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race on the garden state parkway in new jersey. the police were allegedly leading. up first, ready to kick the reelection campaign into high gear. the president and first lady will hold the first rallies next week. in virginia and ohio. if the president s two-day, three-state college swing this week is any indication, the administration is trying to stirrup a youth movement. it s using the federal student loanish issue to o do it. congress needs to act right now to prevent interest rates on federal student interest loans from shaking you down. i want all of you to be rich. i want all of you to be successful. dan lothian is live in washington, d.c. in 2008, he had the youth in record numbers. other than that the federal student loan program, anything else he s working on? well, what you see from the p, he s talking about what his administration has done over the last three-plus years to help young people and you hear him talk about pell grants, about streamlining the p