Transcripts For DW DocFilm - I Want It - Women In Top Manage

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - I Want It - Women In Top Management 20181019 09:15:00

and an abundance of. that encourage army abuse sorts of creatures. and with that now you're up to date. i'm sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching and wish you a great day. nico because in germany to learn german. to look beneath. why not learn with him online on the mobile free. t.w. scheme learning course because for me.
personally i don't think much of porters in general. reporters for women or any other diversity quarters that might be introduced money or that have been introduced. to it in kind i'm not a fan of quotas and the concept of quotas is ok but it's too short sighted i start with this and squids having said i believe in capability and i got less so. right now we don't have a lot of women who have ready to lead on and i'd be reluctant to give preference to a woman because she's a woman for not hiring men who especially want to find. out if it's. done if i can just conjure up qualified female employees but if you go to and a few have got to have the right skills the right ideas about the job and they have to want to participate fully which is for them i can't hire a purse. who doesn't meet those criteria. well now from charleston.
you've got to have the will to succeed. you have to want to succeed to lead to step forward sometimes and that's what some women lack for mused so. shy away from certain conflicts and complications. in sometimes you just have to stand up and say i want to do this. and you know my name is funny latino. directed for the investment bank b.p.i.
france i'm responsible for direct investments in small to medium sized businesses and all the company measures. that i consult with the french mid-sized businesses to help them develop both domestically and internationally yes for them to be of dollars. and. they think you know i'm almost there i'll see you in three minutes. but i was like of it my name is i'm back i'm responsible for diversity and inclusion of s.e.p. for our seventy eight thousand employees around the world. for us it's important for us to create a truly inclusive environment where everyone can be who they truly are ok.
eliminativism a little. more learn a little. looking at the. way you know what i was having. my name is maria luisa contents i'm french and spanish and only those that are head of the i've been secretary general for the last day since two thousand and two saying. a few years ago when our company expanded to over ten thousand employees i also became head of the legal department might say. i'm also responsible for corporate diversity and i'm the chairwoman of the you know women's network people of all people they don't get formation of that
network was absolutely necessary in our country and if we go my job is both complex and interesting. to be functional c.p.i. france finances ninety thousand country last year also shareholders in six hundred of them i look after four hundred fifty small to medium sized firms in which we are minority shareholders. i want to help them create value jobs and growth. manage one point three billion euro and that's the french people's money i say the top. delusion but these should be every day i deal with important legal cases and meet with members of the spanish governor. the ministry for equality and representatives
of other women's networks equality takes time. this morning. legally. equality is more than organizing women's meetings and eliminating syria time. dedication to equality means contacting government officials and administrators. and also urging them to take action. in the main goal this year is to push through a true quota law in spain. spain and so far commitments to equality has been voluntary. if the companies don't face sanctions they won't meet the quota seen
something that he says. longer would enable me to make it to the top without having to be a super woman like maria lisa but when. you have to ask us if not everyone wants to be a super well ok and the quota would give us the opportunity to work hard get more training and make it to the top. yeah. you know you're going to have. to see this up built up. i'm a rather authoritarian person i like things to be done the way i want them to be done. but i also care about people that's my saving grace i like people and that makes things easier for all of us. both of you know that women are capable of changing their minds if they can admit that they are wrong and acknowledge their mistakes to me.
the most important thing for us there i know is that our teams represent a population that's still not we sell cars to men and we sell cars to women that. if we don't understand the needs of our customers we won't make the right decisions . she was into this you know this city is a good investment. in france we're making progress in promoting women but there's a long way to go. get up around seven and spend some time with my kids and take them to school and you. know i start my work day around nine. on the way to the office i try to catch up on my work for. a change and i feel more productive in the morning so i sometimes get up at six or six thirty to move things
along i mean to put in my thumb. i work a lot and i'm highly motivated. but i don't think that's why i was made a senior manager at p.p.i. from. a leader is not someone who gets things done perfectly. it is someone who drives change who looks to the future. and who is capable of guiding new directions. miss you or. you know where my mission and vision s.a.p is make the world run
better and improve people's lives. and that really is what our people bring to the table every day here to mention how. they want to improve things that's why i'm so glad to be at s.e.p. right now and i think i've found my place my sweetheart a place where i'm happy to invest a lot of energy but. i think all this with us today that's a lie and a very. high and hi everyone nice to say you really think about whether you'd be interested in a management role if you are pursue it actively based on what i've seen in germany we have to do a bit more to promote women's personal initiative for. us it's a clear business advantage for us i mean economists so i look at things from that perspective. the main question is how can we make sure s.a.p.t. continues to be
a successful company. as you found i think women are better integrating different perspectives and possibility and. they want to try new things and challenge the status quo. why have we always done it this way and why can't we try something else. if we bring a breath of fresh air to a company to bring in a b c one for. the. leadership qualities often referred to as feminine communicative good listener empathetic masculine leadership qualities often include a sense of just size of actors have. fact is that if a good manager and in german the word is neither masculine over they're going to have a manager form you need but this is a disadvantage because if i just pull this off. if there is a big difference between male and female managers it's how they deal with unpleasant situations like firing people and. morning in employee up man or putting
pressure on underachievers the new money that's where i've noticed a difference between male and female behavior and. behavior frustration that people don't really ask men what skills are necessary for us a man to get to the top i therefore find it very odd when i'm asked well you know do women have the right skills every woman is different some women are more collaborative others tend to stride ahead each woman is different the fact that she's a woman is sort of a relevant. the hardest thing for a boss is to make decisions and to do that successfully you need different viewpoints and i have both male and female colleagues because everyone has a different point of view because. my management style is a bit too maternal sometimes. but that's not the case for all women in leadership
positions as prospects especially gather to cliff a leader. often women are able to sense unspoken elements in people's behavior. they can gauge the stress level in a room or notice when something needs to be said out loud. i think that non-verbal communication is one of women's particular stray us off of the family. or. me if i don't think that they will ever be enough women in top posts there's a shortage everywhere in corporate boardrooms in politics in the arts in international organizations. such as. white women played a more decisive role in foreign policy they'd be a lot fewer of us since we women and our children are the first to suffer in those conflicts was. definitely
a shortage this is would function much better if women and men were to pool their knowledge and experience is what failed to make decisions together is that this you . see. a movie they are going to get a lot of things need to change in my life and in society i'm trying to get our company to at least rethink a few things but it's like a form of practice of course it's extremely important to has women and management hosts and internet. study by sodexho north america actually showed that women can turn around loss making henchoz and their projects like by women are seven percent more efficient than there was led by men as more happy i mean we should support women in management and that he simply to make our businesses more profitable and to improve society out of course that's what i think i was addicted was but aren't i really sad but yes because of what i'm heartless of the remote. areas where you
live in a city that is about a spike up the spain is an anti quota country. no political party wants one neither left nor right. but they go all the way to assume that one day equality will come to them from germany or wherever. it may be two years from now maybe in one hundred or two hundred years but if there are some is an anti quota country that no political party and somebody wants to introduce question laws. i think that women need to put themselves first there's enough of putting everybody before us we can still take care of everyone but first we need to take care of ourselves if we start putting ourselves first the world will start putting ourselves first so we need to take that step i think it is very helpful sometimes to be a woman because there is still that whole thing about a testosterone competition and if you're a woman you're not as much of a threat to
a man they would never assume you actually want their job even though you actually might. powerful well i wouldn't describe myself that way but i do have a lot of options and resources were carrying out my worst. so i supervise the stuff of eighty five that's quite a lot for a management company especially since all those people are highly trained. and. then the show has been forgotten in the over the past few years some businesses have been sending people want especially women to training courses where they learn how to negotiate like a man how to communicate like a man often how to dress
a bit like a man comes off. and city says that's not what we want to diversity and getting more women into top the hopelessness in me also means getting women strengths into those companies understand i don't need women who can blend in perfectly i need the authenticity that can promote diversity and that's what we want the parties and here. on this is going out us to. do you know where we have to go. we'll have to go through security and. maybe have ten times as much testosterone as we have testosterone is a very powerful self promote because testosterone makes you think. that you are.
your. mind. on the sea. this if he was that wesley. and if he had wished that it would say if current upgrades for career and personal. career. all your. own also. the wherry he wanted to balance in the way he wanted to see. i think women need a risk taking appetite women should be able to break all the confines which they put on themselves because they always treat them selves as the not so important owning member of the family they always give preference to husbands good deal and not enough preference to decode your. it's important to be self-confident and kind
of right partner in terms of support a partner should support each other in their career development to. gether come up with ways to reconcile family and profession as if i'm young i'm not kapok the. most positive from the. woman's professional success depends a loss on whether she has a balanced private life. ask me to people i'm lucky to have a partner who understands my fundamental need and who is happy to have a private life of the sick to. me because he devotes a lot of time to raising our children there were many privy to simply true because it's something that's your closer to his host psychiatrist you return account. crew to the white house for i think it's absolutely vital to discuss these things very
early on in the relationship. and to clarify your expectations for your personal and professional life so that you'll be a good man. on to just for myself preliminary civil rights for for the year compared to my medal has been a pretty usual way. that we simply mess with university. that's often the case in france we both studied at the economist you're not a minister says he from where francis senior civil servants are trained. really do not even admit that i come from not particularly and he comes from tough. well we started him so we could later work in paris i noticed right away that he had a great sense of humor something i'm pretty new. and cos it was great to find someone who didn't take everything that there's a lot universities so seriously compared with value because.
there came a point where like i said my husband was american and we eventually split up i became a sole breadwinner so whenever i went into a big meeting or summit i think that would be at the back of my mind you know i couldn't rely on a safety net anywhere else i had to be a nurse in a brothel a money son. of a bottom of the head that i could have stayed home and taken care of the kids with help from germany's welfare so star net that was one hundred or i could say to myself ok i'm going to soldier on or i've studied business but i'm going to get moving. on. my career would have developed more quickly if my first husband had been more like my second husband. he's not completing with me either in terms of the pay or intelligence.
he has democratic values. so you know that equality for women most progress and. a better quality of life. and more democratic rights for everyone. i wanted to be deficient in my professional activities and my beliefs are very potent to me. i would never give them up. then i won't bow to anyone. but i have my own way of thinking and my own way of looking at things. i don't enjoy exchanging ideas younger to shine through. she radiates love and affection it's one of her special qualities or it's truly exceptional there are lots of intelligent women you know and she's one of them without question for do it but that's not what makes her truly special trying to totally know you've been through a good guy. and what she has the ability to give love from the moment she gets to
know someone the. quality is what truly defines maria luisa. is not a declaration of love yes yes of course. from an early age i was an advocate for social justice i found the contrast unbearable. asked people i either had everything or they had nothing. i was the first of five children in our family. my father didn't make a lot of money he was mostly involved in politics and was a union activist during the franco regime is that the mother my mother worked to feed us and make sure we got a good education. my father was either in jail or on strike. just.
in my family it was the women who did everything this. it what it may i did they wanted me to talk about the house but the question is your family is over but i said no she didn't i'm going to talk about you she good value. this is phone book it was it is true that women have to work hard but everyone works hard these days men and women alike office and there's no way around it schedules are too tight and standards are too high life but there's more to it than performance and i think it's very important to understand that where i have influence i also have responsibility. and i sometimes find it very challenging to
handle that power in a truly her sponsible way is a fun. fun poking fun game and i think that does come more easily to men then to women or. men. like. thank you yes i think it's important to focus on the discussion about the situation of women in management positions and why we're making such slow progress they are. why don't more women apply for top positions research indicates that women apply for a position only if they meet one hundred twenty percent of the required qualification for. one that's once he puts and effort. and money but a man who was less qualified might still apply when he says to himself well i'm
just perfect for this job and i do my. sixty to eighty percent of the requirements so while apply to me we've seen cases where women apply only if they can meet on all of the requirements on file if you catch one of the sites so right now we're reviewing all of our open job profiles and job description it's we want to find out whether the qualifications we've listed are really necessary or did we just post a wish list. we've gone back and reworked all of that material in a very self-critical way it doesn't. stop my. sleep.
together you show me the quality control point. on the phone when do you find out after the customer has already used it. it's a political aspect and i'm responsible for that. because that is why you were never there are you familiar with the women at the mill and what. you know they're active in the industrial departments and i represent them in the group and what have you heard of us. i work with and then you want to go to the she doesn't have email like it was his office at least that's how i think people who don't have internet access . he. doesn't have anyone to talk to the human resources director. said the women need to know about the network anyone can join but
we organize a number of events and civil lots of women come to those events. at the beginning of the thing he says you know what. if. this is. that thing that is giving them the. one that is in the league. i lead a very simple life. i work at least twelve hours a day. my husband and i are equal partners in our relationship each takes care of the other. admittedly my husband takes care of me more than i take care of him. that's a question of personality not selfishness. i'm
a passionate person when i'm doing what i like to do i don't feel tired. my mind is always working overtime. until my body tells me to stop. but. i. think if you cut. i don't think i feel there is. that.
anything you. don't good nor. close. i believe that spain needs a closer look he said that that's what i'm not being for that as a gesture that my work with my head is of a near theory says he a simple french spanish french and goes above and beyond the company is it any goal is to have a quota law for minister to the board in place in spain by the end of the year. we've been inspired by the french law and closeness and its implementation but annoying all of us the closer law in france has been very successful yet the league a get we have you see. i think that quarter by law has
a place if at all governments feel their progress is not is not being meet in an ideal world no one would need to legislate for that in an ideal world we would have a situation where there was a very large pool of talent to sit on boards male and female and the decisions would be simply based on merit a window in an ideal world i know for sure if the male board member once said i was often kept but because i was a woman so no i have no problem moving up because i'm a woman all being female quotas are crucial the truth is when i was eighteen i would have considered them when i had left university at twenty three i still thought utterly ridiculous me and all my female peers will get there on our own abilities then i was thirty and i knew some of the women were dropping out yes but i still thought absurd idea i want to get there on my own merit and so did my
friends. now i'm fifty two and the world hasn't changed enough the race it's changing out is like well like the ice age quotas are incredibly important and without them we will get anywhere. this is just all from right now i'm rethinking how i organize my appointment calendar. so normally my assistant makes little notes for me so i can choose among my options. i don't have time to do everything in joining sometimes i have to be in different places in france on the same day so she asks me to prioritize that trade
for you easily and. we discuss the situation so that she can continue planning for . coming there also in fact. she just. like you most of our time exim who are you. to do sleep well have you had breakfast yet. there go ok lots of kisses. response because. when i began my career i was against quotas because i had questions about whether they were legitimacy. and. if you promoted for being
a woman you can be rejected for exactly the same reasons you know. oh she's just here because. i prefer to succeed based on my abilities past so that i can prove that i'm the best thinkers just when i mean. you. know. what i knew for certain until recently throughout france excluding paris the process of including more women in companies and their management boards was moving slowly. to the left in his or something it wasn't until the new law took effect that things started rolling. after quotas were established and the
supervisor of hospital or campus if you could only. i don't think we need quarters when we have great qualities but often they don't try to get ahead. they wait for others to come to them. so i think the quotas have helped them to make progress because there are lots of women on supervisory board but not all management boards. and it's important to have a certain balance. but the actual percentage of women is an important what matters is the quality of each individual should get out of town selectively to district it sir.
if you call the the from. when i was a child i wanted to be a teacher a french teacher master teacher p.e. teacher. met him it was obvious it changed all the time maybe. i wanted to do something for society and the state. i wanted to do something that would allow me to serve my country overseas i still do. and i didn't always. of course it still feels unusual to be the only woman on the board and a young woman at that its. own illicit fat people smile at you know a lot. of friendly and charming. but they don't really take you seriously. but. still things change over time. we can at least shake things
up and bring a new perspective to the table and perhaps be a little more honest and transparent. that would. produce better discussions among the board members to me of the battles. i believe that meant one twin to take their proper place in the working world. planted class. fish and i don't know about this is a problem because one. thing is already downstairs think you can find two minutes ok well so long. as there are good reasons why my mom had to work. that's why all of this and it was no best interest to. i don't understand there was always someone there to take care of us.
and. to help the children off the streets i did have a guilty conscience sometimes if i had to leave in the morning or where i saw that things were running late i did feel guilty if i cut off it's i'd say it's friday afternoon parents afternoon at school i just met up and all the other mothers will be there became cookies cakes or there'd be a school production and i'd either miss it entirely or i'd be the last one to show up. because it's. not. for this friend and i didn't really notice any of that. i never got the impression that you missed a lot. but you mentioned it a few times you will tell it was are you bored so you mr birthday want her eleventh. it was more than that you know you work every weekend all the time you're working on spring emails in my. email and you're always uncool.
he says and he may have been it does make a difference. in. the first infuse even if you might know how hard she's worked in egypt so much for if you know when i've got a lot to do at my job i often think of her and what she achieved in the same amount of time and stuff and that calms me down. and makes it easier for me to do my work no matter how much i've got to do it. he's a great role model i'm proud of you. if you found out what i might go. alls. one is a victim of but my goal is to play a part in economic growth and the creation of jobs in my country. of sex yeah most of you know i think that i'm in a position where i have the resources available to do that was what i was asked to
show on the wild to be more young for you and i'm trying to use those resources to best achieve those goals they will be used in one hour i think it's as if. they are believe in yourself and it sounds bad but it's true you know i. know where you want to go how you going to get behave a vision for for for your life because not it's not going to be always that people are going to believe in you so you need to be your own constant coach and and fan and that becomes very important. no one can tell you what will happen. over the coming years your best antidote to an uncertain future is to gather a range of experiences that mean that whatever happens you're able to adapt you're able to thrive you're able to grow. you don't get out by standing still.
the main tip i have for young girls is the networking tip it is spend twenty percent of your time networking to do that every single day delicious day go by whether where you're not making a connection with somebody going off to have lunch with somebody bumping into somebody at the coffee machine and if you spend all day working terribly hard at keeping your head down then all the boss sold the cube or whatever transport you use spend that time lining up coffees with people we all use our mobiles all the time don't waste your time being gracious your job because nobody is going to notice unless you tell them. the place you go i could become the c.e.o. of spain. because you
have no problem being a manager and i like people that's a gift and you either have it or you don't you can get a ton of must as degrees but to be a manager you have to be able to give and to find out what people want. he says my competence is beyond question i have the academic credentials i'm highly qualified and i love to work. why am i not already the c.e.o. of can also use you. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank. you it was you are. you eat. you eat.
you you. feel. heat. feel. your all maxed out fat i was right thank you very much so long hours this week on your own backs everything's different celebrities are calling the shots. today german going to rouse in charge.
in thirty minutes d.w.i. . if you ever have to cover up a murder best way is to make an accident raring to. memoranda like this. mr jermyn street. pure and simple. money's right and they need to document m.r. so long there's. this we come here on things different. celebrities calling the shots. all of them but they're creating. bureaucrats to decide. this week to talk. to.

Related Keywords

Quotas , It , Kind , Fan , Concept , Capability , Squids , Women , Lot , Woman , Men , Preference , Job , Employees , Skills , Ideas , Doesn T , Few , Criteria , Purse , Charleston , Will , Amused , Conflicts , Complications , Name , Funny Latino , Kbpi , Investment Bank , Businesses , France , Investments , Company Measures , Dollars , Diversity , Three , Everyone , World , Sep , Us , Environment , Inclusion , Seventy Eight Thousand , Little , Eliminativisma Little , Way , My Name , Contents , Maria Luisa , Company , Head , Secretary General , Department , Saying , Spanish , Ten Thousand , Two Thousand And , People , Formation , Chairwoman , Country , Network , Shareholders , Ninety Thousand , Six Hundred , Mo Ney , Top , Growth , Firms , Value Jobs , One , Three Billion Euro , Three Billion , Four Hundred Fifty , Womens Networks Equality , Cases , Ministry , Governor , Members , Delusion , Representatives , Organizing Women S , Meetings , Syria Time , Government Officials , Goal , Action , Administrator , Dedication , Companies Don T , Spain , Quota , Quota Law , Sanctions , Something , Maria Lisa , Training , Opportunity , Things , Al L , Person , Saving Grace , Minds , Mistakes , Both , Thing , Decisions , Teams , Cars , Needs , Customers , Population , Progress , City , Investment , Long Way To Go , Kids , Nine , Seven , Work , Office , Change , Thirty , Six , Thumb , Someone , Leader , Senior Manager , Ppi , Mission , Miss You , Vision Sa P , New Directions , Table , Lives , Place , Very , Energy , Sweetheart , Lie , Bit , Germany , Management Role , Initiative , Question , Perspective , Sapt , Economists , Business Advantage , Perspectives , Possibility , Status Quo , Leadership Qualities , Breath , Something Else , Wabc One , Fresh Air , Fact , Manager , Sense , Word , German , Listener , Actors , Man , Difference , Managers , Firing People , Situations , Manager Form , Disadvantage , Behavior , Underachievers , Pressure , Others , Boss , Relevant , Case , Leadership Positions , Management Style , Colleagues , Viewpoints , Point Of View , Prospects , Elements , Stress Level , Family , Communication , Room , Politics , Shortage , Boardrooms , Everywhere , Arts , Posts , Children , First , We Women , Foreign Policy , Organizations , Fewer , Role , Experience , Movie , Knowledge , Course , Life , Management , Society , Form , Practice , Internet , Hosts , Projects , Loss Making Henchoz , Sodexho , North America , Aren T , Areas , Remote , Party , Wherever , Some , Two Hundred , Two , One Hundred , Care , Somebody , Everybody , Question Laws , Testosterone Competition , Step , Threat , Well , Resources , Options , Stuff , Management Company , Worst , Eighty Five , Training Courses , Show , Companies , Women Strengths , Hopelessness , Parties , Authenticity , Security , Times , Testosterone , Self , Ten , Career , Wesley , Sea , Upgrades , Wherry , Risk Taking Appetite Women , Confines , Husbands , Member , Selves , Deal , Terms , Other , Partner , Supporta Partner , Profession , Career Development , Ways , Get Her , Positive , Success , Need , Loss , Sick , Closer , Host Psychiatrist , Privy , Crew , White House , Account , Relationship , Rights , Expectations , Medal , University , Minister , Economist , Senior , Civil Servants , Francis , Paris , Everything , Didn T , Value , Universities , Humor , Cos , Husband , Mind , Anywhere , Point , Summit , Meeting , Breadwinner , Safety Net , Back , Nurse , Brothela Money Son , Bottom , Help , Home , Welfare So Star Net , Business , Soldier , On , Intelligence , Pay , Values , Anyone , Activities , Beliefs , Love , Affection , Qualities , Lots , Ability , Guy , Quality , Declaration , Contrast , Age , Social Justice , Advocate , Father , Mother , Nothing , Union Activist , Franco Regime , Five , Jail , Strike , Education , House , Phone Book , Responsibility , It Schedules , Performance , Influence , Standards , Fun Poking Game , Fun , Power , Women Or , Situation , Management Positions , Positions , Discussion , Research , Position , Qualification , Effort , One Hundred Twenty , Requirements , File , Sites , Sixty , Eighty , Qualifications , Job Profiles , Wish List , Job Description , Material , Sleep , It Doesn T , Stop My , Quality Control Point , Customer , Phone , Aspect , Mill , Email , Departments , Least , Group , Dont Have Internet Access , Human Resources Director , Events , Number , Beginning , League , Partners , Twelve , Selfishness , Body , Anything , Dont Good , Supervisory Board , French , Gesture , Theory , Look , Above And Beyond , The End , Law , Closeness , Implementation , Governments , Board Member , Pool , Merita Window , Talent , Sit On Boards Male And Female , Problem , Truth , Twenty Three , Eighteen , Abilities , Idea , Merit , Peers , On My Own , Ice Age Quotas , Race , Hasn T , Friends , Fifty Two , Appointment Calendar , Assistant , Notes , Places , Trade , Planning , Breakfast , Kexim , Kisses , Questions , Response , Legitimacy , Thinkers , Reasons , Know , Management Boards , Wasn T , Left , Effect , Hospital , Campus , Supervisor , Percentage , Balance , Town , Bit Sir , Individual , Teacher , Child , Teachera French , Master Teacher Pe , State , Him , Its , Friendly , Discussions , Board Members , Battles , Fish , Twin , Class , Interest , Mom , School , Mothers , Morning , Streets , Conscience , Friend , School Production , Cookies , Impression , Birthday , Spring Emails , Egypt , Infuse , Matter , Amount , Victim , Role Model , Alls , Most , Creation , Jobs , Sex , Part , Goals , Wild , Vision , Coach , Range , Antidote , Experiences , Future , Tip , Networking , Girls , Twenty , Connection , Somebody Bumping , Cube , Coffee Machine , Mobiles , Nobody , Ceo , Ton , Must , Gift , Competence , Can , Credentials , Feel , Heat , Celebrities , Fat , Backs , Shots , Charge , Dwi , Mr , Accidents , Murder , Memoranda , Jermyn Street , Pure And Simple , Bureaucrats ,

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