Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240708 : comparemel

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240708

computing. beyond and potentially in addition to those sanctions the biden administration is preparing to send u.s. troops to the region. none have been deployed yet. american military aid is already on the ground in ukraine. a shipment of u.s. supplies arrived at the airport outside kiev just a few hours ago including what they're calling lethal aid. that's anti-tank and antiaircraft missiles from the u.s. government along with equipment and ammunition. >> our message is clear, the united states stands with ukraine, our allies and partners. if president putin decides to make this reckless choice twel provide additional defensive material to the ukrainians above and beyond what we've already sent. >> again, no troop deployment orders have been given but the pentagon says 8,500 american troops remain at heightened alert alongside nato allies which have sent fighter jets and ships to the region, the west trying to show any escalation will be matched. the russian military conducted drills along the border and crimean peninsula and pacific fleet forces arrived in belarus which now means russian forces are surrounding ukraine on three sides, the northern, western and southern borders. despite this russia is blaming the standoff on the west. the kremlin accusing the united states of, quote, building up tension in the region. joining me now from the pentagon is nbc news correspondent courtney kuby, matt bradley and international affairs analyst and former u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfaul. courtney, you've had all of this reporting about what the pentagon is prepared to do. when they say 8,500 troops are in a state of heightened alert, what does that mean. >> reporter: those troops have been put on a prepare to deploy order. the fact they are should be our first indication they are trying to message this, to send this signal to russia that the military is prepared to go and shore up and bolster the defenses of u.s. nato allies in the region around ukraine. so these are troops that will, some of them already are on a short tether. they are on a short deployment schedule meaning that at any time they can be called up and say in a couple days you're going to be ready to go to x, y, or z -- >> i'm sorry. president biden is talking about ukraine right now. we'll be back in a moment. >> what's your message to the forces on high alert? >> the forces on high alert are part of a nato operation, not a sole u.s. operation and i made it clear to president putin we have a sacred obligation to our nato allies and if, in fact, he continued to build up and/or was to move we would be reinforcing those troops and i've spoken with every one of our nato allies in person -- not in person, virtually, and we're all on the same page. we have to make it clear that there's no reason for anyone, any member of nato, to worry whether or not we, nato, would come to their defense. >> and, mr. president -- >> thank you, guys. thank you, guys. >> may i ask you about when you'll make a decision about deploying those troops? what will lead to that? >> what would lead to that is what's going to happen, what putin does or doesn't do. i may be moving some of those troops in the nearer term just because it takes time. and, again, it's not provocative. it's just exactly what i said, that as long as we have to reassure -- if up notice you don't see a lot of concern in terms of their security, of our nato allies in western europe, but in eastern europe there's reason to concern. they're along the russian border, the belarus border. so we went from poland on to be concerned about what would happen and what spillover effects could occur. we have no intention of putting american forces or nato forces in ukraine, but, as i said, there are going to be serious economic consequences if he moves. >> can you tell us whether the risk of an invasion is increasing or decreasing or steady as it has been in recent days? >> i'll be completely honest with you, it's a little bit like reading tea leaves. ordinarily with a different leader, the fact he continues to build forces along ukraine's border from belarus all the way around, you'd say, well, that looks like he's going to do something. but then you look at his past bei have a yor is and what everyone is saying on his team and everyone else what is likely to happen, it all comes down to his decision, look, let me conclude by saying there will be enormous consequences if he were to go in and invade the entire country or a lot less than that as well for russia not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences but enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the largest -- if you were to move in, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> thank you, guys. let's go. thank you, guys. come on, let's go. thank you. >> it would be the largest invasion since world war ii -- hold on. >> thank you. >> he says it would be the largest invasion since world war ii, it would change the world. in case you're wondering where he was, it was odd to have that conversation standing in front of a sweatshirt with ruth bader ginsburg on it but he was at a gift shop in washington, an unannounced visit, and looked like he was picking up a mug with kamala harris on it with the brief glimpse i got. sorry for interrupting, the president reiterating what we have been hearing all along there's no intention to put troops in ukraine but admitting he may have to move troops to eastern europe soon. >> yeah, and there was something very interesting -- two things he said that were very interesting to me. one is that he may have to move them so they are in place, which, to me, indicates that they would be potentially moving some of the forces, again, whether we're talking about the 8,500 here in the united states or there in europe shifting them around in advance of an invasion. exactly when could this potential deployment happen? another thing he said that was interesting, this movement of troops was not intended to be provocative. the reason i bring that up is we had some reporting about two months ago in early december there was a $200 million military aid package that had been sitting on president biden's desk for several weeks. despite he was encouraged to sign it and send the lethal and nonlethal aid to ukraine, he wasn't signing it. we know he signed it several weeks later. elements of that $200 million package. at the time administration officials we spoke with when we were asking why he wasn't signing it said they were concerned about being provocative and in any way provoking a response from russia. it's interesting the word came up today and they are sending in something that only weeks ago they thought could provoke an invasion by russia, katy. >> why now moving that nonlethal and lethal aid, why now? i guess overruling the concern it might be provocative? >> katy, thanks for having me. if you go back several weeks or months ago and think about the three basic moves they have to play. one is sanctions. one is moving our soldiers closer to the border within nato and three is military ayman mohyeldin -- assistance to ukraine. they didn't want to be provocative. i think their assessment of the threat has changed and they've decided now with military assistance it will do better now to deliver that assistance as a way to deter an attack than the russian invasion and now saying, changing in a matter of days moving our troops closer to the border. that says to me their assessment of threat has changed. >> they are on three sides of ukraine. matt bradley, you were talking to people who said they believe this was all being drummed up by the west. now that russia is surrounding three sides of ukraine, only a matter of miles from kiev, how are people reacting today? >> i mean, the short answer, katy, is the same as they were yesterday, when i last visited kiev, totally fine. and as i mentioned to you yesterday, that's kind of the remarkable thing about this is how unremashable to the people here almost as if the country is being strangled by russian forces on all sides of it. you don't get that feeling here in the capital. the only development we've been seeing in terms of actually happening here in kiev is the arrival of the u.s. aid and part of that $200 million the biden administration delayed. you're not seeing a change in attitude but on the political level of academics and experts, people extremely patriotic, they know biden delayed sending that aid and they're resentful of it. when you wrap that in including the evacuation of the embassy, and you can't call it a full evacuation but voluntarily saying nonessential staff could voluntarily leave and all family members would have to leave, that was seen here as kind of a slight. and we heard some things from the ministry of foreign affairs and others, this was an overreaction and all this will do is cause panic among the population, the population here of ukrainians if these foreign embassies start to pick up sticks and leave. so there is a little bit of a questioning here. i will not say it's pervasive throughout the levers of power, but there's a little bit of a suspicion about the united states and its motives and when you do talk to ordinary people here, it's, like i said yesterday, people here just really believe a lot of this is drummed up, a lot is hysterical reaction from moscow and from the west. and they're not pleased with it. why? of course they don't believe vladimir putin will go through and launch a full-scale invasion. the ukrainian government has made that their official stance. they believe there could be something, in a war-like stance ready for invasion, but they don't believe there will be a full incursion with the goal of taking over the entire country. they just don't see that happening. but at the same time there's a lot of suspicion here, a lot of people are just eager for all of this to die down and they don't like the fact the wormed's greatest powers, america, russia, nato, other european companies seem to be playing a game without ukraine's input. tomorrow we'll see the meeting of the normandy four, the normandy format, and one of the only times when the ukrainian government, when ukrainian diplomats are going to be involved in all of these diplomatic negotiation that is have been going on. ukraine just doesn't feel like it has purchase on its own future. they feel like they're spectators in their own fate. katy? >> ambassador mcfaul, what do you make that have disconnect matt is reporting on? >> i appreciate the reporting from the ground and the people on the street. there's not one ukraine. i want to be clear about that. they're ukrainians. there's president zelensky who president with secretary of state blinken. everyone wants things to calm down. no one i know in the biden administration thinks this is a game. they think the stakes are very high. the question is how do you reduce the stakes? how do you get to the negotiating table? i have to say, i'm impressed with what they're doing. with very bad cards. as the president reminded the american people, we are not going to war with russia over ukraine. the cards we have, sanctions, militarily assistance, moving our troops within the nato alliance and meeting with the russians many times over the last seven days to try to negotiate a solution with bad cards they're playing as well as i could imagine. >> how far is the west willing to take this? if vladimir putin goes into ukraine and topples the government or puts in a puppet government, what is the west willing to do? is it just sanctions? is it just deploying more nato forces in the east or will it be something else? >> so right now things can change in the coming weeks. the biden administration and our allies have made it clear. military assistance and more if needed after invasion, moving the troops. they've already done that and the next card to play after military escalation, because, remember, there's already war in ukraine. 14,000 europeans have died already in this war. economic sanctions. and i think that's the right way to play it. you don't sanction now. you want to deter aggression, not put the sanctions in now but i don't think that will change vladimir putin's calculus. i don't know what it is and i don't trust anybody who says they think they know, but i don't think the cards we have to play right now are the ones that will change whether he decides to invade or not. >> ambassador michael mcfaul, courtney kube and matt bradley, thank you for starting us off. soldiers have been in the trenches of eastern ukraine for years. it's a lot different on the eastern front than it is in kiev. as tensions are boiling over they are preparing for what could be a full-scale invasion. stewart ramsay with sky news has that report. >> reporter: through snow-filled trenches they make their way past the most exposed areas in near silence. the front lines of the conflict in ukraine affixed but the fighting is a constant. it is very dangerous and it certainly feels it. they've been in these trenches for years. whatever the rising tensions outside nothing here in the mud and snow actually changes. although an invasion would, of course, change everything. this guards the flank with russian-backed separatists in the east of the country. the ukrainian army has improved a lot but is infinitely outgunned by the russians. there used to be a bring gate of foreign fighters. it's clear volunteers do want to come from as broad as this whole incident has grown. 100 vets are on their way. the british prime minister, like many others, is warning it would be a bloody battle akin to the chechen wars with whole communities destroyed. on the shores of the sea lies a town that was destroyed in the fighting and abandoned in 2015. scenes like these are exactly why embassy staff are being evacuated. this could see easily happen again and likely will if efforts to reach a compromise fails. we are right on the edge now. and still ahead, you've seen the videos online. what exactly is going on with the spike in carjackings across major u.s. cities? another day of wild swings on wall street. how to react to all this volatility. and why it could be the end of the party for boris johnson. d of the party for boris johnson. woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh™ so subway's uppi their avocado game. we're talking just two great ingredients. perfectly ripe, hand-scooped hass avocados and a touch of sea salt. it's like a double double for your tastebuds. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing... what happens when we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmware. welcome change. 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up and into the green. the volatility is due to a lot of things and is all happening as the fed kicks off its two-day policy meeting where it could start to decide to rise interest rates. robin, i have a hard time doing these stories about the stock market, truth be told, because they go up and down so rapidly that it feels like i'm covering a speeding train too fast to catch. >> i was also thinking about it. i used to roll my eyes back in magazine life when they would say markets are down 800 points, let's assemble the team. if this were the case at a macy's one-day sale would you lament the fact they are offering you a sweater at 10% to 20% off. if the starter home of your dreams, they knock it down. there's a bi-polarity. there's this kind of racing to get in on the action and there should be a fomo when you see things marked down. if stocks fall that's better for you in the long run if you can get it at lower prices. >> if you line up a bunch of white t-shirts people might gravitate to the most expensive one. there are people who say to themselves, well, is this the moment where it keeps going down? how do you know to buy low? >> and that's the price of admission to the stock market. it was too easy, it's a sucker's game, everybody would pile into it. there have to be risks like they say with christianity has to have hell, capitalism has to have bankruptcy and risk of ruin, that danger for you to come in. if it was risk free, everybody would do it. this takes out the people who got sloppy and lazy and this is the pause that in many cases refreshes. >> bitcoin has taken a tumble. what about the people who are saying tough times are ahead? >> how many times could they have said that? i like to joke with old co-workers back at "businessweek" that at the mark's low a bunch of people pulled me aside, kid, we're going to be eating cat food. you should take that as a contraindicator when everyone is capitulating maybe i should look at the markets. it was a generational low. in 2001 when everybody was talking about dot-com, talking about stocks, maybe that was an indication things had gotten a bit too frothy. i think they're a natural and desirable part of market behavior. markets cannot just keep going up. >> thank you so much for joining us, as always. >> my pleasure. thank you. and for home buyers, spring is coming early. the busy buying season isn't waiting for the warm weather because mortgage rates are at a 22-month high and continuing to rise. buyers looking to lock in a better rate are scrambling to make offers. the number of houses for sale, i'm sure if you've looked around you've noticed this. is at a five-year low. there is a one-month supply of homes left on the market. joining me now is real estate correspondent diana olynyk. a one-month supply of homes, i don't understand what that means. what do they mean by a one month supply of homes? >> reporter: well, to put it in perspective, katy, a six month supply of homes is considered a balanced market between buyers and sellers. so a one month supply, which is historically low, as you point out, is almost impossible for buyers out there. there's nothing out there for sale. we are coming off two of the most competitive years because of the pandemic. it drove people to want more space, bigger houses out in the suburbs and also the economics of the pandemic caused mortgage rates to hit record lows. now you think things will start to cool off. not the case. we went to an open house in waldorf, maryland. three offers by the first open house on sunday and people were still rushing in because they were afraid they would get priced out. >> we thought because of the winter months it would slack up a little bit. prices were coming down to normal. that's just not happening. and it's anguish, it's pain. it's agony. >> when it does get warmer and more houses go on the market and the rate is up higher, it will be kind of like a worse situation, like a perfect storm for everything to really go up. >> he's right because of the perfect storm you will have much higher rates, some people putting their houses on the market but generally pricier houses and people really the demand is on the lower end for those entry level buyers. >> it's anguish, it's pain, it's agony. i feel for that guy and that family. diana, thank you for story. alex jones has now confirmed that he did meet with the january 6 committee. but hold on. jones revealed on his radio show that the virtual meeting happened yesterday. he also said that he asserted his fifth amendment rights almost 100 times throughout the deposition. jones recounted several questions he says he was asked by the committee including whether he used the proud boys and oath keepers as security on january 6th. he claims he did not. jones called the deposition a, quote, intense experience and said they were polite but they were dogged. 100 times. i wonder what information they did get out of him. and for the first time in more than a year a certain member of the u.s. capitol police force is speaking candidly about what happened on january 6th. you know officer eugene goodman from his bravery that day, redirecting the mob from the senate floor and redirecting senator mitt romney from the mob. now in an interview with a podcast called three brothers, no sense, he described what it was like. >> when you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i went down and looked at the door, people were out there standing around and all that kind of stuff, i told them i think they're downstairs. so when i went down there and i get confronted by them, they're actually in the building. i honestly didn't know they were that far in the building. and they lock eyes on me right away and just like that i was in it. it wasn't a matter of let me leave them alone or not. i feel like they would have followed me anyway. most people don't know i was actually outside, too, for a little bit during that, outside the fighting. yeah, it just -- i don't know. i was just in go mode, you know what i mean. >> de-escalation was big on your mind, safety and de-escalation. >> yeah, safety, de-escalation to a point. there were a few of them -- you had a few that were angry and screaming and then you had others that i'm here for you and this and that and the third so you just -- it came back to what you were saying, situational awareness. you want to de-escalate but at the same time you want to survive first. >> i keep thinking how remarkable it is they never fired their guns except for the one instance inside and what would have happened. officer eugene goodman on the three brothers, no sense podcast. and coming up, from bad to worse, a new investigation lawn pd by london police raises the stakes for an already embattled boris johnson. and president biden touted new covid pills in the fight against the pandemic. for people seeking those treatments, finding the pills has not been easy. >> the hospital network wasn't able to really help and then when we did get clearance to try to find it, the doctor just said good luck finding it. t said good luck finding it this is the planning effect. if you ask suzie about the future, she'll say she's got goals. and since she's got goals, she might need help reaching them, and so she'll get some help from fidelity, and at fidelity, someone will help her create a plan for all her goals, which means suzie will be feeling so good about that plan, she can just enjoy right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. throughout history so good about that plan, she can just enjoy right now. i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. you can't have your birthday cake and eat it, too, boris. it is only tuesday but the week keeps getting worse for prime minister boris johnson, the uk leader on the cover of nearly every british newspaper and tabloid over parties he threw. the metropolitan police has opened an investigation to determine whether the prime minister and other government officials broke covid restrictions, again, whim the rest of the country was under strict lockdowns. a separate government investigation is expected to conclude any day now. it adds to johnson's ongoing pr nightmare and a growing sense among his conservative party that prime minister johnson who is no stranger to scandal has finally become a liability. raf sanchez, it seemed like he was teflon much like donald trump was teflon and not face political consequences. >> reporter: nothing stuck to him but fighting for his political life. the whole country is waiting for this report by sue gray, a civil servant nobody had heard of a couple of weeks ago. she had been holding the prime minister's fate in her hands. what happened she has shared her findings with london's metropolitan police and whatever it is they saw in those findings alarms them enough that they have now launched a criminal probe. the prime minister was up in the house of commons earlier today. he actually said he welcomes this investigation. i want you to take a listen to that. >> i welcome the decision that this will give the clarity it needs and help to draw a line under matters. but i wanted to reassure the house, that i and the whole government are focused 100% on dealing with the people's priorities. >> reporter: katy, he talks about the public there. i can tell you a very large proportion of the public are furious because there is this feeling of hypocrisy that the man who lives and works behind that door was making the covid rules. he was telling the public to follow the covid rules, but he may not have been following them himself. there's a new poll out i want to show you that finds 62% of the british public want boris johnson to resign. just 25% think he should stay in office and, katy, interestingly, 38% of the people who voted for him in the last election who handed him that landslide election victory just two years ago, 38% of them think he should go. so that shows you just how quickly this prime minister has gone from being a winner, from being the dominant political figure in this country to really clinging by his fingernails now to his post. >> when you are acting as if the rules don't apply to you, it can be very consequential. the biden administration withdrew its vaccine or test mandate for large employers, recently blocked by the supreme court. the other development of the day is the u.s. has now topped 72 million cases since the start of the pandemic. evidence shows that omicron poses a smaller risk of hospitalization than the delta variant. still, millions of americans remain at high risk of severe illness and death from the strain. from those vulnerable, medications can help curb their risk of hospitalization but in order to work the covid pills need to be started almost immediately after a positive test result. unfortunately, though, finding them is not that easy and neither of the drugs on the market are one size fits all treatments. joining me from queens, new york, as if there's another queens, is nbc news correspondent ellison barber. talk me through what you found. >> reporter: threw two covid pills that have emergency use authorization. one of them is produced by pfizer, the minimum age to use that as well as the minimum wait is 12 years and 88 pounds, you need to initiate that within five days of symptoms. this drug has a long list of potential drug interactions including everything from arthritis medication to an anti-cancer drug which kind of limits the pool of people who could potentially be eligible for this. this treatment is three pills taken twice daily for five days. the other covid pill produced by merck is called molnupiravir, the minimum age is 18 years and needs to be initiated within five days of symptoms. it's not recommended for use during pregnancy. that treatment is for pills taken twice daily for five days. so we've spoken to people from california to texas to north carolina who told us either they or a loved one got sick with covid-19. they felt they would be a good candidate for these pills but when they went to try and find them they just kept running into hurdles. they say at times the people they called to try to get information, answers on whether or not their loved one was eligible for this sort of treatment or whether or not a pharmacy had access to the treatment oftentimes the people they were calling to try to get information, they did not have any answers. one person told us they reached out to a pharmacy and the pharmacist said they hadn't even heard of the pills. we spoke to one family, the robinson family. kelly robinson has been vaccinated. she is triple vaxed but is immunocompromised. she and her son, brett, knew it could potentially be risky for her. her son had heard about the covid pills. he said to her, mom, ask your doctor for a prescription. she says her doctor told her if you can find a pharmacy that has it, i'll write you one, but you have to do that because i don't know any that have this pill in stock. she told us she was too week to even tackle finding any place that had this availability, but her son, he would not give up and spent hours tracking up and tracking down the medication for his mom. listen to more of their story. >> i ended up calling 12 pharmacies whether or not the pill was available, whether or not they could tell me. many had not heard of it at all or for any antiviral. for it to be as effective as it can be it needs to be taken within the first five days of symptoms and those days were running out waiting on clearance and prescription and information. >> i felt discouraged and i thought, i'm not going to get any treatment that will prevent this from getting worse. >> reporter: so doctors we've spoken to say that these covid pills are ineffective, a valuable tool in the fight against covid-19, and production is starting to ramp up to hopefully address the supply and demand issues, but an effective tool is only effective if people can find it. a website before we go, a website run by the department of health. it is a website that is an interactive map that shows people where they can find these covid pills and the monoclonal antibodies that can be used right now. that website, though, it is very, very difficult to find. listen to the website covid-19-ther i mean, who can remember that. that's the problem that we keep hearing from people as they say the information is out there, but it is difficult to access it online. it's not simplified and they feel like it's overwhelming. one person told us it feels like back at the start of when the vaccines became available and the only way to get an appointment if you knew a 17-year-old good at coding. >> i wish we would have put that on the screen and at least see it and run to take a photo. i'm sure you're going to tweet it. go to her twitter. i'm suggesting you tweet it. thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, my colleague jacob ward's stark warning on artificial intelligence. warni warni artificial intelligence. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with 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gentle. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. oh, that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again...and again. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. what would you like the power to do? how often do you make choices solely based on computer algorithms? it is happening more than you might think. who to follow on instagram to what to buy on amazon to netflix recommendations, to google map direction, artificial intelligence has fundamentally changing how we behave and interact with the world around us. and this is just the beginning. that is the theme, explored by the book out today written by jacob ward, "the loop how technology is creating a world without choices and how to fight back." jake ward joins me now from san francisco. first off, congratulations. i though how hard it is to write a book. it is a painful endeavor just getting it out is amazing. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> a topic i certainly worry about, how much of me is being coopted by the technology that i use every day and how concerned should i be about it? >> i feel it too. every day there is that feeling that something about my behavior is different than it used to be and so about four years ago, i began writing this book to look at exactly how it is that companies are looking at our behavior and getting out in front of it. the place we know that the best is in your feed on social media. on youtube. i discovered a whole host of companies using the same kind of pattern recognition systems to do things like that mediate between divorced parents and interrupt the fights that they have by text to identify which screen plays are most likely to do well in the market and green they as a result by proxy through a.i. we're using a.i. to figure out who gets a job or a loan because it's an incredible time saver, efficient, but what i'm worried about is what we are going to be like in the future if we come to rely on these systems the way we have come to rely on something like google maps. >> that ethan hawke movie with uma thurman, i'm blanking on the name. going through our dna and utilize how we're best used in the world. i wish we had more time to talk about this. it is a subject that i find terrifying and fascinating and like to know more about how to extract myself from it, but i will go buy the book because i can get the answers in the book. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for joining us. everybody go buy his book. and that's going to do it for me today. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. r tmeoday hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. oh, man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. at least my shoes look good! help prevent wrinkles with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet with three times the wrinkle fighting ingredients. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit san francisco was a beacon of hope for my family to reach the middle class, and i've been helping others ever since. when the pandemic hit bilal was right there, helping restaurant workers make ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. let's get you right to the state department. on the left side of your screen you will be seeing the spokesperson step in front of the microphone for an update on the crisis with russia and ukraine, a crisis ramping up this hour with new warnings from president biden saying sanctions against vladimir putin personally are not off the table and adding this about a potential russian invasion of ukraine. >> if he were to move in it would be the largest invasion since wor

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Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240708

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computing. beyond and potentially in addition to those sanctions the biden administration is preparing to send u.s. troops to the region. none have been deployed yet. american military aid is already on the ground in ukraine. a shipment of u.s. supplies arrived at the airport outside kiev just a few hours ago including what they're calling lethal aid. that's anti-tank and antiaircraft missiles from the u.s. government along with equipment and ammunition. >> our message is clear, the united states stands with ukraine, our allies and partners. if president putin decides to make this reckless choice twel provide additional defensive material to the ukrainians above and beyond what we've already sent. >> again, no troop deployment orders have been given but the pentagon says 8,500 american troops remain at heightened alert alongside nato allies which have sent fighter jets and ships to the region, the west trying to show any escalation will be matched. the russian military conducted drills along the border and crimean peninsula and pacific fleet forces arrived in belarus which now means russian forces are surrounding ukraine on three sides, the northern, western and southern borders. despite this russia is blaming the standoff on the west. the kremlin accusing the united states of, quote, building up tension in the region. joining me now from the pentagon is nbc news correspondent courtney kuby, matt bradley and international affairs analyst and former u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfaul. courtney, you've had all of this reporting about what the pentagon is prepared to do. when they say 8,500 troops are in a state of heightened alert, what does that mean. >> reporter: those troops have been put on a prepare to deploy order. the fact they are should be our first indication they are trying to message this, to send this signal to russia that the military is prepared to go and shore up and bolster the defenses of u.s. nato allies in the region around ukraine. so these are troops that will, some of them already are on a short tether. they are on a short deployment schedule meaning that at any time they can be called up and say in a couple days you're going to be ready to go to x, y, or z -- >> i'm sorry. president biden is talking about ukraine right now. we'll be back in a moment. >> what's your message to the forces on high alert? >> the forces on high alert are part of a nato operation, not a sole u.s. operation and i made it clear to president putin we have a sacred obligation to our nato allies and if, in fact, he continued to build up and/or was to move we would be reinforcing those troops and i've spoken with every one of our nato allies in person -- not in person, virtually, and we're all on the same page. we have to make it clear that there's no reason for anyone, any member of nato, to worry whether or not we, nato, would come to their defense. >> and, mr. president -- >> thank you, guys. thank you, guys. >> may i ask you about when you'll make a decision about deploying those troops? what will lead to that? >> what would lead to that is what's going to happen, what putin does or doesn't do. i may be moving some of those troops in the nearer term just because it takes time. and, again, it's not provocative. it's just exactly what i said, that as long as we have to reassure -- if up notice you don't see a lot of concern in terms of their security, of our nato allies in western europe, but in eastern europe there's reason to concern. they're along the russian border, the belarus border. so we went from poland on to be concerned about what would happen and what spillover effects could occur. we have no intention of putting american forces or nato forces in ukraine, but, as i said, there are going to be serious economic consequences if he moves. >> can you tell us whether the risk of an invasion is increasing or decreasing or steady as it has been in recent days? >> i'll be completely honest with you, it's a little bit like reading tea leaves. ordinarily with a different leader, the fact he continues to build forces along ukraine's border from belarus all the way around, you'd say, well, that looks like he's going to do something. but then you look at his past bei have a yor is and what everyone is saying on his team and everyone else what is likely to happen, it all comes down to his decision, look, let me conclude by saying there will be enormous consequences if he were to go in and invade the entire country or a lot less than that as well for russia not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences but enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the largest -- if you were to move in, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> thank you, guys. let's go. thank you, guys. come on, let's go. thank you. >> it would be the largest invasion since world war ii -- hold on. >> thank you. >> he says it would be the largest invasion since world war ii, it would change the world. in case you're wondering where he was, it was odd to have that conversation standing in front of a sweatshirt with ruth bader ginsburg on it but he was at a gift shop in washington, an unannounced visit, and looked like he was picking up a mug with kamala harris on it with the brief glimpse i got. sorry for interrupting, the president reiterating what we have been hearing all along there's no intention to put troops in ukraine but admitting he may have to move troops to eastern europe soon. >> yeah, and there was something very interesting -- two things he said that were very interesting to me. one is that he may have to move them so they are in place, which, to me, indicates that they would be potentially moving some of the forces, again, whether we're talking about the 8,500 here in the united states or there in europe shifting them around in advance of an invasion. exactly when could this potential deployment happen? another thing he said that was interesting, this movement of troops was not intended to be provocative. the reason i bring that up is we had some reporting about two months ago in early december there was a $200 million military aid package that had been sitting on president biden's desk for several weeks. despite he was encouraged to sign it and send the lethal and nonlethal aid to ukraine, he wasn't signing it. we know he signed it several weeks later. elements of that $200 million package. at the time administration officials we spoke with when we were asking why he wasn't signing it said they were concerned about being provocative and in any way provoking a response from russia. it's interesting the word came up today and they are sending in something that only weeks ago they thought could provoke an invasion by russia, katy. >> why now moving that nonlethal and lethal aid, why now? i guess overruling the concern it might be provocative? >> katy, thanks for having me. if you go back several weeks or months ago and think about the three basic moves they have to play. one is sanctions. one is moving our soldiers closer to the border within nato and three is military ayman mohyeldin -- assistance to ukraine. they didn't want to be provocative. i think their assessment of the threat has changed and they've decided now with military assistance it will do better now to deliver that assistance as a way to deter an attack than the russian invasion and now saying, changing in a matter of days moving our troops closer to the border. that says to me their assessment of threat has changed. >> they are on three sides of ukraine. matt bradley, you were talking to people who said they believe this was all being drummed up by the west. now that russia is surrounding three sides of ukraine, only a matter of miles from kiev, how are people reacting today? >> i mean, the short answer, katy, is the same as they were yesterday, when i last visited kiev, totally fine. and as i mentioned to you yesterday, that's kind of the remarkable thing about this is how unremashable to the people here almost as if the country is being strangled by russian forces on all sides of it. you don't get that feeling here in the capital. the only development we've been seeing in terms of actually happening here in kiev is the arrival of the u.s. aid and part of that $200 million the biden administration delayed. you're not seeing a change in attitude but on the political level of academics and experts, people extremely patriotic, they know biden delayed sending that aid and they're resentful of it. when you wrap that in including the evacuation of the embassy, and you can't call it a full evacuation but voluntarily saying nonessential staff could voluntarily leave and all family members would have to leave, that was seen here as kind of a slight. and we heard some things from the ministry of foreign affairs and others, this was an overreaction and all this will do is cause panic among the population, the population here of ukrainians if these foreign embassies start to pick up sticks and leave. so there is a little bit of a questioning here. i will not say it's pervasive throughout the levers of power, but there's a little bit of a suspicion about the united states and its motives and when you do talk to ordinary people here, it's, like i said yesterday, people here just really believe a lot of this is drummed up, a lot is hysterical reaction from moscow and from the west. and they're not pleased with it. why? of course they don't believe vladimir putin will go through and launch a full-scale invasion. the ukrainian government has made that their official stance. they believe there could be something, in a war-like stance ready for invasion, but they don't believe there will be a full incursion with the goal of taking over the entire country. they just don't see that happening. but at the same time there's a lot of suspicion here, a lot of people are just eager for all of this to die down and they don't like the fact the wormed's greatest powers, america, russia, nato, other european companies seem to be playing a game without ukraine's input. tomorrow we'll see the meeting of the normandy four, the normandy format, and one of the only times when the ukrainian government, when ukrainian diplomats are going to be involved in all of these diplomatic negotiation that is have been going on. ukraine just doesn't feel like it has purchase on its own future. they feel like they're spectators in their own fate. katy? >> ambassador mcfaul, what do you make that have disconnect matt is reporting on? >> i appreciate the reporting from the ground and the people on the street. there's not one ukraine. i want to be clear about that. they're ukrainians. there's president zelensky who president with secretary of state blinken. everyone wants things to calm down. no one i know in the biden administration thinks this is a game. they think the stakes are very high. the question is how do you reduce the stakes? how do you get to the negotiating table? i have to say, i'm impressed with what they're doing. with very bad cards. as the president reminded the american people, we are not going to war with russia over ukraine. the cards we have, sanctions, militarily assistance, moving our troops within the nato alliance and meeting with the russians many times over the last seven days to try to negotiate a solution with bad cards they're playing as well as i could imagine. >> how far is the west willing to take this? if vladimir putin goes into ukraine and topples the government or puts in a puppet government, what is the west willing to do? is it just sanctions? is it just deploying more nato forces in the east or will it be something else? >> so right now things can change in the coming weeks. the biden administration and our allies have made it clear. military assistance and more if needed after invasion, moving the troops. they've already done that and the next card to play after military escalation, because, remember, there's already war in ukraine. 14,000 europeans have died already in this war. economic sanctions. and i think that's the right way to play it. you don't sanction now. you want to deter aggression, not put the sanctions in now but i don't think that will change vladimir putin's calculus. i don't know what it is and i don't trust anybody who says they think they know, but i don't think the cards we have to play right now are the ones that will change whether he decides to invade or not. >> ambassador michael mcfaul, courtney kube and matt bradley, thank you for starting us off. soldiers have been in the trenches of eastern ukraine for years. it's a lot different on the eastern front than it is in kiev. as tensions are boiling over they are preparing for what could be a full-scale invasion. stewart ramsay with sky news has that report. >> reporter: through snow-filled trenches they make their way past the most exposed areas in near silence. the front lines of the conflict in ukraine affixed but the fighting is a constant. it is very dangerous and it certainly feels it. they've been in these trenches for years. whatever the rising tensions outside nothing here in the mud and snow actually changes. although an invasion would, of course, change everything. this guards the flank with russian-backed separatists in the east of the country. the ukrainian army has improved a lot but is infinitely outgunned by the russians. there used to be a bring gate of foreign fighters. it's clear volunteers do want to come from as broad as this whole incident has grown. 100 vets are on their way. the british prime minister, like many others, is warning it would be a bloody battle akin to the chechen wars with whole communities destroyed. on the shores of the sea lies a town that was destroyed in the fighting and abandoned in 2015. scenes like these are exactly why embassy staff are being evacuated. this could see easily happen again and likely will if efforts to reach a compromise fails. we are right on the edge now. and still ahead, you've seen the videos online. what exactly is going on with the spike in carjackings across major u.s. cities? another day of wild swings on wall street. how to react to all this volatility. and why it could be the end of the party for boris johnson. d of the party for boris johnson. woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh™ so subway's uppi their avocado game. we're talking just two great ingredients. perfectly ripe, hand-scooped hass avocados and a touch of sea salt. it's like a double double for your tastebuds. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing... what happens when we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmware. welcome change. 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(vo) yep, it's our best plan ever. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. -capsule! -capsule! -capsule! capsule saves me money on prescriptions. capsule took care of my insurance. capsule delivered my meds to my doorstep. capsule is super safe and secure. get your prescriptions hand delivered for free at yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. get your prescriptions ok, that jump was crazy! but what's crazier? you get unlimited for just 30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. wait! 5g included? yup, even these guys get it. nice ride, by the way. and the icing on the cake? saving up to 400 bucks? exactly. wait, shouldn't you be navigating? xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. like a lot, a lot. we have breaking news out of the city of new york. the secretary nypd officer shot while responding to a domestic dispute in harlem on friday has died. officer wilbert mora was 27 years old. mora was hospitalized in critical condition following friday's shooting. the other officer who responded to that call, his partner, rookie jason rivera, died that night. and as crime statistics increase across the country big cities are also getting hit with a spike in carjackings much like the smash and grabs these robberies can happen in what feels like a split second. nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez has more. >> reporter: katy, comprehensive national data on carjackings is not available from the fbi but several major cities are reporting a significant rise during the pandemic. police call it a crime of opportunity, carjackers attacking unsuspecting drivers, swiping their vehicle and,some cases, more. >> they're taking cars at gunpoint, knifes -- >> reporter: this shocking attack caught on nypd body cam video. the suspect able to get away speeding down a busy street plowing into stopped cars. nate fleming was recently carjacked, the suspect pulled up in a red suv. one points a gun at him and gets into his car. >> guns were pointed in my face before i could blink an eye. >> reporter: a family forced out of their car. >> i started screaming there's kids, there's kids. >> reporter: carjackings up 55% in new york, 63% in minneapolis, and a staggering 85% in philadelphia. >> the rising numbers are beyond troubling. >> reporter: officials warning food delivery and ride share drivers should be on particularly high alert a. man delivering food shot. police say many times young joy riders are responsible. our carjacking offenders are increasingly younger and younger. we're trying to encourage our young people to make better decisions. >> reporter: another example of a rise in violent crime, the shootings of police officers from houston to d.c. in new york city the new mayor is promising more comes on streets and subways including the reinstatement of plainclothes officer units to step the flow of illegal firearms. >> we will not surrender our city to the violent view. >> reporter: police say one of the techniques is the bump and run technique where they initiate the carjacking by tapping on the vehicle. police say the main advice is to be aware of your surroundings especially in public places like gas stations. >> pretty scary. and for a second day in a row, the market is taking investors on a roller coaster ride. mortgage rates are going up. what it's doing to the already hot housing market. hot housing market riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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up and into the green. the volatility is due to a lot of things and is all happening as the fed kicks off its two-day policy meeting where it could start to decide to rise interest rates. robin, i have a hard time doing these stories about the stock market, truth be told, because they go up and down so rapidly that it feels like i'm covering a speeding train too fast to catch. >> i was also thinking about it. i used to roll my eyes back in magazine life when they would say markets are down 800 points, let's assemble the team. if this were the case at a macy's one-day sale would you lament the fact they are offering you a sweater at 10% to 20% off. if the starter home of your dreams, they knock it down. there's a bi-polarity. there's this kind of racing to get in on the action and there should be a fomo when you see things marked down. if stocks fall that's better for you in the long run if you can get it at lower prices. >> if you line up a bunch of white t-shirts people might gravitate to the most expensive one. there are people who say to themselves, well, is this the moment where it keeps going down? how do you know to buy low? >> and that's the price of admission to the stock market. it was too easy, it's a sucker's game, everybody would pile into it. there have to be risks like they say with christianity has to have hell, capitalism has to have bankruptcy and risk of ruin, that danger for you to come in. if it was risk free, everybody would do it. this takes out the people who got sloppy and lazy and this is the pause that in many cases refreshes. >> bitcoin has taken a tumble. what about the people who are saying tough times are ahead? >> how many times could they have said that? i like to joke with old co-workers back at "businessweek" that at the mark's low a bunch of people pulled me aside, kid, we're going to be eating cat food. you should take that as a contraindicator when everyone is capitulating maybe i should look at the markets. it was a generational low. in 2001 when everybody was talking about dot-com, talking about stocks, maybe that was an indication things had gotten a bit too frothy. i think they're a natural and desirable part of market behavior. markets cannot just keep going up. >> thank you so much for joining us, as always. >> my pleasure. thank you. and for home buyers, spring is coming early. the busy buying season isn't waiting for the warm weather because mortgage rates are at a 22-month high and continuing to rise. buyers looking to lock in a better rate are scrambling to make offers. the number of houses for sale, i'm sure if you've looked around you've noticed this. is at a five-year low. there is a one-month supply of homes left on the market. joining me now is real estate correspondent diana olynyk. a one-month supply of homes, i don't understand what that means. what do they mean by a one month supply of homes? >> reporter: well, to put it in perspective, katy, a six month supply of homes is considered a balanced market between buyers and sellers. so a one month supply, which is historically low, as you point out, is almost impossible for buyers out there. there's nothing out there for sale. we are coming off two of the most competitive years because of the pandemic. it drove people to want more space, bigger houses out in the suburbs and also the economics of the pandemic caused mortgage rates to hit record lows. now you think things will start to cool off. not the case. we went to an open house in waldorf, maryland. three offers by the first open house on sunday and people were still rushing in because they were afraid they would get priced out. >> we thought because of the winter months it would slack up a little bit. prices were coming down to normal. that's just not happening. and it's anguish, it's pain. it's agony. >> when it does get warmer and more houses go on the market and the rate is up higher, it will be kind of like a worse situation, like a perfect storm for everything to really go up. >> he's right because of the perfect storm you will have much higher rates, some people putting their houses on the market but generally pricier houses and people really the demand is on the lower end for those entry level buyers. >> it's anguish, it's pain, it's agony. i feel for that guy and that family. diana, thank you for story. alex jones has now confirmed that he did meet with the january 6 committee. but hold on. jones revealed on his radio show that the virtual meeting happened yesterday. he also said that he asserted his fifth amendment rights almost 100 times throughout the deposition. jones recounted several questions he says he was asked by the committee including whether he used the proud boys and oath keepers as security on january 6th. he claims he did not. jones called the deposition a, quote, intense experience and said they were polite but they were dogged. 100 times. i wonder what information they did get out of him. and for the first time in more than a year a certain member of the u.s. capitol police force is speaking candidly about what happened on january 6th. you know officer eugene goodman from his bravery that day, redirecting the mob from the senate floor and redirecting senator mitt romney from the mob. now in an interview with a podcast called three brothers, no sense, he described what it was like. >> when you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i went down and looked at the door, people were out there standing around and all that kind of stuff, i told them i think they're downstairs. so when i went down there and i get confronted by them, they're actually in the building. i honestly didn't know they were that far in the building. and they lock eyes on me right away and just like that i was in it. it wasn't a matter of let me leave them alone or not. i feel like they would have followed me anyway. most people don't know i was actually outside, too, for a little bit during that, outside the fighting. yeah, it just -- i don't know. i was just in go mode, you know what i mean. >> de-escalation was big on your mind, safety and de-escalation. >> yeah, safety, de-escalation to a point. there were a few of them -- you had a few that were angry and screaming and then you had others that i'm here for you and this and that and the third so you just -- it came back to what you were saying, situational awareness. you want to de-escalate but at the same time you want to survive first. >> i keep thinking how remarkable it is they never fired their guns except for the one instance inside and what would have happened. officer eugene goodman on the three brothers, no sense podcast. and coming up, from bad to worse, a new investigation lawn pd by london police raises the stakes for an already embattled boris johnson. and president biden touted new covid pills in the fight against the pandemic. for people seeking those treatments, finding the pills has not been easy. >> the hospital network wasn't able to really help and then when we did get clearance to try to find it, the doctor just said good luck finding it. t said good luck finding it this is the planning effect. if you ask suzie about the future, she'll say she's got goals. and since she's got goals, she might need help reaching them, and so she'll get some help from fidelity, and at fidelity, someone will help her create a plan for all her goals, which means suzie will be feeling so good about that plan, she can just enjoy right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. throughout history so good about that plan, she can just enjoy right now. i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. you can't have your birthday cake and eat it, too, boris. it is only tuesday but the week keeps getting worse for prime minister boris johnson, the uk leader on the cover of nearly every british newspaper and tabloid over parties he threw. the metropolitan police has opened an investigation to determine whether the prime minister and other government officials broke covid restrictions, again, whim the rest of the country was under strict lockdowns. a separate government investigation is expected to conclude any day now. it adds to johnson's ongoing pr nightmare and a growing sense among his conservative party that prime minister johnson who is no stranger to scandal has finally become a liability. raf sanchez, it seemed like he was teflon much like donald trump was teflon and not face political consequences. >> reporter: nothing stuck to him but fighting for his political life. the whole country is waiting for this report by sue gray, a civil servant nobody had heard of a couple of weeks ago. she had been holding the prime minister's fate in her hands. what happened she has shared her findings with london's metropolitan police and whatever it is they saw in those findings alarms them enough that they have now launched a criminal probe. the prime minister was up in the house of commons earlier today. he actually said he welcomes this investigation. i want you to take a listen to that. >> i welcome the decision that this will give the clarity it needs and help to draw a line under matters. but i wanted to reassure the house, that i and the whole government are focused 100% on dealing with the people's priorities. >> reporter: katy, he talks about the public there. i can tell you a very large proportion of the public are furious because there is this feeling of hypocrisy that the man who lives and works behind that door was making the covid rules. he was telling the public to follow the covid rules, but he may not have been following them himself. there's a new poll out i want to show you that finds 62% of the british public want boris johnson to resign. just 25% think he should stay in office and, katy, interestingly, 38% of the people who voted for him in the last election who handed him that landslide election victory just two years ago, 38% of them think he should go. so that shows you just how quickly this prime minister has gone from being a winner, from being the dominant political figure in this country to really clinging by his fingernails now to his post. >> when you are acting as if the rules don't apply to you, it can be very consequential. the biden administration withdrew its vaccine or test mandate for large employers, recently blocked by the supreme court. the other development of the day is the u.s. has now topped 72 million cases since the start of the pandemic. evidence shows that omicron poses a smaller risk of hospitalization than the delta variant. still, millions of americans remain at high risk of severe illness and death from the strain. from those vulnerable, medications can help curb their risk of hospitalization but in order to work the covid pills need to be started almost immediately after a positive test result. unfortunately, though, finding them is not that easy and neither of the drugs on the market are one size fits all treatments. joining me from queens, new york, as if there's another queens, is nbc news correspondent ellison barber. talk me through what you found. >> reporter: threw two covid pills that have emergency use authorization. one of them is produced by pfizer, the minimum age to use that as well as the minimum wait is 12 years and 88 pounds, you need to initiate that within five days of symptoms. this drug has a long list of potential drug interactions including everything from arthritis medication to an anti-cancer drug which kind of limits the pool of people who could potentially be eligible for this. this treatment is three pills taken twice daily for five days. the other covid pill produced by merck is called molnupiravir, the minimum age is 18 years and needs to be initiated within five days of symptoms. it's not recommended for use during pregnancy. that treatment is for pills taken twice daily for five days. so we've spoken to people from california to texas to north carolina who told us either they or a loved one got sick with covid-19. they felt they would be a good candidate for these pills but when they went to try and find them they just kept running into hurdles. they say at times the people they called to try to get information, answers on whether or not their loved one was eligible for this sort of treatment or whether or not a pharmacy had access to the treatment oftentimes the people they were calling to try to get information, they did not have any answers. one person told us they reached out to a pharmacy and the pharmacist said they hadn't even heard of the pills. we spoke to one family, the robinson family. kelly robinson has been vaccinated. she is triple vaxed but is immunocompromised. she and her son, brett, knew it could potentially be risky for her. her son had heard about the covid pills. he said to her, mom, ask your doctor for a prescription. she says her doctor told her if you can find a pharmacy that has it, i'll write you one, but you have to do that because i don't know any that have this pill in stock. she told us she was too week to even tackle finding any place that had this availability, but her son, he would not give up and spent hours tracking up and tracking down the medication for his mom. listen to more of their story. >> i ended up calling 12 pharmacies whether or not the pill was available, whether or not they could tell me. many had not heard of it at all or for any antiviral. for it to be as effective as it can be it needs to be taken within the first five days of symptoms and those days were running out waiting on clearance and prescription and information. >> i felt discouraged and i thought, i'm not going to get any treatment that will prevent this from getting worse. >> reporter: so doctors we've spoken to say that these covid pills are ineffective, a valuable tool in the fight against covid-19, and production is starting to ramp up to hopefully address the supply and demand issues, but an effective tool is only effective if people can find it. a website before we go, a website run by the department of health. it is a website that is an interactive map that shows people where they can find these covid pills and the monoclonal antibodies that can be used right now. that website, though, it is very, very difficult to find. listen to the website covid-19-ther i mean, who can remember that. that's the problem that we keep hearing from people as they say the information is out there, but it is difficult to access it online. it's not simplified and they feel like it's overwhelming. one person told us it feels like back at the start of when the vaccines became available and the only way to get an appointment if you knew a 17-year-old good at coding. >> i wish we would have put that on the screen and at least see it and run to take a photo. i'm sure you're going to tweet it. go to her twitter. i'm suggesting you tweet it. thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up next, my colleague jacob ward's stark warning on artificial intelligence. warni warni artificial intelligence. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ever notice how stiff clothes janssen can help you explore can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. oh, that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again...and again. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. what would you like the power to do? how often do you make choices solely based on computer algorithms? it is happening more than you might think. who to follow on instagram to what to buy on amazon to netflix recommendations, to google map direction, artificial intelligence has fundamentally changing how we behave and interact with the world around us. and this is just the beginning. that is the theme, explored by the book out today written by jacob ward, "the loop how technology is creating a world without choices and how to fight back." jake ward joins me now from san francisco. first off, congratulations. i though how hard it is to write a book. it is a painful endeavor just getting it out is amazing. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> a topic i certainly worry about, how much of me is being coopted by the technology that i use every day and how concerned should i be about it? >> i feel it too. every day there is that feeling that something about my behavior is different than it used to be and so about four years ago, i began writing this book to look at exactly how it is that companies are looking at our behavior and getting out in front of it. the place we know that the best is in your feed on social media. on youtube. i discovered a whole host of companies using the same kind of pattern recognition systems to do things like that mediate between divorced parents and interrupt the fights that they have by text to identify which screen plays are most likely to do well in the market and green they as a result by proxy through a.i. we're using a.i. to figure out who gets a job or a loan because it's an incredible time saver, efficient, but what i'm worried about is what we are going to be like in the future if we come to rely on these systems the way we have come to rely on something like google maps. >> that ethan hawke movie with uma thurman, i'm blanking on the name. going through our dna and utilize how we're best used in the world. i wish we had more time to talk about this. it is a subject that i find terrifying and fascinating and like to know more about how to extract myself from it, but i will go buy the book because i can get the answers in the book. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for joining us. everybody go buy his book. and that's going to do it for me today. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. r tmeoday hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. oh, man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly. at least my shoes look good! help prevent wrinkles with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet with three times the wrinkle fighting ingredients. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit san francisco was a beacon of hope for my family to reach the middle class, and i've been helping others ever since. when the pandemic hit bilal was right there, helping restaurant workers make ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. let's get you right to the state department. on the left side of your screen you will be seeing the spokesperson step in front of the microphone for an update on the crisis with russia and ukraine, a crisis ramping up this hour with new warnings from president biden saying sanctions against vladimir putin personally are not off the table and adding this about a potential russian invasion of ukraine. >> if he were to move in it would be the largest invasion since wor

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Reason , Member , Defense , Anyone , Mr , Decision , Term , Doesn T , Lot , Terms , Concern , Security , Eastern Europe , Poland , Western Europe , Belarus , Consequences , Intention , Spillover Effects , Invasion , Risk , Way , Leader , Reading Tea Leaves , Everyone , Something , Team , Past Bei Have A Yor , Looks , Country , Largest , World , Hold On , World War Ii , Come On , Let S Go , Case , Odd , Too , Front , Conversation Standing , Sweatshirt , Gift Shop , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Visit , Glimpse , Mug , Kamala Harris , Washington , Ukraine , Things , Place , Which , Two , Advance , Thing , Movement , 200 Million , 00 Million , He Wasn T Signing It , Military Aid Package , Desk , Officials , Package , Elements , Word , Response , Katy , Thanks , Soldiers , Ayman Mohyeldin , Assistance , Attack , Threat , Assessment , Matter , People , Being , Same , Answer , Miles , Kind , Feeling , Development , Capital , Arrival , Change , Level , Experts , Academics , Attitude , Evacuation , Staff , Embassy , Nonessential , Others , Leave , Family Members , Overreaction , Slight , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , Bit , Power , Population , Levers , Embassies , Questioning , Panic , Sticks , Suspicion , Talk , Motives , Course , Reaction , Vladimir Putin , Stance , Moscow , Goal , Incursion , Powers , Happening , Wormed , European , Times , Companies , Meeting , Game , Diplomats , Input , Format , Normandy , Four , Fate , Future , Negotiation , Zelensky Who , The Street , Disconnect Matt Is , Stakes , Secretary Of State , Question , No One , Blinken , Cards , War , Negotiating Table , Alliance , Solution , Seven , Puppet Government , More , Something Else , Card , Military Escalation , 14000 , Aggression , Anybody , Ones , Calculus , Don T Trust , Trenches , Eastern Front , Courtney Kube , Tensions , Report , Areas , Sky News , Stewart Ramsay , Fighting , Constant , Lines , Conflict , Nothing , Snow , Change Everything , Mud , Flank , East , Separatists , Gate , Ukrainian Army , Fighters , Incident , Volunteers , Prime Minister , Vets , Wars , British , Battle Akin , 100 , Town , Shores , Communities , Sea , Scenes , 2015 Scenes , 2015 , Compromise , Efforts , Edge , Cities , Carjackings , Volatility , Spike , Videos , Swings , Wall Street , Boris Johnson , Liberty , The Party , Personal Record , Limu , Pay , D , Subway , Avocado Game , Refresh , Ingredients , Touch , Sea Salt , Tastebuds , Double , Hand , Hass Avocados , Uppi , Ways , Emergency Medicine , Electron , Energy , Feet , 40000 , Workspace , Vmware , Solutions , Rethinking , App , Anywhere , Cloud , Faster , Plan , Vo , Ultra , Mary , Verizon , 5g Data , 5g , Cost , Speed , Ultra Wideband , Welcome Change , 10 , Zero , 5 , Go On , Lead , Show , Entertainment Subscriptions , Phone , Capsule Com Yep , Shhh , Foreals , Six , Medication , Flare Up , Inflammation , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Adults , Crohn S , Stelara , Relief , Treatment , Cancer , Symptoms , Doctor , Infections , Infection , Serious , Skin Growths , Sores , Intestine , Uc , Surface , Flight , Tb , Reactions , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Janssen , Pres , Prescriptions , Capsule , Cost Support Options , Doorstep , Insurance , Care , Meds , Network , Bucks , Nice , 30 , 30 Bucks , Shouldn T , Cake , Icing , Yup , Nice Ride , Wait , Xfinity Mobile , 400 Bucks , 400 , Officer , City , News , New York , Secretary Nypd , Rookie Jason Rivera , Partner , Condition , Dispute , Shooting , Harlem On Friday , Mora , Call , 27 , Robberies , Crime Statistics , Hit , Smash , Comprehensive National Data On Carjackings , Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez , Split Second , Fbi , Pandemic , Cases , Rise , Drivers , Crime , Cars , Vehicle , Metropolitan Police , Carjackers , Opportunity , Body Cam Video , Street Plowing , Nypd , Knifes , Gunpoint , Nate Fleming , Guns , Car , Suspect , Suv , Gun , Family , Kids , Eye , Face , Minneapolis , 55 , 63 , 85 , Man , Share Drivers , Numbers , Food Shot , Food Delivery , Philadelphia , Carjacking , Joy Riders , Offenders , Decisions , Example , Police Officers , Officer Units , Streets , Subways , Shootings , Houston , Reinstatement , Mayor , Technique , Flow , Techniques , Bump , Firearms , View , Gas Stations , Places , Advice , Surroundings , Market , Investors , Mortgage Rates , Housing Market Riders , Housing Market , Doing , Row , Roller Coaster Ride , Friend , Bike , Gas , Wolves , Tank , The Great Highway , Open Road , Friends , Chuckles , Lack , Jeremy , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Protection , Progressive , 9 , 2 , 79 , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Blood Sugar , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , 7 , Help , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Possibility , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 3 , Work , Last , Office , Servicenow Platform , Challenge , Workplace , Safe , Return , Customers , Business , Servicenow , Stock Market , Dow , Points , Big Hit In The Morning , Trading , 600 , Fed , The Green , Interest Rates , Stories , Truth , Robin , Eyes , Markets , Magazine , Speeding Train , 800 , Sale , Macy S , Starter Home , Sweater , Dreams , 20 , Stocks , Run , Bi Polarity , Fomo , Racing , Action , Prices , Bunch , T Shirts , Admission , Price , Everybody , Sucker , Capitalism , Bankruptcy , Danger , Risks , Risk Of Ruin , Hell , Christianity , Pause , Refreshes , Bitcoin , Businessweek , Tumble , Co Workers , Mark , Cat Food , Contraindicator , Kid , Low , Dot Com , 2001 , Home Buyers , Market Behavior , Pleasure , Markets Cannot , Houses , Rate , Buyers , Isn T Waiting , Number , Weather , Offers , Scrambling , 22 , Supply , Homes , Diana Olynyk , Real Estate , Five , Perspective , Sellers , Space , Suburbs , Economics , Open House , Lows , Maryland , Cool Off , Waldorf , Open House On Sunday , Pain , Agony , Anguish , Situation , Everything , Demand , Storm , Rates , Entry Level Buyers , End , Alex Jones , Story , Guy , Committee , Radio Show , January 6 , Fifth Amendment , 6 , Oath Keepers , Deposition , Questions , Boys , Security On January 6th , Deposition A , January 6th , Information , Eugene Goodman , Time , Experience , U S Capitol Police Force , Sense , Mob , Mitt Romney , Interview , Podcast , Bravery , Floor , Senate , Three Brothers , Door , Stuff , Stairs , Building , It Wasn T A , De Escalation , Safety , Don T Know , Mind , Go Mode , Few , Point , Situational Awareness , Saying , Instance , Coming Up , Brothers , Sense Podcast , London , Investigation Lawn Pd , Bad , Worse , Covid Pills , Fight , Treatments , Clearance , Covid , Hospital Network Wasn T , Luck , Planning Effect , Goals , Fidelity , Someone , Suzie , History , Unforeseeable , Asset , Landscape , Gold , Path , Potential , Returns , Birthday Cake , Parties , Newspaper , Tabloid , Cover , Investigation , Government Investigation , Government Officials , Police , Rest , Lockdowns , Covid Restrictions , Whim , Conservative Party , Stranger , Scandal , Pr Nightmare , Raf Sanchez , Teflon , Liability , Donald Trump , Life , Nobody , Servant , Couple , Sue Gray , Findings , Probe , Hands , House Of Commons , Listen , Clarity , House , Matters , Line , Public , Rules , Priorities , Hypocrisy , Proportion , Covid Rules , Poll , Public Want , 62 , 38 , Election , Landslide Election , Victory , 25 , 38 , Fingernails , Winner , Figure , Rules Don T , Post , Start , Test , Mandate , Employers , Supreme Court , Evidence , Omicron , 72 Million , Medications , Hospitalization , Millions , Strain , Death , Illness , Delta Variant , Pills , Drugs , Test Result , Neither , Size , Queens , Correspondent Ellison Barber , Age , Emergency Use Authorization , Pfizer , 12 , 88 , Drug , Potential Drug Interactions , List , Limits , Pool , Arthritis , Covid Pill , Merck , Molnupiravir , Use , Pregnancy , 18 , Candidate , Sick , Texas , California , North Carolina , 19 , Pharmacy , Answers , Hurdles , Sort , Whether , Access , Kelly Robinson , Pharmacist , The Robinson Family , Triple Vaxed , Son , Brett , Pill , Stock , Availability , Tracking , Pharmacies , Many , Antiviral , Tool , Doctors , Production , Website , Map , Website Run , Issues , Department Of Health , Monoclonal Antibodies , Problem , Ther Putters Locater Hub Com , Vaccines , Appointment , 17 , Screen , Photo , Coding , Twitter , Jacob Ward S Stark Warning On Artificial Intelligence , Warni Artificial Intelligence , Colleague , Footlongs , Steph Curry , Gonna , Td Ameritrade , Content , Info On Options Trading , Personalized Education Center , Recommendations , Interests , Streaming Service , Investor , Education , Binge Learning , Visit Tdameritrade Com Learn , Clothes , Skin , Downy , Dyes , Perfumes , Towel , Banking , Phones , Wonder , Girlfriend , Bouquet , Bank Of America , Gentle , Thinking , Tools , Yoga Studio , Photographer , Track , Ring Fund , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Choices , Stop Banking , Computer Algorithms , Direction , Instagram , Google , Theme , Beginning , The Loop How Technology , The Book Out Today Written By Jacob Ward , Jake Ward , Book , Endeavor , Congratulations , San Francisco , Topic , First Off , Behavior , Technology , Best , Systems , Social Media , Pattern Recognition , Feed , Host , Youtube , Fights , Result , Green , Text , Parents , Screen Plays , Loan , Job , Proxy , Saver , Movie , Name , Dna , Google Maps , Uma Thurman , Ethan Hawke , Subject , Coverage , Me , Everybody Go , Hallie Jackson , R , Tmeoday , Wrinkly , Wrinkles , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Megasheet , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Wrinkle Fighting Ingredients , Find Themself , Hit Bilal , Candidates , Job Description , Class , Beacon Of Hope , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Policies , Restaurant Workers , Status Quo Isn T Working , Obama , Bilal Mahmood , Crisis , Side , State Department , Spokesperson Step , Microphone , Update , Warnings , Table , Wor ,

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