worth the price? michael finney has the answers. and tens of thousands plenty of foods are packed with added nutrients. you might think mo is better. maybe not. >> michael finney partnered up with consumer reports with this warning for us. >> it's no secret that eating a healthy diet with essential nutrients is good for you, but could you be getting too much of a good thing? supermarket aisles are filled with fortified foods, including cereal, protein drinks and snack bars. >> you have too much, it can be harmful. >> take calcium. the daily recommended amount is 1,000 to 1200 milligrams. say you start your morning with a bowl of cereal. that is 100% of your daily needs. add the milk and you double the amount of calcium your body needs. >> too much can increase risk for kidney stones. >> too much iron is another concern. most just need eight milligrams per day. pregnant women need 27. a bowl of kellogg's product 19 has 18 milligrams. so you could be getting more than you think. >> too much increases the risk of diabetes and heart problems. and can cause other serious health issues. >> reporter: keep an eye on folic acid, most healthy adults who aren't pregnant need just 400 micrograms per day. >> overdoing it can hide the sim p toms of vitamin b-12 deficiency. >> most already get enough of these nutrients without supplements. red meat is a good source of iron. consumer reports says you don't need to avoid fortified foods all together, but check labels and unless your doctor recommends a supplement, it's best to skip them. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. starbucks plans to donate its leftover food to food banks. they want to give 100% of their leftover food from 7,000 stores to feed america. the ceo says the idea came from star -- 30% to 30% of america's food supplies is wasted it's estimated. santa clara county is also trying to feed the hungry. mars is the latest food company to say it will label all of its gmo products. >> here's jane king with a wellness report. >> mars is the latest company to label all its product that use gmos. the candy company says it will offer the labels nationwide, and they will be on the products this summer before a vermont law requiring the gmo labels goes into effect. older americans are taking more medication these days. the university of illinois at chicago says a higher program of older americans are taking at least five medicines a day than just ten years ago. that's raising concern about risks of major drug interactions. and fewer americans say they believe in god but they still believe in an after life. it's a generational thing according to a research team from case western reserve university. they found millennials were the least likely generation to say they're religious. from the nasdaq, i'm jane king. more than 80,000 honeybees have caused a buzz in one quiet florida community. wildlife control was called here when a resident came across this hive while mowing the grass. the beekeepers were forced to evict them by vacuuming them up. >> it saves the bees and they can live out their lives. >> they believe the hive had been there for two years. abc 7 is getting ready to celebrate national puppy day tomorrow. we've been getting great pictures of dogs that call the bay area home. share yours on social media using #puppieson7. we'll be live streaming our puppy cam all morning on and tell you how you can take one home. >> puppy cam will be widely viewed tomorrow, i promise. "abc7 news" at 4:00 continues. lots of people, including some big names, came out for the professional businesswomen's conference of california. in fact, kristen was one of emthem. that's coming up next. dan has a look at what's coming up at 5:00. thank you very much. coming up, from water resistance to battery life, the new samsung phone is put to the test. and baseball diplomacy amidst president obama's historic trip. those stories and tonight in primetime on abc 7, we start off at 8:00 with fresh off the boat, followed by the real o'neals. then at 9:00. "agents of shield." at 10:00, "beyond the tank" followed by "abc7 news" at 11:00. the professional businesswomen of california held a conference in san francisco. changing the game was the theme. what better person to embody that theme than tennis star venus williams. >> reporter: i don't know of anyone who comes to this conference and doesn't leave here recharged. it started 27 years ago by a u.s. congressman jackie spear. and today it is the place to be seen and heard. international tennis star venus williams offered this advice to women. >> always encourage everyone to get outside of the box and try something new, and at the same time, i don't believe in being comfortable. if you're comfortable, then you aren't really pushing yourself. >> reporter: she was a keynote speaker at the professional businesswomen of california conference. abc 7 is a major sponsor. there were numerous discussions, led by kristen sze. >> i feel that having an open mind and being exposed to these things is somewhat made the difference for me in high school. >> reporter: many agree the success of those young women depends on the encouragement and advice of their mentors. >> it's really our relationships that help us progress in our careers. and so it extremely important for women to network, to look for mentors and for sponsors. >> reporter: in the way to achieve success is to encourage girls early on. rocket fuel is a marketing technology company in redwood city. it has a program called give back, which exposes young girls to science and technology programs. >> i found that starting with third through eighth grade is the most opportune time to expose girls to stem education. >> reporter: many left here believing nothing is impossible if you have a passion for what you love. in san francisco, leanne melendez, "abc7 news." >> that's a great event. the reason ama daetz isn't here right now is because she's still at the conference. thanks for joining us now for "abc7 news" at 4:00. i'm larry beil. "abc7 news" at 5:00 begins now with kristen and dan. there was an explosion. and soon after that one, there was a second one. >> bombs tear brussels apart, killing scores of people. now police are searching for people on the run. here at home, from b.a.r.t. to amtrak, mass transit increases security. plus -- >> my phone started ringing and i started getting a lot of texts. >> belgians who live here caught in the tragedy. we'll hear from a community that just feels numb tonight. plus, messages of hope and grief in belgium. how you can pay tribute here in the bay area. live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is "abc7 news." >> chaos after a belgian airport is bombed, people trying to find a place that is safe. [ sirens ] >> back-to-back attacks in brussels, transform a proud european capital into a city filled with fear. now police are hunting for a suspect. good evening. i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm dan ashley. it is now 1:00 a.m. in brussels, 17 hours after the first of two blasts rocked the city. at least 31 people died in a pair of bombings. at least 250 others are injured. isis has claimed responsibility for the attacks, targeting brussels' subway system and the main airport. here you can see the aftermath at the airport where at least 11 people were killed. the wounded at the airport include three americans, mormon missionaries from utah. >> we tried to hide. between the counter or anything else. >> terrified subway passengers braved the darkness as they headed for safety. belgium's allies reacted swiftly. >> we will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing to justice those who are responsible, and this is yet another reminder that the world must unite. >> these could just as well be attacks in france or germany or elsewhere. >> police have launched a series of raids following today's attacks. investigators are hunting for a suspect linked to two suicide bombers. >> here in the bay area, people with family in belgium are reacting to the bombings. a vigil will be held tonight outside of san francisco city hall. that's where we find melanie woodrow with the latest. >> reporter: city hall will be lit up tonight in tribute and we're just now starting to see

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160322

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november's paris terror attacks. >> we all stand together with our allies, belgium, on this dark day. >> reporter: in a show of solidarity and defiance, streets of brussels are covered with messages of hope and prayers for victims, including the three americans from utah recovkov ec from injuries. president obama condemned the attack from cuba. >> we will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing together those who are responsible to justice. >> reporter: police have found explosive devices and an isis flag. outside the stock exchange building in brussels, people are writing messages of hope, peace, and anger. hundreds gathered for a candle light vigil. a memorial has been set up with hundreds of flowers for the victims. the world is standing behind belgium tonight and several international monuments are honoring them. this is the eiffel tower in paris. a large crowd turned out in rome, also lit up in the colors of the belgian flag. this is the brandon brigade in bein. back in the u.s., officials say there are no specific threats but security has been increased, especially at large airports from new york's jfk to the bay area. vic lee is live at sfo with a look at the situation there. vic? >> reporter: here at sfo, we are at what's called heightened vigilance. what that means is there's more police presence, more police patrolling. the airport says it's discussing its security with tsa to see if they need to tighten procedures and security protocols. the sun was just rising at brussels international airport when darkness took over. the attack was at a terminal no different than this one, sfo's international terminal. but today, there was heightened alert. more police, some with dogs. on this morning, a united flight just arrived from paris. larry joyce was waiti for his inlaws to clear ustoms. goodness of hunity.thing does ne >> reporter: carl once had a close call of his o. >> were in thecity during thestbul bombing. it's tragic what's happening. >> reporter: george's relatives finally cleared customs. his sister-in-law lived here the belgium border. [ indiscernible ] i'm so sadrong feelings. orter: some didn't even ow about th attacks. we wer the first t tell fareed. >> it makes worried to get on planes and trains. >> we're already seeing the impact. it's oning, right? th secury lines are onger. >> reporter: but many said 're not l terrorists dictate their lives. >>nkf french and belgian people will not give up thei >> be careful, but going live my life. if it'sy time, it's going happen. >> reporter: here today at this airport, the warm home comings fond embraces made the insaty so distant and dlre y, they are real. vic lee, "abc7 news." belgians and muslims in silicon valley are sharing their thoughts. >> chris nguyen has more. >> reporter: both of these communities are very close nit. each of them are dealing with a lot of pain and sadness over what has happened. from his silicon valley office, he's monitoring the latest overseas. >> you almost think that something like that would never happen in such a small, peace loving nation. >> reporter: earlier today -- >> my dad was traveling to london for business today and luckily he decided to take the train this morning. sort of by accident. >> reporter: bay area muslim leaders were quick to condemn the attacks. >> they have their own desires, lam has nothing to do with this. we need people to step up to the plate and counter this ideology. >> reporter: the backlash is beginning. republican presidential candidate ted cruz is calling for heightened patrols of muslim neighborhoods saying the u.s. needs to protect its boarders. >> it is time to implement serious vetting, and we should not allow anyone to come to this country that we cannot vet to make sure they are not radical islamic terrorists. >> first and foremost, islam rejects all forms of terrorism. >> the last thing you want to do is stigmatize, whether it's religion, a country or people. >> reporter: he's scheduled to go back to brussels this weekend. >> i think it will be good to be there, be with my loved ones. and spend some time together. >> reporter: a trip that will hold more mbefore. chris nguyen, "abc7 news." an mam in brussels is voicing his concerns about the growing radicalism in belgium. coming up, what he believes may be behind these changes. a moment of silence is set to get under way in san francisco to remember the victims of the brussels attack. that starts at 7:00: >> there have been a lot of phone calls and e-mails and, of course, people sending condolences. but also fellow citizens seeking messages of reassurances. >> a book of condolences will be available at city hall. belgians seeking more information at the embassy can visit the website. a lot of people are showing support for belgium on social media. san francisco mayor ed lee tweeted, our hearts are heavy as we mourn what the people of brussels. we stand in solidarity. and apple ceo said our thoughts and prayers are with all the people of belgium. and actor june claude vandam posted this picture on instagram. you can see a heart with the colors of the belgian flag and the words, praying for our world. >> you can show your support by sharing this badge. go to our facebook pagend share it to your thoughts and ayers t brussels. and count on "abc7 news" nor continverage of the attack on brussels. we'll bring you updates throughout the news cast and on twitter at our coverage of the attack in belgium will continue. but now we turn to the bay area forecast. >> we're going to shift gears here. this is from our emeryville camera. sunny skies. >> spencer christian has a look at the accuweather update. >> much different from yesterday at this time where we had heavy downpours in some places. here's a live look at live doppler 7 hd. we have calm weather conditions. rainfall nearly 0.4 of an inch an francisco. many locat sionsaw far less. just a trace at concord. over half an inch here, which tends to be a wet spot. the weather is calm, but beach conditions are still hazardous. a high surf advisory in effect until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. large swells between 15 and 20 feet are possible. on we go to the view over the golden gate bridge. mainly sunny says at this hour. currently 57 in san francisco. 62 at mountain view, 57 in half moon bay. 61 at livermore. a string of sunny days coming our way, but rain coming. i'll have that for you later. >> spencer, thank you. thousands gathered in sacramento to salute a california highway patrol officer who was killed in the line of duty in the sierra. ♪ >> the voices of a quart filledh for the officer. taylor was hit by a skidding suv as he was helping another driver on march 12. >> he was the most giving and benevolent person i've ever known. his commander described him as the embodiment of selfless service to others. >> the 35-year-old taylor lives behind a wife and three young sons. he spent part of his six years with the chp in san jose. now to the latest on b.a.r.t., riders took shuttle trains between martinez and pittsburgh bay point stations this morning. but service is still limited since a series of power surges forced b.a.r.t. to close that part of the line. commuters need to change trains at north concord to continue their journey towards san francisco. b.a.r.t. has brought in outside experts, but so far they have not been able to fix it. still ahead on "abc7 news" at 4:00, the dispute over a yellow tagged building in pacifica. people forced to move out want back in. and a new report of those apartment s overlooking the ocean. new at 4:30, thousands of women packed the center for an annual conversation. we'll show you some of the big names. >> and our first live look at the commute. south bound of the 101 is jammed up. north bound is flowing nicely. >> this is "abc7 news." residents of a yellow tagged pacifica apartment building literally sitting right on the edge of a cliff. they are appealing to the city to let them back in. it is right next to a building demolished last week. 310 was yellow tagged in january because of erosion. wayne freedman is live in pacifica now with the latest. wayne? >> reporter: good afternoon, larry. there is 310 over my shoulder. there it is for now. at least although it too may disappear. residents think they want to move back in despite the fact that the city says this building is unsafe. >> good morning, everyone. >> reporter: in pacifica, even when things happen fast, it appears to move slowly. that would be the case for city government and also for this crumbling cliff beneath an apartment building. in january, the city ordered residents to evacuate, and now the city manager is trying to make it stick with the city council. would those apartments be approved today? >> not in the current land that they inhabit, no. >> reporter: it is the latest and longest battle in this el nino battered city. the owner and city have knocked down two apartment buildings, based on recommendations. >> every two or three days, we could lose ten feet. >> reporter: tomorrow, bart willowby intends to appeal. >> the basis of the appeal is that there was no imminent emergency or danger of the bluff collapsing wholesale. >> reporter: even though portions of balcony appear now to expend in thin air and others reside on the beach below. despite those signs, he has no fear. he says there's a lot more to go. >> i feel safe here. 13 others feel this is safe. there's been no change on this bluff since the 25th of january. >> reporter: a blink in gee logic time. >> you can just see it coming. >> reporter: wayne freedman, "abc7 news." the santa cruz county board of supervisors declared a local emergency because of damage from el nino storms earlier this month. it will make the county eligible for funding from the california office of emergency services. the county estimates the coast of the damage to be over $11 million. if you plan on visiting the golden gate bridge, don't try to do it this easter weekend. the parking lots will be off limits to personal vehicles saturday and sunday between 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. tour buses, taxis and rides for services can drop off and pick up passengers. if you have a dog, you'll want to learn about the new rules. the golden gate recreational area will allow some areas of off leash dog walking. a meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. additional meetings will be held this week and next week in san francisco and other locations. annie liebowicz has a follow up to her successful women's project from 1999 that showcased portraits of women. this focuses on outstanding women. she says the idea seemed overwhelming to her. >> i just thought, this is just too big, too broad of a subject. this is too big of an idea. and it's like going out to photograph the ocean or the sea. >> gloria steinem was on hand for the presentation, as is facebook's cheryl sandberg. the exhibit will be open at building 649 in chrissy field until mid april. what a great day for such an event, spencer. >> it was, and a great event. it was exciting and energizing. as is our weather right now i might add. here's a live look at live doppler 7 hd. mainly sunny skies, a few puffs of cumulous clouds hovering above. these are all forecast features, warmer days heading into easter weekend. the inland temps will reach mid 70s later in the week, but a chance of rain next monday late in the afternoon. rainfall totals are near or above 100% of average for virtually all locations around the bay area, except oakland airport which is only at 88% of average this time of the season. for the week ahead, most of it, sunny days and mild conditions. in san jose, the average high temperature for this time of the year is 67 degrees. next few days, highs of 71, 72 degrees in san jose thursday, friday, saturday. dropping off smartly on monday and tuesday. there's a reason for that, a little rain coming our way next week. here's the forecast beginning monday morning at 9:00. notice by early to md afternoon, showers developing and pushing in from the east and south. lit be pretty wet into monday night and perhaps overnight into tuesday morning. this will be a storm of light intensity, it will rank one on the storm impact scale. monday afternoon it arrives, producing less than a tenth of an inch of rainfall for most areas, but it could intensify. tonight, mainly clear skies, chilly in the inland valleys, lows in the upper 30s in napa and san ta rosa. lows in the low to mid 40s. tomorrow, a sunny, bright, and mild day with highs ranging from 60 degrees at the post to upper 60s to near 70 in antioch and morgan hill. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. look at the mild weather going through the remainder of the week into the weekend. low to mid 70s thursday through saturday. low to mid 60s at the coast. easter sunday is looking good and the bunny has lots to hop about. on monday, we get that weak system coming in, producing a chance of showers and a slight chance into tuesday. so nice looking week ahead. larry and kristen. up next, the local connection to agents of shields and why he's still in awe that he's on a show based on comic books. >> a look at the traffic situation in walnut creek. south bound flowing frey as it normally "agents of shield" has a lead character with bay area ties. reggie akey interviewed khloe bennett. the san jose native said he studied theater and art at cal. >> we have something for everything. it's funny, charming, action packed, sexy, romantic, it has inhumans and humans. >> and it's got a lot of heart. >> it's got explosions, leather jackets. they're going cut me off eventually. >> you're right, grant. it airs tonight here on abc 7 at 9:00 p.m. it has a little of everything, i think. >> indeed. "dancing with the stars" got under way last night. >> we have all the highlights from the first night of dancing. >> reporter: let the competition begin. "dancing with the stars" kicked off the season with a three-way tie for first place. all scoring 23 points to top the judge's leader board. >> my goal is to make sure i take that energy and bring it here and allow the technique to go to another level. >> i genuinely enjoyed what i just did. i want to do it again. >> today, we did a good job, but i want to be more perfect. i want something that the judges can't critique. >> reporter: four teams next on the leader board all scored 21 points for second. >> i'm used to fighting for barefoot. now that i have heels, it's maze rabbit. >> i just want to take advantage of this. it's a dream come true. >> i look forward to next week. >> your passion is everything. what you love and do, what you fear and want to overcome is everything. >> reporter: kim fields -- >> they just said they wanted them moved more. see how he is? >> reporter: and jody sweeten. >> my feet are killing me. you have to do all of this in three inch heels, so that takes a toll. >> reporter: the bottom three with 16 points, with geraldo rivera at 13 points. >> he can definitely fight. he's been in iraq and afghanistan and he said this is harder than any war he's been to. >> reporter: all 12 return next monday for latin night. "abc7 news" at 4:00 continues. coming up next, hillary clinton heading to the bay area for a big fund-raiser, but she'll make a key public appearance while here. plus -- >> another round of voting as the race pour the white house heads west. i'm brandi hitt in phoenix with live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is "abc7 news." here are the headlines now at 4:30. belgium is on high alert after back-to-back terror attacks on the airport or at the airport, as well as the subway in brussels. at least 31 people were killed in the suicide bombings. 250 were injured, including at least nine americans. officials sound a third bomb at the airport that didn't go off. isis is claiming responsibility. police are calling this man one of the possible terror suspects in the airport attacks in brussels. they believe he left a suicide vest behind at the airport. abc world news tonight which tweeted this. we'll have the latest starting here at 5:30 on abc 7. and a live look at brussels where you can see a memorial continues to grow tonight. many candles and flowers there. president obama tweeted -- the thoughts and prayers of the american people are with the people of belgium. and the president issued an order that american flags be flown at half staff until saturday to honor those killed in brussels. belgian security forces believe an average of five or six of their citizens leave their country to join isis every month and one muslim imam is trying to top that. he travels with a bodyguard at all times for his own safety and he fears for others who speak out. >> this is a part of islam that we try to make the country that we live in prosper. the problem is the misunderstanding of the youth that they think when i go to a nonmuslim country, it makes me a nonmuslim. >> he leads de-radicalization classes for joining men who have returned home from belgium after being recruited by extreme groups. administrators at uc berkeley reported three students studying in brussels are all safe. >> reporter: we did find one professor here watching events in brussels very closely on both a professional and personal level. the images are painful to those who are from there. >> we're devastated. i called my mom, she was crying on the phone. >> reporter: that includes this professor at uc berkeley. >> brussels is being seen as -- this is really devastating for the image of brussels for sure. >> reporter: samuel maril was in brussels last night. >> it was very peaceful and quiet last night. there was a general feeling of relief after the terrorist of islam was captured. then you see these images on tv and you recognize the space but it's devastated and you have all these people lying on the floor and all the rubble. it's very surreal. >> reporter: now both men worry how the terrorist attacks will change the city they love long known for its peaceful atmosphere. >> everyone was pretty much aware that something could happen, but still, i mean, when you see the images, this is very surprising. the impact and the power and the strength they have. >> reporter: laura anthony, "abc7 news." >> you can count on "abc7 news" for continuing coverage of the attack on brussels. we'll bring you updates news cast and on itr. president obama isr up historic three-day vit to cuba. this morning in havana,used his speech to people of havana to condemn the attack in brussels. >> reporter: president obama leaving cuba, his last day shadowed by the terror att in brussels. the american people are with the people belgium. >> reporr:ouing on the traged verseas, the president focused on his mission here, rebuilding the relationship between the u.s. and this communist country after decades of tension. >> i have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in the americas. i have come here to extend a hand of friendship to the cuban people. >> reporter: his speech, followed by a more personal discussion with political dissidents who were in prison for speaking out against the castro regime, highlights the human rights issues here. >> this is an area we continue to have deep differences with the cuban government. my hope is by listening and hearing from them, we can continue to refine our policy. >> reporter: from working towards policy change to baseball diplomacy. side by side with raul castro, observing a moment of silence for the people of brussels. >> the whole premise of terrorism is to disrupt people's ordinary dives. as long as we don't allow that to happen, we'll be okay. >> reporter: president obama is facing criticism for not returning home after the attack. they are now heading to argentina. marci gonzalez, "abc7 news," havana, cuba. barbara lee spoke to "abc7 news" from cuba moments after president obama spoke. she said today's attacks are a tragic reminder the world is a dangerous place and to stay vigilant. >> we're going to help the belgian authorities, and to bring those who are responsible to justice. secondly, to help with the unfortunate humanitarian crisis that has transpired. >> lee has been involved in pollty between the u.s. and cuba since 1977. she said she will continue to fight for opening trade and travel. voters in arizona, utah, and idaho are casting their ballots today. so far, all anybody can talk about is the situation in belgium. >> reporter: talk of terrorism dominating the campaign trail, on a day when three more states cast their vote, the candidates are focused on somewhat's happening thousands of miles away in brussels. >> we will defeat terrorism and radical jihadism. >> i would be hitting isis so hard. >> reporter: both parties pivoting to u.s. security, ted cruz calling for more surveillance, including patrols targeting muslim neighborhoods. >> we have seen for seven years a president that cannot distinction between our friends and enemies. >> reporter: that's catching the attention of bernie sanders. >> it would be wrong. we are fighting a terrorism organization, we are not fighting a religion. >> reporter: republican john kasich agreed, saying targeting specific religions would create division, but kasich reserved his criticism for the current commander in chief. >> i'm a little surprised that the president is going to a baseball game. i would have flown home. >> reporter: donald trump would like to see enhanced interrogation technies used on terrorist suspects, like salah abdeslam. >> i would use waterboarding and expand the laws. >> reporter: hillary clinton firing back. >> i don't think they need to resort to torture. that's like an open recruitment poster for more terrorists. wrong and doesn't work. >> reporter: this day is the biggest voting in arizona, with 58 delegates, and it is winner take all. brandy hit, "abc7 news," phoenix. the attacks in belgium prompted hillary clinton to change her bay area agenda. tomorrow morning at stanford, she plans to give a speech on counterterrorism and then head to a fund-raising lunch. still ahead, it is a view like no other. how the space telescope helped nasa create this amazing animation of an exploding star. i'm spencer christian. see a few dark clouds treling thugh. otherwise blue skies. i'll have the accuweather fore nasa will launch a spacecraft tonight to bring supplies to the international space station. it will happen in a few hours at 8:05. it will carry nearly 7500 pounds of supplies and hardware to the lab. it will remain at the space station until may when it will dispose of several tons of trash. this is what astronomers call the shock break out. it was just releas by sa after the space telescope caught the life of a massive superstar. that's the en right there. they're called red super giants, located about 1.2 billion light years away. >> which reminded us what will happen to us, but not in our lifetime. >> spencer christian right now. >> i thought an exploding star was larry having a meltdown in the sports office. >> that's a y occurrence. >> here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. we have a nice sunny day across the bay area. conditions are calm and bright. let's take a look at statewide conditions tomorrow. sunny, just about from top to bottom. maybe partly cloudy in your rika, but otherwise, sunny with highs in the 70s in los angeles. here in the bay area, another lovely, sunny day, continuing this warming trend. tomorrow's highs ranging from about 60 at the coast to upper 60s around the bay and 70 inland. in the days to come after tomorrow, highs continuing to climb. we won't see much rain, though, for a while. right on through the weekend, rain chances in the bay area are near zero. we're using san jose as the indicator of our rain chances. 30% chance of rain in san jose on monday. even though we're posting a 10% chance on easter sunday, if there is a chance on sunday it would be much, much later than when kids would be outside playing or hunting for easter eggs. it looks like the greater chance of rain will come at the beginning of next week. >> spencer, i like the unprovoked shot. i'm not prepared for that. it's on now. >> watch out. still ahead on "abc7 news" at 4:00, nutrient enriched foods, they're all the rage but are they worth the price? michael finney has the answers. and tens of thousands plenty of foods are packed with added nutrients. you might think mo is better. maybe not. >> michael finney partnered up with consumer reports with this warning for us. >> it's no secret that eating a healthy diet with essential nutrients is good for you, but could you be getting too much of a good thing? supermarket aisles are filled with fortified foods, including cereal, protein drinks and snack bars. >> you have too much, it can be harmful. >> take calcium. the daily recommended amount is 1,000 to 1200 milligrams. say you start your morning with a bowl of cereal. that is 100% of your daily needs. add the milk and you double the amount of calcium your body needs. >> too much can increase risk for kidney stones. >> too much iron is another concern. most just need eight milligrams per day. pregnant women need 27. a bowl of kellogg's product 19 has 18 milligrams. so you could be getting more than you think. >> too much increases the risk of diabetes and heart problems. and can cause other serious health issues. >> reporter: keep an eye on folic acid, most healthy adults who aren't pregnant need just 400 micrograms per day. >> overdoing it can hide the sim p toms of vitamin b-12 deficiency. >> most already get enough of these nutrients without supplements. red meat is a good source of iron. consumer reports says you don't need to avoid fortified foods all together, but check labels and unless your doctor recommends a supplement, it's best to skip them. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. starbucks plans to donate its leftover food to food banks. they want to give 100% of their leftover food from 7,000 stores to feed america. the ceo says the idea came from star -- 30% to 30% of america's food supplies is wasted it's estimated. santa clara county is also trying to feed the hungry. mars is the latest food company to say it will label all of its gmo products. >> here's jane king with a wellness report. >> mars is the latest company to label all its product that use gmos. the candy company says it will offer the labels nationwide, and they will be on the products this summer before a vermont law requiring the gmo labels goes into effect. older americans are taking more medication these days. the university of illinois at chicago says a higher program of older americans are taking at least five medicines a day than just ten years ago. that's raising concern about risks of major drug interactions. and fewer americans say they believe in god but they still believe in an after life. it's a generational thing according to a research team from case western reserve university. they found millennials were the least likely generation to say they're religious. from the nasdaq, i'm jane king. more than 80,000 honeybees have caused a buzz in one quiet florida community. wildlife control was called here when a resident came across this hive while mowing the grass. the beekeepers were forced to evict them by vacuuming them up. >> it saves the bees and they can live out their lives. >> they believe the hive had been there for two years. abc 7 is getting ready to celebrate national puppy day tomorrow. we've been getting great pictures of dogs that call the bay area home. share yours on social media using #puppieson7. we'll be live streaming our puppy cam all morning on and tell you how you can take one home. >> puppy cam will be widely viewed tomorrow, i promise. "abc7 news" at 4:00 continues. lots of people, including some big names, came out for the professional businesswomen's conference of california. in fact, kristen was one of emthem. that's coming up next. dan has a look at what's coming up at 5:00. thank you very much. coming up, from water resistance to battery life, the new samsung phone is put to the test. and baseball diplomacy amidst president obama's historic trip. those stories and tonight in primetime on abc 7, we start off at 8:00 with fresh off the boat, followed by the real o'neals. then at 9:00. "agents of shield." at 10:00, "beyond the tank" followed by "abc7 news" at 11:00. the professional businesswomen of california held a conference in san francisco. changing the game was the theme. what better person to embody that theme than tennis star venus williams. >> reporter: i don't know of anyone who comes to this conference and doesn't leave here recharged. it started 27 years ago by a u.s. congressman jackie spear. and today it is the place to be seen and heard. international tennis star venus williams offered this advice to women. >> always encourage everyone to get outside of the box and try something new, and at the same time, i don't believe in being comfortable. if you're comfortable, then you aren't really pushing yourself. >> reporter: she was a keynote speaker at the professional businesswomen of california conference. abc 7 is a major sponsor. there were numerous discussions, led by kristen sze. >> i feel that having an open mind and being exposed to these things is somewhat made the difference for me in high school. >> reporter: many agree the success of those young women depends on the encouragement and advice of their mentors. >> it's really our relationships that help us progress in our careers. and so it extremely important for women to network, to look for mentors and for sponsors. >> reporter: in the way to achieve success is to encourage girls early on. rocket fuel is a marketing technology company in redwood city. it has a program called give back, which exposes young girls to science and technology programs. >> i found that starting with third through eighth grade is the most opportune time to expose girls to stem education. >> reporter: many left here believing nothing is impossible if you have a passion for what you love. in san francisco, leanne melendez, "abc7 news." >> that's a great event. the reason ama daetz isn't here right now is because she's still at the conference. thanks for joining us now for "abc7 news" at 4:00. i'm larry beil. "abc7 news" at 5:00 begins now with kristen and dan. there was an explosion. and soon after that one, there was a second one. >> bombs tear brussels apart, killing scores of people. now police are searching for people on the run. here at home, from b.a.r.t. to amtrak, mass transit increases security. plus -- >> my phone started ringing and i started getting a lot of texts. >> belgians who live here caught in the tragedy. we'll hear from a community that just feels numb tonight. plus, messages of hope and grief in belgium. how you can pay tribute here in the bay area. live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is "abc7 news." >> chaos after a belgian airport is bombed, people trying to find a place that is safe. [ sirens ] >> back-to-back attacks in brussels, transform a proud european capital into a city filled with fear. now police are hunting for a suspect. good evening. i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm dan ashley. it is now 1:00 a.m. in brussels, 17 hours after the first of two blasts rocked the city. at least 31 people died in a pair of bombings. at least 250 others are injured. isis has claimed responsibility for the attacks, targeting brussels' subway system and the main airport. here you can see the aftermath at the airport where at least 11 people were killed. the wounded at the airport include three americans, mormon missionaries from utah. >> we tried to hide. between the counter or anything else. >> terrified subway passengers braved the darkness as they headed for safety. belgium's allies reacted swiftly. >> we will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally belgium in bringing to justice those who are responsible, and this is yet another reminder that the world must unite. >> these could just as well be attacks in france or germany or elsewhere. >> police have launched a series of raids following today's attacks. investigators are hunting for a suspect linked to two suicide bombers. >> here in the bay area, people with family in belgium are reacting to the bombings. a vigil will be held tonight outside of san francisco city hall. that's where we find melanie woodrow with the latest. >> reporter: city hall will be lit up tonight in tribute and we're just now starting to see

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