Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cros

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

erin, you're the woman on the panel so i'm curious what you watch every holiday season. >> first of all, merry christmas to you, tiffany, and shoutout to you for looking like a whole christmas centerpiece up here. i am loving the holiday look, honey. so look, this is an important time to remind people that "diehard" is 100% a christmas movie. if there is a young person who does not know that, you are failing them as a parent, grand parent, aunt. "home alone" and "a christmas story" did pair christmas with guns and violence. only in america, i guess. >> that's a good point. >> i noticed this this year and was like, hmm, maybe explains why we've seen some folks on the twittersphere making that connection. >> brilliant point. but you brought up something very controversial that is "diehard" being a christmas movie. some people say no, some people say yes. i have to agree with you, it is a christmas movie. but i have to tell you i was talking to one of our producers who was working on this segment and i said what do you think? his name is tyler. he said he had never watched "diehard." so if anybody wants to feel old this morning, there are young people who have never even seen the movie. >> no, no. tyler's family failed him. if you have not watched "diehard" as a family, after you stop watching "the cross connection" it would be a perfect time to fire that up. >> okay. michael harriot, what's up with the love, brother. you are killing the game this morning. i love the -- what is that, velvet, as they say, in one of our other christmas movies, "coming to america." talk to us about your holiday look and your go-to holiday movie. >> my go-to holiday movie -- first of all, this is from a grizzly bear i killed. don't debate me on this. and my favorite holiday movie is "a christmas story." i don't know if i've ever seen it from the beginning to the end. i just play it on a loop every christmas and catch the funny parts whenever i'm walking past the tv. but i love "a christmas story." and my favorite scene is when he licks the pole and his tongue gets stuck to the pole because -- erin is too young to remember this but we used to have metal ice trays, and my sisters tongue actually got stuck to a metal ice tray one christmas so that's one of the reasons i love the movie. >> i think erin might remember that because i remember that, but sure we'll stick with you're too young. giassi, let's get into it, your go-to christmas movie? >> thank you. good morning. merry christmas to everybody. i hope you folks are having a wonderful time with family celebrating this wonderful structured time-out. for me, billy ray valentine, capricorn, "trading places." another controversial christmas movie, but it is a christmas movie, very much so. you know, winthorpe dressed as santa claus. you can't get more christmassy than that. if we're looking on a deeper level, it also tells a very, very significant story about the supposed meritocracy of america. so it has value on all fronts but i can't front the choices of the other panelists. they are also amazing. "diehard," incredible. "christmas story" one of the best movies ever. >> i agree. i have so many favorite christmas movies, but there are movies that i watch, i watch "trading places" every year but i also watch "when harry met sally." that seems like a holiday movie to me because at the end it's christmas eve. i've added to my repertoire the first "sex and the city" movie because i remember that scene when carrie is going to see miranda on new year's eve. erin, i don't know if you watch that routinely, but that is definitely one. but my other one that i watch every holiday season since 2006, "dream girls." it is officially a christmas movie in my sense because it's so -- it's snowing, it's sparkly, it's beyonce, jennifer hudson. it's just a christmastime movie to me. erin, what say you? >> beyonce is the gift that keeps on giving all year round, christmas every year really. i want to just plug my other favorite christmas movie which my mom reminded me of because i had this on loop when i was growing up and that was definitely "how the grinch stole christmas." i love, love that. i love its message that people can change. that kick make different choices. and that love and the spirit of christmas really can conquer all. so shoutout to the grinch, and of course i'm referring to the cartoon which you all are seeing. yes, they did a remake. i'm not in favor of remaking everything, and the grinch that stole christmas, the original 1966 version, which i was not here for when it came out, i just want to refocus that while we're plugging -- trying to guess my age, you know, it don't crack. so yeah, i love how the grinch stole christmas so much. it just makes me feel very warm and happy so shoutout to whoville. >> yeah. and you know what else, michael harriot, this one is more recent but it's "the best man holiday." it was not as good as the first one but the characters had depth and showed just the nuance of some of our learned experiences in this country. i like that movie. >> i love "the best man holiday." we need to create a black movie list so i like that it exists. another movie that i love, "holiday heart." if you haven't seen it, check it out. it's a deep pick, but it has every problem that could ever exist in one movie. it is drugs and family and, you know, there's a drag queen and it's a great movie. just read the wikipedia page and you'll see how insanely crazy this movie is. "holiday heart" check it out. you can stream it, download it, wherever your favorite movies are sold. >> i actually have not seen that. gyasi, have you seen that movie? >> i've never even heard of that movie and i'm a movie guy. i'm going to check it out, though, michael. >> don't blame me when you finish watching it. >> i've seen it. it was one of those that was just kind of home when i was on for christmas one time and it was there in the background. i was like, wait, what is this? just to piggyback, i think there's a black genre of holiday movies, "the preacher's wife" i've got to plug that one. i will definitely be watching that one before the new year rings in. >> i love "the preacher's wife" with whitney houston. that woman's voice was such a gift. and denzel washington starring opposite her. and a really quick story on that movie, they showed behind the scenes, you know penny marshall directed this movie. they had a gospel choir singing and penny marshall called cut and the gospel choir caught the spirit and did not cut and they showed how this choir kept singing for another 20 minutes and i got goosebumps watching it. you know what, i might watch that today actually on this christmas morning. you all know the hallmark channel, they start playing christmas movies i think july 4th weekend. it is like immediately christmastime for them as soon as the first little breeze comes through. but honestly, everyone knows the holiday season doesn't really start for me, anyway, until i hear "the silent night" by temptations. that song puts me in the holiday spirit. gyasi tries to battle me on music, i don't know why. but i'm curious, when you hear this song, it's like, yes, this crystallizes the moment for you. >> just to clarify to folks, it's not really a battle, it's an education. you know, i'm teaching about music when we have these conversations. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. >> regarding music, holiday music, i'm actually very traditional. my favorite christmas song is "little drummer boy." and the reason why it's my favorite song is because it's one particular memory. my family was in fact homeless. >> oh, wow. >> and i remember that particular christmas, my mom on christmas eve, they found this little tiny apartment, got bless my mom. my mom is amazing. she found this little tiny apartment. and we had a place to stay for christmas. we didn't have no tree, we didn't have no presents, and i thought of the little drummer boy, that he had no gifts to give other than his song. and sometimes the things that are intangible, those are the best gifts. and so i love that song. it brings -- evokes beautiful memories for me. >> you know, that's such an emotional story and now when i hear "the little drummer boy" i'll think about that. you think about people a couple of weeks ago, those awful tornados that ripped through different areas and just what people are going through today. not everyone is waking up to a warm home opening gifts. so that's really touching, gyasi, and shoutout to your mom for seeing you through that christmas. michael harriot, i suspect, i surmise that you are an old-school brother when it comes to christmas music. when gyasi said he's traditional, i grew up being culturally bilingual. our entire repertoire was the motown version of everything. what's your go-to holiday song? >> my family didn't celebrate christmas. but all christmas songs are actually kind of like gospel songs. it's like love songs to jesus. but johnny hathaways "this christmas" is the greatest after the temptations "silent night." they start preaching in the middle of the song. johnny hathaway is right up there. >> i'm with you. that's true, like the moment -- the bridge where they're just talking. you don't have a lot of that in songs anymore nowadays. erin, what are you rocking today on christmas? >> well, so i actually grew up playing the piano and i always had to perform at our christmas concert in my hometown so i have a lot of favorites, but my mom's favorite is "have yourself a merry little christmas" because that's special to her. my favorite to play was probably "carol of the bells." in our house, my mom is big christmas energy around our house. so we were teen fake tree, but the holiday potpourri would be brewing and all these christmas songs, mostly black motown hits would be going in the background. the boys 2 men christmas album, definitely undefeated. i was a child in atlanta singing "let it snow" where it basically never snows at the top of my lungs. also winton marcellus and the so, so deaf what you going to get for christmas is not an ode to jesus, it's a traditional christmas hymn that i sing along to. >> i love it all. erin haynes, thank you for being with us and have a wonderful merry christmas today. coming up, the true history of christmas, fact, not fake. stay with us. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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>> what are you talking about, i'm santa claus. >> don't tell him what you meant. he's a liar you sit on a throne of lies. >> all right. when you picture a traditional christmas, what comes to mind? a beautifully lit tree, a weird -- bearded white man coming down a chimney? let's separate the facts from fiction. joining me now professor emeritus of religious studies at morningside university, author of "christmas, america's favorite holidays." i'm so happy to have you with me on this christmas morning. >> it's great to be with you. >> thank you. i'm wonder so much, your books are quite fascinating, particularly your one on christmas. you do a great job of walking us through the history. it's something that i found really fascinating. for three centuries, christians did not even celebrate christmas. why was that, and when and how did that change? >> can i stay when i started that, i surprised me. i should have known that but i didn't. why was it? probably because partly that they were often persecuted in the first three centuries and so the center of attention for the christians was with crucifixion and resurrection because you could think about that with martyrs and others. also, if you're going to have a birthday party for someone, you should know the date. there's nothing in the bible that tells you. i mean there's no month, no day. so that would be hard to have a party. the main point is that it first started later after christians weren't persecuted anymore. so it's in the early 300s that we have the first record of some kind of celebration going on, on december 25th. why did that happen? i wish i could tell you. anything that anyone tells you, it's a guess. but my -- we can guess. i wish that there were some statement by a pope or an emperor who said we're starting this now and this is the reason and this is why we choose december 25th. but we don't have that. what we do know is that half christians could do things more in public because what happens in the early 300s is that constantine becomes the first roman emperor to accept christianity and so christians won't be persecuted anymore. so now they can do things more publicly and argue with each other about how to understand jesus. and as a result of that, i think they decided that they wanted to have a celebration about jesus' birth to show how important he was. >> well, you bring up a point that nowhere in the bible does it give a date, right? so that's really interesting because there's a lot of folks who practice biblical literalism but quite frankly we don't even have a reason. so why did we come to celebrate christmas on this day, on december 25th? >> well, i think probably because after 300 years when they couldn't discuss it as much, now they feel more free and can argue with each other. they all believed in jesus but they believed very different things. in the middle of that argument, i think they were trying to emphasize the divinity of jesus and how soon was he divine, et cetera. and they thought that story gave more emphasis to it. the thing people don't notice is that the christmas story gets very, very little attention in the bible. it's only in two of the four gospels. paul never mentions it. so it's -- it's something that they gave a boost to in the 300s. >> yeah. i mean i really highly recommend your book because you walk us through this mind-boggling transformation from the biblical version to what's a lot of commercialism. president franklin roosevelt changed the date of thanksgiving in order to lengthen the christmas shopping season. i mean talk about separation of church and state. that is quite stunning. >> well, it shows that commercial factors influence lots of things, right? >> yes, absolutely. >> it's amazing. this was done not for any reason for those two holidays, it was to lengthen the christmas shopping season. i have a general theory about holidays, especially christmas, and that is there are three-layer cakes. the first layer is the seasonal celebration that people have had from early times, so you have a spring party, you have a fall party when harvest is done and you have mid-winter parties. the second layer in the three-layer cake is religions or nations, but in this case christianity comes along and puts a celebration of jesus' birthright on top of an already existing mid-winter party. and then the third level is modern popular culture and all the weird things that it might do to a holiday. and we know one of the major things there is commercialization. >> yeah. and something else you point out in your book, coca-cola helped fashion santa claus' look and the story behind santa claus. we could talk about this stuff all day but people have to go out and get your book. we can't do the whole thing on this segment. it's really quite fascinating, bruce forbes, what you've been able to uncover about this holiday. but nonetheless, it is a festive season and it does give so many people joy this time of year, so i thank you for joining us on this christmas morning and a merry christmas to you and your family. >> my pleasure. merry christmas. >> thank you. and coming up, grammy-winning icon kirk franklin will join us to talk about the impact of gospel music, especially around the holidays. don't go anywhere, keep it right here. ight here with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. 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she said, yeah, that's dope. what if we do this? yeah, that's dope too. so we had this great collab moment. so i took those ideas, brought them back to dallas and got my choir and band and put everybody on it and it just felt real good. i facetimed her and asked her what she thought and she thought it was super dope. >> and it is super dope. we enjoy it. i want to talk a little about gospel music because it has such a special place, i think, in the lives of a lot of people, but particularly around the holidays. you think about songs from "go tell it on the mountain" to "mary did you know" to "ave maria." even for people who may not be church goers or believers, the gospel is so entrenched this season. talk about the influence gospel has had on music and certainly in your life. >> when you look at black gospel music and its impact on americana, everybody from elvis presley to aretha franklin, you just see it was part of the construct of what we know as popular culture. popular music with gospel, r & b and blues. and so for me it was very important to stay closely connected to what i believe to that truth to be and to celebrate those that are in it, because so many people lead the crossover and all of that has a beautiful place, but i love to be able to celebrate the origin of where everything started. and so it all started in gospel. and i think that the reason why it continues to inspire people, because there's also no other genre that is so unapologetic in its message of hope and its message of life. and so when you talk about needing to be able to be reminded of the big picture amidst all of the negativity that's happening in the world, this is a genre that always serves, is always delivering and always relevant to a message that people really need. >> so for folks who are home today looking for a good movie to watch, you have a movie airing on lifetime. but i'm just curious, what are some christmas family traditions in the franklin household? >> thank you for mentioning the lifetime movie. it was my first chance executive producing and i had a chance to reimagine some gospel songs i did several years ago. i thank the people at lifetime for being open and allowing these opportunities. for so many people that come from black and brown communities, they're opening up their doors to everyone. their commitment to diversity is really amazing. when it comes to the franklin household, tammy and i are very committed to these kids. even though they're grown kids, you know, we love celebrating them. my wife comes from a big family. i was adopted. and so her family is what i've always leaned into and they have always received me as a son and showed me super love. i think i'm closer to her mama sometimes than she is, even though her mama and i are best friends. her mama just took me up under her wings and made me her son, her and pops. so, yeah, we have a really good time christmas. i spoil people. i kind of -- you know, i kind of blow it out the water. you know, that's my way of reliving a childhood when we were poor and broke and i didn't have anything as a kid so now sometimes i overdo it and my wife has to tell me you need to calm down. you're buying gifts for people you don't even know. and so i love it. i love giving. i'm my nature a giver and so i have a wonderful time giving back. >> and that's what the season is all about. thank you so much, kirk franklin, for joining us and merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you too. >> all right. our thanks to kirk franklin. coming up, navigating those holiday hardships when trying to get along with some of your family. listen, we've all been there. we'll discuss that coming up next. first, here's a look at today's headlines. good morning, everybody. i'm lindsey reiser with an msnbc update on this christmas morning. as of yesterday, more than 2,000 flights were cancelled to, from and within the u.s. as covid-19 cases surge across the globe. the u.s. currently has a seven-day average of 122,300 cases. 72% of those are the new omicron variant. the biden administration says it will lift its travel restrictions on eight countries in southern africa on new year's eve. it was first put in place when omicron emerged. on wednesday the fda approved the first antiviral covid pill in hopes of avoiding severe complications or even hospitalization. that's a quick look at today's headlines. back to "the cross connection" with tiffany cross after the break. merry christmas. the break. merry christmas. - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? 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[daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. baby, did i say something wrong? >> you said a lot of things wrong. >> you want to meet grandma? well, here she is. >> oh, my gosh! >> that's not grandma. >> because it's ridiculous. >> somebody say something. >> lonnie, what the hell is going on? >> i'm his wife, you dumb [ bleep ]. >> okay. so even if your christmas gathering isn't quite as dramatic as this 2016 movie "almost christmas," navigating family dynamics around the holidays can still get a bit complicated. here to give us some tips is dr. joy harden, host of the therapy for black girls podcast. dr. harden, so happy to have you with us this morning. merry christmas to you. >> thank you so much, tiffany. merry christmas to you as well. >> now, you know, we look at these old-school holiday movies and it would have you believe sometimes that the holidays and life should be like a norman rockwell painting, everyone is happy and everyone gets along. but for folks who could be walking into some potential drama today, what's your advice on navigating the family stress that the holidays bring with it? >> that's a very good question. you know, i think when we gather with so many people that sometimes we haven't seen in a very long time, especially now, this may be the first holiday season people are gathering again, there are lots of emotions that can sometimes come up, lots of disagreements that sometimes come up. so the thing to keep in mind is setting boundaries for yourself and for certain loved ones. if there are certain topics you don't feel comfortable talking about, it's completely okay to say that. it's completely okay to divert a conversation away from something you're not comfortable talking about. really just being very clear with people around how you want them to engage with you. >> you say to have boundaries and we all know what family gatherings can look like. even if you try to divert attention away from a topic, i imagine there's a lot of people sitting next to folks who are anti-vax conspiracy theorists or people who want to talk politics. even when you try to divert the conversation, if the entire table is discussing something that you're uncomfortable with, what are some other ways you can establish boundaries? >> i think a very clear boundary is to get up and leave. so i think if you have tried politely to change the conversation and the conversation continues to go in a way that you're not comfortable with, it's okay to get up and leave. i think far too often we keep ourselves in situations that are uncomfortable and don't think about how that impacts ourselves and our mental health. so it's okay to walk away from a situation that you just don't feel comfortable with anymore. >> you know, the holidays are a really sad time for folks who lost people, especially this year. we lost a lot of people to covid. i think about those devastating tornados a couple of weeks ago. i think of that horrible, horrific christmas parade incident that happened. so for folks who have lost children, i can't even imagine, or folks who have lost their parents, this is different, this time of the year. so what are some ways that people can navigate the heavy grief that they might be feeling this holiday season? >> yeah, there has been just so much loss recently. i think it's really important for people to give themselves permission to feel however they're feeling today. i think the expectation and there's often a lot of pressure to be cheery and upbeat and let's hold it together. but if you are experiencing grief and that feels like it's too much for you to do, then it's okay to just say, you know what, i just don't have it this year and i'm not going to keep up appearances. i'm going to tend to myself. and so that may mean taking a staycation. that may mean drastically reimagining how you even celebrate the holidays or whether you celebrate the holiday at all. i think it's really important to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. >> and every time this year i think about folks who have no family or they don't have friends, houses to go to on this holiday. you think about folks who grew up in the foster care system, for example, who are just unleashed at the age of 18 with no real infrastructure. people who are alone this holiday season. what are some things that they can do to fill their time and feel joyful in their own company? >> so if there's a way to volunteer, i think that that can be a really good way to kind of be surrounded by community but also while helping other people. and also giving yourself, again, permission to figure out what feels good for you today. so is there a movie marathon that you want to enjoy? do you want to get takeout from some of your favorite restaurants? you know, what kinds of things can you really do to take care of yourself and to help you to feel restored and connected today i think is going to be really important. >> and when drama does break out, you know, i recall several holiday gatherings where there was some drama and sometimes people are arguing with each other. you know, family members argue. there's always the joke the comedians tell when you're at the dinner table and somebody said, yo uncle, your real daddy, those things when things get unearthed around the holidays, i imagine that can be offputting. i know there are some people who are intentional about not going to family gatherings because it's just too much drama. but when that drama does unfold, you do as family have to try to piece those things back together and try to build. what's your advice for like the day after christmas? you know, when something may have gone down, how do you go back and rebuild as family? >> i think it's something that you can can't do for yourself. sometimes a trained professional needs to be brought in for family counseling. but thinking about whether this is a conversation that you can engage. if there is, i think some apologies need to be a good place to start. apologizing to any bad behavior that you've had and offering to make amends for how to get things back on track is a great place to start. >> and sometimes people don't go around family holidays. i know i've lived in d.c. for 20 years and so this is my home now. i always tell my family this is my home and people are welcome here for the holidays and they don't travel. but do you think -- you know, you always have to wonder is this the last year that everyone is going to be able to get together? i mean there is some healthy amount of guilt maybe that it's like, oh, well, go see your family, go to the inconvenience of travel, go to the necessary thing. how do you navigate that? you know, trying to strike that delicate balance of prioritizing the new moments you get to relax versus, you know, spending time with family. and yes, i am turning this into a therapy session. please, your thoughts. >> you know, i think there are so many artificial expectations. you know, as you discussed with your previous guests, there are so many expectations we put around this holiday season that aren't really anchored in anything real. and so if your concern is about spending meaningful time with your family, does that have to be this week or could you go in the middle of january and have that time with them? so i think really relaxing all of those expectations and figuring out what you can do that will work best for everyone without anyone really having to compromise their mental health or really overextend themselves is really a good place to start thinking about how can everyone get their needs met in this situation. >> well, based on your advice i'm going to spend the day watching movies. i may get out and fix a plate somewhere later. but we get so little time to just exhale and relax, especially those of us who work in news, so i'm going to say dr. harden told me i could stay home today if i like. thank you for joining us today, dr. harden. it's always amazing talking to you about these situations. merry christmas to you and your family. i hope you have a wonderful day today. in the next hour, is there really a war on christmas? of course not, but we'll talk about it with my holiday panel. plus, what are you all eating today? we have ideas for a healthy holiday feast. i promise it's good. and we'll have some famous christmas cocktails and, yes, i will be sampling some of those cocktails. that and much more is coming up so keep it right here. merry christmas. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, find yours on the vrbo app. there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. people, with quickbooks live someone else will do your books for you. they'll even pair you with an expert bookkeeper like me, who knows your business. knows your business! expert bookkeepers who understand your business. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. try spring daydream, now part of our irresistible scent collection. we have much more to get in our next hour, but first it wouldn't be christmas without a special musical performance from an incredible singer. you may know her as the cofounder of black votes matter, but listen to this beautiful melody from latosha brown. ♪ oh, come all ye faithful ♪ ♪ joyful and triumphant ♪ ♪ oh, come ye oh, come ye to bethlehem ♪ ♪ come and behold him born the king of angels ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ oh, seek choirs of angels, ♪ ♪ sing in exultation ♪ ♪ oh, sing all ye citizens of heaven above ♪ ♪ glory to god, glory to the highest ♪ ♪ come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh come let us adore him ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ king of kings, lord of hosts ♪ ♪ angels sing on high ♪ ♪ come ye faithful, come ye faithful ♪ ♪ come ye faithful, come ye faithful ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, christ the lord ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ come ye faithful ♪♪ from a spider bite? 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>> i confess that i am one of those culprits who keep their stuff up to like valentine's day. i love christmas, but christmas trees is my favorite part. i keep it up as long as possible, but got to water it regularly and also make sure you pick up the pine needles or get a fake one, which is always helpful. >> yeah, seriously? i feel like it's like this love/hate relationship with the christmas tree. jerry seinfeld does a great thing with this where he says the christmas tree is so beautiful, and then it's like you wake up date after christmas like there's a tree in the house? what the hell is this tree doing in the house. it's spilling stuff all over, get this tree out of here. it's to the point now where i don't even put up a christmas tree. michael harriot you have kids, adult kids nonetheless, but what's the christmas tree rule in your house? >> the christmas tree rule in my house is -- it's on everybody else. usually my daughter decorates it. i'll water it, but the day after christmas it's out to the curb so the people can pick it up. because who wants to sweep up pine needles, you know, walk around with socks on or bare feet in the house and got a christmas tree and then the dog tracks everything and he's kind of confused because usually he's outside using the bathroom on the tree and now there's one in the living room, and it's just like everybody changed the rules for him for one week or month out of the years. it's better to take it out as soon as you can get it out. >> yeah, i agree. it seems like a lot of hassle. you have kids too. what's your rule on putting up the tree? keeping it around, taking it out? >> you know, they smell so good. it's not even the appearance, the light. i love the smell. the smell is amazing. my mom always cleaned the house with pine sol, so you get that pine smell for a while. it's really nice. my rule regarding disposal of it, i actually mix economics with it. my first born son, his birthday is january 14th, and so i incentivize him, if this tree is not removed by your birthday, evidently we're still in a different season. it's not the birthday season yet, there's no gifts, no birthday presents stuff like that. january 14th, usually right before then it mysteriously disappears. >> very smart. that is very, very smart on your behalf. you know that time once the christmas tree is out, it's like we immediately shift into a new season, but before then it's that space between christmas and new year's, you know, and that's when like the good sales happen. that's when people are getting those bargains, the malls are always crowded. the restaurants are always crowded, but it's also the time that you have to make your new year's eve plans. i have to tell you, jess, i think i may have aged out of new year's eve plans. it's like when you're younger, you're going out to meet new people. when you're older, you're trying to stay away from new people. you don't want to meet anybody else new. so it's the first new year's since covid. what are you guys doing to bring in the new year? are you one of those stay-at-home people, like putting up on your footties and watch tv or less turn up at the club and with it. >> i have had a transcription tradition with my friends where we go away to a cabin or a house for new year's and have an amazing meal and a dance party that is lit but a little more contained, and that's definitely my speed. i'm so, so excited to do that again this new year's eve. new year's is really, really fun when you're not at the club. >> i agree. i concur. jess jassy, you have kids, are you hitting the streets new year's or do you do a family thing where everyone's sitting around bringing in the new year together? >> just regarding new year's generally, i i stopped going out to new year when i was 22 years old, the gun violence that's happening right now, the epidemic of gun violence is something i've been cognizant of it, and it seems like i'm a large brown skinned man. it seems like there's -- it's something that is coming to notoriety now. it's been around for a long time. i've always been very cautious about it. people when they get some alcohol in them, i just don't trust them. this particular year i'll be on the beautiful gorgeous macaw indian reservation on the northwesternmost part of the contiguous united states. it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. i'll be out there with my family looking at the ocean calmly. you know, it will be windy and beautiful sights, salty air, and just chilling with family and probably have some ritz crackers and cheese and martinelli sparkling cider. that's as lit as we get nowadays. >> that sounds like a good time to me. where is my invite? >> come through? >> i might pull up. don't mess with me. i might pull up. michael harriot what's your plan for new year's? and do i have an invite? >> i don't have any plans for new year's. i grew up celebrating kwanzaa so like new year's was the last day of kwanzaa and the delta always gave away a bike, so i would be praying that i would win the bike every year for kwanzaa celebration. that's what i usually do, try to win a bike. you know, these days i'm past the age of getting lit for new year's, so i just stay in the house. like now i'm in the process of conserving every day off you get. a day off means you get to stay at home and do nothing. that's what the holidays mean to me now. >> yeah, seriously. i was literally just saying that. i want to relax, you know, today is a day that i don't really have to work. i don't have to be on top of my iphone. i don't have to filter 80 calls and get emails every other heartbeat. i just want to chill and stay in my pajamas and eat what i want. so i might take that all the way through new year's, to be honest with you. something else i'm going to do today and that is scroll through my time line and look at these memes. looking at memes is like watching the social media version of deaf comedy jam. it is quite hilarious to me. i want to show just a couple of memes that i picked out for my producers. they're high comedy. one is how moms look at their kids opening all the gifts. it is so funny. i think it's -- 30 minutes before christmas dinner versus when family shows up. i think we all remember that moment. another one is when kids are opening gifts and they show how the mom is looking at the kids opening gifts. [ laughter ] i totally remember those. i have a few more. i'll show them later in the show. i want to hear your memes, the funny things that you see on social media. gyasi, what you got? >> you mentioned it. for me today is a great day because i'm going to chill. i'm going to watch some football, i'm going to watch some basketball. i'm going to eat some bad food that i don't eat any other time, and i'm going to drink martinelli sparkling cider. i have it in a paper bag. it looks like i'm going to do some dirt. i'm straight shotting it. my meme is kevin mcallister. i'm eating junk and watching rubbish. i got a little tiny bit presentable for you, queen tiffany, i wanted to say merry christmas to the co-panelists but after this i'm about to get in a white t-shirt and it's going to have martinellis all over it. >> that's all right. i'm not mad. we appreciate you brother for cleaning up this morning, but i'm not mad about that white t-shirt and martinellis. >> jess, what are some of your favorite memes? >> i recently saw one that talks about sad beige christmas. sometimes people take the fit aesthetic a little too far, we've got to keep it festive instead of sad and beige. >> oh, wow, that's hilarious. a little baby reindeer. he's so cute. >> i like the ears. >> oh, that's so funny. oh, hilarious. oh, look at the little babies. all right, michael harriot, what do you got for us? >> you know i'm always having the woke christmas. i'm always taking on christmas and telling everybody that kwanzaa is a better holiday than christmas. that's my favorite thing to do, hating on christmas, telling everybody they need to get into kwanzaa. let's make kwanzaa great. >> is there a meme that goes along with that or is michael harriot the meme for let's make kwanzaa great? oh, there we go. there we go. >> that is hilarious. >> right. >> that last one. that is hilarious. while i think we may have dropped your mic, michael, but while we get that together, the other one i have is when a kid gets a gift and he doesn't have the batteries, and so they show the little boy like crying after he -- >> facts. >> yes. >> and then the christmas outfits, kids who have to wear the christmas outfits and they're taking pictures when the parents are taking pictures of them. the other one when kids fix their face like maybe they didn't get the gift that they wanted and there may be some thoughts and feelings about that. that michelle obama, everybody knows that look on that face, a black momma can communicate so much with just one raised eyebrow. you know what that means. the other one is about music on christmas. i was scrolling the internet finding all of these memes, and so turn off that gucci gang mess and turn on the temptations silent night. you all know how i feel about the temptations. here's the crazy thing, i kind of feel like we're turning into those people. it kind of talks about generations, you know, because michael, you know, we talk about, you know, the run dmc christmas song. those are our classic hip-hop christmas, but someday there are going to be adults sitting around and say you kids don't know anything about hip-hop, migos, that was real music. kind of wild do think about do we sound like that now? interesting thing as we age. >> yeah, we do. >> yeah, man. my favorite christmas carols, the newer ones, and so i know my grandkids will probably be hating on my christmas music. which is a day i'm looking forward to. >> yeah, exactly. gyasi, you were about to say something. i didn't mean to cut you off. >> i think we're all in that fuddy duddy stage where we know the last real generation of music, and the truth is that every generation has good music and bad music, but i'm definitely in that phase and christmas music, christmas in queens is still my contemporary classic, of course. >> yeah, yeah, look, when you say it's christmastime in hollis queens, everybody knows. everybody knows the next line. it's just -- and i don't know really like modern day hip-hop classics that really do that, but maybe i'm just not into it. maybe i'm not up on games, somebody needs to put me on. anyway, this has been a fascinating discussion with all of you wonderful panelists, so thank you so much michael harriot, and gyasi ross, save some sparkling cider for the rest of the family. >> i got you. >> i got you. thanks to you guys. all right, what's cooking in your kitchen for christmas right now? we're going to discuss some of the options on the other side of the break that might not let that waist expand after christmas dinner. stay tuned. christmas dinner stay tuned are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. shop online for downy unstopables, including our new, lighter scent. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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>> i love that. i'm a foodie, too, i have mac and cheese, lasagna, all the things. >> sounds so good. >> and it tastes so good, and it's good for you. >> yes, yes. >> the biggest thing is that you want to still eat your fruits and vegetables. you want to eat the rainbow. i tell people know your five favorite fruits, your five favorite vegetables and eat them every single day, and that will save you, and the fiber will help you process all those other things. >> you said mac and cheese, right? >> mm-hmm. >> i would eat mac and cheese every day if i could. tell me is there a healthy way to eat mac and cheese. there are like these vegan mac and cheese recipes. i know they do exist. there are other ways that people can cook healthy. i know my grandmother -- people start using like olive oil. it tastes a little different to me, but the main thing, is there a healthy way to consume mac and cheese? >> yes, i love pasta. make sure your pasta is made from a complex carbohydrate versus just wheat. so i eat pasta made out of quinoa, made out of chickpeas. those are great high protein, high carb options, that give you energy. >> what about the cheese part? >> there's so many really great cheeses out there. there are some made out of sweet potatoes. there are some made out of nuts and seeds, so i think having those alternatives, you can enjoy your cheese, but you don't get sick and feel like you're going to be in a coma after. >> but does that mac and cheese with the sweet potato cheese that you're telling me is good and with the quinoa pasta you're telling me is good, does that mac and cheese taste like grandmas? >> i don't know if it tastes like grandmas but it tastes really good. for me it's all about seasoning and how you're consuming food. i put like old bay and paprika and onion and garlic. it tastes really good. i make air fried chicken out of mushroom. it tastes really good. it doesn't taste like chicken, but it tastes good. it has the texture and consistency. that's what it's more about, eating food that tastes good, makes us feel good and is good for us at the same time. >> you say you make air fried chicken out of mushrooms, where are the samples? >> i made it yesterday too. you got to have it fresh. i have to make it for you. it's phenomenal how good it tastes and how the texture is just like fried chicken. >> coya wants us to eat fried chicken made from mushrooms and mac and cheese made from quinoa, is and cheese made from sweet potatoes. as people are getting ready to go to their family's house, give us the tips. what can people do, something that i was told is eat my veggies first, eat your veggies and your protein, then you can get to the mac and cheese. it's a trick because i'm full when i get to the mac and cheese. but the problem is it doesn't matter. i'm still going to eat the mac and cheese. i'm trying to hurt myself at that point. >> that's a good tip. what you do about eating those fruits and vegetables first. is you don't have as much room, and you eat -- like i said, don't eat more than a cup of the mac and cheese or the stuff you know is not going to be the best for you. so you really save yourself. so you enjoy it and you don't really have to, you know, worry about eating too much or overeating or eating it the next day. the thing is you want to make sure you're not shaming or guilting yourself for whatever you eat. when you feel bad about what you eat, that's what i call food you like unguilty pleasures, you actually stop your digestion because you're thinking i'm not supposed to have this. i'm loving my mac and cheese. this is good. i love it, your digestion is going to be a lot stronger. no matter what you decide to eat, enjoy it. >> that is a really good tip. i had never heard that before. when you feel guilty, you stop your digestive system. i think i have a lot of guilt. your other tip, you say eat in alignment with your -- >> you know when we go to the gym, we know how to strengthen our body. when we do meditation and affirmations, we're strengthening our mind, how do we strengthen our spirit. we have seven main shockers that run from our tailbone to our head. i talk about it in my boom let your fears make your fears. how to know what those shockers are and how to eat accordingly. if you want to feel safe, you wear red and eat things like apples. if you want to feel more expressive you eat oranges. think of when you peel an orange how that uplifts you and makes you feel good. when you eat those you actually energize those bodies. that's why your digestion is affected by how you feel. science is starting to prove that if you wear certain things, if you eat certain things, you actually uplift your energetic being or your spirit. that's why all these restaurants are red and yellow. that is affecting our digestion. it's affecting our taste buds. it's making us salivate and want food more. >> i had no idea. what do you eat when you sparkle? >> oh, when you sparkle? you're eating good, you're eating plant based. it makes you sparkle. even if it's plant-based, it actually takes your vibration and energy down. when you eat things that are living or fresh or from a local grower, it actually is going to give you more energy. as we hear farm to plate a lot, if you can go to your local grocer or even someone who has a garden, you're actually going to be raising the vibration of your food. even when i started growing my own food, i started with a major jar and $0.25 seeds and i grew herbs on my counter. i highly suggest growing your own foods starting with herbs. now i have a hydroponic garden in my home. >> i know what i'm doing after the show, coming over. i know there were a lot of sinks or maybe even some bathtubs filled with collard greens. i have a few tips. >> the collard greens are good. they give you fiber, so even if you eat all of those other things, the fiber from fruits and vegetables are helping it go through your body and eliminate. >> i love that. all right, see, we didn't ruin christmas dinner too much. so at home enjoy your mac and cheese. don't feel guilty about it because it stops your digestive system. thank you so much. there's much more of our very special holiday version of "the cross connection" after the break, stay tuned. cross connection" after the break, stay tuned. 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according to gallop, that's at least 7% of americans, so what exactly does december 25th mean for them? what are they doing on this holiday? let's talk about it. joining me now to share is dean o'beda la, and molly john bass, editor at large for "the daily beast." i'm so thrilled to have you guys on this morning. and i will safely say happy holidays to both of you on this day. molly, something i thought about because christmas just dominates so much of society in america. and nobody ever stops me and says hey, happy hanukkah, and i have to stop and say, wait, i'm jewish, what's that mean for somebody who doesn't celebrate christmas? >> people are trying to be nice, and i don't take it as offensive at all. i think christmas is like this amazing day where you get to do stuff and nobody's around and it's very uncrowded. so i'm a big fan of christmas. >> and what are you doing today? like on christmas, you know, things are closed down like you said, so how are you spending the day? >> well, a lot of times i love to fly on christmas because it's just a great time to fly. it's not that crowded. you can go away during the holiday, during the christmas holiday, but it's not a crazy air travel day, and i mean, i don't know, christmas is like my little secret i feel like because you can go to the movies. restaurants aren't crowded. it's just extremely convenient and also a very calm day and everybody's in a good mood because it's the big holiday. i'm a big fan of days where people are in good moods. >> you know, it's funny, dean, according to fox business, chinese food is a christmas tradition according to google data, chinese food has an interest value of 100 from google on christmas day, which translates into peak popularity on the search engine, which i find hilarious. so dean, you're muslim, but you grew up celebrating christmas, is that right? how exactly does that work? >> my mom is catholic. my dad is muslim. let me share the story of the mahmoud the red nosed reindeer, have you heard that one before? santa ka lee fa goes around and gives all the good kids toys. in my family we celebrated both days. i'm muslim now, when i was younger i celebrated both days, i gravitated towards islam as i got older. muslims in america celebrate christmas in a cultural way all over the country. some actually put up christmas trees because i've written about it, who are not in religious households like my own, and some share gifts. some don't do anything. even growing up my muslim cousins would go over and we would share gifts. it's cultural, but also with muslims there's a theological connection. jesus is a prophet in islam. he's very important. we believe in the virgin birth. the virgin mary is celebrated in the koran more than any other woman. she had her own chapter in the koran. theologically muslims are not really celebrating christmas that way but culturally in america certainly and i've been in the middle east during christmas season and there are christmas trees and hotels and the shopping malls, and countries like jordan they celebrate it much more. some muslims are having fun today, they're having a tree with their friends. others they're like molly enjoying no one at the restaurant or no one at the movie theater. >> yeah, and you know, it's interesting, dean, because at the end of ramadan, is that close to christmas? forgive my ignorance. i'm curious what the comparison is exactly. >> it certainly -- that's a theological holiday. there is a connection to christmas. they're festive. they're fun, you go over with your family. they might not be exchanging gifts maybe, you know, some desserts people bring our baklava for some. in america since one-third of the muslim community is african american, and that's the biggest component, there's so many interfaith families there as well. so you know, what i really love about my childhood is learning about more than one religion and being beyond tolerance, it's celebraing other faiths. there's not one path. even if you're an atheist, being a great person, it's not restricted to any kind of faith group at all. >> that's absolutely a fair point. i think we can remind a lot of folks that message on today. molly, i have to say when i was young i went to a school with a heavy jewish population, and i used to play dreidel with the school kids around hanukkah. i don't know if that's specifically just made for hanukkah, but i know every year around the holidays we would all play it together. i mean, hanukkah's the closest thing, i guess to christmas, right? >> yeah, hanukkah is sort of -- it's a little bit of a kind of our little christmas, but we're trying to get in on it, i think, is their assessment. and you know, i mea a lot of jews are christmas curious, and i think that's good. there's nothing wrong with it, right? jesus was a jew, right? and christmas is like a lovely day with, you know, lovely -- i don't know, i think it's a really great and, you know, very kind of calm and loving peaceful day, and anything in american society that gets us excited about peace is good. but yeah, i mean, definitely hanukkah has tried to sort of get in there and be a little mini christmas. >> so molly, are there houses with both a menorah and a christmas tree? >> yes, every apartment building in new york city has a menorah -- i mean, not every single one but i mean, i think they happily coexist together, and they most -- and most important is they mean the same thing, right? which is peace on earth and good will towards others and celebration of another year, and this year we've had an incredible year and now we have vaccines and people can get together and there's a lot to celebrate. >> there is indeed a lot to celebrate. i'm reminded of that episode of "sex and the city" when charlotte york was converting to charlotte goldenblatt, such a great episode. thank you so much, dean o'beda la and molly john fas. i think we're going to talk more about this, there's much more of our christmas "the cross connection" spectacular coming up. but first a look at today's headlines. good morning, i'm lindsey riser with an msnbc news update on this christmas morning. surging covid cases have caused more than 2,500 flights to be canceled in the u.s. today alone. airlines say positive cases have hit their pilots and crews hard this holiday season. so far this month, 3.4 million americans have contracted covid. the states that you see here in red and orange report a rise in cases over the past 72 hours. meanwhile, it's a wild christmas weather wise in the u.s. parts of the pacific northwest are getting a rare white christmas. the sierra nevadas could get up to ten feet of snow, and then in the southwest storms and high winds could knock out power lines and make driving pretty tricky. and pope francis delivering his annual christmas message in vatican city. the pontiff talked about keeping peace in our heart despite all the conflicts and crises in our world today. that's a quick look at this hour's top headlines. "the cross connection" with tiffany cross continues after the break. merry christmas. the break. merry christmas. how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. if you're washing with the bargain brand, ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. what do we want for dinner? burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. all right, 'tis the season to toast and feast with your family and friends. i want to ask my guests about some of their favorite holiday drinks and food. back with me dean obeidallah, molly jong-fast and gyasi ross. i'm sitting here with the brown for the holiday, it will help me make a smooth transition into a little nap. i want to know about some of your favorite cocktails. you kept talking about this sparkling cider. tell me you have something a little stronger planned for the day or maybe not? >> i'm going to disappoint you, tiffany. i abstain from alcohol and i have -- so martinelli's sparkling cider is about as serious as it gets. every once in a while if i want to get to the hard stuff, i will go dark and get some of that brown and get a dr. pepper or a coke, but that's about as serious as it gets at the ross household. >> that sounds very responsible and boring. molly, tell me what are your -- what's your go-to cocktail on this christmas or holiday season? >> well, you're going to be really disappointed because i've been sober since i was 19 years old, and i come from a family riddled with alcoholism, so i don't even have the martinelli's because of my -- you know, i have only one vocal chord, which is why my voice sounds the way it sounds, so i'm pretty careful, and i mostly stick to water. i'm not that fun, but i do eat a lot of food. >> yeah, and that's not a disappointing thing to say, molly, i have to tell you. i too grew up in a household with a lot of alcoholism, so it's very happy -- a very happy thing to hear people have been sober and congratulations on being sober since you were 19, dean, if you tell me you don't drink, this is turning out to be an incredibly boring segment, what's your take and your favorite holiday cocktail? >> here's the thing, tiffany, since both gyasi and molly don't drink, give up pork, become muslims. we need you, we'd love to have you in our camp. this is all a recruitment exercise. i'm muslim, i have to pretend i don't drink alcohol. i don't any longer, but you know, with my family came over on christmas and they would have dinner with the muslims, it was fun to watch the italians drink a lot of wine a list from wine to shots and my muslim cousins would look over and pretend they never drank alcohol. that was always the fun of christmas day. the food to me is the key more than any of the alcohol, it's the people together and growing up watching the christian and muslim cousins come over and celebrate a holiday together to me represented the best of america. that's my fondest memories of my childhood those dinners my late dad would cook for everybody. >> that's awesome. i'm fresh out of questions. molly, i'm told you have your dog in your lap celebrating christmas. i am into dogs. we have to see this little fella. >> this is puppy leo and he's a rescue puppy, but he's a chinese crested, and he's hairless, and i got him from a really great rescue organization called bald is beautiful. >> i love that. and you know, this is -- i actually do want to talk about this for a second, if i may take a moment of personal privilege. you know, a lot of people give pets for the holidays and, you know, pets are a serious responsibility, molly, as you know, you can probably testify to this. they are not necessarily holiday gifts. you know, it's like having a toddler who never grows up for like 13 years, and so when you give a gift of a pet, just understand it's a huge responsibility. it's a living thing. they're innocent creatures, and when people get tired of them after three months. it is horrific. it is horrible, and if you are out there getting a pet, adopt, don't shop. there are shelters and rescue petitions all across this country filled with animals, especially given the natural disasters we've seen, the tornados a few weeks ago, people who have died during covid who had pets. explore your local shelters and give your animal a good home. dean, do you have pets? >> i grew up with pets with dogs and cats and i love them. it's heartbreaking to lose an animal. i've always been married once. it's also heartbreaking to get divorced. i thought you were talking about the pain of it. i know what that's like at a relationship level. but i love animals, and i've seen molly's dog on instagram many a time. it is a star on instagram. i'm not even kidding. it is a star. >> i have three, three dogs. >> oh, wow. >> you're hoarding dogs, molly, that's too much. >> i have two elderly dogs and then i have the baby. >> well, i love that story, and gyasi, i will tell you my favorite dog is the pit bull. they get such a horrible reputation, but they are the sweetest dogs. i used to foster pit bulls, they are the kindest, cutest dogs. they just want to please, and they're great -- listen, they are great with kids. the little rascal dog was a pit bull, so pit bulls, don't believe the hype. they are awesome dogs and very loving. gyasi, i know you love animals. i don't know if you have pets. >> yeah, i have a pit bull. >> true story, i post him pretty much every morning, i take a walk with him every single morning and he takes a picture with his buddy mr. harvey who lives across the street and is just crazy about dogs and his name is duchi. it's the pueblo word for horse because he breathes like a horse. he's my old man, he's 12 years old, and he's starting to break down, and you know, it's the children's, it's the kids' childhood dog and we're going to have a conversation about mortality very soon, and that's kind of bringing the mood of christmas down a little bit, but pets are beautiful. pets are absolutely gorgeous. i'm thankful to celebrate this christmas with duchi. he gets a big old bone for christmas. that's his gift. it's going to be a good time. he's going to have a t-bone steak t-bone, the actual bone with some meat remnants on there for his christmas gift. >> i love that. and remember when you're giving those dogs table food, they cannot have chocolate. they cannot have chicken bones. they will choke on the bones. please google it before you give it to them. i'm so happy you were on to testify that pits are amazing dogs. they're so good. they're great with kids, and i have seen dogs the size of molly's dog bully poor pit bulls at the dog park. the little dogs reign supreme. they are the bosses of the dog park, and they're more likely to bite than bigger dogs. >> absolutely. >> i'm off on a tangent because i started talking about dogs. they're telling me we have to go. listen, you guys have a wonderful day today. merry christmas to you, gee awe gyasi, dean and molly enjoy your day relaxing, i'll be doing the same. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day. relaxing, i' same. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day ey can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four 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absolute best gift of all. and that is you tuning in and the conversations that we have here on this platform, so thank you so very much. i hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and the next time we see you will actually be in the new year. so we will see you in the year 2022. i hope you have a wonderful day and eat all the things that you want to eat. and to close us out, we want to have one more moment of the beautiful melody from latosha brown, so here she is again singing a beautiful classic christmas song. ♪♪ ♪ silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ all is calm, all is bright ♪ ♪ round yon virgin mother and child ♪ ♪ holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ shepherds quake at the sight ♪ ♪ glories stream from heaven afar ♪ ♪ heavenly hosts sing alleluia ♪ ♪ christ the savior is born ♪ ♪ christ the savior is born ♪ ♪ ♪ downy unstopables when i get a migraine, i shut out the world. but with nurtec odt that's 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Business , T Mobile , Difference , Number , Phone , Vo , Device , Small Business Owners Prosper , 000 , 1000 , Opportunities , Employees , Customers , 5g Network , Largest , Facebook , 5 , 200 , 00 , Laundry , Water , Pre Treaters , Tide Pods , Nice , Sign , Mariah Carey , Chance , King , Importance , Collaboration , Congratulations , Bob , Part , Decorations , Staple , Houses , Real , Deal , Working On , Ideas , Collab , Dope , Dallas , Little , Band , Go Tell It On The Mountain , Mary Did You Know , Ave Maria , Gospel , Believers , Church Goers , Black Gospel Music , Life , Americana , Aretha Franklin , Elvis Presley , Popular Music , Construct , R B And Blues , Origin , Truth , Crossover , Genre , Hope , World , Negativity , The Big Picture , Family Traditions , Airing , Lifetime , Household , Executive , Doors , Commitment , Communities , Franklin Household , Diversity , Wife , Son , Tammy , Mama , Friends , Pops , Wings , Kid , Childhood , Blow It , Giver , Nature , Holiday Hardships , Headlines , First , Update , Msnbc , Lindsey Reiser , 2000 , Cases , Flights , Globe , Average , 122300 , Seven , 19 , Administration , Travel Restrictions , Countries , Southern Africa On New Year S Eve , Omicron Variant , Eight , 72 , Complications , Hopes , Hospitalization , Antiviral Covid Pill , Fda , Break , Push , Wrinkles , Tiffany Cross , Lift , Hey Joshie , Downy Wrinkleguard , Pets , Progressive , Heart , Hat , Car Accident , Mini Majorette S Gonna March , Animals , News , Mittens , Squeaks Softly , Diva , Mittens Squeaking , Mess , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Loved Ones , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Daughter , Wash , Couldn T , Bargain Detergent , Stains , Baby , Grandma , Somebody , Lonnie , What The Hell , Dr , Bit , Tips , Isn T , Navigating Family Dynamics , Bleep , 2016 , Joy Harden , School Holiday Movies , Harden , Girls Podcast , Therapy , Drama , Advice , Painting , Family Stress , Norman Rockwell , Question , Emotions , Mind , Setting Boundaries , Disagreements , Topics , Talking , Boundaries , Family Gatherings , Know , Topic , Conspiracy Theorists , Politics , Ways , Leave , Boundary , Table , Situations , Situation , Mental Health , Impacts , Horrific Christmas Parade , Covid , Parents , Children , Grief , Expectation , Pressure , Loss , Feels , Appearances , Care , Staycation , Executive Director , Foster Care System , Example , Infrastructure , 18 , Community , Company , Marathon , Kinds , Restaurants , Takeout , You , Permission , Holiday Gatherings , Break Out , Yo Uncle , Family Members , Dinner Table , Comedians , Joke , Needs , Family Counseling , Apologies , Don T Go Around Family Holidays , Track , Apologizing , Offering , Behavior , Amends , D C , Don T Travel , Guilt , Amount , Balance , Travel , Inconvenience , Thoughts , Expectations , Therapy Session , Aren T , Concern , Thinking , Somewhere , Plate , Relax , War On Christmas , Eating , Holiday Panel , More , Cocktails , Holiday Feast , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Vacation , Panic Room , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Slash Classroom , Vrbo , Dirt , Cleaner , Bargain Brand , Tide Hygienic , Expert Bookkeepers , Expert Bookkeeper , Quickbooks , Alice , Gain , Scent Beads , Fairy Godmother , Live Bookkeeping , Longer Ss , Try Spring Daydream , Scent Collection , Singer , Performance , Wouldn T Be Christmas Without A Special Musical , Matter , Melody , Cofounder , Votes , Latosha Brown , Come Ye Oh , Triumphant Oh , Come Ye Faithful , Come Ye To Bethlehem , Angels Oh , Oh Come Let Us Adore Him , Christ The Lord , Lord , Oh , Exultation Oh , Choirs Of Angels , Glory , God , Sing All Ye Citizens Of Heaven , Highest , Lord Of Hosts Angels Sing On High Come Ye Faithful , King Of Kings , Come Ye Faithful Oh , Spider Bite , Gasps , Nonsense , Inefficiency , Pro , Patience , Joe Montana , Spider Man , December 17th Hi , December 17th , 65 , 17 , Plans , Wellcare , Cost , Money , Primary Care , Prescription , Pros , Copays , Pocket , Medicare , Benefits , Hearing Expenses , Social Security Check , Toothpaste , Over The Counter Allowance , Cold Remedies , Items , Vision , Dental , Flex Card , Mouthwash , Hassles , Screen , Call , Joe The Pro , Wellcare Guide Today , Bond , Weather , Maggie Gronewald , Ointment , Planning Effect , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Plan , Fidelity , Picture , Advisor , Reward , Wealth , Risk , Classes , Generations , Punch , Seniors , Silversneakers , Millions , Internet Connection , Thousands , Locations , Access , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Detergent , Washing Machine , Load , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Cap , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Magic Reindeer , Wouldn , Either , Poll , Fairleigh Dickinson University , Easter Bunny , 10 , Jess Morales , Action , Public Defender , See Ross , Break Dances With Wolves , Ra Ket Toe , War , It S Christmas , Holiday Stuff , Pilot Radio , War On Christmas Foolishness , Christmas Trees , Valentine S Day , Something Else , Pine Needles , Culprits , Jerry Seinfeld , Love Hate Relationship , In The House , Spilling Stuff , Hell , Michael Harriot You Have Kids , Over , Adult Kids Nonetheless , Everybody Else , Dog Tracks Everything , Feet , Curb , Socks , Rules , Bathroom , Rule , Hassle , Smell , Pine Smell , Appearance , Disposal , Economics , The Light , Pine Sol , Birthday , January 14th , 14 , Space , Bargains , Behalf , Malls , Tradition , Club , Transcription , Footties , Dance Party , Cabin , Speed , Meal , Family Thing , Streets , The Club , Jess Jassy , Gun Violence , Epidemic , 22 , Alcohol , Notoriety , Don T Trust Them , Large Brown , Gorgeous Macaw , Indian Reservation , Cheese , Places , Sights , Ritz Crackers , Ocean , Martinelli Sparkling Cider , Salty Air , Invite , Don T Mess , Bike , Delta , Always , Kwanzaa Celebration , Process , Heartbeat , Emails , Iphone , Calls , 80 , Time Line , Pajamas , Memes , Social Media Version Of Deaf Comedy Jam , Moms , Comedy , 30 , Laughter , Social Media , Food , Me Today , Basketball , Football , Gyasi Ross , Meme , Sparkling Cider , Martinelli , Paper Bag , Eating Junk , Kevin Mcallister , T Shirt , Rubbish , White T Shirt , Beige Christmas , Aesthetic A , Baby Reindeer , Wow , Ears , Babies , Meme For Let S Make Kwanzaa Great , Kwanzaa Great , Batteries , Mic , Boy , Outfits , Pictures , Face , Feelings , Michelle Obama , Momma , Black , Eyebrow , Gucci , Internet , Temptations Silent Night , It Kind , Feel , Talks , Hip Hop Christmas , Migos , Hip Hop , Ones , Wild , My Favorite Christmas Carols , Grandkids , Generation , Fuddy Duddy Stage , Queens , Phase , Classic , Hip Hop Classics , Line , Christmastime In Hollis Queens , All Of You Wonderful Panelists , Games , Discussion , Right , Cider , Rest , I Got You , Cooking , Kitchen , Dinner , Options , Waist , Side , Homeowners , Airport , Ticket Check , Paper Tickets , Takeoff , Challenge , Highways , Landmarks , Snacks , Auto , Group Two , Gonna , Ballpark , 58 , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Network Solutions , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Big Day , Network , Activecore Platform , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , It Challenge , Health , Wellness , Shirley Caesar , Gospel Legend , Dinners , Fears , Copy , Coach , Salad , Vegan Mac , Foodie , Sounds So Good , Lasagna , Fiber , Vegetables , Fruits , Rainbow , Five , Recipes , Pasta , Grandmother , Olive Oil , Protein , Quinoa , Carbohydrate , Wheat , Made Out Of Chickpeas , Sweet Potatoes , Seeds , Energy , Cheeses , There , Cheese Part , Carb Options , Alternatives , Sweet Potato Cheese , Quinoa Pasta , Taste , Coma , Grandmas , Seasoning , Paprika , Bay , Onion , Garlic , It Doesn T , Chicken , Fried Chicken , Eating Food , Texture , Consistency , Mushroom , Feel Good , Mushrooms , Tastes , Samples , Coya , The Tips , Veggies , Trick , Doesn T Matter , Tip , Best , Room , Cup , Overeating , Digestion , Guilting , Unguilty Pleasures , Digestive System , Shockers , Body , Meditation , Gym , Alignment , Affirmations , Head , Tailbone , Boom , Apples , Safe , Oranges , Uplifts , Bodies , Science , Plant , Idea , You Sparkle , Taste Buds , Salivate , Vibration , Grower , Garden , Grocer , Jar , 25 , 0 25 , Herbs , Foods , Counter , Hydroponic Garden , Collard Greens , Sinks , Bathtubs , Craig Robinson , Ganiac , Sfx , Drawers , Check My Drawers , Sniffs Long Exhale , Jerseys , Gainiac , Freshness , Flings , Oxiboost , Febreze , Subways , Bmt , Ads , Turkey Cali Fresh , Subway , Go Long Italian , All American Clubtm , Yep , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Helpfosterchildren Com , Foster Kids , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Everywhere , Building , Signs , Lobby , Americans , Radio , Gallop , Starbucks Cup , 7 , John Bass , Share , Let , O Beda La , Daily Beast , Molly John Fas , Hanukkah , Nobody , Both , Society , Say , Offensive , Jewish , Big Fan Of Christmas , Restaurants Aren T , The Movies , Air Travel Day , Don T Know , Secret , Dean Obeidallah , Fan , Holiday , Chinese Food , Moods , Funny , Muslim , Google On Christmas Day , Peak Popularity , Interest Value , Search Engine , Data , Google , Dad , Celebrating Christmas , Mahmoud , Red Nosed Reindeer , Lee Fa , Toys , Santa Ka , Muslims In America , Share Gifts , Households , Prophet , Cousins , Islam , Koran , Chapter , Virgin Mary , Trees , Shopping Malls , Hotels , Middle East , Jordan , Restaurant , No One , Movie Theater , Comparison , Ignorance , Families , African American , Component , Desserts , Baklava , Faiths , Religion , Learning , Tolerance , Path , Atheist , School , Population , Faith Group , School Kids , Dreidel , Play , Assessment , Jews , Jew , American Society , Molly , Peace , Menorah , Get , Important , Apartment Building , New York City , Peace On Earth , Will , Vaccines , Episode , Charlotte York , Spectacular , News Update , Surging Covid , Lindsey Riser , 2500 , Red , Rise , Pilots , Crews , Airlines , 3 4 Million , Wild Christmas , White Christmas , Storms , Snow , Sierra Nevadas , Pacific Northwest , Ten , Pontiff , Power Lines , Winds , Crises , Conflicts , Vatican City , Surprises , Cheesiest , Sugar Cookie , Burger , Bucket , Win , Kraft , Holiday Drinks , Nap , Transition , Molly Jong Fast , Pepper , Coke , Ross , Alcoholism , Vocal Chord , Holiday Cocktail , Molly Don T Drink , Longer , Recruitment Exercise , Pork , Camp , Italians , Key , Shots , Christian , Dogs , Puppy Leo , Dog , Questions , Fella , Lap , Rescue Puppy , Chinese Crested , He S Hairless , Bald , Second , Rescue Organization , Privilege , Responsibility , Toddler , Pet , It S A Living Thing , Creatures , 13 , Shelters , Rescue , Petitions , Disasters , Don T Shop , Adopt , Animal , Cats , Star , Pain , Relationship Level , Instagram , Hoarding Dogs , Pit Bulls , Cutest Dogs , Reputation , Pit Bull , Rascal Dog , Hype , Harvey , Walk , True Story , Mr , Buddy , Duchi , Horse , Street , Pueblo Word , My Old Man , Childhood Dog , Mortality , 12 , Big Old Bone For Christmas , T Bone Steak , T Bone , Table Food , Bone , Chicken Bones , Meat Remnants , Chocolate , Bones , Size , Pits , Dog Bully Poor Pit Bulls , Little Dogs Reign Supreme , Bosses , Dog Park , Same , Gee Awe Gyasi , Up Next , Boosters , Relaxing , Downy Light , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Beads , Capful , Scents , Let S Go , Airpods , Dianne , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Iphone 13 Pro , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Parabens , Fragrances , Wonderful Christmas , Saturday , Single , Saturdays , Pandemic , Viewer , Cross Connection Team , Platform , 2022 , Beautiful Classic Christmas Song , Calm , Holy Night All , Infant , Mother , Holy Night Shepherds Quake , Sleep , Sight Glories , Heaven Afar Heavenly Hosts , Christ The Savior , Odt , Migraine , Migraines , Nausea , Nurtec , Indigestion , Stomach , Em , Mm , Tight , Uh , You Don T Want , 24 7 , 9 , 5000 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240709

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erin, you're the woman on the panel so i'm curious what you watch every holiday season. >> first of all, merry christmas to you, tiffany, and shoutout to you for looking like a whole christmas centerpiece up here. i am loving the holiday look, honey. so look, this is an important time to remind people that "diehard" is 100% a christmas movie. if there is a young person who does not know that, you are failing them as a parent, grand parent, aunt. "home alone" and "a christmas story" did pair christmas with guns and violence. only in america, i guess. >> that's a good point. >> i noticed this this year and was like, hmm, maybe explains why we've seen some folks on the twittersphere making that connection. >> brilliant point. but you brought up something very controversial that is "diehard" being a christmas movie. some people say no, some people say yes. i have to agree with you, it is a christmas movie. but i have to tell you i was talking to one of our producers who was working on this segment and i said what do you think? his name is tyler. he said he had never watched "diehard." so if anybody wants to feel old this morning, there are young people who have never even seen the movie. >> no, no. tyler's family failed him. if you have not watched "diehard" as a family, after you stop watching "the cross connection" it would be a perfect time to fire that up. >> okay. michael harriot, what's up with the love, brother. you are killing the game this morning. i love the -- what is that, velvet, as they say, in one of our other christmas movies, "coming to america." talk to us about your holiday look and your go-to holiday movie. >> my go-to holiday movie -- first of all, this is from a grizzly bear i killed. don't debate me on this. and my favorite holiday movie is "a christmas story." i don't know if i've ever seen it from the beginning to the end. i just play it on a loop every christmas and catch the funny parts whenever i'm walking past the tv. but i love "a christmas story." and my favorite scene is when he licks the pole and his tongue gets stuck to the pole because -- erin is too young to remember this but we used to have metal ice trays, and my sisters tongue actually got stuck to a metal ice tray one christmas so that's one of the reasons i love the movie. >> i think erin might remember that because i remember that, but sure we'll stick with you're too young. giassi, let's get into it, your go-to christmas movie? >> thank you. good morning. merry christmas to everybody. i hope you folks are having a wonderful time with family celebrating this wonderful structured time-out. for me, billy ray valentine, capricorn, "trading places." another controversial christmas movie, but it is a christmas movie, very much so. you know, winthorpe dressed as santa claus. you can't get more christmassy than that. if we're looking on a deeper level, it also tells a very, very significant story about the supposed meritocracy of america. so it has value on all fronts but i can't front the choices of the other panelists. they are also amazing. "diehard," incredible. "christmas story" one of the best movies ever. >> i agree. i have so many favorite christmas movies, but there are movies that i watch, i watch "trading places" every year but i also watch "when harry met sally." that seems like a holiday movie to me because at the end it's christmas eve. i've added to my repertoire the first "sex and the city" movie because i remember that scene when carrie is going to see miranda on new year's eve. erin, i don't know if you watch that routinely, but that is definitely one. but my other one that i watch every holiday season since 2006, "dream girls." it is officially a christmas movie in my sense because it's so -- it's snowing, it's sparkly, it's beyonce, jennifer hudson. it's just a christmastime movie to me. erin, what say you? >> beyonce is the gift that keeps on giving all year round, christmas every year really. i want to just plug my other favorite christmas movie which my mom reminded me of because i had this on loop when i was growing up and that was definitely "how the grinch stole christmas." i love, love that. i love its message that people can change. that kick make different choices. and that love and the spirit of christmas really can conquer all. so shoutout to the grinch, and of course i'm referring to the cartoon which you all are seeing. yes, they did a remake. i'm not in favor of remaking everything, and the grinch that stole christmas, the original 1966 version, which i was not here for when it came out, i just want to refocus that while we're plugging -- trying to guess my age, you know, it don't crack. so yeah, i love how the grinch stole christmas so much. it just makes me feel very warm and happy so shoutout to whoville. >> yeah. and you know what else, michael harriot, this one is more recent but it's "the best man holiday." it was not as good as the first one but the characters had depth and showed just the nuance of some of our learned experiences in this country. i like that movie. >> i love "the best man holiday." we need to create a black movie list so i like that it exists. another movie that i love, "holiday heart." if you haven't seen it, check it out. it's a deep pick, but it has every problem that could ever exist in one movie. it is drugs and family and, you know, there's a drag queen and it's a great movie. just read the wikipedia page and you'll see how insanely crazy this movie is. "holiday heart" check it out. you can stream it, download it, wherever your favorite movies are sold. >> i actually have not seen that. gyasi, have you seen that movie? >> i've never even heard of that movie and i'm a movie guy. i'm going to check it out, though, michael. >> don't blame me when you finish watching it. >> i've seen it. it was one of those that was just kind of home when i was on for christmas one time and it was there in the background. i was like, wait, what is this? just to piggyback, i think there's a black genre of holiday movies, "the preacher's wife" i've got to plug that one. i will definitely be watching that one before the new year rings in. >> i love "the preacher's wife" with whitney houston. that woman's voice was such a gift. and denzel washington starring opposite her. and a really quick story on that movie, they showed behind the scenes, you know penny marshall directed this movie. they had a gospel choir singing and penny marshall called cut and the gospel choir caught the spirit and did not cut and they showed how this choir kept singing for another 20 minutes and i got goosebumps watching it. you know what, i might watch that today actually on this christmas morning. you all know the hallmark channel, they start playing christmas movies i think july 4th weekend. it is like immediately christmastime for them as soon as the first little breeze comes through. but honestly, everyone knows the holiday season doesn't really start for me, anyway, until i hear "the silent night" by temptations. that song puts me in the holiday spirit. gyasi tries to battle me on music, i don't know why. but i'm curious, when you hear this song, it's like, yes, this crystallizes the moment for you. >> just to clarify to folks, it's not really a battle, it's an education. you know, i'm teaching about music when we have these conversations. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. >> regarding music, holiday music, i'm actually very traditional. my favorite christmas song is "little drummer boy." and the reason why it's my favorite song is because it's one particular memory. my family was in fact homeless. >> oh, wow. >> and i remember that particular christmas, my mom on christmas eve, they found this little tiny apartment, got bless my mom. my mom is amazing. she found this little tiny apartment. and we had a place to stay for christmas. we didn't have no tree, we didn't have no presents, and i thought of the little drummer boy, that he had no gifts to give other than his song. and sometimes the things that are intangible, those are the best gifts. and so i love that song. it brings -- evokes beautiful memories for me. >> you know, that's such an emotional story and now when i hear "the little drummer boy" i'll think about that. you think about people a couple of weeks ago, those awful tornados that ripped through different areas and just what people are going through today. not everyone is waking up to a warm home opening gifts. so that's really touching, gyasi, and shoutout to your mom for seeing you through that christmas. michael harriot, i suspect, i surmise that you are an old-school brother when it comes to christmas music. when gyasi said he's traditional, i grew up being culturally bilingual. our entire repertoire was the motown version of everything. what's your go-to holiday song? >> my family didn't celebrate christmas. but all christmas songs are actually kind of like gospel songs. it's like love songs to jesus. but johnny hathaways "this christmas" is the greatest after the temptations "silent night." they start preaching in the middle of the song. johnny hathaway is right up there. >> i'm with you. that's true, like the moment -- the bridge where they're just talking. you don't have a lot of that in songs anymore nowadays. erin, what are you rocking today on christmas? >> well, so i actually grew up playing the piano and i always had to perform at our christmas concert in my hometown so i have a lot of favorites, but my mom's favorite is "have yourself a merry little christmas" because that's special to her. my favorite to play was probably "carol of the bells." in our house, my mom is big christmas energy around our house. so we were teen fake tree, but the holiday potpourri would be brewing and all these christmas songs, mostly black motown hits would be going in the background. the boys 2 men christmas album, definitely undefeated. i was a child in atlanta singing "let it snow" where it basically never snows at the top of my lungs. also winton marcellus and the so, so deaf what you going to get for christmas is not an ode to jesus, it's a traditional christmas hymn that i sing along to. >> i love it all. erin haynes, thank you for being with us and have a wonderful merry christmas today. coming up, the true history of christmas, fact, not fake. stay with us. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? 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>> what are you talking about, i'm santa claus. >> don't tell him what you meant. he's a liar you sit on a throne of lies. >> all right. when you picture a traditional christmas, what comes to mind? a beautifully lit tree, a weird -- bearded white man coming down a chimney? let's separate the facts from fiction. joining me now professor emeritus of religious studies at morningside university, author of "christmas, america's favorite holidays." i'm so happy to have you with me on this christmas morning. >> it's great to be with you. >> thank you. i'm wonder so much, your books are quite fascinating, particularly your one on christmas. you do a great job of walking us through the history. it's something that i found really fascinating. for three centuries, christians did not even celebrate christmas. why was that, and when and how did that change? >> can i stay when i started that, i surprised me. i should have known that but i didn't. why was it? probably because partly that they were often persecuted in the first three centuries and so the center of attention for the christians was with crucifixion and resurrection because you could think about that with martyrs and others. also, if you're going to have a birthday party for someone, you should know the date. there's nothing in the bible that tells you. i mean there's no month, no day. so that would be hard to have a party. the main point is that it first started later after christians weren't persecuted anymore. so it's in the early 300s that we have the first record of some kind of celebration going on, on december 25th. why did that happen? i wish i could tell you. anything that anyone tells you, it's a guess. but my -- we can guess. i wish that there were some statement by a pope or an emperor who said we're starting this now and this is the reason and this is why we choose december 25th. but we don't have that. what we do know is that half christians could do things more in public because what happens in the early 300s is that constantine becomes the first roman emperor to accept christianity and so christians won't be persecuted anymore. so now they can do things more publicly and argue with each other about how to understand jesus. and as a result of that, i think they decided that they wanted to have a celebration about jesus' birth to show how important he was. >> well, you bring up a point that nowhere in the bible does it give a date, right? so that's really interesting because there's a lot of folks who practice biblical literalism but quite frankly we don't even have a reason. so why did we come to celebrate christmas on this day, on december 25th? >> well, i think probably because after 300 years when they couldn't discuss it as much, now they feel more free and can argue with each other. they all believed in jesus but they believed very different things. in the middle of that argument, i think they were trying to emphasize the divinity of jesus and how soon was he divine, et cetera. and they thought that story gave more emphasis to it. the thing people don't notice is that the christmas story gets very, very little attention in the bible. it's only in two of the four gospels. paul never mentions it. so it's -- it's something that they gave a boost to in the 300s. >> yeah. i mean i really highly recommend your book because you walk us through this mind-boggling transformation from the biblical version to what's a lot of commercialism. president franklin roosevelt changed the date of thanksgiving in order to lengthen the christmas shopping season. i mean talk about separation of church and state. that is quite stunning. >> well, it shows that commercial factors influence lots of things, right? >> yes, absolutely. >> it's amazing. this was done not for any reason for those two holidays, it was to lengthen the christmas shopping season. i have a general theory about holidays, especially christmas, and that is there are three-layer cakes. the first layer is the seasonal celebration that people have had from early times, so you have a spring party, you have a fall party when harvest is done and you have mid-winter parties. the second layer in the three-layer cake is religions or nations, but in this case christianity comes along and puts a celebration of jesus' birthright on top of an already existing mid-winter party. and then the third level is modern popular culture and all the weird things that it might do to a holiday. and we know one of the major things there is commercialization. >> yeah. and something else you point out in your book, coca-cola helped fashion santa claus' look and the story behind santa claus. we could talk about this stuff all day but people have to go out and get your book. we can't do the whole thing on this segment. it's really quite fascinating, bruce forbes, what you've been able to uncover about this holiday. but nonetheless, it is a festive season and it does give so many people joy this time of year, so i thank you for joining us on this christmas morning and a merry christmas to you and your family. >> my pleasure. merry christmas. >> thank you. and coming up, grammy-winning icon kirk franklin will join us to talk about the impact of gospel music, especially around the holidays. don't go anywhere, keep it right here. ight here with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. 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she said, yeah, that's dope. what if we do this? yeah, that's dope too. so we had this great collab moment. so i took those ideas, brought them back to dallas and got my choir and band and put everybody on it and it just felt real good. i facetimed her and asked her what she thought and she thought it was super dope. >> and it is super dope. we enjoy it. i want to talk a little about gospel music because it has such a special place, i think, in the lives of a lot of people, but particularly around the holidays. you think about songs from "go tell it on the mountain" to "mary did you know" to "ave maria." even for people who may not be church goers or believers, the gospel is so entrenched this season. talk about the influence gospel has had on music and certainly in your life. >> when you look at black gospel music and its impact on americana, everybody from elvis presley to aretha franklin, you just see it was part of the construct of what we know as popular culture. popular music with gospel, r & b and blues. and so for me it was very important to stay closely connected to what i believe to that truth to be and to celebrate those that are in it, because so many people lead the crossover and all of that has a beautiful place, but i love to be able to celebrate the origin of where everything started. and so it all started in gospel. and i think that the reason why it continues to inspire people, because there's also no other genre that is so unapologetic in its message of hope and its message of life. and so when you talk about needing to be able to be reminded of the big picture amidst all of the negativity that's happening in the world, this is a genre that always serves, is always delivering and always relevant to a message that people really need. >> so for folks who are home today looking for a good movie to watch, you have a movie airing on lifetime. but i'm just curious, what are some christmas family traditions in the franklin household? >> thank you for mentioning the lifetime movie. it was my first chance executive producing and i had a chance to reimagine some gospel songs i did several years ago. i thank the people at lifetime for being open and allowing these opportunities. for so many people that come from black and brown communities, they're opening up their doors to everyone. their commitment to diversity is really amazing. when it comes to the franklin household, tammy and i are very committed to these kids. even though they're grown kids, you know, we love celebrating them. my wife comes from a big family. i was adopted. and so her family is what i've always leaned into and they have always received me as a son and showed me super love. i think i'm closer to her mama sometimes than she is, even though her mama and i are best friends. her mama just took me up under her wings and made me her son, her and pops. so, yeah, we have a really good time christmas. i spoil people. i kind of -- you know, i kind of blow it out the water. you know, that's my way of reliving a childhood when we were poor and broke and i didn't have anything as a kid so now sometimes i overdo it and my wife has to tell me you need to calm down. you're buying gifts for people you don't even know. and so i love it. i love giving. i'm my nature a giver and so i have a wonderful time giving back. >> and that's what the season is all about. thank you so much, kirk franklin, for joining us and merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you too. >> all right. our thanks to kirk franklin. coming up, navigating those holiday hardships when trying to get along with some of your family. listen, we've all been there. we'll discuss that coming up next. first, here's a look at today's headlines. good morning, everybody. i'm lindsey reiser with an msnbc update on this christmas morning. as of yesterday, more than 2,000 flights were cancelled to, from and within the u.s. as covid-19 cases surge across the globe. the u.s. currently has a seven-day average of 122,300 cases. 72% of those are the new omicron variant. the biden administration says it will lift its travel restrictions on eight countries in southern africa on new year's eve. it was first put in place when omicron emerged. on wednesday the fda approved the first antiviral covid pill in hopes of avoiding severe complications or even hospitalization. that's a quick look at today's headlines. back to "the cross connection" with tiffany cross after the break. merry christmas. the break. merry christmas. - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? 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[daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. baby, did i say something wrong? >> you said a lot of things wrong. >> you want to meet grandma? well, here she is. >> oh, my gosh! >> that's not grandma. >> because it's ridiculous. >> somebody say something. >> lonnie, what the hell is going on? >> i'm his wife, you dumb [ bleep ]. >> okay. so even if your christmas gathering isn't quite as dramatic as this 2016 movie "almost christmas," navigating family dynamics around the holidays can still get a bit complicated. here to give us some tips is dr. joy harden, host of the therapy for black girls podcast. dr. harden, so happy to have you with us this morning. merry christmas to you. >> thank you so much, tiffany. merry christmas to you as well. >> now, you know, we look at these old-school holiday movies and it would have you believe sometimes that the holidays and life should be like a norman rockwell painting, everyone is happy and everyone gets along. but for folks who could be walking into some potential drama today, what's your advice on navigating the family stress that the holidays bring with it? >> that's a very good question. you know, i think when we gather with so many people that sometimes we haven't seen in a very long time, especially now, this may be the first holiday season people are gathering again, there are lots of emotions that can sometimes come up, lots of disagreements that sometimes come up. so the thing to keep in mind is setting boundaries for yourself and for certain loved ones. if there are certain topics you don't feel comfortable talking about, it's completely okay to say that. it's completely okay to divert a conversation away from something you're not comfortable talking about. really just being very clear with people around how you want them to engage with you. >> you say to have boundaries and we all know what family gatherings can look like. even if you try to divert attention away from a topic, i imagine there's a lot of people sitting next to folks who are anti-vax conspiracy theorists or people who want to talk politics. even when you try to divert the conversation, if the entire table is discussing something that you're uncomfortable with, what are some other ways you can establish boundaries? >> i think a very clear boundary is to get up and leave. so i think if you have tried politely to change the conversation and the conversation continues to go in a way that you're not comfortable with, it's okay to get up and leave. i think far too often we keep ourselves in situations that are uncomfortable and don't think about how that impacts ourselves and our mental health. so it's okay to walk away from a situation that you just don't feel comfortable with anymore. >> you know, the holidays are a really sad time for folks who lost people, especially this year. we lost a lot of people to covid. i think about those devastating tornados a couple of weeks ago. i think of that horrible, horrific christmas parade incident that happened. so for folks who have lost children, i can't even imagine, or folks who have lost their parents, this is different, this time of the year. so what are some ways that people can navigate the heavy grief that they might be feeling this holiday season? >> yeah, there has been just so much loss recently. i think it's really important for people to give themselves permission to feel however they're feeling today. i think the expectation and there's often a lot of pressure to be cheery and upbeat and let's hold it together. but if you are experiencing grief and that feels like it's too much for you to do, then it's okay to just say, you know what, i just don't have it this year and i'm not going to keep up appearances. i'm going to tend to myself. and so that may mean taking a staycation. that may mean drastically reimagining how you even celebrate the holidays or whether you celebrate the holiday at all. i think it's really important to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. >> and every time this year i think about folks who have no family or they don't have friends, houses to go to on this holiday. you think about folks who grew up in the foster care system, for example, who are just unleashed at the age of 18 with no real infrastructure. people who are alone this holiday season. what are some things that they can do to fill their time and feel joyful in their own company? >> so if there's a way to volunteer, i think that that can be a really good way to kind of be surrounded by community but also while helping other people. and also giving yourself, again, permission to figure out what feels good for you today. so is there a movie marathon that you want to enjoy? do you want to get takeout from some of your favorite restaurants? you know, what kinds of things can you really do to take care of yourself and to help you to feel restored and connected today i think is going to be really important. >> and when drama does break out, you know, i recall several holiday gatherings where there was some drama and sometimes people are arguing with each other. you know, family members argue. there's always the joke the comedians tell when you're at the dinner table and somebody said, yo uncle, your real daddy, those things when things get unearthed around the holidays, i imagine that can be offputting. i know there are some people who are intentional about not going to family gatherings because it's just too much drama. but when that drama does unfold, you do as family have to try to piece those things back together and try to build. what's your advice for like the day after christmas? you know, when something may have gone down, how do you go back and rebuild as family? >> i think it's something that you can can't do for yourself. sometimes a trained professional needs to be brought in for family counseling. but thinking about whether this is a conversation that you can engage. if there is, i think some apologies need to be a good place to start. apologizing to any bad behavior that you've had and offering to make amends for how to get things back on track is a great place to start. >> and sometimes people don't go around family holidays. i know i've lived in d.c. for 20 years and so this is my home now. i always tell my family this is my home and people are welcome here for the holidays and they don't travel. but do you think -- you know, you always have to wonder is this the last year that everyone is going to be able to get together? i mean there is some healthy amount of guilt maybe that it's like, oh, well, go see your family, go to the inconvenience of travel, go to the necessary thing. how do you navigate that? you know, trying to strike that delicate balance of prioritizing the new moments you get to relax versus, you know, spending time with family. and yes, i am turning this into a therapy session. please, your thoughts. >> you know, i think there are so many artificial expectations. you know, as you discussed with your previous guests, there are so many expectations we put around this holiday season that aren't really anchored in anything real. and so if your concern is about spending meaningful time with your family, does that have to be this week or could you go in the middle of january and have that time with them? so i think really relaxing all of those expectations and figuring out what you can do that will work best for everyone without anyone really having to compromise their mental health or really overextend themselves is really a good place to start thinking about how can everyone get their needs met in this situation. >> well, based on your advice i'm going to spend the day watching movies. i may get out and fix a plate somewhere later. but we get so little time to just exhale and relax, especially those of us who work in news, so i'm going to say dr. harden told me i could stay home today if i like. thank you for joining us today, dr. harden. it's always amazing talking to you about these situations. merry christmas to you and your family. i hope you have a wonderful day today. in the next hour, is there really a war on christmas? of course not, but we'll talk about it with my holiday panel. plus, what are you all eating today? we have ideas for a healthy holiday feast. i promise it's good. and we'll have some famous christmas cocktails and, yes, i will be sampling some of those cocktails. that and much more is coming up so keep it right here. merry christmas. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, find yours on the vrbo app. there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. people, with quickbooks live someone else will do your books for you. they'll even pair you with an expert bookkeeper like me, who knows your business. knows your business! expert bookkeepers who understand your business. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. try spring daydream, now part of our irresistible scent collection. we have much more to get in our next hour, but first it wouldn't be christmas without a special musical performance from an incredible singer. you may know her as the cofounder of black votes matter, but listen to this beautiful melody from latosha brown. ♪ oh, come all ye faithful ♪ ♪ joyful and triumphant ♪ ♪ oh, come ye oh, come ye to bethlehem ♪ ♪ come and behold him born the king of angels ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ oh, seek choirs of angels, ♪ ♪ sing in exultation ♪ ♪ oh, sing all ye citizens of heaven above ♪ ♪ glory to god, glory to the highest ♪ ♪ come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh come let us adore him ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ king of kings, lord of hosts ♪ ♪ angels sing on high ♪ ♪ come ye faithful, come ye faithful ♪ ♪ come ye faithful, come ye faithful ♪ ♪ oh, come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh, christ the lord ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ come ye faithful ♪♪ from a spider bite? 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>> i confess that i am one of those culprits who keep their stuff up to like valentine's day. i love christmas, but christmas trees is my favorite part. i keep it up as long as possible, but got to water it regularly and also make sure you pick up the pine needles or get a fake one, which is always helpful. >> yeah, seriously? i feel like it's like this love/hate relationship with the christmas tree. jerry seinfeld does a great thing with this where he says the christmas tree is so beautiful, and then it's like you wake up date after christmas like there's a tree in the house? what the hell is this tree doing in the house. it's spilling stuff all over, get this tree out of here. it's to the point now where i don't even put up a christmas tree. michael harriot you have kids, adult kids nonetheless, but what's the christmas tree rule in your house? >> the christmas tree rule in my house is -- it's on everybody else. usually my daughter decorates it. i'll water it, but the day after christmas it's out to the curb so the people can pick it up. because who wants to sweep up pine needles, you know, walk around with socks on or bare feet in the house and got a christmas tree and then the dog tracks everything and he's kind of confused because usually he's outside using the bathroom on the tree and now there's one in the living room, and it's just like everybody changed the rules for him for one week or month out of the years. it's better to take it out as soon as you can get it out. >> yeah, i agree. it seems like a lot of hassle. you have kids too. what's your rule on putting up the tree? keeping it around, taking it out? >> you know, they smell so good. it's not even the appearance, the light. i love the smell. the smell is amazing. my mom always cleaned the house with pine sol, so you get that pine smell for a while. it's really nice. my rule regarding disposal of it, i actually mix economics with it. my first born son, his birthday is january 14th, and so i incentivize him, if this tree is not removed by your birthday, evidently we're still in a different season. it's not the birthday season yet, there's no gifts, no birthday presents stuff like that. january 14th, usually right before then it mysteriously disappears. >> very smart. that is very, very smart on your behalf. you know that time once the christmas tree is out, it's like we immediately shift into a new season, but before then it's that space between christmas and new year's, you know, and that's when like the good sales happen. that's when people are getting those bargains, the malls are always crowded. the restaurants are always crowded, but it's also the time that you have to make your new year's eve plans. i have to tell you, jess, i think i may have aged out of new year's eve plans. it's like when you're younger, you're going out to meet new people. when you're older, you're trying to stay away from new people. you don't want to meet anybody else new. so it's the first new year's since covid. what are you guys doing to bring in the new year? are you one of those stay-at-home people, like putting up on your footties and watch tv or less turn up at the club and with it. >> i have had a transcription tradition with my friends where we go away to a cabin or a house for new year's and have an amazing meal and a dance party that is lit but a little more contained, and that's definitely my speed. i'm so, so excited to do that again this new year's eve. new year's is really, really fun when you're not at the club. >> i agree. i concur. jess jassy, you have kids, are you hitting the streets new year's or do you do a family thing where everyone's sitting around bringing in the new year together? >> just regarding new year's generally, i i stopped going out to new year when i was 22 years old, the gun violence that's happening right now, the epidemic of gun violence is something i've been cognizant of it, and it seems like i'm a large brown skinned man. it seems like there's -- it's something that is coming to notoriety now. it's been around for a long time. i've always been very cautious about it. people when they get some alcohol in them, i just don't trust them. this particular year i'll be on the beautiful gorgeous macaw indian reservation on the northwesternmost part of the contiguous united states. it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. i'll be out there with my family looking at the ocean calmly. you know, it will be windy and beautiful sights, salty air, and just chilling with family and probably have some ritz crackers and cheese and martinelli sparkling cider. that's as lit as we get nowadays. >> that sounds like a good time to me. where is my invite? >> come through? >> i might pull up. don't mess with me. i might pull up. michael harriot what's your plan for new year's? and do i have an invite? >> i don't have any plans for new year's. i grew up celebrating kwanzaa so like new year's was the last day of kwanzaa and the delta always gave away a bike, so i would be praying that i would win the bike every year for kwanzaa celebration. that's what i usually do, try to win a bike. you know, these days i'm past the age of getting lit for new year's, so i just stay in the house. like now i'm in the process of conserving every day off you get. a day off means you get to stay at home and do nothing. that's what the holidays mean to me now. >> yeah, seriously. i was literally just saying that. i want to relax, you know, today is a day that i don't really have to work. i don't have to be on top of my iphone. i don't have to filter 80 calls and get emails every other heartbeat. i just want to chill and stay in my pajamas and eat what i want. so i might take that all the way through new year's, to be honest with you. something else i'm going to do today and that is scroll through my time line and look at these memes. looking at memes is like watching the social media version of deaf comedy jam. it is quite hilarious to me. i want to show just a couple of memes that i picked out for my producers. they're high comedy. one is how moms look at their kids opening all the gifts. it is so funny. i think it's -- 30 minutes before christmas dinner versus when family shows up. i think we all remember that moment. another one is when kids are opening gifts and they show how the mom is looking at the kids opening gifts. [ laughter ] i totally remember those. i have a few more. i'll show them later in the show. i want to hear your memes, the funny things that you see on social media. gyasi, what you got? >> you mentioned it. for me today is a great day because i'm going to chill. i'm going to watch some football, i'm going to watch some basketball. i'm going to eat some bad food that i don't eat any other time, and i'm going to drink martinelli sparkling cider. i have it in a paper bag. it looks like i'm going to do some dirt. i'm straight shotting it. my meme is kevin mcallister. i'm eating junk and watching rubbish. i got a little tiny bit presentable for you, queen tiffany, i wanted to say merry christmas to the co-panelists but after this i'm about to get in a white t-shirt and it's going to have martinellis all over it. >> that's all right. i'm not mad. we appreciate you brother for cleaning up this morning, but i'm not mad about that white t-shirt and martinellis. >> jess, what are some of your favorite memes? >> i recently saw one that talks about sad beige christmas. sometimes people take the fit aesthetic a little too far, we've got to keep it festive instead of sad and beige. >> oh, wow, that's hilarious. a little baby reindeer. he's so cute. >> i like the ears. >> oh, that's so funny. oh, hilarious. oh, look at the little babies. all right, michael harriot, what do you got for us? >> you know i'm always having the woke christmas. i'm always taking on christmas and telling everybody that kwanzaa is a better holiday than christmas. that's my favorite thing to do, hating on christmas, telling everybody they need to get into kwanzaa. let's make kwanzaa great. >> is there a meme that goes along with that or is michael harriot the meme for let's make kwanzaa great? oh, there we go. there we go. >> that is hilarious. >> right. >> that last one. that is hilarious. while i think we may have dropped your mic, michael, but while we get that together, the other one i have is when a kid gets a gift and he doesn't have the batteries, and so they show the little boy like crying after he -- >> facts. >> yes. >> and then the christmas outfits, kids who have to wear the christmas outfits and they're taking pictures when the parents are taking pictures of them. the other one when kids fix their face like maybe they didn't get the gift that they wanted and there may be some thoughts and feelings about that. that michelle obama, everybody knows that look on that face, a black momma can communicate so much with just one raised eyebrow. you know what that means. the other one is about music on christmas. i was scrolling the internet finding all of these memes, and so turn off that gucci gang mess and turn on the temptations silent night. you all know how i feel about the temptations. here's the crazy thing, i kind of feel like we're turning into those people. it kind of talks about generations, you know, because michael, you know, we talk about, you know, the run dmc christmas song. those are our classic hip-hop christmas, but someday there are going to be adults sitting around and say you kids don't know anything about hip-hop, migos, that was real music. kind of wild do think about do we sound like that now? interesting thing as we age. >> yeah, we do. >> yeah, man. my favorite christmas carols, the newer ones, and so i know my grandkids will probably be hating on my christmas music. which is a day i'm looking forward to. >> yeah, exactly. gyasi, you were about to say something. i didn't mean to cut you off. >> i think we're all in that fuddy duddy stage where we know the last real generation of music, and the truth is that every generation has good music and bad music, but i'm definitely in that phase and christmas music, christmas in queens is still my contemporary classic, of course. >> yeah, yeah, look, when you say it's christmastime in hollis queens, everybody knows. everybody knows the next line. it's just -- and i don't know really like modern day hip-hop classics that really do that, but maybe i'm just not into it. maybe i'm not up on games, somebody needs to put me on. anyway, this has been a fascinating discussion with all of you wonderful panelists, so thank you so much michael harriot, and gyasi ross, save some sparkling cider for the rest of the family. >> i got you. >> i got you. thanks to you guys. all right, what's cooking in your kitchen for christmas right now? we're going to discuss some of the options on the other side of the break that might not let that waist expand after christmas dinner. stay tuned. christmas dinner stay tuned are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. shop online for downy unstopables, including our new, lighter scent. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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>> i love that. i'm a foodie, too, i have mac and cheese, lasagna, all the things. >> sounds so good. >> and it tastes so good, and it's good for you. >> yes, yes. >> the biggest thing is that you want to still eat your fruits and vegetables. you want to eat the rainbow. i tell people know your five favorite fruits, your five favorite vegetables and eat them every single day, and that will save you, and the fiber will help you process all those other things. >> you said mac and cheese, right? >> mm-hmm. >> i would eat mac and cheese every day if i could. tell me is there a healthy way to eat mac and cheese. there are like these vegan mac and cheese recipes. i know they do exist. there are other ways that people can cook healthy. i know my grandmother -- people start using like olive oil. it tastes a little different to me, but the main thing, is there a healthy way to consume mac and cheese? >> yes, i love pasta. make sure your pasta is made from a complex carbohydrate versus just wheat. so i eat pasta made out of quinoa, made out of chickpeas. those are great high protein, high carb options, that give you energy. >> what about the cheese part? >> there's so many really great cheeses out there. there are some made out of sweet potatoes. there are some made out of nuts and seeds, so i think having those alternatives, you can enjoy your cheese, but you don't get sick and feel like you're going to be in a coma after. >> but does that mac and cheese with the sweet potato cheese that you're telling me is good and with the quinoa pasta you're telling me is good, does that mac and cheese taste like grandmas? >> i don't know if it tastes like grandmas but it tastes really good. for me it's all about seasoning and how you're consuming food. i put like old bay and paprika and onion and garlic. it tastes really good. i make air fried chicken out of mushroom. it tastes really good. it doesn't taste like chicken, but it tastes good. it has the texture and consistency. that's what it's more about, eating food that tastes good, makes us feel good and is good for us at the same time. >> you say you make air fried chicken out of mushrooms, where are the samples? >> i made it yesterday too. you got to have it fresh. i have to make it for you. it's phenomenal how good it tastes and how the texture is just like fried chicken. >> coya wants us to eat fried chicken made from mushrooms and mac and cheese made from quinoa, is and cheese made from sweet potatoes. as people are getting ready to go to their family's house, give us the tips. what can people do, something that i was told is eat my veggies first, eat your veggies and your protein, then you can get to the mac and cheese. it's a trick because i'm full when i get to the mac and cheese. but the problem is it doesn't matter. i'm still going to eat the mac and cheese. i'm trying to hurt myself at that point. >> that's a good tip. what you do about eating those fruits and vegetables first. is you don't have as much room, and you eat -- like i said, don't eat more than a cup of the mac and cheese or the stuff you know is not going to be the best for you. so you really save yourself. so you enjoy it and you don't really have to, you know, worry about eating too much or overeating or eating it the next day. the thing is you want to make sure you're not shaming or guilting yourself for whatever you eat. when you feel bad about what you eat, that's what i call food you like unguilty pleasures, you actually stop your digestion because you're thinking i'm not supposed to have this. i'm loving my mac and cheese. this is good. i love it, your digestion is going to be a lot stronger. no matter what you decide to eat, enjoy it. >> that is a really good tip. i had never heard that before. when you feel guilty, you stop your digestive system. i think i have a lot of guilt. your other tip, you say eat in alignment with your -- >> you know when we go to the gym, we know how to strengthen our body. when we do meditation and affirmations, we're strengthening our mind, how do we strengthen our spirit. we have seven main shockers that run from our tailbone to our head. i talk about it in my boom let your fears make your fears. how to know what those shockers are and how to eat accordingly. if you want to feel safe, you wear red and eat things like apples. if you want to feel more expressive you eat oranges. think of when you peel an orange how that uplifts you and makes you feel good. when you eat those you actually energize those bodies. that's why your digestion is affected by how you feel. science is starting to prove that if you wear certain things, if you eat certain things, you actually uplift your energetic being or your spirit. that's why all these restaurants are red and yellow. that is affecting our digestion. it's affecting our taste buds. it's making us salivate and want food more. >> i had no idea. what do you eat when you sparkle? >> oh, when you sparkle? you're eating good, you're eating plant based. it makes you sparkle. even if it's plant-based, it actually takes your vibration and energy down. when you eat things that are living or fresh or from a local grower, it actually is going to give you more energy. as we hear farm to plate a lot, if you can go to your local grocer or even someone who has a garden, you're actually going to be raising the vibration of your food. even when i started growing my own food, i started with a major jar and $0.25 seeds and i grew herbs on my counter. i highly suggest growing your own foods starting with herbs. now i have a hydroponic garden in my home. >> i know what i'm doing after the show, coming over. i know there were a lot of sinks or maybe even some bathtubs filled with collard greens. i have a few tips. >> the collard greens are good. they give you fiber, so even if you eat all of those other things, the fiber from fruits and vegetables are helping it go through your body and eliminate. >> i love that. all right, see, we didn't ruin christmas dinner too much. so at home enjoy your mac and cheese. don't feel guilty about it because it stops your digestive system. thank you so much. there's much more of our very special holiday version of "the cross connection" after the break, stay tuned. cross connection" after the break, stay tuned. [music: sung by craig robinson] ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ [sfx: sniffs / long exhale] ♪ and my clothes smell so much fresher than before ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ i'm a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers ♪ ♪ it's a freshness like i've never smelled before ♪ one sniff of gain flings and you'll be a gainiac too! the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. new jerseys are here! there you go. all-american club™? did you just turn us into subway® ads? yep! subways got so much new like the new turkey cali fresh, that they couldn't fit it in their ads. so, they bought space on your jerseys. go long italian b.m.t.® how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at all right, the signs of christmas are everywhere, the lobby of every public building, all over the radio, and even on your starbucks cup, but what about the people who don't celebrate christmas? according to gallop, that's at least 7% of americans, so what exactly does december 25th mean for them? what are they doing on this holiday? let's talk about it. joining me now to share is dean o'beda la, and molly john bass, editor at large for "the daily beast." i'm so thrilled to have you guys on this morning. and i will safely say happy holidays to both of you on this day. molly, something i thought about because christmas just dominates so much of society in america. and nobody ever stops me and says hey, happy hanukkah, and i have to stop and say, wait, i'm jewish, what's that mean for somebody who doesn't celebrate christmas? >> people are trying to be nice, and i don't take it as offensive at all. i think christmas is like this amazing day where you get to do stuff and nobody's around and it's very uncrowded. so i'm a big fan of christmas. >> and what are you doing today? like on christmas, you know, things are closed down like you said, so how are you spending the day? >> well, a lot of times i love to fly on christmas because it's just a great time to fly. it's not that crowded. you can go away during the holiday, during the christmas holiday, but it's not a crazy air travel day, and i mean, i don't know, christmas is like my little secret i feel like because you can go to the movies. restaurants aren't crowded. it's just extremely convenient and also a very calm day and everybody's in a good mood because it's the big holiday. i'm a big fan of days where people are in good moods. >> you know, it's funny, dean, according to fox business, chinese food is a christmas tradition according to google data, chinese food has an interest value of 100 from google on christmas day, which translates into peak popularity on the search engine, which i find hilarious. so dean, you're muslim, but you grew up celebrating christmas, is that right? how exactly does that work? >> my mom is catholic. my dad is muslim. let me share the story of the mahmoud the red nosed reindeer, have you heard that one before? santa ka lee fa goes around and gives all the good kids toys. in my family we celebrated both days. i'm muslim now, when i was younger i celebrated both days, i gravitated towards islam as i got older. muslims in america celebrate christmas in a cultural way all over the country. some actually put up christmas trees because i've written about it, who are not in religious households like my own, and some share gifts. some don't do anything. even growing up my muslim cousins would go over and we would share gifts. it's cultural, but also with muslims there's a theological connection. jesus is a prophet in islam. he's very important. we believe in the virgin birth. the virgin mary is celebrated in the koran more than any other woman. she had her own chapter in the koran. theologically muslims are not really celebrating christmas that way but culturally in america certainly and i've been in the middle east during christmas season and there are christmas trees and hotels and the shopping malls, and countries like jordan they celebrate it much more. some muslims are having fun today, they're having a tree with their friends. others they're like molly enjoying no one at the restaurant or no one at the movie theater. >> yeah, and you know, it's interesting, dean, because at the end of ramadan, is that close to christmas? forgive my ignorance. i'm curious what the comparison is exactly. >> it certainly -- that's a theological holiday. there is a connection to christmas. they're festive. they're fun, you go over with your family. they might not be exchanging gifts maybe, you know, some desserts people bring our baklava for some. in america since one-third of the muslim community is african american, and that's the biggest component, there's so many interfaith families there as well. so you know, what i really love about my childhood is learning about more than one religion and being beyond tolerance, it's celebraing other faiths. there's not one path. even if you're an atheist, being a great person, it's not restricted to any kind of faith group at all. >> that's absolutely a fair point. i think we can remind a lot of folks that message on today. molly, i have to say when i was young i went to a school with a heavy jewish population, and i used to play dreidel with the school kids around hanukkah. i don't know if that's specifically just made for hanukkah, but i know every year around the holidays we would all play it together. i mean, hanukkah's the closest thing, i guess to christmas, right? >> yeah, hanukkah is sort of -- it's a little bit of a kind of our little christmas, but we're trying to get in on it, i think, is their assessment. and you know, i mea a lot of jews are christmas curious, and i think that's good. there's nothing wrong with it, right? jesus was a jew, right? and christmas is like a lovely day with, you know, lovely -- i don't know, i think it's a really great and, you know, very kind of calm and loving peaceful day, and anything in american society that gets us excited about peace is good. but yeah, i mean, definitely hanukkah has tried to sort of get in there and be a little mini christmas. >> so molly, are there houses with both a menorah and a christmas tree? >> yes, every apartment building in new york city has a menorah -- i mean, not every single one but i mean, i think they happily coexist together, and they most -- and most important is they mean the same thing, right? which is peace on earth and good will towards others and celebration of another year, and this year we've had an incredible year and now we have vaccines and people can get together and there's a lot to celebrate. >> there is indeed a lot to celebrate. i'm reminded of that episode of "sex and the city" when charlotte york was converting to charlotte goldenblatt, such a great episode. thank you so much, dean o'beda la and molly john fas. i think we're going to talk more about this, there's much more of our christmas "the cross connection" spectacular coming up. but first a look at today's headlines. good morning, i'm lindsey riser with an msnbc news update on this christmas morning. surging covid cases have caused more than 2,500 flights to be canceled in the u.s. today alone. airlines say positive cases have hit their pilots and crews hard this holiday season. so far this month, 3.4 million americans have contracted covid. the states that you see here in red and orange report a rise in cases over the past 72 hours. meanwhile, it's a wild christmas weather wise in the u.s. parts of the pacific northwest are getting a rare white christmas. the sierra nevadas could get up to ten feet of snow, and then in the southwest storms and high winds could knock out power lines and make driving pretty tricky. and pope francis delivering his annual christmas message in vatican city. the pontiff talked about keeping peace in our heart despite all the conflicts and crises in our world today. that's a quick look at this hour's top headlines. "the cross connection" with tiffany cross continues after the break. merry christmas. the break. merry christmas. how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. if you're washing with the bargain brand, ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. what do we want for dinner? burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. all right, 'tis the season to toast and feast with your family and friends. i want to ask my guests about some of their favorite holiday drinks and food. back with me dean obeidallah, molly jong-fast and gyasi ross. i'm sitting here with the brown for the holiday, it will help me make a smooth transition into a little nap. i want to know about some of your favorite cocktails. you kept talking about this sparkling cider. tell me you have something a little stronger planned for the day or maybe not? >> i'm going to disappoint you, tiffany. i abstain from alcohol and i have -- so martinelli's sparkling cider is about as serious as it gets. every once in a while if i want to get to the hard stuff, i will go dark and get some of that brown and get a dr. pepper or a coke, but that's about as serious as it gets at the ross household. >> that sounds very responsible and boring. molly, tell me what are your -- what's your go-to cocktail on this christmas or holiday season? >> well, you're going to be really disappointed because i've been sober since i was 19 years old, and i come from a family riddled with alcoholism, so i don't even have the martinelli's because of my -- you know, i have only one vocal chord, which is why my voice sounds the way it sounds, so i'm pretty careful, and i mostly stick to water. i'm not that fun, but i do eat a lot of food. >> yeah, and that's not a disappointing thing to say, molly, i have to tell you. i too grew up in a household with a lot of alcoholism, so it's very happy -- a very happy thing to hear people have been sober and congratulations on being sober since you were 19, dean, if you tell me you don't drink, this is turning out to be an incredibly boring segment, what's your take and your favorite holiday cocktail? >> here's the thing, tiffany, since both gyasi and molly don't drink, give up pork, become muslims. we need you, we'd love to have you in our camp. this is all a recruitment exercise. i'm muslim, i have to pretend i don't drink alcohol. i don't any longer, but you know, with my family came over on christmas and they would have dinner with the muslims, it was fun to watch the italians drink a lot of wine a list from wine to shots and my muslim cousins would look over and pretend they never drank alcohol. that was always the fun of christmas day. the food to me is the key more than any of the alcohol, it's the people together and growing up watching the christian and muslim cousins come over and celebrate a holiday together to me represented the best of america. that's my fondest memories of my childhood those dinners my late dad would cook for everybody. >> that's awesome. i'm fresh out of questions. molly, i'm told you have your dog in your lap celebrating christmas. i am into dogs. we have to see this little fella. >> this is puppy leo and he's a rescue puppy, but he's a chinese crested, and he's hairless, and i got him from a really great rescue organization called bald is beautiful. >> i love that. and you know, this is -- i actually do want to talk about this for a second, if i may take a moment of personal privilege. you know, a lot of people give pets for the holidays and, you know, pets are a serious responsibility, molly, as you know, you can probably testify to this. they are not necessarily holiday gifts. you know, it's like having a toddler who never grows up for like 13 years, and so when you give a gift of a pet, just understand it's a huge responsibility. it's a living thing. they're innocent creatures, and when people get tired of them after three months. it is horrific. it is horrible, and if you are out there getting a pet, adopt, don't shop. there are shelters and rescue petitions all across this country filled with animals, especially given the natural disasters we've seen, the tornados a few weeks ago, people who have died during covid who had pets. explore your local shelters and give your animal a good home. dean, do you have pets? >> i grew up with pets with dogs and cats and i love them. it's heartbreaking to lose an animal. i've always been married once. it's also heartbreaking to get divorced. i thought you were talking about the pain of it. i know what that's like at a relationship level. but i love animals, and i've seen molly's dog on instagram many a time. it is a star on instagram. i'm not even kidding. it is a star. >> i have three, three dogs. >> oh, wow. >> you're hoarding dogs, molly, that's too much. >> i have two elderly dogs and then i have the baby. >> well, i love that story, and gyasi, i will tell you my favorite dog is the pit bull. they get such a horrible reputation, but they are the sweetest dogs. i used to foster pit bulls, they are the kindest, cutest dogs. they just want to please, and they're great -- listen, they are great with kids. the little rascal dog was a pit bull, so pit bulls, don't believe the hype. they are awesome dogs and very loving. gyasi, i know you love animals. i don't know if you have pets. >> yeah, i have a pit bull. >> true story, i post him pretty much every morning, i take a walk with him every single morning and he takes a picture with his buddy mr. harvey who lives across the street and is just crazy about dogs and his name is duchi. it's the pueblo word for horse because he breathes like a horse. he's my old man, he's 12 years old, and he's starting to break down, and you know, it's the children's, it's the kids' childhood dog and we're going to have a conversation about mortality very soon, and that's kind of bringing the mood of christmas down a little bit, but pets are beautiful. pets are absolutely gorgeous. i'm thankful to celebrate this christmas with duchi. he gets a big old bone for christmas. that's his gift. it's going to be a good time. he's going to have a t-bone steak t-bone, the actual bone with some meat remnants on there for his christmas gift. >> i love that. and remember when you're giving those dogs table food, they cannot have chocolate. they cannot have chicken bones. they will choke on the bones. please google it before you give it to them. i'm so happy you were on to testify that pits are amazing dogs. they're so good. they're great with kids, and i have seen dogs the size of molly's dog bully poor pit bulls at the dog park. the little dogs reign supreme. they are the bosses of the dog park, and they're more likely to bite than bigger dogs. >> absolutely. >> i'm off on a tangent because i started talking about dogs. they're telling me we have to go. listen, you guys have a wonderful day today. merry christmas to you, gee awe gyasi, dean and molly enjoy your day relaxing, i'll be doing the same. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day. relaxing, i' same. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day. up next, some final thoughts on this christmas day ey can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. it's the most joyous time of year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. . all right, thank you so much to all of you at home celebrating christmas today who took the time to tune into the show. have a wonderful christmas, and before we go. i just want to take a moment of personal privilege and thank the amazing cross connection team who has worked really hard all year long during a pandemic to make sure that this show is on air every single saturday, and i want to thank you, the viewer, for making sure that this show trends most saturdays and for giving me the absolute best gift of all. and that is you tuning in and the conversations that we have here on this platform, so thank you so very much. i hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and the next time we see you will actually be in the new year. so we will see you in the year 2022. i hope you have a wonderful day and eat all the things that you want to eat. and to close us out, we want to have one more moment of the beautiful melody from latosha brown, so here she is again singing a beautiful classic christmas song. ♪♪ ♪ silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ all is calm, all is bright ♪ ♪ round yon virgin mother and child ♪ ♪ holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ shepherds quake at the sight ♪ ♪ glories stream from heaven afar ♪ ♪ heavenly hosts sing alleluia ♪ ♪ christ the savior is born ♪ ♪ christ the savior is born ♪ ♪ ♪ downy unstopables when i get a migraine, i shut out the world. but with nurtec odt that's 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[ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. good day from the msnbc world headquarters in new york. it's noon in the east, 9:00 out west, i'm lindsey riser in for alex witt wishing you a very merry christmas. and it is a second christmas with covid cases on the rise across america. the omicron surge hitting pilots and crew members hard from coast to coast forcing thousands of cancellations. according to flight aware, more than 2,500 flights are canceled today alone, and almost 5,000 flights are delayed around the world.

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Hardships , Headlines , First , Update , Msnbc , Lindsey Reiser , 2000 , Cases , Flights , Globe , Average , 122300 , Seven , 19 , Administration , Travel Restrictions , Countries , Southern Africa On New Year S Eve , Omicron Variant , Eight , 72 , Complications , Hopes , Hospitalization , Antiviral Covid Pill , Fda , Break , Push , Wrinkles , Tiffany Cross , Lift , Hey Joshie , Downy Wrinkleguard , Pets , Progressive , Heart , Hat , Car Accident , Mini Majorette S Gonna March , Animals , News , Mittens , Squeaks Softly , Diva , Mittens Squeaking , Mess , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Loved Ones , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Daughter , Wash , Couldn T , Bargain Detergent , Stains , Baby , Grandma , Somebody , Lonnie , What The Hell , Dr , Bit , Tips , Isn T , Navigating Family Dynamics , Bleep , 2016 , Joy Harden , School Holiday Movies , Harden , Girls Podcast , Therapy , Drama , Advice , Painting , Family Stress , Norman Rockwell , Question , Emotions , Mind , Setting Boundaries , Disagreements , Topics , Talking , Boundaries , Family Gatherings , Know , Topic , Conspiracy Theorists , Politics , Ways , Leave , Boundary , Table , Situations , Situation , Mental Health , Impacts , Horrific Christmas Parade , Covid , Parents , Children , Grief , Expectation , Pressure , Loss , Feels , Appearances , Care , Staycation , Executive Director , Foster Care System , Example , Infrastructure , 18 , Community , Company , Marathon , Kinds , Restaurants , Takeout , You , Permission , Holiday Gatherings , Break Out , Yo Uncle , Family Members , Dinner Table , Comedians , Joke , Needs , Family Counseling , Apologies , Don T Go Around Family Holidays , Track , Apologizing , Offering , Behavior , Amends , D C , Don T Travel , Guilt , Amount , Balance , Travel , Inconvenience , Thoughts , Expectations , Therapy Session , Aren T , Concern , Thinking , Somewhere , Plate , Relax , War On Christmas , Eating , Holiday Panel , More , Cocktails , Holiday Feast , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Vacation , Panic Room , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Slash Classroom , Vrbo , Dirt , Cleaner , Bargain Brand , Tide Hygienic , Expert Bookkeepers , Expert Bookkeeper , Quickbooks , Alice , Gain , Scent Beads , Fairy Godmother , Live Bookkeeping , Longer Ss , Try Spring Daydream , Scent Collection , Singer , Performance , Wouldn T Be Christmas Without A Special Musical , Matter , Melody , Cofounder , Votes , Latosha Brown , Come Ye Oh , Triumphant Oh , Come Ye Faithful , Come Ye To Bethlehem , Angels Oh , Oh Come Let Us Adore Him , Christ The Lord , Lord , Oh , Exultation Oh , Choirs Of Angels , Glory , God , Sing All Ye Citizens Of Heaven , Highest , Lord Of Hosts Angels Sing On High Come Ye Faithful , King Of Kings , Come Ye Faithful Oh , Spider Bite , Gasps , Nonsense , Inefficiency , Pro , Patience , Joe Montana , Spider Man , December 17th Hi , December 17th , 65 , 17 , Plans , Wellcare , Cost , Money , Primary Care , Prescription , Pros , Copays , Pocket , Medicare , Benefits , Hearing Expenses , Social Security Check , Toothpaste , Over The Counter Allowance , Cold Remedies , Items , Vision , Dental , Flex Card , Mouthwash , Hassles , Screen , Call , Joe The Pro , Wellcare Guide Today , Bond , Weather , Maggie Gronewald , Ointment , Planning Effect , Feeling , Restore Healthy , Plan , Fidelity , Picture , Advisor , Reward , Wealth , Risk , Classes , Generations , Punch , Seniors , Silversneakers , Millions , Internet Connection , Thousands , Locations , Access , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Scent Boosters , Downy Unstopables , Detergent , Washing Machine , Load , Smelling Laundry , Waaaay , Cap , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Magic Reindeer , Wouldn , Either , Poll , Fairleigh Dickinson University , Easter Bunny , 10 , Jess Morales , Action , Public Defender , See Ross , Break Dances With Wolves , Ra Ket Toe , War , It S Christmas , Holiday Stuff , Pilot Radio , War On Christmas Foolishness , Christmas Trees , Valentine S Day , Something Else , Pine Needles , Culprits , Jerry Seinfeld , Love Hate Relationship , In The House , Spilling Stuff , Hell , Michael Harriot You Have Kids , Over , Adult Kids Nonetheless , Everybody Else , Dog Tracks Everything , Feet , Curb , Socks , Rules , Bathroom , Rule , Hassle , Smell , Pine Smell , Appearance , Disposal , Economics , The Light , Pine Sol , Birthday , January 14th , 14 , Space , Bargains , Behalf , Malls , Tradition , Club , Transcription , Footties , Dance Party , Cabin , Speed , Meal , Family Thing , Streets , The Club , Jess Jassy , Gun Violence , Epidemic , 22 , Alcohol , Notoriety , Don T Trust Them , Large Brown , Gorgeous Macaw , Indian Reservation , Cheese , Places , Sights , Ritz Crackers , Ocean , Martinelli Sparkling Cider , Salty Air , Invite , Don T Mess , Bike , Delta , Always , Kwanzaa Celebration , Process , Heartbeat , Emails , Iphone , Calls , 80 , Time Line , Pajamas , Memes , Social Media Version Of Deaf Comedy Jam , Moms , Comedy , 30 , Laughter , Social Media , Food , Me Today , Basketball , Football , Gyasi Ross , Meme , Sparkling Cider , Martinelli , Paper Bag , Eating Junk , Kevin Mcallister , T Shirt , Rubbish , White T Shirt , Beige Christmas , Aesthetic A , Baby Reindeer , Wow , Ears , Babies , Meme For Let S Make Kwanzaa Great , Kwanzaa Great , Batteries , Mic , Boy , Outfits , Pictures , Face , Feelings , Michelle Obama , Momma , Black , Eyebrow , Gucci , Internet , Temptations Silent Night , It Kind , Feel , Talks , Hip Hop Christmas , Migos , Hip Hop , Ones , Wild , My Favorite Christmas Carols , Grandkids , Generation , Fuddy Duddy Stage , Queens , Phase , Classic , Hip Hop Classics , Line , Christmastime In Hollis Queens , All Of You Wonderful Panelists , Games , Discussion , Right , Cider , Rest , I Got You , Cooking , Kitchen , Dinner , Options , Waist , Side , Homeowners , Airport , Ticket Check , Paper Tickets , Takeoff , Challenge , Highways , Landmarks , Snacks , Auto , Group Two , Gonna , Ballpark , 58 , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Network Solutions , Power , Sd Wan , 1200 , Big Day , Network , Activecore Platform , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , It Challenge , Health , Wellness , Shirley Caesar , Gospel Legend , Dinners , Fears , Copy , Coach , Salad , Vegan Mac , Foodie , Sounds So Good , Lasagna , Fiber , Vegetables , Fruits , Rainbow , Five , Recipes , Pasta , Grandmother , Olive Oil , Protein , Quinoa , Carbohydrate , Wheat , Made Out Of Chickpeas , Sweet Potatoes , Seeds , Energy , Cheeses , There , Cheese Part , Carb Options , Alternatives , Sweet Potato Cheese , Quinoa Pasta , Taste , Coma , Grandmas , Seasoning , Paprika , Bay , Onion , Garlic , It Doesn T , Chicken , Fried Chicken , Eating Food , Texture , Consistency , Mushroom , Feel Good , Mushrooms , Tastes , Samples , Coya , The Tips , Veggies , Trick , Doesn T Matter , Tip , Best , Room , Cup , Overeating , Digestion , Guilting , Unguilty Pleasures , Digestive System , Shockers , Body , Meditation , Gym , Alignment , Affirmations , Head , Tailbone , Boom , Apples , Safe , Oranges , Uplifts , Bodies , Science , Plant , Idea , You Sparkle , Taste Buds , Salivate , Vibration , Grower , Garden , Grocer , Jar , 25 , 0 25 , Herbs , Foods , Counter , Hydroponic Garden , Collard Greens , Sinks , Bathtubs , Craig Robinson , Ganiac , Sfx , Drawers , Check My Drawers , Sniffs Long Exhale , Jerseys , Gainiac , Freshness , Flings , Oxiboost , Febreze , Subways , Bmt , Ads , Turkey Cali Fresh , Subway , Go Long Italian , All American Clubtm , Yep , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Helpfosterchildren Com , Foster Kids , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Everywhere , Building , Signs , Lobby , Americans , Radio , Gallop , Starbucks Cup , 7 , John Bass , Share , Let , O Beda La , Daily Beast , Molly John Fas , Hanukkah , Nobody , Both , Society , Say , Offensive , Jewish , Big Fan Of Christmas , Restaurants Aren T , The Movies , Air Travel Day , Don T Know , Secret , Dean Obeidallah , Fan , Holiday , Chinese Food , Moods , Funny , Muslim , Google On Christmas Day , Peak Popularity , Interest Value , Search Engine , Data , Google , Dad , Celebrating Christmas , Mahmoud , Red Nosed Reindeer , Lee Fa , Toys , Santa Ka , Muslims In America , Share Gifts , Households , Prophet , Cousins , Islam , Koran , Chapter , Virgin Mary , Trees , Shopping Malls , Hotels , Middle East , Jordan , Restaurant , No One , Movie Theater , Comparison , Ignorance , Families , African American , Component , Desserts , Baklava , Faiths , Religion , Learning , Tolerance , Path , Atheist , School , Population , Faith Group , School Kids , Dreidel , Play , Assessment , Jews , Jew , American Society , Molly , Peace , Menorah , Get , Important , Apartment Building , New York City , Peace On Earth , Will , Vaccines , Episode , Charlotte York , Spectacular , News Update , Surging Covid , Lindsey Riser , 2500 , Red , Rise , Pilots , Crews , Airlines , 3 4 Million , Wild Christmas , White Christmas , Storms , Snow , Sierra Nevadas , Pacific Northwest , Ten , Pontiff , Power Lines , Winds , Crises , Conflicts , Vatican City , Surprises , Cheesiest , Sugar Cookie , Burger , Bucket , Win , Kraft , Holiday Drinks , Nap , Transition , Molly Jong Fast , Pepper , Coke , Ross , Alcoholism , Vocal Chord , Holiday Cocktail , Molly Don T Drink , Longer , Recruitment Exercise , Pork , Camp , Italians , Key , Shots , Christian , Dogs , Puppy Leo , Dog , Questions , Fella , Lap , Rescue Puppy , Chinese Crested , He S Hairless , Bald , Second , Rescue Organization , Privilege , Responsibility , Toddler , Pet , It S A Living Thing , Creatures , 13 , Shelters , Rescue , Petitions , Disasters , Don T Shop , Adopt , Animal , Cats , Star , Pain , Relationship Level , Instagram , Hoarding Dogs , Pit Bulls , Cutest Dogs , Reputation , Pit Bull , Rascal Dog , Hype , Harvey , Walk , True Story , Mr , Buddy , Duchi , Horse , Street , Pueblo Word , My Old Man , Childhood Dog , Mortality , 12 , Big Old Bone For Christmas , T Bone Steak , T Bone , Table Food , Bone , Chicken Bones , Meat Remnants , Chocolate , Bones , Size , Pits , Dog Bully Poor Pit Bulls , Little Dogs Reign Supreme , Bosses , Dog Park , Same , Gee Awe Gyasi , Up Next , Boosters , Relaxing , Downy Light , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Beads , Capful , Scents , Let S Go , Airpods , Dianne , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Iphone 13 Pro , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Parabens , Fragrances , Wonderful Christmas , Saturday , Single , Saturdays , Pandemic , Viewer , Cross Connection Team , Platform , 2022 , Beautiful Classic Christmas Song , Calm , Holy Night All , Infant , Mother , Holy Night Shepherds Quake , Sleep , Sight Glories , Heaven Afar Heavenly Hosts , Christ The Savior , Odt , Migraine , Migraines , Nausea , Nurtec , Indigestion , Stomach , Em , Mm , Tight , Uh , You Don T Want , 24 7 , 9 , 5000 ,

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