Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

about this russian natural gas story. and i'm pretty sure when i heard you say, i'm pretty sure you referred to ship loads of gas. ship loads. >> shiploads. >> oh, okay. that because it was fast, and i was -- >> waiting [laughs] >> you know me. >> now it could be either one, that's a thing, it could be either one. i just want to get that straight. you know the guest i would love to book on the whole russian natural gas market and how much they need to sell it and how much they may not be able to sell it and how they become basically threatening war with -- the expert guest on that subject i would love to book if i could ever get her is rachel maddow. because she wrote a book about it, which i read, and has much more to teach about it. so whenever you feel like it. >> you know, i got a day tonight. susan's cooking, but i could see you tomorrow if you need me. >> great. and it is ship loads, right, it's ship loads. >> i could bring a little white board and spell it out -- >> okay, good. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you rachel. well exactly ten years ago, to the day, a frequent guest on this program, noel martin and thomas mann wrote a really important op-ed piece in the washington post and it was titled, let's just say it the republicans are the problem. this was an extremely turn in the way we talked about partisanship in washington. ornstein man wrote their piece after republican congressman allen west was caught on video saying, there are 78 to 81 democrats in congress who are members of the communist party. that was then. and now, it's worse. republicans called democrats pedophiles and groomers. today, some of donald trump's closest allies in the house of representatives confronted house republican leader kevin mccarthy over comments he made in the secretly recorded mccarthy tapes. in those tapes, which were obtained by the new york times, mccarthy and top house republican leaders are heard expressing concern that florida congressman matt kates and other extreme members of the republican party could incite violence against other members of congress in both parties. >> okay, the other thing honoring up and i'm making some phone calls to some members. i just, i just got something sent now about newsmax something matt gates said where he's calling peoples names out, saying an anti trump in this type of atmosphere, so many other places. this is serious stuff people are doing this that has to stop. oh make -- >> i think mow mow and louis's comments to. a lot of members have said some real concerning things about. >> today say something to? >> not too, i mean moe was at the rally, there were kicking -- and taking names thing. at the trump rally. >> gonzalez just said it to me, some calling gates, and explain to him. i don't know what i'm going to say but i'm going to have some other people call him to. but the nature of what, if i'm getting briefing, i'm going to another one from the fbi tomorrow. this is serious -- to cut this out. >> yeah that's that's, it's potentially illegal what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy, and he doesn't need to be doing this. we saw people would do in the capital, you know, these people came prepared with rope, with everything else. >> nbc news is reporting that during a chaotic house republican meeting today, congressman gates confronted mccarthy and his deputy steve kolisi about their comments challenging scalise to specify which of gates's comments scalise considered to be illegal. georgia congresswoman and trump loyalist marjorie taylor greene also got involved in the exchange, demanding that both mccarthy and scalise apologize. the hail reports, mccarthy told members that the damning quotes from the january 10th, two 2021, leadership calls ring which he said he would suggest for president trump resign if impeached. and wondered if gop members could be kicked off social media, were simply the leaders spectator on different scenarios. he just said that we were going to lay out different things of what could be, said congressman robert atmar halt of alabama. at this point, you know, i take his word for it. and joining us now is someone who doesn't take his word for it, democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland. he's a member of the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. and served as the lead impeachment manager in the second impeachment of senate trial of donald trump. thank you very much for joining us tonight. so we have this, controversy depending on the republican side of the house. and kevin mccarthy make defense isn't apparently not by -- i was right. >> he has to suppress the fact that he had the exact same reaction that the vast majority of members of congress and the vast majority of the public had. i mean he was horrified and he knew that in this environment where six people had already died that day, several people would die in the days to come. with 150 of our officers wounded. this was a totally fluid and dangerous and unpredictable environment. i'm good for him that he thought at least for a fleeting moment that he should try to rein in matt gates and others who were attacking list shiny and other members who dare to start telling the truth about what just happened. >> how much of this, well we're learning from the mccarthy tapes, is relevant to your investigation to the january six committee? >> well it's important for reviving everybody's memory of what really took place. that's important. it's also important for people to see that he had radically changed his tune and he's doing that only for political reasons obviously. i think it's, he's not asking for my advice but i think it's a rather silly strategy in this part. i mean what the republicans are saying is that there are not going to rebel against him now because they don't want to have a complete circus show before the election. but the election is over and they will get rid of him. and there are ten people lining up to try to take its place, including possibly donald trump. because would a lot of the republicans are talking about is that the freedom caucus, the jim jordan gang, has enough power to stop anybody who shows any kind of equivocation the way that kevin mccarthy did about succumbing to the will of donald trump and whitewashing everything he does. so if they can stop, you know, a more center leaning or traditional conservative from becoming speaker. but they can't elect someone on their own, then they'll just tell donald trump and trump would happily waltz in and take the speaker's chair. you don't have to be a member of the house to run for speaker. >> the january six committee is investigating what happened on the last presidential election. at the same time, you are watching republican state legislatures take action that involves the next presidential election. based on your investigation in the january six committee now and what you've seen republican legislation to around the country. do you believe that in the next presidential election, everything that you have found in the current investigation of 2020, will recur, they will actually run the plays better and have a stronger chance of actually executing overturning the results? >> it'll be a mostly new playbook. because they won't for example have the vice president of the united states. so the whole play against mike pence to get him to declare and announce unilateral unprecedented extra constitutional powers to nullify and vaporize electoral college votes, just disappearing tens of millions of peoples votes in the country. we won't see that again but we will see for example efforts to empower gop legislatures or governors essentially to decide who's won the election in the state. by either reviewing and overturning rulings by boards of elections or packing them turning them from bipartisan bodies in the partisan bodies. so we're going to have to look at a much more granular way it was taking place in each state because we know that that's where the locus of attention has shifted. so it won't be the exact same playbook except the philosophy is the same. which is rule or ruin. either we're going to rule everything or we're going to ruin the possibility for democracy to work. and for the government to make any progress. so it's a re-continue to be in the middle of this danger. >> will the january six committee the making any recommendations for the states? you will surely be making some recommendations about things like how to secure the capital and other things involving the presidential transition. but what about for the states? >> we've given the nature of constitutional federalism in america by definition our recommendations will go all the way up and down the system in terms of securing the right to vote. which is federal dimensions, which has state dimensions to it. in terms of defending the integrity of the popular vote in the state. that too is something that has both the state dimension to it but a federal dimension to it. to when it comes to the election of the president. so i think you will see some thorough going proposals practical proposals about what can be done to fortify democratic institutions against coups and insurrections and electoral subversion which is coming up next. but we have to build all of this on the table of truth. there's gotta be truth and facts about what happened. and you know i've come to the conclusion lawrence, that when they are all swear their fealty to the big lie, as donald trump does, that in fact none of them really believe it anymore. they know that more than 60 quartz rejected every claim of electoral fraud and corruption. and they know there's no evidence for it. really it's just a little t test to donald trump. so when they say i believe don trump is really a president i think joe biden is there illegitimately they don't really believe that. but they think that this is how they will demonstrate their subservience and their loyalty to donald trump. it's just a very scary thing for a modern political party to operate that way requires people to suspend critical thinking skills. >> we have to squeeze in a break here, before we go quickly. on the schedule of junior six committee, televised hearings have we've been hearing june as a possible start time for that. what will those hearings be will they be witnesses that you have already heard from in private sessions in the committee? >> well we live in an age of you know a lot of media and good tv as you and rachel maddow and a well. so we have to tell this story in an interesting way. we understand that. but the story is really fascinating. it's really the greatest political crime in american history. ever organized by a president in attempt to overthrow a presidential election. and had they succeeded, and they can't cleanly close to doing so, we could be living in a very different america right now. and that's with the judge and california said, judge carter, he said that could've been the end of the peaceful transfer of power in america. >> congressman jamie raskin, thank you very much for joining us here in the washington studio tonight. it is great to finally be in person for once. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me lawrence. >> and coming up after one year of office president biden has actually done more for rural america than donald trump ever did. farmer and senator jon tester will join us next senator tester is the political magician who manages to get elected in the heavily republican state of montana as of all things a democrat. at i did. use vuity™ with caution in night driving and hazardous activities in poor light. also, if your vision is not clear, do not drive or use machinery. contact your doctor immediately if you have sudden vision loss. most common side-effects are headache and eye redness. ask your eye doctor about vuity™. and see for yourself. learn how to sign up and save at waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. we hit the bike trails every weekend helps restore skin to its best condition. shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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>> basically, i am not for shutting down the big packers. what i am for is getting more transparency is making sure they're following the law. we've passed the packers and stock yards act in 1921 because of consolidation in the meat industry. today, it's more consolidated than it was in 1921. during the, since the late 70s since i took over a farm my folks and grandparents ran before me, we are seeing consolidation happen much quicker. and it's drying up rural america. these small towns that i knew when i was a kid are just small pieces of that culture. because they've dried up. my town, 1000 people and 74 when i now has 600. a high school has 160 kids now has 40 kids. the truth is hardware stores no longer exists. we had three grocery stores now we have one. we had three great of letters, now we have zero. we need some changes here. we need the system to work, or our food chain is going to be foot at risk. and by the way, if we lose family farm agriculture's and family ranch agriculture in this country, that food chain will be put at risk, and i am telling you, democracies don't work and less you've got a fair society. they're very important to that equation. >> is this a lonely subject for you in the senate, what fascinates me about it is this is a subject if phrase correctly, that affects everyone. we're talking about the food chain, people. i don't care where you live in this country, you're going to care about where that's coming from, how much it costs and how much it cost to get it into that store in brooklyn or that store in santa monica or anywhere in between. >> absolutely. there's a bumper sticker that says if you eat, you are involved in agriculture. i can tell you that as a fact. in this particular case, this is a bipartisan bill. chuck grassley in myself have worked on this bill, it is our good pieces of legislation. they are counted in a bipartisan way. the meetings that i have been in with senators grassley and senators fisher and senators widen, they have stepped up to the plate. you wouldn't know one of those democrat, one of them is a republican. they are concerned about this issue. they are looking at it from a rural perspective and consumer standpoint, and they're saying this is the right thing to do. it has been a pleasure to work with those folks. it's in the committee now. chairman stabenow did a great job in the hearing we had a couple days ago. and we're going to get this out of committee, we're going to get it to the senate floor, and hopefully we're gonna get it passed, because it's the right thing to do. rural america is important in this country. if we have the kind of leadership we need, and we've seen good leadership out of the president as you pointed out with that editorial, but the bottom line is if we do nothing? we're going to have the same result. we're going to see continual drying of rural america. it'll put our food chain at risk. consumers will pay a big price and this country will not be the same that it was when our four fathers came. >> what happens in montana when you tell that joe biden has been good for rural america? or do you never mention the word biden when you're in montana so you don't really think about you as a democrat? >> it's not the first words of my lips. but i'll tell you more this, we need to talk about more about what's being done for infrastructure and that this administration has done and congress has done. in the american rescue plan's fate case. these have been serious investments in rural america. in order to have a rural america as vibrant, you have to have infrastructure. and you have to have markets. we're addressing the infrastructure with the help of the administration, and we're also addressing the markets with these bills, and other bills. look, the president came out and said here's some money available for existing packing plants to expand. or start-ups to start up. that money is going out the door and starting to make a difference. we need to continue along these lines if you're going to have competition in the marketplace, if you're going to have a strong rule america, if we're gonna have consumers to break at the counter. because meat prices have gone through the roof, while these packers have doubled and tripled their profits. it hasn't slowed down to the folks on the ground, and it hasn't made any difference for the consumers when prices continue go up. this is a big issue, you're right, lawrence. and if we deal with it and we pass these bills, it will make a difference. >> senator jon tester, this city boy always learn something from his favorite farmer in the senate. thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciated. >> it's a pleasure to be with you in person. >> it's great to be in the room, it really is. coming up, in the room. katie porter she'll be here. she did it again today. today, it was another business executive who found himself on the wrong end of katie porter's interrogation. we'll show you the video that is already viral. and congressman katie porter will join us next. katie porter will join us next. will join us next. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from ♪ no way ♪ overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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>> we aren't -- >> who made you conflicts of interest sorrowfully united states government? >> we're not the conflict of interest saar -- >> did you just close to the fda your mckenzie work at the same time just close to the fda that mckenzie was working at the same time it was working for the fda that it was working for purdue did you disclose that to the fda? >> we made clear in multiple instances that the individuals involved had experience in both pharmaceuticals and opioid -- >> reclaiming my time. mr. sore felt they didn't have experience there are the identical humans working for both at the same time. did you tell the fda did you make these disclosures and then allow the government to decide if there is a conflict of interest? >> when we assessed the work the work request from the fda we brought professionals. our legal team government team to understand first is our conflict of interest? we verify that the work was different. >> reclaiming my time. mr. eastern filed this is you putting yourself as the czar of conflicts. your scheme worked really well for mckenzie. mckenzie got contracts purdue goderich and america got addicted. since 2008 mackenzie earn 100 and $40 million in contracts from the fda. and you did not ever disclose your work for purdue. you did not disclose your conflicts of interest. so my question for you as since you didn't disclose the conflicts of interest. will you return to $140 million to the fda? >> so they were working for the biggest opioid pusher on the planet purdue pharma. and the fda. at the same time. >> absolutely. >> the same people. >> the same people at the same time. now it's possible and this is their argument that we were doing something so unrelated for the fda to drug regulation, that it didn't affect our work for purdue on the topic of drug regulation. the real fundamental point is you mckenzie doesn't get to decide you are not as i said to him the conflict's are the point of disclosure is you put these disclosures out there. you put them out there and then the ethics experts the american people, the fda administrator, they decide whether or not there's a conflict of interest. so what we see here really is a big corporation, substituting their profit motivation for government ethics. >> you know why you plan to do in these hearings. and in this particular hearing. you've got the evidence you go through it. how surprised were you that the way these executives respond and the way he responded today? do you expect him to be ready with something better than he had? >> well i mean i think you have to hold power to account. i think that's my job, is to hold power to account. it's a say on behalf of the american people this doesn't cut it. and that's really what it's about. they're not going to cooperate unless you make them. and so the question today was you broke the rules you didn't disclose these conflicts. now will you give the money back? and the answer of course was no. so we have clear next steps here which is to make sure that they do exactly that. >> these videos, i'm not sure whether these videos or what it is but i have seen the facts that you are one of the very top second only i think to nancy pelosi successful fund-raisers campaign fundraisers in the house representative. only nancy pelosi raise more money than you do. is that because people are connecting with this kind of work that they see you do that is so clear in the way you deliver it? >> i certainly hope so. the only reason that i should get reelected is if people think i'm doing a good job. that's why i want that's why i want to earn the support for. i don't want to earn it for good looks for my colorful earrings i want to earn it because i'm doing the work in washington and in my community. so when people stop me and they say i saw your hearing you told my story you raise my concern you gave them the hell that i want to give them. that's i think the fundraising flows from what i hope is that trust that i'm trying to build between me and the american people, and that should be the goal of every elected representative on both sides the aisle. >> wood became very clear to me when i saw you very early in your freshman year in committee work. is you knew immediately that the job is in the committee. that that is where a house member can do her job. it speech making out there is one thing but the real labor is in the committee. >> because oversight the reason for that is that oversight is a key congressional function. the executive branch has work to do but part of our work as legislators is to hold them to account. are they doing with the law that we passed says they're supposed to do? our corporations following the law? if they're not then congress money to take action. so we simply can't pass laws you can't decide how to vote, if you don't know the state of the world. so the next time that i am considering a complimentary spill or a good governance bill i'm going to think back to ethan mackenzie ceo said. which is basically i don't have to follow the rules i make the rules. and that's going to inform how i think about legislative goals. so i think that oversight is one of the sort of most important but maybe lease used tools that we have to run the american people's trust. >> now redistricting has changed, has it changed your district or are you now in a different district as a running for -- >> so i got a new number which is pretty typical. it's a lot of numbers in california so we go with double digits. i got a new number but i have about 65 70% new voters. those who have not seen my name on their ballot before. so my home city of irvine is part of the old district, going to be part of the new district i'm running. but i also have hundreds of thousands of new people to introduce myself to. and when i want them to know, what i want him to see is the work that i do and committee. it's what i did today is asking the tough questions and it's demanding answers. not for me before the american people. >> now you flipped a republican seat, for the democrats. is your new district more favorably tilted toward republicans or democrats? >> actually it's very similar it's about a third democrat about a third republican in about a third independent no party preference. so it has a very similar demographic. most of these communities, communities like huntington beach and newport beach, these are traditional republican strongholds. but i tend to earn their vote and the reason i'm going to do it is i'm going to promise them that i'm going to stand up to power in washington. one of my proponents, a lobbyist and he's a lawbreaker and i really try to be the opposite i try to i don't take lobbyist money and i make sure the laws are being called now broken. >> lobbyist and a lawbreakers katie porter, okay. congressional district something about there. congresswoman katie porter thank you very much for joining us tonight. and it's good to have you in the studio. >> thank you. >> and coming up we will go to ukraine we will get the latest from cal perry who is in kyiv that's next. is in kyi that's next. somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at (driver 1) it's all you. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. 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>> it's time to stop. there will be no victory. the longer this war takes, the worse it will be for the russian people. >> joining us now is msnbc correspondent cal perry in kyiv. cal, what is the situation? >> well look, as we see the sun coming up on the morning number 64, we turn or tension to marry opal, that city in the south where for 64 days there has been heavy bombardment. we have been talking about this since the beginning of the war, but now the nation is really watching this steel plant in the hopes that there could be some kind of evacuation. in just the past six hours or so, we've heard from ukrainian marine commander who talks about him folding his unit in with the azoff brigade. he says he has over 600 soldiers there wounded, he's unable to get the medical treatment, he's on unable to get them out. add that to the thousands of civilians who are huddled there, who are trying to get out of that city unable to do so. we continue to hear from president vladimir putin of russia saying he would allow civilians to leave if there could be some kind of cease-fire. that is simply not happened, lawrence. and when you talk to the ukrainian military officials, they're hoping that they're actually able to blunt that offensive in the east, by continuing to engage russian forces in mariupol. they're actually slowing them down for making that swing movement, that pence or movement to the east. here in the capital today, we will see the un secretary's general on the ground, he's going to be investigating war crimes in the around the capitol, mostly in bucha and irpin. the backdrop to that is that as you laid out, russian cutting off the natural gas supplies to both poland and bulgaria, the european union helping to fill in that gap that has been created. they will stop their dependence on russia natural gas. it is an indication that moscow is starting to play those cards that they have to try and retaliate for what we've seen from these visits over the past week from the u.s. defense department and and their u.s. secretary of state. it seems timed with that visit, this was a card they had to prickly, it's a double edged sword for laura russia, lawrence, we heard that from general austin that he wants to weaken russia as best he can. so they cannot replace the resources that they're using. they need that natural gas revenue to do so. it's certainly a dangerous game for them economically, lawrence. >> cal, what is the safety level in kyiv now? there are things happening in kyiv that were happening month ago. it seems as though people seem more confident about the safety level in kyiv? >> yes, and you have people coming back to their homes. especially in areas where there is fierce fighting. the 7.7 internally displaced people, 15% or trying to return to their homes. that being said, the diplomatic missions of countries of moving here, but there's a growing concern that vladimir putin could start retaliatory strikes here in the capital. he has said as much. he has continued to say, if explosions continue in russia, on the russian side of the border, those three in 24 hours, if those explosions continue he'll start targeting the capitol. people are worried about that. at the same time, there's not a person here that you talk to who's not happy about explosions taking place on that russian side of the border, lawrence. >> cal, going forward, do you expect the american diplomatic delegation to begin working in kyiv? >> yes, we do. we expected this week or next. in talking to folks on the ground, it seems though keep that a very still it's skeleton staff, they want the embassy to be operational, at the same time, they're saying it's very symbolic in nature. they are going to keep an idea on the security situation. if there are strikes in the capital, you can expect him to rethink that decision, maybe a backup operation what is sort of the unofficial western capital of lviv, lawrence. >> cal perry, thank you for your reporting once again, we hope you stay safe. thank you, cal. >> thank you, sir. >> tonight's last word, about madeleine albright's next. abou madeleine (music throughout)albrig. we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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then, as the war on ukraine enters week nine, a surprise prisoner swap. and as putin choked off fuel to toot european nations, the white house gets ready to ask congress for a massive ukraine aid package. plus, the fleecing of america. how a trumping company with huge ties to the trump administration ended up with a 700 million dollar pandemic loan. as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. >>

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South , Confrontation , Specter , Settlement , Faith , Donbas , Zelenskyy , Explosions , Security , Border , Peace , Region , Regions , Targets , Back , 200 , Civilians , Billionaire , Advisor , Payback , Responsibility , Killing , Vladimir Putin S War , Ties , Phone , Victory , City , Situation , Opal , Tension , The Sun , 64 , Commander , Plant , Nation , Bombardment , Evacuation , Beginning , Ukrainian Marine , Thousands , Soldiers , Azoff Brigade , Vladimir Putin , Officials , Cease Fire , East , Swing Movement , Offensive , Movement , Pence , Mariupol , Un , War Crimes , Secretary , Backdrop , General , Cutting , Bulgaria , Bucha , Irpin , European Union , Indication , Gap , Visits , Cards , Dependence , Secretary Of State , Card , Visit , Sword , Double , U S Defense Department , Safety Level , Resources , Game , Natural Gas Revenue , Yes , Homes , Fighting , Areas , Missions , Being , 15 , 7 , Strikes , Much , 24 , Delegation , Forward , Skeleton Staff , Embassy , Security Situation , Backup Operation , Idea , Lviv , Sir , Madeleine Albright , Reporting , Abou Madeleine , Music , Bottles , Waste , Beverage Companies , Plastic , Albrig , Circle , Plastics , Caps , Material , Recyclable , Password , Bottle , Accounts , Aura , Twenty Four , All In One , Aura Digital Security , Shopping On Public Wifi , Sale , At Aura Com , Wayfair , Ew , April 27th , 28 , 28th , 27 , Home , Bonus Savings , Shipping , Lighting , Credit Card , Items , Outdoor Furniture , Mother , Show Mom , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Gift , Mom , Round , Finishes , Variety , Colors , Vehicle , Weathertech , Floorliner , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Gonna , Protector , Mother S Day , Comcast Business Mobile , Business Owner , Service , 5g Network , Data , Data Plans , Term , Gig , Line Activation Fees , 00 , 5 , 500 , Customers , Comcast Business , Verizon , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Shows , Device , Samsung , 400 , Squad , Savings , Woman , Washington National Cathedral , Funeral , Secretaries , State Judge , Immigrant , Carry , Lloyd Austin , Defense Accra Terry , Anthony Blinken , Condoleezza Rice , 11 , Michelle Obama , Al Gore , Over , Silence , Mark Miller , First , Clinton , Katie Albright , Speakers , Daughters , Picture , Wit , Picture Mom , Feet Up , Glasses , Sofa , Nose , Dolls , Close , Knitting , Women Socks , Little Red Wagon , Sidewalks , Streets , Step , Girl Scout Cookies , Campaign , Leaflets , Neighborhood , Hands , Participation , Strong , Exchange Greetings , Lesson , Freedom , Fighters , Refugees , Citizens , Graduates , Number Ellis Heads Of States , Toes , Prayer , Temperatures , Babies , Catherine Albright , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , Party Leadership , Tensions , Loyalists , Conversations , Standing Ovation , Get , Trumping , White House , Fuel , Fleecing , Ukraine Aid Package , Toot European Nations , Plus , Pandemic Loan , 700 Million , 700 Million Dollar ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

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about this russian natural gas story. and i'm pretty sure when i heard you say, i'm pretty sure you referred to ship loads of gas. ship loads. >> shiploads. >> oh, okay. that because it was fast, and i was -- >> waiting [laughs] >> you know me. >> now it could be either one, that's a thing, it could be either one. i just want to get that straight. you know the guest i would love to book on the whole russian natural gas market and how much they need to sell it and how much they may not be able to sell it and how they become basically threatening war with -- the expert guest on that subject i would love to book if i could ever get her is rachel maddow. because she wrote a book about it, which i read, and has much more to teach about it. so whenever you feel like it. >> you know, i got a day tonight. susan's cooking, but i could see you tomorrow if you need me. >> great. and it is ship loads, right, it's ship loads. >> i could bring a little white board and spell it out -- >> okay, good. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you rachel. well exactly ten years ago, to the day, a frequent guest on this program, noel martin and thomas mann wrote a really important op-ed piece in the washington post and it was titled, let's just say it the republicans are the problem. this was an extremely turn in the way we talked about partisanship in washington. ornstein man wrote their piece after republican congressman allen west was caught on video saying, there are 78 to 81 democrats in congress who are members of the communist party. that was then. and now, it's worse. republicans called democrats pedophiles and groomers. today, some of donald trump's closest allies in the house of representatives confronted house republican leader kevin mccarthy over comments he made in the secretly recorded mccarthy tapes. in those tapes, which were obtained by the new york times, mccarthy and top house republican leaders are heard expressing concern that florida congressman matt kates and other extreme members of the republican party could incite violence against other members of congress in both parties. >> okay, the other thing honoring up and i'm making some phone calls to some members. i just, i just got something sent now about newsmax something matt gates said where he's calling peoples names out, saying an anti trump in this type of atmosphere, so many other places. this is serious stuff people are doing this that has to stop. oh make -- >> i think mow mow and louis's comments to. a lot of members have said some real concerning things about. >> today say something to? >> not too, i mean moe was at the rally, there were kicking -- and taking names thing. at the trump rally. >> gonzalez just said it to me, some calling gates, and explain to him. i don't know what i'm going to say but i'm going to have some other people call him to. but the nature of what, if i'm getting briefing, i'm going to another one from the fbi tomorrow. this is serious -- to cut this out. >> yeah that's that's, it's potentially illegal what he's doing. >> well, he's putting people in jeopardy, and he doesn't need to be doing this. we saw people would do in the capital, you know, these people came prepared with rope, with everything else. >> nbc news is reporting that during a chaotic house republican meeting today, congressman gates confronted mccarthy and his deputy steve kolisi about their comments challenging scalise to specify which of gates's comments scalise considered to be illegal. georgia congresswoman and trump loyalist marjorie taylor greene also got involved in the exchange, demanding that both mccarthy and scalise apologize. the hail reports, mccarthy told members that the damning quotes from the january 10th, two 2021, leadership calls ring which he said he would suggest for president trump resign if impeached. and wondered if gop members could be kicked off social media, were simply the leaders spectator on different scenarios. he just said that we were going to lay out different things of what could be, said congressman robert atmar halt of alabama. at this point, you know, i take his word for it. and joining us now is someone who doesn't take his word for it, democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland. he's a member of the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. and served as the lead impeachment manager in the second impeachment of senate trial of donald trump. thank you very much for joining us tonight. so we have this, controversy depending on the republican side of the house. and kevin mccarthy make defense isn't apparently not by -- i was right. >> he has to suppress the fact that he had the exact same reaction that the vast majority of members of congress and the vast majority of the public had. i mean he was horrified and he knew that in this environment where six people had already died that day, several people would die in the days to come. with 150 of our officers wounded. this was a totally fluid and dangerous and unpredictable environment. i'm good for him that he thought at least for a fleeting moment that he should try to rein in matt gates and others who were attacking list shiny and other members who dare to start telling the truth about what just happened. >> how much of this, well we're learning from the mccarthy tapes, is relevant to your investigation to the january six committee? >> well it's important for reviving everybody's memory of what really took place. that's important. it's also important for people to see that he had radically changed his tune and he's doing that only for political reasons obviously. i think it's, he's not asking for my advice but i think it's a rather silly strategy in this part. i mean what the republicans are saying is that there are not going to rebel against him now because they don't want to have a complete circus show before the election. but the election is over and they will get rid of him. and there are ten people lining up to try to take its place, including possibly donald trump. because would a lot of the republicans are talking about is that the freedom caucus, the jim jordan gang, has enough power to stop anybody who shows any kind of equivocation the way that kevin mccarthy did about succumbing to the will of donald trump and whitewashing everything he does. so if they can stop, you know, a more center leaning or traditional conservative from becoming speaker. but they can't elect someone on their own, then they'll just tell donald trump and trump would happily waltz in and take the speaker's chair. you don't have to be a member of the house to run for speaker. >> the january six committee is investigating what happened on the last presidential election. at the same time, you are watching republican state legislatures take action that involves the next presidential election. based on your investigation in the january six committee now and what you've seen republican legislation to around the country. do you believe that in the next presidential election, everything that you have found in the current investigation of 2020, will recur, they will actually run the plays better and have a stronger chance of actually executing overturning the results? >> it'll be a mostly new playbook. because they won't for example have the vice president of the united states. so the whole play against mike pence to get him to declare and announce unilateral unprecedented extra constitutional powers to nullify and vaporize electoral college votes, just disappearing tens of millions of peoples votes in the country. we won't see that again but we will see for example efforts to empower gop legislatures or governors essentially to decide who's won the election in the state. by either reviewing and overturning rulings by boards of elections or packing them turning them from bipartisan bodies in the partisan bodies. so we're going to have to look at a much more granular way it was taking place in each state because we know that that's where the locus of attention has shifted. so it won't be the exact same playbook except the philosophy is the same. which is rule or ruin. either we're going to rule everything or we're going to ruin the possibility for democracy to work. and for the government to make any progress. so it's a re-continue to be in the middle of this danger. >> will the january six committee the making any recommendations for the states? you will surely be making some recommendations about things like how to secure the capital and other things involving the presidential transition. but what about for the states? >> we've given the nature of constitutional federalism in america by definition our recommendations will go all the way up and down the system in terms of securing the right to vote. which is federal dimensions, which has state dimensions to it. in terms of defending the integrity of the popular vote in the state. that too is something that has both the state dimension to it but a federal dimension to it. to when it comes to the election of the president. so i think you will see some thorough going proposals practical proposals about what can be done to fortify democratic institutions against coups and insurrections and electoral subversion which is coming up next. but we have to build all of this on the table of truth. there's gotta be truth and facts about what happened. and you know i've come to the conclusion lawrence, that when they are all swear their fealty to the big lie, as donald trump does, that in fact none of them really believe it anymore. they know that more than 60 quartz rejected every claim of electoral fraud and corruption. and they know there's no evidence for it. really it's just a little t test to donald trump. so when they say i believe don trump is really a president i think joe biden is there illegitimately they don't really believe that. but they think that this is how they will demonstrate their subservience and their loyalty to donald trump. it's just a very scary thing for a modern political party to operate that way requires people to suspend critical thinking skills. >> we have to squeeze in a break here, before we go quickly. on the schedule of junior six committee, televised hearings have we've been hearing june as a possible start time for that. what will those hearings be will they be witnesses that you have already heard from in private sessions in the committee? >> well we live in an age of you know a lot of media and good tv as you and rachel maddow and a well. so we have to tell this story in an interesting way. we understand that. but the story is really fascinating. it's really the greatest political crime in american history. ever organized by a president in attempt to overthrow a presidential election. and had they succeeded, and they can't cleanly close to doing so, we could be living in a very different america right now. and that's with the judge and california said, judge carter, he said that could've been the end of the peaceful transfer of power in america. >> congressman jamie raskin, thank you very much for joining us here in the washington studio tonight. it is great to finally be in person for once. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me lawrence. >> and coming up after one year of office president biden has actually done more for rural america than donald trump ever did. farmer and senator jon tester will join us next senator tester is the political magician who manages to get elected in the heavily republican state of montana as of all things a democrat. at i did. use vuity™ with caution in night driving and hazardous activities in poor light. also, if your vision is not clear, do not drive or use machinery. contact your doctor immediately if you have sudden vision loss. most common side-effects are headache and eye redness. ask your eye doctor about vuity™. and see for yourself. learn how to sign up and save at waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. we hit the bike trails every weekend helps restore skin to its best condition. shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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>> basically, i am not for shutting down the big packers. what i am for is getting more transparency is making sure they're following the law. we've passed the packers and stock yards act in 1921 because of consolidation in the meat industry. today, it's more consolidated than it was in 1921. during the, since the late 70s since i took over a farm my folks and grandparents ran before me, we are seeing consolidation happen much quicker. and it's drying up rural america. these small towns that i knew when i was a kid are just small pieces of that culture. because they've dried up. my town, 1000 people and 74 when i now has 600. a high school has 160 kids now has 40 kids. the truth is hardware stores no longer exists. we had three grocery stores now we have one. we had three great of letters, now we have zero. we need some changes here. we need the system to work, or our food chain is going to be foot at risk. and by the way, if we lose family farm agriculture's and family ranch agriculture in this country, that food chain will be put at risk, and i am telling you, democracies don't work and less you've got a fair society. they're very important to that equation. >> is this a lonely subject for you in the senate, what fascinates me about it is this is a subject if phrase correctly, that affects everyone. we're talking about the food chain, people. i don't care where you live in this country, you're going to care about where that's coming from, how much it costs and how much it cost to get it into that store in brooklyn or that store in santa monica or anywhere in between. >> absolutely. there's a bumper sticker that says if you eat, you are involved in agriculture. i can tell you that as a fact. in this particular case, this is a bipartisan bill. chuck grassley in myself have worked on this bill, it is our good pieces of legislation. they are counted in a bipartisan way. the meetings that i have been in with senators grassley and senators fisher and senators widen, they have stepped up to the plate. you wouldn't know one of those democrat, one of them is a republican. they are concerned about this issue. they are looking at it from a rural perspective and consumer standpoint, and they're saying this is the right thing to do. it has been a pleasure to work with those folks. it's in the committee now. chairman stabenow did a great job in the hearing we had a couple days ago. and we're going to get this out of committee, we're going to get it to the senate floor, and hopefully we're gonna get it passed, because it's the right thing to do. rural america is important in this country. if we have the kind of leadership we need, and we've seen good leadership out of the president as you pointed out with that editorial, but the bottom line is if we do nothing? we're going to have the same result. we're going to see continual drying of rural america. it'll put our food chain at risk. consumers will pay a big price and this country will not be the same that it was when our four fathers came. >> what happens in montana when you tell that joe biden has been good for rural america? or do you never mention the word biden when you're in montana so you don't really think about you as a democrat? >> it's not the first words of my lips. but i'll tell you more this, we need to talk about more about what's being done for infrastructure and that this administration has done and congress has done. in the american rescue plan's fate case. these have been serious investments in rural america. in order to have a rural america as vibrant, you have to have infrastructure. and you have to have markets. we're addressing the infrastructure with the help of the administration, and we're also addressing the markets with these bills, and other bills. look, the president came out and said here's some money available for existing packing plants to expand. or start-ups to start up. that money is going out the door and starting to make a difference. we need to continue along these lines if you're going to have competition in the marketplace, if you're going to have a strong rule america, if we're gonna have consumers to break at the counter. because meat prices have gone through the roof, while these packers have doubled and tripled their profits. it hasn't slowed down to the folks on the ground, and it hasn't made any difference for the consumers when prices continue go up. this is a big issue, you're right, lawrence. and if we deal with it and we pass these bills, it will make a difference. >> senator jon tester, this city boy always learn something from his favorite farmer in the senate. thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciated. >> it's a pleasure to be with you in person. >> it's great to be in the room, it really is. coming up, in the room. katie porter she'll be here. she did it again today. today, it was another business executive who found himself on the wrong end of katie porter's interrogation. we'll show you the video that is already viral. and congressman katie porter will join us next. katie porter will join us next. will join us next. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from ♪ no way ♪ overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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>> we aren't -- >> who made you conflicts of interest sorrowfully united states government? >> we're not the conflict of interest saar -- >> did you just close to the fda your mckenzie work at the same time just close to the fda that mckenzie was working at the same time it was working for the fda that it was working for purdue did you disclose that to the fda? >> we made clear in multiple instances that the individuals involved had experience in both pharmaceuticals and opioid -- >> reclaiming my time. mr. sore felt they didn't have experience there are the identical humans working for both at the same time. did you tell the fda did you make these disclosures and then allow the government to decide if there is a conflict of interest? >> when we assessed the work the work request from the fda we brought professionals. our legal team government team to understand first is our conflict of interest? we verify that the work was different. >> reclaiming my time. mr. eastern filed this is you putting yourself as the czar of conflicts. your scheme worked really well for mckenzie. mckenzie got contracts purdue goderich and america got addicted. since 2008 mackenzie earn 100 and $40 million in contracts from the fda. and you did not ever disclose your work for purdue. you did not disclose your conflicts of interest. so my question for you as since you didn't disclose the conflicts of interest. will you return to $140 million to the fda? >> so they were working for the biggest opioid pusher on the planet purdue pharma. and the fda. at the same time. >> absolutely. >> the same people. >> the same people at the same time. now it's possible and this is their argument that we were doing something so unrelated for the fda to drug regulation, that it didn't affect our work for purdue on the topic of drug regulation. the real fundamental point is you mckenzie doesn't get to decide you are not as i said to him the conflict's are the point of disclosure is you put these disclosures out there. you put them out there and then the ethics experts the american people, the fda administrator, they decide whether or not there's a conflict of interest. so what we see here really is a big corporation, substituting their profit motivation for government ethics. >> you know why you plan to do in these hearings. and in this particular hearing. you've got the evidence you go through it. how surprised were you that the way these executives respond and the way he responded today? do you expect him to be ready with something better than he had? >> well i mean i think you have to hold power to account. i think that's my job, is to hold power to account. it's a say on behalf of the american people this doesn't cut it. and that's really what it's about. they're not going to cooperate unless you make them. and so the question today was you broke the rules you didn't disclose these conflicts. now will you give the money back? and the answer of course was no. so we have clear next steps here which is to make sure that they do exactly that. >> these videos, i'm not sure whether these videos or what it is but i have seen the facts that you are one of the very top second only i think to nancy pelosi successful fund-raisers campaign fundraisers in the house representative. only nancy pelosi raise more money than you do. is that because people are connecting with this kind of work that they see you do that is so clear in the way you deliver it? >> i certainly hope so. the only reason that i should get reelected is if people think i'm doing a good job. that's why i want that's why i want to earn the support for. i don't want to earn it for good looks for my colorful earrings i want to earn it because i'm doing the work in washington and in my community. so when people stop me and they say i saw your hearing you told my story you raise my concern you gave them the hell that i want to give them. that's i think the fundraising flows from what i hope is that trust that i'm trying to build between me and the american people, and that should be the goal of every elected representative on both sides the aisle. >> wood became very clear to me when i saw you very early in your freshman year in committee work. is you knew immediately that the job is in the committee. that that is where a house member can do her job. it speech making out there is one thing but the real labor is in the committee. >> because oversight the reason for that is that oversight is a key congressional function. the executive branch has work to do but part of our work as legislators is to hold them to account. are they doing with the law that we passed says they're supposed to do? our corporations following the law? if they're not then congress money to take action. so we simply can't pass laws you can't decide how to vote, if you don't know the state of the world. so the next time that i am considering a complimentary spill or a good governance bill i'm going to think back to ethan mackenzie ceo said. which is basically i don't have to follow the rules i make the rules. and that's going to inform how i think about legislative goals. so i think that oversight is one of the sort of most important but maybe lease used tools that we have to run the american people's trust. >> now redistricting has changed, has it changed your district or are you now in a different district as a running for -- >> so i got a new number which is pretty typical. it's a lot of numbers in california so we go with double digits. i got a new number but i have about 65 70% new voters. those who have not seen my name on their ballot before. so my home city of irvine is part of the old district, going to be part of the new district i'm running. but i also have hundreds of thousands of new people to introduce myself to. and when i want them to know, what i want him to see is the work that i do and committee. it's what i did today is asking the tough questions and it's demanding answers. not for me before the american people. >> now you flipped a republican seat, for the democrats. is your new district more favorably tilted toward republicans or democrats? >> actually it's very similar it's about a third democrat about a third republican in about a third independent no party preference. so it has a very similar demographic. most of these communities, communities like huntington beach and newport beach, these are traditional republican strongholds. but i tend to earn their vote and the reason i'm going to do it is i'm going to promise them that i'm going to stand up to power in washington. one of my proponents, a lobbyist and he's a lawbreaker and i really try to be the opposite i try to i don't take lobbyist money and i make sure the laws are being called now broken. >> lobbyist and a lawbreakers katie porter, okay. congressional district something about there. congresswoman katie porter thank you very much for joining us tonight. and it's good to have you in the studio. >> thank you. >> and coming up we will go to ukraine we will get the latest from cal perry who is in kyiv that's next. is in kyi that's next. somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at (driver 1) it's all you. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. 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>> it's time to stop. there will be no victory. the longer this war takes, the worse it will be for the russian people. >> joining us now is msnbc correspondent cal perry in kyiv. cal, what is the situation? >> well look, as we see the sun coming up on the morning number 64, we turn or tension to marry opal, that city in the south where for 64 days there has been heavy bombardment. we have been talking about this since the beginning of the war, but now the nation is really watching this steel plant in the hopes that there could be some kind of evacuation. in just the past six hours or so, we've heard from ukrainian marine commander who talks about him folding his unit in with the azoff brigade. he says he has over 600 soldiers there wounded, he's unable to get the medical treatment, he's on unable to get them out. add that to the thousands of civilians who are huddled there, who are trying to get out of that city unable to do so. we continue to hear from president vladimir putin of russia saying he would allow civilians to leave if there could be some kind of cease-fire. that is simply not happened, lawrence. and when you talk to the ukrainian military officials, they're hoping that they're actually able to blunt that offensive in the east, by continuing to engage russian forces in mariupol. they're actually slowing them down for making that swing movement, that pence or movement to the east. here in the capital today, we will see the un secretary's general on the ground, he's going to be investigating war crimes in the around the capitol, mostly in bucha and irpin. the backdrop to that is that as you laid out, russian cutting off the natural gas supplies to both poland and bulgaria, the european union helping to fill in that gap that has been created. they will stop their dependence on russia natural gas. it is an indication that moscow is starting to play those cards that they have to try and retaliate for what we've seen from these visits over the past week from the u.s. defense department and and their u.s. secretary of state. it seems timed with that visit, this was a card they had to prickly, it's a double edged sword for laura russia, lawrence, we heard that from general austin that he wants to weaken russia as best he can. so they cannot replace the resources that they're using. they need that natural gas revenue to do so. it's certainly a dangerous game for them economically, lawrence. >> cal, what is the safety level in kyiv now? there are things happening in kyiv that were happening month ago. it seems as though people seem more confident about the safety level in kyiv? >> yes, and you have people coming back to their homes. especially in areas where there is fierce fighting. the 7.7 internally displaced people, 15% or trying to return to their homes. that being said, the diplomatic missions of countries of moving here, but there's a growing concern that vladimir putin could start retaliatory strikes here in the capital. he has said as much. he has continued to say, if explosions continue in russia, on the russian side of the border, those three in 24 hours, if those explosions continue he'll start targeting the capitol. people are worried about that. at the same time, there's not a person here that you talk to who's not happy about explosions taking place on that russian side of the border, lawrence. >> cal, going forward, do you expect the american diplomatic delegation to begin working in kyiv? >> yes, we do. we expected this week or next. in talking to folks on the ground, it seems though keep that a very still it's skeleton staff, they want the embassy to be operational, at the same time, they're saying it's very symbolic in nature. they are going to keep an idea on the security situation. if there are strikes in the capital, you can expect him to rethink that decision, maybe a backup operation what is sort of the unofficial western capital of lviv, lawrence. >> cal perry, thank you for your reporting once again, we hope you stay safe. thank you, cal. >> thank you, sir. >> tonight's last word, about madeleine albright's next. abou madeleine (music throughout)albrig. we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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then, as the war on ukraine enters week nine, a surprise prisoner swap. and as putin choked off fuel to toot european nations, the white house gets ready to ask congress for a massive ukraine aid package. plus, the fleecing of america. how a trumping company with huge ties to the trump administration ended up with a 700 million dollar pandemic loan. as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. >>

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South , Confrontation , Specter , Settlement , Faith , Donbas , Zelenskyy , Explosions , Security , Border , Peace , Region , Regions , Targets , Back , 200 , Civilians , Billionaire , Advisor , Payback , Responsibility , Killing , Vladimir Putin S War , Ties , Phone , Victory , City , Situation , Opal , Tension , The Sun , 64 , Commander , Plant , Nation , Bombardment , Evacuation , Beginning , Ukrainian Marine , Thousands , Soldiers , Azoff Brigade , Vladimir Putin , Officials , Cease Fire , East , Swing Movement , Offensive , Movement , Pence , Mariupol , Un , War Crimes , Secretary , Backdrop , General , Cutting , Bulgaria , Bucha , Irpin , European Union , Indication , Gap , Visits , Cards , Dependence , Secretary Of State , Card , Visit , Sword , Double , U S Defense Department , Safety Level , Resources , Game , Natural Gas Revenue , Yes , Homes , Fighting , Areas , Missions , Being , 15 , 7 , Strikes , Much , 24 , Delegation , Forward , Skeleton Staff , Embassy , Security Situation , Backup Operation , Idea , Lviv , Sir , Madeleine Albright , Reporting , Abou Madeleine , Music , Bottles , Waste , Beverage Companies , Plastic , Albrig , Circle , Plastics , Caps , Material , Recyclable , Password , Bottle , Accounts , Aura , Twenty Four , All In One , Aura Digital Security , Shopping On Public Wifi , Sale , At Aura Com , Wayfair , Ew , April 27th , 28 , 28th , 27 , Home , Bonus Savings , Shipping , Lighting , Credit Card , Items , Outdoor Furniture , Mother , Show Mom , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Gift , Mom , Round , Finishes , Variety , Colors , Vehicle , Weathertech , Floorliner , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Gonna , Protector , Mother S Day , Comcast Business Mobile , Business Owner , Service , 5g Network , Data , Data Plans , Term , Gig , Line Activation Fees , 00 , 5 , 500 , Customers , Comcast Business , Verizon , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Shows , Device , Samsung , 400 , Squad , Savings , Woman , Washington National Cathedral , Funeral , Secretaries , State Judge , Immigrant , Carry , Lloyd Austin , Defense Accra Terry , Anthony Blinken , Condoleezza Rice , 11 , Michelle Obama , Al Gore , Over , Silence , Mark Miller , First , Clinton , Katie Albright , Speakers , Daughters , Picture , Wit , Picture Mom , Feet Up , Glasses , Sofa , Nose , Dolls , Close , Knitting , Women Socks , Little Red Wagon , Sidewalks , Streets , Step , Girl Scout Cookies , Campaign , Leaflets , Neighborhood , Hands , Participation , Strong , Exchange Greetings , Lesson , Freedom , Fighters , Refugees , Citizens , Graduates , Number Ellis Heads Of States , Toes , Prayer , Temperatures , Babies , Catherine Albright , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , Party Leadership , Tensions , Loyalists , Conversations , Standing Ovation , Get , Trumping , White House , Fuel , Fleecing , Ukraine Aid Package , Toot European Nations , Plus , Pandemic Loan , 700 Million , 700 Million Dollar ,

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