Transcripts For FOXNEWS The State of the Union 20240706 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The State of the Union 20240706

of his legislative conferences. tonight it will be republican speaker kevin mccarthy, not nancy pelosi standing behind him . >> that's always a tough job it would look at the facial expressions. the address will be followed by the republican response from arkansas governor sarah huckabee 's anders page she's the youngest governor in the us and the former white house press secretary under president trump. the ucd first lady arriving in the first lady's box. >> you see that area is filled with some of their guests for w look at to some of the descriptions about why they are they are paid we will bring in our panel. and coho stop the five, former tennessee congressman and -- and foxbusiness host feed dana, these are always big nights. we just found out that marty walsh, who we expect will no longer be in his job after some time to announce that today or part of that today, he is the designated survivor. >> it was a little unusual this morning to see that the secretary of labor was going to leave on the state of the union day. >> the president's cabinet as walking in. your thoughts on this night and set up to this speech. >> you mentioned that bibby hav to underscore the fact that thi is the first real kick off of the biting government fighting government in washington. the house republicans have shaken off their shaky start of getting this speaker elect. now that they have one, they ar acting so far as up pretty cohesive unit. that is different tonight. the legislative proposal that president biden will move forward will be stalled by the house republicans. we will see how he kicks off this 2024 election campaign. does he go back to his dealmaking roots like the last couple of years or does he try to play to the left and be voca and said they fought step steps either not interested in this vice president either. >> very true. >> cabinet members are coming in . secretary pentz and it's been a busy weekend, larry kudlow come up for both of those men, as we dealt with this chinese spy balloon, which is not now flyin overhead. >> for eight or 50 blade dollars , the penta book on budget can finally score a chinese balloon and do somethin about it. the intelligence party went to -- luck, my prince will interest i this speech tonight is to see i president biden fall make a dea with kevin mccarthy to cut spending and write that that limit so we can stop the inflation, which is rotting the power of the entire working middle class but that is my biggest issue tonight. >> the symmetry and elegance an patch into the evening, i marve at as well. we need a deal. i think that dana touched on that. last time the country saw the house floor was february 3-7 an read this and for the world to see this, we see democrats and republicans alike shaking hands and embracing each other particularly with dana -- >> people see if that is a unifying message tonight and ho it breaks down. we are going to take a moment here and listen to the action o the floor as we pause for the top of the hour. president biden is just minutes away and there you see the transportation secretary shakin hands with it romney. our special coverage up the state of union address continue in just seconds. >> a live look at the u.s. capitol, beautiful night here, clear in washington, see if the message is clooer from president biden, just moments away from president biden and tonight's state of the union address. i'm bret baier. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. president biden will be announced with familiar call of the sergeant at arms, make his way down the aisle greeted by lawmakers on both sides. >> bret: look live at the second gentleman and the first lady and the president will layout his agenda to lawmakers and the american people. ayesha hasnie is standing by. >> we begin with jacqui heinrich. good evening. >> good evening, president biden won't directly assail republicans tonight, officials sent out memos hitting from trump tax cuts, adding to deficit, proposals for national abortion bans and to cut medicare. the speech is widely viewed as anchor to 2024 announcement, but not supposed to look like a campaign speech. progress made against all odds that needs to be protected and continued. >> let's go to ayesha hasnie on capitol hill, she will preview the republican response and what is happening there. >> the republican response tonight comes from of course the new governor of arkansas, sarah huckabee sanders. this is an interesting pick for a couple of different reasons, first and foremost, she represents the future of the gop, she is the youngest governor in america right now and part of what some are calling the rising generation of republican governors. she's a really good representation of the entire spectrum of the gop from moderate republicans to conservatives and that is really important for house speaker kevin mccarthy when you look at the conference he with a wide variety of republicans. she ran going after the biden administration pandemic response, immigration policy. she is not going to mince words tonight, she will show difference in gop ideology and the left. >> thank you. >> bret: live at the house floor waiting to hear from the house sergeant of arms william mcfarland, introducing the president of the united states and president biden will make his way down that aisle to a lot of lawmakers, senators and house members who often angle for that position to have the shaking of the hands. there are a few known to be there every single state of the union address and there is one of them right there, shula jackson lee, she is always there. let's listen in. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [cheering] >> martha: we'll watch the president move down the aisle, good evening to you, bret. >> despite the applause you hear, he is looking at the possibility of reelection announcement soon and trying to set the stage for that. basically asking americans tonight whom do you believe, me or your lived experiences, as democrats like to say. this is a man whose own party members, 62% in the latest poll, do not want him to run again. so he's got to say things are better than you think, folks, i'm better than you think, folks. i'm ready to go, you should be ready to go with me. that's a tall order, see how he does. >> a lot of times these things are shopping list. over the years back to president reagan in 1982, they have woven in stories of people in the chamber to try to get drama, try to hit some points. the president is not known for rhetorical kind of emotional speeches, what do you think about this moment as he gets ready to announce a reelection bid? >> biden i knew was known for rhetorical moments issue bret, it has been less and less common to see and hear from him and we'll see if he's going to do it tonight. these people in the galleries, understand, for example, paul pelosi, badly injured in that attack in his own home, may be on hand and will be recognized and that will be an emotional moment and i expect the cheering will be wild. everybody knows paul pelosi, whatever they think of his wife's politics, like the guy, see if the president can associate himself in a way with him that is appealing to people. see how he does it. interested to see the president and how he does tonight, he's stumbled at time and speech constructed to help him with anything that might cause him to stutter or stumble. and see if he can do it, i expect he'll be innad goes form as he can be. >> shakes hands of supreme court justices and supreme court will likely come up in this speech, as well. >> yeah, no doubt. >> bret, we'll bring the panel back in. dana, in the excerpts sent out, he says my plan is about investing in people that have been forgotten, interesting he's using this terminology so associated with president trump, the forgotten men and women, as he tries to get back those voters that were traditionally democratic voters. >> dana: you'll hear from him about manufacturing jobs and your honor are of manufacturing jobs to the united states and you will see in the first lady's visitor box, a union worker from ohio, they are definitely realizing they have a problem and they are trying to fix it, not sure this will cut it. >> bret: harold, we just saw glimpse of nancy pelosi, now congresswoman nancy pelosi, not sitting behind the president for one of the speeches. it is a challenge to be in the minority in the house and it is a different environment now with kevin mccarthy as speaker, different priorities. >> for democrats, first time not had a pelosi or gephart. i think for tonight, that group will be challenged to come up with ideas also. the president will lay his out and be challenged with good stuff. >> mr. president at the podium receiving last round of applause, he typically speaks for about an hour, we expect he will do that this evening. there is interesting moment, kevin mccarthy waited a long time for that moment and the speech was just handed over to him as president biden gets ready to speak. the two of them met to discuss the possibility of reigning in spending, see if we hear about that tonight. >> house speaker says he will not rip up speeches and will not do anything, he will honor president biden. >> president of the united states. >> here is president joe biden in his second state of the union address. [cheering] >> mr. speaker. >> thank you, it's okay. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. please. >> president biden: mr. speaker, madam vice president, our first lady and second gentleman, good to see you guys up there. members of congress. [cheering] >> president biden: by the way, chief justice, i may need a court order, she gets to go to the game next week, i have to stay home. got to work something out here. members of the cabinet, members of the military, associate justice and retired justices of the supreme court and to you my fellowern ms, start tonight by congratulating 118th congress and newest speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. [cheering] >> president biden: speaker, i look forward to working with you. i want to congratulate the new leader of the house, democrats, first african american minority leader in history, hakeem jeffries. [cheering] >> president biden: i campaigned for him. congratulations, longest serving leader in the history of the united states senator mitch mcconnell. where are you? and congratulations to chuck schumer, another term as senate minority leader. i think this time you have slightly bigger majority, mr. leader, you are majority leader, that much bigger? yeah. i tell you what, i want to give special recognition to someone who i think is going to be considered the greatest speaker in the history of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi. [cheering] >> president biden: folks, the story of america is a story of progress and resilience. of always moving forward, of never ever giving up. a story unique among all nations, we're the only country that emerged from every crisis we've entered stronger than we got into it. look, folks, that is what we're doing again. two years ago, the economy was reeling, i stand here tonight, after we created with help of many people in this room, 12 million new jobs, more jobs in two years than any president created in four years, because of you all, because of the american people. [cheering] >> president biden: two years a ago -- two years ago, covid had shut down our businesses were closed, schools were robbed of so much and today covid no longer controls our lives. two years ago, democracy faced greatest threat since civil war and today the bruised, our democracy remains unbowed and unbroken. [cheering] >> president biden: as we gather here tonight, we're writing the next chapter in the great american story, story of progress and resilience. world leaders ask me to define america, i can define it in one word and i mean this, possibilitieses. we don't think anything is beyond our capacity, everything is a possibility. we're often told democrats and republicans can't work together, over the past two years, we've proved cynics and nay sayers wrong. we disagreed plenty and there are times democrats went alone, but time and again, democrats and republicans came together, came together to defend a stronger and safer, came together to pass once in generation infrastructure law building bridges connecting our nation and our people. came together to pass the law helping victims exposed to toxic burn pits. and in fact -- [cheering] >> president biden: it is important. in fact, i signed over 30bipartisan pieces of legislation from the acts, reform acts, the respect for marriage act that protectses the right to marry the person you love and republican friends, we can work together and find consensus in this congress, as well. [cheering] >> president biden: folks -- you are all informed as i can, people send a clear message issue fighting for the sake of fighting, power for sake of power, conflict for power of conflict get us nowhere, that is my vision and i know many of yours to restore the 93ing and rebuild the backbone of america, america's middle class and unite the country. we've been sent here to finish the job, for decades the middle class has been hallowed out, not one administration for a long time. too many manufacturing jobs moved overseas, factories closed down. once thriving cities and towns became shadows of what they used to be. along the way, something else we lost, pride, our sense of self-worth. i ran for president to change things, make sure our economy works for everyone so we can all feel that pride in what we do. to build an economy for the bottom up and middle out, not from the top down because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do very well, we all do well. [cheering] >> president biden: i know a lot of you kid me for quoting my dad, my dad used to say a job is about more than a paycheck, he really would say this, about more than a paycheck, it is about your dignity, about respect, about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey issue it's going to be okay, and mean it. folks, look at the results, we're not finish said yet by any stretch of the imagination, unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. [cheering] >> president biden: near record unemployment. near record unemployment for black and hispanic workers. we've created 800,000 good manufacturing jobs, fastest growth in 40 years. [cheering] >> president biden: and where is it written, where is it written that america can't lead the world in manufacturing? i don't know where that is written? for too many decades we imported and exported jobs and we're importing american products and creating american jobs. folks -- inflation has been a global problem because pandemic disrupted our supply chain and putin unfair and brutal war in ukraine disrupted energy supply and food supplies, blocking all that grain in ukraine. we're in better position than any country on earth right now, we have more to do. at home inflation is coming down issue gas prices are down $1.50 from peak, food inflation is coming down issue not fast enough, coming down. inflation falling for the last six months, take-home pay has gone up. over the last two years record 10 million americans applied to start new businesses, 10 million. by the way, every time someone starts small business, it is an act of home and madam vice president, i want to thank you for leading that effort to ensure small business have access to capital and historic laws we enacted that will come into being. standing here last year, i shared with you story of american genius and possibilities, semiconductors, small computer chips the size of a finger print that power cell phones to automobiles and so much more, the chips were invented in america, let's get that straight, they were invented in eshg america. we used to 40% of the number, now we are down to 10%. we saw what happened when chip factories shut down overseas, today's automobiles need 3000 chips for automobiles, american automobiles couldn't make enough cars, there were not enough chips. car prices went up, people got laid off, everything from refrigerators to cell phone, we can never let that happen again. that is why we came together to pass the bipartisan chips and science act. [cheering] >> president biden: folks, i know i've been criticized for saying this, i will not change my view. we will make sure the supply chain for america begins in america. the supply chain begins in america. we already created. [cheering] >> president biden: we've already created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs before the law kicks in. with this new law, we'll create hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country, all across the country, through the coast and middle of the country, as well, from companies that announced $300 billion in manufacturing. outside columbus, ohio, intel building semiconductor factories on 1000 acres, a field of dreams, going to create 10,000 jobs, that one investment. 3000 jobs in factories, once they finished. jobs pay average of $130,000 per year and many do not require a college degree. [cheering] >> president biden: jobs -- because we work together, jobs people don't have to leave home to search for opportunity. it is just getting started. think about new homes and small businesses, the medium-size businesses, so much more going to be needed to support those 3000 permanent jobs and factories that are going to be built. talk to mayors and governors, democrats and republicans, they'll tell you what thissen moos for communities. seeing field of dreams transferred to the heartland, we need the best infrastructure in the world. [cheering] >> president biden: and folks, as you all know, we used to be number one in the world in infrastructure, we've sunk to 13th in the world. the united states of america, 13th in the world of infrastructure, modern infrastructure. now we're coming back because we came together and passed the bipartisan infrastructure law, the largest in infrastructure since president eisenhower's interstate system. [cheering] >> president biden: and folks, already we've funded 20,000 projectses including major airports from boston to atlanta to portland, rebuilding highways, bridge, ports, airports, clean water, high-speed internet, urban, rural, tribal and folks, we're just getting started, we're just getting started. [cheering] >> president biden: i mean it sincerely, thank my republican friends who voted for the law and my republican friends who voted against it, as well, i still get asked to fund the projects, i promised to be president for all americans, we'll fund the projectses and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. s and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. look, this law -- [cheering] >> president biden: this law will further unite all of america, projects like the bridge in kentucky over the ohio river, 60 years ago, carrying 2 billion dollars worth of freight every single day across the ohio river. folks, been talking about it for decades, we are going to get it done. i went there last month, with democrats and republicans from both states to deliver commitment of 1.6 billion for this project. [cheering] >> president biden: while i was there, i met a young woman named sarah who is here tonight, i don't know where sarah is, is she up in the box? how are you? sarah for 30 years, for 30 years, i learned she told me she was a proud member of iran members 44 -- known as -- [cheering] >> president biden: known as the cowboys in the sky. the folks who built, built cincinnati skyline. sarah said she can't wait to be 10 stories above the ohio river building that new bridge. god bless her, that is pride and that is building back pride. look. we're replacing poisonous lead pipes that go into 10 million homes in america. 400,000 school and child-care centers so every child in america can drink the water instead of having permanent damage to their brain. look -- [cheering] >> president biden: we're making s sure, making sure that every community, every community in america has access to affordable high-speed internet. no parent should have to drive by mcdonalds to do homework. when we do projects and i get criticized and make no excuses for it, we are going to buy american, buy american. folks -- [cheering] >> president biden: it is totally consistent with international trade rules, buy america has been the law since 1933, for too long past administration, democrat and republican, fought to get around it. not anymore, tonight i'm announcing all construction materials used in federal infrastructure projects to be made in america. [cheering] >> president biden: made in america. i mean it. lumber, glass, drywall, fiber optic cable and on my watch american roads, bridges and highways will be made with american products, as well. my economic plan is about investing in places and people that have been forgotten. so many listening tonight, i know you feel it, so many felt like you simply been forgotten. people past four decades, too many people have been left behind and treated like they are invisible. maybe that is you watching from home. remember the jobs that went away, you remember them, don't you? folks at home remember them. you wonder whether the past even exist anymore for your children to get ahead without having to move away. i get that, that is why we're building an economy where no one is left behind. jobs are coming back, pride is coming back. because choices we made in the last several years. you know, this is my view of blue collar to rebuild america and make a real difference in your lives at home. for example, too many of you lay in bed at night like my dad did, staring at the ceiling, wondering what in god name happens if your spouse gets cancer or your child gets deadly ill, something happens to you, do you have money to pay for medical bills? are you going to have to sell the house or get a second mortgage? i get it. inflation reduction act i signed into law, we're taking on powerful interest to bring healthcare cost down so you can sleep better at night with more security. we pay more for prescription drugs than any nation in the world. say it again, we pay more for prescription drugs than any major nation on earth. for example, 1 in 10 americans has diabetes, many in this chamber and audience do, everyday millions need insulin to control diabetes so they can stay alive. insulin has been around for 100 years, the guy that invented it didn't patent it so it would be available for years. it costs $10 a vial to make the insulin, package and all maybe $13, big pharma has been charging hundreds of dollars, four to five hundred dollars a month, making record profits. not anymore. not anymore. [cheering] >> president biden: so -- so many things that we did are only now coming to fruition. we said we were doing this and said we passed the law to do it, but people didn't know, the law didn't take effect until january 1 this year, we capped cost of insulin at $35 per month for seniors on medicare. people are just finding out. i'm sure you are getting the same calls i'm getting. look, there are millions of americans who are not on medicare, including 200,000 young people with type 1 diabetes and need insulin to stay alive, let's finish the job and cap the cost of insulin at $35. fo folks, big pharma is still going to do very well, i promise you they are going to do very well. this law also caps and won't go into effect until 2025, cost out of pocket drug cost for seniors on medicare at maximum of $2000 per year, you don't have to pay $2000 per year no matter how much drug costs are, you know why, you all know. many of you many in my family have cancer, you know drugs can range from 10, 11, 14, 15,000 dollars for cancer drugs. drug prices rise, they will have to pay medicare back the difference. finally giving medicare power to negotiate drug prices, bringing down bring drug costs doesn't save senior money, it cuts the federal deficit by billions of dollars, by hundreds of billions of dollars because prescription drugs are drugs purchased by medicare to keep their commitment to the senior. guess what, instead of paying 400 or 500 bucks per month, you are paying $15, that is a lot of savings for the federal government. why wouldn't we want that? some members here are threatening and i know it is not an official party position, i will not exaggerate, want to repeal the inflation reduction act. that is okay, that is fair. my football coach said lots of luck on your senior year. make no mistake, if you try anything to raise the cost of prescription drugs, i will veto it. look. [cheering] >> president biden: i'm pleased to say more americans have health insurance now than ever in history, record 16 million people enrolled in affordable care act and thanks to the law i signed last year, saving millions on premiums. that law was written and benefit expires in 2025, my plea to some of you in this audience, let's finish the job and make the savings permanent. expand coverage. [ applause ] >> president biden: look, inflation reduction act is the most significant investment ever in climate change. ever. [cheering] >> president biden: lower utility bills, creating american jobs, leading the world to clean future, record floods, droughts, storms and wildfires from arizona to the canadian border, more lumber has been burned than the entire state of missouri and we don't have global warming, not a problem. in addition to emergency recovery from puerto rico, we're rebuilding for the long-term, new electric grid able to weather major storms and not prevent forest fire, road and water system withstand next big flood, clean energy in communities often left behind. build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations installed that will cost iv w workers and helping families save $1000 per year with tax credit to purchase electric vehicles and efficient appliances. historic conservation efforts responsible stewards of our land, let's face reality. climate crisis doesn't care if you're in a red or blue state. it is existintial threat, we have obligation to confront it. i'm proud of how america at last is stepping up to the challenge. we're still going to need oil and gas for a while, but guess what, no, we do. [cheering] >> president biden: but there is so much more to do. we got to finish the job. we pay for investments by finally making the wealthiest and biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share. just begin. i'm a capitalist, but pay your fair share. i think a lot of you at home, a lot at home agree with me and many people that you know, the tax system is not fair. it is not fair. [cheering] >> president biden: look, the idea that in 2020, 55 of the largest corporations in america, fortune 500 made $40 billion in profits and paid zero in federal taxes? zero? folks, simply not fair. now because of the law i signed, billion dollar companies have to pay minimum of 15%, god love them. 15%. that's less than a nurse pays. crystal clear, i said in the very beginning, under my plan as long as i'm president, nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay additional taxes, nobody, not one penny. let's finish the job, there is more to do. have to reward work, not just wealth. passed my proposal for billionaire minimum tax. there are 1000 billionaires in america, up from 600 beginning of term, my billionaire should be paying lower tax rate than a school teacher or firefighter. i mean it, think about it. i mean, look. enthusiastic about that, think about it, think about it. have you noticed big oil just reported record profits, last year they made $200 billion in the midst of a global energy crisis. it is outrageous. why? they invested too little proveits increase to domestic production and i talk to them, they say we're afraid you are going to shut down oil wells and refinery, so why invest in them? we will need oil for at least another decade and that will exceed -- [laughter] -- and beyond that, we will need it. production. if they in fact invested in production, instead, record profit to buy back their own stock, rewarding ceos and shareholders, corporations ought to do the right thing, i propose we quadruple price on buyback and long-term investments. they'll still make considerable profit. lease finish the job and close the loophole for people who avoid paying taxes. i just signed law to reduce by cracking down on wealthy tax cheats. that is being fiscally responsible. last two years, my administration cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars. the largest deficit reduction in american history. under previous administration, american deficit went up four years in a row because record deficits, no president added more to the national debt in any four years than my predecessor, nearly 25% of the entire national debt that took over 200 years was added by one administration alone, they are facts, check it out. check it out. >> president biden: how did congress respond to that debt? they lifted debt ceiling three times without crisis, they paid american bills to prevent economic disaster. tonight i'm asking congress to follow suit, let's commit to full faith and credit of united states of america will never ever be questioned. so my -- some of my republican friends want to take the economy hostage, i get it, unless i agree to their economic plans, all of you at home should know what the plans are. instead of making wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans want medicare and social security sunset, i'm not saying it is majority. let me give you -- anybody who doubts it, contact my office, i'll give you a copy of the proposal. congress doesn't vote. i'm glad to see, i enjoy conversion. it means congress doesn't keep the programs way they are, other republicans say, not saying majority of you, i don't think it is significant -- it is being proposed by individuals. i'm not naming them, being proposed by some of you. look, folks, the idea is that we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt, if we don't respond. [cheering] >> president biden: folks -- so folks as we all apparently agree, social security medicare is off the books now. [cheering] >> president biden: all right. all right. we got unimity. social security and medicare of lifeline for seniors. tonight let's all agree and we apparently are, let's stand up for seniors. [cheering] >> president biden: stand up and show them, we will not cut social security, we will not cut medicare. those benefits belong to the american people, they earned it and if anyone tries to cut social security, which apparently no one is going to do, i will stop them, i will veto it. and folks, i'm not going to allow them to be taken away, not today, not ever, apparently it is not going to be a problem. next month, i ask republican friends to lay down their plan, as well, i mean it, sit down and discuss mutual plans together. discuss our plans together. let's do that. i can tell you, the plan i'm going to show will cut the deficit by another $2 trillion and won't cut a single bit of medicare or social security and we'll extend medicare trust fund two decades, how doo we keep it solid? that is next. not raise taxes on anyone, we will pay for it the way we make sure wealthy and big corporation pay their fair share. look, here is the deal. not just taking advantage of tax code, taking advantage of you, the american consumer. my message to you out there, i have your back, we're preventing americans receiving medical bill, stopping 1 million surprise bills per month so far. protecting seniors life's savings by cracking down on nursing homes that commit fraud and endanger patient safety and prescribe drugs not needed. many of americans can save because they can get a hearing aid over the counter without a prescription, capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it is extortion, it is exploitation. last year i cracked down on foreign shipping companies making you pay higher prices for every good coming into the country. i signed bill to cut shipping cost by 90%, helping american farmers and consumers, let's finish the job. pass the enforcement and prevent big online platforms giving their own products unfair advantage. [cheering] >> president biden: administration is taking on junk for example, i should have knot i didn't until two years ago. 3o sign noncompete agreements for . 30 million. so, a cashier at ak across town and take the same jd make a few bucks more, it just d it. they exposed it. that was pk it up. not anymore. for banningr companies have to compete for wt they're worth. i must tell you,n response to my friends on my lek and tired of companies breakingg workers from organizing. pass ts have a right, workers have a ris guarantee all workers have a lie working parents can afford to r, paid family medical leave, affos going to enable millions much mt work and let's restore the fulle tens of millions of parents a bd poverty half, when we do all the productivity, we increase econoh the job. and get more families , let's get seniors the care theyt more breathing room to millionss looking after their loved ones.t seniors and people with disabils they need. and support the work. these plants are fully paid foro them. restoring the dignity of n and a ticket to the middle clasn 12 years of it universal in thee best educated, the best paid nat of the world caught up. it's cao teaches full time as an express, kid. any nation that out educate us. any nation out education is2 years of education is not enougn of 21stcentury. we want to haved workforce, let's finish the jobo preschool, for 3 and 4 year oldn go to preschool are 50% more lil and earn a 2 to 4 year degree ny came from. let's give public sce making progress. by reducing stl grants for working and middle ch the job. and connect students ts in high school, provide access y college, the best career trainio being a pathway to a four year a good career whether they go to , folks in the midst of the covide closed, and we were shutting dos recognize how far we came in thc itself. while the virus is not f the american people, and the ine have broken the covid grip on uy 90%. saved millions of lives ank up and soon we'll end the publit that's called public health emer the toll and pain that's never a million americans lost their li. families grieving, children orpe dining room table constantly reo sit there. remembering them, wel need to monitor dozens of varias and treatments so congress needd keep america safe. as we emerge, we're also going to double downo stole relief money meant to keel businesses afloat. before i cam, during that campaign the big isr generals who would protect taxp, they were fired. many people sad fraud became rampant. last yeare back. since then, since then wef taxpayer's dollars, now let's tx force, double the statue of limn identity fraud by criminal indif dollars from the american peoplt for every dollar we put in to fr gets back 10 times as much. it , covid left the scars like the sn 2020, the first year of the pann to make sure all people are safn public trust as all of us know,s violated. join us tonight are t. welcome. who had to bury tyre last week.y know, there is no words to descf of losing a child but imagine, t child at the hands of the law. y whether your son or daughter cae street, playing in the park or n here have never had to have then and black parents have had to h. beau, hunter, ashton, my childrm if a police officer pulls you or lights on right away. don't reap your hands on the steering wheey like that every single time yous what tyre's mother shared with n i asked her how she finds the ck out. the faith of god she said l and something good will come ofh courage and care that take, it'l want the same thing. neighborhow enforcement of a person who ear. every cop has the right to be ao does everybody else out there. o come home safely under the lawst we have each other in america. t their lives on the line every se know we ask in many cases to bel workers, psychologists, respondl health crisis and so much more.d their families are good, decentt majority. but they risk -- and y time they put that shield on. bn memphis happens too often. we hw enforcement the real training tr standards, help them succeed and more first responders and profee growing health of substance abus -- more community intervention n housing and education and job tp prevent violence in the first p- police departments violate the e held accountable. with the suppf the families of victims civil ri signed an executive order for ag chokeholds, restricting no-knocs of the george floyd act. let's e words of tie ray's mom true, som this. something good. and all os difficult but it's simple, all e need to rise to this moment. weo what we know in our hearts and e together to finish the job on p. do something. that was the plear children in crew uvalde, thank . passing the most sweeping gun s. that includes things like that e gun owners already support, ands out of the hands of people who s and others. but we know our wors tonight as brandon said, a 26 ys college dreams on hold to be ats side when she was dying from can now works at the dance studio ss and two weeks ago during the lue heard the studio door close, hee pointing semiautomatic pistol as going to die. but he thought abd that instant he found the courae semiautomatic pistol away from d 11 people at another dance studs time we do the same. band assau. once and for all. i love the fin ten years that ban was law, masr they let it expire in a public s shootings tripled. let's finishe assault weapons. and let's alson immigration. make it a bipartisw we now have a record number of e the border arresting 8000 humang 23,000 pounds of fentanyl in the launched a new border plan lastn cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venea consequence of that. but americe fixed until congress acts. if we immigration reform, at least pae equipment and officers to secury to citizenship for dreamers, th, farmworkers, essential workers.e it's our duty to protect all thd freedoms. congress must restore- congress must restore the rightv wade and protect roe v wade. the doing everything to protect acc, healthcare and safeguard facinge than a dozen states are forcinge no mistake about it, if congresi will veto it. let's also pass -a bipartisan equality act ensure y trans young people can live witr strength our strength is not jut the power of our example, let'ss watching. i spoke from this chas after vladimir putin unleashed t ukraine. a murderous assault, er ii. putin's invasion has been tt for america. a test for the wore most basic of principles, will e stand for the right of people tl we stand for the defense of deme matters to us because it keeps n season on would-be aggressors a. one year later we know the answ. we did. and together we did whar best, we lead, we united nato, , we stood against putin's addresn joined by ukraine's ambassador , represents not just her nation r people, ambassador -- our ambase are united in support of your ce can all take a look at you. thad with you as long as it takes. oe freedom, dignity, more peace not everywhere. before i came to ofw the people's republic of china d america's failing in the world.r and i gave my personal conversay with president xi, we seek compe no apologies that we're investia stronger. investing in americane that china intend to be dominatr alliances and working with our e technologies so they will not b. modernizing our military to safd deter aggression. today we are n decades to compete with china o. anywhere else in the world. andd to work with china where we cans and better the world. make no ma threatens our sovereignty tee wr country and we did. look, let'se competition should unite all ofs challenges across the world buts democracies have become strongee creases have -- name me a worlds with xi jinping, name me one. ns rallying the world to meet thoso global health to food insecuritl aggression. allies are steppingg more. look, the reformed betweed in the atlantic, those betting g how wrong they are. it's never t against america, never. well, wt assured the bipartisanship assur believed it. that's why a year e nation when i stood here, we mae passed a law making it easy fore treatments for opioid addictiony law making historic investmentse launched the arpah drive, cance, and so much more. we passed facr veteran story about exposure tod here last year. i understand son pits, you but there is so much t together. join us tonight as a m newton, new hampshire, he wroted me and well about his courageou, contagious laugh, sister's bestt friend, he shared a story all tf americans and many of you. courh school. spiraled into addictiona fentanyl overdose. she was justr last eight years without her, de pain, if their family turned pad the stigma and change laws. he a journey toward american recover. fentanyl is killing more than 7g -- you got it. so let's launch p fentanyl production, sale and tg detection machines, stop pills . working with courage like fedexr drugs. strong families to crack. second let's do more mental hear children, with millions of younh bullying, violence, trauma, grel healthcare at schools. we must a companies accountability for exg children for profit. time to pao stop big tech from collecting pd teenagers online. ban targeted . >> and impose stricter limits ot companies collect on all of us.p this nation's ones sacred obligd into harm's way and care for thn they come home. job training, jd their spouses as they come to r. helping veterans is for the rene homeless in america especially e country. dennis mc gun is here, va. we hl discussion when i asked him to e did. we were losing up to 25 vew we're losing 17 a day to the si7 veterans a day are committing se people being killed in the warsg everything it can including exph screening, proven programs, recr veterans understand what they're help they need. we gotta do morl and i reignited the cancer moono start with president obama asker administration on this issue. or death rates at least by 50% in e cancers and death sentences to e more support for patients and tl with so many of us, so many of g us morrison, daughter of immigrt and got married in the same chat married in new york city. kindra letter about his little daughtet before i came over. she was juss diagnosed with rare kidney dised transfusions, 11 rounds of radi1 kidney removed, given a 5% surve darkest moments how if she goesu have been through that as well.t like so many of you. he read jir family's cancer journey. and hos of joy where we could with beauf joy was the half smile of theirg to them. they never gave up hopp hope. she turns 4 next month. ts beating the odds, is on her way. she is watching from the white t asleep already. for the live ths we can save and the lives we'vey american moment, that rallies td together and prove that we can s ago leadership of president busd champions he undertook a bipartl threat against hivaids it's bee, fought large, i believe we can r . let's end cancer as we know is once and for all. folks, there n able to do all these things, oue most fundamental thing of all, s possible. without it, nothing ir democracy has been threatened at to the test in this very room on just a few months ago an unhingd unleashed political violence ate house of represents. using the e insurrectionists used as they sn january 6th. here tonight is ths that brutal attack, tough and sl pelosi. paul stand up. with sucr have happened. we must all spear political violence in america. t right to vote. honor the resultt subvert the will of the people.e of law and trust the institutiot give hate and extremism in any . democracy must not be a partisan issue. every generation of amery have been called to protect ourd up for it. this is our moment. t tonight in an inflection point,y a few generations ever face wite is going to decide the course oo come. we're not bystanders of hs before the forces that confrontf we the people. we're facing a to be the nation we've always been, hopeful, forward-looking, a natr dark, hope over fair, stabilitye each other not as enemies but ae good people. the only nation in, the only one. other nations are, ethnicity. but we're the only nt all of us, everyone of us is crf god. a nation that stands as a n in a new age of possibilities. y constitutional obligation to ren and here is my report. because s strong because the backbone of , because the people of this natif the union is strong. i'm not new to this place. i stg served as long as as any one of. i've never been more optimistice of america. just remember who wd states of america and there is r capacity if we do it together. d protect our troops. thank you. >> president joe biden's second, interrupted about 100 times forg a list of what he called major f america, a story of progress and the bipartisan infrastructure bn reduction ability for climate cf republicans though of wanting tl security, and the debt ceiling d and sounded more like the househ many members piping up, it did n moment when both parties stood h medicare or social security. boe to agree together to make a lonh program. the repeated line in te job which sounds a lot like a pr 2024. when it came to immigratit only received four lines in thes to act. and he ended weaving int threats to democracy saying it n issue, democracy he said must b. >> he ended with a familiar refa that there is nothing that we co it and yet it seems that the pan enormous amount of spending andf $5 trillion of spending during e path to making sure that we suca laundry list of spending, medic, thursday news be home affordabil grants, he went on and on, endie training, housing, jobs. there e outlines in this plan. also he r just a short moment, i think a e a lot of that to the open bordet came to the immigration he wanto provide the equipment and offic so, that's also another out laym a lot of border official the ovs afternoon on capitol hill. i wo7 sentences on china. basically sy was threatened and we respondede balloon, no mention of the ten r the recent years and no certainn terms of address head-on the wae foreign policy national securita comprehensive way. it was very f the ceiling. let's listen in for a secon. >> talked about cuba. okay. i'm. >> >> president biden: , that was . >> thank you. >> awesome. >> swear to god, true story. wee turned and said, joe, i want yo. >> saying president obama fix de bring in brit hum, folks to stai counted it at 19 folks throughor thoughts on the state of the una few of them. >> i sure have. looking at this. two ways of looking at this speh itself, what it said, the progrg promise, the remedies for the be accomplishments are and all of s looking at this man, the 80 yeat ever, and whether he got througt seemed to me there was an awfuld slurring and words left out andn becomes this, does someone sitte future of our country, perhaps d the other mall ds, worrying abot this man delivering the speech,e him four more years, he is the o well, fully in command or have y well already harbor based on afi have considerable doubt as to we inspiring speech tonight. >> president talking there, retd kennedy. we talked about the sus wade as well. let's bring our p. >> i think the air ro of governe time talking about things that e bit of time on the debt ceilinge social security piece. he talket going to happen. again, we are d government, speaker mccarthy bee spent more time on the junk feee did the border and china combint the polls, they are not good fo. the white house walks around tht and he wants to finish the job e the campaign slogan as you said. >> larry. there was washington t showed it said would you be ents the next president. 7%. 7%. youw tonight and i think brit makes e made about the delivery of this. >> well, you know i think his le things is really a function i ke fastest inflation in two years t of living is up 14%. it has done wages, to the pay, to the incomg folks, okay. and i might add bes hurt them very badly. that's whn terms of groceries and gasoline so, that is his achilles hill, n economics. but that doesn't deah jay powell the chair tide more r thing i want to say is, i agreey say, this is an exhaustive liste spending and mandates, i've nev. it's like 25 pages worth. so, r tripling up what i would call bi don't think the country wants me never mentioned, never mentionea compromise with kevin mccarthy,r with respect -- he said we are t ceiling, no one is going to tous and that's all he said. he had t front which i think is going to. >> harold there were some effor, specific sentences where he touh republicans. perhaps his best dt section of the speech is when h' mother and family. obviously ths and talking about police reforme chamber seemed to go silent andl moment for his speech. >> it was one of those moments i agree with that point, i agree e things that's been raised. the e classy joe biden star, he salut, mccarthy, i thought that was cly pelosi and hakeem jeffries. andn congress we never had applause t going to touch social security a watershed moment for the leader, house and senate to say we are s hard to think how you seriously, two things he would negotiate, n and veto any effort to raise pr. disappointed in two regards. oni thought we would have a doctrinn opportunity there to do that. td crime. hopefully there is a wilh republicans and republicans are. overall, i give him a b plus to. >> dana, the things that harold, crime, china, those are huge iss presidency and it feels like wes that are, you know, would be nit address the deep concerns that e country have about the future ag with in a state of the union spg that was in the news, the chinan gets worse by the hour. the whie they shot it down over the wates biden look strong. maybe he is e allies and see what they it cann opportunity where you have perhr biggest speech of the year. in s 31% approval rating on the bordd want to do something more. the e made worse for the situation at. >> a lot of presidents make ther quickly. this president may note chamber quickly. let's listen i. >> masterful, legacy beyond bel. >> that's because of you. >> mr. president. you have a --e your hand. >> suffolk county, sir. >> of course. >> i lived in garden city. >> west of me, sir. welcome you. >> all good. >> i want to make this point. ti am going to run across america . >> i think so, too. i'm praying. >> we are going to get it done. >> exactly, my constituents and. >> what is your district. >> 8th district of colorado. no. >> mentioned sheila jackson leen the line getting a selfie rightu covered these things i think shn that position. >> every state of the union sin, she has gotten a position on tho get a shot, look what happened.e way in. president on the way iny out with a selfie to boot. i sul be worth the effort. >> what does this do politicalls going to hit the road tomorrow n going after republicans. remembe last three, four weeks that wer, they are crazy. there was a lot. what do you think politically t. >> i think he and his team now a republicans was the way to go ts stage that he would have seen st nothing. i mean, he made a gracn mccarthy and that was a pleasant the possibility of doing businek early bipartisan tones in his sl stick to that for awhile. the ot was severely partisan his attemg republicans are going to take a, medicare, at one point he even e of cutting them back, which appo propose but he would veto it ann intriguing moment. i didn't see, he add libbed that, it was kind. >> brit, i thought it was inter, jill biden who is a teacher, an, anybody who out educates us outs no reference from the account ag loss that is now more and more t what he wants to do to catch ups country, something that's clearo parents and instrumental in seve seen play out. >> yeah, he didn't deal with thr that, martha, was almost certaiy were very very hawkish on covidt downs, they liked dr. fauci. ane implicitly to criticize the loce that they seem to have done to d socialization. so, what you he2 years of school isn't enough. tn the speech mentioned jobs that e degree. so, that was a peculias talking about more preschool ine democratic president speech likm for more school and teachers ant would be the only thing i would. >> look it, there is always roo. we gotta tax the rich, they done just had numbers out, the top 1f all the taxes in this country. w he knows that, this is just lefe takes on the oil companies. yeah profits in part because he won'. his interior department won't gn tout electric vehicles but agair department won't let us mine fot for example, and the copper andn in minnesota in the iron range.y common sense, that's what drived an adding machine to total up ae spending, another $5 trillion it i think people really want to he inflation is taking their purche of the same. that's all it is. g to work. >> to dana's point the era of bl form. let's go to jackie live ae your thoughts at the speech, lie portrayed it. >> you know, bret i think it's e moment on social security and mt as we know is going to tampa ono really delve into gop plan thats for seniors that speech got und. he ended it with apparently it'm after the response from the crot want to take those programs ande that the president took steps io malign republicans' votes he ise second of this term. he acknowlo repeal the inflation reduction y position, said he didn't want tr areas his language was scriptede assault weapons ban. he said afe assault weapons ban expire, aftn administration, outlining areash republicans including on compre. saying if you won't pass that ld get a deal for dreamers. >> debbie dingell from michigan. >> standing by as well as we wae and then sarah huckabee sandersr rebuttal speech here. >> hey there, martha. it's inted governor sanders, now governor e she is a household name. but tha couple reasons why. first and ft governor in america and that ree just saw, an 80 year old presids delivering a speech and the gopt they have a new generation comih mcconnell called huckabee sandeg generation of gop leaders. she s response, martha, because she te spectrum of this party, we're tm moderates here in the house of e trump conservatives. and we knor president anytime soon. she alsl campaign largely going after ths covid response, his immigrationd on that. and since then, since s really been delivering the cons, critical race critical race then state devices, get rid of the se all bold moves and she is expec. martha. >> all right. thank you very mug down the gaffe he will ending ts when he sort of was looking at s and giving them the -- a littli. >> turn this car around if you e are going to be back with repubt moments, take a quick break, oue of the union address here on fo. burger and fries...soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. can't do that by yourself. (voya mnemonic.) voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great talent. but with upwork, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe right at your fingertips. it's where businesses meet great remote talent and remote talent meets great opportunity. ♪ ♪ this is how we work now ♪ >> welcome back, in moments we', arkansas, where governor sarah g the republican response to the . >> press secretary under presidh governor of arkansas the first f that state as she is the i don'e united states. and i -- that isr message tonight. it's time for r leadership in the country and ts about a lot. i know some of ther president coming up. >> back with panel, dana perinos secretary, do you have any aspi? >> i do not have the courage orr the skills. i am pretty much ind wonderful she is giving the spe, now the democrats also have a l, hakeem jeffries now the leader e house, chuck schumer in the sens the nation, a desire for a yount might not -- might not be what e two presidential candidates as f a biden/trump rematch. i was ths sitting there giving the speechs are going to love it, the mediar this speech. but do the democrak at those polls today, you have e president harris and a majorityo not want him to run again. >> harold, we talked about polls and they turn out how republicao with democrats out performing wm bode ended this president and w. >> we talked about his energy, k him 30 minutes to get out of th, i don't like when u.s. president people. we need a fair tax syst. big oil at a war in ukraine. ss them thing is not the thing to e medicaid expansion, work require need. >> 100%. you always like that, l cheap shots, all right we gotta. >> we are going to head to litts enjoying that common ground. sa. >> sarah huckabee sanders: i'm g a mom to three young children ty story i hear. so, forgive me ff anything i heard tonight from pf control inflation and violent cr crisis and threat from china. be failed you. they know it, and yr a change. tonight let us reaffie less american idea that governme people but to serve the people.s with more government control. b. america is the greatest countryn because we're the freest countr. with a people who are strong ani was diagnosed with thyroid cancr our family. particularly our ki. but we kept our faith and persel doctors here in arkansas, a suce grace of god i am cancer free. t help but think about my ma, sher first year of marriage. when shl cancer the doctors told hersheyd live they said she'd never walkk she definitely never would haver she was told she never had was w governor of arkansas and is spe. adversity and fear of the unknor paraphernalia -- paralyze us bue boldly ahead: we can't standstf challenges. you and i were put e as this to charge boldly ahead.t president biden and i don't havr freedom, he's for government cot governor in the country and at t in american history. i'm the fi. and he's the first man to surree mob that can't even tell you whl left's america, washington taxed earned money on fire. empty gron are taught to hate one another t not to love one another or our e biden believes this madness or , his administration has been come radical left. the dividing liner between right or left, the choir crazy. it's time for a new genen leadership. upon taking office i signed executive orders to ban d indoctrination in our schools, f derogatory term of latinx in oud orders and say never again to ad shut downs. americans want comms but in washington, the biden adn on crazy. president biden inherc recovery on record. the most sep abundant, home grown energy, fat military, and a world that was . over the last two years, democre democrats' trillions in recklesf debt, we now have the worse born history. as a mom, our heartbres lost a son or daughter to addica year are now killed from drug om fentanyl pouring across our soun administration refuses to secure american lives. and after yearsw enforcement and calls to defundt criminals roam free while law a. beyond our border from afghanism north korea to iran, president r nation and the world at risk. ao stand up to china, our most fors dangerous and unacceptable. preo defend our border, defend our s. he is simply unfit to serve as e you reap the consequences of thn administration seems more intern the hard reality americans faces simply want to live their livese are under attack in a left wingt and never wanted to fight. evert partake in their rituals, salutp their false idols all while bigg tech to strip away the most amer freedom of speech. that's not ns wrong. make no mistake, republis fight. we will lead with couragt what's politically correct or cs believe in an america where stre communities. where jobs are abue rising. we're the freedom our ve birth right of every man, womane principles republican governorsn washington under the leadershipd speaker kevin mccarthy, we willn administration accountable. dowt is my alma mater, little rock ct there, i will never forget watce huckabee, and president bill clo the little rock nine. doors than closed to them because they wern once barred from the school houd in bronze at our statehouse. i'r country has made and i believe o a quality education regardless s the civil rights issue of our dn education package that will be d conservative education reform in empowers parents with real choid career readiness and helps put y classroom by increasing their sf the lowest to one of the highesn arkansas and across america, red the policy of trapping kids in d sentencing them to a lifetime oe not in in doctrine ate our kidsh to success. it's time for a news our moment. this is our opportun in the waning decades of the lay economic booms and stock marketh of the cold war and the tragedyn brimming with passion and new id problems. a generation more to t traditions. yet uni can't afrait order and find a better way fort together, america can once agaid the home of the brave. during me house, i traveled on every fore. a trip i will never forget was y husband brian and i cleaned up s shoved into every corner of oure kids. when i had to walk out on, unable to tell them where i wase the place i would be traveling t want anybody to know that the pn the ground even for a few hourse incomplete and total darkness, e plane, no lights on the runway.s shut down and turned in. we were grid. nearly 12 hours later in e landed in the war-torn part of a similar scene. the lights on tho lights on the runway. the only s coming from about a mile away ie hundreds of troops who were in d gathered expecting to celebrater military leadership from aroundd absolutely no idea that the pree about to walk into that room. aa sight and a scene and a sound ie room erupted, men and women frod region, every political party, n imagine started chanting in perd over again usa, usauusa. it wast picture of what makes our countg soldiers yelled from the back, n the pi because of you. and the m here because of you. shortly afe up to me, he said, sarah, you hm what i do is nothing, you take a tough job. and in a moment thatr the rest of my life, that soldid the brave rifle's patch he woree placed too it into my hand, a sd he said,, sarah, we are in thisd emotion and speechless, i just y eyes and a grateful heart for o. that young man and everyone whol of those who serve alongside hiw who will be called upon to servw they have a country and a commut in the fight for freedom. america is great because we arem is under attack and the america

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Elect , Start , Washington , Classy Joe Biden Star , Couple , Election Campaign , Dealmaking , Roots , 2024 , Vice President , Left , Cabinet Members , Steps , Secretary Pentz , Weekend , Both , Men , Spy Balloon , Larry Kudlow , Eight , 50 , Party , Luck , Somethin , Balloon , Prince , Penta Book On Budget , Power , Biden Fall , Working Middle Class , Limit , Dea , Issue , Deal , Evening , Patch , Elegance , Symmetry , World , Country , Hands , Democrats , Each Other , Saw , February 3 , 3 , 7 , People , Message , Dana , Floor , Action O , It , Coverage , Estate , Top , Transportation Secretary Shakin , Romney , Look , Clooer , U S Capitol , Clear In Washington , Beautiful Night , Wae Foreign Policy National Securita Comprehensive Way , Martha , Lawmakers , Aisle , Bret Baier , Call , Arms , Sides , Sergeant , Martha Maccallum , Ayesha Hasnie , Gentleman , Agenda , Jacqui Heinrich , Memos , Officials , Tax Cuts , Cut Medicare , Deficit , Proposals , Announcement , Bans , Abortion , Progress , Let S Go , Campaign Speech , Against All Odds , Capitol Hill , Pick , Reasons , Governors , Generation , Representation , Spectrum , Conservatives , Conference , Administration , Pandemic , Words , Difference , Immigration Policy , Variety , Ideology , Lot , President Of The United States , Way , House Sergeant Of Arms William Mcfarland , House Floor Waiting , Position , House Members , Senators , Shaking , Angle , Shula Jackson Lee , Cheering , Mr , Applause , Move , Tf Americans , Man , Possibility , Party Members , Reelection Announcement , Stage , Experiences , Things , Poll , 62 , Times , Stories , Order , Shopping List , President Reagan , 1982 , Speeches , Police Reforme Chamber , Reelection Bid , Points , Drama , Kind , Galleries , Example , Home , Attack , Hand , Paul Pelosi , Guy , Politics , Everybody , Wife , Anything , Stumble , Form , Shakes Hands Of Supreme Court Justices And , No Doubt , Plan , Investing , Terminology , Excerpts , Men And Women , Jobs , Manufacturing Jobs , Voters , Manufacturing , Honor , Problem , Harold , Union Worker , Ohio , Visitor Box , House , Speaker , Challenge , Environment , Minority , Glimpse , Gephart , Group , Priorities , Ideas , Round , Stuff , Podium , Two , Spending , Joe Biden , House Speaker , Madam Vice President , Members , Restore Congress , The Way , Chief Justice , Court Order , Game , Something , Ms , Military , Court , Justices , Associate Justice , Congratulating 118th Congress , 118 , Leader , History , Hakeem Jeffries , First African American , Congratulations , Serving Leader , United States Senator , Mitch Mcconnell , Term , Majority , Minority Leader , Majority Leader , Senate , Chuck Schumer , Someone , Recognition , Story , Crisis , Resilience , Nations , Forward , Economy , Room , Help , 12 Million , Four , Businesses , Lives , Schools , Covid , Democracy , Threat , Civil War , World Leaders , Chapter , Great American Story , Everything , Word , Capacity , Possibilitieses , Cynics , Nay Sayers Wrong , Law , Generation Infrastructure Law , Safer , Victims , Burn Pits , Reform Acts , Respect For Marriage Act , Pieces , Legislation , 30 , Friends , Person , Consensus , Folks , Many , Backbone , Sake , Conflict , Vision , Nowhere , 93ing , 93 , Pride , Factories , Shadows , Sense , Cities , Towns , Everyone , Feel , Bottom Up , Ladder Up , Wealthy , Poor , Dad , Dignity , Paycheck , Respect , Kid , Say , Unemployment Rate , Stretch , Results , Imagination , Eye , Honey Issue , Workers , Record Unemployment , Low , Hispanic , Growth , 800000 , 40 , Products , War , Supply Chain , Unleashed T Ukraine , Home Inflation , Supplies , Energy Supply , Food , Earth , Grain , Food Inflation , Issue Gas Prices , Enough , Peak , 50 , 1 50 , Six , 10 Million , Small Business , Effort , Laws , Access , Possibilities , Story Of American Genius , Computer , Semiconductors , Finger Print , Being , Cell Phones , Size , More , Chips , Automobiles , Number , Straight , Chip Factories , American Automobiles Couldn T , We Saw , 3000 , 10 , Car Prices , Cell Phone , Cars , Refrigerators , Science Act , View , Wall , Companies , Well , Thousands , Hundreds , Middle , Coast , Intel Building Semiconductor , Field Of Dreams , Outside Columbus , 1000 , 00 Billion , 300 Billion , 30000 , 130000 , 10000 , College Degree , Opportunity , Homes , Jobs People Don T , Communities , Mayors , Thissen Moos , Infrastructure , Know , Heartland , Number One , 13 , Infrastructure Law , Largest , Interstate System , President Eisenhower , Projectses , Airports , Rebuilding Highways , Portland , Boston , 20000 , Bridge , Water , Internet , Sports , Urban , Rural , Projects , Groundbreaking , Ohio River , Kentucky , 60 , 2 Billion , 2 Billion Dollars , States , Republicans , Commitment , Project , 1 6 Billion , Woman , I Don T Know , The Box , Member , Cowboys , Sky , Iran , 44 , Built Cincinnati Skyline , Crf God , Pipes , Lead , Back Pride , America 400000 School , Child Care Centers , 400000 , Child , Damage , Brain , We Re Making S Sure , Community , Parent , Homework , Buy American , Excuses , Mcdonalds , Buy America , International Trade Rules , Construction Materials , Made In America , 1933 , Lumber , Drywall , Glass , Fiber Optic Cable , Highways , Places , Bridges , Watch American Roads , Listening , Children , Don T You , Back , Choices , Blue Collar , Cancer , Ceiling , Name , Spouse , Bed , Money , Bills , Inflation Reduction , Mortgage , Prescription Drugs , Security , Interest , Healthcare Cost , Audience , Diabetes , Do , 1 , Insulin , Millions , 100 , Dollars , Patent , Package , Vial , Didn T , Charging Hundreds , Big Pharma , Five Hundred , Five Hundred Dollars , 0 , Profits , Fruition , Cost , The Law Didn T , Effect , People Didn T Know , 35 , January 1 , 5 , Seniors , Calls , Type 1 Diabetes , 200000 , Fo Folks , Drug , Won T Go Into Effect , 000 , 2025 , 2000 , Family , Drugs , Costs , Matter , 11 , 15000 Dollars , 14 , 15000 , Drug Prices , Cancer Drugs , Drug Costs , Billions , Senior , Guess What , Savings , Wouldn T , 15 , 500 , 400 , 500 Bucks , Party Position , Inflation Reduction Act , Republis Fight , Lots , Football Coach , Health Insurance , 16 Million , Thanks , Affordable Care Act , Premiums , Benefit , Plea , Savings Permanent , Investment , Climate Change , Record , Storms , Utility Bills , Floods , American Jobs , Droughts , Wildfires , Emergency Recovery , Addition , Canadian Border , We Don T Have Global Warming , Arizona , Missouri , Puerto Rico , Road , Energy , Grid , Flood , Water System , Forest Fire , Families , Charging Stations , Vehicle , Iv W , 500000 , Appliances , Conservation Efforts , Vehicles , Tax Credit , Stewards , Blue State , Reality , Land , Red , Climate Crisis Doesn T Care , Soil , Gas , America At Last , Corporations , Share , Investments , Capitalist , Tax System , Fortune 500 , Taxes , 40 Billion , 55 , 2020 , 0 Billion , Zero , Dollar Companies , Minimum , Nurse , Nobody , Crystal Clear , 00000 , Work , Penny , Wealth , Tax , Billionaire , Billionaires , Firefighter , School Teacher , Tax Rate , 600 , 200 Billion , Production , Oil Wells , Energy Crisis , Proveits , Laughter , Refinery , Thing , Profit , Ceos , Shareholders , Stock , Price , Lease Finish , Tax Cheats , Loophole , 1 7 Trillion Dollars , 1 7 Trillion , Deficits , Deficit Reduction , Row , American History , Debt , Predecessor , 200 , 25 , Debt Ceiling , Facts , Three , Faith , Disaster , Credit , My , Suit , Plans , Pay , Economy Hostage , Anybody , Office , Social Security Sunset , Conversion , Congress Doesn T Vote , Copy , Programs , Individuals , Doesn T , Books , Social Security , Lifeline , Unimity , Stand Up , Benefits , Anyone , Bit , Show , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Medicare Trust Fund , Advantage , Corporation Pay , Consumer , Tax Code , Bill , 1 Million , Nursing Homes , Fraud , Patient Safety , Protecting Seniors Life , Capitalism , Prescription , Counter , Competition , Extortion , Hearing Aid , Shipping Cost , Shipping Companies , Prices , Exploitation , Helping American Farmers , 90 , Enforcement , Platforms , Consumers , Junk , Agreements , Ak , Cashier , Knot , 30 Million , Jd , Town , Worth , Banningr , Lek , Pass Ts , Parents , Right , Lie , Ris Guarantee , Medical Leave , Fulle , Affos , Productivity , Tens , Bd Poverty Half , Breathing Room , Ones T , Theyt , Plants , Disabils , Ticket , Dignity Of N , 12 , Express , Nat , Cao , Education , Haved , 21 , Jobo Preschool , Workforce , Lil , Oldn , 4 , Degree , Sce Making Progress , 2 , Stl Grants For Working , Middle Ch , Access Y College , High School , Students , Pathway , Career Trainio , Career , Midst , Covide Closed , Virus , Ine , Dos , Thc , Publit , Covid Grip , Toll , Pain , Li , Public Health Emer , A Million , Reo Sit , Dining Room Table , Wel , Remembering Them , Families Grieving , Children Orpe , Treatments , Dozens , Varias , Downo , America Safe , Needd , Relief Money , I Cam , Campaign , Big Isr Generals , Taxp , Yeare , Statue , Taxpayer , Of Limn Identity Fraud , Tx Force , Peoplt , Dollar , All Of Us , S Violated , Pann , Trust , Scars , Sn 2020 , Tonight Are T Welcome , Last , Tyre , Son , Daughter , Descf , Cae Street , Playing In The Park , H Beau , Police Officer , My Childrm , Ashton , Hunter , Mother , Steering , Wheey , Ni , Ck Out , Ofh Courage , Take , Ear , Who , It L , Neighborhow , O , Lawst , Cop , Ao , Psychologists , Health Crisis , Respondl , Cases , Decentt Majority , Bel , We Hw Enforcement The Real Training Tr Standards , Bn Memphis , Shield On , Health , Responders , Profee , Abus , Substance , Housing , Violence , P Police Departments , Community Intervention N , Tp , E , Suppf , Executive Order , Victims Civil Ri , Ag Chokeholds , No Knocs , Os , George Floyd Act , Tie Ray , Som This , Mom True , Weo , Hearts , Plear , Thank , Crew Uvalde , Sweeping Gun S , Ands Out , Gun Owners , Ys College Dreams On Hold , Others , Wors , 26 , Dance Studio Ss , Pistol , Pointing Semiautomatic , Lue Heard The Studio Door Close , Hee , Courae , Semiautomatic Pistol , Abd , Same , Band Assau , Fin , Masr , Ten , Assault Weapons , Shootings , Let , Bipartisw , Let S Alson Immigration , Fentanyl , Record Number , Border Arresting 8000 Humang , 8000 , 23000 , Consequence , Border Plan Lastn Cuba , Haiti , Nicaragua , Venea , Equipment , Officers , We Immigration Reform , Pae , Dreamers , Th , Essential Workers E , Citizenship , Duty , Farmworkers , Freedoms , Roe V Wade , Rightv Wade , Doing Everything To Protect Acc , Congresi , Facinge , Bipartisan Equality Act Ensure Y Trans Young People , Strength , Let Ss Watching , Invasion , Assault , Tt , Vladimir Putin , Er Ii , Test , Principles , Will E Stand , Aggressors A One , Defense , Season , Deme , Whar Best , Answ , Ambassador , Addresn , Nato , Support , Ce , Ambase , Thad , Oe Freedom , Everywhere , People S Republic Of China D America , Conversay , Apologies , President Xi , Dominatr , E Technologies , Alliances , Aggression , B Modernizing , Safd , Anywhere , China O , Andd , Cans , Ma , Tee , Sovereignty , Wr , Let Se , Ofs , Buts , Worlds , Democracies , Strongee Creases Have , Me One , Xi Jinping , Ns , Allies , Food Insecuritl Aggression , Reformed Betweed , Against America , Betting G , The Atlantic , Wt , Bipartisanship Assur , Cance , Arpah Drive , Opioid Addictiony Law Making Historic Investmentse , Facr , Exposure Tod Here Last Year , Veteran , Son Pits , Courageou , Laugh , Bestt Friend , New Hampshire , Sister , Newton , Courh School , Addictiona Fentanyl , Overdose , De Pain , Pad , Journey Toward American , Stigma , 7g , Launch P Fentanyl Production , Sale , Tg Detection Machines , Stop Pills , Courage , Mental , Fedexr Drugs , Younh Bullying , Accountability , Grel Healthcare At , Trauma , Big Tech From Collecting Pd Teenagers , Us P , Job Training , Care , Thn , Sacred Obligd Into Harm S Way , Rene Homeless In America , Spouses , R Helping Veterans , Dennis Mc Gun , Va , Veterans , Vew , Si7 , 17 , Exph Screening , Recr , Warsg , Moono Start , Morl , Obama , Cancers , Death Rates , Death , Morrison , Patients , Tl , Immigrt , Little Daughtet , Kindra , Chat , New York City , Transfusions , Rounds , Radi1 Kidney , Kidney Dised , Given A , He Read Jir Family S Cancer Journey , Beauf Joy , Hos , Smile , Theirg , Odds , Up Hopp Hope , Ths , We Vey American Moment , Td , Leadership , Champions , Bee , Hivaids , Bipartl , Busd , Oue , Nothing Ir Democracy , Unhingd Unleashed Political Violence , House Of Represents , Insurrectionists , Sl Pelosi , Sn January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Sucr Have , Paul Stand Up , Spear , Resultt Subvert , Any , People E , Will , Extremism , Institutiot , Hate , Huckabee Sandeg Generation , Amery , Ourd , Generations , Inflection Point , Forces , Bystanders , We The People , Hopeful , Natr Dark , Enemies , Ae , Stabilitye , Hope Over Fair , Ethnicity , Y Constitutional Obligation , Strong , Report , Natif , Ren , The Union , Place , D , Wd States Of America , Optimistice , Second , Troops , F America , Bn , Tl Security , Debt Ceiling D , Cf , Reduction Ability , Line , Parties , Program , H Medicare Or Social Security , Lonh , Pr 2024 , Lines , Thes , Weaving , Threats , Refa , Nothing , Amount , 5 Trillion , News , Medic , Path , On And , Aea , There E , Grants , Endie , Immigration , Offic , Open Bordet , Out Laym , Ovs Afternoon On , Border Official , Basically Sy , Mention , Terms , Secon , Cuba , I Want Yo , True Story , Wee , Fix De , Stai , Brit Hum , Few , Ways , Speh Itself , 19 , Accomplishments , Remedies , Progrg , Promise , Yeat , 80 , Copper Andn , Awfuld Slurring , Througt , O Well , Command , Mall Ds , Retd Kennedy , Doubt , Afi , Air Ro , Sus Wade , Debt Ceilinge Social Security , Polls , Fo , China Combint , Junk Feee , Campaign Slogan , Larry , Brit , Delivery , Le , Youw , Years T Of Living , Function , Whn Terms , Wages , Bes , Groceries , Gasoline , Incomg , Jay Powell , Achilles Hill , N Economics , Doesn T Deah , Liste , Mandates , Nev , R , Bi Don T , Mentionea , Pages Worth , Compromise , T Ceiling , Tous , Effor , Front , Sentences , Dt Section , Silent Andl Moment , H , Point , Applause T , Cly Pelosi , He Salut , Watershed , Regards , Oni , Td Crime , Doctrinn , Wilh , Him Ab Plus , Presidency , Wes , Dana Perinos Secretary , Iss , Chinan , Concerns , Spg , The Future Ag , Wates Biden , Whie , Perhr , Bordd , Approval Rating , Situation , 31 , Presidents , Legacy Beyond Bel , Masterful , Sir , Suffolk County , Good , Garden City , Constituents , District , 8th District Of Colorado , 8 , Selfie Rightu , Sheila Jackson Leen , Shot , Happened E Way , Sin , Selfie To Boot , Wer , Remembe , Way To Go Ts Stage , Team , Gracn Mccarthy , Tones , Sl Stick , Awhile , Attemg , Appo , Cutting , Jill Biden , Teacher , Inter , He Add Libbed , Loss , Ups , Reference , Account Ag , Instrumental , Thr , Play Out , Covidt Downs , Certaiy , D Socialization , Loce , Dr , Fauci , Ane , Preschool Ine Democratic , E Degree , Peculias , He2 Years Of School Isn T Enough , School , Teachers , Ant , Speech Likm , Numbers , Oil Companies , Yeah Profits , Interior Department Won T Gn Tout Electric Vehicles , Agair Department Won T , Iron Range Y , Mine Fot , Minnesota , Ae Spending , Adding Machine , Common Sense , Purche , Bl Form , Let S Go To Jackie Live Ae , Moment On Social Security , Bret , Plan Thats , Got Und , Votes , Io Malign Republicans , He Ise , Crot , Inflation Reduction Y Position , Language , Assault Weapons Ban , Tr Areas , Scriptede , Afe , Ld , Areash Republicans , Compre , Aftn , Standing , Sarah Huckabee Sandersr , Debbie Dingell , Michigan , Rebuttal Speech , Household Name , Inted , Tha , Old Presids , Gopt , Comih Mcconnell , Ree , Leaders , She S Response , She Te Spectrum , She Alsl , In The House Of E Trump , Covid Response , Cons , Immigrationd , State Devices , Moves , Expec , Critical Race , Littli , Gaffe , Car , Repubt , Break , Salad , Soup , Burger , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Decisions , Voya , Talent , Circulatory System , Bicycle , Well Invested , Arm , Voya Mnemonic , Fingertips , Globe , Upwork , Sarah G , Presidh , Press Secretary , F , Isr , Ts , Coming Up , Ther , Aspi , Courage Orr The Skills , Leader E House , Sens , Al , Fa Biden , Desire , Candidates , Yount , Speechs , Democrak , Mediar , Trump Rematch , Harris , Majorityo , Him , W , Democrats Out Performing Wm , Tax Syst , Big Oil , E Medicaid Expansion , Mom , Ground , Young Children Ty Story , Shots , Gotta , Sa , Cr Crisis , Pf Control Inflation , Reaffie Less American , Change , Countryn , People , B America , Government Control , Thyroid Cancr , Freest Countr , Ani , Doctors , Ki , God , T Help , Grace , Marriage , Shl , Hersheyd , Of Arkansas , Fear , Adversity , Unknor , Put E , We Can T Standstf Challenges , Ahead T , Paraphernalia , Bue , T In American History , I Don T Havr Freedom , Cot , Mob , Fi , Surree , Whl , On Fire , Empty Gron , Another , Madness , The Biden Adn On Crazy , It S Time , Choir , Genen , Executive Orders , Ban D Indoctrination , Oud Orders , Latinx , Biden Inherc Recovery On Record , Shut Downs , Fat , Sep Abundant , Democre Democrats , Trillions , Heartbres , Yearsw , Om Fentanyl , Criminals , Afghanism North Korea , Defundt , Ao Stand Up To , Risk , Fors , Preo , Reality Americans , Intern , Consequences , Livese , Evert , Wingt , Rituals , Idols , Bigg Tech , Salutp , Amer , Freedom Of Speech , Couragt , Stre Communities , Cs , Freedom , Ve , Birth , Womane Principles , Abue Rising , Administration Accountable , Leadershipd , Governorsn Washington , Dowt , Alma Mater , Little Rock Ct There , Watce Huckabee , Doors , Bill Clo The Little Rock Nine , School Houd , Nine , Statehouse , I R Country , Bronze , Rights , Conservative , Classroom , Education Reform , Put Y , Sf , Real Choid Career Readiness , Lowest , Red The Policy Of Trapping Kids In D , Highesn Arkansas , Doctrine , Sentencing , Oe , Success , Kidsh , Opportun , Booms , Stock Marketh , Id Problems , Passion , Cold War , Tragedyn , Me House , Traditions , Home Of The Brave , Uni , Can T Afrait , Trip , Fore , Corner , Husband , Oure Kids , Hourse Incomplete , Pn , Lights , Runway S , Scene , Runway , Away , Celebrater Military Leadership , Pree , Aroundd , Aa Sight , Men And Women Frod , Sound Ie Room Erupted , Political Party , Region , Perd Over Again , Imagine , Soldiers , It Wast Picture , Usauusa , Countg , Pi , You Hm , Moment Thatr The Rest Of My Life , That Soldid The Brave Rifle S Patch He Woree , Sd , Thisd , He Said , Eyes , Whol , Emotion , Grateful Heart For O , Hiw , Commut , Arem , The Fight For Freedom ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The State Of The Union 20240706 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The State of the Union 20240706

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of his legislative conferences. tonight it will be republican speaker kevin mccarthy, not nancy pelosi standing behind him . >> that's always a tough job it would look at the facial expressions. the address will be followed by the republican response from arkansas governor sarah huckabee 's anders page she's the youngest governor in the us and the former white house press secretary under president trump. the ucd first lady arriving in the first lady's box. >> you see that area is filled with some of their guests for w look at to some of the descriptions about why they are they are paid we will bring in our panel. and coho stop the five, former tennessee congressman and -- and foxbusiness host feed dana, these are always big nights. we just found out that marty walsh, who we expect will no longer be in his job after some time to announce that today or part of that today, he is the designated survivor. >> it was a little unusual this morning to see that the secretary of labor was going to leave on the state of the union day. >> the president's cabinet as walking in. your thoughts on this night and set up to this speech. >> you mentioned that bibby hav to underscore the fact that thi is the first real kick off of the biting government fighting government in washington. the house republicans have shaken off their shaky start of getting this speaker elect. now that they have one, they ar acting so far as up pretty cohesive unit. that is different tonight. the legislative proposal that president biden will move forward will be stalled by the house republicans. we will see how he kicks off this 2024 election campaign. does he go back to his dealmaking roots like the last couple of years or does he try to play to the left and be voca and said they fought step steps either not interested in this vice president either. >> very true. >> cabinet members are coming in . secretary pentz and it's been a busy weekend, larry kudlow come up for both of those men, as we dealt with this chinese spy balloon, which is not now flyin overhead. >> for eight or 50 blade dollars , the penta book on budget can finally score a chinese balloon and do somethin about it. the intelligence party went to -- luck, my prince will interest i this speech tonight is to see i president biden fall make a dea with kevin mccarthy to cut spending and write that that limit so we can stop the inflation, which is rotting the power of the entire working middle class but that is my biggest issue tonight. >> the symmetry and elegance an patch into the evening, i marve at as well. we need a deal. i think that dana touched on that. last time the country saw the house floor was february 3-7 an read this and for the world to see this, we see democrats and republicans alike shaking hands and embracing each other particularly with dana -- >> people see if that is a unifying message tonight and ho it breaks down. we are going to take a moment here and listen to the action o the floor as we pause for the top of the hour. president biden is just minutes away and there you see the transportation secretary shakin hands with it romney. our special coverage up the state of union address continue in just seconds. >> a live look at the u.s. capitol, beautiful night here, clear in washington, see if the message is clooer from president biden, just moments away from president biden and tonight's state of the union address. i'm bret baier. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. president biden will be announced with familiar call of the sergeant at arms, make his way down the aisle greeted by lawmakers on both sides. >> bret: look live at the second gentleman and the first lady and the president will layout his agenda to lawmakers and the american people. ayesha hasnie is standing by. >> we begin with jacqui heinrich. good evening. >> good evening, president biden won't directly assail republicans tonight, officials sent out memos hitting from trump tax cuts, adding to deficit, proposals for national abortion bans and to cut medicare. the speech is widely viewed as anchor to 2024 announcement, but not supposed to look like a campaign speech. progress made against all odds that needs to be protected and continued. >> let's go to ayesha hasnie on capitol hill, she will preview the republican response and what is happening there. >> the republican response tonight comes from of course the new governor of arkansas, sarah huckabee sanders. this is an interesting pick for a couple of different reasons, first and foremost, she represents the future of the gop, she is the youngest governor in america right now and part of what some are calling the rising generation of republican governors. she's a really good representation of the entire spectrum of the gop from moderate republicans to conservatives and that is really important for house speaker kevin mccarthy when you look at the conference he with a wide variety of republicans. she ran going after the biden administration pandemic response, immigration policy. she is not going to mince words tonight, she will show difference in gop ideology and the left. >> thank you. >> bret: live at the house floor waiting to hear from the house sergeant of arms william mcfarland, introducing the president of the united states and president biden will make his way down that aisle to a lot of lawmakers, senators and house members who often angle for that position to have the shaking of the hands. there are a few known to be there every single state of the union address and there is one of them right there, shula jackson lee, she is always there. let's listen in. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [cheering] >> martha: we'll watch the president move down the aisle, good evening to you, bret. >> despite the applause you hear, he is looking at the possibility of reelection announcement soon and trying to set the stage for that. basically asking americans tonight whom do you believe, me or your lived experiences, as democrats like to say. this is a man whose own party members, 62% in the latest poll, do not want him to run again. so he's got to say things are better than you think, folks, i'm better than you think, folks. i'm ready to go, you should be ready to go with me. that's a tall order, see how he does. >> a lot of times these things are shopping list. over the years back to president reagan in 1982, they have woven in stories of people in the chamber to try to get drama, try to hit some points. the president is not known for rhetorical kind of emotional speeches, what do you think about this moment as he gets ready to announce a reelection bid? >> biden i knew was known for rhetorical moments issue bret, it has been less and less common to see and hear from him and we'll see if he's going to do it tonight. these people in the galleries, understand, for example, paul pelosi, badly injured in that attack in his own home, may be on hand and will be recognized and that will be an emotional moment and i expect the cheering will be wild. everybody knows paul pelosi, whatever they think of his wife's politics, like the guy, see if the president can associate himself in a way with him that is appealing to people. see how he does it. interested to see the president and how he does tonight, he's stumbled at time and speech constructed to help him with anything that might cause him to stutter or stumble. and see if he can do it, i expect he'll be innad goes form as he can be. >> shakes hands of supreme court justices and supreme court will likely come up in this speech, as well. >> yeah, no doubt. >> bret, we'll bring the panel back in. dana, in the excerpts sent out, he says my plan is about investing in people that have been forgotten, interesting he's using this terminology so associated with president trump, the forgotten men and women, as he tries to get back those voters that were traditionally democratic voters. >> dana: you'll hear from him about manufacturing jobs and your honor are of manufacturing jobs to the united states and you will see in the first lady's visitor box, a union worker from ohio, they are definitely realizing they have a problem and they are trying to fix it, not sure this will cut it. >> bret: harold, we just saw glimpse of nancy pelosi, now congresswoman nancy pelosi, not sitting behind the president for one of the speeches. it is a challenge to be in the minority in the house and it is a different environment now with kevin mccarthy as speaker, different priorities. >> for democrats, first time not had a pelosi or gephart. i think for tonight, that group will be challenged to come up with ideas also. the president will lay his out and be challenged with good stuff. >> mr. president at the podium receiving last round of applause, he typically speaks for about an hour, we expect he will do that this evening. there is interesting moment, kevin mccarthy waited a long time for that moment and the speech was just handed over to him as president biden gets ready to speak. the two of them met to discuss the possibility of reigning in spending, see if we hear about that tonight. >> house speaker says he will not rip up speeches and will not do anything, he will honor president biden. >> president of the united states. >> here is president joe biden in his second state of the union address. [cheering] >> mr. speaker. >> thank you, it's okay. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. please. >> president biden: mr. speaker, madam vice president, our first lady and second gentleman, good to see you guys up there. members of congress. [cheering] >> president biden: by the way, chief justice, i may need a court order, she gets to go to the game next week, i have to stay home. got to work something out here. members of the cabinet, members of the military, associate justice and retired justices of the supreme court and to you my fellowern ms, start tonight by congratulating 118th congress and newest speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. [cheering] >> president biden: speaker, i look forward to working with you. i want to congratulate the new leader of the house, democrats, first african american minority leader in history, hakeem jeffries. [cheering] >> president biden: i campaigned for him. congratulations, longest serving leader in the history of the united states senator mitch mcconnell. where are you? and congratulations to chuck schumer, another term as senate minority leader. i think this time you have slightly bigger majority, mr. leader, you are majority leader, that much bigger? yeah. i tell you what, i want to give special recognition to someone who i think is going to be considered the greatest speaker in the history of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi. [cheering] >> president biden: folks, the story of america is a story of progress and resilience. of always moving forward, of never ever giving up. a story unique among all nations, we're the only country that emerged from every crisis we've entered stronger than we got into it. look, folks, that is what we're doing again. two years ago, the economy was reeling, i stand here tonight, after we created with help of many people in this room, 12 million new jobs, more jobs in two years than any president created in four years, because of you all, because of the american people. [cheering] >> president biden: two years a ago -- two years ago, covid had shut down our businesses were closed, schools were robbed of so much and today covid no longer controls our lives. two years ago, democracy faced greatest threat since civil war and today the bruised, our democracy remains unbowed and unbroken. [cheering] >> president biden: as we gather here tonight, we're writing the next chapter in the great american story, story of progress and resilience. world leaders ask me to define america, i can define it in one word and i mean this, possibilitieses. we don't think anything is beyond our capacity, everything is a possibility. we're often told democrats and republicans can't work together, over the past two years, we've proved cynics and nay sayers wrong. we disagreed plenty and there are times democrats went alone, but time and again, democrats and republicans came together, came together to defend a stronger and safer, came together to pass once in generation infrastructure law building bridges connecting our nation and our people. came together to pass the law helping victims exposed to toxic burn pits. and in fact -- [cheering] >> president biden: it is important. in fact, i signed over 30bipartisan pieces of legislation from the acts, reform acts, the respect for marriage act that protectses the right to marry the person you love and republican friends, we can work together and find consensus in this congress, as well. [cheering] >> president biden: folks -- you are all informed as i can, people send a clear message issue fighting for the sake of fighting, power for sake of power, conflict for power of conflict get us nowhere, that is my vision and i know many of yours to restore the 93ing and rebuild the backbone of america, america's middle class and unite the country. we've been sent here to finish the job, for decades the middle class has been hallowed out, not one administration for a long time. too many manufacturing jobs moved overseas, factories closed down. once thriving cities and towns became shadows of what they used to be. along the way, something else we lost, pride, our sense of self-worth. i ran for president to change things, make sure our economy works for everyone so we can all feel that pride in what we do. to build an economy for the bottom up and middle out, not from the top down because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do very well, we all do well. [cheering] >> president biden: i know a lot of you kid me for quoting my dad, my dad used to say a job is about more than a paycheck, he really would say this, about more than a paycheck, it is about your dignity, about respect, about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey issue it's going to be okay, and mean it. folks, look at the results, we're not finish said yet by any stretch of the imagination, unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. [cheering] >> president biden: near record unemployment. near record unemployment for black and hispanic workers. we've created 800,000 good manufacturing jobs, fastest growth in 40 years. [cheering] >> president biden: and where is it written, where is it written that america can't lead the world in manufacturing? i don't know where that is written? for too many decades we imported and exported jobs and we're importing american products and creating american jobs. folks -- inflation has been a global problem because pandemic disrupted our supply chain and putin unfair and brutal war in ukraine disrupted energy supply and food supplies, blocking all that grain in ukraine. we're in better position than any country on earth right now, we have more to do. at home inflation is coming down issue gas prices are down $1.50 from peak, food inflation is coming down issue not fast enough, coming down. inflation falling for the last six months, take-home pay has gone up. over the last two years record 10 million americans applied to start new businesses, 10 million. by the way, every time someone starts small business, it is an act of home and madam vice president, i want to thank you for leading that effort to ensure small business have access to capital and historic laws we enacted that will come into being. standing here last year, i shared with you story of american genius and possibilities, semiconductors, small computer chips the size of a finger print that power cell phones to automobiles and so much more, the chips were invented in america, let's get that straight, they were invented in eshg america. we used to 40% of the number, now we are down to 10%. we saw what happened when chip factories shut down overseas, today's automobiles need 3000 chips for automobiles, american automobiles couldn't make enough cars, there were not enough chips. car prices went up, people got laid off, everything from refrigerators to cell phone, we can never let that happen again. that is why we came together to pass the bipartisan chips and science act. [cheering] >> president biden: folks, i know i've been criticized for saying this, i will not change my view. we will make sure the supply chain for america begins in america. the supply chain begins in america. we already created. [cheering] >> president biden: we've already created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs before the law kicks in. with this new law, we'll create hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country, all across the country, through the coast and middle of the country, as well, from companies that announced $300 billion in manufacturing. outside columbus, ohio, intel building semiconductor factories on 1000 acres, a field of dreams, going to create 10,000 jobs, that one investment. 3000 jobs in factories, once they finished. jobs pay average of $130,000 per year and many do not require a college degree. [cheering] >> president biden: jobs -- because we work together, jobs people don't have to leave home to search for opportunity. it is just getting started. think about new homes and small businesses, the medium-size businesses, so much more going to be needed to support those 3000 permanent jobs and factories that are going to be built. talk to mayors and governors, democrats and republicans, they'll tell you what thissen moos for communities. seeing field of dreams transferred to the heartland, we need the best infrastructure in the world. [cheering] >> president biden: and folks, as you all know, we used to be number one in the world in infrastructure, we've sunk to 13th in the world. the united states of america, 13th in the world of infrastructure, modern infrastructure. now we're coming back because we came together and passed the bipartisan infrastructure law, the largest in infrastructure since president eisenhower's interstate system. [cheering] >> president biden: and folks, already we've funded 20,000 projectses including major airports from boston to atlanta to portland, rebuilding highways, bridge, ports, airports, clean water, high-speed internet, urban, rural, tribal and folks, we're just getting started, we're just getting started. [cheering] >> president biden: i mean it sincerely, thank my republican friends who voted for the law and my republican friends who voted against it, as well, i still get asked to fund the projects, i promised to be president for all americans, we'll fund the projectses and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. s and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. and i'll see you at the groundbreaking. look, this law -- [cheering] >> president biden: this law will further unite all of america, projects like the bridge in kentucky over the ohio river, 60 years ago, carrying 2 billion dollars worth of freight every single day across the ohio river. folks, been talking about it for decades, we are going to get it done. i went there last month, with democrats and republicans from both states to deliver commitment of 1.6 billion for this project. [cheering] >> president biden: while i was there, i met a young woman named sarah who is here tonight, i don't know where sarah is, is she up in the box? how are you? sarah for 30 years, for 30 years, i learned she told me she was a proud member of iran members 44 -- known as -- [cheering] >> president biden: known as the cowboys in the sky. the folks who built, built cincinnati skyline. sarah said she can't wait to be 10 stories above the ohio river building that new bridge. god bless her, that is pride and that is building back pride. look. we're replacing poisonous lead pipes that go into 10 million homes in america. 400,000 school and child-care centers so every child in america can drink the water instead of having permanent damage to their brain. look -- [cheering] >> president biden: we're making s sure, making sure that every community, every community in america has access to affordable high-speed internet. no parent should have to drive by mcdonalds to do homework. when we do projects and i get criticized and make no excuses for it, we are going to buy american, buy american. folks -- [cheering] >> president biden: it is totally consistent with international trade rules, buy america has been the law since 1933, for too long past administration, democrat and republican, fought to get around it. not anymore, tonight i'm announcing all construction materials used in federal infrastructure projects to be made in america. [cheering] >> president biden: made in america. i mean it. lumber, glass, drywall, fiber optic cable and on my watch american roads, bridges and highways will be made with american products, as well. my economic plan is about investing in places and people that have been forgotten. so many listening tonight, i know you feel it, so many felt like you simply been forgotten. people past four decades, too many people have been left behind and treated like they are invisible. maybe that is you watching from home. remember the jobs that went away, you remember them, don't you? folks at home remember them. you wonder whether the past even exist anymore for your children to get ahead without having to move away. i get that, that is why we're building an economy where no one is left behind. jobs are coming back, pride is coming back. because choices we made in the last several years. you know, this is my view of blue collar to rebuild america and make a real difference in your lives at home. for example, too many of you lay in bed at night like my dad did, staring at the ceiling, wondering what in god name happens if your spouse gets cancer or your child gets deadly ill, something happens to you, do you have money to pay for medical bills? are you going to have to sell the house or get a second mortgage? i get it. inflation reduction act i signed into law, we're taking on powerful interest to bring healthcare cost down so you can sleep better at night with more security. we pay more for prescription drugs than any nation in the world. say it again, we pay more for prescription drugs than any major nation on earth. for example, 1 in 10 americans has diabetes, many in this chamber and audience do, everyday millions need insulin to control diabetes so they can stay alive. insulin has been around for 100 years, the guy that invented it didn't patent it so it would be available for years. it costs $10 a vial to make the insulin, package and all maybe $13, big pharma has been charging hundreds of dollars, four to five hundred dollars a month, making record profits. not anymore. not anymore. [cheering] >> president biden: so -- so many things that we did are only now coming to fruition. we said we were doing this and said we passed the law to do it, but people didn't know, the law didn't take effect until january 1 this year, we capped cost of insulin at $35 per month for seniors on medicare. people are just finding out. i'm sure you are getting the same calls i'm getting. look, there are millions of americans who are not on medicare, including 200,000 young people with type 1 diabetes and need insulin to stay alive, let's finish the job and cap the cost of insulin at $35. fo folks, big pharma is still going to do very well, i promise you they are going to do very well. this law also caps and won't go into effect until 2025, cost out of pocket drug cost for seniors on medicare at maximum of $2000 per year, you don't have to pay $2000 per year no matter how much drug costs are, you know why, you all know. many of you many in my family have cancer, you know drugs can range from 10, 11, 14, 15,000 dollars for cancer drugs. drug prices rise, they will have to pay medicare back the difference. finally giving medicare power to negotiate drug prices, bringing down bring drug costs doesn't save senior money, it cuts the federal deficit by billions of dollars, by hundreds of billions of dollars because prescription drugs are drugs purchased by medicare to keep their commitment to the senior. guess what, instead of paying 400 or 500 bucks per month, you are paying $15, that is a lot of savings for the federal government. why wouldn't we want that? some members here are threatening and i know it is not an official party position, i will not exaggerate, want to repeal the inflation reduction act. that is okay, that is fair. my football coach said lots of luck on your senior year. make no mistake, if you try anything to raise the cost of prescription drugs, i will veto it. look. [cheering] >> president biden: i'm pleased to say more americans have health insurance now than ever in history, record 16 million people enrolled in affordable care act and thanks to the law i signed last year, saving millions on premiums. that law was written and benefit expires in 2025, my plea to some of you in this audience, let's finish the job and make the savings permanent. expand coverage. [ applause ] >> president biden: look, inflation reduction act is the most significant investment ever in climate change. ever. [cheering] >> president biden: lower utility bills, creating american jobs, leading the world to clean future, record floods, droughts, storms and wildfires from arizona to the canadian border, more lumber has been burned than the entire state of missouri and we don't have global warming, not a problem. in addition to emergency recovery from puerto rico, we're rebuilding for the long-term, new electric grid able to weather major storms and not prevent forest fire, road and water system withstand next big flood, clean energy in communities often left behind. build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations installed that will cost iv w workers and helping families save $1000 per year with tax credit to purchase electric vehicles and efficient appliances. historic conservation efforts responsible stewards of our land, let's face reality. climate crisis doesn't care if you're in a red or blue state. it is existintial threat, we have obligation to confront it. i'm proud of how america at last is stepping up to the challenge. we're still going to need oil and gas for a while, but guess what, no, we do. [cheering] >> president biden: but there is so much more to do. we got to finish the job. we pay for investments by finally making the wealthiest and biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share. just begin. i'm a capitalist, but pay your fair share. i think a lot of you at home, a lot at home agree with me and many people that you know, the tax system is not fair. it is not fair. [cheering] >> president biden: look, the idea that in 2020, 55 of the largest corporations in america, fortune 500 made $40 billion in profits and paid zero in federal taxes? zero? folks, simply not fair. now because of the law i signed, billion dollar companies have to pay minimum of 15%, god love them. 15%. that's less than a nurse pays. crystal clear, i said in the very beginning, under my plan as long as i'm president, nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay additional taxes, nobody, not one penny. let's finish the job, there is more to do. have to reward work, not just wealth. passed my proposal for billionaire minimum tax. there are 1000 billionaires in america, up from 600 beginning of term, my billionaire should be paying lower tax rate than a school teacher or firefighter. i mean it, think about it. i mean, look. enthusiastic about that, think about it, think about it. have you noticed big oil just reported record profits, last year they made $200 billion in the midst of a global energy crisis. it is outrageous. why? they invested too little proveits increase to domestic production and i talk to them, they say we're afraid you are going to shut down oil wells and refinery, so why invest in them? we will need oil for at least another decade and that will exceed -- [laughter] -- and beyond that, we will need it. production. if they in fact invested in production, instead, record profit to buy back their own stock, rewarding ceos and shareholders, corporations ought to do the right thing, i propose we quadruple price on buyback and long-term investments. they'll still make considerable profit. lease finish the job and close the loophole for people who avoid paying taxes. i just signed law to reduce by cracking down on wealthy tax cheats. that is being fiscally responsible. last two years, my administration cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars. the largest deficit reduction in american history. under previous administration, american deficit went up four years in a row because record deficits, no president added more to the national debt in any four years than my predecessor, nearly 25% of the entire national debt that took over 200 years was added by one administration alone, they are facts, check it out. check it out. >> president biden: how did congress respond to that debt? they lifted debt ceiling three times without crisis, they paid american bills to prevent economic disaster. tonight i'm asking congress to follow suit, let's commit to full faith and credit of united states of america will never ever be questioned. so my -- some of my republican friends want to take the economy hostage, i get it, unless i agree to their economic plans, all of you at home should know what the plans are. instead of making wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans want medicare and social security sunset, i'm not saying it is majority. let me give you -- anybody who doubts it, contact my office, i'll give you a copy of the proposal. congress doesn't vote. i'm glad to see, i enjoy conversion. it means congress doesn't keep the programs way they are, other republicans say, not saying majority of you, i don't think it is significant -- it is being proposed by individuals. i'm not naming them, being proposed by some of you. look, folks, the idea is that we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt, if we don't respond. [cheering] >> president biden: folks -- so folks as we all apparently agree, social security medicare is off the books now. [cheering] >> president biden: all right. all right. we got unimity. social security and medicare of lifeline for seniors. tonight let's all agree and we apparently are, let's stand up for seniors. [cheering] >> president biden: stand up and show them, we will not cut social security, we will not cut medicare. those benefits belong to the american people, they earned it and if anyone tries to cut social security, which apparently no one is going to do, i will stop them, i will veto it. and folks, i'm not going to allow them to be taken away, not today, not ever, apparently it is not going to be a problem. next month, i ask republican friends to lay down their plan, as well, i mean it, sit down and discuss mutual plans together. discuss our plans together. let's do that. i can tell you, the plan i'm going to show will cut the deficit by another $2 trillion and won't cut a single bit of medicare or social security and we'll extend medicare trust fund two decades, how doo we keep it solid? that is next. not raise taxes on anyone, we will pay for it the way we make sure wealthy and big corporation pay their fair share. look, here is the deal. not just taking advantage of tax code, taking advantage of you, the american consumer. my message to you out there, i have your back, we're preventing americans receiving medical bill, stopping 1 million surprise bills per month so far. protecting seniors life's savings by cracking down on nursing homes that commit fraud and endanger patient safety and prescribe drugs not needed. many of americans can save because they can get a hearing aid over the counter without a prescription, capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it is extortion, it is exploitation. last year i cracked down on foreign shipping companies making you pay higher prices for every good coming into the country. i signed bill to cut shipping cost by 90%, helping american farmers and consumers, let's finish the job. pass the enforcement and prevent big online platforms giving their own products unfair advantage. [cheering] >> president biden: administration is taking on junk for example, i should have knot i didn't until two years ago. 3o sign noncompete agreements for . 30 million. so, a cashier at ak across town and take the same jd make a few bucks more, it just d it. they exposed it. that was pk it up. not anymore. for banningr companies have to compete for wt they're worth. i must tell you,n response to my friends on my lek and tired of companies breakingg workers from organizing. pass ts have a right, workers have a ris guarantee all workers have a lie working parents can afford to r, paid family medical leave, affos going to enable millions much mt work and let's restore the fulle tens of millions of parents a bd poverty half, when we do all the productivity, we increase econoh the job. and get more families , let's get seniors the care theyt more breathing room to millionss looking after their loved ones.t seniors and people with disabils they need. and support the work. these plants are fully paid foro them. restoring the dignity of n and a ticket to the middle clasn 12 years of it universal in thee best educated, the best paid nat of the world caught up. it's cao teaches full time as an express, kid. any nation that out educate us. any nation out education is2 years of education is not enougn of 21stcentury. we want to haved workforce, let's finish the jobo preschool, for 3 and 4 year oldn go to preschool are 50% more lil and earn a 2 to 4 year degree ny came from. let's give public sce making progress. by reducing stl grants for working and middle ch the job. and connect students ts in high school, provide access y college, the best career trainio being a pathway to a four year a good career whether they go to , folks in the midst of the covide closed, and we were shutting dos recognize how far we came in thc itself. while the virus is not f the american people, and the ine have broken the covid grip on uy 90%. saved millions of lives ank up and soon we'll end the publit that's called public health emer the toll and pain that's never a million americans lost their li. families grieving, children orpe dining room table constantly reo sit there. remembering them, wel need to monitor dozens of varias and treatments so congress needd keep america safe. as we emerge, we're also going to double downo stole relief money meant to keel businesses afloat. before i cam, during that campaign the big isr generals who would protect taxp, they were fired. many people sad fraud became rampant. last yeare back. since then, since then wef taxpayer's dollars, now let's tx force, double the statue of limn identity fraud by criminal indif dollars from the american peoplt for every dollar we put in to fr gets back 10 times as much. it , covid left the scars like the sn 2020, the first year of the pann to make sure all people are safn public trust as all of us know,s violated. join us tonight are t. welcome. who had to bury tyre last week.y know, there is no words to descf of losing a child but imagine, t child at the hands of the law. y whether your son or daughter cae street, playing in the park or n here have never had to have then and black parents have had to h. beau, hunter, ashton, my childrm if a police officer pulls you or lights on right away. don't reap your hands on the steering wheey like that every single time yous what tyre's mother shared with n i asked her how she finds the ck out. the faith of god she said l and something good will come ofh courage and care that take, it'l want the same thing. neighborhow enforcement of a person who ear. every cop has the right to be ao does everybody else out there. o come home safely under the lawst we have each other in america. t their lives on the line every se know we ask in many cases to bel workers, psychologists, respondl health crisis and so much more.d their families are good, decentt majority. but they risk -- and y time they put that shield on. bn memphis happens too often. we hw enforcement the real training tr standards, help them succeed and more first responders and profee growing health of substance abus -- more community intervention n housing and education and job tp prevent violence in the first p- police departments violate the e held accountable. with the suppf the families of victims civil ri signed an executive order for ag chokeholds, restricting no-knocs of the george floyd act. let's e words of tie ray's mom true, som this. something good. and all os difficult but it's simple, all e need to rise to this moment. weo what we know in our hearts and e together to finish the job on p. do something. that was the plear children in crew uvalde, thank . passing the most sweeping gun s. that includes things like that e gun owners already support, ands out of the hands of people who s and others. but we know our wors tonight as brandon said, a 26 ys college dreams on hold to be ats side when she was dying from can now works at the dance studio ss and two weeks ago during the lue heard the studio door close, hee pointing semiautomatic pistol as going to die. but he thought abd that instant he found the courae semiautomatic pistol away from d 11 people at another dance studs time we do the same. band assau. once and for all. i love the fin ten years that ban was law, masr they let it expire in a public s shootings tripled. let's finishe assault weapons. and let's alson immigration. make it a bipartisw we now have a record number of e the border arresting 8000 humang 23,000 pounds of fentanyl in the launched a new border plan lastn cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venea consequence of that. but americe fixed until congress acts. if we immigration reform, at least pae equipment and officers to secury to citizenship for dreamers, th, farmworkers, essential workers.e it's our duty to protect all thd freedoms. congress must restore- congress must restore the rightv wade and protect roe v wade. the doing everything to protect acc, healthcare and safeguard facinge than a dozen states are forcinge no mistake about it, if congresi will veto it. let's also pass -a bipartisan equality act ensure y trans young people can live witr strength our strength is not jut the power of our example, let'ss watching. i spoke from this chas after vladimir putin unleashed t ukraine. a murderous assault, er ii. putin's invasion has been tt for america. a test for the wore most basic of principles, will e stand for the right of people tl we stand for the defense of deme matters to us because it keeps n season on would-be aggressors a. one year later we know the answ. we did. and together we did whar best, we lead, we united nato, , we stood against putin's addresn joined by ukraine's ambassador , represents not just her nation r people, ambassador -- our ambase are united in support of your ce can all take a look at you. thad with you as long as it takes. oe freedom, dignity, more peace not everywhere. before i came to ofw the people's republic of china d america's failing in the world.r and i gave my personal conversay with president xi, we seek compe no apologies that we're investia stronger. investing in americane that china intend to be dominatr alliances and working with our e technologies so they will not b. modernizing our military to safd deter aggression. today we are n decades to compete with china o. anywhere else in the world. andd to work with china where we cans and better the world. make no ma threatens our sovereignty tee wr country and we did. look, let'se competition should unite all ofs challenges across the world buts democracies have become strongee creases have -- name me a worlds with xi jinping, name me one. ns rallying the world to meet thoso global health to food insecuritl aggression. allies are steppingg more. look, the reformed betweed in the atlantic, those betting g how wrong they are. it's never t against america, never. well, wt assured the bipartisanship assur believed it. that's why a year e nation when i stood here, we mae passed a law making it easy fore treatments for opioid addictiony law making historic investmentse launched the arpah drive, cance, and so much more. we passed facr veteran story about exposure tod here last year. i understand son pits, you but there is so much t together. join us tonight as a m newton, new hampshire, he wroted me and well about his courageou, contagious laugh, sister's bestt friend, he shared a story all tf americans and many of you. courh school. spiraled into addictiona fentanyl overdose. she was justr last eight years without her, de pain, if their family turned pad the stigma and change laws. he a journey toward american recover. fentanyl is killing more than 7g -- you got it. so let's launch p fentanyl production, sale and tg detection machines, stop pills . working with courage like fedexr drugs. strong families to crack. second let's do more mental hear children, with millions of younh bullying, violence, trauma, grel healthcare at schools. we must a companies accountability for exg children for profit. time to pao stop big tech from collecting pd teenagers online. ban targeted . >> and impose stricter limits ot companies collect on all of us.p this nation's ones sacred obligd into harm's way and care for thn they come home. job training, jd their spouses as they come to r. helping veterans is for the rene homeless in america especially e country. dennis mc gun is here, va. we hl discussion when i asked him to e did. we were losing up to 25 vew we're losing 17 a day to the si7 veterans a day are committing se people being killed in the warsg everything it can including exph screening, proven programs, recr veterans understand what they're help they need. we gotta do morl and i reignited the cancer moono start with president obama asker administration on this issue. or death rates at least by 50% in e cancers and death sentences to e more support for patients and tl with so many of us, so many of g us morrison, daughter of immigrt and got married in the same chat married in new york city. kindra letter about his little daughtet before i came over. she was juss diagnosed with rare kidney dised transfusions, 11 rounds of radi1 kidney removed, given a 5% surve darkest moments how if she goesu have been through that as well.t like so many of you. he read jir family's cancer journey. and hos of joy where we could with beauf joy was the half smile of theirg to them. they never gave up hopp hope. she turns 4 next month. ts beating the odds, is on her way. she is watching from the white t asleep already. for the live ths we can save and the lives we'vey american moment, that rallies td together and prove that we can s ago leadership of president busd champions he undertook a bipartl threat against hivaids it's bee, fought large, i believe we can r . let's end cancer as we know is once and for all. folks, there n able to do all these things, oue most fundamental thing of all, s possible. without it, nothing ir democracy has been threatened at to the test in this very room on just a few months ago an unhingd unleashed political violence ate house of represents. using the e insurrectionists used as they sn january 6th. here tonight is ths that brutal attack, tough and sl pelosi. paul stand up. with sucr have happened. we must all spear political violence in america. t right to vote. honor the resultt subvert the will of the people.e of law and trust the institutiot give hate and extremism in any . democracy must not be a partisan issue. every generation of amery have been called to protect ourd up for it. this is our moment. t tonight in an inflection point,y a few generations ever face wite is going to decide the course oo come. we're not bystanders of hs before the forces that confrontf we the people. we're facing a to be the nation we've always been, hopeful, forward-looking, a natr dark, hope over fair, stabilitye each other not as enemies but ae good people. the only nation in, the only one. other nations are, ethnicity. but we're the only nt all of us, everyone of us is crf god. a nation that stands as a n in a new age of possibilities. y constitutional obligation to ren and here is my report. because s strong because the backbone of , because the people of this natif the union is strong. i'm not new to this place. i stg served as long as as any one of. i've never been more optimistice of america. just remember who wd states of america and there is r capacity if we do it together. d protect our troops. thank you. >> president joe biden's second, interrupted about 100 times forg a list of what he called major f america, a story of progress and the bipartisan infrastructure bn reduction ability for climate cf republicans though of wanting tl security, and the debt ceiling d and sounded more like the househ many members piping up, it did n moment when both parties stood h medicare or social security. boe to agree together to make a lonh program. the repeated line in te job which sounds a lot like a pr 2024. when it came to immigratit only received four lines in thes to act. and he ended weaving int threats to democracy saying it n issue, democracy he said must b. >> he ended with a familiar refa that there is nothing that we co it and yet it seems that the pan enormous amount of spending andf $5 trillion of spending during e path to making sure that we suca laundry list of spending, medic, thursday news be home affordabil grants, he went on and on, endie training, housing, jobs. there e outlines in this plan. also he r just a short moment, i think a e a lot of that to the open bordet came to the immigration he wanto provide the equipment and offic so, that's also another out laym a lot of border official the ovs afternoon on capitol hill. i wo7 sentences on china. basically sy was threatened and we respondede balloon, no mention of the ten r the recent years and no certainn terms of address head-on the wae foreign policy national securita comprehensive way. it was very f the ceiling. let's listen in for a secon. >> talked about cuba. okay. i'm. >> >> president biden: , that was . >> thank you. >> awesome. >> swear to god, true story. wee turned and said, joe, i want yo. >> saying president obama fix de bring in brit hum, folks to stai counted it at 19 folks throughor thoughts on the state of the una few of them. >> i sure have. looking at this. two ways of looking at this speh itself, what it said, the progrg promise, the remedies for the be accomplishments are and all of s looking at this man, the 80 yeat ever, and whether he got througt seemed to me there was an awfuld slurring and words left out andn becomes this, does someone sitte future of our country, perhaps d the other mall ds, worrying abot this man delivering the speech,e him four more years, he is the o well, fully in command or have y well already harbor based on afi have considerable doubt as to we inspiring speech tonight. >> president talking there, retd kennedy. we talked about the sus wade as well. let's bring our p. >> i think the air ro of governe time talking about things that e bit of time on the debt ceilinge social security piece. he talket going to happen. again, we are d government, speaker mccarthy bee spent more time on the junk feee did the border and china combint the polls, they are not good fo. the white house walks around tht and he wants to finish the job e the campaign slogan as you said. >> larry. there was washington t showed it said would you be ents the next president. 7%. 7%. youw tonight and i think brit makes e made about the delivery of this. >> well, you know i think his le things is really a function i ke fastest inflation in two years t of living is up 14%. it has done wages, to the pay, to the incomg folks, okay. and i might add bes hurt them very badly. that's whn terms of groceries and gasoline so, that is his achilles hill, n economics. but that doesn't deah jay powell the chair tide more r thing i want to say is, i agreey say, this is an exhaustive liste spending and mandates, i've nev. it's like 25 pages worth. so, r tripling up what i would call bi don't think the country wants me never mentioned, never mentionea compromise with kevin mccarthy,r with respect -- he said we are t ceiling, no one is going to tous and that's all he said. he had t front which i think is going to. >> harold there were some effor, specific sentences where he touh republicans. perhaps his best dt section of the speech is when h' mother and family. obviously ths and talking about police reforme chamber seemed to go silent andl moment for his speech. >> it was one of those moments i agree with that point, i agree e things that's been raised. the e classy joe biden star, he salut, mccarthy, i thought that was cly pelosi and hakeem jeffries. andn congress we never had applause t going to touch social security a watershed moment for the leader, house and senate to say we are s hard to think how you seriously, two things he would negotiate, n and veto any effort to raise pr. disappointed in two regards. oni thought we would have a doctrinn opportunity there to do that. td crime. hopefully there is a wilh republicans and republicans are. overall, i give him a b plus to. >> dana, the things that harold, crime, china, those are huge iss presidency and it feels like wes that are, you know, would be nit address the deep concerns that e country have about the future ag with in a state of the union spg that was in the news, the chinan gets worse by the hour. the whie they shot it down over the wates biden look strong. maybe he is e allies and see what they it cann opportunity where you have perhr biggest speech of the year. in s 31% approval rating on the bordd want to do something more. the e made worse for the situation at. >> a lot of presidents make ther quickly. this president may note chamber quickly. let's listen i. >> masterful, legacy beyond bel. >> that's because of you. >> mr. president. you have a --e your hand. >> suffolk county, sir. >> of course. >> i lived in garden city. >> west of me, sir. welcome you. >> all good. >> i want to make this point. ti am going to run across america . >> i think so, too. i'm praying. >> we are going to get it done. >> exactly, my constituents and. >> what is your district. >> 8th district of colorado. no. >> mentioned sheila jackson leen the line getting a selfie rightu covered these things i think shn that position. >> every state of the union sin, she has gotten a position on tho get a shot, look what happened.e way in. president on the way iny out with a selfie to boot. i sul be worth the effort. >> what does this do politicalls going to hit the road tomorrow n going after republicans. remembe last three, four weeks that wer, they are crazy. there was a lot. what do you think politically t. >> i think he and his team now a republicans was the way to go ts stage that he would have seen st nothing. i mean, he made a gracn mccarthy and that was a pleasant the possibility of doing businek early bipartisan tones in his sl stick to that for awhile. the ot was severely partisan his attemg republicans are going to take a, medicare, at one point he even e of cutting them back, which appo propose but he would veto it ann intriguing moment. i didn't see, he add libbed that, it was kind. >> brit, i thought it was inter, jill biden who is a teacher, an, anybody who out educates us outs no reference from the account ag loss that is now more and more t what he wants to do to catch ups country, something that's clearo parents and instrumental in seve seen play out. >> yeah, he didn't deal with thr that, martha, was almost certaiy were very very hawkish on covidt downs, they liked dr. fauci. ane implicitly to criticize the loce that they seem to have done to d socialization. so, what you he2 years of school isn't enough. tn the speech mentioned jobs that e degree. so, that was a peculias talking about more preschool ine democratic president speech likm for more school and teachers ant would be the only thing i would. >> look it, there is always roo. we gotta tax the rich, they done just had numbers out, the top 1f all the taxes in this country. w he knows that, this is just lefe takes on the oil companies. yeah profits in part because he won'. his interior department won't gn tout electric vehicles but agair department won't let us mine fot for example, and the copper andn in minnesota in the iron range.y common sense, that's what drived an adding machine to total up ae spending, another $5 trillion it i think people really want to he inflation is taking their purche of the same. that's all it is. g to work. >> to dana's point the era of bl form. let's go to jackie live ae your thoughts at the speech, lie portrayed it. >> you know, bret i think it's e moment on social security and mt as we know is going to tampa ono really delve into gop plan thats for seniors that speech got und. he ended it with apparently it'm after the response from the crot want to take those programs ande that the president took steps io malign republicans' votes he ise second of this term. he acknowlo repeal the inflation reduction y position, said he didn't want tr areas his language was scriptede assault weapons ban. he said afe assault weapons ban expire, aftn administration, outlining areash republicans including on compre. saying if you won't pass that ld get a deal for dreamers. >> debbie dingell from michigan. >> standing by as well as we wae and then sarah huckabee sandersr rebuttal speech here. >> hey there, martha. it's inted governor sanders, now governor e she is a household name. but tha couple reasons why. first and ft governor in america and that ree just saw, an 80 year old presids delivering a speech and the gopt they have a new generation comih mcconnell called huckabee sandeg generation of gop leaders. she s response, martha, because she te spectrum of this party, we're tm moderates here in the house of e trump conservatives. and we knor president anytime soon. she alsl campaign largely going after ths covid response, his immigrationd on that. and since then, since s really been delivering the cons, critical race critical race then state devices, get rid of the se all bold moves and she is expec. martha. >> all right. thank you very mug down the gaffe he will ending ts when he sort of was looking at s and giving them the -- a littli. >> turn this car around if you e are going to be back with repubt moments, take a quick break, oue of the union address here on fo. burger and fries...soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. can't do that by yourself. (voya mnemonic.) voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great talent. but with upwork, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe right at your fingertips. it's where businesses meet great remote talent and remote talent meets great opportunity. ♪ ♪ this is how we work now ♪ >> welcome back, in moments we', arkansas, where governor sarah g the republican response to the . >> press secretary under presidh governor of arkansas the first f that state as she is the i don'e united states. and i -- that isr message tonight. it's time for r leadership in the country and ts about a lot. i know some of ther president coming up. >> back with panel, dana perinos secretary, do you have any aspi? >> i do not have the courage orr the skills. i am pretty much ind wonderful she is giving the spe, now the democrats also have a l, hakeem jeffries now the leader e house, chuck schumer in the sens the nation, a desire for a yount might not -- might not be what e two presidential candidates as f a biden/trump rematch. i was ths sitting there giving the speechs are going to love it, the mediar this speech. but do the democrak at those polls today, you have e president harris and a majorityo not want him to run again. >> harold, we talked about polls and they turn out how republicao with democrats out performing wm bode ended this president and w. >> we talked about his energy, k him 30 minutes to get out of th, i don't like when u.s. president people. we need a fair tax syst. big oil at a war in ukraine. ss them thing is not the thing to e medicaid expansion, work require need. >> 100%. you always like that, l cheap shots, all right we gotta. >> we are going to head to litts enjoying that common ground. sa. >> sarah huckabee sanders: i'm g a mom to three young children ty story i hear. so, forgive me ff anything i heard tonight from pf control inflation and violent cr crisis and threat from china. be failed you. they know it, and yr a change. tonight let us reaffie less american idea that governme people but to serve the people.s with more government control. b. america is the greatest countryn because we're the freest countr. with a people who are strong ani was diagnosed with thyroid cancr our family. particularly our ki. but we kept our faith and persel doctors here in arkansas, a suce grace of god i am cancer free. t help but think about my ma, sher first year of marriage. when shl cancer the doctors told hersheyd live they said she'd never walkk she definitely never would haver she was told she never had was w governor of arkansas and is spe. adversity and fear of the unknor paraphernalia -- paralyze us bue boldly ahead: we can't standstf challenges. you and i were put e as this to charge boldly ahead.t president biden and i don't havr freedom, he's for government cot governor in the country and at t in american history. i'm the fi. and he's the first man to surree mob that can't even tell you whl left's america, washington taxed earned money on fire. empty gron are taught to hate one another t not to love one another or our e biden believes this madness or , his administration has been come radical left. the dividing liner between right or left, the choir crazy. it's time for a new genen leadership. upon taking office i signed executive orders to ban d indoctrination in our schools, f derogatory term of latinx in oud orders and say never again to ad shut downs. americans want comms but in washington, the biden adn on crazy. president biden inherc recovery on record. the most sep abundant, home grown energy, fat military, and a world that was . over the last two years, democre democrats' trillions in recklesf debt, we now have the worse born history. as a mom, our heartbres lost a son or daughter to addica year are now killed from drug om fentanyl pouring across our soun administration refuses to secure american lives. and after yearsw enforcement and calls to defundt criminals roam free while law a. beyond our border from afghanism north korea to iran, president r nation and the world at risk. ao stand up to china, our most fors dangerous and unacceptable. preo defend our border, defend our s. he is simply unfit to serve as e you reap the consequences of thn administration seems more intern the hard reality americans faces simply want to live their livese are under attack in a left wingt and never wanted to fight. evert partake in their rituals, salutp their false idols all while bigg tech to strip away the most amer freedom of speech. that's not ns wrong. make no mistake, republis fight. we will lead with couragt what's politically correct or cs believe in an america where stre communities. where jobs are abue rising. we're the freedom our ve birth right of every man, womane principles republican governorsn washington under the leadershipd speaker kevin mccarthy, we willn administration accountable. dowt is my alma mater, little rock ct there, i will never forget watce huckabee, and president bill clo the little rock nine. doors than closed to them because they wern once barred from the school houd in bronze at our statehouse. i'r country has made and i believe o a quality education regardless s the civil rights issue of our dn education package that will be d conservative education reform in empowers parents with real choid career readiness and helps put y classroom by increasing their sf the lowest to one of the highesn arkansas and across america, red the policy of trapping kids in d sentencing them to a lifetime oe not in in doctrine ate our kidsh to success. it's time for a news our moment. this is our opportun in the waning decades of the lay economic booms and stock marketh of the cold war and the tragedyn brimming with passion and new id problems. a generation more to t traditions. yet uni can't afrait order and find a better way fort together, america can once agaid the home of the brave. during me house, i traveled on every fore. a trip i will never forget was y husband brian and i cleaned up s shoved into every corner of oure kids. when i had to walk out on, unable to tell them where i wase the place i would be traveling t want anybody to know that the pn the ground even for a few hourse incomplete and total darkness, e plane, no lights on the runway.s shut down and turned in. we were grid. nearly 12 hours later in e landed in the war-torn part of a similar scene. the lights on tho lights on the runway. the only s coming from about a mile away ie hundreds of troops who were in d gathered expecting to celebrater military leadership from aroundd absolutely no idea that the pree about to walk into that room. aa sight and a scene and a sound ie room erupted, men and women frod region, every political party, n imagine started chanting in perd over again usa, usauusa. it wast picture of what makes our countg soldiers yelled from the back, n the pi because of you. and the m here because of you. shortly afe up to me, he said, sarah, you hm what i do is nothing, you take a tough job. and in a moment thatr the rest of my life, that soldid the brave rifle's patch he woree placed too it into my hand, a sd he said,, sarah, we are in thisd emotion and speechless, i just y eyes and a grateful heart for o. that young man and everyone whol of those who serve alongside hiw who will be called upon to servw they have a country and a commut in the fight for freedom. america is great because we arem is under attack and the america

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Extortion , Hearing Aid , Shipping Cost , Shipping Companies , Prices , Exploitation , Helping American Farmers , 90 , Enforcement , Platforms , Consumers , Junk , Agreements , Ak , Cashier , Knot , 30 Million , Jd , Town , Worth , Banningr , Lek , Pass Ts , Parents , Right , Lie , Ris Guarantee , Medical Leave , Fulle , Affos , Productivity , Tens , Bd Poverty Half , Breathing Room , Ones T , Theyt , Plants , Disabils , Ticket , Dignity Of N , 12 , Express , Nat , Cao , Education , Haved , 21 , Jobo Preschool , Workforce , Lil , Oldn , 4 , Degree , Sce Making Progress , 2 , Stl Grants For Working , Middle Ch , Access Y College , High School , Students , Pathway , Career Trainio , Career , Midst , Covide Closed , Virus , Ine , Dos , Thc , Publit , Covid Grip , Toll , Pain , Li , Public Health Emer , A Million , Reo Sit , Dining Room Table , Wel , Remembering Them , Families Grieving , Children Orpe , Treatments , Dozens , Varias , Downo , America Safe , Needd , Relief Money , I Cam , 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Dance Studio Ss , Pistol , Pointing Semiautomatic , Lue Heard The Studio Door Close , Hee , Courae , Semiautomatic Pistol , Abd , Same , Band Assau , Fin , Masr , Ten , Assault Weapons , Shootings , Let , Bipartisw , Let S Alson Immigration , Fentanyl , Record Number , Border Arresting 8000 Humang , 8000 , 23000 , Consequence , Border Plan Lastn Cuba , Haiti , Nicaragua , Venea , Equipment , Officers , We Immigration Reform , Pae , Dreamers , Th , Essential Workers E , Citizenship , Duty , Farmworkers , Freedoms , Roe V Wade , Rightv Wade , Doing Everything To Protect Acc , Congresi , Facinge , Bipartisan Equality Act Ensure Y Trans Young People , Strength , Let Ss Watching , Invasion , Assault , Tt , Vladimir Putin , Er Ii , Test , Principles , Will E Stand , Aggressors A One , Defense , Season , Deme , Whar Best , Answ , Ambassador , Addresn , Nato , Support , Ce , Ambase , Thad , Oe Freedom , Everywhere , People S Republic Of China D America , Conversay , Apologies , President Xi , Dominatr , E Technologies , Alliances , Aggression , B Modernizing , Safd , Anywhere , China O , Andd , Cans , Ma , Tee , Sovereignty , Wr , Let Se , Ofs , Buts , Worlds , Democracies , Strongee Creases Have , Me One , Xi Jinping , Ns , Allies , Food Insecuritl Aggression , Reformed Betweed , Against America , Betting G , The Atlantic , Wt , Bipartisanship Assur , Cance , Arpah Drive , Opioid Addictiony Law Making Historic Investmentse , Facr , Exposure Tod Here Last Year , Veteran , Son Pits , Courageou , Laugh , Bestt Friend , New Hampshire , Sister , Newton , Courh School , Addictiona Fentanyl , Overdose , De Pain , Pad , Journey Toward American , Stigma , 7g , Launch P Fentanyl Production , Sale , Tg Detection Machines , Stop Pills , Courage , Mental , Fedexr Drugs , Younh Bullying , Accountability , Grel Healthcare At , Trauma , Big Tech From Collecting Pd Teenagers , Us P , Job Training , Care , Thn , Sacred Obligd Into Harm S Way , Rene Homeless In America , Spouses , R Helping Veterans , Dennis Mc Gun , Va , Veterans , Vew , Si7 , 17 , Exph Screening , Recr , Warsg , Moono Start , Morl , Obama , Cancers , Death Rates , Death , Morrison , Patients , Tl , Immigrt , Little Daughtet , Kindra , Chat , New York City , Transfusions , Rounds , Radi1 Kidney , Kidney Dised , Given A , He Read Jir Family S Cancer Journey , Beauf Joy , Hos , Smile , Theirg , Odds , Up Hopp Hope , Ths , We Vey American Moment , Td , Leadership , Champions , Bee , Hivaids , Bipartl , Busd , Oue , Nothing Ir Democracy , Unhingd Unleashed Political Violence , House Of Represents , Insurrectionists , Sl Pelosi , Sn January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Sucr Have , Paul Stand Up , Spear , Resultt Subvert , Any , People E , Will , Extremism , Institutiot , Hate , Huckabee Sandeg Generation , Amery , Ourd , Generations , Inflection Point , Forces , Bystanders , We The People , Hopeful , Natr Dark , Enemies , Ae , Stabilitye , Hope Over Fair , Ethnicity , Y Constitutional Obligation , Strong , Report 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Socialization , Loce , Dr , Fauci , Ane , Preschool Ine Democratic , E Degree , Peculias , He2 Years Of School Isn T Enough , School , Teachers , Ant , Speech Likm , Numbers , Oil Companies , Yeah Profits , Interior Department Won T Gn Tout Electric Vehicles , Agair Department Won T , Iron Range Y , Mine Fot , Minnesota , Ae Spending , Adding Machine , Common Sense , Purche , Bl Form , Let S Go To Jackie Live Ae , Moment On Social Security , Bret , Plan Thats , Got Und , Votes , Io Malign Republicans , He Ise , Crot , Inflation Reduction Y Position , Language , Assault Weapons Ban , Tr Areas , Scriptede , Afe , Ld , Areash Republicans , Compre , Aftn , Standing , Sarah Huckabee Sandersr , Debbie Dingell , Michigan , Rebuttal Speech , Household Name , Inted , Tha , Old Presids , Gopt , Comih Mcconnell , Ree , Leaders , She S Response , She Te Spectrum , She Alsl , In The House Of E Trump , Covid Response , Cons , Immigrationd , State Devices , Moves , Expec , Critical Race , Littli , Gaffe , Car , Repubt , Break , Salad , Soup , Burger , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Decisions , Voya , Talent , Circulatory System , Bicycle , Well Invested , Arm , Voya Mnemonic , Fingertips , Globe , Upwork , Sarah G , Presidh , Press Secretary , F , Isr , Ts , Coming Up , Ther , Aspi , Courage Orr The Skills , Leader E House , Sens , Al , Fa Biden , Desire , Candidates , Yount , Speechs , Democrak , Mediar , Trump Rematch , Harris , Majorityo , Him , W , Democrats Out Performing Wm , Tax Syst , Big Oil , E Medicaid Expansion , Mom , Ground , Young Children Ty Story , Shots , Gotta , Sa , Cr Crisis , Pf Control Inflation , Reaffie Less American , Change , Countryn , People , B America , Government Control , Thyroid Cancr , Freest Countr , Ani , Doctors , Ki , God , T Help , Grace , Marriage , Shl , Hersheyd , Of Arkansas , Fear , Adversity , Unknor , Put E , We Can T Standstf Challenges , Ahead T , Paraphernalia , Bue , T In American History , I Don T Havr Freedom , Cot , Mob , 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Highesn Arkansas , Doctrine , Sentencing , Oe , Success , Kidsh , Opportun , Booms , Stock Marketh , Id Problems , Passion , Cold War , Tragedyn , Me House , Traditions , Home Of The Brave , Uni , Can T Afrait , Trip , Fore , Corner , Husband , Oure Kids , Hourse Incomplete , Pn , Lights , Runway S , Scene , Runway , Away , Celebrater Military Leadership , Pree , Aroundd , Aa Sight , Men And Women Frod , Sound Ie Room Erupted , Political Party , Region , Perd Over Again , Imagine , Soldiers , It Wast Picture , Usauusa , Countg , Pi , You Hm , Moment Thatr The Rest Of My Life , That Soldid The Brave Rifle S Patch He Woree , Sd , Thisd , He Said , Eyes , Whol , Emotion , Grateful Heart For O , Hiw , Commut , Arem , The Fight For Freedom ,

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