Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

romans, christine, we have been warned, even from the white house, that we could perhaps see a lower than expected number, this may have been a blip because of omicron. this number, though, came as a real surprise. what does the data show? >> it shows surprising strength in the job market. it shows there are still more open jobs than people to fill them and companies are hungry for workers. it shows even with absenteeism because of sick-outs and people taking care of sick kids and family and out of work in that second week of january because of omicron, you still had strong hiring. and the hiring was across the board. 467,000 net new jobs added. and you also had revisions in the latter half of the year that showed even more strength than the fall and winter than we had thought. a little bit weaker than we had thought in the summer, so a lot of revisions in these numbers. i also think that goes to the difficulty we have in actually measuring what omicron and what covid has done to the american economy. the unemployment rate up a tiny bit, but relatively unchanged at 4%. that is still down significantly from the worst of the crisis. and nearing what many economists consider full employment. let's talk about where there were jobs added. in leisure and hospitality, this really surprised many, many economists. big gains there. in professional and business services, these are office jobs, it, tech jobs. in retail, i mean, in hobby shops and retail locations they were adding workers in january. and transportation ware housing. so you saw some broad gains in jobs added here. i'll remind you, wages, 5.7% for some workers that's not going to keep up with inflation. for people, for some categories, it will. you've seen better wage gains for low wage workers here. because, again, so many employers are so hungry for workers. very big surprise here. and i think this is what the fed chief has been telling us for some weeks, right? tremendous strength in the american job market. one of the reasons why the fed is going to start raising interest rates to try to cool things down. >> one thing, christine, the reason the white house was concerned about the numbers is exactly what you addressed, a lot of people were home. positive covid tests and couldn't work or were taking care of people who couldn't work. and yet you still had this growth. does that mean that the next month points in a more positive direction? if you got through a month like that, or are they just having trouble measuring how many jobs are actually out there? >> i think it shows resiliency in the recovery. but i think it also shows the difficulty in getting our hands around just the historic churn happening in the labor market. we know so many people are quitting their jobs for better jobs. that is a real hallmark of this. i heard it yesterday called the great upgrade, not the great rez ignition. people are on the move in a way that we have never seen before, and we're trying to capture that accurately. i think here bottom line that absenteeism, we saw the second week of january, some 12 million people were not working because they were sick or taking care of somebody who was sick or quarantining, remarkable you could have job creation with that backdrop. >> i'm still stunned we saw such an uptick in leisure and hospitality as being were being diagnosed. you would imagine they were staying home. clearly that wasn't the case. jeremy diamond, it is rare the white house gets positive surprises at this point. they had been preparing for a lower number. what is the statement and the sentiment out of the white house now? >> reporter: well, listen, we're going to hear from the president later this morning, but you can make no mistake they are thrilled to see this better than expected jobs report. over the last week we have heard a slew of white house officials, whether it was the white house press secretary, brian deas, the president's economic adviser, jared bernstein, another economic adviser to the president, all of them making -- trying to set the bar very low for this week, warning that this jobs report was going to be low, that it could even potentially show net losses and instead you see a growth of 467,000 jobs. one thing that i think won't change, though, and hasn't changed frankly over the last year is that this is a white house that even when they do get good economic news, yes, obviously they want to trumpet it, but they always come back to the fact this is a very uneven recovery, a recovery that is hard to capture, and they like to focus on the bigger trend lines. i think you'll hear the president later this morning once again talking about the bigger trend lines including, for example, based on all the revisions over the last year, you now have 87% of jobs that were lost because of the pandemic recession that have now been regained under this economy. also looking at the fact that the jobs report from last month was revised upwards to 510,000 jobs added. there is a lot of positive economic news that the white house can talk about, but, again, important to remember, though, inflation is still top of mind for so many americans, and even though the economy looks good, it may not feel good to many americans who are dealing with those inflation issues. >> yeah, that may be the administration's biggest problem now because the sentiment and data doesn't necessarily match at this point. >> as christine was saying, inflation is outpacing wage growth at this point. >> nonetheless, really surprising positive news headline for the white house and for america. christine romans and jeremy diamond, thank you. we'll discuss this and more with bill ford, the executive chairman of ford motor company, later on this hour. now to beijing, where the 2022 olympic winter games are now officially under way. the opening ceremonies, they're still going on right now. some competitions began as well overnight, including team figure skating. china's pair team set a world record with their short program, american nathan chen easily topped the men's category. right now the u.s. is in the lead with 28 points. the roc or russian olympic committee, and china, just behind. >> i caught some of nathan's performance last night. it was incredible. >> he's good. >> he is amazing. >> team usa hopes to keep the burden of politics off of its athletes. this despite a u.s. diplomatic boycott of the games. the u.s. olympic committee president saying the athletes should focus on, quote, what they do best, while letting the u.s. and chinese governments work to resolve their differences. >> one of those differences, nato expansion. this morning, chinese president xi jinping hosted russian leader vladimir putin. the two discussed several issues including russia's buildup of forces in and around ukraine. their opposition to any expansion of nato to see the two leaders together in lockstep it seems significant. >> quite stunning statement from the two as well. cnn correspondent david culver is in beijing with more. and, david, xi said putin's visit pull filled a promise the two made to each other years ago and that lengthy joint statement saying the friendship between the two states has no limits. clearly they're trying to send the world a message by this meeting. what more can you tell us about it? >> reporter: all the propaganda that surrounded this trumpeting, the arrival of putin days before he got here earlier today, it has been about showcasing this as a very cozy warm relationship between not only the two leaders but the countries they're the head of. china has repeatedly slammed the u.s. for politicizing these games. they point specifically to the diplomatic boycott, which was done over china's human rights record, and yet one of the biggest moments ahead of the opening ceremony is what you were just talking about, that in person meeting between president putin and president xi who, by the way, has not left this country since the start of the pandemic. now, right now they are both at the opening ceremony, here in beijing. the meeting sends as we were discussing this major geopolitical message not necessarily to the west, yes, in part to the u.s., but also and this is where it is perhaps more important, to nations d democracies that have relied on the u.s. for global stability. some of the readouts are just coming out as well, and state media pumping these out, this no doubt going to be echoed consistently here in the days, weeks, months, perhaps to come, saying that putin and xi have vowed to deepen their strategic coordination and adding it will have a far reaching impact on both china and russia and the world at large. this meeting coming as the ukraine crisis and concerns over a possible russian invasion, that remains tense. and yet putin here at ease, taking in the ceremony right now, and as for that diplomatic boycott as you know, it essentially means u.s. officials are not here, team usa is, interestingly enough they have a record number of team usa athletes, 177, about 80% of them, just walking in the opening ceremony short time ago. >> notably xi in his statement, joint statement, endorsing russia's position as it relates to ukraine and nato. david culver, good to have you there in beijing. >> this morning the kremlin is also firing back u.s. claims that russia is planning an elaborate plot to stage a fake attack by ukrainian forces. calling the accusations, quote, delusional. here's pentagon spokesman john kirby describing the alleged plot. >> as part of this fake attack, we believe that russia would produce a very graphic propaganda video which would include corpses and actors depicting mourners and images of destroyed locations as well as military equipment at the hands of ukraine or the west. >> natasha bertrand has been covering this. we have spoken a number of times about how part of russia's plan, according to u.s. intel assessments is political disruption, it is the psychological operations, disinformation, this seems to be part of that plan. >> that's exactly right, jim. so in the last couple of weeks we have seen the u.s. and allies come out and issue a range of warnings about potential false flag attacks by russia, potential destabilization campaigns inside ukraine to create a pretext for a russian invasion. this accusation yesterday about this video is the latest and very elaborate and detailed warning about what russia may be planning to do here. the lengths it might be willing to go to create a pretext to attack ukraine. now, john kirby, the pentagon press secretary, did say there that there is evidence that they may be preparing to make this video, that includes actors that are corpses in this video, that include fake mourners, that include explosions, all of this to make it seem like ukraine has actually attacked russia, or russian speakers in eastern ukraine and giving russia an excuse to move into the country. russian foreign minister sergey lavrov this morning called these fabrications, said it was delusional, said that these accusations are coming out more and more every day, the russians are flat out denying this, though the russians have denied things before that have turned out to be true. while the u.s. does not actually have this video in their possession, and say that it has not actually been made yet, they say all the preparations for it are being made right now. >> yeah, and the novelty here not necessarily being these false flag operations, at the hands of the russians. we have seen that in the past. the novelty is how the west and the united kingdom have been approaching this information and sharing it and being transparent it with the public, trying to get in front of vladimir putin. natasha bertrand, thank you as always. right now, a powerful winter storm is blanketing much of the nation, leaving behind a trail of heavy snow, icy roads and tornado threats. more than 300,000 people currently without power in six states and the weather has forced more than 8,000 flight cancellations since just yesterday. >> winter weather advisories just expanded as the storm moves northeast, promising more disruption today. rosa flores joins us now from houston. rosa, tell us how conditions are there. it has been remarkable to see so much snow in texas. >> reporter: absolutely. right now the precipitation has ended as you can see around me. but the windchill, jim and bianna, is in the teens according to the national weather service. i confirmed that because it is hitting me in the face right now. but the good thing here is that there are a lot of differences when it comes to this weather storm here in the state of texas compared to the deadly storm last year. and the biggest thing is that the temperatures are not going to be as low and the weather event is not supposed to last as long. now, the bad thing this year is the amount of ice that is expected, so much so that governor greg abbott calling this particular event one of the most significant ice events in the last few decades in the state of texas. that's why he activated 27 state agencies, deployed 4,000 texas department of transportation personnel, the crews that are out on the streets in the roadways, treating -- de-icing them to make sure that they are as safe as possible. but the conditions they say are treacherous. the governor also activating 127 national guard members, these crews are deployed in strategic areas around the state to respond to specific emergencies, we haven't heard of me of those emergencies just yet. governor greg abbott saying the power grid this time is not only going to hold, he says that it is going to have excess power. take a listen. >> the expected peak demand, there should be about 10,000 megawatts of extra power capacity. to put that in context, that's about enough extra power to supply about 2 million homes. >> reporter: now, more than 15,000 people are without power right now here in the state of texas, jim and bianna, but according to the governor, and sed on what we have seen by monitoring the power grid here in the state of texas, those are localized events, in essence power lines down, things like ice, pulling some of those power lines, wind events in certain areas across the state. the power grid does appear to be holding this time. >> we remember when it went down last year, enormous consequences. rosa flores, thank you so much. up next, the georgia prosecutor investigating former president trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election there says she has now become the target of frequent racial slurs. plus, coming up, my conversation with new york city mayor eric adams. hear his take aways after meeting with president biden and how he plans to combat rising crime. also ahead, facebook founder mark zuckerberg just personally lost $30 billion. shares of its parent company took an unprecedented nose-dive. wohl we'll have details on what is driving that 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[ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. in georgia, an atlanta area district attorney investigating donald trump for his interference in the 2020 election thereays she has endured more racist attacks now than ever in her life. fulton county district attorney fani willis spoke in an exclusive interview with the atlanta journal constitution on her work in this grand jury investigation. have a listen. >> you know i get called the "n" very regularly. it is really silly to me that they believe that by hurling those kind of insults, that it is going to impact the way we do our investigation. it is not going to impact me to do something faster. it is not going to impact me in treating the former president or anyone else unfairly. and it is not going to make me stop what i have a lawful duty to do. >> earlier this week, willis asked the fbi to help provide security for buildings and staff after trump called prosecutors investigating him racists. >> willis also gave a timeline for when the case will start to see more activity. >> we realize we're coming to a place that there are enough people that will require a subpoena for us to speak to or for us to be able to get information and so, yes, we're headed into phase two, and phase two i believe starts when we actually start with a special purpose grand jury. >> the fulton county d.a. is investigating whether trump and his allies committed any crimes in their campaign to convince georgia officials to find fraud that didn't exist and hand trump a victory. the probe was launched last year following trump's call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger after he pushed the republican to find votes to overturn the election results. willis went on to say that although the special grand jury can continue its work through the spring of 2023, it is possible the group will wrap up before then. and later today, the republican national committee will formally vote on a resolution to censure representatives liz cheney and adam kinzinger. their offense, investigating the january 6th insurrection. really doesn't make sense. >> cnn's gabby orr joins us from salt lake city where the party is holding its winter meeting. gabby, this is a modified, some saying, watered down proposal from earlier in the week, but still remarkable to see the party in effect excommunicate, right, two members for taking part in this committee. >> reporter: good morning, jim and bianna. this is indeed a watered down version of the resolution earlier this week that would have called for the expulsion of wyoming congresswoman liz cheney and illinois congressman adam kinzinger from the house republican conference. sources tell cnn that the new version, which will instead formally censure both republican lawmakers, was drafted after some republican national committee members were concerned that the party would go too far if they called for both of these lawmakers to be removed from the gop caucus. obviously something they could only do ceremoniously given the rnc does not get to control who does or does not serve in congress. now, in statements about this censure, both kinzinger and liz cheney suggested that they have no plans to back away from their involvement in the house panel investigating january 6th, here's what liz cheney had to say. if the price of being willing to tell the truth and get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th and make sure that those who are responsible are held accountable is a censure, i am absolutely going to continue to stand up for what i knew was right and i think it is a sad day that the party of lincoln, for the party of lincoln, if that's where we are. jim? >> gabby orr, thanks so much. president biden and new york mayor eric adams worked hand and hand to combat crime and gun violence. mayor adams, you'll hear from him next, discussing how they and he plan to tackle rising crime. esh refresh™ so subway's upping their avocado game. we're talking just two great ingredients. perfectly ripe, hand-scooped hass s avocados and a a touch of sea salt. it's like a double double for your tastebuds. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing andnd refreshing. this valentine's day, find the gift that touches their heart. ♪ ♪ this... is... how... love... shines... ♪ at zales. it's the valentine's day sale get 25% of everything. ♪ ♪ at zales. the diamond store. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. the leader of america's largest city is teaming up with president biden to try to curb violent crime. mayor eric adams hosted the president in new york city on thursday. the two shared their visions for combatting the rising crime numbers. i'm joined now by new york mayor eric adams. thank you for taking the time this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> the president's plan to address gun violence nationally includes a couple of steps including trying to get a handle on ghost guns, also address violent drug crime. which of these moves, what of these moves do you think will make a difference and why? >> so important, you know, i say this over and over again, i use the analogy there are many rivers that are feeding the sea of violence in our city and really across america. we have to dam each river. the federal government, that is one of the rivers that we must dam. and it is the flow of guns, what we have witnessed countless number of guns are flowing into the inner cities across america. we took 6,000 guns off the street last year, close to 400 this year since i've been in office. yet they continue to flow. we also need the coordination. president biden promised after i met with him, after the primary, that he would come and look at and free up the atf, fbi, and other federal agencies so we can have a 9/11 type response to the terror of violence in our cities and we did that. that's what we showed them at the 9/11 center. i'm sorry, at the center, we brought all the teams together to fight this violence. >> what are the steps you're taking as mayor is to reinstitute the anti-gun unit with some changes including to uniforms. how will this unit be different this time around, particularly in light of the criticism it faced when first constituted. >> there was rightful criticism because i was part of that criticism. i was one of the leading voices during the time after amadou diallo was shot, and other shootings in the city. so this way we're going to get it right. we heard from new yorkers. one of the things they were concerned about, these officers will wear partial modified uniforms, they will use their body cameras for every interaction. we're going to have the proper supervision and we're not going to have the blanket that we were using before, stopping and searching people based on their ethnicity and zip codes that they lived in. this is a precision policing, going after those 600 trigger pullers in the city that participate in 17% of the violence, less than 1% of the population. >> you and other members of the nypd i've spoken with frequently talk about the iron pipeline, guns flowing into the city, particularly from the south, states with lax gun control laws. as you know, national gun legislation really isn't going anywhere. can you, as the leader of this city, truly address gun violence without changes to national policy on guns? >> that's a great question that you're asking. and here's what i had to do when i produced my blueprint to end gun violence and other violence in the city. i had to show and identify the various rivers based on my reformist views, based on my law enforcement status and based on being a state lawmaker. i needed to lay out, here are the rivers we must dam. now, some of those rivers are beyond my control. i don't control the reform, to raise the age part of it, i don't control the federal laws. we're going to do our job. and i'm hoping that our partners see my experience of having justice and safety both together can turn around this violence that we are experiencing. and if they don't do that, i still have the obligation of keeping this city safe, i am not going to take the position that because we didn't get to help from our partners, that we can't be safe. we will be safe in this city. >> the president is certainly aware that the rising crime in addition to affecting people's lives and very real ways every day say political problem for him, part of the reason that he's pushing very publicly for anti-crime measures. you're a democrat, of course, mayor of new york, former police officer, do democrats in your view as a party need to be for more rather than less policing, more funding for police rather than less funding, more officers rather than fewer officers? >> well, i think that we have to be radically practical. we need to deal with those kitchen table issues that democrats all across the country are calling for and general, but specifically here in new york city. they're concerned about unsafe subway systems, the lack of education of our children, the affordabilities of the city. i think the democratic party has done some amazing things, even as they pushed through the build back better plan. we need to be clear on getting that message out to every day americans, and every day new yorkers. new yorkers and americans don't want just to be heard. i say over and over again, they want to be felt, that you're one of them. and that's what i am. i am one of them. i've come through the conditions people are living through now is what i have lived through. and that's how we must communicate to the democrats across america. >> mayor eric adams, we do wish you best of luck in those efforts. thanks so much for joining the show this morning. >> thank you. take care. strong interview there. once again, just reiterating the support that he has, right, for the police force here and the u.s. and solidifying that with the visit with the president. >> and taking an aggressive anti-crime law. >> that's what he ran on. still ahead, a return to new normal could be on the horizon in colorado. some cities now lifting their mask mandates beginning today. we'll take you there live. - common percy! - yeah let's go! on a trip. book with priceline. you save more, soou can “woooo” more. - wooo. - wooo. wooooo!!!!! woohooooo!!!! w-o-o-o-o-o... yeah, feel the savings. priceline. every trip is a big deal. king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette print. come on! print! print! print! do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? be conniption-free, thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! do i look like a money tree? the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. beginning today, people in denver will no longer be required to wear masks to enter businesses or other indoor places. mayor michael hancocks says the downward trajectory of covid-19 cases and hospitalizations influenced his decision to lift that mandate. >> other counties in colorado are ending their mask mandates as well as the surge declines. cnn's lucy kafanov live this morning from denver. it is a big shift, lucy, for families certainly, residents, for businesses too. >> reporter: that's right, jim. a huge shift for businesses including the denver grocery store, which as of this morning is not requiring masks for employees or staff. some employees and business -- and patrons are choosing to keep theirs on. the manager here says he doesn't want his staff to be in a position of being the mask police. they're following the county guidelines that were set out as of this morning. now, some denver restaurants are choosing to keep their mandates in place. really is up to individual businesses now to decide what it is they want to do about the mask rules. we have seen several denver metro area front range counties dropping their mandates. denver, with a 78% vaccination rate, broomfield county, arapahoe and adams county tomorrow, boulder keeping their mask mandate in place for now, but it doesn't mean folks can ditch their masks for good. the denver public school system is continuing to keep its mask mandate in place, as well as other child care facilities. the public transportation system and the airport under federal rules also keeping its mask mandate in place. we have seen covid cases plummeting across colorado. below 3,000 cases a day, a significant drop from the peak in january where we were seeing nearly 19,000 and more covid cases a day. but local health officials and colorado health officials are warning against complacency, yesterday some health officials came out saying people should be still encouraged to wear their masks indoors, because the transmission rate of the virus remains high. >> big change. seeing you there without a mask. that's a big change too. lucy kafanov, thank you so much. shares for meta as facebook's parent company is now known tanked thursday after a bad earnings report, losing in the market at least $230 billion in market value. >> that amount, to give you some context, is more than a lot of large companies are worth. the megadrop comes after facebook reported a shocking decline in daily active users. cnn's matt egan joins us. aside from the decline in active users, they're really pointing to an unprecedented sea of competition too. >> that's right. happy friday, guys. i really hope that facebook employees are tiptoeing around mark zuckerberg today. their boss just lost at least on paper $30 billion. billion with a b. that's in one day. no one will shed any tears for mark zuckerberg. he's still worth $90 billion. but that qualifies as a bad day, in my book. the numbers are mind boggling. meta, that's the facebook owner, lost 26% in just a single day, worse since this company started trading in 2012. that translates to a loss of something like $232 billion in context around that. that is more than any of the following companies are worth. mcdonald's, at&t, goldman sachs, or ford. that's how much meta lost in one day. why did this happen? they reported this rare decline in profits. and it was really driven by a few factors. the fact that user growth declined. they had an explosive growth in users, no longer. people are flocking to other platforms including tiktok, particularly younger users. meta also said that their ad revenue has slowed down, that's for a number of reasons including some rule changes by apple. and then also meta's plunging down a ton of money on the metaverse, which is mark zuckerberg's vision for the future of the internet built on augmented reality and virtual reality. i think the key here is that that is his vision for the future. even though they renamed the company, metaplatforms, metaverse doesn't exist yet. whatever you want to call this company, facebook, meta, terrible day. one of the worst days we have seen any company have. >> is this first time they have seen a decline in new active users? >> it is very rare. i believe it is one of the only times since this company launched that they have suffered a decline in user growth, and it just speaks to all the competition that they face now, which probably is one of the reasons why they rebranded the company as well. >> the strategy had been to buy the competition. you got to be creative and innovative as well. >> that's why they face all the antitrust issues as well. still ahead, a new partnership between ford and google that promises new jobs. i talk one on one with the executive chairman of the ford motor company. that's up next. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's 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know, this train station, which will be the center piece of what we're doing, you know, i drove by this for years when the national stories always use this visual as the decay of detroit, and i said, okay, we're going to change that narrative, so we're renovating this beautiful train station and it will be open in about 18 months from now. and, you know, it's going to go from really being the national punch line into being a national treasure, i believe, and so -- and it's not just the ford campus, we're inviting a lot of people down here, and google is one of them, and google has decided that they want to come down here. here's where we're also going to experiment on all the new transportation forms of the future. google will be part of that. but what's really cool is google is also committed to the city. they're going to open a lab here for high school students where they're going to actually teach them computer science, and in the end, they'll get a certificate so they will be employable by companies like ford. >> this speaks to sort of the issue we're seeing throughout the country, with the great resignation, we had a better than expected jobs report today. as our colleague said that perhaps there's a shift from calling it the great resignation and the great job upgrade now, that people are looking for jobs of the future. for an industry like yours that's now investing in electric vehicles requiring so much more technology, are these the types of jobs you're hoping to recruit and train for? >> well, absolutely, we are. and if you look at, you know, this beautiful train station in this whole court town area, which is filled with iconic old buildings that we're renovating, what a great place to work if you're a software engineer, for instance, so, yeah, i mean, i think that we're seeing a lot of competition for, in our case, particularly software jobs, so that's why having google with us and train detroit high school kids, i think is a wonderful thing. >> we're talking about investing in the future. let's talk about where the company is today and the disappointing earnings report. a drop in sales that the company describes as attributed to persistent supply chain disruptions. you and other car companies are not alone, continuing to deal with supply chain issues and micro chips that come in and we're so dependent on in asia specifically. when do you start to think we'll see that alleviated, later this year, looking into next year, and what does that mean for consumers? >> well, so right now, it's clear that we're still in the middle of the chip shortage and we're going to probably struggle for the first half of the year with it. it should start getting better as the year goes on. and, you know, inventories are tight for sure. across the industry use cars are really tight, and you've seen the priced on used cars go very high. the nice thing in the middle of all of this is we're actually making a lot of money, and this year is going to be a very good year for us. but nonetheless, we are all struggling with these shortages. >> yeah, you're making a lot of money. a lot of that having to do with investments in electric vehicles, and let's be honest, quite frankly, by keeping prices relatively high. that's not necessarily a great thing for consumers who are going to car dealerships and not seeing a lot of inventory and not seeing prices at a level that they find affordable for themselves. when do you think you can start to say to them that prices will begin to go down. i know a lot of that is connected with the supply chain issues. >> well, it is, but also affordability has been an issue for some time. we came out with the maverick, which is a $20,000 pickup truck, and because of that, i mean, it's hit the ground running. in fact, we're sold out on the maverick because we thought affordability was an issue, even before this chip crisis. because prices have been drifting upwards in our industry, and we wanted to make an affordable vehicle, and there aren't many of them out there. but there's no question that it has been exacerbated by the chip shortage, and you know, as we start to normalize, as we get through the year, i think you'll start to see more normal inventories and trading kind of behaviors. >> how would you assess how the administration is approaching this shortage and this current crisis. we know that the competition act is maybe passed this week in congress. that includes a large chunk dedicated to the chip's act. that having been said, we know it's going to take a long time to get that implemented, to bring chips here, to be produced domestically and manufactured in the united states. has the administration done enough to keep the u.s. auto industry competitive with its international competition. >> well, as you point out, i mean, a lot of these things have long lead times, i would say the administration has been terrific to work with. they have been very responsive. they have been listening to us, they have been working with us, we have a great relationship. you know, we do with the cabinet secretaries, and they're very eager to help solve this. i mean, look, this is jobs in the united states, you know, ford is the most american of the auto makers. we make more vehicles here. we employ more americans. we're not the biggest, but we're the most american, and we want to continue that and so the administration has been great to deal with. but it takes some time for sure. >> on that note, as we wrap up here, if you're looking back for lessons learned going into the pandemic, you never know what next crisis will be. should the company and other u.s. manufacturers have been more better prepared in terms of contingencies with regards to micro chips or whatever crisis may come their way. >> well, look, i mean, you know, something like covid hits you completely out of the blue, and i would say that no business in the world was ready for covid, in fact, you know, it was interesting, if you look back at the beginning of covid, we actually thought it might be like the financial crisis where people would just stop buying vehicles. quite the opposite happened. demand was great, so i think as an industry, we completely under called the demand that might exist, and in the end, that's a good thing. it's better than the alternative for sure. >> may have led to some of the inflation we're dealing with now. nonetheless, consumers did have money in their pockets to spend. bill forld, thank you as always we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. interesting to hear him say he expects the chip shortage to collapse at least to the second half of the year. another story we're watching, let the games begin, the 2020 winter olympics have officially started in beijing. this amid the coronavirus pandemic. political tensions, also human rights abuses by china. we're going to have live team coverage next. the best price on every trade, which saved investors over $1.5 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Move , Labor Market , Hallmark , Upgrade , Churn , Rez Ignition , Somebody , Bottom Line , Taking , 12 Million , Quarantining , Backdrop , Uptick , Job Creation , Wasn T The Case , President , Reporter , Statement , Point , Sentiment , Surprises , Adviser , Officials , Slew , Jobs Report , White House Press Secretary , Mistake , Jared Bernstein , Brian Deas , Wall , Warning , Won T Change , Low , Bar , Losses , Them Making , News , Yes , Fact , Hasn T , Trumpet It , Capture , Trend Lines , Example , 87 , Recession , 510000 , Administration , Problem , Mind , Inflation Issues , Doesn T , Saying , News Headline , Wage Growth , Bill Ford , More , Beijing , Ford Motor Company , Competitions , Ceremonies , Olympic Winter Games , 2022 , Team , World Record , Lead , Nathan Chen , Category , China , Figure Skating , Men , Short Program , 28 , Athletes , Burden , Last Night , Politics , Roc , Russian Olympic Committee , Team Usa , Differences , Games , Boycott , Focus On , Governments , U S 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

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romans, christine, we have been warned, even from the white house, that we could perhaps see a lower than expected number, this may have been a blip because of omicron. this number, though, came as a real surprise. what does the data show? >> it shows surprising strength in the job market. it shows there are still more open jobs than people to fill them and companies are hungry for workers. it shows even with absenteeism because of sick-outs and people taking care of sick kids and family and out of work in that second week of january because of omicron, you still had strong hiring. and the hiring was across the board. 467,000 net new jobs added. and you also had revisions in the latter half of the year that showed even more strength than the fall and winter than we had thought. a little bit weaker than we had thought in the summer, so a lot of revisions in these numbers. i also think that goes to the difficulty we have in actually measuring what omicron and what covid has done to the american economy. the unemployment rate up a tiny bit, but relatively unchanged at 4%. that is still down significantly from the worst of the crisis. and nearing what many economists consider full employment. let's talk about where there were jobs added. in leisure and hospitality, this really surprised many, many economists. big gains there. in professional and business services, these are office jobs, it, tech jobs. in retail, i mean, in hobby shops and retail locations they were adding workers in january. and transportation ware housing. so you saw some broad gains in jobs added here. i'll remind you, wages, 5.7% for some workers that's not going to keep up with inflation. for people, for some categories, it will. you've seen better wage gains for low wage workers here. because, again, so many employers are so hungry for workers. very big surprise here. and i think this is what the fed chief has been telling us for some weeks, right? tremendous strength in the american job market. one of the reasons why the fed is going to start raising interest rates to try to cool things down. >> one thing, christine, the reason the white house was concerned about the numbers is exactly what you addressed, a lot of people were home. positive covid tests and couldn't work or were taking care of people who couldn't work. and yet you still had this growth. does that mean that the next month points in a more positive direction? if you got through a month like that, or are they just having trouble measuring how many jobs are actually out there? >> i think it shows resiliency in the recovery. but i think it also shows the difficulty in getting our hands around just the historic churn happening in the labor market. we know so many people are quitting their jobs for better jobs. that is a real hallmark of this. i heard it yesterday called the great upgrade, not the great rez ignition. people are on the move in a way that we have never seen before, and we're trying to capture that accurately. i think here bottom line that absenteeism, we saw the second week of january, some 12 million people were not working because they were sick or taking care of somebody who was sick or quarantining, remarkable you could have job creation with that backdrop. >> i'm still stunned we saw such an uptick in leisure and hospitality as being were being diagnosed. you would imagine they were staying home. clearly that wasn't the case. jeremy diamond, it is rare the white house gets positive surprises at this point. they had been preparing for a lower number. what is the statement and the sentiment out of the white house now? >> reporter: well, listen, we're going to hear from the president later this morning, but you can make no mistake they are thrilled to see this better than expected jobs report. over the last week we have heard a slew of white house officials, whether it was the white house press secretary, brian deas, the president's economic adviser, jared bernstein, another economic adviser to the president, all of them making -- trying to set the bar very low for this week, warning that this jobs report was going to be low, that it could even potentially show net losses and instead you see a growth of 467,000 jobs. one thing that i think won't change, though, and hasn't changed frankly over the last year is that this is a white house that even when they do get good economic news, yes, obviously they want to trumpet it, but they always come back to the fact this is a very uneven recovery, a recovery that is hard to capture, and they like to focus on the bigger trend lines. i think you'll hear the president later this morning once again talking about the bigger trend lines including, for example, based on all the revisions over the last year, you now have 87% of jobs that were lost because of the pandemic recession that have now been regained under this economy. also looking at the fact that the jobs report from last month was revised upwards to 510,000 jobs added. there is a lot of positive economic news that the white house can talk about, but, again, important to remember, though, inflation is still top of mind for so many americans, and even though the economy looks good, it may not feel good to many americans who are dealing with those inflation issues. >> yeah, that may be the administration's biggest problem now because the sentiment and data doesn't necessarily match at this point. >> as christine was saying, inflation is outpacing wage growth at this point. >> nonetheless, really surprising positive news headline for the white house and for america. christine romans and jeremy diamond, thank you. we'll discuss this and more with bill ford, the executive chairman of ford motor company, later on this hour. now to beijing, where the 2022 olympic winter games are now officially under way. the opening ceremonies, they're still going on right now. some competitions began as well overnight, including team figure skating. china's pair team set a world record with their short program, american nathan chen easily topped the men's category. right now the u.s. is in the lead with 28 points. the roc or russian olympic committee, and china, just behind. >> i caught some of nathan's performance last night. it was incredible. >> he's good. >> he is amazing. >> team usa hopes to keep the burden of politics off of its athletes. this despite a u.s. diplomatic boycott of the games. the u.s. olympic committee president saying the athletes should focus on, quote, what they do best, while letting the u.s. and chinese governments work to resolve their differences. >> one of those differences, nato expansion. this morning, chinese president xi jinping hosted russian leader vladimir putin. the two discussed several issues including russia's buildup of forces in and around ukraine. their opposition to any expansion of nato to see the two leaders together in lockstep it seems significant. >> quite stunning statement from the two as well. cnn correspondent david culver is in beijing with more. and, david, xi said putin's visit pull filled a promise the two made to each other years ago and that lengthy joint statement saying the friendship between the two states has no limits. clearly they're trying to send the world a message by this meeting. what more can you tell us about it? >> reporter: all the propaganda that surrounded this trumpeting, the arrival of putin days before he got here earlier today, it has been about showcasing this as a very cozy warm relationship between not only the two leaders but the countries they're the head of. china has repeatedly slammed the u.s. for politicizing these games. they point specifically to the diplomatic boycott, which was done over china's human rights record, and yet one of the biggest moments ahead of the opening ceremony is what you were just talking about, that in person meeting between president putin and president xi who, by the way, has not left this country since the start of the pandemic. now, right now they are both at the opening ceremony, here in beijing. the meeting sends as we were discussing this major geopolitical message not necessarily to the west, yes, in part to the u.s., but also and this is where it is perhaps more important, to nations d democracies that have relied on the u.s. for global stability. some of the readouts are just coming out as well, and state media pumping these out, this no doubt going to be echoed consistently here in the days, weeks, months, perhaps to come, saying that putin and xi have vowed to deepen their strategic coordination and adding it will have a far reaching impact on both china and russia and the world at large. this meeting coming as the ukraine crisis and concerns over a possible russian invasion, that remains tense. and yet putin here at ease, taking in the ceremony right now, and as for that diplomatic boycott as you know, it essentially means u.s. officials are not here, team usa is, interestingly enough they have a record number of team usa athletes, 177, about 80% of them, just walking in the opening ceremony short time ago. >> notably xi in his statement, joint statement, endorsing russia's position as it relates to ukraine and nato. david culver, good to have you there in beijing. >> this morning the kremlin is also firing back u.s. claims that russia is planning an elaborate plot to stage a fake attack by ukrainian forces. calling the accusations, quote, delusional. here's pentagon spokesman john kirby describing the alleged plot. >> as part of this fake attack, we believe that russia would produce a very graphic propaganda video which would include corpses and actors depicting mourners and images of destroyed locations as well as military equipment at the hands of ukraine or the west. >> natasha bertrand has been covering this. we have spoken a number of times about how part of russia's plan, according to u.s. intel assessments is political disruption, it is the psychological operations, disinformation, this seems to be part of that plan. >> that's exactly right, jim. so in the last couple of weeks we have seen the u.s. and allies come out and issue a range of warnings about potential false flag attacks by russia, potential destabilization campaigns inside ukraine to create a pretext for a russian invasion. this accusation yesterday about this video is the latest and very elaborate and detailed warning about what russia may be planning to do here. the lengths it might be willing to go to create a pretext to attack ukraine. now, john kirby, the pentagon press secretary, did say there that there is evidence that they may be preparing to make this video, that includes actors that are corpses in this video, that include fake mourners, that include explosions, all of this to make it seem like ukraine has actually attacked russia, or russian speakers in eastern ukraine and giving russia an excuse to move into the country. russian foreign minister sergey lavrov this morning called these fabrications, said it was delusional, said that these accusations are coming out more and more every day, the russians are flat out denying this, though the russians have denied things before that have turned out to be true. while the u.s. does not actually have this video in their possession, and say that it has not actually been made yet, they say all the preparations for it are being made right now. >> yeah, and the novelty here not necessarily being these false flag operations, at the hands of the russians. we have seen that in the past. the novelty is how the west and the united kingdom have been approaching this information and sharing it and being transparent it with the public, trying to get in front of vladimir putin. natasha bertrand, thank you as always. right now, a powerful winter storm is blanketing much of the nation, leaving behind a trail of heavy snow, icy roads and tornado threats. more than 300,000 people currently without power in six states and the weather has forced more than 8,000 flight cancellations since just yesterday. >> winter weather advisories just expanded as the storm moves northeast, promising more disruption today. rosa flores joins us now from houston. rosa, tell us how conditions are there. it has been remarkable to see so much snow in texas. >> reporter: absolutely. right now the precipitation has ended as you can see around me. but the windchill, jim and bianna, is in the teens according to the national weather service. i confirmed that because it is hitting me in the face right now. but the good thing here is that there are a lot of differences when it comes to this weather storm here in the state of texas compared to the deadly storm last year. and the biggest thing is that the temperatures are not going to be as low and the weather event is not supposed to last as long. now, the bad thing this year is the amount of ice that is expected, so much so that governor greg abbott calling this particular event one of the most significant ice events in the last few decades in the state of texas. that's why he activated 27 state agencies, deployed 4,000 texas department of transportation personnel, the crews that are out on the streets in the roadways, treating -- de-icing them to make sure that they are as safe as possible. but the conditions they say are treacherous. the governor also activating 127 national guard members, these crews are deployed in strategic areas around the state to respond to specific emergencies, we haven't heard of me of those emergencies just yet. governor greg abbott saying the power grid this time is not only going to hold, he says that it is going to have excess power. take a listen. >> the expected peak demand, there should be about 10,000 megawatts of extra power capacity. to put that in context, that's about enough extra power to supply about 2 million homes. >> reporter: now, more than 15,000 people are without power right now here in the state of texas, jim and bianna, but according to the governor, and sed on what we have seen by monitoring the power grid here in the state of texas, those are localized events, in essence power lines down, things like ice, pulling some of those power lines, wind events in certain areas across the state. the power grid does appear to be holding this time. >> we remember when it went down last year, enormous consequences. rosa flores, thank you so much. up next, the georgia prosecutor investigating former president trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election there says she has now become the target of frequent racial slurs. plus, coming up, my conversation with new york city mayor eric adams. hear his take aways after meeting with president biden and how he plans to combat rising crime. also ahead, facebook founder mark zuckerberg just personally lost $30 billion. shares of its parent company took an unprecedented nose-dive. wohl we'll have details on what is driving that 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[ joe ] my teeth were a mess. i had a lot of pain. as far as my physical health, my body was telling me you got to do something. and so i came to clearchoice. your mouth is the gateway to your body. joe's treatment plan was replacing the teeth with dental implants from clearchoice. [ joe ] clearchoice has changed my life for the better. it's given me my health back. there's an amazing life out there if you do something for your health now. in georgia, an atlanta area district attorney investigating donald trump for his interference in the 2020 election thereays she has endured more racist attacks now than ever in her life. fulton county district attorney fani willis spoke in an exclusive interview with the atlanta journal constitution on her work in this grand jury investigation. have a listen. >> you know i get called the "n" very regularly. it is really silly to me that they believe that by hurling those kind of insults, that it is going to impact the way we do our investigation. it is not going to impact me to do something faster. it is not going to impact me in treating the former president or anyone else unfairly. and it is not going to make me stop what i have a lawful duty to do. >> earlier this week, willis asked the fbi to help provide security for buildings and staff after trump called prosecutors investigating him racists. >> willis also gave a timeline for when the case will start to see more activity. >> we realize we're coming to a place that there are enough people that will require a subpoena for us to speak to or for us to be able to get information and so, yes, we're headed into phase two, and phase two i believe starts when we actually start with a special purpose grand jury. >> the fulton county d.a. is investigating whether trump and his allies committed any crimes in their campaign to convince georgia officials to find fraud that didn't exist and hand trump a victory. the probe was launched last year following trump's call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger after he pushed the republican to find votes to overturn the election results. willis went on to say that although the special grand jury can continue its work through the spring of 2023, it is possible the group will wrap up before then. and later today, the republican national committee will formally vote on a resolution to censure representatives liz cheney and adam kinzinger. their offense, investigating the january 6th insurrection. really doesn't make sense. >> cnn's gabby orr joins us from salt lake city where the party is holding its winter meeting. gabby, this is a modified, some saying, watered down proposal from earlier in the week, but still remarkable to see the party in effect excommunicate, right, two members for taking part in this committee. >> reporter: good morning, jim and bianna. this is indeed a watered down version of the resolution earlier this week that would have called for the expulsion of wyoming congresswoman liz cheney and illinois congressman adam kinzinger from the house republican conference. sources tell cnn that the new version, which will instead formally censure both republican lawmakers, was drafted after some republican national committee members were concerned that the party would go too far if they called for both of these lawmakers to be removed from the gop caucus. obviously something they could only do ceremoniously given the rnc does not get to control who does or does not serve in congress. now, in statements about this censure, both kinzinger and liz cheney suggested that they have no plans to back away from their involvement in the house panel investigating january 6th, here's what liz cheney had to say. if the price of being willing to tell the truth and get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th and make sure that those who are responsible are held accountable is a censure, i am absolutely going to continue to stand up for what i knew was right and i think it is a sad day that the party of lincoln, for the party of lincoln, if that's where we are. jim? >> gabby orr, thanks so much. president biden and new york mayor eric adams worked hand and hand to combat crime and gun violence. mayor adams, you'll hear from him next, discussing how they and he plan to tackle rising crime. esh refresh™ so subway's upping their avocado game. we're talking just two great ingredients. perfectly ripe, hand-scooped hass s avocados and a a touch of sea salt. it's like a double double for your tastebuds. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing andnd refreshing. this valentine's day, find the gift that touches their heart. ♪ ♪ this... is... how... love... shines... ♪ at zales. it's the valentine's day sale get 25% of everything. ♪ ♪ at zales. the diamond store. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. the leader of america's largest city is teaming up with president biden to try to curb violent crime. mayor eric adams hosted the president in new york city on thursday. the two shared their visions for combatting the rising crime numbers. i'm joined now by new york mayor eric adams. thank you for taking the time this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> the president's plan to address gun violence nationally includes a couple of steps including trying to get a handle on ghost guns, also address violent drug crime. which of these moves, what of these moves do you think will make a difference and why? >> so important, you know, i say this over and over again, i use the analogy there are many rivers that are feeding the sea of violence in our city and really across america. we have to dam each river. the federal government, that is one of the rivers that we must dam. and it is the flow of guns, what we have witnessed countless number of guns are flowing into the inner cities across america. we took 6,000 guns off the street last year, close to 400 this year since i've been in office. yet they continue to flow. we also need the coordination. president biden promised after i met with him, after the primary, that he would come and look at and free up the atf, fbi, and other federal agencies so we can have a 9/11 type response to the terror of violence in our cities and we did that. that's what we showed them at the 9/11 center. i'm sorry, at the center, we brought all the teams together to fight this violence. >> what are the steps you're taking as mayor is to reinstitute the anti-gun unit with some changes including to uniforms. how will this unit be different this time around, particularly in light of the criticism it faced when first constituted. >> there was rightful criticism because i was part of that criticism. i was one of the leading voices during the time after amadou diallo was shot, and other shootings in the city. so this way we're going to get it right. we heard from new yorkers. one of the things they were concerned about, these officers will wear partial modified uniforms, they will use their body cameras for every interaction. we're going to have the proper supervision and we're not going to have the blanket that we were using before, stopping and searching people based on their ethnicity and zip codes that they lived in. this is a precision policing, going after those 600 trigger pullers in the city that participate in 17% of the violence, less than 1% of the population. >> you and other members of the nypd i've spoken with frequently talk about the iron pipeline, guns flowing into the city, particularly from the south, states with lax gun control laws. as you know, national gun legislation really isn't going anywhere. can you, as the leader of this city, truly address gun violence without changes to national policy on guns? >> that's a great question that you're asking. and here's what i had to do when i produced my blueprint to end gun violence and other violence in the city. i had to show and identify the various rivers based on my reformist views, based on my law enforcement status and based on being a state lawmaker. i needed to lay out, here are the rivers we must dam. now, some of those rivers are beyond my control. i don't control the reform, to raise the age part of it, i don't control the federal laws. we're going to do our job. and i'm hoping that our partners see my experience of having justice and safety both together can turn around this violence that we are experiencing. and if they don't do that, i still have the obligation of keeping this city safe, i am not going to take the position that because we didn't get to help from our partners, that we can't be safe. we will be safe in this city. >> the president is certainly aware that the rising crime in addition to affecting people's lives and very real ways every day say political problem for him, part of the reason that he's pushing very publicly for anti-crime measures. you're a democrat, of course, mayor of new york, former police officer, do democrats in your view as a party need to be for more rather than less policing, more funding for police rather than less funding, more officers rather than fewer officers? >> well, i think that we have to be radically practical. we need to deal with those kitchen table issues that democrats all across the country are calling for and general, but specifically here in new york city. they're concerned about unsafe subway systems, the lack of education of our children, the affordabilities of the city. i think the democratic party has done some amazing things, even as they pushed through the build back better plan. we need to be clear on getting that message out to every day americans, and every day new yorkers. new yorkers and americans don't want just to be heard. i say over and over again, they want to be felt, that you're one of them. and that's what i am. i am one of them. i've come through the conditions people are living through now is what i have lived through. and that's how we must communicate to the democrats across america. >> mayor eric adams, we do wish you best of luck in those efforts. thanks so much for joining the show this morning. >> thank you. take care. strong interview there. once again, just reiterating the support that he has, right, for the police force here and the u.s. and solidifying that with the visit with the president. >> and taking an aggressive anti-crime law. >> that's what he ran on. still ahead, a return to new normal could be on the horizon in colorado. some cities now lifting their mask mandates beginning today. we'll take you there live. - common percy! - yeah let's go! on a trip. book with priceline. you save more, soou can “woooo” more. - wooo. - wooo. wooooo!!!!! woohooooo!!!! w-o-o-o-o-o... yeah, feel the savings. priceline. every trip is a big deal. king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette print. come on! print! print! print! do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? be conniption-free, thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! do i look like a money tree? the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. beginning today, people in denver will no longer be required to wear masks to enter businesses or other indoor places. mayor michael hancocks says the downward trajectory of covid-19 cases and hospitalizations influenced his decision to lift that mandate. >> other counties in colorado are ending their mask mandates as well as the surge declines. cnn's lucy kafanov live this morning from denver. it is a big shift, lucy, for families certainly, residents, for businesses too. >> reporter: that's right, jim. a huge shift for businesses including the denver grocery store, which as of this morning is not requiring masks for employees or staff. some employees and business -- and patrons are choosing to keep theirs on. the manager here says he doesn't want his staff to be in a position of being the mask police. they're following the county guidelines that were set out as of this morning. now, some denver restaurants are choosing to keep their mandates in place. really is up to individual businesses now to decide what it is they want to do about the mask rules. we have seen several denver metro area front range counties dropping their mandates. denver, with a 78% vaccination rate, broomfield county, arapahoe and adams county tomorrow, boulder keeping their mask mandate in place for now, but it doesn't mean folks can ditch their masks for good. the denver public school system is continuing to keep its mask mandate in place, as well as other child care facilities. the public transportation system and the airport under federal rules also keeping its mask mandate in place. we have seen covid cases plummeting across colorado. below 3,000 cases a day, a significant drop from the peak in january where we were seeing nearly 19,000 and more covid cases a day. but local health officials and colorado health officials are warning against complacency, yesterday some health officials came out saying people should be still encouraged to wear their masks indoors, because the transmission rate of the virus remains high. >> big change. seeing you there without a mask. that's a big change too. lucy kafanov, thank you so much. shares for meta as facebook's parent company is now known tanked thursday after a bad earnings report, losing in the market at least $230 billion in market value. >> that amount, to give you some context, is more than a lot of large companies are worth. the megadrop comes after facebook reported a shocking decline in daily active users. cnn's matt egan joins us. aside from the decline in active users, they're really pointing to an unprecedented sea of competition too. >> that's right. happy friday, guys. i really hope that facebook employees are tiptoeing around mark zuckerberg today. their boss just lost at least on paper $30 billion. billion with a b. that's in one day. no one will shed any tears for mark zuckerberg. he's still worth $90 billion. but that qualifies as a bad day, in my book. the numbers are mind boggling. meta, that's the facebook owner, lost 26% in just a single day, worse since this company started trading in 2012. that translates to a loss of something like $232 billion in context around that. that is more than any of the following companies are worth. mcdonald's, at&t, goldman sachs, or ford. that's how much meta lost in one day. why did this happen? they reported this rare decline in profits. and it was really driven by a few factors. the fact that user growth declined. they had an explosive growth in users, no longer. people are flocking to other platforms including tiktok, particularly younger users. meta also said that their ad revenue has slowed down, that's for a number of reasons including some rule changes by apple. and then also meta's plunging down a ton of money on the metaverse, which is mark zuckerberg's vision for the future of the internet built on augmented reality and virtual reality. i think the key here is that that is his vision for the future. even though they renamed the company, metaplatforms, metaverse doesn't exist yet. whatever you want to call this company, facebook, meta, terrible day. one of the worst days we have seen any company have. >> is this first time they have seen a decline in new active users? >> it is very rare. i believe it is one of the only times since this company launched that they have suffered a decline in user growth, and it just speaks to all the competition that they face now, which probably is one of the reasons why they rebranded the company as well. >> the strategy had been to buy the competition. you got to be creative and innovative as well. >> that's why they face all the antitrust issues as well. still ahead, a new partnership between ford and google that promises new jobs. i talk one on one with the executive chairman of the ford motor company. that's up next. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's 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where they are, and getting them where they want to be. faster. vmware. welcome change. ♪ ♪ feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi—you could save with low rates and no fees. go to to view your rate today. ♪ ♪ new this morning, ford motor mpany has added a partnership with google, a mobility focused innovation district that ford is spearheading in detroit. the news, though, comes as ford revealed an unexpected drop in its 4th quarter earnings, its stocks subsequently taking a hit as a result. joining me now to talk about this is bill ford, the executive chairman of ford motor company. great to have you on. you are there at michigan central. this is a project that began a few years ago, here you are bringing it to an end with this partnership with google. talk about what you're hoping to see in tms of jobs of the future and innovation with this new partnership. >> well, first of all, you know, this train station, which will be the center piece of what we're doing, you know, i drove by this for years when the national stories always use this visual as the decay of detroit, and i said, okay, we're going to change that narrative, so we're renovating this beautiful train station and it will be open in about 18 months from now. and, you know, it's going to go from really being the national punch line into being a national treasure, i believe, and so -- and it's not just the ford campus, we're inviting a lot of people down here, and google is one of them, and google has decided that they want to come down here. here's where we're also going to experiment on all the new transportation forms of the future. google will be part of that. but what's really cool is google is also committed to the city. they're going to open a lab here for high school students where they're going to actually teach them computer science, and in the end, they'll get a certificate so they will be employable by companies like ford. >> this speaks to sort of the issue we're seeing throughout the country, with the great resignation, we had a better than expected jobs report today. as our colleague said that perhaps there's a shift from calling it the great resignation and the great job upgrade now, that people are looking for jobs of the future. for an industry like yours that's now investing in electric vehicles requiring so much more technology, are these the types of jobs you're hoping to recruit and train for? >> well, absolutely, we are. and if you look at, you know, this beautiful train station in this whole court town area, which is filled with iconic old buildings that we're renovating, what a great place to work if you're a software engineer, for instance, so, yeah, i mean, i think that we're seeing a lot of competition for, in our case, particularly software jobs, so that's why having google with us and train detroit high school kids, i think is a wonderful thing. >> we're talking about investing in the future. let's talk about where the company is today and the disappointing earnings report. a drop in sales that the company describes as attributed to persistent supply chain disruptions. you and other car companies are not alone, continuing to deal with supply chain issues and micro chips that come in and we're so dependent on in asia specifically. when do you start to think we'll see that alleviated, later this year, looking into next year, and what does that mean for consumers? >> well, so right now, it's clear that we're still in the middle of the chip shortage and we're going to probably struggle for the first half of the year with it. it should start getting better as the year goes on. and, you know, inventories are tight for sure. across the industry use cars are really tight, and you've seen the priced on used cars go very high. the nice thing in the middle of all of this is we're actually making a lot of money, and this year is going to be a very good year for us. but nonetheless, we are all struggling with these shortages. >> yeah, you're making a lot of money. a lot of that having to do with investments in electric vehicles, and let's be honest, quite frankly, by keeping prices relatively high. that's not necessarily a great thing for consumers who are going to car dealerships and not seeing a lot of inventory and not seeing prices at a level that they find affordable for themselves. when do you think you can start to say to them that prices will begin to go down. i know a lot of that is connected with the supply chain issues. >> well, it is, but also affordability has been an issue for some time. we came out with the maverick, which is a $20,000 pickup truck, and because of that, i mean, it's hit the ground running. in fact, we're sold out on the maverick because we thought affordability was an issue, even before this chip crisis. because prices have been drifting upwards in our industry, and we wanted to make an affordable vehicle, and there aren't many of them out there. but there's no question that it has been exacerbated by the chip shortage, and you know, as we start to normalize, as we get through the year, i think you'll start to see more normal inventories and trading kind of behaviors. >> how would you assess how the administration is approaching this shortage and this current crisis. we know that the competition act is maybe passed this week in congress. that includes a large chunk dedicated to the chip's act. that having been said, we know it's going to take a long time to get that implemented, to bring chips here, to be produced domestically and manufactured in the united states. has the administration done enough to keep the u.s. auto industry competitive with its international competition. >> well, as you point out, i mean, a lot of these things have long lead times, i would say the administration has been terrific to work with. they have been very responsive. they have been listening to us, they have been working with us, we have a great relationship. you know, we do with the cabinet secretaries, and they're very eager to help solve this. i mean, look, this is jobs in the united states, you know, ford is the most american of the auto makers. we make more vehicles here. we employ more americans. we're not the biggest, but we're the most american, and we want to continue that and so the administration has been great to deal with. but it takes some time for sure. >> on that note, as we wrap up here, if you're looking back for lessons learned going into the pandemic, you never know what next crisis will be. should the company and other u.s. manufacturers have been more better prepared in terms of contingencies with regards to micro chips or whatever crisis may come their way. >> well, look, i mean, you know, something like covid hits you completely out of the blue, and i would say that no business in the world was ready for covid, in fact, you know, it was interesting, if you look back at the beginning of covid, we actually thought it might be like the financial crisis where people would just stop buying vehicles. quite the opposite happened. demand was great, so i think as an industry, we completely under called the demand that might exist, and in the end, that's a good thing. it's better than the alternative for sure. >> may have led to some of the inflation we're dealing with now. nonetheless, consumers did have money in their pockets to spend. bill forld, thank you as always we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. interesting to hear him say he expects the chip shortage to collapse at least to the second half of the year. another story we're watching, let the games begin, the 2020 winter olympics have officially started in beijing. this amid the coronavirus pandemic. political tensions, also human rights abuses by china. we're going to have live team coverage next. the best price on every trade, which saved investors over $1.5 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Move , Labor Market , Hallmark , Upgrade , Churn , Rez Ignition , Somebody , Bottom Line , Taking , 12 Million , Quarantining , Backdrop , Uptick , Job Creation , Wasn T The Case , President , Reporter , Statement , Point , Sentiment , Surprises , Adviser , Officials , Slew , Jobs Report , White House Press Secretary , Mistake , Jared Bernstein , Brian Deas , Wall , Warning , Won T Change , Low , Bar , Losses , Them Making , News , Yes , Fact , Hasn T , Trumpet It , Capture , Trend Lines , Example , 87 , Recession , 510000 , Administration , Problem , Mind , Inflation Issues , Doesn T , Saying , News Headline , Wage Growth , Bill Ford , More , Beijing , Ford Motor Company , Competitions , Ceremonies , Olympic Winter Games , 2022 , Team , World Record , Lead , Nathan Chen , Category , China , Figure Skating , Men , Short Program , 28 , Athletes , Burden , Last Night , Politics , Roc , Russian Olympic Committee , Team Usa , Differences , Games , Boycott , Focus On , Governments , U S Olympic Committee , Issues , Vladimir Putin , Eastern Ukraine , Forces , Russian , Xi Jinping , Buildup , Expansion , Nato , Opposition , Two , Leaders , David Culver , Lockstep , Promise , Friendship , Visit Pull , World , Meeting , States , Propaganda , Message , Trumpeting , Limits , Arrival , Countries , Relationship , Head , Country , Opening Ceremony , President Putin , Human Rights Record , Start , President Xi Who , Part , West , Pandemic , Well , Some , Democracies , No Doubt , State Media , Important , Readouts , Nations D , Global Stability , Coordination , Invasion , Putin , Concerns , Impact , Record Number , Ceremony , Team Usa Is , Position , Joint Statement , Xi , Them , 177 , 80 , Attack , Good , Accusations , Plot , John Kirby , Kremlin , Pentagon Spokesman , Propaganda Video , Times , Actors , Mourners , Natasha Bertrand , Corpses , Military Equipment , Images , Plan , Allies , Disruption , Operations , Intel , Assessments , Disinformation , Video , Flag , Attacks , Pretext , Range , Warnings , Accusation , Destabilization Campaigns , Latest , Planning , Evidence , Lengths , The Pentagon Press Secretary , Explosions , Speakers , Russians , Sergey Lavrov , Excuse , Fabrications , Novelty , Being , Preparations , Possession , Information , Public , United Kingdom , Snow , Winter Storm , Trail , Nation , Front , Tornado , Threats , Icy Roads , Power , Storm , Weather , Flight Cancellations , Winter Weather , 300000 , 8000 , Six , Conditions , Texas , Precipitation , Rosa Flores , Houston , Windchill , Rosa , Face , Weather Service , Teens , Amount , Estate , Ice , Weather Event , Temperatures , Deadly Storm Last , Greg Abbott , State Agencies , Ice Events , Event , Texas Department Of Transportation , 27 , 4000 , Safe , Crews , Streets , Roadways , Personnel , 127 , Members , Emergencies , Areas , We Haven T Heard , National Guard , Listen , Power Grid , Peak Demand , Hold , 10000 , Context , Megawatts , Homes , Power Capacity , 2 Million , Power Lines , Events , Sed , 15000 , Wind Events , Donald Trump , Eric Adams , Efforts , The Georgia Prosecutor , New York City , Consequences , Election , Conversation , Slurs , Target , Coming Up , Up Next , 2020 , Biden , Mark Zuckerberg , Crime , Parent Company , Shares , Nose Dive , Aways , Facebook , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , Ingredients , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Biotrue , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Wohl , Details , Mouth , It Count , Crest , Crest Pro Health , Brand , 8 , 1 , Ways , Emergency Medicine , Electron , Energy , Feet , 40000 , Vmware , Change , Anywhere , Workspace , Solutions , App , Welcome Change , Faster , Cloud , Rethinking , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Airport , Luggage , Wouldn T , Dad , Shipgo , Shipgo Com , Shipping , Fast , Healthcare Company , Cancers , Where , Strokes , Joints , Johnson , Building A Future , 3 , Definition , Isn T One , Children , Hospitals , Surgery , Narrator , Thousands , Causes , Surgeries , Mercy Ships , Suffering , Five Billion , 40 , Love , Healing , Give Today , Mission , Hope , Fidelity , Everything , Planning Effect , Advisor , Wealth , Generations , Picture , Reward , Risk , Balance , Something , Health , Body , Joe S Treatment Plan , Mess , Gateway , Teeth , Pain , Dental Implants , Clearchoice , Joe , Life , Better , District Attorney , Area , Interference , Georgia , Atlanta , Interview , Fani Willis , Investigation , Fulton County , Atlanta Journal Constitution , Grand Jury , Election Thereays , Kind , Insults , N , Anyone , Buildings , Staff , Racists , Timeline , Prosecutors , Security , Duty , Fbi , Place , Case , Activity , Subpoena , Fraud , Phase , Crimes , Trump , Campaign , D A , Hand , Secretary Of State , Votes , Probe , Election Results , Didn T , Call , Republican , Victory , Brad Raffensperger , Republican National Committee , Resolution , Group , Special , Spring , 2023 , Democratic Party , Liz Cheney , January 6th Insurrection , Adam Kinzinger , Winter Meeting , Gabby Orr , Modified , Salt Lake City , Offense , Doesn T Make Sense , 6 , January 6th , Committee , Proposal , Effect Excommunicate , Sources , Version , Expulsion , Wyoming Congresswoman , Illinois , House Republican Conference , Lawmakers , Both , Ceremoniously Given , Caucus , Gop , Censure , Statements , In The House Panel Investigating January 6th , Plans , Congress , Rnc , Price , Accountable , Bottom , Truth , Lincoln , Gun Violence , Mayor , Avocado Game , Hass S Avocados , Esh Refreshtm So Subway , Sea Salt , Double , Tastebuds , Andnd Refreshing , Subway , Gift , Heart , Valentine S Day , Sale , Zales , 25 , Store , Frank , Fan , Thanks , Heartburn , Talker , Pepcid , Fast Walker , Gary , Nexium , Relief , Fans , Prilosec Otc , Four , 24 , The City , Leader , Visions , Crime Numbers , Moves , Handle , Drug Crime , Ghost Guns , Difference , Couple , Steps , Violence , Rivers , Sea , Dam , City , River , Analogy , Guns , Government , Cities , Flow , The Street , 6000 , Office , Primary , Him , 400 , Center , Terror , Agencies , Atf , 9 11 , Unit , Uniforms , Changes , Teams , Criticism , Light , Voices , Shot , Amadou Diallo , Officers , In The City , Body Cameras , Precision Policing , Interaction , Zip Codes , Ethnicity , Supervision , Blanket , Trigger Pullers , Population , 17 , 600 , National Gun Legislation Really Isn T , Laws , Pipeline , South , Lax Gun Control , Nypd , Question , Policy , Law Enforcement Status , Blueprint , State Lawmaker , Views , Control , Reform , Job , Safety , Partners , Experience , Justice , City Safe , Obligation , Measures , Lives , Course , Addition , Funding , Police , Policing , View , Party Need , Unsafe Subway Systems , General , Kitchen Table , Build , Education , Americans Don T , Felt , Wish , Luck , Show , Visit , Support , Law , Police Force , Take Care , Mask , Colorado , Horizon , On , Trip , With Priceline , Let S Go , Common Percy , Soou , Woooo , Deal , C Gillette , Pivoting Metal Head , King , Lineup , Style Master , Stroke , Tools , Savings , Hair Care Products , Stubble , Priceline , Wooooo , Woohooooo , Tool , Versatility , Comb Lengths , Style , Edge , Three , Print , Cartridge Conniptions , Printer , Hard Eating Healthy , Ink , Money Tree , Ecotank , Epson , Epson Ecotank , Dog , Masks , Businesses , Cases , Michael Hancocks , Denver , Places , Hospitalizations , Beginning Today , Trajectory , 19 , Shift , Counties , Residents , Mandate , Surge Declines , Lucy Kafanov , Decision , Business , Employees , That S Right , Grocery Store , Patrons , Manager , Guidelines , Restaurants , County , Mask Police , Mandates , Mask Rules , 78 , Public School System , Mask Mandate , Folks , Vaccination Rate , Adams County , Broomfield County , Boulder , Arapahoe , Covid 19 , Public Transportation System , Rules , Child Care Facilities , 3000 , Drop , Health Officials , Complacency , Peak , 19000 , Transmission Rate , Big Change , Virus , Earnings , Meta , Market , Market Value , 230 Billion , Competition , Decline , Users , Worth , Megadrop , Guys , Matt Egan , No One , Tears , Boss , Least , Tiptoeing , B , Trading , Book , Owner , Mind Boggling , 2012 , 26 , 90 Billion , Loss , Mcdonald S , At T , Goldman Sachs , 232 Billion , 32 Billion , User Growth , Factors , Profits , Tiktok , Platforms , Money , Down , Rule , Ad Revenue , , Ton , Apple , Vision , Key , Metaverse , Internet , Virtual Reality , Augmented Reality , Metaverse Doesn T , Terrible Day , Company , Strategy , Google , Partnership , Executive Chairman , One On , Cue , Test Results , Cue Health , Accuracy , Home Test , Speed , Immunotherapy , Go Cue , Nba , 20 , Cancer , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Gene Mutation , Tumor Cells , Egfr , Everywhere , Lily , Dana Farber , 75 , Lisa , Mover , Downtown , Scene , Hotspot , Files , Rob , Employee , Workforce , Deals , At T Business , Smart Phone , Discoveries , Convenience , Necessity , Uncharted Waters , Outcomes , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Rates , Rate , Fees , Mobility , Detroit , Ford Motor Mpany , Stocks , Result , Hit , Project , End , Innovation , Tms , Michigan Central , Train Station , Stories , Decay , Narrative , Doing , Piece , Punch Line , Treasure , 18 , Transportation , Campus , High School Students , Lab , Computer Science , The End , Resignation , Issue , Certificate , Colleague , Industry , Vehicles , Job Upgrade , Technology , Court Town Area , Types , Train , Software Jobs , Instance , Software Engineer , Investing , Sales , Train Detroit High School , Supply Chain Issues , Micro Chips , Car Companies , Supply Chain Disruptions , Specifically , Asia , Consumers , Chip Shortage , Middle , Inventories , Cars , Sure , Shortages , Prices , Investments , Inventory , Car Dealerships , Electric Vehicles , Level , Affordability , Maverick , Pickup Truck , Ground Running , 20000 , 0000 , Chip Crisis , There Aren T , Vehicle , Shortage , Behaviors , Chips , Competition Act , Chunk , Chip S Act , U S Auto Industry , Listening , Cabinet Secretaries , Auto Makers , Biggest , Lessons , Note , Whatever , Contingencies , Regards , Terms , Manufacturers , Out Of The Blue , Opposite , Beginning , Demand , Alternative , Led , Pockets , Bill Forld , Story , Team Coverage , Tensions , Human Rights Abuses , Investors , Sound Engineer , Trade , Record Label , Taking Off , Decision Tech , 1 5 Billion , 5 Billion , Music , Medicare , Aetna , Benefits , Telehealth Emergency Coverage , Dental , Over The Counter Allowance , 65 , 0 , Hearing , Aetna Medicare Advantage , Eyes , Combo , Sandpaper ,

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