Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart

Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709

the looming and existential threat to our democracy. >> new laws are being written, not to protect the vote, but to deny it. not only to suppress the vote, but to subvert it. not to strengthen and protect our democracy, but because the former president lost instead of looking at election results from 2020 and saying they need new ideas or better ideas to win more votes, the former president and his supporters decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections. it is wrong. it is undemocratic. and frankly, it's un-american. >> and he's taking his voting rights push on the road. the president and vice president harris are heading to georgia on tuesday, to specifically speak about the need for federal voting rights legislation. but several georgia-based voting rights groups are saying the duo should stay home. issuing a statement that reads in part, quote, such an empty gesture, without concrete action, without signs of real tangible work is unacceptable. and yet the tangible work they're demanding can only happen if the senate takes action. that's a big if. senate majority leader chuck schumer promises a debate and vote. but with two democratic senators publicly against granting a carve out for voting rights, the big push to protect the foundation of democracy, the right to vote, is poised to hit a brick wall. joining me now is michigan senator debbie stabenow, a chair of the democratic policy and communications committee. thank you for coming back to "the sunday show." >> jonathan, it is always great to be with you. thank you. and by the way, my friend tim kaine as well. >> he's coming on after you. so since you are in the senate leadership, talk to us about, you know what is the plan? how, one, how are you going to get the freedom to vote act passed. and, two, because it is going to go down in a ball of flames again, what are you going to do about changing the rules to ensure that it can be passed by a simple majority vote? >> well, jonathan, there is nothing more important than the freedom to vote for people. it is the basis of everything else, the last election people wanted a change. in michigan, the highest voter turnout ever, people voted for joe biden, kamala harris, because they wanted change to happen. and that's the freedom to vote as americans to be able to do that. and so we understand that as a democratic party. in the end, every senator has to be responsible for their own vote. but we know that the time is now to make sure that the senate rules who have been abused now for years don't stand in the way of protecting people's freedom to vote. let me say also, i was at senator harry reid's funeral in nevada yesterday, which was beautiful, and it reminded me all over again that when mitch mcconnell came in and began abusing the rules and really creating the tyranny of the minority under president obama, senator reid stepped up to make the senate work by making sure that the rules weren't blocking 150 judicial and other nominees of president obama's. and so that took courage to stand up, to do that. this is another moment, we know it is happening. we know that they are blocking. it is a strategy in michigan, they're trying to do everything they can at the state level. the majority in the house and senate and the state, the republicans are trying to do exactly what they have been doing in georgia. it is a concerted effort. it is our job to make sure we do everything possible to make sure that doesn't happen. >> and you raise a good point, senator. a lot of focus is on two senators in particular, but no one really talks about the fact that, you know, republicans won't even allow for a debate on the freedom to vote act. but i -- since you mentioned senator reid's funeral yesterday, just curious, was senator joe manchin there? >> no. i think -- now, in fairness, let me say that senator reid will have the honor as he deserves it lie in state next wednesday. and i would expect all of our senate colleagues to be there then. >> i bring up senator manchin to shift topics from voting rights to build back better. let me show you the headline that -- the story broke before the weekend, on the front page of "the washington post," manchin's $1.8 trillion spending offer appears to no longer to be on the table. after the senator issued his counteroffer, it says the west virginia democrat has made clear that he does not currently support advancing even that offer following a breakdown in negotiations between manchin and the white house right before christmas. can you give us some insight into where things are on build back better and whether that framework is not part of the conversation? >> jonathan, i think the most important thing is what we want to accomplish within that framework. and there is a lot of agreement on things that are really important to people. starting with lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which all of our democratic colleagues support. you imagine if we're doing $35 a month cap on insulin rather than the hundreds or thousands of dollars that people pay a month? there is universal support for lowering the cost of child care so moms and dads can go back to work and universal pre-k. we have significant changes in support for expanding community mental health, so important right now. and we know we got to tackle climate change and we can do it with clean energy manufacturing jobs. all of which have support and so coming off the american rescue plan, the infrastructure bill last year, the other things we have been doing which will now be implemented this year, we have got to really break this down and in the things i mentioned, and 50 more, by themselves would be significant for people in our country to lower their costs and to create opportunity. >> last question, senator stabenow. by listening to what you're saying, should i take it from that, that we're back at square one on build back better. not in a negative sense, but back at square one in terms of putting together a package that can get out of the senate on a simple majority vote? >> we know that we don't have the votes for the package that was talked about at the end of the year. but the elements have support. and so what we got to do is put together the elements that we can pass and it will be very significant for people. again, lowering their costs and creating opportunity for folks that want to work hard and make it in america. >> senator debbie stabenow, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> thank you. joining me now is virginia senator tim kaine, member of the armed services and foreign relations committee. senator kaine, thank you for coming back to "the sunday show." >> nice to be with you, jonathan. >> you're always in the news, but over this past week you were really in the news because you were one of the thousands of virginians stuck on 95 in the middle of the snowstorm for more than 27 hours and you were racing to get back here to washington because you had a very important meeting, voting rights meeting, filibuster meeting. where are things in those conversations with senator manchin about doing something, anything to allow for the freedom to vote act, the john louis voting rights advancement act to get through on a simple majority vote? >> you're right, jonathan. i left richmond at 1:00 monday to get to d.c. for an 8:00 p.m. voting rights meeting. i was stuck in my car, we switched it to a conference call and then i rushed to get to the 4:30 p.m. tuesday meeting and i made it by 45 minutes. 27 hours in the car. the two bills you had them up on the screen, the john louis act, which would restore the preclearance procedures under the voting rights act of 1965, and then the freedom to vote act, which would mandate minimum standards for access to the ballot in federal elections, ban secret money, redistricting reform for congressional apportionment. here's the good news. both of these bills are co-sponsored by all 50 democratic senators and i worked particularly closely with joe manchin because he was not arnlg originally a supporter of the predecessor of the freedom to vote act. but we did significant negotiation for months for him to be a co-sponsor. we're all unified. we're going to bring this up this week and we expect virtually no republicans will even vote to debate a bill. we think senator murkowski of alaska will vote to debate the lewis act, but not freedom to vote. at that point we have to be willing to -- the burden of history is on our shoulders because of the disenfranchisement happening across the country and because of the mass disenfranchisement effort on january 6th. we have to be willing to adjust senate rules to enable this to happen and protect people's rights to vote. we don't have to abolish the -- they both said pretty plainly they will not abolish the filibuster but haven't taken off the table, openness to rules reforms that would be good for the senate, and that can enable us to accomplish our goal and that's what we're working on now. >> you just laid out and gave an impassioned argument for why these two bills should pass. for why it is imperative for our democracy for them to pass. and yet we're still talking about these two senators who are having -- having a problem with even maybe doing something to the rules so they can pass. if they didn't have a problem with carving out a vote to raise the debt ceiling, carving out something from the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling, which was imperative for the american economy and the global economy, then why isn't it imperative to them to carve out voting rights so that the foundation of our democracy can be upheld? >> jonathan, that's a really good point. and we're talking about that with our colleagues just to elaborate further, we came very near to default on our debt with republicans unwilling to do what we always have been willing to do, and that is to support an increase in the debt ceiling to cover the actions and this was largely acts of the trump administration in previous congress. and so both senators manchin and sinema and others went to the republicans and said, look, if you don't own up to this responsibility, then we democrats we will change the senate rules to enable this to happen by a simple majority. we're not going to allow the united states to default in violation of section 5 of the 14th amendment of the constitution. and we made that pitch to the republicans, they then came up with the votes. but even senators manchin and sinema were willing to make adjustments, to senate rules, to enable us to cover the nation's debt. my argument would be voting is just as important, and i want to underscore that both senators manchin and sinema are full throated co-sponsors of these two bills. and it is just a matter of finding what acceptable rules, reform they could vote for and it would be short of abolishing a filibuster but something they vote for to accomplish this objective. the 1965 voting rights act, as you know, was passed not only because of mass disenfranchisement going on primarily in the south, but also coalesced because of an act of violence. the beating of john lewis on the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama. history repeats itself. we have mass disenfranchisement efforts going on now, not just in the south. history repeats itself in the eyes of history are on us this week to see if we can stop the disenfranchisement that led even to violence against the integrity of our elections system. >> the eyes of history are indeed upon us, senator tim kaine of virginia, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> absolutely. >> coming up, why we should all be worried about upcoming elections across the country. congressman colin allred joins me next to talk about it. congressman colin allred joins me next to talk about it once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ so it was a happy ending... ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. boost® high protein also has key nutrients stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. that's not how it works in this country. these laws will make it more difficult for americans to vote. in texas, we have a long history of this. it is going to get worse. we must pass federal legislation and i hope that it can be bipartisan. >> if 2021 was the year of rampant voter suppression by republican legislatures, 2022 is gearing up to be the year of voter subversion as donald trump's big lie comes home to roost. a new analysis this week from npr found at least 15 republican candidates running to be their state's top election official have questioned president biden's legitimacy. and the chaos of even one of their victories would cause in 2022, in 2024 should be very, very alarming. >> joining me now texas congressman colin allred, member of the house foreign affairs, veteran affairs and the transportation and infrastructure committees, congressman allred, good it see you. thank you for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you for having me on. >> talk about why the fact that there are so many people who believe in the big lie running for state -- for state boards of elections and secretaries of state is so alarming. >> yeah. why do we know brad raffensperger name? the georgia secretary of state, because donald trump called him and asked him to find votes to allow him to beat joe biden in that state in the last election. it was because of the integrity of the officials like mr. raffensperger that did not happen in the last election. so now what we're seeing across the country in in swing states like arizona, michigan, georgia, is folks running for office to represent in the secretary of state positions where they oversea the elections who are committed to this idea of the big lie, committed to the idea that really whatever the result is seems like they'll be willing to turn it in donald trump's favor. >> i'm going to put up another -- a graphic here talking about the breakdown of election deniers who running for office around the country. look at that. 69 candidates in 30 states running for governor have embraced the big lie. 55 for senate, 13 for state attorney general, 8 candidates for secretary of state, and at least 5 house candidates at the capitol on january 6th. you know, you raise a good point. the reason why we know brad raffensperger's name is because of the pressure put on him as a georgia secretary of state in the last election. the fact you've got 69 candidates and 30 states running for governor, that was another outlet where then president donald trump tried to pressure governors to change election results. >> that's right. well, i mean, we know that in 2024 there is going to be an attempt to change the election results. and we have to prepare what are we going to do about it. we have some provisions in the freedom to vote act, my bills, that would try to prevent some of that, prevent some of the election subversion. we also have to look at the electoral count act and the way that's processed because what are we going to do if we get a false slate of selectors sent to us from a state like georgia where they decided to overturn the will of the people and send us a slate that is not actually consistent with that vote. so we're having those conversations here at the federal lex. i want to say it is so important in every single one of these states that as many of the races as possible that we elect people who believe in our democracy. and that doesn't necessarily mean there will be a democrat. if there is a republican running, like brad raffensburger in georgia, but who believes in our democracy, i want to see them at least be the nominee and hopefully get elected because we need to have people who will defend our democracy first who will take the responsibility of overseeing our election seriously and are not, you know, these kind of cultists in many ways who it doesn't really matter what the results are, who will try to find a way to say that donald trump won. >> you know, congressman, last week there were stories in the papers and in the media about the thakt fa republicans in the senate were rallying around now the freedom to vote act, not the john lewis voting rights advancement act, but about concerns about future attacks on our democracy. you just brought it up. it is something that needs to be addressed. is it something that should be addressed in lieu of passing those two -- those two bills? >> well, as you know, i was a voting rights lawyer before i came to congress. we got to do both. we have to make sure you can't subvert a election when it comes to us in the congress. we have to make sure the votes that were cast in that election were free and fair and that people could actually be involved in that election. how legitimate are the results from the state where you cut back on early voting, you cut back on vote by mail and you created long lines on election day where americans are standing in line for five, six, seven, eight hours. in georgia, can't even get him some water or snack while standing there or you'll have criminal penalties. i think it is just as illegitimate to allow that to happen on election day and during the voting period as it is to send us a false set of electors after election day. >> last question for you, congressman, what should people do in the highly likely event that the freedom to vote act doesn't get passed, the john lewis voting rights advancement act doesn't get passed and the filibuster doesn't get reform it at least allow them to be passed by a simple majority vote? what should people do if nothing happens? >> yeah. well, we can't agonize. we have to organize. and we have more tools at our disposal than a young john lewis did when he was walking across the edmund pettus bridge. we have many more tools at our disposal now than those folks did then. so we can learn anything from our history, it is that we can overcome suppression, yes, we shouldn't have to, yes, it is still going to knock out thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of americans from being able to vote. i've spoken with voters who found out they're not going to be able to vote in the election because of a technicality and seen the betrayal on their face. i know how much that hurts every american that can't. we can overcome it together and then keep fighting. this is not a fight for just the next election or the election of that. this is a fight for us for decades. we had decades of backsliding. now we need decades of protecting our democracy. >> exactly. congressman colin allred, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. after the break, the global community is concerned about the fate of american democracy. i'll discuss that with the former senior director of the national security council, fiona hill. that's next. al security councila hill that's next. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ make no mistake about it, we're living at an inflexion point in history, both at home and abroad. we're engaged anew in a struggle between democracy and autocracy. we are in a battle for the soul of america. a battle that by the grace of god and the goodness and gracious -- greatness of this nation we will win. >> it's not just americans who are worried about the creeping authoritarianism poisoning our politic politics, in a sobering op-ed, quote, the most dangerous force in the world going into 2022 may not be in beijing or moscow, but in the united states. its name is trumpism. joining me now, fiona hill, senior fellow and foreign policy program at the brookings institution, and former senior director at the national security council and author of the best-selling book "there is nothing for you here ." fiona, thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thanks so much, jonathan. great to be with you today. >> i want to show some other headlines, because that's not the only thing that the globe and mail has published expressing alarm about what is happening in america. one headline says if the next presidential election reveals the u.s. hurdling toward autocracy, should canada try to intervene. 2022 is the year america falls off the cliff, how can canada hang on. chaos is coming to the u.s., what will canada become? never in a million years did i think that our neighbors to the north would be openly concerned about the stability of the united states. and they're not alone, are they? >> no, they're not alone. look, there is consternation across europe at the moment. if you think about the role of the united states and the post world war ii world and in the post cold war world, we have been the bastion of democracy and our bread and butter has been democracy promotion. many of the institutions that europeans have anti-acted with over the long sleep of the last 70 years, the last 30 years have been the national endowment for democracy, the international republican institute, the national democratic institute. our parties have been standing for the strengthening of democratic institutions in europe, and around the world. and now suddenly, people are seeing individuals like tucker carlson from fox news going to hungary, part of the eastern bloc, looking for ideas of how to implement a liberal democratic institution and practices in the united states. they're looking at everything you've just laid out in the previous segments, millions of americans believing in a big lie that joe biden was not elected in 2020. and they're completely taken aback by what congressman allred and you were talking about earlier, at the state and local government level, we're seeing the subversion of democracy. people saw an incredible strength in the kind of local and state commitments of the u.s. federal system toward democracies. they felt that even if there might be problems at the national level, you saw people committed in their communities to upholding the democratic institutions. it was what we were exporting abroad and now we're exporting not just the chaos that the canadians are worried about. we were joking about how many millions of americans are going to be lined up at the border kind of coming in in 2024, for example. that's not just a funny prospect at all. but people are seriously worried about what is happening to the united states. >> i want to read to folks something you wrote in politico magazine last october where you wrote i find it deeply disturbing the number one identity people put forward in polls now is whether you're a democrat or a republican rather than an american. this america is looking dangerously like russia based on the divisions of russia in the 1990s and then the putin system that came out of that. talk more about that. >> well, look this is something that some russian commentators have commented on as well. 1990s in russia after a collapse of the soviet union, during the period of the presidency of boris yeltsin was full of political chaos and polarization, fighting in the russian parliament, you know, for example, a whole plethora of political parties but none of them could get traction. eventually what happened in the russian system in 2000 was when vladimir putin came into power, as president. he completely rejected the party system. and over time over the last 21 years we have seen him roll back a lot of the basic democratic freedoms of assembly, of speech, you know, association. just in the last month we have seen the russian government close down the this really famous entity that was established in the late 1980s look at the problems of the soviet past, the crimes of stalinism, basically it has become illegal in many respects to question some of the historical issues in russia. and we're already seeing in the united states trends in that direction. people pushing back. you see with the -- push back on an inquiry, larger discussion of the level of schools and more broadly about american history and the facts of american history. so we're already creeping in that direction and that creep has become more accelerated in the last year, particularly since the events of january 6th where we see a repudiation of the efforts in congress to find out what happened on january 6th, basically alternate narratives about this, people trying to push back on that inquiry of refusing to go along with it, that looks very much like what we're seeing happening in russia with again this tamping down of events of the past. >> that is a frightening parallel that you've brought to our attention. we need to know that. fiona hill, thank you very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. thanks for having me on. up next, a unique depiction of george floyd in a painting causes a stir. we'll talk about it after the break. causes a stir. we'll talk about it after the break. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. andrea: you see things as a parent-- what your expectations are for your kid growing up, the milestones going to school, graduating and getting married, having kids. and cancer was never one of those milestones in my head. st. jude has given us hope, love, a home away from home. and it feels like home. you're more than just a patient or just another family here at st. jude. this country has never been good at how it talks and teaches about race. look at the current outrage over what has been broadly dubbed critical race theory. or what is happening at catholic university here in washington over a painting displayed at the school. entitled "mama ," it is a portrait of mary holding jesus who looks a lot like george floyd. the work was stolen, twice. according to "the new york times" after the second theft, the student government passed a resolution that called for the removal, deeming the work, quote, blasphemy, offensive and confusing. the university officials say they will replace it with a different piece of art. the artist kelly latimore told "the new york times," is it george floyd? yes. is it jesus? yes. there is sacredness in every person. joining me now is the artist of that painting, kelly latimore. thank you very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. thank you for having me. >> i'm going to play art critic and be up-front. it is a beautiful painting that you've done. why did you -- why did you paint it? >> well, after the sad and horrendous events of may and june of 2020, watching that with my partner and i and amongst our community here in st. louis, we were just, as so many others, gobsmacked about what was going on in the country. for us, the most striking thing i remember when watching that horrible video was the last words of george floyd, mama. and that just kept ringing in the back of our ears, these conversations that we were having with people in our community and so my partner commissioned the work and was really came out of this idea, how do we not only mourn the loss of george floyd, but how do we then maybe possibly create an image that is going to spur us to action so this doesn't keep happening? so we dove into the sacred art images that have come from the past and george call out for mama, a mother holding her son, a man of color who is unjustly murdered by the state 2,000 years ago that the same thing is continually happening and using that historic image to then convey and move us towards contemlaing what had happened. >> and, kelly, to that point, you know, folks, control room, put the painting of mama back up because in "the new york times," you mentioned this, the style, in "the new york times ," they note rather than looking at the body of jesus, the virgin mary is looking at the viewer. they quote you as saying she's asking, what are you going to do so this doesn't keep happening. >> yes. and i think one of the striking things that happened in that summer is we had saw another image going online of george floyd's mother holding him, cradling him as a young baby, and it is in the same image that mothers are continually losing their daughters and sons who are unjustly murdered by the state. and it is the sad truth that in america that if the -- this is the work of theologian james cone who influenced the work that the -- for the american christian if they want to understand the cross and the terrible horrendous abuse of the cross 2,000 years ago for christ, the metaphor we have now in our time is the lynching tree, which is very provocative, the work of cone, but what he's trying to say there is that for cone, if we're going to understand evil that is white supremacy, and in our time, that the modern day lynching is something that we're going to have to talk about and address as american christians. >> and, kelly, one more question, we're out of time, but i want to ask this, i need to get your reaction to the controversy at catholic university over your painting. >> ultimately it just really saddens me. i'm an artist. i'm not a theologian. i'm being trained how to see. i think this is just a situation where i've said is it george floyd or jesus, the answer is yes. it is a dualistic question, not either or. it is christ. but it is as mother teresa said christ distressed in disguise, many matthew's gospel says he can be found in the least of these and among those who suffered as george floyd did. i think that being both is hard for people to understand. it is these very people in our midst that -- these are the conversations that we need to have and it is our hope we won't be like peter in the gospel, that we're sitting around the fire when the rooster crows that when we're asked to stand with christ and to suffer with him and have a hard conversations that we unfortunately instead run away and act like they don't exist. >> kelly latimore, i wish we had more time, but thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show" and for painting that painting. >> thank you, jonathan. thank you. up next, remembering the life and work of the legendary actor and activist sidney poitier. anr d activist sidney poitier. a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. wondering what actually goes into your multivitamin? at new chapter, boost® high protein also has key nutrients its' innovation, organic ingredients, and fermentation. fermentation? yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ hey, come here! nurtec odt is the first and only medication proven to treat and prevent migraines. don't take if allergic to nurtec. the most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. ask your doctor about nurtec today! tributes are still pouring in for hollywood icon sidney poitier, who passed away this week at the age of 94. he may be best remembered as the trail blazing actor who became the first african american to win the academy award for best actor. former president obama who presented poitier with the medal of freedom in 2009 called him the epitome of dignity and grace. he's being remembered off screen, including his advocacy of the civil rights movement. joining me is gil robertson. gil, thank you for coming to "the sunday show." i want to read you something that is in an op-ed in "the washington post" today by will hangood. he, meaning poitier, had to represent a whole race of people. no other black man was prominent on the big screen before he showed up. he had to tutor and he moved with astonishing grace and had malifluous diction. talk about how important he was to the country's understanding of who we are. >> for a lot of americans, for the world really, i mean, sidney poitier was the embodiment of blackness, of black identity, particularly black men and so he was very much an ambassador of our community. you know, he definitely saw that through the roles that he played. you know, beginning with the defiant ones where he was a captive opposite tony curtis on throughout films that earned him an oscar and the heat of the night where he played a police detective. so sidney poitier had a heavy burden to carry, but he did it with great style and with great ease it appears. >> yes. he carried a great burden on screen, but it was one he gladly carried off screen in terms of his activism. let me read for you and everyone something that was written in the nation the headline is 49 years ago harry belafonte hosted the "tonight show." they flew undercover to mississippi with $70,000 stuffed in a black doctor's bag to fund the movement into the fall. chased by arms klans men they almost didn't make it out of the south alive. they would later joke when they met on air. don't ever call me again, poitier quipped. >> from the march on washington all throughout the civil rights movement, you know, poitier, along with his brother and friend harry belafonte, were very much a part of the movement. as you just cited here, not only contributed with their presence but also financially. >> did his off screen activism ever hurt his on screen opportunities? >> not from what i can see. if anything, it kind of added to the luster of his career. i mean, in addition to, you know, his prolific acting career, mr. poitier served on the boards over at walt disney studios. he was also the bohemian ambassador to japan for a number of years as well as their ambassador to unesco. it was his presence and an extension of who he was as a man. >> lastly, what examples or lessons can not just actors but black folks learn from the life he led and his activism because a lot of the things he was pushing for back then are being -- also pushing for it now? >> that it's okay to be your authentic self, that you should embrace the things that you believe in and that you should be true to those beliefs. and certainly he was the embodiment of that, and that is certainly one of the reasons why he's being so celebrated with his passing. >> gil robertson, thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show" and talking about the great sidney poitier. >> thank you, jonathan. coming up in the next hour, congressman jamie raskin joins me live to discuss his deeply personal memoir "the untouchable." keep it here on "the sunday show." tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? 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>> well, i wasn't particularly prescient, jonathan, it's just clear where the polls were going. it's clear where the people were going, but we also knew donald trump's nature by that point. he refuses to accept defeat. he refuses to accept a loss and he would much prefer to tell lies. he of course had been telling lies for several years so we accepted that whole propaganda offensive against the election. and it was proven that it was a big lie by the 61 federal and state courts that decisively rejected every claim of electoral fraud allegation he put out there. that's when he turned to try to get gop legislators to overthrow the popular vote. then he tried to intimidate state election officials like brad and find me 11,000 votes. ultimately it came down to vice president mike pence. he was the key actor when we approached january 6th. >> and you knew that mike pence was -- could possibly be the weak link in that the electoral count act is a little -- is a little squishy here and so what was it -- what is it about the electoral count act that was most concerning to you? >> yes. well, here was the plan with mike pence. they wanted him to declare totally extra legal, extra constitutional lawless powers to unilaterally reject electoral college votes that had been cast by the states and brought forward by the governors of the states including republican governors from a number of the states they were trying to reject. they thought if pence would do that it could lower joe biden's total in the electoral college from 306 to what he had to below 270. at that point under the 12th amendment the contest is thrown immediately into a contingent election into the house of representatives. why would trump want to get this thrown into speaker pelosi's house where there's a democratic majority, they knew that under the 12th amendment we vote not one member one vote but one state one vote and they were controlling 27 state delegations after the elections, we had 22 often the democratic side. pennsylvania was split down the middle. even if they lost liz cheney, which they were certain to do, still they would have had 26 states in their camp. so just by getting the vice president to reject electoral college votes from arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, they had a pathway to call victory and at that point i think that donald trump would have followed michael flynn, his disgraced national -- former national security adviser who was saying invoke the insurrection act and declare something like martial law. that was basically the plan. and luckily vice president pence didn't go along with it and he distributed a memo right before we sat down at 1 p.m. on january 6th in which he explained why he could not do what donald trump was asking him to do. >> you know, you talked about the state ddelegations. i encourage folks to read your book because a lot of people i remember at the time were wondering, what are democrats doing? they're not doing anything. they're always caught flatfooted. if you read "unthinkable" you learn from your book or we learn from your book that you guys thought of everything to the point where you talk about the state delegations. you were actively trying to in key races get democrats elected to try to ward against the contingent election. but, again, hindsight being 20/20 in your book, this is part two of how i've been looking at this. flee rings of the coup. talk about each ring. >> right. it's a mistake to talk about january 6th as just one thing. they were three rings. the outer ring was the mass demonstration of tens of thousands of people called by donald trump through social media to participate in a wild protest. that mass demonstration became a riot which ended up injuring 150 cops, people who were -- people were hitting them over the head with steel pipes, with confederate battle flags, with trump flags. our officers ended up traumatic brain injuries, broken jaws, broken necks, broken noses, broken vertebrae. that has remained to be toiled, the post traumatic stress, but that was the realm of the riot. the middle ring was the realm of the insurrection. here were the organized domestic violence extremist groups. the proud boys, 3 percenters, the arianne nations, the first amendment defenders groups, the militia groups, qanon first got there to smash the windows, to lead the break-in into the capitol and to attack our police officers essentially to set a lesson for the mob to follow about how to treat the cops. but believe it or not, that wasn't even the scariest ring. the scariest ring was the very inside ring, the ring of the coup. that was donald trump and roger stone and steve bannon and michael flynn. this is where it really requires a little bit of a leap of our thinking. we don't have a lot of experience with coups in american domestic political history. we think of a coup against a president. this was a coup organized by the president against the vice president and the congress. they tried to exercise coercive leverage over mike pence. when it didn't work, donald trump was content to mobilize all of the violence from the second and third rings against him. they broke into the chamber. they chanted hang mike pence, hang mike pence, chased him out of the building. to his great credit, mike pence was a constitutional patriot and he refused to buckle and he refused to leave the capitol although the secret service was urging him to essentially leave the capitol grounds but he wouldn't do it. >> you know, since you mention former vice president mike pence, as i mentioned earlier, you are a member of the january 6th select committee. how likely is it that the former vice president will voluntarily cooperate with the panel? >> i would assume that he will cooperate because he understands it's everybody's legal duty to do so and it's really a civic obligation to do so. so the vast majority of people we've approached have been participating and cooperating voluntarily and i think and i trust he will fall into that category. >> i don't know -- i don't think we have enough time to play this sound from alyssa farrah, who was pence's former press secretary, but she does say and i'll just quote the first part, if there's something you should know about pence world, it is that they are by the book institutionalists by nature. i think if he were to receive a subpoena he would be absolutely -- he would absolutely comply. are you hoping that it doesn't come to that? >> well, again, most people have been cooperating with us without subpoenas, but of course we have shown ourselves perfectly willing to issue subpoenas when people need them. everybody, according to the supreme court, owes congress or a court his or her truthful, honest testimony when called to testify. we're just trying to figure out what exactly took place on january 6th. what was the coordination among these different elements and then how do we fortify democratic institutions going forward so we can prevent a nightmare like this from ever happening again in the united states. >> congressman, does that apply to your fellow members of congress, jim jordan and scott perry? should they -- because i know there's some -- not controversy but a question as to whether sitting members of congress can be subpoenaed to testify before the select committee. >> well, without getting into specific cases, jonathan, it's very clear that congress has article 1 authority to set the rules of our own houses and also to discipline members all the way up to expulsion of members and we have the right to investigate the supreme court has repeatedly said in order to legislate. what could be a more important purpose is self preservation. i don't think there's much question about that. our ethics committees call members all the time to come in. the speech and debate clause says that members cannot be held to account for their legislative work outside of congress but within congress of course they can be. >> one more question for you, congressman. i interviewed select committee chairman bennie thompson on "washington post live" on thursday on the anniversary of the insurrection and i asked him if -- well, he mentioned that there were members of congress who were giving tours to people on january 5th, but he did not authoritarian attack in the lks future. >> congressman raskin, when you and i spoke i believe it was on tuesday or wednesday for "washington post live" i had not finished your book. i was a couple hundred pages away. i have officially finished and i urge everyone to read it, especially the very last page. the bird story is truly, truly incredible. congressman jamie raskin, thank you very much for coming to "the sunday show." and everyone, be sure to tune in on february 6th at 10 p.m. as msnbc films presents "love and the constitution" a new feature documentary that follows congressman raskin in his political and private life. sunday, february 6th. you really don't want to miss it. ahead, more on the january 6th investigation and new revelations that continue to come out about that day. t day. up at 2:00am again? 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>> yes and no, right? everyone who takes an oath to uphold the constitution has to do just that, and although mike pence is no longer the vice president of the united states, it's unthinkable that someone who has held that role would refuse to participate in a fact finding inquiry for such an important american event. hillary clinton's 11 hours of benghazi testimony sort of pales in comparison when you think of the relevant merit of congressional need of what happened. mike pence ultimately is the lynchpin witness about what the president knew, what he was thinking, what he was urging and what happened on that day. so it's an interesting and open question, not so much whether the house committee has the ability to subpoena pence because if they believe they have that ability, they can certainly issue that subpoena. the much more subtle and difficult question is whether that subpoena would be enforced if pence refused to comply. with the justice department stepping in, would a civil suit compel pence to testify? as a good citizen, a good leader, he has an obligation to show up and tell the truth. >> you know, that sound bite that i sort of read to congressman raskin from alyssa farrah, pence's former press secretary if memory serves says if he were subpoenaed, because he's an institutionalist, he would comply. given the moves the january 6th committee has made, certainly since -- in that week between christmas and new year's, but especially this past week, what signals are you getting from the committee? does it sound like they're ramping up their investigation or are they ramping up their public disclosures of what they have uncovered? >> i think that they've been ramped up since the minute the members of congress on the committee made the decision to hire professional prosecutors and investigators as staff members. we heard about the different lines of investigation being simultaneously conducted, the green team and the bold team and the blue team and it seems very clear that this committee has worked full force through the holidays, no holds barred to get information. and something i liked about your interview with congressman raskin very much is he points out that the reason that they are doing this is because of the imperative of preventing a re-occurrence of making sure that our democratic institutions are strong enough to hold and congress has the obligation to create any fixes that are necessary with new legislation. however, if the committee in the course of its work discovers the existence of conduct that is criminal, they are required to turn that over to doj. that has caused all of the news reporting in the last couple of weeks. >> nice segue, joyce, because i want to bring up and talk about coming -- congress has an obligation, doj has an obligation and this week we saw attorney general merrick garland speak about january 6th in ways we haven't spoken about before. you write merrick garland must hold these people accountable. the evidence does not fall into place overnight and yet given his discussion of voting rights it's clear that garland is mindful of the clock that is ticking on democracy. >> there are some subtle distinctions here. i read the language in his speech, the understated language as a commitment to investigate at all levels everybody who was involved, whether they were there on january 6th or merely contributing to the effort to create the demise of democracy. so that commitment to investigate is firm, i believe. whether it translates into prosecutions is an entirely different matter that will depend on whether prosecutors can find sufficient admissible evidence. your evidence has to be admissible in court. you have to believe it's proof beyond a reasonable doubt and it can't just be that trump was a bad guy or mark meadows did things wrong. you have to actually have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of specific crimes that exist in the federal code. so it's not as easy as we would like sometimes for it to be. that deliberateness of the legal process is it married up with the speed with which the political process can act. we saw impeachment ramp up in a matter of days following january 6th and the real failure here is not a failure of the criminal justice system, it's a failure in the political process and in a very pointed way the failure of the republican party to be willing to hold the former president responsible for what we all saw happen in fronts of ours eyes. >> amen. amen. joyce vance, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." next, never short of words. congresswoman maxine waters joins me to sound off about the latest on voting rights and saving our democracy. stay with us. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. coming up this month will be the one year anniversary of one party rule and what do we have? we have covid spiking, closed schools and a crippled economy. and the democrats' number one focus is still exactly where they've always been, hr 1, to change the election laws. to rig an election to give them an ability to win when they should not. >> as the house prepares to return to work tomorrow, wanna be speaker kevin mccarthy shows republicans are ready to fight democrats. joining me now is maxine waters. thank you for joining us. we know you're wearing sunglasses due to an eye infection. we are glad you could be with us. i would love, congresswoman, to hear your reaction to your fellow californian. >> i have to tell you just listening to mccarthy, i think it is absolutely shameful that he's carrying, you know, trump's lie. i think it's absolutely shameful that he's coming on this morning with talking points and undermining voting rights. you know, the republicans have often talked about they're more patriotic than anybody else and they waived the flag, but that same flag that they waived was used to beat up capitol police and to almost kill people on the plaza when they invaded our capitol with their insurrection. mccarthy should be ashamed of himself to say what i just heard. number one, he's talking about disaster with covid that nobody anticipated and this president, biden, has done everything possible to ensure we have the testing, we have the vaccinations, that we have the information, that we work with the experts and he knows that but he wants to play politics. and he's afraid of trump. and the next thing we know, he'll be running down to florida to get his instructions from trump so that he can come back and do the messaging that he's made to do. it is absolutely outrageous. >> okay. well, that's congressman mccarthy. now let's -- i want to have you listen to someone from the other side of the capitol, from the senate. senator ted cruz. he had a time of it this week. watch. >> we are approaching a solemn anniversary this week and it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the capitol where we saw the women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage. >> the way i phrased things it was sloppy and dumb. >> i don't buy that. whoa, whoa, whoa. i've known you for a long time. you were a supreme court contender. you take words as seriously as any man who's ever served in the senate and every word -- you repeated that phrase. i do not believe you used that accidentally, i just don't. >> so, tucker, as a result of my sloppy phrasing it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what i meant. >> congresswoman, sloppy? >> no, you know, it is again absolutely outrageous for him to come on the air groveling the way that he was doing to tucker carlson. you know, they get their talking points from fox news and he absolutely was on television showing that he has no courage, no integrity so he grovels. you know this man has no credibility. we have watched him constantly as he has grovelled and as he's played to trump and couldn't defend his wife on and on and on. i don't even know why we pay any attention to him. no credibility. >> i'm sorry, congresswoman. okay. moving right along. we're going to jump -- we're going to jump -- we went from california to texas. let's go to florida and congressman matt gaetz. have a listen. >> we're ashamed of nothing. seize the day. we're proud of the work we did on january 6th to make legitimate arguments. we're going to walk the grounds that patriotic americans walked from the white house to the capitol who had no intent of breaking the law or doing violence. >> okay, congresswoman, have at it. >> well, you know, the world watched what happened and for them to try and rewrite history and to tell people, don't believe your lying eyes is absolutely outrageous. he had better be concerned about what's happening to him. he had better be concerned about, you know, the fact that he's been investigated and then concerns about him and young girls and on and on and on. but absolutely to get in our faces and talk about they had no intent of hurting anybody when we've got five of our capitol police who are dead, 150 of them who have been harmed. we absolutely are going to have to resist. we're going to have to fight and we can't let them get away with it, and i want my party to rise to this occasion and not try and think that somehow we are going to be able to work something out with them. they have defined themselves as liars, people with no integrity and they are intent on protecting trump. and they're all afraid of him. they are not representing even their constituents so gaetz needs to shut up. >> that is a perfect time to end this part of the program, but congresswoman maxine waters is going to stay with us as we sound off to the other sunday shows with my panel. keep it right here. t right here . those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> yeah. >> the commission in the house now is a joke. they're not asking what nancy pelosi knew and when she knew it. >> jesus, back with me is twitter's favorite aunt at this, congresswoman maxine waters and sophia nelson and author of epluribus one and maria hinojosa. thank you all for being here. we're going to go around the table real quickly and give reaction to senator johnson who i don't even know what kind of nonsense that was. going to go to the far end. maria, you go first. your reaction to that nonsentences sense. >> so i don't know if you can tell, jonathan, first, it's great to be here with this extraordinary panel. i'm not in new york city. i'm in the dominican republic. so i feel i'm very removed. one of the things i'm not able to do is watch cable all the time. let me tell you something, i'm glad i didn't have to hear that. i'm having a physical reaction. my throat is clenching, i'm getting all sweaty even though i'm here in the caribbean. the reason why is because the effectiveness of the republican party and their entire asperatus to reframe this, what we all saw with our very eyes and to challenge the truth. i'm not saying anything that we don't know, but what i have been thinking about this week and i've been talking a lot about myself is what this means is we all have to take this very personally, that reaction that i just had, but it can't just be an emotional reaction or have the chance to go on television and talk about it. for everybody it needs to lead to what are you going to do? are you going to run for your school board? are you going to help register people to vote? are you going to donate? in other words, it's an historic moment when each of us needs to say, what are we doing? we cannot just sit here. >> sophia? >> i think maria said it all, jonathan. there's not a lot i can add to that. i feel the same. ron johnson is not someone you can take seriously as a united states senator. he is a hack of the highest order. he has, you know, been someone who has just engaged in the most nefarious type of conversation, gas lighting, obstruction from russia all the way to january 6th so i expect nothing less from him. i am no longer surprised. i've said this many times on this show. i no longer want to respond, react or be surprised by what they say because this is who they are. i think this means the rest of us have to be of the business of doing something about it to make sure that the proper narrative of january 6th gets out and that we are vigilant at the voting booths in 2022 and beyond. >> congresswoman waters, we were talking in the last block we took you from california to texas to florida. now we're going up north to wisconsin and senator johnson. your reaction to what we just heard him say about january 6th? >> well, you know, i'm still surprised at how brazen they are. they openly lie and i think that when i talk about resisting these lies, that we should be organized to do ads, put the lie up and put right next to them on a split screen what was happening on that plaza to our capitol and do it over and over again. we can overcome these lies if we want to fight, if we want to struggle, but this business about getting along, being more bipartisan, et cetera, et cetera, they have shown us they're not interested in that at all. they're following their messaging points. they are following what trump wants them to do. they don't have the guts to stand up like real human beings and face the truth. they're all afraid of trump and it's shameful and we've got to fight them. >> let's switch gears and talk about the push for voting rights, and in particular the push to at a minimum get a carve out of the filibuster rule to allow voting rights legislation to get passed. house majority whip jim clyburn was on one of the sunday shows today and here's what he had to say about filibuster. >> when you filibuster in order to get time so that people can bring people around to your point of view, that's one thing, but that is still a policy. that's not stopping anybody from voting. that's not a constitutional issue. i have said that the filibuster ought not be applied to constitutional issues like voting. we do not allow the filibuster to get in the way of the full faith and credit of the united states of america because it will jeopardize the future of this country. >> i mean, maria, doesn't the majority whip have a point? i mean, why should the filibuster be applied to constitutional issues? >> no, absolutely. i think everybody in this country has had it up to here with the filibuster honestly at this point, and he's correct in saying that filibustering is not in and of itself going to deny people the right to vote. you know, jonathan, for me, again, this week has been so intense as we're trying to kind of process things and i keep going back to what i always am saying which is in terms of numbers right now, latinos and latinas are the second largest group of potential voters. white americans, latinos, latinas, african-americans, and what this entire conversation and what they're going to experience by having their voting rights attacked, what it means for democracy and so this week again if latinos and latinas specifically in this issue, if they are not engaged and being reached out, being told vote, vote, vote, your voting rights are being attacked, this is a loss not just for that population but it's a loss for the entire part of the america. this is about attacking our democracy, not in a violent insurrection or attempted coup, but in the form of denying us our due process. >> that's where the conversation is going, that the insurrection that started on january 6th is ongoing. we're going to keep talking about all of this. stay with us as our discussion continues after the break. holidays comes home. audiences give "sing 2" an a+. and a 98% on rotten tomatoes. you're a genius! momma always said "gunter, you're not as stupid as your papa." ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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that should be something that's a fait accompli, it's sackrosanct and make the republicans go on the record. don't let them stall. don't let them duck and deny. that's not acceptable. this should be a bipartisan issue. we know it's not going to be. i really think this is something we think of lani guinier's passing, i can't believe we're still fighting about voting rights for people of color in this country. >> congresswoman, sophia's absolutely right. i've been saying, you know, to friends and everything that i get voting rights advocates and activists pressuring -- putting pressure on the president and the vice president and democrats in congress to do something about voting rights, but that gives a pass to republicans, particularly in the senate. why won't you let the bill just come to the floor for a debate? no one is asking you to vote for it. it would be great if you did, it would be american if you did, but just let the senate debate the bill and let it pass or fail on a simple majority vote. congressman, why do you think republicans are so afraid to have a debate on voting rights? >> well, you know, i think that the republicans are certainly led by people who do not want us to participate in this democracy. they do not want us to have voting rights because it gives us influence. it gives us power. it puts us at the table. so that we can be advocates for the least of these. this is not something that they have any real issues about relative to how the system is working, whether it's this, that, or the other. this is about racism. this is about exclusion. this is about not wanting us to be able to participate in the policies that govern this country. many people don't know what we're talking about when we keep saying the democracy is at stake. if we're not at the table, if we're not able to vote, if we can't get elected to office, everything is at stake that we have fought for. whether it is, you know, accommodations, accommodation, whether it is proper supported education, whether it's health care, all of these things are at stake because it is the fight we have had in order to open up and to get rid of racism and exclusion and to have voting rights that have brought us this far. and i'm really worried about what is happening at the local level. this president certainly has alliances with secretaries of state in certain states and with local elected officials who are undermining our voting rights as we sit here and talk today. they are doing everything that they can to change the voting processes at the local level. so that you'll have something like exact match, if you didn't dot the i and cross the t in your name, that gets thrown out as voter registration. they control the polling places, how many will be placed in a given area to determine whether or not people get the right to vote. the identification, all that we have fought for, and john lewis trying to get back to section 5 of the voting rights act that says if you try these kind of things, you will be scrutinized. you have to come before the department of justice and they can determine whether or not this is voter suppression. well, the supreme court undermined that, and that's what john lewis' bill is trying to do, get back that kind of scrutiny so that the local jurisdictions won't be able to do this. but we are fighting here in washington, d.c. clyburn is right, we could have a carve-out, but we also better know what's going on at the local level. that's another level of this fight, and we're up against it. democracy is really at stake. >> maria, you want to jump in on this? >> so i -- i don't usually post cartoons on my social media, but this morning i saw a cartoon from the new yorker, from liza donnelly, and it was a shark underneath the statue of liberty, and the tip of the shark was coming close to the statue of liberty, and the shark is white supremacy. and so the tip of the iceberg, the tip of the shark, is just what happened on january 6th. but the bulk of it is what we have been talking about on this show and why it's so important, jonathan, that you're hosting a sunday morning talk show. because what we are seeing is we're talking about power and the fact that because we're having this conversation doesn't mean that we're un-american. because we're not white does not mean that we are un-american. what we are saying is that a democracy is a live thing, and we are participants in that. do not, and i love what the congresswoman just said, just let us talk about this. do not deny us that right. >> sophia, we have 30 seconds. your -- giving you the last word. >> i just want to just remember the professor because she was someone who was instrumental in moving us along. we know she didn't get that civil rights post in 1993, but kristen clark did. now, someone that she mentored and knew, so justice always comes. we just have to be vigilant, and we have to have people like lanny and congresswoman waters who aren't afraid to call a thing a thing and do what needs to be done to save democracy. >> calling a thing a thing. maria, sophia, congresswoman maxine waters, thank you all very, very much for coming to the sunday show. we'll be right back. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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Canadians , Example , Prospect , Border , Politico Magazine , Identity , Polls , Putin System , Commentators , Divisions , Russia , 1990 , Presidency , Political Parties , Collapse , None , Polarization , Plethora , Russian Parliament , Boris Yeltsin , Soviet Union , Power , Traction , Party System , Vladimir Putin , 21 , 2000 , Speech , Entity , Democratic , Freedoms , Assembly , Association , 1980 , Crimes , Issues , Respects , Stalinism , Trends , Schools , Direction , Inquiry , Discussion , Facts , Events , Repudiation , Creep , Narratives , Attention , Parallel , Tamping , Up Next , George Floyd , Stir , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Family , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Help , Vision Problems , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Possibility , Diarrhea , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Cheese , Grilled Cheese , Healthcare Provider , Mac , 3 , 10 , 0 , Children , Ingredients , Places , Inventions , Narrator , Conditions , Flavor Fullest , Darkness , Panera , Little Light Of Mine , , Surgery , Pain , Shame , Outcast , Suffering , School , Waiting , Milestones , Love And The Constitution , Expectations , Parent , Andrea , Operationsmile Org , Head , Away From Home , Cancer , Kids , Feels Like Home , Patient , Outrage , Critical Race Theory , Mama , The New York Times , Mary Holding Jesus , Portrait , University Officials , Blasphemy , Removal , Offensive , Theft , Resolution , Piece , Artist , Sacredness , Person , Up Front , Art Critic , Community , Partner , May , June Of 2020 , Words , Ringing , Back , Video , Ears , Cradling , Loss , Happening , Art Images , George Call Out , Man , Color , Son , Control Room , Contemlaing , Style , Virgin Mary , Viewer , Baby , Mother Holding Him , Truth , Mothers , Daughters , Image , Sons , James Cone , Cross , Christian , Christ , Cone , Lynching Tree , Metaphor , Abuse , White Supremacy , Lynching , Address , Evil , American Christians , Controversy , Situation , Matthew S Gospel , Answer , Disguise , Mother Teresa , Least , Midst , Gospel , Fire , Rooster , Peter , Sidney Poitier , Actor , Anr D , Chapter , Fermentation , Multivitamin , Innovation , Its , Wellness , Refill , Diner , Bus , Aisle , 12 , Reach , Lives , Pursuit , Routine , Pfizer , Medication , Migraines , Nurtec Odt , Doctor , Indigestion , Tributes , Hollywood , Academy Award For Best Actor , African American , Trail Blazing , 94 , Grace , Dignity , Epitome , Medal Of Freedom , 2009 , Gil Robertson , Advocacy , Civil Rights Movement , Black Man , Meaning Poitier , Will Hangood , Understanding , Malifluous Diction , Embodiment , Men , Blackness , Ambassador , Roles , Captive , Defiant Ones , Films , Heat , Oscar , Tony Curtis , Police Detective , Activism , Ease , Tonight Show , Harry Belafonte , Mississippi , 0000 , 70000 , 49 , Air , Arms Klans Men , Movement , Bag , March On Washington , Brother , Presence , Off Screen Activism , Career , Screen Opportunities , Luster , Acting Career , On The Boards , Walt Disney Studios , Examples , Lessons , Extension , Actors , Unesco , Okay , Self , Being , Reasons , Beliefs , Congressman Raskin , Passing , Memoir , Liquid , Cleaning Power , Oxi , Stains , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Gum , Sensitivity , Patients , Action Effect , Questions , Sensodyne , Ultra Oxi , Tide Pods , Rookie Status , Pepper Jack Cheese , Eat , Vet , Baja Steak Jack , Juicy Steak , Subway , Smokey Baja Chipotle Sauce , Order , Save Big , Business , Ready , Sale , App , Internet , Voice , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 64 99 , Installation , Deal , Expert Team , Backing , Prepaid Card , Value , 500 , 24 7 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Jonathan Cape , Place , Weren T , January 6th Certification , Mob Violence , Maneuver , Unleashing , Unthinkable , Trump , Counting , Context , Insurrection Act , Military Force , Uprising , Pretexts , Attack , Hindsight , Accident , Raskin Points Out , January 6th Select Committee , Trauma , Maryland , Trials Of American Democracy , Jonathan , Parts , Trump Takeover Plan , State Election , Pence , State Legislators , Second , Fraud , Guise , May Of 2020 , Wasn T , Nature , Defeat , Course , Lies , Propaganda Offensive , State Courts , Legislators , Claim , Electoral Fraud , Allegation , 61 , Popular Vote , Mike Pence , Link , 11000 , Squishy , Little , Electoral College , Extra Constitutional Lawless Powers , College , Total , 306 , Point , Contest , 12th Amendment , Want , Speaker Pelosi , 270 , State Delegations , 22 , Side , Camp , Pennsylvania , Liz Cheney , 26 , Electoral College Votes , Michael Flynn , Security , Victory , Pathway , Vice President , Memo , Martial Law , Pence Didn T Go , On January 6th , Ddelegations , Guys , Flatfooted , Coup , Ring , Riot , Social Media , Demonstration , Protest , Outer Ring , Mass Demonstration , Tens Of Thousands , Officers , Cops , Flags , Pipes , Brain Injuries , Confederate Battle Flags , Realm , Jaws , Noses , Broken Necks , Broken Vertebrae , Arianne Nations , Groups , Domestic Violence , Amendment , Defenders , Extremist , Percenters , Capitol , Militia Groups , Police Officers , Qanon First , Break In , Windows , The Ring , Lesson , Mob , Steve Bannon , Roger Stone , Thinking , Bit , Coups , Experience , American Domestic Political History , Leap , Didn T Work , Leverage , Content , Credit , Patriot , Building , Chamber , Hang , Capitol Grounds , Secret Service , Panel , Everybody , Obligation , Duty , Alyssa Farrah , Press Secretary , Category , Say , Sound , Subpoena , Institutionalists , Subpoenas , Court , Supreme Court , Testimony , Coordination , Members , Nightmare , Jim Jordan , Scott Perry , Committee , Houses , Article , Authority , Cases , Self Preservation , Purpose , Expulsion , Ethics Committees , Clause , Anniversary , Washington Post Live , Select Committee Chairman , Bennie Thompson , Tours , January 5th , Lks Future , Bird Story , Pages , Feature , Documentary , Msnbc , February 6th At 10 Pm , February 6th , Revelations , T Day , January 6th Investigation , Sunday February 6th , Try Pure Zzzs , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Smoking , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Nicorette , Stopping With Nicorette , Cold Turkey , Vo , Ultra , Verizon , Times , Speed , 5g Data , Entertainment Subscriptions , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Foreals , Sunday Morning Talk Show , Go On , Lead , Phone , Shhh , Yep , Entertainment , Xfinity , Sports , Binge Watching , Apps , Nice , Touchdown , Cheering , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Information , Pictures , Certification , Rally , Evidence , Interview , Hearing , Former , Attorney , Joyce , Whether , Legality , Constitution , Oath , Fact Finding Inquiry , Congressional , Merit , Comparison , Benghazi , Hillary Clinton , 11 , Ability , House Committee , Lynchpin , Witness , Department Stepping In , Citizen , Sound Bite , Suit , Tell The Truth , Institutionalist , Memory , January 6th Committee , It Sound , Signals , Investigation , Disclosures , Decision , Team , Prosecutors , Staff Members , Investigators , Holidays , Re Occurrence , Making , Fixes , Criminal , Conduct , News Reporting , Existence , Segue , Doj , Merrick Garland , Coming , Ways We Haven T , Clock , Ticking , Garland , Commitment , Language , Levels , Distinctions , Prosecutions , Firm , Demise , Doubt , Proof , Guy , Mark Meadows , Process , Deliberateness , Code , Failure , Impeachment Ramp Up , Criminal Justice System , We Saw , Saw , Vance , Fronts , Congresswoman Waters , Stay , Employees , Lily , Lisa , Mover , Scene , Downtown , Hotspot , Files , Rob , Employee , Deals , At T Business , Rule , Smart Phone , Number One Focus , Election Laws , Hr 1 , Republicans , Congressman Mccarthy , Wanna , Sunglasses , Eye Infection , Lie , Californian , Carrying , Anybody , Points , Plaza , Flag , Capitol Police , Covid , Nobody , Disaster , Number One , Experts , Testing , Vaccinations , Afraid Of Trump , Florida , Instructions , Messaging , Ted Cruz , Watch , Terrorist Attack , Whoa , Law Enforcement , Women , Word , Contender , Phrase , Congresswoman , Phrasing , Talking Points , Television Showing , Credibility , On And , Wife , California To Texas , Let S Go To Florida , Matt Gaetz , Grounds , Arguments , Listen , Seize The Day , Intent , Law , Faces , Girls , Party , Occasion , Constituents , Liars , Program , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Music Vo , Service , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Ron Johnson , Wisconsin , Bid , Term , Snowflake , Claims , Re Election , Narrative , Armed Insurrectionists , There Weren T , Sides , Capitol Security , Commission , In The House , Joke , Aunt , Twitter , Maria Hinojosa , Epluribus One , Sophia Nelson , End , Nonsense , Dominican Republic , Nonsentences Sense , New York City , Throat , Cable , Sweaty , Effectiveness , Clenching , Asperatus , Caribbean , Chance , School Board , Television , Sophia , Each , United States Senator , Same , Hack , Gas Lighting , Type , Obstruction , React , Rest , Beyond , Voting Booths , Split Screen , Ads , Bipartisan , Et Cetera , Messaging Points , Human Beings , Guts , Filibuster Rule , Minimum , Push , Gears , House Majority Whip , Jim Clyburn , Issue , Faith , Doesn T The Majority Whip , Filibustering , Latinos , Latinas , Numbers , Group , Form , Population , Our Due Process , Audiences , 98 , Genius , Papa , Momma , Sing 2 , Rotten Tomatoes , Gunter , Limu Emu , A , 98 , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Thought , Plastic , The Ocean , Lanny Vener , Views , Area , Couple , Amendments , Pioneer , 1982 , Law School , U Penn , Hell , Fait Accompli , Duck , Them Stall , Lani Guinier , Voting Rights Advocates , Activists Pressuring , Friends , Pass , Floor , Majority Vote , Influence , Racism , Exclusion , Working , These , Other , Stake , Policies , Health Care , Accommodations , Education , Accommodation , Alliances , Voting Processes , Talk , Match , Polling Places , Voter Registration , You Didn T Dot The I And Cross , Identification , Jurisdictions , Scrutiny , Cartoons , Cartoon , New Yorker , Shark , Tip , Statue Of Liberty , Supremacy , Tip Of The Iceberg , Liza Donnelly , Bulk , Conversation Doesn T , Participants , Instrumental , Kristen Clark , 1993 , Aren T , Light Scent , Perfumes , Scent Beads , Light , Clothes , Dyes , Secret , Heal , Teeth , Gums , Gumline , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , Crest , Brand , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , I Ll Be Back , Alex Witt , Love , Heart , Latest , Eastern , Hi , Admiration , Where Voting Rights , East , World Headquarters , Capitol Hill , Center Stage , Out West , 9 , Election Integrity , Case , Ground Zero , Antiquated , Inside Trickery , Attempts , Games , Gerrymandering , Sovereignty , Talks , Top , Agenda , Challenge , Still Wreaking Havoc , Tests , Director Dr , Omicron Surge , Delta Surge , Cdc , Rochelle Walensky , A Billion ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709

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the looming and existential threat to our democracy. >> new laws are being written, not to protect the vote, but to deny it. not only to suppress the vote, but to subvert it. not to strengthen and protect our democracy, but because the former president lost instead of looking at election results from 2020 and saying they need new ideas or better ideas to win more votes, the former president and his supporters decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections. it is wrong. it is undemocratic. and frankly, it's un-american. >> and he's taking his voting rights push on the road. the president and vice president harris are heading to georgia on tuesday, to specifically speak about the need for federal voting rights legislation. but several georgia-based voting rights groups are saying the duo should stay home. issuing a statement that reads in part, quote, such an empty gesture, without concrete action, without signs of real tangible work is unacceptable. and yet the tangible work they're demanding can only happen if the senate takes action. that's a big if. senate majority leader chuck schumer promises a debate and vote. but with two democratic senators publicly against granting a carve out for voting rights, the big push to protect the foundation of democracy, the right to vote, is poised to hit a brick wall. joining me now is michigan senator debbie stabenow, a chair of the democratic policy and communications committee. thank you for coming back to "the sunday show." >> jonathan, it is always great to be with you. thank you. and by the way, my friend tim kaine as well. >> he's coming on after you. so since you are in the senate leadership, talk to us about, you know what is the plan? how, one, how are you going to get the freedom to vote act passed. and, two, because it is going to go down in a ball of flames again, what are you going to do about changing the rules to ensure that it can be passed by a simple majority vote? >> well, jonathan, there is nothing more important than the freedom to vote for people. it is the basis of everything else, the last election people wanted a change. in michigan, the highest voter turnout ever, people voted for joe biden, kamala harris, because they wanted change to happen. and that's the freedom to vote as americans to be able to do that. and so we understand that as a democratic party. in the end, every senator has to be responsible for their own vote. but we know that the time is now to make sure that the senate rules who have been abused now for years don't stand in the way of protecting people's freedom to vote. let me say also, i was at senator harry reid's funeral in nevada yesterday, which was beautiful, and it reminded me all over again that when mitch mcconnell came in and began abusing the rules and really creating the tyranny of the minority under president obama, senator reid stepped up to make the senate work by making sure that the rules weren't blocking 150 judicial and other nominees of president obama's. and so that took courage to stand up, to do that. this is another moment, we know it is happening. we know that they are blocking. it is a strategy in michigan, they're trying to do everything they can at the state level. the majority in the house and senate and the state, the republicans are trying to do exactly what they have been doing in georgia. it is a concerted effort. it is our job to make sure we do everything possible to make sure that doesn't happen. >> and you raise a good point, senator. a lot of focus is on two senators in particular, but no one really talks about the fact that, you know, republicans won't even allow for a debate on the freedom to vote act. but i -- since you mentioned senator reid's funeral yesterday, just curious, was senator joe manchin there? >> no. i think -- now, in fairness, let me say that senator reid will have the honor as he deserves it lie in state next wednesday. and i would expect all of our senate colleagues to be there then. >> i bring up senator manchin to shift topics from voting rights to build back better. let me show you the headline that -- the story broke before the weekend, on the front page of "the washington post," manchin's $1.8 trillion spending offer appears to no longer to be on the table. after the senator issued his counteroffer, it says the west virginia democrat has made clear that he does not currently support advancing even that offer following a breakdown in negotiations between manchin and the white house right before christmas. can you give us some insight into where things are on build back better and whether that framework is not part of the conversation? >> jonathan, i think the most important thing is what we want to accomplish within that framework. and there is a lot of agreement on things that are really important to people. starting with lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which all of our democratic colleagues support. you imagine if we're doing $35 a month cap on insulin rather than the hundreds or thousands of dollars that people pay a month? there is universal support for lowering the cost of child care so moms and dads can go back to work and universal pre-k. we have significant changes in support for expanding community mental health, so important right now. and we know we got to tackle climate change and we can do it with clean energy manufacturing jobs. all of which have support and so coming off the american rescue plan, the infrastructure bill last year, the other things we have been doing which will now be implemented this year, we have got to really break this down and in the things i mentioned, and 50 more, by themselves would be significant for people in our country to lower their costs and to create opportunity. >> last question, senator stabenow. by listening to what you're saying, should i take it from that, that we're back at square one on build back better. not in a negative sense, but back at square one in terms of putting together a package that can get out of the senate on a simple majority vote? >> we know that we don't have the votes for the package that was talked about at the end of the year. but the elements have support. and so what we got to do is put together the elements that we can pass and it will be very significant for people. again, lowering their costs and creating opportunity for folks that want to work hard and make it in america. >> senator debbie stabenow, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> thank you. joining me now is virginia senator tim kaine, member of the armed services and foreign relations committee. senator kaine, thank you for coming back to "the sunday show." >> nice to be with you, jonathan. >> you're always in the news, but over this past week you were really in the news because you were one of the thousands of virginians stuck on 95 in the middle of the snowstorm for more than 27 hours and you were racing to get back here to washington because you had a very important meeting, voting rights meeting, filibuster meeting. where are things in those conversations with senator manchin about doing something, anything to allow for the freedom to vote act, the john louis voting rights advancement act to get through on a simple majority vote? >> you're right, jonathan. i left richmond at 1:00 monday to get to d.c. for an 8:00 p.m. voting rights meeting. i was stuck in my car, we switched it to a conference call and then i rushed to get to the 4:30 p.m. tuesday meeting and i made it by 45 minutes. 27 hours in the car. the two bills you had them up on the screen, the john louis act, which would restore the preclearance procedures under the voting rights act of 1965, and then the freedom to vote act, which would mandate minimum standards for access to the ballot in federal elections, ban secret money, redistricting reform for congressional apportionment. here's the good news. both of these bills are co-sponsored by all 50 democratic senators and i worked particularly closely with joe manchin because he was not arnlg originally a supporter of the predecessor of the freedom to vote act. but we did significant negotiation for months for him to be a co-sponsor. we're all unified. we're going to bring this up this week and we expect virtually no republicans will even vote to debate a bill. we think senator murkowski of alaska will vote to debate the lewis act, but not freedom to vote. at that point we have to be willing to -- the burden of history is on our shoulders because of the disenfranchisement happening across the country and because of the mass disenfranchisement effort on january 6th. we have to be willing to adjust senate rules to enable this to happen and protect people's rights to vote. we don't have to abolish the -- they both said pretty plainly they will not abolish the filibuster but haven't taken off the table, openness to rules reforms that would be good for the senate, and that can enable us to accomplish our goal and that's what we're working on now. >> you just laid out and gave an impassioned argument for why these two bills should pass. for why it is imperative for our democracy for them to pass. and yet we're still talking about these two senators who are having -- having a problem with even maybe doing something to the rules so they can pass. if they didn't have a problem with carving out a vote to raise the debt ceiling, carving out something from the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling, which was imperative for the american economy and the global economy, then why isn't it imperative to them to carve out voting rights so that the foundation of our democracy can be upheld? >> jonathan, that's a really good point. and we're talking about that with our colleagues just to elaborate further, we came very near to default on our debt with republicans unwilling to do what we always have been willing to do, and that is to support an increase in the debt ceiling to cover the actions and this was largely acts of the trump administration in previous congress. and so both senators manchin and sinema and others went to the republicans and said, look, if you don't own up to this responsibility, then we democrats we will change the senate rules to enable this to happen by a simple majority. we're not going to allow the united states to default in violation of section 5 of the 14th amendment of the constitution. and we made that pitch to the republicans, they then came up with the votes. but even senators manchin and sinema were willing to make adjustments, to senate rules, to enable us to cover the nation's debt. my argument would be voting is just as important, and i want to underscore that both senators manchin and sinema are full throated co-sponsors of these two bills. and it is just a matter of finding what acceptable rules, reform they could vote for and it would be short of abolishing a filibuster but something they vote for to accomplish this objective. the 1965 voting rights act, as you know, was passed not only because of mass disenfranchisement going on primarily in the south, but also coalesced because of an act of violence. the beating of john lewis on the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama. history repeats itself. we have mass disenfranchisement efforts going on now, not just in the south. history repeats itself in the eyes of history are on us this week to see if we can stop the disenfranchisement that led even to violence against the integrity of our elections system. >> the eyes of history are indeed upon us, senator tim kaine of virginia, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> absolutely. >> coming up, why we should all be worried about upcoming elections across the country. congressman colin allred joins me next to talk about it. congressman colin allred joins me next to talk about it once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ so it was a happy ending... ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. boost® high protein also has key nutrients stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. 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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. that's not how it works in this country. these laws will make it more difficult for americans to vote. in texas, we have a long history of this. it is going to get worse. we must pass federal legislation and i hope that it can be bipartisan. >> if 2021 was the year of rampant voter suppression by republican legislatures, 2022 is gearing up to be the year of voter subversion as donald trump's big lie comes home to roost. a new analysis this week from npr found at least 15 republican candidates running to be their state's top election official have questioned president biden's legitimacy. and the chaos of even one of their victories would cause in 2022, in 2024 should be very, very alarming. >> joining me now texas congressman colin allred, member of the house foreign affairs, veteran affairs and the transportation and infrastructure committees, congressman allred, good it see you. thank you for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you for having me on. >> talk about why the fact that there are so many people who believe in the big lie running for state -- for state boards of elections and secretaries of state is so alarming. >> yeah. why do we know brad raffensperger name? the georgia secretary of state, because donald trump called him and asked him to find votes to allow him to beat joe biden in that state in the last election. it was because of the integrity of the officials like mr. raffensperger that did not happen in the last election. so now what we're seeing across the country in in swing states like arizona, michigan, georgia, is folks running for office to represent in the secretary of state positions where they oversea the elections who are committed to this idea of the big lie, committed to the idea that really whatever the result is seems like they'll be willing to turn it in donald trump's favor. >> i'm going to put up another -- a graphic here talking about the breakdown of election deniers who running for office around the country. look at that. 69 candidates in 30 states running for governor have embraced the big lie. 55 for senate, 13 for state attorney general, 8 candidates for secretary of state, and at least 5 house candidates at the capitol on january 6th. you know, you raise a good point. the reason why we know brad raffensperger's name is because of the pressure put on him as a georgia secretary of state in the last election. the fact you've got 69 candidates and 30 states running for governor, that was another outlet where then president donald trump tried to pressure governors to change election results. >> that's right. well, i mean, we know that in 2024 there is going to be an attempt to change the election results. and we have to prepare what are we going to do about it. we have some provisions in the freedom to vote act, my bills, that would try to prevent some of that, prevent some of the election subversion. we also have to look at the electoral count act and the way that's processed because what are we going to do if we get a false slate of selectors sent to us from a state like georgia where they decided to overturn the will of the people and send us a slate that is not actually consistent with that vote. so we're having those conversations here at the federal lex. i want to say it is so important in every single one of these states that as many of the races as possible that we elect people who believe in our democracy. and that doesn't necessarily mean there will be a democrat. if there is a republican running, like brad raffensburger in georgia, but who believes in our democracy, i want to see them at least be the nominee and hopefully get elected because we need to have people who will defend our democracy first who will take the responsibility of overseeing our election seriously and are not, you know, these kind of cultists in many ways who it doesn't really matter what the results are, who will try to find a way to say that donald trump won. >> you know, congressman, last week there were stories in the papers and in the media about the thakt fa republicans in the senate were rallying around now the freedom to vote act, not the john lewis voting rights advancement act, but about concerns about future attacks on our democracy. you just brought it up. it is something that needs to be addressed. is it something that should be addressed in lieu of passing those two -- those two bills? >> well, as you know, i was a voting rights lawyer before i came to congress. we got to do both. we have to make sure you can't subvert a election when it comes to us in the congress. we have to make sure the votes that were cast in that election were free and fair and that people could actually be involved in that election. how legitimate are the results from the state where you cut back on early voting, you cut back on vote by mail and you created long lines on election day where americans are standing in line for five, six, seven, eight hours. in georgia, can't even get him some water or snack while standing there or you'll have criminal penalties. i think it is just as illegitimate to allow that to happen on election day and during the voting period as it is to send us a false set of electors after election day. >> last question for you, congressman, what should people do in the highly likely event that the freedom to vote act doesn't get passed, the john lewis voting rights advancement act doesn't get passed and the filibuster doesn't get reform it at least allow them to be passed by a simple majority vote? what should people do if nothing happens? >> yeah. well, we can't agonize. we have to organize. and we have more tools at our disposal than a young john lewis did when he was walking across the edmund pettus bridge. we have many more tools at our disposal now than those folks did then. so we can learn anything from our history, it is that we can overcome suppression, yes, we shouldn't have to, yes, it is still going to knock out thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of americans from being able to vote. i've spoken with voters who found out they're not going to be able to vote in the election because of a technicality and seen the betrayal on their face. i know how much that hurts every american that can't. we can overcome it together and then keep fighting. this is not a fight for just the next election or the election of that. this is a fight for us for decades. we had decades of backsliding. now we need decades of protecting our democracy. >> exactly. congressman colin allred, thank you very much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. after the break, the global community is concerned about the fate of american democracy. i'll discuss that with the former senior director of the national security council, fiona hill. that's next. al security councila hill that's next. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ make no mistake about it, we're living at an inflexion point in history, both at home and abroad. we're engaged anew in a struggle between democracy and autocracy. we are in a battle for the soul of america. a battle that by the grace of god and the goodness and gracious -- greatness of this nation we will win. >> it's not just americans who are worried about the creeping authoritarianism poisoning our politic politics, in a sobering op-ed, quote, the most dangerous force in the world going into 2022 may not be in beijing or moscow, but in the united states. its name is trumpism. joining me now, fiona hill, senior fellow and foreign policy program at the brookings institution, and former senior director at the national security council and author of the best-selling book "there is nothing for you here ." fiona, thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thanks so much, jonathan. great to be with you today. >> i want to show some other headlines, because that's not the only thing that the globe and mail has published expressing alarm about what is happening in america. one headline says if the next presidential election reveals the u.s. hurdling toward autocracy, should canada try to intervene. 2022 is the year america falls off the cliff, how can canada hang on. chaos is coming to the u.s., what will canada become? never in a million years did i think that our neighbors to the north would be openly concerned about the stability of the united states. and they're not alone, are they? >> no, they're not alone. look, there is consternation across europe at the moment. if you think about the role of the united states and the post world war ii world and in the post cold war world, we have been the bastion of democracy and our bread and butter has been democracy promotion. many of the institutions that europeans have anti-acted with over the long sleep of the last 70 years, the last 30 years have been the national endowment for democracy, the international republican institute, the national democratic institute. our parties have been standing for the strengthening of democratic institutions in europe, and around the world. and now suddenly, people are seeing individuals like tucker carlson from fox news going to hungary, part of the eastern bloc, looking for ideas of how to implement a liberal democratic institution and practices in the united states. they're looking at everything you've just laid out in the previous segments, millions of americans believing in a big lie that joe biden was not elected in 2020. and they're completely taken aback by what congressman allred and you were talking about earlier, at the state and local government level, we're seeing the subversion of democracy. people saw an incredible strength in the kind of local and state commitments of the u.s. federal system toward democracies. they felt that even if there might be problems at the national level, you saw people committed in their communities to upholding the democratic institutions. it was what we were exporting abroad and now we're exporting not just the chaos that the canadians are worried about. we were joking about how many millions of americans are going to be lined up at the border kind of coming in in 2024, for example. that's not just a funny prospect at all. but people are seriously worried about what is happening to the united states. >> i want to read to folks something you wrote in politico magazine last october where you wrote i find it deeply disturbing the number one identity people put forward in polls now is whether you're a democrat or a republican rather than an american. this america is looking dangerously like russia based on the divisions of russia in the 1990s and then the putin system that came out of that. talk more about that. >> well, look this is something that some russian commentators have commented on as well. 1990s in russia after a collapse of the soviet union, during the period of the presidency of boris yeltsin was full of political chaos and polarization, fighting in the russian parliament, you know, for example, a whole plethora of political parties but none of them could get traction. eventually what happened in the russian system in 2000 was when vladimir putin came into power, as president. he completely rejected the party system. and over time over the last 21 years we have seen him roll back a lot of the basic democratic freedoms of assembly, of speech, you know, association. just in the last month we have seen the russian government close down the this really famous entity that was established in the late 1980s look at the problems of the soviet past, the crimes of stalinism, basically it has become illegal in many respects to question some of the historical issues in russia. and we're already seeing in the united states trends in that direction. people pushing back. you see with the -- push back on an inquiry, larger discussion of the level of schools and more broadly about american history and the facts of american history. so we're already creeping in that direction and that creep has become more accelerated in the last year, particularly since the events of january 6th where we see a repudiation of the efforts in congress to find out what happened on january 6th, basically alternate narratives about this, people trying to push back on that inquiry of refusing to go along with it, that looks very much like what we're seeing happening in russia with again this tamping down of events of the past. >> that is a frightening parallel that you've brought to our attention. we need to know that. fiona hill, thank you very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. thanks for having me on. up next, a unique depiction of george floyd in a painting causes a stir. we'll talk about it after the break. causes a stir. we'll talk about it after the break. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. andrea: you see things as a parent-- what your expectations are for your kid growing up, the milestones going to school, graduating and getting married, having kids. and cancer was never one of those milestones in my head. st. jude has given us hope, love, a home away from home. and it feels like home. you're more than just a patient or just another family here at st. jude. this country has never been good at how it talks and teaches about race. look at the current outrage over what has been broadly dubbed critical race theory. or what is happening at catholic university here in washington over a painting displayed at the school. entitled "mama ," it is a portrait of mary holding jesus who looks a lot like george floyd. the work was stolen, twice. according to "the new york times" after the second theft, the student government passed a resolution that called for the removal, deeming the work, quote, blasphemy, offensive and confusing. the university officials say they will replace it with a different piece of art. the artist kelly latimore told "the new york times," is it george floyd? yes. is it jesus? yes. there is sacredness in every person. joining me now is the artist of that painting, kelly latimore. thank you very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. thank you for having me. >> i'm going to play art critic and be up-front. it is a beautiful painting that you've done. why did you -- why did you paint it? >> well, after the sad and horrendous events of may and june of 2020, watching that with my partner and i and amongst our community here in st. louis, we were just, as so many others, gobsmacked about what was going on in the country. for us, the most striking thing i remember when watching that horrible video was the last words of george floyd, mama. and that just kept ringing in the back of our ears, these conversations that we were having with people in our community and so my partner commissioned the work and was really came out of this idea, how do we not only mourn the loss of george floyd, but how do we then maybe possibly create an image that is going to spur us to action so this doesn't keep happening? so we dove into the sacred art images that have come from the past and george call out for mama, a mother holding her son, a man of color who is unjustly murdered by the state 2,000 years ago that the same thing is continually happening and using that historic image to then convey and move us towards contemlaing what had happened. >> and, kelly, to that point, you know, folks, control room, put the painting of mama back up because in "the new york times," you mentioned this, the style, in "the new york times ," they note rather than looking at the body of jesus, the virgin mary is looking at the viewer. they quote you as saying she's asking, what are you going to do so this doesn't keep happening. >> yes. and i think one of the striking things that happened in that summer is we had saw another image going online of george floyd's mother holding him, cradling him as a young baby, and it is in the same image that mothers are continually losing their daughters and sons who are unjustly murdered by the state. and it is the sad truth that in america that if the -- this is the work of theologian james cone who influenced the work that the -- for the american christian if they want to understand the cross and the terrible horrendous abuse of the cross 2,000 years ago for christ, the metaphor we have now in our time is the lynching tree, which is very provocative, the work of cone, but what he's trying to say there is that for cone, if we're going to understand evil that is white supremacy, and in our time, that the modern day lynching is something that we're going to have to talk about and address as american christians. >> and, kelly, one more question, we're out of time, but i want to ask this, i need to get your reaction to the controversy at catholic university over your painting. >> ultimately it just really saddens me. i'm an artist. i'm not a theologian. i'm being trained how to see. i think this is just a situation where i've said is it george floyd or jesus, the answer is yes. it is a dualistic question, not either or. it is christ. but it is as mother teresa said christ distressed in disguise, many matthew's gospel says he can be found in the least of these and among those who suffered as george floyd did. i think that being both is hard for people to understand. it is these very people in our midst that -- these are the conversations that we need to have and it is our hope we won't be like peter in the gospel, that we're sitting around the fire when the rooster crows that when we're asked to stand with christ and to suffer with him and have a hard conversations that we unfortunately instead run away and act like they don't exist. >> kelly latimore, i wish we had more time, but thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show" and for painting that painting. >> thank you, jonathan. thank you. up next, remembering the life and work of the legendary actor and activist sidney poitier. anr d activist sidney poitier. a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. wondering what actually goes into your multivitamin? 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>> not from what i can see. if anything, it kind of added to the luster of his career. i mean, in addition to, you know, his prolific acting career, mr. poitier served on the boards over at walt disney studios. he was also the bohemian ambassador to japan for a number of years as well as their ambassador to unesco. it was his presence and an extension of who he was as a man. >> lastly, what examples or lessons can not just actors but black folks learn from the life he led and his activism because a lot of the things he was pushing for back then are being -- also pushing for it now? >> that it's okay to be your authentic self, that you should embrace the things that you believe in and that you should be true to those beliefs. and certainly he was the embodiment of that, and that is certainly one of the reasons why he's being so celebrated with his passing. >> gil robertson, thank you so much for coming to "the sunday show" and talking about the great sidney poitier. >> thank you, jonathan. coming up in the next hour, congressman jamie raskin joins me live to discuss his deeply personal memoir "the untouchable." keep it here on "the sunday show." tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? 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>> well, i wasn't particularly prescient, jonathan, it's just clear where the polls were going. it's clear where the people were going, but we also knew donald trump's nature by that point. he refuses to accept defeat. he refuses to accept a loss and he would much prefer to tell lies. he of course had been telling lies for several years so we accepted that whole propaganda offensive against the election. and it was proven that it was a big lie by the 61 federal and state courts that decisively rejected every claim of electoral fraud allegation he put out there. that's when he turned to try to get gop legislators to overthrow the popular vote. then he tried to intimidate state election officials like brad and find me 11,000 votes. ultimately it came down to vice president mike pence. he was the key actor when we approached january 6th. >> and you knew that mike pence was -- could possibly be the weak link in that the electoral count act is a little -- is a little squishy here and so what was it -- what is it about the electoral count act that was most concerning to you? >> yes. well, here was the plan with mike pence. they wanted him to declare totally extra legal, extra constitutional lawless powers to unilaterally reject electoral college votes that had been cast by the states and brought forward by the governors of the states including republican governors from a number of the states they were trying to reject. they thought if pence would do that it could lower joe biden's total in the electoral college from 306 to what he had to below 270. at that point under the 12th amendment the contest is thrown immediately into a contingent election into the house of representatives. why would trump want to get this thrown into speaker pelosi's house where there's a democratic majority, they knew that under the 12th amendment we vote not one member one vote but one state one vote and they were controlling 27 state delegations after the elections, we had 22 often the democratic side. pennsylvania was split down the middle. even if they lost liz cheney, which they were certain to do, still they would have had 26 states in their camp. so just by getting the vice president to reject electoral college votes from arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, they had a pathway to call victory and at that point i think that donald trump would have followed michael flynn, his disgraced national -- former national security adviser who was saying invoke the insurrection act and declare something like martial law. that was basically the plan. and luckily vice president pence didn't go along with it and he distributed a memo right before we sat down at 1 p.m. on january 6th in which he explained why he could not do what donald trump was asking him to do. >> you know, you talked about the state ddelegations. i encourage folks to read your book because a lot of people i remember at the time were wondering, what are democrats doing? they're not doing anything. they're always caught flatfooted. if you read "unthinkable" you learn from your book or we learn from your book that you guys thought of everything to the point where you talk about the state delegations. you were actively trying to in key races get democrats elected to try to ward against the contingent election. but, again, hindsight being 20/20 in your book, this is part two of how i've been looking at this. flee rings of the coup. talk about each ring. >> right. it's a mistake to talk about january 6th as just one thing. they were three rings. the outer ring was the mass demonstration of tens of thousands of people called by donald trump through social media to participate in a wild protest. that mass demonstration became a riot which ended up injuring 150 cops, people who were -- people were hitting them over the head with steel pipes, with confederate battle flags, with trump flags. our officers ended up traumatic brain injuries, broken jaws, broken necks, broken noses, broken vertebrae. that has remained to be toiled, the post traumatic stress, but that was the realm of the riot. the middle ring was the realm of the insurrection. here were the organized domestic violence extremist groups. the proud boys, 3 percenters, the arianne nations, the first amendment defenders groups, the militia groups, qanon first got there to smash the windows, to lead the break-in into the capitol and to attack our police officers essentially to set a lesson for the mob to follow about how to treat the cops. but believe it or not, that wasn't even the scariest ring. the scariest ring was the very inside ring, the ring of the coup. that was donald trump and roger stone and steve bannon and michael flynn. this is where it really requires a little bit of a leap of our thinking. we don't have a lot of experience with coups in american domestic political history. we think of a coup against a president. this was a coup organized by the president against the vice president and the congress. they tried to exercise coercive leverage over mike pence. when it didn't work, donald trump was content to mobilize all of the violence from the second and third rings against him. they broke into the chamber. they chanted hang mike pence, hang mike pence, chased him out of the building. to his great credit, mike pence was a constitutional patriot and he refused to buckle and he refused to leave the capitol although the secret service was urging him to essentially leave the capitol grounds but he wouldn't do it. >> you know, since you mention former vice president mike pence, as i mentioned earlier, you are a member of the january 6th select committee. how likely is it that the former vice president will voluntarily cooperate with the panel? >> i would assume that he will cooperate because he understands it's everybody's legal duty to do so and it's really a civic obligation to do so. so the vast majority of people we've approached have been participating and cooperating voluntarily and i think and i trust he will fall into that category. >> i don't know -- i don't think we have enough time to play this sound from alyssa farrah, who was pence's former press secretary, but she does say and i'll just quote the first part, if there's something you should know about pence world, it is that they are by the book institutionalists by nature. i think if he were to receive a subpoena he would be absolutely -- he would absolutely comply. are you hoping that it doesn't come to that? >> well, again, most people have been cooperating with us without subpoenas, but of course we have shown ourselves perfectly willing to issue subpoenas when people need them. everybody, according to the supreme court, owes congress or a court his or her truthful, honest testimony when called to testify. we're just trying to figure out what exactly took place on january 6th. what was the coordination among these different elements and then how do we fortify democratic institutions going forward so we can prevent a nightmare like this from ever happening again in the united states. >> congressman, does that apply to your fellow members of congress, jim jordan and scott perry? should they -- because i know there's some -- not controversy but a question as to whether sitting members of congress can be subpoenaed to testify before the select committee. >> well, without getting into specific cases, jonathan, it's very clear that congress has article 1 authority to set the rules of our own houses and also to discipline members all the way up to expulsion of members and we have the right to investigate the supreme court has repeatedly said in order to legislate. what could be a more important purpose is self preservation. i don't think there's much question about that. our ethics committees call members all the time to come in. the speech and debate clause says that members cannot be held to account for their legislative work outside of congress but within congress of course they can be. >> one more question for you, congressman. i interviewed select committee chairman bennie thompson on "washington post live" on thursday on the anniversary of the insurrection and i asked him if -- well, he mentioned that there were members of congress who were giving tours to people on january 5th, but he did not authoritarian attack in the lks future. >> congressman raskin, when you and i spoke i believe it was on tuesday or wednesday for "washington post live" i had not finished your book. i was a couple hundred pages away. i have officially finished and i urge everyone to read it, especially the very last page. the bird story is truly, truly incredible. congressman jamie raskin, thank you very much for coming to "the sunday show." and everyone, be sure to tune in on february 6th at 10 p.m. as msnbc films presents "love and the constitution" a new feature documentary that follows congressman raskin in his political and private life. sunday, february 6th. you really don't want to miss it. ahead, more on the january 6th investigation and new revelations that continue to come out about that day. t day. up at 2:00am again? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. we have information that members posted, people who came to washington on that day in their office. we have information that before the actual certification people came earlier, were given tours in the capitol. we have pictures of members taking pictures with people who came to the rally. >> on the anniversary of the january 6th insurrection, committee chairman bennie thompson revealed new evidence in our "washington post live" interview that blew me away. he didn't reveal whether they knew about the level of violence that would unfold, however, congressman scott perry, congressman jim jordan won't be the only members of congress invited to voluntarily cooperate even though they've chosen not to comply. someone else the committee may be hearing from, former vice president mike pence. joining me is former u.s. attorney joyce vance. joyce, thank you so much for coming back to "the sunday show." talk about whether -- because i -- i don't know if it's a legality that could get in the way of inviting the vice president, but that would be an unprecedented action, wouldn't it? >> yes and no, right? everyone who takes an oath to uphold the constitution has to do just that, and although mike pence is no longer the vice president of the united states, it's unthinkable that someone who has held that role would refuse to participate in a fact finding inquiry for such an important american event. hillary clinton's 11 hours of benghazi testimony sort of pales in comparison when you think of the relevant merit of congressional need of what happened. mike pence ultimately is the lynchpin witness about what the president knew, what he was thinking, what he was urging and what happened on that day. so it's an interesting and open question, not so much whether the house committee has the ability to subpoena pence because if they believe they have that ability, they can certainly issue that subpoena. the much more subtle and difficult question is whether that subpoena would be enforced if pence refused to comply. with the justice department stepping in, would a civil suit compel pence to testify? as a good citizen, a good leader, he has an obligation to show up and tell the truth. >> you know, that sound bite that i sort of read to congressman raskin from alyssa farrah, pence's former press secretary if memory serves says if he were subpoenaed, because he's an institutionalist, he would comply. given the moves the january 6th committee has made, certainly since -- in that week between christmas and new year's, but especially this past week, what signals are you getting from the committee? does it sound like they're ramping up their investigation or are they ramping up their public disclosures of what they have uncovered? >> i think that they've been ramped up since the minute the members of congress on the committee made the decision to hire professional prosecutors and investigators as staff members. we heard about the different lines of investigation being simultaneously conducted, the green team and the bold team and the blue team and it seems very clear that this committee has worked full force through the holidays, no holds barred to get information. and something i liked about your interview with congressman raskin very much is he points out that the reason that they are doing this is because of the imperative of preventing a re-occurrence of making sure that our democratic institutions are strong enough to hold and congress has the obligation to create any fixes that are necessary with new legislation. however, if the committee in the course of its work discovers the existence of conduct that is criminal, they are required to turn that over to doj. that has caused all of the news reporting in the last couple of weeks. >> nice segue, joyce, because i want to bring up and talk about coming -- congress has an obligation, doj has an obligation and this week we saw attorney general merrick garland speak about january 6th in ways we haven't spoken about before. you write merrick garland must hold these people accountable. the evidence does not fall into place overnight and yet given his discussion of voting rights it's clear that garland is mindful of the clock that is ticking on democracy. >> there are some subtle distinctions here. i read the language in his speech, the understated language as a commitment to investigate at all levels everybody who was involved, whether they were there on january 6th or merely contributing to the effort to create the demise of democracy. so that commitment to investigate is firm, i believe. whether it translates into prosecutions is an entirely different matter that will depend on whether prosecutors can find sufficient admissible evidence. your evidence has to be admissible in court. you have to believe it's proof beyond a reasonable doubt and it can't just be that trump was a bad guy or mark meadows did things wrong. you have to actually have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of specific crimes that exist in the federal code. so it's not as easy as we would like sometimes for it to be. that deliberateness of the legal process is it married up with the speed with which the political process can act. we saw impeachment ramp up in a matter of days following january 6th and the real failure here is not a failure of the criminal justice system, it's a failure in the political process and in a very pointed way the failure of the republican party to be willing to hold the former president responsible for what we all saw happen in fronts of ours eyes. >> amen. amen. joyce vance, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." next, never short of words. congresswoman maxine waters joins me to sound off about the latest on voting rights and saving our democracy. stay with us. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. coming up this month will be the one year anniversary of one party rule and what do we have? we have covid spiking, closed schools and a crippled economy. and the democrats' number one focus is still exactly where they've always been, hr 1, to change the election laws. to rig an election to give them an ability to win when they should not. >> as the house prepares to return to work tomorrow, wanna be speaker kevin mccarthy shows republicans are ready to fight democrats. joining me now is maxine waters. thank you for joining us. we know you're wearing sunglasses due to an eye infection. we are glad you could be with us. i would love, congresswoman, to hear your reaction to your fellow californian. >> i have to tell you just listening to mccarthy, i think it is absolutely shameful that he's carrying, you know, trump's lie. i think it's absolutely shameful that he's coming on this morning with talking points and undermining voting rights. you know, the republicans have often talked about they're more patriotic than anybody else and they waived the flag, but that same flag that they waived was used to beat up capitol police and to almost kill people on the plaza when they invaded our capitol with their insurrection. mccarthy should be ashamed of himself to say what i just heard. number one, he's talking about disaster with covid that nobody anticipated and this president, biden, has done everything possible to ensure we have the testing, we have the vaccinations, that we have the information, that we work with the experts and he knows that but he wants to play politics. and he's afraid of trump. and the next thing we know, he'll be running down to florida to get his instructions from trump so that he can come back and do the messaging that he's made to do. it is absolutely outrageous. >> okay. well, that's congressman mccarthy. now let's -- i want to have you listen to someone from the other side of the capitol, from the senate. senator ted cruz. he had a time of it this week. watch. >> we are approaching a solemn anniversary this week and it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the capitol where we saw the women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage. >> the way i phrased things it was sloppy and dumb. >> i don't buy that. whoa, whoa, whoa. i've known you for a long time. you were a supreme court contender. you take words as seriously as any man who's ever served in the senate and every word -- you repeated that phrase. i do not believe you used that accidentally, i just don't. >> so, tucker, as a result of my sloppy phrasing it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what i meant. >> congresswoman, sloppy? >> no, you know, it is again absolutely outrageous for him to come on the air groveling the way that he was doing to tucker carlson. you know, they get their talking points from fox news and he absolutely was on television showing that he has no courage, no integrity so he grovels. you know this man has no credibility. we have watched him constantly as he has grovelled and as he's played to trump and couldn't defend his wife on and on and on. i don't even know why we pay any attention to him. no credibility. >> i'm sorry, congresswoman. okay. moving right along. we're going to jump -- we're going to jump -- we went from california to texas. let's go to florida and congressman matt gaetz. have a listen. >> we're ashamed of nothing. seize the day. we're proud of the work we did on january 6th to make legitimate arguments. we're going to walk the grounds that patriotic americans walked from the white house to the capitol who had no intent of breaking the law or doing violence. >> okay, congresswoman, have at it. >> well, you know, the world watched what happened and for them to try and rewrite history and to tell people, don't believe your lying eyes is absolutely outrageous. he had better be concerned about what's happening to him. he had better be concerned about, you know, the fact that he's been investigated and then concerns about him and young girls and on and on and on. but absolutely to get in our faces and talk about they had no intent of hurting anybody when we've got five of our capitol police who are dead, 150 of them who have been harmed. we absolutely are going to have to resist. we're going to have to fight and we can't let them get away with it, and i want my party to rise to this occasion and not try and think that somehow we are going to be able to work something out with them. they have defined themselves as liars, people with no integrity and they are intent on protecting trump. and they're all afraid of him. they are not representing even their constituents so gaetz needs to shut up. >> that is a perfect time to end this part of the program, but congresswoman maxine waters is going to stay with us as we sound off to the other sunday shows with my panel. keep it right here. t right here . those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. so it was a happy ending... ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ republican senator ron johnson from wisconsin is a special kind of snowflake. he's spread many false claims about the 2020 election and covid. he said he would only serve two terms, but this morning he announced his bid to seek re-election to a third term as senator. and he chose this weekend to, well, do this. >> it was a false narrative. there were thousands of armed insurrectionists. there weren't. that is not what an armed insurrection would look like. that was a narrative that quite honestly served both sides. anybody that was responsible for capitol security was pretty well happy to sign on to thousands of armed insurrectionists. what could they possibly have done? >> yeah. >> the commission in the house now is a joke. they're not asking what nancy pelosi knew and when she knew it. >> jesus, back with me is twitter's favorite aunt at this, congresswoman maxine waters and sophia nelson and author of epluribus one and maria hinojosa. thank you all for being here. we're going to go around the table real quickly and give reaction to senator johnson who i don't even know what kind of nonsense that was. going to go to the far end. maria, you go first. your reaction to that nonsentences sense. >> so i don't know if you can tell, jonathan, first, it's great to be here with this extraordinary panel. i'm not in new york city. i'm in the dominican republic. so i feel i'm very removed. one of the things i'm not able to do is watch cable all the time. let me tell you something, i'm glad i didn't have to hear that. i'm having a physical reaction. my throat is clenching, i'm getting all sweaty even though i'm here in the caribbean. the reason why is because the effectiveness of the republican party and their entire asperatus to reframe this, what we all saw with our very eyes and to challenge the truth. i'm not saying anything that we don't know, but what i have been thinking about this week and i've been talking a lot about myself is what this means is we all have to take this very personally, that reaction that i just had, but it can't just be an emotional reaction or have the chance to go on television and talk about it. for everybody it needs to lead to what are you going to do? are you going to run for your school board? are you going to help register people to vote? are you going to donate? in other words, it's an historic moment when each of us needs to say, what are we doing? we cannot just sit here. >> sophia? >> i think maria said it all, jonathan. there's not a lot i can add to that. i feel the same. ron johnson is not someone you can take seriously as a united states senator. he is a hack of the highest order. he has, you know, been someone who has just engaged in the most nefarious type of conversation, gas lighting, obstruction from russia all the way to january 6th so i expect nothing less from him. i am no longer surprised. i've said this many times on this show. i no longer want to respond, react or be surprised by what they say because this is who they are. i think this means the rest of us have to be of the business of doing something about it to make sure that the proper narrative of january 6th gets out and that we are vigilant at the voting booths in 2022 and beyond. >> congresswoman waters, we were talking in the last block we took you from california to texas to florida. now we're going up north to wisconsin and senator johnson. your reaction to what we just heard him say about january 6th? >> well, you know, i'm still surprised at how brazen they are. they openly lie and i think that when i talk about resisting these lies, that we should be organized to do ads, put the lie up and put right next to them on a split screen what was happening on that plaza to our capitol and do it over and over again. we can overcome these lies if we want to fight, if we want to struggle, but this business about getting along, being more bipartisan, et cetera, et cetera, they have shown us they're not interested in that at all. they're following their messaging points. they are following what trump wants them to do. they don't have the guts to stand up like real human beings and face the truth. they're all afraid of trump and it's shameful and we've got to fight them. >> let's switch gears and talk about the push for voting rights, and in particular the push to at a minimum get a carve out of the filibuster rule to allow voting rights legislation to get passed. house majority whip jim clyburn was on one of the sunday shows today and here's what he had to say about filibuster. >> when you filibuster in order to get time so that people can bring people around to your point of view, that's one thing, but that is still a policy. that's not stopping anybody from voting. that's not a constitutional issue. i have said that the filibuster ought not be applied to constitutional issues like voting. we do not allow the filibuster to get in the way of the full faith and credit of the united states of america because it will jeopardize the future of this country. >> i mean, maria, doesn't the majority whip have a point? i mean, why should the filibuster be applied to constitutional issues? >> no, absolutely. i think everybody in this country has had it up to here with the filibuster honestly at this point, and he's correct in saying that filibustering is not in and of itself going to deny people the right to vote. you know, jonathan, for me, again, this week has been so intense as we're trying to kind of process things and i keep going back to what i always am saying which is in terms of numbers right now, latinos and latinas are the second largest group of potential voters. white americans, latinos, latinas, african-americans, and what this entire conversation and what they're going to experience by having their voting rights attacked, what it means for democracy and so this week again if latinos and latinas specifically in this issue, if they are not engaged and being reached out, being told vote, vote, vote, your voting rights are being attacked, this is a loss not just for that population but it's a loss for the entire part of the america. this is about attacking our democracy, not in a violent insurrection or attempted coup, but in the form of denying us our due process. >> that's where the conversation is going, that the insurrection that started on january 6th is ongoing. we're going to keep talking about all of this. stay with us as our discussion continues after the break. holidays comes home. audiences give "sing 2" an a+. and a 98% on rotten tomatoes. you're a genius! momma always said "gunter, you're not as stupid as your papa." ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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that should be something that's a fait accompli, it's sackrosanct and make the republicans go on the record. don't let them stall. don't let them duck and deny. that's not acceptable. this should be a bipartisan issue. we know it's not going to be. i really think this is something we think of lani guinier's passing, i can't believe we're still fighting about voting rights for people of color in this country. >> congresswoman, sophia's absolutely right. i've been saying, you know, to friends and everything that i get voting rights advocates and activists pressuring -- putting pressure on the president and the vice president and democrats in congress to do something about voting rights, but that gives a pass to republicans, particularly in the senate. why won't you let the bill just come to the floor for a debate? no one is asking you to vote for it. it would be great if you did, it would be american if you did, but just let the senate debate the bill and let it pass or fail on a simple majority vote. congressman, why do you think republicans are so afraid to have a debate on voting rights? >> well, you know, i think that the republicans are certainly led by people who do not want us to participate in this democracy. they do not want us to have voting rights because it gives us influence. it gives us power. it puts us at the table. so that we can be advocates for the least of these. this is not something that they have any real issues about relative to how the system is working, whether it's this, that, or the other. this is about racism. this is about exclusion. this is about not wanting us to be able to participate in the policies that govern this country. many people don't know what we're talking about when we keep saying the democracy is at stake. if we're not at the table, if we're not able to vote, if we can't get elected to office, everything is at stake that we have fought for. whether it is, you know, accommodations, accommodation, whether it is proper supported education, whether it's health care, all of these things are at stake because it is the fight we have had in order to open up and to get rid of racism and exclusion and to have voting rights that have brought us this far. and i'm really worried about what is happening at the local level. this president certainly has alliances with secretaries of state in certain states and with local elected officials who are undermining our voting rights as we sit here and talk today. they are doing everything that they can to change the voting processes at the local level. so that you'll have something like exact match, if you didn't dot the i and cross the t in your name, that gets thrown out as voter registration. they control the polling places, how many will be placed in a given area to determine whether or not people get the right to vote. the identification, all that we have fought for, and john lewis trying to get back to section 5 of the voting rights act that says if you try these kind of things, you will be scrutinized. you have to come before the department of justice and they can determine whether or not this is voter suppression. well, the supreme court undermined that, and that's what john lewis' bill is trying to do, get back that kind of scrutiny so that the local jurisdictions won't be able to do this. but we are fighting here in washington, d.c. clyburn is right, we could have a carve-out, but we also better know what's going on at the local level. that's another level of this fight, and we're up against it. democracy is really at stake. >> maria, you want to jump in on this? >> so i -- i don't usually post cartoons on my social media, but this morning i saw a cartoon from the new yorker, from liza donnelly, and it was a shark underneath the statue of liberty, and the tip of the shark was coming close to the statue of liberty, and the shark is white supremacy. and so the tip of the iceberg, the tip of the shark, is just what happened on january 6th. but the bulk of it is what we have been talking about on this show and why it's so important, jonathan, that you're hosting a sunday morning talk show. because what we are seeing is we're talking about power and the fact that because we're having this conversation doesn't mean that we're un-american. because we're not white does not mean that we are un-american. what we are saying is that a democracy is a live thing, and we are participants in that. do not, and i love what the congresswoman just said, just let us talk about this. do not deny us that right. >> sophia, we have 30 seconds. your -- giving you the last word. >> i just want to just remember the professor because she was someone who was instrumental in moving us along. we know she didn't get that civil rights post in 1993, but kristen clark did. now, someone that she mentored and knew, so justice always comes. we just have to be vigilant, and we have to have people like lanny and congresswoman waters who aren't afraid to call a thing a thing and do what needs to be done to save democracy. >> calling a thing a thing. maria, sophia, congresswoman maxine waters, thank you all very, very much for coming to the sunday show. we'll be right back. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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Canadians , Example , Prospect , Border , Politico Magazine , Identity , Polls , Putin System , Commentators , Divisions , Russia , 1990 , Presidency , Political Parties , Collapse , None , Polarization , Plethora , Russian Parliament , Boris Yeltsin , Soviet Union , Power , Traction , Party System , Vladimir Putin , 21 , 2000 , Speech , Entity , Democratic , Freedoms , Assembly , Association , 1980 , Crimes , Issues , Respects , Stalinism , Trends , Schools , Direction , Inquiry , Discussion , Facts , Events , Repudiation , Creep , Narratives , Attention , Parallel , Tamping , Up Next , George Floyd , Stir , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Family , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Help , Vision Problems , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Possibility , Diarrhea , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Cheese , Grilled Cheese , Healthcare Provider , Mac , 3 , 10 , 0 , Children , Ingredients , Places , Inventions , Narrator , Conditions , Flavor Fullest , Darkness , Panera , Little Light Of Mine , , Surgery , Pain , Shame , Outcast , Suffering , School , Waiting , Milestones , Love And The Constitution , Expectations , Parent , Andrea , Operationsmile Org , Head , Away From Home , Cancer , Kids , Feels Like Home , Patient , Outrage , Critical Race Theory , Mama , The New York Times , Mary Holding Jesus , Portrait , University Officials , Blasphemy , Removal , Offensive , Theft , Resolution , Piece , Artist , Sacredness , Person , Up Front , Art Critic , Community , Partner , May , June Of 2020 , Words , Ringing , Back , Video , Ears , Cradling , Loss , Happening , Art Images , George Call Out , Man , Color , Son , Control Room , Contemlaing , Style , Virgin Mary , Viewer , Baby , Mother Holding Him , Truth , Mothers , Daughters , Image , Sons , James Cone , Cross , Christian , Christ , Cone , Lynching Tree , Metaphor , Abuse , White Supremacy , Lynching , Address , Evil , American Christians , Controversy , Situation , Matthew S Gospel , Answer , Disguise , Mother Teresa , Least , Midst , Gospel , Fire , Rooster , Peter , Sidney Poitier , Actor , Anr D , Chapter , Fermentation , Multivitamin , Innovation , Its , Wellness , Refill , Diner , Bus , Aisle , 12 , Reach , Lives , Pursuit , Routine , Pfizer , Medication , Migraines , Nurtec Odt , Doctor , Indigestion , Tributes , Hollywood , Academy Award For Best Actor , African American , Trail Blazing , 94 , Grace , Dignity , Epitome , Medal Of Freedom , 2009 , Gil Robertson , Advocacy , Civil Rights Movement , Black Man , Meaning Poitier , Will Hangood , Understanding , Malifluous Diction , Embodiment , Men , Blackness , Ambassador , Roles , Captive , Defiant Ones , Films , Heat , Oscar , Tony Curtis , Police Detective , Activism , Ease , Tonight Show , Harry Belafonte , Mississippi , 0000 , 70000 , 49 , Air , Arms Klans Men , Movement , Bag , March On Washington , Brother , Presence , Off Screen Activism , Career , Screen Opportunities , Luster , Acting Career , On The Boards , Walt Disney Studios , Examples , Lessons , Extension , Actors , Unesco , Okay , Self , Being , Reasons , Beliefs , Congressman Raskin , Passing , Memoir , Liquid , Cleaning Power , Oxi , Stains , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Gum , Sensitivity , Patients , Action Effect , Questions , Sensodyne , Ultra Oxi , Tide Pods , Rookie Status , Pepper Jack Cheese , Eat , Vet , Baja Steak Jack , Juicy Steak , Subway , Smokey Baja Chipotle Sauce , Order , Save Big , Business , Ready , Sale , App , Internet , Voice , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 64 99 , Installation , Deal , Expert Team , Backing , Prepaid Card , Value , 500 , 24 7 , Comcast Business , Possibilities , Jonathan Cape , Place , Weren T , January 6th Certification , Mob Violence , Maneuver , Unleashing , Unthinkable , Trump , Counting , Context , Insurrection Act , Military Force , Uprising , Pretexts , Attack , Hindsight , Accident , Raskin Points Out , January 6th Select Committee , Trauma , Maryland , Trials Of American Democracy , Jonathan , Parts , Trump Takeover Plan , State Election , Pence , State Legislators , Second , Fraud , Guise , May Of 2020 , Wasn T , Nature , Defeat , Course , Lies , Propaganda Offensive , State Courts , Legislators , Claim , Electoral Fraud , Allegation , 61 , Popular Vote , Mike Pence , Link , 11000 , Squishy , Little , Electoral College , Extra Constitutional Lawless Powers , College , Total , 306 , Point , Contest , 12th Amendment , Want , Speaker Pelosi , 270 , State Delegations , 22 , Side , Camp , Pennsylvania , Liz Cheney , 26 , Electoral College Votes , Michael Flynn , Security , Victory , Pathway , Vice President , Memo , Martial Law , Pence Didn T Go , On January 6th , Ddelegations , Guys , Flatfooted , Coup , Ring , Riot , Social Media , Demonstration , Protest , Outer Ring , Mass Demonstration , Tens Of Thousands , Officers , Cops , Flags , Pipes , Brain Injuries , Confederate Battle Flags , Realm , Jaws , Noses , Broken Necks , Broken Vertebrae , Arianne Nations , Groups , Domestic Violence , Amendment , Defenders , Extremist , Percenters , Capitol , Militia Groups , Police Officers , Qanon First , Break In , Windows , The Ring , Lesson , Mob , Steve Bannon , Roger Stone , Thinking , Bit , Coups , Experience , American Domestic Political History , Leap , Didn T Work , Leverage , Content , Credit , Patriot , Building , Chamber , Hang , Capitol Grounds , Secret Service , Panel , Everybody , Obligation , Duty , Alyssa Farrah , Press Secretary , Category , Say , Sound , Subpoena , Institutionalists , Subpoenas , Court , Supreme Court , Testimony , Coordination , Members , Nightmare , Jim Jordan , Scott Perry , Committee , Houses , Article , Authority , Cases , Self Preservation , Purpose , Expulsion , Ethics Committees , Clause , Anniversary , Washington Post Live , Select Committee Chairman , Bennie Thompson , Tours , January 5th , Lks Future , Bird Story , Pages , Feature , Documentary , Msnbc , February 6th At 10 Pm , February 6th , Revelations , T Day , January 6th Investigation , Sunday February 6th , Try Pure Zzzs , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Smoking , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Nicorette , Stopping With Nicorette , Cold Turkey , Vo , Ultra , Verizon , Times , Speed , 5g Data , Entertainment Subscriptions , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Foreals , Sunday Morning Talk Show , Go On , Lead , Phone , Shhh , Yep , Entertainment , Xfinity , Sports , Binge Watching , Apps , Nice , Touchdown , Cheering , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Information , Pictures , Certification , Rally , Evidence , Interview , Hearing , Former , Attorney , Joyce , Whether , Legality , Constitution , Oath , Fact Finding Inquiry , Congressional , Merit , Comparison , Benghazi , Hillary Clinton , 11 , Ability , House Committee , Lynchpin , Witness , Department Stepping In , Citizen , Sound Bite , Suit , Tell The Truth , Institutionalist , Memory , January 6th Committee , It Sound , Signals , Investigation , Disclosures , Decision , Team , Prosecutors , Staff Members , Investigators , Holidays , Re Occurrence , Making , Fixes , Criminal , Conduct , News Reporting , Existence , Segue , Doj , Merrick Garland , Coming , Ways We Haven T , Clock , Ticking , Garland , Commitment , Language , Levels , Distinctions , Prosecutions , Firm , Demise , Doubt , Proof , Guy , Mark Meadows , Process , Deliberateness , Code , Failure , Impeachment Ramp Up , Criminal Justice System , We Saw , Saw , Vance , Fronts , Congresswoman Waters , Stay , Employees , Lily , Lisa , Mover , Scene , Downtown , Hotspot , Files , Rob , Employee , Deals , At T Business , Rule , Smart Phone , Number One Focus , Election Laws , Hr 1 , Republicans , Congressman Mccarthy , Wanna , Sunglasses , Eye Infection , Lie , Californian , Carrying , Anybody , Points , Plaza , Flag , Capitol Police , Covid , Nobody , Disaster , Number One , Experts , Testing , Vaccinations , Afraid Of Trump , Florida , Instructions , Messaging , Ted Cruz , Watch , Terrorist Attack , Whoa , Law Enforcement , Women , Word , Contender , Phrase , Congresswoman , Phrasing , Talking Points , Television Showing , Credibility , On And , Wife , California To Texas , Let S Go To Florida , Matt Gaetz , Grounds , Arguments , Listen , Seize The Day , Intent , Law , Faces , Girls , Party , Occasion , Constituents , Liars , Program , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Music Vo , Service , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Ron Johnson , Wisconsin , Bid , Term , Snowflake , Claims , Re Election , Narrative , Armed Insurrectionists , There Weren T , Sides , Capitol Security , Commission , In The House , Joke , Aunt , Twitter , Maria Hinojosa , Epluribus One , Sophia Nelson , End , Nonsense , Dominican Republic , Nonsentences Sense , New York City , Throat , Cable , Sweaty , Effectiveness , Clenching , Asperatus , Caribbean , Chance , School Board , Television , Sophia , Each , United States Senator , Same , Hack , Gas Lighting , Type , Obstruction , React , Rest , Beyond , Voting Booths , Split Screen , Ads , Bipartisan , Et Cetera , Messaging Points , Human Beings , Guts , Filibuster Rule , Minimum , Push , Gears , House Majority Whip , Jim Clyburn , Issue , Faith , Doesn T The Majority Whip , Filibustering , Latinos , Latinas , Numbers , Group , Form , Population , Our Due Process , Audiences , 98 , Genius , Papa , Momma , Sing 2 , Rotten Tomatoes , Gunter , Limu Emu , A , 98 , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Thought , Plastic , The Ocean , Lanny Vener , Views , Area , Couple , Amendments , Pioneer , 1982 , Law School , U Penn , Hell , Fait Accompli , Duck , Them Stall , Lani Guinier , Voting Rights Advocates , Activists Pressuring , Friends , Pass , Floor , Majority Vote , Influence , Racism , Exclusion , Working , These , Other , Stake , Policies , Health Care , Accommodations , Education , Accommodation , Alliances , Voting Processes , Talk , Match , Polling Places , Voter Registration , You Didn T Dot The I And Cross , Identification , Jurisdictions , Scrutiny , Cartoons , Cartoon , New Yorker , Shark , Tip , Statue Of Liberty , Supremacy , Tip Of The Iceberg , Liza Donnelly , Bulk , Conversation Doesn T , Participants , Instrumental , Kristen Clark , 1993 , Aren T , Light Scent , Perfumes , Scent Beads , Light , Clothes , Dyes , Secret , Heal , Teeth , Gums , Gumline , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , Crest , Brand , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , I Ll Be Back , Alex Witt , Love , Heart , Latest , Eastern , Hi , Admiration , Where Voting Rights , East , World Headquarters , Capitol Hill , Center Stage , Out West , 9 , Election Integrity , Case , Ground Zero , Antiquated , Inside Trickery , Attempts , Games , Gerrymandering , Sovereignty , Talks , Top , Agenda , Challenge , Still Wreaking Havoc , Tests , Director Dr , Omicron Surge , Delta Surge , Cdc , Rochelle Walensky , A Billion ,

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