Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cros

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

>> was my name on the list -- >> i ran out of ink saying tiffany please be gone in 2022. it wouldn't burn, crazyiest thing. >> that's the magic of me. >> yes. that was different for me. usually i spend new year's -- last year i ordered a deep dish pizza and watched the ball drop, red a book. but 2021 has been heavy so it was nice to have that experience with other people. >> it was heavy for a lot of folks. deep dish pizza is not real pizza, by the way. >> wow. >> yeah. i think it's been heavy for a lot of folks in 2021, quite honestly. as a result you did see a lot of scaled down celebrations last night anticipating what year 2022 is going to be. do you think 2022 is going to be better than 2021? >> i hope so. otherwise the whole ceremony last night made no sense. >> tell me about it. >> objectively, i'm worried. i don't know what you did, clearly tiffany is not trying to tell us what she did. >> i will tell you what i did. i went to sleep around 8:45, 9:00. my plan was wake up before new year, every year i say that, i woke up at 3:45 in the morning, it was already 2022. that's why i'm toasting this morning. and, you know -- there was a lot of scaled down celebrations last night. so i didn't have fomo, feel like i was missing outs on anything. i want to hear more about your predictions on 2022, but speaking of scaled down ceremonies last night. as we enter the third year of the pandemic, the coronavirus really said new year, new me because the omicron variant surges forced many americans to clink their bubbles in scaled back celebrations last night, especially in new york. the number of cases in new york city this week reached the peak since the start of the pandemic. only 15,000 folks were allowed to watch the ball drop in person. you know, jason, that's a far cry from 58,000 the city was expecting to host. in our former neck of the woods, we both lived there different times, but atlanta, the peach drop was cancelled, the third year this year. and in san francisco mayor london breed nixed their annual fireworks show all together. a lot of scaled back celebrations last night. i want to say our thoughts and prayers are with the folks in colorado, in the fire ravaged state, it's been a lot. residents welcomed the new year with cries of relief, quite frankly. >> we stayed up all night long just hugging each other, just glad that we have each other and we have our kids. >> the wildfire in boulder county burned as many as 1,000 homes in a matter of hours. and while there are currently no people missing, thankfully, no deaths have been reported. overnight president biden approved federal funding for those affect preponderance of the evidence and the president is among those honoring betty white this morning, calling her an icon, she passed away yesterday at the age of 99, just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday. somebody sent this tweet around, this is not mine. you want to live the kind of life where when you die at 99 people say it was still too soon. i loved the "golden girls" used to spend saturday nights watching it with my grandmother. know every episode. i think you were in high school, and i bet you spent your saturday nights watching the show. >> what gets me is this is someone who was not only funny but everybody -- when michael k. williams passed, everybody has nice stories about her. a guest talked about how wonderful she was to her and she has a watch signed by betty white. you want to be someone who isn't just sort of, you have time to go, people love you when you pass away, but everyone has a wonderful story to share. it's sad but it's a glorious life to live. >> one of my favorite things about her, in addition to her portrayal of rose nylund. she was a staunch animal rights activist. there are folks like me who remember her from "golden girls" but those who remember her from "mary tyler more" and then "hot in cleveland," hosting "saturday night live," the holdest host made history there. you know what's happening on monday, the senate is coming back. >> are they really? like are regular people looking forward to this? >> they should be. it's got a big agenda. >> but here's the thing. i almost feel like when the senate comes back and hey, we can do this in news. i think -- it should be like when drake drops a new album or new sneakers, we're back, we're bringing this. you should be screaming your new agenda when you come in for a new senate every year. that's why people are cynical. people are often cynical because they feel this new thing dropped but they phoned it in. i hope when schumer comes back, he's talking we're going to address voting rights. get it done. don't tell me you're bringing voter rights and then i stand in line and nothing happens. i have a lot of faith in schumer for this once in this instance. they don't have much time to get something done this time so i hope the new senate is going to accomplish some things. >> big things to accomplish. we'll see what happens with build back better, but none of this matters if they don't get to voting rights. you know, when chuck schumer, you know, said we're putting this to the floor and when president biden said he's open to changing rules, particularly the filibuster to get voting rights passed. it's like, yeah. yes. that's a major thing protecting the democratic majority. i don't think people realize what happens if republicans take back control of congress. >> i think people do, look at texas, georgia. >> right. watching msnbc, yes, they know. i don't know that people going about their lives, trying to manage their own household debt and all the other challenges happening in society are necessarily paying attention to the manu sha. but you're right. >> our gas prices, ability to vote, health care. anything that -- the handling of covid. look, i haven't had to care this much about the greek alphabet since sixth grade. i feel there's about to be a step show of variants coming up. if we have, if if we maintain the democratic house and senate, this is important -- >> you're saying we but -- >> i'm not a democrat. that's what i was about to say. you know i'm not a democrat under any circumstances but i know what it is to have functional government and the democrats for the many criticisms i have of them all the time at least recognize that covid is a problem, that voting matters. if the democrats come back and can't make people want to vote and give them the right to vote this fall we will lose what we have in the country right now and opens the door for the crazy person in florida, the ex twice impeached blogger to come back. >> when you say crazy person in florida, i was like be more specific. >> exactly. >> we'll see, the bigger problem too we have to focus on is the state legislatures across the country. this is where a lot of these crappy -- i was about to swear. this is where these bubble up at the state level. the democrats get a lot of criticism on congress, but i think we have to keep reminding people why it's so important because of the obstructionist gop who don't have ideas but don't want to see president biden accomplish anything. as frustrated as we are with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, they deserve all that smoke, let me just say, i think we have to keep that equal amount of frustration and disdain towards the republican party who have completely aligned themselves with donald trump in favor over their constituents and the constituents' needs. >> in a way, right. because a lot of the constituents support the nonsense they're doing. that brings us to what is an upcoming anniversary in five days now -- >> yeah. >> five days it's the one year anniversary of the insurrection, that's what this republican party stands for today. >> we'll talk about that later in the show. jason johnson will be sticking around with me throughout the show today. don't go anywhere because 2022 off to a rocky start as covid cases continue to spike. we want to know when will this all end? we'll discuss that with a medical expert up next. s that w medical expert up next ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. (kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? (guy) better. (kate) that's not all. the new iphone, and up to 7 entertainment subscriptions for your family. like apple music, apple arcade, and more. better? (family) better. (kate) not done. the new iphone, the entertainment, and up to $1,000 when you switch. 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>> good morning, happy new year to you. i hope that dr. fauci is right. i would like nothing more to see this peak by the end of january. we don't know yet. the demographics are different than what they are in south africa. so we don't know if it's going to peak and when. we know that our hospitals can't take much more of this. at least in some states, including my state in michigan, we are already near capacity. so what we're afraid of is that by the end of january, our hospitals are going to be overrun with new cases. >> wow. >> dr. bhatti, this is a concern of mine, shout out to michigan state spartans i was on a flight with tons of spartans yesterday leaving at lan to come to washington d.c., one of the reasons the flights are so filled is because covid, in particular omicron is ravaging our travel system right now and so many people who are already vaccinated are catching this new virus. my question to you is, with omicron seeming to be the king of breakthroughs, do we have concerns in the next six or seven months that we might need another booster? if this evolves again i'm going to be worried that what i have right now, my two shots and booster, won't be enough for the next variant. >> two things. with e're going to need more boosters as we move through the process. it might be an annual deal like the flu shot, it might be every six months. but lets not lose sight of the fact the reason this is spreading like gang busters is not because of vaccinated individuals, it's because not enough people have gotten the vaccine in the first place. >> i'm curious, so much confusion, the guidelines were confusing when they first came out from the cdc. two questions that i think are important for the american people. one, i'd like you to talk us through the best types of mask. there was an op-ed last week saying the cloth masks are basically face decoration. give us insight on that. and a lot of people want to know, once you contracted this virus, are you immune from catching it again and what time period? the next three months? the next year? talk about both of those if you will. >> sure. on the topic of masks, obviously the best kind of mask is one that's pretty much ag airtight so an n95 mask that's not practical for most folks, especially children so at the least a surgical mask that surgeons wear in the hospital, a small size version of those would be best for children and adults, quite frankly, that are going back to the work place. and i missed your second question. >> the question of immunity, a lot of people want to know if you caught this virus, do you have immunity, are you immune from catching the virus again and if so, how long? three months? six months? a year? >> we think that it's three to six months. of course, it depends on when you were infected with covid and what strain. so if you were infected with covid over a year ago with the alpha strain you probably don't have any more protection than an unvaccinated individual at this point. but if you were sick with delta just two or three months ago you still have some built up immunity. it depends on the type of strain as well as when it happened. but what we also know is the most robust kind of immunity that one can have is one who got sick with covid and followed up with a vaccine. >> i want to follow-up with the ideas of immunity, in my non-doctor brain, it's like when you die in a video game and you come back, you're immune, nothing can touch you for two or three months. but the concern i have, when you are immune, does that mean you cannot spread covid to other people? i met folks saying, hey, i had it, so i can lick flagpoles shake hands and everything like that. you can't catch it but can you spread it in that immunity window? >> of course you can. that's how vaccinated people can spread it. when somebody coughs or breaths on you on and they have covid and you breathe it in, if you have been vaccinated or have built up immunity, the amount of virus in your system is less than somebody with no protection. but you can still spread it to someone else even if you only get a runny nose or slight cough or no symptoms you can still spread it to other people. because omicron is so much more contagious than other strains, that's what makes it particularly worrisome. >> this is a conversation we'll continue to have. doctor, thank you for joining us this morning on "the cross connection". we'll have to have you back. coming up next, it's a midterm election year, so the clock is ticking for things like getting voting rights done. can they do it? we'll talk about that on the other side. do it we'll talk about that on the other side 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. less than 48 hours from now, senators will be back on capitol hill, kicking off the first session of this year's new congressional calendar. now that it's officially 2022, that means it's officially a midterm year and the clock is ticking for senate democrats to pass federal voting rights reforms, build back better and anything that might convince voters to risk life and limb to stop the republican party from seizing power. joining me now adrienne espo, and chantel brown from ohio, a member on the committee from over sight and reform. and, of course, dr. jason johnson is still with me. congresswoman i'll start with you since you're the woman on the panel and newest member of the congress. you just got off your own campaign, so you have seen what it takes to do that g.o. tv game, get grass roots out there. with rampant voter suppression happening across the country, i'm curious your thoughts can the democrats hold the majority without passing legislation to protect voting rights in this country? >> thank you for having me, happy new year tiffany, and my colleague and dr. johnson. we need to talk about what's happening across america when we look at the bills that have been passed, i think there's 34 laws in 19 states restricting voting rights. we have to make sure we are doing everything in our power to stop that. so a coordinated campaign on these baseless accusations of voter fraud and election fraud just really needs to come to an end. protecting our voting rights is a constitutional thing. so we have to make sure that we are doing everything in our power to address that. so this isn't about party benefitting, one party benefitting more than the other, it's about protecting the rights of every american to be able to cast a ballot in a free and fair election. so that's what we need to be hyper focused on. >> congressman, i want to ask you about the role of president joe biden when it comes to these reforms. i want to play you some audio from him talking about what needs to happen in the senate and then get your thoughts on the other side. >> are you prepared to support fundamental changes in in the senate rules to get this done? >> yes. >> what does that mean? >> that means whatever it takes. change the senate rules to accommodate major piece of legislation without requiring 60 votes. >> so you support a carveout of the filibuster for voting rights? >> the only thing standing between getting voting rights legislation passed and not getting passed is the filibuster i support making an exception of voting rights for the filibuster. >> congressman, sometimes it feels like the house and senate are doing a group project where you guys are doing the work and the senate sits there at the end of class and tries to take the grade. when you see the president say i'm in favor of changing the legislation, i'm in favor of potential carveouts, whatever is necessary, what do you think the president is going to do differently in january of 2022 than he did last year when it comes to moving the senate on this legislation? >> well, this is crunch time. this is it. these are she unanimous begins happening all over the country, these are enacted by state legislatures across the country are put on steroid when you throw in the redistricting. the john lewis voting rights and advancement act addresses the issue, which was derailed during the shelby case. so texas and other states, have mutilated congressional lines and they will be in place potentially for a decade. so this is critical that we look into whether or not these states are engaging in packing and cracking, packing meaning that they'll pack all voters of a similar class to avoid them from having more than one representation, or cracking, which means they split them in half so no one gets a representative. i think it's important that we pass that legislation to prevent that from happening. these lines will remain for the next ten years. so this is critical. this is crunch time. >> yeah. and something else that's critical to pass to president biden's agenda and that's build back better. some of your colleagues have supported breaking the bill up, a piecemeal way and introducing them as individual bills. i'm curious your thoughts on that. in the upper chamber, it is joe manchin who's standing in the way of this legislation passing once again, if you were given an audience with joe manchin, what would you say to him to impress upon him to get out of the way of having these crucial pieces of legislation pass? >> first i think that he believes he's doing what's right for his constituents but i think the bigger picture as you pointed out is what's important for the american population as a whole. so many people are suffering and waiting for the build back better legislation to past. when you think about the child tax credit and expanding that, that put $435 on average in family households. so we have to talk about it in terms of how it helps families. when i think about my constituents in ohio's 11th district, 70,000 people have benefitted from the child tax credit. so we have to be able to find that common ground and focus the things that are beneficial to all of our constituents, whether they're in west virginia, ohio's 11th, arizona, or in new york. and i think that if i had the opportunity to share -- to speak to him, i would say let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. we don't want to take any of the options off the table, right, tiffany. we want to make sure every avenue to move the legislation forward is available to us. so because of that, i think again we have to focus on where we can find common ground but i'm not opposed to breaking it down so we can get more effective programming for a longer time and i think that's an approach that senator manchin and i both agree on. >> congresswoman, i want to ask you about this, and this is a key thing, when congressman brown talks about we want effective programming. one of the most important programs to my students at morgan state university and across the country is the sort of delaying of federal student loans and how people have been given additional time. it's now extended until may 1st, i know a lot of kids cheering, a lot of people happy, but may 1st is around the corner. what kind of new policies might we see in the coming new congress that can address the crushing debt that students and families are facing since we're still dealing with the pandemic economy? >> there's more student debt right now than credit card debt. for some time now. so i'm a proponent of eliminating the student debt. and the president does that with a stroke of the pen. let me go to the build back better. i believe very strongly that senator manchin has been back and forth on this. one thing is for him to engage in this rhetoric. another thing is for him to cast the vote on the floor of the senate and have to explain to the parents of 346,000 kids that are benefitting from the child tax credit, or have to explain to 94,000 children that will access daycare, many of those parents are paying 22% or more of their income. this daycare plan will keep them under 7%. so these are all critical things that we will ultimately have to explain to his constituents. i think we have an opportunity to build consensus. one thing is the rhetoric, but voting on the floor and telling people to their face i'm not with you on this important piece of legislation. it's totally different. >> you're absolutely right on that. congressman i want to stick with you, you are the first formerly undocumented immigrant to serve in congress. immigration this is such a huge deal. they have kicked this back twice now. will immigration see some action immediately in the first few months of congress this year? >> well, first, the senate parliamentary is a former immigration prosecutor. i thought she should have recused herself from that position. but she's already turned down three proposals we sent. the last one was a moderate one. it was simply a work permit for five years and an additional five years where we recapture 400,000 immigrant visas and strengthen benefits for green card holders. recovery and immigration are joined at the hip. we won't be able to recover as a country unless we have the labor force, that's the immigrant. it's been like that throughout history and it's not going to change now. we must include some immigration reform in the build back better. >> you're right, the senate parliamentary kicked it back three times. coming up next my favorite topics, sports. i have to explain what we're talking about to jason, but that's okay. covid has been a game changer in a lot of wrong ways, so where do we go from here? e we'll dig in after the break. o we go from here? e we'll dig in after the break um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. all right. i've been explaining a little bit about sports to my colleague, dr. jason johnson in the break. if you're ready for the nfl playoffs, an update. it's omicron versus everybody and the variant is winning. after a week of multiple college games getting cancelled. the utah utes and ohio state are facing off today in the annual rose bowl amidst the covid madness it's still too early to know how the nfl plans to proceed with the super bowl in february, especially after more than 500 players tested positive for the virus last month. joining me now is howard bryant, senior writer at, and author of "full disdense". so happy to have you with me this morning, howard. i'm joined by your friend, my nemesis, dr. jason johnson. >> greetings. >> greetings and happy new year to you. >> happy new year to you both. >> i was reading an article that said covid is giving some teams a competitive advantage because so many players tested positive for the variant. what's your take on that? is that accurate and is there anything the nfl can do to get ahead of the players testing positive? >> i think it's a mess. a total mess no matter how you look at it. you can look at it and say some teams are getting an advantage because you're not playing against full rosters. we'll have the conversation in terms of weather the games really reflected the best teams and for the last couple of years and also going forward. but also look at the minnesota vikings, they need this game tomorrow against the packers and there they go with their anti-vaxx quarterback, kirk cousins who's not going to be on field because he tested positive. i don't know if you know someone is getting an advantage as much as you look at it and say we're going to look back at this period as a period of no rules and we have to remember which teams had real rosters and which teams didn't. >> wow. >> howard, i want to continue with this because this is something you and i talked about in the past, my podcast, and something i scream about online. when i look at the nfl, it's not just a sport to me it's a labor issue. the nfl announces two weeks ago, even though these players are millionaires and make billions of dollars for us, we're not going to test unless somebody is symptomatic. doing away with testing throughout the teams and we see the cdc under pressure from the business sector saying you can quarantine for five days instead of ten days. from a labor standpoint, how is covid affecting the relationship between the teams' union and the owners of the team? >> jason, it's enormous. the reason it's enormous is because, number one, we've talked about this with sports for decades. whenever there's been a national crisis we use sports to keep everybody calm, give you a sense of normalcy. sports has dropped the ball on the pandemic. sports has not covered itself in any glory whatsoever. they decided months into 2020 that the show is going to go on and that's the bottom line here. even in the nhl you see some games getting cancelled. but basketball and football it's game time, go time, they're not changing that. the other problem is the unions don't have consensus with their membership. it's a conservative sport like baseball. >> i have a question. kyrie irving. first of all i'm exhausted with the unvaccinated, the intentionally unvaccinated. kyrie irving is in that category. he says that he did not understand the consequences. take a listen and let's talk about it. >> i knew the consequences. i wasn't prepared for them, by no stretch of imagination, coming into the season i had my thought process on being able to be a full teammate and a -- a full-time teammate and just go out and have fun and provide, you know, a sense of a great brand of basketball out there. unfortunately it didn't happen like that. things happen for a reason. and now we're here and i'm just grateful for this. >> this is so wild to me. one, new york has a vaccine mandate, obviously, and two w kd, kevin durant, jason, he's immunocompromised. so these two playing together seems like it would be a conflict. what's your thoughts? >> they came in to play together. tiffany it has to be difficult for you to carry jason on these segments. >> it's exhausting. it's exhausting. >> i mean, it's got to be really difficult because this whole thing. this brooklyn nets super team was created by kyrie irving with kevin durant and james harden going we came here for you. now we get to january and we're not sure because it's the wild west in basketball as well. maybe kyrie irving wins because he's going to be the on the court. so once again, all of this as it plays out, the nba has decided we're going to wing it. i'm waiting for larry bird and kareem to get ten-day contracts. >> howard, when you were talking about within the sports sometimes there was a conflict. i'm wondering have players begun to come aware how catching covid can affect them -- >> no. >> they're not? >> even though you have players like the boston red sox, rodriguez two seasons ago got myocarditis. you're a professional athlete and now you have heart problems. the argument with players is we are the best conditioned people in the world. they're following whatever they're going to be the ones who get through this. and so, that's going to be another story over the years when we find out how many of these athletes have suffered from the effects of covid and playing through this, and once again, there's a different between effect and damage. we're feeling the effect right now. but the damage of this is going to be an ongoing story for the rest of our life. >> you're right. i still have questions so don't go anywhere howard, we'll continue our discussion after the break. , we'll continue our discussion after the break. gordan ramsey this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide. will you? 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how will covid impact these gatherings from a player perspective, from the staff perspective, and from the participants who are there as spectators? >> well, if the games last night -- the college football playoffs are any understood -- indication, people are going to the games. this reminds me after 9/11 living in new york, no one wanted to go down to ground zero area because the air quality was so bad but i had friends and people who were like we can get in to nobu now, there's nobody down here. you're seeing the same thing happen. i can get super bowl tickets. i can get access to these games that i could have never gotten before. and look, the stadiums are full. they're full. people, i would guarantee you if i asked a bunch of, you know, really science heavy people who are huge sports fans, would you go to the super bowl at a discounted ticket or just to have access, they'd say access yes. as for the teams, i think the teams are going to have to be really, really good on this. we know there's going to be at least one guy who was out partying, out where they shouldn't have been, and maybe cost their team a chance to win. somebody is going to end up not on the field during this because it seems this omicron spike is still going to be with us in late january/early february, come super bowl time. so you have to watch out for this. i can't imagine not having -- both super bowl teams are going to have full rosters. >> i feel like i already know the answer to this question, but i have to ask. given everybody is pushing through, there's not going to be delays to the winter olympics in beijing, are there? >> the argument isn't going to be there. nhl players aren't going, but, once again, the key here is going to be, one, they decided to soldier on before. i think they're going to do it now. i think the only gap is going to be testing protocols against what the united states feels is an appropriate testing protocol against what the chinese are saying. so it'll be interesting to see who gets prevented from playing. but the one thing that we know is that they are not going to stop. they're going to adjust as like with everything else. there's not going to be stoppage, i don't think. >> i'll follow up on that, howard. as you know, the united states is having somewhat of a dignitary boycott. the athletes are going, but the united states is not sending a government delegation. i'm curious, does that, you know, impact the games at all? i would think not. the athletes trained for this their entire lives. and when it comes to covid, you know, china is not necessarily known for respecting people's privacy. and so here, we tend to rely on the honor's system, and you have the fake vax cards in the nba and the nhl. i'm curious what you think will happen in china. >> well, i think the first thing is that the situation in china, i don't know if it is cruel or not, but after peng shuai said she is safe and okay -- though no one seemed to believe that. i don't know what it's done to relations. there's no change in policy. but the athletes themselves are in a spot where they don't want to get caught in the middle. they're there to perform, and they're trying to avoid the other political stuff. i wonder if now that the peng shuai case has sort of cooled, if that is a cloud that they don't have to worry about anymore. >> yeah. it's good to hear from her, but still a lot of questions surrounding her disappearance. >> right. >> so we'll keep our eye on that story as well. howard, i hope you don't make a lot of plans on saturday mornings because i will be inviting you back all the time. it was a delight to have you on the show this morning. thanks so much for walking us through all the sports headlines. jason johnson is sticking with me through the next hour. coming, up, we'll honor the legendary betty white who passed away at the age of 99. plus, we mark one year since the january 6th attack on the capitol. all of this and much more on "the cross connection" next. nse, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. clerk: hello, how can i? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. ♪♪ welcome back to "the cross connection," everybody. betty white, an american tv icon, died yesterday just a couple of weeks before her 100th birthday. her storied career includes iconic roles in the "mary tyler moore show" and the "golden girls," of course. she bragged the title of the oldest "saturday night live" host at the tender age of 88. she's been a fixture in american television for 70 years and a staunch animal welfare activist. 2021, we're so over you. don't let the door hit you on the way out. joining me is co-host of "the break dances withwolves" podcast. and returning with us, brenda gonzalez, co-founder and co-host of the latin-x empowering podcast. jason is sticking around with me as well. "the golden girls" was life for me. i remember so many of the episodes. i was telling jason, i want to live the life that when you die at 99, people are devastated, sad, and saying, "too soon. we're not ready. kwtsz. >> tiffany, happy new year to you. yes, we're celebrating the lady, the legend. thank you for being a friend, betty white. i don't know about you, i'm currently resisting the urge to have cheesecake for breakfast in her memory. she left here showing how much she was going to be missed because she was beloved by so many people who let her know it, particularly in the final years of her life. what are you talking about? i saw some of y'all tweeting about losing a piece of your childhood. i lost a piece of my adulthood! marathon on tvland. she was an animal lover, a friend to us, animals of all kind. she had dogs regularly in "golden girls" episodes. think about it, just a testament to her popularity. how else do you know could have put oakpark, illinois, minnesota, and cleveland on the map, right? she was also just insanely talented. do you know how smart you have to be to pull off the dumb, white, blond, midwestern routine she flawlessly executed every episode? now, that's genius. >> i completely agree with you. what about you, were you a fan? >> patriot, washington state, 1989. my grandmother and my grandfather, who worked days, so he got off work about 4:00 in the afternoon. we'd sit up on saturday night, and our saturday night turn-up was "amen," "227," "golden girls." that was our important bonding time between grandparents and grandson, who wasn't with each of his parents. that was an important time. shoutout to deacon frye. i look at betty white. she has an iconic, powerful life. she also did important civil rights work. she brought people onto her show when it was civically improper to bring black folks on her show. i believe there was consequences attached to that. so rest in peace to this legend. i believe that her energy is something that even people who were cynical about the united states and its reflections upon white nostalgia, we look back at that and say, "hey, if they were like betty white, we could get behind this." this is something that is kind. this is something that really, really has a conscience and has a heart for inclusiveness. so, you know, i definitely mourn the loss. she had an amazing, long life. she lived two lives. i'm glad she had this long with us, and i believe there was a part of america -- i'll go as far as to say this -- i believe there was a part of america's civility and kindness that died yesterday. >> well, thinking of america dying, unfortunately, i have to ask you, have you had a chance to see "don't look up"? it's the sort of trending netflix movie about an impending crisis of a gigantic comet coming to hit the united states, coming to destroy the planet and our failure to handle it properly. did you have a chance to see it, and what were your thoughts ending on 2021? >> brenda, to give you some context, and our viewers context, way too many people have become comfortable with turning a blind eye to the truth, whether we're talking about covid or climate change. this moie was a little too on the nose, almost like a documentary. let's look at this clip, then we can talk about. >> there is a comet headed directly toward earth. >> what happens, a tidal wave? >> it'll be far more catastrophic. there will be mile high tsunamis. >> how certain is this? >> 100% certainty of impact. >> please, don't say 100%. >> can we call it a potentially significant event? >> it isn't potentially going to happen. >> at this very moment, i say we sit tight and assess. >> sit tight and assess. >> sit tight and assess? >> you want us to sit tight -- >> and then assess. >> sit tight, assess. brenda, what did you think of this bipartisan just securing satire/horrifying documentary of a film? >> unpopular opinion, i thought that this movie was terrible. >> oh, my. >> i thought the movie was absolutely awful. look, i like the message. i know what they're going for. i agree with the message, what they're calling out. i just think it was executed so poorly. this is a too long "snl" skit. this is a terrible movie. i thought it was garbage, to be honest. >> wow. >> i love the contrarian opinion. >> of course. i have to say, i really enjoyed this movie. erin, you and i were texting about it. it is frightening to watch. i think it is true. there is apathy in the country, and for those of us who wake up and read eight papers every morning, most people are not doing that. so the way they punctuate it throughout this film, the indifference of some people. not you guys watching us right now. folks who watch msnbc, i think, have a little more intellectual curiosity, but not everyone does. sometimes people are focused on their immediate lives. i think that's what you saw in this film. erin, i know you have a different take than brenda. >> brenda, you speak your truth. my mom didn't love it either. so, you know, you're not loving it, i get it. i definitely agree with you that it was a tad too long. if you like this, i'll also recommend -- this is a shoutout for my niece who recommended "death for 2021" which is on net lix. >> netflix. >> it is an entertaining take on the events of the last year. what was frightening was the bad wig that the doctor had on. but, like, i did watch "don't look up." i loved it. look, the last several years have often felt stranger than fiction. why not have our imitating life, right? i feel we're at the point in our country where anything can be weaponized or exploited for political purposes. science is under attack. the destructive comment of misinformation and, oh, by the way, climate change is hurtling toward this planet. it is look for us all to look up, at least from our phones, and pay attention to what's happening in our democracy and society, when we begin to frame conversations around education, health care, immigration, or voting rights, in terms of, you know, what's the ask or when are the midterms, right? >> right. >> yeah, you know, sit back and assess is not an acceptable answer to any of these problems because most of us aren't going to be able to board a big ship to leave this place after we ruin it. you know, who knows what is wait on the other side anyway. i'm not going to spoil the end for anybody who has not yet seen this. but, you know, we might as well try to save what we've got. you know, tiffany, what i was really thinking about, and i wonder what you make of this, i mean, what would you do if you knew the world was ending, despite your best efforts to prevent it? i watched this movie and found myself thinking, maybe i need to put an apocalypse ribeye in the freezer or something. >> do we have that trend, apocalypse ribeye from erin. >> i don't want to be without that when the times come. >> i wouldn't want to be sober if the world were ending. i'd be uptight and nervous. i would eat whatever i wanted. to go along with the apocalypse ribeye, i have a "golden girls" cheesecake with you. we'd toast and walk off into oblivion. that's how i'd close out the new year. i think jason has a question, gyasi. >> i ended part of my year watching "death of 2021." i thought it was funny, the way people were recognizing -- in particular, the way harper was the evil sort of black version of facebook director. "ending 2021," was there any pop culture, gyasi, that you were like, this encapsulates a year, this movie, tv show, something you caught near the end of the year that encapsulated 2021 for you? >> you know, i thought that, you know, again, rip to betty white, but there were some losses that were closer to my heart personally and to my growth as a human being. specifically, greg tate, bell hooks, specifically virgil abloh, desmond tutu, and those seem to cuminate at the end, as a chronological fact. that was painful. i think we had a false sense of hope, that this was going to be a more hopeful year, 2021 than 2020, and then it saved all of those body punches, those uppercuts and hooks to the gut until the end for people who follow that part of culture. when i'm talking about that part of culture, melanated culture specifically. the biggest losses happened at the very end of the year. >> that is a really good point. i think that's why we were ready to say, yeah, get on, 2021: we're ready for 2022. which brings us to new year's day. there are a lot of traditions out there, for black-eyed peas to wearing red underwear in italy. people around the world are ushering in the new year with a variety of traditions. what is your tradition? even if it is, you know, not your cultural tradition, it could be what happens in your house. i know a lot of black households, you eat black-eyed peas on new year's day. erin, i was going to ask, did you have a black pea stew? there wasn't a black-eyed pea. i looked. >> if you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. you deserve, you know, whatever it is that is left that you are trying to cobble together for your new year's alphabet. good luck to you. also, kale does not count for collards greens. yeah, look, i got in not too late last night, but before i turned in, i started soaking my black-eyed peas. i'm a southern black woman, raised by a southern black woman, meaning, yeah, there will be black-eyed peas and collard greens. cdc says something about this guaranteeing wealth and prosperity in the new year, i think. i need to wrap this up so i can get the stove going. i'm not going to be broke in 2022. >> brenda, do you have any major, consistent traditions you do to start off the new year? is there a food that you have? do you buy a brand-new gym membership every single year? what are your new year's traditions you want to keep to this year? >> well, i had intentions of going to bed early. i didn't succeed. i had to wake up early. i'm in los angeles. i'm doing my tradition now. these are my 12 grapes. i have to eat one for every month. if i have a sour grape, it means it'll be a sour month. i thank colonization for that, because it comes from spain. i'm mexican, and it is something we do every year. i wore my blue underwear with green trim. blue calls in wellness and health. green because i need to make some money in 2022. >> well, i hope you have no sour grapes, brenda. good job on the green. i will not disclose what color i am wearing under these clothes. gyasi, what about you? what's your new year's tradition? >> so many native cultures celebrate the new year at the solstice. so from the solstice to around now, when, you know, conventionally the roman calendar recognizes new year, i consider that a holy time, a sacred time of family, sacred time of setting my resolutions, my affirmations, and, you know, my focuses for the next year. and i'm old school. a lot of people take a great deal of pride in saying, "i don't do resolutions. i have a resolution not to set resolutions," and stuff like that. i respect that. that's cool. but i do actually set resolutions of focus for the new year, then i go over it publicly with my family. so, specifically, i was in large part raised without my father. so i set a goal of specific time, specific attention, specific, unconditional love that i'm going to show to each of my children. that we're going to, with my oldest daughter who is 10 years old and loves running, we'll hit the track together. i hate running, tiffany. i don't like any place near the track. but this is sacred, special time, so i have to set the resolution and the focus that we're going to do that. my son who loves basketball, we're going to go and i'll chase around basketballs for you. i'm going to put my ego to the side, not be the old guy out there playing basketball with four knee braces on. instead, i'm going to defer to you and let you have this time. so it's a time of resolution, and it is a time of humility, i hope, that allows me to be a better father in the new year. >> i love that, gyasi. that is so wonderful. you guys are all so great. the new new year tradition should be all of us doing this panel every new year. this was so awesome. thanks so the panel and having this great exchange. great cultural exchange and a great exchange in general. and, yes, we are looking to see apocalypse ribeye is not trending yet, but we'll check again. erin? >> vision board and sage, you know, he was manifesting over there. i want to see more of what the manifestation ceremony looked like that jason was doing. tiffany, maybe next year you'll stay up until midnight. like jason, i had two of my little friends ringing in 2021, watching "moana." we were manifesting as well. aj and aiden. that was my new year's with the family here in philadelphia. my chosen family. yeah, we were eating, drinking, and being merry. this virus doesn't observe holidays, everybody, so we have to resolve to stay safe and healthy in 2022. >> that's right. thank you so much, erin. jason and i will be back after the break. thank you, again, to gyasi, brenda, and, of course, you'll see erin later in the hour. coming up, we are going to have a conversation about democrats holding slim majorities in both chambers. can they hold it? that's coming up next. stay tuned. keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind ♪♪ built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. finally, it is officially 2022, meaning midterms are in full swing and the odds are not with the democrats to maintain the majority on capitol hill, as gop-led voter suppression ravage ravages the country and republicans are redrawing maps in key states. now, they only need to flip five seats to seize control of the house. meanwhile, just one loss in the senate would sink democrats' razor thin majority in the upper chamber. joining me now, political analyst fernand and stephanie james, and, of course, dr. jason johnson is still with us. fernand, happy new year. i have a question for you, but i want to say happy new year, my friend. >> happy new year to you, tiffany. a lot chee little cheers to rin new year early on this saturday morning. >> cheers. >> also to everyone on the panel and watching at home. happy new year. >> thank you, i appreciate that. steph, sorry, you're the only one without a cocktail this morning. >> which is shocking. >> we'll have to remedy that. i have a question that is blowing my mind, my friend. how on earth is herschel walker running neck-and-neck with raphael warnock? let's revisit what we know about mr. walker. he's threatened the life of his ex-wife. she said that story. he's talked about having multiple personalities. he is inept when it comes to holding any kind of office, when it comes to politics. his only thing he has going for him is an endorsement from donald trump. sadly, that may work in some parts of red pockets in georgia. mitch mcconnell totally bought into this because he endorsed him. tell me that there is a pathway to block this man from kicking raphael warnock out of the senate. >> well, i don't want to start 2022 in doomsday mode, tiffany, but the truth of the matter is, it is a very difficult environment. i think the answer to your question, how is herschel walker running neck-and-neck could be answered with another question. how did donald trump get elected president? how is marjorie taylor greene a member of congress? with all the scandals both of them had. the truth of the matter, there is an autocratic part of the republican party, facts don't matter, biography doesn't matter, and what used to be disqualifiable behavior is no longer disqualifiable. for some of them, it is a mandate. it is part of why they want to support these folks. but, as i said, right now, these states and all of these races are going to take place across the country. where the majority is at hand for the democrats is tied directly to the performance of president biden at the national level. all of these races have been nationalized. the reason i think it's close in georgia and some of the other states, even arizona, is because president biden's approval rating now has sunk to some of the lowest points its been at his presidency. unless he can rise that approval rating and start to show and convince the american people of the really strong work that the biden administration has done, transformational work in this past year, it is going to be very difficult to hold the congress. that presents a very difficult situation for our democracy. >> stephanie, one of the most important things that anybody has to remember for the polls in 2022 is everything around me. collective money. how are democrats looking in the fundraising that they're going to need to be successful in 2022? how is warnock doing at raising money? how is val demings doing? how are people doing to raise money to fight off what is going to be a massive gop onslaught, both on television and online? >> well, i can tell you, jason, i love the picture of the map. it shows that there's a lot of strength that democrats still have to win a number of these senate seats. four of those states, specifically, we have black candidates who are not only polling well, who are campaigning well, but they are raising money. raphael warnock, the last time he reported his numbers, he was way ahead when it came to his fundraising numbers from before. you look at wisconsin. you have val demings. you have beasley in north carolina. they're all extremely qualified and ready candidates, and they're raising the money. that's a testament to they're talking about the issue. i agree, you know, it is difficult when you have the biden administration struggling in so many parts of the country and how they're being able to relate and talk about their accomplishments. while these are nationalized races, these candidates are hitting the ground and going door-to-door already. they're on the news. they are making sure they are talking to voters directly about what's happening in their states. that's what's going to make the difference. these folks on the ground know what these candidates want to do for their specific state and how they're going to represent the u.s. senate. >> yeah. and, you know, what's at stake if democrats lose control of congress. stephanie, i want to point out the work and your husband, quinton, do, which is crucially important. the donor class is specifically white and male, and it determines who is considered viable candidates. there are no black women in the senate currently, which brings me to you, fernand. tell me val demings will be senator, especially given things happening in florida right now. what are her chances looking like? >> tiffany, i never lie to you or the viewers. as much as i'd personally like her to defeat who i think is the least respected and maybe one of the worst members of the senate in marco rubio, again, she's going to have a difficult time because florida is now the state that you might call maga state. this is the front lines for the trump movement with ron desantis here. it is a state the republicans control completely. good news for republicans in florida is, without a doubt, val demings is the best possible candidate they could have run against marco rubio. she is an extraordinarily talented, chiasmatic, and accomplished congresswoman, also a former police chief. her credentials are sterling. again, if the democratic party are going to try to defeat marco rubio in florida, they need to do a better job engaging. there is some concern that national democrats have abandoned florida, and they're look at other states, states perhaps like virginia, to keep the control of the congress. we need to see, i think, a great er sense of an investment here if val demings is going to be helped to push over top. is she the best candidate the democrats could have put up? no question. >> stephanie, you're in ohio, a state democrats say has been abandoned. it's red. used to be purple, one way or the other. you're having a sit-down with joe biden, theoretically. what are the two things you think he needs to make sure he has accomplished by june of 2022 in order to raise the numbers so he is not sort of an albatross on the necks of democrats who will be running this fall? >> i think there's two things. one is in the political realm, and i think it is really important. we have to do some work when it comes to voting rights. we need to pass this bill. we need work on criminal justice reform. these are ideas congress doesn't seem to want to move on. joe biden needs to do all he can to make sure we get some forward movement and, specifically, people of color, black people, young people, feel as though this administration is listening to their cries of, we need to have progress these issues. val demings has to raise at least $100 million just to be successful in this race. that is a whole lot of money that none of us have sitting around. so we need to make sure that joe biden, as well as all these democratic strategists and democratic donors, understand, these candidates need money early and often. we can talk about the issues all day, but if candidates can't connect to voters, what's the point? >> stephanie, you'll definitely have to come back. fernand, you'll join us a little later. steph, give my love to your husband and the gorgeous boys. >> i will. >> thank you. coming up, new year is a new phase in the fight to hold the january 6th ringleaders accountable. we'll talk about that after the break. the break. ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. ♪ ♪ emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. we have to have peace. we love you. go home. you're special. you see what happens. you see how others are evil. i know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace. >> those were the words donald trump spoke to the violent insurrectionists that committed what is often called one of the worst attacks on our democracy since the civil war. next week marks the one-year anniversary of the day that ended with the deaths of five people. congressional democrats are commemorating the anniversary with a series of events reflecting on what happened that day. while donald trump says he will hold a news conference live from florida. meanwhile, the select committee is prepping for public hearings, but will the committee's work lead to trump or someone from trump's inner circle actually catching the case? i want to bring in lucy caldwell, former campaign manager. lucy, you're the greatest fo getting up on new year's day to join us on this panel. happy new year, my friend. listen to some of the republicans on capitol hill and their take on what happened that day. my apologies to our viewers and our panel for having you sit through this, but i think it is really important to hear how they view what happened that day. from my producers, this is element two. >> i knew those are people who love this country, that truly respect law enforcement. would never do anything to break a law. >> didn't know the footage was a video from january the 6th, you'd actually think it was a normal tourist visit. >> the question of whether or not the fbi animated some of the criminal conduct is one that is far more grave. >> they're going to dress up in red maga trump gear to blend in. >> harassing across the country. >> they're trying to make an example. >> the people who breached the capitol on january 6th are being abused. >> we have in this city political prisoners held hostage by their own government. >> i mean, it's quite baffling to see. so my question, lucy, is holding these hearings publicly, will that really have an impact on particularly folks in the republican party who have completely aligned themselves, not just the members but the voters who attached themselves to trumpism? >> you know, donald trump in announcing that he is going to hold this january 6th press conference at mar-a-lago said something that is actually really true. as he trashed the committee, he said, but the good news is that we have fewer and fewer rhinos like adam kinzinger, like liz cheney, in the party, and we're replacing them with proud patriots. what he means is our best indication of what is happening, that you have normal, sane people fleeing the republican party, and republicans are just now drinking the trump kool-aid. this is made worse for the general population by the fact -- and i'm sorry this is going to be harsh to congressional democrats. but when the choir around hearings is not matched by congressional action. as stephanie said last hour or last segment, if it is, you know, huge, huge threat to democracy which we know it is and which the january 6th anniversary indicates, then where is the action on voting rights? where is modernizing the electoral map? i don't think this will have an impact on republicans, let alone voters as a whole, if we don't start to see simultaneous congressional action with the hearings, as we kind of bring out the record. >> lucy, you are bringing up an excellent point about urgency, about passion, about fear, that i have been screaming about all year. i think at this point, in congress what we have is a situation where you have so many republicans who are potentially directly or indirectly connected to january 6th. we've heard speculation throughout the year there may have beenemails from staffers. members of congress gave tours. what does it mean if we get past january 6th or further, and no members of congress or their staff members are put on? it seems democrats seem perfectly happy to go back to work with someone who might have been a mass shooter a year ago. >> democrats are basically going out on the track in running shoes, and republicans are dealing with motorcycles in this race. it's not even just they're going on the track without blocks and spikes. that's a little track reference for you. but, in general, as long as democrats are afraid to really meet the moment, and they're doing this in the worst possible way. i would say this is like an analogy would be something like, you go on a diet. you are really suffering and eating nothing but, like, watercresses and celery. every friday night, you eat butter out of the fridge, right? why are you putting yourself through that? that's what democrats in congress are doing. they're enduring all of the pain of sticking their necks out for democracy, and they're not getting the corresponding gain. again, i cannot reiterate this enough. if this is urgent, then we should be seeing the subsequent, simultaneous action. >> yeah. first of all, if you saw me eating the butter out of my refrigeraor last night, it was because it was new year's eve and it was my last bad action for the year. >> i had pizza. >> good. we're in it together. more importantly, i want you to take a listen to this voice mail that was sent to congresswoman debbie dingell, and then i have a question about it on the other side. >> you old senile [ bleep ]. you're as old and ugly as biden. you ought to get the [ bleep ] off the planet. you [ bleep ] foul. they should try you for treason. you and every one of you scumbag friends. i hope your family dies in front of you. i pray to god if you have children, they die in your face. >> these are the people who vote for republican candidates. do you think, in this year, in 2022, that these folks will accept an election outcome again that they don't like? i just want to footnote that with, there was reporting out this year from three-star generals who are warning against another potential coup that could happen in 2024. what's your take? >> i mean, there was also polling out this week that only one in five republicans now believe that joe biden probably or definitely won the election. this just goes to show that there has to be more done than simply holding hearings. i love hearings. i support them. i think they will be super important in the long-term record. i hope it is taught every year in high school civics courses. but what we also hope will be caught in high school civics courses is how did members of congress meet the moment to head off these future threats. the truth is, while democrats are not doing anything, republicans are. and i know i'm going to get flak for being that harsh, but republicans are busy implementing steve bannon's precinct strategy, where they are installing friendly people at every single level of government. >> you're right. >> democrats are not prepared. >> you're absolutely right, lucy. we could talk about this the rest of the show. this is a conversation for more time than is allotted. but that's okay. you're on all the time, and you'll be back and we'll continue with the important conversations. thank you, lucy. happy new year to you. i'm excited for this next segment. perhaps some of you need it. hangover remedies. those who got a little too lit last night, keep it right here. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. unleash the freshness... ♪♪ still fresh ♪♪ in wash-scent booster ♪♪ downy unstopables if you were popping bottles last night, hopefully you're not hugging porcelain this morning. help is on the way though. with advice on how to help the hangover and maybe prevent it next time, we have jennifer with us. happy to have you. my colleague jason johnson doesn't drink, but since i occasionally have a cocktail, curious your thoughts for the folks who had too much last night. what is something they can do to not have the pounding headache or the porcelain face shield? >> well, if you are waking up with a hangover today, there are a few things you can do to actually feel better. first, you want to drink lots of water to replenish your electrolytes. alcohol is diuretic which depletes electrolytes. focus on hydration by drinking plenty of water. plain water, sparkling water, herbal teas. second, have a well-balanced breakfast. a vegetable omelet with whole grain toasts and fruit will help you replenish the minerals and electrolytes and also balance your blood sugar. balancing your blood sugar is important to remember as some of the hangover symptoms are due to low blood sugar. i also recommend taking a b complex supplement after a night of drinking. and the reason for that is because alcohol both interferes with the absorption of b vitamins and depletes them from your system. last but not least, get plenty of rest. drinking heavily reduces your rem sleep. rather than trying to sweat off alcohol with a high-intensity exercise today, go for a long walk. stretch. do yoga. if you can, take a nap. try to go to bed early tonight. >> i don't know how many hung over people will be doing yoga or going for a walk, jason. we'll see. we're running out of time. not everybody drinks. some partake in other things that are legal in different states across the country. so, you know, for those who really did, like, maybe took an edible last night or smoked a little too much. not this but this. what is something they can do? because that feeling where you're trying to come down, i don't know about it but i read about it for research for this segment, the feeling when you're trying to come down, what can you do? >> so a weed hangover can actually exhibit similar symptoms as alcohol hangover. fatigue, brain fog, headaches, nausea. you are more likely to experience a weed hangover from edibles. weed doesn't dehydrate you, but drinking plenty of water, eating a nutritiously balanced meal with protein, fiber, and lots of plant-based fat is a good way to start pulling off the hangover haze. >> all right. thank you, jennifer meng. again, jason, are you doing yoga later today? >> i'll be downward dogging and everything, yeah. the whole thing. >> i think after this show, i might crawl back into bed. thank you so much for all those really helpful tips, jennifer. you'll have to get back on the show soon. coming up, who has next for 2022? my panel will peer into their crystal balls. you don't want to miss it. stay tuned. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ alright. y'all know when they say your home is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. [woof] i'm telling y'all there's no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. ooh! i want that. it's a new year, so that calls for a fresh start. here we are to give our predictions for who could possibly hold the spotlight in 2022 for who got next. joining me now is my mega panel. erin hanes. the g.o.a.t. is back with us. democratic pollster. and my friend, of course, fernand. and brad jenkins is joining the panel. of course, dr. jason johnson is still here. i'm really excited to hear who you guys think will hold the spotlight. fernand, we'll start with you. >> well, i'm not talking so much about a who but a what. if i were president biden, i would focus on one thing now in 2022. it's been touched on on this program, and i know sometimes it's in this trumpian environment, a lot of the rhetoric on cable news since sounds overheated, tiffany, but if voting rights is not passed, i am of the belief, unfortunately, we could be saying good-bye to our democracy if the democrats don't pass a voting rights bill. i honestly think, sadly, because the bbb, build back better bill, was not passed last year, i think if you have a choice, if you're president biden and you have a choice, where to invest your political capital, i wouldn't put it in bbb anymore. i would focus on voting rights. because if we don't protect the systems that save democracy, we're unilaterally disarming in front of a republican party that made very clear, they no loner believe in democracy and won't accept an outcome where the democrats, quote, win. >> i think you're completely right. it'll be a sugar honey iced tea show this year if we don't protect voting rights. i hope the administration and congress is listening to you. because we cannot sacrifice voting rights for a filibuster for crying out loud. brad jenkins, i hope you have something to give us a happier note. that gets my blood boiling. brad, who will hold the spotlight in 2022? >> first off, i cannot agree more, 100%. put the pressure on for voting rights. my who's got next is the asian-american community, my community. we went through a tumultuous year. it was equally heartbreaking and inspiring. the record levels of hate and violence that our community went through. the stop asian hate movement was something that we had never seen before. but right going to channel this energy, this unprecedented inspiring energy into political action. asian americans voted at the highest rates they ever voted before in 2020. they were the key electorate in many states like georgia and, look, our community is better resourced, better organized, they're coming together. i want to give a shoutout to the aapi victory fund which just got a huge announcement with collect a pack and the latino victory fund, and latino pac ensuring we're turning out communities of color. last thing, i have to give a huge shoutout to boston mayor michelle wu. there are so many young asian american leaders who believe that they can run and that they can win, tiffany, they can win in states and cities like boston and cincinnati. my next, asian american community. we got next. >> i think you are right on target. the aapi community is the fastest growing segment in this society. we talk many times on this show how this constituency is overlooked but many districts where the aapi, i mean, they will impact the federal government, the voting bloc is hugely important. i think you're definitely right on target there and look at your screens right now for those of you at home. this is the rising majority of this country. this is what this country will look like by 2044. so that was definitely on target. and let's disaggregate the data, brad. when we talk about aapis, i think that will be a huge difference. this is the fred hampton approach. building coalition and allies that we exercise and expand our political power. aaron, we are still waiting on a trend that so many people are tweeting about. i hope apocalypse is not your what when it comes to who got next. >> that is not my what but just to echo, absolutely, what fernand said. i work for a newsroom made for the 19th amendment. voting rights is absolutely a women's rights issue and i have been and continue to be going into 2022, something for me to look forward to in 2022 personally and for those of you not just following me on twitter looking for an apocalypse. i'll take a cue from jason and manifest this. very much looking forward to the peppa pig theme park opening in florida. we'll start with that. but just to stick with, we think the future is absolutely female in a big way at the 19th. first, the xiomara will be their first woman president. you have more than 20 women leaders of countries around the globe last year, but only 22 countries out of 193 have had a woman leader according to the council of foreign relations. by the way, we still haven't had one in this country, but i digress. and one more in terms of who should, i'll say harriet tubman on the $20 bill. what happened with that? that was something president biden promised to put back on the agenda and look, if jeff bezos and richard branson and william shatner can touch space, surely kick get tubman on the 20 before he leaves office. promised black people on the u.s. currency, that has never happened and no women on a bill in my lifetime. i would like to see that before i turn 99. >> i need tubmans in my pockets and the $20 bill, i agree. really tight on time. so you and i have to split our time. i'll give you, what's your who got next? >> who got next for 2022 is african american bioafrican medsis. when we talk about racism, gun violence and the impact on black people, we stand on the shoulders of men and women who study this quietly digging through the paperwork and documentation. one of the best voices passed yesterday. dr. carlton haywood. he was part of the ebony 100. one of the most brilliant minds when it comes to discussing biomedical ethics and he passed, due to sickle cell, that affects 200,000 americans every single year. brilliant, he loved comic books, loved by his family, and he was my best friend. and i hope that all the people doing the kind of work that makes aware of the danger to provide to black people will continue and the pathways and steps he laid out through the career. >> devastating and we're so honored to honor him on this cross connection this morning. terribly sorry. our hearts and thoughts go out to his family this morning. what a devastating loss, and definitely our condolences to you, jason. ly say, the cross connection is next. thank you so much to the tale that goes on this week after week. we help us trend most saturdays and be the highest weekend rated show on this network and i cannot thank you enough. we interact with you routinely on social media and i love connecting with our viewers. you make it easy and give us space to do what we want to do and the journey in this country. thank you for co-piloting with me on what must be such a difficult day for you. so thank you so much. coming up tomorrow, new mayor of city eric adams sworn in after midnight will join my friend on the sunday show. that's tomorrow right here on msnbc. we'll be right back. w right her msnbc. we'll beig rht back. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at thank you, everybody, for watching at home. that's the cross connection for this morning. time flies when you're trending. thank you all on twitter. we see you. i'll be back next saturday but stay tuned because joe fryer in for alex. happy through year. >> great show to kick off 2022. good to see you. >> thank you, you too. good day and happy new year. high noon in the east. 9:00 in the west. i'm joe fryer. we begin with a live look at times square new york where rain and gloom mark this first day of 2022. but overnight, it was the scene of a new year's eve celebration. one of many altered by a rise in coronavirus cases. msnbc's anne thompson in times square with a look at how the world welcomed 2022 and happy new year. >> happy new year

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Don T Have Consensus , Football , Baseball , Consequences , Kyrie Irving , Listen , Unvaccinated , Category , Season , Teammate , Stretch , Thought Process , Imagination , Brand , Playing , He S Immunocompromised , Vaccine Mandate , Kevin Durant , Conflict , Segments , Brooklyn Nets Super Team , James Harden , Wing It , Court , Nba , Wins , Has , Wild West , Larry Bird , Contracts , Athlete , Seasons , Myocarditis , Boston Red Sox , Heart Problems , Argument , Following , Ones , Athletes , Damage , Effect , Effects , Discussion , Rest , Cold , Call , Tide , Jerseys , Gordan Ramsey , Mission Control , Launch , Fine , Liberty Mutual , Superpowers , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Liberty , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Owner , Window , Hand Gestures , Pay , Theaters , Sneaker , December 17th , Kombucha Brewer , 17 , Voice , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture Maker , Furniture , Business Finances , Lost , Muscle Health , Staff , Business , Business Stands , Success Starts , 20 , 16 , High Protein , Narrator , Immune Support , Boost , Places , Conditions , Outcast , Darkness , Shame , Little Light Of Mine , Surgery , Child , Love , Pain , Act , Thousands , Operationsmile Org , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Makers , Habit , Waiting , Nyquil , Nba All Star And The Super Bowl , Welcome Back , All Star , Parties , Bubble , Clubs , Road , Protocols , Honor System , Cards , Stadium , Participants , Player Perspective , Perspective , Spectators , Gatherings , College Football , Indication , No One , Air Quality , Area , Ground Zero , 9 11 , Zero , Look , Tickets , Nobody , Stadiums , Nobu , Science , Ticket , Access , Sports Fans , Bunch Of , Chance , Partying , Omicron Spike , Answer , Delays , Winter Olympics , Players Aren T Going , Gap , Soldier , Beijing , Testing Protocol , Testing Protocols , Chinese , I Don T Think , Stoppage , Dignitary Boycott , Everything Else , Government Delegation , China , Honor , Privacy , Vax Cards , Situation , Peng Shuai , Change , Policy , Spot , Relations , Okay , Cloud , Middle , Eye , Disappearance , Delight , Thanks , Coming Up , Sports Headlines , Attack , Capitol , January 6th , D , Next , Vitamin C , Nse , Zinc , 6 , Support , Ace , Centrum , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief , Honey Lemon Chill , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Wooo Vaporize , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Nice , Touchdown , Cheering , The Hits Won T Quit , Irish , Peacock Premium , Tv Icon , Career , Couple , Roles , Don T , Title , Animal Welfare , Fixture , American Television , 88 , 70 , Brenda Gonzalez , Co Host , Co Founder , Episodes , Latin X , Sad , Kwtsz , Breakfast , Cheesecake , Lady , Urge , Thank You For Being A Friend , The Legend , Childhood , Tweeting , Testament , Adulthood , Animal Lover , Animals , Popularity , Dogs , Marathon On Tvland , Put Oakpark , Map , Talented , Minnesota , Cleveland , Illinois , Dumb , Midwestern Routine , Blond , Washington State , Fan , Patriot , That S Genius , 1989 , Saturday Night , Grandfather , Amen , 227 , 4 , Shoutout , Grandson , Grandparents , Show , Iconic , Deacon Frye , Peace , Legend , Reflections , Nostalgia , Heart , Loss , Conscience , Inclusiveness , Amazing , Facts Don T Matter , Kindness , Civility , Movie , Comet , Don T Look Up , America Dying , Viewers , Planet , Context , Failure , Truth , Little , Covid Or Climate Change , Documentary , Turning A Blind Eye , Earth , Moie , Impact , Tidal Wave , Catastrophic , Certainty , Mile High , It Isn T , Event , Opinion , Sit Tight , Satire , Horrifying Documentary Of A Film , Message , Skit , Erin Hanes , Garbage , Film , Papers , Indifference , Apathy , Eight , Curiosity , Didn T , Tad , Events , Death , Niece , Wig , Netflix , Net Lix , Stranger Than Fiction , Imitating , Comment , Hurtling , Purposes , Misinformation , Democracy , Conversations , Midterms , Phones , Ask , Education , Anybody , Aren T , Problems , Ship , Ending , Thinking , Efforts , Trend , Apocalypse Ribeye , Freezer , Wouldn T , Gyasi , Oblivion , Particular , Pop Culture , Director , Ending 2021 , Facebook , Evil Sort Of Black Version , The Way Harper , Losses , Tv Show , Rip To , Human Being , Growth , Greg Tate , Bell Hooks , Desmond Tutu , Virgil Abloh , Cuminate , Hope , Body Punches , Part , Culture , Uppercuts , Gut , Melanated Culture Specifically , Traditions , Get On , Black Eyed Peas , Tradition , Underwear , Variety , Households , Italy , There Wasn T A Black Eyed Pea , Black Eyed Peas On New Year S Day , Black Pea Stew , Ain T , Luck , Kale , Collards Greens , Meaning , Southern Black Woman , Collard Greens , Guaranteeing , Prosperity , Wealth , Stove , 2022 Brenda , Food , Gym Membership , Major , Intentions , Bed , Colonization , Sour Grape , Grapes , Los Angeles , 12 , Mexican , Spain , Money , Color , Green , Job , Calls , Wellness , Sour Grapes , Green Trim , Solstice , Cultures , Clothes , Resolutions , Focuses , Affirmations , Focus , Resolution , Saying , Pride , Cool , Old School , Unconditional Love , Father , Goal , Track , Running Out Of Time , Daughter , Son , Basketballs , Ego , Knee , Four , Humility , Exchange , General , Manifesting , There , Vision Board , Doing , Moana , Drinking , Eating , Virus Doesn T , Holidays , Aj And Aiden , Philadelphia , Twist , Majorities , Safer , Chambers , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Packaging , Feel , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , App , Ravages , Swing , Odds , Redrawing Maps , Voter Suppression Ravage , Seats , Fernand , Stephanie James , Happy New Year , Analyst , Cocktail , Steph , Herschel Walker , Raphael Warnock , Neck , Morning , Mind , Office , Personalities , Politics , Mr , Ex Wife , Parts , Mitch Mcconnell , Pathway , Endorsement , Red Pockets , Man , Biography Doesn T Matter , Environment , Herschel Walker Running Neck , Kicking Raphael Warnock Out , Doomsday Mode , Scandals , Marjorie Taylor Greene A , Disqualifiable , Mandate , Behavior , Level , Races , Hand , Performance , Approval Rating , Presidency , Points , Administration , Fundraising , Polls , Val Demings , Television , Onslaught , Candidates , Strength , Polling , Numbers , Fundraising Numbers , Wisconsin , Beasley , North Carolina , Accomplishments , Stake , Women , Donor Class , Quinton , Husband , Male , Senator , Chances , Members , Marco Rubio , Movement , Trump , Doubt , Ron Desantis , Candidate , Credentials , Run , Police Chief , Chiasmatic , Democrats , Sterling , Virginia , Er , Investment , Red , Purple , Sit Down , Theoretically , Order , June Of 2022 , Necks , Albatross , Realm , Bill , Criminal Justice Reform , Race , Issues , 100 Million , 00 Million , Strategists , Donors , Gorgeous Boys , Phase , 6th Ringleaders , Fight , Me Psoriatic Arthritis , Five Billion , Healing , Mission , Surgeries , Causes , Mercy Ships , 40 , Asian Americans , Discomfort , Taking Align , Gas , Millions , Bloating , Give Today , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , We Love You , Others , Go Home , Words , Insurrectionists , Attacks , Civil War , News Conference , Anniversary , Series , Is Prepping For Public Hearings , Work Lead , Inner Circle , Lucy Caldwell , Fo , Element , Producers , Apologies , Fbi , Footage , Conduct , Law , Video , Visit , Tourist , Law Enforcement , January The 6th , Grave , Red Maga , City , Hostage , Prisoners , Example , Hearings , January 6th Press Conference , Trumpism , Mar A Lago , Rhinos , Happening , Patriots , Adam Kinzinger , Liz Cheney , Kool Aid , Segment , Threat , Choir , Congressional Action , Record , Passion , Urgency , Fear , Staffers , Speculation , Beenemails , Tours , Shooter , Motorcycles , Running Shoes , Analogy , Spikes , Blocks , Track Reference , Celery , Fridge , Diet , Watercresses , Muscle Pain , Gain , Enough , Last Night , Butter , My Refrigeraor , Voice Mail , Bleep , Congresswoman Debbie Dingell , You Old Senile , You Scumbag Friends , Treason , Outcome , Front , God , Coup , Generals , Warning , Reporting , 2024 , Civics Courses , Threats , Precinct Strategy , Flak , Steve Bannon , Harsh , Lucy , Hangover Remedies , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Moves , Vegetables , Immune System Declines , Shingrix , 90 , Fainting , Headache , Side Effects , Ingredients , Dose , Injection Site , Swelling , Tiredness , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Stomach , Fever , Shivering , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Freshness , Porcelain , Bottles , Advice , Hangover , Doesn T Drink , Electrolytes , Water , Alcohol , Lots , Pounding Headache , Hydration , Blood Sugar , Vegetable Omelet , Minerals , Herbal Teas , Fruit , Toasts , Grain , Second , Hangover Symptoms , B Vitamins , Ab Complex Supplement , Absorption , Yoga , Exercise , Go For A Long Walk , Rem Sleep , Everybody Drinks , Walk , Nap , Feeling , Weed Hangover , Research , Alcohol Hangover , Headaches , Nausea , Brain Fog , Fatigue , Weed Doesn T Dehydrate You , Edibles , Jennifer Meng , Meal , Fiber , Fat , Hangover Haze , Tips , Jennifer , Crystal Balls , Time , Flings , I Swear , Jaycee , Well Helene , Lamp , Reflection , User , Joke , Waffles , Dog Bed , Diva , Mhm , Woof , Wayfair , Spotlight , Goat , Got Next , Brad Jenkins , Pollster , Program , What , Trumpian Environment , Bbb , Cable News , Democrats Don T Pass A Voting Rights , Belief , Sounds Overheated , Choice , Capital , Systems , Save Democracy , Loner Believe , Quote , Win , Blood Boiling , Happier Note , First Off , Community , Asian American Community , Levels , Hate , Violence , Stop Asian Hate Movement , Rates , Resourced , Electorate , Pack , Aapi Victory Fund , Announcement , Better Organized , Communities , Michelle Wu , Victory Fund , Boston , Latino Pac , Cities , My Next , Cincinnati , Aapi Community , Target , Constituency , Districts , Voting Bloc , Screens , 2044 , Data , Allies , Aapis , Fred Hampton , Building Coalition , Aaron , Women S Rights Issue , Newsroom , Echo , 19th Amendment , Personally , Twitter , Apocalypse , Jason , Cue , Peppa Pig Theme Park Opening , Xiomara , Countries , Woman Leader , Women Leaders , Council Of Foreign Relations , 193 , Harriet Tubman , Richard Branson , William Shatner , Jeff Bezos , 0 , Lifetime , Space , Currency , Pockets , Tubmans , Shoulders , African American , Gun Violence , Men , Racism , Bioafrican Medsis , Voices , Minds , Documentation , Paperwork , Ebony , Carlton Haywood , Loved , Comic Books , Ethics , Cell , Brilliant , 200000 , Best Friend , Pathways , Danger ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

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>> was my name on the list -- >> i ran out of ink saying tiffany please be gone in 2022. it wouldn't burn, crazyiest thing. >> that's the magic of me. >> yes. that was different for me. usually i spend new year's -- last year i ordered a deep dish pizza and watched the ball drop, red a book. but 2021 has been heavy so it was nice to have that experience with other people. >> it was heavy for a lot of folks. deep dish pizza is not real pizza, by the way. >> wow. >> yeah. i think it's been heavy for a lot of folks in 2021, quite honestly. as a result you did see a lot of scaled down celebrations last night anticipating what year 2022 is going to be. do you think 2022 is going to be better than 2021? >> i hope so. otherwise the whole ceremony last night made no sense. >> tell me about it. >> objectively, i'm worried. i don't know what you did, clearly tiffany is not trying to tell us what she did. >> i will tell you what i did. i went to sleep around 8:45, 9:00. my plan was wake up before new year, every year i say that, i woke up at 3:45 in the morning, it was already 2022. that's why i'm toasting this morning. and, you know -- there was a lot of scaled down celebrations last night. so i didn't have fomo, feel like i was missing outs on anything. i want to hear more about your predictions on 2022, but speaking of scaled down ceremonies last night. as we enter the third year of the pandemic, the coronavirus really said new year, new me because the omicron variant surges forced many americans to clink their bubbles in scaled back celebrations last night, especially in new york. the number of cases in new york city this week reached the peak since the start of the pandemic. only 15,000 folks were allowed to watch the ball drop in person. you know, jason, that's a far cry from 58,000 the city was expecting to host. in our former neck of the woods, we both lived there different times, but atlanta, the peach drop was cancelled, the third year this year. and in san francisco mayor london breed nixed their annual fireworks show all together. a lot of scaled back celebrations last night. i want to say our thoughts and prayers are with the folks in colorado, in the fire ravaged state, it's been a lot. residents welcomed the new year with cries of relief, quite frankly. >> we stayed up all night long just hugging each other, just glad that we have each other and we have our kids. >> the wildfire in boulder county burned as many as 1,000 homes in a matter of hours. and while there are currently no people missing, thankfully, no deaths have been reported. overnight president biden approved federal funding for those affect preponderance of the evidence and the president is among those honoring betty white this morning, calling her an icon, she passed away yesterday at the age of 99, just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday. somebody sent this tweet around, this is not mine. you want to live the kind of life where when you die at 99 people say it was still too soon. i loved the "golden girls" used to spend saturday nights watching it with my grandmother. know every episode. i think you were in high school, and i bet you spent your saturday nights watching the show. >> what gets me is this is someone who was not only funny but everybody -- when michael k. williams passed, everybody has nice stories about her. a guest talked about how wonderful she was to her and she has a watch signed by betty white. you want to be someone who isn't just sort of, you have time to go, people love you when you pass away, but everyone has a wonderful story to share. it's sad but it's a glorious life to live. >> one of my favorite things about her, in addition to her portrayal of rose nylund. she was a staunch animal rights activist. there are folks like me who remember her from "golden girls" but those who remember her from "mary tyler more" and then "hot in cleveland," hosting "saturday night live," the holdest host made history there. you know what's happening on monday, the senate is coming back. >> are they really? like are regular people looking forward to this? >> they should be. it's got a big agenda. >> but here's the thing. i almost feel like when the senate comes back and hey, we can do this in news. i think -- it should be like when drake drops a new album or new sneakers, we're back, we're bringing this. you should be screaming your new agenda when you come in for a new senate every year. that's why people are cynical. people are often cynical because they feel this new thing dropped but they phoned it in. i hope when schumer comes back, he's talking we're going to address voting rights. get it done. don't tell me you're bringing voter rights and then i stand in line and nothing happens. i have a lot of faith in schumer for this once in this instance. they don't have much time to get something done this time so i hope the new senate is going to accomplish some things. >> big things to accomplish. we'll see what happens with build back better, but none of this matters if they don't get to voting rights. you know, when chuck schumer, you know, said we're putting this to the floor and when president biden said he's open to changing rules, particularly the filibuster to get voting rights passed. it's like, yeah. yes. that's a major thing protecting the democratic majority. i don't think people realize what happens if republicans take back control of congress. >> i think people do, look at texas, georgia. >> right. watching msnbc, yes, they know. i don't know that people going about their lives, trying to manage their own household debt and all the other challenges happening in society are necessarily paying attention to the manu sha. but you're right. >> our gas prices, ability to vote, health care. anything that -- the handling of covid. look, i haven't had to care this much about the greek alphabet since sixth grade. i feel there's about to be a step show of variants coming up. if we have, if if we maintain the democratic house and senate, this is important -- >> you're saying we but -- >> i'm not a democrat. that's what i was about to say. you know i'm not a democrat under any circumstances but i know what it is to have functional government and the democrats for the many criticisms i have of them all the time at least recognize that covid is a problem, that voting matters. if the democrats come back and can't make people want to vote and give them the right to vote this fall we will lose what we have in the country right now and opens the door for the crazy person in florida, the ex twice impeached blogger to come back. >> when you say crazy person in florida, i was like be more specific. >> exactly. >> we'll see, the bigger problem too we have to focus on is the state legislatures across the country. this is where a lot of these crappy -- i was about to swear. this is where these bubble up at the state level. the democrats get a lot of criticism on congress, but i think we have to keep reminding people why it's so important because of the obstructionist gop who don't have ideas but don't want to see president biden accomplish anything. as frustrated as we are with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, they deserve all that smoke, let me just say, i think we have to keep that equal amount of frustration and disdain towards the republican party who have completely aligned themselves with donald trump in favor over their constituents and the constituents' needs. >> in a way, right. because a lot of the constituents support the nonsense they're doing. that brings us to what is an upcoming anniversary in five days now -- >> yeah. >> five days it's the one year anniversary of the insurrection, that's what this republican party stands for today. >> we'll talk about that later in the show. jason johnson will be sticking around with me throughout the show today. don't go anywhere because 2022 off to a rocky start as covid cases continue to spike. we want to know when will this all end? we'll discuss that with a medical expert up next. s that w medical expert up next ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. (kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? (guy) better. (kate) that's not all. the new iphone, and up to 7 entertainment subscriptions for your family. like apple music, apple arcade, and more. better? (family) better. (kate) not done. the new iphone, the entertainment, and up to $1,000 when you switch. (carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. all right. who is ready to venture out into this new year? i'm not quite ready. why? baby it's covid outside. i'm staying home. 2021 wrapped up with the u.s. surpassing more than 55 million covid cases. that's since the start of the pandemic. with cases now surging to new peaks driven by the omicron variant. now after last night where friends and families gathered in small groups we hope, some probably in large groups. will this lead us to another deadly surge? thank you for being here, dr. bhadi, i'm joined by my colleague, jason johnson. dr. fauci seems to think the omicron variant will peak at the end of january. we heard from leaders in south africa that they have surpassed the wave and it's peaked there. one, do you agree with dr. fauci's assessment and two what do we brace for as the variant continues to ravage the country? >> good morning, happy new year to you. i hope that dr. fauci is right. i would like nothing more to see this peak by the end of january. we don't know yet. the demographics are different than what they are in south africa. so we don't know if it's going to peak and when. we know that our hospitals can't take much more of this. at least in some states, including my state in michigan, we are already near capacity. so what we're afraid of is that by the end of january, our hospitals are going to be overrun with new cases. >> wow. >> dr. bhatti, this is a concern of mine, shout out to michigan state spartans i was on a flight with tons of spartans yesterday leaving at lan to come to washington d.c., one of the reasons the flights are so filled is because covid, in particular omicron is ravaging our travel system right now and so many people who are already vaccinated are catching this new virus. my question to you is, with omicron seeming to be the king of breakthroughs, do we have concerns in the next six or seven months that we might need another booster? if this evolves again i'm going to be worried that what i have right now, my two shots and booster, won't be enough for the next variant. >> two things. with e're going to need more boosters as we move through the process. it might be an annual deal like the flu shot, it might be every six months. but lets not lose sight of the fact the reason this is spreading like gang busters is not because of vaccinated individuals, it's because not enough people have gotten the vaccine in the first place. >> i'm curious, so much confusion, the guidelines were confusing when they first came out from the cdc. two questions that i think are important for the american people. one, i'd like you to talk us through the best types of mask. there was an op-ed last week saying the cloth masks are basically face decoration. give us insight on that. and a lot of people want to know, once you contracted this virus, are you immune from catching it again and what time period? the next three months? the next year? talk about both of those if you will. >> sure. on the topic of masks, obviously the best kind of mask is one that's pretty much ag airtight so an n95 mask that's not practical for most folks, especially children so at the least a surgical mask that surgeons wear in the hospital, a small size version of those would be best for children and adults, quite frankly, that are going back to the work place. and i missed your second question. >> the question of immunity, a lot of people want to know if you caught this virus, do you have immunity, are you immune from catching the virus again and if so, how long? three months? six months? a year? >> we think that it's three to six months. of course, it depends on when you were infected with covid and what strain. so if you were infected with covid over a year ago with the alpha strain you probably don't have any more protection than an unvaccinated individual at this point. but if you were sick with delta just two or three months ago you still have some built up immunity. it depends on the type of strain as well as when it happened. but what we also know is the most robust kind of immunity that one can have is one who got sick with covid and followed up with a vaccine. >> i want to follow-up with the ideas of immunity, in my non-doctor brain, it's like when you die in a video game and you come back, you're immune, nothing can touch you for two or three months. but the concern i have, when you are immune, does that mean you cannot spread covid to other people? i met folks saying, hey, i had it, so i can lick flagpoles shake hands and everything like that. you can't catch it but can you spread it in that immunity window? >> of course you can. that's how vaccinated people can spread it. when somebody coughs or breaths on you on and they have covid and you breathe it in, if you have been vaccinated or have built up immunity, the amount of virus in your system is less than somebody with no protection. but you can still spread it to someone else even if you only get a runny nose or slight cough or no symptoms you can still spread it to other people. because omicron is so much more contagious than other strains, that's what makes it particularly worrisome. >> this is a conversation we'll continue to have. doctor, thank you for joining us this morning on "the cross connection". we'll have to have you back. coming up next, it's a midterm election year, so the clock is ticking for things like getting voting rights done. can they do it? we'll talk about that on the other side. do it we'll talk about that on the other side 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. less than 48 hours from now, senators will be back on capitol hill, kicking off the first session of this year's new congressional calendar. now that it's officially 2022, that means it's officially a midterm year and the clock is ticking for senate democrats to pass federal voting rights reforms, build back better and anything that might convince voters to risk life and limb to stop the republican party from seizing power. joining me now adrienne espo, and chantel brown from ohio, a member on the committee from over sight and reform. and, of course, dr. jason johnson is still with me. congresswoman i'll start with you since you're the woman on the panel and newest member of the congress. you just got off your own campaign, so you have seen what it takes to do that g.o. tv game, get grass roots out there. with rampant voter suppression happening across the country, i'm curious your thoughts can the democrats hold the majority without passing legislation to protect voting rights in this country? >> thank you for having me, happy new year tiffany, and my colleague and dr. johnson. we need to talk about what's happening across america when we look at the bills that have been passed, i think there's 34 laws in 19 states restricting voting rights. we have to make sure we are doing everything in our power to stop that. so a coordinated campaign on these baseless accusations of voter fraud and election fraud just really needs to come to an end. protecting our voting rights is a constitutional thing. so we have to make sure that we are doing everything in our power to address that. so this isn't about party benefitting, one party benefitting more than the other, it's about protecting the rights of every american to be able to cast a ballot in a free and fair election. so that's what we need to be hyper focused on. >> congressman, i want to ask you about the role of president joe biden when it comes to these reforms. i want to play you some audio from him talking about what needs to happen in the senate and then get your thoughts on the other side. >> are you prepared to support fundamental changes in in the senate rules to get this done? >> yes. >> what does that mean? >> that means whatever it takes. change the senate rules to accommodate major piece of legislation without requiring 60 votes. >> so you support a carveout of the filibuster for voting rights? >> the only thing standing between getting voting rights legislation passed and not getting passed is the filibuster i support making an exception of voting rights for the filibuster. >> congressman, sometimes it feels like the house and senate are doing a group project where you guys are doing the work and the senate sits there at the end of class and tries to take the grade. when you see the president say i'm in favor of changing the legislation, i'm in favor of potential carveouts, whatever is necessary, what do you think the president is going to do differently in january of 2022 than he did last year when it comes to moving the senate on this legislation? >> well, this is crunch time. this is it. these are she unanimous begins happening all over the country, these are enacted by state legislatures across the country are put on steroid when you throw in the redistricting. the john lewis voting rights and advancement act addresses the issue, which was derailed during the shelby case. so texas and other states, have mutilated congressional lines and they will be in place potentially for a decade. so this is critical that we look into whether or not these states are engaging in packing and cracking, packing meaning that they'll pack all voters of a similar class to avoid them from having more than one representation, or cracking, which means they split them in half so no one gets a representative. i think it's important that we pass that legislation to prevent that from happening. these lines will remain for the next ten years. so this is critical. this is crunch time. >> yeah. and something else that's critical to pass to president biden's agenda and that's build back better. some of your colleagues have supported breaking the bill up, a piecemeal way and introducing them as individual bills. i'm curious your thoughts on that. in the upper chamber, it is joe manchin who's standing in the way of this legislation passing once again, if you were given an audience with joe manchin, what would you say to him to impress upon him to get out of the way of having these crucial pieces of legislation pass? >> first i think that he believes he's doing what's right for his constituents but i think the bigger picture as you pointed out is what's important for the american population as a whole. so many people are suffering and waiting for the build back better legislation to past. when you think about the child tax credit and expanding that, that put $435 on average in family households. so we have to talk about it in terms of how it helps families. when i think about my constituents in ohio's 11th district, 70,000 people have benefitted from the child tax credit. so we have to be able to find that common ground and focus the things that are beneficial to all of our constituents, whether they're in west virginia, ohio's 11th, arizona, or in new york. and i think that if i had the opportunity to share -- to speak to him, i would say let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. we don't want to take any of the options off the table, right, tiffany. we want to make sure every avenue to move the legislation forward is available to us. so because of that, i think again we have to focus on where we can find common ground but i'm not opposed to breaking it down so we can get more effective programming for a longer time and i think that's an approach that senator manchin and i both agree on. >> congresswoman, i want to ask you about this, and this is a key thing, when congressman brown talks about we want effective programming. one of the most important programs to my students at morgan state university and across the country is the sort of delaying of federal student loans and how people have been given additional time. it's now extended until may 1st, i know a lot of kids cheering, a lot of people happy, but may 1st is around the corner. what kind of new policies might we see in the coming new congress that can address the crushing debt that students and families are facing since we're still dealing with the pandemic economy? >> there's more student debt right now than credit card debt. for some time now. so i'm a proponent of eliminating the student debt. and the president does that with a stroke of the pen. let me go to the build back better. i believe very strongly that senator manchin has been back and forth on this. one thing is for him to engage in this rhetoric. another thing is for him to cast the vote on the floor of the senate and have to explain to the parents of 346,000 kids that are benefitting from the child tax credit, or have to explain to 94,000 children that will access daycare, many of those parents are paying 22% or more of their income. this daycare plan will keep them under 7%. so these are all critical things that we will ultimately have to explain to his constituents. i think we have an opportunity to build consensus. one thing is the rhetoric, but voting on the floor and telling people to their face i'm not with you on this important piece of legislation. it's totally different. >> you're absolutely right on that. congressman i want to stick with you, you are the first formerly undocumented immigrant to serve in congress. immigration this is such a huge deal. they have kicked this back twice now. will immigration see some action immediately in the first few months of congress this year? >> well, first, the senate parliamentary is a former immigration prosecutor. i thought she should have recused herself from that position. but she's already turned down three proposals we sent. the last one was a moderate one. it was simply a work permit for five years and an additional five years where we recapture 400,000 immigrant visas and strengthen benefits for green card holders. recovery and immigration are joined at the hip. we won't be able to recover as a country unless we have the labor force, that's the immigrant. it's been like that throughout history and it's not going to change now. we must include some immigration reform in the build back better. >> you're right, the senate parliamentary kicked it back three times. coming up next my favorite topics, sports. i have to explain what we're talking about to jason, but that's okay. covid has been a game changer in a lot of wrong ways, so where do we go from here? e we'll dig in after the break. o we go from here? e we'll dig in after the break um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. all right. i've been explaining a little bit about sports to my colleague, dr. jason johnson in the break. if you're ready for the nfl playoffs, an update. it's omicron versus everybody and the variant is winning. after a week of multiple college games getting cancelled. the utah utes and ohio state are facing off today in the annual rose bowl amidst the covid madness it's still too early to know how the nfl plans to proceed with the super bowl in february, especially after more than 500 players tested positive for the virus last month. joining me now is howard bryant, senior writer at, and author of "full disdense". so happy to have you with me this morning, howard. i'm joined by your friend, my nemesis, dr. jason johnson. >> greetings. >> greetings and happy new year to you. >> happy new year to you both. >> i was reading an article that said covid is giving some teams a competitive advantage because so many players tested positive for the variant. what's your take on that? is that accurate and is there anything the nfl can do to get ahead of the players testing positive? >> i think it's a mess. a total mess no matter how you look at it. you can look at it and say some teams are getting an advantage because you're not playing against full rosters. we'll have the conversation in terms of weather the games really reflected the best teams and for the last couple of years and also going forward. but also look at the minnesota vikings, they need this game tomorrow against the packers and there they go with their anti-vaxx quarterback, kirk cousins who's not going to be on field because he tested positive. i don't know if you know someone is getting an advantage as much as you look at it and say we're going to look back at this period as a period of no rules and we have to remember which teams had real rosters and which teams didn't. >> wow. >> howard, i want to continue with this because this is something you and i talked about in the past, my podcast, and something i scream about online. when i look at the nfl, it's not just a sport to me it's a labor issue. the nfl announces two weeks ago, even though these players are millionaires and make billions of dollars for us, we're not going to test unless somebody is symptomatic. doing away with testing throughout the teams and we see the cdc under pressure from the business sector saying you can quarantine for five days instead of ten days. from a labor standpoint, how is covid affecting the relationship between the teams' union and the owners of the team? >> jason, it's enormous. the reason it's enormous is because, number one, we've talked about this with sports for decades. whenever there's been a national crisis we use sports to keep everybody calm, give you a sense of normalcy. sports has dropped the ball on the pandemic. sports has not covered itself in any glory whatsoever. they decided months into 2020 that the show is going to go on and that's the bottom line here. even in the nhl you see some games getting cancelled. but basketball and football it's game time, go time, they're not changing that. the other problem is the unions don't have consensus with their membership. it's a conservative sport like baseball. >> i have a question. kyrie irving. first of all i'm exhausted with the unvaccinated, the intentionally unvaccinated. kyrie irving is in that category. he says that he did not understand the consequences. take a listen and let's talk about it. >> i knew the consequences. i wasn't prepared for them, by no stretch of imagination, coming into the season i had my thought process on being able to be a full teammate and a -- a full-time teammate and just go out and have fun and provide, you know, a sense of a great brand of basketball out there. unfortunately it didn't happen like that. things happen for a reason. and now we're here and i'm just grateful for this. >> this is so wild to me. one, new york has a vaccine mandate, obviously, and two w kd, kevin durant, jason, he's immunocompromised. so these two playing together seems like it would be a conflict. what's your thoughts? >> they came in to play together. tiffany it has to be difficult for you to carry jason on these segments. >> it's exhausting. it's exhausting. >> i mean, it's got to be really difficult because this whole thing. this brooklyn nets super team was created by kyrie irving with kevin durant and james harden going we came here for you. now we get to january and we're not sure because it's the wild west in basketball as well. maybe kyrie irving wins because he's going to be the on the court. so once again, all of this as it plays out, the nba has decided we're going to wing it. i'm waiting for larry bird and kareem to get ten-day contracts. >> howard, when you were talking about within the sports sometimes there was a conflict. i'm wondering have players begun to come aware how catching covid can affect them -- >> no. >> they're not? >> even though you have players like the boston red sox, rodriguez two seasons ago got myocarditis. you're a professional athlete and now you have heart problems. the argument with players is we are the best conditioned people in the world. they're following whatever they're going to be the ones who get through this. and so, that's going to be another story over the years when we find out how many of these athletes have suffered from the effects of covid and playing through this, and once again, there's a different between effect and damage. we're feeling the effect right now. but the damage of this is going to be an ongoing story for the rest of our life. >> you're right. i still have questions so don't go anywhere howard, we'll continue our discussion after the break. , we'll continue our discussion after the break. gordan ramsey this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide. will you? 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how will covid impact these gatherings from a player perspective, from the staff perspective, and from the participants who are there as spectators? >> well, if the games last night -- the college football playoffs are any understood -- indication, people are going to the games. this reminds me after 9/11 living in new york, no one wanted to go down to ground zero area because the air quality was so bad but i had friends and people who were like we can get in to nobu now, there's nobody down here. you're seeing the same thing happen. i can get super bowl tickets. i can get access to these games that i could have never gotten before. and look, the stadiums are full. they're full. people, i would guarantee you if i asked a bunch of, you know, really science heavy people who are huge sports fans, would you go to the super bowl at a discounted ticket or just to have access, they'd say access yes. as for the teams, i think the teams are going to have to be really, really good on this. we know there's going to be at least one guy who was out partying, out where they shouldn't have been, and maybe cost their team a chance to win. somebody is going to end up not on the field during this because it seems this omicron spike is still going to be with us in late january/early february, come super bowl time. so you have to watch out for this. i can't imagine not having -- both super bowl teams are going to have full rosters. >> i feel like i already know the answer to this question, but i have to ask. given everybody is pushing through, there's not going to be delays to the winter olympics in beijing, are there? >> the argument isn't going to be there. nhl players aren't going, but, once again, the key here is going to be, one, they decided to soldier on before. i think they're going to do it now. i think the only gap is going to be testing protocols against what the united states feels is an appropriate testing protocol against what the chinese are saying. so it'll be interesting to see who gets prevented from playing. but the one thing that we know is that they are not going to stop. they're going to adjust as like with everything else. there's not going to be stoppage, i don't think. >> i'll follow up on that, howard. as you know, the united states is having somewhat of a dignitary boycott. the athletes are going, but the united states is not sending a government delegation. i'm curious, does that, you know, impact the games at all? i would think not. the athletes trained for this their entire lives. and when it comes to covid, you know, china is not necessarily known for respecting people's privacy. and so here, we tend to rely on the honor's system, and you have the fake vax cards in the nba and the nhl. i'm curious what you think will happen in china. >> well, i think the first thing is that the situation in china, i don't know if it is cruel or not, but after peng shuai said she is safe and okay -- though no one seemed to believe that. i don't know what it's done to relations. there's no change in policy. but the athletes themselves are in a spot where they don't want to get caught in the middle. they're there to perform, and they're trying to avoid the other political stuff. i wonder if now that the peng shuai case has sort of cooled, if that is a cloud that they don't have to worry about anymore. >> yeah. it's good to hear from her, but still a lot of questions surrounding her disappearance. >> right. >> so we'll keep our eye on that story as well. howard, i hope you don't make a lot of plans on saturday mornings because i will be inviting you back all the time. it was a delight to have you on the show this morning. thanks so much for walking us through all the sports headlines. jason johnson is sticking with me through the next hour. coming, up, we'll honor the legendary betty white who passed away at the age of 99. plus, we mark one year since the january 6th attack on the capitol. all of this and much more on "the cross connection" next. nse, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. clerk: hello, how can i? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. ♪♪ welcome back to "the cross connection," everybody. betty white, an american tv icon, died yesterday just a couple of weeks before her 100th birthday. her storied career includes iconic roles in the "mary tyler moore show" and the "golden girls," of course. she bragged the title of the oldest "saturday night live" host at the tender age of 88. she's been a fixture in american television for 70 years and a staunch animal welfare activist. 2021, we're so over you. don't let the door hit you on the way out. joining me is co-host of "the break dances withwolves" podcast. and returning with us, brenda gonzalez, co-founder and co-host of the latin-x empowering podcast. jason is sticking around with me as well. "the golden girls" was life for me. i remember so many of the episodes. i was telling jason, i want to live the life that when you die at 99, people are devastated, sad, and saying, "too soon. we're not ready. kwtsz. >> tiffany, happy new year to you. yes, we're celebrating the lady, the legend. thank you for being a friend, betty white. i don't know about you, i'm currently resisting the urge to have cheesecake for breakfast in her memory. she left here showing how much she was going to be missed because she was beloved by so many people who let her know it, particularly in the final years of her life. what are you talking about? i saw some of y'all tweeting about losing a piece of your childhood. i lost a piece of my adulthood! marathon on tvland. she was an animal lover, a friend to us, animals of all kind. she had dogs regularly in "golden girls" episodes. think about it, just a testament to her popularity. how else do you know could have put oakpark, illinois, minnesota, and cleveland on the map, right? she was also just insanely talented. do you know how smart you have to be to pull off the dumb, white, blond, midwestern routine she flawlessly executed every episode? now, that's genius. >> i completely agree with you. what about you, were you a fan? >> patriot, washington state, 1989. my grandmother and my grandfather, who worked days, so he got off work about 4:00 in the afternoon. we'd sit up on saturday night, and our saturday night turn-up was "amen," "227," "golden girls." that was our important bonding time between grandparents and grandson, who wasn't with each of his parents. that was an important time. shoutout to deacon frye. i look at betty white. she has an iconic, powerful life. she also did important civil rights work. she brought people onto her show when it was civically improper to bring black folks on her show. i believe there was consequences attached to that. so rest in peace to this legend. i believe that her energy is something that even people who were cynical about the united states and its reflections upon white nostalgia, we look back at that and say, "hey, if they were like betty white, we could get behind this." this is something that is kind. this is something that really, really has a conscience and has a heart for inclusiveness. so, you know, i definitely mourn the loss. she had an amazing, long life. she lived two lives. i'm glad she had this long with us, and i believe there was a part of america -- i'll go as far as to say this -- i believe there was a part of america's civility and kindness that died yesterday. >> well, thinking of america dying, unfortunately, i have to ask you, have you had a chance to see "don't look up"? it's the sort of trending netflix movie about an impending crisis of a gigantic comet coming to hit the united states, coming to destroy the planet and our failure to handle it properly. did you have a chance to see it, and what were your thoughts ending on 2021? >> brenda, to give you some context, and our viewers context, way too many people have become comfortable with turning a blind eye to the truth, whether we're talking about covid or climate change. this moie was a little too on the nose, almost like a documentary. let's look at this clip, then we can talk about. >> there is a comet headed directly toward earth. >> what happens, a tidal wave? >> it'll be far more catastrophic. there will be mile high tsunamis. >> how certain is this? >> 100% certainty of impact. >> please, don't say 100%. >> can we call it a potentially significant event? >> it isn't potentially going to happen. >> at this very moment, i say we sit tight and assess. >> sit tight and assess. >> sit tight and assess? >> you want us to sit tight -- >> and then assess. >> sit tight, assess. brenda, what did you think of this bipartisan just securing satire/horrifying documentary of a film? >> unpopular opinion, i thought that this movie was terrible. >> oh, my. >> i thought the movie was absolutely awful. look, i like the message. i know what they're going for. i agree with the message, what they're calling out. i just think it was executed so poorly. this is a too long "snl" skit. this is a terrible movie. i thought it was garbage, to be honest. >> wow. >> i love the contrarian opinion. >> of course. i have to say, i really enjoyed this movie. erin, you and i were texting about it. it is frightening to watch. i think it is true. there is apathy in the country, and for those of us who wake up and read eight papers every morning, most people are not doing that. so the way they punctuate it throughout this film, the indifference of some people. not you guys watching us right now. folks who watch msnbc, i think, have a little more intellectual curiosity, but not everyone does. sometimes people are focused on their immediate lives. i think that's what you saw in this film. erin, i know you have a different take than brenda. >> brenda, you speak your truth. my mom didn't love it either. so, you know, you're not loving it, i get it. i definitely agree with you that it was a tad too long. if you like this, i'll also recommend -- this is a shoutout for my niece who recommended "death for 2021" which is on net lix. >> netflix. >> it is an entertaining take on the events of the last year. what was frightening was the bad wig that the doctor had on. but, like, i did watch "don't look up." i loved it. look, the last several years have often felt stranger than fiction. why not have our imitating life, right? i feel we're at the point in our country where anything can be weaponized or exploited for political purposes. science is under attack. the destructive comment of misinformation and, oh, by the way, climate change is hurtling toward this planet. it is look for us all to look up, at least from our phones, and pay attention to what's happening in our democracy and society, when we begin to frame conversations around education, health care, immigration, or voting rights, in terms of, you know, what's the ask or when are the midterms, right? >> right. >> yeah, you know, sit back and assess is not an acceptable answer to any of these problems because most of us aren't going to be able to board a big ship to leave this place after we ruin it. you know, who knows what is wait on the other side anyway. i'm not going to spoil the end for anybody who has not yet seen this. but, you know, we might as well try to save what we've got. you know, tiffany, what i was really thinking about, and i wonder what you make of this, i mean, what would you do if you knew the world was ending, despite your best efforts to prevent it? i watched this movie and found myself thinking, maybe i need to put an apocalypse ribeye in the freezer or something. >> do we have that trend, apocalypse ribeye from erin. >> i don't want to be without that when the times come. >> i wouldn't want to be sober if the world were ending. i'd be uptight and nervous. i would eat whatever i wanted. to go along with the apocalypse ribeye, i have a "golden girls" cheesecake with you. we'd toast and walk off into oblivion. that's how i'd close out the new year. i think jason has a question, gyasi. >> i ended part of my year watching "death of 2021." i thought it was funny, the way people were recognizing -- in particular, the way harper was the evil sort of black version of facebook director. "ending 2021," was there any pop culture, gyasi, that you were like, this encapsulates a year, this movie, tv show, something you caught near the end of the year that encapsulated 2021 for you? >> you know, i thought that, you know, again, rip to betty white, but there were some losses that were closer to my heart personally and to my growth as a human being. specifically, greg tate, bell hooks, specifically virgil abloh, desmond tutu, and those seem to cuminate at the end, as a chronological fact. that was painful. i think we had a false sense of hope, that this was going to be a more hopeful year, 2021 than 2020, and then it saved all of those body punches, those uppercuts and hooks to the gut until the end for people who follow that part of culture. when i'm talking about that part of culture, melanated culture specifically. the biggest losses happened at the very end of the year. >> that is a really good point. i think that's why we were ready to say, yeah, get on, 2021: we're ready for 2022. which brings us to new year's day. there are a lot of traditions out there, for black-eyed peas to wearing red underwear in italy. people around the world are ushering in the new year with a variety of traditions. what is your tradition? even if it is, you know, not your cultural tradition, it could be what happens in your house. i know a lot of black households, you eat black-eyed peas on new year's day. erin, i was going to ask, did you have a black pea stew? there wasn't a black-eyed pea. i looked. >> if you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. you deserve, you know, whatever it is that is left that you are trying to cobble together for your new year's alphabet. good luck to you. also, kale does not count for collards greens. yeah, look, i got in not too late last night, but before i turned in, i started soaking my black-eyed peas. i'm a southern black woman, raised by a southern black woman, meaning, yeah, there will be black-eyed peas and collard greens. cdc says something about this guaranteeing wealth and prosperity in the new year, i think. i need to wrap this up so i can get the stove going. i'm not going to be broke in 2022. >> brenda, do you have any major, consistent traditions you do to start off the new year? is there a food that you have? do you buy a brand-new gym membership every single year? what are your new year's traditions you want to keep to this year? >> well, i had intentions of going to bed early. i didn't succeed. i had to wake up early. i'm in los angeles. i'm doing my tradition now. these are my 12 grapes. i have to eat one for every month. if i have a sour grape, it means it'll be a sour month. i thank colonization for that, because it comes from spain. i'm mexican, and it is something we do every year. i wore my blue underwear with green trim. blue calls in wellness and health. green because i need to make some money in 2022. >> well, i hope you have no sour grapes, brenda. good job on the green. i will not disclose what color i am wearing under these clothes. gyasi, what about you? what's your new year's tradition? >> so many native cultures celebrate the new year at the solstice. so from the solstice to around now, when, you know, conventionally the roman calendar recognizes new year, i consider that a holy time, a sacred time of family, sacred time of setting my resolutions, my affirmations, and, you know, my focuses for the next year. and i'm old school. a lot of people take a great deal of pride in saying, "i don't do resolutions. i have a resolution not to set resolutions," and stuff like that. i respect that. that's cool. but i do actually set resolutions of focus for the new year, then i go over it publicly with my family. so, specifically, i was in large part raised without my father. so i set a goal of specific time, specific attention, specific, unconditional love that i'm going to show to each of my children. that we're going to, with my oldest daughter who is 10 years old and loves running, we'll hit the track together. i hate running, tiffany. i don't like any place near the track. but this is sacred, special time, so i have to set the resolution and the focus that we're going to do that. my son who loves basketball, we're going to go and i'll chase around basketballs for you. i'm going to put my ego to the side, not be the old guy out there playing basketball with four knee braces on. instead, i'm going to defer to you and let you have this time. so it's a time of resolution, and it is a time of humility, i hope, that allows me to be a better father in the new year. >> i love that, gyasi. that is so wonderful. you guys are all so great. the new new year tradition should be all of us doing this panel every new year. this was so awesome. thanks so the panel and having this great exchange. great cultural exchange and a great exchange in general. and, yes, we are looking to see apocalypse ribeye is not trending yet, but we'll check again. erin? >> vision board and sage, you know, he was manifesting over there. i want to see more of what the manifestation ceremony looked like that jason was doing. tiffany, maybe next year you'll stay up until midnight. like jason, i had two of my little friends ringing in 2021, watching "moana." we were manifesting as well. aj and aiden. that was my new year's with the family here in philadelphia. my chosen family. yeah, we were eating, drinking, and being merry. this virus doesn't observe holidays, everybody, so we have to resolve to stay safe and healthy in 2022. >> that's right. thank you so much, erin. jason and i will be back after the break. thank you, again, to gyasi, brenda, and, of course, you'll see erin later in the hour. coming up, we are going to have a conversation about democrats holding slim majorities in both chambers. can they hold it? that's coming up next. stay tuned. keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind ♪♪ built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. finally, it is officially 2022, meaning midterms are in full swing and the odds are not with the democrats to maintain the majority on capitol hill, as gop-led voter suppression ravage ravages the country and republicans are redrawing maps in key states. now, they only need to flip five seats to seize control of the house. meanwhile, just one loss in the senate would sink democrats' razor thin majority in the upper chamber. joining me now, political analyst fernand and stephanie james, and, of course, dr. jason johnson is still with us. fernand, happy new year. i have a question for you, but i want to say happy new year, my friend. >> happy new year to you, tiffany. a lot chee little cheers to rin new year early on this saturday morning. >> cheers. >> also to everyone on the panel and watching at home. happy new year. >> thank you, i appreciate that. steph, sorry, you're the only one without a cocktail this morning. >> which is shocking. >> we'll have to remedy that. i have a question that is blowing my mind, my friend. how on earth is herschel walker running neck-and-neck with raphael warnock? let's revisit what we know about mr. walker. he's threatened the life of his ex-wife. she said that story. he's talked about having multiple personalities. he is inept when it comes to holding any kind of office, when it comes to politics. his only thing he has going for him is an endorsement from donald trump. sadly, that may work in some parts of red pockets in georgia. mitch mcconnell totally bought into this because he endorsed him. tell me that there is a pathway to block this man from kicking raphael warnock out of the senate. >> well, i don't want to start 2022 in doomsday mode, tiffany, but the truth of the matter is, it is a very difficult environment. i think the answer to your question, how is herschel walker running neck-and-neck could be answered with another question. how did donald trump get elected president? how is marjorie taylor greene a member of congress? with all the scandals both of them had. the truth of the matter, there is an autocratic part of the republican party, facts don't matter, biography doesn't matter, and what used to be disqualifiable behavior is no longer disqualifiable. for some of them, it is a mandate. it is part of why they want to support these folks. but, as i said, right now, these states and all of these races are going to take place across the country. where the majority is at hand for the democrats is tied directly to the performance of president biden at the national level. all of these races have been nationalized. the reason i think it's close in georgia and some of the other states, even arizona, is because president biden's approval rating now has sunk to some of the lowest points its been at his presidency. unless he can rise that approval rating and start to show and convince the american people of the really strong work that the biden administration has done, transformational work in this past year, it is going to be very difficult to hold the congress. that presents a very difficult situation for our democracy. >> stephanie, one of the most important things that anybody has to remember for the polls in 2022 is everything around me. collective money. how are democrats looking in the fundraising that they're going to need to be successful in 2022? how is warnock doing at raising money? how is val demings doing? how are people doing to raise money to fight off what is going to be a massive gop onslaught, both on television and online? >> well, i can tell you, jason, i love the picture of the map. it shows that there's a lot of strength that democrats still have to win a number of these senate seats. four of those states, specifically, we have black candidates who are not only polling well, who are campaigning well, but they are raising money. raphael warnock, the last time he reported his numbers, he was way ahead when it came to his fundraising numbers from before. you look at wisconsin. you have val demings. you have beasley in north carolina. they're all extremely qualified and ready candidates, and they're raising the money. that's a testament to they're talking about the issue. i agree, you know, it is difficult when you have the biden administration struggling in so many parts of the country and how they're being able to relate and talk about their accomplishments. while these are nationalized races, these candidates are hitting the ground and going door-to-door already. they're on the news. they are making sure they are talking to voters directly about what's happening in their states. that's what's going to make the difference. these folks on the ground know what these candidates want to do for their specific state and how they're going to represent the u.s. senate. >> yeah. and, you know, what's at stake if democrats lose control of congress. stephanie, i want to point out the work and your husband, quinton, do, which is crucially important. the donor class is specifically white and male, and it determines who is considered viable candidates. there are no black women in the senate currently, which brings me to you, fernand. tell me val demings will be senator, especially given things happening in florida right now. what are her chances looking like? >> tiffany, i never lie to you or the viewers. as much as i'd personally like her to defeat who i think is the least respected and maybe one of the worst members of the senate in marco rubio, again, she's going to have a difficult time because florida is now the state that you might call maga state. this is the front lines for the trump movement with ron desantis here. it is a state the republicans control completely. good news for republicans in florida is, without a doubt, val demings is the best possible candidate they could have run against marco rubio. she is an extraordinarily talented, chiasmatic, and accomplished congresswoman, also a former police chief. her credentials are sterling. again, if the democratic party are going to try to defeat marco rubio in florida, they need to do a better job engaging. there is some concern that national democrats have abandoned florida, and they're look at other states, states perhaps like virginia, to keep the control of the congress. we need to see, i think, a great er sense of an investment here if val demings is going to be helped to push over top. is she the best candidate the democrats could have put up? no question. >> stephanie, you're in ohio, a state democrats say has been abandoned. it's red. used to be purple, one way or the other. you're having a sit-down with joe biden, theoretically. what are the two things you think he needs to make sure he has accomplished by june of 2022 in order to raise the numbers so he is not sort of an albatross on the necks of democrats who will be running this fall? >> i think there's two things. one is in the political realm, and i think it is really important. we have to do some work when it comes to voting rights. we need to pass this bill. we need work on criminal justice reform. these are ideas congress doesn't seem to want to move on. joe biden needs to do all he can to make sure we get some forward movement and, specifically, people of color, black people, young people, feel as though this administration is listening to their cries of, we need to have progress these issues. val demings has to raise at least $100 million just to be successful in this race. that is a whole lot of money that none of us have sitting around. so we need to make sure that joe biden, as well as all these democratic strategists and democratic donors, understand, these candidates need money early and often. we can talk about the issues all day, but if candidates can't connect to voters, what's the point? >> stephanie, you'll definitely have to come back. fernand, you'll join us a little later. steph, give my love to your husband and the gorgeous boys. >> i will. >> thank you. coming up, new year is a new phase in the fight to hold the january 6th ringleaders accountable. we'll talk about that after the break. the break. ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. ♪ ♪ emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. we have to have peace. we love you. go home. you're special. you see what happens. you see how others are evil. i know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace. >> those were the words donald trump spoke to the violent insurrectionists that committed what is often called one of the worst attacks on our democracy since the civil war. next week marks the one-year anniversary of the day that ended with the deaths of five people. congressional democrats are commemorating the anniversary with a series of events reflecting on what happened that day. while donald trump says he will hold a news conference live from florida. meanwhile, the select committee is prepping for public hearings, but will the committee's work lead to trump or someone from trump's inner circle actually catching the case? i want to bring in lucy caldwell, former campaign manager. lucy, you're the greatest fo getting up on new year's day to join us on this panel. happy new year, my friend. listen to some of the republicans on capitol hill and their take on what happened that day. my apologies to our viewers and our panel for having you sit through this, but i think it is really important to hear how they view what happened that day. from my producers, this is element two. >> i knew those are people who love this country, that truly respect law enforcement. would never do anything to break a law. >> didn't know the footage was a video from january the 6th, you'd actually think it was a normal tourist visit. >> the question of whether or not the fbi animated some of the criminal conduct is one that is far more grave. >> they're going to dress up in red maga trump gear to blend in. >> harassing across the country. >> they're trying to make an example. >> the people who breached the capitol on january 6th are being abused. >> we have in this city political prisoners held hostage by their own government. >> i mean, it's quite baffling to see. so my question, lucy, is holding these hearings publicly, will that really have an impact on particularly folks in the republican party who have completely aligned themselves, not just the members but the voters who attached themselves to trumpism? >> you know, donald trump in announcing that he is going to hold this january 6th press conference at mar-a-lago said something that is actually really true. as he trashed the committee, he said, but the good news is that we have fewer and fewer rhinos like adam kinzinger, like liz cheney, in the party, and we're replacing them with proud patriots. what he means is our best indication of what is happening, that you have normal, sane people fleeing the republican party, and republicans are just now drinking the trump kool-aid. this is made worse for the general population by the fact -- and i'm sorry this is going to be harsh to congressional democrats. but when the choir around hearings is not matched by congressional action. as stephanie said last hour or last segment, if it is, you know, huge, huge threat to democracy which we know it is and which the january 6th anniversary indicates, then where is the action on voting rights? where is modernizing the electoral map? i don't think this will have an impact on republicans, let alone voters as a whole, if we don't start to see simultaneous congressional action with the hearings, as we kind of bring out the record. >> lucy, you are bringing up an excellent point about urgency, about passion, about fear, that i have been screaming about all year. i think at this point, in congress what we have is a situation where you have so many republicans who are potentially directly or indirectly connected to january 6th. we've heard speculation throughout the year there may have beenemails from staffers. members of congress gave tours. what does it mean if we get past january 6th or further, and no members of congress or their staff members are put on? it seems democrats seem perfectly happy to go back to work with someone who might have been a mass shooter a year ago. >> democrats are basically going out on the track in running shoes, and republicans are dealing with motorcycles in this race. it's not even just they're going on the track without blocks and spikes. that's a little track reference for you. but, in general, as long as democrats are afraid to really meet the moment, and they're doing this in the worst possible way. i would say this is like an analogy would be something like, you go on a diet. you are really suffering and eating nothing but, like, watercresses and celery. every friday night, you eat butter out of the fridge, right? why are you putting yourself through that? that's what democrats in congress are doing. they're enduring all of the pain of sticking their necks out for democracy, and they're not getting the corresponding gain. again, i cannot reiterate this enough. if this is urgent, then we should be seeing the subsequent, simultaneous action. >> yeah. first of all, if you saw me eating the butter out of my refrigeraor last night, it was because it was new year's eve and it was my last bad action for the year. >> i had pizza. >> good. we're in it together. more importantly, i want you to take a listen to this voice mail that was sent to congresswoman debbie dingell, and then i have a question about it on the other side. >> you old senile [ bleep ]. you're as old and ugly as biden. you ought to get the [ bleep ] off the planet. you [ bleep ] foul. they should try you for treason. you and every one of you scumbag friends. i hope your family dies in front of you. i pray to god if you have children, they die in your face. >> these are the people who vote for republican candidates. do you think, in this year, in 2022, that these folks will accept an election outcome again that they don't like? i just want to footnote that with, there was reporting out this year from three-star generals who are warning against another potential coup that could happen in 2024. what's your take? >> i mean, there was also polling out this week that only one in five republicans now believe that joe biden probably or definitely won the election. this just goes to show that there has to be more done than simply holding hearings. i love hearings. i support them. i think they will be super important in the long-term record. i hope it is taught every year in high school civics courses. but what we also hope will be caught in high school civics courses is how did members of congress meet the moment to head off these future threats. the truth is, while democrats are not doing anything, republicans are. and i know i'm going to get flak for being that harsh, but republicans are busy implementing steve bannon's precinct strategy, where they are installing friendly people at every single level of government. >> you're right. >> democrats are not prepared. >> you're absolutely right, lucy. we could talk about this the rest of the show. this is a conversation for more time than is allotted. but that's okay. you're on all the time, and you'll be back and we'll continue with the important conversations. thank you, lucy. happy new year to you. i'm excited for this next segment. perhaps some of you need it. hangover remedies. those who got a little too lit last night, keep it right here. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. unleash the freshness... ♪♪ still fresh ♪♪ in wash-scent booster ♪♪ downy unstopables if you were popping bottles last night, hopefully you're not hugging porcelain this morning. help is on the way though. with advice on how to help the hangover and maybe prevent it next time, we have jennifer with us. happy to have you. my colleague jason johnson doesn't drink, but since i occasionally have a cocktail, curious your thoughts for the folks who had too much last night. what is something they can do to not have the pounding headache or the porcelain face shield? >> well, if you are waking up with a hangover today, there are a few things you can do to actually feel better. first, you want to drink lots of water to replenish your electrolytes. alcohol is diuretic which depletes electrolytes. focus on hydration by drinking plenty of water. plain water, sparkling water, herbal teas. second, have a well-balanced breakfast. a vegetable omelet with whole grain toasts and fruit will help you replenish the minerals and electrolytes and also balance your blood sugar. balancing your blood sugar is important to remember as some of the hangover symptoms are due to low blood sugar. i also recommend taking a b complex supplement after a night of drinking. and the reason for that is because alcohol both interferes with the absorption of b vitamins and depletes them from your system. last but not least, get plenty of rest. drinking heavily reduces your rem sleep. rather than trying to sweat off alcohol with a high-intensity exercise today, go for a long walk. stretch. do yoga. if you can, take a nap. try to go to bed early tonight. >> i don't know how many hung over people will be doing yoga or going for a walk, jason. we'll see. we're running out of time. not everybody drinks. some partake in other things that are legal in different states across the country. so, you know, for those who really did, like, maybe took an edible last night or smoked a little too much. not this but this. what is something they can do? because that feeling where you're trying to come down, i don't know about it but i read about it for research for this segment, the feeling when you're trying to come down, what can you do? >> so a weed hangover can actually exhibit similar symptoms as alcohol hangover. fatigue, brain fog, headaches, nausea. you are more likely to experience a weed hangover from edibles. weed doesn't dehydrate you, but drinking plenty of water, eating a nutritiously balanced meal with protein, fiber, and lots of plant-based fat is a good way to start pulling off the hangover haze. >> all right. thank you, jennifer meng. again, jason, are you doing yoga later today? >> i'll be downward dogging and everything, yeah. the whole thing. >> i think after this show, i might crawl back into bed. thank you so much for all those really helpful tips, jennifer. you'll have to get back on the show soon. coming up, who has next for 2022? my panel will peer into their crystal balls. you don't want to miss it. stay tuned. [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ alright. y'all know when they say your home is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. [woof] i'm telling y'all there's no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. ooh! i want that. it's a new year, so that calls for a fresh start. here we are to give our predictions for who could possibly hold the spotlight in 2022 for who got next. joining me now is my mega panel. erin hanes. the g.o.a.t. is back with us. democratic pollster. and my friend, of course, fernand. and brad jenkins is joining the panel. of course, dr. jason johnson is still here. i'm really excited to hear who you guys think will hold the spotlight. fernand, we'll start with you. >> well, i'm not talking so much about a who but a what. if i were president biden, i would focus on one thing now in 2022. it's been touched on on this program, and i know sometimes it's in this trumpian environment, a lot of the rhetoric on cable news since sounds overheated, tiffany, but if voting rights is not passed, i am of the belief, unfortunately, we could be saying good-bye to our democracy if the democrats don't pass a voting rights bill. i honestly think, sadly, because the bbb, build back better bill, was not passed last year, i think if you have a choice, if you're president biden and you have a choice, where to invest your political capital, i wouldn't put it in bbb anymore. i would focus on voting rights. because if we don't protect the systems that save democracy, we're unilaterally disarming in front of a republican party that made very clear, they no loner believe in democracy and won't accept an outcome where the democrats, quote, win. >> i think you're completely right. it'll be a sugar honey iced tea show this year if we don't protect voting rights. i hope the administration and congress is listening to you. because we cannot sacrifice voting rights for a filibuster for crying out loud. brad jenkins, i hope you have something to give us a happier note. that gets my blood boiling. brad, who will hold the spotlight in 2022? >> first off, i cannot agree more, 100%. put the pressure on for voting rights. my who's got next is the asian-american community, my community. we went through a tumultuous year. it was equally heartbreaking and inspiring. the record levels of hate and violence that our community went through. the stop asian hate movement was something that we had never seen before. but right going to channel this energy, this unprecedented inspiring energy into political action. asian americans voted at the highest rates they ever voted before in 2020. they were the key electorate in many states like georgia and, look, our community is better resourced, better organized, they're coming together. i want to give a shoutout to the aapi victory fund which just got a huge announcement with collect a pack and the latino victory fund, and latino pac ensuring we're turning out communities of color. last thing, i have to give a huge shoutout to boston mayor michelle wu. there are so many young asian american leaders who believe that they can run and that they can win, tiffany, they can win in states and cities like boston and cincinnati. my next, asian american community. we got next. >> i think you are right on target. the aapi community is the fastest growing segment in this society. we talk many times on this show how this constituency is overlooked but many districts where the aapi, i mean, they will impact the federal government, the voting bloc is hugely important. i think you're definitely right on target there and look at your screens right now for those of you at home. this is the rising majority of this country. this is what this country will look like by 2044. so that was definitely on target. and let's disaggregate the data, brad. when we talk about aapis, i think that will be a huge difference. this is the fred hampton approach. building coalition and allies that we exercise and expand our political power. aaron, we are still waiting on a trend that so many people are tweeting about. i hope apocalypse is not your what when it comes to who got next. >> that is not my what but just to echo, absolutely, what fernand said. i work for a newsroom made for the 19th amendment. voting rights is absolutely a women's rights issue and i have been and continue to be going into 2022, something for me to look forward to in 2022 personally and for those of you not just following me on twitter looking for an apocalypse. i'll take a cue from jason and manifest this. very much looking forward to the peppa pig theme park opening in florida. we'll start with that. but just to stick with, we think the future is absolutely female in a big way at the 19th. first, the xiomara will be their first woman president. you have more than 20 women leaders of countries around the globe last year, but only 22 countries out of 193 have had a woman leader according to the council of foreign relations. by the way, we still haven't had one in this country, but i digress. and one more in terms of who should, i'll say harriet tubman on the $20 bill. what happened with that? that was something president biden promised to put back on the agenda and look, if jeff bezos and richard branson and william shatner can touch space, surely kick get tubman on the 20 before he leaves office. promised black people on the u.s. currency, that has never happened and no women on a bill in my lifetime. i would like to see that before i turn 99. >> i need tubmans in my pockets and the $20 bill, i agree. really tight on time. so you and i have to split our time. i'll give you, what's your who got next? >> who got next for 2022 is african american bioafrican medsis. when we talk about racism, gun violence and the impact on black people, we stand on the shoulders of men and women who study this quietly digging through the paperwork and documentation. one of the best voices passed yesterday. dr. carlton haywood. he was part of the ebony 100. one of the most brilliant minds when it comes to discussing biomedical ethics and he passed, due to sickle cell, that affects 200,000 americans every single year. brilliant, he loved comic books, loved by his family, and he was my best friend. and i hope that all the people doing the kind of work that makes aware of the danger to provide to black people will continue and the pathways and steps he laid out through the career. >> devastating and we're so honored to honor him on this cross connection this morning. terribly sorry. our hearts and thoughts go out to his family this morning. what a devastating loss, and definitely our condolences to you, jason. ly say, the cross connection is next. thank you so much to the tale that goes on this week after week. we help us trend most saturdays and be the highest weekend rated show on this network and i cannot thank you enough. we interact with you routinely on social media and i love connecting with our viewers. you make it easy and give us space to do what we want to do and the journey in this country. thank you for co-piloting with me on what must be such a difficult day for you. so thank you so much. coming up tomorrow, new mayor of city eric adams sworn in after midnight will join my friend on the sunday show. that's tomorrow right here on msnbc. we'll be right back. w right her msnbc. we'll beig rht back. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at thank you, everybody, for watching at home. that's the cross connection for this morning. time flies when you're trending. thank you all on twitter. we see you. i'll be back next saturday but stay tuned because joe fryer in for alex. happy through year. >> great show to kick off 2022. good to see you. >> thank you, you too. good day and happy new year. high noon in the east. 9:00 in the west. i'm joe fryer. we begin with a live look at times square new york where rain and gloom mark this first day of 2022. but overnight, it was the scene of a new year's eve celebration. one of many altered by a rise in coronavirus cases. msnbc's anne thompson in times square with a look at how the world welcomed 2022 and happy new year. >> happy new year

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Peaks , Baby It , Covid Outside , 55 Million , Families , Groups , Lead , Dr , The End , Colleague , Surge , Fauci , Bhadi , Variant , Leaders , Wave , Assessment , South Africa , Demographics , States , Least , Hospitals , Capacity , Michigan , Concern , Mine , Overrun , Shout Out To , Bhatti , Michigan State Spartans , Spartans , Flight , Flights , Tons , Lan , Washington D C , Question , Virus , Booster , Breakthroughs , Travel System , Concerns , King , Seven , Six , Won T , Boosters , Shots , Reason , Fact , Individuals , Gang Busters , Process , Flu Shot , Sight , Place , Questions , Vaccine , Cdc , Confusion , Guidelines , Mask , Masks , Types , Cloth , Decoration , Insight , Op Ed , Both , Topic , Three , Children , Version , Surgeons , Hospital , Size , N95 , Immunity , Adults , Work Place , Course , Protection , Point , Type , Strain , Individual , Alpha , Delta , Sick , Video Game , Ideas , Brain , It , Everything , Immunity Window , Flagpoles , Breaths , Somebody Coughs , Symptoms , Nose , System , Cough , Doctor , Strains , The Cross Connection , Side , Election , Clock , Ticking , Projects , 10 , 50 , Memory , Difference , Help , Psoriatic Arthritis , Ability , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Well Being , Healthier Brain , Prevagen , Risk , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Patients , Senators , Calendar , Session , Capitol Hill , 48 , Voters , Power , Voting Rights Reforms , Limb , Adrienne Espo , Committee , Member , Ohio , Reform , Congressman Brown , Panel , Congresswoman , Campaign , Woman , G O , Legislation , Tv Game , Voter Suppression , Grass Roots , Bills , Johnson , Laws , 19 , 34 , Voter Fraud , Election Fraud , Accusations , Rights , Isn T About Party Benefitting , Party , Congressman , Ballot , Reforms , On , Role , Changes , Audio , Piece , Standing , Voting Rights Legislation , Carveout , Votes , 60 , Group Project , Exception , Work , Whatever , Class , President , Guys , Grade , Potential Carveouts , This Is It , January Of 2022 , Steroid , Redistricting , Voting Rights And Advancement Act , Case , Issue , Shelby , John Lewis , Lines , Cracking , Whether , Packing , Packing Meaning , Representative , Representation , Colleagues , Some , Ten , Way , Audience , Chamber , Bill Up , Pieces , Picture , First , Child Tax Credit , Suffering , Population , Whole , Terms , Family Households , Average , 11th District , 435 , 11 , 35 , 70000 , Wall , Ground , West Virginia , Arizona , Opportunity , Perfect , Enemy , Share , Good , Options , Table , Avenue , Programming , Approach , Students , Programs , Talks , Morgan State University , Sort , Delaying , Student Loans , Corner , Kids Cheering , May 1st , 1 , Student Debt , Debt , Policies , Economy , Credit Card Debt , Proponent , Pen , Stroke , Rhetoric , 346000 , Many , Daycare Plan , Daycare , Income , 94000 , 22 , Consensus , Voting , Immigrant , Face , Immigration , The Last One , Immigration Prosecutor , Position , Proposals , Green Card , Holders , Immigrant Visas , Work Permit , Benefits , 400000 , Immigration Reform , Recovery , Hip , Labor Force , Sports , Topics , Break , Rocket , Do We Go From Here , Game Changer , Um , Ways , O We Go , Pad , Discreet , Lunchables , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Health , Nutrients , Utah Utes , Nfl , Playoffs , College Games , Ohio State , Update , Players , Super Bowl , Plans , Howard Bryant , Rose Bowl , Covid Madness , 500 , Writer , Author , Full Disdense , Espn Com , Advantage , Article , Greetings , Nemesis , Mess , Take , Teams , Games , Rosters , Weather , Packers , Kirk Cousins , Minnesota Vikings , Game , Quarterback , Field , Sport , The Break Dances Withwolves , Teams Didn T , Billions , Labor Issue , Testing , Dollars , Millionaires , Team , Pressure , Labor Standpoint , Relationship , Owners , Union , Business Sector , Crisis , Number One , Normalcy , Ball , Nhl , Glory , 2020 , Basketball , Membership , Game Time , Unions Don T Have Consensus , Football , Baseball , Consequences , Kyrie Irving , Listen , Unvaccinated , Category , Season , Teammate , Stretch , Thought Process , Imagination , Brand , Playing , He S Immunocompromised , Vaccine Mandate , Kevin Durant , Conflict , Segments , Brooklyn Nets Super Team , James Harden , Wing It , Court , Nba , Wins , Has , Wild West , Larry Bird , Contracts , Athlete , Seasons , Myocarditis , Boston Red Sox , Heart Problems , Argument , Following , Ones , Athletes , Damage , Effect , Effects , Discussion , Rest , Cold , Call , Tide , Jerseys , Gordan Ramsey , Mission Control , Launch , Fine , Liberty Mutual , Superpowers , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Liberty , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Owner , Window , Hand Gestures , Pay , Theaters , Sneaker , December 17th , Kombucha Brewer , 17 , Voice , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture Maker , Furniture , Business Finances , Lost , Muscle Health , Staff , Business , Business Stands , Success Starts , 20 , 16 , High Protein , Narrator , Immune Support , Boost , Places , Conditions , Outcast , Darkness , Shame , Little Light Of Mine , Surgery , Child , Love , Pain , Act , Thousands , Operationsmile Org , Zzzquil Ultra , Stuff , Makers , Habit , Waiting , Nyquil , Nba All Star And The Super Bowl , Welcome Back , All Star , Parties , Bubble , Clubs , Road , Protocols , Honor System , Cards , Stadium , Participants , Player Perspective , Perspective , Spectators , Gatherings , College Football , Indication , No One , Air Quality , Area , Ground Zero , 9 11 , Zero , Look , Tickets , Nobody , Stadiums , Nobu , Science , Ticket , Access , Sports Fans , Bunch Of , Chance , Partying , Omicron Spike , Answer , Delays , Winter Olympics , Players Aren T Going , Gap , Soldier , Beijing , Testing Protocol , Testing Protocols , Chinese , I Don T Think , Stoppage , Dignitary Boycott , Everything Else , Government Delegation , China , Honor , Privacy , Vax Cards , Situation , Peng Shuai , Change , Policy , Spot , Relations , Okay , Cloud , Middle , Eye , Disappearance , Delight , Thanks , Coming Up , Sports Headlines , Attack , Capitol , January 6th , D , Next , Vitamin C , Nse , Zinc , 6 , Support , Ace , Centrum , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief , Honey Lemon Chill , Clerk , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Wooo Vaporize , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Nice , Touchdown , Cheering , The Hits Won T Quit , Irish , Peacock Premium , Tv Icon , Career , Couple , Roles , Don T , Title , Animal Welfare , Fixture , American Television , 88 , 70 , Brenda Gonzalez , Co Host , Co Founder , Episodes , Latin X , Sad , Kwtsz , Breakfast , Cheesecake , Lady , Urge , Thank You For Being A Friend , The Legend , Childhood , Tweeting , Testament , Adulthood , Animal Lover , Animals , Popularity , Dogs , Marathon On Tvland , Put Oakpark , Map , Talented , Minnesota , Cleveland , Illinois , Dumb , Midwestern Routine , Blond , Washington State , Fan , Patriot , That S Genius , 1989 , Saturday Night , Grandfather , Amen , 227 , 4 , Shoutout , Grandson , Grandparents , Show , Iconic , Deacon Frye , Peace , Legend , Reflections , Nostalgia , Heart , Loss , Conscience , Inclusiveness , Amazing , Facts Don T Matter , Kindness , Civility , Movie , Comet , Don T Look Up , America Dying , Viewers , Planet , Context , Failure , Truth , Little , Covid Or Climate Change , Documentary , Turning A Blind Eye , Earth , Moie , Impact , Tidal Wave , Catastrophic , Certainty , Mile High , It Isn T , Event , Opinion , Sit Tight , Satire , Horrifying Documentary Of A Film , Message , Skit , Erin Hanes , Garbage , Film , Papers , Indifference , Apathy , Eight , Curiosity , Didn T , Tad , Events , Death , Niece , Wig , Netflix , Net Lix , Stranger Than Fiction , Imitating , Comment , Hurtling , Purposes , Misinformation , Democracy , Conversations , Midterms , Phones , Ask , Education , Anybody , Aren T , Problems , Ship , Ending , Thinking , Efforts , Trend , Apocalypse Ribeye , Freezer , Wouldn T , Gyasi , Oblivion , Particular , Pop Culture , Director , Ending 2021 , Facebook , Evil Sort Of Black Version , The Way Harper , Losses , Tv Show , Rip To , Human Being , Growth , Greg Tate , Bell Hooks , Desmond Tutu , Virgil Abloh , Cuminate , Hope , Body Punches , Part , Culture , Uppercuts , Gut , Melanated Culture Specifically , Traditions , Get On , Black Eyed Peas , Tradition , Underwear , Variety , Households , Italy , There Wasn T A Black Eyed Pea , Black Eyed Peas On New Year S Day , Black Pea Stew , Ain T , Luck , Kale , Collards Greens , Meaning , Southern Black Woman , Collard Greens , Guaranteeing , Prosperity , Wealth , Stove , 2022 Brenda , Food , Gym Membership , Major , Intentions , Bed , Colonization , Sour Grape , Grapes , Los Angeles , 12 , Mexican , Spain , Money , Color , Green , Job , Calls , Wellness , Sour Grapes , Green Trim , Solstice , Cultures , Clothes , Resolutions , Focuses , Affirmations , Focus , Resolution , Saying , Pride , Cool , Old School , Unconditional Love , Father , Goal , Track , Running Out Of Time , Daughter , Son , Basketballs , Ego , Knee , Four , Humility , Exchange , General , Manifesting , There , Vision Board , Doing , Moana , Drinking , Eating , Virus Doesn T , Holidays , Aj And Aiden , Philadelphia , Twist , Majorities , Safer , Chambers , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Packaging , Feel , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , App , Ravages , Swing , Odds , Redrawing Maps , Voter Suppression Ravage , Seats , Fernand , Stephanie James , Happy New Year , Analyst , Cocktail , Steph , Herschel Walker , Raphael Warnock , Neck , Morning , Mind , Office , Personalities , Politics , Mr , Ex Wife , Parts , Mitch Mcconnell , Pathway , Endorsement , Red Pockets , Man , Biography Doesn T Matter , Environment , Herschel Walker Running Neck , Kicking Raphael Warnock Out , Doomsday Mode , Scandals , Marjorie Taylor Greene A , Disqualifiable , Mandate , Behavior , Level , Races , Hand , Performance , Approval Rating , Presidency , Points , Administration , Fundraising , Polls , Val Demings , Television , Onslaught , Candidates , Strength , Polling , Numbers , Fundraising Numbers , Wisconsin , Beasley , North Carolina , Accomplishments , Stake , Women , Donor Class , Quinton , Husband , Male , Senator , Chances , Members , Marco Rubio , Movement , Trump , Doubt , Ron Desantis , Candidate , Credentials , Run , Police Chief , Chiasmatic , Democrats , Sterling , Virginia , Er , Investment , Red , Purple , Sit Down , Theoretically , Order , June Of 2022 , Necks , Albatross , Realm , Bill , Criminal Justice Reform , Race , Issues , 100 Million , 00 Million , Strategists , Donors , Gorgeous Boys , Phase , 6th Ringleaders , Fight , Me Psoriatic Arthritis , Five Billion , Healing , Mission , Surgeries , Causes , Mercy Ships , 40 , Asian Americans , Discomfort , Taking Align , Gas , Millions , Bloating , Give Today , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , We Love You , Others , Go Home , Words , Insurrectionists , Attacks , Civil War , News Conference , Anniversary , Series , Is Prepping For Public Hearings , Work Lead , Inner Circle , Lucy Caldwell , Fo , Element , Producers , Apologies , Fbi , Footage , Conduct , Law , Video , Visit , Tourist , Law Enforcement , January The 6th , Grave , Red Maga , City , Hostage , Prisoners , Example , Hearings , January 6th Press Conference , Trumpism , Mar A Lago , Rhinos , Happening , Patriots , Adam Kinzinger , Liz Cheney , Kool Aid , Segment , Threat , Choir , Congressional Action , Record , Passion , Urgency , Fear , Staffers , Speculation , Beenemails , Tours , Shooter , Motorcycles , Running Shoes , Analogy , Spikes , Blocks , Track Reference , Celery , Fridge , Diet , Watercresses , Muscle Pain , Gain , Enough , Last Night , Butter , My Refrigeraor , Voice Mail , Bleep , Congresswoman Debbie Dingell , You Old Senile , You Scumbag Friends , Treason , Outcome , Front , God , Coup , Generals , Warning , Reporting , 2024 , Civics Courses , Threats , Precinct Strategy , Flak , Steve Bannon , Harsh , Lucy , Hangover Remedies , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Moves , Vegetables , Immune System Declines , Shingrix , 90 , Fainting , Headache , Side Effects , Ingredients , Dose , Injection Site , Swelling , Tiredness , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Stomach , Fever , Shivering , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Freshness , Porcelain , Bottles , Advice , Hangover , Doesn T Drink , Electrolytes , Water , Alcohol , Lots , Pounding Headache , Hydration , Blood Sugar , Vegetable Omelet , Minerals , Herbal Teas , Fruit , Toasts , Grain , Second , Hangover Symptoms , B Vitamins , Ab Complex Supplement , Absorption , Yoga , Exercise , Go For A Long Walk , Rem Sleep , Everybody Drinks , Walk , Nap , Feeling , Weed Hangover , Research , Alcohol Hangover , Headaches , Nausea , Brain Fog , Fatigue , Weed Doesn T Dehydrate You , Edibles , Jennifer Meng , Meal , Fiber , Fat , Hangover Haze , Tips , Jennifer , Crystal Balls , Time , Flings , I Swear , Jaycee , Well Helene , Lamp , Reflection , User , Joke , Waffles , Dog Bed , Diva , Mhm , Woof , Wayfair , Spotlight , Goat , Got Next , Brad Jenkins , Pollster , Program , What , Trumpian Environment , Bbb , Cable News , Democrats Don T Pass A Voting Rights , Belief , Sounds Overheated , Choice , Capital , Systems , Save Democracy , Loner Believe , Quote , Win , Blood Boiling , Happier Note , First Off , Community , Asian American Community , Levels , Hate , Violence , Stop Asian Hate Movement , Rates , Resourced , Electorate , Pack , Aapi Victory Fund , Announcement , Better Organized , Communities , Michelle Wu , Victory Fund , Boston , Latino Pac , Cities , My Next , Cincinnati , Aapi Community , Target , Constituency , Districts , Voting Bloc , Screens , 2044 , Data , Allies , Aapis , Fred Hampton , Building Coalition , Aaron , Women S Rights Issue , Newsroom , Echo , 19th Amendment , Personally , Twitter , Apocalypse , Jason , Cue , Peppa Pig Theme Park Opening , Xiomara , Countries , Woman Leader , Women Leaders , Council Of Foreign Relations , 193 , Harriet Tubman , Richard Branson , William Shatner , Jeff Bezos , 0 , Lifetime , Space , Currency , Pockets , Tubmans , Shoulders , African American , Gun Violence , Men , Racism , Bioafrican Medsis , Voices , Minds , Documentation , Paperwork , Ebony , Carlton Haywood , Loved , Comic Books , Ethics , Cell , Brilliant , 200000 , Best Friend , Pathways , Danger ,

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