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as union soldiers spread -- paving the way for them to mayor, to vote, to vote and to worship and decide their own destiny. the civil war officially ended in april 1865, but in a small community of gavelston island, texas, enslaved slaves were owe believious to their reality, two and a half years after the signing of the emancipation proclamation when a u.s. general informed the last enslaved black people in america that freedom had finally comp the people erupted in joy. that joy became the catalyst for juneteenth. in 2021 juneteenth became an official federal holiday. now recognized across the united states as a day of national celebration. juneteenth is a reminder. it is a reminder of what black people in america have been through and what black people have overcome. it is a commemoration of our resilience. our ingenuity, and most importantly our capacity for joy. our joy is worthy of celebration, and on this day we remember that our freedom must be honored, nurtured and protected. on this day we lift our voices and we sing. ♪ ♪ ♪ let freedom ring ♪ ♪ ♪ lift every voice and sing till the heaven ring ♪ ring with the harmonies of liberty ♪ ♪ let our rejoicing rise high as the listening, listening skies ♪ ♪ threat resound loud as the rolling sea ♪ ♪ sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us ♪ ♪ sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us ♪ ♪ facing the rising sun of our new day begun ♪ ♪ let us watch, yes, till victory, till victory is won ♪ >> welcome to juneteenth, a global celebration of freedom featuring performances by yolanda adams, earth, wind & fire, the roots, chaka can. miki guyton, looky day, mary, mary, ricky porter, robert glasco, neo, ne -- yeo o. >> jill scott, anthony hamilton, amir suleman, the debbie allan dance academy. adam blackstone and the bbb all-star band, and the recollective orchestration, and now please welcome our first guest, actor and comedian deon cole. [ applause ] >> come on, y'all can do better than that, man. make some noise. make some noise. good evening, good evening, everybody. black people, white people, brown people and all freedom lovers around the world. p i am deon cole, and it's pleasure for me to welcome to you juneteenth, a global celebration of freedom on cnn, baby. give it up, yeah! if you can believe it or not, man, this is only the second year that juneteenth is being observed as a national federal holiday, so you know we had to do it big tonight, y'all know, that right, right? we've got the recollective orchestra here tonight. it's the first time that an all-black orchestra is performing at the hollywood both. give it up, yeah. >> yes, yes, yes. now, this is a global celebration, right, and everybody is invited to the cookout, but listen here, all right. we're going to do something real nice tonight. we're going to celebrate our black freedom and black people, okay, but, look, we still have to manage our blackness, y'all. ain't no it's the freedom for me t-shirts, ain't no freedom is a vibe, napkins and fans, we ain't going to do none of that tonight. >> we're going to get love as if it was out there performing. get some noise, make some noise, make some noise now. >> right. we'll have a great time and have phenomenal presenters. some iconic black musical artists of all time to celebrate tonight, so to kick it off this evening everybody. we have a musical reg end, oh, i'm so excited. can you see her this october at walt disney concert hall. please welcome my sis tert incomparable chaka khan! accompanied by the roots, everybody. let's go. ♪ >> hey. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ain't nobody, loves me better ♪ ♪ make me happy ♪ ♪ make mow feel this way ♪ ♪ ain't nobody ♪ ♪ loves me better than you ♪ ♪ ain't nobody loves me better ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> how you doing tonight? what a night. ♪ i'm every woman ♪ >> you captain hear you. ♪ i'm every woman . ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ it's all in me ♪ ♪ anything you want done, baby ♪ do it naturally. ♪ w ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ oh, i can sense your needs ♪ ♪ like rain on to the seeds ♪ ♪ i can make a rhyme of confusion in your mind ♪ ♪ and when it comes down to some good old-fashioned love ♪ ♪ i got it ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ it's all in me. ♪ ♪ everything you want done, baby ♪ do it natural police ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ it's all in me ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ i ain't biraghi ♪ ♪ because i'm one ♪ ♪ just ask me ♪ ♪ oh, it shall be done ♪ ♪ ant don't bother ♪ ♪ to compare ♪ ♪ i've got ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ it's all in me ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ i'm every woman ♪ >> why, you are. ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ yeah ♪ >> thank you! >> i love you, california. >> our celebration continues with performances by ross per glasper and a special message from vice president kamala harris. next, earth, wind & fire takes the stage. itit's juneteenth, a global celebration for freedom. open. it's a beautitiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fields "open". who doesn't love "open"? 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we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. a kohler walk-in bath provides a secure, spa-like bathing experience in the comfort of your own home. a kohler walk-in bath has one of the lowest step-ins of any walk-in bath for easy entry and exit. it features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability, and a wide door for easier mobility. kohler® walk-in baths include two hydrotherapies— whirlpool jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to get a free kohler® highline™ comfort height™ toilet including installation with the purchase of a kohler® walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special offer of no payments for 18 months. >> h >> happen juneteenth, everyone. i've spent lots of wonderful negotiates at will who hadwood bowl and i can think of no better way to celebrate juneteenth than being with community. i hope all of you are with your family in whatever shape or form you define it because today is a day for togetherness, to share our stories and to teach our history. on juneteenth we celebrate the fulfillment of emancipation, the proclamation that all people held us slaves shall hence forth be forever free. it returned to them what was taken from them, the freedom that was theirs by birth and by right, autonomy over their own body and their own life, the promise of liberty and independence and in doing so our nation defined freedom in opposition to slavery of black people in america. it was a step towards making real the ideals set forth at the founding of our nation, that we're all entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and so through the time of emancipation we have been fighting to security promise of liberty for all americans, a fight that laid the foundation for all the fights that followed, including the fight to ensure that all children have equal educational opportunity, that all women have a right to make decisions about their own bodies, and that all people have the right to mary the person they love, the fight to protect the promise of freedom continues to this day, and it unites us all. so when we celebrate juneteenth as a national holiday, let us all recommit ourselves to defending our god-given and inalienable right to freedom and let us make real the promise of liberty and justice for all. i wish you and your family a happy juneteenth. take care, everybody. >> please welcome actor michael elie. [ applause ] >> black folks turned suffering and cries for justice into art like nobody else. one of our goals tonight is to celebrate black culture in its myriad forms of artistic expression. take, for example this, next performance, a genre-busting collaboration between robert glaspber, dee smoke and emir, dee smoke and emir suleman. ♪ ♪ i can feel the love in the air ♪ ♪ those in the conversation ♪ ♪ they help me to shine, shine ♪ ♪ shine ♪ ♪ shine ♪ ♪ they help me to shine ♪ >> yeah. ♪ shine ♪ ♪ shine ♪ >> we're here to shine. >> picture the world that no longer exists. the start was only meant to wash away the hurt. we're on side the building. picture choosing the road and pictures standing on top of hills, projecting your brilliance and we started out slowly and came out more clyke children. picture me as the channel, started up as the blob. picture me as the whit per that started off as the well. picture me as heaven although they give you hell. picture, that scripture that, picture that brilliant sister that gave us the miseducation who gave them hope. >> ♪ i can feel the love in the air ♪ >> how y'all feeling today? >> yeah. >> and all those conversations. we want to wishial a very lovely juneteenth. ♪ shine, scheib ♪ >> y'all look so beautiful ♪ ♪ shine ♪ >> keep shining. >> you help me to shane. ♪ shine, shine ♪ >> pick me flying over the city. picture me with the soul whose equally pretty. picture me with a choir full of herr's and picture even with your voice. picture in atlanta for all those reaching up. picture everything finger can join in the form of a fist. picture jamaican patties blowing kisses. picture me. picture skies. picture trees. picture too many flowers. too many leaves. picture you and me for hours doing whatever we please. picture give you self-love deeper than sea. reach. now i can feel the love in here. >> y'all make some noise for robert glasper. ♪ ♪ i can feel the love ♪ ♪ ♪ i can feel the love in the air ♪ ♪ ♪ i can feel the off in the air ♪ ♪ i can dfeel the love in the - i can, i can feel the love in the air ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you will be someone's ancestor. act accordingly. for our children, for our children's children, for those weapons that will be inevitably formed against them, that your granddaughter can whisper through gritted teeth i am the granddaughter of so and so, so i cannot fail. you will be someone's ancestor. act accordingly. so your grandson when he is surround by his enemies on the battlefield of life that he won't raise his weapon over his raised head and his raised voice will exclaim i am the grandson of so and so! and that will be an inspiration for those with him and a warning for those who stand against him. you will be someone's ancestor. act accordingly. for god has said every soul shall taste death, but if you are afraid of that, why be afraid. it is going through but you will be someone's ancestor so act accordingly. there are some people who are so great, by goes, laying beneath the ground that are more alive than many of the living. there are men lying still in their coffins more active than the activists. they have done their deeds. they have lived their mission. will you let the dead uplift you. let the dead outleave you. you, you will be someone's ancestor. act accordingly. for god has said do they think that we created them with no purpose and they will not be returned back to us. no, you will be returned to god, and when you return to them. return actualize and realize that song stuck in your heart, lets it go. that word stuck in your throat, your limbs let it be, or you will be someone's ancestor. act accordingly. ♪ ♪ >> a knee on a man's neck, eight minutes and 40 seconds. ♪ >> michael brown. >> eight minutes and 46 seconds. can you imagine, imagine, imagine. ♪ >> thought he was going to die. he knew he was going to die. he called for his mother. mother, mother. thought he was going to die. he knew he was going to die. he called for his mother, mother, mother. mother . ♪ coming up, lucky day and later mickey guyton takes the stage, and still to come special messages from president biden and mrs. michelle obama when our juneteenth celebration for freedom continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new infiniti qx60. take on your wild world in style. ♪ (man) [whispering] what's going on? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could save money by doing nothing. just be claim-free on your home insurance for three years. (man) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (dad) bravo! (mom) that's our son! (burke) we should. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪ >> welcome back to juneteenth, a global celebration for freedom. you know him best from b.e.t.'s new edition story and hbo's "euphoria." actor al g smith. >> okay. so, i've got to get through this. how y'all doing? okay, okay. let me focus. let me focus. all right. happy juneteenth! >> 185 years ago the first black university in america was founded ushering a rich history hsbcus that took exclusion and mold it had into the also community. today hbcus remain havens for black educators, black students, black minds. i'm talking about howard, hampton, florida a&m, spellman marx morehouse. okay, okay, okay. but the impact of hbcus expands beyond any classroom or campus. this juneteenth we celebrate and honor the importance of hbcus more than ever and helping the changes of tomorrow be the men are they are meant to be. happy juneteenth, baby. ♪ >> my hbcu experience real changed my entire life. >> like i'm, whatever you see me doing on stage, whatever it is, i was already doing it and honk the craft there. >> it was one of those decisions that you didn't know you were make the greatest decision of your life. you had schools like howard, like spellman, like morehouse, notorious for turning out people who have been titans of industry, culture, creativity and art. the people that are coming out of these schools that are literally changing the world. the medical school at howard is one of the leading medical schools in the country. starting in 1861, historically black colleges were creed as a response to the racial discrimination that kept black people from pursuing higher education. for more than 1 are 50 years these institutions have become a cornerstone of black culture and excellence. >> i feel like hbcus play a role in the freedom of african-americans because you're taught that you are great. you're taught that your melanin is spempings you're taught that the way you move, the way you talk, the way you think, that something that the world needs. >> because of that, their unity and that spiritual wave, i don't know what to call the fabric of who we are as a people you see it right there. you feel it. >> i've learned so much and built up so much, and there was an esteem hi about myself now understanding when i was in the world and understanding there are more people like me in the world and how validated you feel coming out of an hbcu. >> i think the more educated that the world can be about who we are in an hbcu setting would really give them a clear vision of who we are as a people across the board. >> please welcome raven-symone. ♪ >> hello, hello, hello. what's up, hollywood bowl? happy juneteenth. so glad to be here. so glad to be here. i get -- i get an exciting part of the show. shea lyrical possibility with old-school soul redefining the power and beauty of r & b mike, and he's here tonight for an electrifying performance. everybody, please welcome to the stage lucky day. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i've been so many places in my life and time ♪ ♪ i've sung a lot of songs and i've made some bad ones ♪ ♪ been on the stages with 10,000 people watching ♪ ♪ believe it or not i'm singing a song to you ♪ ♪ i know your image of me is what i hold it to be ♪ ♪ i've treated you unkindly, darling, can't you see ♪ ♪ >> reporter: one more important to me, baby can't you see ♪ ♪ believe it or not, i'm singing a song to you ♪ ♪ tell me precious secrets of a true love holding nothing ♪ ♪ now it's so much better if words don't come together ♪ ♪ listen to the melody ♪ because my love is in hiding ♪ ♪ ♪ i love you in a place where there's no space or time ♪ ♪ i love you, for life you're a friend of mine ♪ ♪ when my life is over, remember when we were together ♪ ♪ we belong and i'm singing this song to you ♪ ♪ i'm singing this song to you ♪ ♪ we were alone and i was singing a song, singing a song to you ♪ >> happy juneteenth, everybody. >> okay. >> we do this for our ancestors and for our mothers and fathers. yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> if you're proud of being black, get on your feel. if you love black people get on your feet. if you love yourself get on your ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ making me live ♪ ♪ nightmares turn into a dream ♪ ♪ because i thought it was over ♪ ♪ got my feelings over ♪ ♪ you've been doing it over and over ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to get closer, closer and closer ♪ ♪ doing it over and over so you'll keep calling me back ♪ ♪ la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ why do you keep calling me back ♪ ♪ ♪ you say it don't mean it ♪ ♪ ♪ now you're calling me special when you ♪ ♪ ♪ what do you mean ♪ ♪ you keep on making me leave ♪ ♪ nice mayors turn into a dream ♪ ♪ because i thought it was over ♪ ♪ you keep doing it over and over ♪ you keep calling me back ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to get closer, closer and closer ♪ ♪ falling over and over and over ♪ ♪ cause you keep calling me back ♪ ♪ why you keep calling me back ♪ ♪ imagine what you're going to feel like when you were like ten times ♪ ♪ going to put you in line ♪ ♪ now i don't even want to reply ♪ ♪ i'm going to have to decline ♪ ♪ you show me i don't want to remind, yeah ♪ ♪ don't give meet attitude it ain't fine ♪ >> i love each and every one of y'all. thank you. happy pride, too. >> we will return with the roots, plus performances by mickey guyton, billy porter and ne-yo and still to come the legendary earth, wind & fire. it's juneteenth, a global celebration for freedom. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. i'm not like those other hotels. i'm what you call "boutique". i'm into intimate conversations, leather lounge chairs and soaking up the cities atmosphere. i'm looking to provide a more unique experience. do you like single origin coffee over a game of chess? 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[ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen -- >> real quick, can we all do something for me real quick. can we all just look around this place and look at each other and make some noise for our ancestors, make some noise for our ancestors. such a beautiful thing. >> now to beauty of juneteenth and being together for such a major celebration is amazing. when a time to be alive, and not saying i'm old but i'm old enough to remember when people could consider hip hop real music but coming up is a group that puts the nail in the coffin their argument by embodying versatility and the evolution of hip hop and have gone from underground artists to household names. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the roots. >> ladies and gentlemen, how do y'all feel out there? >> they say black joy is rebellion. this is a global celebration of just that. happy juneteenth. happy pride. make some noise if you love yourself. >>ia. it's like that. ♪ hip hop, we're about to take it to the lop, hip hop, love, to the top, love. it's like that. ♪ we going to the, to the, to the, to the, listen. the anticipation when time froze, i slid off the stage with my eyes closed and dove deep into the cosmos and before the live show rolls i remember -- my eyes wide closed. had to watch my back, my front, plus my side, too, but it came to getting there, if it wasn't for you, hip hop, you were my life, that's true. when i was limited with the things. it was all for you, a door for you. from the start we were down by law for you. used to hit every corner store for you. i remember late nights, hip hop, you're the love my life. tell the people like that. ♪ hip hop ♪ >> we beer to take it to the love. >> to the top. >> the sound, baby. >> we're going to go to the, to the, to the. >> come on, man. ♪ p. >> black people, do it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you do not know me but i do know you very well ♪ ♪ let me show you all the feelings that i have for ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't know who i saw ♪ ♪ we used to live in the same building on the same floor ♪ taking classes abroad. photo class, says she's working on a score and told me i stepped on stage with a piece of her heart. ♪ snow with you into the start as things fall apart and they tend to shatter. when i get home let's get together. you think not. like i went home and forgot. we're back in philly and she's up in my spot. ♪ >> so lovely. ♪ >> don't worry about it. don't worry about it. ♪ ♪ i'll be right here, right here. ♪ ♪ i don't know who i saw ♪ ♪ you know that you got me ♪ sometimes i got out at the heist night. and that's when she said this ain't right. and the i know got to get your paper dad, keep that thing tight. i need some love in my life. like i was talking to my sister from new york city. she said she knows this ♪ ♪ all those classes. they say will you rap. yes, i'm a kid for real. show's still telling me. baby. why who i saw. ♪ ♪ know you got me. ♪ ♪ i don't know who i saw ♪ ♪ you know that you got me ♪ ♪ ♪ trying to play you for th e ♪ ♪ ♪ dealing with girlfriends. that's actly the spot. that's what i'm up against. and she like -- ladies and gentlemen from brooklyn, new york, kurt douglas on guitar. big round of applause. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> when we come back, a message from our former first lady michelle obama and country music superstar mikey guyton in a performance you don't want to miss. and later jill scott brings us a little spoken wordrd and earth, wind and fire light up the bowl. n to talk about getting screened and ask people to share their reasons why. i screen for my growing family. being with them means everything to me. i screen for my girls. they're always surprising me. i screen for my son. i'm his biggest fan. if you're 45 or older and at average risk, it's time to screen. today, there are more screening options than ever before, including cologuard. cologuard is noninvasive and finds 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. it's not for those at high risk. 897 ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. everyone has a reason to screen for colon cancer. if you're 45 or older, get started at (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. 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juneteenth. ♪ mother, mother, there's too many of you crying ♪ ♪ oh, brother, brother, brother ♪ ♪ there's far too many of you ♪ ♪ don't you know we're about to bring some love here today ♪ ♪ ♪ talk to me so you can see what's going on ♪ ♪ tell me what's going on ♪ ♪ tell me what's going on ♪ ♪ ♪ we've got a long way to go ♪ ♪ but we're ♪ ♪ ♪ mother, mother ♪ if ♪ everybody thinks we're wrong ♪ ♪ oh, but who are they to judge us ♪ ♪ simply cause our hair is long ♪ ♪ we've got to find a way ♪ ♪ to bring some loving here "today" ♪ picket lines and picket signs ♪ ♪ don't punish me with brutality ♪ ♪ come talk to mow because you can see ♪ ♪ what's going on ♪ ♪ what's going on ♪ ♪ oh, what's going on ♪ ♪ tell me what's going on ♪ ♪ yeah, i need to know ♪ ♪ what's going on ♪ ♪ what's going ♪ help me understand what's going on ♪ ♪ help me understand what's going on ♪ >> thank you. i sing country music and i wrote this song being black like me. ♪ ♪ little kid in a small town ♪ ♪ i did my best just to fit in ♪ ♪ broke my heart on the playground ♪ ♪ when they shared i was different ♪ ♪ now i'm all grope up and nothing has changed ♪ ♪ still the change ♪ it's a hong life on easy street ♪ ♪ if you think we live in the land of the free ♪ ♪ you should try to be black like me ♪ ♪ my daddy worked day and night ♪ for an old house and used car ♪ ♪ just to live that good life ♪ ♪ it shouldn't be twice as hard ♪ ♪ oh, now, now i'm all grown up and nothing has changed ♪ ♪ yeah, it's still the same ♪ ♪ it's a hard life on easy street ♪ ♪ just white painted picket fences far as you can see ♪ ♪ if you think we live in the land of the free ♪ ♪ you should try to be, oh, black like me ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ ho, ho, oh ♪ oh, i know i'm not the only one, oh, yeah ♪ ♪ who feels like i, i don't belong ♪ ♪ it's a hard life on easy street ♪ ♪ just white painted picket fences far as you can see ♪ ♪ and if you think we live in the land of the free ♪ ♪ then you should try to be, oh, black like me ♪ ♪ oh, and some day we'll all be free ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be, oh, black like me ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be black like me ♪ ♪ and i'm proud black like me ♪ ♪ proud to be black like me ♪ >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> happy juneteenth, everybody. this is a day of power, a chance to celebrate our history, our triumphs and our resilience in the face of struggle. it's about coming together and celebrating the generations before us who reached for progress. those who helped build this country with their bare hands. those who marched and protested. those who scraped and clawed so that we might have a voice and a vote. this november we'll be electing the folks who make critical decisions in our communities, decisions about our health care and our schools, the way our streets are policed, the very personal decisions that we make about our bodies, and the truth is in many cases, most of the officials on the ballot won't even be serving in d.c. they will be serving down the street at your city hall or in your statehouse or your school board. so, we can't sit this one out because the outcome of these elections will have very real consequences on our lives. we've seen that over the past few months and over the past few years, but when we vote, we can flex our power. we did elect leaders who alike with our values, but before you can cast a ballot this fall, you've got to make sure you register. take a moment right now to check your registration status at and make sure that your friends, aunties and cousins do the same. it is the most important step you can take to make sure your voice is heard in november. thanks, everybody. >> translator: we will return with the recollective orchestra featuring a special performance from the debbie albion academy. and still to come performances by n ne-yo, bell biv devoe. it's juneteenth, celebration for freedom. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. and having more of them is possible with 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rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you're nursing, pregnant or plan to be. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. . and now hollywood bowl conductor thomas wilkins leads the recollective orchestration founded by stephanie matthews and matt jones. the re-collective features black musicians from 19 prominent orchestras across the country. they will be performing a piece by william grant still known as the dean of african-american composers. still, composed over 200 works and was the first african american to conduct a major orchestra in his own music. that orchestra was the los angeles phil harm nick at the hollywood bowl in 1936. following in the legacy of william grant still, black orchestral music conductors and composeers have been making an impact in this country for decades and will continue for generations to come, and now please welcome the re-collective orchestra conducted by thomas wilkins performing brilliant grant stills "whipperill ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> actor, director and dance icon debbie allen. >> thaen >> thank you so much. thank you so much. got to stand on the t. black music, as the stunning piece we just heard, demonstrates that the black music has the power to uplift up, inspire us and move us. i'm from texas, y'all, so i've got to take a moment to say thank you to cnn live nation and everybody for making this juneteenth celebration a marker for global freedom! and so now it is my pleasure to introduce what you're about to see next, a wonderful reflection of black music and black movement in conversation. this work "stardust" is composed by jesse montgomery. she is here with us tonight. her music is played all over the world. the dance corps graphed by russell thomas for the young dancers of the debbie allen dance academy. and to the incredible re-collective orchestra, please welcome once again the re-collective orchestra and the dana ensemble. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ please welcome olympic gymnast jordan chiles. >> wow, that was such an amazing performance. i just want to hear you guys give a huge round of applause again. i am so proud to be a black athlete. why? because black athletes are not just athlete, we are so much more, like the beautiful debbie allen dance academy dancers you just saw. black athletes move with a distinct grace and power, from jackie robinson to muhammad ali to alethea gibson, to serena williams, black athletes have made sports history and broken down barriers often at times when this country when simply daring to compete was seen as an act of dissent. black athletes have strived to be the best even as they have strived to challenge injustice. they have entertained even as they have made us think they may captivate us with their seemingly super human capability, but it's their humanity that truly makes them so inspiring. >> it's time. i don't know where you come from. what you've got going. what's in your heart. what's in your mind, it's your body and soul. but darn it, it's time. >> i mope, black athletes, much like black culture in america culture, period, is the thermometer. we stir the drink. my name is jemele hill and i cover the intersection between sports, culture, race and politics. >> i only box for my livelihood. i won't ask no young kid to box. get his education, be a doctor a scientist, a lawyer, a etch teacher, a proveor. >> there's such a strong legacy of black athletes use the platform to educate, inform or agitate. >> this country stands for freedom, liberty, justice for all, and it's not happening for all right now. >> the reason why sports is sort of the perfect vehicle for black athletes to bring awareness to a lot of problems and the issues in our country is because sports is one of the few things we do together. >> we want these kids over here, these kids over here and all the kids in this city understand that this is something because we care about their future. >> we've seen the steady progression into how black athletes have navigated and moved. at first it was about, okay, just let us play. the next stapling is ownership, and not just ownership of teams, but ownership of you yourself as a brand because they not only want to own their brand, they want to own their story. we have to be willing to challenge the structures and the systems that have already been designed against us and create a new system within it. >> after the break, a live performance from r & b sensation khalid and a special performance from jill scott and later billy porter takes the stage. and still to come, michelle williams, mary, mary and anthony hamilton. so this is the meta portal plus. a smart video calling device that makes working from home work. a 12-megapixel lens makes sure your presentation is crystal clear. and smart camera auto pans and zooms to keep you perfectly in frame. oh, and it syncs with your calendar. plus, with zoom, microsoft teams, and webex, you'll never miss a meeting. and neither 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you tell he's just getting started. here with "talk" is khalid. >>. ♪ can we just talk ♪ talk about where we're going ♪ ♪ before we get lost, lend me your thoughts ♪ ♪ can't get what we want without knowing ♪ ♪ i've never felt like this before ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ i can see it in your eyes ♪ what's about on your mind ♪ ♪ you've about dreaming about it ♪ and i'm what you want ♪ so stop thinking if ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ talk about where we're going ♪ ♪ before we get lost, lend me your thoughts ♪ ♪ i've never felt like this before ♪ ♪ i apologize if i'm moving too far ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ lots of flowers in the room ♪ i'm make sure i leave the door unlocked ♪ ♪ now i'm on the way, swear i won't be late ♪ ♪ i'll be there by 5:00 ♪ ♪ you've been dreaming about it ♪ ♪ and i'm what you want ♪ ♪ so stop thinking about it ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ just talk, yeah ♪ ♪ before we get lost ♪ ♪ lend me your thoughts ♪ ♪ i've never felt like this before ♪ ♪ i apologize if i'm moving too far ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ figure out where we're going ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ before we get lost, yeah ♪ ♪ can we just taub ♪ ♪ never felt like this before ♪ ♪ i apologize if i'm moving too far ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ can we just talk ♪ ♪ figure out where we're going ♪ >> happy juneteenth, y'all. >> ladies and gentlemen, give it up for black dawn. >> clack creativity comes in so many forms, and it's rare to see an artist with natural guests for so many of them. that's what makes my friend so special. they are here with a powerful message and poignant poetic words ask jill scott . >> i found three definitions foragetation. the first is a state of anxiety or nervous excitement. the second, the action of briskly stirring or disturbing something, and the third the action of a rousing public concern about an issue and pressing for action on it. i wrote a poem, and it's called agitation, definition number three ♪ it's juneteenth. my freedoms are afforded me so freedom is what i will hunt and free sadom what i will speak. my frustrations are overwhelm now. my giving hand has become stranger to me. i'm increasingly numb to just shouting, hands high and the place to be. pass the plate, children. pass the plate, elders. pass the plate most regularly. pastor, pastor, can you pretty please pass the plate to me? can i get a ride to my job in your mercedes? ain't it you who is supposed to be guiding the sheep? can't breathe and i can barely sleep. they shooting. can't you hear the sirens sing. can't you see the blood on the streets. gun laws barely budge at all. ain't you going to rally the peace. antii going to accepted the babies free an hbs for their law degree? agitation definition three. we keep giving you money. where's the change systemically? you collect so many things, but justice keeps eluding. you're making me week. agitation, definition number three. that is critique. agetation definition number three. this is a call for all y'all. seems like you're in cahoots to me. strategy, action, walk into who you claim you be and lead. agetation, definition number three. lead. agitation definition number three, lead! lead [ applause ] >> when we come back, an unforgettable performance from the ever fabulous billy porter, bell biv devoe are sure to get you up out of your seats and later the legendary element earth, wind & fire take the stage. it's juneteenth, a global celebration for freedom. open. it's a beautiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fids "open". who doesn't love "open"? offices. hos. stes. possibilities. your world. open. and you can help keep it that way. ♪ lemons. lemons, lemons, lemons. look how nice they are. the moment you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those, lovely, lemony, lemons. ♪ and never wonder if you got a good deal. because you did. ♪ (vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. please welcome comedian, producer, actress, and activist am amanda seals. >> he's a legend on the stage, on the screen, and on the red carpet. tonight, this grammy, emmy, and two-time tony award winner is letting the children know what time it is for juneteenth and pride. please welcome the incomparable billy porter . ♪ see i know times are hard i mean it from my heart ♪ ♪ you might lose in the fight love will make it all right ♪ ♪ because i have been there done that worn that dress so you know it best ♪ ♪ not time to patronize a little bit ♪ ♪ baby i empathize i must admit ♪ ♪ but i need you to recognize that that ain't it ♪ ♪ going to wipe those tears away ♪ ♪ criticize the way you live don't you apologize ♪ ♪ baby the children's where the future is ♪ ♪ you better wipe those tears away ♪ ♪ i know times are hard i mean it from my heart ♪ ♪ you're not losing the fight love will make it all right ♪ ♪ because i been that done that worn that dress so you know mama knows ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ because i been there done that worn that dress ♪ ♪ lives a whole lot of life ♪ ♪ stay true to it ♪ ♪ you know we'll have it figured out in time ♪ ♪ i know times are hard i mean it from my heart ♪ ♪ it will make it all right because i been there done that wore that dress so you know i know it best ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ because i been there done that worn that dress so you know mama knows it best ♪ ♪ show you how to roll show you how to know ♪ >> put your hands together. ♪ show you how to grow show you how to know ♪ ♪ let the children know what time it is time it is ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ been there done that worn that dress so you know mama knows it best ♪ ♪ better let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ gonna let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ been there done that worn that dress so you know mama knows it best ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ time is right now ♪ ♪ got to let these children know what time it is ♪ ♪ been there done that worn that dress so you know mama knows it best ♪ ♪ what time it is time it is ♪ ♪ come on been there done that worn that dress so you know mama knows it best ♪ >> happy juneteenth, everybody. god bless you. >> bell biv devoe is coming up next, and still to come, an electrifying performance from earth, wind, and fire. for a brat for moderate-to-severe eczema. cibinqo - now fda approved 100% steroid free not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and cibinqo provides clearer skin and helps relieve itch. cibinqo can lower your ability to 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site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. on june 19th, 1865, the first juneteenth was celebrated. black americans were finally free to build the lives they envisioned for theirselves, but with the heart of america still steeped in hatred, thriving cities like tulsa, oklahoma, and texas, were destroyed by violent acts of racial terrorism. these unpunished acts along with discriminatory policies across every sector sent a clear message to african americans that this system was not built for us. despite sis tem, barriers set to limit financial freedom, black pioneers continued to emerge. notable entrepreneur maggie l. walker became the first black woman founder and president of st. luke penny savings bank. one of the oldest african american-run banks in u.s. history. today, the black dollar is stronger than ever, with global support of black entrepreneurs and artists, cultural leaders are creating new opportunities for black people to build wealth and legacy. through the company on our own, david gross and d. smoke have partnerred to keep a black owned business in l.a. >> i think broadway boxing gym represents an entirely different type of wealth. it's experiential wealth, wealth of culture, and the people who have grown up both over time and also personallyatured in that s. it's worth preserving. >> on our own as a business concept will be an investment platform allowing crowd investment to invest in great ideas in black communities, and specifically focused on investment in black communities by black people. >> the partnership with david gross and on our own at broad wa way boxing jim is a huge part of creating a space for people to grow. >> for us to buy the gym, we had to take it out of default. the bank was going to take it and sell it. we stepped in and put up money to take the seller out of default so they wouldn't lose it. >> to introduce this idea to the community of where wealth starts and how it's built and sustained, there's a lot of optimism and hope right now in the change that we always wanted to see can the things we want for the future, they're being made by people right now in music and in art and as well as modeling that in some of the efforts we're making in the community. i think that will be just my small contribution to our culture. >> ladies and gentlemen, give it up for leslie jones. >> what's up, hollywood! black people in the hollywood bowl! so this next group that i'm bringing up, i loved them since they came out. i'm telling you. now, i'm not saying they're the reason that i got bad knees, but i was smacking it up, and let me tell you, i knew i was going to marry ronny devoe, i knew i was going to be mrs. ronny devoe. but everybody knew i was poison. that's why i didn't work it out, but tonight, i get to bring them up and i present to you live onstage, it's the iconic bell biv devoe. ♪ i thought it was me ♪ ♪ one two one two ♪ >> it's a juneteenth celebration and we're your hosts. if you came to party, do that. ♪ i went out last night see i think you met i sexy girl ♪ ♪ she looked so right she said i want to take you around the world ♪ ♪ by the look in her eye the girl was serious ♪ ♪ she wore no disguise i said let's have some fun ♪ ♪ i thought it was me ♪ ♪ i thought it was me i came to find out she's like that every day ♪ ♪ i thought it was me that made that girl so fine ♪ ♪ i find out she's like that with all the guys ♪ ♪ i love being a bachelor that girl is ♪ ♪ she and i choose to cruise in my love boat ♪ ♪ i had to move show her that i understood ♪ ♪ say b say b say b ♪ ♪ what's the name bbd ♪ ♪ bbb what's the name of this group ♪ ♪ here we go put it up ♪ ♪ try girl to jam with ♪ ♪ i know you're not because it wassant even like that ♪ ♪ she left the room to get comfy and cozy ♪ ♪ then they got nosy ♪ ♪ put it up for father's day too ♪ ♪ pump your fist like this ♪ ♪ what's the name of this jam yo ♪ ♪ it's bell biv devoe ♪ ♪ girl i must warn you ♪ ♪ i sense something strange in my mind ♪ ♪ situation is serious we're running out of time ♪ ♪ you are so beautiful relationship it seemed from the start ♪ ♪ it's all so deadly love from the heart ♪ ♪ it's driving me out of my mind ♪ ♪ that's why it's hard for me to find ♪ ♪ can't get it out of my head ♪ ♪ kiss her love her that girl is poison ♪ ♪ that girl it poison ♪ ♪ if i were you i'd take precaution ♪ ♪ because she thinks she's the best thing in the world ♪ ♪ the whole wide world she's so fine ♪ ♪ she'll drive you right out of your mind steal your heart ♪ ♪ she'll make you think you're dreaming ♪ you'll fall in love and you'll be screaming ♪ ♪ moving in slow looking for a mellow fellow like devoe ♪ ♪ scheming in the whole show an old pro ♪ ♪ what you saying she's in to you ♪ ♪ how do you know me and my crew used to do her ♪ ♪ come on pump your fist like this ♪ ♪ pump your fist like this ♪ ♪ are you ready to dance ♪ ♪ poison poison poison ♪ ♪ poison poison poison ♪ ♪ you got to get funky ♪ ♪ i was at the ballpark i'm checking out the highs and lows ♪ ♪ there were girls who stood out from the rest ♪ ♪ bell biv devoe ♪ ♪ now you know help me sing this song ♪ ♪ it's driving me out of my mind ♪ ♪ that's why it's hard for me to find ♪ ♪ can't get it out of my head ♪ ♪ miss her kiss her love her that girl is poison ♪ >> thank you. i love y'all. y'all are the best. thank you so much. >> what's up. happy father's day. >> we'll return with a special juneteenth message from president joe biden and neo takes the stage, and later, we lift our voices with mary mary, michelle williams, and anthony hamilton. it's juneteenth. a global celebration for freedom. open. it's a beautiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fields "open". who doesn't love "en"? offices. homes. stages. possibilities. your world. open. and you can help keep it that way. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ ♪ and party every day. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ applebee's late night. because half off is just more fun. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i didn't realize my dna could tell me if i had a higher chance for type two diabetes. so when my son gave me a 23andme kit, it was a wake-up call. this father's day, start a new health journey together with dad with $50 off every kit. ♪ making friends again, billy? i like to keep my enemies close. guys, excuse me. i didn't quite get that. i'm hard of hearing. ♪ oh hey, don't forget about the tense music too. would you say tense? i'd say suspenseful. aren't they the same thing? can we move on guys, please? alexa, turn on the subtitles. and dim the lights. ok, dimming the lights. we've been streaming all day from every room. the power and speed of this super-sonic wifi from xfinity is incredible. mom! mass speeds was my idea, remember? get minion net, with speeds of up to one minion bite per hour. [ low screaming ] but that was an epic fail. with xfi we can stream, share, swipe, like... impress your mom with super-sonic wifi. it's unbeatable internet for a more unbeatable gru. i mean, you. happy juneteenth, everyone. one of the great honors i have had as president was to sign the bill making juneteenth a national holiday for the first new federal holiday since martin luther king day nearly four decades ago. and it matters. it mattered to me and it matters to the country. juneteenth marks both the long, hard night of slavery and subjugation and the promise of a brighter morning to come. a day of profound weight and power that reminds us of an extraordinary capacity to heal and hope and emerge the most painful moments into a better version of ourselves. you know, great nations, they just don't ignore the most painful moments in their history. they embrace them. to heal and grow stronger. and we're a great nation. but it's simply not enough to commemorate juneteenth. for emancipation did not mark the end of america working to deliver the promise of equality. it only marked the beginning. to honor the true meaning of juneteenth, we must never rest until we deliver the promise of america to all americans, all americans. that's what kamala and i and our administration are committed to doing, and that's why today's concert is so important. so it's time to celebrate, to educate, and to act. god bless you all, and happy juneteenth. >> journalist carrie champion. >> how is everybody doing? first off, let me say, i know you have heard this all day today, can we give a shout out to all the fathers who are enjoying themselves right now? happy father's day. i'm watching you from backstage and you're enjoying yourselves, so this is why what's coming up next is going to be the best for you, our next performer is the definition of a triple threat. he is definitely a favorite of mine, a grammy-award winning singer, writer, producer, not to mention a talented actor and argue aenl one of the best dancers we have ever seen in entertainment. everybody, put your hands together for ne-yo! >> happy juneteenth, everybody! ♪ ooh there's something just something about the way she moves ♪ ♪ i can't figure it out there's something about her ♪ ♪ ooh there's something about the kind of woman that wants you but don't need you ♪ ♪ can't figure it out something about her ♪ ♪ because she walk tall she moves like a boss do like a boss she got me thinking i'm going to get me a boss ♪ ♪ that's the kind of girl i need ♪ >> anybody know the words? what? hey. ♪ what's coming spend a little time ♪ ♪ she got she got that's why i love that girl ♪ ♪ miss independent that's why i love her ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ >> get up out your seats, everybody clap your hands. ♪ hey oh yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ i love the way you feel it's got me stuck in my fantasy and what is real ♪ ♪ i need it when i want it i want it when i don't ♪ ♪ tell myself i'll stop every day knowing that i won't ♪ ♪ i got a problem and i don't know what to do about it ♪ ♪ even if i did i don't know if i would quit but i doubt it ♪ ♪ i am taken by the thought of being ♪ ♪ know this much is true baby you and me are an addiction ♪ ♪ i'm so strong on you i can barely move ♪ ♪ but i like it ♪ ♪ and it's all because of you ♪ ♪ and it's all because of you ♪ ♪ all because of you babe ♪ ♪ never get enough ♪ ♪ no doubt hey strung out and bring me down ♪ ♪ over you you you you you you you ♪ >> everybody show some love right here. ♪ ♪ it's all because of you ♪ ♪ never been in love ♪ ♪ she's the sweetest drug ♪ >> now i know somebody knows the words to this song. i'm going to need you help me sing. are we ready? one, two, one, two, three. ♪ tonight i love you tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ for all we know we might not get tomorrow to do it ♪ ♪ i don't care what they say or what games they play ♪ ♪ nothing is enough till i have your love ♪ ♪ i want you laugh i want you to sing ♪ >> grab somebody and tell them hey ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight come on ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything ♪ >> hold on. do y'all know the words? i said do y'all know the words? nope, i'm going to need some proof. here we go. one, two, three. ♪ tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ for all we know we might not get tomorrow ♪ ♪ tonight i want all of you tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ for all we know we might not get tomorrow ♪ ♪ let's do it tonight ♪ ♪ i don't care what they say or what games they play ♪ ♪ nothing is enough until i have your love ♪ ♪ i want you to know i want you to see ♪ ♪ i want you tonight ♪ ♪ grab somebody sexy tell them hey ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ give me everything tonight give me everything tonight ♪ >> did we have a good time ? happy juneteenth, everybody! my name is ne-yo. thank you for rocking with me. i appreciate you. peace and love. >> after the break, it's finally time. it's the earth, wind, & fire celebration you've been waiting for. stay tuned. 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i ain't going to lie. you want to stand up for this one. you're going to wand to stand for this. look, today is juneteenth, but we couldn't let the day go by without wishing a happy father's day to all the amazing fathers out there. can we give a round of applause for all the fathers out there? happy father's day, dad. >> thank you, son. it's here to be your father. but right now it's also an honor to celebration the next tonight's performer. >> yeah, so look, earth, wind, & fire, these are three winds that have become synonymous with good music, good vibes, and overall funk. now, with over 90 million records sold worldwide, they have been spreading their uplifting message of hope, love, and respect for over 50 years and they're here tonight to do what they do best. it's my pleasure to introduce one of the greatest bands of all time. earth, wind, & fire. >> let's go. ♪ ♪ ♪ take a ride in the sky on a ship that is high ♪ ♪ and we are together ♪ ♪ our voices will live forever ♪ >> everybody clap your hands, come on. come on. come on. ♪ it's a dream ♪ ♪ take a ride in the sky ♪ ♪ on a ship that's high on your dream ♪ ♪ our voices together ♪ ♪ we walk with him forever as one ♪ ♪ ♪ it's ecstasy ♪ ♪ you and i ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> come on, y'all. get it together. let's celebrate. let's celebrate. clap your hands, come on. clap your hands, come on. let's go. ♪ let's groove tonight a slice of life ♪ ♪ a slice of life ♪ ♪ we're going to groove tonight ♪ ♪ let this groove all right all right ♪ ♪ let this groove ♪ ♪ going to tell you what you can do with my love ♪ ♪ all right let you know girl you're looking good ♪ ♪ you're out of sight all right ♪ ♪ you just groove yourself yourself ♪ ♪ you lose yourself among the clouds in the sky ♪ ♪ let this groove it's all right all right ♪ ♪ let this groove stand up all right ♪ ♪ let this groove get you to prove it's all right all right ♪ ♪ let this groove stand up all right ♪ ♪ on the floor taking time you'll see give it time ♪ ♪ if you want my love boogie ♪ ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ >> is there a party over there? ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ ♪ do you remember september a pretender ♪ ♪ chasing clouds away ♪ ♪ in the king of soul singing as we danced through the night remember ♪ ♪ how we knew love was here to stay ♪ ♪ second of september ♪ ♪ if you holding hands only talking love ♪ ♪ remember how we knew it was here to stay ♪ ♪ now december now the love we share in september ♪ ♪ talking love remember that true love was shared today ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the bells were ringing our souls were singing ♪ ♪ do you remember everybody let me hear you ♪ ♪ it was a cloudy day ♪ ♪ let me hear you ♪ ♪ you doing all right over here ♪ ♪ ♪ don't stop a little louder ♪ ♪ you got the best of my love ♪ ♪ >> coming up, our show concludes with an all-star gospel performance from michelle williams, mary mary, and anthony hamilton. it's juneteenth, a celebration for freeeedom. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. and having more of them is possible with verzenio. the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant, regardless of menopause status. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor start an anti-diarrheal and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you're nursing, pregnant or plan to be. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. i didn't realize my dna could tell me if i had a higher chance for type two diabetes. so when my son gave me a 23andme kit, it was a wake-up call. this father's day, start a new health journey together with dad with $50 off every kit. (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (dad brown) i thought new phones were for new customers? we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon two minutes ago. (mom brown) ours were busted and we still got a shiny new one. (boy brown) check it out! (dad allen) so, wait. everybody gets the same great deal? (mom allen) i think that's the point. (vo) now everyone can get a new iphone 13 on us on america's most reliable 5g network. (allen kid) can i have a phone? (vo) for every customer. current, new, everyone. to show the love. please welcome actor and activist kendrick sampson. >> what up, what up, what up, y'all. my name is kendrick sampson. i'm from houston, texas. you already know what it is. juneteenth has a special place in my heart. it's my favorite holiday. and y'all know gospel music has always been an empowering and driving force in the fight for freedom. the black church often provided a safe haven in organizing for our liberation. this holiday is a reminder that we don't stop until no one is left in bondage. this year, juneteenth falls on sunday. so y'all know we gotta take it to church. get on your feet for michelle williams, anthony hamilton, and mary mary. ♪ there will be mountains that i will have to climb ♪ ♪ and there will be battles that i will have to fight ♪ ♪ victory or defeat it's up to me to decide ♪ ♪ but how can i expect to win if i never try ♪ ♪ i just can't give up now ♪ ♪ gone too far from where i started from ♪ ♪ nobody told me the road would be easy ♪ ♪ don't believe it's come this far to leave me ♪ ♪ i know you didn't bring me out here to leave me lonely ♪ ♪ even when i can't think clearly i know that you are with me ♪ ♪ so i can't give up now ♪ ♪ because i've gone too far from where i started from ♪ ♪ nobody told me the road would be easy ♪ ♪ i don't believe that he brought me this far to leave me ♪ ♪ i can't give up now ♪ ♪ i can't give up now ♪ ♪ i've come too far from where i started from ♪ ♪ no one said it would be easy ♪ ♪ nobody told me the road would be ♪ ♪ i don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me ♪ ♪ well well well well ♪ ♪ i love his name sounds so good to me ♪ ♪ i love it i love i love i love it ♪ ♪ i know some people think i'm crazy but ♪ ♪ i can't explain it now ♪ ♪ and the power that i feel when i call your name ♪ ♪ said it's just like fire shot up in my bones ♪ ♪ the holy ghost is moving and it just won't leave me alone ♪ ♪ something about the name jesus ♪ ♪ something about the name jesus ♪ ♪ i love it i love it i love it ♪ ♪ it is the sweetest sweetest thing ♪ ♪ sound so sweet to me ♪ ♪ i love it i love it i love it ♪ ♪ the sweetest thing sweetest thing ♪ ♪ i know sounds so good to me ♪ ♪ it is the sweetest thing i know ♪. happy juneteenth, everybody! get up off your seat! we're going to continue to sing it! ♪ nobody can say no. >> i know you are guiding me. ♪ where you lead me i will go ♪ i have no fear because i know who is in control ♪ there is no limit to what you can do ♪ it all belongs to you ♪ it all belongs to you ♪ you're all powerful and it all belongs to you ♪ yes, it all belongs to you . >> how y'all doing out there? ♪ when jesus says it nobody can say no ♪ there's no limit to what you can do ♪ it all belongs to you ♪ it all belongs to you ♪ you're almighty ♪ it all belongs to you ♪ it all belongs to you. >> if you want a door that no one can shut, i need you to say this name right now. ♪ say jesus ♪ jesus ♪ say jesus ♪ jesus ♪ say yes ♪ yes ♪ say yes ♪ yes ♪ say yes, nobody can say no. >> yes ! ♪ ♪ the voice of freedom ♪ no matter how hard we sing ♪ just hold onto your dream ♪ as long as you keep your head to the sky ♪ you can win ♪ as long as you keep your head to the sky ♪ you can win ♪ as long as you keep your head to the sky ♪ you can win ♪ as long as you keep your head to the sky ♪ >> announcer: the celebration isn't over yet. our juneteenth celebration at the hollywood bowl continues right afafter this. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pi, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adus. 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Related Keywords

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Suleman , Yeo O , Actor , Deon Cole , Recollective Orchestration , Guest , Adam Blackstone , Bbb , All Star Band , Applause , Noise , Everybody , Freedom Lovers Around The World , Pi Am , Baby , Oman , Pleasure , Give It Up , Global Celebration Of Freedom , Time , Ain T Right , Orchestra , Both , Recollective Orchestra , Hollywood , Something , Cookout , Ain T , Ain T No Freedom , Blackness , Freedom For Me T Shirts , In My Life , We Ain T , Vibe , None , Napkins , Fans , I M So Excited , Presenters , Iconic Black Musical Artists , Musical Reg End , Tert Incomparable , Let S Go , Walt Disney Concert Hall , Nobody , Mow , Woman , Anything , Whoa , Needs , W Whoa , It , Mind , Confusion , Rain On , Seeds , Rhyme , Me Everything Tonight Give , Police Whoa , Me Whoa , Ant Don T , Ain T Biraghi , One , Got Whoa , I Love You , California , Celebration , Performances , Ross Per Glasper , Stage , Message , Kamala Harris , Itit , Neighborhoods , Businesses , Offices , Homes , Doesn T Love Open , Fields , Beautitiful Word , World , Stages , Possibilities , Debt , Credit Card Debt , Sofi , Fees , Matter , Everywhere , Credit Cards , Personal Loan , College , Interest , Relationship , Wasn T Good , Money , Loan , Grown Up , Rates , Rate , K Go To Sofi Com , Back To Life , Soul Ii , 100k , 00k , Finger , Surroundings , Touch , C Class , Biometric Id , Son , Kit , Wake Up Call , Dad , Chance , Health , Journey , Diabetes , Dna , Father S Day , 23andme , 0 , 50 , 23 , George , Walk In Bath , Possibility , Kohler , Comfort , Step Ins , Bathing Experience , Spa , Door , Help , Handrails , Feet , Muscles , Entry , Exit , Mobility , Stability , Surfaces , Hydrotherapies , Whirlpool Jets , Bubblemassage , Installer , Legs , Feel , Life , Installation , Advantage , Stay , Purchase , Toilet , Payments , Offer , Highline , 18 , Lots , H , Who Hadwood Bowl , Wonderful Negotiates , History , Wall , Family , Stories , Shape , Togetherness , Emancipation , Proclamation , Fulfillment , Nation , Promise , Body , Independence , Birth , Step , Slavery , Ideals , Opposition , Founding , Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness , Fight , Fighting , Fights , Security Promise , Americans , Foundation , Decisions , Women , Opportunity , Bodies , Person , Justice , God , Recommit , Take Care , Art , Folks , Cries , Michael Elie , Nobody Else , Suffering , Culture , All Star Gospel Performance , Goals , Forms , Expression , Example , Genre Busting Collaboration , Robert Glaspber , Dee Smoke , Emir Suleman , Emir Suleman Er , Hair , Conversation , Picture , Building , Road , Pictures , Hills , Brilliance , Hurt , Channel , Whit , Heaven , Blob , Well , Scripture , Clyke , Sister , Miseducation , Conversations , Shine , Scheib , Shane , City , Soul , Choir , Herr S , Fist , Form , Picture Everything Finger , Atlanta , Self Love , Flowers , Reach , Kisses , Picture Trees , Leaves , Picture Skies , Robert Glasper , Someone , Ancestor , Fact , Granddaughter , Weapons , Teeth , Grandson , Surround , Enemies , Head , Weapon , Battlefield , Inspiration , Death , Warning , Many , Men , Ground , Coffins , Living , Goes , Mission , Activists , Uplift , Deeds , Outleave , Purpose , Heart , Word , Return Actualize , Throat , Limbs , Knee , Neck , Eight , 40 , Michael Brown , 46 , Thought , Mother , Mickey Guyton , Biden , Messages , Mrs , Coming Up , Michelle Obama , Infiniti Qx60 , Farmers , What S Going On , Whispering , Style , Farmers Policy Perk , Lot , Nothing , Bum , Mom , Home Insurance , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Three , Stars , Song , Sha Bop , Alexa , I Only Have Eyes For You , New Edition , Bet , Euphoria , Hbo , Actor Al G Smith , Exclusion , University , Ushering A Rich History Hsbcus , 185 , Havens , Educators , Hbcus , Students , Black Minds , Howard , Hampton , Florida A M , Impact , Classroom , Campus , Importance , Morehouse , Spellman Marx , Experience , Changes , My Hbcu , Decision , Craft , Schools , Creativity , Industry , Titans , Country , Response , Medical School , Colleges , Discrimination , Creed , 1861 , Education , Institutions , Excellence , Cornerstone Of Black Culture , Play A Role In The Freedom Of African Americans , 1 , Unity , Melanin , Wave , Fabric , Esteem , Setting , Vision , Board , Raven Symone , Hollywood Bowl , Part , Hello , Power , Beauty , Lucky Day , Cheers , R B Mike , Places , Songs , Ones , 10000 , Can T , Image , You Unkindly , Darling , Reporter , Holding , Secrets , Words , Best Of My Love , Melody , Space , Place , Hiding , Friend , Singing A Song , Ancestors , Fathers , Mothers , Black , Dream , Feelings , Nightmares , Making , La , Mayors , Times , Line , Ten , Yeah Don T , Y All , Pride , Fine , Billy Porter , Ne Yo , Pay , Happiness , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Angi Com , Hotels , Boutique , Atmosphere , Lounge Chairs , Coffee , Origin , Vinyl , Game Of Chess , Opal Lee , Commitment , Grandmother , Lovingly Nope Around The World , Means Freedom , Walk , 2 5 , Work , Others , Led , News , American History , Police , Backyards , Churches , Auditoriums , Museums , Dr , Myers , 42 , 43 , Miss , Some , States , Opal , Discussion , Farm , Freedom For Formerly Incarcerated Men And Women That Need A Second Chance , Teacher , Community Organizer , Activist , Prison , Walking , Pulse , Talking , Hope Sub Listens , Golden Age , 95 , Generation , Plans , Forward , Quagmire , Hate , Ladies And Gentlemen , Thing , Group , Real Music , Artists , Coffin , Versatility , Argument , Evolution , Nail , Household Names , Rebellion , Top , Lop , Ia , Eyes , Cosmos , Side , Back , Front , Things , Wasn T For You , Down By Law , Hip Hop , Corner Store , The Sound , Come On , P Black People , Classes , Class , Floor , Piece , Start , Snow , Score , Spot , Paper , New York City , Rap , A Kid For Real , Th E , Girlfriends , I M Up Against , Actly The Spot , Brooklyn , Round , Guitar , Kurt Douglas , Country Music , First Lady , Bowl , Reasons , Wordrd , Risk , Girls , Fan , Screening Options , 45 , Reason , Cologuard , Colon Cancers , Provider , 92 , 897 , Vo , Iphone , Customers , Brand New , Colon Cancer , Mom Allen , Dad Allen , Dad Brown , Missiontoscreen Com , Verizon , Iphone 13s , 13 , Customer , On America , 5g Network , Cuent , 5 , Energy , Nutrition , Strength , Woo Hoo , Minerals , Vitamins , 27 , 30 , Protein , Cibinqo , Treatment , Adults , Pill , Treatments , Injection , Skin , Eczema , Steroid , Didn T , Fda , 100 , Infections , Doctor , Symptoms , Hepatitis B , Blood Tests , C , Ability , Relieve Itch , Tb , Blood Clots , Events , Medicines , Cancers , Lung , Lymphoma , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Innovation , Inhibitors , Pfizer , Jak , Performance , Marseille Martin , Singer , Artist , Genres , Ch , Academy , Anthem , Country Mousse Ache , Talent , Super Bowl , Brother , Talk To Me , Picket Lines , Signs , Talk , Picket , Brutality , Black Like Me , Town , Playground , Change , Street , Land , Car , House , Daddy , Shouldn T , Picket Fences , It S A Hard Life , Yeah , Oh , Black Like Me Oh , Ho , Oh Ho , Struggle , Face , Triumphs , Hands , Generations , Progress Isn T , Who , Communities , Streets , Health Care , Ballot , Truth , Policed , Cases , Most , Officials , D C , Statehouse , City Hall , School Board , Elections , Consequences , Outcome , Leaders , Lives , Values , Friends , Registration Status , Aunties , Cousins , Whenweallvote Org , Same , Thanks , November , Recollective Orchestra Featuring A Special Performance , Translator , Debbie Albion Academy , Bell Biv Devoe , N , Breast Cancer , More , Kind , Hr , Menopause Status , Fulvestrant , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Taking Verzenio , Infection , Fever , Blood Cell Counts , Diarrhea , Chills , Sign , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Fluids , Muscle Pain , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Trouble Breathing , Lung Inflammation , Cough , Bleeding , Bruising , Appetite Loss , Fatigue , Swelling , Breathing , Breath , Heart Rate , Arms , Shortness , Musicians , Thomas Wilkins , Orchestras , Stephanie Matthews , Features , Matt Jones , Music , African American , Composers , Works , Dean , Los Angeles , William Grant , 200 , Legacy , Composeers , William Grant Still , Conductors , Nick , 1936 Following , 1936 , Grant Stills , Debbie Allen , Dance , Director , Whipperill Actor , Inspire Us , Uplift Up , Thaen , Got To Stand On The T Black Music , Juneteenth Celebration A Marker For Global Freedom , Move , Movement , Reflection , Dancers , Stardust , All Over The World , Jesse Montgomery , Russell Thomas , Dance Corps Graphed , Dance Academy , Jordan Chiles , Dana Ensemble , Olympic , Wow , Athletes , Athlete , Saw , Grace , Alethea Gibson , Muhammad Ali , Jackie Robinson , Barriers , Serena Williams , Sports History , Best , Humanity , Human Capability , Dissent , Injustice , It S Time , Sports , My Name , Thermometer , Drink , Like Black Culture In America , Intersection , Jemele Hill , Body And Soul , Doctor A Scientist , Kid , Politics , Livelihood , Race , Platform , Or Agitate , A Proveor , Problems , Awareness , Issues , Vehicle , Kids , Progression , Ownership , Microsoft , Brand , Play , Stapling , System , Systems , Story , Structures , Break , R B , Sensation Khalid , Michelle Williams , Video Calling Device , Presentation , Plus , Frame , Calendar , Zoom , Meta Portal Plus , Home Work , Crystal Clear , Camera Auto Pans , 12 , Portal , Working From Home Work , Meta , Webex , Idea , Case , Result , Barnes , Worth C Call , Worth , Eight Hundred , Car Accident , Call Owondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Eight Million , Firm , Rich Barnes , Youour Cidedentase E , Yoyou Ght T Beurprpris Welcome To Allstate , Cameras , Driver , Keep , You Drive , Cars , Girl , Drivewise , Safe Driving , Phone Chimes , Amateurs , Glove , Quote Today , Gadibe Sidebe , Job , Trend Setting , Force , Thoughts , Room , Thinking , I Ll Be There , 00 , Figure , Guests , Clack Creativity , Black Dawn , Action , Foragetation , Estate , First , Second , Excitement , Anxiety , Poem , Concern , Issue , Public , Agitation , Definition , Freedoms , Sadom , Frustrations , Plate , Hand , Stranger , Shouting , Ride , Pastor , Elders , Mercedes , Blood , Can T Breathe , Sheep , Sirens , Gun Laws , Ain T You , Peace , Babies , Agitation Definition , Hbs , Law Degree , Antii , Number , Systemically , Critique , Strategy , Agetation Definition , Cahoots , Seats , Element , Fids Open , Hos , Stes , Lemons , Expedia , Travels , Member , Lemony , Lovely , Deal , Fun , Speaking , Daring , Comedian , Producer , Actress , Screen , Seals , Legend , Amanda , Red Carpet , Grammy , Winner , Tony Award , Emmy , Dress , Tears , Mama , God Bless You , Fire , Earth , Wind , Brat , Wouldn T , Shipgo , Luggage , Shipping , Airport , Shipgo Com , Fast , Doesn T Care , Moves , Bike , Vegetables , Shinges , Shingles , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , Protection , 3 , Vaccine , Reactions , Ingredients , Dose , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 90 , Fainting , Side Effects , Headache , Shivering , Redness , Injection Site , Stomach , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , On June 19th , June 19th 1865 , Acts , Heart Of America , Hatred , Terrorism , Cities , Tulsa , Oklahoma , Theirselves , Maggie L Walker , Policies , Pioneers , Sector , Sis Tem , Of St , Entrepreneurs , Founder , Banks , Dollar , Support , U S History , Savings Bank , Luke Penny , Wealth Of Culture , On Our Own , Opportunities , D Smoke , David Gross , Business , Type , Boxing , Broadway , Investment Platform , Business Concept , Ideas , Crowd Investment , S It Worth Preserving , Partnership , Investment , Broad Wa Way Boxing Jim , Bank , Default , Gym , Seller , Optimism , Efforts , Contribution , Leslie Jones , Knees , It Up , Ronny Devoe , Poison , Juneteenth Celebration , Hosts , Sexy Girl , Look , Eye , Disguise , Guys , Love Boat , Bachelor , Name , Say B , Try Girl , Jack Brown , It Wassant , Situation , Running Out Of Time , Out Of My Mind , Kiss , It Poison , Pro , Fellow , Devoe Scheming , Pump , Crew , Lows , Highs , Ballpark , Juneteenth Message , Doesn T Love En , Rock , Half , Late Night , Rock And Roll All Night Applebee S , Good , Neighborhood , Eatin , Friends Again , Aren T , Hearing , Lights , Subtitles , Suspenseful , Speeds , Wifi , Speed , Minion Net , The Lights , Xfinity , Screaming , Internet , Epic Fail , Share , Xfi , Swipe , Making Juneteenth , Bill , Honors , Gru , First New Federal Holiday , Martin Luther King , Four , Weight , Morning , Subjugation , Nations , Version , End , Beginning , Equality , Concert , Kamala , Doing , Administration , Meaning , Carrie Champion , Shout Out , First Off , Performer , Favorite , Triple Threat , Grammy Award , Aenl One Of The Best , Entertainment , Writer , Boss , Anybody , Love That Girl , Ooh , Everybody Clap , Fantasy , Problem , Being , Addiction , Doubt , Somebody , Drug , Care , Games , Grab Somebody , Me Everything Tonight Give Come On Hold , Proof , Wind Fire Celebration , Card , Bipolar Depression , Fog , Latuda , Depression , Difference , Studies , Report Fever , Behavior Changes , Antidepressants , Dementia , Stroke , Patients , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Prescription , Muscle Movements , Permanent , Truck Hit , I Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , Zero Dollars , Zero , Accident Case , Worth H Barnes , T Ouour , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , Insurance Company Getenwasn T Fair Ity Y Cablele , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Myles Brown , Wand , Father , Honor , Winds , Records , Wind Fire , Funk , Vibes , Respect , 90 Million , Bands , Ship , Sky , Dream Take A Ride In The Sky , Ecstasy , Let S Groove Tonight A Slice Of Life , Groove , Love , Sight , Clouds , Party , Boogie , Hey , Pretender Chasing , King , September , True Love , Bells , Souls , Little , A Celebration For Freeeedom , Everyday Verzenio , Phones , Point , Mom Brown , Boy Brown , Phone , Allen Kid , Current , Activist Kendrick Sampson , My Name Is Kendrick Sampson , Gospel Music , Place In My Heart , Houston , Fight For Freedom , Liberation , Driving Force , Black Church , Safe Haven , Bondage , Juneteenth Falls On Sunday , Battles , Mountains , No One , Holy Ghost , Bones , My , Say Jesus , Sweetest Thing , Seat , Limit , Control , Fear , No Limit , It Nobody , The Voice Of Freedom , The Celebration Isn T Over , Sky Announcer , Biktarvy , H I V , Pi , Cure , Adus , Can , Lab Test , Amount , Virus , Sex , Research , Breastfeeding , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Kidney , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Hepatitis , Nausea , Pairs , Glasses , Visionworks , 99 , 9 , 2 , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Evening , Juneteenth Celebration Isn T , Performers , Hasn T , Course , Tissha Campbell , Black Freedom Is Worth Celebrating , Anthony Hilton , God A , Berry , Everybody Figure Out , Behind Closed Doors , Don Lemon , Showstopping ,

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