Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20130713 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20130713

1th. nice to be out there. [ noise ] >> never can trust a local news set. >> the story behind that boom straight ahead. "fox & friends" begins right now. watch out. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us bright and early. we start with a fox news alert. it's judgment day for george zimmerman. juniors will resume their deliberations at 9:00 a.m. this morning. deputies are bracing for another day of protests outside that courtroom. >> jonathan, good morning. >> reporter: three hours away before the jury resume deliberations at 9:00 this morning eastern time. the six women panel is being asked to consider whether george zimmerman was an over ze allows neighborhood watch captain. yesterday a small but vocal group of protesters gathered outside of the courthouse. about two dozen of those protesters calling for zimmerman's conviction. >> either guilty or not guilty we'll keep protesting because racial inequality still exists. >> reporter: a smaller group calling zimmerman's acquittal. police and civic leaders have been urging the community to keep things peaceful. >> we will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law. >> reporter: zimmerman could be convicted of second-degree murder if the juryize he fired that fatal shot out of spite or anger but the jury is also being allowed to consider the lesser charge of manslaughter if the panel decides zimmerman acted outside the scope of law. if the jury agrees with the defense that he fired in defense zimmerman could walk away from all of this a free man. back to you. >> thanks so much for that update. let's recap. after hearing from more than 50 witnesses during the three week trial what will the jury be look at. >> we have our legal team here, defense attorney and fox news legal analyst. both have been closely watching this trial. here's a question that i don't know the answer to. how is it the government can charge zimmerman with one thing, fail to prove that he is guilty of that thing and then tell the jury he can convict him of something else. how does that work? >> number one, nobody said he failed to prove it at this point. >> if they are confident they wouldn't give the jury the option. >> that's not necessarily true. this happens all the time. when i say all the time i mean 80% of the time. often it's the defense that asks for the lesser included charges as long as the facts that came out at the trial support a reasonable view of the facts support that. so, often it's the defendant who says gee the evidence was good for murder two let's add man slu manslaughter or criminal homicide. it's like all or nothing. do i double down or get a lesser. >> lesser included offense. >> we're talking about second-degree murder what tucker is referring to. you don't get that. you get manslaughter. here's the four possible out comes. second-degree murder, guilty of manslaughter, not guilty or a hung jury. would it be possible to slide down to that manslaughter claim. second-degree murder seems pretty tough to prove. >> there's no way the prosecution will get a conviction on second-degree murder. they didn't prove that. the lesser included of that is manslaughter. if this jury wants to compromise and convict zimmerman of something and listen there's six of them, five are mothers, there's a good possibility they will ignore the law and want to convict him of that less certificate included offense, yeah. here's the rub -- >> why do you say there's a possibility they will ignore the law? >> every person i talked to about this case on the law, zimmerman is guilty of nothing. if you take these six women in the jury box and don't want to send this mother of trayvon martin home with, you know, nothing they will say let's compromise and convict him on the lesser count not realizing he can do the same amount of prison time. >> it's called jury nullification. you're asking the jurors to ignore the law. the ironic part usually it's the defense attorneys asking, when i say usually 97.5% of the time defense attorneys are saying yes this is the law but you're justice, you do what you believe is right. here it's the prosecutor saying that. when the prosecutor says had he made assumptions that there were wrong assumptions and he didn't make those assumptions, trayvon benjamin martin would be alive today. >> john, you say they have to ignore the law. have they proven of definitively that a gun was necessary? they were in a fist fight. doesn't the gun change the equation? >> no. the reason the gun doesn't because if you were watching yesterday the closing argument when the block of cement was brought out that was the weapon that trayvon martin was using. >> this is where i agree with allison. we don't know what the jury is thinking. you're right. one of those jurors could say that gun is strong, he could have grabbed the gun and whacked the kid with it. you're right. nobody has said that. i didn't even think of it. but these are jurors who have hearts and that's what i loved about the prosecutor's closing. what was in their heart. >> no one said follow your heart. nobody said apply your common sense. you must apply the law. >> that's why people like you and i are trained -- >> that's why we have appeals. >> no. there. >> appeal if he's acquitted but if he's convicted, i don't think that's an unreasonable belief for one of these jurors to have, why did he have to pull the trigger. it's called pistol whipping. >> a loaded gun out -- >> cops don't do it ever. ever. >> i know. >> that's absolutely against procedure to pull out a gun. >> i was in the brooklyn's d.a. office. i'm talking about tea 70s and '80s. >> eight minutes past the hour. 6:00 in the morning. deliberatatie jagation time. let's look at some historical context. you have scott peterson, seven days of deliberatation. jodi arias, 16 hours. casey anthony 10 hours. o.j. simpson under four hours. george zimmerman -- >> both of you thought it would be fast. >> i bet they have a verdict now. >> my dad and i had a debate yesterday. i said they have to sleep on it. any big decision in your life, any of us let me sleep on it. out of respect for the system, you go to bed, you say let me wake up. >> they may have a decision already but you believe they may be sleeping on it. >> no. >> i do. this was pretty easy. >> you better be ready to buy breakfast. at 9:00 boom there's averdict. >> do i agree they want to sleep on it. it's huge. >> they asked for all the exhibits. >> they asked for the list. there were a couple of exhibits they didn't hear during the trial that they want to hear during the jury room. >> they will go over everything they heard and come up with a verdict. >> we have you guys on stand by. >> very good. >> meanwhile we do have other news to tell you about. while you were sleeping texas senate passed tough new abortion restrictions. the bill now heads to governor rick perry's desk. he said he'll sign it into law. it bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and only allows them to be done in surgical centers. thousands of protesters packed the state capitol. more heartache following that crash landing. a third young girl has now died from her injuries. we're learning more about one of the two chinese teenagers who died moments after the crash. police confirm that she was run over by that fire truck. rescue crews say the 16-year-old was covered in foam used to douse the fire coming from the plane maybe that's why the fire truck couldn't see her. investigators trying to determine if she died from the crash or being run over. a week after the crash the runway is back open. justice department changing hits rules for investigations that involve reporters making it more difficult to secretly seize their records like they did our own james rosen. eric holder presenting the report to president obama. among the changes reporters phone records remain off limits unless they are suspected of breaking the law and the doj can't use a warrant to investigate someone other than the reporter. holder signed off on a search warrant that identified james rosen as a co-conspirator in violation of the espionage act. randy travis is resting comfortable but is in critical condition. the country star is under heavy sedation while he attempts to recover from brain surgery. the 54-year-old had a stroke wednesday night while being treated for heart failure. those are your headlines. coming up here on the show as if our regulation nation isn't already out of control the president planning to add more restrictions to the tune of $to 30 billion. where is that money going? >> where is the money coming from. plus stepping down and leaving the white house homeland security janet napolitano resigning to run the california university system. who is replacing her? three big names already mentioned. we got them for you. coming up. i want to make things more secure. 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[ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? pistole. just when you thought government couldn't get any bigger than it already is a new study reveals more burdensome regulations and expensive regulations are right around the corner, according to the american action forum, the obama administration's rulemaking agenda for 2013 could cost taxpayers more than $130 billion. here to weigh in is a representative from independent women's forum. sabrina thanks for coming on. you're saying in addition to all the laws that congress passes and the president signs there's a whole other series of regulations that are expensive and basically unseen by voters, people didn't know they exist. >> isn't that true. first of all this is before obama care goes into full effect which is concerning. but really, several of these reports, american action forum, cei puts out a report every year. the compliance costs are a hidden tax on american families and the economy that i think people don't realize and under estimate the impact what that means for our daily lives. >> let's go through a few of these. one you list is the limiting worker exposure to silica dust. what does that mean and what will it cost >> most of these regulations are for the epa, energy, transportation, a lot of food safety. i think this is where it gets tricky when we dig into them because a lot of americans will say i'm willing to pay more taxes to make sure our food supply is safe. but this is regulation without representation. these are not elected officials passing laws these are bureaucrats in these big buildings here in washington who are passing thousands of these laws just to put it in perspective. in 2011, congress passed and the president signed 81 laws. but the regulatory agencies passed over 3800 regulations and rules. so that's very concerning. >> and each one of these you say cost taxpayers money. there is an actual quantifiable cost to all 3800, for example, regulations passed in 2011. who is keeping track of this? is there any accountability at all? >> well, there are agencies within the government that sort of -- that do calculate the cost, the compliance and implementation of these regulations. for instance in 2012 the office that does oversee this found we had 57% higher cost of regulations than any previous year. that's very concerning, obviously. at a time when the economy is sluggish at best. when economic confidence is down by nine points. americans should be concerned opinion they shouldn't think this is affecting some random subsection of energy suppliers. >> no. no. the estimated cost to regulation, $1.75 trillion last year for fiscal year 2012. $1.75 trillion. now tell me about the aca, of course obama care, bringing the health care exchanges online. what's that going to cost >> that is over $2 billion. let's remember, the bulk of obama care regulations aren't going into effect until 2014. this is just the beginning when we talk about what will happen in health care. >> food safety overhaul something touted on a bipartisan level, you say $6 billion in costs to implement this? >> yeah. food safety. that's one where i think a lot of americans would say we want to make sure our food supply is safe. my bigger concern are thing like calorie labelling, vend magazine be shin labelling, why government is microma nag our nutrition and see how that increases the cost of our groceries, people might feel differently. >> we have the safest food supply in the world and have for 100 years. it's not a question of safety it's a question of nannyism. new rules to rein in swap security dealers. $2 so million. >> again this is one of these issues where people say i want to be safe, so liberty versus safety conversation. but, again, a lot of times these things sound okay. but they are really a lot of times based on bad science, bad reporting, and there's other ways we can manage things without adding another regulation. if there's a real issue we need to pass a law. >> thanks a lot. >> thanks so much. up next the jury in george zimmerman murder trial continues deliberations this morning but have they already made up their mind and come to a verdict? we'll take a look at who they are and what they might decide. plus a huge shake up caught live on television. [ noise ] >> oh. studio had a little bit of a ruckus. we'll have to see what that's about. >> we'll tell you what caused that massive boom still ahead. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness... accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. 24 minutes now past the hour. welcome back to "fox & friends." a scare in the sky for a jetblue flight. it was forced to make an emergency landing in north carolina last night after crew members saw smoke in the cockpit. the plane was heading from new york to tampa. no one was hurt. a train packed with hundreds of passengers derails in france, killing six people. more than 20 others were hurt. two of the cars derailed knocking the others off the track. it happened during evening rush hour just as people were getting ready to celebrate france's independence day. a transportation official says it was not caused by human error. thanks so much. fox news alert for you because it was a dramatic day in court as lawyers made their final arguments in the george zimmerman trial yesterday. >> george zimmerman is not guilty if you have just a reasonable doubt that he acted in self-defense. >> trayvon benjamin martin is entitled to the truth. >> well now six women are left to decide george zimmerman's fate. but how will having an all female jury impact the decision and what do we know about these women. joining me to weigh in is a jury consultant. so let's start with the first question. all female jury. do you think that affects their decision make being or are we stereotyping? >> i think sometimes when we focus on the gender that is a bit of over simplification. each of these individual women are going to have their own biases and opinions about the three important facts of this case, and that's race, gun control and self-defense. that coupled with their personalities and how they will approach deliberations, if they are leaders or followers that's going to be even more paramount in this decision. >> let's talk about what we know about some of these jurors and we know it from the voir dire process. some of them have had experience with firearms. four of them either have fired a gun or have family members who own guns. how does that play into their decision-making? >> right. that, and even more importantly there's one individual juror who has had a concealed weapons permit in the past. the prosecution has made such a big deal that the reason why zimmerman felt like he had the courage or bravado to get out of his car because he was packing heat. that particular woman will come in with her life experience and say either he did it wrong, he should have been more careful or maybe she's going to go on the zim areman side and say, you know what, identify been down that route i may have done the same thing in that situation. >> on the screen you see juror e40. that's how she's known. safety officer. george zimmerman with this neighborhood watch officer, so safety officer, she may be able to identify with that. >> right. absolutely. it's those types of life experiences that's paramount when they are discussing this because each trial research tell us jurors come in and say you know what this happened to me and this is how i'll apply to it the facts. the thing about gender that is important is that, you know, women are raised to ch other. as young girls we come to the table, i have no doubt that these jurors will be able to each individually be heard. and that's sort of the gender issue of this is that in deliberations i think each one will be able to give her voice and pinto each question. >> five of the women on the jury are mothers. one that we just put up, one of the jurors has eight children ranging from 3 years old to 19 years old. does the fact that five of them are mothers will that somehow obviously color their decision-making? >> i think that's a very important fact because as the prosecution did yesterday, in their rebuttal, made a strong emotional pull that the worst fear any parent, mother, father is seeing that your child would be scared just walking home. so, yes, the fact that they are parents and they are mothers is definitely one of those life experiences that they will filter through these facts in deciding this case. >> mary griffith you're a jury consultant. gate to have your expertise with us this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. meanwhile three union bosses have teamed up to pen a scathing letter to democrats saying that obama care will destroy the health and well being of american workers. why these former allies and supporter of the affordable care act are now turning their backs on obama care. and janice is live in the far rockaways with a very special event. hi, janice. >> reporter: hi. we are with the wounded warriors project today for a day of ad t adaptive motorsports festivities here at rockaway beach. the weather is a little cloudy but the sun will come out for these wounded warriors. so stay with us, we'll be right back with "fox & friends" weekend. looked nice? soft would be great, but we really just need "kid-proof." softsprings got both, let me show you. right over here. here, feel this. wow, that's nice. wow. the soft carpets have never been this durable. you know i think we'll take it. get kid-friendly toughness and feet-friendly softness, without walking all over your dget. he didn't tell us it would do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get whole-home installation for just 37 bucks. ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that's progressive. it's my favorite shot of the morning, honey i hope you're watching we need to do this soon. who needs a high chair when you can bring the whole crib to a restaurant. in new york a couple brought their crib from home with them literally to the restaurant. they hauled their son's crib to lurch with them. first asking the restaurant staff for permission. after getting the all clear they pulled it up to the out door table. >> imagine how hard that is to get it on the subway. >> so what if the baby is still napping. wheel the baby out to the restaurant. you don't have to stay home. >> if you don't have kids -- if you do have kids it's very difficult to leave house to. >> absolutely. you're trapped by the nap and feeding schedule. here they have come up with a solution. >> wonder if they are drinking. >> of course they are. >> brilliant idea. >> all right. obama care, famously pass ad couple of years ago but still not been fully implemented and now there are real concerns among people who supported at any time first time namely among union bosses about whether or not obama care in the end will be a very bad thing for their members. >> this is a fascinating story because three major u.s. unions including the teamsters all previously support the affordable care act known as obama care. they went out and they rallied their members and talked about why it would be such a great thing for them and today or yesterday they released a letter about how they are having major seconding thoughts. here it is. >> here is the open letter. it reads one less you and the obama administration enact an equitable fix, the aca will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the back bone of the american middle class. on behalf of the millions of working men and women we represent and the families they support we can no longer stand silent. >> holy smokes. that's unbelievable. obama care will destroy the middle class of the united states say union bosses among them james hoffa. if that had been rush limbaugh, people would say it's over statement he's a right-wing talk shows. these are union bosses saying obama care is going to destroy workers. >> at the heart of it is the 40 hour work week. i never thought of it in terms we come to expect and think of the work week as 40 hours. that's how we wrap our brains around it. that could forever be altered as a result of this. companies having to drop down below that to make sure they don't have full time employees on the roles so they don't have to pay their health insurance. >> that's the problem. they say it provides a disincentive from working a full week. companies have an incentive to keep you working part time. letter goes on. pretty intense stuff. their vision of what it was going to be like has come back to haunt them now. >> they are right. look, unions are not -- you don't think of them as austrian economists, these are not market based folks and even they are recognizing this provides incentives for part time employment. we had the numbers last week. less than half americans have full time jobs. there's a reason for that. >> find us all on twitter. let's get to your headlines. we have a fox news alert four because it's a race against time at a national park in indiana after an 8-year-old boy fell into a hole in a sand do you know and was buried alive. 11 feet under for more than three hours. emergency crews used everything from their hands to heavy equipment to pull him out. boy was airlifted to a hospital. no word on his condition. overnight russian immigration officials say they have not received an asylum request from nsa leaker edward snowden. just yesterday snowden spoke out yesterday saying he planned to ask the country for temporary asylum. he's hiding out in the transit zone of the moscow airport. the u.s. is asking russia to hand him over. president obama called russian president vladimir putin for an update on snowden's status. another shake up in the president's administration. homeland security janet napolitano stepping down to take a job as president in the university california university system. several names are floated to replace her. raymond kelly, admiral thad allen and jane harman. a live news broadcast starts off smoothly then gets shaky. >> friday, july 12th. nice to be out there. [ noise ] >> anchorman, that terrifying bang was as a result of a home explosion that happened nearby. two people inside the home at the time did suffer severe burns. the blast also causing damage to nearby homes. they believe it was caused bay natural gas leak. those are your headlines. has that ever happened here? >> similar things. >> you would have the poise and calm -- >> seamless. >> unbelievable. more than 40 wounded warriors and their families are out in queens, new york. they are getting a chance to go sailing, water skiing and scuba diving and part of the ninth annual adaptive water sports festival. janice dean is there this morning. >> reporter: hello. hi, good morning. it's a beautiful day at the beach. a little overcast but the sun will come out i promised everyone here. first let's take a look at your weekend weather. here are your current temperatures. we're dealing with temperatures in thor 60s across portions of the northeast and the great lakes. and then as you head towards the southeast, temperatures around 69 degrees in atlanta, georgia. 71 in raleigh. going to be warm across the central plains today, 82 in dallas. 68 in provo, 86 in phoenix. look at the satellite radar imagery. remember chantal, tropical storm chantal that kind of dissipated over the last couple of days. we're seeing some moisture working its way into the southeast. unfortunately more rain in some cases one to three inches, flash flood watches and warnings are posted. this area has been saturated by rainfall in the last several weeks. this is a trying weekend for all these folks that will be dealing with the potential for flooding. we're not going to see flooding here in the northeast especially at rockaway beach for this waterfall event. i have the deputy executive director for the wounded warrior project and a retired fdny and breezy point resident. tell us about the event. >> good morning. this is our breezy point adaptive water sports weekend. 40 wounded warriors from several military hospitals are here. this is a surfing beach. we have the scuba tank and kayak and water skiing going on. >> how does this help folks would have been wounded in iraq or afghanistan. does it help them rehabilitate? >> yes. the real important aspect is the community comes together to support them. the wounded warrior project is ten years old. the breezy point community our ninth year doing this. they basically have been here and watched wounded warrior project grow. >> let's talk about that. for nine years or eight years it's been held at breezy point. today it's being held at rockaway. tell us why that happened, a storm named hurricane sandy, right? >> devastated the community. and, you know, we were looking for someone to rebuild -- the whole community was looking forward for the soldiers to come back in. it's really uplifting everyone's spirits, the community and soldiers. so glad to be here for them. >> how is the rebuilding going? breezy point we had over 300 homes destroyed. >> unfortunately been tied up with a lot of red tape and bureaucratic garbage and some cut throws in the last few days. they are so far behind. people are standing around don't know how to tell their wives and children why aren't we rebuilding. it's been bogged down in the bureaucracy here. but everyone is coming together. the weather is -- these guys here have been unbelievable between the surfing, the scuba diving, the sailing and fishing and big parade into town. it was well attended. been wonderful so far. >> great. we'll see you guys later on. go ahead. >> rockaway. rockaway. it's always been breezy point and rockaway. >> rockaway if you're in the neighborhood come down and support our wounded warrior project. a great cause. we'll be partaking in a lot of water sports. no i won be wearing a bikini. >> the audience is clamoring for that. >> reporter: no, no. we want the ratings to go up not down. >> al will. get al in a bikini. >> reporter: if you can put my head on a super model's body we'll do it. >> i think you qualify, janice dean, come on. >> she will be in a bikini by 8:01. coming up a nation divided over the zimmerman case. police and pastors calling for calm down there in sanford. we're live in that city with the latest as the jury deliberates this morning. and a major -- nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at [ herbie ] eh, hold on brent, what's this? mmmm, nice car. there's no doubt, that's definitely gonna throw him off. she's seen it too. oh this could be trouble. [ sentra lock noise ] oh man. gotta think fast, herbie. back pedal, back pedal. [ crowd cheering ] oh, he's down in flames and now the ice-cold shoulder. one last play... no, game over! gps take him to the dog house. 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[buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. thshe makes a nifty livingn sleeping on mattresses pioneered by engineers whose singluar devotion is not stopping until they have given her the best sleep of her life. that's not greta. save up to $500 on the tempur-ergo collection and get your best sleep possible. visit to find a store near you. >> keep going. find your maximum reps. that's how you get results. if you want to look beautiful keep working it. >> we know about the popular regiment to turn your flash into fab. but p 90 x almost killed a young man. >> he said he had to be rushed to the hospital with a deadly kidney condition after two days of the work out. doctors blame his condition on the strenuous exercise. >> here to tell us what work outs to avoid is our fitness expert. p 90 x is pretty intense. >> it is. the bottom line is you have to make sure you're ready for these type of exercises. the first day of p 90 x is is a lot of pull ups and push ups and you can't go from your couch to doing pull ups and push ups in that regiment. it's about being ready and it's about progression. today what we'll show you is how to take some of these high intensity exercises and bring them so everyone can do it and work up to the level that you need to be. >> this is more than just being sore. it released such a toxins in his body his kidneys shut down. let's talk about some alternatives. one of the things they do in p 90 x are these olympic lifts. >> that's basically broken down into three different parts. dead lift, squat lift and a military press or shoulder press. so we'll show you how to do that. instead of jerking you up -- first make sure always your back is nice and straight. you never want to round your back, it's all about safety. you bend your knees. back is nice and straight. you lift. this is part one. that's the dead lift. then we go into the squat. this is the squat. again back and straight my abs are engaged. military press super. >> you like the squat press over the olympic lift that makes sense. >> yes. it's slower. uses less weight. safer. >> still works out all the good things. >> let's move over to high jump box. you want to replace those with lower box jumps. >> that's extremely high. you want to work up to that level. that's fantastic. we can do that. if the last time you jumped was maybe because you saw a bug crawling across the floor you're not ready for that type of jumping. even broken down more, jumping is in the lift. this winds you you're not ready for the box jump. you notice how much lower my box is. bend your knees and you're up. >> this is great, great ways. >> ready? >> go ahead. clayton is winded. >> i'm winded already. >> thanks so much for showing us all these alternatives. >> send us your photos. coming up in just two hours the jury resume deliberating the fate of george zimmerman. judge alex will weigh in. >> experts predict prices at the pump to jump by 20 cents in the coming days. we'll tell you what's fueling that spike. let's see it. phone or email. 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[ ethereal music plays ] [ motorcycle revving ] getting you back on a brand-new bike. now, that's progressive. good morning, everyone. today is saturday, july 13, 2013. i'm alisyn camerota. thanks for joining us. a fox news alert in two hours six women will resume deliberating the fate of george zimmerman. >> this is what really matters for today. and that's self-defense. >> it's not a case about self-defense. it's a case about self-denial. george zimmerman. >> we're live in sanford, florida with any decision straight ahead. >> the president's top cops has new rules when it comes to investigating reporters. does that mean they have been spying on journalist from the start. a former doj official here to blow the whistle. >> fired via text message the harsh way one restaurant owner decided to get rid of their entire staff. the unbelievable story as "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. this is a fox news alert. good morning to all of you. welcome to "fox & friends." we're hours away from a potential verdict in the george zimmerman trial. jurors will resume deliberations at 9:00 a.m. this while deputies are bracing for another day of protests outside the courtroom. >> we go live outside that courthouse for the very latest. jonathan what's happening there at this hour? >> reporter: good morning. right now we're seeing some activity with deputies getting in place, anticipating protesters that they assume will be returning to the front lawn in front of the seminole county courthouse as jury deliberation resume today. those deliberations expected to resume in about two hours from now. yesterday there were about two dozen protesters here calling for the jury to convict george zimmerman while a smaller group of protesters argued for his acquittal. the two sides have been engaging each other in spirited but so far peaceful debate and local officials are urging everyone to stay calm and respect the rule of law whichever way the jury decides. listen. >> we will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law. >> the six women jury panel is being asked to consider whether zimmerman was an overzealous neighborhood watch captain who shot 17-year-old trayvon martin out of spite because he fit the profile of recent burglars in the neighborhood. during closing arguments the prosecution kept referring to trayvon martin as a child and said zimmerman fired his gun not because he had to but because he wanted to. zimmerman's lawyers, however, argue their client fired in self-defense. they say trayvon martin attacked george zimmerman, banging his head on the sidewalk. at one point during closing arguments they showed the jury a heavy piece of concrete to argue that martin used the sidewalk as a weapon and zimmerman had good reason to fear for his life. zimmerman is being tried for second-degree murder. however the judge has also allowed jurors to consider the lesser offense of manslaughter if he's convicted of either crime he could face a maximum sentence of up to life in prison. back to you. >> thanks so much for breaking that down for us. here now is judge alex. he's been following this case very closely. he's here to help us sort it out. >> good morning, judge. i'm glad i don't do this early morning stuff every day. >> let's talk about the four things that could happen today. could be a conviction for second-degree murder, conviction for manslaughter, acquittal or a hung jury. that wouldn't happen today. >> the two most unlikely are second-degree murder and hung jury. hung jury when you sequester a jury they bone especially a jury of all women they talk about personal issues. still could happen, of course. second-degree murder because they haven't proved the elements of second-degree murder. if they follow the law i doubt we'll have second-degree murder conviction. if they do the appellate issue is pretty big. may not with stand. >> what can we expect. 9:00 a.m. the jury continues their deliberations. do you see a speedy conclusion to this? >> it's hard to say. obviously yesterday they asked for a list of all the exhibits and description of each exhibit which indicates to me they will meticulously go through this. this will not be a quick resolution. go back in there and say to yourself have they disproven self-defense. if the answer is yes it's self-defense then you have to check not guilty because the prosecution has the burden of proving it wasn't self-defense beyond every reasonable doubt. if you have down it's a quick answer. they will do this slowly and carefully which i think is the right thing to do. >> we keep hearing from the press there is racial implications. zimmerman is hispanic or his mom is peru. trayvon martin was a young black man. i don't think there's a clear racial parable despite msnbc -- >> let me say this. there's a difference between there being be racial tension because the black community feels not just on this occasion but routinely not getting treated fairly. and there being a racial linkedin the evidence in this case. there was a lot of noise at the beginning about this being racially motivated. through the trial there's no evidence of racism on george zimmerman's part. he mentors african-american children. he fundraiss raised for a black. there's not those kind of signs. not to say tension isn't there. >> part of the anger is he wasn't charged for 46 days. you're not going to investigate him? once the charge came out the details exposed much more than two dimensional character. >> the reason for that for those who don't understand, police officers can arrest you if there's probable cause to believe you committed a crime. when you show up on the scene and just one witness and no eyewitnesses and that witness said i was fighting for my life, it was self-defense, without evidence to support it wasn't they can subject themselves to civil liability by arresting that person. we had the same exact scenario in miami we had a blackmail who shot three white males and he claimed self-defense. when they pieced the case together and realized it didn't hold up they went back and arrested him. it happens all the time but the public doesn't know it happens >> you're a judge and i think it's impossible for you not to judge other individuals. >> it's what i do. >> when you sit down and see a judge handling this case in the trayvon martin case how do you think this judge has handled things? antics in the courtroom? anything you would have done differently? >> there's tension between her and don west. >> the defense attorney? >> the defense attorney. you get cases where you have some friction with the lawyer from prior experience. there are rulings that i would have ruled differently on but that's natural. we'll go lunch sometimes and talk about legal issues and we won't agree among ourselves. >> that tension between her and don west made it seem she was predisposed to the prosecution and she was against george zimmerman. >> that's a perception. if you will r- the in this case, the judge was ruling very often against the defense and i would read people saying when will the defense win a ruling and the answer is when the defense is right. i ruled five times important the prosecution so i have to rule five times for the defense. if you're asking leading questions the objections will be sustained against you. that perception comes that you're doing something wrong. >> you don't see any bias? >> no. i saw tension. i see where that's interpreted as bias. >> thank you for being a voice of reason through all of this. we'll check back in with you. >> the judge will stick around. we'll get you some coffee. >> a cot would be nice. >> we have them. >> let's get to your headlines. fox news alert to get to overnight. tough new abortion restrictions cleared through the texas senate. the bill heads to governor rick perry who says he'll sign this into haw. the measures bans abortions after 20th week of pregnancy. ploefrts pack protesters packed the whole. another young girl died from that crash in san francisco. police have now confirmed the one girl was run over by a fire truck. rescue crews say the 16-year-old was covered in foam used to douse the fire coming from the plane. that's why they couldn't see her. investigators still trying to determine whether she died from the crash or from being run over. a week after that crash the runway is back open. a man reportedly kills two women, then opens fire on police in san francisco. as he tried to get away. he surrendered after running out of ammunition. he opened fire in a crowded shopping center shooting one woman and stabbing another. a man was hurt. the shooting was connected to a botched robbery. then who better to take life advice from than eliot spitzer. the disgraced former new york governor is laying down his top ten rules to live by in a new ebook called "protecting capitalism case by case." he also talks about his time probing wall street power brokers as state attorney general. spitzer announced he's running for comptroller of new york city. i don't write the verbs i just read them. >> you write the song to make the whole world sing. >> i do. >> no way you can read a script about elliott spitzer and not get tongue-tied. >> coming up experts predict price at the pump jump by as much as 20 cents in the coming days but what's fueling that spike. >> justice department changing some of its rules for investigating reporters. does that mean the government is now admitting to spying on journalists like our own james rosen? 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[ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. criticism over the department of justice's investigations into fox news reporter james rosen and the associated press, president obama said that he would make sure the doj made some changes. >> i'm troubled by the possibility that leak investigations may chill the investigative journalism that holds government accountable. journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs. our focus must be on those who break the law. >> and now some of those changes may be arriving. what exactly will they mean for the working press, for reporters. joining us now from washington is jay christian adams who may have the answer. thank you for joining us. what exactly do these changes mean for the press covering the obama administration? are they going to be spied on less? >> well they still might be spied on. these changes don't change that. what they do change is they will no longer be named conspirators like james rosen or tar get for criminal prosecution which is not such a great thing for the justice department to decide to give this kind of immunity to reporters. that's a job for congress to do. so far congress has been unwilling to extend that sort of blanket immunity for good reason because reporters could actually be operating with mixed motives. they could be, if i was a foreign intelligence service i now want to enlist reporters. most things with this justice department this goes too far. >> what you don't want is the administration acting out of political motives deciding that a reporter's reporting is inconvenient to its political aims, i would argue, in the case for for example in the case of james rosen reporting on what the administration is doing and they wind up with his parents' phone records. how can we stop that from happening again. >> no question, politics should be taken out of it. the problem with this new policy it injects politics back into it. it gives the head of public affairs of the justice department, the office of public affairs the press spokesman enormous new power. she will sit on a committee that goes decide which reporters are targeted and which are not. in the past we've seen totally politicized people who give favors to friends at msnbc and withhold information from fox news. now she gets to, if she were still there, she gets to decide who is targeted for criminal investigation. that's absolutely outrageous. these are political operatives in that office and should have no role in this. >> she was especially politicized, i would say. i think you're absolutely right. so where is the oversight here? >> well the oversight as usual rests with congress. congress is going to have to decide whether or not reporters should get blanket immunity. so far congress has said no. there's some good in these guidelines. for example, you now have to use the least restrictive means to get information. now that was already the rule at justice. they just weren't following it. so there is some good here. they are basically admitting we messed up, we're going to start following our own policies, least restrictive means attempt to work it out, don't get overly intrusive. those are already the standards. now justice will follow them. >> are we ever going to find out all the journalists who were spied upon by the department of justice? >> i doubt it. hopefully the next administration will have the guts to go back and look at all those old emails and tell the public the truth about the scope of this administration's spying on reporters. that's probably going to be the only way. as we've seen this justice department doesn't respond to congress very truthfully or transparently. >> it will be decades before we get to the bottom of everything during the obama administration. thanks a lot. fired via text message. it happens. the harsh way one restaurant owner decided to get rid of his entire staff. >> whole world is on royal baby watch. some of the world. as the duchess of cambridge expected to give birth any day now. an expert on the royals with the pomp and circumstance behind that big day. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. vietnam in 1972. 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[ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. time for news by the numbers. first 364,590, that's how much money a police officer in mississippi discovered during a routine traffic stop. it was found inside a secret compartment in the car. police now trying to determine where that money came from. they are confiscating it in the meantime. next ten to 20 cents that's how much a gallon of gasoline is expected to jump in price. the higher gas prices a result of rising oil costs overseas. finally, 200 bucks that's how much you can get by turning in your old ipad. best buy offering that deal today. the money will be put on a best buy gift card. >> i have one. as clayton will tell you. the countdown to b day, that's b for birthday. birth of the royal baby. >> one thing for sure he or she will be born to rule as sunday heir to the throne. the impending birth is causing a frenzy here in britain and the states. >> here to explain is lloyd weber. is today the due date? >> william isn't even in london today. he's about two hours outside london. he can drive there but obviously not expecting think it weekend. the reporters have been hanging outside the hospital for two weeks and getting bored. >> how different from kim kardashian's birth. will we get a twitter announcement? >> it won't be announced first on twitter. they want to keep the theatrics. it will be put on an easel outside of buckingham palace. this is third line to the british throne. they will have a proper occasion about it. >> third in line. that's interesting. this baby, when he or she is born displaces prince harry. >> the bump bumps prince harry and makes royal and constitutional history because whether the baby is a boy or a girl it will be monarch. 3 if william and kate has a girl and then there's a brother, the girl will be the monarch. >> any controversy? i'm watching "game of thrones." there's no controversy? >> no controversy here. i think william looks like both his mother and father and we're very sure william and kate are very much in love. >> we do not know the sex of the baby. do they know the sex of the baby? >> they claim not. apparently they haven't decided on a name. they have a short list. the name has to be royal. so being royal tradition, victoria or alexandria or george. >> that's old school. >> they obviously have the opportunity. i don't think they want to it get out. they want it to be a surprise. the only way to make sure it was a surprise to the public. >> we know a little bit about the plans for labor. she will attempt a natural labor no c section for the royal. >> not too posh to push. she definitely going attempt a natural birth. william is aiming to be by her side obviously. interestingly, charles was very progressive. he was by diana's side 31 years ago and that was not the done thing at the time. >> will she be princess like while delivering the baby. will she not yell at him while she's delivering. will she yell give me my socks. >> she can do whatever she wants. she's under great pressure. diana spoke about how tough it was. it's a tough one for poor kate. we have to feel sympathy for her. >> boy or girl? >> i think it's a girl. i hope it's a girl. >> lots of people think it's a girl. >> what's your money on? >> girl. i always go with whatever she says. >> i'll be back next week going oops. coming up, the jury in the george zimmerman murder trial will reconvene shortly. but how have they reacted thus far? we'll speak to a woman who was in the courtroom and she will say they may have made up their mind. >> a group of wounded warriors not letting hurricane sandy ruin a special event. janice is live in the far rocc rockaway beach. >> reporter: we'll be doing adaptive water sports all morning long. come join us. it's "fox & friends" weekend. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ [ herbie ] there's no doubt about it brent, a real gate keeper. here's kevin, the new boyfriend. lamb to the slaughter. that's right brent. mom's baked cookies but he'll be lucky to make it inside. and here's the play. oh dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. it's looking good, herbie. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the all-new nissan sentra. ♪ >> that is turbo taco. they are outside in case we need a breakfast burrito. >> this is fox fan weekend. last year we would just do one fox fan night. this year it's at yankee stadium. all weekend. you can sign up. come and all fans will be there. watch the game, of course. this turbo taco truck will be there giving away prizes to kids under 14. the big dream works movie is in theaters on july 17th. these guys are cooking up tacos. what your cooking up? juevos rancheros. >> do you have any spicy sausage? anything more complicated? >> complicated. that's standard for breakfast taco. whatever they have i'll eat it. >> i'll take whatever you are serving. >> follow along at fox fan weekend is the hash tag on twitter and instagram. anyone who is at the game, tweeting out pictures, taking photos. tucker you're going to the game today? >> yes, i am. i literally can't wait. i've never been to yankee stadium. >> never? it's fun. people make treks from across the country to see you. >> we'll be there tomorrow. >> millions of people. >> all right. while you eat your breakfast i'll do the headlines. let me get right to those. there was a traumatic rescue at a national park in indiana. an 8-year-old boy was pulled out from underneath a sand do you know. he was buried alive. 11 feet under for more than three hours. emergency crews used everything from their hands to heavy equipment to get him out. the boy was taken to the hospital and we have no word on his condition yet at this hour. officials believe it may have been a sinkhole. overnight russian immigration officials say they have not received an asylum request from edward snowden. snowden spoke out saying he planned to ask the country for temporary asylum. he's still hiding out in the transit zone of the russian airport. president obama called russian president vladimir putin yesterday for an update on snowden's status. some things shouldn't to be done via text message like firing dozens of employees especially on independence day. one restaurant owner did that. he said i need to inform you i have been forced to close barducci's effective immediately. employees say they are worried they won't get their last paycheck. first he attempted to ride a scooter and now breaking records doing it. you can now officially call norman the world's fastest dog on a scooter. the french sheep dog went nearly 100 feet in just 22 seconds. then he took a victory lap on a bike. what's happening here. you remember, of course, norman showed off his tricks right here in our studio back in february. clayton, you remember that? you might not have been here. >> was that february? it just seems like the other day. was i there? i think that's me standing there. >> i think that was mike and you tucker. >> remember that like it was yesterday. >> there we go. >> i brought you tacos. janice is jealous but she's doing something else special because we're honoring our heroes in new york. it's part of the wounded warriors project. nice to see you janice. >> reporter: nice to see you too clayton, allison and tucker. this is the ninth annual wounded warriors project, wounded warrior project, adaptive water sports festival happening this weekend. it's a four day event. happening at rockaway beach because breezy point was damaged by hurricane sandy last year. first we have to do your beach forecast so let's take a look at the northeast right now. kind of a cloudy day right now across the northeast. we do have the potential for a thunderstorm or two especially along the coast. got a lot of moisture streaming in from the atlantic from courtesy of what was tropical storm chantal. we also have a stationary front draped across the southeast. you can see the potential for rain across the southeast. south central plains will be warm and dry for the most part. the upper midwest we could see a thunderstorm or two especially across the northern plains later on this afternoon, maybe reaching severe limits so keep that in mind. across the west, four corners region we're in the monsoon season so we could see the potential for a shower, thunderstorm or two in that area along the coast it looks really good. all right. we're back at rockaway beach for a very special event today and i have rafael. tell me about, you know, your tour of duty first. >> i left new york, the great state of new york, by the way, 8 november 2011. i ended up going the kandahar region of afghanistan. and i got hurt in 2012, about the last week of august. we had about, just a little bit left of our tour. and when i got back home it wasn't the way i wanted to get home, it was on my back on a plane and a really, really long plane ride. >> tell me a little bit about your injury. >> well, i've had four operations previously on my right ankle, and when i was in afghanistan there was a tower they were posting guard at and when we were coming down one cht sides actually collapsed. and we have a lot of extra weight we put on as far as armor just to keep us safe. when i came down i landed on the ankle that had i had four operations on before. i had a couple more tears, arthritis in it. arthritis in one of my disks in the back and pain in my hips also. >> tell me a little bit about your cane. you have a cool story about this handmade cane. >> got the cane before i got hurt and it was only supposed to be kind of a decorative thing in the house. when i got hurt and told me i had to walk around with a cane they issued me the same one my grandfather had when he served. i figured i'm kind of young walk being around with my grandfather's cane so i got this cut down to size and i got a story for everyone, every where i go. >> tell us about what you did yesterday with the wounded warrior project. >> well i went for the first time scuba diving. and i've done snorkeling before but scuba diving is a different beast. >> how did it feel? >> it felt great. don't have to worry about things like walking under water. so it was kind of -- made me feel free, not have to worry about my injuries. >> what does this project nene you. >> the wounded warrior project i can't even put into words what it means to me. like i said when i got home it was on the back of a plane on my back. and this weekend in particular, the support that i've seen, my wife and i and my niece, just people lined up on the street saying just thank you, i didn't have a welcome home. so, it was intense. >> amazing. what your going to do today. >> >> today we'll be surfing. seeing my friends in the back there. i'm looking forward to it. i find myself doing more things now that i got hurt, so it's kind of inspiring to see everyone else out there so i'm like, you know what? i got to try this >> you're awesome. you're an inspiration to us. you're a hero us. thank you for being here. i can wait to see you surfing. >> i can't wait to get in the water. >> we're at rockaway beach. we're having a great time with the wounded warrior project. what a wonderful group of people. back to you. >> so nice. thank you, janice. >> a great story and a cool cane. thanks so much. >> coming up here on the show the jury in the george zimmerman murder trial continues deliberations this morning but they may have already made up their mine. at who they are in that jury box and what they might decide. >> they position themselves to get the best view but they didn't expect this close of a call with a fighter jet. more of this amazing video coming up. ♪ ♪ i got friends in lowly places ♪ ♪ where the whiskey rounds and beer chases end ♪ my blues away ♪ i'll be okay ♪ yeah the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. [ mike ] when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ malennouncer ] some people had changes in behavior, test. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if y have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it feels wonderful. i don't smoke. i don't smoke. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. welcome back. they wanted a view but didn't expect that they were going to get this close to an aircraft. watch this. that will singe your eyebrows off. onlookers sent running after a fighter jet flu too low. skimming a few feet above their heads. royal air force say there's signs posted there to tell people stay way. twinkies are back. walmart is selling the snack this weekend a few days ahead of the july 14th return date. twinkies made a short disappearance after hostess filed for bankruptcy. well as the jury started their deliberations yesterday afternoon they had the closing arguments of the defense ringing in their ears. >> that's cement. that is the sidewalk. and that is not an unarmed teenager with nothing but skitles trying to get home. . >> compelling but was it enough to counter the prosecution's arguments? our next guest has been in the courtroom throughout this whole thing. joining us now with some insight is a jury consultant susan constantine. break it down. who is on the jury and having spent all this time watching all these individuals, loin six of them, what's your sense of how they are going to decide? >> well, we've got six females on this jury panel. they are all moms. we got a few that are retired. one of the jurors son is an attorney. one is married to an attorney. and we also have one that is was a former director over 1,200 people in a call center. so she has really great conflict resolution skills. i believe she will be our foreperson. i think as far as how this will play in here, even though they are supposed to set aside their emotions i can't help but think they are mothers. varying degrees of ages. i can't begin to imagine they can actually truly set it aside when it comes to the emotion of this case. >> susan, i understand from what you observed while you were in the courtroom you saw the entire front row doing something interesting. they were doing this. they were sitting back, you say, against their seats. what does that tell you about the front row? >> well, in the front row when they are seated back like that, that's telling me that they've already come to their own conclusion. they've rested. they heard all of the information. they were leaning forward most of the time tilting their head in an active listening position. all of a sudden you saw the entire row in a rested position leaning back which is telling me they came to their own personal conclusions. >> if you were to split it up of the six how many do you think is leaning towards the prosecution side how many disorders the defense? >> i would say that what i feel there's four of them that would lean more for the defense side but i think there's a couple of them that are still kind of holding themselves out in the prosecution side. the reason why i say that is because that i've noticed that the emotions of them throughout, when they are listening to evidence when it comes to the photos of trayvon martin, of the autopsies, you can't help but see sadness come over their face or that they shift or move or g get figidity. one of the hispanic girls who i believe was the one that teared up after the closing arguments of the prosecution, she actually -- she's one that i think is, it's going to be one straddling the fence here whether to vote for state or prosecution. >> yes, we had heard those reports that one of the jurors had to wipe away a tear. i'm curious about your thoughts of e40. we don't know their names but they are identified by letters and numbers. e40 took a lot of notes during prosecution arguments. interestingly is she the safety officer. in her 60s. you would think she could relate to the defendant george zimmerman because he was sort of a safety officer. >> absolutely. you know what was really interesting, though, during the defense's case, when she was kind of huddled back and scooted down and she didn't take any notes whatsoever. one of two things is she already made up her mind or totally completely disinterested but at the same time i saw a tremendous amount of juror fatigue. when you have that safety background you can't help connect your own personal life experiences with this particular case and she may very well connect with george zimmerman. >> susan constantine on the scene for us in sanford, florida. 11 feet and 700 pounds, one massive crocodile finally caught. we'll tell you how they got him. >> and where so now. plus in colorado you can smoke pot but you have to pay if you want to work out in the parks. how is that fair? we'll talk to a fitness instructor who was banned and fired up about that law. that's coming up next. can vitamins melt into mouth-watering flavor? yes. with nature made vitamelts. melt-in-your-mouth vitamin supplements. in flavors like creamy vanilla... ...and juicy orange irresistibly melty nature made vitamelts. get a coupon on our facebook page my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. >> in the city of denver, colorado, one band has fitness fanatics fuming. >> denver is fighting regulations on group exercise in the parks. we have a fitness exerciser who teaches classes in the park and was kicked out. he joins us this morning. nice to see you. the biggest issue is not people, they don't necessarily want you to work out but it seems hypocritical with faced with this growing pot population, i guess, in colorado where there is encouragement coming to the parks and smoking marijuana but you're not allowed to congregate and actually work out together. >> it makes no sense when we're in the healthiest state in the country, we're talking about ways to limit people's access to parks when we need to be talking about getting them to the parks and getting them moving. >> you're a fitness instructor and you like to have some of your classes outside but you were told during one of these classes, one of the managers there at the park pointed to a sign that said no exercise groups of any size permitted in this area. why not? >> you know, we really don't know. in fact, at that park there are signs up all over the park that say "no exercise groups allowed in this area." again, what message are we saying to people? we need to be saying to the people. come to the parks, come enjoy it. but we're saying the opposite. >> here's what the city says: they say -- this is a statement from them -- we're not saying we doesn't want workout groups in the park. we just don't want commercial groups. a city charter is required for any commercial activity that takes place in the park. basically what they're saying is they think fitness centers have been taking unfair advantage of it being a freeb i e so they don't have to pay for rent somewhere else and you're using the park as your exercise space. do they have a point? >> they have a point but are they next going to charge my baby sitter who is taking my kids to play in the park on a jungle gym because she's making a profit while she's there? where does this stop? >> you get a group, we all see in parks there is always like a guy on guitar. >> charge for that concert. >> and then a group of people gather around him. and now you're able to sit under a tree and smoke pot. you just can't work out in a large group. >> right. god forbid you work out while you're there. >> what do you plan to do about this? i understand you'll be holding some large exercise demonstration. do you expect to be fined? how many people do you expect to show up? >> last night we had about 100 people working out in an amazing park in downtown denver, had a great turnout. we're going to keep exercising there. what we want to do is get people out, get them moving, having a good time there. if we do get fined, we do get fined. but we're going to keep enjoying denver parks until that day comes. >> civil disobedience, right here, exhibit a. instead of a sit-in, you guys are having like a squat-in. thanks so much for telling us the story. >> if you combine the pot with the working out, then they wouldn't be outraged. >> try that. [coughing sound] >> in just an hour the jury will resume deliberations in the george zimmerman trial, but is their mind made up? fair debate at the top of the hour. >> military members not only battling their enemies but their right to express their religious beliefs. ♪ lookin' good, flo! feelin' good! feelin' real good! 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arthur aidala is looking on. mcdonald's. that's right. you heard it here first. ♪ >> good morning again. this is a fox news alert. in just one hour jurors are scheduled to resume deliberations in the george zimmerman trial while deputies are prepared for another day of protest outside the courtroom. >> we're live outside the courthouse with the latest. have there be crowds already amassing at this hour? >> not just yet but jury deliberations are still about an hour off. now that it's daylight, look behind me. you can see the barricades police have set up, this to keep the protests, when they do happen, as orderly as possible. protesters who were out here yesterday vowed to return today as the jury resumed deliberations. there are two separate areas that have been cordoned off for those who are demonstrating against george zimmerman and those who support him. but often you'll see protesters meeting along a common fence to debate one another. yesterday those exchanges were spirited but remained peaceful and authorities are urging the community to keep it that way regardless of what the jury decides. listen. >> we will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law. >> during closing arguments, prosecutors described george zimmerman as an overzealous neighborhood watch captain who spitefully shot 17-year-old trayvon martin. prosecutors described martin as a child who was unfairly profiled but the defense argued that the teen attacked zimmerman and their client fired his gun because he feared for his life. zimmerman is being tried for second-degree murder. however, the jury also has the option to convict him of the lesser crime of manslaughter. if he's convicted of either he could face a maximum sentence of life in prison. back to you. >> thanks, jonathan. what will the jury be looking at when they resume deliberations and which side laid out the best closing argument yesterday? >> we have one of the best legal teams in television. we have both watching this trial closely. we were talking in a commercial break, if the jury comes back with a manslaughter guilty verdict, this gives the judge total discretion on sentencing. tell us what could happen at that point. >> she could sentence him to the same amount of time he would have gotten on the murder 2 charge. given her demeanor during this trial, i don't think she is going to give george zimmerman any sort of leeway or any slack in the sentencing. she seemed pretty stern and pretty much in favor of the prosecution, which judges are not supposed to favor either side. her bias was fairly clear. >> even if that's her cousin and nobody knows about it, she has to give him ten years. mandatory minimum ten years. >> for manslaughter, when did that happen? >> a human being is dead. >> man one in new york, 8 1/3 # to 25. a human life has been taken away and a jury has said it is because of that individual's fault. the legislature in florida said minimum ten years for that. >> let's talk about the jury because i think that is interesting too. the way the jury breaks down, we have five white individuals, one black or hispanic, five of these folks on the jury have children. so you have a large contingent, contingency of women on this jury and some have said they may give some sort of a sentencing to george zimmerman because, they don't want the mother of trayvon martin to go home without something. do you buy that argument? >> i actually do and that's the scariest thing for the defense. i think the defense put forth a solid self-defense case. if you had a mix on the jury, you had some testosterone on the jury, i wouldn't be as fearful they are going to come back with a compromise verdict. >> thank god a woman said that because if i said that, i would have gotten destroyed. >> these five mothers and these six women got to see face-to-face the mother of george zimmerman, the mother of trayvon martin. >> ten feet away they sat during the whole trial. that tugs on the heart strings of anyone. let me be clear, those jurors are not waking up right now like whoop-de-do. they're not sitting on a drug case, a d.w.i. case. they understand the ramifications of their decision one way or the other. >> do you think they know if they find guilty on manslaughter he's doing a minimum of ten. >> most jurors today have no idea. i have a jury who said we came back with phrurd in the second did he -- with murder in the second degree because we don't want him in jail. i said actually the judge will give a minimum of five years. they are not supposed to take that into consideration. they are supposed to look at the facts, look at the law and see what meets. >> who do you think had a better closing argument? >> the same team that had a better trial. it was the defense by far. i think the prosecution could have gotten up yesterday and said, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we got nothing because that's what they had, i think, throughout the entire trial. >> john is right. substantively i believe the defense did have better evidence, they had better facts. but, alisyn, i don't think they seized on that. i try so hard not to be critical of these attorneys because i know what they're up against. but omara did what i was taught not to do. he reiterated the whole trial. you're not supposed to do that. you're supposed to take a scene and say it's self-defense, ladies and gentlemen. it's ten seconds, let's talk about those ten seconds and then plug all the witnesses into the ten seconds. not say first alisyn testified and she told us this, then he testified and told us that. that's boring. three hours. boring! >> at the end of it all, is the closing argument all that important? when you finish strong, is the jury still sitting there saying i hadn't made up my mind until i heard this? or did they hear all the evidence and made up their mind days ago? >> oftentimes the jury makes up their mind after closing argument. the defense sewed it up. the prosecution had nothing to present. >> compassionate -- >> have sympathy, and blood on his hands. that is not the law. that is not the law. >> i apologize. you understand we're talking about the mother and father of the deceased sitting right there. that's what you want to do as the prosecutor. you want to say, alisyn, look, there's mom and dad. don't let this guy walk away. he could have shot him in the leg. he killed him. he killed a 17-year-old kid for walking around with his arizona iced tea and skittles he was wearing a hoodie because it was raining. >> i don't know who i'm convicting or why but i'm convicting them. >> well -- >> having said that, we heard our jury consultant say in the front row half of the jury was in this position. what does that tell you? when you're arguing in front of the jury and you see that, what does that tell you? >> i heard her yesterday. i thought she was great. she said the jurors seemed less engaged. they were taking less notes when the defense attorney was, in my opinion, doing a very scholarly lecture to a law school class as opposed to the prosecutor who got up there, passionately raised his voice, whispered, intonations, using the dummy. >> if the prosecution had facts to support a prosecution, that's what they would have put forward. they didn't. >> correct. >> when the jury gets their jury instruction, there is no passion argument, no commonsense argument. did he commit murder or didn't he commit murder? the prosecution didn't cut it. >> it's human beings that make this decision. that's my point. you appeal -- you know sometimes they don't follow the law. you know that. their justice, they do what they think is right. here, if they think it is right that zimmerman shouldn't have left the truck, shouldn't have acted that way -- >> and trayvon martin shouldn't have pummeled him. >> are we going to get a decision today, arthur? >> i hope not. i've got to go to a birthday party. i won't be surprised either way. >> i thought we would have had one last night. i think they already know. >> stick around guys. no birthday party for you. we're going to bring you back in about 15 minutes when we know something. >> look at your headlines. there's other news to tell you about including this fox news alert. new overnight, the texas senate passed abortion restrictions. the billheads to the governor's desk and says he'll sign the measure into law. this ban abortions after 20 weeks and only allows them to be done in surgical centers. protesters had to be cleared out by police officers. more heartache following the crash landing in san francisco. a third girl has died from her injuries. we're also learning more about one of the two chinese teenagers who died moments after the crash. police confirming she was run over by a fire truck. rescue crews say the 16-year-old was covered in foam used to douse the fire coming from the plane. investigators are still trying to determine whether she died from the crash or from being run over. a week after the crash, the runway this morning is now back open. also this morning, randy travis is said to be resting comfortably but remains in critical condition. his publicist confirms he is under heavyization. the 5 # 4-year-old had a stroke while being treated for heart failure. a florida woman in shock after getting this unwelcome visitor. >> scary. so much scarier and more powerful looking than the gators. >> this is the unwelcome visitor, an 11 foot crocodile jumped out of the lake and into her backyard. wildlife officials had been tracking the crock for years. the massive reptile being taken to more friendly waters in the southern part of the state. that is scare. >> coming up on the show, it is okay for them to be christian as long as they don't talk to anyone about it. the battle our nation's heroes are facing and what one man is doing to help. >> a groundbreaking study on why mcdonald's is the single best place in the world to pick up the hottest women in the world. a true story, believe it or not. ♪ ♪ now i know ♪ i've got to ♪ i've got to ♪ run away ♪ ♪ ♪ at the dark end of the street ♪ ♪ ♪ you and me ♪ you and me ♪ you and me ♪ see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. 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[ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? when you experience something great,ou want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. >> the fight for faith continues. this time it is religion within the ranks. we're talking about the military ranks. it seems like it is a problem for the white house. they're fighting an amendment that would guarantee free religious expression in the military. louisiana congressman john fleming is sponsoring that amendment and joins us now. congressman, thanks for joining us. how exactly is the white house justifying its opposition to what seems pretty straightforward defense of the first amendment? an individual's right to practice his religion. >> tucker, that's a great question. to be honest with you, the white house really is not defending their position. for some reason they don't want military members to be able to freely express their religious beliefs. and we've seen with this administration a broad front not just in the military but in other areas as well. >> it doesn't really add up. i mean, this is an administration that put a premium on protecting the rights of the individual right is beefed up, enforcement of various civil rights laws in the civil rights division of the justice department. you'd think they would be interested in protecting the most basic of all civil rights which is the right to practice your religion. how are they getting in the way? >> ways we've seen during the obama administration, tucker, a lot of things have happened. we've seen bibles taken from the rooms of walter reed hospital. we saw franklin graham, who was disinvited after being invited to speak before groups. we have chaplains who have been intimidated with administrative, if not judicial punishment for sharing their faith with others, individuals not being allowed to put a bible on their desk. and so we decided to put an amendment in the national defense authorization act that would say that military members are fully entitled to express their faith as long as it's within certain confines, which would be military readiness, good order and discipline, military necessity. of course without any coercion to others. for some reason, the administration has been against that. >> it's one thing to pass a law, in this case an amendment to the defense authorization act. it's another thing to enforce it. that's where the obama administration has fallen down; correct, in enforcing this law? >> well, the current language, i think, is somewhat adequate, but it's not -- it's a little bit vague and not being properly enforced. so my language will clarify this. it did pass through the house armed services committee. senators ted cruz and mike lee took it up in their armed services committee in the senate. it flew through their kpwh-t as well. half the -- through their committee. half the democrats voted for it. we're really asking that the president go ahead and reconsider his position on this and sign it into law. but for your viewers who are interested, we actually have a brochure on my website, a clear and present danger where you can learn more about this. all the different things that have occurred over the last five years. and simply go to and you can learn more about this. >> congressman thanks for bringing this to our attention. i bet if you did a poll about this you'd find an overwhelming majority of americans support your position. a huge shakeup on live television. watch this. >> the studio had a little bit of a ruckus. we'll have to see what that's about. >> we'll tell you. still ahead. a new sci-fi thriller in theaters this weekend but is "pacific rim" worth your time and money? one man can answer that question. his name is kevin mccarthy. he's our movie guy. he's up next. announcer: announcer: you're on the right track to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempurpedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale on now at sleep train! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> it's fosters versus robots in the much hyped still "pacific rim." >> today we are canceling the apocalypse. >> one of the movies making a big debut this weekend. a seller blockbuster or bust? we have kevin mccarthy with us from l.a. to answer that question. should we watch this movie, kevin sph >> there is a scene where you have a machine the size of a 25-story sky scraper picking up a boat the size of a "titanic" and slapping a monster in the face. that is epic nerd, i was geeing out. we have a masterful director in the sense he makes movies nerds want to see. you can feel the love coming through. the director did hell boy and the story here is an homage to monster movies. you have monsters coming up from a portal in the pacific ocean and massive machines created by humans to fight these monsters. it is an action movie you can actually see. the camera is back and you can watch it. not like the -- the camera is not jittery. it is fun to watch. it is an hour and 50 minutes of pure awesome and 20 minutes of cliche mediocre. i gave it a three and a half. i sat down with two of the lead stars because a lot of fight scenes are c.g.i. but when they go inside the machines these actors are actually op raeurgt. ii-- actually operating. i wanted to know what that feels like. >> we are on essentially an elliptical machine. our feet were strapped into it. if we fouled, we would break our ankles. we needed to wear a harness. after about 12 hours in a harness, the crown jewels are feeling a little crunched up. >> oooh. >> talk about nerd tears. >> that is classic. great stuff. so from that really like epic monster film to grownups, tell us about this movie that has an all-star cast. how was it? >> yeah. what a disaster. this is the worst film i've seen this year by far. it's an excruciating, painful experience. i love these four actors. the first "grownups" i gave a zero point five out of five. it is one of those movies as you're watching it, you feel this painful, excruciating experience. i love these actors but i found myself bored. there came a point in the movie where i was counting the number of people leaving the theater to go to the bathroom and timing how long they were gone because i was so bored. i had a similar experience when i checked out another network's new morning show. but luckily i'll be able to turn that off immediately. >> how do these four guys make such a lousy movie? >> the direction, the editing, the mean-spirited comedy. i gave it a one out of five. i would rather watch the lone ranger ten times in a row and i hated that film than ever watch "grown-ups 2" ever again. make sure you see "pacific rim" in i-max. it's worth the 3-d. >> this is why i don't watch a lot movies. but i trust your judgment. kevin, always great to see you. >> appreciate it. >> anybody have any movie questions. >> coming up here on the show, you're looking live this morning at the sanford courthouse where in just about 33 minutes from now the jury in the george zimmerman case will resume deliberations. will they give their verdict? plus governor mike huckabee is here. what he has to say about the latest news out of washington including the d.o.j. changing its tune admitting it does spy on reporters. coming up next. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, lir disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. still doesn't feel real. our time together was... so short. well, since you had progressive's total loss coverage, we were able to replace your totaled bike with a brand-new one. the tank, the exhaust... well, she looks just like roxy! you know, i'll bet she's in a better place now. i'm sure she is. [ ethereal music plays ] [ motorcycle revving ] getting you back on a brand-new bike. now, that's progressive. [ herbie ] there's no doubt about it brent, a real gate keeper. here's kevin, the new boyfriend. lamb to the slaughter. that's right brent. mom's baked cookies but he'll be lucky to make it inside. and here's the play. oh dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. it's looking good, herbie. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the all-new nissan sentra. ♪ >> welcome back. this is your fox news alert. we are just 30 minutes away from jurors resuming their deliberations in the george zimmerman trial. >> we're live in sanford, florida, with the latest. how does it look? >> good morning again. you can see the police barricades behind me in anticipation of protests which authorities believe will resume once jury deliberations get underway in about half an hour from now. yesterday as deliberations were first starting, small but spirited groups of protesters gathered outside the courthouse. about two dozen protesters were calling for the jury to convict george zimmerman and a smaller group was calling for his acquittal. at times the two sides would meet at a fence and engage in spirited but peaceful debate. law enforcement are saying they won't tolerate anyone on either side who uses the jury's verdict as an excuse to violate the law. as for the verdict, that ultimately will depend on what jurors think about george zimmerman's mind-set. did he shoot out of spite in which case jurors may decide second degree murder? was it careless, outside of the law in which case jurors may decide manslaughter. but if the jury sides with the defense which has been arguing that george zimmerman was in fear for his life they may acquit him and he could walk a free man. >> all right. we will obviously keep it tuned here because in half an hour we may have a lot more information. thanks for that preview. let's get to your headlines. it was a race against time at a national park in indiana after an eight-year-old boy fell into a hole on a sand do you know and was buried -- on a sand dune. emergency crews used everything from their hands to equipment to lift him out. he was taken to a hospital but no condition update. >> russian officials say they did not receive asylum request from edward snowden. right now snowden is still in hiding at that transit zone in the moscow airport. the u.s. is urging russia to hand him over to face espionage charges. president obama called the russian president yesterday for an update on snowden's status. >> a news broadcast gets shaky. >> friday july 12 -- oh! >> that terrifying bang was the result of a home explosion happened nearby. two people inside the home did suffer severe burns. the blast causing damage to nearby homes. investigators say they believe it was caused by a natural gas leak. >> can you do us the honors of telling us when you worked at mcdonald's how lucky you used to get? >> new research backs up what i long new about mcdonald's. have you ever dreamt about becoming the world's next top model? it turns out one place you need to go to make it reality. a top model scout claims a fast food restaurant is one of the best places to discover beautiful girls and find new talent. he claims summer is the best time for finding new faces. with confirmation on the story, want to bring in governor mike huckabee who believes the waffle house is in fact the best place. >> are you serious? this is the segue? i used to work at mcdonald's, and i don't know that i can corroborate that story. >> probably not. >> you didn't see beautiful models roaming around. >> ham and cheese, mcmuffin. working the fry machine. the justice department has issued guidelines that have been promised in the wake of these spying scandals on journalists that they say will help curb spying on journals. but the headline seems to me they have been admitting they have been spying on journalists. >> this is like when my kids were four years old and said i didn't do anything wrong. i'll never do it again. this is a administration that never has responsibility apply to anybody. who came forth and said what we did was wrong, we're liable? nobody. whether the i.r.s., the d.o.j., this is the pattern is that nobody gets punished for doing wrong. it is like excuse me, forgive me, i'm sorry, won't do it again. but when we -- the citizens of america -- do something, whether making a mistake on our tax returns or are doing something that is illegal, we don't get that same kind of option. it's just -- i think it creates a contempt for law is what it does. >> one of the issues was that they were able to go through these records if they labeled this person a criminal. and now this is being pulled back so that they don't have to -- they're not going to be labeling them a criminal anymore. it would have to rise to the level of criminal activity, be directly involved in some sort of criminal activity before they can go after this information. >> what happened to james rosen of fox news was inexcusable. not only did they name him a coconspirator, they tapped his parents' e-mails. those are the kinds of things we don't do in america. that's not who we are as a country. journalism has always been protected unless they did something criminal. but reporting the news, even getting the news and having sources that provide them information, that's not criminal. if somebody shouldn't have told it, they're in trouble. but the person who receives it for sr-r -- having been able to be a source, that is not a criminal activity. >> this next bombshell story is during the messaging or the sales of the affordable care act, a.k.a. obamacare, the unions came to the aid of the president to talk about how it would be good for the country. they this week penned a scathing letter saying not so fast. we no longer think this is going to be great for the country. in fact, we think this will break the american backbone and the 40-hour work week. they don't like it anymore. >> no longer a theory. now it is becoming the practical effect of the law. we were talking about mcdonald's earlier. i read a pundit this week who said taco bell is going from having 30 40-hour employees to having 40 30-hours employees. younger people will be paying up to $5,000 a year for health insurance where many of them, their annual costs was $1,000. when all these young obama voters find out their already stretched paycheck paying back student loans is going to be busted by an additional $5,000 more, maybe the luster and love for the obama administration may wear off. >> this is so exactly what any sober person predicted would happen is in the first place. to read this letter from hoffa among other union bosses lets you know that maybe the plan from the beginning was something larger. are we on the way to single-payer health care? >> either a repeal of obamacare and going back to a marketplace that does have loopholes. there's no doubt that there's some gaps in the ability of people to be covered. are we are going to go to a single-payer. however, if we do that, keep in mind we're going either way to a dual layer of health care system. one will be costlier medicine where people of affluence or people who want to make this their priority will access doctors individually or contractually. you'll have medicine where you're in fantastic care or you'll get in line, take a number and hope you don't die before you're able to see a doctor. >> in campaign after campaign, we have put boots on the ground, gone door to door to get out the vote, raised money to secure this vision. now this vision has come back to haunt us. >> everyone was saying this is exactly where obamacare would take the country. i don't know why they could be so naive in thinking early on that this wasn't the ultimate destination of the affordable care act. >> there you go. governor is going to be joining fox news tonight 8:00 p.m. on the big huckabee show. who do you have coming on the show tonight? >> if we have a verdict, all bets are off and we'll have a complete zimmerman wrap-up. if we don't have a verdict we've got coach lou holtz who will be talking about aaron hernandez. why is it that athletes feel like they are above the law? here is a man who has been a strong disciplinarian and he can explain why some coaches need to ante up and say you're not going to play for me if you don't behave. >> he is a great guy. >> just an amazing human being. >> thanks, governor. we'll be watching. >> speaking of the trial and deliberations, we're 15 minutes away from the jury -- six women reconvening to deliberate the fate of george zimmerman. will their gender play a part of theout come? we'll tackle that question next. >> the government is paying millions of dollars to make a cheaper, better and stronger beer. is this a good use of taxpayer dollars? coming up. ♪ ♪ . . . my name is mike and i quit smoking. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. i don't smoke. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. championship -- fox news alert, george zimmerman's fate in the hands of a six-woman jury. >> i almost wish that the verdict had guilty, not guilty and completely innocent. i would ask you to check for that one. you've got to check the not guilty, check the innocent. >> in 15 minutes from now the jury is set to restart deliberations. how will the jurors' background and the complex questions they face affect the verdict. we know a little bit about each juror from the voir dire process. >> let's talk about who the jurors are to begin with. there are six women on the jury. five are white and one's hispanic or black. five of the jurors have kids. and this is a jury in a county in which 90% of the jury rate is white. juror number one, a white female in her 60's. a safety officer. >> that is interesting, a safety officer. that's what you can argue george zimmerman was acting as a neighborhood watch tkpwaoeufplt >> -- neighborhood watch guy. >> juror number two, white female married. juror number three, e-29, a black hispanic female, a nurse with eight children. >> eight children! >> if you believe people vote based upon your racial preference, racial interest, perhaps she has an interest against george zimmerman. unknown. unfortunately we keep talking about white and black and hispanic and that's how we denominate these jurors. juror b-51 potentially a leader. a white woman not married, no children and ran a call center supervising 1,200 employees. >> what does that tell us? >> strong a strong leader potentially, someone that is willing to make decisions, someone able to lead a pack of people. the next juror a white woman, married with two children, had a conceal the weapon permit. no longer has it. let it expire. understands handguns potentially, understands long arms, understands training in terms of weapons and understands the need to have a weapon for self-defense. the next juror a white woman, married with two children and rescues animals. it's interesting, there is a whole pet theme that goes through a lot of these jurors. they love pets. so it's an all-woman jury and mostly white jury. they're going to bring their experiences and background. they have been told to put their prejudice and bias out of their mind in coming to a conclusion in this case. >> i don't know how you lawyers ever seat a jury and figure out who would be sympathetic to your side. >> you try to, but the evidence is the most important part of this case. in terms of the evidence in the law, it is really important to understand and it's important in terms of of what omara did yesterday. let's look at one of the points he made. he said not only should his client be found not guilty, he should be declared absolutely innocent. >> that's what he would have said. >> that the verdict has guilty, not guilty and completely innocent. i would ask you to check the blot, check the not guilty, check the innocent. >> he's basing that on his belief that this is self-defense, a clear-cut case. >> a clear-cut case of self-defense. what he did was showed a chart before the jury that showed all the different possibilities by which his client should be acquitted on the self-defense. the justifiable use of a deadly weapon to repel trayvon martin. his point, and it's an important point under florida law and it's been affirmed time and time again, even if there's a mere possibility, a mere possibility that george zimmerman engaged in self-defense to repel trayvon martin, he should be acquitted as a matter of law. >> i don't remember that in the jury instructions. i don't remember it being that clear-cut in the jury instructions. >> you are always brilliant and i always tell you that. it's not but it's part of the shifting burden in the state of florida. there is a burden on the prosecution to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. the judge has decided that there is a plausible and factually based self-defense basis. on the basis of that, all the defense needs to show is a mere possibility that he engaged in a self-defense maneuver to save his life. and on that basis under florida law, he should be acquitted. >> in 11 minutes, you think they're going to come out with a decision? >> i don't. it might be today. i think they're taking their time. >> got it. thank you so much for the analysis. a top democrat is demanding more answers from the inspector general who uncovered that i.r.s. targeting scandal. janice dean is live in queens hanging ten with some of our nation's heroes. hey, janice. >> surf's up, alisyn. we are with a wounded warrior project here at rockaway beach. we're going to be doing some surfing. i might be surfing and wearing a bikini so you have to stay tuned for that. . . when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. we have a great segment to bring you right now. the wounded warrior project is all about honoring our heroes who have been injured in the war on terror. and this weekend, they are being honored in a very special way. >> that's right. they're taking to the waves. and janice dean is there. are you out in the water? is it a little too cold for that? >> reporter: yes -- no, no, i'm going into the water right now. but this is as close as you're going to get, okay? i'm sorry i'm not in a bikini and not surfing. i had to get you to tune in, though, right? butch freeman, thank you for being here. and tell us what you do with the wounded warrior project? >> i'm one of the wounded warriors, i do peer mentoring for them for the odyssey. that's about it. >> tell me about your experience. what happened to you and how it brought you to wounded warrior project. >> i was deployed with the maine army national guard in '04 to iraq. and i was blown up in the mess hall. and then after that, i -- like i said, it was three years in my bunker and then i found out about the wounded warrior project, come out and it's been going pretty good sense. >> reporter: we were talking earlier about being in a comfort zone that you didn't want to go out and talk to people. but now, look at you, you're a peer mentor. >> yeah, i was one of those guys that my comfort zone was very small. and i'd just go out, do my deployments, come back and get rid of -- i had no friends. i lost all my friends and everything. and then my wife, with the support of my wife, got me to go to the odyssey, took me a year and a half to get me to go there. once i went, i felt i wasn't alone. you know what i mean? i felt there was a hope. there was a sunshine there at the end. other than that, you know, it's just my comfort zone started getting bigger and bigger and bigger. but i still have a comfort zone. >> reporter: but you're getting back and that's important. is this your first adaptive water sporting festival? >> yes, ma'am. i got to go surfing and i'm a surfer. >> reporter: that's great. look at these guys. they are -- this is amazing. if they can do it, i know i can do it, as well. >> yes, you can. >> reporter: fantastic. thank you so much for being here. thank you for all you've done for our country. >> no worries. thanks a lot. >> reporter: this is what yo do? like this? that's about as close as you're going to get for me any kind of surf lingo or being in a bathing suit. but i am here for an important festival and that's the adaptive water sports program. >> that's right. we love watching everybody behind you and all the heroes and seeing them get out there is really heartening. so thanks so much, janice, for bringing that to us. >> thanks, janice. deliberations resume in just minutes, literally in minutes in the george zimmerman trial. geraldo rivera is there live. a dog stranded on a window ledge in new york city. the fox news alert. you're looking live in sanford, florida, right now. jurors in deliberations. deputies have set up barricades outside the courtroom in anticipation of protesters returning for a second day. law enforcement is calling for calm. saying they will not tolerate anyone who uses the verdict as a reason to break the law. yesterday, the defense spent three hours presenting closing arguments, but the state got the last word. calling zimmerman a liar. >> let's listen in to what's going on in the courtroom right now. it's possible that the jurors are back with a decision. let's find out. >> -- your honor. >> please be seated. good morning, ladies. welcome back. i'm going to ask you my questions. if your answer is yes to any of them, please raise your hand. during the overnight recess, did any of you have any discussions amongst yourselves or with anybody else about the case? >> no, your honor. >> did any of you read or listen to any e-mails, text messages, tweets, social networking blogs or social event working pages about the case? >> no. >> did any of you create any of those items? >> no. >> did any of you read or listen to any radio, television, or newspaper reports about the case? >> no, your honor. >> okay. we're going to send you back to deliberate. all of the evidence if it isn't already back there will be back there with you in just a moment. let us -- if you have any questions or any requests, please put them in writing and hand them to the deputy. thank you very much, you are excused. >> all right. the all female, six-person jury is now going back for their second day of deliberations. they've already deliberated about 2 1/2 hours yesterday. we want to bring in geraldo rivera who has been following this case closely. good morning. >> reporter: hi, allison, how are you? >> doing well. what do you think of what we've learned so far about the closing arguments and how the deliberating is going? >> reporter: well, this is where the rubber meets the road, the jury has already for 3 1/2 hours yesterday afternoon and evening contemplated whether or not the state met its awesome burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt not only that george zimmerman committed the act of murder in the second degree or manslaughter, but also they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that george zimmerman did not have a right to use deadly force to protect his own life, self-defense, in other words. so i believe the jury will see this case, if they understand the law, relatively simply. there's a lot that surrounds this case. everybody knows, this is an emotionally fraught case. an unarmed teenager, an attractive young man who had loving parents whose life was snuffed out, a kid who was unarmed carrying the skittles, the infamous skittles and iced tea. on the other hand, you had a man who thought he was a hero in the neighborhood, neighborhood watch captain intent on stopping the burglaries being committed by these young black males from the neighboring community. you know, both of them in this tragic collision. that's the way i see it. both of them acting in the right as i see it. a tragic confluence of event. these two men coming together on that awful night and the death ensuing. >> one of the reasons this is such an emotional case is because it's seen by many as a metaphor for something larger. and one of the reasons it's seen as a metaphor is because the president of the united states inject eed race into this case saying, if i had a son, he would look like trayvon martin. in other words, this could've happened to any young black man. he made this is a case about race, did he not? >> reporter: well, it is a case about race. there's a couple of -- and that's a complex point you raised. i think first of all, the president of the united states had no business injecting himself in that way. it seems so extraordinary for him to do that. and i believe that when you sum up all of the pressures, the marches, the demonstrations, everything else that caused after 44 days, this man george zimmerman, to be arrested. it speaks and stinks of race politics. there's no getting around that. but it is now a race case. there is as you speak to people around this country, and tucker, you know that as well as i. white people basically lining up behind the defendant. black people, basically lining up behind the victim and the victim's family. this has like the o.j. simpson case which i also covered at another phase in my life the ultimate race case. i think the responses for how the verdict comes down will be that. and it is tragic. why is it tragic? as a lawyer, this is really a technical case. under the law in the state of florida, regardless of how an incident begins, if the person who invokes the claim of self-defense was acting himself lawfully and george zimmerman was acting lawfully, every right to be the neighborhood watch captain, every right to protect his home and his hearth. once the altercation with the bigger, younger, stronger trayvon martin, turned against george zimmerman, once he had the upper hand in the state of florida, if george zimmerman felt he was at risk of being gravely injured or killed, he had the right under florida's unique self-defense law to protect himself with deadly force. i wish mark o'mara the defense attorney had stressed that. i think a lot about this case has gone off into various tangents. you know, there is no doubt, but that i think a reasonable, normal, ordinary prudent person on that jury in my view will find george zimmerman not guilty by reason of self-defense. >> i mean, it's interesting you say that, geraldo, there are some close court watchers who disagree with you this morning. where you say it's still a race case and it's a very high-profile race case. i think there are some court watchers who are saying maybe at the outset it was, on the surface. but when you began to peel this onion back and began to see george zimmerman helped a homeless black man who had been beaten up by a police officer, went to his defense, a number of other situations which didn't necessarily paint him as the racist he was maybe made out to be in the beginning that has changed their opinion as this case has unfolded, though. you don't see it that way? >>reporter: i really don't. i'm on twitter and i get responses from people who are following me. and i have to say that they come down on a race line that is as black and white as black and white can possibly be different from one another. there is act actry moany there,s happens to black men as historically it is a plague on the nation this is just one more example of that melancholy history and i hear it and i'm telling you, i do believe this is at its heart, you know, in sociological rather than legal terms a race case. now, again, i go back to being the lawyer. this is and should be a technical self-defense case. but i lament the fact that there is this huge distraction, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is a race case. there's no doubt in my mind either that these two men racially profiled each other. the testimony makes clear that to trayvon martin, george zimmerman was just a creepy white cracker, just another one of those quasi, you know, racist, almost by implication. and george zimmerman, one of those punks, another one of those punks, these f'ing punks always get away with it. just like the others that had burglarized the retreat over the last weeks and months. i think these guys profiled each other. it's a race case in terms of the atmospherics, but i wish and i hope that this jury of, again, well-selected jury will see through all of that noise and determine whether or not the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that george zimmerman did not have the right to use self-defense, deadly force. >> now, geraldo, i was fascinated to hear you say that regardless of how this altercation began, if you still think your life is in danger, you can defend yourself under the law and it can be self-defense. why did they devote so much time to who was on top, who threw the first punch, who said the first provocative thing to each other. it's almost like the jurors don't know it is based on regardless of who began it. >> reporter: i really, you know, going back to that particular point, i wish mark o'mara who did a great job during the trial itself, had stressed it, had banged his fist on the table, let people know, did the state prove beyond a reasonable doubt that george zimmerman did not have right to use deadly force to protect himself? that's what this case is about. and it really doesn't matter. the only precondition, and let me add this in a hurry. to invoking successfully self-defense is that your conduct at the time you invoke self-defense has to be legal. i can't bust into your house and you tackle me a burglar and i kill you because you have the upper hand. the burglar can't invoke self-defense because he was doing something illegal. george zimmerman, everybody agrees, had every legal right to be there, to be the neighborhood watch captain and then once things turned against him and trayvon martin had the upper hand, i see this very clear cut that he had the right, george zimmerman to use deadly force to protect his own life or protect himself from grave bodily injury. >> the fear, geraldo, before we let you go is this spills into some sort of a rodney king verdict, right? we have people taking to the streets, people being killed, violence, of course, the community down there in sanford, florida. know it well, lived right there. they are worried about this. they want calm, want you to raise your voice not your hands. is that your fear, as well? and what are you hearing from the people you've talked to down there? >> reporter: i don't see it, clayton. i have to say, i don't see a rodney king-like reaction. there's no videotape played over and over again. the response has been less visceral. certainly it has been widespread. >> right. >> but it's been widespread before all the facts are known. having covered urban uprisings in the riots in the summer of 1970, i can tell you, i don't see any of that vibe. i predict there'll be maybe anger at an acquittal, but it will not manifest itself in anarchy or civil disobedience, law breaking, yo uh might have sit-ins in college campuses and such. but there will not be, i believe, looting and that kind of unlawful lawlessness that followed the rodney king verdict. this will be more broken hearts, i think, than it will be really people losing it in anger. >> so very quickly, what's your prediction for when we're going to find the verdict? >> reporter: gosh, on that, i don't know. i think that we'll get another clue or two over the course of this morning. remember, yesterday, one of the things they asked for, the jury, the only thing as far as i can recall was this inventory of the evidence, of the exhibits that were introduced in evidence. so that made it pretty clear to me that with the six ladies on the jury are intent on doing is being pretty meticulous in going through the case. they understand how other juries and other high-profile cases arrived at a verdict in a snap. they don't want to be criticized. it seems to me by this request, we're only guessing here, for the inventory of the exhibits, it could if we get other requests by the jury as the morning progresses, could be stretched out over the day, over tomorrow, maybe. it's up to the jury how long they deliberate. it could be monday. on the other hand, if they do not ask for any more exhibits or evidence to go back over those kinds of, you know, things they have to be contemplating right now to make a fair, full legal verdict, you could get it quickly. we'll watch. the key will be whether or not they request any more information. >> it's going to be an interesting morning there. obviously we are following it throughout the remainder of fox and friends. geraldo, always great to have your analysis. thanks so much for being with us. if you're waking up with us now, deliberations have resumed in the george zimmerman murder trial. we will keep it right here because we're going to be watching that closely. as geraldo will be standing by there, as well. coming up, the man who uncovered the irs scandal now the target of a top democrat. elijah cummings demanding more answers from the inspector general. our next guest wants to alert the pc police. the school punishing kids for playing games like using imaginary guns deserve to be punished themselves? hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. welcome back. our next guest is calling the pc police on our nation's schools. he says schools that punish kids for playing games like using imaginary guns deserve to be punished themselves by having their federal dollars slashed. congressman, thanks a lot for joining us. our viewers may be surprised to learn is an actual phenomenon. schools that are punishing kids for brandishing this, this would be a hand in the shape of a gun. punishing little kids for this. colorado, a 7-year-old suspended for throwing an imagination hand grenade. how will your legislation stop this? >> well, first of all, i want to say, there's one child who ate a pastry that they accused the kid or the child of turning it into a gun. i thought it looked more like a b2 bomber than a gun. >> even more dangerous. >> even more dangerous, yeah. and you can't do that. i guess i'm going to get kicked off the set for that. but what we're saying is that the schools go too far in their craziness, if you look at what's going on, obviously, that's happening. we're going to cut some of their funding. this government does this all the time when -- whether the states don't pass the age of 18 for drinking, we cut their federal funding for driving. we can do this as a precedent for it, and i think it's long overdue. it traumatizes the family, traumatizes the kid. it's crazy. >> well, sure, the schools are demanding federal money and they are. they want local control, but federal financing. >> correct. >> it seems to me they ought to get federal oversight with that federal money. >> exactly. and -- but if you look at the child and actual kids, one child was a deaf person who did this for his name and wanted him to change his name because it implicated he was actually making a gun out of his hand. this is the kind of nonsense. we're not teaching arithmetic or math, but political correctness. and this has gone so far from what i think parents want and really what federal dollars should be used for. >> so in palmer, massachusetts, a kindergartener brought a lego gi joe gun. being one of those plastic pieces that snap together, on to a school bus, he was suspended and required to write a letter of apology to the bus driver and the other students on the bus. who is making a decision like that? >> this is crazy. i don't know who is in charge of this but it's spreading throughout our country, and it's bizarre, you're kicking kids out for -- and really like i said traumatizing the kid because he put a bunch of legos together, he's marked as a criminal for the rest of his life. this is nonsense. when i was younger, we played cops and robbers, used sticks and our fingers. and we didn't get in trouble. and now we've gone so far p.c. in this country, somehow that's going to make a difference if a kid, you know, is going to brandish a finger. >> ridiculous. ridiculous. congressman stockman, thanks very much for coming on. >> thanks. >> we appreciate it. well, we're watching and waiting for a verdict in sanford, florida, the jury just started deliberating in the zimmerman case. what to expect in the coming hours. plus, a new ssy-fy flick. so then the little tiny chipmunks go all the way up... ♪ [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. ♪ what? what? what? [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good. you will lose 3 sets of keys 4 cell phones 7 socks and 6 weeks of sleep but one thing you don't want to lose is any more teeth. if you wear a partial, you are almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth. new poligrip and polident for partials 'seal and protect' helps minimize stress, which may damage supporting teeth, by stabilizing your partial. and 'clean and protect' kills odor-causing bacteria. care for your partial. help protect your natural teeth. care for your partial. geico's defensive driver,ke 13. good student and multi-policy discounts could save you hundreds of dollus. engineer: uh geico's discounts could save you hundreds of "doll-ars." it sounds like you're saying "dollus." dollus. engineeif you could accentuate the "r" sound of "dollars." are...are... are... engineer: are... arrrrrr. arrrrr. someone bring me an eye patch, i feel like a bloomin' pirate. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. honestly, i feel like i nailed that. fox news alert for you. this is a live look at the courthouse where six jurors are deciding the fate of george zimmerman. they are just about 20 minutes into day two of deliberations inside there. and moments ago, george zimmerman and his defense team made a brief appearance as the judge gave the six-member all-female jury more instructions. she basically was questioning them about whether or not they had any contact with media or friends or family or social media last night. those are all forbidden. she wanted to make sure they hadn't heard anything about the case and its coverage. this is a live shot outside of the courthouse, and we'll bring you live to our reporter just moments away. meanwhile, he's known for his hollywood roles on both the small and big screen. the big blockbuster "pacific rim." look at this. >> today we face the monsters at our door and bring fight to them. today we are -- >> today, actor max martini is on a mission bigger than giant aliens and robots. he's written a film to help our veterans. >> here to explain is actor max martini. >> thanks for having me. >> it's hard to tell which of the monsters you were in there. >> i was the little guy screaming at the armor. >> right. before we get to that "pacific rim" out today, let's talk about the movie that you have written a screen play for, will gardner. tell us about that. >> i was on a series called "the unit" for a while and i had an opportunity to go to iraq and afghanistan and see the troops. i met an army ranger there that i'm still friends with today that returned from combat with a purple heart. i thought as this war comes to an end, we're really going to see a lot of that. it inspired me to write a script to raise awareness. and hopefully raise funds for charities that we've hand picked. >> tell us about the charities that will benefit from this film. >> we've picked two smaller charities that are more start-up charities and two larger ones. one is called brain scans for warriors it was started by a young marine that came back with tbi. he worked with a doctor that is assisting nfl players with tbi. and through the brain scans, they determine whether you have ptsd, tbi, they prescribe supplements and monitor your progress. the other smaller charity is vet hunters which actually goes out into the streets and pulls veterans off the streets, put them through rehabilitation programs. we have the other two are higher ground in volunteers of america a three-year follow-up, which is amazing. >> you also did something interesting from a social media perspective. other projects where you can can ask americans, people around the world to donate money to get the project off the ground. you guys raised an incredible amount of money. >> well, it's an interesting platform to use. for instance, in our case, we're giving 50% of our profits to those charities. so it was -- the unit to act in our films. so everyone's working for scale pay, you know, it's inspiring and hopefully our fans will come in and support it. >> that's terrific. so that's one end of the spectrum of movie making and let's talk about pacific rim, which you're in right now. tell us about this movie. >> pacific rim is a huge robot alien monster film. it's directed by germo del toro. a masterful director. i saw it for the first time, it premiered a couple of nights ago. it's incredible. >> what do you think? how different is the finished product from what you expected? >> while i was shooting it, i was acting to green screens and little dots on green. i didn't have any experience doing that. so having seen it, i had no idea what the final product was going to be. >> you thought you were looking at a green wall, turns out it was a giant lizard. the new movie is "pacific rim." the other is "will gardner." >> they can follow me on twitter for updates and, yeah, please join us, it's a great cause. >> help our veterans. max, great to see you this morning. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. nice to meet you. coming up next on the show, we are heading back down to sanford, florida. a live look at this hour where protests are growing. we're awaiting the jury to hand back the verdict on george zimmerman. we'll have the latest live from sanford, florida. then, a dangerously close view. watch this. they probably didn't expect this a fighter jet. more on this amazing video straight ahead. plus, janice dean hanging out with some of our heroes. >> that's right, allison. we're at rockaway beach for the ninth annual wounded warrior. we're doing wounded warrior project water activities. we're teaching some of these wounded warriors how to scuba dive. it's unbelievable. we're having a great time, we're going to meet jason wheeler coming up next after the break. doing some diving. great work, guys. this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at the courthouse in sanford, florida, where the jury in the george zimmerman trial is now deliberating his fate. jonathan serrie is live in sanford, florida, with the very latest on that. >> hey, jonathan. >> what do you hear? >> reporter: good morning, again. well, right now behind me, you can see a handful of protesters, maybe a dozen gathered outside the courthouse. the numbers may pick up as we go further into the deliberations which now have been underway for nearly half an hour. prosecutors have tried to paint george zimmerman as an overzealous neighborhood watch captain. they say he incorrectly profiled 17-year-old trayvon martin as a suspicious person and angry about a recent rash of burglaries in his neighborhood took the law into his own hands. but the defense argues that martin was the aggressive and zimmerman fired his gun while he was under attack fearing for his life. jurors must decide whether to acquit zimmerman or whether he's guilty of second-degree murder or the lesser crime of manslaughter. so right now, jurors inside that courthouse behind me considering two very different stories portrayed by the prosecution and defense. yesterday, a small but spirited group of protesters gathered outside the courthouse, about two dozen were calling for the jury to convict george zimmerman while a smaller group called for his acquittal. at the time, two sides engaged in debate. but so far, that debate has remained peaceful. and coming back to our live shot, you can see protesters as promised have started regrouping again today. right now about a dozen protesters. we anticipate those numbers may swell as we go into the day. but, again, authorities urging everyone to remain calm and saying they will not let anyone use this verdict as an excuse to break the law. back to you. >> thanks so much for the update from there. obviously we'll keep an eye on it throughout the rest of our program and judge alex ferrer will be back for analysis. now to a fox news alert for you. overnight, tough new abortion restrictions cleared through the texas senate. the bill now heads to governor rick perry who has said he will sign this into law. the measure bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and only allows them to be done in surgical centers. the vote coming as thousands of protesters pack the state capitol. many of them had to be carried out by police officers. and this just into our newsroom, a top democrat wants to bring the irs inspector general who uncovered the agency targeting of conservatives back in to testify. congressman elijah cummings says he has, quote, serious questions for russell george about statements he made about that scandal in may. he claims george withheld key information from the oversight committee. cummings wants him recalled at thursday's hearing. and they wanted a view but this one may have been a little too close for comfort. onlookers sent running for cover after a flighter jet fl ee eer flying too low. the air force says there are signs posted telling people to stay away. maybe they get the message now. the government is spending millions of dollars to create a cheaper, better and stronger beer. finally, our tax dollars at work. british researchers are working to create a designer genome that would help make a heartier form of yeast. it would in turn help beer makers produce it at a lower cost. how excited are you right now? >> this is fantastic. how much cheaper could it get? >> well, a good beer is not that cheap. >> if you're drinking like water, like a coors light or something like that. >> there are beers that are cheaper than bottled water, i think. >> milwaukee's best. >> i don't know what i'm talking about. >> i know. >> i just remember in college, that's all. coming up here on the show because all morning we've been watching some of our nation's bravest warriors enjoying a day in the sun. we're heading to where janice dean is standing by out there. hey, janice. >> hey, janice. >> reporter: i'm literally getting my feet wet in the scuba pool here for the wounded warrior project. this is the water adoptive program. where wounded warriors are learning how to scuba dive. and i'm with jason wheeler, thank you for your service. >> it is a job and we love what we do. >> wonderful. tell me a little bit about how you got involved with wounded warrior project. >> i found out about the project back in '08 through the university of illinois. and it just literally saved my life and they paired me up with a peer mentor. and basically we got certified last year with scuba diving, 55 of us and it's just been fantastic. they get you in all the sports you want and try to do. used to play hockey for the bruins, softball for the red sox. >> tell us about, first of all, the dive team here and what they are teaching. >> right now, they're teaching these guys a little bit about the buoyancy, having a little bit of confidence underneath the water, with the breathing and then they're going to start teaching them, you know, take the -- your mouthpiece out and to be able to just blow bubbles and be able to transfer that from another person if somebody else runs out of oxygen and stuff and put it back in and being comfortable underneath the water and everything. >> how important is this for rehabilitation? >> oh, this is amazing. you know, for somebody that has lost use of legs or basically just has one leg or doesn't have the full ability, you feel like you've gained your life back. >> i was jumping out of planes, i felt so exhilarated doing this stuff. it was just absolutely amazing to me. >> reporter: well, thank you for your service and thank you to the wounded warrior program. i mean, just unbelievable what they do to help you guys. i mean, it's heartwarming to see you and how well you're doing after. >> oh, the wounded warrior project it's so many million guys are affected by and women affected by. and we just -- we wouldn't be where we were if it wasn't for the wounded warrior project. >> thank you so much. thank you, guys, thank you to the scuba team who are doing great. the dive team, be a diver helping these wounded warriors today with the wounded warrior project. if you want to learn to be a diver and help them out. wonderful. thanks, guys. come on down and enjoy this. the sun has come out. earlier this morning i promised sunshine and look at it. it's finally here. thank goodness, my job is done! back inside. >> that's the spirit. >> that's great. and what a great event. thanks for bringing it to us all morning long. >> we are keeping a close eye on the courthouse in sanford, florida, this morning. where the jury there has been deliberating for the last 40 minutes. they restarted this morning at 9:00 this morning. judge alex is up next with his thoughts on what to expect today. first, let's check in for a look at what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys, good morning. walmart taking a hike from d.c. after the city council there hikes its minimum wage. did america's top employer -- and what about your phone companies on this fine thing? they're charging the government for all that surveillance and guess who is footing the bill? look in the mirror. and republicans divided on the immigration front. is sean hannity worried this is going to lead to a revolt of the party. tune in with us at the top of the hour. this is a fox news alert. you're looking at live pictures from sanford, florida, where the second day of jury deliberations in the george zimmerman trial have been underway for about 40 minutes now. a verdict can come down at any time. but when should we expect one? >> yeah. with us now is the host of "judge alex," who has been following this case from the very beginning. judge, this morning, you saw the jury come back in right at 9:00 a.m. george zimmerman stands as they ask the jury specific questions. have they seen anything on social media? have they interacted with anyone overnight while they've been sequestered? it seems odd they would be able to be so insulated, not be able to hear anything around this case. >> that's why the judge has been moving this case on a fast track. when you have a sequestered jury, you feel for them. very limited contact with their family. it's supervised contact because you don't want a family member telling them about the case. they can't -- you get newspapers where everything's cut out of it. any story about the case is cut out of it. and she has been purposely tracking this very fast to get them to conclusions so they can wrap up. but you also have to balance out. you know, you did a hearing until 10:00 at night, you have to balance out the rights to the defendant. you pushed too hard and may have an appellate issue down the road. they're deliberating. my guess would have been at the outset a couple of days of deliberations in this case. but you never know. >> yeah, i mean, it's fool hearty to try to predict what a jury's going to do. but we can look back at other cases, casey anthony was ten hours of deliberations, jodi arias, 16 1/2 hours, basically. o.j. simpson, four hours. from your experience with juries, you thought this would be about two days, why? >> well, there was a lot of evidence to go over. i don't think they want to come back too quick. everybody knows that the o.j. simpson case, people didn't think the jury took it seriously. thought they had their mind made up for whatever reason. and i don't think these women, especially a jury of women who is going to sympathize with the mother of the deceased victim, they're not going to want the family to think they just kind of gave this very short attention. so even if they made up their mind, i think they're going to want to say let me look at the evidence and make sure i feel this way. >> it seems pretty clear that political pressure played a role in these charges being brought in the first case. zimmerman was more than a month -- >> i would agree with that. >> is that common? and is that justice? >> no. it's uncommon, it's not justice. there are a lot of cases -- and this is obviously in the eye of the public now. but outside the eye of the public, there are many cases where the state attorney does not have enough evidence. they have a case, they get there, there's no eyewitness, the person who is there says i was fighting for my life. they really don't have anything to dispute it. they do an investigation, don't arrest him at the outset and later on they decide we can disprove it or we can't. if they can't disprove it, they to have a political pressure put on the state attorney to file charges defeats the purpose of having an independent judiciary and it's very bad for the system. and it's looking more and more like this was a political prosecution. i hate to say that because i'm a big fan of state attorneys. but when they go in and pick up an eyewitness or earwitness critical to the case with the victim's mother and her lawyer and take this witness and interview her for the very first time with the -- >> you're talking rachel jeantel. >> with the mother sitting next to her. you're undermining the credibility of this witness, tainting her testimony and playing the 911 tape for the entire family together, you've eliminated the usefulness of them as a witness. if each of them testify it's trayvon's voice on 911 tape, they could pick that up because they hear the mom say it's trayvon's voice. they didn't do the family a favor by trying to appease them and the lack of prosecution. >> who do you think did a better job wrapping this up? >> i think the defense did because they have the law on their side. but i wish o'mara hit on more points. there are powerful points i think he did not make. prosecution argued emotion. you argue emotion when you don't have the law. the law is the law and they are going for an emotional verdict because the law's not on their side. >> judge alex ferrer, thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. coming up on the show, are your monthly bills getting more expensive by the day? up next, the four phone calls you can make today to dial down your debt. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. had is a fox news alert. you are looking live at the courthouse in sanford, florida. the jury has been behind closed doors for about an hour now on the second day of deliberations in the george zimmerman murder trial. if there is no verdict today, jury will decide if they will deliberate tomorrow or if they'd rather come back on monday. stay tuned to fox throughout the day. we will bring you complete coverage. >> and we will. we'll be back tomorrow morning. >> tune in into after the show show right now. thanks for joining us. talk about a jump at the pump. gas prices back on the rise as oil keeps on surging. this coming with continuing unrest in egypt and keystone pipeline protests here. is all this creating a pain in the gas for american drivers and the economy? hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is bulls and bears. let's get to it, the bulls and bears this week, gary smith john layfield, tracy burns along with steve murphy. welcome. okay, john, just how bad is this going to get at the pump? >> it's certainly going to get a lot worse before it gets better. when there were only four people

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