Two candidates, theyre dueling economic messages and the former president s claims about the two attempts on his life and iran, plus the very latest on Hurricane Helene now forecast to reach category four heading for the Florida Panhandle good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin tonight, keeping them honest with politics specifically the brand of it, which runs on falsehoods and fear. And frankly, racism the latest example, louisiana republican Congressman Clay higgins, this guy, now it doesnt have much of a record of accomplishment in the house, but today, hes certainly got noticed this is what he posted on social media, quoting the congressman now, lol, these haitians are wild, eating pets, voodoo, Nastyas Country in the western hemisphere, colts slapstick gangsters, but if they dont feel all sophisticated now filing charges against our president and vp, all these thugs better get their Mind Right and their out of our country before january 20. So a couple of things to unpack he
To go in just hours. Thanks for joining us. Ac360 starts now tonight on 360, it started with the former president, but now the ugliness is coming from inside the house. How one congressman amplified hateful campaign against haitian immigrants would top republicans are saying in his defense and what the chair of the congressional black caucus plans to do about it, keeping them honest also tonight, the two candidates, they re dueling economic messages and the former president s claims about the two attempts on his life and iran plus the very latest on hurricane helene now forecast to reach category four heading for the florida panhandle. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin tonight, keeping them honest with politics specifically the brand of it, which runs on falsehoods in fear, and frankly racism. The latest example, louisiana republican congressman clay higgins, this guy, now it doesn t have much of a record of accomplishment in the house, but today, he s certainly got noticed
YEah, yEah, yEah. I know. That fEEls good to bE onEEls Goo Top and thE bottom. Happy tuEsday, EvEryonE. EarliEr, prEsidEnt bidEn addrEssEd thE UnitEd Nations GEnEral AssEmbly for thE lasr tT TimE as commandEr in chiEf. HE said, ill miss sai thEir colorful costumE and thEld way thEy sing. Its a small world, AftErEr L all. EarliEr today, thE prEsidEnt Earl thE un, ng lEasEd asking lEadErs from All OvEr ThE World to put asidE thEir diffErEncEs and EnjodEy amEricas quality. HE thEn lEd thE EntirEy AssEmbly in a rousing pErformancE of dEatH To amEric a. But in a sign of goodwill, israEl prEsEntEd him with a monogrammEd pagEr. YEah, so PrEsidEnt Erdogan of turkEy also addrEssEdassEmb ThE GEnEral AssEmbly today, causing onE man to ask, did SomEonE TurkEy . NEw footagE of an unidEntifiEdn jump in scotlands loch NEsshu SuggEstsmp in thaT ThErE might bE two loch nEss monstEr. ThrEE morE and thEyll havE a show. Jill bidEn mEt with Martin ShEEn and othEr actors from thE wEst wing. ShEEn said it wa
[ ] feels good to be on top. And the bottom. Happy tuesday everyone. Earlier today president biden interest united nations general a simile for the last time as commander in chief. He said he will miss their colourful costumes and the way they sing. At the small world after all. Earlier today the president of iran also addressed the u. N. Asking leaders from all over the world to put aside their differences and enjoy america s quality. He then led the entire assembly in arousing performance of death to america. But in a sign of goodwill is representative with a monogram pager. [cheering and applause] [laughter] so the president of türkiye also addressed the general assembly today. Causing 1 man to ask, did someone say türkiye? new footage of an unidentified hump in scotland s loch ness suggests that there might be 2 loch ness monsters. 3 more and they will have a show. [laughter] joe biden met with martin sheen and other actors of the west wing. Sheens it was nice to meet someone
The former conservative Defence Secretary Ben Wallace is about to be asked about allegations that the sas more protected from prosecution about allegations of killings in afghanistan. In allegations of killings in afghanistan. Allegations of killings in afghanistan. Allegations of killings in afuhanistan. ,. , afghanistan. In terms of posts ou have afghanistan. In terms of posts you have had afghanistan. In terms of posts you have had Nowhere You Have had nowhere parliamentary Private Secretary to the then secretary of State Forjustice Ken clarke and then following the 2015 General Election appointed the parliamentary underSecretary Of State northern Ireland Office and between July 2016 state northern Ireland Office and betweenJuly 2016 and state northern Ireland Office and between July 2016 and july and betweenJuly 2016 and July 2019 Minister Of State for security at the home office. Can we just security at the home office. Can wejust Deal Security at the home office. Can we just deal