Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cros

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

acts and freedom act to the senate floor this tuesday. this comes on the heels of the president's from into georgia where he wrote about their long-time destruction of voting rights. but the speech as you all will remember was notably not attended by several prominent civil rights groups, which has sparked debate on the best strategy and tactics to employ even if you are on the same side of the divide. with that's at odds how to proceed and republicans united to dismantle democracy, what itself the plan to make sure that the very voters who delivered joe biden into power in 2020 can help his party maintain control of congress this year? joining me now, darren johnson, president and ceo of the naacp and executive director of black voters matter cliff allright and angela wrie. we should note, cliff and angela are actually in phoenix where voting rights activists are holding a rally today, which is dr. martin luther king's actual birthday. there is new reporting out this morning that you derrick, around other civil rights leaders met with for kyrsten sinema. tell us what happened in that meeting. >> well, we tried to make the case how important this was. the fact that a procedural rule should not block substantive rights to votes, that she among many others have supported or they claim to support voting rights. but to say they're unwilling to remove the filibuster or do a carveout is nonsenseiccal to say the least. that was earlier this week. fact, that was on wednesday. we seen what happened after the fact, both she and mankin reverted back to their original posture as well as the 15 republicans, 16 of whom supported reauthorization 2006 but holding fast because they are too myopic to expand the party's platform to attract new voters. they want to subjugate the pipeline to access to the ballot box. >> this is an interesting challenge, she is a democrat. she is in many ways upholding white supreme owes. you and i know what the filibuster was made for. >> one party need to only negotiate with itself policy will inextricably be pushed from the middle towards the extremes. and i understand. there is some on both side of the aisle that prefer the outcome. but i do not. >> i don't think i can roll my eyes hard enough and you kind of want to sigh girl bye. angela, i'll let you take it. what's your thoughts on the senator's position? >> you know it's rooted in falsehoods. right. like this is, we're talking about voting rights. we're not talking about abortion, which we all know has been historically divisive in this country. what we also know is that voting rights has been supported on a bipartisan level in both chambers of congress since 1965 when a democrat signed the bill into law. so what i would tell senator c sinema reflect on your history, not an eprofessional plea for people to remove or to fought remove the filibuster when you just could cross that hurdle. right. i'm talking about this year, they can cross that hurdle. so why can't you do that when it comes time to protect voting rights? the other like serious mistake that senators are make secretary deciding that this is somehow a black civil rights bill. it is not. this is a bill to ensure that this country continues to move down the road towards democracy. i agree with jesse jackson, jr., who recently said we were moving towards democracy and this is a way to ensure that we're back on that right road. >> it is a way to ensure back on that right road and in this case, she is the hurdle on that road. you and my good friend natasha that brown, you guys opted to not offend president biden -- attend president biden's speech the week. i want to give you an opportunity to address the vitriol directed your way in a much more collegiate atmosphere. my colleague jonathan capehart wrote about your decision to not go. he said activists shouldn't be rallying against joe biden and harris. i don't know if that's what you guys are doing. essentially you guys should organize against sinema and manchin. how do you respond people felt your absence was disrespectful to madam vice president kamala harris and president joe biden? >> yeah. good morning, tiffany. yeah, you know, it's not about disrespect. right. it is about accountability. and what we were basically saying was that we thought it wasn't the time for another speech all throughout 2021 would have been a great time for speeches. it wasn't time for another speech. it was a time for action. right. the kind of actions that you know we've seen since the speech. one he came out and he said that he unquiff cally called for a good step, more important lit, the steps afterwards what did he do? he met with the caucus, the democratic caucus in the senate. we had been asking him to do that for months. they started making phone calls and meeting with folks. he had meetings with manchin and sinema. i'd lining him to tell them, hey, you all, let's go to camp david. if it can be used to solve international conflict f. we spend two or three days in camp david, can i find out what we can do to modify this filibuster. we wanted actions. it wasn't about disrespect, it was having people be accountable the same way dr. king would often have to do the same thing, to hold folks accountable. it was frustrating. you know how it is. all three of you all know how it is on social media. you get folks that will come after you. but to see folks coming after my dear sister friend comrade natasha brown. she and i have been doing this work for three decades. we have been up in these streets. that includes some dirt roads of alabama that we used to walk on 30 years ago. derek knows about that. so you know for folks to be coming after her or me talking about where is your work? like, for real? you know, so and to say, why don't you all go to west virginia? i have been to west virginia four times this year. we supported groups in west virginia and arizona. we have been talk about manchin and sinema. to hear folks saying why aren't you talking about manchin and sinema. it shows people weren't paying attention to the work. the lyft thing, that speech is fine. she can give a speech. panchin can give a memo, at the end of the day you got to stop your selling wolf tickets. at the end of the day, she got to vote. what they do is they will give these speeches and they hope that will stop the process and chuck schumer won't bring it forward and bring it up for a debate and a vote. she's going after stands to debate her senate colleagues about the merits not just of the bill but a filibuster reform. that's why the process needs to continue to move forward. >> we shouldn't leave the republicans out of this they are obstructionists. nay are letting destruction fall. manchin and sinema others who deserve who are faltering on advancing voting rights. i want to do a part of this conversation today. because these type of ideological differences have always invikted. martin luther king's ratings were lower than donald trump's at his death. there are people that dispute how you go about achieving equality. it pains me to see the it havery control against black lives matter. more people have power and equality. you did opt to go for this speech. do you feel confident this administration has done everything they can do to advance voting rights and what is the plan now? now that we're here? >> well, i think the administration is lackluster in protecting votes rights. he came out with a covid package. he asked me if it was necessary. the very next thing was the infrabill. it should have included election infrastructure. we advised that we pushed for that. if we can create an infrastructure opportunity in 2009, we'd have the american vote act, giving every state a voting machine. increasing requirements for ada compliance at every poll location requirements, we could have done the same thing with making sure that every jurisdiction has the type of machines necessary to look forward. think about it. in 2001, we gave states electronic machines, none of us would keep a computer board for five years. yet we expect the states to operate with those old machines, you attach all the requirements to carry out federal electionhood which would force your administration to do the same this administration has been lackluster. we had the conversation when they first came into office. we had the conversation with the administration in june him we had this conversation if august. we had this conversation in september. can i go on and on. so, at the end of the day, political parties are nothing more than vehicles. the black community, a vehicle for agenda. the black communities, we have a clear agenda, protect our rights to vote. protect our young people on the streets from police brutality and can sell student loan debt. that is not attached to a political party that is something that black americans say we feed desperately and this administration have not stepped up in those three key areas. >> all right. i want to get you in here. we will take a quick break. keep it right here. because this conversation is going to continue on the other side of the break. don't go anywhere. anywhere. >> i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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so when i'm talking about the difference between a whole pie and crumbs, tiff, it's about the pursuit. right, it is about pushing the thing through like you are building back better. you can't build back anything if there is no democracy. you can't build back anything if january 6th was just practice. you have to take a completely different tact and approach. what that means is you have to risk it all. because what is on the line in november is democracy. so they keep telling us to vote like democracy depends on it. there is a critical step that we are missing before we get there. that is applying pressure to the folks who now serve in the majority. that is applying pressure to the retiring republican senators, roy blunt, pat too many yip. right, all this i know i can keep going. i got a bazillion things. >> i think it is a point. plus, you just heard everything angela said. look, our fellow panelists up there, there is nothing wrong with going and you know hearing what president and vice president had to say. you will never call for a boycott. you say our work continues. you can't disrupt the work you were doing to an audience. again, people have different ideologies on strategies and tactics. it's really important to remember we all want the same thing. that's a clear path to the ballot box. we want as many people to vote as possible. now that we're here, cliff, black voters matter will once again be in a position to outorganize legislative failures which you talked about. so what is the plan today? >> yeah, the plan today. let me first say, i am glad you pensioned the part about the other organizations they attended. we did not ask for a benedict or ask other organizations to fought go. in fact, before the speech, i was sitting down having a long conversation with the left with my old friend people from the american way who went to the event. so we were glad some of our folks, martin the third and his family attended. we were glad. they showed support for us. there is no daylight between any of these organizations very clear on with we need. we need filibuster reform to get it done. we are still believing we have the power to get that done. we are out here doing marches. we have folks dog hunger strike and doing phone calls. we need to call all of the senators in order to make sure this happens. every one of these senators, it's not enough for them to say, talking about the 48 that support modifying a filibuster. it's not enough they support voting rights or modifying the filibuster. they've got to be advocating amongst their cleeblgs. joe manchin and kirsten sinema should get 49 phone calls every day. 48 from seniors, just want to remind you, they've got to be advocates. we got to be advocates. we are believing we are going to get this done if we faint upon the. that's been on my spirit this whole week. if we do not war why i in well doing, for in due season we shall reap. if we don't faint, john lewis and those in selma and dr dr. king didn't faint. it took them three times to get across, faint not. i'm here in arizona with two democratic senators or one-and-a-half that was told they couldn't do that but they did the work. folks like mass liberation did the work. if we faint not, we will get these bills pass. that's what our history tells us when we work together, when we do the work, when we believe, we win. >> yeah. like angela reminded many ethis week, bloody sunday was a march not a parade. we need march and action. >> that's right. >> in the legislative way. i'm curious, naacp out on the front lines of voting rights. what itself the plan to surpass the rampant voter suppression that's ravaging the country right now? >> three things. one, we must stay focused. we must not get distracted by other people on the sideline criticizing anybody doing the work. the work is ma matters. the outcome is what we are working for. we have never been a model with our strategy with civil rights. we have never been a pod nel terms of who is the perceived movement of leaders. we have never been a model around tactics. secondly, moving forward, come tuesday, there will be open debate on the floor. one of the other things that we work with leader schumer with was a procedure to put the debate on the floor and from all next week, we need to crash the phone line of every member. what all 100. particularly those 16 members, those 16 republicans who voted for it in 2006 and the two democrats that are the holdout to try to move the needle. thirdly, where is corporate america? if our democracy collapses, the aperture also collapses. corporate america needs to step up. we need to reap out over the weekend, where is your voice? why 51 stepped up? on thursday we took out number page ads in the "new york times", washington post, calling on corporate many earthquake to step up. there is no silver bullet here. it's all hand on deck. it's everyone, industries, in the boardrooms, in the corporate rooms, on the floor of the capitol, wherever we can show up to raise this and the paramount issue, the priority, not a priority, for this nation, that's what's important. >> yeah. absolutely. and just to repine everybody who may have a difference of opinion. vice president kamala harris' success is our collective success. no one wants to see her fame, least of all voting rights activists who have been doing this work for decades, a special shoutout with natasha brown on the ground continuing to fight for democracy and all the work you do and whatever capacity. different ideologies and tactics. we all want the same thing, that is equality and power for our people. you all have to come back. this was a fire panel to start off the show. coming up for you guys at home a. rampup across the country as moratorium pandemics come to an end. we'll discuss that next. s that people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. >> lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. . the landlord tried to eric me in three courts, civil court, supreme court and criminal court. but they trying to force me out of my place. he's an evil old person. my apart is $100. he want to take that my comfort zone away from me. >> much of the country apparently experiencing bitter winter weather that includes snow and below freezing temperatures. listen, if are you one of those people, imagine you are not toasty and warm at home watching my show right now but rather one of the hundreds of thousands of people kicked out on the streets facing the end of rental assistance. the last moratorium in the country expires today, in new york. to compound that difficulty, the country is still locked in the grip of a severe covid surge that continues to devastate the economy. joining me to discuss this and more, private director at the eviction lab at princeton university. i'm so happy you were here, in reading the papers and the ready roing on this, your name and your work kept coming up repeatedly. you have been laser focused on this. are you the ideal person to tell us when the eviction moratorium ended and as rental assistance ends across the country, what impact does that have on people at risk of losing their homes? >> absolutely. yeah. you know, as we watched the federal moratorium expire all the city and state moratoriums expire, you know, there is a very clear story. evictions started going up in those cities. now, we did not see some of the drastic spikes that some of the worst case scenarios predicted. that's because there were still other instances of federal support. right. there was stimulus payments. there was extended unemployment insurance. there was the child tax credits and $45 become of emergency rental assistance. at this point in the pandemic, most of that aide has expired and people are beginning to spend down the savings that, you know, for once if their lives, they were able to accumulate. and so, you know, new york's moratorium lifting like you said in the middle of omicron when it's 13 degrees out, at the end of you know two years of unprecedented federal assistance, you know, we really do expect to see a lot of evictions moving through the system now. >> take a listen to one man who lost his job because of covid and what he's going through as we speak. >> i lost my job due to covid and it was hard for me to like you know get housing because of the money situation. like the rent out here in boston is expensive to get an apartment. even to get a room, it was expensive. >> a lot of people don't understand that shelters, homeless shelters are very dangerous sometimes for homeless people. there is not always a safety fet to catch someone and another interesting thing that you noted, there is a gee grabbingal geographical incident. why is the geographic instance? we will focus on the geography for now. >> sure. you know, and it is pretty true anywhere you look throughout the country, as you see a concentration of black representers, there will be higher eviction rates than workers concentration and renters. that is because of centuries of structural racism in this country. you have both lower incomes if black neighborhoods as well as lower quality housing. now, what you see in the southeast especially in the rural southeast are very high rates in rural areas. that is relatively rare in apartments because, you know, in most rural counties in the u.s. are very heavily white and some are relative and prosperous. in the southeast, zuma majority black counties, extremely low incomes, and a really high percentage of rentors, and if you are a renter who needs assistance and you live in atlanta or detroit, you know, there are lots of legal aid groups who might be able to help you. but there are groups doing great work in rural areas. they're not as real resourced as in the major cities. >> take a look at another person facing a dire situation and then i'll ask you about it on the other side. >> i live in south -- for over 50 years. especially section like green point where you have landlords who have six units and down who have no piece of legislation to protect these parents. they can come in and give an apartment for somebody else. the reality we know it's for profit. >> this is incredibly heart breaking. i do want to know the biden administration moved $1.1 billion for rental assistance for money with different space and localities that need it. some states have a surplus. others are running out. the challenge, though, is there is so much bureaucracy and red tape to get to these funds for some people. so when are you facing dire straights and you don't know and it's a terrifying feeling to have the rent due and not know how you will pay it or where you will go once you are kicked out. so get through that red tape at that time can be quite a challenge. what is your advice to people facing that situation right now? >> yeah. i want to say that you know when the federal government wants to give money to people, like the stimulus checks. i got a notification on my phone, that money was there right. we know how to do this. we have not set up this infrastructure for low income renters and i think that's an enormous oversight. we need to know where renters are, we need a way to get them money without all that pointwork. if you are going through this right now, i would say look up a local legal aid group. go to they should be able to direct you toward some resources. i'd say keep in contact with your landlord document your interactions, respond to any legal notifications that you get. if you have an instinct to protect yourself, you know, it's traumatic to deal with this. but you will generally get a better result if you keep in communications with anyone who has some power over you in this situation. >> yeah. well, charm, this is a conversation that we definitely need more time for. you have to come back. thank you so much, for being with us. and next, #relationship goals? maybe not so much. because for a lot of those living the single life. they're good with it. we will talk about why marriage and birth rates are declining right after the break. keep it right here. t right here >> your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. it's the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. the american dream used to be all about that white picket fence 2.5 children and maybe a dog. but clearly times have changed and so have the perception of family. as u.s. population growth slows to a crawl, fewer americans are making their way down the aisle, programs for reasons illustrated in this clip from hbo's insecure. >> if i'm into them, i'm too smothering. if i take my time and give them space. i didn't you were into me. wait to have sex, i don't have sex at all. no, that is not an example. >> and when you combine that with the fact that last year this country the most adorgs restrictions in anythingle is year since roe v wade was decided, you have as to wonder if we're hurdleing dang ruszly close to living in gilead, the setting for the hand maid's tale. >> as members of congress, we didn't wake up. we suspended the constitution. we didn't wake up either. >> you girls will serve the leaders and their very vibes. you will bear children for them. >> joining me now donna marie mackenzie director of entertainment and author of "the engagement game" comedian, writer, producer and co-star of everything is trashed on free form. so excited to have you both with me. this is going to be such an interesting discussion. i have to start with the woman on the panel because you once wrote an op-ed saying you are saying basically i don't to i do. cut to a year later you are married and raising a child. i think this is an interesting time, we're reshaping american culture. according to puig research fewer and fewer americans are walking down the aisle, unpartnering seems to be very rampant during covid so what changed the mind for you? >> thank you so much for having me, tiffany, what i will say is yes i was among so many women of my generation who are questioning if marriage is for us. i think so much of my desire to marry was influenced by what i saw in popular culture growing up. i love a good disney movie. i love a good fairy tale at the end i can meet and parry my prince charming. right now, we're seeing stories where they're centering on really difficult moments in marriage and making marriage look not quite appealing. there is also a lack of stigmatization right now when it comes to singlehood, most americans are single right now. so right now, the norm is, oh, you can be a fly rich auntie and have freedom and choice to travel and not worry about asking kids and not have labor on yourself. i had to question if marriage was for me. it wasn't until i had a hard talk with my older sister who was married and loved and enjoyed being married, where she affirmed me and said, hey, listen, if this is what you want. go after it. don't be scared about what you see in popular culture. go after it. so i eventually made that decision for myself. i'm glad i took a moment to pause and understand if this is for me. because it's not easy. >> yeah. well, speaking of fought being easy, during covid, divorce rates spiked. there was that saying you can't spell divorce without covid. you are married with kids. >> right. >> how has marred life been for you during the covid months? >> oh, my wife is watching. it's been great. everything is fine over here. no problems whatsoever. no, you know, it was tough. actually covid brought us closer. i'm a very petty person. if we were going to get divorced, it was not going to be me. i was going to stick it out. that's right. so i think honestly like the kids, like it was a blur, tiffany, i'll be really honest with you. it was the closest i'd ever come to combat and it was a blur and from the, you know, i have flashbacks here and there, but i've gotten through it. and i think one of the things that can get you through it is not dwelling. if you dwell, you will fall apart. if you keep moving one foot in front of the other, you will be fine. you know, and it's also i believe in johnny taylor's theory it's cheaper to keep her. >> well, i want to take it back to you, because during break, a really good point, but marriage decline is impacting the population decline. i think you know you guys probably all heard the news this week lisa bonet and jason mamoa have decided to uncouple. i would ask our viewers to please respect my privacy as jazen and i decide what our next steps are. but, joy i am curious. this is also a challenging one. you also made that decision as well. how has that been during covid? >> well, tiffany, get in line first. okay. i am already married, but, you know, options. but i will say that my decision to have kids never changed. i always wanted to have children whether i was going to be married or not. and again that goes back to there being options right now. you can cohabit with a pa readyner, have children, raised and fulfilled and not have to be married. so i never questioned my want and desires to be a mother and i was going and my hopes to be a mom, i was going to be one by any means necessary. i do think especially in a pandemic, those who were wanting children did have to take a step back. it was so difficult i think, i too felt like i was in combat. often days i was losing. it was such a blur. i had chunks of my hair falling out. we had to escape to maryland to get away from people. we were afraid we were going to walk out of our doors and catch a potentially fatal disease. it was really,000 i think women saw that and had to make a choice if this was right for them right now. >> yeah. i want to talk a little about hookup culture and perhaps that's the reason population is declining. stay with us before we get no that conversation after the break. as it gets spicy, don't go anywhere. t go anywhere >> fries or salad? 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it's kind of this fake rightly extremists parading around as lawmakers who really do just want to control women's bodies in addition to other draconian policies? >> yeah. as a reporter and a journalist, i go back to the reporting. so what insider recently report states who have passed recently restrictive abortion bans are the same states who have an increase or are among the top states who have an increase in infant mortality and maternal mortality, and so i think the next question is, okay, if you are going to restrict women's rights and women's right to choose but you're also a state that's not taking care of newborns and new moms, we have to wonder what will happen, and i think that's a question that i will press lawmakers and i hope journalists and citizens do too, especially as we go into the midterms in the next presidential election. >> absolutely. something interesting, same-sex couples, the divorce rates are not exactly the same when it comes to same-sex marriages, jordan, which i find, yeah, really, i find really interesting. same-sex couples who are married has actually gone up. but now, we should say that, you know, i'm sure laws have something to do with this, and it's only -- it went up in, i don't know, some years and then 2020 it dipped a little bit, but it's not quite the same. something that has me thinking about this, though, jordan, this hookup culture. i do wonder how younger people are meeting and connecting in these covid times. sure, there are the dating apps and online services, but how are people seeing each other? things are shut down. slowly the world is opening, but some kids it seems like they just want the hookup part of it and not really the relationship part of it. >> right. are you asking me? because i've been married for 14 years in a row, but what i've seen from the youth culture is that they're on these apps, right? and that basically it's all about the apps, but the apps have destroyed dating in general. it's like people are creating a new kind of thing for themselves. but it seems like a buffet. you're getting a little bit of -- you know, you're getting a little bit of the mac, a little bit of the cheese, a little bit of protein, and kind of completing a mate. that's what i've seen. i'm in writer rooms where there's lots of gen z and millennials, and i'm here for the stories and they seem to be like tinkering together a man or tinkering together a lady, and i think that's -- i mean, i'm -- like it's great fodder because i'm a boring married dad. so i mean, they have one part of their life together, the career, but as we've seen, we've talked about the marriage plot. it seems like that other part is like kind of catch is as catch can. which is, you know, i don't have the energy for it, you know, so -- but i see that others do. >> yeah, and you kind of wonder would our grandparents have gotten married if they were on instagram and whatsapp and match and, you know, grindr and tinder and all the other things. i think you made a good point. you guys are our old married people on this panel. we'll have to do this panel again with two single people and get theirperspectives. >> that's all i'm trying -- i'm trying to get to year 15, you know, but that's all it is. but i do, i write about relationships for a living. it's really important to show that there is a new language, and one of the things is actually like being able to do things that i wasn't capable of doing. it used to be like -- it's just like calls, if you could call somebody and you had that mac appeal and you could just keep them on the phone, you were in there. but now it's like what are your dms like, can you keep them -- it's about attention. >> it's all down in the dms, you're right. really quickly, we're out of time, but you're doing standup, working folks see you doing your standup? >> you want to see more of this? okay. so i have a show sunday january 30th at union hall, and then another one on thursday, february the 6th at union hall at 8:00 p.m. it's only $12. brooklyn, new york, baby. we go hard. please, please come through of. the show is called "still doing standup". >> you can go anywhere in the world and say is brooklyn in the house, if you're in brooklyn check out jordan carlos. thank you so much for this, and in the next hour, why is the rnc pulling out of presidential debates? i've got a rock star panel to talk about it. plus, the student loan crisis and its crushing effects not just on students but their parents. another hour of "the cross connection" is next, stay with us. hour of "the cross connection" is next, stay with connection" is next, stay with usollision beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos? tacos. automatic emergency ing — one of six advanced safety features standard on every 2022 chevy equinox. find new technology. find new roads. chevrolet. does sinus congestion and pressure make breathing feel impossible especially at night? 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say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do, but now that i find out -- and the one thing about impeachment, why would you run it through so fast? i say let's put a bipartisan commission. let's learn all the facts. >> ask and ye shall receive. he reportedly told republican lawmakers the same thing at the time that trump took responsibility for the insurrection, but at his weekly press conference tuesday, mccarthy went full diva imitating the great mariah carey. i don't know her. >> in the spirit of disclosing private conversations did you tell house republicans on the january 11th phone call that president trump told you he agreed he bore some responsibility for january 6th as chairman thompson's letter indicates? >> i'm not sure what call you're talking about. >> sure. meanwhile, the rnc says it will require candidates to skip the traditional presidential debates with no clear replacement for these events that millions of voters depend on to make their ballot decisions. joining me now is errin haines, editor at large for the 19th. carmen perez jordan, civil rights leader and victor xi, a fire panel, so excited to have you all here. you're a reporter, long-time journalist, you've certainly put in time at various newsrooms now at the 19th. i do feel like it's incumbent upon journalists to stop referring to these folks as the republican party. it seems like they're just right wing extremists. the fact that they're saying do not participate in presidential debates is further proof that they're not interested in upholding the democracy in any way. but as a journalist, as someone who covers this, i'm curious your take? >> yeah, i mean, tiffany, i will tell you when i saw "the new york times" headline from maggie haberman saying this was a real consideration, certainly the rnc had been discussing and had made their kind of displeasure with the debate process heard, especially in the last election cycle, i was alarmed because, yeah, you don't get to check out of democracy, particularly if you are one of the major parties in this country. look, i mean, we know the republican national commission has sour grapes act how these presidential debates have been going for the better part of a decade. those complaints did grow louder because their nominee was not the best received and got some criticism for his performance in those debates and he was also constantly complaining about the rules. the commission on presidential debates just for people who do not know, it has been around since 1987. it is an institution and it is a pillar of our democratic process. it is non-partisan, despite, you know, whatever perceptions the republican party may want to put out there about, you know, how that process works. it is non-partisan. it is meant to give time for the candidates and the country to get to know each other, particularly if you are a voter that lives in a state that is not pennsylvania or iowa or south carolina or nevada, right? what is the alternative venue in our polarized and partisan climate if we are not going to have presidential debates are where you have these candidates getting a chance to really introduce themselves to our entire electorate, not just the voters that they want to come out and vote for them. >> right. exactly. that's what this is all about, just narrowing the path to voters they want to vote. correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this upcoming presidential election in 2024 will be the first election you're voting in, is that correct? >> it would actually be the third election i'm voting in. >> the third presidential election i mean. >> yeah. >> all right. >> so this is your second presidential election? >> second presidential election, yes. >> okay. all right. got it, thank you for clarifying for me. apologize for that. as a younger person, if the republicans are not participating in these debates and as you're watching what happens with january 6th, which is why they don't want to participate in debates because they will have to ask for donald trump and their continued erosion of democracy, how will you and folks your age know where they stand in realtime outside of press releases? >> yeah, for sure, i mean, tiffany it's so hard to find anything these days that isn't shocking from the republican party. i think this decision pi the republican party boycott the presidential debates isn't just shocking. it's i think indicative of what many americans have been saying that in america we only have one functioning political party right now. republicans asserted that the presidential debates are somehow favored for democrats and so therefore they won't participate. this commission on presidential debates has hosted general election debates for over 30 years and not once over that time period did a political party ever contemplate such a decision. i think instead of what republicans claim their reasons are for threatening to boycott the presidential debates are, i make a conjecture and say the real reason the rnc is considering this is that perhaps presidential candidates they put forth no longer explained to the american people why they won't support democracy or admit, for instance, why donald trump and other republicans had a direct role in inciting the january 6th insurrection or why they won't support a date, not to mention a final vote on policies like gun reform, climate change and voting rights. as shocked as i think many in my generations as i was when i heard about this: i'd say if republicans are unable to make their policies and positions clear to the american people and to my generation and defend them in front of the american people, you know, not only is senator romney correct in describing this as completely nuts, but i think republicans should not be able to hold the highest office in the land from now on. >> yeah. i agree, and you know, republican voters want to reach folks your age, you know, they should take note of such things, but you know, i don't know if they even want to reach people your age to be honest with you, victor. carmen, you were one of the organizers of that monstrous huge million women march back in 2017. as you see democracy crumbling as one of the architects of that wonderful movement, can you out organize what's happening right now? can women out organize what's happening right now? >> i do believe we can, and thank you so much, tiffany for having me. i do believe we can. i believe that in a democracy we need to have a healthy debate. it's fundamental, and it's essential. the american public must have the opportunity to hear multiple sides, healthy debate expands the mind, and we need to really begin to think about how we're going to out organize this system that continues to polarize certain individuals. my mentor and founder of my organization, mr. harry belafonte always says meet people where they're at and champion them for your cause. this is actually an opportunity for candidates to win over the voters who are on the fence. i think that the real question is is who is benefitting from this decision? if the american people are less informed and no longer have access to something like a debate between candidates, who does that benefit? certainly not the american people. you know, but it seems to me, you know, you said this earlier, like this is a continuation of a certain trend where increasingly a few extremist voices are controlling the republican party. first they decided not to of a platform for the first time ever, and now they don't want to participate in debates. it's absurd to prohibit kand dates from choosing to enter a presidential debate: had is very dangerous to our democracy and really unfair to the republican voters. >> yeah, absolutely. and all voters really. so if the republican party is in shamble s, we should admit the democrats are kind of challenged in some similar ways, namely just because kyrsten sinema, democrats are not the same as republicans by any means but buzz kill senator kyrsten sinema tanked all hopes for passing voting rights legislation by refusing to weaken the filibuster. in essence she's decided that protecting the rights of the minority party in the senate is more important than protecting the rights of minority voters. i'll present you with this warning from a birmingham jail cell 50 years ago. >> i must confess that over the past few years i have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. i have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the white citizens councillor or the ku klux klaner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice. >> i mean, this still today for those who don't know, errin, i'm sure you do, today is actually dr. martin luther king's birthday. errin, i don't want to see a single tweet from anybody quoting dr. king who is standing in the way of the path to the ballot box. and i just know we're about to get a flurry of these tweets from mitch mcconnell, from kyrsten sinema from joe manchin, and it's like miss me with all your mess. your take on how people celebrate king day amidst what's happening right now. >> you know, tiffany, it's interesting. you mentioned twitter, one thing that is circulating in the twitter sphere is an old tweet from sinema, pictured next to former congressman john lewis who was my congressman when i lived in atlanta and who i covered for many years as a reporter, posted a picture of the two of them smiling together referring to him as my hero. and yet she is not willing to do what, frankly, is the only path, you know, to really getting that legislation on voting rights in his name passed in the senate, and that is getting rid of or changing the rules to the filibuster so that that legislation can move forward. listen, at this point, tiffany, i really think we have to ask everyone who is expected to make that vote and have to make the case for their position on tuesday, how is it that you support voting rights at this point if you do not support doing something about the filibuster in order to make that voting rights legislation happen. i mean, that's like me saying, well, yes i support being covid free, but i'm not really interested in the vaccine. i mean, you have to take the steps necessary to bring about the thing that you say that you support. you can't just say that you support it but then not take action to support it, so i think, you know, i've covered many a martin luther king holiday celebration in atlanta, at ebenezer baptist church. i've seen lawmakers sit in the pews of that church while voting for legislation and policy that goes against the very things that dr. king stood for. i think that that is certainly what the king family is cautioning against. they have told people specifically do not celebrate our father's birthday if you are not prepared to do whatever it takes to get voting rights across the finish line. and i think, you know, honoring husband legacy, frankly, is not going to be enough this year. i think that what people are calling for is action in the spirit of dr. king, and that's -- whether that be white moderates or the entire beloved community that he spoke about and tried to bring about in his life time and ultimately caused his death. >> i completely agree. and here's the thing, carmen that people don't want to admit. dr. king wouldn't rock with any of you all. people love to come out and put his quotes up. he would not have rocked with anybody. i talked in the last hour about how his polling numbers were lower than trump's at the time of husband death. people like to cherry pick his quotes, but when it came to politics they didn't like it. what's your take on all of this? >> i mean, clearly he rocked with my mentor harry belafonte, as we sit here on the 93rd birthday of dr. king, who in 1953 he testified that we have a congress with a senate that has a minor tu of senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from voting, they don't want the majority of people to vote because they know they do not represent the majority of the american people. that was said 59 years ago, and what's important here is that this is not just another issue to agree or disagree on. people fundamental right to vote is being obstructed. dr. king, john lewis, harry bellefonte, snick, all those individuals, so many of our elders fought for the right to voc. i think what our sister angela rye said earlier, people are tired of the talk and they want action. i think people are rightfully very wary of the attempts by democrats to get political points by speaking up about this, but if it wasn't for organizations like black voters matter, woke vote, vote latino, that are proud partners of the gathering, i think these politicians would just continue like it's business as usual. really, it's these groups that are continuing to fight and continuing to keep the legacy of dr. king. i don't know if our elected officials really feel comfortable or accountable to us, and i'm actual paraphrasing now, but you know, former president barack obama said even if certain representatives refuse to stand up for democracy, the rest of us should be able to get the job done with simple majority vote. we can't allow obstruction to be used, and so we need words put into action, and i agree at this moment if people are celebrating dr. king, their words need to be going into action. >> i completely agree. victor, sadly, we are out of time, i want to give you ten seconds to share your thoughts on what's happening right now as it relates to dr. king. >> yeah, for sure. so you think like errin and carmen said, the best way to honor dr. king and his legacy, pass h.r. 1, john lewis voting rights act now. what martin luther king iii said about snarn senator sinema's decision is exactly right. i don't think history is going to remember her kindly. my generation is up to defend voting rights. >> whenever you announce your run for congress, please do it on this show. i see it in your future, my friend: >> will do. >> errin, i want you to come on ig live for me after this show. we can talk more about voting rights, and carmen, great job, glad you may your debut today and victor you'll be back. coming up, how student loans are affecting generations. we'll talk about that next. e af. e af. we'll talk about that next excuses happen. what? it'soo windy. but with a huge selection of wellness support products for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. . we should not be punishing people for getting a higher education. it is time to hit the reset button. >> we as a country are profiting off of insurmountable and crushing educational debt, and it is wrong. >> all right, discussions about this nation's ongoing education debt crisis are often framed from the perspective of the student borrower, and usually that's met with criticism that students just should have gone to a cheaper school or work and put yourself through school like we did, but new reporting shows how crushing student debt loan balances aren't just pushing back students' futures but also the retirement plans for the millions of parents who took out supplemental federal loans to help their kids college dreams come true. joining me now is my friend david johns, the executive director of the national black justice coalition. but before that he was president obama's executive director, the white house initiative on educational excellent for african americans. that was always such a long title to say, david i hope i got it correct. thank you for being here. i know this is something that you care deeply about. one of our producers, this is like his issue that he's deeply vested in, and millions of people across the country who are being, you know, strangled essentially be their student loan debt. senator elizabeth warren has been on this for a long time and says president biden should unilaterally wipe out about $50,000 in student loan debt for every federal borrower. what's the biggest challenge with doing that, david, if there is any? >> yeah, i appreciate the question. happy new year's. good to see you, friend. the biggest challenge with that is a question of authority and whether or not president biden and his administration is going to deliver on the check they wrote, right? i learned my lesson a long time ago from my mom, hey, momma, that you shouldn't write checks that you're not prepared to cash. president biden promised to dismiss $10,000 in loans for individuals who had less than $50,000 in debt and to do so at hbcus as well, and while there have been significant investments toward that, that there has not been delivery on that particular promise. i appreciate you naming the time i spent having served our country working for still my president barack husain obama, there's a question about authority whether the constitution carves out the space for the secretary of education or president biden to dismiss loans. there's a consideration clause in the higher education act of 1965, early on in the administration of president biden instructed the department of education to issue a study, this department has sat on that study. they should release the study and continue the conversation about how much to dismiss. the last thing i'll say about this is right now there are seven federal programs that are designed to support loan forgiveness. five of the seven are focused on low income individuals, low income learners or people who are facing financial hardship. right now congress while debating and they could do their job and pass legislation that would address some of these questions that would relieve the administration of having to do anything. but right now there could be expansion within any of those five or seven existing loan forgiveness programs to release a little bit of the pressure from this valve. >> yeah, and our viewers can see the actions that president biden has taken on student loan debt. david you talked about having worked for president obama. we should talk about that administration as well. president obama they relaxed stricter guidelines on parent plus loans in 2014 after intense pushback from hbcus, they said lowering the eligibility of loans would really hurt their enrollment numbers. considering where we are with national student debt balance, it's practically doubled since 2011. do you think that decision was a mistake? >> so a technical distinction, the obama administration enforced status that was already on the record. it was codified before president obama took office and before i joined the administration to be claer. the responsibility of having done their job. the appoint hire again is that hbcu presidents and leaderships were defending resources that they were benefitting from and using to support a disproportionate number of individuals who pursue post-secondary degrees, credentials and certificates in this country. what we should be talking about are two things related to this. it's the responsibility of governments at every level to be doing more to subsidize public education. we should not be paying for education, public education in particular in the richest country in the world. i am someone who has worked hard to amass a considerable level of educational privilege, i completed a ph.d.. i'm also a millennial who heard the lesson that if i work really hard, college should be free. and so right now while we have so much around what we have known traditionally and have accepted about the ways in which public education works to support social disorder in this conversation, we should be having honest conversations about the value of public education, the cost of public education and institutions have a responsibility as well: i want to lift up wade state university. it's the third largest institution in michigan. wayne state has undergone a program to forgive debt for students, acknowledging that some 60% of individuals who have pursued a degree have it completed. wayne state showed if you forgive the debt of some students, you not can increase revenue but get closer towards enrollment goals. there's lots of opportunities for all of us to do better. >> black borrowers are more likely to struggle with paying loans. it's an economic issue, a racial justice issue and intergenerational issues. women carry two-thirds of all student debt as well and black women carry 20% more than our white peers: this is according to congresswoman ayanna pressley's office. >> the short answer to your question like most things in america is racism and anti-blackness and white supremacy. i also want to lift up that lgbtq borrowers carry more debt than non-lgbtq people. >> why? >> that's for a lot of reasons. there are unfair practices that loan carriers, institutions and others project upon borrowers. there's a legacy of banks preventing us, black people, women, lgbtq ia plus people, people with disabilities are from accessing capital to get anywhere closer to the american dream. that's one of the reasons why we should also be passing the equality act while talking about all these other things. the second is that we also start with greater barriers and baggage, right, so the median income for black folks is around $45,000 and on average we're carrying close to $52,000 in debt. and so there's lots of sacrifice that black folks, that women and lgbtq ia plus folks, intersectionality make, before even making the decision to take out loans if we're able to in the first place. >> this is a conversation that clearly needs more time. if you are a black lgbtq woman, you are really in bad shape when it comes to student loans. we'll have to continue this conversation. >> let's not forget that most black -- >> very true. we never have enough time. thank you so much, david. coming up the number of black coaches in the nfl just dropped to a dismal number, one. my friend from espn howard bryant joins me next to talk about that and more. n howard bryant joins me next to talk bryant joins me next to talk about that and more. ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. ♪ my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. there is a whiteout in the nfl when it comes to coaches. two out of three black coaches in the league were fired this week, and a whole lot of privilege is rocking the tennis world an ocean away after novak djokovic was detained overnight. here to break down both of these stories, commentator for meadow lark media, he's the author of "full dissidence: notes from an uneven playing field." i want to get to this tennis stuff first. it really to me seems like djokovic wants to play by his own rules and does not want to abide by the rules set for everyone else. is there something i'm missing here? >> there's a little something that you're missing and it's good to see you again, tiffany. the one piece that we're not paying nearly enough attention to is tennis australia. they created a situation where i think the players have been encouraged to look for loopholes and to try to find ways to get around -- of not being vaccinated. the rules are very clear. if you talk to any of the australians who are living their day-to-day lives under these rules it's very clear what you can and cannot do. in novak djokovic's case we make exceptions for these world class athletes. once again, i think the people in australia are saying why do you get special are treatment when we all have to live and navigate these rules and you don't? >> yeah, i think that's very, very clear. even the anchors there have been criticizing djokovic for some of his decisions. i think we may have an anchor criticizing him, i depend on my producers to tell me in my ear. no, we don't have that, they just said. i think the local people in australia have been criticizing him as well. we'll see what happens. this story has really gotten a lot of attention. i want to shift gears and talk about the nfl. i'm glad we're talking and in the nfl, it is ridiculous to me that there is only one black coach in a league that is at least 60% black. clearly the coaches are held to a double standard. is there anything i'm missing this week about these two particular coaches who were fired? >> no, it's the same as it always is. i think that one of the things about sports that is on the one hand encouraing but on the other hand extraemly misleading, is the idea that because you have a majority black work force you're going to have a majority black front office or majority black coaching staff or a pathway for those for greater representation t it's not what it is. what it is is that you are there, if you're black, you're there to play, and the front offices are no different proportionately than they are at ibm or apple or any other place in this country. but i think we get confused because we say, oh, okay, well, the nba is 80% black, therefore you're going to have more coaches or just because the nfl is 70% black you're going to have more opportunity. it just isn't the case, and every year you look at the numbers. the numbers are the same. this is what it is. they will hire -- owners will hire people that remind them of them, that make them comfortable, and this illusion of meritocracy puts us in this spot every single year. >> yeah, it's kind of challenging and ridiculous. i want to take a listen to troy vincent because he echoes your thoughts and we'll talk about it on the other side. oh, sorry. that's not sound, sorry: that's a full screen. there is indeed a double standard to these coaches. look, i'm obviously not the biggest football expert here, but i am curious do the players have any say in who they play for? a lot of the team owners donate to trump and so are we really expecting folks in trump's crew to prioritize diversity in its ranks? that seems like a ridiculous notion. >> well, i think there's that, and i think there's also -- you have some businessmen like robert kraft who gives to everybody because he's strategic. i think one of the biggest things if you're an african american in this business, especially if you want to get into coaching, the barriers to entry are enormous and the biggest barrier to entry is the fact that if you are a black coach chances are you are a black player, and so what that means is your first barrier to entry is you have to have the world class talent to make the nfl in the first place. and you know, there have been 17 black head coaches in the history of the nfl, pretty much since 1989 because there hadn't been any from 1920 to 1988, and half of them were ex-players, so the very first barrier is you've got to be good enough to make the nfl and that's a barrier that white coaches just don't have. >> i think you're absolutely right. we'll have to keep our eye on this entire thing. i wonder what it will take for people to stop watching. even after kaepernick people kept watching. it seems like slap in the face to so many people who watch and play. >> the game is a drug. it's addictive. >> that's what i hear. i'm off that pipe. so i'm good. but thank you so much, howard bryan, you'll have to m coback really soon. always appreciate your perspective. this coming monday would have been the 100th birthday of the late great betty white. she was a renowned lover of animals as is yours truly and her fans have taken up a call to donate $5 in her name on her birthday to local animal shelters. i care very deeply for animals so already you guys know shelters across the country are reporting a spike in dodonation. if you are able to donate $5. i hope you will do so. latino representation in television and movies, has it improved? we have two experts that will join me next to discuss. perts t join me next to discuss. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night. for wrinkles results in one week. unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit andrea: you see things as a parent-- matching your job description. what your expectations are for your kid growing up, the milestones going to school, graduating and getting married, having kids. and cancer was never one of those milestones in my head. st. jude has given us hope, love, a home away from home. and it feels like home. you're more than just a patient or just another family here at st. jude. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ tonight, tonight, it all began tonight ♪ ♪ i saw you on a whirlwind away ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight ♪ ♪ what you are, what you do, what you say ♪ >> if the future is latina, that was certainly reflected at the golden globes this week, rachel zezler and ariana dubose, and mj rodriguez won for "pose." we have to ask, does winning awards fundamentally change the latino landscape in hollywood? after all, the latino community makes up more than 18% of the population, yet barely made up 5% of speaking movie roles in 2019 and only 7% of the top movies had a latino actor in the lead. after the golden globes has change come to la la land. for more to discuss this, i'm joined by gloria calderon, the creative executive producer of "with love"ment also with me is charles ro marrow bird, so thrilled to have you both on the panel. so great to see you on the screen this morning, and thank you so much for your work and also being here with us. i'm curious because, you know, as a latina in hollywood, you have been a show runner. you're an actress, you wear a lot of hats. one day at a time was a renewed cult classic for so many people. so given where we are right now, what's your experience in hollywood, and do you think the necessary change has come to la la land? >> no is the big answer. i think it's two steps forward, one step back that keeps on happening, and you know, when i was promoting "one day at a time" five years ago i was having these conversations and viva was out and the expanding universe of ashley garcia was coming out and mr. iglesias was coming out. all those shows are now gone. so as i am promoting "with love" we're in a landscape yet again where so many of these beautiful shows get a second, and if they don't pop in a second, they disappear. and so for me it's disheartening, and i'm trying to constantly have conversations with hollywood who's very quick to pat themselves on the back when they do something, but there needs to be a consistency, and there's needs to be an allyship. that i think what we saw with this awards season was allyship, was mr. spielberg is what got "west side story" on the map and why they spent so much money on the story, which it was because of rita moreno, which it should be because she's a goddess, but that allyship is what brought the money to fund a beautiful epic tale, and those are the things that we need. >> yeah. and i think you make a good point, hollywood pats itself on the back, but we have to hear from the community to hear how the community feels. so charles, i'm curious because you studied this. you know, you have a more professorial view of this issue. what's your take on the current latino landscape when it comes to entertainment? >> well, good morning, tiffany, and so my take is a little bit more positive than that, maybe because i'm a little bit older than gloria, but you know, i've lived through it a lot, and you know, where we are now is much better place than we were when "west side story" first came out 60 years ago. i mean, much, much better. i mean, gloria's got, you know, four programs coming up, you know, and another one on -- movie on hbo max, and you know, disney has done a couple of animated features, you know, cocoa and encanto, and that didn't used to exist for young people to be watching. you know, robert rodriguez is directing mandalorian and executive producing and directing, you know, the book of bo bo for disney plus. these are all positive things. yes, we have a long way to go, but you know, let's take advantage of where we are and see if we can't build on that. >> yeah, you know, and i think -- i totally get your point, charles. there are a lot of people who feel that way. particularly folks from a different generation who feel like look how far we've come, and you know, sometimes for those of us who may be perhaps younger, it's the floor and not the ceiling, you know. we're starting at a different pace. so i'm curious just your thoughts on what charles said. >> yeah, well, i think two things can be true at the same time, right? we can say my goodness, how wonderful that we have come so far and that so much change has happened in the last, you know, 60 or so years, but from where i'm sitting, equality is so far off, and i'm a boots on the ground creator. i am constantly fighting and dealing with this next generation, and while i do have four projects in development and i do have those things, i can't list on my hand other latinos that do. so i am one, and there needs to be many. so for me because i want change and because i want this to happen at a more rapid pace, it becomes incumbent upon me to call out that i will not apply the crumbs. i want to say, yes, it's amazing that we're getting stuff. yes, but i want 50, not two. >> yeah. >> so next generation, i think -- and again, i think that both things can be true. both things can be true at the same time. >> i think you're right. i think you're both right, and there's a lot more nuance to this conversation, too, about who plays who. who's represented, the erasure of certain pockets of the latino community. i hope you guys can stick around: keep it right there for you folks at home, and we'll be right back. u folks at home, and right back as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> it's a big problem. i mean, i think until this year, and i think that's what is so exciting about ariana dubose and m.j. rodriguez both being acknowledged is that these are afro latinas from our community. there's been such a deep erasure, and so many people don't even know, so many americans don't even know that afro latinadad is a thing. i have two afro cubans, you know, playing afro cuban for the first time in their career. they have only ever played black men prior to to this show, and they had such a gratitude that they were able to play the totality of their identities for the first time on screen. and so we just have a lot of work to do. so for me i am about the conversation, and i'm so grateful. when we're having conversations about why it's really important to cast a certain way and to have these conversations and try to be thoughtful, we are thinking about the community and how we want to see them represented. we want people at home, we know the power of representation. america ferrera this week was talking about the cancellation, and she said not seeing yourself in the media is like growing in a house with no photos of you on the walls. >> wow. >> i think that it's a really powerful statement, and so when to your point, you spoke about the study that we are 18, almost 20% of the population, and we rarely see ourselves represented, and when we do, it's still largely stereotyped. it feels like it's my duty and job to celebrate this community that i love and to show we are also business owners. to show the recent study by the american latino museum was talking about how 80% of you as latinos were born here are citizens, and people -- you wouldn't think that based on watching your tv. >> right. >> and so we need to change that. we need to change that. latinos started more small businesses in the last decade than any other racial or ethnic group: we need to see that. how people see us on screen is how they treat us. >> right. absolutely. it definitely impacts the national conversation and also individual interaction with people. charles, an interesting conversation i had recently. you was at a dinner and i was the only me, everybody at this dinner was latino, and they were explaining to me -- because i love the show narcos, and they were explaining to me that the actor who plays pablo escobar, how offended they were that he was brazilian playing a colombian and they were trying to explain the accent was terrible. they said it would be like matthew mcconaughey playing james bond: i think this is another area where we have to have these conversations with this diverse community that even within the community, there are sometimes feel who feel like there are many cuban actors available to play ricky ricardo in being thericardos. just curious your take on all of that. >> it's a good point. you're trying to cast to the character, right? and i think that's what you go for ideally, and you know, but then again, you know, beyond that, i think there's other -- you know, you've got so many latino actors out there who are desperate for work and talented and willing to work and looking for work, you know, and we need to get them cast as well, and so beyond the main character, the secondary characters that are written without any ethnicity, you know, being thought of, how about casting them as, you know, the best friend or the boyfriend or the doctor or the teacher, you know, and it changes nothing in the story to have a latino teacher in the high school or something. and you know, i think that's one way just to get a chance to all these actors. rita moreno had a big chance when she was very young. gene kelly gave her a chance in "singing in the rain", and she plays zelda, a minor character, but she in a way stole the show. >> yeah. >> and it really boosted her career. >> she did, rita moreno. yeah. i'm so sorry, we're so out of time, but you're right, rita moreno changed the game. we'll have to keep having these conversations here. i think this is such an important conversation to have. this is how america will look, so thank you so much, gloria and charles for having this very important kvgs. conversation. and coming up tomorrow, check out my colleague's amazing special the sunday show, our fragile democracy. jonathan capehart will be joined by notable voices including congresswoman terri sewell, the reverend al sharpton, voting rights advocate melanie campbell and former adviser and speech writer to dr. martin luther king, dr. clarence jones. that's tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. you don't want to miss that. it's going to be a very important conversation. for all of you who loved his op-ed, i'm sure he'll be talking about it there. i will be tuned in. all right, we'll see you after the break. in all right, we'll see you after the break. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... (whistle blowing) did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. that's our show for today. thanks so much to all of you for watching. i'll be back next saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. for now you can stay tuned for the lovely and wonderful and always beautiful alex witt. hi alex. >> you're so cute. if people see me wearing that blouse next saturday, they're going to know that somehow i got you to send it to me. i've been coveting it. >> i'll overnight it to you my friend. >> see you next saturday. a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome, everyone, as we approach high noon in the east 9:00 a.m. out west. you're watching "alex witt reports." we begin with this breaking news as we give you a live look at san francisco. we're looking at california as well as west port, washington, because a tsunami advisory is currently in effect after an underwater volcano erupted in the pacific overnight, it happened near tonga, and it has sent massive waves crashing onto that nation's island. take a look at this satellite video, it is capturing the moment of eruption. the u.s. advisory expands now from hawaii to the pacific coast, from the california/mexico border all the way through oregon up to washington, and all the way continuing to alaska. the national tsunami warning center says that residents that live near beaches, harbors, other coastal

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Files , Children , Dog , Picket Fence , The American Dream , 2 5 , Reasons , Programs , Perception , Clip , Crawl , Population Growth , Hbo , Insecure , Sex , Example , Restrictions , Setting , Anythingle , Roe V Wade , Dang Ruszly , Gilead , Adorgs , Girls , Constitution , Hand Maid S Tale , Author , Entertainment , Comedian , Vibes , The Engagement Game , Panel , Writer , Producer , Woman , Form , Saying , Op Ed , American Culture , Women , Mind , Unpartnering , Movie , Generation , Disney , Fairy Tale , Questioning , Desire , Popular Culture Growing Up , Stories , Prince Charming , Lack , Singlehood , Stigmatization , Choice , Kids , Freedom , Single , Auntie , Fly , Talk , Sister , Married , Loved , Divorce , Popular Culture , Wife , Problems , Closer , Blur , Closest , Front , Other , Theory , Johnny Taylor , News , Population Decline , Decline , Jason Mamoa Have , Uncouple , Viewers , Privacy , Joy , Jazen , Options , Get In Line First , Pa Readyner , Hopes , Mother , Mom , Desires , Who , Combat , Disease , Hair , Chunks , Doors , Women Saw , Maryland , 000 , Hookup Culture , Population , Stay , Anywhere Fries , Salad , Screening , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , 92 , Results , Combination , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Chance , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Positive , Immunotherapies , Gene , Cell Lung Cancer , Adults , Alk , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Cancer , Yervoy , Immune System , Parts , Opdivo , Chest Pain , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Eye Problems , Breath , Constipation , Confusion , Fainting , Thirst , Appetite , Cough , Urine , Tiredness , Shortness , Dizziness , Itching , Rash , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Organ , Chest Radiation , Conditions , Flushing , Fever , Weakness , Stem Cell Transplant , Debit Card , Trials , Money Habits , Tools , Chase First Banking , Account , Allowances , Chores , Alerts , Spending , Mobile App , Savings Goals , Service Fee , Chase , Home , Wash , Add Downy , Freshness , Softness , Agency , Downy , Shift , Age , Laws , Freezing , Bodies , Opt , Journalism , Fake , Reporter , Lawmakers , Journalist , Policies , Extremists , Addition , Insider , Question , Increase , Mortality , Infant Mortality , Abortion Bans , Care , Women S Rights , Newborns , Moms , Election , Citizens , Journalists , Couples , Marriages , Midterms , Jordan , Bit , Same , Each Other , Covid Times , Opening , Services , Hookup , Relationship , Dating Apps , Apps , Youth Culture , Row , 14 , General , Dating , Buffet , Protein , Cheese , Mac , Tinkering , Millennials , Mate , Lady , Gen Z , Career , Fodder , Dad , Energy , Catch , Marriage Plot , Match , Grandparents , Instagram , Tinder , Grindr , Whatsapp , Theirperspectives , Language , Living , Relationships , Doing , Somebody , Calls , Appeal , Standup , Down , Dms , Working Folks , Show Sunday January 30th At Union Hall , Sunday January 30th , Still Doing Standup , Brooklyn , Union Hall , Thursday February The 6th , 12 , 8 , Rnc , Say , House , Jordan Carlos , Students , Debates , Student Loan Crisis , Plus , Connection , Rock Star Panel , Effects , Usollision Beeping Warning , Emergency Ing One , Automatic , Tacos , Safety , Silence , Congestion , Technology , Vicks Sinex , Breathing , Sinus Treatments , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , 2022 , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Nasal Congestion , Sinuses , Action Formula , Targets , Source , Network , Ultra , Vo , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Sfx , Mindy , Voice Relief , Verizon , Vicks , 125 , Yep , Stephanie , Jude , Healing , Hope , Zuriel St , Steak , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Retirement , Kid , Landscaper Larry , Crew , Press Conference , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Ending , Progressive , Truck , Timber , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Fees , Contract , Data , Match Data Options , Term , Customers , Mix , Nationwide 5g , Play Chess , Kings , Pawns , The King S Gambit , Conversations , Kevin Mccarthy , January 6th Committee , Trump , Leader , Golf Course , More Advantageous Trump Isn T A King , Pawn , Blogger , Insurrection , Impeachment , California , Commission , Facts , Phone Call , Mariah Carey , House Republicans , Weekly Press Conference Tuesday , Diva Imitating , 11 , January 11th , Letter , Chairman Thompson , Millions , Errin Haines , Ballot Decisions , Events , Replacement , Carmen Perez , 19 , Newsrooms , Civil Rights Leader , Victor Xi , Feel , Incumbent , Wing , Headline , Consideration , Debate Process Heard , Displeasure , Cycle , Maggie Haberman , National Commission , Grapes , Nominee , Criticism , Complaints , Performance , Rules , Institution , Pillar , Perceptions , 1987 , Process Works , Voter , Electorate , Venue , Climate , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Iowa , South Carolina , 2024 , Voting , Second , It , Realtime , Press Releases , Erosion , Decision Pi , General Election , Commission On Presidential Debates , Conjecture , Support Democracy , Climate Change , Admit , Role , Gun Reform , Generations , Positions , Romney , Land , Note , Victor , Organizers , 2017 , Architects , Public , The American , Individuals , Organization , Mentor , Founder , Harry Belafonte , Fence , Cause , Earlier , Trend , Voices , Continuation , Extremist , Time , Shamble S , Kand , Means , Minority Party , Minority , Warning , Essence , Birmingham , Moderate , Councillor , Conclusion , Stride Toward Freedom , Great Stumbling Block , Negro , Ku Klux Klaner , Justice , Martin Luther King Iii , Who Don T Know , Errin , Tweet , Flurry , Standing , Tweets , Mitch Mcconnell , Mess , Twitter , Congressman , Sphere , Picture , My Hero , Vaccine , Covid Free , Martin Luther King Holiday Celebration , Church , Pews , Against , Ebenezer Baptist Church , Husband Legacy , Father , Finish Line , , Moderates , Wouldn T Rock , Numbers , Politics , Husband Death , Polling , Quotes , 93 , Minor , Tu , 1953 , 59 , Snick , Harry Bellefonte , Many , Elders , Voc , Angela Rye , Points , Attempts , Woke Vote , Politicians , Partners , Business As Usual , Vote Latino , Gathering , Legacy , Officials , Paraphrasing , President Obama , Words , Majority Vote , Representatives , Rest , Former , Obstruction , Ten , Voting Rights Act , Pass H R 1 , Sure , Run , Ig , Student Loans , Debut , Coming Up , Immune Systems , Excuses , Cvs , Wellness Support Products , Sleep , Selection , Nutrition , It Soo Windy , Little , Right , Education , Debt , Discussions , Reset Button , School , Student Debt Loan , Student Borrower , Debt Crisis , Loans , College , Aren T , Retirement Plans , Dreams Come True , David Johns , Futures , David , Title , White House Initiative On Educational Excellent For African Americans , National Black Justice Coalition , Producers , Elizabeth Warren , In , Being , Happy New Year , Borrower , 0000 , 50000 , Lesson , Authority , Check , You Shouldn T , Momma , Cash , Hbcus , 10000 , Investments , Promise , Constitution Carves , Barack Husain , Study , Department Of Education , Department , Clause , Higher Education Act Of 1965 , Learners , Seven , Loan Forgiveness , Hardship , Questions , Debating , Expansion , Loan , Forgiveness Programs , Valve , Parent , Guidelines , Pushback , 2014 , Enrollment Numbers , Eligibility , Student Debt Balance , Status , Distinction , 2011 , Presidents , Leaderships , Hire , Claer , Degrees , Credentials , Governments , Certificates , Public Education , Privilege , Millennial , Ph D , Institutions , Disorder , Cost , Up Wade State University , Program , Degree , Wayne State , Michigan , 60 , Borrowers , Opportunities , Enrollment Goals , Revenue , Student Debt , Issues , 20 , Ayanna Pressley , Answer , Anti Blackness , Peers , White Supremacy , Loan Carriers , Practices , Black People , Lgbtq Ia Plus , Banks , Capital , Disabilities , Barriers , Equality Act , Average , Baggage , 45000 , 5000 , Intersectionality Make , Sacrifice , 52000 , 2000 , Lgbtq , Coaches , Black , Nfl , Howard Bryant , Espn , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Oregon Coast , Memories , Hi , 53 , 76 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Healthier Brain , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , Breeze Driftin , High , Stand , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Pneumonia , Thrush , Eye , Vision Changes , Pain , Tongue , Trelegy Com , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Money Manager , Naj , Clients , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Whiteout , Commentator , League , Both , Tennis World , Novak Djokovic , Ocean , Djokovic , Notes , Tennis Stuff , Dissidence , Playing Field , Meadow Lark Media , Tennis Australia , Everyone Else , Players , Loopholes , Australians , Exceptions , Australia , World Class Athletes , Special , Anchors , West Side Story , Decisions , Anchor , Ear , Gears , Coach , Standard , Front Office , Idea , Majority Black , Sports , Majority Black Work Force , Hand Encouraing , Play , Offices , Pathway , Representation T , Coaching Staff , Nba , Ibm , Apple , 70 , Owners , Illusion , Meritocracy , Troy Vincent , Screen , Football Expert , Team Owners , Ranks , Diversity , Robert Kraft , Businessmen , African American , Notion , Barrier , Entry , Chances , Coaching , Player , Talent , Class , Barriers To Entry , Head , Ex Players , Half , History Of The Nfl , 1920 , 1989 , 1988 , 17 , Game , Drug , Pipe , Face , Slap , Animals , Lover , Fans , Betty White , Howard Bryan , M Coback , Spike , Call , Animal Shelters , Dodonation , Movies , Representation , Experts , Television , Perts T , Powerful , Pro Plus , Retinol , Neutrogena , Wrinkles Results , Skin , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Try Pure Zzzs , Refill , Waiting , Diner , Bus , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Reach , Routine , Pfizer , Staffing , Master , Size , Milestones , Expectations , Visit Indeed Com 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

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acts and freedom act to the senate floor this tuesday. this comes on the heels of the president's from into georgia where he wrote about their long-time destruction of voting rights. but the speech as you all will remember was notably not attended by several prominent civil rights groups, which has sparked debate on the best strategy and tactics to employ even if you are on the same side of the divide. with that's at odds how to proceed and republicans united to dismantle democracy, what itself the plan to make sure that the very voters who delivered joe biden into power in 2020 can help his party maintain control of congress this year? joining me now, darren johnson, president and ceo of the naacp and executive director of black voters matter cliff allright and angela wrie. we should note, cliff and angela are actually in phoenix where voting rights activists are holding a rally today, which is dr. martin luther king's actual birthday. there is new reporting out this morning that you derrick, around other civil rights leaders met with for kyrsten sinema. tell us what happened in that meeting. >> well, we tried to make the case how important this was. the fact that a procedural rule should not block substantive rights to votes, that she among many others have supported or they claim to support voting rights. but to say they're unwilling to remove the filibuster or do a carveout is nonsenseiccal to say the least. that was earlier this week. fact, that was on wednesday. we seen what happened after the fact, both she and mankin reverted back to their original posture as well as the 15 republicans, 16 of whom supported reauthorization 2006 but holding fast because they are too myopic to expand the party's platform to attract new voters. they want to subjugate the pipeline to access to the ballot box. >> this is an interesting challenge, she is a democrat. she is in many ways upholding white supreme owes. you and i know what the filibuster was made for. >> one party need to only negotiate with itself policy will inextricably be pushed from the middle towards the extremes. and i understand. there is some on both side of the aisle that prefer the outcome. but i do not. >> i don't think i can roll my eyes hard enough and you kind of want to sigh girl bye. angela, i'll let you take it. what's your thoughts on the senator's position? >> you know it's rooted in falsehoods. right. like this is, we're talking about voting rights. we're not talking about abortion, which we all know has been historically divisive in this country. what we also know is that voting rights has been supported on a bipartisan level in both chambers of congress since 1965 when a democrat signed the bill into law. so what i would tell senator c sinema reflect on your history, not an eprofessional plea for people to remove or to fought remove the filibuster when you just could cross that hurdle. right. i'm talking about this year, they can cross that hurdle. so why can't you do that when it comes time to protect voting rights? the other like serious mistake that senators are make secretary deciding that this is somehow a black civil rights bill. it is not. this is a bill to ensure that this country continues to move down the road towards democracy. i agree with jesse jackson, jr., who recently said we were moving towards democracy and this is a way to ensure that we're back on that right road. >> it is a way to ensure back on that right road and in this case, she is the hurdle on that road. you and my good friend natasha that brown, you guys opted to not offend president biden -- attend president biden's speech the week. i want to give you an opportunity to address the vitriol directed your way in a much more collegiate atmosphere. my colleague jonathan capehart wrote about your decision to not go. he said activists shouldn't be rallying against joe biden and harris. i don't know if that's what you guys are doing. essentially you guys should organize against sinema and manchin. how do you respond people felt your absence was disrespectful to madam vice president kamala harris and president joe biden? >> yeah. good morning, tiffany. yeah, you know, it's not about disrespect. right. it is about accountability. and what we were basically saying was that we thought it wasn't the time for another speech all throughout 2021 would have been a great time for speeches. it wasn't time for another speech. it was a time for action. right. the kind of actions that you know we've seen since the speech. one he came out and he said that he unquiff cally called for a good step, more important lit, the steps afterwards what did he do? he met with the caucus, the democratic caucus in the senate. we had been asking him to do that for months. they started making phone calls and meeting with folks. he had meetings with manchin and sinema. i'd lining him to tell them, hey, you all, let's go to camp david. if it can be used to solve international conflict f. we spend two or three days in camp david, can i find out what we can do to modify this filibuster. we wanted actions. it wasn't about disrespect, it was having people be accountable the same way dr. king would often have to do the same thing, to hold folks accountable. it was frustrating. you know how it is. all three of you all know how it is on social media. you get folks that will come after you. but to see folks coming after my dear sister friend comrade natasha brown. she and i have been doing this work for three decades. we have been up in these streets. that includes some dirt roads of alabama that we used to walk on 30 years ago. derek knows about that. so you know for folks to be coming after her or me talking about where is your work? like, for real? you know, so and to say, why don't you all go to west virginia? i have been to west virginia four times this year. we supported groups in west virginia and arizona. we have been talk about manchin and sinema. to hear folks saying why aren't you talking about manchin and sinema. it shows people weren't paying attention to the work. the lyft thing, that speech is fine. she can give a speech. panchin can give a memo, at the end of the day you got to stop your selling wolf tickets. at the end of the day, she got to vote. what they do is they will give these speeches and they hope that will stop the process and chuck schumer won't bring it forward and bring it up for a debate and a vote. she's going after stands to debate her senate colleagues about the merits not just of the bill but a filibuster reform. that's why the process needs to continue to move forward. >> we shouldn't leave the republicans out of this they are obstructionists. nay are letting destruction fall. manchin and sinema others who deserve who are faltering on advancing voting rights. i want to do a part of this conversation today. because these type of ideological differences have always invikted. martin luther king's ratings were lower than donald trump's at his death. there are people that dispute how you go about achieving equality. it pains me to see the it havery control against black lives matter. more people have power and equality. you did opt to go for this speech. do you feel confident this administration has done everything they can do to advance voting rights and what is the plan now? now that we're here? >> well, i think the administration is lackluster in protecting votes rights. he came out with a covid package. he asked me if it was necessary. the very next thing was the infrabill. it should have included election infrastructure. we advised that we pushed for that. if we can create an infrastructure opportunity in 2009, we'd have the american vote act, giving every state a voting machine. increasing requirements for ada compliance at every poll location requirements, we could have done the same thing with making sure that every jurisdiction has the type of machines necessary to look forward. think about it. in 2001, we gave states electronic machines, none of us would keep a computer board for five years. yet we expect the states to operate with those old machines, you attach all the requirements to carry out federal electionhood which would force your administration to do the same this administration has been lackluster. we had the conversation when they first came into office. we had the conversation with the administration in june him we had this conversation if august. we had this conversation in september. can i go on and on. so, at the end of the day, political parties are nothing more than vehicles. the black community, a vehicle for agenda. the black communities, we have a clear agenda, protect our rights to vote. protect our young people on the streets from police brutality and can sell student loan debt. that is not attached to a political party that is something that black americans say we feed desperately and this administration have not stepped up in those three key areas. >> all right. i want to get you in here. we will take a quick break. keep it right here. because this conversation is going to continue on the other side of the break. don't go anywhere. anywhere. >> i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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so when i'm talking about the difference between a whole pie and crumbs, tiff, it's about the pursuit. right, it is about pushing the thing through like you are building back better. you can't build back anything if there is no democracy. you can't build back anything if january 6th was just practice. you have to take a completely different tact and approach. what that means is you have to risk it all. because what is on the line in november is democracy. so they keep telling us to vote like democracy depends on it. there is a critical step that we are missing before we get there. that is applying pressure to the folks who now serve in the majority. that is applying pressure to the retiring republican senators, roy blunt, pat too many yip. right, all this i know i can keep going. i got a bazillion things. >> i think it is a point. plus, you just heard everything angela said. look, our fellow panelists up there, there is nothing wrong with going and you know hearing what president and vice president had to say. you will never call for a boycott. you say our work continues. you can't disrupt the work you were doing to an audience. again, people have different ideologies on strategies and tactics. it's really important to remember we all want the same thing. that's a clear path to the ballot box. we want as many people to vote as possible. now that we're here, cliff, black voters matter will once again be in a position to outorganize legislative failures which you talked about. so what is the plan today? >> yeah, the plan today. let me first say, i am glad you pensioned the part about the other organizations they attended. we did not ask for a benedict or ask other organizations to fought go. in fact, before the speech, i was sitting down having a long conversation with the left with my old friend people from the american way who went to the event. so we were glad some of our folks, martin the third and his family attended. we were glad. they showed support for us. there is no daylight between any of these organizations very clear on with we need. we need filibuster reform to get it done. we are still believing we have the power to get that done. we are out here doing marches. we have folks dog hunger strike and doing phone calls. we need to call all of the senators in order to make sure this happens. every one of these senators, it's not enough for them to say, talking about the 48 that support modifying a filibuster. it's not enough they support voting rights or modifying the filibuster. they've got to be advocating amongst their cleeblgs. joe manchin and kirsten sinema should get 49 phone calls every day. 48 from seniors, just want to remind you, they've got to be advocates. we got to be advocates. we are believing we are going to get this done if we faint upon the. that's been on my spirit this whole week. if we do not war why i in well doing, for in due season we shall reap. if we don't faint, john lewis and those in selma and dr dr. king didn't faint. it took them three times to get across, faint not. i'm here in arizona with two democratic senators or one-and-a-half that was told they couldn't do that but they did the work. folks like mass liberation did the work. if we faint not, we will get these bills pass. that's what our history tells us when we work together, when we do the work, when we believe, we win. >> yeah. like angela reminded many ethis week, bloody sunday was a march not a parade. we need march and action. >> that's right. >> in the legislative way. i'm curious, naacp out on the front lines of voting rights. what itself the plan to surpass the rampant voter suppression that's ravaging the country right now? >> three things. one, we must stay focused. we must not get distracted by other people on the sideline criticizing anybody doing the work. the work is ma matters. the outcome is what we are working for. we have never been a model with our strategy with civil rights. we have never been a pod nel terms of who is the perceived movement of leaders. we have never been a model around tactics. secondly, moving forward, come tuesday, there will be open debate on the floor. one of the other things that we work with leader schumer with was a procedure to put the debate on the floor and from all next week, we need to crash the phone line of every member. what all 100. particularly those 16 members, those 16 republicans who voted for it in 2006 and the two democrats that are the holdout to try to move the needle. thirdly, where is corporate america? if our democracy collapses, the aperture also collapses. corporate america needs to step up. we need to reap out over the weekend, where is your voice? why 51 stepped up? on thursday we took out number page ads in the "new york times", washington post, calling on corporate many earthquake to step up. there is no silver bullet here. it's all hand on deck. it's everyone, industries, in the boardrooms, in the corporate rooms, on the floor of the capitol, wherever we can show up to raise this and the paramount issue, the priority, not a priority, for this nation, that's what's important. >> yeah. absolutely. and just to repine everybody who may have a difference of opinion. vice president kamala harris' success is our collective success. no one wants to see her fame, least of all voting rights activists who have been doing this work for decades, a special shoutout with natasha brown on the ground continuing to fight for democracy and all the work you do and whatever capacity. different ideologies and tactics. we all want the same thing, that is equality and power for our people. you all have to come back. this was a fire panel to start off the show. coming up for you guys at home a. rampup across the country as moratorium pandemics come to an end. we'll discuss that next. s that people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. >> lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. . the landlord tried to eric me in three courts, civil court, supreme court and criminal court. but they trying to force me out of my place. he's an evil old person. my apart is $100. he want to take that my comfort zone away from me. >> much of the country apparently experiencing bitter winter weather that includes snow and below freezing temperatures. listen, if are you one of those people, imagine you are not toasty and warm at home watching my show right now but rather one of the hundreds of thousands of people kicked out on the streets facing the end of rental assistance. the last moratorium in the country expires today, in new york. to compound that difficulty, the country is still locked in the grip of a severe covid surge that continues to devastate the economy. joining me to discuss this and more, private director at the eviction lab at princeton university. i'm so happy you were here, in reading the papers and the ready roing on this, your name and your work kept coming up repeatedly. you have been laser focused on this. are you the ideal person to tell us when the eviction moratorium ended and as rental assistance ends across the country, what impact does that have on people at risk of losing their homes? >> absolutely. yeah. you know, as we watched the federal moratorium expire all the city and state moratoriums expire, you know, there is a very clear story. evictions started going up in those cities. now, we did not see some of the drastic spikes that some of the worst case scenarios predicted. that's because there were still other instances of federal support. right. there was stimulus payments. there was extended unemployment insurance. there was the child tax credits and $45 become of emergency rental assistance. at this point in the pandemic, most of that aide has expired and people are beginning to spend down the savings that, you know, for once if their lives, they were able to accumulate. and so, you know, new york's moratorium lifting like you said in the middle of omicron when it's 13 degrees out, at the end of you know two years of unprecedented federal assistance, you know, we really do expect to see a lot of evictions moving through the system now. >> take a listen to one man who lost his job because of covid and what he's going through as we speak. >> i lost my job due to covid and it was hard for me to like you know get housing because of the money situation. like the rent out here in boston is expensive to get an apartment. even to get a room, it was expensive. >> a lot of people don't understand that shelters, homeless shelters are very dangerous sometimes for homeless people. there is not always a safety fet to catch someone and another interesting thing that you noted, there is a gee grabbingal geographical incident. why is the geographic instance? we will focus on the geography for now. >> sure. you know, and it is pretty true anywhere you look throughout the country, as you see a concentration of black representers, there will be higher eviction rates than workers concentration and renters. that is because of centuries of structural racism in this country. you have both lower incomes if black neighborhoods as well as lower quality housing. now, what you see in the southeast especially in the rural southeast are very high rates in rural areas. that is relatively rare in apartments because, you know, in most rural counties in the u.s. are very heavily white and some are relative and prosperous. in the southeast, zuma majority black counties, extremely low incomes, and a really high percentage of rentors, and if you are a renter who needs assistance and you live in atlanta or detroit, you know, there are lots of legal aid groups who might be able to help you. but there are groups doing great work in rural areas. they're not as real resourced as in the major cities. >> take a look at another person facing a dire situation and then i'll ask you about it on the other side. >> i live in south -- for over 50 years. especially section like green point where you have landlords who have six units and down who have no piece of legislation to protect these parents. they can come in and give an apartment for somebody else. the reality we know it's for profit. >> this is incredibly heart breaking. i do want to know the biden administration moved $1.1 billion for rental assistance for money with different space and localities that need it. some states have a surplus. others are running out. the challenge, though, is there is so much bureaucracy and red tape to get to these funds for some people. so when are you facing dire straights and you don't know and it's a terrifying feeling to have the rent due and not know how you will pay it or where you will go once you are kicked out. so get through that red tape at that time can be quite a challenge. what is your advice to people facing that situation right now? >> yeah. i want to say that you know when the federal government wants to give money to people, like the stimulus checks. i got a notification on my phone, that money was there right. we know how to do this. we have not set up this infrastructure for low income renters and i think that's an enormous oversight. we need to know where renters are, we need a way to get them money without all that pointwork. if you are going through this right now, i would say look up a local legal aid group. go to they should be able to direct you toward some resources. i'd say keep in contact with your landlord document your interactions, respond to any legal notifications that you get. if you have an instinct to protect yourself, you know, it's traumatic to deal with this. but you will generally get a better result if you keep in communications with anyone who has some power over you in this situation. >> yeah. well, charm, this is a conversation that we definitely need more time for. you have to come back. thank you so much, for being with us. and next, #relationship goals? maybe not so much. because for a lot of those living the single life. they're good with it. we will talk about why marriage and birth rates are declining right after the break. keep it right here. t right here >> your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. it's the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. the american dream used to be all about that white picket fence 2.5 children and maybe a dog. but clearly times have changed and so have the perception of family. as u.s. population growth slows to a crawl, fewer americans are making their way down the aisle, programs for reasons illustrated in this clip from hbo's insecure. >> if i'm into them, i'm too smothering. if i take my time and give them space. i didn't you were into me. wait to have sex, i don't have sex at all. no, that is not an example. >> and when you combine that with the fact that last year this country the most adorgs restrictions in anythingle is year since roe v wade was decided, you have as to wonder if we're hurdleing dang ruszly close to living in gilead, the setting for the hand maid's tale. >> as members of congress, we didn't wake up. we suspended the constitution. we didn't wake up either. >> you girls will serve the leaders and their very vibes. you will bear children for them. >> joining me now donna marie mackenzie director of entertainment and author of "the engagement game" comedian, writer, producer and co-star of everything is trashed on free form. so excited to have you both with me. this is going to be such an interesting discussion. i have to start with the woman on the panel because you once wrote an op-ed saying you are saying basically i don't to i do. cut to a year later you are married and raising a child. i think this is an interesting time, we're reshaping american culture. according to puig research fewer and fewer americans are walking down the aisle, unpartnering seems to be very rampant during covid so what changed the mind for you? >> thank you so much for having me, tiffany, what i will say is yes i was among so many women of my generation who are questioning if marriage is for us. i think so much of my desire to marry was influenced by what i saw in popular culture growing up. i love a good disney movie. i love a good fairy tale at the end i can meet and parry my prince charming. right now, we're seeing stories where they're centering on really difficult moments in marriage and making marriage look not quite appealing. there is also a lack of stigmatization right now when it comes to singlehood, most americans are single right now. so right now, the norm is, oh, you can be a fly rich auntie and have freedom and choice to travel and not worry about asking kids and not have labor on yourself. i had to question if marriage was for me. it wasn't until i had a hard talk with my older sister who was married and loved and enjoyed being married, where she affirmed me and said, hey, listen, if this is what you want. go after it. don't be scared about what you see in popular culture. go after it. so i eventually made that decision for myself. i'm glad i took a moment to pause and understand if this is for me. because it's not easy. >> yeah. well, speaking of fought being easy, during covid, divorce rates spiked. there was that saying you can't spell divorce without covid. you are married with kids. >> right. >> how has marred life been for you during the covid months? >> oh, my wife is watching. it's been great. everything is fine over here. no problems whatsoever. no, you know, it was tough. actually covid brought us closer. i'm a very petty person. if we were going to get divorced, it was not going to be me. i was going to stick it out. that's right. so i think honestly like the kids, like it was a blur, tiffany, i'll be really honest with you. it was the closest i'd ever come to combat and it was a blur and from the, you know, i have flashbacks here and there, but i've gotten through it. and i think one of the things that can get you through it is not dwelling. if you dwell, you will fall apart. if you keep moving one foot in front of the other, you will be fine. you know, and it's also i believe in johnny taylor's theory it's cheaper to keep her. >> well, i want to take it back to you, because during break, a really good point, but marriage decline is impacting the population decline. i think you know you guys probably all heard the news this week lisa bonet and jason mamoa have decided to uncouple. i would ask our viewers to please respect my privacy as jazen and i decide what our next steps are. but, joy i am curious. this is also a challenging one. you also made that decision as well. how has that been during covid? >> well, tiffany, get in line first. okay. i am already married, but, you know, options. but i will say that my decision to have kids never changed. i always wanted to have children whether i was going to be married or not. and again that goes back to there being options right now. you can cohabit with a pa readyner, have children, raised and fulfilled and not have to be married. so i never questioned my want and desires to be a mother and i was going and my hopes to be a mom, i was going to be one by any means necessary. i do think especially in a pandemic, those who were wanting children did have to take a step back. it was so difficult i think, i too felt like i was in combat. often days i was losing. it was such a blur. i had chunks of my hair falling out. we had to escape to maryland to get away from people. we were afraid we were going to walk out of our doors and catch a potentially fatal disease. it was really,000 i think women saw that and had to make a choice if this was right for them right now. >> yeah. i want to talk a little about hookup culture and perhaps that's the reason population is declining. stay with us before we get no that conversation after the break. as it gets spicy, don't go anywhere. t go anywhere >> fries or salad? 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it's kind of this fake rightly extremists parading around as lawmakers who really do just want to control women's bodies in addition to other draconian policies? >> yeah. as a reporter and a journalist, i go back to the reporting. so what insider recently report states who have passed recently restrictive abortion bans are the same states who have an increase or are among the top states who have an increase in infant mortality and maternal mortality, and so i think the next question is, okay, if you are going to restrict women's rights and women's right to choose but you're also a state that's not taking care of newborns and new moms, we have to wonder what will happen, and i think that's a question that i will press lawmakers and i hope journalists and citizens do too, especially as we go into the midterms in the next presidential election. >> absolutely. something interesting, same-sex couples, the divorce rates are not exactly the same when it comes to same-sex marriages, jordan, which i find, yeah, really, i find really interesting. same-sex couples who are married has actually gone up. but now, we should say that, you know, i'm sure laws have something to do with this, and it's only -- it went up in, i don't know, some years and then 2020 it dipped a little bit, but it's not quite the same. something that has me thinking about this, though, jordan, this hookup culture. i do wonder how younger people are meeting and connecting in these covid times. sure, there are the dating apps and online services, but how are people seeing each other? things are shut down. slowly the world is opening, but some kids it seems like they just want the hookup part of it and not really the relationship part of it. >> right. are you asking me? because i've been married for 14 years in a row, but what i've seen from the youth culture is that they're on these apps, right? and that basically it's all about the apps, but the apps have destroyed dating in general. it's like people are creating a new kind of thing for themselves. but it seems like a buffet. you're getting a little bit of -- you know, you're getting a little bit of the mac, a little bit of the cheese, a little bit of protein, and kind of completing a mate. that's what i've seen. i'm in writer rooms where there's lots of gen z and millennials, and i'm here for the stories and they seem to be like tinkering together a man or tinkering together a lady, and i think that's -- i mean, i'm -- like it's great fodder because i'm a boring married dad. so i mean, they have one part of their life together, the career, but as we've seen, we've talked about the marriage plot. it seems like that other part is like kind of catch is as catch can. which is, you know, i don't have the energy for it, you know, so -- but i see that others do. >> yeah, and you kind of wonder would our grandparents have gotten married if they were on instagram and whatsapp and match and, you know, grindr and tinder and all the other things. i think you made a good point. you guys are our old married people on this panel. we'll have to do this panel again with two single people and get theirperspectives. >> that's all i'm trying -- i'm trying to get to year 15, you know, but that's all it is. but i do, i write about relationships for a living. it's really important to show that there is a new language, and one of the things is actually like being able to do things that i wasn't capable of doing. it used to be like -- it's just like calls, if you could call somebody and you had that mac appeal and you could just keep them on the phone, you were in there. but now it's like what are your dms like, can you keep them -- it's about attention. >> it's all down in the dms, you're right. really quickly, we're out of time, but you're doing standup, working folks see you doing your standup? >> you want to see more of this? okay. so i have a show sunday january 30th at union hall, and then another one on thursday, february the 6th at union hall at 8:00 p.m. it's only $12. brooklyn, new york, baby. we go hard. please, please come through of. the show is called "still doing standup". >> you can go anywhere in the world and say is brooklyn in the house, if you're in brooklyn check out jordan carlos. thank you so much for this, and in the next hour, why is the rnc pulling out of presidential debates? i've got a rock star panel to talk about it. plus, the student loan crisis and its crushing effects not just on students but their parents. another hour of "the cross connection" is next, stay with us. hour of "the cross connection" is next, stay with connection" is next, stay with usollision beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos? tacos. automatic emergency ing — one of six advanced safety features standard on every 2022 chevy equinox. find new technology. find new roads. chevrolet. does sinus congestion and pressure make breathing feel impossible especially at night? 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say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do, but now that i find out -- and the one thing about impeachment, why would you run it through so fast? i say let's put a bipartisan commission. let's learn all the facts. >> ask and ye shall receive. he reportedly told republican lawmakers the same thing at the time that trump took responsibility for the insurrection, but at his weekly press conference tuesday, mccarthy went full diva imitating the great mariah carey. i don't know her. >> in the spirit of disclosing private conversations did you tell house republicans on the january 11th phone call that president trump told you he agreed he bore some responsibility for january 6th as chairman thompson's letter indicates? >> i'm not sure what call you're talking about. >> sure. meanwhile, the rnc says it will require candidates to skip the traditional presidential debates with no clear replacement for these events that millions of voters depend on to make their ballot decisions. joining me now is errin haines, editor at large for the 19th. carmen perez jordan, civil rights leader and victor xi, a fire panel, so excited to have you all here. you're a reporter, long-time journalist, you've certainly put in time at various newsrooms now at the 19th. i do feel like it's incumbent upon journalists to stop referring to these folks as the republican party. it seems like they're just right wing extremists. the fact that they're saying do not participate in presidential debates is further proof that they're not interested in upholding the democracy in any way. but as a journalist, as someone who covers this, i'm curious your take? >> yeah, i mean, tiffany, i will tell you when i saw "the new york times" headline from maggie haberman saying this was a real consideration, certainly the rnc had been discussing and had made their kind of displeasure with the debate process heard, especially in the last election cycle, i was alarmed because, yeah, you don't get to check out of democracy, particularly if you are one of the major parties in this country. look, i mean, we know the republican national commission has sour grapes act how these presidential debates have been going for the better part of a decade. those complaints did grow louder because their nominee was not the best received and got some criticism for his performance in those debates and he was also constantly complaining about the rules. the commission on presidential debates just for people who do not know, it has been around since 1987. it is an institution and it is a pillar of our democratic process. it is non-partisan, despite, you know, whatever perceptions the republican party may want to put out there about, you know, how that process works. it is non-partisan. it is meant to give time for the candidates and the country to get to know each other, particularly if you are a voter that lives in a state that is not pennsylvania or iowa or south carolina or nevada, right? what is the alternative venue in our polarized and partisan climate if we are not going to have presidential debates are where you have these candidates getting a chance to really introduce themselves to our entire electorate, not just the voters that they want to come out and vote for them. >> right. exactly. that's what this is all about, just narrowing the path to voters they want to vote. correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this upcoming presidential election in 2024 will be the first election you're voting in, is that correct? >> it would actually be the third election i'm voting in. >> the third presidential election i mean. >> yeah. >> all right. >> so this is your second presidential election? >> second presidential election, yes. >> okay. all right. got it, thank you for clarifying for me. apologize for that. as a younger person, if the republicans are not participating in these debates and as you're watching what happens with january 6th, which is why they don't want to participate in debates because they will have to ask for donald trump and their continued erosion of democracy, how will you and folks your age know where they stand in realtime outside of press releases? >> yeah, for sure, i mean, tiffany it's so hard to find anything these days that isn't shocking from the republican party. i think this decision pi the republican party boycott the presidential debates isn't just shocking. it's i think indicative of what many americans have been saying that in america we only have one functioning political party right now. republicans asserted that the presidential debates are somehow favored for democrats and so therefore they won't participate. this commission on presidential debates has hosted general election debates for over 30 years and not once over that time period did a political party ever contemplate such a decision. i think instead of what republicans claim their reasons are for threatening to boycott the presidential debates are, i make a conjecture and say the real reason the rnc is considering this is that perhaps presidential candidates they put forth no longer explained to the american people why they won't support democracy or admit, for instance, why donald trump and other republicans had a direct role in inciting the january 6th insurrection or why they won't support a date, not to mention a final vote on policies like gun reform, climate change and voting rights. as shocked as i think many in my generations as i was when i heard about this: i'd say if republicans are unable to make their policies and positions clear to the american people and to my generation and defend them in front of the american people, you know, not only is senator romney correct in describing this as completely nuts, but i think republicans should not be able to hold the highest office in the land from now on. >> yeah. i agree, and you know, republican voters want to reach folks your age, you know, they should take note of such things, but you know, i don't know if they even want to reach people your age to be honest with you, victor. carmen, you were one of the organizers of that monstrous huge million women march back in 2017. as you see democracy crumbling as one of the architects of that wonderful movement, can you out organize what's happening right now? can women out organize what's happening right now? >> i do believe we can, and thank you so much, tiffany for having me. i do believe we can. i believe that in a democracy we need to have a healthy debate. it's fundamental, and it's essential. the american public must have the opportunity to hear multiple sides, healthy debate expands the mind, and we need to really begin to think about how we're going to out organize this system that continues to polarize certain individuals. my mentor and founder of my organization, mr. harry belafonte always says meet people where they're at and champion them for your cause. this is actually an opportunity for candidates to win over the voters who are on the fence. i think that the real question is is who is benefitting from this decision? if the american people are less informed and no longer have access to something like a debate between candidates, who does that benefit? certainly not the american people. you know, but it seems to me, you know, you said this earlier, like this is a continuation of a certain trend where increasingly a few extremist voices are controlling the republican party. first they decided not to of a platform for the first time ever, and now they don't want to participate in debates. it's absurd to prohibit kand dates from choosing to enter a presidential debate: had is very dangerous to our democracy and really unfair to the republican voters. >> yeah, absolutely. and all voters really. so if the republican party is in shamble s, we should admit the democrats are kind of challenged in some similar ways, namely just because kyrsten sinema, democrats are not the same as republicans by any means but buzz kill senator kyrsten sinema tanked all hopes for passing voting rights legislation by refusing to weaken the filibuster. in essence she's decided that protecting the rights of the minority party in the senate is more important than protecting the rights of minority voters. i'll present you with this warning from a birmingham jail cell 50 years ago. >> i must confess that over the past few years i have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. i have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the white citizens councillor or the ku klux klaner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice. >> i mean, this still today for those who don't know, errin, i'm sure you do, today is actually dr. martin luther king's birthday. errin, i don't want to see a single tweet from anybody quoting dr. king who is standing in the way of the path to the ballot box. and i just know we're about to get a flurry of these tweets from mitch mcconnell, from kyrsten sinema from joe manchin, and it's like miss me with all your mess. your take on how people celebrate king day amidst what's happening right now. >> you know, tiffany, it's interesting. you mentioned twitter, one thing that is circulating in the twitter sphere is an old tweet from sinema, pictured next to former congressman john lewis who was my congressman when i lived in atlanta and who i covered for many years as a reporter, posted a picture of the two of them smiling together referring to him as my hero. and yet she is not willing to do what, frankly, is the only path, you know, to really getting that legislation on voting rights in his name passed in the senate, and that is getting rid of or changing the rules to the filibuster so that that legislation can move forward. listen, at this point, tiffany, i really think we have to ask everyone who is expected to make that vote and have to make the case for their position on tuesday, how is it that you support voting rights at this point if you do not support doing something about the filibuster in order to make that voting rights legislation happen. i mean, that's like me saying, well, yes i support being covid free, but i'm not really interested in the vaccine. i mean, you have to take the steps necessary to bring about the thing that you say that you support. you can't just say that you support it but then not take action to support it, so i think, you know, i've covered many a martin luther king holiday celebration in atlanta, at ebenezer baptist church. i've seen lawmakers sit in the pews of that church while voting for legislation and policy that goes against the very things that dr. king stood for. i think that that is certainly what the king family is cautioning against. they have told people specifically do not celebrate our father's birthday if you are not prepared to do whatever it takes to get voting rights across the finish line. and i think, you know, honoring husband legacy, frankly, is not going to be enough this year. i think that what people are calling for is action in the spirit of dr. king, and that's -- whether that be white moderates or the entire beloved community that he spoke about and tried to bring about in his life time and ultimately caused his death. >> i completely agree. and here's the thing, carmen that people don't want to admit. dr. king wouldn't rock with any of you all. people love to come out and put his quotes up. he would not have rocked with anybody. i talked in the last hour about how his polling numbers were lower than trump's at the time of husband death. people like to cherry pick his quotes, but when it came to politics they didn't like it. what's your take on all of this? >> i mean, clearly he rocked with my mentor harry belafonte, as we sit here on the 93rd birthday of dr. king, who in 1953 he testified that we have a congress with a senate that has a minor tu of senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from voting, they don't want the majority of people to vote because they know they do not represent the majority of the american people. that was said 59 years ago, and what's important here is that this is not just another issue to agree or disagree on. people fundamental right to vote is being obstructed. dr. king, john lewis, harry bellefonte, snick, all those individuals, so many of our elders fought for the right to voc. i think what our sister angela rye said earlier, people are tired of the talk and they want action. i think people are rightfully very wary of the attempts by democrats to get political points by speaking up about this, but if it wasn't for organizations like black voters matter, woke vote, vote latino, that are proud partners of the gathering, i think these politicians would just continue like it's business as usual. really, it's these groups that are continuing to fight and continuing to keep the legacy of dr. king. i don't know if our elected officials really feel comfortable or accountable to us, and i'm actual paraphrasing now, but you know, former president barack obama said even if certain representatives refuse to stand up for democracy, the rest of us should be able to get the job done with simple majority vote. we can't allow obstruction to be used, and so we need words put into action, and i agree at this moment if people are celebrating dr. king, their words need to be going into action. >> i completely agree. victor, sadly, we are out of time, i want to give you ten seconds to share your thoughts on what's happening right now as it relates to dr. king. >> yeah, for sure. so you think like errin and carmen said, the best way to honor dr. king and his legacy, pass h.r. 1, john lewis voting rights act now. what martin luther king iii said about snarn senator sinema's decision is exactly right. i don't think history is going to remember her kindly. my generation is up to defend voting rights. >> whenever you announce your run for congress, please do it on this show. i see it in your future, my friend: >> will do. >> errin, i want you to come on ig live for me after this show. we can talk more about voting rights, and carmen, great job, glad you may your debut today and victor you'll be back. coming up, how student loans are affecting generations. we'll talk about that next. e af. e af. we'll talk about that next excuses happen. what? it'soo windy. but with a huge selection of wellness support products for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. . we should not be punishing people for getting a higher education. it is time to hit the reset button. >> we as a country are profiting off of insurmountable and crushing educational debt, and it is wrong. >> all right, discussions about this nation's ongoing education debt crisis are often framed from the perspective of the student borrower, and usually that's met with criticism that students just should have gone to a cheaper school or work and put yourself through school like we did, but new reporting shows how crushing student debt loan balances aren't just pushing back students' futures but also the retirement plans for the millions of parents who took out supplemental federal loans to help their kids college dreams come true. joining me now is my friend david johns, the executive director of the national black justice coalition. but before that he was president obama's executive director, the white house initiative on educational excellent for african americans. that was always such a long title to say, david i hope i got it correct. thank you for being here. i know this is something that you care deeply about. one of our producers, this is like his issue that he's deeply vested in, and millions of people across the country who are being, you know, strangled essentially be their student loan debt. senator elizabeth warren has been on this for a long time and says president biden should unilaterally wipe out about $50,000 in student loan debt for every federal borrower. what's the biggest challenge with doing that, david, if there is any? >> yeah, i appreciate the question. happy new year's. good to see you, friend. the biggest challenge with that is a question of authority and whether or not president biden and his administration is going to deliver on the check they wrote, right? i learned my lesson a long time ago from my mom, hey, momma, that you shouldn't write checks that you're not prepared to cash. president biden promised to dismiss $10,000 in loans for individuals who had less than $50,000 in debt and to do so at hbcus as well, and while there have been significant investments toward that, that there has not been delivery on that particular promise. i appreciate you naming the time i spent having served our country working for still my president barack husain obama, there's a question about authority whether the constitution carves out the space for the secretary of education or president biden to dismiss loans. there's a consideration clause in the higher education act of 1965, early on in the administration of president biden instructed the department of education to issue a study, this department has sat on that study. they should release the study and continue the conversation about how much to dismiss. the last thing i'll say about this is right now there are seven federal programs that are designed to support loan forgiveness. five of the seven are focused on low income individuals, low income learners or people who are facing financial hardship. right now congress while debating and they could do their job and pass legislation that would address some of these questions that would relieve the administration of having to do anything. but right now there could be expansion within any of those five or seven existing loan forgiveness programs to release a little bit of the pressure from this valve. >> yeah, and our viewers can see the actions that president biden has taken on student loan debt. david you talked about having worked for president obama. we should talk about that administration as well. president obama they relaxed stricter guidelines on parent plus loans in 2014 after intense pushback from hbcus, they said lowering the eligibility of loans would really hurt their enrollment numbers. considering where we are with national student debt balance, it's practically doubled since 2011. do you think that decision was a mistake? >> so a technical distinction, the obama administration enforced status that was already on the record. it was codified before president obama took office and before i joined the administration to be claer. the responsibility of having done their job. the appoint hire again is that hbcu presidents and leaderships were defending resources that they were benefitting from and using to support a disproportionate number of individuals who pursue post-secondary degrees, credentials and certificates in this country. what we should be talking about are two things related to this. it's the responsibility of governments at every level to be doing more to subsidize public education. we should not be paying for education, public education in particular in the richest country in the world. i am someone who has worked hard to amass a considerable level of educational privilege, i completed a ph.d.. i'm also a millennial who heard the lesson that if i work really hard, college should be free. and so right now while we have so much around what we have known traditionally and have accepted about the ways in which public education works to support social disorder in this conversation, we should be having honest conversations about the value of public education, the cost of public education and institutions have a responsibility as well: i want to lift up wade state university. it's the third largest institution in michigan. wayne state has undergone a program to forgive debt for students, acknowledging that some 60% of individuals who have pursued a degree have it completed. wayne state showed if you forgive the debt of some students, you not can increase revenue but get closer towards enrollment goals. there's lots of opportunities for all of us to do better. >> black borrowers are more likely to struggle with paying loans. it's an economic issue, a racial justice issue and intergenerational issues. women carry two-thirds of all student debt as well and black women carry 20% more than our white peers: this is according to congresswoman ayanna pressley's office. >> the short answer to your question like most things in america is racism and anti-blackness and white supremacy. i also want to lift up that lgbtq borrowers carry more debt than non-lgbtq people. >> why? >> that's for a lot of reasons. there are unfair practices that loan carriers, institutions and others project upon borrowers. there's a legacy of banks preventing us, black people, women, lgbtq ia plus people, people with disabilities are from accessing capital to get anywhere closer to the american dream. that's one of the reasons why we should also be passing the equality act while talking about all these other things. the second is that we also start with greater barriers and baggage, right, so the median income for black folks is around $45,000 and on average we're carrying close to $52,000 in debt. and so there's lots of sacrifice that black folks, that women and lgbtq ia plus folks, intersectionality make, before even making the decision to take out loans if we're able to in the first place. >> this is a conversation that clearly needs more time. if you are a black lgbtq woman, you are really in bad shape when it comes to student loans. we'll have to continue this conversation. >> let's not forget that most black -- >> very true. we never have enough time. thank you so much, david. coming up the number of black coaches in the nfl just dropped to a dismal number, one. my friend from espn howard bryant joins me next to talk about that and more. n howard bryant joins me next to talk bryant joins me next to talk about that and more. ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. ♪ my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. 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(naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. (naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. there is a whiteout in the nfl when it comes to coaches. two out of three black coaches in the league were fired this week, and a whole lot of privilege is rocking the tennis world an ocean away after novak djokovic was detained overnight. here to break down both of these stories, commentator for meadow lark media, he's the author of "full dissidence: notes from an uneven playing field." i want to get to this tennis stuff first. it really to me seems like djokovic wants to play by his own rules and does not want to abide by the rules set for everyone else. is there something i'm missing here? >> there's a little something that you're missing and it's good to see you again, tiffany. the one piece that we're not paying nearly enough attention to is tennis australia. they created a situation where i think the players have been encouraged to look for loopholes and to try to find ways to get around -- of not being vaccinated. the rules are very clear. if you talk to any of the australians who are living their day-to-day lives under these rules it's very clear what you can and cannot do. in novak djokovic's case we make exceptions for these world class athletes. once again, i think the people in australia are saying why do you get special are treatment when we all have to live and navigate these rules and you don't? >> yeah, i think that's very, very clear. even the anchors there have been criticizing djokovic for some of his decisions. i think we may have an anchor criticizing him, i depend on my producers to tell me in my ear. no, we don't have that, they just said. i think the local people in australia have been criticizing him as well. we'll see what happens. this story has really gotten a lot of attention. i want to shift gears and talk about the nfl. i'm glad we're talking and in the nfl, it is ridiculous to me that there is only one black coach in a league that is at least 60% black. clearly the coaches are held to a double standard. is there anything i'm missing this week about these two particular coaches who were fired? >> no, it's the same as it always is. i think that one of the things about sports that is on the one hand encouraing but on the other hand extraemly misleading, is the idea that because you have a majority black work force you're going to have a majority black front office or majority black coaching staff or a pathway for those for greater representation t it's not what it is. what it is is that you are there, if you're black, you're there to play, and the front offices are no different proportionately than they are at ibm or apple or any other place in this country. but i think we get confused because we say, oh, okay, well, the nba is 80% black, therefore you're going to have more coaches or just because the nfl is 70% black you're going to have more opportunity. it just isn't the case, and every year you look at the numbers. the numbers are the same. this is what it is. they will hire -- owners will hire people that remind them of them, that make them comfortable, and this illusion of meritocracy puts us in this spot every single year. >> yeah, it's kind of challenging and ridiculous. i want to take a listen to troy vincent because he echoes your thoughts and we'll talk about it on the other side. oh, sorry. that's not sound, sorry: that's a full screen. there is indeed a double standard to these coaches. look, i'm obviously not the biggest football expert here, but i am curious do the players have any say in who they play for? a lot of the team owners donate to trump and so are we really expecting folks in trump's crew to prioritize diversity in its ranks? that seems like a ridiculous notion. >> well, i think there's that, and i think there's also -- you have some businessmen like robert kraft who gives to everybody because he's strategic. i think one of the biggest things if you're an african american in this business, especially if you want to get into coaching, the barriers to entry are enormous and the biggest barrier to entry is the fact that if you are a black coach chances are you are a black player, and so what that means is your first barrier to entry is you have to have the world class talent to make the nfl in the first place. and you know, there have been 17 black head coaches in the history of the nfl, pretty much since 1989 because there hadn't been any from 1920 to 1988, and half of them were ex-players, so the very first barrier is you've got to be good enough to make the nfl and that's a barrier that white coaches just don't have. >> i think you're absolutely right. we'll have to keep our eye on this entire thing. i wonder what it will take for people to stop watching. even after kaepernick people kept watching. it seems like slap in the face to so many people who watch and play. >> the game is a drug. it's addictive. >> that's what i hear. i'm off that pipe. so i'm good. but thank you so much, howard bryan, you'll have to m coback really soon. always appreciate your perspective. this coming monday would have been the 100th birthday of the late great betty white. she was a renowned lover of animals as is yours truly and her fans have taken up a call to donate $5 in her name on her birthday to local animal shelters. i care very deeply for animals so already you guys know shelters across the country are reporting a spike in dodonation. if you are able to donate $5. i hope you will do so. latino representation in television and movies, has it improved? we have two experts that will join me next to discuss. perts t join me next to discuss. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night. for wrinkles results in one week. unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit andrea: you see things as a parent-- matching your job description. what your expectations are for your kid growing up, the milestones going to school, graduating and getting married, having kids. and cancer was never one of those milestones in my head. st. jude has given us hope, love, a home away from home. and it feels like home. you're more than just a patient or just another family here at st. jude. with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ tonight, tonight, it all began tonight ♪ ♪ i saw you on a whirlwind away ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight ♪ ♪ what you are, what you do, what you say ♪ >> if the future is latina, that was certainly reflected at the golden globes this week, rachel zezler and ariana dubose, and mj rodriguez won for "pose." we have to ask, does winning awards fundamentally change the latino landscape in hollywood? after all, the latino community makes up more than 18% of the population, yet barely made up 5% of speaking movie roles in 2019 and only 7% of the top movies had a latino actor in the lead. after the golden globes has change come to la la land. for more to discuss this, i'm joined by gloria calderon, the creative executive producer of "with love"ment also with me is charles ro marrow bird, so thrilled to have you both on the panel. so great to see you on the screen this morning, and thank you so much for your work and also being here with us. i'm curious because, you know, as a latina in hollywood, you have been a show runner. you're an actress, you wear a lot of hats. one day at a time was a renewed cult classic for so many people. so given where we are right now, what's your experience in hollywood, and do you think the necessary change has come to la la land? >> no is the big answer. i think it's two steps forward, one step back that keeps on happening, and you know, when i was promoting "one day at a time" five years ago i was having these conversations and viva was out and the expanding universe of ashley garcia was coming out and mr. iglesias was coming out. all those shows are now gone. so as i am promoting "with love" we're in a landscape yet again where so many of these beautiful shows get a second, and if they don't pop in a second, they disappear. and so for me it's disheartening, and i'm trying to constantly have conversations with hollywood who's very quick to pat themselves on the back when they do something, but there needs to be a consistency, and there's needs to be an allyship. that i think what we saw with this awards season was allyship, was mr. spielberg is what got "west side story" on the map and why they spent so much money on the story, which it was because of rita moreno, which it should be because she's a goddess, but that allyship is what brought the money to fund a beautiful epic tale, and those are the things that we need. >> yeah. and i think you make a good point, hollywood pats itself on the back, but we have to hear from the community to hear how the community feels. so charles, i'm curious because you studied this. you know, you have a more professorial view of this issue. what's your take on the current latino landscape when it comes to entertainment? >> well, good morning, tiffany, and so my take is a little bit more positive than that, maybe because i'm a little bit older than gloria, but you know, i've lived through it a lot, and you know, where we are now is much better place than we were when "west side story" first came out 60 years ago. i mean, much, much better. i mean, gloria's got, you know, four programs coming up, you know, and another one on -- movie on hbo max, and you know, disney has done a couple of animated features, you know, cocoa and encanto, and that didn't used to exist for young people to be watching. you know, robert rodriguez is directing mandalorian and executive producing and directing, you know, the book of bo bo for disney plus. these are all positive things. yes, we have a long way to go, but you know, let's take advantage of where we are and see if we can't build on that. >> yeah, you know, and i think -- i totally get your point, charles. there are a lot of people who feel that way. particularly folks from a different generation who feel like look how far we've come, and you know, sometimes for those of us who may be perhaps younger, it's the floor and not the ceiling, you know. we're starting at a different pace. so i'm curious just your thoughts on what charles said. >> yeah, well, i think two things can be true at the same time, right? we can say my goodness, how wonderful that we have come so far and that so much change has happened in the last, you know, 60 or so years, but from where i'm sitting, equality is so far off, and i'm a boots on the ground creator. i am constantly fighting and dealing with this next generation, and while i do have four projects in development and i do have those things, i can't list on my hand other latinos that do. so i am one, and there needs to be many. so for me because i want change and because i want this to happen at a more rapid pace, it becomes incumbent upon me to call out that i will not apply the crumbs. i want to say, yes, it's amazing that we're getting stuff. yes, but i want 50, not two. >> yeah. >> so next generation, i think -- and again, i think that both things can be true. both things can be true at the same time. >> i think you're right. i think you're both right, and there's a lot more nuance to this conversation, too, about who plays who. who's represented, the erasure of certain pockets of the latino community. i hope you guys can stick around: keep it right there for you folks at home, and we'll be right back. u folks at home, and right back as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> it's a big problem. i mean, i think until this year, and i think that's what is so exciting about ariana dubose and m.j. rodriguez both being acknowledged is that these are afro latinas from our community. there's been such a deep erasure, and so many people don't even know, so many americans don't even know that afro latinadad is a thing. i have two afro cubans, you know, playing afro cuban for the first time in their career. they have only ever played black men prior to to this show, and they had such a gratitude that they were able to play the totality of their identities for the first time on screen. and so we just have a lot of work to do. so for me i am about the conversation, and i'm so grateful. when we're having conversations about why it's really important to cast a certain way and to have these conversations and try to be thoughtful, we are thinking about the community and how we want to see them represented. we want people at home, we know the power of representation. america ferrera this week was talking about the cancellation, and she said not seeing yourself in the media is like growing in a house with no photos of you on the walls. >> wow. >> i think that it's a really powerful statement, and so when to your point, you spoke about the study that we are 18, almost 20% of the population, and we rarely see ourselves represented, and when we do, it's still largely stereotyped. it feels like it's my duty and job to celebrate this community that i love and to show we are also business owners. to show the recent study by the american latino museum was talking about how 80% of you as latinos were born here are citizens, and people -- you wouldn't think that based on watching your tv. >> right. >> and so we need to change that. we need to change that. latinos started more small businesses in the last decade than any other racial or ethnic group: we need to see that. how people see us on screen is how they treat us. >> right. absolutely. it definitely impacts the national conversation and also individual interaction with people. charles, an interesting conversation i had recently. you was at a dinner and i was the only me, everybody at this dinner was latino, and they were explaining to me -- because i love the show narcos, and they were explaining to me that the actor who plays pablo escobar, how offended they were that he was brazilian playing a colombian and they were trying to explain the accent was terrible. they said it would be like matthew mcconaughey playing james bond: i think this is another area where we have to have these conversations with this diverse community that even within the community, there are sometimes feel who feel like there are many cuban actors available to play ricky ricardo in being thericardos. just curious your take on all of that. >> it's a good point. you're trying to cast to the character, right? and i think that's what you go for ideally, and you know, but then again, you know, beyond that, i think there's other -- you know, you've got so many latino actors out there who are desperate for work and talented and willing to work and looking for work, you know, and we need to get them cast as well, and so beyond the main character, the secondary characters that are written without any ethnicity, you know, being thought of, how about casting them as, you know, the best friend or the boyfriend or the doctor or the teacher, you know, and it changes nothing in the story to have a latino teacher in the high school or something. and you know, i think that's one way just to get a chance to all these actors. rita moreno had a big chance when she was very young. gene kelly gave her a chance in "singing in the rain", and she plays zelda, a minor character, but she in a way stole the show. >> yeah. >> and it really boosted her career. >> she did, rita moreno. yeah. i'm so sorry, we're so out of time, but you're right, rita moreno changed the game. we'll have to keep having these conversations here. i think this is such an important conversation to have. this is how america will look, so thank you so much, gloria and charles for having this very important kvgs. conversation. and coming up tomorrow, check out my colleague's amazing special the sunday show, our fragile democracy. jonathan capehart will be joined by notable voices including congresswoman terri sewell, the reverend al sharpton, voting rights advocate melanie campbell and former adviser and speech writer to dr. martin luther king, dr. clarence jones. that's tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. you don't want to miss that. it's going to be a very important conversation. for all of you who loved his op-ed, i'm sure he'll be talking about it there. i will be tuned in. all right, we'll see you after the break. in all right, we'll see you after the break. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... (whistle blowing) did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. that's our show for today. thanks so much to all of you for watching. i'll be back next saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. for now you can stay tuned for the lovely and wonderful and always beautiful alex witt. hi alex. >> you're so cute. if people see me wearing that blouse next saturday, they're going to know that somehow i got you to send it to me. i've been coveting it. >> i'll overnight it to you my friend. >> see you next saturday. a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome, everyone, as we approach high noon in the east 9:00 a.m. out west. you're watching "alex witt reports." we begin with this breaking news as we give you a live look at san francisco. we're looking at california as well as west port, washington, because a tsunami advisory is currently in effect after an underwater volcano erupted in the pacific overnight, it happened near tonga, and it has sent massive waves crashing onto that nation's island. take a look at this satellite video, it is capturing the moment of eruption. the u.s. advisory expands now from hawaii to the pacific coast, from the california/mexico border all the way through oregon up to washington, and all the way continuing to alaska. the national tsunami warning center says that residents that live near beaches, harbors, other coastal

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Panchin , Fine , Selling Wolf Tickets , Memo , Lyft , Process , Vote , Stands , Won T , Colleagues , Filibuster Reform , Merits , Chuck Schumer , Obstructionists , Destruction Fall , Nay , Conversation , Part , Type , Differences , Invikted , Havery , Equality , Death , Donald Trump , Lives , Ratings , Administration , Everything , Matter , Covid , Lackluster , Election Infrastructure , Package , Infrabill , Requirements , Infrastructure Opportunity , State A Voting Machine , Poll Location Requirements , Ada Compliance , American , Vote Act , 2009 , Machines , Electronic Machines , None , Computer Board , Jurisdiction , 2001 , States , Electionhood , Five , Nothing , Parties , Office , Him , On And , Community , Agenda , Student Loan Debt , Communities , Vehicles , Vehicle , Police Brutality , Something , Break , Anywhere , Areas , Don T Go , Someone , Brain Performance , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Science , Neuriva , Tv , Six , World , Medicare , Low , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Save , Prescriptions , Delivery , Larry , 90 , Ready , Sale , Set , Business , Voice , Internet , Installation , Backing , Price Guarantee , Expert Team , 2 , 4 99 , 24 7 , 64 99 , Deal , Possibilities , Prepaid Card , Value , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Lot , Back , Report , Point , Perspective , Action Area , Revolutionary , Crumbs , Kamela Harris , Fighting , Table , Seat , Strength , Isn T About Opposition , Isn T About Fighting Kamela , Reason , Record , Priorities , Promises , Criminal Justice Reform , Which Kamela , George Floyd Justice And Policing Act , 80 , Things , Figures , Co Sponsors , Operation , Corey Booker , Voting Rights Bill , Mid Terms , Majority , Atlanta , Response , Audience , Mr , Act , Quiet , Joint Session Of Congress , Sides , Precedent , Torically , Wonder , Difference , Programing , Opposition , Pie , Hyperbipartisan Environment , 6 , January 6th , Anything , Back Anything , Tiff , Pursuit , Line , Tact , Approach , Pressure , Roy Blunt , Bazillion Things , This , Pat , Vice President , Hearing , Panelists , Ideologies , Strategies , Boycott , Path , Failures , Organizations , Benedict , Family , Some , Support , Event , The American Way , Daylight , Left , Reform , Wall , Order , Marches , Hunger Strike , Folks Dog , 48 , Joe Manchin , Kirsten Sinema , Cleeblgs , 49 , Seniors , Spirit , Season , We Don T Faint , John Lewis , Selma , Times , A Half , Folks Like Mass Liberation , Didn T Faint , Bills , Parade , Bloody Sunday , Ethis , Lines , Voter Suppression , Anybody , Sideline , Model , Matters , Movement , Terms , Nel , Forward , Pod , Phone Line , Procedure , Member , Leader Schumer , 100 , Members , Democracy Collapses , Needle , Holdout , Thirdly , Weekend , Number , New York Times , Ads , Earthquake , Page , Washington Post , Aperture , 51 , Hand , Rooms , Silver Bullet , Capitol , Boardrooms , Deck , Industries , Everybody , Issue , Success , Priority , Nation , Fame , Opinion , Repine , Ground , Special Shoutout , Capacity , Show , Fire Panel , Guys At Home A Rampup , End , Moratorium Pandemics , Next , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , 7 , Isn T , Swelling , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Help , Neck , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Changes , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Stomach Pain , Provider , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Possibility , 10 , 0 , 3 , Subway , Footlongs , Chicken , Baja Chicken Bacon , Eat Fresh Refresh , Bacon Ranch , Baja Steak Jack , Save Big , The Smokeshow , Aka , Treatment , Contracture , Option , Doesn T , Surgery , App , Dupuytren S Contracture , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Civil Court , Landlord , Person , Place , Much , Comfort Zone , Supreme Court And Criminal , Listen , Winter Weather , Thousands , Hundreds , Snow , Temperatures , Moratorium , Rental Assistance , Difficulty , The End , Surge , Grip , In New York , More , Donna Marie Mackenzie , Name , Papers , Economy , Eviction Lab , Roing , Princeton University , Risk , Eviction Moratorium , Impact , Laser , Estate , Cities , Evictions , Story , Homes , Moratoriums , City , Instances , Unemployment Insurance , Spikes , Scenarios , Payments , Child , Pandemic , Most , Emergency Rental Assistance , Tax Credits , Savings , Aide , 45 , 5 , New York , The End Of You , 13 , System , Job , Assistance , Rent , Housing , Money Situation , Shelters , Apartment , Room , Safety Fet , Boston , Homeless Shelters , Gee Grabbingal , Instance , Incident , Geography , Renters , Concentration , Representers , Eviction Rates , Incomes , Southeast , Racism , Quality Housing , Neighborhoods , Rates , Counties , Apartments , Zuma Majority , Renter , Rentors , Detroit , Lots , Aid , Look , Situation , Landlords , Section , South , Green Point , Legislation , Parents , Reality , Units , Piece , Somebody Else , Money , Space , Localities , Profit , Surplus , 1 Billion , 1 Billion , Red Tape , Straights , Feeling , Bureaucracy , Funds , Advice , Government , Phone , Income , Notification , Infrastructure , Stimulus Checks , Oversight , Group , Pointwork , Justshelter Org , Instinct , Resources , Interactions , Contact , Notifications , Landlord Document , Keep , Communications , Charm , Result , Marriage , Life , Goals , Birth Rates , Heart , Heart Failure , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Blood , Body , Hospital , Superior , Structure , Ability , Baby , Angioedema , Ace , Harm , Ace Inhibitor , Aliskiren , Doctor , Blood Pressure , Arb , Potassium , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Lisa Bonet , Mover , Downtown , Employees , Scene , Lily , Hotspot , Rob , Employee , Smart Phone , Deals , At T Business , Files , Children , Dog , Picket Fence , The American Dream , 2 5 , Reasons , Programs , Perception , Clip , Crawl , Population Growth , Hbo , Insecure , Sex , Example , Restrictions , Setting , Anythingle , Roe V Wade , Dang Ruszly , Gilead , Adorgs , Girls , Constitution , Hand Maid S Tale , Author , Entertainment , Comedian , Vibes , The Engagement Game , Panel , Writer , Producer , Woman , Form , Saying , Op Ed , American Culture , Women , Mind , Unpartnering , Movie , Generation , Disney , Fairy Tale , Questioning , Desire , Popular Culture Growing Up , Stories , Prince Charming , Lack , Singlehood , Stigmatization , Choice , Kids , Freedom , Single , Auntie , Fly , Talk , Sister , Married , Loved , Divorce , Popular Culture , Wife , Problems , Closer , Blur , Closest , Front , Other , Theory , Johnny Taylor , News , Population Decline , Decline , Jason Mamoa Have , Uncouple , Viewers , Privacy , Joy , Jazen , Options , Get In Line First , Pa Readyner , Hopes , Mother , Mom , Desires , Who , Combat , Disease , Hair , Chunks , Doors , Women Saw , Maryland , 000 , Hookup Culture , Population , Stay , Anywhere Fries , Salad , Screening , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , 92 , Results , Combination , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Chance , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Positive , Immunotherapies , Gene , Cell Lung Cancer , Adults , Alk , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Cancer , Yervoy , Immune System , Parts , Opdivo , Chest Pain , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Eye Problems , Breath , Constipation , Confusion , Fainting , Thirst , Appetite , Cough , Urine , Tiredness , Shortness , Dizziness , Itching , Rash , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Organ , Chest Radiation , Conditions , Flushing , Fever , Weakness , Stem Cell Transplant , Debit Card , Trials , Money Habits , Tools , Chase First Banking , Account , Allowances , Chores , Alerts , Spending , Mobile App , Savings Goals , Service Fee , Chase , Home , Wash , Add Downy , Freshness , Softness , Agency , Downy , Shift , Age , Laws , Freezing , Bodies , Opt , Journalism , Fake , Reporter , Lawmakers , Journalist , Policies , Extremists , Addition , Insider , Question , Increase , Mortality , Infant Mortality , Abortion Bans , Care , Women S Rights , Newborns , Moms , Election , Citizens , Journalists , Couples , Marriages , Midterms , Jordan , Bit , Same , Each Other , Covid Times , Opening , Services , Hookup , Relationship , Dating Apps , Apps , Youth Culture , Row , 14 , General , Dating , Buffet , Protein , Cheese , Mac , Tinkering , Millennials , Mate , Lady , Gen Z , Career , Fodder , Dad , Energy , Catch , Marriage Plot , Match , Grandparents , Instagram , Tinder , Grindr , Whatsapp , Theirperspectives , Language , Living , Relationships , Doing , Somebody , Calls , Appeal , Standup , Down , Dms , Working Folks , Show Sunday January 30th At Union Hall , Sunday January 30th , Still Doing Standup , Brooklyn , Union Hall , Thursday February The 6th , 12 , 8 , Rnc , Say , House , Jordan Carlos , Students , Debates , Student Loan Crisis , Plus , Connection , Rock Star Panel , Effects , Usollision Beeping Warning , Emergency Ing One , Automatic , Tacos , Safety , Silence , Congestion , Technology , Vicks Sinex , Breathing , Sinus Treatments , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Chevy Equinox , 2022 , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Nasal Congestion , Sinuses , Action Formula , Targets , Source , Network , Ultra , Vo , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Sfx , Mindy , Voice Relief , Verizon , Vicks , 125 , Yep , Stephanie , Jude , Healing , Hope , Zuriel St , Steak , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Retirement , Kid , Landscaper Larry , Crew , Press Conference , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Ending , Progressive , Truck , Timber , Small Business , Flexibility , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Fees , Contract , Data , Match Data Options , Term , Customers , Mix , Nationwide 5g , Play Chess , Kings , Pawns , The King S Gambit , Conversations , Kevin Mccarthy , January 6th Committee , Trump , Leader , Golf Course , More Advantageous Trump Isn T A King , Pawn , Blogger , Insurrection , Impeachment , California , Commission , Facts , Phone Call , Mariah Carey , House Republicans , Weekly Press Conference Tuesday , Diva Imitating , 11 , January 11th , Letter , Chairman Thompson , Millions , Errin Haines , Ballot Decisions , Events , Replacement , Carmen Perez , 19 , Newsrooms , Civil Rights Leader , Victor Xi , Feel , Incumbent , Wing , Headline , Consideration , Debate Process Heard , Displeasure , Cycle , Maggie Haberman , National Commission , Grapes , Nominee , Criticism , Complaints , Performance , Rules , Institution , Pillar , Perceptions , 1987 , Process Works , Voter , Electorate , Venue , Climate , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Iowa , South Carolina , 2024 , Voting , Second , It , Realtime , Press Releases , Erosion , Decision Pi , General Election , Commission On Presidential Debates , Conjecture , Support Democracy , Climate Change , Admit , Role , Gun Reform , Generations , Positions , Romney , Land , Note , Victor , Organizers , 2017 , Architects , Public , The American , Individuals , Organization , Mentor , Founder , Harry Belafonte , Fence , Cause , Earlier , Trend , Voices , Continuation , Extremist , Time , Shamble S , Kand , Means , Minority Party , Minority , Warning , Essence , Birmingham , Moderate , Councillor , Conclusion , Stride Toward Freedom , Great Stumbling Block , Negro , Ku Klux Klaner , Justice , Martin Luther King Iii , Who Don T Know , Errin , Tweet , Flurry , Standing , Tweets , Mitch Mcconnell , Mess , Twitter , Congressman , Sphere , Picture , My Hero , Vaccine , Covid Free , Martin Luther King Holiday Celebration , Church , Pews , Against , Ebenezer Baptist Church , Husband Legacy , Father , Finish Line , , Moderates , Wouldn T Rock , Numbers , Politics , Husband Death , Polling , Quotes , 93 , Minor , Tu , 1953 , 59 , Snick , Harry Bellefonte , Many , Elders , Voc , Angela Rye , Points , Attempts , Woke Vote , Politicians , Partners , Business As Usual , Vote Latino , Gathering , Legacy , Officials , Paraphrasing , President Obama , Words , Majority Vote , Representatives , Rest , Former , Obstruction , Ten , Voting Rights Act , Pass H R 1 , Sure , Run , Ig , Student Loans , Debut , Coming Up , Immune Systems , Excuses , Cvs , Wellness Support Products , Sleep , Selection , Nutrition , It Soo Windy , Little , Right , Education , Debt , Discussions , Reset Button , School , Student Debt Loan , Student Borrower , Debt Crisis , Loans , College , Aren T , Retirement Plans , Dreams Come True , David Johns , Futures , David , Title , White House Initiative On Educational Excellent For African Americans , National Black Justice Coalition , Producers , Elizabeth Warren , In , Being , Happy New Year , Borrower , 0000 , 50000 , Lesson , Authority , Check , You Shouldn T , Momma , Cash , Hbcus , 10000 , Investments , Promise , Constitution Carves , Barack Husain , Study , Department Of Education , Department , Clause , Higher Education Act Of 1965 , Learners , Seven , Loan Forgiveness , Hardship , Questions , Debating , Expansion , Loan , Forgiveness Programs , Valve , Parent , Guidelines , Pushback , 2014 , Enrollment Numbers , Eligibility , Student Debt Balance , Status , Distinction , 2011 , Presidents , Leaderships , Hire , Claer , Degrees , Credentials , Governments , Certificates , Public Education , Privilege , Millennial , Ph D , Institutions , Disorder , Cost , Up Wade State University , Program , Degree , Wayne State , Michigan , 60 , Borrowers , Opportunities , Enrollment Goals , Revenue , Student Debt , Issues , 20 , Ayanna Pressley , Answer , Anti Blackness , Peers , White Supremacy , Loan Carriers , Practices , Black People , Lgbtq Ia Plus , Banks , Capital , Disabilities , Barriers , Equality Act , Average , Baggage , 45000 , 5000 , Intersectionality Make , Sacrifice , 52000 , 2000 , Lgbtq , Coaches , Black , Nfl , Howard Bryant , Espn , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Oregon Coast , Memories , Hi , 53 , 76 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Healthier Brain , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , Breeze Driftin , High , Stand , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Pneumonia , Thrush , Eye , Vision Changes , Pain , Tongue , Trelegy Com , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Money Manager , Naj , Clients , Backs , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Whiteout , Commentator , League , Both , Tennis World , Novak Djokovic , Ocean , Djokovic , Notes , Tennis Stuff , Dissidence , Playing Field , Meadow Lark Media , Tennis Australia , Everyone Else , Players , Loopholes , Australians , Exceptions , Australia , World Class Athletes , Special , Anchors , West Side Story , Decisions , Anchor , Ear , Gears , Coach , Standard , Front Office , Idea , Majority Black , Sports , Majority Black Work Force , Hand Encouraing , Play , Offices , Pathway , Representation T , Coaching Staff , Nba , Ibm , Apple , 70 , Owners , Illusion , Meritocracy , Troy Vincent , Screen , Football Expert , Team Owners , Ranks , Diversity , Robert Kraft , Businessmen , African American , Notion , Barrier , Entry , Chances , Coaching , Player , Talent , Class , Barriers To Entry , Head , Ex Players , Half , History Of The Nfl , 1920 , 1989 , 1988 , 17 , Game , Drug , Pipe , Face , Slap , Animals , Lover , Fans , Betty White , Howard Bryan , M Coback , Spike , Call , Animal Shelters , Dodonation , Movies , Representation , Experts , Television , Perts T , Powerful , Pro Plus , Retinol , Neutrogena , Wrinkles Results , Skin , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Try Pure Zzzs , Refill , Waiting , Diner , Bus , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Reach , Routine , Pfizer , Staffing , Master , Size , Milestones , Expectations , Visit Indeed Com Hire Andrea , With Love , Away From Home , Feels Like Home , Patient , Voltaren , Husband , Alternative , Arthritis Pain Gel , Pills , Arthritis Pain Relief , Gel , Whirlwind Away , Latina , Globes , Landscape , Hollywood , Awards , Pose , Mj Rodriguez , Ariana Dubose , Rachel Zezler , 7 , Latino Community , Speaking Movie Roles , 2019 , 18 , Change , Gloria Calderon , Actor , La Land , Ment , Latina In Hollywood , Ro Marrow Bird , One Day At A Time , Experience , Cult Classic , Show Runner , Actress , Hats , Step Back , Happening , Shows , Universe , Viva , Iglesias , Ashley Garcia , They Don T Pop In A Second , Allyship , Consistency , Spielberg , Rita Moreno , Map , Goddess , Beautiful Epic Tale , Professorial View , Take , On Hbo Max , First , Got , Didn T , Couple , Features , Robert Rodriguez , Encanto , Cocoa , Advantage , Directing , Long Way To Go , Book , Disney Plus , Bo , Let , Charles , Pace , Goodness , Ceiling , Last , Ground Creator , Boots , Latinos , List , Dealing , Development , Projects , Rapid Pace , Stuff , Nuance , Erasure , Pockets , Who Plays , U Folks At Home , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Liberty , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Hotel , Kayak , 25 , 9 ,

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