Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

apologizing after video surfaces of him using racial slurs in a compilation of clips from past shows. his explanation and how spotify, who streams his show, is responding. we are one of the only schools that has somebody that doesoga and plans mindfulness for us. >> plus, how one public school is trying to help improve students' mental health 20 minutes at a time. well, if you're a monday through friday worker, you still have 24 hours off, pretty much. it's sunday, february 6th. we're so grateful to have you with us. all righty, let's talk, boris, beginning with the latest signs that russia may be closer to a decision on invading ukraine, and here's why. president vladimir putin has reportedly assembled 70% of the troops and weapons that he would need for a full-scale invasion. >> right, christie, that's according to two u.s. officials familiar with the latest estimates. russia continues to add forces to the region, almost daily. let's go to cnn correspondent, melissa bell. she's been following developments in kyiv, ukraine. melissa, what do these latest estimates of that russian troop buildup suggest. 70% of what putin needs to invade, right? >> reporter: boris, that's right. these are the grimmest and most dire assessments we've had yet from intelligence, officials briefing that what we've been seeing is a real buildup on the borders, especially in belarus. i want to show you some of the latest satellite imagery we've been getting showing some locations just to the north of ukraine's border with belarus. so it is the closest border to kyiv that there is. and that is what so concerning about these troop movements. men, weaponry, ground assault that have been moved just 50 kilometers from that border. and haathat's theear. while the world waits to work out what's going on in the mind of vladimir putin and whether he has decided to invade, the point is that russian troops are poised and would be able to do that very quickly. specifically, according to american intelligence, they would be able to take kyiv within a matter of days. also, they warn that it would lead to casualties in the tens of thousands. and refugee crisis involving up to 5 million ukrainian refugees. that is how dire the assessments are, even as the french president heads both to moscow tomorrow and comes here to kyiv on tuesday try to talk both to vladimir putin and the ukrainian president, looking for some room for dialogue. but that window of opportunity, that window for possibility of dialogue to be found is narrowing, as we watch these troop buildups that get more and more worrying by the day. christie and boris? >> yeah, i want to talk about what the french president, emanmanuel macron, can do in tes of his flinfluence. when we hear about this massive buildup, is there any question that we know what putin wants to do? >> reporter: it is being pushed back upon by russian officials, day after day. we've been hearing from a tweet from russia's deputy ambassador to the united nations, laughing at these latest american assessments, but you're quite right. the point about this buildup is that at some point, it kind of makes no sense to have all of this ability, all of this capability on the borders when you don't intend to do anything about it. it must be said that the assessment from ukrainian officials, very senior one heres, is that the point of this buildup is to rattle nato, to divide it, to challenge it, and that certainly seems to have been achieved. nato is definitely paying attention. emmanuel macron hoping that he will manage to focus minds on this ever-widen opportunity for some sort of understand to become found. christie and boris? >> difficult to expect understanding when vladimir putin's ambitions involve re-taking ukraine. melissa bell, live from kyiv. thank you so much. turning now to the united states and wisconsin, there was a shooting at an apartment complex that left two people dead and another injured. this happened yesterday morning in brown deer near milwaukee. there was dramatic video of officers are upping away from the scene. you can see one of them carrying a child. the officers say that as soon as they arrived on the scene, a suspect opened fire. >> our officers were dispatched for a shots fired call. upon our arifle rival to the sc our officers were fired upon from the second floor balcony. our officers set up a perimeter. they requested mutual aid from multiple agencies in the north shore, the milwaukee police department, the north shore fire department, milwaukee fire department, as well. >> now, no officers were hurt, but the suspect, who has been identified as a 26-year-old man, is also dead after an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. the relationships between the suspects and the victims are still unclear. authorities do believe this incident stemmed from a domestic dispute. we know the victims are a 23-year-old woman and a 31-year-old man. police plan to release their names later today. so this is an odd story. a man is accused of breaking into michael bloomrg's ranch in colorado, kidnapping an employee there, and terrorizing her at gunpoint. right now he's in custody, facing both state and federal charges. >> the woman is safe, i want to tell you, first and foremost, and she tells investigators that her kidnapper was heavily armed and wanted to know information about the former new york mayor's daughter. cnn's camilla bernal has more. >> reporter: boris, christine, we now know that the man accused of kidnapping one of michael bloomberg's employees was identified as joseph beecher. and the information that we have is coming from an arrest warrant and from a criminal complaint filed in federal court. and according to those documents, beecher allegedly rar rammed through the gates of this ranch belonging to michael bloomberg in colorado. according to those documents, he found that employee inside, who later told authorities that he was heavily armed and that he told her that he would shoot her face off. he also told this employee, according to the documents that he wanted to create an international scene. he was also asking for the daughters of michael bloomberg by name. once he found out that the daughters were not at the ranch, according to these documents, he then made this employee, who was not named in any of the court filings, to get into her truck and drive him around. they ended up in wyoming. and authorities were able troac them through her ipad. thankfully, shef was okay. now, he is facing a number of charges, including a federal kidnapping charge. and we know his first court appearance is on tuesday, but the documents did not specify who his attorney is at the moment. we did hear, though, from michael bloomberg's spokesperson, who said that they're thankful to law enforcement for bringing back that employee or that victim to her family. boris, christie? >> thank you so much. listen, jury selection begins tomorrow in the federal trial for the three men involved in killing ahmaud arbery. >> travis and gregory mcmichael and roddy brian were all found guilty of murdering the jogger last year. cnn's ryan young has more from brunswick, georgia. >> boris, christie, good morning. there are a lot of questions surrounding this case. of course, the three men who were accused in this crime have already been convicted in state court. now, in federal court, two of the men, the mcmichaels, had decided to plead guilty because they had received a plea deal. that thplea deal was rejected, they pulled back their guilty plea. now you're going to have opening -- in terms of them trying to find a jury to seat, but they're going to know that there was a plea deal that was almost enacted. that will be interesting to see how they pull that part off. for the ahmaud arbery family, they want justice. >> i've just want one word to say. all we want is 100% justice for the arbery family. that's all we're looking for. and god be to glory. >> reporter: you can understand the family still wants justice in this case. in fact, there are thoughts that in the federal case, there will be things that come out that didn't happen in terms of evidence, that didn't come out in the state case. so we might get more information what surrounded this shooting. outside of that, talking to community leaders in the brunswick area, they believe that first case went very well in terms of the trial, and they want to make sure the community stays calm. they're talking to all the stakeholders, especially the church leaders in this community to make them understand how this progress will go forward, especially with this being federal court, so there'll be no video cameras inside the courtroom like there was last time. boris and christie? >> ryan young from brunswick, georgia, thank you so much. let's dig deeper now with michael moore. he's a former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia. michael, appreciate you getting up bright and early for us. appreciate your perspective. so, both travis and gregory mcmichael withdrew their guilty pleas last week in this federal trial. help our viewers understand what exactly happened and what implications that may have on this trial. >> well, i mean, essentially, they put in a plea that appeared to be the main sticking point was where they would spend their time in jail. as you know, they've been convicted and sentenced to life without parole. they would serve that in a state prison. but here, it's saying that the deal was struck that they would spend at least 30 years in a federal system. and that didn't seem to be to the judge's satisfaction, which is, of course, her right, as the sentencing judge, so she said, i'm not going to accept that nor am i going to be bound by this. you can keep your plea in place, but you're letting me now as a judge make the ultimate decision on the terms of the sentence. so they obviously said after that, we're going to withdrawal and we're just going to go ahead and go to trial. and if you think about it, you know, what did they have to lose? they've already been convicted and sentenced to life without parole in the mcmichaels case, and mr. brian, of course, to life in prison, in the state system, they'll appeal those convictions. but here, a 30-year sentence to them essentially meant life in prison, too. and so if they're going to spend their time in the state system and then have to serve their federal time, which would typically be the requirements, since they were convicted first in the state court, then they decide to move ahead and sort of roll the dice with this trial. >> tra >> in the state trial, you'll recall that prosecutors meticulously pieced together a timeline of events that led to ahmaud arbery's murder, but there's additional information that will be presented to the jury in the federal case. walk us through what the federal jury might see that's dicfferen from what the state court saw. >> this is a different case completely. the question of the murder is not there anymore. that's on tape. and state prosecutors made a decision to move forward without getting into too many elements of motivation. they dmoid not look for racial motivation or present that to the jury. this case hinges on whether or not that racial motivation was part of the reason that mr. arbery was killed. and so we'll hear things, i'm sure, we don't know all of this yet, because it's not in the public domain, but we know about some texts that are out there that are disgusting and comments that were made in the past and perhaps some things that are dealing with whether or not there was the confederate flag on the truck and we'll hear about that. and the prosecutor having to do now in the federal case show that this racial motivation was the motive behind the killing. >> and michael, obviously, race played a controversial role in jury selection in the state case. there was a back and forth between the prosecutors and the defense. one defense attorney making a very insensitive remarks. and there was pushback over questions about potential j jurors' views on race. the judge allowing the trial to proceed with only one black juror, even vocally lamenting that. do you expect a similar trjury this federal trial. >> it's going to be tough to find somebody who has not heard about the case, and that's not the standard, but whether or not they form some opinion about the case. and i think that -- that's part of the question here. and were those problems, those racial elements and things of jury selection and how the jury was made up, is that going to be an issue that may cause some problems for the state case on appeal? i don't know. but it's certainly something to think about here. i don't know if we'll necessarily have that. you'll have a jury selected throughout the district and i suspect the lawyers will spend great deal of time talking about your feelings about race, you know, what you may have heard about the case, and i expect that you'll probably see a more diverse jury pool. that's not uncommon in federal juries. >> we will be watching it closely and we hope you'll be nearby to lend us your expertise. michael moore, thank you so much agriculture time. >> glad to be with you all. the man who fatally shot four people with an assault-style rifle at a wafflehouse in 2018 was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. on friday, travis reinking was found guilty of 16 counts, first-degree murder.ts of the jury heard from relatives of the four people who were killed and reinking showed no emotion as the jury's sentence was announced yesterday. now, a criminal court judge will decide in may whether sentencing on the remaining charges will be consecutive or concurrent. still ahead, prince andrew is going under oath as part of a civil trial against him. we'll have some details for you. plus, joe rogan once again apologizing after a video surfaces showing him using the n-word in multiple shoews over the years. his explanation and what this means for spotify whose stock price has already slumped because of the podcaster. we'll be right back. 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>> well, it's interesting, you know, obviously, there's a huge amount of love for diana. although, i think young people don't really know who diana is, so there's a generational gap there. i have to say, on social media, all of the country is quite negative. well, i don't want camilla as queen. but i think this was a nonnegotiable thing for prince charles, if he's going to become king, he wants her next to him. the best way of making that as palatable as possible is for queen elizabeth to endorse it. and haas what he's got. we'll see how this all plays out. i don't think there will be people out with pitchforks here in the uk saying, we don't want camilla as queen. i just don't think that she has the same sort of support that diana would have had. but this is all part of the long-term rehabilitation of camilla's image. that's something that the whole monarchy has bought into, so it's a significant moment there. and we've seen how titles really do matter in the royal family. you know, andrew has had his hrh taken away as has megan and harry and camilla has been evaluated. this is the future of the monarchy. >> very good point. and there's time for people to get used to the idea. max foster, always good to see you. thank you, sir. coming up, new york mayor eric adams apologizing, we'll explain why, and we'll explain why he says new yorkers should expect more if him, that's next. and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> right now, by ducking and hoping this all blows over. but we will see whether it does or not. as you said, rogan apologized yesterday after this video compilation started to make the rounds. in this video compilation, you hear him using the n-word again and again and again on different podcast episodes that he made several years ago. most of these are a decade old, these are not from when he was working with spotify, having an exclusive distribution deal with spotify. the company is saying -- well, they're not saying anything on the record, they're not commenting. but they are moacknowledging th there was concern with some of these episodes and rogan had them removed over the weekend. whether his apology is enough is the question now. as indian rhee said, rogan shouldn't even be uttering the word. don't say it, under any context, don't say it. that's where i stand. she also acknowledges that when videos are compiled in this way, they can have a certain meaning. what this is all about fundamentally is rogan's anti-vaccine rhetoric, his controversial guests with untrue statements about covid. that controversy from last month then triggered this new controversy this month. and we will see if spotify ends up taking any action against rogan or just keeping him in place. >> all right. i'm going to be real transparent here. tough week at cnn with president jeff zucker resigning. what do we know here? >> that's right. this is probably one of the toughest weeks in cnn history for the staff, for anchors, for producers, for reporters, because zucker's removal was so sudden. he was forced out on wednesday because he admitted that he had not disclosed a relationship with his longtime lieutenant, allison gullest. gullest has been a top executive here at cnn for years and because zucker and gullest were in a romantic relationship and did not disclose it right away, zucker was forced out of his job. it has been a shattering week for cnn in some ways because of lack of leadership all of a sudden. however, i think it's also important to recognize that the news continues. the news has continued no matter what, and cnn is so much bigger than any single executive. i thought at&t's ceo, john stenkey said it well on saturday, the best days of cnn are still in front of it. this has been a big media controversy, so on "reliable sources," i'll be bringing in a lot of outside voices later today to analyze the situation. >> and if we had been able to hear from jeff on that call that morning, he likely would have said, the news continues, just as you did, brian. >> right. i think that's what he would have said. z and it's not the only media controversy of the week, you have rogan, a cnn shake up, and w whoopi goldberg suspended at cnn. the throughline in all of these stories, this is all fundamentally about leadership. at cnn, there were major consequences for our boss because he didn't follow company policy. at abc, whoopi goldberg suspended, big consequences for her ignorant comments about the holocaust. i've seen a lot of people on social media saying that goldberg shouldn't have been suspended or it's gone too far. so all of these stories are really about leadership tests and about what are the rules of the road at these major companies. >> brian stelter, as always, thanks so much. no shortage of news this week, as he said. make sure to watch brian on "reliable sources" later this morning at 11:00 a.m. and "state of the union," too, with jake tapper and dana bash. they'll have joe manchin and lisa murkowski as well as other ges this morning. still plenty more news to get to on "new day." team usa picking up its first medal of the olympic games. we'll tell you who won with a live update from china, when we come back. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... it's our ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and now, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. ends monday trelegy for copd. 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>> let's go live the china and coy wire. coy, you were there to see it. a bit of history. >> reporter: yeah, women's snowboard slope style, great energy at the park, good music, incredible course, complete with a replica of the great wall of china for these athletes to soar over. boris, christie, that is where 25-year-old pride of westport, connecticut, julia marino put the united states on t medal table first. she finished 11th in pyeongchang four years ago in her olympics debut, but this time she pulled off some upsets to take silver. she didn't even like snowboard when she was a kid, but she broke a key while she was on vacation and dad wasn't going to rent another pair of skis when they had a perfectly good snowboard on hand. and now julia is an olympic medalest. and zoi sadowski-synnott wins new zooealand's first and ever olympic gold medal. zoi pulled off a high-risk, high-flyingi irun. the celebration was perfect. the silver and bronze medalest and all the snowboards sprint out eventually, and they're piling on. an awesome display of sportsmanship. a 15-year-old sensation has stolen the show. kamila valieva becomes the first woman to score more than a 90 for a short policemrogram with e of 91.8. she is graceful, she is powerful, she's pulling off performances that were unthinkable just a few years ago. the russian olympic skaters are so good that u.s. skater karen chen in this event said, she's not capable of doing what they do. the two-time olympian chen fell on one of her jumps, finishing fifth in the short program. teammate vincent jo, he planned to execute five quads, but landed only two, finishing third. as a result, team usa slips to second in the team event behind the russian olympic committee. but elsewhere on ice, the u.s. women's hockey team dominating the roc, 5-zip, improving to 2-0 here in beijing. hillary knight getting the party started for the defending olympic champs. the first of five different americans to score. next up is switzerland. it looked like they were on a collision course, a repeat from the last olympics final with canada. julia marino will be the first american on stand at the olympics stand. congrats to her and her family. she'll be wearing the nike medal stand gear. it's sustainable, made with recycled material. it's efficient. they worked with the disabled community to design them. magnetic buttons and clasps and zippers so the olympians won't be out there fumbling around. they are keeping warm and looking pretty good. >> it looks fantastic. i'm assuming you're going to be walking around cnn in that. >> he's not going to take that off for months. >> i'm bringing one back for you, christie. >> i love that, coy! >> of course, you're a dolphins fan. i'll think of something for you, too. >> appreciate it, coy, thank you. >> thanks, coy. day care out there. >> so there's a school district that's working to boost children's mental health, 20 minutes at a time. >> what can you do to help yourself stay calm? >> yeah! >> yoga, mindfulness, even a game of red light/green light. what this part of the curriculum is doing for kids. stay close. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can hp. an easy way to get pai suess starts with intuit quickbos. family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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[ bell ringi ing ] >> why else do we think it's important to talk about our mood first thing in the morning? >> do we say mean word to them? >> no! >> no, right? >> reporter: a different kind of bell rang in one denver public school recently. a calming sound for students who educators say are still stressed out two years into a global pandemic. a new district-wide requirement for all students, at least 20 minutes devoted to mental health, every grade, every classroom, every day. >> and we found that they come back, a lot of times a shell of their former selves prior to the pandemic. so understand, we have to be patient, we have to persevere. >> reporter: school are where this emotional trauma shows up. >> hello. >> hello! >> so that human connection piece and being able to respond to one another, just human-to-human, that was something that some of our kids lost out on. >> reporter: the process is different for each age gup. for these kindergartners, red light/green light is a lesson of what to do when emotions boil over. >> when we play games like this, we might feel these strong feelings, mad if we don't do it the right way, or nervous. what can you do to help yourself stay calm? >> yeah, stop, name your feeling and take a belly breath. >> reporter: down the hall in third grade, show and tell is students sharing what was good and bad about the day pfr. show of hands, who likes morning meeting and what do you like about it? >> what i like about the morning meeting is the good things. >> reporter: what's the secret to getting a third grader to open up about how they feel? >> i think waiting is important, so making sure that they know that they don't just have to share good things. making it very open. >> reporter: this is call social emotional learning work sel, and it can be controversial. >> stop teaching sel in high school and take emergency action to remove it now. >> reporter: in some states, parent groups are angry about sel and call it a distraction from education or even indoctrination. >> what do you say to people who say, this isn't real books? why am i talking about my feelings? >> i think talking about feelings is a great place to start, but we have to teach people how to interact with each other. i think we really are arming them with life skills to be successful. and to talk about what we're going through right now. because, we have to be ready to learn. >> it was hard to be online for so long? >> i hated it. >> i failed all my class. >> i failed my sixth grade year. >> reporter: eighth grade teacher jackie reeves experiences the problems middle schoolers have having firsthand. >> these girls were in sixth grade when they were last in school before last year. our sixth graders were in fourth grade when they were last in school. and so meeting the bar that is kind of expected of a sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, whatever grader, they're being asked to meet both that kind of behavioral and developmental bar and that academic bar, and they missed out on boeth of them. it's hard to meet the academic one, when you're still right to figure out, how do i stop being a pofourth grader. >> reporter: it's 1:45 p.m. on a thursday. hi. >> i'm evan. >> i'm ana. >> nice to meet you. what usually goes on in this room? >> i teach language arts and english language development, but we also do advisory. today, we're going to do some gratitude and some goal setting for academics, but we're also going to do mindfulness. we are one of the only schools that has somebody that does yoga and plans mindfulness for us. >> we'll do some breathing and we'll do a little meditation or visualization. let your breath soften. and the connection with their peers, which they've been missing so much during the pandemic and during remote learning, we want to make sure that we have cushioned it so that we have that 20 minutes within there to real focus on the social and emotional piece. >> in a little bit, we're going to talk to a principal who is talking about what he has seen kids go through at school over the last couple of years and what they and the teachers really need. it's really stark, what he has -- has pointed out. we'll hear more from him in the next hour. thank you to evan mcmotorrris santoro for that. it's going to be a cold start to your week. don't go anywhere, because your forecast is next. ... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! 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offer ends february 7th! so if you have tried to let the dog out or maybe thought you were going to go for a run, bundle up, people. whoo! it's going to be cold out there. >> second thoughts. let's go to meteorologist allison chinchar. she's live in the cnn weather center. allison, i would say bundle up, but that may not be enough for some parts. >> hey, i had a ski instructor tell me once, there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. so, there's a way to get around it. you've just got to put lots and lots of layers on. and this is going to be one of those mornings to do so. you've got a lot of areas dealing with temperatures already this morning well below the freezing mark. even some areas that aren't necessarily used to cold temperatures like that, even this time of career. you've got atlanta looking at about 29 right now, little rock at 23, even dallas, sitting right around 26. not that much better, even farther north. chicago, looking still the temperature in the teens, same thing for new york. syracuse looking at those temperatures below zero. but some of these freezing warnings and hard freezing warnings are still impacting areas of the extreme south, places like louisiana, areas of mississippi, and especially texas. and the good news here, at least for texas, is that this is really going to be the last of the really cold mornings. yes, it's still going to be there, you also have wind to contend with, too some of these windchills are even several degrees cooler than the actual air temperature is. but we will start to rebound by this afternoon. in fact, take a look at the high temperatures over next couple of days across the deep south. most of these eventually get within 1 to 2 degrees of normal. maybe not today, but certainly by tomorrow and once we get into tuesday. the same thing across many other areas of the south. we have this one area of low pressure here that's bringing some rain showers across portions of florida today, and even across georgia and the carolinas, because that low pressure system is going to ever-so-slowly just kind of slide up the east coast. most of the rain, guys, will be offshore, so we're not really looking at a tremendous amount of flooding, but you could still have some of these areas pick up about an inch of rain before the end of the day today. once it slides up into the northeast, though, where it hits those colder temperatures, we could be looking at least a few slick spots tomorrow morning. unfortunately, for the morning commute, from new york farther up to the north, especially, though, across interior new england, boris and kchristi. >> no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. i'm taking tho the bank. allison chinchar for us. with that, good morning and welcome to sunday. we're glad dwto have you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm boris sanchez. u.s. officials are warning that russia has 70% of its military capabilities take place for a full-scale invasion of ukraine. and one that could end with, quote, horrific results. how russia is now responding. also, i want to tell you about this bizarre break-in. an alleged burglar entered billionaire michaemb

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Jamel Flynt , Hookah Lounge , Bar , Attempted Murder , Others , Lockdown , Virginia Tech , Isaiah Robinson , 18 , Lawsuit , Student , Statement , The School , Him , Britain , Virginia De Debut , Queen Elizabeth , Allegations , Queen , Jubilee , Max Foster , Prince Charles , Celebration , Being , Crow , Nod , Buckingham Palace , D , Diana Wa , Message , Father , Bombshell , King , Monarch , Title , Amount , Diana , Willner , Divisiveness , Separation , Figure , Seal , Monarchy , Hope , Support , Public , Approval , Stability , Love , Clothing , On Social Media , There , Country , Gap , I Don T Want Camilla , Saying , Making , We Don T Want Camilla , Is , Haas , Pitchforks , Plays Out , Royal Family , Image , Titles , Rehabilitation , Hrh , Megan , Harry , Sir , Eric Adams Apologizing , Idea , Coming Up , Nexium 24hr , Heartburn , Acid , Night Protection , Coffee , Fantastic , Joinanera , Unlimited Sip Club , Panera , 99 , 8 99 , Ground Running , T Mobile , Phone , Largest , 5g Network , 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Jeff , Shake Up , Whoopi Goldberg , Stories , Throughline , Boss , Consequences , Didn T Follow Company Policy , Holocaust , At Abc , Companies , Shouldn T , Leadership Tests , Shortage , Road , Rules , Morning , State Of The Union , Ges , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , Lisa Murkowski , Joe Manchin , 11 , Medal , Team Usa , Update , China , Olympic Games , Subway , Chicken , Rotisserie , Refresh , Honey Mustard , Steph Curry , Tangy , Footlongs , Gonna , Sleep Number , Sleep , Ends Monday Trelegy , Bed , Pressure Points , Interest , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Smart Beds , 360 , 48 , 0 , Copd , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Trelegy , Stand , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Power , Feelin Good , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Heart Condition , Flyingi Irun , Breathing , Pain , Mouth , Chest Pain , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Tongue , Vision Changes , Eye , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Car , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Carvana , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Value , Unacceptable , Head , League , Roger Goodell , Coaches , Teams , Nfl , Discrimination , Memo , Diversity , Inclusion , Brian Flores , Results , Sideline , Respect , On Tuesday , Miami Dolphins , Team , Itself , Flores , Denver Broncos , Bit , Games , Winter Olympics , Let S Go , Women S Snowboard Slope Style , Coy Wire , Coy , Julia Marino , Pride , Athletes , Replica , Energy , United States On T Medal Table First , Connecticut , The Great Wall Of China , Westport , Olympics , Snowboard , Silver , Debut , Key , Upsets , Vacation , Dad Wasn T , Skis , Hand , Olympic Medalest , Pair , Zoi Sadowski Synnott , Medalest , Zooealand , Piling On , Display , Sportsmanship , Old Sensation , Snowboards Sprint Out , 15 , Kamila Valieva , Policemrogram , E , 91 8 , 90 , Karen Chen , Skaters , Performances , Result , Olympian Chen , Short Program , Russian Olympic Committee , Fifth , Quads , Teammate Vincent Jo , Five , Hockey Team , Hillary Knight , Party , Elsewhere , Ice , Women S , Beijing , Roc , Olympic Champs , 2 , Collision Course , Score , Repeat , Final , Olympics Stand , First American On Stand , Switzerland , Canada , Clasps , Stand Gear , Congrats , Material , Buttons , Nike , Olympians , Zippers , Thanks , Dolphins Fan , School District , Day Care , Children , Kids , Yoga , Red Light Green , Game , Curriculum , Voice , Pai Suess , Hp , Intuit Quickbos , 19 , Cue , Test Results , Cue Health , Speed , Accuracy , Nba , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Care , Home Test , Go Cue , Isn T , Limu , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Sec , Doug , Vulture Squawks , Enamel , Liberty , Repair Toothpaste , Pay , Basis , Pronamel , Oh Boy , Brains , Soul , Hair , Ears , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Egfr , Cancer Discovery , Everywhere , Tumor Cells , Growth , Dana Farber , 75 , Firm , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Truck Hit , Hit , Worth , Barnes , Barnes Firm , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Best , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , School , Learning , Everyone , Stress , Educators , Mental Health Crisis , Ones , Alarm , Levels , Ages , Achievements , Mcmorris Santoro , Denver Public Schools , Kind , Thing , Mood , Bell Ringi Ing , Bell Rang , Pandemic , Requirement , Sound , Grade , Classroom , Selves , Shell , Patient , Human Connection Piece , Another , On , Trauma , Human To , Kindergartners , Process , Lesson , Emotions , Age Gup , Feeling , Belly Breath , Stop , Hall , Grader , Morning Meeting , Third Grade , Tell , Pfr , Secret , Show Of Hands , Sel , Work , States , High School , Groups , Emergency , Parent , Stop Teaching Sel , Distraction , Education , Indoctrination , Isn T Real Books , Each Other , Life Skills , Schoolers , Sixth Grade , Jackie Reeves , Class , Eighth Grade , Girls , Graders , Fourth Grade , Sixth , Ninth , Seventh , Pofourth Grader , Boeth , 1 , 45 , Nice , Advisory , Gratitude , Academics , Language Arts , Goal Setting , English Language Development , Meditation , Visualization , Connection , Peers , Breath , Piece , Principal , Teachers , Forecast , Anywhere , Don T Go , Mcmotorrris Santoro , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Moderate , Choices , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Otezla , Skin , Splash , Pill , Cream , Ezla , Earer , Prescribing Information , Scaliness , Tenderness , Joint Swelling , Plaques , Redness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Weight Loss , Depression , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Planning , Headache , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Habits , Drinking Water , Foods , Zero , Veggies , Bundle Up , Dog , Meteorologist Allison Chinchar , Parts , Cold , Ski Instructor , Second Thoughts , Weather Center , Areas , Weather , Lots , Mornings , Layers , Temperatures , Career , Mark , Better , Little Rock , Dallas , Atlanta , 29 , Warnings , South , Temperature , Teens , Chicago , Louisiana , Mississippi , Syracuse , Air Temperature , Last , Windchills , Wind , Cold Mornings , Texas , Take A Look , Deep South , Pressure System , Pressure , Rain Showers , Florida Today , Portions , Carolinas , Rain , Flooding , Slide , Guys , East Coast , Northeast , Morning Commute , Spots , Interior , New England , Bank , Kchristi , Warning , Dwto , Billionaire Michaemb ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

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apologizing after video surfaces of him using racial slurs in a compilation of clips from past shows. his explanation and how spotify, who streams his show, is responding. we are one of the only schools that has somebody that doesoga and plans mindfulness for us. >> plus, how one public school is trying to help improve students' mental health 20 minutes at a time. well, if you're a monday through friday worker, you still have 24 hours off, pretty much. it's sunday, february 6th. we're so grateful to have you with us. all righty, let's talk, boris, beginning with the latest signs that russia may be closer to a decision on invading ukraine, and here's why. president vladimir putin has reportedly assembled 70% of the troops and weapons that he would need for a full-scale invasion. >> right, christie, that's according to two u.s. officials familiar with the latest estimates. russia continues to add forces to the region, almost daily. let's go to cnn correspondent, melissa bell. she's been following developments in kyiv, ukraine. melissa, what do these latest estimates of that russian troop buildup suggest. 70% of what putin needs to invade, right? >> reporter: boris, that's right. these are the grimmest and most dire assessments we've had yet from intelligence, officials briefing that what we've been seeing is a real buildup on the borders, especially in belarus. i want to show you some of the latest satellite imagery we've been getting showing some locations just to the north of ukraine's border with belarus. so it is the closest border to kyiv that there is. and that is what so concerning about these troop movements. men, weaponry, ground assault that have been moved just 50 kilometers from that border. and haathat's theear. while the world waits to work out what's going on in the mind of vladimir putin and whether he has decided to invade, the point is that russian troops are poised and would be able to do that very quickly. specifically, according to american intelligence, they would be able to take kyiv within a matter of days. also, they warn that it would lead to casualties in the tens of thousands. and refugee crisis involving up to 5 million ukrainian refugees. that is how dire the assessments are, even as the french president heads both to moscow tomorrow and comes here to kyiv on tuesday try to talk both to vladimir putin and the ukrainian president, looking for some room for dialogue. but that window of opportunity, that window for possibility of dialogue to be found is narrowing, as we watch these troop buildups that get more and more worrying by the day. christie and boris? >> yeah, i want to talk about what the french president, emanmanuel macron, can do in tes of his flinfluence. when we hear about this massive buildup, is there any question that we know what putin wants to do? >> reporter: it is being pushed back upon by russian officials, day after day. we've been hearing from a tweet from russia's deputy ambassador to the united nations, laughing at these latest american assessments, but you're quite right. the point about this buildup is that at some point, it kind of makes no sense to have all of this ability, all of this capability on the borders when you don't intend to do anything about it. it must be said that the assessment from ukrainian officials, very senior one heres, is that the point of this buildup is to rattle nato, to divide it, to challenge it, and that certainly seems to have been achieved. nato is definitely paying attention. emmanuel macron hoping that he will manage to focus minds on this ever-widen opportunity for some sort of understand to become found. christie and boris? >> difficult to expect understanding when vladimir putin's ambitions involve re-taking ukraine. melissa bell, live from kyiv. thank you so much. turning now to the united states and wisconsin, there was a shooting at an apartment complex that left two people dead and another injured. this happened yesterday morning in brown deer near milwaukee. there was dramatic video of officers are upping away from the scene. you can see one of them carrying a child. the officers say that as soon as they arrived on the scene, a suspect opened fire. >> our officers were dispatched for a shots fired call. upon our arifle rival to the sc our officers were fired upon from the second floor balcony. our officers set up a perimeter. they requested mutual aid from multiple agencies in the north shore, the milwaukee police department, the north shore fire department, milwaukee fire department, as well. >> now, no officers were hurt, but the suspect, who has been identified as a 26-year-old man, is also dead after an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. the relationships between the suspects and the victims are still unclear. authorities do believe this incident stemmed from a domestic dispute. we know the victims are a 23-year-old woman and a 31-year-old man. police plan to release their names later today. so this is an odd story. a man is accused of breaking into michael bloomrg's ranch in colorado, kidnapping an employee there, and terrorizing her at gunpoint. right now he's in custody, facing both state and federal charges. >> the woman is safe, i want to tell you, first and foremost, and she tells investigators that her kidnapper was heavily armed and wanted to know information about the former new york mayor's daughter. cnn's camilla bernal has more. >> reporter: boris, christine, we now know that the man accused of kidnapping one of michael bloomberg's employees was identified as joseph beecher. and the information that we have is coming from an arrest warrant and from a criminal complaint filed in federal court. and according to those documents, beecher allegedly rar rammed through the gates of this ranch belonging to michael bloomberg in colorado. according to those documents, he found that employee inside, who later told authorities that he was heavily armed and that he told her that he would shoot her face off. he also told this employee, according to the documents that he wanted to create an international scene. he was also asking for the daughters of michael bloomberg by name. once he found out that the daughters were not at the ranch, according to these documents, he then made this employee, who was not named in any of the court filings, to get into her truck and drive him around. they ended up in wyoming. and authorities were able troac them through her ipad. thankfully, shef was okay. now, he is facing a number of charges, including a federal kidnapping charge. and we know his first court appearance is on tuesday, but the documents did not specify who his attorney is at the moment. we did hear, though, from michael bloomberg's spokesperson, who said that they're thankful to law enforcement for bringing back that employee or that victim to her family. boris, christie? >> thank you so much. listen, jury selection begins tomorrow in the federal trial for the three men involved in killing ahmaud arbery. >> travis and gregory mcmichael and roddy brian were all found guilty of murdering the jogger last year. cnn's ryan young has more from brunswick, georgia. >> boris, christie, good morning. there are a lot of questions surrounding this case. of course, the three men who were accused in this crime have already been convicted in state court. now, in federal court, two of the men, the mcmichaels, had decided to plead guilty because they had received a plea deal. that thplea deal was rejected, they pulled back their guilty plea. now you're going to have opening -- in terms of them trying to find a jury to seat, but they're going to know that there was a plea deal that was almost enacted. that will be interesting to see how they pull that part off. for the ahmaud arbery family, they want justice. >> i've just want one word to say. all we want is 100% justice for the arbery family. that's all we're looking for. and god be to glory. >> reporter: you can understand the family still wants justice in this case. in fact, there are thoughts that in the federal case, there will be things that come out that didn't happen in terms of evidence, that didn't come out in the state case. so we might get more information what surrounded this shooting. outside of that, talking to community leaders in the brunswick area, they believe that first case went very well in terms of the trial, and they want to make sure the community stays calm. they're talking to all the stakeholders, especially the church leaders in this community to make them understand how this progress will go forward, especially with this being federal court, so there'll be no video cameras inside the courtroom like there was last time. boris and christie? >> ryan young from brunswick, georgia, thank you so much. let's dig deeper now with michael moore. he's a former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia. michael, appreciate you getting up bright and early for us. appreciate your perspective. so, both travis and gregory mcmichael withdrew their guilty pleas last week in this federal trial. help our viewers understand what exactly happened and what implications that may have on this trial. >> well, i mean, essentially, they put in a plea that appeared to be the main sticking point was where they would spend their time in jail. as you know, they've been convicted and sentenced to life without parole. they would serve that in a state prison. but here, it's saying that the deal was struck that they would spend at least 30 years in a federal system. and that didn't seem to be to the judge's satisfaction, which is, of course, her right, as the sentencing judge, so she said, i'm not going to accept that nor am i going to be bound by this. you can keep your plea in place, but you're letting me now as a judge make the ultimate decision on the terms of the sentence. so they obviously said after that, we're going to withdrawal and we're just going to go ahead and go to trial. and if you think about it, you know, what did they have to lose? they've already been convicted and sentenced to life without parole in the mcmichaels case, and mr. brian, of course, to life in prison, in the state system, they'll appeal those convictions. but here, a 30-year sentence to them essentially meant life in prison, too. and so if they're going to spend their time in the state system and then have to serve their federal time, which would typically be the requirements, since they were convicted first in the state court, then they decide to move ahead and sort of roll the dice with this trial. >> tra >> in the state trial, you'll recall that prosecutors meticulously pieced together a timeline of events that led to ahmaud arbery's murder, but there's additional information that will be presented to the jury in the federal case. walk us through what the federal jury might see that's dicfferen from what the state court saw. >> this is a different case completely. the question of the murder is not there anymore. that's on tape. and state prosecutors made a decision to move forward without getting into too many elements of motivation. they dmoid not look for racial motivation or present that to the jury. this case hinges on whether or not that racial motivation was part of the reason that mr. arbery was killed. and so we'll hear things, i'm sure, we don't know all of this yet, because it's not in the public domain, but we know about some texts that are out there that are disgusting and comments that were made in the past and perhaps some things that are dealing with whether or not there was the confederate flag on the truck and we'll hear about that. and the prosecutor having to do now in the federal case show that this racial motivation was the motive behind the killing. >> and michael, obviously, race played a controversial role in jury selection in the state case. there was a back and forth between the prosecutors and the defense. one defense attorney making a very insensitive remarks. and there was pushback over questions about potential j jurors' views on race. the judge allowing the trial to proceed with only one black juror, even vocally lamenting that. do you expect a similar trjury this federal trial. >> it's going to be tough to find somebody who has not heard about the case, and that's not the standard, but whether or not they form some opinion about the case. and i think that -- that's part of the question here. and were those problems, those racial elements and things of jury selection and how the jury was made up, is that going to be an issue that may cause some problems for the state case on appeal? i don't know. but it's certainly something to think about here. i don't know if we'll necessarily have that. you'll have a jury selected throughout the district and i suspect the lawyers will spend great deal of time talking about your feelings about race, you know, what you may have heard about the case, and i expect that you'll probably see a more diverse jury pool. that's not uncommon in federal juries. >> we will be watching it closely and we hope you'll be nearby to lend us your expertise. michael moore, thank you so much agriculture time. >> glad to be with you all. the man who fatally shot four people with an assault-style rifle at a wafflehouse in 2018 was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. on friday, travis reinking was found guilty of 16 counts, first-degree murder.ts of the jury heard from relatives of the four people who were killed and reinking showed no emotion as the jury's sentence was announced yesterday. now, a criminal court judge will decide in may whether sentencing on the remaining charges will be consecutive or concurrent. still ahead, prince andrew is going under oath as part of a civil trial against him. we'll have some details for you. plus, joe rogan once again apologizing after a video surfaces showing him using the n-word in multiple shoews over the years. his explanation and what this means for spotify whose stock price has already slumped because of the podcaster. we'll be right back. 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>> well, it's interesting, you know, obviously, there's a huge amount of love for diana. although, i think young people don't really know who diana is, so there's a generational gap there. i have to say, on social media, all of the country is quite negative. well, i don't want camilla as queen. but i think this was a nonnegotiable thing for prince charles, if he's going to become king, he wants her next to him. the best way of making that as palatable as possible is for queen elizabeth to endorse it. and haas what he's got. we'll see how this all plays out. i don't think there will be people out with pitchforks here in the uk saying, we don't want camilla as queen. i just don't think that she has the same sort of support that diana would have had. but this is all part of the long-term rehabilitation of camilla's image. that's something that the whole monarchy has bought into, so it's a significant moment there. and we've seen how titles really do matter in the royal family. you know, andrew has had his hrh taken away as has megan and harry and camilla has been evaluated. this is the future of the monarchy. >> very good point. and there's time for people to get used to the idea. max foster, always good to see you. thank you, sir. coming up, new york mayor eric adams apologizing, we'll explain why, and we'll explain why he says new yorkers should expect more if him, that's next. and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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(vo) this year, t-mobile for business is here to help you hit the ground running. when you switch to t-mobile and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $800. you can keep your phone. keep your number. and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and make this the best year for your business yet. visit your local t-mobile store today. plp blp. new york mayor eric adams has issued an apology after video surfaced of him using a racial slur while speaking about white police officers at a private event in 2019. listen to this. >> every day the police department -- i kick those crackers' [ bleep ], man. i was unbelievable in the police department with the black people on the law enforcement. >> mayor adams has said that the comments were in reference to the racism that he faced within the new york police department. in his apology, he said that new yorkers should expect more from him. listen. >> definitely apologize. inappropriate. inappropriate comments. should not have been used. someone asked me a question using that comment and playing on that word, i responded in that comment. but clearly, it's a comment that should not be used and i apologize, not only to those who heard it, but to new yorkers, because they should expect more from me and that was inappropriate. >> we should note, before entering politics, mayor adams served as an officer in the nypd for 22 years. well, podcast host joe rogan is also apologizing for a video of himself repeatedly using the n-word. it was spread all over social media. >> yeah, the video is an edited compilation of different podcast episodes with rogan using that word more than 20 times. singer india irhee shared the video on social media after announcing that she wanted her music pulled from spotify because of rogan's language around race. in his apology, rogan said that his words were taken out of context. joining us now to discuss is cnn chief media correspondent and the anchor of "reliable sources," brian stelter. brian, good sunday morning to you. how is spotify responding to this latest controversy? >> right now, by ducking and hoping this all blows over. but we will see whether it does or not. as you said, rogan apologized yesterday after this video compilation started to make the rounds. in this video compilation, you hear him using the n-word again and again and again on different podcast episodes that he made several years ago. most of these are a decade old, these are not from when he was working with spotify, having an exclusive distribution deal with spotify. the company is saying -- well, they're not saying anything on the record, they're not commenting. but they are moacknowledging th there was concern with some of these episodes and rogan had them removed over the weekend. whether his apology is enough is the question now. as indian rhee said, rogan shouldn't even be uttering the word. don't say it, under any context, don't say it. that's where i stand. she also acknowledges that when videos are compiled in this way, they can have a certain meaning. what this is all about fundamentally is rogan's anti-vaccine rhetoric, his controversial guests with untrue statements about covid. that controversy from last month then triggered this new controversy this month. and we will see if spotify ends up taking any action against rogan or just keeping him in place. >> all right. i'm going to be real transparent here. tough week at cnn with president jeff zucker resigning. what do we know here? >> that's right. this is probably one of the toughest weeks in cnn history for the staff, for anchors, for producers, for reporters, because zucker's removal was so sudden. he was forced out on wednesday because he admitted that he had not disclosed a relationship with his longtime lieutenant, allison gullest. gullest has been a top executive here at cnn for years and because zucker and gullest were in a romantic relationship and did not disclose it right away, zucker was forced out of his job. it has been a shattering week for cnn in some ways because of lack of leadership all of a sudden. however, i think it's also important to recognize that the news continues. the news has continued no matter what, and cnn is so much bigger than any single executive. i thought at&t's ceo, john stenkey said it well on saturday, the best days of cnn are still in front of it. this has been a big media controversy, so on "reliable sources," i'll be bringing in a lot of outside voices later today to analyze the situation. >> and if we had been able to hear from jeff on that call that morning, he likely would have said, the news continues, just as you did, brian. >> right. i think that's what he would have said. z and it's not the only media controversy of the week, you have rogan, a cnn shake up, and w whoopi goldberg suspended at cnn. the throughline in all of these stories, this is all fundamentally about leadership. at cnn, there were major consequences for our boss because he didn't follow company policy. at abc, whoopi goldberg suspended, big consequences for her ignorant comments about the holocaust. i've seen a lot of people on social media saying that goldberg shouldn't have been suspended or it's gone too far. so all of these stories are really about leadership tests and about what are the rules of the road at these major companies. >> brian stelter, as always, thanks so much. no shortage of news this week, as he said. make sure to watch brian on "reliable sources" later this morning at 11:00 a.m. and "state of the union," too, with jake tapper and dana bash. they'll have joe manchin and lisa murkowski as well as other ges this morning. still plenty more news to get to on "new day." team usa picking up its first medal of the olympic games. we'll tell you who won with a live update from china, when we come back. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... it's our ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and now, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. ends monday trelegy for copd. 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>> let's go live the china and coy wire. coy, you were there to see it. a bit of history. >> reporter: yeah, women's snowboard slope style, great energy at the park, good music, incredible course, complete with a replica of the great wall of china for these athletes to soar over. boris, christie, that is where 25-year-old pride of westport, connecticut, julia marino put the united states on t medal table first. she finished 11th in pyeongchang four years ago in her olympics debut, but this time she pulled off some upsets to take silver. she didn't even like snowboard when she was a kid, but she broke a key while she was on vacation and dad wasn't going to rent another pair of skis when they had a perfectly good snowboard on hand. and now julia is an olympic medalest. and zoi sadowski-synnott wins new zooealand's first and ever olympic gold medal. zoi pulled off a high-risk, high-flyingi irun. the celebration was perfect. the silver and bronze medalest and all the snowboards sprint out eventually, and they're piling on. an awesome display of sportsmanship. a 15-year-old sensation has stolen the show. kamila valieva becomes the first woman to score more than a 90 for a short policemrogram with e of 91.8. she is graceful, she is powerful, she's pulling off performances that were unthinkable just a few years ago. the russian olympic skaters are so good that u.s. skater karen chen in this event said, she's not capable of doing what they do. the two-time olympian chen fell on one of her jumps, finishing fifth in the short program. teammate vincent jo, he planned to execute five quads, but landed only two, finishing third. as a result, team usa slips to second in the team event behind the russian olympic committee. but elsewhere on ice, the u.s. women's hockey team dominating the roc, 5-zip, improving to 2-0 here in beijing. hillary knight getting the party started for the defending olympic champs. the first of five different americans to score. next up is switzerland. it looked like they were on a collision course, a repeat from the last olympics final with canada. julia marino will be the first american on stand at the olympics stand. congrats to her and her family. she'll be wearing the nike medal stand gear. it's sustainable, made with recycled material. it's efficient. they worked with the disabled community to design them. magnetic buttons and clasps and zippers so the olympians won't be out there fumbling around. they are keeping warm and looking pretty good. >> it looks fantastic. i'm assuming you're going to be walking around cnn in that. >> he's not going to take that off for months. >> i'm bringing one back for you, christie. >> i love that, coy! 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[ bell ringi ing ] >> why else do we think it's important to talk about our mood first thing in the morning? >> do we say mean word to them? >> no! >> no, right? >> reporter: a different kind of bell rang in one denver public school recently. a calming sound for students who educators say are still stressed out two years into a global pandemic. a new district-wide requirement for all students, at least 20 minutes devoted to mental health, every grade, every classroom, every day. >> and we found that they come back, a lot of times a shell of their former selves prior to the pandemic. so understand, we have to be patient, we have to persevere. >> reporter: school are where this emotional trauma shows up. >> hello. >> hello! >> so that human connection piece and being able to respond to one another, just human-to-human, that was something that some of our kids lost out on. >> reporter: the process is different for each age gup. for these kindergartners, red light/green light is a lesson of what to do when emotions boil over. >> when we play games like this, we might feel these strong feelings, mad if we don't do it the right way, or nervous. what can you do to help yourself stay calm? >> yeah, stop, name your feeling and take a belly breath. >> reporter: down the hall in third grade, show and tell is students sharing what was good and bad about the day pfr. show of hands, who likes morning meeting and what do you like about it? >> what i like about the morning meeting is the good things. >> reporter: what's the secret to getting a third grader to open up about how they feel? >> i think waiting is important, so making sure that they know that they don't just have to share good things. making it very open. >> reporter: this is call social emotional learning work sel, and it can be controversial. >> stop teaching sel in high school and take emergency action to remove it now. >> reporter: in some states, parent groups are angry about sel and call it a distraction from education or even indoctrination. >> what do you say to people who say, this isn't real books? why am i talking about my feelings? >> i think talking about feelings is a great place to start, but we have to teach people how to interact with each other. i think we really are arming them with life skills to be successful. and to talk about what we're going through right now. because, we have to be ready to learn. >> it was hard to be online for so long? >> i hated it. >> i failed all my class. >> i failed my sixth grade year. >> reporter: eighth grade teacher jackie reeves experiences the problems middle schoolers have having firsthand. >> these girls were in sixth grade when they were last in school before last year. our sixth graders were in fourth grade when they were last in school. and so meeting the bar that is kind of expected of a sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, whatever grader, they're being asked to meet both that kind of behavioral and developmental bar and that academic bar, and they missed out on boeth of them. it's hard to meet the academic one, when you're still right to figure out, how do i stop being a pofourth grader. >> reporter: it's 1:45 p.m. on a thursday. hi. >> i'm evan. >> i'm ana. >> nice to meet you. what usually goes on in this room? >> i teach language arts and english language development, but we also do advisory. today, we're going to do some gratitude and some goal setting for academics, but we're also going to do mindfulness. we are one of the only schools that has somebody that does yoga and plans mindfulness for us. >> we'll do some breathing and we'll do a little meditation or visualization. let your breath soften. and the connection with their peers, which they've been missing so much during the pandemic and during remote learning, we want to make sure that we have cushioned it so that we have that 20 minutes within there to real focus on the social and emotional piece. >> in a little bit, we're going to talk to a principal who is talking about what he has seen kids go through at school over the last couple of years and what they and the teachers really need. it's really stark, what he has -- has pointed out. we'll hear more from him in the next hour. thank you to evan mcmotorrris santoro for that. it's going to be a cold start to your week. don't go anywhere, because your forecast is next. ... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! 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offer ends february 7th! so if you have tried to let the dog out or maybe thought you were going to go for a run, bundle up, people. whoo! it's going to be cold out there. >> second thoughts. let's go to meteorologist allison chinchar. she's live in the cnn weather center. allison, i would say bundle up, but that may not be enough for some parts. >> hey, i had a ski instructor tell me once, there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. so, there's a way to get around it. you've just got to put lots and lots of layers on. and this is going to be one of those mornings to do so. you've got a lot of areas dealing with temperatures already this morning well below the freezing mark. even some areas that aren't necessarily used to cold temperatures like that, even this time of career. you've got atlanta looking at about 29 right now, little rock at 23, even dallas, sitting right around 26. not that much better, even farther north. chicago, looking still the temperature in the teens, same thing for new york. syracuse looking at those temperatures below zero. but some of these freezing warnings and hard freezing warnings are still impacting areas of the extreme south, places like louisiana, areas of mississippi, and especially texas. and the good news here, at least for texas, is that this is really going to be the last of the really cold mornings. yes, it's still going to be there, you also have wind to contend with, too some of these windchills are even several degrees cooler than the actual air temperature is. but we will start to rebound by this afternoon. in fact, take a look at the high temperatures over next couple of days across the deep south. most of these eventually get within 1 to 2 degrees of normal. maybe not today, but certainly by tomorrow and once we get into tuesday. the same thing across many other areas of the south. we have this one area of low pressure here that's bringing some rain showers across portions of florida today, and even across georgia and the carolinas, because that low pressure system is going to ever-so-slowly just kind of slide up the east coast. most of the rain, guys, will be offshore, so we're not really looking at a tremendous amount of flooding, but you could still have some of these areas pick up about an inch of rain before the end of the day today. once it slides up into the northeast, though, where it hits those colder temperatures, we could be looking at least a few slick spots tomorrow morning. unfortunately, for the morning commute, from new york farther up to the north, especially, though, across interior new england, boris and kchristi. >> no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. i'm taking tho the bank. allison chinchar for us. with that, good morning and welcome to sunday. we're glad dwto have you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm boris sanchez. u.s. officials are warning that russia has 70% of its military capabilities take place for a full-scale invasion of ukraine. and one that could end with, quote, horrific results. how russia is now responding. also, i want to tell you about this bizarre break-in. an alleged burglar entered billionaire michaemb

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Jamel Flynt , Hookah Lounge , Bar , Attempted Murder , Others , Lockdown , Virginia Tech , Isaiah Robinson , 18 , Lawsuit , Student , Statement , The School , Him , Britain , Virginia De Debut , Queen Elizabeth , Allegations , Queen , Jubilee , Max Foster , Prince Charles , Celebration , Being , Crow , Nod , Buckingham Palace , D , Diana Wa , Message , Father , Bombshell , King , Monarch , Title , Amount , Diana , Willner , Divisiveness , Separation , Figure , Seal , Monarchy , Hope , Support , Public , Approval , Stability , Love , Clothing , On Social Media , There , Country , Gap , I Don T Want Camilla , Saying , Making , We Don T Want Camilla , Is , Haas , Pitchforks , Plays Out , Royal Family , Image , Titles , Rehabilitation , Hrh , Megan , Harry , Sir , Eric Adams Apologizing , Idea , Coming Up , Nexium 24hr , Heartburn , Acid , Night Protection , Coffee , Fantastic , Joinanera , Unlimited Sip Club , Panera , 99 , 8 99 , Ground Running , T Mobile , Phone , Largest , 5g Network , Device , Facebook , 5 , 00 , 200 , 800 , Opportunities , Customers , Plp Blp , Apology , Event , Police Department , Police Officers , Slur , Crackers , Bleep , 2019 Listen , 2019 , Racism , Reference , New York Police Department , Comment , Adams , Officer , Politics , Social Media , 22 , Times , Irhee , Podcast Episodes , Language , India , Brian Stelter , Sources , Context , Words , Chief Media Correspondent , Sunday Morning , Anchor , Controversy , Video Compilation , Ducking , Blows , Rounds , Company , Most , Distribution Deal , Old , Some , Weekend , Episodes , Concern , Record , Moacknowledging Th , Videos , Don T , Rogan Shouldn T , Say It , Indian Rhee , Statements , Rhetoric , Meaning , Guests , Covid , Jeff Zucker , Action , History , Relationship , Reporters , Anchors , Removal , Producers , Allison Gullest , Executive , Gullest , News , Ways , Leadership , Of A Sudden , Lack , Job , No Matter What , Media Controversy , John Stenkey , Front , Outside , Situation , At T , Jeff , Shake Up , Whoopi Goldberg , Stories , Throughline , Boss , Consequences , Didn T Follow Company Policy , Holocaust , At Abc , Companies , Shouldn T , Leadership Tests , Shortage , Road , Rules , Morning , State Of The Union , Ges , Jake Tapper , Dana Bash , Lisa Murkowski , Joe Manchin , 11 , Medal , Team Usa , Update , China , Olympic Games , Subway , Chicken , Rotisserie , Refresh , Honey Mustard , Steph Curry , Tangy , Footlongs , Gonna , Sleep Number , Sleep , Ends Monday Trelegy , Bed , Pressure Points , Interest , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Smart Beds , 360 , 48 , 0 , Copd , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Trelegy , Stand , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Power , Feelin Good , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Heart Condition , Flyingi Irun , Breathing , Pain , Mouth , Chest Pain , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Tongue , Vision Changes , Eye , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Car , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Carvana , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Value , Unacceptable , Head , League , Roger Goodell , Coaches , Teams , Nfl , Discrimination , Memo , Diversity , Inclusion , Brian Flores , Results , Sideline , Respect , On Tuesday , Miami Dolphins , Team , Itself , Flores , Denver Broncos , Bit , Games , Winter Olympics , Let S Go , Women S Snowboard Slope Style , Coy Wire , Coy , Julia Marino , Pride , Athletes , Replica , Energy , United States On T Medal Table First , Connecticut , The Great Wall Of China , Westport , Olympics , Snowboard , Silver , Debut , Key , Upsets , Vacation , Dad Wasn T , Skis , Hand , Olympic Medalest , Pair , Zoi Sadowski Synnott , Medalest , Zooealand , Piling On , Display , Sportsmanship , Old Sensation , Snowboards Sprint Out , 15 , Kamila Valieva , Policemrogram , E , 91 8 , 90 , Karen Chen , Skaters , Performances , Result , Olympian Chen , Short Program , Russian Olympic Committee , Fifth , Quads , Teammate Vincent Jo , Five , Hockey Team , Hillary Knight , Party , Elsewhere , Ice , Women S , Beijing , Roc , Olympic Champs , 2 , Collision Course , Score , Repeat , Final , Olympics Stand , First American On Stand , Switzerland , Canada , Clasps , Stand Gear , Congrats , Material , Buttons , Nike , Olympians , Zippers , Thanks , Dolphins Fan , School District , Day Care , Children , Kids , Yoga , Red Light Green , Game , Curriculum , Voice , Pai Suess , Hp , Intuit Quickbos , 19 , Cue , Test Results , Cue Health , Speed , Accuracy , Nba , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Care , Home Test , Go Cue , Isn T , Limu , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Sec , Doug , Vulture Squawks , Enamel , Liberty , Repair Toothpaste , Pay , Basis , Pronamel , Oh Boy , Brains , Soul , Hair , Ears , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Egfr , Cancer Discovery , Everywhere , Tumor Cells , Growth , Dana Farber , 75 , Firm , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Truck Hit , Hit , Worth , Barnes , Barnes Firm , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Best , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , School , Learning , Everyone , Stress , Educators , Mental Health Crisis , Ones , Alarm , Levels , Ages , Achievements , Mcmorris Santoro , Denver Public Schools , Kind , Thing , Mood , Bell Ringi Ing , Bell Rang , Pandemic , Requirement , Sound , Grade , Classroom , Selves , Shell , Patient , Human Connection Piece , Another , On , Trauma , Human To , Kindergartners , Process , Lesson , Emotions , Age Gup , Feeling , Belly Breath , Stop , Hall , Grader , Morning Meeting , Third Grade , Tell , Pfr , Secret , Show Of Hands , Sel , Work , States , High School , Groups , Emergency , Parent , Stop Teaching Sel , Distraction , Education , Indoctrination , Isn T Real Books , Each Other , Life Skills , Schoolers , Sixth Grade , Jackie Reeves , Class , Eighth Grade , Girls , Graders , Fourth Grade , Sixth , Ninth , Seventh , Pofourth Grader , Boeth , 1 , 45 , Nice , Advisory , Gratitude , Academics , Language Arts , Goal Setting , English Language Development , Meditation , Visualization , Connection , Peers , Breath , Piece , Principal , Teachers , Forecast , Anywhere , Don T Go , Mcmotorrris Santoro , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Moderate , Choices , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Otezla , Skin , Splash , Pill , Cream , Ezla , Earer , Prescribing Information , Scaliness , Tenderness , Joint Swelling , Plaques , Redness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Weight Loss , Depression , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Planning , Headache , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Habits , Drinking Water , Foods , Zero , Veggies , Bundle Up , Dog , Meteorologist Allison Chinchar , Parts , Cold , Ski Instructor , Second Thoughts , Weather Center , Areas , Weather , Lots , Mornings , Layers , Temperatures , Career , Mark , Better , Little Rock , Dallas , Atlanta , 29 , Warnings , South , Temperature , Teens , Chicago , Louisiana , Mississippi , Syracuse , Air Temperature , Last , Windchills , Wind , Cold Mornings , Texas , Take A Look , Deep South , Pressure System , Pressure , Rain Showers , Florida Today , Portions , Carolinas , Rain , Flooding , Slide , Guys , East Coast , Northeast , Morning Commute , Spots , Interior , New England , Bank , Kchristi , Warning , Dwto , Billionaire Michaemb ,

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