Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

for the day about half an hour ago. that's good, right to cnn's brynn gingras in new york's is outside the court. brynn, what are you hearing? why are they still in session there? >> still trying to find that jury, jake, you know, at the beginning of the day, it was unclear if there was going to be a single juror seated. and now by today, at this moment, there are six that are seeded, included putting a four-person so the process is continuing at this very hour. some of the details about the six people that we know about so far. of course, they remain anonymous, but one is originally from ireland, that person is already declared the foreperson when this case goes to trial, there's an and khaliji nurse. there's a corporate lawyer, there's one person who actually told the courtroom that he found trump fascinating. there's another person who says that they appreciate trump's candor but didn't really have strong political views all different ages, marriage, not married, group ofeople that are rht of, now sittinon the jury >>nd before that, >> though, there was quite a process, wknow that the jurors who went through this process, how to sw 42 questis, you whereid they get their news from? what sort of have gone to a trump ralls, sort of those questions. >> but after >> that, th's when both the prosecution and trump's atrneys could really a deeper questions to gesome answers. well, they d that and thenfter short break and courts ttrump's atrneys came back and it's clear that they were digging through the social medias of some of these people who were perspective the jurors in one case, thound that one juror had put on facebook to lock him up. he was dismissed on caused by the judge, another juror. there was video ofhat man somewhat celebrating in video posted to facebook when joe biden won the elecon in 2020. and that person w dmissed. bye, bye president, by the former president's attorneys. but all in all, remember >> they each side has >> ten strikes. and so far were the numbers trump's team has struck four jurors prosecutors have struck three. jake, this is a continuing process right now. we're going late because they're continuing with more jurors of brush group of 96 people went into the pornhub and they're starting that process, but likely we'll be wrapping up soon. but jake, big news here are six jurors now seated for this criminal trial >> and bread at brynn. judge merchan minus donald trump at one point, what happened >> yeah, this was in that problem a question about their social media and trump >> had a, what we're being told is visible and somewhat audible reaction to this person's answer once that prospective juror left the courtroom, the judge immediately told trump's attorneys to basically keep control of him. he said, quote, i will not have german jurors intimidated in my courtroom. so certainly got a scolding their for the most part, though, jake trump has been very much involved at sometime and he's sitting back, leaning back and listening, but he has been corresponding with his defense attorneys throughout this entire process. >> all right. brian, thanks so much. appreciate it. let's discuss it all with former federal prosecutor, jean rossi. he's the former assistant us attorney in the eastern district of the great commonwealth of virginia. so genes six jurors have been seated. the trump team has frustrated one juror was dismissed today for having a pro trump bias there. they're upset about that because there already afraid that the heavily democratic makeup of manhattan is not going to work in their favor we'll do you think their goal is? >> to >> find the fairest jury possible is their goal ultimately to find at least one person that could deadlock the jury. >> i don't think they're shooting for an acquittal. i think they're trying to get one, two, or three jurors that will hang. and he's the goal of any prosecutor, defen attorney wther 's a civil case or criminal case. you want a juror that can put aside their biases and prejudices, their ases for trump or prejudagnst them, and apply the law to the facts as they see them. and they haveo focus on that mission like a laser beam, both sides. but got to tell you this. if i were person in trump i see encouraging signs that he could possibly get a fair and impartial actively fair and impartial juror. and for the prosecution. this is moving much faster than i thought. i thought this would be a two-week process and it's possible we could have open we need statements this coming monday. >> interesting, let's play a little game with hypothetical seat the journey of that, where you examine what some potential juror said today in court. and, judge, what you thought. of what they said. so trump elicit one potential jurors view about donald trump. what do you think donaltrump and the man said, my view doesn't matter, quote if we were sitting in a bar, i'd be happy to tell you. >> but in this room >> what i feel about president trump is not important or imperative. >> he >> then acknowledged that he was a democrat, which is something that just a matter of public record would you if you were on trump's team, would you seat that person? >> i would probably ibm echo poise, but i love that jurors response that gives me a hope that we have a fair trial here. >> that's what they're supposed to thing. i know. but the way this jurors said it to me, i think destroyed really meant it. and this is what i love about trials, or done almost 100 jury trials when a juror's getting a jury box and closed and it's only the jge to participants in the audience. i love when jurors are able put out all the crowd noise, the noise on the street, and focus on what comes out of the witness box and what the documents show. that is a beautiful thing, and that's ing to happen here where they can just put everything aside and just focus on the facts as they see him. it's a beautiful part of the criminal justice process. >> so another potential juror works with the bronx district attorney says he knows that the manhattan deray is going to have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. he notes that he has, quote, a lot of friends and law enforcement who are pro trump, but he says he doesn't have an opinion himself about national politics. what do you think if you're >> from the trump team gone? okay, first off, i don't want this is a prosecutor. you said i don't want attorneys on my jury. >> yeah, it works for the bronx district attorney, but yeah. i mean, i well, he's affiliated right i would strike him in a news because he's affiliated with the prosecutor, a new york minute, he would be struck if i were trump here's some others, some interesting ones. so these are people who were seated the first-seeded juror, the foreperson, a man originally from ireland. he works in sales. he has some college education, married, no kids. reason new york times and the daily mail watches some fox news and msnbc i would probably keep him if i were trump. that's not a bad juror. i think this person could look at the evidence and be fair that one i'd keep somebody who watches fox and msnbc is intriguing. >> well, they're ambidextrous >> the fifth juror, these are people who are already seated. these ones that are hurting right now a young black woman, she teaches english language in a public charter school. she has a masters in education, unmarried, no kids. she says is a person of color. she has friends who have strong opinions on trumpet personally, she's not political. she says she tried to avoid political conversations, doesn't read the news, didn't know that trump is under trial and other and other jurisdictions. and in terms of trump's candy there, she said, quote, president trump speaks his mind. and i'd rather, that than somebody who is an office who don't know what they're thinking, she's seated. >> okay. that's president trump really >> yes. >> and when i had my oath keeper trial, there were jurors that really didn't know what happened on january 6, believe it or not. and the trial was in dc this person puts aside all the crowd noise, only focus on. and she's not influenced by the judge, aileen cannon or the other two cases beyond the new york city walls. >> so third c to jurors, a corporate lawyer >> originally from oregon he gets his news from the newk mes, the walstreet journal, and google. unger man, no wife, no husba, no kids. >> okay. i would say that's leaning towards trump. >> if i had a bat just because because while i wall street journal yeah, reason wall street journal, whilst returned and he has no kids and i got to trump r his ouagusness, , like his availability to spea his mindtha's a juror that may lean posbly a towardtrump. >> here's another one that's interesting olpuerto rican man married with adult children and grandkids when asked aut his hobbies, he says, guess it business for training and n consulting. you did one year of finds trump fascinating and people are set off one w or the other, and that this is int of this. wow he said trump quote mas things intesting. he said he doesn't have any strong feelings abouhis litics >> i would say that's a good juror for donald trump because because the jurs that you should want on this panenot only ones, they're going to be fair and impartial, but the oneshat don't hate tru th are fascinated by trump annet appreciate that hes frank and open about his feelings, whether you agree with them or fervently sagreethose are the ones you want. >>ascinating stuff. all right, well that's st the first you back there is mo generoty. ankso much appreciated as trump again today rails against this ce oblem this cascoulpose ical with so many american voters, not ally paying attention to what's going on new ally in the fight >> against climate change. >> this is in car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbin plus cnn fill sunday at nine >> hey, they're brenda. >> it's carroll exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? 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quote. so you think the trial or the conviction is going to hurt him both or just to convince the trial there's no there's an opportunity cost. right? right now, donald trump is sitting at a defendant table in manhattan mole joe biden is campaigning on the academy in scranton, pennsylvania that hurts trump. >> being in the news has >> generally been dead for trump since he left the white house. the more people see trump, the less comfortable they are with him coming back to the white house and now he's seen a high-profile trial where he has to be in court every single day or be arrested in the media capital of the world. i conviction would hurt him even more, obviously, right? and the people who say that voters don't care aren't reading the polls. because in the new york times poll that came out this weekend, 23% of republicans, sorry, 23% of trump's 2020 voters, people who voted for him in 2020 say that the charges in this trial are very serious. >> this particular transaction this particular travel paying hush money payments to stormy daniels is the way they've raised a question and so even if a fraction of those people decide, most of them come home to trouble. of course we even a fraction of them stay home or vote for biden. that's ball game in an election this >> close, do you think as a political observer, as somebody who obviously wants to buy into, when do you think that one? these cases is more serious than the other? and how concerned are you about the fact that i don't know that they're going to be any other trials other than this one, right? >> right. if you if i was rank ordering, which of trump's very serious crimes i'd like to see and be held accountable before before the election common sense and the polling shows that voters are most concerned about january, the january 6 trial, what he did to try to overturn the election second is heights is abscondees from the white house with nuclear secrets and hiding them in your beach house. that's also very serious. this is probably the less serious of them, but the polls show people still take it very seriously. >> and in >> the exit polls from the republican primary, they just ask people, republican primary voters will you would you see down trump is fit for the presidency if he's convicted of a crime not eating these specific crimes. and around 30% of them said no, that's a problem for trump, but just has to be >> do you why do you think joe biden is? i know the polls have narrowed even the new york times poll that was problematic for him a few, about a month ago, has, has narrowed. but why do you think it is still? well such a struggle for joe biden to put this away given all of donald trump's weaknesses and all of these trials >> if the economy it is absolutely economy. and in that near time, scroll down, trump is 68, 63 point advantage on economic approval comparing how people felt about the economy during trump's rosen let's see, and biden's presidency, it's everyone's number one issue and why the economy, it's specifically is inflation, the cost of, cost of living in the cost of groceries, and present binds gonna have to make a case as to why he's gonna be better deal with that, then trump. but that is what is profit trump up? it's these system estadio for the cost of eggs and milk from 2019 is the foundation of his success. >> whether that will remain true as more and >> more voters tune into this election and learn more about what he's saying and doing every day is an open question. but as of right now, that is what is keeping him a float >> and do you agree with the comments that ron klain? was recorded and political reported on former white house chief of staff for biden, ron klain, that he thinks biden his quote, out there talking too much about bridges, unquote and not enough about milk and eggs and rising day-to-day prices. do you agree with that that he needs to be talking more about groceries and stuff. you know what i mean cost stuff? yes, i do. >> yeah. i agree with ron's follow-up to politico after they found that recording that since the state of the union, the president has had a very middle-class focus message that talks about the cost of living. i think he should do that. what he did today in scranton was very good. >> infrastructure is one of those issues. it's a huge accomplishment for the president. it's worse place where he succeeded and trump failed. it is often one of the issues that voters say they care about, but isn't a major driver of their decision on whom to vote for. >> but >> going forward, doing what he did in the state of the union, doing what he did today, drawing a sharp contrast between who trump is gonna cut taxes for, who buck joe biden is going to fight for. that is the right thing to do. i think they're on the right path right now. >> dan pfeiffer, good to see you. thanks for coming by. appreciate it to capitol hill next where we watched this dramatic formality house republicans walking over to the us senate, carrying articles of impeachment against the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. the device hey, save issue behind this special delivery. >> next >> some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all state because there's a right way >> and the speed limit definitely isn't 700 million miles per hour. so why >> would you pay a weight based on here? 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and what do you think senateemocrat should do? >> well, lete, let me focus on the 21 times that articles of impeachment have been walke across the capital. 21 times. the senate has decided to have a trial. and i think what might be historic here is the senate decides that the're not going to have a trial, if they' not going to take what the representatives from the house brought over seriously enough to have a conversation about it due i think he'll be convicted. absolutely not. but well look think this is a kay perversion of the constitution. we do not use our constitution to he policy disagreements about. also, as i said bore, s this is about dist distract, divide. this is not about, this is a distraction from the fact that they couldn't actually get a deal the things he in that clip that just said it we in the deal that republicans walked showmanship. is just more >> this does ce at a time when the house gop is in turmoil there, united on this, for the most part, the most part. but the house gop is in turmoil. and speaker johnson. and now a second republican. congressman massey is threatening to join marjorie taylor greene and oust speaker johnson. and i'm wondering how whether and how you see the mayorkas impeachment in that context. i mean, was this done basically? just to try to unite the party around something >> no. i think the border isn't a crisis. no, absolutely not. earlier, i think others have said that massie and taylor-greene have said that johnson's not conservative enough. this has been something that the more conservative wing of the republican party has wanted for a while. and under speaker de, the beans pitchman? yes. and under speaker johnson, they've moved forward on this so what i'm seeing is that individuals picking and choosing what they want him to move forward on and what they don't want him to move forward on. >> but >> at the end of the day the aid for ukraine, for israel, for taiwan all of those are policies that the the majority of the republican conference wants to move forward and the speakers reflecting that. >> so karen, we have a live picture of the manhattan courthouse where jury selection is running longer than expected. six jurors have been seated. so far, it's want to get your reaction to this moment. we're in selecting jurors for the first criminal trial against a former president i don't know if i have any sodium penta fall, if i had sodium hands up all night, second in your arm, would you admit that you wished it was four maybe dan pfeiffer said like he said, the more important cases, the january 6 case, as opposed to this one sure. but i but won't even need the sodium panel. >> didn't need to be honest with you, jake. >> but at the same time, >> i do and i think that within all these cases, it's important and democrats haven't done this, create one narrative about why did they all tell us about what donald trump means? for you, the american voter in my mind, this is the beginning of a pattern we saw that played out in 2020, where trump was willing to do whatever it took to keep information from the american people when that could be damaging, when they were making their decision. and i think if you establish it as a fact pattern and in the minds of voters, that becomes a more interesting conversation. then talking about who he had an affair with and which i think a lot of folks, they're not interested in that part. it's really about what matters to me in my life. >> do you what do you think so, dan pfeiffer, former communications director for the biden white house. he he was just sean and he said that he thinks anyone saying that these trials aren't bad for trump is not telling the truth. who doesn't read the polls that of course it's bad for trump. it's as a game of addition. and these trials don't add any votes what do you think? well, i can, i can remember another presidential election will had one of the major candidates sitting in a courtroom and the other having to force to use the short stares case on air force, one because of his aides are afraid that he's not gonna be able to make it on the tall staircase stays away. well your little reference you really need to be. i'm sure they have video on that would cause that into not on trial. >> this was the first are prone did not off >> yes. well, one more than the other, but anyway, this is the first this was the first indictment this was the first time that a former president had been indicted. and this is the first trial that we're now coming to the fore. i think most legal experts will say that the deray in this in this instance, really is reaching defined a crime but this is the start of a number of trials. and if phi fors point, i would much rather be on a campaign trail than sitting in a courtroom if i was president trump. >> fair enough. thanks to both you appreciate it. the daily divide us supreme court today questioning if prosecutors have appropriately applied one of the charges and some 350 cases related to january takes it's a huge question and it could impact the january 6 case involving donald trump plus scranton joe aka president joe biden, making a stop at his childhood home in scranton, pa. live pictures there. he was found today talking about the economy and taxes. >> we'll be right back >> smart lander offer the yotam smart protection easy removal, cleaning, and install. it smart it's smart, with chase freedom on limits, you can catch back 30% on danny included takeout, cash on flap jacks, maybe back. so tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm working on my six pack or good luck with that would chase freedom on limit. think with no annual fee, how did you catch that? 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>> did you forget something? >> i protein shake the >> future isn't scary. >> not investing in it >> is so dramatic, amelia by jan 100 innovative companies, one etf, before investing care8046180800 or visit coventry nick paton walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants and srilanka feels bizarre to see this frontline mentality out here are these giant and >> invasive species what are they fighting for their own survival? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn >> in today's law and justice lead profiles of the folks donald trump calls the january 6 hostages. is there defendants or convicted criminals convicted of crimes carried out duringhe january attack, often violent esten violent crimes committ against police officers tod's january 6 oter so-called hostage james tate grant of carrying north raigh. james tate grant was convicted ofssaulting an dangerous weapon and are ructing an official procdi which is, in court cumentshow grant confronting capitol police, trying to man a bike rack, barricade ththe situation escalates and fbi investigators as a grant and joined other writs, lifted up the baicade, shoved itt police. female officeror fell onto the steps hind the inveigat says video shows that grants interferedhen officers tried to apprehend a different writer. oh, but mr. james, grant was not done then security video shows he made it into the capital. he climbed through a broken window and grant found the hideaway office if senator jeff merkley of oregon, yocan see jametake t and screenshot images with other writers, merkley and ma it to safety. but the senator ter toldhe oregonian newspaper that riders trashed hifice. a judge founjames ta grant guilty this past february of assaulting a police officer and obstructing an official michelle proceeding. james tate grant. sentencing is set for june another one of donald trump's j6 hostages, not hostage, a convicted criminal but as we said, james tate grant was convicted not only of what he did to that cop, but of obstruction of an official proceeding. and that charge obstruction of an official proceeding itself is being challenged at the us supreme court in oral arguments today, the court's conservative majority seemed skeptical of how prosecutors are using that charge against hundreds of people us capitol on january 6, 2021, a decision against the government by the us supreme court. but reopen those cases, it could impact the pending case against former president trump. he is also charged with obstructing an official proceeding cnn's joan biskupic was inside the us supreme court today. joan explain explain the part of this obstruction law that is in dispute and why some of t justices seemed skeptical, obvusly, they were trying to disrupt the vote count. actually, you know what? one cond gentleman h come right back to you,ut mr. trump's about to spe >> let's play away thank you very much. and we are going to continue our fight against this, judge. we think ' totally colicted 's a conflicted judge. in over an appeal more conflicted than this one. so we'll see how that all works at well having a hard. time with the new york state system, it's under watch by the whole world. and argued so we we thinke have a very inflicted, highly conflicted, judge. you shouldn't be on the case and he's rushing this trial than just doing as much as he can for the democrats today, biden inspired, which. and it should end, and it should end very quickly. thank you >> hi, mr. trump historically, the first ever >> former us president to be tried in a criminal case. he's being prosecuted by the district attorney, alvin bragg. theories is his comments. after the second day in court john, i rudely interrupted you or facilitated the root interruption of you by someone else >> why >> in the supreme court is hearing this case about whether or not prosecutors are misusing this obstruction of official proceeding charge obviously, these people were trying to disrupt the vote cats. so what's the issue here? okay. the issue is that it's a 2002 law that was passed in the wake of the enron financial documents scandal. and it says it has two parts of this law says that anybody who corruptly authors of destroys a record or document or other object object two impair its use in official proceeding could be punished, or someone who otherwise of structs influences or any official proceeding or attempts to do so. one side talks about evidence, the other side is broader about any kind of obstruction the justice department has charged these hundred people hundreds of people well, including former president donald trump, with the second part of this saying obstructing an official proceeding joseph fischer, one of the defendants came to the court today and appeal that saying that you can't use this part of the post enron law unless there's actually some evidence that had been tainted in some way. now, he's lost in lower courts and here, let me just tell you, first of all, some of the comments that were made. justices were very skeptical. but here's an example of justice sotomayor, who said that no. otherwise should it? give a new kind of claim here? i think we have the sound from her. yeah. that's run joseph justice sotomayor >> let me give you an example >> there >> is a sign on the theater. you will be kicked out of the theater if you photograph or record the actors or otherwise disrupt the performance if you start yelling, i think no one would question that you can be expected to be kicked out under this policy even though yelling has nothing to do with photograph, we're recording but actually jake, her view was the minority most of the justices, the conservative justices felt like there had to be a linkage that you had to have if you use justice sotomayor's example, you had to have some server in this what the conservative justices were saying that if anybody is going to be charged under this law. it would have to involve some sort of evidence as in the first part of that statute. now, let's listen to brett kavanaugh, who spoke in a way that i think captures what allowed the conservatives felt about the justices going too far. pardon me, about the justice department going too far in the charging less brett kavanaugh there's six other accounts in the indictment here, which includes civil disorder >> physical contact with the victim, assault entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct, disorderly conduct in the capital building. and why aren't those six counts good enough. >> just >> from the justice department's perspective, given that they don't have any of the hurdles because those counts don't fully reflect the culpability of petitioners conduct on january 6, those counts do not require that petitioner have acted corruptly to obstruct an official proceeding are you have to translate that for me? >> yes. her point was representing the department of justice, elizabeth prelogar, that to not be able to use this law would not be able to hold many of the defendants accountable for what they did. they obstruct an official proceeding in the government's mind? and it didn't matter that some evidence was not destroyed freud, in the process and by limiting the government's use of this law, it essentially won't hold to fully account many of these defendants, including donald trump, who is also charged under this logic. >> okay. you're good at reading the court. do you think that they're going to side with the capital the january 6 defendants sierra ultimately majority? yes. yes. you do. i just want to say it doesn't mean that a bunch of people are going to be set free because many of these people, including joseph fischer, who came there to were charged with other things? yes. exactly. they are charged with other things where it might need maintenance. they're just going to serve less prison time. and it could complicated many cases, including the form more president's case. >> all right, fascinating stuff. joan biskupic on the case, as always, at the us supreme court, court has just ended for the day in the hush money case and not the supreme court. that's a different chord. we're hearing that there's been another big development. we're going to go right back to that courthouse in manhattan next day with us >> have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight. you look and sound just like me. actually i am, you because i'm the same news programs on sling for less, you mean you're me but for less money, a lot less? 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>> well, it's sad that it's come to this jake. it really is president is showing the lack of restraint for which he so known attacking the judge, attacking the justice system. we know he doesn't believe in the basic institutions of independent judiciary, rule of law. he's demonstrating that every day we got our hands full here in congress. and so the trial will take care of itself. they'll fill out the jury pool on the trial will start. but we're in the middle of a stump driven impeachment of the dhs secretary, which we receive the articles of impeachment today will be at trial starting tomorrow. we want to make sure we're doing what we can to promote de-escalation in the middle east, we got a couple of other items on our shoulders. it's going to be a busy week here. >> are you going to have a trial? >> well, look, here's my expectation. we're going to have fairly significant debates and motions. i believe at the end of the day, there will be a moon to dismiss the case becausit really is a stunt. many of my democratic colleagues and many of my republan colagues in the senate know th jake,ou probably know it as the house was moved movingo impeh secry mayorkas, the sete republicandemanded that h'd be part the bipartisan netiation, defined bipartan border security deal with which we did, which they en backed away from when p decided he didn't li it. but when theenate republicanare king ali markas tbe at the tabl they're demonstrating that they have confidence than him. so this house impeachment move is a stu, and it's going nowhere >> i wante ask you about what's going on in the hoe you've been calling on speak johnson to bng up this foreign aid bill so it has aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan the's effort to oust him among use republicans summer people are clinghis a churchl or chamberlain moment for speakejohnson do y make oft all >> in the senate? it'nearly twmonths a that we took this bill to provide defense aid to ukraine and israel i wishe wohave done it before israel god atta by iran over the weekend, but tha shows as well the evidence we he to do it. it seems like what the speer is doing th we did and splitting it to pieces, putting them separately, but th a re that would allow tonce voted upon to be assembled and sent back over to us. we don't know exactly theull conten and it gog to be everything that we put in r bill if they're going to take anything out or add any conditions or maybe put in items that weren't in our bill. we'ot to be open-minded and see what they do. we know the votes are there and the house, if the speakers effort to do do this kind of jerry gged, split it io ur, doesn't come to pass. at least might have tried and then maybehe plan b will be just put the senate bill on the floor, the ves in the house have been there for th bill sends february, while ukraine has been suffering on e battfield and israel is under attack by an the votes you've been there for two months. so let's just have a vote for god's sake. >> all right. democric senator tim kaine, virginia. thanks so muchappreciate it absolutely. ming up next cnn's bi, we're in his new book and open letter to his kids giving the next-generation future >> doug hello, ghostbusters. >> it's duck of dudley moore, we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> anyway, we got a bit of a situation sure i can >> only pay for what you need >> those clusters, frozen empire our biggest challenge, uncertainty, hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect? 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>> well, they're related i wrote this book because i became a new old dad at age 52, height of thpandemic, 2020, ittle boy was , my dahter was 16 at that age and she had influenced the wder list, which had taken some of the most amazing happiest, healthiest, strongest societies around the world. but at this point, i had been covering climate for a couple of years and really had a pretty dark view on the planet that my little boy had joined. i started writing these earth day letters and they were pretty dark and angry at the beginning. but when i deliberately strived to focus on the helpers as mr. rogers told us to do in a disaster, look for the helpers, the dreamers, the doers, the entrepreneurs, started looking for solutions. boy, my mood brightened and it turns out there was so much out there to be hopeful about new energy streams, new ways of connecting with communities, new ideas, fundamental old ancient wisdom that if employed, can save so much life. there is so much, we're saving. and in the end, i ended up collecting dozens of just practical ways to fortify our communities come what may. and because our kids can no longer take sort of air a stable temperature shelter and food supply for granted. the way we did, we have to rethink these things in a more sustainable, holistic way. and it turns out anxiety into action, which is therapeutic in the end, i think what are some tools that parents out there can give our children to help them rebuild this strong and and resilient community in this changing climate. >> when i talk about the fact that one of my biggest regrets is a parents as i gave my daughter olivia an iphone when she was ten years old and showed her how to use instagram. >> we thought it >> was a tool to help her connect with her community. and we know now the anxiety cost that came and with that. and so i sound like a grumpy old man sitting, put your phone down and get outside, but that's exactly what has to happen. we have to make this generation fall in love with the natural world. their connection to it, how their health and wealth and happiness depends on the air and water in their communities and connecting with their friends around these very real things. the way indigenous communities did forever, the way humanity did up until recent generations will connect us and be better for our mental health as well as everything else. >> so as you know, because you have two kids, including the fantastic olivia, who's who ended up perfect. even even with her phone as you're the first to say yes there's a lot of depression and pessimism, even nihilism among young people who are worried about the planet, what's your message to them >> i think that if for people who are thinking about starting a family, if that kid is going to be a net positive, bring them, we need all the goods helpers we can get and for the kids who are born into this good thing, you're tough. we're going to help you stay resilient. we're going to help you build a much stronger, more resilient future. we can do this together dr. king did not say i have a nightmare. they were living nightmare. we have a dream about building a more sustainable, more resilient world and the tools are there for the taking right now, jake, here's a tool, though. where's good book? it's called life as we know, it can be stories of people, climate and hoping the changing word world, it's an interesting book and it's a beautifully written book. >> thank you, brother. thanks. it's gorgeous, open love letter to >> your kids into our planet, into are shared humanity. congratulations, bill. >> thank you. >> you can follow this show on accept the lead. cnn, if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcasts. news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer sure right next door in a place i like to call this a

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

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for the day about half an hour ago. that's good, right to cnn's brynn gingras in new york's is outside the court. brynn, what are you hearing? why are they still in session there? >> still trying to find that jury, jake, you know, at the beginning of the day, it was unclear if there was going to be a single juror seated. and now by today, at this moment, there are six that are seeded, included putting a four-person so the process is continuing at this very hour. some of the details about the six people that we know about so far. of course, they remain anonymous, but one is originally from ireland, that person is already declared the foreperson when this case goes to trial, there's an and khaliji nurse. there's a corporate lawyer, there's one person who actually told the courtroom that he found trump fascinating. there's another person who says that they appreciate trump's candor but didn't really have strong political views all different ages, marriage, not married, group ofeople that are rht of, now sittinon the jury >>nd before that, >> though, there was quite a process, wknow that the jurors who went through this process, how to sw 42 questis, you whereid they get their news from? what sort of have gone to a trump ralls, sort of those questions. >> but after >> that, th's when both the prosecution and trump's atrneys could really a deeper questions to gesome answers. well, they d that and thenfter short break and courts ttrump's atrneys came back and it's clear that they were digging through the social medias of some of these people who were perspective the jurors in one case, thound that one juror had put on facebook to lock him up. he was dismissed on caused by the judge, another juror. there was video ofhat man somewhat celebrating in video posted to facebook when joe biden won the elecon in 2020. and that person w dmissed. bye, bye president, by the former president's attorneys. but all in all, remember >> they each side has >> ten strikes. and so far were the numbers trump's team has struck four jurors prosecutors have struck three. jake, this is a continuing process right now. we're going late because they're continuing with more jurors of brush group of 96 people went into the pornhub and they're starting that process, but likely we'll be wrapping up soon. but jake, big news here are six jurors now seated for this criminal trial >> and bread at brynn. judge merchan minus donald trump at one point, what happened >> yeah, this was in that problem a question about their social media and trump >> had a, what we're being told is visible and somewhat audible reaction to this person's answer once that prospective juror left the courtroom, the judge immediately told trump's attorneys to basically keep control of him. he said, quote, i will not have german jurors intimidated in my courtroom. so certainly got a scolding their for the most part, though, jake trump has been very much involved at sometime and he's sitting back, leaning back and listening, but he has been corresponding with his defense attorneys throughout this entire process. >> all right. brian, thanks so much. appreciate it. let's discuss it all with former federal prosecutor, jean rossi. he's the former assistant us attorney in the eastern district of the great commonwealth of virginia. so genes six jurors have been seated. the trump team has frustrated one juror was dismissed today for having a pro trump bias there. they're upset about that because there already afraid that the heavily democratic makeup of manhattan is not going to work in their favor we'll do you think their goal is? >> to >> find the fairest jury possible is their goal ultimately to find at least one person that could deadlock the jury. >> i don't think they're shooting for an acquittal. i think they're trying to get one, two, or three jurors that will hang. and he's the goal of any prosecutor, defen attorney wther 's a civil case or criminal case. you want a juror that can put aside their biases and prejudices, their ases for trump or prejudagnst them, and apply the law to the facts as they see them. and they haveo focus on that mission like a laser beam, both sides. but got to tell you this. if i were person in trump i see encouraging signs that he could possibly get a fair and impartial actively fair and impartial juror. and for the prosecution. this is moving much faster than i thought. i thought this would be a two-week process and it's possible we could have open we need statements this coming monday. >> interesting, let's play a little game with hypothetical seat the journey of that, where you examine what some potential juror said today in court. and, judge, what you thought. of what they said. so trump elicit one potential jurors view about donald trump. what do you think donaltrump and the man said, my view doesn't matter, quote if we were sitting in a bar, i'd be happy to tell you. >> but in this room >> what i feel about president trump is not important or imperative. >> he >> then acknowledged that he was a democrat, which is something that just a matter of public record would you if you were on trump's team, would you seat that person? >> i would probably ibm echo poise, but i love that jurors response that gives me a hope that we have a fair trial here. >> that's what they're supposed to thing. i know. but the way this jurors said it to me, i think destroyed really meant it. and this is what i love about trials, or done almost 100 jury trials when a juror's getting a jury box and closed and it's only the jge to participants in the audience. i love when jurors are able put out all the crowd noise, the noise on the street, and focus on what comes out of the witness box and what the documents show. that is a beautiful thing, and that's ing to happen here where they can just put everything aside and just focus on the facts as they see him. it's a beautiful part of the criminal justice process. >> so another potential juror works with the bronx district attorney says he knows that the manhattan deray is going to have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. he notes that he has, quote, a lot of friends and law enforcement who are pro trump, but he says he doesn't have an opinion himself about national politics. what do you think if you're >> from the trump team gone? okay, first off, i don't want this is a prosecutor. you said i don't want attorneys on my jury. >> yeah, it works for the bronx district attorney, but yeah. i mean, i well, he's affiliated right i would strike him in a news because he's affiliated with the prosecutor, a new york minute, he would be struck if i were trump here's some others, some interesting ones. so these are people who were seated the first-seeded juror, the foreperson, a man originally from ireland. he works in sales. he has some college education, married, no kids. reason new york times and the daily mail watches some fox news and msnbc i would probably keep him if i were trump. that's not a bad juror. i think this person could look at the evidence and be fair that one i'd keep somebody who watches fox and msnbc is intriguing. >> well, they're ambidextrous >> the fifth juror, these are people who are already seated. these ones that are hurting right now a young black woman, she teaches english language in a public charter school. she has a masters in education, unmarried, no kids. she says is a person of color. she has friends who have strong opinions on trumpet personally, she's not political. she says she tried to avoid political conversations, doesn't read the news, didn't know that trump is under trial and other and other jurisdictions. and in terms of trump's candy there, she said, quote, president trump speaks his mind. and i'd rather, that than somebody who is an office who don't know what they're thinking, she's seated. >> okay. that's president trump really >> yes. >> and when i had my oath keeper trial, there were jurors that really didn't know what happened on january 6, believe it or not. and the trial was in dc this person puts aside all the crowd noise, only focus on. and she's not influenced by the judge, aileen cannon or the other two cases beyond the new york city walls. >> so third c to jurors, a corporate lawyer >> originally from oregon he gets his news from the newk mes, the walstreet journal, and google. unger man, no wife, no husba, no kids. >> okay. i would say that's leaning towards trump. >> if i had a bat just because because while i wall street journal yeah, reason wall street journal, whilst returned and he has no kids and i got to trump r his ouagusness, , like his availability to spea his mindtha's a juror that may lean posbly a towardtrump. >> here's another one that's interesting olpuerto rican man married with adult children and grandkids when asked aut his hobbies, he says, guess it business for training and n consulting. you did one year of finds trump fascinating and people are set off one w or the other, and that this is int of this. wow he said trump quote mas things intesting. he said he doesn't have any strong feelings abouhis litics >> i would say that's a good juror for donald trump because because the jurs that you should want on this panenot only ones, they're going to be fair and impartial, but the oneshat don't hate tru th are fascinated by trump annet appreciate that hes frank and open about his feelings, whether you agree with them or fervently sagreethose are the ones you want. >>ascinating stuff. all right, well that's st the first you back there is mo generoty. ankso much appreciated as trump again today rails against this ce oblem this cascoulpose ical with so many american voters, not ally paying attention to what's going on new ally in the fight >> against climate change. >> this is in car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbin plus cnn fill sunday at nine >> hey, they're brenda. >> it's carroll exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? 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quote. so you think the trial or the conviction is going to hurt him both or just to convince the trial there's no there's an opportunity cost. right? right now, donald trump is sitting at a defendant table in manhattan mole joe biden is campaigning on the academy in scranton, pennsylvania that hurts trump. >> being in the news has >> generally been dead for trump since he left the white house. the more people see trump, the less comfortable they are with him coming back to the white house and now he's seen a high-profile trial where he has to be in court every single day or be arrested in the media capital of the world. i conviction would hurt him even more, obviously, right? and the people who say that voters don't care aren't reading the polls. because in the new york times poll that came out this weekend, 23% of republicans, sorry, 23% of trump's 2020 voters, people who voted for him in 2020 say that the charges in this trial are very serious. >> this particular transaction this particular travel paying hush money payments to stormy daniels is the way they've raised a question and so even if a fraction of those people decide, most of them come home to trouble. of course we even a fraction of them stay home or vote for biden. that's ball game in an election this >> close, do you think as a political observer, as somebody who obviously wants to buy into, when do you think that one? these cases is more serious than the other? and how concerned are you about the fact that i don't know that they're going to be any other trials other than this one, right? >> right. if you if i was rank ordering, which of trump's very serious crimes i'd like to see and be held accountable before before the election common sense and the polling shows that voters are most concerned about january, the january 6 trial, what he did to try to overturn the election second is heights is abscondees from the white house with nuclear secrets and hiding them in your beach house. that's also very serious. this is probably the less serious of them, but the polls show people still take it very seriously. >> and in >> the exit polls from the republican primary, they just ask people, republican primary voters will you would you see down trump is fit for the presidency if he's convicted of a crime not eating these specific crimes. and around 30% of them said no, that's a problem for trump, but just has to be >> do you why do you think joe biden is? i know the polls have narrowed even the new york times poll that was problematic for him a few, about a month ago, has, has narrowed. but why do you think it is still? well such a struggle for joe biden to put this away given all of donald trump's weaknesses and all of these trials >> if the economy it is absolutely economy. and in that near time, scroll down, trump is 68, 63 point advantage on economic approval comparing how people felt about the economy during trump's rosen let's see, and biden's presidency, it's everyone's number one issue and why the economy, it's specifically is inflation, the cost of, cost of living in the cost of groceries, and present binds gonna have to make a case as to why he's gonna be better deal with that, then trump. but that is what is profit trump up? it's these system estadio for the cost of eggs and milk from 2019 is the foundation of his success. >> whether that will remain true as more and >> more voters tune into this election and learn more about what he's saying and doing every day is an open question. but as of right now, that is what is keeping him a float >> and do you agree with the comments that ron klain? was recorded and political reported on former white house chief of staff for biden, ron klain, that he thinks biden his quote, out there talking too much about bridges, unquote and not enough about milk and eggs and rising day-to-day prices. do you agree with that that he needs to be talking more about groceries and stuff. you know what i mean cost stuff? yes, i do. >> yeah. i agree with ron's follow-up to politico after they found that recording that since the state of the union, the president has had a very middle-class focus message that talks about the cost of living. i think he should do that. what he did today in scranton was very good. >> infrastructure is one of those issues. it's a huge accomplishment for the president. it's worse place where he succeeded and trump failed. it is often one of the issues that voters say they care about, but isn't a major driver of their decision on whom to vote for. >> but >> going forward, doing what he did in the state of the union, doing what he did today, drawing a sharp contrast between who trump is gonna cut taxes for, who buck joe biden is going to fight for. that is the right thing to do. i think they're on the right path right now. >> dan pfeiffer, good to see you. thanks for coming by. appreciate it to capitol hill next where we watched this dramatic formality house republicans walking over to the us senate, carrying articles of impeachment against the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. the device hey, save issue behind this special delivery. >> next >> some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all state because there's a right way >> and the speed limit definitely isn't 700 million miles per hour. so why >> would you pay a weight based on here? 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and what do you think senateemocrat should do? >> well, lete, let me focus on the 21 times that articles of impeachment have been walke across the capital. 21 times. the senate has decided to have a trial. and i think what might be historic here is the senate decides that the're not going to have a trial, if they' not going to take what the representatives from the house brought over seriously enough to have a conversation about it due i think he'll be convicted. absolutely not. but well look think this is a kay perversion of the constitution. we do not use our constitution to he policy disagreements about. also, as i said bore, s this is about dist distract, divide. this is not about, this is a distraction from the fact that they couldn't actually get a deal the things he in that clip that just said it we in the deal that republicans walked showmanship. is just more >> this does ce at a time when the house gop is in turmoil there, united on this, for the most part, the most part. but the house gop is in turmoil. and speaker johnson. and now a second republican. congressman massey is threatening to join marjorie taylor greene and oust speaker johnson. and i'm wondering how whether and how you see the mayorkas impeachment in that context. i mean, was this done basically? just to try to unite the party around something >> no. i think the border isn't a crisis. no, absolutely not. earlier, i think others have said that massie and taylor-greene have said that johnson's not conservative enough. this has been something that the more conservative wing of the republican party has wanted for a while. and under speaker de, the beans pitchman? yes. and under speaker johnson, they've moved forward on this so what i'm seeing is that individuals picking and choosing what they want him to move forward on and what they don't want him to move forward on. >> but >> at the end of the day the aid for ukraine, for israel, for taiwan all of those are policies that the the majority of the republican conference wants to move forward and the speakers reflecting that. >> so karen, we have a live picture of the manhattan courthouse where jury selection is running longer than expected. six jurors have been seated. so far, it's want to get your reaction to this moment. we're in selecting jurors for the first criminal trial against a former president i don't know if i have any sodium penta fall, if i had sodium hands up all night, second in your arm, would you admit that you wished it was four maybe dan pfeiffer said like he said, the more important cases, the january 6 case, as opposed to this one sure. but i but won't even need the sodium panel. >> didn't need to be honest with you, jake. >> but at the same time, >> i do and i think that within all these cases, it's important and democrats haven't done this, create one narrative about why did they all tell us about what donald trump means? for you, the american voter in my mind, this is the beginning of a pattern we saw that played out in 2020, where trump was willing to do whatever it took to keep information from the american people when that could be damaging, when they were making their decision. and i think if you establish it as a fact pattern and in the minds of voters, that becomes a more interesting conversation. then talking about who he had an affair with and which i think a lot of folks, they're not interested in that part. it's really about what matters to me in my life. >> do you what do you think so, dan pfeiffer, former communications director for the biden white house. he he was just sean and he said that he thinks anyone saying that these trials aren't bad for trump is not telling the truth. who doesn't read the polls that of course it's bad for trump. it's as a game of addition. and these trials don't add any votes what do you think? well, i can, i can remember another presidential election will had one of the major candidates sitting in a courtroom and the other having to force to use the short stares case on air force, one because of his aides are afraid that he's not gonna be able to make it on the tall staircase stays away. well your little reference you really need to be. i'm sure they have video on that would cause that into not on trial. >> this was the first are prone did not off >> yes. well, one more than the other, but anyway, this is the first this was the first indictment this was the first time that a former president had been indicted. and this is the first trial that we're now coming to the fore. i think most legal experts will say that the deray in this in this instance, really is reaching defined a crime but this is the start of a number of trials. and if phi fors point, i would much rather be on a campaign trail than sitting in a courtroom if i was president trump. >> fair enough. thanks to both you appreciate it. the daily divide us supreme court today questioning if prosecutors have appropriately applied one of the charges and some 350 cases related to january takes it's a huge question and it could impact the january 6 case involving donald trump plus scranton joe aka president joe biden, making a stop at his childhood home in scranton, pa. live pictures there. he was found today talking about the economy and taxes. >> we'll be right back >> smart lander offer the yotam smart protection easy removal, cleaning, and install. it smart it's smart, with chase freedom on limits, you can catch back 30% on danny included takeout, cash on flap jacks, maybe back. so tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm working on my six pack or good luck with that would chase freedom on limit. think with no annual fee, how did you catch that? 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>> did you forget something? >> i protein shake the >> future isn't scary. >> not investing in it >> is so dramatic, amelia by jan 100 innovative companies, one etf, before investing care8046180800 or visit coventry nick paton walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants and srilanka feels bizarre to see this frontline mentality out here are these giant and >> invasive species what are they fighting for their own survival? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn >> in today's law and justice lead profiles of the folks donald trump calls the january 6 hostages. is there defendants or convicted criminals convicted of crimes carried out duringhe january attack, often violent esten violent crimes committ against police officers tod's january 6 oter so-called hostage james tate grant of carrying north raigh. james tate grant was convicted ofssaulting an dangerous weapon and are ructing an official procdi which is, in court cumentshow grant confronting capitol police, trying to man a bike rack, barricade ththe situation escalates and fbi investigators as a grant and joined other writs, lifted up the baicade, shoved itt police. female officeror fell onto the steps hind the inveigat says video shows that grants interferedhen officers tried to apprehend a different writer. oh, but mr. james, grant was not done then security video shows he made it into the capital. he climbed through a broken window and grant found the hideaway office if senator jeff merkley of oregon, yocan see jametake t and screenshot images with other writers, merkley and ma it to safety. but the senator ter toldhe oregonian newspaper that riders trashed hifice. a judge founjames ta grant guilty this past february of assaulting a police officer and obstructing an official michelle proceeding. james tate grant. sentencing is set for june another one of donald trump's j6 hostages, not hostage, a convicted criminal but as we said, james tate grant was convicted not only of what he did to that cop, but of obstruction of an official proceeding. and that charge obstruction of an official proceeding itself is being challenged at the us supreme court in oral arguments today, the court's conservative majority seemed skeptical of how prosecutors are using that charge against hundreds of people us capitol on january 6, 2021, a decision against the government by the us supreme court. but reopen those cases, it could impact the pending case against former president trump. he is also charged with obstructing an official proceeding cnn's joan biskupic was inside the us supreme court today. joan explain explain the part of this obstruction law that is in dispute and why some of t justices seemed skeptical, obvusly, they were trying to disrupt the vote count. actually, you know what? one cond gentleman h come right back to you,ut mr. trump's about to spe >> let's play away thank you very much. and we are going to continue our fight against this, judge. we think ' totally colicted 's a conflicted judge. in over an appeal more conflicted than this one. so we'll see how that all works at well having a hard. time with the new york state system, it's under watch by the whole world. and argued so we we thinke have a very inflicted, highly conflicted, judge. you shouldn't be on the case and he's rushing this trial than just doing as much as he can for the democrats today, biden inspired, which. and it should end, and it should end very quickly. thank you >> hi, mr. trump historically, the first ever >> former us president to be tried in a criminal case. he's being prosecuted by the district attorney, alvin bragg. theories is his comments. after the second day in court john, i rudely interrupted you or facilitated the root interruption of you by someone else >> why >> in the supreme court is hearing this case about whether or not prosecutors are misusing this obstruction of official proceeding charge obviously, these people were trying to disrupt the vote cats. so what's the issue here? okay. the issue is that it's a 2002 law that was passed in the wake of the enron financial documents scandal. and it says it has two parts of this law says that anybody who corruptly authors of destroys a record or document or other object object two impair its use in official proceeding could be punished, or someone who otherwise of structs influences or any official proceeding or attempts to do so. one side talks about evidence, the other side is broader about any kind of obstruction the justice department has charged these hundred people hundreds of people well, including former president donald trump, with the second part of this saying obstructing an official proceeding joseph fischer, one of the defendants came to the court today and appeal that saying that you can't use this part of the post enron law unless there's actually some evidence that had been tainted in some way. now, he's lost in lower courts and here, let me just tell you, first of all, some of the comments that were made. justices were very skeptical. but here's an example of justice sotomayor, who said that no. otherwise should it? give a new kind of claim here? i think we have the sound from her. yeah. that's run joseph justice sotomayor >> let me give you an example >> there >> is a sign on the theater. you will be kicked out of the theater if you photograph or record the actors or otherwise disrupt the performance if you start yelling, i think no one would question that you can be expected to be kicked out under this policy even though yelling has nothing to do with photograph, we're recording but actually jake, her view was the minority most of the justices, the conservative justices felt like there had to be a linkage that you had to have if you use justice sotomayor's example, you had to have some server in this what the conservative justices were saying that if anybody is going to be charged under this law. it would have to involve some sort of evidence as in the first part of that statute. now, let's listen to brett kavanaugh, who spoke in a way that i think captures what allowed the conservatives felt about the justices going too far. pardon me, about the justice department going too far in the charging less brett kavanaugh there's six other accounts in the indictment here, which includes civil disorder >> physical contact with the victim, assault entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct, disorderly conduct in the capital building. and why aren't those six counts good enough. >> just >> from the justice department's perspective, given that they don't have any of the hurdles because those counts don't fully reflect the culpability of petitioners conduct on january 6, those counts do not require that petitioner have acted corruptly to obstruct an official proceeding are you have to translate that for me? >> yes. her point was representing the department of justice, elizabeth prelogar, that to not be able to use this law would not be able to hold many of the defendants accountable for what they did. they obstruct an official proceeding in the government's mind? and it didn't matter that some evidence was not destroyed freud, in the process and by limiting the government's use of this law, it essentially won't hold to fully account many of these defendants, including donald trump, who is also charged under this logic. >> okay. you're good at reading the court. do you think that they're going to side with the capital the january 6 defendants sierra ultimately majority? yes. yes. you do. i just want to say it doesn't mean that a bunch of people are going to be set free because many of these people, including joseph fischer, who came there to were charged with other things? yes. exactly. they are charged with other things where it might need maintenance. they're just going to serve less prison time. and it could complicated many cases, including the form more president's case. >> all right, fascinating stuff. joan biskupic on the case, as always, at the us supreme court, court has just ended for the day in the hush money case and not the supreme court. that's a different chord. we're hearing that there's been another big development. we're going to go right back to that courthouse in manhattan next day with us >> have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight. you look and sound just like me. actually i am, you because i'm the same news programs on sling for less, you mean you're me but for less money, a lot less? 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>> there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings bowyer helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options so you can feel confident and you're trying to have two choices >> they really know how to put two and two together pressure, and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total bce hybrid sulla alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn cord has finally just wrapped up and donald trump's hush money to cover up trial de to cnn's bridge and grasses outside court. brianna, anything significant just happen yeah. listen, we >> know the former president's motorcade. jake has now just left the courthouse. remember, courts can resume on thursday, so we'll see him back here then, but some progress made right for seeding. the jury in this criminal trial. seven jurors now sworn in this seventh one just came since i last saw you were learning a little bit about this person to civil litter litigator that lives on the upper east side and manhattan and married with two kids. it says that he doesn't really know trump at all, doesn't really have an opinion about him so certainly now, again, like i said, progress made as this now seven jurors seated for this historic criminal trial brown jake seven jurors. >> all right. yeah. breakneck speed it's bridging, grabs a manhattan. thanks so much, democratic senator tim kaine and the great commonwealth of virginia is here senator, i do have to ask as we watch this breaking news, this historic moment seven jurors have now been seated in the first-ever criminal trial of a former president. what's your take on all of it? >> well, it's sad that it's come to this jake. it really is president is showing the lack of restraint for which he so known attacking the judge, attacking the justice system. we know he doesn't believe in the basic institutions of independent judiciary, rule of law. he's demonstrating that every day we got our hands full here in congress. and so the trial will take care of itself. they'll fill out the jury pool on the trial will start. but we're in the middle of a stump driven impeachment of the dhs secretary, which we receive the articles of impeachment today will be at trial starting tomorrow. we want to make sure we're doing what we can to promote de-escalation in the middle east, we got a couple of other items on our shoulders. it's going to be a busy week here. >> are you going to have a trial? >> well, look, here's my expectation. we're going to have fairly significant debates and motions. i believe at the end of the day, there will be a moon to dismiss the case becausit really is a stunt. many of my democratic colleagues and many of my republan colagues in the senate know th jake,ou probably know it as the house was moved movingo impeh secry mayorkas, the sete republicandemanded that h'd be part the bipartisan netiation, defined bipartan border security deal with which we did, which they en backed away from when p decided he didn't li it. but when theenate republicanare king ali markas tbe at the tabl they're demonstrating that they have confidence than him. so this house impeachment move is a stu, and it's going nowhere >> i wante ask you about what's going on in the hoe you've been calling on speak johnson to bng up this foreign aid bill so it has aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan the's effort to oust him among use republicans summer people are clinghis a churchl or chamberlain moment for speakejohnson do y make oft all >> in the senate? it'nearly twmonths a that we took this bill to provide defense aid to ukraine and israel i wishe wohave done it before israel god atta by iran over the weekend, but tha shows as well the evidence we he to do it. it seems like what the speer is doing th we did and splitting it to pieces, putting them separately, but th a re that would allow tonce voted upon to be assembled and sent back over to us. we don't know exactly theull conten and it gog to be everything that we put in r bill if they're going to take anything out or add any conditions or maybe put in items that weren't in our bill. we'ot to be open-minded and see what they do. we know the votes are there and the house, if the speakers effort to do do this kind of jerry gged, split it io ur, doesn't come to pass. at least might have tried and then maybehe plan b will be just put the senate bill on the floor, the ves in the house have been there for th bill sends february, while ukraine has been suffering on e battfield and israel is under attack by an the votes you've been there for two months. so let's just have a vote for god's sake. >> all right. democric senator tim kaine, virginia. thanks so muchappreciate it absolutely. ming up next cnn's bi, we're in his new book and open letter to his kids giving the next-generation future >> doug hello, ghostbusters. >> it's duck of dudley moore, we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> anyway, we got a bit of a situation sure i can >> only pay for what you need >> those clusters, frozen empire our biggest challenge, uncertainty, hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect? 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>> well, they're related i wrote this book because i became a new old dad at age 52, height of thpandemic, 2020, ittle boy was , my dahter was 16 at that age and she had influenced the wder list, which had taken some of the most amazing happiest, healthiest, strongest societies around the world. but at this point, i had been covering climate for a couple of years and really had a pretty dark view on the planet that my little boy had joined. i started writing these earth day letters and they were pretty dark and angry at the beginning. but when i deliberately strived to focus on the helpers as mr. rogers told us to do in a disaster, look for the helpers, the dreamers, the doers, the entrepreneurs, started looking for solutions. boy, my mood brightened and it turns out there was so much out there to be hopeful about new energy streams, new ways of connecting with communities, new ideas, fundamental old ancient wisdom that if employed, can save so much life. there is so much, we're saving. and in the end, i ended up collecting dozens of just practical ways to fortify our communities come what may. and because our kids can no longer take sort of air a stable temperature shelter and food supply for granted. the way we did, we have to rethink these things in a more sustainable, holistic way. and it turns out anxiety into action, which is therapeutic in the end, i think what are some tools that parents out there can give our children to help them rebuild this strong and and resilient community in this changing climate. >> when i talk about the fact that one of my biggest regrets is a parents as i gave my daughter olivia an iphone when she was ten years old and showed her how to use instagram. >> we thought it >> was a tool to help her connect with her community. and we know now the anxiety cost that came and with that. and so i sound like a grumpy old man sitting, put your phone down and get outside, but that's exactly what has to happen. we have to make this generation fall in love with the natural world. their connection to it, how their health and wealth and happiness depends on the air and water in their communities and connecting with their friends around these very real things. the way indigenous communities did forever, the way humanity did up until recent generations will connect us and be better for our mental health as well as everything else. >> so as you know, because you have two kids, including the fantastic olivia, who's who ended up perfect. even even with her phone as you're the first to say yes there's a lot of depression and pessimism, even nihilism among young people who are worried about the planet, what's your message to them >> i think that if for people who are thinking about starting a family, if that kid is going to be a net positive, bring them, we need all the goods helpers we can get and for the kids who are born into this good thing, you're tough. we're going to help you stay resilient. we're going to help you build a much stronger, more resilient future. we can do this together dr. king did not say i have a nightmare. they were living nightmare. we have a dream about building a more sustainable, more resilient world and the tools are there for the taking right now, jake, here's a tool, though. where's good book? it's called life as we know, it can be stories of people, climate and hoping the changing word world, it's an interesting book and it's a beautifully written book. >> thank you, brother. thanks. it's gorgeous, open love letter to >> your kids into our planet, into are shared humanity. congratulations, bill. >> thank you. >> you can follow this show on accept the lead. cnn, if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcasts. news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer sure right next door in a place i like to call this a

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Transaction , Stormy Daniels , Election , Ball Game , Trouble , Observer , Close , Crimes , Fact , Ordering , Common Sense , Polling , Secrets , Heights , Abscondees , Beach House , Crime , Republican , Exit Polls , Serious , Fit , Primary , Few , 30 , Economy , Struggle , Weaknesses , Cost , Everyone , Cost Of Living , Inflation , Approval , Scroll Down , Rosen Let S See , 68 , 63 , Groceries , Milk , Gonna , Profit , Foundation , Binds , Success , System Estadio , 2019 , Comments , Ron Klain , Chief Of Staff , Float , Stuff , Quote , Bridges , Prices , Politico , Recording , State Of The Union , The Cost Of Living , Decision , Place , Infrastructure , Accomplishment , Driver , Isn T A Major , Forward , Contrast , Who , Path , Gonna Cut , Save Issue , Special Delivery , Device , Formality , Rate , Estate , Save , Weight , Hands , Speed Limit , 700 Million , Reverse , Help , Anywhere , Studio , Harlem , Business Essentials , 5 , Tiktok , Name , Business , Chase , Chasing Business , Cash Card , Husband , Bakery , Village , Dana Bell Phi , 7 Million , Love , Community , Abilities , Basis , Acceptance , It , Z , Skechers , Tiktok Dring , Things , Isn T , Rumble , Sketches , Pharmacist , Cancer , Vitamin Supplement Brand , Hospital Window , 12 , Jude , Marathon , 17 , Dirt , Kind , Same , Nutrients , Don T Know , Donor Business , Garden , Soil , Gold , Miracle Gro , The Go Tos , Network Solutions , Proposition , Five , Anyone Else , Clock Partnership , Comcast Business , Prepaid Card , Ground , Comcast Business Powers , 800 , 00 , 49 99 , 9 99 , Lawn Justice , Self , Los Angeles , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Third , Alternates , Number , Mayorkas , Border Crossings , Afternoon , Refusal , Pressure , Administration , Levels , Crisis , Willful , Base , Costs , States , Border , Influx , Drug Cartels , Imposition , Localities , Immigrants , Aliens , Impeachment Trial , Care Infineon , Expectedo Wrap , The D , Cabinet Secretarhas , Former , Indications Director Mike , Righse , Backith , Mike , 150 , Times , Walke , Lete , 21 , Conversation , Kay Perversion Of The Constitution , Representatives , Distraction , Constitution , Policy Disagreements , Bore , Divide , Turmoil , Ice , Showmanship , Clip , United , Speaker Johnson , Speaker , Congressman , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Party , Context , Border Isn T A Crisis , Have , Enough , Wing , Massie , Individuals , Speaker De , Beans Pitchman , Aid , Speakers , Ukraine , Israel , Majority , Policies , Conference , Taiwan , Picture , Sodium , Arm , Penta , Sodium Panel , Up All Night , Know Th Jake , Voter , Democrats Haven T , Narrative , Beginning , Saw , Pattern , Information , Folks , Affair , Minds , In My Life , Anyone , Truth , Votes , Candidates , Game , Addition , Staircase , Aides , Reference , Air Force , First , Indictment , Time , Start , Fore , Deray , Instance , Experts , Questioning , Campaign Trail , Phi Fors Point , Childhood Home , Stop , Pictures , Scranton Joe Aka , Smart Protection Easy Removal , Lander , Taxes , Yotam , Takeout , Tacos , Flap Jacks , Chase Freedom On Limits , Smart , Taco Shack , Hair , Air Ducts , Pollen , Ducks , Freedom , Limit , Luck , Fee , Skin Cells , Mold Spores , Pet Dander , System Efficiency , Stanley Steamer , Lives , Acids , Strokes , Call To Action , Hearts , Fashion Aren T , Revolutions , Souls , Fusion , Monuments , Change , Can T , Impact , Findings , Filter , Around , The One And Only , The Bible , Smile , Darius , Museum Of The Bible , Pill , Skin , Close Up , Chance , Background , Feeling , Psoriasis , Prac , Moderate , Infections , Reactions , Changes , Muscle Problems , Cancers , Better , Ability , Lymphoma , Tb , Tell You , Vaccine , Plaque Psoriasis , Kidney Problems , Jak Family , Infection , Liver , Tick , Labs , Hiding , Triglycerides , Risks , Jackins Emitters , Door , Emilia , Alarm Amelia , Milley , Companies , Etf , Investing Care8046180800 , Amelia , Protein Shake The Future Isn T Scary , 8046180800 , Species , Humans , Turf War , Frontline Mentality , Elephants , Visit , Coventry Direct Com , Nick Paton Walsh , Defendants , Profiles , Hostages , On Cnn In Today S Law And Justice , Survival , Anderson Cooper , James Tate Grant Of Carrying North Raigh , Duringhe , Tod , Criminals , Oter , Violent Esten , James Tate Grant , Procdi , Capitol Police , Court Cumentshow Grant , Bike Rack , Weapon , Ta Grant , Investigators , Female Officeror , Writs , Shoved Itt Police , Hind , Grants , Inveigat , Barricade Ththe Situation , Baicade , Fbi , Mr , Capital , Jeff Merkley , Officers , Hideaway Office , Writer , Window , Security Video , Ter Toldhe , Writers , Riders , Safety , Oregonian Newspaper , Screenshot , Images , Jametake T , Founjames , Yocan , Hifice , Police Officer , Michelle Proceeding , Sentencing , J6 Hostages , Proceeding , Obstruction , Charge Obstruction , Cop , Government , Charge , Hundreds , Us Capitol , 2021 , January 6 2021 , Obstruction Law , Official , Dispute , Joan , Joan Biskupic , T Justices , Back To You , Vote Count , Spe Let S Play , Gentleman H , Obvusly , Nut , Appeal , Sa , Totally Colicted , Shouldn T , System , Hard , New York State , Which , Alvin Bragg , Historically , Theories , Someone , Interruption , Court John , Anybody , Parts , Proceeding Charge , Cats , Wake , Enron Financial Documents Scandal , 2002 , Use , Object , Influences , Attempts , Document , Authors , Justice , Justice Department , Talks , Saying , Joseph Fischer , Enron , Courts , Example , Justices , Sotomayor , Theater , Sign , Claim , Sound , That S Run Joseph , Policy , Performance , Actors , View , Linkage , Photograph , Minority , Nothing , Server , Statute , Brett Kavanaugh , Conservatives , Captures , Accounts , Assault Entering , Victim , Civil Disorder Physical Contact , Counts , Conduct , Disorderly Conduct , Petitioner , Hurdles , Culpability , Petitioners Conduct , Many , Elizabeth Prelogar , Freud , Logic , Form , Bunch , Maintenance , Courthouse , Chord , Development , News Programs , Sling , Sling Tv , Money , 40 , 0 , Lesson Ust , Surface , West Ann Depth Histy , Keystory , Substantia , Cork , Key West , Idp Doesn T Have To , Idp Disrupts , Idp Derails , Cid P Com , Patient Stories , Inspiration , Cid P , Finding Hope , Tips , Little , Cip Com , Customer , Way , Flight , Cracked Windshield Schedule , Service , Pascal , Cashback , Safe , Word , Cashback Cash , Payer , Kevin Hart , Benefits , Investing , Workplace , Dover , Amounts , Pro , Retirement Savings Bowyer , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Choices , Savings Options , Heart Health , Cord , Bridge , Hybrid Sulla Alvarez , Rush To Walmart , Progress , Brianna , Brown Jake , Grasses , Motorcade , Jury , Litter Litigator , Seeding , Upper East Side , Seven , Tim Kaine , Breaking News , Speed , Bridging , Sad , Justice System , Institutions , Restraint , Black , Jury Pool , Middle , Judiciary , Stump , Congress , Rule Of Law , Items , Couple , Dhs Secretary , Shoulders , De Escalation , Middle East , Expectation , Stunt , Debates , Motions , Becausit , Moon , Colleagues , Secry Mayorkas , Sete Republicandemanded , Movingo Impeh , Bipartisan Netiation , My Republan Colagues , Ali Markas Tbe , Tabl , Theenate Republicanare , Defined Bipartan Border Security , He Didn T Li , Bill , House Impeachment Move , Effort , Hoe , Nowhere , Stu , Defense Aid , Speakejohnson , Clinghis A Churchl , Do Y Make Oft , It Nearly Twmonths , Doing Th , Weekend , Pieces , Speer , God Atta , Tha , Iran , Conditions , Gog , Tonce , Theull Conten , Th A Re , Io Ur , Least , We Ot , Plan B , Jerry Gged , Split , In The House , Attack , Floor , Sake , E Battfield , Ming Up , Open Letter , Democric , Situation , Duck , Car Insurance , Save Hundreds , Bit , Ghostbusters , Doug Hello , Liberty Mutual , Dudley Moore , Clusters , Frozen Empire , Fees , Surcharges , Uncertainty , Green , College , Kitchen Remodel , Bathrooms , Life , Americans , Guru , Dashboard , Conversation Patients , 18 Million , Wright , Working , Carroll , Zach , Py Power Nablus , Professional , Certified Financial Planner , Make , Gains , Analysts , App , Wealth Management , Doc Ratings , Jp Morgan , Planet , Families , Food , America , Makers , Recycling Technologies , Products , Car Gurus , Financing , Gurus , Rahm , Trucks , Truck Month , Rule , Play , Ram Truck , Rollback Manufacturers , Wolf Climate Crisis , Ram , Starting Msrp , 2024 , Plus 1000 , Thfe , Topic , Barrelingl , Fe , Path Of Destruction , N , Stories , Chief Climate Correspondent Bill , Flexibity Towa Buiing A Better Future , Dermination , Thank Bill , T Draftsf It , S , Lovely , Let , Incling The Final Draft , Talk Aboutt , Coratulatis , O Bill , Love Letter , Wonder , Over , Ittle Boy , Height , Wder List , Dad , My Dahter , Thpandemic , 52 , 16 , Climate , Earth Day Letters , Happiest , Little Boy , Societies , Entrepreneurs , Helpers , Mood , Disaster , Doers , Boy , Rogers , Communities , Ways , Energy Streams , Ideas , Wisdom , Dozens , The End , What May , Food Supply , Temperature Shelter , Parents , Sustainable , Tools , Action , Anxiety , Tool , Regrets , Instagram , Anxiety Cost , Generation , Sitting , Connection , Grumpy Old Man , Health , Humanity , Wealth , Happiness , Water , Who S , Generations , Mental Health , Everything Else , Fantastic Olivia , Pessimism , Depression , Kid , Family , Goods , Positive , Nightmare , Dream , Living Nightmare , Brother , Congratulations , Word World , Show , Podcasts , Episode ,

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