Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

they tried to punish him for the insurrection and that gives us all a lot of insights, not only about hypocrisy but about the road ahead because america is still dealing with this, including open questions about who will be charged. they later publicly disavowed what, according to a new book, is their own beliefs. so let's get into it. this is one of the stories first in "the new york times" on a book by two top reporter has a lot of big stuff. reporting that kevin mccarthy told house republican leaders on january 10th, i've had it with this guy, what he did is unacceptable. nobody with defend that and nobody should defend it. from the north coming book, "this will not pass." and he said he would go to trump and tell him i think this will pass and it is my recommendation that you should resign. now that is something else. this is right after the insurrection. but within weeks, mccarthy famously reversed course with the pictures you see here. this was, we know something that according to the reporting, everyone in his caucus knew that he opposed, was a kind of final coda to the trump era to all of the republicans that have to constantly pretend they like this guy. he knows they don't and they know they don't and it is all about power. after all that, when he publicly claimed, well, he has trump's back. >> i was the first person to contact him when the riots was going on. he didn't see it. when he ended the call with saying telling me he'll put something out to make sure to stop this and that is what he did. he putoy video out later. >> a lot later. and it was a pretty weak video. but i'm asking you specifically, did he say to you, some people are more concerned about the election than you are. >> no, listen, my conversations with the president and my conversations with the president, i engaged in the idea of making sure we could stop what was going on inside the capitol at that moment in time, the president said he would help. >> april was a long a from january. this shows how mcconnell reversed course right after the insurrection, he was telling advisers that democrats are going to take care of the son of a b for us, a reference to trump, and he claimed that he had at one point what he would need to keep trump off any ballot forever. the required 17 republican voters in the caucus because if this isn't impeachable, i don't know what is. he didn't have the other 17 or 16 or 15. he didn't even have himself. now you could say that is what a lot of politicians do. they canvass around to see where the room is. but mitch mcconnell on a matter of the utmost significance, which he called a insurrection on january 6 and reversed himself when tested. >> if president trump were still in office, i would have carefully considered whether the house managers proved their specific charge. the question is moot because former president trump is constitutionally not eligible for conviction. >> that is what the dry and even attempted boring spin looks like. they landed as the book notes and you may remember from what we covered the impeachment, they landed on something that nobody believes. that they were so concerned about the procedural precedent of a former president that they can't consider his guilt and that is why mcconnell called it moot. you could use whatever hypothetical you want. a president dropping a nuclear bomb in the united states and then removed from office or no longer there, you could bet it is procedurally possible to say that person can never run for office again. wherever the bar is, it exists and it was bs to claim otherwise. republican leaders, they wanted him out and they admitted it privately according to the reporting and then they publicly did the opposite. we want you to have all of the facts. i've shown you back and forth, but as for the forth of it, mccarthy now in response to the reporting denies it all. called it all false and wrong. mcconnell has basically spun his around this before. he has not responded to nbc and the "times" for comment. we're talking about the safety of domestic in america and we're talking about real stuff. but it is not surprising because when you peel that all away, this is where the republican party was. these are people who were so publicly vehemently on record against trump, it was clear they didn't even leave open the possibility that he could win the nomination let alone the presidency. lindsey graham is nothing if not a careful strategist. people like ted cruz, who ran against trump and lindsey graham and mitch mcconnell, none of them were thinking trump could win. so they really let it all out there. how clearly they claimed to oppose everything that he stood for. keep that in mind, the people who used to criticize trump and who according to this reporting thought about trying to do so again right after the violent insurrection, these people today, as we speak to you live on the news, these are now his loudest supporters. >> this man is a pathological liar. >> the man cannot tell the truth. but he combined it with being a narcissist. >> you're a sniffling coward. >> he's a cook. i think he's crazy and not fit for office. >> his policies are not great for the country. >> on the congressional investigations beat, jackie from the washington post, ali, what is revealed here given these peoples feelings and claims about donald trump, the danger and the bigotry and racism to quote lindsey graham was all there and that the insurrection seems to briefly allow them to return to their pre-2016 selves and then cave once again. >> yeah and the word of the great walter subcheck. no, donnie, these mens are coward. we know they were cowards and craven and debase themselves for donald trump. but i think what this reporting shows, that we need to start thinking about a little bit more intentionality in the media, is that who are these people afraid of? because at the end of the day, they're not afraid of donald trump. they're afraid of his violent beast. they're afraid of the very people who attack them on january 6. because you don't go through all of this, you don't go through all of this literal bowing and scraping to a mad man just because you're afraid that donald trump is some big scary man. no, you're afraid of his voters. and this means that they know, the way that -- the reason why mcconnell goes from yes impeachment to no impeachment. the reason why graham goes from yes to no, they know they could not win republican nominations if they impeach donald trump because they know what his base thinks. we have to stop acting like the republican base is a side show. no, this is mainstream republican politics. they are the people who attacked the nation and will continue to attack the nation until we as a intelligent society do something about it. >> right. and there is two components to what you're saying. one is the belief in the big lie around the election. and the second is the support for these riots or the violence. and the support for both of those things has risen on the right. the data does not show, quote, all republicans, but certainly many. and certainly rising support for it. jackie, you are a reporter looking at the facts of these investigations. which makes you alittle different than eli. he will tell you what he thinks and that is what we like in a scene of bs in our american political system but jackie covers the investigations themselves. so i asked what of if evidence is part of probes congressional or doj, what of this reporting matters to the investigative track. >> yeah, ari, i think the pattern that we're sensing here and in political expedient ways and expressing great alarm at trump's behavior and action an hisush to overturn the results of the election and their participation in that helps the committee drive home the urgency of their task. you know, to say it a bit more delicately than elly said it, some believe the insurrection is still playing out and that an anti-democratic has been absorbed into the modern day republican party. there is also on the political side of this as voters are getting ready to vote in primaries or going to the ballot box in november, they do deserve to know the reality of the role of their elected officials had in contributing to the legal strategies that were employed and the fuel that was given to these conspiracy theories that continue to play out. so, i think that the committee is slowly, quietly building their case ahead of these june public hearings that we're all going to be tuning in for. >> you mentioned stating something more delicate than eli, it reminds me of taylor swift's track "it's delicate" and yet the unbridles passion we welcome. and what is not delicate is how much this is all out in the open. there are times when you read the history books or a great robert carol book, what if they knew that then. and so much of this played out. kevin mccarthy, so people have the facts, this is how he sounded days after the insurrection around january 13th. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump. accept his share of responsibility, quail the brewing unrest. >> so elly, do we have evidence based on looking at wholly, does the evidence suggest we should believe his denials issued now or should we believe the reporting based on multiple sources of that tense period in the days after where he sounded like that, which i don't know kind of seems like maybe the reporting is more on the right track. >> you know what difference is between a person who supports the insurrection against the government and a person who only goes along with the insurrection against the government. once it looks like the insurrectionists are going to win. nothing. zero. there is no difference. okay. nobody goes back and said to julius cesar, it wasn't about the destruction of the roman policy. he just went along for the ride because it looks like he was going to be on the winning side. nobody said that. either your objectively pro-democracy or you ain't and right now kevin mccarthy and mclee and lindsey graham is not and as long as they stay against democracy, then history will judge -- whoever gets to write those books, who knows, but history at some point will judge them poorly for their actions right now today. >> right. and as you say, this is not some tor sherary issue or hypothetical. it is part of my job to be repetitive, sorry not sorry as the kids say. people marched into the capitol and they were looking for pence and pelosi. they said they wanted to kill them. they elects gallows. and it is worse than it looked in january and boy it looked bad because the doj has evidence that some and i say some that not all, there were people there that were randos, but there were others, some, who have operational plans to find those officials, we could have witnessed live tv assassinations. would it have changed how people reacted? i don't know. not my job to predict. but that is what some were trying to do and that is the context for you mentioned mike lee. but we've reported that he's been ducking questions after his text leaked about this. now he is speaking out after the revelations that he was working directly repeatedly with not only chief of staff mark meadows during that period, when trump was trying to stay in office, but calling state legislators. now he told meadows it was time to exhaust every legal and constitutional remedy. now lee after appreciate is telling the news, in a 45-minute interview, he was not there to do the white house bidding. he was trying to figure out, quote, what was their message. when he was texting meadows about the elector plot, something we've interviewed trump aides about on this broadcast, and they said we need guidance on what arguments to raise. we can't expect anyone will do it without direction and a strong evidentiary argument and he was spending hours a day calling state legislators which is seems like someone would is being involved in submitting the other electors. you could call them fake or alternate or fraudulent. whether it was an effort to steal the votes that were lawfully cast for biden in those states. and lee refused to answer questions even from reporters in his home state. >> senator lee, why did you lie about your involvement in the trump white house? senator lee, why won't you answer questions about this? senator lee, why were you trying to -- why you were calling -- senator -- >> jackie, the public pressure seems to have worked even in utah. very red state where he would only face a republican primary. after that ducking, he feels he needs to say something. would we even know about this without the investigations? >> i don't think so. i mean, these text messages came about because strictly because of this january 6 select committee investigation. they obtained a trove of mark meadow's text messages which has become the forensic analysis that the committee is doing to see and put together then connect the dots on the cod ray after lawmakers, conspiracy theorists and people involved with the president's effort and in trying to help him identify some sort of legal strategy. >> that being said, i think what is being interesting here is that the text messages with mark meadows might help in the ultimately legal case against the former president in that meadows was -- and mike lee was another person that came to the conclusion there was no constitutional remedy for what the president at the time, president trump was trying to do here. and that maybe contributing to this case of trying to prove that trump was acting in a criminally corrupt way, that he was told time and time again by people like senator mike lee, that this was not going to work. but it doesn't undo the damage he did in the months leading up to january 6 where he was in essence planting the seeds of election fraud and putting forth and propping up people like sidney powell, one of the leading conspiracy theorist who he conceded wasn't making very much sense in these text messages to mark meadows but that wasn't before he recommended her to the former president. >> fair. i got to tell you, on this is just me talking, jackie said it one way, elly said it another way. it sounds bad both ways. but that is our theme tonight. comparing our tonal vibes. and appreciate jackie's reporting and appreciate elly's analysis. thanks to both of you. >> thanks. >> we're talking about disinformation and the big lie, coming up, president obama speaking out today. this is interesting. he went to silicon valley. we have the highlights from barack obama himself and context. later, desantis under fire, the new protests and an update on the notorious mississippi prison doj said is now violating the constitution and people's rights. that is a follow between the accountability story later tonight. stay with us. tonight. stay with us . as fires keep raging, the need to replant trees keeps growing. so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, including nasal congestion, with powerful claritin d, so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin d. 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president obama. was concerned enough that he gave his version of a detailed warning shot today in a formal distress about misinformation and he chose to do it in the heart of silicon valley at stanford. >> like all advances in technology, this progress has had unintended consequences. it is sometimes come at a price. and in this case, we see that our new information eco-system is turbo charging some of humanities worst impulses. >> that is a key point. no one is claiming facebook or whom ever created conspiracy theories. but there is now tons of data that shows that things that used to thrive mostly on the fringe, like right over here on the edge of screen, really among a small group, are amplified for profits and are now taking hold among many, many millions. much larger part of the jean, if you will. there were always anti-vaxers, but over 95% of people rebuffed them year after year. that is why school vaccines have not been controversial for many communities including in all of the red states. now, as obama said today and i'm about to show you how he said it, now about 20% or one in five people are vaccine his tant and as you might have heard me say if that is their own reasons or religion reasons, okay, but it is often based on lies an misinformation they believe to be true. >> around one in five americans is still willing to put themselves at risk and put their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. people are dying because of misinformation. >> that is true. that is why right now and in those past few years from trumpism as we discussed at the top of the program to this pandemic that has taken the lives of 6 million people, innocent people of course, that is why right now all of those old theoretical conversations about speech and politics and say what you want and figure it out, let it go, all of that stuff is being tested in a very serious way. when people say follow the science, they do mean, well, the actual science. they don't mean hoaxes and liars who are trying to trick you into believing something as the science, which is not science, and usually doing it not for entertainment, not for fun, but for their own profit. they are literally messing with your mind so they get some benefit. and that brings us to the type of disinfo that people do believe nowadays. the covid vaccine has been found to be safe. no public evidence suggested that it would cause a new illness or cause aids. but on social media, with these rich, rich companies, you could find them circulated this kind of misinfo presented right as if it were equal to the facts. >> it is anticipated that the german data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed aids. >> no. everything you just heard is completely false. but when people see that and it is presented in these very arresting mediums, the speed of video, on a social media site, with something up at the top that said something not true like fact or news or doctor. well some people do believe that. and we're talking about whether this is the best we can do or consistent with the obligations of the first amendment and a society with free speech, whether there is some better way to deal with this. now that is just the politics of information. and then there is actual politics. obama usually avoided partisan brawls in his role as post presidency and what you see on your screen is the point obama made today. he zb usually call people out by name. but today in the speech that he wrapped up late in the day, he linked putin to steve bannon, trump's former campaign chair who is awaiting a criminal trial over his defiance of the january 6 committee and the link here is not that bannon is a quote, war criminal which is what biden said, but you are looking at two big liars. who lie in ways that are dangerous. and not dangerous just like to democracy, but dangerous to people's lives because people are acting on these lives as they did on january 6 in ways that have caused death. it is that serious. and again, i remind you, because we pay close attention to all of the presidents, former presidents. barack obama rarely brings up names out of the blue and he knows there will be backlash from it but take a listen. >> today as we speak, a majority of republicans still insist that president biden's victory was not legitimate. people like putin and steve bannon for that matter. understand it is not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions. >> people like putin and bannon. people like putin and bannon. that is tough talk. by the way, a little tougher than even joe biden talks about some of the trump world figures these days and he is busy being president. but this is barack obama. making that link. calling out steve bannon. saying this is more than just lies. it is lies that lead to insurrections. it is lies that lead to physical violence. he is talking about the sophistication of that because the other point here is not to paint it all in one brush, the people that are lied to are victims and some of them may not know better and some of them may be confused. the people would knowingly lie, the putins and ban ones of the world, according to obama, they know exactly what they're doing whether they do things like this. >> the return of trump and it t ain't going to be in 2024. it is going to be in 2022 or maybe before. as we start the decertification process out in arizona. >> we know from the judge up there that is doing the investigation that this is -- beef talked from the beginning, wisconsin we think is the most easily provable of all of the election fraud and the decertification of biden electors. >> we are going to fix 2020. i hope we're going to decertify 2020. how about you? >> do not underestimate the stuff barack obama says. and when it comes to mr. bannon, who has been on this program before, and i invite him back to take the hard questions, i'll tell you this. he is smart enough to know exactly what he's doing. he's smart enough to know that there is no decertification provision that replaces president's midstream. and he's smart enough to know that when you push that lie and you get people to believe it, you get them angrier and able to do more and act more than if you just reasoned with them about the available facts. a sizable portion of the republican base is not only leading into that kind of stuff but also now listening to and engaging and sometimes believing this qanon fringe conspiracy theory. >> these bunch of pedophiles in hollywood are going to be exposed for who they are. i don't care what you think about fraudulent sleepy joe, he's a sex trafficking demon possessed mongrel. >> now that is literally just like 10 seconds. imagine doing that for ten minutes on under hour or four every day, day after day and you lose your sense of reality. that is what they're talking about and firing people up about. that is what they're lying about. and as i said, while it is become popular to demonize people for different beliefs, that is not really what i'm trying to do and that is not what the evidence shows. it is not about saying some particular political ideology will lead you there. some of the ideologies are quite old. it is that the internet has amplified and super-charged this. one out of four republicans in some polls now identify themselves as basically believing in qanon. a vast majority of republicans in some manner doubt the legitimacy of biden's election. this stuff is being main lined. and it is not just by the traditional sources. it is by these viral activities, it is working. it is fast. it is potent. and it is making social media companies a lot of money. because many of them rely on engagement above all else and when are people most engaged, when they are rip roaring mad because somebody told them there is a secret sex pedophile unit running the world. obama is using his inflation to urge congress to take on what i just mentioned, the underlying business model of these companies. >> these companies need to have some other north star other than just making money and increasing market share. fitch the problem that in part they helped create. >> fix the problem you created. he's saying two silicon valley, in silicon valley, yes, heal thy self-. and let's be clear, there are real free speech issues here. mass censorship is not okay and it is not a good idea. but we know what it looks like under these rules. can we possibly do any better? we have two people with vast experience on these very issues and which we -- when we are back in one minute. h we -- when we ak in one minute. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people are taking financial advice from memes. 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>> when he was talking, when emily was just talking a thought occurred me and it is always dangerous on tv to what you think at moment. but it strikes me that when you talk about the big tech companies here, it is kind of like the fossil fuel industry in a way. they are so gigantic and they are doing things that threaten our well being and well being of the planet, and it is hard to get government, especially when their transnational and so big, to go in there and take a look and to regulate the things that are regulated under the constitution. and to basically push them in a better direction. there was a lot of nudging going on in this speech. a lot of it is you should. things that we think the government might be able to do, but you as citizens, as corporate citizens, which is a phrase that i don't like that much. but as corporate citizens, you should be doing better. and when you get to that notion of what the algorithm is and having regulation of some sort which he compared to meat inspections. we don't see the data coming out of the meat packing plants and i don't think we want to but the usda goes in and takes a look and decides if everything is aboveboard. and that is a model of some sort that could be applied to the algorithms and some of the internal business machinations that they should consider. >> david reminds us we don't know want to know how the sausage is made in our digital age, a fair point. when you look at this, qanon is something that many viewers have heard about in politics. but might not really know how it works. we endeavor to show video to see the kind of rhetoric. but that is in person. the vast bulk of it is online. what does your work tell us about why some of this stuff is so sticky and works so well online that you get your uncle who used to be normal comes in and really believes stuff that is bonkers, bananas. >> so we look into how the media manipulation campaigns like stop the steal is a great example, how they take off and why people believe them and how they spread and qanon is an example of that but it is much bigger than a single media manipulation campaign. it was a massive movement. and why did it work so well? because of the shape of the international. and what obama said today about how the internet accelerated trends and accelerated divisions is accurate, there is massive distrust in this country particularly about the media. and that is -- our research and our chapter in our book about qanon really shows at the end of the day qanon was an anti-media campaign. it was a pro-trump anti-media campaign at its base. and what it did was appeal to people who feel that the mainstream media does not represent them or is lying to them and or have been told by people with a platform that they're being lied to, then that is amplified and cycled so quickly online that people could find it anywhere. and the information reaches them on tiktok, on instagram, on youtube. absolutely everywhere. and then the information has this sheen of illicitness. because it is not being talked about on msnbc. it is not being talked about on cnn. they have to go into these chat rooms to get it. and this is to put a lot of work and effort into getting it which makes them invested in it. and you know, qanon was just kind of in some ways the perfect storm because it became a conspiracy theory that could contain any conspiracy. so all of this the stickiest conspiracy theoriesn from history that people believed for eons were absorbed into qanon and amplified online and turned into a media filter that told people what to believe. >> really fast, nate, when you break it down like that, the only quibble, i believe it is pronounced lame-stream media. my understanding. >> you got me. >> i got you. but we have got to take your work seriously. in the sense that some people have been really working on this and it is a big problem and obama speaking out is interesting. he's not tackling every issue under the sun. so our thanks for joining us on this. when we come back, the attack on voting rights in florida. stay with us. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. protests today as florida's gop is trying to dismantle two voting districts that would basically undercut the representation of african americans in the state and that are held by african american lawmakers. >> this motion is not debatable and requires majority vote. all in favor say aye. and all aposed say no. show the motion passed and we'll proceed to call the previous question. [ yelling ] >> that was a chaotic vote in the aftermath involved a lot of criticism of what governor ron desantis is doing. it fits with many republican nations and one lawmaker is calling desantis out. >> this is a farce byron desantis and his cronies to cut black representation to diminish the power of the black vote. we're in a scary time and period in our nation. we are in a period in our nation that florida is the microcosm for it. florida is the microcosm of the erosion of democracy. >> that lawmaker joins us now. florida state representative michelle rainer who is identified herself as the first openly queer black member elected to that florida legislature. welcome back. >> hi, i was the first queer black woman, but yes. >> the queer black woma. >> and who was before you. >> senator jones. >> thank you. it is a reminder that we hear about florida because we hear about your governor aa lot. but there is a whole rich environment of people in the legislature and some of them like yourself speaking out today against what he's doing. so walk us through what he's doing and what do you say to people who argue, well the state has the power and they could redraw maps, et cetera. >> listen, so the ability to draw maps rests firmly with the legislature. we have never had a governor that has inserted themselves into this process. and so you know, we all know that ron desantis is running for president. this is not a secret. that is not a secret that nobody knows. so i believe that he wants to deliver to the republicans and he wants to be able to campaign on, i was the one that brought the house majority back to the republicans. but here is the deal, ari. this is completely behavior by the governor and gop leadership. we're seeing this as a farce. breaking down and taking two black districts away. and there was criticism of me, you have vested interest that you're running for congress. i have a vested interest because i'm a black woman and i'm a black resident of florida and until the voting rights act, my parents couldn't vote. that is why i'm concerned. and i believe that ron desantis and his cronies want to take us back to jim crow era. this is no more than taxation without representation. >> what happens next in this effort to stop it? >> you know, right now, we know the maps are going to be signed into law and we know that there is going to be litigation. but i think what we have to do now, we have to go to people. and that is why you saw our caucus do the things that we did today. because the republicans want to do this under the cover of night. so we needed to let the public know what was happening. and so i know that when i am holding my town halls, when i'm door knocking, i'm letting people know that they're playing politics when there is a housing crisis and a teacher shortage, when there is property insurance crisis. and so i'm telling the people and i'm hopeful and i believe because i believe in people power, that folks will turn out to vote in the general election. >> yeah. it is really important story. we do a lot of national news. this is a state story but we wanted to make sure to update people on it with the time that we have. michelle rainer, thank you as always. >> thank you so much, ari, my mom says hi. >> tell her i said hi. we haven't met, right? >> you haven't met but she loves you. >> well shout out, is she in florida, too. >> she's in florida. her name is harriet. >> she's going to die when -- >> harriet, say hi. and when how it's trying to hold mississippi accountable for violating inmate's rights. inmate's rights. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ it's spring! claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity— and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1,or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take. don't take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. if you've had or have serious liver problems other than hep c, there's a rare chance they may worsen. signs of serious liver problems may include yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain or swelling, confusion, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. tell your doctor if you develop symptoms of liver disease. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free fearless because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ talk to ♪ ♪r doctor about mavyret. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ a major step for criminal justice reform in mississippi. the doj condemning the notorious prison there and demanding change after a two-year investigation. a report revealed many abuses violating constitutional rights. we first covered this story in 2020, because evidence was emerging of inhumane living conditions inside the prison. people who were there supposed to serve sentences and be released were suspiciously dying or getting killed. that evidence caught the attention of music mogul jay zee and one of the artists he works with, they filed multiple federal lawsuits on behalf of over 100 inmates. yogati grew up near the prison, and when he joined us on "the beat" we talked about something that gets forgotten. constitutional rights apply to everyone, even people serving time. they cannot just be abused or killed in there. here's what he told me. >> i mean, it's about trying to make sure everybody gets treated like humans, make sure these prisoners are not living in inhumane conditions. i understand that people in prison can still hear me, you know, you want your -- everybody wants they brother or mother or father to be treated as such. >> this is where the values intersect with the law. you heard what he said there, they're still human. that's true. and under america's laws, which have not always been enforced fairly, don't we know, that's also supposed to be the standard. the attention, the scrutiny is working. the justice department is now use thing new report to force reforms at that prison. we'll be right back. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

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they tried to punish him for the insurrection and that gives us all a lot of insights, not only about hypocrisy but about the road ahead because america is still dealing with this, including open questions about who will be charged. they later publicly disavowed what, according to a new book, is their own beliefs. so let's get into it. this is one of the stories first in "the new york times" on a book by two top reporter has a lot of big stuff. reporting that kevin mccarthy told house republican leaders on january 10th, i've had it with this guy, what he did is unacceptable. nobody with defend that and nobody should defend it. from the north coming book, "this will not pass." and he said he would go to trump and tell him i think this will pass and it is my recommendation that you should resign. now that is something else. this is right after the insurrection. but within weeks, mccarthy famously reversed course with the pictures you see here. this was, we know something that according to the reporting, everyone in his caucus knew that he opposed, was a kind of final coda to the trump era to all of the republicans that have to constantly pretend they like this guy. he knows they don't and they know they don't and it is all about power. after all that, when he publicly claimed, well, he has trump's back. >> i was the first person to contact him when the riots was going on. he didn't see it. when he ended the call with saying telling me he'll put something out to make sure to stop this and that is what he did. he putoy video out later. >> a lot later. and it was a pretty weak video. but i'm asking you specifically, did he say to you, some people are more concerned about the election than you are. >> no, listen, my conversations with the president and my conversations with the president, i engaged in the idea of making sure we could stop what was going on inside the capitol at that moment in time, the president said he would help. >> april was a long a from january. this shows how mcconnell reversed course right after the insurrection, he was telling advisers that democrats are going to take care of the son of a b for us, a reference to trump, and he claimed that he had at one point what he would need to keep trump off any ballot forever. the required 17 republican voters in the caucus because if this isn't impeachable, i don't know what is. he didn't have the other 17 or 16 or 15. he didn't even have himself. now you could say that is what a lot of politicians do. they canvass around to see where the room is. but mitch mcconnell on a matter of the utmost significance, which he called a insurrection on january 6 and reversed himself when tested. >> if president trump were still in office, i would have carefully considered whether the house managers proved their specific charge. the question is moot because former president trump is constitutionally not eligible for conviction. >> that is what the dry and even attempted boring spin looks like. they landed as the book notes and you may remember from what we covered the impeachment, they landed on something that nobody believes. that they were so concerned about the procedural precedent of a former president that they can't consider his guilt and that is why mcconnell called it moot. you could use whatever hypothetical you want. a president dropping a nuclear bomb in the united states and then removed from office or no longer there, you could bet it is procedurally possible to say that person can never run for office again. wherever the bar is, it exists and it was bs to claim otherwise. republican leaders, they wanted him out and they admitted it privately according to the reporting and then they publicly did the opposite. we want you to have all of the facts. i've shown you back and forth, but as for the forth of it, mccarthy now in response to the reporting denies it all. called it all false and wrong. mcconnell has basically spun his around this before. he has not responded to nbc and the "times" for comment. we're talking about the safety of domestic in america and we're talking about real stuff. but it is not surprising because when you peel that all away, this is where the republican party was. these are people who were so publicly vehemently on record against trump, it was clear they didn't even leave open the possibility that he could win the nomination let alone the presidency. lindsey graham is nothing if not a careful strategist. people like ted cruz, who ran against trump and lindsey graham and mitch mcconnell, none of them were thinking trump could win. so they really let it all out there. how clearly they claimed to oppose everything that he stood for. keep that in mind, the people who used to criticize trump and who according to this reporting thought about trying to do so again right after the violent insurrection, these people today, as we speak to you live on the news, these are now his loudest supporters. >> this man is a pathological liar. >> the man cannot tell the truth. but he combined it with being a narcissist. >> you're a sniffling coward. >> he's a cook. i think he's crazy and not fit for office. >> his policies are not great for the country. >> on the congressional investigations beat, jackie from the washington post, ali, what is revealed here given these peoples feelings and claims about donald trump, the danger and the bigotry and racism to quote lindsey graham was all there and that the insurrection seems to briefly allow them to return to their pre-2016 selves and then cave once again. >> yeah and the word of the great walter subcheck. no, donnie, these mens are coward. we know they were cowards and craven and debase themselves for donald trump. but i think what this reporting shows, that we need to start thinking about a little bit more intentionality in the media, is that who are these people afraid of? because at the end of the day, they're not afraid of donald trump. they're afraid of his violent beast. they're afraid of the very people who attack them on january 6. because you don't go through all of this, you don't go through all of this literal bowing and scraping to a mad man just because you're afraid that donald trump is some big scary man. no, you're afraid of his voters. and this means that they know, the way that -- the reason why mcconnell goes from yes impeachment to no impeachment. the reason why graham goes from yes to no, they know they could not win republican nominations if they impeach donald trump because they know what his base thinks. we have to stop acting like the republican base is a side show. no, this is mainstream republican politics. they are the people who attacked the nation and will continue to attack the nation until we as a intelligent society do something about it. >> right. and there is two components to what you're saying. one is the belief in the big lie around the election. and the second is the support for these riots or the violence. and the support for both of those things has risen on the right. the data does not show, quote, all republicans, but certainly many. and certainly rising support for it. jackie, you are a reporter looking at the facts of these investigations. which makes you alittle different than eli. he will tell you what he thinks and that is what we like in a scene of bs in our american political system but jackie covers the investigations themselves. so i asked what of if evidence is part of probes congressional or doj, what of this reporting matters to the investigative track. >> yeah, ari, i think the pattern that we're sensing here and in political expedient ways and expressing great alarm at trump's behavior and action an hisush to overturn the results of the election and their participation in that helps the committee drive home the urgency of their task. you know, to say it a bit more delicately than elly said it, some believe the insurrection is still playing out and that an anti-democratic has been absorbed into the modern day republican party. there is also on the political side of this as voters are getting ready to vote in primaries or going to the ballot box in november, they do deserve to know the reality of the role of their elected officials had in contributing to the legal strategies that were employed and the fuel that was given to these conspiracy theories that continue to play out. so, i think that the committee is slowly, quietly building their case ahead of these june public hearings that we're all going to be tuning in for. >> you mentioned stating something more delicate than eli, it reminds me of taylor swift's track "it's delicate" and yet the unbridles passion we welcome. and what is not delicate is how much this is all out in the open. there are times when you read the history books or a great robert carol book, what if they knew that then. and so much of this played out. kevin mccarthy, so people have the facts, this is how he sounded days after the insurrection around january 13th. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump. accept his share of responsibility, quail the brewing unrest. >> so elly, do we have evidence based on looking at wholly, does the evidence suggest we should believe his denials issued now or should we believe the reporting based on multiple sources of that tense period in the days after where he sounded like that, which i don't know kind of seems like maybe the reporting is more on the right track. >> you know what difference is between a person who supports the insurrection against the government and a person who only goes along with the insurrection against the government. once it looks like the insurrectionists are going to win. nothing. zero. there is no difference. okay. nobody goes back and said to julius cesar, it wasn't about the destruction of the roman policy. he just went along for the ride because it looks like he was going to be on the winning side. nobody said that. either your objectively pro-democracy or you ain't and right now kevin mccarthy and mclee and lindsey graham is not and as long as they stay against democracy, then history will judge -- whoever gets to write those books, who knows, but history at some point will judge them poorly for their actions right now today. >> right. and as you say, this is not some tor sherary issue or hypothetical. it is part of my job to be repetitive, sorry not sorry as the kids say. people marched into the capitol and they were looking for pence and pelosi. they said they wanted to kill them. they elects gallows. and it is worse than it looked in january and boy it looked bad because the doj has evidence that some and i say some that not all, there were people there that were randos, but there were others, some, who have operational plans to find those officials, we could have witnessed live tv assassinations. would it have changed how people reacted? i don't know. not my job to predict. but that is what some were trying to do and that is the context for you mentioned mike lee. but we've reported that he's been ducking questions after his text leaked about this. now he is speaking out after the revelations that he was working directly repeatedly with not only chief of staff mark meadows during that period, when trump was trying to stay in office, but calling state legislators. now he told meadows it was time to exhaust every legal and constitutional remedy. now lee after appreciate is telling the news, in a 45-minute interview, he was not there to do the white house bidding. he was trying to figure out, quote, what was their message. when he was texting meadows about the elector plot, something we've interviewed trump aides about on this broadcast, and they said we need guidance on what arguments to raise. we can't expect anyone will do it without direction and a strong evidentiary argument and he was spending hours a day calling state legislators which is seems like someone would is being involved in submitting the other electors. you could call them fake or alternate or fraudulent. whether it was an effort to steal the votes that were lawfully cast for biden in those states. and lee refused to answer questions even from reporters in his home state. >> senator lee, why did you lie about your involvement in the trump white house? senator lee, why won't you answer questions about this? senator lee, why were you trying to -- why you were calling -- senator -- >> jackie, the public pressure seems to have worked even in utah. very red state where he would only face a republican primary. after that ducking, he feels he needs to say something. would we even know about this without the investigations? >> i don't think so. i mean, these text messages came about because strictly because of this january 6 select committee investigation. they obtained a trove of mark meadow's text messages which has become the forensic analysis that the committee is doing to see and put together then connect the dots on the cod ray after lawmakers, conspiracy theorists and people involved with the president's effort and in trying to help him identify some sort of legal strategy. >> that being said, i think what is being interesting here is that the text messages with mark meadows might help in the ultimately legal case against the former president in that meadows was -- and mike lee was another person that came to the conclusion there was no constitutional remedy for what the president at the time, president trump was trying to do here. and that maybe contributing to this case of trying to prove that trump was acting in a criminally corrupt way, that he was told time and time again by people like senator mike lee, that this was not going to work. but it doesn't undo the damage he did in the months leading up to january 6 where he was in essence planting the seeds of election fraud and putting forth and propping up people like sidney powell, one of the leading conspiracy theorist who he conceded wasn't making very much sense in these text messages to mark meadows but that wasn't before he recommended her to the former president. >> fair. i got to tell you, on this is just me talking, jackie said it one way, elly said it another way. it sounds bad both ways. but that is our theme tonight. comparing our tonal vibes. and appreciate jackie's reporting and appreciate elly's analysis. thanks to both of you. >> thanks. >> we're talking about disinformation and the big lie, coming up, president obama speaking out today. this is interesting. he went to silicon valley. we have the highlights from barack obama himself and context. later, desantis under fire, the new protests and an update on the notorious mississippi prison doj said is now violating the constitution and people's rights. that is a follow between the accountability story later tonight. stay with us. tonight. stay with us . as fires keep raging, the need to replant trees keeps growing. so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, including nasal congestion, with powerful claritin d, so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin d. 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president obama. was concerned enough that he gave his version of a detailed warning shot today in a formal distress about misinformation and he chose to do it in the heart of silicon valley at stanford. >> like all advances in technology, this progress has had unintended consequences. it is sometimes come at a price. and in this case, we see that our new information eco-system is turbo charging some of humanities worst impulses. >> that is a key point. no one is claiming facebook or whom ever created conspiracy theories. but there is now tons of data that shows that things that used to thrive mostly on the fringe, like right over here on the edge of screen, really among a small group, are amplified for profits and are now taking hold among many, many millions. much larger part of the jean, if you will. there were always anti-vaxers, but over 95% of people rebuffed them year after year. that is why school vaccines have not been controversial for many communities including in all of the red states. now, as obama said today and i'm about to show you how he said it, now about 20% or one in five people are vaccine his tant and as you might have heard me say if that is their own reasons or religion reasons, okay, but it is often based on lies an misinformation they believe to be true. >> around one in five americans is still willing to put themselves at risk and put their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. people are dying because of misinformation. >> that is true. that is why right now and in those past few years from trumpism as we discussed at the top of the program to this pandemic that has taken the lives of 6 million people, innocent people of course, that is why right now all of those old theoretical conversations about speech and politics and say what you want and figure it out, let it go, all of that stuff is being tested in a very serious way. when people say follow the science, they do mean, well, the actual science. they don't mean hoaxes and liars who are trying to trick you into believing something as the science, which is not science, and usually doing it not for entertainment, not for fun, but for their own profit. they are literally messing with your mind so they get some benefit. and that brings us to the type of disinfo that people do believe nowadays. the covid vaccine has been found to be safe. no public evidence suggested that it would cause a new illness or cause aids. but on social media, with these rich, rich companies, you could find them circulated this kind of misinfo presented right as if it were equal to the facts. >> it is anticipated that the german data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed aids. >> no. everything you just heard is completely false. but when people see that and it is presented in these very arresting mediums, the speed of video, on a social media site, with something up at the top that said something not true like fact or news or doctor. well some people do believe that. and we're talking about whether this is the best we can do or consistent with the obligations of the first amendment and a society with free speech, whether there is some better way to deal with this. now that is just the politics of information. and then there is actual politics. obama usually avoided partisan brawls in his role as post presidency and what you see on your screen is the point obama made today. he zb usually call people out by name. but today in the speech that he wrapped up late in the day, he linked putin to steve bannon, trump's former campaign chair who is awaiting a criminal trial over his defiance of the january 6 committee and the link here is not that bannon is a quote, war criminal which is what biden said, but you are looking at two big liars. who lie in ways that are dangerous. and not dangerous just like to democracy, but dangerous to people's lives because people are acting on these lives as they did on january 6 in ways that have caused death. it is that serious. and again, i remind you, because we pay close attention to all of the presidents, former presidents. barack obama rarely brings up names out of the blue and he knows there will be backlash from it but take a listen. >> today as we speak, a majority of republicans still insist that president biden's victory was not legitimate. people like putin and steve bannon for that matter. understand it is not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions. >> people like putin and bannon. people like putin and bannon. that is tough talk. by the way, a little tougher than even joe biden talks about some of the trump world figures these days and he is busy being president. but this is barack obama. making that link. calling out steve bannon. saying this is more than just lies. it is lies that lead to insurrections. it is lies that lead to physical violence. he is talking about the sophistication of that because the other point here is not to paint it all in one brush, the people that are lied to are victims and some of them may not know better and some of them may be confused. the people would knowingly lie, the putins and ban ones of the world, according to obama, they know exactly what they're doing whether they do things like this. >> the return of trump and it t ain't going to be in 2024. it is going to be in 2022 or maybe before. as we start the decertification process out in arizona. >> we know from the judge up there that is doing the investigation that this is -- beef talked from the beginning, wisconsin we think is the most easily provable of all of the election fraud and the decertification of biden electors. >> we are going to fix 2020. i hope we're going to decertify 2020. how about you? >> do not underestimate the stuff barack obama says. and when it comes to mr. bannon, who has been on this program before, and i invite him back to take the hard questions, i'll tell you this. he is smart enough to know exactly what he's doing. he's smart enough to know that there is no decertification provision that replaces president's midstream. and he's smart enough to know that when you push that lie and you get people to believe it, you get them angrier and able to do more and act more than if you just reasoned with them about the available facts. a sizable portion of the republican base is not only leading into that kind of stuff but also now listening to and engaging and sometimes believing this qanon fringe conspiracy theory. >> these bunch of pedophiles in hollywood are going to be exposed for who they are. i don't care what you think about fraudulent sleepy joe, he's a sex trafficking demon possessed mongrel. >> now that is literally just like 10 seconds. imagine doing that for ten minutes on under hour or four every day, day after day and you lose your sense of reality. that is what they're talking about and firing people up about. that is what they're lying about. and as i said, while it is become popular to demonize people for different beliefs, that is not really what i'm trying to do and that is not what the evidence shows. it is not about saying some particular political ideology will lead you there. some of the ideologies are quite old. it is that the internet has amplified and super-charged this. one out of four republicans in some polls now identify themselves as basically believing in qanon. a vast majority of republicans in some manner doubt the legitimacy of biden's election. this stuff is being main lined. and it is not just by the traditional sources. it is by these viral activities, it is working. it is fast. it is potent. and it is making social media companies a lot of money. because many of them rely on engagement above all else and when are people most engaged, when they are rip roaring mad because somebody told them there is a secret sex pedophile unit running the world. obama is using his inflation to urge congress to take on what i just mentioned, the underlying business model of these companies. >> these companies need to have some other north star other than just making money and increasing market share. fitch the problem that in part they helped create. >> fix the problem you created. he's saying two silicon valley, in silicon valley, yes, heal thy self-. and let's be clear, there are real free speech issues here. mass censorship is not okay and it is not a good idea. but we know what it looks like under these rules. can we possibly do any better? we have two people with vast experience on these very issues and which we -- when we are back in one minute. h we -- when we ak in one minute. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people are taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. barack obama taking often steve bannon and disinformation and the big tech companies in the valley today and now as promised we're joined by david corn and emily dreyfus, a senior fellow on technology and social change at harvard centerco author of meme wars the untold story of the online battles up ending democracy in america and an expert on modern media manipulation tactics. welcome to both of you. i just walked to some of what obama said in the issues. your thoughts on what is doable, fixable here. >> you know, i was really heartened by obama's speech today. it really showed that he has a good grasp of this issue. disinformation is something we've been studying for a very long time. it goes way beyond the simplification of just misinformation. it is a huge entrenched infrastructure-based problem and i think obama showed a very nuanced understanding of it. so that was a good thing. i think one of the most doable changes that he mentioned is the need for transparency from the tech companies. we currently have to insight into how these algorithms work, how these ranking algorithms work, and what they decide to push in front of our eyeballs and how much money their making and where they're getting it from and how any of it works. as david could attest, what ends up happening is that journalists and you, ari, we report on it and that is what change happens. but often it is the result of leaks or look at the francis haugen papers with facebook. it takes someone being a whistle-blower to get information. so i think that the most, lowest hanging fruit is mandated transparency from the tech companies to researchers, policymakers an the press so we could see what is going on. >> which is something the federal government could do like that. when people care about money, the s.e.c. and other groups they do that. and could be kicked right out of the system. you can't make money if you don't follow the rules. i want to play more of obama today. take a listen. >> tech platforms need to accept they play a unique role in how we as a people and people around the world are consuming information and there their decisions have an impact on every aspect of society. with that power comes accountability. and in democracies like ours at least, the need for some democratic oversight. >> he also made a spiderman reference, david, but your thoughts on that power issue? >> when he was talking, when emily was just talking a thought occurred me and it is always dangerous on tv to what you think at moment. but it strikes me that when you talk about the big tech companies here, it is kind of like the fossil fuel industry in a way. they are so gigantic and they are doing things that threaten our well being and well being of the planet, and it is hard to get government, especially when their transnational and so big, to go in there and take a look and to regulate the things that are regulated under the constitution. and to basically push them in a better direction. there was a lot of nudging going on in this speech. a lot of it is you should. things that we think the government might be able to do, but you as citizens, as corporate citizens, which is a phrase that i don't like that much. but as corporate citizens, you should be doing better. and when you get to that notion of what the algorithm is and having regulation of some sort which he compared to meat inspections. we don't see the data coming out of the meat packing plants and i don't think we want to but the usda goes in and takes a look and decides if everything is aboveboard. and that is a model of some sort that could be applied to the algorithms and some of the internal business machinations that they should consider. >> david reminds us we don't know want to know how the sausage is made in our digital age, a fair point. when you look at this, qanon is something that many viewers have heard about in politics. but might not really know how it works. we endeavor to show video to see the kind of rhetoric. but that is in person. the vast bulk of it is online. what does your work tell us about why some of this stuff is so sticky and works so well online that you get your uncle who used to be normal comes in and really believes stuff that is bonkers, bananas. >> so we look into how the media manipulation campaigns like stop the steal is a great example, how they take off and why people believe them and how they spread and qanon is an example of that but it is much bigger than a single media manipulation campaign. it was a massive movement. and why did it work so well? because of the shape of the international. and what obama said today about how the internet accelerated trends and accelerated divisions is accurate, there is massive distrust in this country particularly about the media. and that is -- our research and our chapter in our book about qanon really shows at the end of the day qanon was an anti-media campaign. it was a pro-trump anti-media campaign at its base. and what it did was appeal to people who feel that the mainstream media does not represent them or is lying to them and or have been told by people with a platform that they're being lied to, then that is amplified and cycled so quickly online that people could find it anywhere. and the information reaches them on tiktok, on instagram, on youtube. absolutely everywhere. and then the information has this sheen of illicitness. because it is not being talked about on msnbc. it is not being talked about on cnn. they have to go into these chat rooms to get it. and this is to put a lot of work and effort into getting it which makes them invested in it. and you know, qanon was just kind of in some ways the perfect storm because it became a conspiracy theory that could contain any conspiracy. so all of this the stickiest conspiracy theoriesn from history that people believed for eons were absorbed into qanon and amplified online and turned into a media filter that told people what to believe. >> really fast, nate, when you break it down like that, the only quibble, i believe it is pronounced lame-stream media. my understanding. >> you got me. >> i got you. but we have got to take your work seriously. in the sense that some people have been really working on this and it is a big problem and obama speaking out is interesting. he's not tackling every issue under the sun. so our thanks for joining us on this. when we come back, the attack on voting rights in florida. stay with us. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. protests today as florida's gop is trying to dismantle two voting districts that would basically undercut the representation of african americans in the state and that are held by african american lawmakers. >> this motion is not debatable and requires majority vote. all in favor say aye. and all aposed say no. show the motion passed and we'll proceed to call the previous question. [ yelling ] >> that was a chaotic vote in the aftermath involved a lot of criticism of what governor ron desantis is doing. it fits with many republican nations and one lawmaker is calling desantis out. >> this is a farce byron desantis and his cronies to cut black representation to diminish the power of the black vote. we're in a scary time and period in our nation. we are in a period in our nation that florida is the microcosm for it. florida is the microcosm of the erosion of democracy. >> that lawmaker joins us now. florida state representative michelle rainer who is identified herself as the first openly queer black member elected to that florida legislature. welcome back. >> hi, i was the first queer black woman, but yes. >> the queer black woma. >> and who was before you. >> senator jones. >> thank you. it is a reminder that we hear about florida because we hear about your governor aa lot. but there is a whole rich environment of people in the legislature and some of them like yourself speaking out today against what he's doing. so walk us through what he's doing and what do you say to people who argue, well the state has the power and they could redraw maps, et cetera. >> listen, so the ability to draw maps rests firmly with the legislature. we have never had a governor that has inserted themselves into this process. and so you know, we all know that ron desantis is running for president. this is not a secret. that is not a secret that nobody knows. so i believe that he wants to deliver to the republicans and he wants to be able to campaign on, i was the one that brought the house majority back to the republicans. but here is the deal, ari. this is completely behavior by the governor and gop leadership. we're seeing this as a farce. breaking down and taking two black districts away. and there was criticism of me, you have vested interest that you're running for congress. i have a vested interest because i'm a black woman and i'm a black resident of florida and until the voting rights act, my parents couldn't vote. that is why i'm concerned. and i believe that ron desantis and his cronies want to take us back to jim crow era. this is no more than taxation without representation. >> what happens next in this effort to stop it? >> you know, right now, we know the maps are going to be signed into law and we know that there is going to be litigation. but i think what we have to do now, we have to go to people. and that is why you saw our caucus do the things that we did today. because the republicans want to do this under the cover of night. so we needed to let the public know what was happening. and so i know that when i am holding my town halls, when i'm door knocking, i'm letting people know that they're playing politics when there is a housing crisis and a teacher shortage, when there is property insurance crisis. and so i'm telling the people and i'm hopeful and i believe because i believe in people power, that folks will turn out to vote in the general election. >> yeah. it is really important story. we do a lot of national news. this is a state story but we wanted to make sure to update people on it with the time that we have. michelle rainer, thank you as always. >> thank you so much, ari, my mom says hi. >> tell her i said hi. we haven't met, right? >> you haven't met but she loves you. >> well shout out, is she in florida, too. >> she's in florida. her name is harriet. >> she's going to die when -- >> harriet, say hi. and when how it's trying to hold mississippi accountable for violating inmate's rights. inmate's rights. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ it's spring! claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity— and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1,or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take. don't take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. if you've had or have serious liver problems other than hep c, there's a rare chance they may worsen. signs of serious liver problems may include yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain or swelling, confusion, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. tell your doctor if you develop symptoms of liver disease. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free fearless because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ talk to ♪ ♪r doctor about mavyret. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ a major step for criminal justice reform in mississippi. the doj condemning the notorious prison there and demanding change after a two-year investigation. a report revealed many abuses violating constitutional rights. we first covered this story in 2020, because evidence was emerging of inhumane living conditions inside the prison. people who were there supposed to serve sentences and be released were suspiciously dying or getting killed. that evidence caught the attention of music mogul jay zee and one of the artists he works with, they filed multiple federal lawsuits on behalf of over 100 inmates. yogati grew up near the prison, and when he joined us on "the beat" we talked about something that gets forgotten. constitutional rights apply to everyone, even people serving time. they cannot just be abused or killed in there. here's what he told me. >> i mean, it's about trying to make sure everybody gets treated like humans, make sure these prisoners are not living in inhumane conditions. i understand that people in prison can still hear me, you know, you want your -- everybody wants they brother or mother or father to be treated as such. >> this is where the values intersect with the law. you heard what he said there, they're still human. that's true. and under america's laws, which have not always been enforced fairly, don't we know, that's also supposed to be the standard. the attention, the scrutiny is working. the justice department is now use thing new report to force reforms at that prison. we'll be right back. better hearing leads to a better life. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? 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Politicians , Room , Significance , Office , Question , House Managers , Charge , January 6 , 6 , Impeachment , Conviction , Former , Notes , Spin , Guilt , Precedent , It Moot , Bs , Bar , Bomb , Facts , Forth , It , Leaders , Response , Opposite , Comment , Safety , Wrong , Nbc , Great Stuff Out There Ional , Domestic , Away , Nothing , Lindsey Graham , Presidency , Strategist , Nomination , Possibility , Record , Everything , Mind , Ran Against Trump , None , Who , Ted Cruz , News , Thought , Man , Supporters , Liar , Sniffling Coward , Narcissist , The Truth , Investigations , Country , Jackie , Policies , The Washington Post , Ali , Quote , Peoples , Danger , Selves , Racism , Bigotry , Feelings , 2016 , Word , Mens , Walter Subcheck , Donnie , Media , Intentionality , Reporting Shows , Scraping , Beast , Bowing , Way , Reason , Yes , Big Scary Man , Base , Side Show , Nominations , Politics , Components , Belief , Big Lie , Society , Things , Data , Both , Support , Violence , Right , Second , Many , Eli , Evidence , Part , Probes , System , Scene , Doj , Ways , Behavior , Track , Action , Alarm , Pattern , Elly , Participation , Committee Drive , Results , Bit , Task , Hisush , Urgency , Some , Side , Anti Democratic , Conspiracy Theories , Officials , Reality , Role , Fuel , Strategies , Primaries , Ballot Box , Case , Committee , Hearings , Tuning , Passion , Taylor Swift , Unbridles , History Books , Great Robert Carol Book , The Open , Attack , Responsibility , Mob , Saw , Mob Rioters , January 13th , 13 , Share , Brewing Unrest , Quail , Sources , Denials , Government , Difference , Wasn T , Policy , Insurrectionists , Destruction , Ride , Julius Cesar , Roman , Zero , Ain T , Mclee , Democracy , Books , Actions , History , Issue , Job , Pence , Tor Sherary , Kids , Pelosi , Gallows , Randos , Tv , Plans , Others , Assassinations , Mike Lee , Context , Ducking , Revelations , Text , Chief Of Staff , Mark Meadows , Meadows , Remedy , State Legislators , 45 , Aides , Interview , Elector , Message , Bidding , Plot , Broadcast , White House , Someone , Day Calling State Legislators , Direction , Arguments , Argument , Anyone , Effort , Joe Biden , Votes , Electors , Fraudulent , States , Reporters , Home State , Won T , Involvement , The Public Pressure , Calling , Red State , Primary , Utah , Text Messages , Trove , Select Committee Investigation , Lawmakers , Analysis , Conspiracy Theorists , Connect The Dots , Cod Ray , Sort , Strategy , Conclusion , Damage , Senator , Doesn T , Acting , Seeds , Essence , Sense , Conspiracy Theorist , Election Fraud , Sidney Powell , Theme , Thanks , Vibes , Coming Up , Protests , Silicon Valley , Update , Notorious Mississippi Prison Doj , Desantis Under Fire , Rights , Stay , Need , Accountability Story , Follow , Trees , Fires , Environment , Subaru , Partnership , Commitment , Retailers , Forests , National Forest Foundation , 1 Million , Clarity , Symptoms , It S The Most Wonderful Time Of Year , Car Company , Relief , Nasal Congestion , Allergy , Claritin D , World , Suits , Make , Sound , Greg , Helicopter Blades , Claritin D , Advice , Baby , Memes , Inflation , Milk , Onesies , Money , Friend , Baby One More Time , Britney Spears , Planning Effect , Investing , On The Road , Chapter , Fidelity , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Advisor , Benny , Plan , More , Investing Strategies , Healthcare , Picture , Wealth , Whatever , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Lives , Reallyg , Smartphone , Light Beer , Technology , Internet , Business Internet , Needs , Network , Choices , Largest , Lots , Choice , Price , Businesses , Company , Speeds , Business Solutions , Fiber Solutions , Security , Provider , Gigs , Call Today , Voice , Price Guarantee , 2 , 9 99 , 49 99 , 24 , Life , The World Today , Advancements , Decline , Phones , Playing , Impulses , Human Beings , Voices , Warning , Version , Misinformation , Progress , Distress , Heart , Advances , Warning Shot , Stanford , Unintended Consequences , Information Eco System , Humanities , No One , Fringe , Facebook , Screen , Profits , Hold , Group , Millions , Edge , Jean , Communities , School Vaccines , 95 , Covid , Reasons , Religion , 20 , Five , Americans , Families , Top , Program , Pandemic , Trumpism , 6 Million , Science , Let It Go , Liars , Fun , Entertainment , They Don T Mean Hoaxes , Profit , Disinfo , Benefit , Type , Safe , Companies , Cause , Social Media , Aids , Illness , Misinfo , Age , Equivalent , The End , German , 30 May , 2022 , 30 , Mediums , Speed , Immune Suppressed Aids , Doctor , Fact , Best , Obligations , Site , Amendment , Information , Free Speech , Brawls , Name , Steve Bannon , Trial , Lie , Link , Defiance , War Criminal , Death , Presidents , Attention , Out Of The Blue , Backlash , Listen , Majority , Victory , Talk , Little , Order , Institutions , Putin , Being , Talks , Lead , Brush , Insurrections , Sophistication , Victims , Ban , Ones , Return , Investigation , Beef , Beginning , Judge , Decertification Process Out , Arizona , 2024 , Decertification , Biden Electors , Wisconsin , 2020 , Mr , Provision , Smart , Midstream , Portion , Qanon Fringe Conspiracy Theory , Pedophiles , Sleepy Joe , Hollywood , Sex Trafficking Demon Possessed Mongrel , Ten , Four , Shows , Firing , Ideology , Ideologies , Polls , Legitimacy , Manner , Social Media Companies , Activities , Engagement , Somebody , Business Model , Sex , Pedophile Unit Running The World , Market Share , North Star , Problem , Fitch , Create , Heal Thy Self , Issues , Censorship , Rules , Allergies , Better , Experience , Body , H We , Spraying Flonase , We Ak , Good , Season , Psst , Innovator , Business , Table , David Corn , Big Tech Companies In The Valley Today , Senior Fellow On Technology And Social Change , Emily Dreyfus , Author , Meme Wars The Untold Story , Harvard Centerco , Thoughts , Expert , Battles , Media Manipulation Tactics , Democracy In America , Grasp , Simplification , Thing , Understanding , Transparency , Changes , Algorithms , Work , Tech Companies , Eyeballs , Front , Result , Journalists , Leaks , Most , Whistle Blower , Hanging Fruit , Francis Haugen Papers , Policymakers , Researchers , Groups , The Press , The System , Sec , Tech Platforms , Decisions , Aspect , Impact , Democracies , Accountability , Spiderman Reference , Oversight , Emily , Fossil Fuel Industry , Planet , Take A Look , Constitution , Nudging , Citizens , Algorithm , Phrase , Much , Notion , Regulation , Meat Packing Plants , Look , Usda , Meat Inspections , Model , Business Machinations , We Don T , Sausage , Viewers , Uncle , Bulk , Rhetoric , Example , Media Manipulation Campaigns , Steal , Bananas , Movement , Media Manipulation Campaign , Distrust , Divisions , Shape , Trends , Campaign , Research , The End Of Day Qanon , Platform , Everywhere , Cycled , Sheen , On Instagram , Tiktok , Youtube , Illicitness , Chat Rooms , Msnbc , On Cnn , Conspiracy , Storm , Conspiracy Theory , Conspiracy Theoriesn , Media Filter , Quibble , Nate , Eons , I Got You , Voting Rights , The Sun , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , First Time , Backpack , Scarf , Tux , Wow , Marco , Nice , Pay , Dude , Whines , Aspirin , Vazalore 325 , Stomach , 325 , Ulcers , Study , 7 , Representation , Motion , Voting Districts , Estate , African Americans , Yelling , Majority Vote , Say Aye , Aposed , Ron Desantis , Vote , Criticism , Nations , Aftermath , Desantis Out , Is Doing , Byron Desantis , Cronies , Michelle Rainer , Microcosm , Member , Erosion , Florida Legislature , Florida State Representative , Woman , Queer Black Woma , Legislature , Reminder , Senator Jones , Maps , Ability , Et Cetera , Secret , Process , House , Interest , Leadership , Farce , Resident , My Parents Couldn T Vote , Voting Rights Act , Jim Crow , Taxation Without Representation , Law , Litigation , Know , Town Halls , Housing Crisis , Public , Cover , Story , Property Insurance Crisis , Folks , Teacher Shortage , People Power , State Story , Hi , Mom , You Haven T , Well Shout Out , Harriet , We Haven T Met , She Loves You , Claritin , Inmate , Accountable , Symptom Relief , Mississippi , Say Hi , 200 , Felt I Couldn T , Allergens , Family , Reminders , My Hep C , Hepatitis Ci , 8 , Liver Problems , Hepatitis B , Types , Mavyret , Hep C , Conditions , Medicines , Liver , Have , Treatment , Atazanavir , Rifampin , Don T Take Mavyret , 1 , Side Effects , Chance , Signs , Yellowing , Confusion , Bleeding , Abdominal Pain , Bruising , Swelling , Skin , Liver Disease , Tiredness , Headache , Me , Bottom Line , Service , Business Owner , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Contracts , 5g Network , Gig , Term , Line Activation Fees , 00 , 5 , 500 , Comcast Business , Customers , Powering Possibilities Tm , Prison , Report , Justice , Step , Change , Reform , Abuses , Music Mogul Jay Zee , Sentences , Yogati , Lawsuits , Behalf , Inmates , Artists , 100 , Everybody , Humans , Prisoners , Brother , Father , Mother , Standard , Human , Laws , Don T We Know , Values , Scrutiny , Miracle Ear , Hearing , Department , Reforms , Miracle Earminitm , Why , Obligation , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Purpose , Private Bank , Driving , Pace , Pods , Home , Town , Team , The Reidout , Joy Reid , Great Power , Evil , Spokesperson ,

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