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colombia. >> we let the boss down because nobody is talking about what went on in colombia other than this incident. >> that is true. the secret service now yanking security clearances for several agents accused of bringing prostitutes to a hotel before the president arrived. a new fallout from the scandal ahead. >> and a new legal move by george zimmerman's attorney. trayvon martin's accused killer asking for a different judge. plus, new concerns for zimmerman's safety. and watch out. they were just in the onions. a man under arrest after an attempted hold-up with hot dog tongs. seriously, folks. >> we are not making this stuff up. >> dumb criminal file. we need one of those and just dump these stories in there for your viewing pleasure. a look at a general election matchup between president obama and mitt romney. a new cnn national poll of registered voters shows the president with a near double-digit lead overall. 52% to romney's 43%. meantime, an abc interview, romney fully embraced his role as the nominee delivering a blunt message to the president. >> start packing. that's what i'd like to say. obviously, we have a very different view. the president, i'm sure, wants another four years, but the first years didn't go so well and they've added trillions of dollars of debt because he doesn't understand the economy. he doesn't understand what it takes to get jobs for the american people. >> cnn political editor paul steinhauser is live in washington for us. we've been talking a lot about gender lately. and our poll digs deep on really specific issues. what can you tell us about the gender gap? >> our poll indicates it's still alive and well. take a look at this from the cnn/orc poll. among men, pretty much all knotted up between president obama and mitt romney. look at that among women. a 16-point advantage for the president. we saw that in our poll two weeks ago and saw that in other recent polls as well. here's one reason why. go to the next board. you can see here who is more in touch with the problems of women? look at that. mitt romney way behind barack obama when it comes to that question, zoraida. >> i saw this other tidbit. 6 in 10 women would prefer to have jobs outside the home than stay at home and take care of the house and family. >> yeah, we saw that because we asked that question after the controversy after hilary rosen's comments about ann romney. a little higher number for men but still, 6 out of 10 women feel that way. >> i thought it was a high number. it's not just gender. can you tell us about some other factors that are bringing them up? >> likablity is one. take a look at more of our numbers. who is the more likable person. president obama. who is more in touch with middle class americans? a lot -- look at that. president obama. maybe that has to do with the tax issue that we've been talking about a lot. who is a stronger leader? president obama. who stands up for what he believes in? again, a double-digit lead for president obama according to our new numbers. >> did romney win anything? >> yeah, listen. an important issue here. they're all knotted up. and that is the economy. it's the most important issue. take a look at what our poll indicates. it's a dead heat between obama and romney. who is more likely to get the economy moving? also one other number important. independent voters. look right here. among our poll indicates the president only has a slight advantage moom independent voters who as we know are crucial to the outxhf generalco general elections. >> i was looking at a gallup poll that puts romney and obama in a statistical tie. why the significant difference between these two polls? >> you'll see that a lot between now and six months from now. a brand new gallup poll. they just started. look at that. dead even. our specially very different. ours is more in line with an abc/"washington post" poll that came out last week. theirs more in line with a fox poll that came out. one thing interesting about gallup. their tracking poll is different than their battleground poll they put out two weeks ago. you'll see a lot of differences between now and then. one thing different between ours and theirs, independent voters in our poll seem to be going for the president more. >> we're going to dig in deeper in our 6:00 hour. so we invite you to stick around and join us then. in an attempt to hike taxes on the richest americans, not going anywhere in the senate. last night, senate republicans voted down a plan to move ahead on the so-called buffett rule which would require millionaires to pay a minimum 30% tax. the president responding to the vote blaming republicans for, quote, choosing one again to protect tax break for the wealthiest few americans at the expense of the middle class. that's end quote. the gop argued that it wouldn't make a dent in the federal deficit and it would also hurt small businesses. even though the treasury says it would only hit about 1% of those small businesses. a new cnn/orc international poll shows an overwhelming amount of americans support the buffett rule. 72% in favor of the tax hike. only 27% oppose. i promise you that debate is not over. >> five minutes past the hour here. a honcho at the gsa exercising his try to remain silent. pleading the fifth at a capitol hill hearing that looked into wild spending at a las vegas conference that he organized two years ago. jeff neely and other officials grilled about mock-up videos and parties that included taxpayer-funded booze, meals, a clown, even a mind reader. >> i think that's the fundamental problem that america gets and that government doesn't get. there are a lot of good federal employees who work hard, they're patriotic and frugal with their money. when you see this widespread abuse of money and then you -- you as the former administrator say they were entitled to it, that's where there's frustration steaming out of our ears. it is totally unacceptable. and for the president of the united states to look the american people in the eye and say we've got a pay freeze in place while you're getting bonuses and going on trips is totally unacceptable. >> the head of the general services administration, martha johnson, said she found a badly managed gsa when she took over in 2010. she resigned over this mess. and now to the prostitution scandal that's staining the secret service. 11 members of the agency have had their security clearances now revoked. accused of bringing prostitutes back to cartagena, colombia, just two days perfect the president arrived for the summit he was there for that's been far overshadowed. ten members of the u.s. military are also being investigated now. congressman peter king, chairman of the house homeland security committee telling cnn's wolf blitzer, this is the worst kind of transgression for a secret service agent. >> no matter what the ultimate penalty is, this is a serious, cease violation of everything the secret service stands for. what these 11 agents did put the potentially puts any presidents at risk for some -- or themselves at risk. leaves themselves open to blackmail and to threats. obviously, finding out who those 11 women are and exactly what their backgrounds are, what their connections or soerksss are is vital to this investigation. >> pentagon correspondent barbara starr is live in washington for us. hey, barbara. where do things stand with this investigation this morning? there seems to be a new turn every day. >> indeed, kate. the secret service has begun its investigation into the matter. the agents back in washington with those security clearances revo revoked. it has spread to the u.s. military here at the pentagon. they tell us at least five military members belonging to the army are being questioned about this. believed to be involved and perhaps as many as five more. that brings it up to 21. just yesterday, the president's top military adviser had to issue an extraordinary apology. >> we let the boss down because nobody is talking about what went on in colombia other than this incident. so to that extent, we let him down. >> we've let him down. that from general martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. speaking here yesterday at a press conference. defense secretary leon panetta, general dempsey both saying that this kind of behavior is not acceptable. and, of course, as we've talked about, the big concern is, did these people leave themselves open to the possibility of blackmail or other threats by engaging in this type of behavior while they were on a presidential trip? kate? >> it seems we still need more detail and information to really determine how, you know, how serious this kind of infraction was if you will. i'm really amazed how candid general dempsey was there and that was in response to your question, barbara. do you anticipate getting any updates on the investigation today, or is it -- are they really kind of hunkering down to go into that investigative mode? >> well, there's an investigating officer already on the ground in colombia. u.s. military official. he is gathering facts, trying to talk to people that he can. and will bring that back and deliver his report. and then at that point, they will decide in the military how to proceed. do they have enough to go further? do they believe there were infractions of military regulations? and this will become -- if that is what happens -- a military disciplinary proceeding. very strict rules governing that about the disclosure of information. but what's really seems to be happening here is this is falling into a different category because oit's a presidential trip and involves presidential security. they're not saying a lot about what these military people were doing there in their official capacity but they often support security and other functions during these types of fritrips, kate. >> thanks, barbara starr. still ahead on "early start," a new twist in the trayvon martin shooting. the attorney for george zimmerman, who is charged with second-degree murder, wants the trial judge removed. >> and he has tongs and he is not afraid to use them, people. a hold-up attempt that had the customers laughing. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. 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[ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. our machines help identify early stages of cancer and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology, you know that the things that you do in your life, matter. if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn, and i'm a cancer survivor. [ mimi ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ erica ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines. i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses, it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ herb ] from the moment we walked in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work, i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums welcome back to "early start." time to check the stories making news this morning. the attorney for george zimmerman asking for a new trial judge in the trayvon martin case. mark o'mara filed a motion to have the judge recused because of possible conflicts of interest. zimmerman is being held on a second-degree murder charge in the attorney's death. attorney o'mara says his client is frightened. >> there's been a lot of emotions that have come forward in this case, and some of those emotions are showing themselves in bad ways. and i'm just hopeful that we can get him out, keep him safe and then give me the time to do my job. >> oo'mara hopes he'll get bail at a hearing set for friday. prime minister galarde says some of the australian soldiers now stationed in afghanistan could start coming home within a few months. and all of them could be out by the end of next year. that is 12 months sooner than planned. and a powerful 6.7 magnitude quake rocked chile overnight. it hit near valparaiso but it was strong enough to shake buildings in the capital city of santiago. there are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. that same region in chile was devastated by an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in february of 2010. there are pictures there. hundreds of killed in that disaster. the california teenager locked up after she claimed she was raped is now finally free. it's an amazing story. the 17-year-old was thrown in a juvenile hall for 20 days because prosecutors feared she would not show up to court to face her alleged attacker. prosecutors say the man, 37-year-old frank rackley is a serial rapist. and they are hoping the teen's testimony will help convict him. but when she failed to show up at two court hearings, a judge ordered her detained. the teen's attorney says she shouldn't have been locked up in the first place. >> i am truly sorry for all that you've been through. >> i do believe it should not have happened in the first place. i do believe that there were less extreme measures to obtain her statement. >> the teen will now be monitored by gps. and an assault with a hilarious weapon. a man was arrested after attempting to hold up a convenience store in ft. smith, arkansas with a pair of tongs, folks. he grabbed from the hot dog tank. you can see him on surveillance camera chasing customers around with the tongs when someone called 911. >> they're trying to stab us. >> what does he have? >> he has like a tong thing. it's like a silver tong thing. >> he attempted to rob a place but really nobody took him serious enough to actually give him money because of his state of intoxication. >> of course. there we go. >> a little more to the story. >> police say the man dropped the quote/unquote weapon and was waiting outside for them when they arrived. police say he will be charged with two count s of attempted aggravated robbery despite the apology note he scribbled. for an expanded look at all the top strd, head to jacqui jeras is here with your weather headlines in for rob marciano. >> good morning. that guy was having a hard day. >> a bad day that only got worse. >> a little levity in the morning. >> he wrote a little note. that's so great. >> leave the tongs. >> indeed. a wet start across some parts of the southeast. we're looking at showers and thunderstorms, some of which are going to cause street flooding for you. you'll have to be real cautious as you leave the house and head out for work this morning. west of new orleans, that's where we're seeing the heaviest of rainfall. it should be moving into the city in about an hour or so. we expect to see some of that flooding. that's why we've got the watch in effect. additional 1 to 3 on top of what you slorder have. it heads into parts of atlanta up toward charlotte. so that will be good news. not if you are traveling necessarily but great for your lawns. that's for sure. drying out into the northeast. still mild but nothing compared to where you have been for the last days. high temperatures today are going to be up there in the 70s as opposed to the 80s and 90s. lots of records fell yesterday. all right. we'll end the weather forecast with some incredible video i want to show you guys. this is out of riyadh, saudi arabia. one of our ireporters catching a huge sandstorm. take a look at that. it's just a wall of dust. this is also known as an haboob. it happens quite common. we get those out here in the arizona desert. >> stay indoors. turn off the air conditioning. >> i've seen a haboob before but that is massive. how do you drive through that? >> you can't. visibility is nothing, really. >> that's an amazing image. a lot of amazing weather images these days. >> thank you. >> thanks, jacqui. it's 19 minutes past the hour. an early read on your local news making headlines. this morning, we have papers from oklahoma, alabama, illinois. we're loaded this morning. we're going to start with the oklahoman. two oklahoma day care workers are accused of feeding hot sauce to a 13-month-old child and then laughing as the toddler screamed and cried. there are their pictures. both women not only reportedly confessed but the incident was caught on video. the women reportedly put habanero hot sauce on the green beans. the child screamed out in pain. one woman also reportedly admitted to pushing away a table that the child was using to hold himself up causing the child to fall down. both women will be charged with child abuse. we did a little research to find out if they have to be licensed there in order to work in a day care. they don't. not to work. but they do go through criminal background checks. you put your kids in a place and think it's safe and this happens. >> that's horribly. poor thing. very different story from the tuscaloosa news. roll tide question mark? the university of alabama's 30,000 bcs championship trophy shattered. a player's poor father accidentally tripped and knocked it from its stand. the university is working to get the $30,000 waterford crystal trophy replaced. my question, who is going to foot the bill? this is not the first time a coveted sports trophy has been destroyed. our wonderful producers and writers came up with this. in 2008, the captain of the spokane chiefs broke the memorial cup, right there. after winning the tournament and last year go to another piece of video. real madrid. >> i remember this. >> dropped the trove sboe the street during a celebration and it was run over by a bus. on the alabama story, just a little additional bit. they are going to the white house thursday to meet the president. >> and they're supposed to take the trophy. >> one thing they will not be taking, the trophy. >> $30,000. a waterford crystal trophy. maybe -- >> maybe if your that poor father. >> for the player who is -- >> that's terrible. >> one of those moments. >> there will be a collection for that. 21 minutes past the hour. the buffett rule is dead on arrival in the senate. republicans say it would not even dent the trillion-dollar budget deficit. we're going to take a look at the real impact. ♪[music plays] there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has new odor erasers... making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. new tidy cats with odor erasers. you get a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking, wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below he enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment. wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. wow, that's you? today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at welcome back to "early start." we are minding your business this morning. an upbeat retail sales report failed to boost wall street's mood yesterday. stocks ended mixed but the nasdaq tefell the most. they have a lot of tech stocks. apple, google and sprint took a hit yesterday. we're following your money to capitol hill where they blocked a procedural rule on the buffett rule. this bill is dead but i don't think the debate is over. >> you said it. you'll see this issue really take on a life of its own as the election cycle moves forward. that effort to squeeze more tax revenue out of the wealthy, it's dead for now. but this buffett rule, it's going to live on. you know, and what this rule would basically do, what it would look to do is anyone earning $1 million or more would have to pay 30% of their income in federal taxes. and we remember how all this came about. it's to make sure that no one is earning more than $1 million a year pays a lower effective tax rate than anyone in the middle class. this came after billionaire investor warren buffett said i'm paying a lower percentage of my income to the irs than my secretary. and then it came out president obama said the same thing on friday when his tax return came out. he said this is why this rule was needed. but you know what? and this is why you're going to see this live on because americans are in favor of this buffett rule. take a look. 72% of americans in a cnn/orc poll say they are in favor of this buffett rule. and what's interesting, you look deeper into this poll. it's right along party lines. democrats are 90% supporting this buffett rule versus 53% of americans who say they want that millionaire tax. now keep in mind a lot of critics saying this buffett rule wouldn't do much to reduce the deficit. it would raise less than $5 billion a year in taxes if the bush tax cuts expire as they may on december 31st. and that that barely chips away at a projected deficit in 2013 of $901 billion. so you have a lot of critics saying, you know what this is? this is pure politics. this does nothing for the economy. it doesn't grow the economy. it doesn't grow jobs. it doesn't cut what we're spending at the gas pump. let's focus on streamlining the tax code. and a lot of critics say even if this rule would have gone through it adds it's another layer to the tax code and makes it even more complicated. once again, this is going to heat up because a lot of people, americans across the board, can relate to this. we all pay taxes. it's a relatable issue. you'll see it play out strongly. >> also the people that make the most money pay more. that's what everyone is jumping on. >> from the political perspective, it's no surprise that on tax day they are coordinating and debating a tax issue like this. and to be honest it benefits both sides. republicans and democrats were happy to have this debate because they both see a political advantage here. also why it's not going to ag away any time soon. still ahead -- more confusion in the trayvon martin shooting. details on why the trial judge might be removed. >> and still ahead -- a scientist tells a cop your entire theory is faulty. how he used basic physics and a four-page paper to beat a ticket. >> i'm impressed already. >> you're watching "early start." ave a history that they drag around with them. try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. the cleaner way to clean. bounty extra soft. the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. it is 31 minutes past the hour. welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm kate bolduan in for ashleigh banfield. new legal challenge, new legal move by george zimmerman's attorney. trayvon martin's accused killer asking for a different judge. adding new confusion to the case. we will take a look at why zimmerman wants this judge off the bench. >> mitt romney telling the president to start packing. that's an interview with abc news. a new cnn orc national poll shows president obama has close to a double-digit lead on the likely gop nominee. 52% to 43%. and space shuttle "discovery's" final flight. this time as a passenger on the back of a jumbo jet. soaring into retirement this morning. we are live at the kennedy space center coming up. >> that's the ultimate piggyback right. pippa middleton. police are investigating a photo that shows her friend pointing a gun at the paparazzi. >> more on that as well. >> it has divided a community and the country. now a new legal twist in the controversial trayvon martin shooting. >> the judge is being asked to take herself off the case. alina cho is here with this latest development. >> good morning. nice to see you. good morning, everybody. the case against george zimmerman has been controversial from the very beginning. zimmerman officially charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin. it happened on the night of february 26th. and now this latest twist. zimmerman's new lawyer mark o'mara is asking the judge, jessica recksiedler to step aside. the judge's husband works at the same law firm as cnn legal analyst mark nejame. zimmerman originally asked nejame, the analyst, to defend him. he declined and instead referred to zimmerman to several lawyers, including the one ultimately representing him, mark o'mara. o'mara filed paperwork requesting that judge recksiedler step down. o'mara told anderson coopier last night. >> earlier this afternoon you filed this motion to recuse the judge. your confident your request will be granted? >> yes, i do. the way the rule is set up is that once the presentation is made by a verified motion, the court should grant it. she could have an inquiry if she wanted to. i don't think she will. i think she's going to go ahead and grant it and move the case on to another judge. >> a very interesting legal twist. what do we know about judge recksiedler and who might replace her? >> there are three potential judges. obviously, what people are concerned about is the potential conflict of interest, right? the association between nejame and recksiedler and whether that could become problematic. first a little bit about the judge. she only found out last thursday if you can believe it, that she had been chosen at random to hear the case. and here's what we know about her. she's 39 years old. relatively new to the bench. elected in november of 2010. but we should be clear she's been a lawyer for 15 years. she lives in sanford, florida, with her husband, a personal injury attorney who, as i said a bit earlier works with one of our legal analysts. the first judge who could replace here is judge john galluzzo. another possibility is judge kenneth lester on the bench since 1996. and the third, judge debra steinberg nelson. she was appointed back in 1999. >> and i'm sure we're going to hear a lot more about those three potential candidates there. so can we expect a decision any time soon here? >> there will be a court hearing later this week. the judge did not say when she'd make a decision but there will be a bail hearing. that's set for friday for zimmerman. it is possible that he could make bail at the time but the issue of this potential conflict of interest would have to be revolved before that ruling could be made. and what's interesting about that is that in florida, i believe the -- under florida law, all a person needs to show is a reasonable belief that the judge might not be fair. and it does not appear at this point the judge is fighting it. so it appears -- >> it's that appearance of conflict of interest. i don't think either side wants that involved in the case. >> that's right. zimmerman's lawyer said let's handle this now. let's not find out two months down the road. >> he's the one who disclosed the relationship. he thought it could potentially cause a problem. >> let's not find out two months down the road this is a real conflict of interest. let's settle this now. >> thanks so much, alina. another story we've been following. sarah and her colleagues have been awarded a pulitzer prize for their coverage of the penn state sex abuse scandal. the 24-year-old ganim is also a cnn contributor and became one of the youngest reporters ever to win journalism's top honor. it's really, really impressive. she broke the news that former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky was under investigation for alleged child sexual abuse. sandusky faces more than 52 counts involving sexual acts with boys dating back to 1994. a horrible story, but a well-deserved award for sarah. >> she was relentless with the coverage. 37 minutes past the hour. remember when you were sitting in class and you asked, when am i ever going to need this in real life? well, here's you go. here's a story. a scientist from the university of california just got out of a $400 ticket for running a stop sign with a four-page paper he drafted in his own defense on the laws of physics. he argued that the police officer mistakingly thought he ran a stop sign because he was approximating his angular velocity rather than his linear velocity. >> huh? >> well, duh. >> i didn't use any knowledge beyond the elementary physics and mathematics. the angle of speeds he was observing were indistinguishable. >> well, of course. the scientific approach worked and the judge dismissed the ticket. moral of the story, do a little homework. write a paper. >> i checked his math. all checks out. >> love that story. really great. another story getting a lot of attention -- still ahead, one tabloid called it the smirking gun. pippa middleton, paris, aist. al pistol and a big problem for the royal family. r ] introducing new nature valley protein bars. 100% natural ingredients like roasted peanuts... ♪ ...creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark chocolate flavor. plus, 10 grams of great tasting protein in every bar. so it's energy straight from nature to you. new nature valley protein bars. find them in the granola bar aisle. new nature valley protein bars. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ the sister-in-law of england's future king is under fire this week for a series of photos released by a british tabloid "the sun." the pictures show pippa middleton riding through paris next to a man who appears to be waving a pistol. in one image, even points it at the photographer. you are seeing some file video of her there. according to abc news, the gun was fake and no complaint has been filed with french police. but followers of the royal family say the silence from buckingham palace has been deafening. mark saunders has been covering the british royal family for 25 years and joins me from london. first off, show me what we're talking about here. >> the press as you can imagine have got these pictures all over them today. this is "the sun." the actual picture of the gentleman pointing the pistol is this bottom one here. what is most astonishing, the two pictures above it. he's waving the pistol around. we're talking about the center of paris in an audi convertible, waving what does appear to be a semiautomatic pistol in the air. in the current climate you can imagine how crass and stupid that has been. this man really must be moronic. and astonishingly enough, pippa doesn't seem to be doing anything to stop him. i saw what you consider a roll of film yesterday and i assumed pippa would in some way be saying, what your doing? don't be stupid. she just laughs all the way through it. >> in the current climate you are talking about they are in paris in france. france is still reeling from gun violence, that shooting tragedy just recently. with that in mind, i want to know more about what you make of this, and is there any sense that pippa could be in any serious trouble here? the sun initially reported she could face charges. >> well, i understand that she could still face charges. there has been a formal complaint made, though no one has confirmed that. but the charges she would face possibly would be accessory. it's more of a chance, if this does -- if the police do proceed with an action against this man, i think she'll be questioned by the police. that could take place here in england and be done by the british police who would pass the statement on to the french counterparts. if pippa refused to cooperate, she could find herself being extradited back to france to answer the questions and that would be bad news for the royal family. >> as you know probably better than anyone, there's always a lot of scuttlebutt, hullabaloo about any reactions by the royal family and their relatives. do you think this is much adieu about nothing or is this potentially serious for her? >> no, i don't think it's an embarrassment. i think it's potentially serious. i think they're worried. pippa middleton has become a media creation. she has become something basically that she isn't. she's become an a-list celebrity with a tenuous link to the royal family. she is simply the sister of the future queen of england. she enjoyed her will be celebrity to begin with, but i don't want to be unkind, but pippa middleton is a painfully ordinary looking girl and -- >> ouch, mark. >> and we seem to be -- well, i'm trying not to be unkind but the papers are building her up into this astonishing beauty. and it was always going to -- they are always going to turn against her. if you make a deal with the devil, you'll have payback. and pippa today is suffering. i went to her parents' house and the place was virtually shut down. there was a police car there. but the family are reeling from this. this is the first really bad piece of publicity we've had since the wedding which, remember, is nearly a year ago now. and it's astonishing how fast people have turned against her. especially the french who see this as simply a bunch of upper class british twits riding through paris with a pistol. >> focussing on her actions, she is the target of paparazzi constantly. do you think this is evidence, although possibly would be unprecedented, that she should have protection? she should have protection? >> well, i mean, i've been saying this from the start. pippa is in a strange twilight world. she's out of the protection of buckingham palace. she doesn't come under their protection. yet her actions reflect on buckingham palace. whatever you do now will reflect on catherine. so you basically have to behave yourself. but that's as far as it goes. we've kind of gone back a little way to that diana thing where she always said no one ever told her what to do or not to do. she was at least a member of the royal family. pippa is not. she's out on her own. >> and straddling two worlds. there's much more on this investigation and really is the gun real? is it fake? is there formal charges? i'm getting far ahead of us, but we'll be following it closely. mark saunders, thank you. i'm tweeting out wondering how many believe that pippa middleton is painfully ordinary looking. it's 47 minutes past the hour. time to check the stories making news. 11 secret service agents accused of bringing prostitutes to their hotel room in cartagena, two days before the president's arrival have had their security clearance revoked. and at least ten members of the u.s. military are being investigated for their possible investment in that scandal. mitt romney has some ground to make fup he wins the gop nomination and goes head-to-head with president obama in november. romney is sounding really confident telling abc news the president should start packing. but a new cnn/orc national poll of registered voters shows president obama with a near double-digit lead over the presumptive republican nominee. 52% to 43%. and a high school in indiana is paying its students $100 for every advanced placement science math or english test they pass. the money to fund this new program comes from part of a $7 million grant. the school says it's hoping to create incentives for kids to make good grades. >> we can now break down barriers for students who may not have looked at ap courses. >> if i pass this class and this class, i could be looking at $200, $300. >> so the operative word there is pass. not get an "a." teachers also get $100 for every one of their students who pass the ap test. grant money also pays for teacher training and new classroom equipment. maybe it's because it's an ap test. that makes a little more sense. still ahead, the shuttle "discovery's" final flight from the kennedy space center to its new home at the smithsonian in washington, d.c. take a live look at these pictures. we are live in florida this morning for that launch. you are watching "early start." with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. i'm going b-i-g. [ male announcer ] good choice business pro. good choice. go national. go like a pro. 51 minutes past the hour. welcome back to "early start." just an hour or so from now, the space shuttle "discovery" will embark on its final voyage to a retirement home in washington, d.c. >> it sounds so serene. "discovery" is making the trip piggybacked on top of a 747 jumbo jet. it's the first of three nasa orbiters set to become nasa pieces. "discovery" will be on permanent display at the smithsonian. john zarrella is live at the kennedy space center. what do you know, john? >> reporter: hey, kate, zoraida. what's that old saying about riding off into the sunset? i guess "discovery" is really going to be riding off into the sunrise this morning here. right at about 7:00 a.m. eastern time, just as the sun comes up, "discovery" is going to lift off. the oldest of the three remaining orbiters. flew more than 148 million miles. 39 flights, including being the shuttle that was used for both of the return to flights after the accidents of "columbia" and "challenger." now "discovery" again going to the smithsonian this morning. once it lifts off the ground here, what's going to happen is it's going to actually fly over pad 39a where it lifted off from so many times. fly down the beach, then back up over the kennedy space center to the visitor complex. we expect hundreds of people out here in the next hour to watch "discovery" leave. then it's going to head up the east coast of the united states and arrive in washington. we believe probably right around 10:00 a.m. eastern this morning. big ceremony there planned at dulles upon its arrival there as well. kate, zoraida? >> a bittersweet moment for a lot of people, right? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. everybody says, that word is overused, but, nearly it was time to move on to do something different. and with these orbiters -- the other two orbiters will be retired as well. "endeavour" goes out to california at the end of this year. "atlantis" stays right here. interestingly enough, enterprise which was a test shuttle that never you floo in space has been in the smithsonian. they have to move that out and they'll piggyback it up to new york next week because it's going to go into the intreadid air and space museum up there. so you'll get to see one of the shuttle s up in new york as we. john za rel aa space lover. i've been down there for a few launches and landings and he's been there. one of the smartest guys i know. i'm sure it's been terrific for you as well, john. >> without a doubt. >> thanks, buddy. >> we'll check back in at 7:00. we'll take that launch live when it happens. >> we're looking ford it. if you spot the shuttle on its journey to washington, d.c., send us your ireports or tweet us using #spottheshuttle. >> called it a launch but it's a flight. >> this is not a launch. this is a flight. >> all right. 54 minutes past the hour. time to take a look at what's trending. austin fisher will be allowed to walk at graduation after his story went viral and the school had a bit of a change of heart. fisher was banned from his graduation ceremony for racking up 16 unexcused absences this year. and the limit is 14. so he missed all those days because he was working two jobs and taking care of his mother. he was taking her to her cancer treatments. all of this while still playing varsity baseball. >> you never know how much time you have left. that was one of her big ones to see me walk and get my diploma. >> he's been my hero. my rock. >> fellow seniors started an online petition at to help convince the carrollton school district to change its policy. and indeed they did so his mom will get to see him walk at graduation. there is now a way for drunken nfl fans who are kicked out of stadiums to be allowed back in. according to "the new york post," under a new nfl program, unruly fans will now be required to complete an online course costing $75 to get their seats back. and they'll have to pass a test at the end of it. i can't believe this. now questions can vary from team to team but "the post" had a couple of these brain teasers. behaving badly towards other fans such as fighting, swearing or threatening them is okay as long as they deserve it. >> true. >> and every fan has a right to like any team they wish. using abusive language toward fans who support teams you don't like will not be tolerated. >> false. >> you are such a bad example. i think that's a hilarious story. >> those will not be the questions on the test. if you are drunk, that $75 you'll probably shell it out. why did i pay $75 to do this? >> 57 minutes past the hour. the prostitution scandal that's shaking up the secret service is widening now. ten members of the u.s. military are also under investigation. a live report from the pentagon ahead. you are watching "early start." 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther. or e-conomical. [ chuckling ] or ec-onomical. pa-tato, po-tato, huh? actually, it's to-mato, ta-mato. oh, that's right. [ laughs ] [ car door shuts ] [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. now very well qualified lessees can get a 2012 chevy cruze ls for around $159 per month. e.p.a. estimated 36 miles per gallon highway. cuban cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. good morning and welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. kate is dancing. >> whatever gets you going. when i'm in washington, i'm a correspondent i'm dancing before the show. more than you need to know. i'm kate bolduan in for ashleigh banfield. mitt romney tells president obama start packing. a military commander apologizing to the commander-in-chief about letting the boss down in colombia. >> no one is talking about what happened in colombia except for this incident. >> they have new fallout from the scandal ahead. trayvon martin's accused killer is asking for a different judge. he has a hotdog tong and not afraid to use it. an attempted robbery that had witnesses laughing. >> obama versus romney straight up. new poll shows president obama strong across the board. 52% of registered voters chose obama according to 43% for mitt romney. the gop believes wait something inevitable. in an being interview romney had this message for the president. >> start packing. that's what i'd like to say. obviously we have a very different view. the president, i'm sure, wants another four years, but the first years didn't go so well and added trillions of dollars of debt because he doesn't understand the economy. he doesn't understand what it takes to get jobs for the american people. >> cnn political editor paul steinhauser joins us from washington. we have been talking a lot about gender and our poll digs deeply on the specific issues. let's start with the gender gap. what can you tell us? >> it is alive and well. this was conducted over the weekend, about 1,000 people. among men basically all knotted up between president obama and the former massachusetts governor. mitt romney a 16-point advantage for the president overall among women voters. we've seen the gender gap in polls. who is more in touch with the problems of women, by more than 2-1 margin, americans say the president, not mitt romney. >> two-thirds say they had made up their minds with 29% saying they would change their minds. >> that is a high number considering it is only april. we have 6 1/2 months to go to the election, i think things would change. >> the gender pushing the president's numbers higher, can you tell us about the gender factors bringing that up? >> likability. the poll asked the more likeable of the two candidates, president obama way ahead. more in touch with middle class, obama. who is the stronger leader, the president by double digits and stands up for what he believes in, the president by double digits. >> i'm looking at the poll. we're beating up on romney. did he win anywhere? >> it's an important issue, the economy, who has the better way of helping americans with the economy? who has got the better solutions to get the economy moving, knotted up between president obama and mitt romney. independent voters, we talk about these how they are crucial in the general election and when it comes to independents the president's advantage five points. 6 1/2 months to go, the numbers are going to change. >> i was reading a gallup poll and puts omni and obama in a statistical tie. >> right on the same day the gallup tracking poll it will be every day, a dead heat. they're in line with a fox poll that came out a few days ago. different questions are asked, methodology is a little different. one thing that stands out between ours in gallonup. ours had the president ahead among independents and theirs had romney ahead among independents. >> thank you so much, paul steinhauser. an attempt to hike taxes on the richest americans dead on arrival. senate republicans ruled against the buffett rule. the president responding to the vote blamed republicans for "choosing once again to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest few americans at the expense of the middle class." the gop argued it would hit small businesses and it wouldn't put a dent in the federal deficit. cnn international poll shows an overwhelming amount of americans are in favorite of the buffett rule. a honcho at the gsa exercising his fifth amendment right. he is pleading the fifth that looked into a wild spending, this photo is from that conference and he organized it two years ago. jeff neely grilled about mock-up videos, parties that included booze, meals, clowns and a mind-reader. >> working for the government is a sacred trust which you have blown. >> when you see this widespread abuse of money and you as the former administrator say well they were entitled to it, that's where there's frustration steaming out of our ears. >> the head of the general services administration, martha johnson, said she found a badly managed gsa when she took over in 2010. she's resigned over the mess. the prostitution scandal appears to be widening. 11 members of the agency have had their security clearances revoked for allegedly bringing prostitutes back to their rooms in cartegena. >> no matter what the ultimate penalty is, this is a serious violation of everything the secret service stands for but these 11, what they did is potentially puts any president at risk plus themselves at risk, at least themselves open to blackmail and threats. obviously finding out who the11s women are and backgrounds are is vital to the investigation. >> barbara starr is live at the pentag pentagon. do we know more about the military members implicated and their possible role in the scandal and what is the latest on the investigation? >> good morning, kate. five members of the u.s. army we are cold and perhaps five additional members of the u.s. military being questioned about this entire matter. the pentagon saying very little officially about it, but look, what happened yesterday was the top military adviser to the president had to issue an extraordinary apology. >> so we let the boss down because nobody's talking about what went on in colombia other than this incident. so to that extent we let him down. >> "we let the boss down" extraordinary words from the general here at the pentagon. we're told the members of the u.s. military like the secret service members being investigated were not in direct contact with the president of the united states, they were part of an advanced security team and providing support, we're not told what that is, to the entire presidential trip. but the real question here of course is by virtue of the actions taking place were they making themselves open to blackmail or other threats about presidential security. >> many questions, not enough answers. this will continue. barbara starr at the pentagon thank you so much. still ahead on "early start" the defendant in the trayvon martin shooting asks for a new george. george zimmerman says his client is frightened behind bars. a drunk man armed with a pair of tongs tries to hold up a store. how do you think he did it? you're watching "early start." fiona here was just telling me that ford dealers sell a new tire like...every five seconds, how's that possible? well, we purchase 3 million a year. you just sold one right now didn't you? that's correct. major brands. 11 major brands. oop,there goes another one. well we'll beat anybody's advertised price. and you just did it right there, what's that called? the low price tire guarantee. wait for it, there goes another one. get a $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. look at that. it's happening right there every five seconds. your not going to run out are you? no. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. 000 is 13 minutes past the hour. welcome to "early start." >> the attorney for george zimmerman has filed a motion to have the judge recused because of conflict of interest. zimmerman is being held on a second-degree murder charge in the 17-year-old's death. attorney o'mara says his client is frightened. >> there's been a lot of emotions that have come forward in this case and some of those emotions are showing themselves in bad ways and i'm hopeful that we can get him out, keep him safe and give me the time to do my job. >> the lawyer also says he hopes zimmerman will get bail at a hearing friday. australia is speeding up the type table for troop withdrawal from afghanistan. prime minister julia gillard says some of the 1,500 australian soldiers stationed in afghanistan could come home within a few months and all out by the end of next year, 12 months ahead of schedule. a powerful 6.7 magnitude earthquake shook chile last night. it was strong enough to shake buildings in santiago, about 70 miles away. there are no immediately reports of injuries or damage but the same region in chile, take a look at this, was devastated by an 8.8 magnitude in february, hundreds were killed then. rick santorum resurfacing. he has not spoken to mitt romney since dropping out of the race but plans to. asked how he'll advise his backers to vote in upcoming primaries, santorum said "stay tuned." a california teenager locked up after she claimed she was raped is now free. she was thrown in juvenile hall for 20 days because prosecutors feared she would not show up to court to face her attacker. the 37-year-old is a serial rapist and they were hoping the teen's testimony will help convict him. when she failed to show up at two court hearings the judge ordered her detained. the judge is now apologizing. the teen's attorney says she shouldn't have been locked up in the first place. >> i am truly sorry for all that you've been through. >> i believe it should not have happened in the first place. i do believe that there were less extreme measures to obtain her statement. >> the teen will now be monitored by gps. very, very different story but one we've been talking about quite a bit, assault with a hilarious weapon, a man arrested after attempting to hold a convenience store in ft. smith, arizona, with a pair of thongs he grabbed from the hotdog stand. you can see him chasing customers around with the tongs when someone called 911. >> he's trying to stab us saying "give us money." >> what does he have? >> a silver tong thing. >> he tried to rob the place but no one took him serious enough to give him money because of his state of intoxication. >> i think a man is trying to attack me with tongs. no, police say the man dropped the weapon and was waiting outside when they arrived. place say he'll be charged with two counts of attempted aggravated robbery despite the opoll gee note he wrote to them. jacqui jeras is in for rob marciano. nice to see you. >> nice to see you this morning as well. it's a great start across much of the east today, a few hot spots we're concerned about and have to talk about and primarily just to the west of new orleans right now where some heavier showers and thundershowers are rumbling through. the ground already very wet so we're worried about standing water on the roadways, be aware as you head out. light rain on the northern tier up towards nashville, might spit at you a little bit. the careful will spread throughout the southeast. much needed rain atlanta toward charlotte. that could cause delays on the roadways as well as into the airways. we're looking at dryer and cooler conditions in the northeast and hartford, connecticut, 92 degrees yesterday. today we're going to be back down into the 70s but the weather is going to be gorgeous to view the space shuttle "discovery" leaving kennedy space center. it will be at the smith smosonit washington dulles airport. it will fly low over the special sites into washington, d.c., near the monument at 1005,500 feet. look to the skies. >> it's supposed to happen at 7:00 so we're keeping an eye on that because we would like to see it take off. thanks so much, jacqui. it is tax day, that means time is running out to get those returns in. feel like you're overtaxed? how your fellow americans feel, ahead on "early start." uncer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. apparently we have a surprise this hour. stay tuned to are that. stocks ended mixed on monday with a nasdaq taking a hit because of a 4% drop in apple. ap. the shares have surged more than 40% this year and recently hit a record high of more than 600 bucks a share. most of us are thinking about taxes and a new poll says how americans feel about this ritual. alison kosik is here. >> it's like goldilocks in the three bears, too much, too little, just right. the biggest gripe for people is the tax system itself, are people paying their fair share. so we turned to a cnn/orc poll found out 68% of the respondents said that the tax system benefits the rich and is unfair to average workers versus 29% who disagreed with that view so the biggest beef there is the system itself. here is the surprise for you. people are pretty okay with how much they're shelling out to uncle sam. 50% said the federal income taxes they pay are about right and 45% saying they're too high. it's split down the middle. part of the reason they may be okay with writing that check is because the tax cuts were put in place by president bush set to expire december 31st but that lowered those marginal income tax rates across the board. one more thing that struck me with this cnn/orc poll is where people are skewed politically as far as they feel about how much they're paying and 53% of republicans say their income taxes are too high. 41% of democrats say they're okay with it, that they're not paying too much so this kind of rolls into the whole buffett rule that failed in the senate yesterday where you see the republicans shooting it down and the democrats voting in favor of the buffett rule so it's interesting to take a step back as we rush to the post office and take a look at how everybody feels about how much we pay and what we feel about the tax system. >> zoraida, you looked at this as well, too high, how do you feel about how much you pay? too high, about right. 3% say what they pay is too low. >> you have to remember also no one likes paying a lot of taxes. think of the government like a business. we're paying our taxes for a reason. this money goes to services so it makes your town and city go round and round, snow removal, the library, police, good schools. you get what you pay for and when we pay our taxes it's painful to write that check but it's going to something at least you want to believe it is. >> that's the key right there. >> it's not perfect. >> services and government waste, that's another question. >> thank you. >> a bit of an education today. still ahead new developments in the trayvon martin case the attorney representing george zimmerman wants the trial judge replaced. hi, i'm angelina paglia and a travel around the world playing 13, 14, 15 major pool tournaments a year. if there aren't women tournaments i jump in with the men, i have problem doing that. i like to be involved in charities. we do a lot of trick shot exhibitions and challenge matches to raise money, charge $10 to play us in a game of pool. when do you get a chance to play a professional and it's for a great cause. i normally travel by plane. we have to check our pool cues because they're a dangerous weapon. we worry about safety and damage. sometimes if i'm going to a far away place i will federal express my cues. that's how a pool player travels. thanks for watching. off to my next tournament. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro. you get a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking, wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... has been because of the teachers and the education that i had. they're just part of who i am. she convinced me that there was no limit to what we could learn. i don't think i'd be here today had i not had a wonderful science teacher. a teacher can make a huge difference in a child's life. he would never give up on any of us. thank you dr. newfield. you had a big impact on me. [ woman on r♪ bum-bum,stinct ] bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ bum-bum - ♪ ai, ai, ai - ♪ bum-bum - ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum - ♪ [ ice rattles rhythmically ] ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ [ imitates guitar noise ] ♪ [ vocalizing up-tempo heavy metal song ] ♪ [ vocalizing continues ] ♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda. it is 29 minutes past the hour. welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm kate bolduan in for ashleigh banfield. time to get a check of the stories making news this morning. the chairman of the joint chiefs saying "we let the boss down." members of the military tied to a prostitution scandal in colombia and the secret service yanking security clearances for 11 agents. mitt romney telling the president to "start packing" in an interview with abc news, a new cnn/orc international poll shows president obama has close to a double-digit lead on the likely gop nominee. 52-43. the space shuttle on the back of a jumbo jet soaring into retirement this morning. we are live at the kennedy space center monitoring when it takes off. anger over the usa's hunger for drugs. we'll talk to president obama's drug czar. and it has divided a community and the country. new legal twist in the controversial trayvon martin shooting. >> the judge at the center of the case is being asked to take herself off of the case. alina cho is here to talk about the latest development. >> good morning, everybody. this case has been controversial from the beginning. zimmerman officially charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin, it happened on the night of february 26th and now this latest twist, listen carefully, zimmerman's new lawier mark o'mara is asking the judge recksiedler to resign. her husband works at the same law firm as mark nejame. zimmerman originally asked nejame to defend him but he declined and mark o'mara told our anderson cooper why last night. watch. >> earlier this afternoon you filed this motion to recuse the judge. are you confident your request is going to be granted? >> yes, i do, the way the rule is set up is that once the presentation is made by verified motion the court should grant it. she could have an inquiry if she wanted to. i don't think she will. i think she'll move the case on to another judge. >> i tried to speak slowly and clearly but in case anyone missed the potential problem here is people are concerned about a potential conflict of interest between the cnn legal analyst and the judge's husband who work at the same law firm. given the scrutiny in this case they're thinking maybe not such a good idea to be so closely associated to somebody in the media. >> what do we know about this judge and the options for replacing her? >> well, we could find out very, very soon. as for the judge, we can tell you that rex ricksiedler is 39 years old, elected to the bench in november of 2010 but been a lawyer for 15 years. she lives in sanford, florida, with her husband, a personal injury attorney who as i mentioned works with one of our legal analysts. there are three judges who could possibly replace her, judge john galluzzo, appointed by governor bush in 1996 and kenneth lester, in 1996 and third judge debra steinberg nelson, appointed back in 1999. >> when do you think whether or not she'll be replaced? >> very soon, it could happen as early as this week. the judge did not say when she'll make a decision but a bail hearing is set for friday so it is possible that zimmerman could make bail but this issue of this potential conflict of interest would have to be resolved before the judge could make any decision on zimmerman's bail so obviously defense lawyers are going to be very inclined to get this settled right away and by the way under florida law there only needs to be a reasonable belief there might be a conflict of interest and doesn't appear as though the judge is fighting it. >> on the prosecution side they don't want it to be clogged up and have to restart again. >> as zimmerman's lawyers let's not find out two months down the road we have a conflict of interest. so let's get it buttoned up now. 6:34 on the east coast. the u.s. is waging a new war on drugs and prescriptions are at the center of the fight. coming up, the person who is leading the battle, the white house drug czar has a new strategy he's unveiling today. let's get a quick check of your travel forecast. jacqui jeras? >> most of the trouble is confined to the southeast from louisiana stretching on into the carolinas, concern about flooding along the gulf coast and then just looking at the delays at the airport then as we head into places like new orleans, atlanta, as well as charlotte and most will be arrival delays so if you're swrelz in the country trying to get into the cities that's where you'll have the problem. the northeast could be a little windy so be aware for the approach on the runways. 75 in new york. 73 in washington, d.c., should be wonderful weather for viewing the space shuttle "discovery" landing today. h that is the latest on your forecast. we'll be back after a break. my job is to find the next big sound. they sound awesome tonight. and when i do find it, i share it with the world. you landed the u.s. tour ? done. this is fantastic ! music is my life and i want to make the most of it without missing a beat. fly without putting your life on pause. be yourself nonstop. american airlines. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? 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>> it really brings to fore all of the parts of the public health system. too many years we looked at it as a public arrest problem. we can't arrest our way out of this problem. >> disease of the brain, it's a conscious decision, why that language? does it have anything to do with some of it being treatable than through health care? >> it is treatable but we often found people look at this as a moral failing, the person just needs to straighten up. we know from the science that addiction is a disease but we also know that we can treat it and more importantly know people can recover and be back taking care of their families and paying their taxes. >> you're proposing changes to how the country prosecutes he those who use illegal drugs. what are the changes you're proposing? >> what we've seen is the work gets done at the state and local level and when we propose new policies and new programs that actually help people get in to recovery, we know they're not going to continue to be recycled back through the prison system which is not only incredibly costly but doesn't do anything to make this country safer. >> do you have any details on when somebody would be arrested with what particular type of drug? >> they're another group of experiments going none different departments across the country from providence, rhode island, to seattle, washington, in which they are looking at and using ways alternatives to arrest and alternatives to incarcerating people that keep people in the community safe but recognize the addiction and the disease problem of drugs. >> i want to talk about prescription drug abuse because this is a big one, up 300% since 1990, and doctors inadvertently become a part of the problem by providing the drugs, the people who abuse them. so how do you deal with this problem? >> we have a plan that we put in place that is just about one year old and it works really well and makes a lot of progress. we're seeing t educating parents about the dangers of prescription drugs, it's about cleaning out medicine cabinets in a safe way, it's about enforcing on the so-called pill bills and these are important ways that we can deal with a substance that's really coming right out of our own medicine cabinets. >> you mentioned the medicine cabinets earlier when we were talking some months ago and you highlighted something that nobody ever thinks about, perhaps if there are folks who abuse these drugs they may go to open houses and go through the person's medicine cabinet. >> we've seen that, when real r realtors tell you, showing your house you need to lock up your jewelry and medicine cabinet. in my old job as a police chief i call that a clue to the problem. >> you have budgeted $10 billion for prevention and treatment, slightly smaller amount for law enforcement. it would leave fewer offenders behind bars and you want to get rid of the revolving doors of prison. what is put in place so there's not a revolving door out of treatment. >> the important is to recognize the nexus between drugs and crime. when you put in treatment programs so that the person doesn't continue to get recycled through the system, it makes a huge difference and we're seeing that done whether they're projects for instance called hope in hawaii being replicated across the country. these are important ideas that save money, save time and most importantly keep the community safe. >> and pat taylor, executive director of faces and voices of recovery, another tidbit of information, pralz praised your proposals but building recovery community organizations across the nation, are those buildings, or part of existing hospitals and who funds that? >> we're talking about removing the stigma around drug use so people can get their civil rights restored if they've been arrested, so people aren't embarrassed and don't have to hide. people in recovery hold important jobs, it isn't an issue of class or race. this drug issue affects everyone and when we recognize it more as a disease and less as a criminal justice problem, we help to remove that stigma. >> i want to ask you quickly about teen drug use. half of all 12th graders have used some elicit drug in their lifetime, including inhale ants. anything different in your approach for teenagers? >> the most important thing is when they get a message from someone they trust, like a parent and actually kids do listen to their parents, when they get a message it isn't a scare tactic and they get information, a lot of kids will make the right decision but it's important that we give parents the information that they need to have that conversation, and then the parent has to have that conversation with their child. >> gil kelekowske, thank you so much. i want to show you live pictures, we're counting down, you're seeing right there live pictures from the kennedy space center where the space shuttle discovery is getting ready to piggyback a ride to its final location near washington, d.c., we're counting down for that liftoff if you will, for that flight. we'll be following that also as we follow the rest of the show. but first i have the opportunity to welcome soledad to the desk. >> lots coming up on "starting point" at the top of the hour. the tulsa shooting suspects have said they are not guilty in what is believed to be a racially motivated killing. this morning one of the suspects' mother who is serving time in prison has written a letter saying that her son is not a racist. she says he's had a tough life, will join us by phone from the prison to talk about what happened in his life and why she says he is not guilty. major league pitcher jim abbott, he was born without a right hand. major league pitcher, played in the olympics, pitched a no hitter for the yankees in 1993, written a new book called "imperfect: an improbable life." we'll talk about his amazing story straight ahead. and we talked about this yesterday, everyone was talking about it, there are plans to take tupac on the road, have him tour even though he's been dead for roughly 16 years but he's a hologram and we'll talk about the technology behind that. it's a hologram now. if you're heading to work check out our live blog at see everybody at 7:00 a.m. at the top of the hour. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. no annual fee. that's 1% back on... wow! 2% on my homemade lasagna. 3% back on [ friends ] road trip!!!!!!!!!!!! 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[ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. this is my grandson. and if it wasn't for a screening i got, i might have missed being here to meet him. the health care law lets those of us on medicare now get most preventive care for free like annual wellness visits, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. and that's when they caught something serious on mine. but we could treat it before it was too late. i'll be around to meet number two! get the screenings you need. learn more at you don't want to miss any of this! 55 minutes past the hour. welcome back to "early start." the space shuttle "discovery" about to liftoff. >> this is her favorite story. >> "discovery" will travel atop a 747 jumbo jet to washington, d.c., where it will go on display to smithsonian. >> john zarrella can tell us why we've seen space shuttles ride on top of planes before. john? >> you're treating me like a child. >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: that's my question of the morning, nothing more difficult than that? >> oh, don't worry. we have more. >> reporter: when they landed in california at edwards air force base because the weather wasn't good or the early days before they landed here they'd have to stick the shuttles on top of the 747 to ferry them back to the kennedy space center for liftoff. the space shuttle is down to my level here, in the next ten minutes or so we expect it to come from my left to my right, south to north and lift off and start heading down the beach. i want to bring in robert cabana, director of the kennedy space center, former astronaut, you're never a former astronaut, right, bob, he flew as pilot twice on "discovery" and commander of a couple others and you told me i could touch your shirt. >> yes. >> you wore this in space when? >> october of 1990, stf 41. >> you said to me a minute ago you thought the emotions were over. >> i did, when it started taxiing down the end to takeoff i thought i was passed it but it's hard to see it leave ksc. >> reporter: this is tough to see the shuttle being retired. >> it is. i think i hear it. i think i hear it. >> reporter: it's coming down the runway now. take a look. it's off. here we go! >> here we go. >> oh, and liftoff. >> wow, wow, look at that, yep, it's clearing the trees here now. we can see it heading down to the south and again what's going to happen now, bob, is going to go down the beach, fly down the beach, fly over pad 39a. >> turn around and come back by and head on up to the air and space museum. >> reporter: we'll get to see it one more time as it flies back over the kennedy space center. you've almost got tears in your eyes. i know why, we all do. >> it's special, it's a special vehicle and but you know, i wish it were flying -- i was in it before they closed the hatch and it looked like it was getting ready to fly in space not fly to the air and space museum. if you're going to end up in a space museum that's the place to be. >> reporter: thank you for spending your time with us. ladies? >> it's headed in our direction! >> real quick, everyone, it's flying to washington, d.c., actually dulles airport outside washington, d.c., where it will be in the smithsonian museum in its final retirement location. see it there. wasn't that cool? >> that's all for us. i'm kate bolduan. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. >> thank you very much. our "starting point" this morning with a new legal twist in the trayvon martin case, his accused killer wants a new judge. we'll tell you why. plus the

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Martha Johnson , 2010 , 11 , Military , Summit , Cartagena , Ten , Matter , Peter King , Kind , Everything , Secret Service Agent , Penalty , Violation , Serious , House Homeland Security Committee , Transgression , Congressman , Wolf Blitzer , Some , Threats , Presidents , Risk , Potentially , Leaves , Finding Out , Investigation , Things , Barbara Starr , Backgrounds , Connections , Soerksss , Pentagon Correspondent , Kate , Pentagon , Military Adviser , Army , 21 , Apology , Extent , Course , General Dempsey , Spokane Chiefs , Behavior , Leon Panetta , Press Conference , Staff , Possibility , Trip , Concern , Type , Blackmail , Information , Updates , Response , Infraction , Detail , Ground , Officer , Facts , U S Military , Mode , Hunkering , Point , Report , Infractions , Military Regulations , Rules , Disclosure , Category , Proceeding , Oit , Security , Types , Capacity , Functions , Fritrips , Trial Judge , Twist , Thanks , Murder , Presentation , Announcer , Customers , Florida , Food , Solution , At T , Caterers , Miami , Technology , Table , Standards , Possibilities , Photo Sharing Abilities , Network , Kitchen , Drivers , Experience , Auto Insurance , Usaa , Iraq , Vietnam , South Pacific , 1943 , 1968 , 2003 , Protection , Families , Generation , Veterans , Level , Commitment , Legacy , Equal , Auto Insurance Quote , Dad , Son , Turbo , Run Out , Gotta , Clean Diesel , Jetta Tdi , 42 , Sodium Soup , Part , Soup , Cholesterol , Heart , Beans , Step 1 , Diet , Veggies , Engineering , Power , German , Something , Someone , Cancer , Machines , Progresso , Stages , Life , Opportunity , Cancer Survivor , My Name Is Jocelyn , Positive , Jocelyn , Disease , Picture , Evidence , Group , Doctors , Nurses , Mimi , World , Work , Guys , Herb , Door , Cancer Patient , Tums , Slap , Foods , Nothing , Tum Tums Welcome Back , Tum , Trayvon Martin Case , Motion , News , Mark O Mara , Interest , Conflicts , Emotions , Attorney O Mara , Client , Murder Charge , Death , Bail , Job , Ways , Oo Mara , Wall , The End , Galarde , Soldiers , Hearing Set , Afghanistan , Australian , 12 , Chile , Buildings , Quake , Capital City Of Santiago , It Hit Near Valparaiso , 6 7 , Teenager , Pictures , California , Damage , Region , Injuries , Hundreds , Reports , Earthquake , Disaster , 8 , February Of 2010 , Story , Prosecutors , Attacker , Juvenile Hall , 17 , 20 , Teen , Testimony , Rapist , Convict , Court Hearings , Frank Rackley , 37 , Statement , Measures , Tongs , Smith , Convenience Store , Weapon , Pair , Gps , Assault , Hot Dog Tank , Arkansas , Surveillance Camera , 911 , Estate , Intoxication , Tong Thing , Silver Tong Thing , Robbery , Police , Count S , Quote Unquote Weapon , Weather , Apology Note , Guy , Jacqui Jeras , Rob Marciano , Strd , Showers , Parts , Southeast , Note , Thunderstorms , Levity , City , Street Flooding , Rainfall , Heaviest , New Orleans , Top , Flooding , Watch , Effect , Toward Charlotte , Atlanta , 3 , Northeast , Lots , Records , Weather Forecast , Lawns , Sure , The 80s And 90s , 70 , 90 , 80 , Video , Haboob , Sandstorm , Ireporters , Dust , Saudi Arabia , Riyadh , Air Conditioning , Arizona Desert , Jacqui , Image , Visibility , Workers , Papers , Hot Sauce , Oklahoman , Making Headlines , Oklahoma , Alabama , Illinois , 19 , Child , Toddler , Cried , 13 , Woman , Habanero , Spain , Kids , Order , Child Abuse , Day Care , Background Checks , Research , Question Mark , Tuscaloosa News , Bcs Championship Trophy , University Of Alabama , Roll Tide , 30000 , Player , Trophy , Bill , Father , Stand , University , Time A Coveted Sports Trophy , Waterford Crystal , 0000 , Piece , Tournament , Producers , Writers , Captain , Memorial Cup , Real Madrid , 2008 , Bit , The Street , Celebration , Bus , Trove Sboe , Crystal , Waterford , Whole Buffett Rule , Arrival , Impact , Budget Deficit , Collection , Music , Odor Erasers , Cats , Litter Box Odor , Help , Purina , Tidy Cats , Cash , Everyone , Bonus , Baby , Phhht , 50 , Rewards Card , Card , Wallet , Fine , Ha , Wood Splintering , Your , Effects , Crest 3d , Wow , Dollar Professional Treatment , Smile Wasn T , Five Hundred , Five Hundred Dollar , Let S Go , Decatherms , Brother S Keeper , Bout Ya , Joe , Attention , Site , Cities , Answers , Gas Turbines , Siemens , Nine , Expenses , Fore , Small Business , Small Business Card , Sink , Chase , Ink Customers , Save Time , App , Innovation , Chase Com Ink , Business , Morning , Stocks , Tech Stocks , Mood Yesterday , Retail Sales , Wall Street , Apple , Nasdaq Tefell , Google , Hit Yesterday , Rule , Effort , Election Cycle Moves , Wealthy , Tax Revenue , Anyone , Income , Tax Rate , 1 Million , A Million , Warren Buffett , Tax Return , Secretary , Percentage , Irs , Democrats , 53 , Millionaire Tax , Party Lines , 53 , Mind , Critics , Tax Cuts , Wouldn , Bush , December 31st , 6 Billion , 31 , 5 Billion , Politics , It Doesn T , It Doesn T Grow Jobs , 2013 , 01 Billion , 901 Billion , Tax Code , Gas Pump , Let , Board , Pay Taxes , Pay , Tax Day , Surprise , Perspective , Sides , Confusion , Details , Scientist , Paper , Ticket , Physics , Theory , Cop , Times , Bounty , Lab Demo , Sheet , Dishcloth , Surface , Bounty Extra , Ave A History , Check , Retirement , Same , Advisor , Strategy , Key , Wells Fargo , Fact , Terms , Wells Fargo Advisors , 93 , Ashleigh Banfield , Challenge , Abc News , Bench , Space Shuttle , Flight , Jumbo Jet , Kennedy Space Center , Back , Discovery S , Passenger , Piggyback , Photo , Pippa Middleton , Gun , Country , Paparazzi , Friend , Community , Everybody , Development , Alina Cho , Lawyer , February 26th , 26 , Jessica Recksiedler , Husband , Mark Nejame , Law Firm , Lawyers , Paperwork , Anderson Coopier Last Night , Recksiedler Step Down , Request , Inquiry , Court , Judges , Three , Conflict Of Interest , Association , Nejame , Random , 15 , 39 , November Of 2010 , Personal Injury Attorney , Works , Analysts , John Galluzzo , Who , Sanford , Debra Steinberg Nelson , Third , 1999 , 1996 , Decision , Bail Hearing , Candidates , Court Hearing , Ruling , Show , It , Law , Belief , Appearance , Road , Side , Relationship , Sarah , Colleagues , Following , Pulitzer Prize , Old Ganim , Coverage , Reporters , Contributor , Journalism , Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal , Honor , 24 , Jerry Sandusky , Counts , Penn State , Boys , Award , 1994 , University Of California , Stop Sign , Police Officer , Defense , The Laws Of Physics , 400 , Huh , Elementary Physics , Mathematics , Angular Velocity , Velocity , Knowledge , Speeds , Angle , Math , Approach , Homework , Moral , Royal Family , The Sun , Paris , Smirking Gun , Al Pistol , Aist , Peanuts , Nature Valley Protein , Peanut Butter , Ingredients , Dark Chocolate Flavor , 100 , Tasting Protein , Nature , Granola Bar Aisle , Bar , Energy , Nature Valley Protein Bars , Schedule , Mom And Dad , Sister In Law , Photos , Series , King , Fire , British , England , Pistol , French , Complaint , File Video , Photographer , Mark Saunders , Silence , Buckingham Palace , British Royal Family , First Off , London , Followers , 25 , Press , Gentleman , Center , Climate , Hair , Semiautomatic Pistol , Audi Convertible , Person Doesn T , Roll , Saying , Don T , Gun Violence , Film , Doing , France , Charges , Sense , Trouble , Shooting Tragedy , No One , Chance , Action , Made , Counterparts , Questions , Scuttlebutt , Hullabaloo , Adieu , Reactions , Relatives , Embarrassment , Sister , Celebrity , She Isn T , Media Creation , Link , Girl , Queen , Suffering , Beauty , Payback , Deal With The Devil , Parents , Police Car , Which , Publicity , Wedding , Actions , Bunch , Focussing , Twits Riding , Start , Target , Strange Twilight World , Whatever , Indiana , Catherine , Member , Worlds , Many , Hotel Room , 47 , Security Clearance , Investment , Nomination , Fup , Students , Science , Program , Placement , High School , English , 7 Million , School , Ap , Courses , Grant , Grades , Incentives , Barriers , Teachers , Test , Word , Class , Grant Money , Teacher Training , 300 , 200 , Shuttle , Classroom Equipment , Launch , Brent , Ability , Roi , Cob , Seo , Motor Trend Car Of The Year , Size , Aisle , Price , B I G , Choice Business Pro , Choice , Pro , Go National , 51 , Discovery , Retirement Home , Trip Piggybacked , Voyage , 747 , First , Display , Pieces , John Zarrella , Three Nasa Orbiters Set , Nasa , Reporter , Eastern Time , Riding , Sunset , 7 , Flights , Both , Orbiters , Return , Oldest , 148 Million , Pad 39a , Challenger , Accidents , Columbia , Beach , Leave , East Coast , Visitor Complex , Ceremony , Space , Test Shuttle , Endeavour , Atlantis , Enterprise Which , New York , Air And Space Museum , Intreadid , John Za Rel Aa Space Lover , Launches , Shuttle S Up , Doubt , Landings , Journey , Ireports , Buddy , Ford , Pottheshuttle , What S Trending , 54 , Austin Fisher , Graduation , Graduation Ceremony , A Change Of Heart , Limit , Mother , Cancer Treatments , Absences , 14 , Seniors , Diploma , Ones , My Rock , My Hero , Varsity Baseball , Carrollton School District , Policy , Mom , Petition , Fans , Stadiums , New York Post , Nfl , Team , Seats , The Post , 75 , Language , Swearing , Right , Fighting , Fan , Couple , Brain Teasers , True , Support Teams You Don T Like , Example , False , 57 , Highway , Ec Onomical , Cruze E Co , E Ither , Ec O , Lessees , Dealer , To Mato , Car Door , Chevy Cruze Ls , Po Tato , Pa Tato , Ta Mato , Chevy , 2012 , Chicken Pancake , Cajun , Fondue , Taco Truck , Chinese Takeout , Epa , Tex Mex , Tapas Puck , Cuban , 36 , 159 , 59 , Cash Back , Restaurants , Banker , Street , Neighborhood , Town , Offer , Credit Approved , Bullet , Buyer , Buyer Preapproval , Dancing , Correspondent , Commander In Chief , Military Commander Apologizing , Accused Killer , Hotdog Tong , Straight Up , Witnesses , Political Editor , Governor , Massachusetts , 1000 , Women Voters , Margin , 2 , Minds , 29 , 6 1 2 , Likeable , Gender Factors , Likability , Digits , Double Digits , Middle Class , Solutions , Independents , Economy Moving , Omni , Methodology , Gallonup , Tax Breaks , Favorite , Fifth Amendment , Conference , Trust , Reader , Rooms , Stands , The11s , Latest , Pentag Pentagon , U S Army , We Let The Boss Down , The General , Security Team , Support , Contact , Virtue , Bars , Defendant , George , Store , Tire , Dealers , Fiona , 3 Million , Oop , Price Tire , Rebate , Brands , Price Tire Guarantee , Anybody , Tire Event , Dry Cleaning , Reservation , Shoes , Sushi , Corner , Xerox , Marriott Hotels Resorts , Office , Pancakes , Smoothie , Invoices , Invoice Process , Back On The Road , Brakes , 000 , Julia Gillard , Type Table , Troop Withdrawal , 1500 , Santiago , Magnitude , Plans , Race , Rick Santorum , Backers , Resurfacing , Primaries , Apologizing , Thongs , Hotdog Stand , Arizona , Silver Tong , Gee Note , Opoll , Few , Spots , Thundershowers , West , Roadways , Water , Careful , Rain Atlanta Toward Charlotte , Light Rain , Nashville , Northern Tier , Delays , Conditions , Airways , Dryer , Hartford , Connecticut , Smith Smosonit , 92 , Sites , Monument , Washington Dulles Airport , 1005500 , Skies , Returns , Soil , Uncer , Goodness , Thinking , Dog , Tricks , Oils , Purina One , Pet , Maturity , Purina One Smartblend , Essentialstm No Calorie , Sweetener , B Vitamins , Splenda , To Sweeten , Taste , Record , Shares , Taking , Thigh , Hit , Drop , Nasdaq , 4 , 40 , Share , Most , Ritual , 600 , 600 Bucks , Tax System Itself , Gripe , Goldilocks , Bears , Alison Kosik , System , Tax System , Respondents , Beef , 68 , Income Taxes , Middle , Uncle Sam , 45 , Income Tax Rates , President Bush , 41 , Rolls , Voting , Well , Post Office , Say , Services , Likes , Schools , Library , Snow Removal , Education , Government Waste , Developments , Angelina Paglia And A Travel Around The World , Charities , There Aren T Women Tournaments , Trick Shot Exhibitions , Pool Cues , Plane , Matches , Cause , A Game Of Pool , 0 , Watching , Cues , Federal Express , Business Pro , Omnipotent , Yes , Science Teacher , Teacher , Bum , Dr , Newfield , Stinct , Ai , Vocalizing Continues , Vocalizing , Heavy Metal Song , Ice Rattles Rhythmically , Imitates Guitar Noise , Pilot , Smarter Thinking , Singing , Redesigned , Honda , Chiefs , Chairman , Nominee , Drugs , Drug Czar , Danger , Hunger , Beginning , Zimmerman S , Lawier , Anderson Cooper , Verified Motion The Court , Somebody , Idea , Media , Analyst , Scrutiny , Options , Rex Ricksiedler , Kenneth Lester , Doesn T , Needs , Prosecution Side , Prescriptions , War On Drugs , Fight , Coming Up , Battle , 34 , Travel Forecast , Unveiling Today , Louisiana , Carolinas , Places , Arrival Delays , Airport , Charlotte , Gulf Coast , 73 , Break , Forecast , Big Sound , Music Is My Life , Tour , Beat , Pause , Fly , American Airlines , Worthy , Garage , Volkswagen Passat , Love , Richard Nixon , Prescription Drugs , Drug Abuse , Methamphetamine , Cocaine , 1970 , Drug Policy Strategy , Administration , Drug Addiction , Change , Gil Kirlikowsky , Public Health System , Arrest Problem , Brain , Health Care , Failing , Addiction , Policies , Programs , Recovery , Prison System , Country Safer , Drug , Experiments , Departments , Seattle , Rhode Island , Providence , Alternatives , Disease Problem , Prescription Drug Abuse , Big One , 1990 , Plan , Progress , Medicine Cabinets , Cleaning , Pill Bills , Dangers , Substance , Folks , Houses , Realtors , Police Chief , Medicine Cabinet , Person S Medicine Cabinet , Jewelry , Treatment , Offenders , Prevention , Clue , Law Enforcement , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Crime , Prison , Doors , Nexus , Hope , Projects , Instance , Hawaii , Ideas , Save Money , Pat Taylor , Community Safe , Tidbit , Voices , Faces , Pralz , Stigma , Nation , Proposals , Building Recovery Community Organizations , Hospitals , Drug Issue , Rights , Drug Use , Don T Have , Isn T , Graders , Criminal Justice Problem , Half , Teen Drug Use , Parent , Lifetime , Teenagers , Ants , Conversation , Tactic , Isn T A Scare , Gil Kelekowske , Counting Down , Liftoff , Space Shuttle Discovery , Location , Bride , Tulsa Shooting Suspects Have , Starting Point , Rest , Desk , Killing , Racist , Suspects , Letter , Phone , Major League Pitcher , Jim Abbott , Hand , Olympics , No Hitter , Major League , Yankees , On The Road , Imperfect , Written A New Book , 1993 , Hologram , Have Him Tour , Blog , Credit Card , Everywhere , Bankamericard , Road Trip , Gas , Friends , Hoops , Fee , Homemade Lasagna , Breathing Intelligence , Bank Of America , Company , Cloud , Hotels , President Obama In November , Green Beans , Boy , Felony , Rosie Hicks , Tracy Owens , Band , Job Stress , Stage Collapse , Camera , Deposition , Sugarland , Collapse , Scaffolding , Seven , Management , Responsibility , Attorneys , Victims , Victim , Rolling , Storm , Performance , Machine , Banks , Bank , Rally , 24 7 , Nonsense , Ally Bank , Technician , Ducati , Publications , Manuals , Portuguese , Preventive Care , Health Care Law , Grandson , Bikes , Wasn T , Screening , On Medicare , Screenings , Cancer Screenings , Wellness Visits , Immunizations , Healthcare Gov , 55 , Ride On , Planes , Edwards Air Force Base , Don T Worry , Shuttles , South , Robert Cabana , Director , Left , Bob , Shirt , Astronaut , October , October Of 1990 , Takeoff , Taxiing , Stf , Runway , Clearing , Trees , Yep , Flying , Eyes , Edo , Vehicle , Hatch , Space Museum , Direction , Ladies , Museum , Retirement Location , Actually Dulles Airport Outside , Heart Breakers , Endings , No Questions , Cello , Early Start , Reward , Oyo , Taxi , Guitars , Trunk , Core , Rem , Tom Petty , Soledad O Brien , 500 , 7500 ,

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