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Retinoic acid signaling mediates peripheral cone photorecept
Retinoic acid signaling mediates peripheral cone photorecept
Retinoic acid signaling mediates peripheral cone photoreceptor survival in a mouse model of retina degeneration
Retinoic acid signaling from Muller glia is necessary for cone photoreceptor survival in the peripheral retina and is sufficient to promote cone survival in the central retina during retinal degeneration.
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Massachusetts ,
Berkeley ,
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Harvard University ,
Stanford University ,
Tufts University ,
Fiji ,
Irvine ,
France ,
Spain ,
Paola Bovolenta ,
Takara Bio ,
Henri Leinonen ,
Tirin Moore ,
Norbert Ghyselinck ,
Aldh Flox ,
States Elizabethton ,
Anneg Lefler ,
Jackson Immunoresearch ,
Andor Zyla ,
Constancel Cepko ,
Ryoji Amamoto ,
John Flannery ,
University Of California ,
Drummond Scientific Company ,
Electron Microscopy Sciences ,
National Eye Institute ,
Jackson Laboratory ,
Blavatnik Institute ,
Harvard Medical School ,
Nikon Elements Acquisition Software ,
Fisher Scientific ,
Library Prep Kit Illumina ,
Department Of Genetics ,
Area Committee ,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute ,
Institutional Animal Care ,
Use Committee ,
Janis Lem ,
Restore Life United States ,
Harvard University Area Committee ,
Blocking Buffer ,
Bovine Serum Albumin ,
Sigma Millipore ,
Cone Arrestin ,
Millipore Sigma ,
Waves Labs ,
Abd Serotec ,
Glutamine Synthetase ,
Choline Acetyltransferase ,
Superfrost Plus ,
Grace Bio Labs ,
Thermo Fisher Scientific ,
Ultrapure Water ,
Probe Mix ,
Dextran Sulfate ,
Fluorescent Oligonucleotide Mix ,
Fluorescent Multiplex Assay ,
Advanced Cell Diagnostics ,
Sutter Instrument ,
Femtojet Express ,
Harvard Apparatus ,
Beckman Coulter ,
Millpore Sigma ,
Strand Synthesis System ,
Wash Buffer ,
Recoverall Total Nuclear Isolation Kit ,
Digestion Buffer ,
Low Input ,
Prep Kit ,
Plan Apo Lambda ,
Plan Apo ,
Elements Acquisition Software ,
Adobe Photoshop ,
Cell Counter ,
Reviewing Editors ,
Reviewing Editor ,
Statistical Analysis ,
Eye Institute ,
Tabin Labs ,
Flow Cytometry Core Facility ,
Independence Award ,
Anneg Lefler Postdoctoral Fellowship ,
Creative Commons Attribution License ,