Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

further to one of the weirdest moments of the trump administration. take a look. this was june 2018 of hurricane season. donald trump and mike pence visited fema headquarters to be briefed on the hurricane. the first lady was also there. seated at the head of the table like she is the co-president or something like that. believe it or not, that wasn't even the will part. i want you to watch this. at one point, donald trump takes the water bottle in front of him and puts it on the floor. then mike pence does literally the exact same thing. it almost looked pavlovian for a minute here. anything donald trump does, or says. anybody who watches this can see it was totally bizarre. it was pretty off brand for mike pence, who spent the trump administration dutifully following behind the president. justifying every controversy and misstep trump made as his boss. as we saw, as the world saw, it came to a crashing halt on january 6th when mike pence refused to go along with donald trump's scheme to block the election results from joe biden. ever since then, since that day, it's been an open question where things stand between donald trump and his former vice president mike prints. is he on good terms with president trump? is he in the place that he would like to? be but now, after the attack on january 6th. it might be the time for him to choose. new york times reporting, his lawyer this week, has been reporting whether or not he is willing to voluntarily testify. those conversations have been ongoing since this summer. mike pence, of course, was the lynch pin to donald trump's scheme to overturn the united states election. pence, in the end, did not go along with it. pence presumably has a lot of information to share with the committee. what's donald trump may have told him in the run up to january 6th, and the investigation wants to hear from the top -- kevin mccarthy. they want to hear from him because he spoke to donald trump before, during, and even after the a cat attack on the capitol. he could provide some insight into trump's efforts to influence the results that day. kevin mccarthy announced this week that he will not cooperate with the investigation. this means that if the committee doesn't hear from him, they will have to issue a subpoena to compel his testimony. today, a blistering op-ed was published -- they write, in part, quote, subpoena naming the minority leader would be unprecedented, but his behavior amounts to a dereliction of his oath to support and defend his constitution against all -- in his quest to become the next gop house speaker, mr. mccarthy has instead thrown in his lot with the enemies of democracy. so the january six committee, nonetheless, continues despite the noncooperation of key witnesses. just today, they interviewed donald trump's last defense secretary christopher miller. he was the man in charge of the defense department in the day of the january 6th attack. he may be able to shed light on the trumps administration realtime response and attack on the capitol. we're also relying on the justice investigation for what happened on january 6th. yesterday, it took quite a dramatic turn. -- the leader of a paramilitary association from the oath keepers was arrested yesterday. he was indicted on seditious conspiracy for the coordinating the cap on the capitol on january 6th. other members of the oath keepers were also brought upon these charges just yesterday. just to let you know, seditious compares c is a plot to stop the government from carrying out its duties by force. it's rarely contested, fairly arcane, but it is the law. we're gonna have some experts in a few minutes have us break down what we recently should expect from this case. one of the oath keepers, stewart rose, he made a -- the judge ruling that he will remain in custody until's next court appearance. that is scheduled on thursday. one of the biggest -- this week, came in the story that rachel and her team has been working on all week. how republicans in multiple states have forged fake documents in the 2020 election. these documents forged whether they will really where the electors. this scheme operated in a lot of ways, right out in the open, rachel's team and reporters and the states have been digging up videos of these fake electors in 2020. they tried to certify the election for the kid that lost in their state. now, finally, more than a year later, actions are getting consequences. in wisconsin, one of the states where the scheme was run, two of the lawmakers have sent this letter to people in -- we're gonna keep an eye out, to see if the mueller wilkie county da chooses to respond to this. meanwhile, there was a huge -- right here on the show. >> we've been evaluating charges for nearly a year now. as soon as we became aware of it. i would say, under state law you have forgery of a public record which is an offense, and -- we think this is a matter that is passed prosecuted by the feds. and such, just today, we refer this matter to the western district, the u.s. attorney's office, to evaluate it. we hope that we get justice. the department of justice will get involved and will use the information that we had to understand what happened that day. so that federal charges can be evaluated. >> so that was the attorney general from michigan last night on this program. announcing that michigan has referred the fake electors scheme from michigan to the u.s. office as an actual scheme. the attorney general said today, putting this critical investigation in their hands. the office says that they are happy to speak with the u.s. attorney to get them up to speed about what they have learned about this potentially criminal scheme so far. things, as you can see, are moving kind of quickly. what kind of loss of the broken here? what does this mean for the broader investigation that will happen on january 6th? now that this is in the hands of the united states justice department, what happens next? joining us now is robert mcquade former u.s. attorney for michigan. nice to see you. let me start, by asking about those fake electors. michigan's attorney told rachel last night that she is acting prosecutors to prosecute this. as a former federal prosecutor yourself, what would you be looking for? where does this began? >> as in all cases, the facts really matter here. some potential charges that come to mind here are conspiracy to defraud the united states if these electors genuinely tried to full the archivists of the united states, or the senate, who received this letter. you really need to investigate what is their inte why would they do this? another potential crime is a false statement stage. it's a crime to submit a statement that you know is false. it requires knowing that you thing you're saying is false, as well as materiality. it has a tendency to affect the matter that is under consideration. i think there are some potential crimes here. what really matters is the facts. why did they do this? and a different question for me is, why did this happen in multiple states? the thing is, it was sent in multiple states by republican electors in states where joe biden won the election. was the part of their seem to coordinate this activity? was it a part of a bigger conspiracy? so, going with the feds is a good strategy so they can coordinate and get a good defense. >> you kind of elaborated where i wanted to go with this conversation. these certificates were submitted by republicans in at least five states. as we understand all within the same day it. can prosecutors in michigan and other states, in terms of future of investigations, use this information to raise the question. what is this a criminal conspiracy? how do they go about determining the coordination to raise this kind of charges? >> i think this is that it's one of the reasons to work together in those five states so they can use accordion strategy. i think simply introduce -- interviewing these electors and saying why did you show up in these states. why were -- at the time we believe they may have been fraud, so we didn't want to miss the deadline, so we thought it was important to sign this thing even though it would likely have no effect. that's fine. who told you to do that? who told you the draft this document? finding out that answer and getting notes from these people in the states. if you find out it's people in the trump campaign who had this then i suggest looking a little higher. look at those communications. what's emails and text message were sent between them. was a part of a larger screen? when our kerik says that there was a natural strategy of communications being used. is it all part of this? is it's a part of the stop the steal scam? or is it just something provisionally a past? i think the coordinated approach is really important. >> can you talk to us a little bit about whether or not the main justice department should be handling this case? i think there is to some extent a coordination that is being found out in the states, but do we need more than one investigation to get to the bottom of what happened? or is it premature to do that right? now >> if i were working in the use of a office i would ask for coronation on this. it happens. when there's cases in multiple states. in these cases, when we work together, someone would take the lead as the main justice and you would have conference calls, video teleconferences, and you would coordinate a strategy. in the next 30 days we're going to communicate with these folks. we're gonna send out trend security? -- it was a coordinated strategy or like that. i still think you need state actors, the u.s. attorney's office is one of those states, because they have boots on the ground. they can work with fbi to interview people and getting things together. core dating people is the federal government working together instead of each state doing its own thing. >> i wanted to ask about this landmark seditious conspiracy charge that they brought against the coat oath keepers. you are one of the few lawyers who have prosecuted this case, so we are very lucky to have your expertise on this. this has ignited how difficult of a threshold the conspiracy charge is. how hard do you think it will be to prove this case? is it a hard case to handle? >> it is a difficult charge to prove, in the case that i brought in 2010 against a militia group in michigan ended up being dismissed because the government -- the judge agreed that there was not enough evidence. it can be difficult. i think things have changed at from that time. i think the public has a deeper understanding of the threat that this pose to our federal government and our public safety. i think the nature of these charges are stronger than anything that i've seen before. they showed up at the capitol in an effort to stop the certification that would transfer power from one person to another if there is ever case heard seditious conspiracy this is a -- technically it requires proving that this will be against the government's authority. technically, i think the feel that you will get from these charges -- absolutely valid question. what is it if it's not? this barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney for the eastern district of -- it's always a pleasure to have you here. thank you for joining us. >> joining us now is congresswoman elaine laurie. member of the january 6th invested geisha. thank you so much for joining us. great to have you, as well. the january six investigation, obviously, is seeking cooperation from former vice president mike pence, as we were just reporting. they have already been conversations with pence's legal counsel. can you shed some light on how fast things are moving. how likely are we to hear from the former vice president? >> what i would say is that there is information that the former vice president -- and we are moving at an appropriate pace -- including those surrounding the vice president. and inappropriate time, we will seek that information. what has become incredibly clear to me a you mention this in your opening remarks, his speech brought us closer into focus that there has been a coordinated focus by republicans to derail our democracy. we're not for the actions of a few people, a few people including the former vice president, to take the right actions, and to follow the law, was i think that we could find ourselves in a very different place. his insight into the actions leading up to the day, and on the day, are very important to the work that the committee is doing. >> speaking of what the committee is doing, i'm sure you've seen this, rachel and her team here have been reporting on emerging evidence that in several states, that joe biden won in 2020, republicans appear to have forged election documents to cast electoral votes, in favor of donald trump. some of that evidence has made its way to the january six committee, can you tell us a little bit about that? >> would i can say is that we are aware that there is a potential seven states where these documents were generated. as barbara mcquade mentioned earlier, there are things that are a great concern with these forgeries of public records, forgeries of election documents. what was the intent? was his part of a bigger scheme? we are obviously aware that there were plans that were proposed prior to the election, prior to -- after the former presidents loss, in the november election. proposing this fake slate of electors, and black and white are these documents that were generated in documents. who directed that? the question i think for the committee remains, with this concerted and coordinated effort, with -- how high did it go? where did it come from? that's something that's very important that the committee continues to investigate. >> i know you may not be able to answer this directly, when you take those first two questions, and you connect the dots, on january six, whoppers's idea over the certification of joe biden's president. mike pence use very specific language to ensure that only one slate of electors was being counted first state. it has me thinking, do you think this was pence's way of bypassing the republican-led effort to use fake electors to overturn the election? >> well, i can't read into what his thought process was, but it was very clear leading up to january six. he was very clear that there was a process that would be followed in accordance with the law, and that is what he did on the day of january 6th. so, i think the information that we're gathering on the committee could shed more light on to this, as barman quit in jim earlier, learning more information from those who generated those documents on with the purpose of them was. essentially, why they were generated, and forwarded to the national archives is very important to the committee. >> can i ask you for a minute by your colleagues? chairmen -- the investigation has been discussing procedural options against other republican lawmakers, like kevin mccarthy, who might be refusing to cooperate with the investigation. have you reached a consensus on wet approach to take? >> the committee is still in discussions about what the next step is forward, with those individuals, three other members of the house representatives said, honestly -- had valuable information on the investigation. we're still deliberating with the next step is, and how we will approach getting that information. >> congresswoman elaine laureate, thank you so much for your time. greatly appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> up next, senate democrats held a closed-door meeting, this week. it went a bit under the radar, but it was a vital importance. i'm going to explain that next. i'm i' try centrum multigummies. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking 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superman! not because he could fly, but because superman stood up for people. maybe it's because of our family's own immigrant story, or he's just that nerdy. throughout his career in the obama administration and the private sector, bilal has never stopped helping others. we don't need a superhero to solve san francisco's biggest problems like crime and homelessness, just the innovation and courage to lead. join me. for florida's 20th congressional district was not exactly expected to be a nail-biter. it was a race to fill the seat of democratic representative, owl see hastings, who was in his 15th term when he died, last april, unfortunately. democrats outnumber republicans in this district, by nearly a 5 to 1 ratio. it's not even close, so it was not some kind of big upset when democrat, she lush fearless mccormack was declared the winner with more than 78% of the vote. her republican opponent, jason mariner, did not even top 20%. but, here's the important part -- but, the outcome is not definitive enough for mariner, who told the local sea cbs -- now they call the race, i did not win, so they say, but that does not mean that they lost either. it does not mean that we lost. that's's affiliate also reporting that, several hours before the polls even close, mariner filed a lawsuit having a problem with the ballots in palm beach. it would almost be a musing if it was just that one congressional candidate in florida. but, as you know by now, this is becoming the norm within the post trump republican party in this country. tomorrow, speaking of the former president, trump is set to hold a rally in arizona. among the featured speakers at that rally will be the trump endorsed candidates, running to be the governor, and the state's top elections officials, both of whom are ardent advocates and believers of the big lie. it's not just in arizona, though, it's nbc news reports today, the majority of trump's endorsed candidates for next year's elections, are also open promoters of his big lie. ten of those candidates actually attended trump's rally. ten. the january six insurrection was proof, to many americans, of just how fragile our democracy is. with each day since then, the same forces who stormed the capitol, and stoked that insurrection, have been laying the groundwork to deliver the coup de grâce to that fragile system. while efforts to protect democracy are stymied in congress by moderate, iconoclasts, who may not be in denial about the outcomes of elections, but certainly seemed to be in denial about the seriousness and urgency of our current crisis. that begs the question, what do we do about it? harvard political scientist, stephen levitskiy, and daniel is a plot, are two of the country's foremost experts on democracies. and the forces that can either keep them alive, or quite frankly, break them. back in 2018, when the nation was just entering the second year of the trump administration, they wrote an incredibly -- how democracies die. in the book, goes to harvard political scientists, recognize the incipient signs of democratic decay in america. they compared to some of the same patterns that have played out another countries, around the world. countries, where the grand experiment of grand governance, had failed. despite the gloomy title of their book, they urged -- they used with knowledge and insight to come up with ways to stop american society from actually sliding into these authoritarianism. to head off with the head scene -- in places where democracy actually fell apart. president biden has reportedly been citingir work since he was a candidate in 2020. this week -- chuck schumer invited the authors to present their work to democratic caucus to illustrate the urgency of passing voting rights legislation to address growing threats to democracy. the final chapter of their book is titled, saving democracy. it feels more relevant now than ever. joining us now is daniel zip, lot harvard perez's or, political scientist. and one of the aforementioned of the authors of the book. thank you so much for being here. greatly appreciate your time. your book ends with several steps to avert the collapse of democracy. i have to know, as i did, it was written in 2018. given what we have seen in the intervening years, since that book came out, is it too late to take the steps that you outlined? >> thank you for having me. it's not too late, but i do have to say, when we wrote the book, we were very nervous. we were worried that -- donald trump showed all -- one of the things is really change over the last couple years, that we've gone to realize, the problem is not about a single leader. rather, it's much more endemic, much deeper, much broader. really, the problem today, in the united states, is that the republican party has been taken over by the maga faction, as it sometime called. essentially, behaving like an authoritarian party. much more similar like the bjp in india, the party in hungary that donald trump just endorsed in the upcoming elections. and, akp a turkey. it's behaving much more like authoritarian -- are very interesting, because it's very timed. support of the economic policies, promoting racial inclusivity and democratic parties, and i say timely because it assumes that this is what the biden administration was trying to do with both the build back better and voting rights. as we see, they have both stalled in congress. is it your opinion that we can overcome that? >> yes, i think the biden administration has a plan by addressing the material conditions of americans. it will improve americans lives. it will take away some of the anger out of american politics. they have been quite successful in their first year of the build back better plan, that was plan a. plan b is to address these voting concerns. it doesn't matter how much you -- increasingly we've season since the january rejection of the election results, when republicans broke the rules at the state level, it doesn't matter. it is much more difficult to win. there are very serious efforts underway to combat that. as difficult as this week has been, we have students who think they're not gonna do well on an exam so they don't study for the exam. then they don't do well on the exam. it's a self fulfilling process prophesy. there are no victims of this doing gloom. -- there is a lot to do in the short amount of time to do it. >> as i mentioned in the setup, i know that you can't talk specifically about the briefing to the democratic senators on democracy, but to pick up on the analogy of the self fulfilling prophecy, did you get a sense from speaking to them that they understand the threats to democracy in general? that they agree with you about what's at stake, and where we are's country in this moment? >> yes, we made the arguments that the threats to democracy today are not military coups and attack on congress, as serious as they are. but more elected politicians changing the rules of the game of democracy. and i think democrats understand that. the question is, is it worth changing the filibuster over this? we tried making the case that it is, but the risks of the democracy and altered ring the status quo is -- we should not lose sight of the fact that there are two democratic senators who are plotting. there are over 50 republican senators who won't even talk about these issues. and that's the problem. >> that is absolutely a good point and i'm glad that you remind us and of about the only reason that we are in the situation is because we have 50 republicans who are not willing to engage in debate, and won't contribute to the voters of oppression to this country. thank you for talking about how democracies die. it is real pressure. and tonight, the fear of getting stuck in the mud could continue to be major importance. and no, that's not a -- it is actually mud. that's what's next for you. is that's what's next for you oh dad, the twins are now... 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joining us is -- ambassador fog, great to see you again as always, what do you make about this latest u.s. intelligence reports suggesting that the u.s. is -- did u.s. officials put that information out there to try to stave off the planning by the russians? >> well first time, and thanks for reminding me about what the slate of the russians -- which is the mud that you're talking about on the streets. we used to joke about it with my family on that. but to your serious point, i don't know. it's a great observation that maybe the u.s. officials put it out there to warn everybody. it's very smart. as you turn pointed out, russia did it in 2014. in georgia, and going way back, when russia invaded chechnya for the second time in 1999, there were several terrorist attacks inside russia and many people believe that it was planted by the group of the kgb. but in the intelligence world it was debated and there were certainly massive attacks -- >> absolutely incredible. i know that abc news has confirmed that maybe the biden administration is maybe considering that insurgence should fight the guerrilla war against russia should they try to invade. where the military is unable to fight them directly. is this a wide wise trends -- is this a wide strategy? >> well, we're not gonna go over a war with russia over the ukraine. we're not gonna do that. no other country is going to do that. ukrainians need to defend themselves. i support the biden administration's efforts to help them help themselves. at this point, i've read, i don't know if it's true, but we should help them defend themselves so it makes it costly for the intervention. that said, the good news is that the ukrainian military is a lot better today than it was in 2014 because of new training and weapons. the bad news is that the russian military is a lot more capable than they were in 2014. and forces that are on the borders today are multiple than there were in 2014. and not just in the east. it's in the north. it's in the south to crimea. if there is a military intervention, you might see russian forces coming from belarus as well. they will have to worry about the mud for their tanks but they also have a large range of artillery and forces that cannot be shut down by the ukrainian forces. i think it would be a very tragic war for it it's a come to that. i suspect ukrainians in the fight that it will be a very tragic war for everyone. let us hope that it does not get to that point -- former u.s. ambassador to russia always. a pleasure. thanks for being here. >> we've got much more, including how one republican judge may have just gotten democrats good news. that and more ahead. i want you to take a look at this photo, for a minute. it is of some nurses who work at a hospital in palm springs, california. those sheets of paper that they are holding up are called assignment despite objection forms. nurses submit those forms to their hospitals management when they have been given an assignment that they feel is unsafe. just look at this, for a minute. look how many of those nurses, from that one hospital, are holding up right there. these are nurses from the national nurses united organization. the nation's largest nursing union. they say every one of those candles represents a nurse who has died from covid, since the pandemic began. yesterday, nurses from hospitals all over the country gathered in front of the right places, and protested. two years into this pandemic, they say they are fed up of being overworked, understaffed, exhausted, and forced to work in unsafe conditions. on sunday, the u.s. passed its previous record number of patients hospitalized with covid, nationwide. the number we really have to look at hospital capacity. not just the amount of sick patients going, in but how that number compares to how many patients our hospitals in health care systems can take care of. yesterday, at least 80% of the staff hospital beds were occupied in 24 states. nearing capa and almos half of the country. in 18 states, more than 85% of the staff icu beds were full. i say the word staff care, because the staff is the key in all of this. yesterday, president biden announced that deployment of -- medical personnel to help overwhelm hospitals, in six of the hardest hit states, that's in addition to hundreds military -- that have been deployed since thanksgiving, we should note. fema expanded how federal funding for national guard members can be used in those hospitals. the idea is, since most national guard members are not doctors, this funding will allow governors to send their national guard members into hospitals to pick up slack in other ways. such as, doing laundry, craig giving meals. critical parts of possible operations. we got agüero hope this week, as cities in the northeast, where u.s. first cable, macron showed signs that the wave may be plateauing. that is great news. it may mean that this wave is a lot shorter than previous ones. but, right now, our nations medical workers need back. joining us now is doctor vin gupta -- assistant professor at the university of washington, major in the u.s. air force -- he spent this past weekend on the medical mission moving critical patients, i should, note around the country, with air force reserves. he spent the fast week -- at the university is washington. doctor gupta, all i can say is thank you for making time for us, and spending time -- and i was unite, office thank you for spending your night off with us. can you help us understand what the staffing shortage looks like on the ground, from where you've been? what positions are most understaffed are overworked? >> good evening. typically was happening, across hospitals, in every single -- we don't have enough support staff, much less docks. or support staff to run it for -- [interpreter] even though we might have enough beds -- that was all a hot rage in 2020. now, we just don't have enough respiratory therapist or icu nurses. that is causing a pinch. at 60% capacity, or 75% capacity, in terms of better visibility, that's where we have to close down. we're not filling this -- in any given ico. this is symptomatic where we're seeing across the country. which is why we need fema, which is why we need to know the assets, to do the mission, enter -- previously have not done in uniform. >> talk to me about the short term, for a moment. what more can the u.s. government do to help support hospital staff through this the wave? as you mentioned, back in 2020, it was about getting ventilators, what can they do now? >> i would say that the one leader they haven't polled, is reimagine what our current military can do. yes it's great to have national guard do operational tasks in hospitals, but i'm part of the critical care for the air force, probably under such teams, both across the reserve an active duty. well we do, a team of doctors and nurses, and respiratory nurses move patients a 30,000. feet if we really reimagine the mission, that is not moving patients, wounded warriors -- but perhaps actually helping to expand capacity in the ico. we could do that, we could staff a 10 to 12 bed in a tent, in place it is not a capacity. so it's reimagining the assets, how they can be used, that we already have at our disposal. but, it really requires thinking outside of dogma, and really rethinking the mission, as it is. that hasn't happened yet. >> i want to go back to something you said in the first response. that is more about the long term, about our country's doctors and nurses. you're looking at this, and obviously, hospital staff are now being worked into our third year of a multi year pandemic. there's no clear end in sight. what should we be doing to make sure that our hospitals, our next generation doctors are both well staffed, and that those staff are taking care of, as we look into the future? >> there's a variety of potential solutions. we just don't talk enough about it. so thank you for bringing it. we could increase funded -- for docks. there's more docks that want to be doc's, that just can't get through training, because we don't have enough training slots. there's more nursing applicants, that want to be nurses, all types nurses, that we actually have nursing school slots for. that's a travesty, especially given the supply demand shortage. there's an imbalance that's gonna get worse by 2030. 40% of nurses, 30% docks, are estimated leaving the workforce, by the end of the. decade that's a big. problem do with the uk does, which is, allow for more options to go directly from hospital, to health care locational school, mitigating debt. that is a big problem. here i think we need to think outside the box, and embrace solutions that we historically have not been willing to do. the pandemic is forcing those decisions to be made, in realtime. >> all right, doctor vin gupta, greatly appreciated. good to see you, my friend. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. we'll be right back [ sneeze ] are you ok? 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

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further to one of the weirdest moments of the trump administration. take a look. this was june 2018 of hurricane season. donald trump and mike pence visited fema headquarters to be briefed on the hurricane. the first lady was also there. seated at the head of the table like she is the co-president or something like that. believe it or not, that wasn't even the will part. i want you to watch this. at one point, donald trump takes the water bottle in front of him and puts it on the floor. then mike pence does literally the exact same thing. it almost looked pavlovian for a minute here. anything donald trump does, or says. anybody who watches this can see it was totally bizarre. it was pretty off brand for mike pence, who spent the trump administration dutifully following behind the president. justifying every controversy and misstep trump made as his boss. as we saw, as the world saw, it came to a crashing halt on january 6th when mike pence refused to go along with donald trump's scheme to block the election results from joe biden. ever since then, since that day, it's been an open question where things stand between donald trump and his former vice president mike prints. is he on good terms with president trump? is he in the place that he would like to? be but now, after the attack on january 6th. it might be the time for him to choose. new york times reporting, his lawyer this week, has been reporting whether or not he is willing to voluntarily testify. those conversations have been ongoing since this summer. mike pence, of course, was the lynch pin to donald trump's scheme to overturn the united states election. pence, in the end, did not go along with it. pence presumably has a lot of information to share with the committee. what's donald trump may have told him in the run up to january 6th, and the investigation wants to hear from the top -- kevin mccarthy. they want to hear from him because he spoke to donald trump before, during, and even after the a cat attack on the capitol. he could provide some insight into trump's efforts to influence the results that day. kevin mccarthy announced this week that he will not cooperate with the investigation. this means that if the committee doesn't hear from him, they will have to issue a subpoena to compel his testimony. today, a blistering op-ed was published -- they write, in part, quote, subpoena naming the minority leader would be unprecedented, but his behavior amounts to a dereliction of his oath to support and defend his constitution against all -- in his quest to become the next gop house speaker, mr. mccarthy has instead thrown in his lot with the enemies of democracy. so the january six committee, nonetheless, continues despite the noncooperation of key witnesses. just today, they interviewed donald trump's last defense secretary christopher miller. he was the man in charge of the defense department in the day of the january 6th attack. he may be able to shed light on the trumps administration realtime response and attack on the capitol. we're also relying on the justice investigation for what happened on january 6th. yesterday, it took quite a dramatic turn. -- the leader of a paramilitary association from the oath keepers was arrested yesterday. he was indicted on seditious conspiracy for the coordinating the cap on the capitol on january 6th. other members of the oath keepers were also brought upon these charges just yesterday. just to let you know, seditious compares c is a plot to stop the government from carrying out its duties by force. it's rarely contested, fairly arcane, but it is the law. we're gonna have some experts in a few minutes have us break down what we recently should expect from this case. one of the oath keepers, stewart rose, he made a -- the judge ruling that he will remain in custody until's next court appearance. that is scheduled on thursday. one of the biggest -- this week, came in the story that rachel and her team has been working on all week. how republicans in multiple states have forged fake documents in the 2020 election. these documents forged whether they will really where the electors. this scheme operated in a lot of ways, right out in the open, rachel's team and reporters and the states have been digging up videos of these fake electors in 2020. they tried to certify the election for the kid that lost in their state. now, finally, more than a year later, actions are getting consequences. in wisconsin, one of the states where the scheme was run, two of the lawmakers have sent this letter to people in -- we're gonna keep an eye out, to see if the mueller wilkie county da chooses to respond to this. meanwhile, there was a huge -- right here on the show. >> we've been evaluating charges for nearly a year now. as soon as we became aware of it. i would say, under state law you have forgery of a public record which is an offense, and -- we think this is a matter that is passed prosecuted by the feds. and such, just today, we refer this matter to the western district, the u.s. attorney's office, to evaluate it. we hope that we get justice. the department of justice will get involved and will use the information that we had to understand what happened that day. so that federal charges can be evaluated. >> so that was the attorney general from michigan last night on this program. announcing that michigan has referred the fake electors scheme from michigan to the u.s. office as an actual scheme. the attorney general said today, putting this critical investigation in their hands. the office says that they are happy to speak with the u.s. attorney to get them up to speed about what they have learned about this potentially criminal scheme so far. things, as you can see, are moving kind of quickly. what kind of loss of the broken here? what does this mean for the broader investigation that will happen on january 6th? now that this is in the hands of the united states justice department, what happens next? joining us now is robert mcquade former u.s. attorney for michigan. nice to see you. let me start, by asking about those fake electors. michigan's attorney told rachel last night that she is acting prosecutors to prosecute this. as a former federal prosecutor yourself, what would you be looking for? where does this began? >> as in all cases, the facts really matter here. some potential charges that come to mind here are conspiracy to defraud the united states if these electors genuinely tried to full the archivists of the united states, or the senate, who received this letter. you really need to investigate what is their inte why would they do this? another potential crime is a false statement stage. it's a crime to submit a statement that you know is false. it requires knowing that you thing you're saying is false, as well as materiality. it has a tendency to affect the matter that is under consideration. i think there are some potential crimes here. what really matters is the facts. why did they do this? and a different question for me is, why did this happen in multiple states? the thing is, it was sent in multiple states by republican electors in states where joe biden won the election. was the part of their seem to coordinate this activity? was it a part of a bigger conspiracy? so, going with the feds is a good strategy so they can coordinate and get a good defense. >> you kind of elaborated where i wanted to go with this conversation. these certificates were submitted by republicans in at least five states. as we understand all within the same day it. can prosecutors in michigan and other states, in terms of future of investigations, use this information to raise the question. what is this a criminal conspiracy? how do they go about determining the coordination to raise this kind of charges? >> i think this is that it's one of the reasons to work together in those five states so they can use accordion strategy. i think simply introduce -- interviewing these electors and saying why did you show up in these states. why were -- at the time we believe they may have been fraud, so we didn't want to miss the deadline, so we thought it was important to sign this thing even though it would likely have no effect. that's fine. who told you to do that? who told you the draft this document? finding out that answer and getting notes from these people in the states. if you find out it's people in the trump campaign who had this then i suggest looking a little higher. look at those communications. what's emails and text message were sent between them. was a part of a larger screen? when our kerik says that there was a natural strategy of communications being used. is it all part of this? is it's a part of the stop the steal scam? or is it just something provisionally a past? i think the coordinated approach is really important. >> can you talk to us a little bit about whether or not the main justice department should be handling this case? i think there is to some extent a coordination that is being found out in the states, but do we need more than one investigation to get to the bottom of what happened? or is it premature to do that right? now >> if i were working in the use of a office i would ask for coronation on this. it happens. when there's cases in multiple states. in these cases, when we work together, someone would take the lead as the main justice and you would have conference calls, video teleconferences, and you would coordinate a strategy. in the next 30 days we're going to communicate with these folks. we're gonna send out trend security? -- it was a coordinated strategy or like that. i still think you need state actors, the u.s. attorney's office is one of those states, because they have boots on the ground. they can work with fbi to interview people and getting things together. core dating people is the federal government working together instead of each state doing its own thing. >> i wanted to ask about this landmark seditious conspiracy charge that they brought against the coat oath keepers. you are one of the few lawyers who have prosecuted this case, so we are very lucky to have your expertise on this. this has ignited how difficult of a threshold the conspiracy charge is. how hard do you think it will be to prove this case? is it a hard case to handle? >> it is a difficult charge to prove, in the case that i brought in 2010 against a militia group in michigan ended up being dismissed because the government -- the judge agreed that there was not enough evidence. it can be difficult. i think things have changed at from that time. i think the public has a deeper understanding of the threat that this pose to our federal government and our public safety. i think the nature of these charges are stronger than anything that i've seen before. they showed up at the capitol in an effort to stop the certification that would transfer power from one person to another if there is ever case heard seditious conspiracy this is a -- technically it requires proving that this will be against the government's authority. technically, i think the feel that you will get from these charges -- absolutely valid question. what is it if it's not? this barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney for the eastern district of -- it's always a pleasure to have you here. thank you for joining us. >> joining us now is congresswoman elaine laurie. member of the january 6th invested geisha. thank you so much for joining us. great to have you, as well. the january six investigation, obviously, is seeking cooperation from former vice president mike pence, as we were just reporting. they have already been conversations with pence's legal counsel. can you shed some light on how fast things are moving. how likely are we to hear from the former vice president? >> what i would say is that there is information that the former vice president -- and we are moving at an appropriate pace -- including those surrounding the vice president. and inappropriate time, we will seek that information. what has become incredibly clear to me a you mention this in your opening remarks, his speech brought us closer into focus that there has been a coordinated focus by republicans to derail our democracy. we're not for the actions of a few people, a few people including the former vice president, to take the right actions, and to follow the law, was i think that we could find ourselves in a very different place. his insight into the actions leading up to the day, and on the day, are very important to the work that the committee is doing. >> speaking of what the committee is doing, i'm sure you've seen this, rachel and her team here have been reporting on emerging evidence that in several states, that joe biden won in 2020, republicans appear to have forged election documents to cast electoral votes, in favor of donald trump. some of that evidence has made its way to the january six committee, can you tell us a little bit about that? >> would i can say is that we are aware that there is a potential seven states where these documents were generated. as barbara mcquade mentioned earlier, there are things that are a great concern with these forgeries of public records, forgeries of election documents. what was the intent? was his part of a bigger scheme? we are obviously aware that there were plans that were proposed prior to the election, prior to -- after the former presidents loss, in the november election. proposing this fake slate of electors, and black and white are these documents that were generated in documents. who directed that? the question i think for the committee remains, with this concerted and coordinated effort, with -- how high did it go? where did it come from? that's something that's very important that the committee continues to investigate. >> i know you may not be able to answer this directly, when you take those first two questions, and you connect the dots, on january six, whoppers's idea over the certification of joe biden's president. mike pence use very specific language to ensure that only one slate of electors was being counted first state. it has me thinking, do you think this was pence's way of bypassing the republican-led effort to use fake electors to overturn the election? >> well, i can't read into what his thought process was, but it was very clear leading up to january six. he was very clear that there was a process that would be followed in accordance with the law, and that is what he did on the day of january 6th. so, i think the information that we're gathering on the committee could shed more light on to this, as barman quit in jim earlier, learning more information from those who generated those documents on with the purpose of them was. essentially, why they were generated, and forwarded to the national archives is very important to the committee. >> can i ask you for a minute by your colleagues? chairmen -- the investigation has been discussing procedural options against other republican lawmakers, like kevin mccarthy, who might be refusing to cooperate with the investigation. have you reached a consensus on wet approach to take? >> the committee is still in discussions about what the next step is forward, with those individuals, three other members of the house representatives said, honestly -- had valuable information on the investigation. we're still deliberating with the next step is, and how we will approach getting that information. >> congresswoman elaine laureate, thank you so much for your time. greatly appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> up next, senate democrats held a closed-door meeting, this week. it went a bit under the radar, but it was a vital importance. i'm going to explain that next. i'm i' try centrum multigummies. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking 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superman! not because he could fly, but because superman stood up for people. maybe it's because of our family's own immigrant story, or he's just that nerdy. throughout his career in the obama administration and the private sector, bilal has never stopped helping others. we don't need a superhero to solve san francisco's biggest problems like crime and homelessness, just the innovation and courage to lead. join me. for florida's 20th congressional district was not exactly expected to be a nail-biter. it was a race to fill the seat of democratic representative, owl see hastings, who was in his 15th term when he died, last april, unfortunately. democrats outnumber republicans in this district, by nearly a 5 to 1 ratio. it's not even close, so it was not some kind of big upset when democrat, she lush fearless mccormack was declared the winner with more than 78% of the vote. her republican opponent, jason mariner, did not even top 20%. but, here's the important part -- but, the outcome is not definitive enough for mariner, who told the local sea cbs -- now they call the race, i did not win, so they say, but that does not mean that they lost either. it does not mean that we lost. that's's affiliate also reporting that, several hours before the polls even close, mariner filed a lawsuit having a problem with the ballots in palm beach. it would almost be a musing if it was just that one congressional candidate in florida. but, as you know by now, this is becoming the norm within the post trump republican party in this country. tomorrow, speaking of the former president, trump is set to hold a rally in arizona. among the featured speakers at that rally will be the trump endorsed candidates, running to be the governor, and the state's top elections officials, both of whom are ardent advocates and believers of the big lie. it's not just in arizona, though, it's nbc news reports today, the majority of trump's endorsed candidates for next year's elections, are also open promoters of his big lie. ten of those candidates actually attended trump's rally. ten. the january six insurrection was proof, to many americans, of just how fragile our democracy is. with each day since then, the same forces who stormed the capitol, and stoked that insurrection, have been laying the groundwork to deliver the coup de grâce to that fragile system. while efforts to protect democracy are stymied in congress by moderate, iconoclasts, who may not be in denial about the outcomes of elections, but certainly seemed to be in denial about the seriousness and urgency of our current crisis. that begs the question, what do we do about it? harvard political scientist, stephen levitskiy, and daniel is a plot, are two of the country's foremost experts on democracies. and the forces that can either keep them alive, or quite frankly, break them. back in 2018, when the nation was just entering the second year of the trump administration, they wrote an incredibly -- how democracies die. in the book, goes to harvard political scientists, recognize the incipient signs of democratic decay in america. they compared to some of the same patterns that have played out another countries, around the world. countries, where the grand experiment of grand governance, had failed. despite the gloomy title of their book, they urged -- they used with knowledge and insight to come up with ways to stop american society from actually sliding into these authoritarianism. to head off with the head scene -- in places where democracy actually fell apart. president biden has reportedly been citingir work since he was a candidate in 2020. this week -- chuck schumer invited the authors to present their work to democratic caucus to illustrate the urgency of passing voting rights legislation to address growing threats to democracy. the final chapter of their book is titled, saving democracy. it feels more relevant now than ever. joining us now is daniel zip, lot harvard perez's or, political scientist. and one of the aforementioned of the authors of the book. thank you so much for being here. greatly appreciate your time. your book ends with several steps to avert the collapse of democracy. i have to know, as i did, it was written in 2018. given what we have seen in the intervening years, since that book came out, is it too late to take the steps that you outlined? >> thank you for having me. it's not too late, but i do have to say, when we wrote the book, we were very nervous. we were worried that -- donald trump showed all -- one of the things is really change over the last couple years, that we've gone to realize, the problem is not about a single leader. rather, it's much more endemic, much deeper, much broader. really, the problem today, in the united states, is that the republican party has been taken over by the maga faction, as it sometime called. essentially, behaving like an authoritarian party. much more similar like the bjp in india, the party in hungary that donald trump just endorsed in the upcoming elections. and, akp a turkey. it's behaving much more like authoritarian -- are very interesting, because it's very timed. support of the economic policies, promoting racial inclusivity and democratic parties, and i say timely because it assumes that this is what the biden administration was trying to do with both the build back better and voting rights. as we see, they have both stalled in congress. is it your opinion that we can overcome that? >> yes, i think the biden administration has a plan by addressing the material conditions of americans. it will improve americans lives. it will take away some of the anger out of american politics. they have been quite successful in their first year of the build back better plan, that was plan a. plan b is to address these voting concerns. it doesn't matter how much you -- increasingly we've season since the january rejection of the election results, when republicans broke the rules at the state level, it doesn't matter. it is much more difficult to win. there are very serious efforts underway to combat that. as difficult as this week has been, we have students who think they're not gonna do well on an exam so they don't study for the exam. then they don't do well on the exam. it's a self fulfilling process prophesy. there are no victims of this doing gloom. -- there is a lot to do in the short amount of time to do it. >> as i mentioned in the setup, i know that you can't talk specifically about the briefing to the democratic senators on democracy, but to pick up on the analogy of the self fulfilling prophecy, did you get a sense from speaking to them that they understand the threats to democracy in general? that they agree with you about what's at stake, and where we are's country in this moment? >> yes, we made the arguments that the threats to democracy today are not military coups and attack on congress, as serious as they are. but more elected politicians changing the rules of the game of democracy. and i think democrats understand that. the question is, is it worth changing the filibuster over this? we tried making the case that it is, but the risks of the democracy and altered ring the status quo is -- we should not lose sight of the fact that there are two democratic senators who are plotting. there are over 50 republican senators who won't even talk about these issues. and that's the problem. >> that is absolutely a good point and i'm glad that you remind us and of about the only reason that we are in the situation is because we have 50 republicans who are not willing to engage in debate, and won't contribute to the voters of oppression to this country. thank you for talking about how democracies die. it is real pressure. and tonight, the fear of getting stuck in the mud could continue to be major importance. and no, that's not a -- it is actually mud. that's what's next for you. is that's what's next for you oh dad, the twins are now... 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joining us is -- ambassador fog, great to see you again as always, what do you make about this latest u.s. intelligence reports suggesting that the u.s. is -- did u.s. officials put that information out there to try to stave off the planning by the russians? >> well first time, and thanks for reminding me about what the slate of the russians -- which is the mud that you're talking about on the streets. we used to joke about it with my family on that. but to your serious point, i don't know. it's a great observation that maybe the u.s. officials put it out there to warn everybody. it's very smart. as you turn pointed out, russia did it in 2014. in georgia, and going way back, when russia invaded chechnya for the second time in 1999, there were several terrorist attacks inside russia and many people believe that it was planted by the group of the kgb. but in the intelligence world it was debated and there were certainly massive attacks -- >> absolutely incredible. i know that abc news has confirmed that maybe the biden administration is maybe considering that insurgence should fight the guerrilla war against russia should they try to invade. where the military is unable to fight them directly. is this a wide wise trends -- is this a wide strategy? >> well, we're not gonna go over a war with russia over the ukraine. we're not gonna do that. no other country is going to do that. ukrainians need to defend themselves. i support the biden administration's efforts to help them help themselves. at this point, i've read, i don't know if it's true, but we should help them defend themselves so it makes it costly for the intervention. that said, the good news is that the ukrainian military is a lot better today than it was in 2014 because of new training and weapons. the bad news is that the russian military is a lot more capable than they were in 2014. and forces that are on the borders today are multiple than there were in 2014. and not just in the east. it's in the north. it's in the south to crimea. if there is a military intervention, you might see russian forces coming from belarus as well. they will have to worry about the mud for their tanks but they also have a large range of artillery and forces that cannot be shut down by the ukrainian forces. i think it would be a very tragic war for it it's a come to that. i suspect ukrainians in the fight that it will be a very tragic war for everyone. let us hope that it does not get to that point -- former u.s. ambassador to russia always. a pleasure. thanks for being here. >> we've got much more, including how one republican judge may have just gotten democrats good news. that and more ahead. i want you to take a look at this photo, for a minute. it is of some nurses who work at a hospital in palm springs, california. those sheets of paper that they are holding up are called assignment despite objection forms. nurses submit those forms to their hospitals management when they have been given an assignment that they feel is unsafe. just look at this, for a minute. look how many of those nurses, from that one hospital, are holding up right there. these are nurses from the national nurses united organization. the nation's largest nursing union. they say every one of those candles represents a nurse who has died from covid, since the pandemic began. yesterday, nurses from hospitals all over the country gathered in front of the right places, and protested. two years into this pandemic, they say they are fed up of being overworked, understaffed, exhausted, and forced to work in unsafe conditions. on sunday, the u.s. passed its previous record number of patients hospitalized with covid, nationwide. the number we really have to look at hospital capacity. not just the amount of sick patients going, in but how that number compares to how many patients our hospitals in health care systems can take care of. yesterday, at least 80% of the staff hospital beds were occupied in 24 states. nearing capa and almos half of the country. in 18 states, more than 85% of the staff icu beds were full. i say the word staff care, because the staff is the key in all of this. yesterday, president biden announced that deployment of -- medical personnel to help overwhelm hospitals, in six of the hardest hit states, that's in addition to hundreds military -- that have been deployed since thanksgiving, we should note. fema expanded how federal funding for national guard members can be used in those hospitals. the idea is, since most national guard members are not doctors, this funding will allow governors to send their national guard members into hospitals to pick up slack in other ways. such as, doing laundry, craig giving meals. critical parts of possible operations. we got agüero hope this week, as cities in the northeast, where u.s. first cable, macron showed signs that the wave may be plateauing. that is great news. it may mean that this wave is a lot shorter than previous ones. but, right now, our nations medical workers need back. joining us now is doctor vin gupta -- assistant professor at the university of washington, major in the u.s. air force -- he spent this past weekend on the medical mission moving critical patients, i should, note around the country, with air force reserves. he spent the fast week -- at the university is washington. doctor gupta, all i can say is thank you for making time for us, and spending time -- and i was unite, office thank you for spending your night off with us. can you help us understand what the staffing shortage looks like on the ground, from where you've been? what positions are most understaffed are overworked? >> good evening. typically was happening, across hospitals, in every single -- we don't have enough support staff, much less docks. or support staff to run it for -- [interpreter] even though we might have enough beds -- that was all a hot rage in 2020. now, we just don't have enough respiratory therapist or icu nurses. that is causing a pinch. at 60% capacity, or 75% capacity, in terms of better visibility, that's where we have to close down. we're not filling this -- in any given ico. this is symptomatic where we're seeing across the country. which is why we need fema, which is why we need to know the assets, to do the mission, enter -- previously have not done in uniform. >> talk to me about the short term, for a moment. what more can the u.s. government do to help support hospital staff through this the wave? as you mentioned, back in 2020, it was about getting ventilators, what can they do now? >> i would say that the one leader they haven't polled, is reimagine what our current military can do. yes it's great to have national guard do operational tasks in hospitals, but i'm part of the critical care for the air force, probably under such teams, both across the reserve an active duty. well we do, a team of doctors and nurses, and respiratory nurses move patients a 30,000. feet if we really reimagine the mission, that is not moving patients, wounded warriors -- but perhaps actually helping to expand capacity in the ico. we could do that, we could staff a 10 to 12 bed in a tent, in place it is not a capacity. so it's reimagining the assets, how they can be used, that we already have at our disposal. but, it really requires thinking outside of dogma, and really rethinking the mission, as it is. that hasn't happened yet. >> i want to go back to something you said in the first response. that is more about the long term, about our country's doctors and nurses. you're looking at this, and obviously, hospital staff are now being worked into our third year of a multi year pandemic. there's no clear end in sight. what should we be doing to make sure that our hospitals, our next generation doctors are both well staffed, and that those staff are taking care of, as we look into the future? >> there's a variety of potential solutions. we just don't talk enough about it. so thank you for bringing it. we could increase funded -- for docks. there's more docks that want to be doc's, that just can't get through training, because we don't have enough training slots. there's more nursing applicants, that want to be nurses, all types nurses, that we actually have nursing school slots for. that's a travesty, especially given the supply demand shortage. there's an imbalance that's gonna get worse by 2030. 40% of nurses, 30% docks, are estimated leaving the workforce, by the end of the. decade that's a big. problem do with the uk does, which is, allow for more options to go directly from hospital, to health care locational school, mitigating debt. that is a big problem. here i think we need to think outside the box, and embrace solutions that we historically have not been willing to do. the pandemic is forcing those decisions to be made, in realtime. >> all right, doctor vin gupta, greatly appreciated. good to see you, my friend. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. we'll be right back [ sneeze ] are you ok? 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Seat , 15th Term , Nail Biter , Owl See Hastings , 15 , She Lush Fearless Mccormack , Vote , Ratio , Upset , Winner , Opponent , 78 , Sea , Outcome , Mariner , Jason Mariner , Cbs , Problem , Lawsuit , Polls , Ballots , That S , Country , Candidate , Musing , Palm Beach , Officials , Rally , Elections , Candidates , Arizona , Governor , Speakers , Both , Believers , Advocates , Ten , Promoters , Big Lie , Forces , Insurrection , Proof , Groundwork , Iconoclasts , System , Congress , Coup De GrÂce , Urgency , Denial , Seriousness , Outcomes , Political Scientist , Crisis , Harvard , Nation , Democracies , Back , Daniel Zip , Stephen Levitskiy , Book , Signs , Incredibly , Scientists , Decay , Countries , Patterns , Experiment , Knowledge , Grand Governance , Title , Around The World , Places , Scene , Authoritarianism , Society , Authors , Voting Rights Legislation , Caucus , Chuck Schumer , Threats , Or , Chapter , Harvard Perez , Steps , Collapse , Aforementioned , Party , Faction , The Party , Authoritarian , India , Bjp , Hungary , Akp , Turkey , Support , Policies , Build , Voting Rights , Parties , Inclusivity , Conditions , Plan , Opinion , Anger , American Politics , Voting Concerns , Season , Rejection , Plan A B , Students , Rules , State Level , Exam , Process Prophesy , Doing Gloom , Victims , Senators , Amount , Analogy , Setup , Briefing , General , Sense , Self , Prophecy , Stake , Arguments , Yes , Coups , Politicians , The Rules Of Game , Democracy , Risks , Filibuster , It Worth , Sight , Fact , Issues , Won T , Plotting , Ring , Status Quo , 50 , Situation , Reason , Debate , Mud , Pressure , Voters , Fear , Oppression , Events , Twins , Dad , Investments , Plant Burgers , Crowd , Guidance , Voya , Em , Vegan , Retirement , Slack , Everyone , Call , E Mail , Company , Orrr , Russian , Payroll , Works , Intuit Quickbooks , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Sneaker , Inner Voice , 1890 , Tank , Video , Military Exercise , Russia Moscow , Military Tank , Soldiers , Mud Pit , Military , Roads , Issue , Military Equipment , Russians , Rush Bautista , Decision , Ukraine , Governments , Window , Invasion , Spring Thaw , Quagmire , Which Will Begin By March , Urologists , Tensions , Authorities , Hit , Worse , Website , Afraid , Attacks , Georgia , Order , Group , Operatives , Flag , Acts , Espionage , Aggression , Vacation , West , Crime Area , Intelligence , Ambassador Fog , Thanks , Planning , Observation , Streets , I Don T Know , Everybody , Way Back , Out , 2014 , Terrorist Attacks , Chechnya , 1999 , Abc News , Kgb , Insurgence , Guerrilla War , War , Trends , Ukrainians , Intervention , Training , Bad News , Weapons , Borders , Military Intervention , East , North , South , Crimea , Belarus , Range , Tanks , Artillery , Fight , Hope , Come , Ambassador , Nurses , Look , Photo , Hospital , Assignment , Sheets , Objection Forms , Forms , Paper , Hospitals Management , Palm Springs , California , National Nurses United , Many , Hospitals , Pandemic , Nurse , Candles , Nursing Union , Covid , Number , Understaffed , On Sunday , Patients , Hospital Capacity , Nationwide , Staff , Care Of , Capa , Health Care Systems , Half , Almos , Hospital Beds , Icu Beds , 85 , 80 , 24 , 18 , Deployment , Word , Care , Hit States , Key , Personnel , Yesterday , Funding , Fema , Guard , Thanksgiving , Hundreds Military , Addition , National Guard , Doctors , Parts , Governors , Operations , Meals , Craig , Doing Laundry , AgÜero , Wave , Northeast , Cities , Ones , First Cable , Macron , Mission , Doctor Vin Gupta , Workers , Nations , Major , U S Air Force , University Of Washington , Unite , University Is Washington , Air Force Reserves , Happening , Positions , Staffing Shortage Looks , Docks , Interpreter , Support Staff , Beds , Single , Hot Rage , Capacity , Icu , Visibility , Pinch , Respiratory Therapist , Given Ico , 60 , 75 , Assets , Uniform , Enter , Hospital Staff , Ventilators , Air Force , Teams , Tasks , Haven T Polled , Duty , Feet , 30000 , Bed , Ico , Tent , Reimagining The Assets , 12 , Hasn T , Disposal , Dogma , End , Solutions , Generation , Variety , Types , Doc S , Training Slots , Slots , Nursing Applicants , Nursing School , Gonna , Workforce , Imbalance , Supply Demand Shortage , Travesty , Big , 40 , 2030 , Health Care Locational School , Uk , The Box , Friend , Right , Decisions , Cold , High Blood Pressure , Sneeze , Cold Medicines , Blood Pressure , Nutrients , Cold Relief , Life , Liquid , Qunol Sleep Formula , Coricidin , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Qunol , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Backing , Voice , Installation , Value , Prepaid Card , 00 , 64 99 , 4 99 , 500 , 24 7 , Deal , Teaching , Classroom , Leadership , Schools , Start , Chance , Deficit , Children , Politics , School Board , February 15th , 125 Million , 25 Million , Kids , School Board Members Collins , LÓpez , Don T Look Up , Eight , Don T Want To Spoil Look Up , Ali Fauci , Spoiler Alert , Weekend , Seeing , Mind , Kyrsten Sinema , Bills , Disease , Symptoms , Division , Protector , Syllabus , Joe Manchin ,

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