Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union 20111113 : compareme

Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union 20111113

angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa. >> that's why we're here today. because l.a. is not waiting on washington. i'm candy crowley, and this is "state of the union." on his way out of town friday, president obama called the two chairs of the super committee from air force one to tell them they needed to make a debt deal -- soon. that is not breaking news to panel members who have been spinning their wheels for nearly three months. >> we are not giving up hope until midnight on the 23rd. >> but wall street may have given up hope. according to cnbc, half of the investors polled by citigroup don't expect the committee to reach a deal in time. co-chair jeb hensarling joins me here in washington on his first sunday interview since being appointed to the committee. i want to show you one more poll here of people, do you expect that the committee will reach its goal? and this is a george washington university battleground poll and politico. yes, 21%. no, 69%. so, you going to get this done? >> well, candy, i think it is important to note that the committee has both a goal and a duty and in many respects the duty is more important than the goal. the duty is to put forth legislation that actually addresses our long-term structural debt. the president himself has said that the drivers of our debt are medica medicare, medicaid and health care. nothing else comes close. so to me what we really have to focus on is that duty, and that is to find programs -- find a way to reform medicare and medicaid and our health care programs to get good retirement security and health security for our seniors at a cost that doesn't bankrupt or children. >> you want structural change in those programs. >> frankly, if we don't find structural change, we will fail in our duty. now let me focus on our goal. we have a goal of reaching $1.5 trillion of deficit reduction over ten years, but it is important to note that if that goal, for some reason, we fail in that goal, under law, there is still a $1.2 trillion of deficit reduction that will take place, albeit -- >> there's lots of people trying to get around that saying it is too much, particularly the defense side, to do across the board cuts. >> it is not exactly across the board. frankly it affects disproportionately national defense in a way that even the secretary of defense says will hollow out the national defense. >> are you willing to do that. >> well, hear me out. what i'm willing to do is be committed to ensuring that at least america gets that $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction that congress would have 13 months to do it in a smarter fashion. but again what we have to focus on is that we have entitlement spending programs that are simultaneously disserving their beneficiaries are forms of rationing and driving the country bankrupt. and unless we deal with that, frankly, we will fail. >> but you can't -- you can't restructure social security, medicare, medicaid in ten days. you can't do it. people have been trying to restructure -- list the details of it. you may say, okay, committees, you restructure social security and get this much out of it. can you do that, you can give goals to committees but you can't restructure those things in ten days. >> well, candy, a number of plans have already been on the table. i mean republicans put forth a plan in our house budget -- which by the way would have reduced the deficit by almost $5 trillion over what the president was proposing. now democrats have rejected that plan. but there is a plan of legislative language that the congressional budget office says will actually strengthen and save medicare. well, democrats rejected that. so we have gone to the democrats and said, okay, if you don't like our plan, at least put a plan on the table. and if you don't, here's a bipartisan plan we would be willing to negotiate around, that is the riv lynn h demin chi medicare plan. details would have to be worked out, it would have to be through a two-step process. but this is a two-part plan, under head of the omb by president clinton, that would also include a provision for future seniors to stay in traditional fee-for-service medicare but use the power of patient choice and competition to save and strengthen the program. so we put that on the table as well. >> you do not sound like a man who believes you're going to get a deal in ten days. >> i wouldn't say that. listen, it's been a roller coaster ride. i will say this -- i respect my democrat colleagues. i have an excellent working relationship with senator patty murray. we haven't given up hope. but if this was easy, the president of the united states and the speaker of the house would have gotten it done themselves. >> what about the revenue side? i know there's now -- what's on the table inside that committee in terms of revenue from the republican side? be they tax increases -- first, give me that figure. like in terms of actual tax increases, which democrats have said, look, you got to put some skin here in the game. how much are you all -- how far are you all willing to go in terms of tax increases? >> first, candy, unfortunately it is not my skin. it is the skin of the american people. tax is already going up by me measurement, nominal terms, real terms as part of the president's health care plan, expiration of tax relief. and so we believe that, frankly, increasing tax revenues could hurt the economy but within the context of the bipartisan negotiation with democrats, clearly they are a reality. so we put a half a trillion dollars of revenues on the table. some of that fees. but 250 of it is what most people call static tax revenue. but that is in the context, candy, of bringing down marginal rates of tax reform, fundamental tax reform to make the tax code fair, simpler, more competitive to create jobs. so whatever damage would be done by $250 billion of new taxes, we think would be offset by a system that would help create jobs and as we're dealing with the debt crisis we don't want to make the jobs crisis even worse. so that's what has been put on the table. >> but it's something democrats have rejected, as you know, it's not enough, that it's just a token amount. it brings me back to this feeling that is widely felt, that this committee is not going to be able to do that. and the net result is going to be you're going to shake the world markets. a lot of people think there would be another downgrade in the u.s. creditworthiness from someone other than s&p which has already downgraded the u.s. credit. is that something this committee, a burden this committee is willing to take on if you don't reach an agreement? >> well, first, candy, i hope i'm never in washington to where i consider $250 billion the american people's money, a token. >> i'm sorry, as compared to the spending cuts, it's pretty token, you would have to admit. >> well, frankly, there are no real spending cuts on the table. let's make sure we are using the language like the american people do. all we are talking about here is slowing the rate of growth. all of these programs, by an large, are going to continue to grow, but at a pace that would become more sustainable. again as i said earlier, yes, we will fail unless we fundamentally do structural reform to what president obama himself has called the main drivers of our debt -- medicare, medicaid and health care. they cannot grow two, three, and four times the rate of the economy. so here's my point -- if at some point america doesn't take care of it, if we don't take care of it now, yes, we're on borrowed time. we're kicking the can down the road and that's why we should not confuse our duty to do structural reform that not only ensures that my parents -- my dad's 84, my mom's 79 -- that medicaid's preserved for them, but it is preserved for my children who are 8 and 9 years old. that is the challenge. >> but you are talking tax reform, you are talking structural changes in medicare, social security, medicaid. those are things that you will have to kick down the road in some sense. there's talk now that you're going to have some kind of fall-back position on the committee where you would agree to a revenue level, but then send it to these various committees, to the tax committees, rewrite the tax code with these tack already things in mind. is that a possibility? >> candy, indeed, yes, there could be a two-step process that would hopefully give us pro-growth tax reform, which by the way, every other bipartisan effort that has said that some revenues have to be raised in this method. that is again broaden the base. historically this is how we both produce jobs and more revenues for the government. so republicans, we want more revenues, we just want to raise it by growing the economy. second of all, again, unless you actually solve the problem, let's not kick the can down the road. let's solve the problem. and if democrats don't like the plan that we had in our house republican budget, why don't we gather around a bipartisan plan and negotiate around the rivlin-domenici plan and not impose forms of rationing we're starting to see on our seniors now through the independent payment advisory board that president obama put in his health care bill. >> thank you for coming in. up next, two senators who urged the super committee to "go big" if their deficit reduction agreement. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. 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[ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. joining me from his home state of oklahoma, republican senator tom coburn. and here in washington, democratic senator mark warner of virginia. both are members of the gang of six. gentlemen, thank you both. first to you, senator coburn. that gang of six actually seemed to get along fairly well. we always thought they looked kind of close to some kind of debt reduction, the gang of six, three republicans, three democrats in the senate, looking for a debt solution. with that in mind, can you look at what's going on in the super committee and tell me what your level of confidence is that they're going to get something done where you all couldn't quite get it done? >> oh, i think they will. i think as the time pressure builds and they get towards a deadline, i think they'll get something done. the question is will they do enough if they only do the $1.2 trillion, we're going to have to start over as soon as that's passed and find another $3 trillion or $4 trillion just to buy us years to work out our problems. >> senator warner, if my memory is correct, i believe senator coburn had like an $8 trillion package where he thought he could reduce $8 trillion. what is your level of confidence here that they're going to get something done? i didn't think congressman hensarling sounded at all optimistic. >> listen, i'm hopeful. we're trying to root them on. we've got 45 senators now. tom and i have helped organize this group, bipartisan senators, 100 members of the house saying if they will step up and be bold, we got their back, we'll try to give them that cover. as tom has indicated, we really need to be shooting for more like a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. if there's one thing we've seen from the last few months in europe, it is when you take these incremental steps, the market comes back and burns you time and again. at some point we're going to have to face that same kind of abyss that the greeks face, now the italians are facing and i believe we need to get ahead of it. frankly, if the super committee doesn't come up with a result, i go back to our gang of six. that had $4 trillion of deficit reduction. it had balance. maybe that ought to get a vote if the super committee can't produce. >> after a committee produces a product, of course the entire senate and entire house has to pass it. i want to play you something grover norquist, a very influence republican, he passed around a so-called no tax increase pledge on capitol hill which got quite a bit of republican takers. here's something he had to say last sunday. >> there's not going to be a tax increase. part of the reason is the democrats have decided they're going to blow this process up in order to blame the republicans for nothing happening. >> so let me ask you first, senator coburn. norquist says flatly there is not going to be a tax increase. in your opinion, can there be a deal if there's no tax increase anywhere? >> well, i go back to what chairman bernanke said. we're not going to have the big deficits in the future because people aren't going to loan us the money. if there were 60 tom coburns in the senate there wouldn't be a tax increase. but to get where we need to be as a country, there's going to be required some compromise. you can call something a tax increase or call it a revenue increase. most of us would rather see revenue increases by reforming the tax code. but i tell you, there's just as much pressure on the other side when you see the commercials on television from aarp saying you can't touch medicare. well, i want to tell you, we're going to touch medicare because there's no way we can borrow the money five years from now to run medicare the way it is today. so the question really is, will politicians do what is best for the country or best for their party and their position? and hopefully we'll start looking to do what is best for our country. >> senator warner, we have heard a lot about this from both sides lately. we've had the president suggest republicans totally don't want an agreement, they want do what's best for this country. they're only interested in politic and defeating him. we have norquist here saying, listen, democrats have decided they're going to blow this process up so that the republicans can be blamed. we're certainly in an election cycle but isn't that what really is holding this up, is everybody trying to get a political advantage? >> well, i do think there's a lot of back-and-forth. that's why tom and i and the group of us who spent a year working on this, we decided to check our republican and democratic hats and put our country first and we had to make those kind of compromises. i think that's what the vast majority of americans want us to get. there's going to need to be revenues i believe through tax reform. there needs to be entitlement reform so there is really a medicare, medicaid, social security program 20, 30, 40 years from now. that's going to take some changes. and what frustrates i think a lot of us is, we've got to be willing to probably make some folks mad on both ends of the political extreme and you'll know this super committee's getting close if you hear folks on both ends of the political extreme scream being the loudest because that will show that there's actually movement being made. >> senator coburn, i guess what frustrates so many americans when they look at this is that you and senator warner and your colleagues, for our colleagues, republicans and democrats on this committee, worked for a year-and-a-half and couldn't come up with anything. and yet i know you all got along -- >> we did come up with something, candy. i'll let tom answer this, but we had a product. >> but you had a product you couldn't sell. right? >> we had a product that we had 40 senators say we will support that. that's more than anything else that's been put out on the table. >> but you need 60, senator coburn, in the senate. >> well, i think the important thing is, had you put together what we had, 2.7 to 1 entitlement reform and spending reductions with revenue increases, that's the sweet spot that i think you could move people in the house and the senate to. the question is, will you do what's best for the country. you know, candy, we have $30 billion a year in indirect payments, credits, subsidies and government programs for people that are grossing $1 million or more a year. we ought to be getting rid of that. that's $300 billion over the next ten years. why wouldn't we do that? most people can come together and do that so the question comes, what is the motive? you alluded to it. is it political or is it the country? the fact is, if you go back and look two years ago at what they were writing about greece, it is exactly what they're writing about us today. and if in fact we don't make these very difficult decisions that calls on every american to come and contribute to solving the problem, then we're going to be in very serious trouble and it will come very quickly. we can fix our problems but we require leadership from the president and the leaders of the house and the senate and saying we're going to do this and we have not seen that, on both sides of the aisle. that's what's so disappointing. >> picking up on what senator coburn just said, this is from alice rivlin, who as you know, former cbo but was also on the national commission on fiscal responsibility. she's said in the "new york times" wednesday, "i fear the president is missing a huge opportunity for leadership at a crucial moment. president could greatly enhance the chances of such a bargain by getting visibly involved. it is not only the right thing to do, it is his only chance of getting his jobs program. has the president -- we have not seen the president a's fingerprints at all on the debt commission, not much on his jobs program, though he's been out campaigning. he's now with ten days left gone overseas to attend to his commander in chief duties and leader of the free world and all of that, but should he be more involved? >> i think we saw the president and the speaker try to weigh in at the end of the debt debacle in early august. it didn't end up producing a result. >> right. >> and we saw the president come forward saying he would support the gang of six. i do think with this president, whatever he comes up with, there's going to be a series of folks that will reject that categorically just out of hand. so we've tried this congressional process. i think we need to let that play itself out. we want to be there to support it. we want that super committee to be successful but if they're not successful we think that the simpson-bowles approach, that ought to get a vote as well. >> senator warner, senator coburn, i have to end it here but thank you both so much for coming in. two debates in the span of just four days. how did the republican presidential candidates fare? we will ask a key party official, the rnc chairman, next. they offer me one-on-one guidance to help me choose my investments. not just with my savings plan here at work. they help me with all of my financial goals. looking good, irene. thanks to fidelity, i can stay on top of my financial future, huh? 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[♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. joining me here in washington, the chairman of the republican national committee. welcome. >> hi, how are you. >> i'm very good, thank you. we've heard so much about these polls that are so bad for the president at this point in terms of his approval, particularly on the economy. but i want to show our audience a different poll here. this was a cbs/"new york times" poll from this week where people were asked about the policies of republicans in congress. 69% of those polled -- this is all americans -- say that the policies of the republicans favor the rich. 9% said they favor the middle class. and on down the line. is that not a real problem for you all going in to january to have 70% -- almost 70% of the country thinking the gop has policies that favor the rich? >> well, i mean i think both parties have perceptions that they need to battle. and certainty also not true and i think it is a red herring. and i think the president is doing a full-time job of trying to play a game of class warfare. >> it's clearly working. >> here's the thing -- first of all of, of course the party doesn't favor the rich but what the party does favor is reducing taxes on every single american out there, everyone watching. we favor reducing taxes and making sure that washington is focused in on job creation, on cutting spending, on reducing the size of government. these are things that will spur the economy, and these are things that are cornerstone to the republican party. look, you're right, there are lots of polls. but the poll that i think matters the most in this country right now is that over 70% of americans in poll after poll after poll believe two things. one, this country is on the wrong track, and number two, this president hasn't fulfilled his promises. and obviously we've got to do a better job or, according to this poll, of portraying the fact that number one, we want you to have a job, we want every american to be making more money and we want to reduce taxes on every single american no matter what income category you fit into it. >> but as long as you have -- right now the focus is on capitol hill with this debt commission. as long as you have republicans, many of them up there saying we need to make structural changes in medicare, medicaid and social security -- and that would include cuts for some people and for providers in medicare, as well as for patients in medicare. and by the way, we don't want to -- we want to lower taxes for everybody, including the rich. that is not a perception. that's a fact. >> well, because there's other ways of gaining more revenue, of course. if you put more people in to good paying jobs across the country, you have more people paying taxes which increases revenue into washington, d.c. if you reduce capital gains, more people invest and we've seen revenues increase. look, we have, as you know, we are approaching a $15 trillion deficit. we have a president, under his policies, who will accumulate more debt than every single president before him combined. now, for those people that are watching this program right now, whether you are a republican or a democrat, they will agree with the fact that this government is making promises in regard to their entitlement -- in regard to our entitlement programs that it just can't keep. so what are we going to do about it? are we just going to make believe this isn't a problem or tackle the issues to save medicare and social security for generations. i think that's what you saw jeb talking about earlier in the program. >> let me ask you about the republican race at this point. we have seen things go up and down, mitt romney's always number one or number two but people float it up and down. we are now seeing a surge by newt gingrich. and yet we are getting the feeling there's a lot of commentary now that it is really going to be mitt romney when it all settles down. you saw the debate last night. i know they're all your children and you can't pick one of them, but where do you think this race is headed? >> honestly, i don't know who is going to come out of this primary. here's what i think. just to remind you and others that primaries are tough and we just came through 2010. as you know, a lot of these republican governors, whether it be walker, snyder in michigan, kasich, even chris christie in '09, they all came through, remember, very difficult primaries. these were not cakewalks into these governors' houses. i just happen to believe that primaries work. look, we've got a president right now in the white house, came through a very tough primary against hillary clinton through the end of june before a national convention and look, he won pretty easily. he got a 60-vote majority in the senate, a majority -- super majority practically in congress. i think primaries work and i think here's the thing. after all of it is said and done and all of this drama that goes on, we are going to have a completely unified party, because we know that this president is going to destroy this country economically if he gets re-elected. >> when do you think you'll have a winner and account party afford to have this go into may and june? >> well, first of all i think no matter what happens and no matter when it ends we're going to be strong. i don't know when it is going to end. obviously we have two pretty important dates. march 6th is a day when a lot of states will come out. we have winner-take-all states starting in april. it could end before then or just shortly thereafter. i can't answer that but i do know we are ready to go and we're ready to help save this country. >> finally, the influence of tea party was felt quite a bit in the 2010 elections. have you a lot of folks with a lot of years in congress, particularly in the senate, that are now facing a possible challenge by tea party candidates in their primaries, lugar, snow, brown, carter, all face vigorous tea party primaries. is there any role for the republican party to protect someone like richard lugar or help someone like richard lugar who's served the republican party for more than three decades or do you just stay away. >> we appreciate the service he's given but we don't get involved in primaries. i happen to believe the tea party movement's been good for america, good for our party. i think 2010 goes down as a pretty darn good year for the republican party and i think we owe a lot of that to the tea party movement. >> we thank you so much for coming by. we hope to see you a lot in the coming years. it will be a busy one for you. we go local on the economy. a look at "america's cities" series starting in los angeles. ♪ [ male announcer ] it has an hd webcam, killer audio, and lids that switch to start every semester fresh. but mostly it helps me try new moves on and off the court. ♪ [ male announcer ] featuring windows 7 and windows 7 live messenger. for a limited time, purchase select dell pc's and receive our holiday photo solution. our gift to you. and who ordered the yummy cereal? 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[ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual. let our financial professionals help you reach your goals. now the opener in our series "america's cities." we'll be visiting mayors of cities, large and small, gauging their struggle to create jobs. we went large for our first stop, los angeles, loam to almost 4 million people. antonio villaraigosa was elected in 2005, the first latino mayor of los angeles in over 130 years. >> our city not only represents america's greatest hope, we also face many of its most daunting challenges. i intend to be a mayor who confronts those challenges. >> six years later, unemployment in los angeles is 11.3%, more than 700,000 jobless ang lee knows. more than 1 out of 394 homes received foreclosure notices last october. next year the city is expected to post $250 million in red ink. against this backdrop, villaraigosa proposed a five-point plan that proposes tax breaks for businesses to lure them back into the city, infrastructure spending like the $4.1 billion modernization of the l.a. county airport. the mayor was anxious to show it off choosing this rooftop overlooking the massive project for our meeting. my conversation with los angeles county mayor antonio villaraigosa after the break. meineke's personal pricing on brakes. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. mayor villaraigosa, thank you so much for being with us. let's first explain what you've got going here, because we are literally on the rooftop of what you hope will be one of the jewels of your mayoralship. >> well, this will be the gateway, the entry point, the welcoming door, if you will, to the pacific rim. this is the largest destination airport in the united states. and we think it's time to really do a little sprucing up here at the airport. >> let me look at l.a. right now and ask you as mayor, what's your number one problem in pick out one for me. >> the biggest challenge facing us is the challenge of preparing our workers for the 21st century. the challenge of improving our schools and i've engaged in an effort to push reform in our schools improving our graduation rates, our test scores, and getting our kids ready for a 21st century economy which is predicated on intellectual capital and their ability to read and write, and importantly, to focus on math and science in a world where those subjects are so important and where we don't have enough people graduating in those fields. >> you have a sort of wide variety of things that you're doing to try to help create immediate jobs and set the staining for jobs of the future. it's not just this airport. it's the sidewalks and the streets of los angeles, you're trying to attract businesses in by proposing more cuts in city taxes for establishing business here. i guess the question is certainly when you look at some of the business things you want to do, you sound very much like a republican. >> well, we have a five-point plan that focuses on cutting our business tax here in los angeles, creating more businesses, including auto dealerships, internet companies and the like, cutting red tape. that's not democrat or republican. that's just something that makes common sense. the government has to be more efficient. so what we have pea said here in l.a. -- and i think what mayors across the country are saying -- there's not a republican and democratic way of fixing the economy. yes, we've got to be more efficient, yes, we've got to cut some entitlements, yes, we've got to make sure that we're kiting red tape and the government is functioning efficiently. but we also got to invest. you don't hear a lot of republicans talking about investing in an infrastructure anymore. you don't hear them talking about the need to fix our bridges, our ports and our airports. so we here in l.a. call them like we see them. sometimes those initiatives may look more like republican initiatives. oftentimes they look more like democratic as well. i think what the people in our country and certainly in our city are looking for are leaders that get things done, not yidea ogs. >> let me ask you about occupy l.a. 41 days they've been taking up housing on city property. how long does that last? >> the thing with the occupy l.a. folks is they've been peaceful and we respect that. so we're working with them and working through these issues. and making some progress. >> how do you keep l.a. from becoming oakland? >> i think here in l.a. we decided that we're going to work with these demonstrators. we recognize that they've been peaceful and here we're taking another path. >> let me ask you in terms of in your capacity as president of the u.s. conference of mayors, by this administration, the obama administration's own prediction, we are looking at very high unemployment through the elections. we are looking at sluggish growth. growth, but sluggish growth. what do you see for the cities in your capacity speaking for the u.s. conference of mayors? what's going to happen to the economies in these cities? >> just so you understand who the conference of mayors are, we represent about 89% of the gdp in the country. if you just took new york, chicago and l.a., we're roughly the size of france. about $2.5 billion economy. if you took the ten largest cities in the united states, it's roughly the gdp of china, little less, about $5 trillion, they're $5.9 trillion. we'd be the third largest country in the world. as the cities go, so go the nation. that's why we're here today, because l.a.'s not waiting on washington. we recognize that there's gridlock there. we believe that they're failing in their responsibility, that they're actually committing malpractice by failing to fix this economy, by failing to respond or work with the president in as many attempts to work across the aisle on initiatives that have been supported by democrats and republicans both. so what we're doing here is we're working -- we're focused on self-reliant program that creates jobs but we could augment that and accelerate that if we had a partnership with the federal government. coming up, more with mayor villaraigosa. has president obama kept his promise to the latino community? and what are the president's prospects for re-election? >> i think that any of the republican candidates are going to give us a run for the money. the fact is, this is going to be a very close election. there's no question about it. and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job. the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets, close post offices, shut mail processing plants, and disrupt mail delivery. drastic cuts won't fix the postal service and aren't needed. tell your representative to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. it's time to deliver for our veterans -- and america. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. antonio villaraigosa is mayor of a large and overwhelmingly democratic population, and as spokesman for america's mayors, his voice on national issues matters to washington. we asked for his take on the nation's capital starting with the work of the super committee. what do you most fear the super committee might do? >> allow for just automatic cuts. >> that's your worst case scenario. is that they did nothing and they automatically came. >> i think the best thing to do is to make the tough decisions. we've got to address some entitlement reform. there's no question about it. it is not sustainable going into the future. >> social security, medicare, medicaid, all of those. >> all of that should be on the table. but we also, importantly, got to close tax loopholes and we've got to promote tax fairness. >> in general, from your 3,500-mile vantage point, what do you make of how washington works? >> i think it's more partisan than i've ever seen. it's always been a partisan place. >> do you think that the democrats are blameless in this? >> no, of course not. no, look. they're not blameless. you know, there's too much in the way of orthodoxy. there's a failure to understand that the country's evenly divided, and when it is evenly divided in the way that it is, we've got to have a balance and we've got to have a mix, if you will. >> you were an early supporter of secretary of state hillary clinton when she was running for the presidency. do you sometimes look back and think she'd have been better at this? >> i've never been prouder to support a candidate than i was supporting hillary clinton. but that was the past. the fact is, president obama ran a great campaign and he won and under very, very difficult, difficult circumstances. he's had -- he's done a great job, frankly. a yeoman's job when you think about that we've recession. that we almost went into a depression. he's got a tough job and a tough road ahead. he'd be the first one to tell you the road ahead is not easy. one of the great things we have going for us is that people see the president as someone who reaches across the aisle. he sometimes gets criticized by his own party for doing. the other thing we have going for us is that i think the economy's going to start to turn around. maybe not as much as we would like. but it's going to start to turn around and finally their candidates. when you have a candidate who's been on all sides of every issue over the last few years, another candidate who can't finish his sentences and thinks that social security is a ponzi scheme and still another candidate who thinks the best way to fix the broken immigration system is to electrify a fence on the border and put crocodiles on the rio grande. >> he did say he was kidding. let me ask you as you size up, you don't think that mitt romney, for instance, would give the president a real run for this office? you don't think he's qualified to be president? >> i think that any of the republican candidates are going to give us a run for the money. the fact is, this is going to be a close election, no doubt about it. but i think everything points to president obama getting re-elected for the reasons that i said -- >> because of the numbers -- no president with the kind of numbers and even the white house expects to be having a year from now. 9% unemployment rate or at least around there, still a sluggish economy. this is a very tough environment even for a guy who hasn't some business what alienated his base. we all expect to come home, of course. nevertheless, this looks like a tough re-election for him simply because it's going to be very hard for him to argue his record. >> well -- i acknowledge it's going to be a tough road ahead. but if president obama was relying on the numbers, he never would have been made president. he defied the odds. >> you're looking for an election miracle -- >> no, i'm looking for a re-election. a re-election for the reasons that i just stated. >> let me ask you about the latino vote which was in large part very democratic in the last election. we've seen some slippage in the polls. i want to read you something that the president said during his campaign. what i can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and that i'm promoting. that hasn't happened. in fact, the president has deported a record number of undocumented workers. he sent more folks to the border for border patrol. pressure from the right. than any other president before him or at least a higher -- to higher levels than they've been before. there must be disappointment with you that immigration reform, by that i mean comprehensive immigration reform, has not happened. >> let me say a couple of thing about that. first of all, president obama doesn't have a vote in the congress. >> no, but he can push something. >> and he has pushed immigration reform. he has supported the dream act. he is unabashedly in support of fixing this broken system. having said that, i'll also acknowledge that the secure community program does not work. it was fashioned to focus on serious criminals who are undocumented. we know that the vast majority of people, more than 400,000 of the 700,000 who have been arrested and are facing deportation were not criminals. not felons. in fact, some of them were victims of domestic violence and crimes themselves. so i don't have to agree with everything this administration is doing to support president obama. i -- i unqualifiably support him, but i also -- i also disagree with some of the proposals. and that's one of them. >> what's next for antonio villaraigosa? what do you do in 2014? >> i'm not focused on anything except for finishing my job. >> but you wouldn't rule out elected politics down the line. it's not the end of your elected career -- >> no, i'm operating as if it's the end of the road. you're right, i love public service. it's an honor to be mayor. i loved being speaker of the california state assembly. and i -- imi'm not going to -- i'm not going to rule it out, but i'm not focused on it either. >> thank you very much. we have a noisy group here. >> we do. >> you can expect more of our "america's cities" series in the coming months. next, top stories. and then on "fareed zakaria gps," a closer look at the threat of iran and its pursuit of nuclear technology. 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Medicare And Medicaid , Cost , Doesn T Bankrupt , Deficit Reduction , Change , 5 Trillion , 1 5 Trillion , Reason , Lots , Place , Law , Defense , Defense Side , Board Cuts , Board , Secretary , It , Entitlement Spending Programs , Fashion , 13 , Social Security , Rationing , Eforms , Beneficiaries , Country Bankrupt , Committees , Details , Goals , Out , Infrastructure Spending , Table , Things , Plans , House Budget , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Plan , Language , Save Medicare , Congressional Budget Office , Demin Chi Medicare Plan , Riv Lynn H , President , Provision , Head , Bomb , Two Step Process , Clinton , Program , Man , Competition , Power , Patient Choice , White House , Colleagues , Patty Murray , Speaker , Working Relationship , We Haven T Given Up Hope , Roller Coaster Ride , Revenue , Terms , Committee , Revenue Side , Side , Increases , Skin , First , Tax Increases , Game , Figure , Economy , Part , Tax , Tax Revenues , Health Care Plan , Tax Relief , Me Measurement , Revenues , Some , Context , Negotiation , Fees , Reality , 250 , Tax Reform , Jobs , Taxes , Tax Code , Tax Revenue , Damage , Rates , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Something , System , Put , Debt Crisis , Jobs Crisis , Feeling , Amount , Lot , World , Result , Someone , Downgrade , Burden , Markets , Credit , Creditworthiness , Money , Cuts , Agreement , Token , Wall , Growth , Rate , Space , Large , Reform , Vantage Point , Road , Times , Care , Point America Doesn T Take Care , Four , Challenge , Parents , Dad , Mom , 8 , 9 , 79 , 84 , Kind , Changes , Position , Revenue Level , Sense , Process , Mind , Tax Committees , Possibility , Tack , Base , Effort , Way , Method , Isn T A Problem , Government , Second , Alice Rivlin , Why Don T , House Republican Budget , Health Care Bill , Payment Advisory Board , Up Next , Diabetes , Deficit Reduction Agreement , Go Big , Announcer , Carbs , Help , Blood Sugar Spikes , Glucerna , Hunger , Shakes , Carb , Weight , Hunger Smart , Doctor , 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Bernanke , Deficits , Opinion , Anywhere , Country , There Wouldn T , Revenue Increase , Compromise , 60 , Pressure , Commercials , Touch Medicare , Television , Most , Aarp , Politicians , Run Medicare , Five , Sides , Everybody , Cup , Isn T , Politic , Election Cycle , Tom , Advantage , Hats , Entitlement Reform , Majority , Compromises , 40 , 30 , 20 , Folks , Ends , Scream , Loudest , Movement Being Made , Anything , Answer , Product You Couldn T Sell , Sweet Spot , Revenue Increases , Reductions , 2 7 , 1 , Government Programs , Credits , Payments , Subsidies , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , Wouldn T , Motive , Million , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , 1 Million , Fact , Writing , Greece , Leaders , Decisions , Leadership , Trouble , Aisle , Commission , Responsibility , Chances , Opportunity , Bargain , New York Times , Debt Commission , Jobs Program , Chance , Fingerprints , A S , Commander , Leader , Campaigning , Debt Debacle , Duties , Series , It Didn T , Play , Hand , Candidates , 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Economies , Conference , U S Conference Of Mayors , Gdp , Chicago , New York , France , 5 Billion , 89 , 2 5 Billion , China , 9 Trillion , 5 9 Trillion , Gridlock , Nation , Malpractice , Attempts , More , Partnership , Coming Up , Re Election , Run , Community , Promise , Prospects , Election , Resource , Oil Reserves , Oil Sands , Energy Security , Breakthrough , Thousands , Hundreds , Oils , Emissions , Canada , Kearl , Tens Of Thousands Vets , Veterans , Plants , Post Offices , Bill , Mail , Parade , Employer , Resolution 2309 , Postal Service , Aren T , Mail Delivery , Representative , 2309 , A1c , White Meat Chicken , Progresso , Chicken Noodle , Soup , Pairs , Hockey Game Last Night , Pj , Spokesman , Population , Work , Capital , Voice , Worst Case Scenario , Tax Fairness , Tax Loopholes , Works , General , 3500 , Failure , Orthodoxy , Presidency , Secretary Of State , Supporter , Mix , Candidate , Campaign , Circumstances , Yeoman , Recession , Depression , Doing , Issue , Ponzi Scheme , Immigration System , Sentences , Border , Office , Instance , Crocodiles , Fence , Rio Grande , Everything Points , No Doubt , Reasons , Numbers , Unemployment Rate , Environment , Who , Guy , Record , Odds , Miracle , Immigration Bill , Slippage , Record Number , Right , Border Patrol , Immigration Reform , Levels , Higher , Disappointment , Couple , Support , Dream Act , Community Program , Criminals , Deportation , 400000 , Everything , Crimes , Felons , Domestic Violence , Victims , Unqualifiably Support Him , Proposals , 2014 , Politics , Career , Public Service , Honor , The End Of Road , Wouldn T Rule Out , Imi , California State Assembly , Stories , Threat , Pursuit , Technology , Sneezes , Stratosphere , Iran , Fareed Zakaria Gps , Verizon , Samsung , Snapshot , Customers , Saving Big On Car Insurance , Better , Cool , Filming , Camera Shy , Progressive , Projects , Energy , Natural Gas , Chevron , Australia , Singapore , Planet , Way To Go , Check , Concerns , 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Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union 20111113 :

Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union 20111113

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angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa. >> that's why we're here today. because l.a. is not waiting on washington. i'm candy crowley, and this is "state of the union." on his way out of town friday, president obama called the two chairs of the super committee from air force one to tell them they needed to make a debt deal -- soon. that is not breaking news to panel members who have been spinning their wheels for nearly three months. >> we are not giving up hope until midnight on the 23rd. >> but wall street may have given up hope. according to cnbc, half of the investors polled by citigroup don't expect the committee to reach a deal in time. co-chair jeb hensarling joins me here in washington on his first sunday interview since being appointed to the committee. i want to show you one more poll here of people, do you expect that the committee will reach its goal? and this is a george washington university battleground poll and politico. yes, 21%. no, 69%. so, you going to get this done? >> well, candy, i think it is important to note that the committee has both a goal and a duty and in many respects the duty is more important than the goal. the duty is to put forth legislation that actually addresses our long-term structural debt. the president himself has said that the drivers of our debt are medica medicare, medicaid and health care. nothing else comes close. so to me what we really have to focus on is that duty, and that is to find programs -- find a way to reform medicare and medicaid and our health care programs to get good retirement security and health security for our seniors at a cost that doesn't bankrupt or children. >> you want structural change in those programs. >> frankly, if we don't find structural change, we will fail in our duty. now let me focus on our goal. we have a goal of reaching $1.5 trillion of deficit reduction over ten years, but it is important to note that if that goal, for some reason, we fail in that goal, under law, there is still a $1.2 trillion of deficit reduction that will take place, albeit -- >> there's lots of people trying to get around that saying it is too much, particularly the defense side, to do across the board cuts. >> it is not exactly across the board. frankly it affects disproportionately national defense in a way that even the secretary of defense says will hollow out the national defense. >> are you willing to do that. >> well, hear me out. what i'm willing to do is be committed to ensuring that at least america gets that $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction that congress would have 13 months to do it in a smarter fashion. but again what we have to focus on is that we have entitlement spending programs that are simultaneously disserving their beneficiaries are forms of rationing and driving the country bankrupt. and unless we deal with that, frankly, we will fail. >> but you can't -- you can't restructure social security, medicare, medicaid in ten days. you can't do it. people have been trying to restructure -- list the details of it. you may say, okay, committees, you restructure social security and get this much out of it. can you do that, you can give goals to committees but you can't restructure those things in ten days. >> well, candy, a number of plans have already been on the table. i mean republicans put forth a plan in our house budget -- which by the way would have reduced the deficit by almost $5 trillion over what the president was proposing. now democrats have rejected that plan. but there is a plan of legislative language that the congressional budget office says will actually strengthen and save medicare. well, democrats rejected that. so we have gone to the democrats and said, okay, if you don't like our plan, at least put a plan on the table. and if you don't, here's a bipartisan plan we would be willing to negotiate around, that is the riv lynn h demin chi medicare plan. details would have to be worked out, it would have to be through a two-step process. but this is a two-part plan, under head of the omb by president clinton, that would also include a provision for future seniors to stay in traditional fee-for-service medicare but use the power of patient choice and competition to save and strengthen the program. so we put that on the table as well. >> you do not sound like a man who believes you're going to get a deal in ten days. >> i wouldn't say that. listen, it's been a roller coaster ride. i will say this -- i respect my democrat colleagues. i have an excellent working relationship with senator patty murray. we haven't given up hope. but if this was easy, the president of the united states and the speaker of the house would have gotten it done themselves. >> what about the revenue side? i know there's now -- what's on the table inside that committee in terms of revenue from the republican side? be they tax increases -- first, give me that figure. like in terms of actual tax increases, which democrats have said, look, you got to put some skin here in the game. how much are you all -- how far are you all willing to go in terms of tax increases? >> first, candy, unfortunately it is not my skin. it is the skin of the american people. tax is already going up by me measurement, nominal terms, real terms as part of the president's health care plan, expiration of tax relief. and so we believe that, frankly, increasing tax revenues could hurt the economy but within the context of the bipartisan negotiation with democrats, clearly they are a reality. so we put a half a trillion dollars of revenues on the table. some of that fees. but 250 of it is what most people call static tax revenue. but that is in the context, candy, of bringing down marginal rates of tax reform, fundamental tax reform to make the tax code fair, simpler, more competitive to create jobs. so whatever damage would be done by $250 billion of new taxes, we think would be offset by a system that would help create jobs and as we're dealing with the debt crisis we don't want to make the jobs crisis even worse. so that's what has been put on the table. >> but it's something democrats have rejected, as you know, it's not enough, that it's just a token amount. it brings me back to this feeling that is widely felt, that this committee is not going to be able to do that. and the net result is going to be you're going to shake the world markets. a lot of people think there would be another downgrade in the u.s. creditworthiness from someone other than s&p which has already downgraded the u.s. credit. is that something this committee, a burden this committee is willing to take on if you don't reach an agreement? >> well, first, candy, i hope i'm never in washington to where i consider $250 billion the american people's money, a token. >> i'm sorry, as compared to the spending cuts, it's pretty token, you would have to admit. >> well, frankly, there are no real spending cuts on the table. let's make sure we are using the language like the american people do. all we are talking about here is slowing the rate of growth. all of these programs, by an large, are going to continue to grow, but at a pace that would become more sustainable. again as i said earlier, yes, we will fail unless we fundamentally do structural reform to what president obama himself has called the main drivers of our debt -- medicare, medicaid and health care. they cannot grow two, three, and four times the rate of the economy. so here's my point -- if at some point america doesn't take care of it, if we don't take care of it now, yes, we're on borrowed time. we're kicking the can down the road and that's why we should not confuse our duty to do structural reform that not only ensures that my parents -- my dad's 84, my mom's 79 -- that medicaid's preserved for them, but it is preserved for my children who are 8 and 9 years old. that is the challenge. >> but you are talking tax reform, you are talking structural changes in medicare, social security, medicaid. those are things that you will have to kick down the road in some sense. there's talk now that you're going to have some kind of fall-back position on the committee where you would agree to a revenue level, but then send it to these various committees, to the tax committees, rewrite the tax code with these tack already things in mind. is that a possibility? >> candy, indeed, yes, there could be a two-step process that would hopefully give us pro-growth tax reform, which by the way, every other bipartisan effort that has said that some revenues have to be raised in this method. that is again broaden the base. historically this is how we both produce jobs and more revenues for the government. so republicans, we want more revenues, we just want to raise it by growing the economy. second of all, again, unless you actually solve the problem, let's not kick the can down the road. let's solve the problem. and if democrats don't like the plan that we had in our house republican budget, why don't we gather around a bipartisan plan and negotiate around the rivlin-domenici plan and not impose forms of rationing we're starting to see on our seniors now through the independent payment advisory board that president obama put in his health care bill. >> thank you for coming in. up next, two senators who urged the super committee to "go big" if their deficit reduction agreement. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. joining me from his home state of oklahoma, republican senator tom coburn. and here in washington, democratic senator mark warner of virginia. both are members of the gang of six. gentlemen, thank you both. first to you, senator coburn. that gang of six actually seemed to get along fairly well. we always thought they looked kind of close to some kind of debt reduction, the gang of six, three republicans, three democrats in the senate, looking for a debt solution. with that in mind, can you look at what's going on in the super committee and tell me what your level of confidence is that they're going to get something done where you all couldn't quite get it done? >> oh, i think they will. i think as the time pressure builds and they get towards a deadline, i think they'll get something done. the question is will they do enough if they only do the $1.2 trillion, we're going to have to start over as soon as that's passed and find another $3 trillion or $4 trillion just to buy us years to work out our problems. >> senator warner, if my memory is correct, i believe senator coburn had like an $8 trillion package where he thought he could reduce $8 trillion. what is your level of confidence here that they're going to get something done? i didn't think congressman hensarling sounded at all optimistic. >> listen, i'm hopeful. we're trying to root them on. we've got 45 senators now. tom and i have helped organize this group, bipartisan senators, 100 members of the house saying if they will step up and be bold, we got their back, we'll try to give them that cover. as tom has indicated, we really need to be shooting for more like a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. if there's one thing we've seen from the last few months in europe, it is when you take these incremental steps, the market comes back and burns you time and again. at some point we're going to have to face that same kind of abyss that the greeks face, now the italians are facing and i believe we need to get ahead of it. frankly, if the super committee doesn't come up with a result, i go back to our gang of six. that had $4 trillion of deficit reduction. it had balance. maybe that ought to get a vote if the super committee can't produce. >> after a committee produces a product, of course the entire senate and entire house has to pass it. i want to play you something grover norquist, a very influence republican, he passed around a so-called no tax increase pledge on capitol hill which got quite a bit of republican takers. here's something he had to say last sunday. >> there's not going to be a tax increase. part of the reason is the democrats have decided they're going to blow this process up in order to blame the republicans for nothing happening. >> so let me ask you first, senator coburn. norquist says flatly there is not going to be a tax increase. in your opinion, can there be a deal if there's no tax increase anywhere? >> well, i go back to what chairman bernanke said. we're not going to have the big deficits in the future because people aren't going to loan us the money. if there were 60 tom coburns in the senate there wouldn't be a tax increase. but to get where we need to be as a country, there's going to be required some compromise. you can call something a tax increase or call it a revenue increase. most of us would rather see revenue increases by reforming the tax code. but i tell you, there's just as much pressure on the other side when you see the commercials on television from aarp saying you can't touch medicare. well, i want to tell you, we're going to touch medicare because there's no way we can borrow the money five years from now to run medicare the way it is today. so the question really is, will politicians do what is best for the country or best for their party and their position? and hopefully we'll start looking to do what is best for our country. >> senator warner, we have heard a lot about this from both sides lately. we've had the president suggest republicans totally don't want an agreement, they want do what's best for this country. they're only interested in politic and defeating him. we have norquist here saying, listen, democrats have decided they're going to blow this process up so that the republicans can be blamed. we're certainly in an election cycle but isn't that what really is holding this up, is everybody trying to get a political advantage? >> well, i do think there's a lot of back-and-forth. that's why tom and i and the group of us who spent a year working on this, we decided to check our republican and democratic hats and put our country first and we had to make those kind of compromises. i think that's what the vast majority of americans want us to get. there's going to need to be revenues i believe through tax reform. there needs to be entitlement reform so there is really a medicare, medicaid, social security program 20, 30, 40 years from now. that's going to take some changes. and what frustrates i think a lot of us is, we've got to be willing to probably make some folks mad on both ends of the political extreme and you'll know this super committee's getting close if you hear folks on both ends of the political extreme scream being the loudest because that will show that there's actually movement being made. >> senator coburn, i guess what frustrates so many americans when they look at this is that you and senator warner and your colleagues, for our colleagues, republicans and democrats on this committee, worked for a year-and-a-half and couldn't come up with anything. and yet i know you all got along -- >> we did come up with something, candy. i'll let tom answer this, but we had a product. >> but you had a product you couldn't sell. right? >> we had a product that we had 40 senators say we will support that. that's more than anything else that's been put out on the table. >> but you need 60, senator coburn, in the senate. >> well, i think the important thing is, had you put together what we had, 2.7 to 1 entitlement reform and spending reductions with revenue increases, that's the sweet spot that i think you could move people in the house and the senate to. the question is, will you do what's best for the country. you know, candy, we have $30 billion a year in indirect payments, credits, subsidies and government programs for people that are grossing $1 million or more a year. we ought to be getting rid of that. that's $300 billion over the next ten years. why wouldn't we do that? most people can come together and do that so the question comes, what is the motive? you alluded to it. is it political or is it the country? the fact is, if you go back and look two years ago at what they were writing about greece, it is exactly what they're writing about us today. and if in fact we don't make these very difficult decisions that calls on every american to come and contribute to solving the problem, then we're going to be in very serious trouble and it will come very quickly. we can fix our problems but we require leadership from the president and the leaders of the house and the senate and saying we're going to do this and we have not seen that, on both sides of the aisle. that's what's so disappointing. >> picking up on what senator coburn just said, this is from alice rivlin, who as you know, former cbo but was also on the national commission on fiscal responsibility. she's said in the "new york times" wednesday, "i fear the president is missing a huge opportunity for leadership at a crucial moment. president could greatly enhance the chances of such a bargain by getting visibly involved. it is not only the right thing to do, it is his only chance of getting his jobs program. has the president -- we have not seen the president a's fingerprints at all on the debt commission, not much on his jobs program, though he's been out campaigning. he's now with ten days left gone overseas to attend to his commander in chief duties and leader of the free world and all of that, but should he be more involved? >> i think we saw the president and the speaker try to weigh in at the end of the debt debacle in early august. it didn't end up producing a result. >> right. >> and we saw the president come forward saying he would support the gang of six. i do think with this president, whatever he comes up with, there's going to be a series of folks that will reject that categorically just out of hand. so we've tried this congressional process. i think we need to let that play itself out. we want to be there to support it. we want that super committee to be successful but if they're not successful we think that the simpson-bowles approach, that ought to get a vote as well. >> senator warner, senator coburn, i have to end it here but thank you both so much for coming in. two debates in the span of just four days. how did the republican presidential candidates fare? we will ask a key party official, the rnc chairman, next. they offer me one-on-one guidance to help me choose my investments. not just with my savings plan here at work. they help me with all of my financial goals. looking good, irene. thanks to fidelity, i can stay on top of my financial future, huh? 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[♪...] >> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply. joining me here in washington, the chairman of the republican national committee. welcome. >> hi, how are you. >> i'm very good, thank you. we've heard so much about these polls that are so bad for the president at this point in terms of his approval, particularly on the economy. but i want to show our audience a different poll here. this was a cbs/"new york times" poll from this week where people were asked about the policies of republicans in congress. 69% of those polled -- this is all americans -- say that the policies of the republicans favor the rich. 9% said they favor the middle class. and on down the line. is that not a real problem for you all going in to january to have 70% -- almost 70% of the country thinking the gop has policies that favor the rich? >> well, i mean i think both parties have perceptions that they need to battle. and certainty also not true and i think it is a red herring. and i think the president is doing a full-time job of trying to play a game of class warfare. >> it's clearly working. >> here's the thing -- first of all of, of course the party doesn't favor the rich but what the party does favor is reducing taxes on every single american out there, everyone watching. we favor reducing taxes and making sure that washington is focused in on job creation, on cutting spending, on reducing the size of government. these are things that will spur the economy, and these are things that are cornerstone to the republican party. look, you're right, there are lots of polls. but the poll that i think matters the most in this country right now is that over 70% of americans in poll after poll after poll believe two things. one, this country is on the wrong track, and number two, this president hasn't fulfilled his promises. and obviously we've got to do a better job or, according to this poll, of portraying the fact that number one, we want you to have a job, we want every american to be making more money and we want to reduce taxes on every single american no matter what income category you fit into it. >> but as long as you have -- right now the focus is on capitol hill with this debt commission. as long as you have republicans, many of them up there saying we need to make structural changes in medicare, medicaid and social security -- and that would include cuts for some people and for providers in medicare, as well as for patients in medicare. and by the way, we don't want to -- we want to lower taxes for everybody, including the rich. that is not a perception. that's a fact. >> well, because there's other ways of gaining more revenue, of course. if you put more people in to good paying jobs across the country, you have more people paying taxes which increases revenue into washington, d.c. if you reduce capital gains, more people invest and we've seen revenues increase. look, we have, as you know, we are approaching a $15 trillion deficit. we have a president, under his policies, who will accumulate more debt than every single president before him combined. now, for those people that are watching this program right now, whether you are a republican or a democrat, they will agree with the fact that this government is making promises in regard to their entitlement -- in regard to our entitlement programs that it just can't keep. so what are we going to do about it? are we just going to make believe this isn't a problem or tackle the issues to save medicare and social security for generations. i think that's what you saw jeb talking about earlier in the program. >> let me ask you about the republican race at this point. we have seen things go up and down, mitt romney's always number one or number two but people float it up and down. we are now seeing a surge by newt gingrich. and yet we are getting the feeling there's a lot of commentary now that it is really going to be mitt romney when it all settles down. you saw the debate last night. i know they're all your children and you can't pick one of them, but where do you think this race is headed? >> honestly, i don't know who is going to come out of this primary. here's what i think. just to remind you and others that primaries are tough and we just came through 2010. as you know, a lot of these republican governors, whether it be walker, snyder in michigan, kasich, even chris christie in '09, they all came through, remember, very difficult primaries. these were not cakewalks into these governors' houses. i just happen to believe that primaries work. look, we've got a president right now in the white house, came through a very tough primary against hillary clinton through the end of june before a national convention and look, he won pretty easily. he got a 60-vote majority in the senate, a majority -- super majority practically in congress. i think primaries work and i think here's the thing. after all of it is said and done and all of this drama that goes on, we are going to have a completely unified party, because we know that this president is going to destroy this country economically if he gets re-elected. >> when do you think you'll have a winner and account party afford to have this go into may and june? >> well, first of all i think no matter what happens and no matter when it ends we're going to be strong. i don't know when it is going to end. obviously we have two pretty important dates. march 6th is a day when a lot of states will come out. we have winner-take-all states starting in april. it could end before then or just shortly thereafter. i can't answer that but i do know we are ready to go and we're ready to help save this country. >> finally, the influence of tea party was felt quite a bit in the 2010 elections. have you a lot of folks with a lot of years in congress, particularly in the senate, that are now facing a possible challenge by tea party candidates in their primaries, lugar, snow, brown, carter, all face vigorous tea party primaries. is there any role for the republican party to protect someone like richard lugar or help someone like richard lugar who's served the republican party for more than three decades or do you just stay away. >> we appreciate the service he's given but we don't get involved in primaries. i happen to believe the tea party movement's been good for america, good for our party. i think 2010 goes down as a pretty darn good year for the republican party and i think we owe a lot of that to the tea party movement. >> we thank you so much for coming by. we hope to see you a lot in the coming years. it will be a busy one for you. we go local on the economy. a look at "america's cities" series starting in los angeles. ♪ [ male announcer ] it has an hd webcam, killer audio, and lids that switch to start every semester fresh. but mostly it helps me try new moves on and off the court. ♪ [ male announcer ] featuring windows 7 and windows 7 live messenger. for a limited time, purchase select dell pc's and receive our holiday photo solution. our gift to you. and who ordered the yummy cereal? 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[ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual. let our financial professionals help you reach your goals. now the opener in our series "america's cities." we'll be visiting mayors of cities, large and small, gauging their struggle to create jobs. we went large for our first stop, los angeles, loam to almost 4 million people. antonio villaraigosa was elected in 2005, the first latino mayor of los angeles in over 130 years. >> our city not only represents america's greatest hope, we also face many of its most daunting challenges. i intend to be a mayor who confronts those challenges. >> six years later, unemployment in los angeles is 11.3%, more than 700,000 jobless ang lee knows. more than 1 out of 394 homes received foreclosure notices last october. next year the city is expected to post $250 million in red ink. against this backdrop, villaraigosa proposed a five-point plan that proposes tax breaks for businesses to lure them back into the city, infrastructure spending like the $4.1 billion modernization of the l.a. county airport. the mayor was anxious to show it off choosing this rooftop overlooking the massive project for our meeting. my conversation with los angeles county mayor antonio villaraigosa after the break. meineke's personal pricing on brakes. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. mayor villaraigosa, thank you so much for being with us. let's first explain what you've got going here, because we are literally on the rooftop of what you hope will be one of the jewels of your mayoralship. >> well, this will be the gateway, the entry point, the welcoming door, if you will, to the pacific rim. this is the largest destination airport in the united states. and we think it's time to really do a little sprucing up here at the airport. >> let me look at l.a. right now and ask you as mayor, what's your number one problem in pick out one for me. >> the biggest challenge facing us is the challenge of preparing our workers for the 21st century. the challenge of improving our schools and i've engaged in an effort to push reform in our schools improving our graduation rates, our test scores, and getting our kids ready for a 21st century economy which is predicated on intellectual capital and their ability to read and write, and importantly, to focus on math and science in a world where those subjects are so important and where we don't have enough people graduating in those fields. >> you have a sort of wide variety of things that you're doing to try to help create immediate jobs and set the staining for jobs of the future. it's not just this airport. it's the sidewalks and the streets of los angeles, you're trying to attract businesses in by proposing more cuts in city taxes for establishing business here. i guess the question is certainly when you look at some of the business things you want to do, you sound very much like a republican. >> well, we have a five-point plan that focuses on cutting our business tax here in los angeles, creating more businesses, including auto dealerships, internet companies and the like, cutting red tape. that's not democrat or republican. that's just something that makes common sense. the government has to be more efficient. so what we have pea said here in l.a. -- and i think what mayors across the country are saying -- there's not a republican and democratic way of fixing the economy. yes, we've got to be more efficient, yes, we've got to cut some entitlements, yes, we've got to make sure that we're kiting red tape and the government is functioning efficiently. but we also got to invest. you don't hear a lot of republicans talking about investing in an infrastructure anymore. you don't hear them talking about the need to fix our bridges, our ports and our airports. so we here in l.a. call them like we see them. sometimes those initiatives may look more like republican initiatives. oftentimes they look more like democratic as well. i think what the people in our country and certainly in our city are looking for are leaders that get things done, not yidea ogs. >> let me ask you about occupy l.a. 41 days they've been taking up housing on city property. how long does that last? >> the thing with the occupy l.a. folks is they've been peaceful and we respect that. so we're working with them and working through these issues. and making some progress. >> how do you keep l.a. from becoming oakland? >> i think here in l.a. we decided that we're going to work with these demonstrators. we recognize that they've been peaceful and here we're taking another path. >> let me ask you in terms of in your capacity as president of the u.s. conference of mayors, by this administration, the obama administration's own prediction, we are looking at very high unemployment through the elections. we are looking at sluggish growth. growth, but sluggish growth. what do you see for the cities in your capacity speaking for the u.s. conference of mayors? what's going to happen to the economies in these cities? >> just so you understand who the conference of mayors are, we represent about 89% of the gdp in the country. if you just took new york, chicago and l.a., we're roughly the size of france. about $2.5 billion economy. if you took the ten largest cities in the united states, it's roughly the gdp of china, little less, about $5 trillion, they're $5.9 trillion. we'd be the third largest country in the world. as the cities go, so go the nation. that's why we're here today, because l.a.'s not waiting on washington. we recognize that there's gridlock there. we believe that they're failing in their responsibility, that they're actually committing malpractice by failing to fix this economy, by failing to respond or work with the president in as many attempts to work across the aisle on initiatives that have been supported by democrats and republicans both. so what we're doing here is we're working -- we're focused on self-reliant program that creates jobs but we could augment that and accelerate that if we had a partnership with the federal government. coming up, more with mayor villaraigosa. has president obama kept his promise to the latino community? and what are the president's prospects for re-election? >> i think that any of the republican candidates are going to give us a run for the money. the fact is, this is going to be a very close election. there's no question about it. and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job. the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets, close post offices, shut mail processing plants, and disrupt mail delivery. drastic cuts won't fix the postal service and aren't needed. tell your representative to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. it's time to deliver for our veterans -- and america. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. 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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. antonio villaraigosa is mayor of a large and overwhelmingly democratic population, and as spokesman for america's mayors, his voice on national issues matters to washington. we asked for his take on the nation's capital starting with the work of the super committee. what do you most fear the super committee might do? >> allow for just automatic cuts. >> that's your worst case scenario. is that they did nothing and they automatically came. >> i think the best thing to do is to make the tough decisions. we've got to address some entitlement reform. there's no question about it. it is not sustainable going into the future. >> social security, medicare, medicaid, all of those. >> all of that should be on the table. but we also, importantly, got to close tax loopholes and we've got to promote tax fairness. >> in general, from your 3,500-mile vantage point, what do you make of how washington works? >> i think it's more partisan than i've ever seen. it's always been a partisan place. >> do you think that the democrats are blameless in this? >> no, of course not. no, look. they're not blameless. you know, there's too much in the way of orthodoxy. there's a failure to understand that the country's evenly divided, and when it is evenly divided in the way that it is, we've got to have a balance and we've got to have a mix, if you will. >> you were an early supporter of secretary of state hillary clinton when she was running for the presidency. do you sometimes look back and think she'd have been better at this? >> i've never been prouder to support a candidate than i was supporting hillary clinton. but that was the past. the fact is, president obama ran a great campaign and he won and under very, very difficult, difficult circumstances. he's had -- he's done a great job, frankly. a yeoman's job when you think about that we've recession. that we almost went into a depression. he's got a tough job and a tough road ahead. he'd be the first one to tell you the road ahead is not easy. one of the great things we have going for us is that people see the president as someone who reaches across the aisle. he sometimes gets criticized by his own party for doing. the other thing we have going for us is that i think the economy's going to start to turn around. maybe not as much as we would like. but it's going to start to turn around and finally their candidates. when you have a candidate who's been on all sides of every issue over the last few years, another candidate who can't finish his sentences and thinks that social security is a ponzi scheme and still another candidate who thinks the best way to fix the broken immigration system is to electrify a fence on the border and put crocodiles on the rio grande. >> he did say he was kidding. let me ask you as you size up, you don't think that mitt romney, for instance, would give the president a real run for this office? you don't think he's qualified to be president? >> i think that any of the republican candidates are going to give us a run for the money. the fact is, this is going to be a close election, no doubt about it. but i think everything points to president obama getting re-elected for the reasons that i said -- >> because of the numbers -- no president with the kind of numbers and even the white house expects to be having a year from now. 9% unemployment rate or at least around there, still a sluggish economy. this is a very tough environment even for a guy who hasn't some business what alienated his base. we all expect to come home, of course. nevertheless, this looks like a tough re-election for him simply because it's going to be very hard for him to argue his record. >> well -- i acknowledge it's going to be a tough road ahead. but if president obama was relying on the numbers, he never would have been made president. he defied the odds. >> you're looking for an election miracle -- >> no, i'm looking for a re-election. a re-election for the reasons that i just stated. >> let me ask you about the latino vote which was in large part very democratic in the last election. we've seen some slippage in the polls. i want to read you something that the president said during his campaign. what i can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and that i'm promoting. that hasn't happened. in fact, the president has deported a record number of undocumented workers. he sent more folks to the border for border patrol. pressure from the right. than any other president before him or at least a higher -- to higher levels than they've been before. there must be disappointment with you that immigration reform, by that i mean comprehensive immigration reform, has not happened. >> let me say a couple of thing about that. first of all, president obama doesn't have a vote in the congress. >> no, but he can push something. >> and he has pushed immigration reform. he has supported the dream act. he is unabashedly in support of fixing this broken system. having said that, i'll also acknowledge that the secure community program does not work. it was fashioned to focus on serious criminals who are undocumented. we know that the vast majority of people, more than 400,000 of the 700,000 who have been arrested and are facing deportation were not criminals. not felons. in fact, some of them were victims of domestic violence and crimes themselves. so i don't have to agree with everything this administration is doing to support president obama. i -- i unqualifiably support him, but i also -- i also disagree with some of the proposals. and that's one of them. >> what's next for antonio villaraigosa? what do you do in 2014? >> i'm not focused on anything except for finishing my job. >> but you wouldn't rule out elected politics down the line. it's not the end of your elected career -- >> no, i'm operating as if it's the end of the road. you're right, i love public service. it's an honor to be mayor. i loved being speaker of the california state assembly. and i -- imi'm not going to -- i'm not going to rule it out, but i'm not focused on it either. >> thank you very much. we have a noisy group here. >> we do. >> you can expect more of our "america's cities" series in the coming months. next, top stories. and then on "fareed zakaria gps," a closer look at the threat of iran and its pursuit of nuclear technology. 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Super Committee , Republican , Congressman Hensarling , Debt Committee , Co Chair , Stand Still , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Ten , Tea Party , Senators , Senator Coburn , Senator Warner , Cities , Republican National Committee Chairman , Los Angeles , American , Field , Installment , Democrat , Two , President Obama Doesn T , The Way It Is , Antonio Villaraigosa , Washington D C , State Of The Union , Candy Crowley , Town Friday , Republican National Committee , Chairs , Panel Members , News , Debt Deal , Wheels , Air Force One , One , Citigroup Don T , Deal , Hope , Investors , Half , Wall Street , Me Here In Washington On His First Sunday , Cnbc , 23 , Three , People , Poll , Goal , Battleground Poll , Interview , George Washington University , Candy , Duty , Respects , Politico , Yes , 69 , 21 , Nothing , Debt , Medica Medicare , Medicaid , Legislation , Health Care , Drivers , Programs , Health , Seniors , Children , Retirement Security , Health Care Programs , Security , Reform Medicare And Medicaid , Cost , Doesn T Bankrupt , Deficit Reduction , Change , 5 Trillion , 1 5 Trillion , Reason , Lots , Place , Law , Defense , Defense Side , Board Cuts , Board , Secretary , It , Entitlement Spending Programs , Fashion , 13 , Social Security , Rationing , Eforms , Beneficiaries , Country Bankrupt , Committees , Details , Goals , Out , Infrastructure Spending , Table , Things , Plans , House Budget , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Plan , Language , Save Medicare , Congressional Budget Office , Demin Chi Medicare Plan , Riv Lynn H , President , Provision , Head , Bomb , Two Step Process , Clinton , Program , Man , Competition , Power , Patient Choice , White House , Colleagues , Patty Murray , Speaker , Working Relationship , We Haven T Given Up Hope , Roller Coaster Ride , Revenue , Terms , Committee , Revenue Side , Side , Increases , Skin , First , Tax Increases , Game , Figure , Economy , Part , Tax , Tax Revenues , Health Care Plan , Tax Relief , Me Measurement , Revenues , Some , Context , Negotiation , Fees , Reality , 250 , Tax Reform , Jobs , Taxes , Tax Code , Tax Revenue , Damage , Rates , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Something , System , Put , Debt Crisis , Jobs Crisis , Feeling , Amount , Lot , World , Result , Someone , Downgrade , Burden , Markets , Credit , Creditworthiness , Money , Cuts , Agreement , Token , Wall , Growth , Rate , Space , Large , Reform , Vantage Point , Road , Times , Care , Point America Doesn T Take Care , Four , Challenge , Parents , Dad , Mom , 8 , 9 , 79 , 84 , Kind , Changes , Position , Revenue Level , Sense , Process , Mind , Tax Committees , Possibility , Tack , Base , Effort , Way , Method , Isn T A Problem , Government , Second , Alice Rivlin , Why Don T , House Republican Budget , Health Care Bill , Payment Advisory Board , Up Next , Diabetes , Deficit Reduction Agreement , Go Big , Announcer , Carbs , Help , Blood Sugar Spikes , Glucerna , Hunger , Shakes , Carb , Weight , Hunger Smart , Doctor , Generations , College , Futures , Kids , Buy Homes , Bailout , Dreams , Clients , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , Planning , Company , Future , Strength , Advisors , Heart , 10000 , Life , Oatmeal Formula , Moisture , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Don T Just Moisturize , 24 , Improvement , Moisturizer , Hair , Try Nourish Plus Haircare , Aveeno , 2 , Home State Of Oklahoma , Virginia , Both , Gang , Members , Debt Reduction , Gentlemen , Six , Senate , Confidence , Level , Couldn T , What S Going On , Debt Solution , Question , Time Pressure , Deadline , Senator , Problems , Memory , 3 Trillion , 4 Trillion , Package , 8 Trillion , Group , Tom Coburns , Back , Cover , 45 , 100 , Thing , Market , Steps , Shooting , Europe , Super Committee Doesn T , Abyss , Face , Italians , Our Gang Of Six , Greeks , Product , Course , Vote , Balance , Super Committee Can T Produce , Bit , Influence , Tax Increase Pledge , Grover Norquist , Capitol Hill , Takers , Tax Increase , Process Up , Order , Bernanke , Deficits , Opinion , Anywhere , Country , There Wouldn T , Revenue Increase , Compromise , 60 , Pressure , Commercials , Touch Medicare , Television , Most , Aarp , Politicians , Run Medicare , Five , Sides , Everybody , Cup , Isn T , Politic , Election Cycle , Tom , Advantage , Hats , Entitlement Reform , Majority , Compromises , 40 , 30 , 20 , Folks , Ends , Scream , Loudest , Movement Being Made , Anything , Answer , Product You Couldn T Sell , Sweet Spot , Revenue Increases , Reductions , 2 7 , 1 , Government Programs , Credits , Payments , Subsidies , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , Wouldn T , Motive , Million , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , 1 Million , Fact , Writing , Greece , Leaders , Decisions , Leadership , Trouble , Aisle , Commission , Responsibility , Chances , Opportunity , Bargain , New York Times , Debt Commission , Jobs Program , Chance , Fingerprints , A S , Commander , Leader , Campaigning , Debt Debacle , Duties , Series , It Didn T , Play , Hand , Candidates , Approach , Debates , Simpson Bowles , Savings , The Rnc Chairman , Investments , Guidance , My Financial Future , Retirement , Good , Thanks , Top , Contact A Fidelity Investment , Anything Else , Irene , Buzzer Sounds , Radio Shack , White , Snacks , Sprint , On Santa , Htc Evo 3d , 99 , 3 , 9 99 , Home , Menu , Orange Chicken Women Men , Chang , Wanchai Ferry Orange Chicken , Wanchai Ferry , Consumers Er , P F , Uh Pandas , Elbows Mmm , 50 , Airfare Credit , Save , Restrictions , Sandals , 65 , 800 , 1 800 Sandals , Chairman , Hi , Polls , Approval , Audience , Cbs , Policies , Polled , Down The Line , Class , 70 , Job , Parties , Perceptions , Certainty , Class Warfare , Red Herring , Everyone , Favor , Single , Of , Size , Cutting Spending , Job Creation , Hasn T , Promises , Track , No Matter , Income Category , Many , Focus , Perception , We Don T , Patients , Providers , Rich , Ways , Capital Gains , Deficit , 15 Trillion , Entitlement Programs , Entitlement , Issues , Jeb Talking , Race , Number One , Mitt Romney , Surge , Up And Down , Newt Gingrich , Last Night , Commentary , Primaries , Primary , Governors , Others , Michigan , It Be Walker , Snyder , 2010 , Houses , Chris Christie , Kasich , 09 , Hillary Clinton , Look , Congress , The End , National Convention , Drama , Matter , Winner , Account , Go Into May , March 6th , 6 , States , Elections , Role , Richard Lugar , Carter , Brown , Snow , Service , Party , America S Cities , Moves , Court , Killer Audio , Semester , Hd Webcam , Lids , Gift , Holiday Photo Solution , Messenger , Purchase , Pc , Windows 7 , Dell , 7 , Goats , Cholesterol , Wrong Didn T , Taste , Cereal , Woman , Grain , Yummy , Honey Nut Cheerios , Pain , Aleve , Holiday , Pills , Guys , Laughter , Down The Hill , Indistinct Talking , Partner , Professionals , Decision , Massmutual , Mayors , Struggle , Opener , Stop , 4 Million , Mayor , City , Latino , 2005 , 130 , Challenges , Unemployment , 11 3 , Homes , Backdrop , Foreclosure , Red Ink , Jobless Ang Lee , 50 Million , 394 , 250 Million , 700000 , Businesses , Tax Breaks , L A County Airport , 4 1 Billion , 1 Billion , Meeting , Project , Rooftop , Pricing , Brakes , Los Angeles County , Break , Conversation , Meineke , Back On The Road , Welcoming Door , Mayoralship , Entry Point , Jewels , Airport , Destination Airport , Sprucing , Pacific Rim , Workers , Schools , Problem , Pick , Ability , Intellectual Capital , Graduation Rates , Test Scores , Write , Fields , Math , Science , Variety , Sort , Subjects , Streets , Sidewalks , City Taxes , Staining , Business , Business Tax , Auto Dealerships , Internet Companies , Like , Cutting Red Tape , Common Sense , Entitlements , Saying , Pea , Investing , Infrastructure , Sports , Bridges , Kiting Red Tape , Initiatives , Airports , Yidea Ogs , Housing , Occupy L A , City Property , 41 , Progress , Oakland , Demonstrators , Path , Administration , Capacity , Prediction , Conference Of Mayors , Economies , Conference , U S Conference Of Mayors , Gdp , Chicago , New York , France , 5 Billion , 89 , 2 5 Billion , China , 9 Trillion , 5 9 Trillion , Gridlock , Nation , Malpractice , Attempts , More , Partnership , Coming Up , Re Election , Run , Community , Promise , Prospects , Election , Resource , Oil Reserves , Oil Sands , Energy Security , Breakthrough , Thousands , Hundreds , Oils , Emissions , Canada , Kearl , Tens Of Thousands Vets , Veterans , Plants , Post Offices , Bill , Mail , Parade , Employer , Resolution 2309 , Postal Service , Aren T , Mail Delivery , Representative , 2309 , A1c , White Meat Chicken , Progresso , Chicken Noodle , Soup , Pairs , Hockey Game Last Night , Pj , Spokesman , Population , Work , Capital , Voice , Worst Case Scenario , Tax Fairness , Tax Loopholes , Works , General , 3500 , Failure , Orthodoxy , Presidency , Secretary Of State , Supporter , Mix , Candidate , Campaign , Circumstances , Yeoman , Recession , Depression , Doing , Issue , Ponzi Scheme , Immigration System , Sentences , Border , Office , Instance , Crocodiles , Fence , Rio Grande , Everything Points , No Doubt , Reasons , Numbers , Unemployment Rate , Environment , Who , Guy , Record , Odds , Miracle , Immigration Bill , Slippage , Record Number , Right , Border Patrol , Immigration Reform , Levels , Higher , Disappointment , Couple , Support , Dream Act , Community Program , Criminals , Deportation , 400000 , Everything , Crimes , Felons , Domestic Violence , Victims , Unqualifiably Support Him , Proposals , 2014 , Politics , Career , Public Service , Honor , The End Of Road , Wouldn T Rule Out , Imi , California State Assembly , Stories , Threat , Pursuit , Technology , Sneezes , Stratosphere , Iran , Fareed Zakaria Gps , Verizon , Samsung , Snapshot , Customers , Saving Big On Car Insurance , Better , Cool , Filming , Camera Shy , Progressive , Projects , Energy , Natural Gas , Chevron , Australia , Singapore , Planet , Way To Go , Check , Concerns , Exports , Currency Manipulation , Asia , Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit In Hawaii , Silvio Berlusconi , Replacement , Austerity Measures , Italy , Parliament , Police , Time Line , Roads , Confrontation , Action , Arrest , Riot Gear , Sunday Morning , Us Thon , Countries , Conflict , Supporters , Actions , Membership , Response , Embassies , Arab League , Syrian , Syris ,

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