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structu destruction of the wildfires in texas. this now stretches across a 16-mile area. winds whipped up flames again today. a separate fire in eastern texas killed a mother and her 18-month-old child. tropical depression lee slogging its way north today after dumping as much of a foot of rain in parts of louisiana. pumps in new orleans helped prevent any major problem there. that was good. but the storm caused flooding in other towns and cities along the gulf. in alabama, lee spun off portable tornadoes and strong winds damaged at least 20 homes in thewn the television say, tornado warning, and about that time, we had an ungodly clap of lightning and the hard ligwind by. >> lights went out, came back on and everything opened up. it was like a machine gun going off. breaking news on the political front. texas gov senior riernor rick p poultd pulled out of a political forum in south carolina to go back to texas to deal with the wildfires. five others will take part in the forum. it's hosted by south carolina senator jim demint. demint blasted president obama over jobs. >> tax creditses, hiring people. >> are you opposed to extending unemployment benefits? are you opposed to extending the payroll tax cut? are you opposed to those two things? >> i just don't think those things will create jobs, candy. the president appears to be doing and frankly, i'm so tired of his speeches, it's going to be hard for me to watch. frormer vice presidential candidate sarah palin is also in the spotlight today, she's going to be at the tea party rally in new hampshire, going to take you there live in the next hour. palin hasn't said whether or not she's going to run for president. and president obama gives his labor day speech in michigan today. he's appearing at an event hosted by the metro detroit central labor council. detroit hit hard by the labor crisis. and the president's remarks come three days before he outlines his plan for turning this jobs market around. fighting, you see there, breaks out between egyptian police and families of people killed in the uprising against the former president, hosni mubarak. the families tried to push themselves into the building where mubarak's trial resumed. mubarak was again wheeled into court on a stretcher. he was charged with ordering the killing of protesters during the revolution in february. libyan rebels pushed to the outskirts of moammar gadhafi's last strong hold. they have targeted the cities of bani walid and serte. talks broke down after an aggressive speech by one of gadhafi's brothers. >> reporter: i was told several months ago that the family was united. right now it's not, so it clearly indicates there are divisions there. gadhafi, just a little bit of his situation, says he has to move often, doesn't have time to watch television, he is save at the moment, but a lot of danger around him. u.s. markets are closed today. a close eye overseas, european markets are now dropping. friday, dismal job report, raising new concerns about another recession. the ftse fell in early trading. stocks in germany down more than 5%. here is your chance. talk back on one of the big stories. patriotism, right? it's a word you hear on the campaign trail all the time. now some american companies are coming under fire, accused of not being patriotic. carol costello joins us from new york with today's talkback question. this can be used as a weapon. we saw this many times on the campaign trail as people tried to jockey back and forth and accusing the other of not being patriotic. >> here is a question for you on this labor day. who is more patriotic, the american worker or the american boss? depends on who you are asking. james hoffa is calling out apple, fizer, and general elect trick for sending money and jobs overseas. >> i think the president should challenge the patriotism of these american corporations sitting on the sidelines saying why do we have high unemployment but i'm not going to hire anybody? they have an obligation just like the federal government, just like obama. >> hiring american workers, patriotic? sort of like going shopping was patriotic after 9/11? that was how many americans interpreted president bush's200 attack. >> when they struck, they wanted to create an atmosphere of fear. one of the great goals of this nation's war is to restore public confidence in the airline industry, to tell the traveling public, get on board. do your business around the country. >> he added, go to disney world. getting back to hoffa's charge, though, it is true that big american companies are making record profits and sitting on gobs of cash. but companies say why should we part with our money if the economy is still a mess? and doesn't it make good business sense to hire american workers at a higher wage when workers can be hired overseas cheaper? it does smack of good old fashioned american capitalism. talkback. i'll read comments later this hour. >> carol, we used to hear that all the time, from president bush on the campaign trail. we'll see what our viewers think about that question. a rundown. some of the stories ahead. first, 1,000 homes in texas at the mercy of raging wildfires. live to see how evacuations are going today. then, the storm that would not leave. tropical storm lee pounded the gulf this weekend. we'll see how louisiana is coping with massive flooding. and is the president's di i diplomacy hurting him? we're in the basement of the libyan intelligence agency, it's like being in the basement of the c.i.a.. we have access to documents, letters, faxes, and other communications, between the c.i.a. and it's libyan counterparse. and 90 miles per hour, no brakes. you have to check out the dramatic conclusion at the baltimore grand prix. has a best-in-class driving range of over 500 miles per tank. so you can catch morning tee time in monterey and the afternoon meeting in los angeles, all without running out of gas. just make sure you don't run out of gas. ♪ fire and flooding are major problems on this labor day holiday. the entire eastern third of the country is being affected by the storm known as lee it's weakened to a tropical depression, but still wreaking havoc with heavy rain and gusting winds. we're covering all of the angles, cnn's chris welch is live in bastrup, texas. and ed lavendera is live on the east coast, and rob marciano, in the cnn weather center tracking all of this. chris, this was ferocious in the county where you are, 14,000 acres scorched. how many homes threatened? how are people coping? >> well, right now, everyone is still kind of waiting to see exactly how many homes will be threatened, will be damaged by the end of this. 8,000 people who live in the city, in bastrop proper. and 17,000 in the county. thousands of homes are still at risk. i want to direct your attention to the plume of smoke we're seeing. it's interesting, just within the last hour or so, we've seen this pick up. getting darker, bigger, officials say this is the time of day. sun beating down, conditions very dry and the wind is picking up quite a bit. things are looking -- they anticipated it to get worse today, but now they are thinking it could get even worse than what they were anticipating. not good on that front. this building behind me is where they set up the makeshift command center, fire crews all over the state. officials from the federal government, they are here, briefing the press, getting crews out in the field. giving them safety precautions and safety speeches. that's what they are really concerned about today. first and foremost, getting people out safely. secondly, making sure crews who go out into the field to fight these fires, given these heavy wind, they want to make sure they are safe as well. we're awaiting a press briefing that will happen in the next 120 minutes or so, we hope to have more information after that. >> chris, we'll get back to you when you get more information. obviously, the one question on everybody's mind, how long will it take until the huge wildfire contained? a lot of questions in terms of people's safety and where they live. we'll get back to you as soon as you have more. i want to turn from the fires to the floods, i want to bring in ed lavendera in crown point, louisiana, a few miles from new orleans. ed, tell us how the storm system over the area dumped a lot of rain. how bad is it? how are folks recovering? >> this is a really interesting area we're in outside the levy protection zone. they are used to flooding, but this a little different in the sense that the floodwaters are really coming dangerously close to flooding a lot of homes. you find scenes like this behind me, where you see the floodwaters here, a few feet away from getting inside of these homes. over on this side of the street this street flooded out. homes, and the water getting much closer there. these are roads that, depending on the tide and where we are although what what point in the day, roads have been shut down and blocked off. several homes in this precarious situation, not only here in crown point, but across the bridge in lafitte. they have bringing in huge sandbags and making makeshift levees. this caused not necessarily by the rain that's falling, but by the tidal surge, the winds blowing waters from the gulf of mexico into? here, they are waiting for winds to shift. >> have folks been able to protect their homes much? are those sandbags working? >> what's interesting is that it's -- a couple times a day, they'll shut down the roads because they become too covered with water. a lot of people simply haven't left. you drive by them. might be two or three feet of water around their homes. they are sitting up on the second floor, watching it from there. these folks are used to dealing with this kind of weather, and a lot of people riding them out. there have been mandatory evacuations, some have left, but a lot just go to friends and families' homes. >> i want to bring in rob mars i marciano. >> we have the flooding issue, the immediate concern today will be the threat for severe weather. a tornado watch in effect for 5:00 for much of alabama, eastern parts of mississippi, a smidge of georgia, and the panhandle of florida. a couple of cells right here around escambia county, okaloosa, they have radar-indicated tornadoes at the moment. we're watching that develop. and the flooding situation where we could see 7 inches of rain in the tennessee valley, chattanooga might see that, and heading up north towards knoxville. right along the appalachians and also kind of meet up with a pretty strong front for this time of the year, and that will squeeze moisture out. flood watches up and down the eastern third of the country. for the potential seeing a decent amount of rain on this. already on top of saturated soils. back side of this is not doing well as far as what it's doing for the fires. bringing in drier weather and windier weather as well. the front, though, itself, bringing in cooler behind this thing. much cooler, 65 degrees in chicago. and one other note on what's going on with katia this thing almost a category three storm with winds of 110 miles an hour. at this point, suzanne, katia should remain off theeen seaboard. >> good news. thanks again. his poll numbers are down, and kind of at a standstill. even some of the president's supporters think that the republicans have him up against the ropes. david gergen, seen other presidents go through some tight spots, we'll ask him what president obama can do to get back in the fighting. 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[ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. here are the choices for today's choose the news. text 23360 for the story you would like to see. border agents board? an agent is speaking out, saying agents are getting paid to do nothing and wasting millions in taxpayer dollars. second, gadhafi's former nurse, one of the women who looked after gadhafi's health describes the unique gifts that gadhafi gave to his closest workers. third, coney island makeover. the long island beach is getting a new look. the multimillion dollar makeover and whether or not it's lead to more tourists. 23360. one for border agents bored. 2 for gadhafi's former nurse, and 3 for coney island makeover. winning story next hour. after some ugly fights on the debt ceiling, budget, even over when the president can address congress. some say president obama is getting pushed around by the republicans, so as the leader of the free world really let letting the competition lead him around? or is there a greater strategy at work. joining me is david gergen to talk about all of this. thanks for joining us. we have seen, and it's quite extraordinary when you think about it all of the things that have been written, particularly over the weekend from president's biggest supporters, liberal pundits worried about a crisis of leadership. maureen dowd calling it one and done, the president's chances of re-election slim. what do you think? are we seeing president obama weakened by the compromise? >> is he particularly weakened by the economy. but his responses have struck people on the right and left as weaker than they would have expected from a person so strong as a candidate. >> does that hurt him significantly? what does he need to do to show some more strength? >> it's interesting. i'm not sure anybody knows at this point. i'm particularly clear that his own white house doesn't know. he has had, going back for several years now, he tends to have terrible augusts and he has very good septembers. he bounces back in september. now, he's had his bad august, can he have a good september? certainly the speech thursday night will set the stage. even going into the speech, this little problem over when he should speak, i thought he did the right thing by moving the speech, even so, it symbolically became a sign of weakness. maureen dowd picked up on that. and people in the democratic party wonder if there is any possibility of him stepping aside in favor of hillary clinton. >> there has been some talk, and the president did something more than symbolic. he allowed the epa regulations to be rolled back. he said it could cost america jobs. he ran against this very strongly against in the campaign. the heart, the speeches, the rhetoric behind that, was definitely not what we're hearing today. can he make those kinds of concessions and still have people to support him in 2012? >> another good question. it has undermined the enthusiasm on the left, certainly. there is a powerful argument for doing what he did but i must say, again, going back to -- i think he often makes the right decisions, it's the way he exercises power. let's take the owe zone decision when he dropped the regulations. he would have been so much better off, had he gone into a negotiation over jobs and when that time came, he wanted something from the republicans, here is what i'll give you. i'll delay some of the regulations on air pollution. instead, he made a preemptorry concession, in that if you make that concession, that will warm them up, and they'll be easier to deal with. it doesn't work that way with republicans. they look at this as a sign of weakness and say joouf given us this, what will you give us next? it doesn't wlhet their appetite for compromise. >> the president going into a speech with 34% approving of the economy. what does he need to convey to the american people to get his mojo back? >> it has to be more than a speech it has to be a prelude to action. people need to see action. this has got to lead fairly quickly to action, some sort of agreement with republicans. people can get a feel, a sense, we're moving on, we'll actually move forward. >> all right. david gergen, have a good holiday. thank you for joining us. we'll hear more from president obama at 1:125 eastern today. he'll be talking to people in detroit. and also, sarah palin, the woman some think may be considering for a run for the white house. she'll be speaking in iowa at a rally sponsored by the tea party express. we'll take that live next hour in the krchb nn newsroom. thousands of acres on fire in texas. entire neighborhoods going up in flames. i'll talk to the public information officer for the texas forest service, up next. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about chantix. over 7 million people have gotten a prescription. learn how you can save money and get terms and conditions at what if we designed an electric motorcycle? what if we turned trash into surfboards? whatever your what if is, the new sprint biz 360 has custom solutions to make it happen, including mobile payment processing, instant hot spots, and powerful devices like the motorola photon 4g. so let's all keep asking the big what ifs. sprint business specialists can help you find the answers. sprint. america's favorite 4g network. trouble hearing on the phone? visit liver pictures, keeping a close eye on both of these pictures. both out of manchester, new hampshire. this is where sarah palin is expected to arrive very shortly. one of them you see the empty stage there, where folks are anticipating her arrival. another picture where people are mulling around a bit, great deal of excitement and anticipation of what sarah palin will do, whether or not she'll make significant announcements. she was in iowa three days ago, sounded kind of like a stump speech. a loft spet of speculation of w or not she'll jump into the race. a lot of people think it won't happen. but she's known in some ways to kind of steal the spotlight from other candidates, showing up at various states that are critical to the presidential race and making a little news. we'll see. keep our eyes on that, and we will take it live as soon as she starts. five republican candidates are facing off in south carolina today. paul steinhauser, part of the best political team on television is live at the event with all of the angles. paul, we know it was supposed to be front-runner rick perry's first appearance on stage with the other republicans. he has since pulled out. can you tell us why? >> reporter: it seems those wildfires in texas are really having an impact here in south carolina, and on the race for the white house, we started asking early this morning to rick perry's campaign, whether he would return to the state to deal with those raging wildfires, and communications director for the campaign early this morning told me they were considering it, and then our shawna shepherd, our producer here in south carolina, broke the news, heard from sources here in the state that perry was headed home. he spoke about it earlier today. here in south carolina earlier today, had a town hall and spoke about the fires back in texas. take a listen. >> our state has got wildfires that are running quite wild. zero containment right now. and they are policies supposed to pick up again. keep those folks in your prayers, as people try to get out of harm's way, and pray for rain, as well. >> reporter: so after that event, perry headed back to texas. his campaign tells me he had events in california tomorrow, those are canceled. suzanne, listen, this forum later today is very important, but lives of the residents of your state are at risk, you forget about presidential politics and head home. >> that's a great presidential move as well. people look at that as responsive here. what should we be watching for for the kickoff event at 5:00 today? >> five remaining candidates will be here. starts at 3:00, we'll have live coverage. michele bachmann, one of the first chances to reach back and grab the spotlight. she was the big star in august. won the important straw poll in iowa, but on the same day, rick perry jumped in and kind of stolen the spotlight. look to michele bachmann and see how she does. >> and romney trying to get back into the spotlight as well. steal some of the tea party thunder from perry and michele bachmann. what is he doing? >> yeah, romney was a late entry here, very interesting. originally he said his schedule prevented him from doing it remember, last night, the keynote speaker at a tea party express rally in new hampshire. first time since he announced for president that he spoke in front of a tea party rally and coming here today, this is kind of like a tea party event. one of the organizers and speakers is senator jim demint. a big favorite and influential person. maybe romney is changing strategy a little bit now that he's no longer front-runner, and rick perry is front-runner in those polls, reaching out to tea party activists, a change of strategy it seems, suzanne. >> we'll keep our eyes on all of the changes. you don't want to miss the action in this afternoon's republican forum. exclusive coverage by john king begins at 3:00 p.m. eastern. later today. and reminder to vote to the choose the news whipper, text 1 forborder agents bored. an agent says millions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on workers who have nothing to do. text 2 for gadhafi's former nurse. one of the women who watched over gadhafi's health speaks about out about err her daily duties or text 3 for coney island makeover. multimillion dollar ren nation of new york's beach. does the new look mean new tourists? 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. you have been sounding back on the "talk back" question and carol costello is here with more of what you are saying about the you can "talk back." what is the question? >> the "talk back" question this morning, is it unpatriotic for u.s. countries not to hire? and matthew says make it profitable for small companies to hire here. is it unpatriotic to empty our pockets with big taxes. this from christine, it is unpatriotic but not illegal. i say if they don't hire americans they get no american tax breaks. and this from mary, it's unpatriotic to sit there on piles of money after the american taxpayers bailed you out and then whine about how you can't see your way toward hiring anybody. how dare they? keep the conversation going. >> we have another question, carol. this is another question. you have friended anybody on facebook? >> yes, i have friended many people lately. >> and many people follow you. did you know that jesus has a page? well, kind of -- >> he did not reach out and ask me to friend him. it's jesus daily, and it has any more web traffic than any facebook in the world, carol. so bieber's page, only 600,000. >> jesus beats them all out. the only thing i would be concerned about is if jesus is actually answering, you can post comments on there and reach each other's comments? >> yeah, it's very popular. it's the bigest around the world there, and if they could refer them to you and you would get more folks and it would work out great. >> i'll start praying. >> i will see you, carol. some of our stories our affiliates are covering across the country. a storm chaser who happened to be driving home captured the huge tornado. it touched down in amsterdam, and amazingly no injuries were reported. and video from the grand prix in baltimore. a driver lost his brakes and almost clipped somebody in his head. the car that was almost clipped ran out of his car to check on the other one. and then a man says he is entitled to it because he has been paying in the group for pays year but he was out the day of this one. summer is winding down. you might be able to find a deal. alison kosik joins us for end of the summer travel tips. >> did you know you can still get the heck out of town without breaking the bank because summer is peak season for airlines and hotels and cruises, and we spoke to a lady from budget travel, and she said you need to know when to book. airlines lowers prices anywhere from two to three weeks to fill seats, and then places like colorado and utah are cheap and beautiful right now, plus you get to avoid the crowd and save money as well. consider a cruise. they give you access to locates on under booked sailings. >> you can get the hot spot for the best bang for your buck. aruba and iceland is outside the hurricane belt. and it's dropped 24% compared to the high season. and for last minute travel, it's an advantage. check up-to-the-minute deals. >> i would do florida before iceland, but that's just me. i will take a nice beach any day. >> and stay with us. we'll explain how to save money if you are driving or traveling by car. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope, just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me out? yup. [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse, who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a 5-dollar coupon. just getting picturesin here. want to take a look at the aerial shots. this is a wildfire southeast of austin. it has so far destroyed 300 homes. it has scorched thousands of acres and stretches across a 16-mile area. we are looking at live pictures i am told. you can see the smoke coming from that area, a very thick and forrested area. this is an uncontained fire near austin. and we were told earlier that this has burned up to 14,000 acres. 300 homes destroyed. it threatens about 1,000 other homes. and you can see as they pull in, there is a building on fire. that is spreading. there are 5,000 residents that have been evacuated as many of the fires just caught on and raged out of control. we will keep a close eye on what is taking place in texas. we are also back with alison talking about ways you can save on your vacation, even over the summer if it's a last-minute thing. i am a last-minute girl myself. >> we too. >> we know gas prices went up, but if you want to go on a road trip, can you save money? >> gas is costing about $3.50 a gallon. the biggest thing though is to travel at a moderate speed. also, avoid silgts idle for long periods of time, because your car is getting zero miles to the gallon and that adds up over time, and then kick some of the luggage out of the car, because it takes up gas. >> i don't know how we got stuck working labor day, but we are both working the holiday so they owe us one i think. >> the top of the hour, i am suzan suzanne. palin will be speaking in new hampshire. we will bring that to you live. in a iowa over the weekends palin took swipes at president obama and frontrunner, rick perry. rick perry pulls out of the forum today. perry says he is returning to texas to focus on the wildfires there. the form is hosted by jim demint, and he's a leading voice in the tea party movement. we will have live coverage of the forum today at 3:00 p.m. eastern. president obama gives his labor day speech in michigan. that will happen this next hour. he is appearing at a union event. the city has been hit hard by the unemployment crisis. it comes three days before he outlines his plan in turning the job market around. tropical depression lee is slauging its way north today after dumping as much of a foot of rain on louisiana. pumps helped to prevent major events, and that's good news, but it caused flooding in other cities across the gulf. strong winds damaged at least 20 homes in the town of lillian, alabama. >> i heard the tell vags say a tornado warning, and about that time there was an ungodly clap of lightning, and it lit up the whole house. >> as soon as the lightning hit the lights been the out and they came back on and everything opened up and it was like a machine gun going off. >> fighting breaks out between egyptian police and families of people killed in the up rising against former president mubarak. mubarak was wheeled into court on a stretcher. he is charged with ordering the killing of protesters during the revolution in february. however, senior police officials testified today that they were ordered to use tear-gas and not live ammunitions on demonstrators. libyan rebels pushed to the outskirts of moammar gadhafi's last strong holds. negotiations on the cease-fire have broken down. the rebels had given the gadhafi forces until saturday. >> remains of an airplane crash over on that road, and probably had a terrorists bomb onboard. it blew up. >> new video from september of 2001 surfaced almost ten years later. it was taken minutes after flight 93 crashed into a pennsylvania field. you can see the smoke there in the distance in the video. the man who shot the video has since passed away, and his family does not want to be identified. sarah palin is making a splash out on the campaign trail, but it is still not clear whether or not she is actually going to run for president. wolf blitzer is joining me now. palin is headlining the rally sponsored by the tea party express. what do we make of this? she has not declared herself a candidate. some people think she will and a lot of people think not really, that is not going to happen. what do we expect? >> she has been giving some substantive speeches over the weekend in iowa, new hampshire, and she is not doing a bunch of little plat toods if you will, and she has been getting into some of the issues, and obviously she is blasting the president of the united states and his policies, but she is making it clear she is not happy with the republican candidates already in the field. she is not mentioning them by name but suggesting that there is criticism of the republican candidates as well, which would lead those who are watching or thinking maybe she will throw her cat in the ring. she has 100% -- virtually 100% name recognition already. she doesn't have to worry about that part of the equation, and rick perry is the frontrunner right now, the governor of texas, and he is well known in texas but not necessarily all that well known outside of texas. he has work to do. sarah palin, if she were to announce she's a republican presidential candidate, everybody knows who she is and everybody in the republican party has thoughts about her, and she would have less advance work to prepare herself as a candidate than some of the others, even like a frontrunner like rick perry. the answer is i don't know if she is going to run and few people do know if she made up her mind. >> we just don't know. too hard to figure out here. and debates are scheduled all week, and how does it impact that debate, the fact that governor rick perry is not going to be there running against some of the other big-name candidates? >> he will be at our debate a week from today in tampa, florida. the one that i am moderating. we are cosponsoring a debate with the tea party express. he decided at the last minute to go back to texas to deal with the fires in texas right now and avoid -- it's not really a debate, but a forum that senator demint is hosting later today in south carolina. he will be participating -- at least he is scheduled to participate in our debate next week and another debate on wednesday night he is scheduled to debate in. these are his first debates and a lot is riding. he has not been tested natalie in this kind of formal setting. i assume the other republican candidates will make their points against him and will go after him, so he will be on the defensive to a certain degree. he will be in the offensive in going after obama's policies. i will be curious to see how hard he fights back if mitt romney or michele bachmann hit him hard. i will be curious to see how hard he fights back. as the front runner he may want to stay above the republican frey. i suspect that's not in his instinct, as you know, suzanne. >> wolf, just keeping a close eye on obama and what he is doing over the holiday, i had a chance to talk to mr. gergen, and there are a lot of obama supporters that think that he has rolled over on a couple very important issues. we know the president has a big speech on a jobs plan for thursday evening. what do we think the president needs to come out and say and win some of the support he has lost? >> he has to come out with a specific plan to create jobs, even though the big chunk of that will not win republican support in the house of representatives or the senate for that matter. he has to layout his agenda. he not only has to layout a good speech with substance but has to put it on paper and submit formal legislation. a document, if you will, the congressional budget office can then score to see how many jobs it might create and how much money it would cost and how it would affect the deficit, and what would it do to taxes. he has been hammered as you know, not only by republicans, but from some democrats, especially on the left who have been disappointed where he has not been as tough or specific as he should be. on thursday he will have the chance to come up with a specific obama plan to create jobs, and not just more talk but action, if you will. he has to realize most of it won't be accepted by the republicans but it will lay the ground work for the re-election campaign and will be the basis of trying to differentate on where it goes. >> thank you for keeping an eye on the forums and debates. and don't miss wolf with dick cheney tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room" . >> and patriotism, it's a word you hear candidates say on the campaign trail a lot and some american companies are under fire accused of not being patriotic. and carol costello joins us with the "talk back" question. it's pretty strong accusation there when you talk about not being patriotic. >> yes, it is. here is the question for you on this labor day, suzanne. who is more patriotic, the american worker or the american boss? depends on who you are asking. james hoffa is calling out companies like apple, and general electric for sending jobs overseas. >> i think the president should challenge the patriotism of the american corporations that are sitting on the sidelines saying why do we have high unemployment but i am not going to hire anybody? they have an obligation like the federal government and like obama. >> hiring american workers patriotic? sort of like going shopping was patriotic after 9/11, and that's how many interpreted bush's comments. >> get onboard. do your business around the country. fly and enjoy america's great destination spots. get down to disney world in florida. take your families and enjoy life the way we want it to be enjoyed. >> getting back to hoffa's charge, though. it's true that american companies are making record profits and sitting on gobs of cash, but they say why should we part with our money if the economy is still a mess, and it doesn't make sense to hire at a higher wage if you can hire cheaper overseas. so is it unpatriotic for u.s. companies not to hire? facebo the latest on wildfires that have destroyed hundreds of homes in texas. he was wheeled in on a stretcher, and mubarak on trial. we will see the corruption case against egypt's former leader. gm drives aggressively in the market for cars. >> we will see how the relationship is with the united states. six months after japan was hit, a victim remembers. >> i felt pain but i kept swimming and saw the light from the sky. lusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. text 22360 for the story you want to see. first, border agents board. a agent that watches the coast speaks out and says agents are getting paid to do nothing and it's wasting millions of dollars. and second, gadhafi's nurse who watched after his health describes the unique gifts gadhafi gave to his closest workers. and then the new york beach known for the old roller coasters and sea front stores getting a new look with a multimillion dollar makeover, and you can text "1" for border agents board, and "2" for gadhafi's former nurse, and "3" for coney island makeover. want to focus on the efforts to contain raging wildfires in texas. i want you to take a look at the live pictures here. this is really just the billowing smoke, kind of unbelievable when you look at the massive area that we're talking about here. the worst of it is in the east of austin. all right. we're going to take a different direction here and go back to the pictures, but we want to bring in sarah palin now out of new hampshire who has just taken the podium. let's listen what she has to say before the tea party express event. >> i am honored to get to be with you. here i was introduced to somebody who inspires you, and you inspire me and keep me going and thank god for you, and thank you tea party americans. awesome. well, it's really good to be spending labor day weekend with you. labor day with you. and here you could be anywhere else. you could be out there grilling up some steak with friends and neighbors and kicking back, and instead what you are doing because you are concerned about your country, you are taking a stand for what it right, and a stand for the needed reform in your country and are ready and willing to fight for what is right about america. i thank you for that. that is what inspires me, and it inspires the rest of the country as we see what is going on in the tea party movement. on my trip here from iowa, i was thinking about your state's motto. live free or die. and i said what an honor it is to be in a state where i tell you, you have the boldest motto in the entire nation. it says it all. i thank god for america's freedom. i thank god for tea party americans who are ready and willing to fight for our freedom, and if you love your freedom, then you thank a vet. that's what we're going to do right now. raise your hand if you have served past or presence in the united states military, because we salute you. god bless you. thank you! we honor you. thank you, vets. thank you. well, for some of you this may be your first tea party, and others we're going on a couple of years now in a grassroots movement that really has awakened america. we needed that awakening, because we're up against now barack obama's very strange fundamental transformation of the country we so las vegas. and it is a strange transformation we would attempt. we don't need a transformation. as you know we need a fundamental restoration of all that is good and strong and free in america. you're doing it, tea party americans. you are allowing, creating the change, the real change that is needed. tea party independent common sense, constitutionalists that love this country in good times and in tough times, who are always proud of america and never apologize for the red, white and blue. it's tea party americans who are making that change that is needed. so whether you are here for the first time, in alaska we call a first timer, we call them chau chalk yoes, or maybe a sourdough now. and we thank sal for putting this altogether. and for the first time or not, i believe that who are sincere in the effort to restore our country, you are welcome here. it's time now to grow the tea party movement. let's talk straight about how we can do that, and let's talk straight about some of the problems in trying to grow this movement that is so needed. it's media incited internal j jobables unfortunately. our challenges today are too great. we don't have time to be bogged down in internal conflicts and frenedly fire conflicts, the time to secure our future and reserve the blessings of liberty and restore our economy is now. the tea party movement is bigger than anyone person, and it's not about anyone candidate. thank goodness we don't have anyone single leader. the movement is about bringing together debate and discussion of solutions from we, the people, not the politicos. not the inside the beltway type that are part of the permanent political task that have fought the tea party movement. as was said in the introduction, this is about every day hard-working individual americans and empowering the individual. this is what the founders intended for this country. it's you who run our factories and own our small businesses, you teach our children and fight our wars, and you who build our communities with a servant's heart, that's we the people, and that is our country, and that's america. solutions come from you. and america's hope is in you. it's not that nebulous changy stuff that we heard in 2008 like one of the posters say over here, and that's what let us into more crony capitalism than ever and more taxpayer bailouts and the mother of all unfunded mandates called obamacare. and for the first time in history, a credit rating downgrade that happened because our president has no plan to tackle the politicians self induced debt and deficit problems. no, obama's hope has changed us from a country of hope to one of anxiety. we are at a tipping point. so i want to talk truthfully about where we are with failed policies and incompetent leadership, and more importantly what we can do about it. and some of us saw this day coming. i explained in iowa that it was three years ago that i spoke at the gop convention and i asked america that night in that spech, i asked america, when the cloud of rhetoric has passed and the roar of the crowd fades away what exactly is barack obama's plan? what does he actually seek to accomplish after he is done turning back the waters and healing the planet? the answer is to make government bigger and to take more of your money and give it to more special interests and to give you more orders from washington, and to reduce the strength of america in a dangerous world. i spoke of this, but back then those were only words of warning, and the media sure wasn't asking those questions. the media sure didn't do its part in vetting candidate obama. but now you have seen the proof yourself in president obama. candidate obama did not have a record while in office, but president obama certainly does and that's why we are here today. here is some proof of a failed policy, a failed economic policy, and proof of not having a plan in leading our country. it's coming from our president. earlier this summer on one of the first legs we stopped at a struggling business, the yankee's fisherman's co-op and sea brook, and i heard another story of how the federal regulations and high taxes are killing our small businesses and jobs. the hard-working watermen and the families at that co-op were not concerned about political labels and inside baseball, political games that are played, they were concerned about massive government burdens choking their way of life. their freedom to make a living on the water as some of the families, like our own commercial fishing family, some of these families have been proudly doing this for generations. they just want to fish and responsibly harvest a natural resource to provide for the families, but that's all under attract now, and it's tragic. like the fishermen, we patriots should not focus on petit political squabbels, but we must be focused on the movement. replace obama. [ applause ] and return power back to we the people and grow this movement without compromising principles. friends, the needed reform away from the good ol boy politics as usual falls on the tea party's shoulders. as much as the media would love to ignore the fact, it was tea party americans who won the november 2010 election. it was you who sent that new governing class to washington, d.c. granted the permanent political class tried to co-opt them and there are on going challenges there, but it was the tea party movement that shifted the entire fiscal debate in washington, d.c. and now we're seeing more and more folks realize the strength of the grassroots movement, and their wanting to be involved. i say right on, better late than never for some of the candidates especially, okay? you are converting them over. you know why? because you have truth and you have logic on your side. and when you have that on your side you win. and you have the time-tested truths on your side. truths that we believe in. we believe that the government that governs least governs best. we believe it's the constitution that is the perfect blueprint towards making us towards a more perfect union. we believe that america's finest are men and women in uniform, and you are a force of good in this country and for that we don't apologize. we believe that we can't get out of debt by incurring more debt. we are telling washington, my kid is not your atm. we believe that we are taxed enough already, and friends, we believe that freedom is a god-given right and worth fighting for, and bottom line i believe god has shed his grace on thee, america, and we are not going to squander what we have been blessed with. we need to grow this movement. we can grow this movement to restore power to we the people because we have truth and we have logic on our side, and now we have this record of success. so let's grow. let's convert more of them over. you have already withstood the wrath and the destain and the lies from the media and the permanent political class looking down on us, mocking us, making things up about us, telling us to go to hell, you have already withstood that, and we are still standing, right? you are here today standing strong, committed to restoring all this good about america. it's with a still spine that you are still standing. you are here today standing tall because you know what is at stake, and it's our children's future at stake. so we refuse to retreat. we're not just going to sit back on the couch and throw stones from afar like washington would love for us to do, kind of waiting for america to be transformed into something unrecognizable, and just sort of going with the flow. it's like the yankee fishermen. we watch where a fish is headed in the current and they know that only dead fish go with the flow. that's not us. so i say let's insight the candidates in who are bold enough to take on the challenges caused by an out of touch and out of control centralized government and those who are humble enough to admit they need you and have seen the light, they who are willing to confront the challenges that are resulting from washington's failed policies and incompetent leadership, mainly crony capitalism. that is the root that grows our economic problems. that's what grows this unsustainable immoral debt. it is what causes housing markets that have gone in the tank with 30% of our mortgages under water, and unemployment numbers so high that in some parts of the country they have not seen the numbers since the depths of the great depression. our nation is at a tipping point. let's invite candidates who will refute the waste and the corrupt politics and the government bailouts for their buddies. we need to hear from them directly. we need to hear from those that can do more than just talk, because we tried that, didn't we, voters? been there, done that with a candidate who can just talk but doesn't have any kind of record of accomplishment and success, successfully reforming those things that are wrong. what we need is people with a proven record of reform and are willing to take on the tough challenges, to run into danger, if you will, not run away from it. we need a progrowth agenda. we need a progrowth agenda. [ chanting ] >> i appreciate your encouragement. i do. friends, we need that progrowth agenda, one that is all about cutting tax rates and realizing that is how we insentfies job growth. and an agenda that doesn't pretend a centralized government can manipulate and plan our economy for us. like your poster said over here. your poster talks about the private sector can do anything, everything, better than government can. that's just a given. that's a fundamental part of those time-tested truths. we need an agenda that allows robust domestic energy production, a true all-of-the-above approach to independence, and a robust aggressive energy independent agenda. appears real jobs plan. that's the real stimulus that we have been waiting for. that doesn't cost government a cent. can you imagine a stimulus plan that actually helps dig us out of debt instead of digging us into debt. that's some of the economic fantasy that president obama is engaged in, things that just don't make sense. more stimulus when the first stimulus didn't work, digging more debt? trying to convince the people that that's how we're going to get out of debt. no, we need an agenda of government reform and that takes courage and honesty in our leaders. you see, that's who we have, still, running the show right now, we have a permanent political class led by an unvetted candidate who became our president and he has ramped up crony capitalism with his bailouts and takeovers, and this permanent political class, they are busy looking out for their own interests and special interests, and that's the reason that nothing ever really gets done for you in washington. do you ever ask yourself, why nothing ever really is reformed? they talk about the problems yet things keep getting worse. they talk about the debt problem and yet they keep incurring more debt. they just gave themselves permission to incur more debt. they talk about the spending problem and yet obama keeps spending more. they talk about an out-of-control federal government and yet obama keeps growing more. well, i say we say enough is enough and the message from tea party americans is the status quo is no longer acceptable. we can't tolerate business as usual. we can't tolerate business as usual because $14 trillion later we can't afford business as usual. friends, our commitment to restoring what is right about america, free men and free markets, it's why the powers that be just do not like the tea party movement. you shine a spotlight on what the problems are, what the challenges are, and what the solutions are, and you demand results from your employees. you know, those are the people that you elect to represent the will of the people. those are your employees. if you are not satisfied with them you fire them. our insistent on returning power to the people is driving them crazy, and, you know, i warn you that the cynics, the elites, they will mock you and keep making things up about the tea party movement, and c conscientious americans, but they will keep mocking you. throughout history, the cynics and nay sayers, they also denounce those that have stood for truth and fought for what is right. when abe lincoln led, they mocked him and ridiculed him. it was the elites of his day saying he was a clown, a hick, a fool who was unfit for office, but who has history redeemed? not the nay sayers or cynics. history is on the side of bold and courageous reform. and this movement is reform. it is empowerment of the people, and empowerment of the individual against the vested interest of the permanent political class that got us into the mess that we're in. they can mock us and call us names and they can make things up, but they can't stop us. let them laugh while we get about the business of saving our country. our nation is facing this precipice. we have no time to hunker down and preach to the choir. i am encouraged seeing different candidates and different campaigns being represented here, and i think that's very important. now is the time to grow this movement. we need to understand there are more and more independent americans who are looking for a place to hear and to be heard and it's the tea party movement that can work with the independents to build-up the ideas that work to get america back to work. and one way to do this more aggressively is to hear from candidates collectly, not through the filter of the media, and we learned this lesson. that's why tea party rallies and events are so important. friends, we are one nation, and this could be one movement active in every part of the nation to restore america and replace obama in 2012. our unity is going to be so important here in these coming months. remember, the people's movement is not red america or blue america, it's red, white and blue america. we do have a lot of work to do, friends. the challenge is before us, and they can seem daunting, but we must not lose our optimistic spirit. and what a history it has been. remember our founders declare that we were born the heirs of freedom. we made america the strongest, most free and most exceptional nation in the history of mankind. we owe it to those who have gone before us. it is our duty to honor those who have sacrificed all yesterday so that we can be here today free and proud and strong americans! we will continue to fight for what is right. we will continue to fight for what is right. thank you so much for being part of the solution. god bless you, tea party americans. god bless you new hampshire. god bless the united states of america. thank you. >> you are listening to sarah palin there at the tea party rally in new hampshire. i want to bring in wolf blitzer to talk about this. some of the things that i notice that stuck out that she was going back in time if you will, some of the points she made when she -- three years ago when she was before the gop convention and became quite the celebrity and the republican star among some of her greatest supporters. she took you back to that time and she used some of the same arguments back then saying there was no record of accomplishment, and blamed the media of much of the statements that she believed were not accurate, and accused the president of being part of the old boy political network, and what do you make of what her highlights were? what does she do with the political capital among this group that really seems to ini-joy her, and really honestly enough her? >> well, they loved everything the -- the tea party supporters love the general statements she makes about less government and reducing taxes and less federal regulation, and less federal involvement in their day-to-day lives. she has strong words but did not back it up with any specific program if you will. she did not give any specifics if she would do if she were in a position to reduce tax rates, for example. she did not go into details on that. she did not go into details on less regulation, for example, or details on how to move the government. and she was catering to tea party movement. she avoided any discussion at all on national security irns, iraq, and afghanistan, and the war on terrorism. didn't get into that and that's not the highest priority for the tea party supporters. she said that there has to be less government and government does everything worst than the private sector, but she did not spell out how she would change social security, and would she have the government step away from its social security. if you speak to tea party supporters, they all say, you know, we don't want the government involvement unless it deals with social security, and unless it deals with medicare and health care for the elderly which is very popular until it deals with the military, defense spending, which is popular among so many supporters, all government programs, but she wants the government out of things presumably if you listen to what she has to say. to a certain degree, i came away from this speech which did have a little substance saying she give as good speech and was criticizing obama in giving a good speech but not backing it up, and she did not get into the kind of details so many people would like to hear from her especially if she will be a serious candidate for the republican nomination. >> i think that's what people are waiting for, if she has ideas and details to back it up. thank you, and appreciate your time. 90 miles per hour and no brakes. look at the conclusion at the baltimore grand prix. some of the stories our affiliates covering across the country. a storm chaser who happened to be driving home captured a huge tornado as it crossed over new york state's thorough way. it knocked down trees and tore roofs off homes. amazingly nobody was injured. unbelievable video from baltimore's grand prix. check it out. a driver lost his brakes and flew over the car almost clipping the driver in the head. the driver that was almost clipped ran out of his car to check on the one that lost his brakes. an ohio man is suing to get a share of the $99 million jackpot with his co-workers. they won in an office pool. he said he is entitled to it because he has been paying into that pool for years but had a back injury and was not at work the day they won. we asked is it unpatriotic for u.s. companies not to hire. kerry boden says outsourcing jobs overseas is unpatriotic. carol costello is back with more of your responses. [ male announcer ] it's been a good year for the chevy silverado. and not because of the awards or the accolades. no, it was good because you told us so. the chevy model year wrap up. get in on our greatest model year yet. just announced -- celebrate labor day with an additional $500 bonus cash. with all other offers, including the all-star edition discount, that's a total value of $6,500. ♪ our greatest model year yet is wrapping up. we bring you livepictures now. this is out of detroit. this is where president obama will be speaking shortly. you see aretha franklin warming up the crowd as they are preparing for the president. let's listen in. ♪ >> oh, just in time! ♪ nice warmup there for the president. you have been sounding off on the "talk back" question, and carol is here with what you are saying. you have to love aretha franklin. "talk back" question today. is it unpatriotic for u.s. companies not to hire? from joe, we have given corporations way too much power and now being held hostage by them. outsourcing and too many loopholes and now talking about giving them a zero percent tax rate? we love abuse, don't we? and this from antonio, it's our individual responsibility to do what is needed to make the country stronger. this from ron, look how jury none companies have weathered the economic downturn. they depend on a strong economy to grow and thrive. and the u.s. middle class, in the end, everybody loses. this from david. the other "p" word, profits. and suzanne will be back after the break. [ barks ] yes, it's new beneful healthy fiesta. made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? 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[ tires squeal ] an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? and the attacks of the 9/11 prompted the united states to go to war with afghanistan. but the withdrawal of u.s. troops by 2014, the fight for the country's future is vital. after the show, we will fly from washington, and i will go to dubai and kabul. they are prepared or are they prepared to takeover once u.s. troops have gone home? i will be talking to american men and women about how they feel about the mission ten years after 9/11. you told us what you wanted to see, and here is your choose the news winner. a border agent that patrols part of washington state says that paying agents there is a waste of taxpayer's money. >> washington state's olympic peninsula, an increasing number of border patrol agents keep watch for smugglers, and terrorists, and illegal immigran immigrants. >> it comes to the agents out here, not just patrolling and being vigilant as far as what is happening currently, and they have to gather their own information and formulate ideas and concepts about where the smuggling is happening. >> and another agent said they are, quote, border. there are no gangs. i have not seen it. it's rare. in the two years that i have been there, a lot of the agents are really just going stir crazy. >> agent christian sanchez spoke in july at a washington, d.c. conference on government whistle blowers. he said millions of dollars on the new facility and a ten fold increase since 9/11 are a waste of spending. >> the taxpayers are paying us to do nothing on the peninsula where it's a water-based border. >> the border patrol would not comment on his allegations but other agents retaliated against him for speaking out, but they say agents have plenty to do. >> the area of responsibility that they have is tremendous. the challenges they have are tremendous. we have had individuals that have tried to exploit vulnerabilities, and so that's why we're there. we're there to protect america and to make america safe. >> the border patrol says they need a strong presence here, and that's because just over there, about 15 miles away is the canadian coastline. the border patrol says a te

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Sense , Gobs , Wage , Comments , Capitalism , Talkback , Viewers , President Bush , Some , Evacuations , Mercy , Rundown , First , 1000 , Di I Diplomacy , Intelligence Agency , Documents , Cia , Basement , Letters , Faxes , Communications , Brakes , Conclusion , Libyan Counterparse , Driving Range , Baltimore Grand Prix , 90 , Wall , Gas , Afternoon Meeting , Monterey , Running Out Of Gas , Los Angeles , 500 , Depression , Problems , Eastern , Labor Day , Chris Welch , Angles , Heavy Rain , Gusting , Havoc , Cnn , Bastrup , Tracking , Ed Lavendera , Weather Center , East Coast , Rob Marciano , County , Everyone , Waiting , End , Acres Scorched , 14000 , Smoke , Risk , Thousands , City , Attention , Plume , In Bastrop Proper , 8000 , 17000 , Bit , Wind , Officials , Conditions , Sun Beating Down , Bigger , New York State , Command Center , Fire Crews , Safety , Press , Field , Precautions , Making Sure Crews , The Field , Fires , Information , Press Briefing , 120 , Wildfire , Questions 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Refuge , 24 , Hair , Protein , Nutrition , Surprise , Muscles , Coat , Gotta , Hoo , Barks Beneful Healthy Fiesta , Zyrtec , Newi , Phone , Freeways , I Don T Want You Texting , Beneful Healthy Fiesta , Purse , Daddy , Thanks Dad , Subaru , Fiber , Number , Breakfast , Jack , Jack S Cereal , Uh , Um , Announcer , Agent , Story , Text , Agents , Border Agents Board , Choices , 23360 , Nothing , Women , Nurse , Health , Taxpayer Dollars , Gifts , Millions , Second , Makeover , Coney Island , Dollar Makeover , Long Island Beach , Lead , Tourists , Fights , Border , Bored 2 For Gadhafi , 3 , 2 , World , Strategy , Leader , Competition Lead , Budget , Debt Ceiling , Congress , Work , Weekend , Written , Chances , Leadership , Crisis , Pundits , Maureen Dowd , Compromise , Responses , Right , Re Election , Strength , Person , Septembers , White House , Doesn T Know , Stage , September , August , Sign , Weakness , Something , Talk , Democratic Party , Possibility , Favor , Wonder , Hillary Clinton , Campaign , Heart , Regulations , America Jobs , Epa , Concessions , Kinds , Rhetoric , 2012 , Argument , Enthusiasm , Way , Power , Zone Decision , Negotiation , Decisions , Air Pollution , Preemptorry Concession , Sure Wasn T , Concession , This , Up Next , Joouf , Appetite , It Doesn T Wlhet , 34 , Action , Sort , Mojo Back , Feel , Prelude , Agreement , Holiday , Moving On , 1 , 125 , Run , Iowa , Tea Party Express , Think , Krchb Nn Newsroom , Public Information Officer , Neighborhoods , Texas Forest Service , Cereal , Cholesterol , Yummy , Goats , Wrong Didn T , Grain , Taste , Honey Nut Cheerios , Accounts , Win , Balances , Fingertips , Crunching , Picture , Market , Anywhere , Trades , Checks , Fast , Updates , Inspiration , Portfolio , Hit Deposit , On The Road , Account , Recovery , Needs , Schwab Mobile , Preserve , Muscle Health , Doctors , Immune System , Balance , Brand , Thirteen , Four , Grip , Aspercreme , Spain , Medicine , Odor , Libya , Contenders , Ties , Center Stage , Summer , Team , Pointers , Vacation Deals , Preview , Video , God , Devastation , Austin , Tour , Fact , Big , Hick S Te Fire Service , Acres , Burning , Lines , Better , Firefighters , Afternoon , Drought Conditions , Numbers , Size , Oregon , Containment , War Zone , Matter , There , Goat Safe Ground , Challenge , Resource , Dry Forest Conditions , Conference Call Listening , Combination , Drought , Fireplace , Fire , Trees , Firewood Standing , Home , Media , Stay , Touch , Radio , Anything , Reminder , Hicks , Mary Kay , Border Agents , Taxpayer , Winner , Over Gadhafi , Duties , Multimillion Renovation Project , Relationship , Ben Wedeman , Intelligence , Tourists , Tripoli , On The Run , The Gadhafi Regime , Genius , Company , Loyalty Program , Progressive , Huh , Tom , Nurburgring , Car , Abilities , Spirit , Track , Bmw M5 , Mercedes Benz , From Cadillac , Production Sedan , Luxury Cars , Cts V , Cadillacs , Hp , Pain Signals , Arthritis , Capzasin , Trash , Memo , Pile , China , Weapons , Ban , Arms To Gadhafi S Regime , 200 Million , 00 Million , Terrorism , Report , Detail , Our Cnn International , Gadhafi Forces , Chinese , Spy Agency , Headquarters , Disney World , Spies , Contents , Most , Cooperation , Treasure Trove , Counterparts , Details , Peter Burkart , Names , Public , Human Rights , Basis , Hundreds , Moussa Cussa , Program , Relations , Oranges , Greetings , Weapons Of Mass Destruction , Odds , Global War On Terror , Kusa , Porter Goss , 2003 , Security , Rendering , Suspects , Abdel Hakeem , Nonby Ab , Bell Hodge , The Rebel Military Council , Human Rights Watch , Abdullah Al Sadik , 2004 , Bashir Sharif , Rights Groups , Security Services , Torture , Use , U S State Department , Knees , Rendition , Torture First Hand , Specifics , Spokeswoman , Infamous Bousalin Prison , 2001 , 1984 , Governments , Works , Threats , Strange Bedfellow , Rick Perry , Front Runner , Many , Reporting , Opponents , Chantix , Doctor , Prescription , Race , Cigarette , Wit H , Medication , Changes , Mood , Smoking , System , Pill , Hostility , Agitation , Behavior , History , Thoughts , Don T , Mental Health Problems , Actions , Help , Symptoms , Blood Vessel Problems , Heart Attack , Skin , My Benjamin , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Machinery , Dosing , Operating , Nausea , Dreams , Trouble Sleeping , Counting , Mom , 30 , 10 , 7 Million , Solutions , Sprint Biz 360 , Motorcycle , Surfboards , Mobile Payment , 360 , Answers , Sprint Business Specialists , Trouble Hearing , 4g Network , Devices , What Ifs , Visit Sprintrelay Com , Photon 4g , Motorola , 4 , Pictures , Both , Arrival , Liver , Manchester , Deal , Announcements , Anticipation , Excitement , Candidates , Spotlight , Ways , Speculation , Stump Speech , Few , Loft Spet , States , Eyes , Paul Steinhauser , Appearance , Impact , Producer , Sources , Communications Director , Shawna Shepherd , Listen , Estate , Town Hall , Policies , Zero , Events , Harm S Way , Prayers , Pray For Rain , California , Head , Politics , Residents , Move , Michele Bachmann , Coverage , Kickoff Event , Starts , Mitt Romney , Big Star In August , Straw Poll , Schedule , Thunder , Entry , Last Night , Keynote Speaker , Speakers , Organizers , Change , Activists , Polls , Exclusive Coverage By , John King , Forborder Agents , News Whipper , Multimillion Dollar Ren , Group , Beach , Office Workers , Office Pool , Oman , Equation , Brita Filter , Bottles , Authentic , 300 , Back Pain , Haagen Dazs , Testing , Prescription Pain Medications , Ingredients , Pharmacist , Sale , Salonpas , Otc , 12 , Safe , Powerful , Opening Day , Son , Symbicort , Lung Function , Rescue Inhaler , Copd , Eye Problems , Emphysema , Lung Infections , Osteoporosis , Game On , Chronic Bronchitis , High Blood Pressure , Breathing , Heart Condition , Tradition , Difference , Whistle , Astrazeneca , Morning , Countries , Matthew , Taxes , Pockets , Christine , Taxpayers , Tax Breaks , Piles , Conversation , Facebook , Yes , Jesus Daily , Page , Friend Him , Web Traffic , Bieber , 600000 , Around The World , Each Other , Storm Chaser , Affiliates , Tornado , Injuries , Grand Prix , Amsterdam , Driver , Somebody , Baltimore , End Of The Summer Travel Tips , Alison Kosik , Airlines , Bank , Town , Season , Check , Lady , Prices , Cruises , Hotels , Budget Travel , Crowd , Seats , Colorado , Utah , Hot Spot , Cruise , Buck , Bang , Sailings , Aruba , Iceland , Hurricane Belt , Deals , Advantage , Lunch Plan , Soup , Progresso , Nope , Tender Chicken , Noodles , Jeans , Let S See South Western Vegetables , Ya , 60 , Technology , Soreness , Armies , Thugs , Yup , Snowmen Masseuse , Who , Polar Bear , 40 , 100 , Coupon , Physical Therapists , Bengay , Cold Therapy , Wildfire Southeast , Shots , Acres 300 Homes , Uncontained Fire Near Austin , Forrested , On Fire , 5000 , Place , Out Of Control , Gas Prices , Road Trip , Vacation , Girl , Gallon , 50 , 3 50 , Speed , Luggage , Top , Frontrunner , Swipes , Form , Voice , Hit , Union Event , Unemployment Crisis , Job Market , Tropical Depression Lee , Vags , Lillian , Hit The Lights , House , Former , Tear Gas , Demonstrators , Ammunitions , Cease Fire , Holds , Negotiations , Terrorists , Remains , Airplane Crash , Bomb , September Of 2001 , Distance , Pennsylvania Field , 93 , Ten , Splash , Wolf Blitzer , Candidate , President Of The United States , Issues , Bunch , Plat , Toods , Criticism , Name , Name Recognition , Cat , The Ring , Governor , Answer , Debates , Don T Know , Debate , Tampa , Avoid , Senator , Points , Riding , Setting , Degree , Offensive , Defensive , Him Hard , Runner , Instinct , Suzanne , Republican Frey , Mr , Support , Jobs Plan , Agenda , Senate , Chunk , House Of Representatives , Congressional Budget Office , Substance , Document , Legislation , Paper , Deficit , Specific , Ground Work , Forums , Wolf , Miss , Dick Cheney , Situation Room , Accusation , General Electric , Doesn T Cost Government A Cent , Destination Spots , Fly , Life , Corruption Case , Facebo Facebook Com Carolcnn , Mubarak On Trial , Egypt , Cars , Gm , Victim , Japan , Six , Military , Flight , Commitment , Swimming , Sky , Military Oath , Lusive , Veterans , Usaa Bank , Equal , Values , Checking , Set , Loans , Credit Cards , Ones , Purina Tidy Cats , Litters , Cat Homes , Odors , Home Smelling , Purina , Coast , 22360 , Dollars , Stores , Roller Coasters , Sea , Efforts , Worst , Least , Direction , Podium , Reform , Stand , Back , Neighbors , Steak , Trip , Rest , Motto , Honor , Freedom , Vet , Presence , God Bless You , Hand , United States Military , Vets , Grassroots Movement , Transformation , Awakening , Las Vegas , Restoration , Real Change , Common Sense , Constitutionalists , White , Red , Time , Blue , Alaska , Timer , Sourdough , Sal , Yoes , It S Time , Effort , Movement , Media Incited , Challenges , Jobables , Anyone , Conflicts , Liberty , Blessings , Frenedly Fire Conflicts , Discussion , Type , Introduction , Politicos , Beltway , Task , Businesses , Individual , Children , Wars , Founders , Factories , Communities , We The People , Servant , Hope , Nebulous Changy , 2008 , , Posters , Taxpayer Bailouts , Credit Rating Downgrade , Politicians , Obamacare , Mandates , Debt , Tipping Point , Deficit Problems , Anxiety , Saw , Convention , Cloud , Roar , Spech , Planet , Washington D C , Interests , Words , Borders , Proof , Media Sure Didn T , Warning , Vetting , Office , Policy , Legs , Co Op , Struggling Business , Fisherman , Yankee , Sea Brook , Games , Watermen , Inside Baseball , Labels , Burdens , Fishing , Generations , Living , Fishermen , Under , Petit Political Squabbels , Applause , Compromising Principles , Falls , Shoulders , Ol Boy , Class , Election , November 2010 , 2010 , Middle Class , Truth , Truths , Logic , Constitution , Blueprint , A More Perfect Union , Men And Women In Uniform , Force , Good , Finest , Atm , Kid , Grace , Bottom Line , Worth Fighting For , Thee , Success , More , Wrath , Destain , Lies , Shell , Spine , Standing Strong , Stake , Flow , Unrecognizable , Stones , Couch , Yankee Fishermen , Fish , Current , Out , Insight , Housing Markets , Root , Tank , Mortgages , Depths , Great Depression , Let , Waste , Bailouts , Buddies , Accomplishment , Voters , Didn T We , Progrowth Agenda , Chanting , Tax Rates , Encouragement , Job Growth , Sector , Poster Talks , Poster , Given , Energy Production , Independence , Energy , Stimulus Plan , Stimulus , Dig , Fantasy , Stimulus Didn T Work , Don T Make Sense , Courage , Honesty , Show , Led , Leaders , Takeovers , Reason , Debt Problem , Spending Problem , Permission , Message , Tea Party Americans , Business As Usual , Status Quo , 4 Trillion , 14 Trillion , Men , Employees , Powers , Results , Will , Cynics , Power To The People , Elites , Insistent , Conscientious Americans , Abe Lincoln , Nay Sayers , Fool , Hick , Bold , Clown , Empowerment , Courageous Reform , Interest , Precipice , Campaigns , Choir , Ideas , Independents , Filter , Lesson , Candidates Collectly , Restore America , One Nation , Unity , Red America , Blue America , People S Movement , Heirs , Duty , Mankind , Solution , God Bless The United States Of America , Star , Celebrity , Much , Arguments , Statements , Boy , Network , Capital , Ini , Regulation , Involvement , Lives , Example , Position , Catering , Afghanistan , National Security Irns , Iraq , Didn T , Priority , Social Security , Say , Step , Defense Spending , Medicare , Elderly , Health Care , Government Programs , Nomination , Nobody , Roofs , Co Workers , Share , Jackpot , Ohio , 9 Million , 99 Million , Pool , Back Injury , Outsourcing Jobs , Kerry Boden , Accolades , Awards , Chevy Silverado , All Star Edition Discount , Offers , Total Value , Wrap Up , Chevy , 6500 , Aretha Franklin , Warmup , Carol , Outsourcing , Hostage , Loopholes , Joe , Responsibility , Tax Rate , Abuse , Don T We , Antonio , Downturn , None , Jury , Iron , In The End , Everybody Loses , David , Break , P , Barks , Barking , Chicken , Accents , Grains , Avocado , Tomato , Flavorful Beneful , Healthful , Car Replacement , Accident Doesn T , Tires , Auto Insurance Product , Liberty Mutual Insurance , 15000 , Offices , Price , Call , Auto Insurance , Troops , Fight , Attacks , Withdrawal , 2014 , Takeover , Dubai , Kabul , Border Agent , News Winner , Olympic Peninsula , Border Patrol Agents , Smugglers , Immigrants , Smuggling , Concepts , Quote , Gangs , Stir Crazy , Christian Sanchez , Conference , Spending , Facility , Increase , Whistle Blowers , Border Patrol , Peninsula , Speaking Out , Allegations , Individuals , Vulnerabilities , Fashion , Specials , Fashion Queen , Shells , Maven , Unbelievable , September 5th , Coastline , Te , America Safe , 15 , 11 ,

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