Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

i had a dream that i would be here receiving something from the president but i thought it would be the front door's key. >> bob dole receiving the presidential medal of freedom from the man he lost the election to a couple of months earlier. we are going to remember the life of the american hero and republican statesman. first, the greatest of bob dole in stark contrast. over the weekend we got a sampling from some of the far-right's finest, first on the big lie from donald trump who once tweeted that -- on saturday, he admitted he lost the 2020 election or he called himself stupid releasing a statement "anybody does not think there wasn't massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election is either very stupid or very corrupt. >> on covid, it's marjorie taylor greene tweeted a thread comparing the virus to cancer. more than 600,000 people in the u.s. die from cancer. the country has never once shutdown. not a single school has closed. every year, people of all ages and races die from cancer. >> this is really simple, is it? >> unless you are really extraordinary simple. it seems congresswoman thinks cancer is a contagious respiratory disease. >> gun violence? thomas massey tweeting out a epiphany of a gun fetish, this family photo of everyone holding a long gun, merry christmas, ps, santa, please bring the ammo, four days after the school shooting in michigan. and and joe, you tweeted, "too many politicians act as if life begins at conception and ends at birth. they claim the mantle of life but promote a culture of violence on medicine and obsession with executions over refusal to support overwhelmingly popular gun safety laws and massive pentagon budgets. they oppose even the most basic safety net guarantees and fight and endless war against decent healthcare for all americans. if supporting a guaranteed healthcare is socialist then margaret thatcher was a socialist, hint, she was not. >> of course she was not. if you go back to all of these things and all the big whine up just looking at the weekend how we are seeing especially kevin mccarthy's house delegation go, more extreme, more hateful. and the contrast craig shirley was talking about this week with bob dole. a gentleman who understood you can be a conservative without checking your decency at the front door, without being hateful, without being spike full. you talk about compassionate and conservative, that was bob dole. here i find -- i don't even say the guy's name because i don't want to give more credence. i had to hear people having to yap on and on about a war on christmas. if you were a christian and you are concerned and somebody put xmas up some where and there is going to be 87, it's not much of a faith. you don't have that strong faith in jesus christ. anymore than this, all of this garbage we are seeing here like the war on christmas. you want a war or christmas? you look at that picture, again, the picture i don't want to show and the picture i feel sorry for the guy's family so i don't want to show their faces. nothing has been done over the past year by city councils that really does more violence to the essence of what christmas celebrates than that picture. it comes of course the party that's been whining about a war on christmas for decades that drive up ratings or whatever or trying to get votes. imagine that. it's hard for me, too. these are such bizarre times. if you read the bible and you read the red letters and you understand what christmas celebrates is becoming of a savior who's called what? the prince of peace. the prince of peace. who talks about blessed the meek and the poor and spirit and those who are hunger or thirst, blessed of all the things this party have stop being the extreme members of this party. no grace. blessed of the peacemaker. none of that shows up in so much of this but especially in that christmas card. i don't know if that was meant to own the lips. it owns people actually understand who jesus christ is if you are a christian. that's who it would deeply offend. again, this culture of life mika, a culture of life where again these are people that are screaming fry them, execute them whether we know they're guilty or innocent. don't give kids healthcare. people who are allowing school shootings to continue throughout the united states. >> defy science. >> without any efforts to support legislation that 90% of americans support, expanded universal background checks. tougher gun safety laws. i own guns. it's about being reasonable and being responsible. but, mika, again, let's be very careful/clear here. this is not the party of life. they show it every single day. 700,000 people are going to be dead by covid, god knows how many by the end of the year. and if you read the garbage this weekend that they were spewing and they were saying this is not a party dedicated to saving lives. this is a party that's -- >> that's the opposite to be honest. >> it's like this cult and what do they worship? >> they worship a failed game show host, they focus on this hyper -- this perverted hyper individualism that says everybody should be carrying around military style weapons that says nobody should have to wear a mask or take a vaccine. nobody should have to treat their neighbordecently. that's what we see in kevin mccarthy's house. >> and the racism. we have a great panel to talk about all of this. the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire, donny deutsche, mara gaye, it's great to have all of you this morning. >> the party of life, please, it's a joke. i heard people say it before that republicans believe that life against conception but end at childbirth. it's never more true than now. >> you interestingly frame what could be an overall position for democrats. that kind of irony of what you talked about is interesting, usually when you talk, i am like what are you talking about? this one really hit home. it's really thoughtful and when you think about across the board, lack of life or certainly a lack of cherishing of life. i think democrats going forward, the way they fight this is they need to stick to their facts, and stick to the economy how it's getting better for everyone. stick to the granularity of both of the bills going through. you get into a culture war, the problem is democrats don't know how to fight it properly. the only thing that beats a cultural war is good economic number. i love your overall framing and i would love to see some blanket kind of bangor and underneath it just hitting with the facts. >> well, mara, it's true, donny talked about cherishing life, you can take down the issue if you want to talk about the pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people have died. they worship hyper individuality, more than they cherish life. if you talk about gun safety legislation, they worship hyper individuality despite the fact 90% of americans support universal background checks and they worship that hyper individuality more than they cherish life. you talk about healthcare, it's the same thing, everything is about this hyper, hyper individuality and if you ever talk about helping your neighbor and your community, helping the poorest among us, suddenly you are a socialist, i threw that in the book, margaret thatcher broke the union and tough as hell. she understood she was not going to take away the british healthcare system because every britt needed it. >> well, there is nothing christian about any of this as you know, joe. it reminds me of that quote from gandhi. if we can call it christmas photo on twitter was the four families in oxford, michigan, what kind of christmas are they going to have who lost their young children and yet another school shooting because we refused to come together as a country to do the right thing. obviously i think don is frame k it exactly right, democrats don't know how to talk about this. you are giving them al good road map to do so. unfortunately, they continue to play defense when in actuality everything that we are talking about this is extremely powerful message and beyond the politics of it is true. the republican party advocated this point at any moral high ground. you think of bob dole and the republican party in the early '90s was much closer morally to the democratic party. and at this point is such a stark contrast is hard as a christian to even square it and everything from hypocrisy and abortion and to the pandemic. it's not just about owning the libs, we are talking about americans and communities across the country who are refusing to wear masks or get vaccinated to protect one another. this is about covid rates in red states america. the cruelty of the heart of this is punishing people in their own communities. it's not punishing us here in new york or people who are vaccinated. who's suffering at this point? i don't understand it. >> it's all such an interesting point mara. if you look at new york city and 90% have been vaccinated. again, if there is any frustration that any one of these are showing towards a lack of vaccination or a lack of basic safety measures. we are talking for the most part about people in red state america that's adversely affected. i am very concerned about small business owners. i am really concern about family restaurants. i am really concerned of entrepreneurs who are struggling right now and should not have to go through another wave of this because people won't get vaccinated. where do these people and family built up small businesses over generations and i see it in pensacola when a huge hurricane would come through and wiping out family businesses on the beach and they would not have business for a year or two, it's devastating. we are seeing one way after another waves. first couple of waves was hard to do anything about it but now we know the answer. and you know it's very -- i have to point this out because we are saying gop and we are talking about republicans, once again, jonathan lemire, you look at the united states senate and for the most part their approach towards vaccinations and being responsible on the vaccine. you start with mitch mcconnell who repeatedly talked about vaccine and tommy touberville would go and do psas, other republican leaders have done psas but not in mccarthy's house. if i were in the house, i would put a statement out. if i were in the house, that's not acceptable and that's not what the republican party stands for and not what my republican party stands for. they have to power to do this. far too many of them remained silent especially let's start with kevin mccarthy. >> your point of the senate is a good one in terms of senate leader mcconnell. there are some exceptions, ted cruz picked a fight with big bird when big bird got the covid-19 shot and josh hawley and others have been speaking out. the mandates are in the house. it's clear that leader mccarthy has little control over those in his caucus or desire to try because he's so closely associated with marjorie taylor greene and the former president who loudly backed them. it's clear he sees something in them and their supporters is reminisce of his supporters. every decision mccarthy makes is viewed to the prism of his calculation as to how he can be speaker of the house. his trend suggests that he stands a good chance to do that. this is the kind of thing will endanger that where you have republicans engaging in terrible racist rhetoric and threats to democrats and colleagues. the picture we are talking about will certainly not play well across of america. the terrible shooting in michigan and as much as democrats were nervous about their chances and how lawmakers up on capitol hill are worried of biden's low approval rating. they still have time to turn it around. also, to donny's point they feel like if they can get the second build back better bill passed soon with minimal drama then they can have time to run on that next year and point out tangible benefits. hey, we are delivering this for you. we are trying to change your life. if they feel like that can happen and fire case goes down, they think they can buck the trend. >> joe, you can level out concerns when something like this is happening when you are talking about party of death or you can even or when you talk to donny or looking at a branding strategy of democrats of the party of death or destruction whether it's gun culture or january 6th where trump said at the top avoiding any accountability and while people are being marched up to jail for the felony conviction they face for storming our capitol and vandalizing it and naming people and attacking cops with the american flag and the trump's flags or on covid. people at the top get the vaccines and boosters and get the greatest meds and survived. their followers don't get the vaccine and are dying of covid. it's the risk they put on people whether it's death or destruction. you would think democrats can do something about this. it seems this just continues with -- it's frustrating to watch. it seems to continue with no accountability and no consequences. >> it's what we heard and what we heard for 40 years when donald trump was president. the only thing i will remind watching this, republicans after four years of donald trump lost the white house, lost the united states senate, and they lost the house of representatives, donald trump tried to overthrow election results and the united states supreme court and circuit courts and district court judges. >> but they continued -- >> all parties stopped them dead in their tracks, by the way, completely shut them out. i am still optimistic because i have seen and you have seen, you at home at seen, again, take a deep breathe and get off of twitter once in a while and just look out over the rise. you will see the republican party, the first party, the first kind since herbert hoover in 1932, a first term president lost the white house, the house and the senate. that's about a sweeping of condemnation of everything that went on four years before. and listen, i usually, when it comes to politics for me is not analytical, it all comes from the gut. i look at it on the political battlefield and oh, i can do this and that. i feel like democrats were so easy to beat because they don't know what they believe in and they tried to have it both ways. i don't feel that way now. i would love to be a democratic member of congress like going against the republican especially after what the economy is going to look like next year after they pass one or two more bills and after they obsess about the economy in 2022 which is what they need to do and start comparing the cultural war, the nonsense to actually, the safer roads, the safer bridges, cleaner drinking water -- >> healthcare. >> faster internet and soon the better healthcare, universal pre-k, all of the things that democrats have done to make people's lives better without help from republicans. that's a wonderful contrast but democrats have to get this, democrats have to get a lot tougher, they're just not tough at this game. they need to get tougher and they need to lay it out and they need to hold down hall meetings every week especially those members in this district that are challenging. you are in a tight race, hold down hall meetings every single weekend, i don't care what else you got going. hold, one, two, four, five, get the message out there. it sinks in and it makes a huge difference. >> again, all of this is in comparison, the life and legacy of world war ii veteran long time u.s. senator and former republic and nominee for president, bob dole, who passed away yesterday at the age of 98. we are going to speak with jon meacham. president biden is expected to hold a virtual meeting with vladimir putin tomorrow. we'll talk with richard haas about that escalation. what we know about an expected announcement concerning a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming winter olympics in beijing. and after a dramatic manhunt, the parents of accused michigan school shooters are in custody. the couple and their son are now behind bars but could a fourth person also be charged? also, italian man makes global headlines for trying to get a coronavirus vaccine certificate without getting the shot? we'll explain what he did trying to fake out doctors. that's a strange one. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. e watching we'll be right back. biden: when i think about climate change the word i think of is jobs. these investments are a win win win for this country. creating jobs, cutting energy costs, protecting our climate. so let's not waste any more time. let's get to work. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating 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stories of resilience over many years as he recovers from those wounds and he put forces himself into the arena. he was elected as representative when john kennedy was president. a legislative force, really a creature of a senate in the sound of nostalgic. he supported the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. he's a vanished kind of republican. in many ways that human story is so amazing. i think we have all seen and talk about sort of because he never quite finishes because he cries about the way russell kansas rallies to him. the song "you will never walk alone" is one that he played over and over again as he recovered. i think he brought that kind of resilience to politics. >> anybody reading his story "what it takes" could be wiping a tear from their eyes as you hear him trying to regain use of his legs and regain use of his arms. a solitude, pull himself up over and over again and yet he fought his way back. i had forgotten just how terrible he had been wounded. many people believing he would not have use of his arms and legs again and just left there to be wither away. >> the last hour of the war, he's wounded in italy on the 14th of april, 1945, 16 days adolph hitler will kill himself is at the end of everything. there is this pesistent theme of tragedy. he's a lot in common with richard nixon, both farm kids who rose to power, his life was in many ways in helix of george walker bush. the last time i saw him was the moment so wonderfully captured what he insisted on being held up to salute the casket of george h.w. bush and 2018. that's the rotunda there, the statues there are dwight eisenhower and gerald ford, ronald reagan, martin luther king, you know we forget sometimes american history is pretty brief, right? those were all figures on statues that dole and bush sometimes intercepted, sometimes in alliance with. what i was thinking about yesterday when the news came is bob dole was imperfect. he was a hatchet man as he was called. when he made that comment in 1976, i went for the jugular -- that kind of awareness, that understanding that you can do things wrong, you can make mistakes but basically we are part of a covenant with each other in the same way russell kansas was with him. >> when you suffer on the battlefield, you understand what life is really like and losing a presidential race or losing a vote finds its proper proportion. bob dole is a great example that characters destiny. >> jon meacham, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. we appreciate you being here. >> mara, i want to touch on and expand on something that john said there. bob dole would not want to be romantic size. . >> the thing i love about bob dole of what we can remember was he was very partisan and harsh. he spent his life with democrats seeing him as a political enemy. he worked with them and brussels when anybody attacked judge mcgovern. he believed there were limits and guard rails and the country always came first. >> it's interesting but we lost bob dole now, i put him in the category of john dingle and john mccain. i find it interesting but we have not heard from former president trump. every time one of these die, we heard from him trying to insert himself with these great men or more likely trying to insult them. the thing about losing dole is the sense of decency of character and perseverance and a sense that this was a great american and where are all those great americans in the republican party today. that's y the nostalgia lies and the concern for our democracy. bob dole was imperfect. i agree with him on most things. you do see somebody who worked across the isle to again, the pivotal votes were the 1964 voting rights act and also by the way the ability that he had to work across the isle to create the entitlement for free school lunch for kids which continues to help millions today. that's a good example. >> and intense physical therapy and i am doing great but i have to admire the perseverance that comes from the long and arduous recovery that bob dole had. reading about it last night and i was struck and it reminded me of john mccain also had endured serious recoveries in his life. it really does build character. we saw bob dole paid back forward through public service, throughout his life, what an example. >> also the sound byte that alex opened our show today of bob dole conceding and being apart of the process of losing a presidential election. win or lose is such an honor from the presidency on down to state and local government to be apart of this great american process and he did that with elegance. >> he did. let's just say what ensures the greatness of the system i know al gore have done a lot in the house and senate as vice president. he was extraordinary grace and dignity he showed when few others and his party wanted him to show that grace and dignity when he understood that five republicans appointed members of supreme court voted against him being president and four democratic appointed supreme court, nominees voted for his presidency and yet he went there and understood the importance, just like bob dole. donald trump did release a brief statement but i will say and again yesterday speaking of bob dole and mara brought up the civil rights act, voting rights act, i had a friend who had a terrible accident in college and has been a terrible -- sent me a picture with bob dole where he went to visit him to thank him for the american disabilities act. he touched so many people throughout his life. and we'll be revisiting this conversation on the legacy of bob dole who passed away at the age of 98. now to the school shooting in michigan, there are new details o f the moments leading up to the deadly shooting last week. the suspected teenage shooter and his parents are all in custody. there is growing scrutiny on the school itself. meghan fitzgerald has the latest. >> reporter: the suspected high school shooter and his parents are under close surveillance. >> all three of them are in isolation and segregated. we have advance watch on them. >> james and jennifer crumbly joining their son in jail. >> not guilty. >> the couple was arrested inside the arts studio early saturday morning where police say they were hiding out. a person of interest speaking to nbc news. >> he didn't know they were fugitives. the minute he found out, he went to the police department wanted to give them information. >> the school releasing details what happens in the hours leading up to the t shooing. the teacher discovered the suspect's disturbing drawing. >> reporter: the incident was reported to the school's counselor but the suspect told them the drawing was part of a video game he was drawing. his parents arrived, the parents refused to take their son home. after counselor determined the 15-year-old was not a threat, they sent him back to class. hours later, the suspect opened fire in a packed hallway killing four students. >> is it possible that school officials can face charges? >> reporter: the impact of the latest tragedy on full display on saturday night. >> please rise for a moment of silence as we honor those who were lost. paying special tribute to the high school running back, tate mear. >> dedicating the game of his courage and what he did. >> how heartbreaking. let's bring in right now. after the shooting, dave, i suggested that parents need to be liable if they left guns around the house or if they did not lock them up. i was talking about and i always have a professor who would say, there is and there is what ought to be. that's always the rub when you are talking about laws. i was talking about what ought to be. are there laws on the books right now that would hold these parents liable. >> there are several states that require people to lock up their guns so children don't get access to them. michigan is not one of those states. parents can still be charged when they act so recklessly that they put other people in great danger and that's what's happening here. that's why they are charged with involuntary man slaughter. it's not because they are accused of intending to create this situation. they act so recklessly by buying their child a gun and giving them easy access to it. later on the mother texted her son to say lol, i am not mad at you, make sure you don't get caught. the next day when the teacher finds the son making disturbing drawing of pictures of blood and guns and killing people. the parents went to the administration and called to the office and never told the school that their son had access to a gun. they never asked their son where the gun was and never searched his backpack. they did not take him home. they refused to do that and left him. >> reported and her mind going right to the point where she knew possibly it was him or probably was. the father reportedly ran home to check for the gun. it shows a sense of concern that they had that their child could have done this and they did not take seriously when confronted by the school. all these things will be born out in court and see what happens there. i am concerned about this school being held liable. what do you make of that? do you consider that to be fair game in a situation like this? >> you have to prove they violated their duty of care and you have to show more likely or not eventhough they charged him criminally. they only told parents to make sure he has counseling in 48 hours. difference between school officials and the parents is the access of the gun. the parents bought it for him after all. as long as they did not know he had access to a gun, they'll be sued criminally but not charged criminally. there should be an investigation. i was talking to local school officials here they said they would have kept this kids out of class and get counselor within 24 hours. they could have done so. there is a lot of changes that should have happened. you will start to see some legislative proposals out there to make sure a tragedy like this never happens again. >> state attorney for palm beach county, thank you very much for being with us this morning. coming up, one of our next guests says joe biden's democrats are a joke and so are trump's republicans. both parties seemed committed to minority status, begging the question can anybody play this game? we'll talk about that just ahead. before we go to break, a look at the active weather across the country. our meteorologist michelle grossman joins us for that. >> it's a busy morning. let's talk about what's happening right now, a line of showers and storms stretching from ohio valley down to the central states. we are looking at winds gusting to 60 miles per hour, we are looking at the potential of some isolated tornados as well. that'll be the threat today. on the backside of this system is frigid, we are looking at temperatures below zero once you factor in some winds gusting to 60 miles per hour. this morning, 12 degrees in minneapolis, feels like 10 below zero with that windchill ls and tomorrow morning waking up to a frigid start once again, really warm in the northeast before we had that frigid air moving in. let's take a look outside because we are looking at a shot of the rockefeller center. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. g joe," we'll be right back. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on 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kids are going to start that today. what do you think? would you like to join us? >> i am going to put a twist on there, a little meat-loaf on monday. is this just monday? >> maybe we'll add tuesday and wednesday and thursday. >> can we eat chicken? >> we are working on this tonight with jack. >> yes, we are. i have jack's menu with brown rice and florets, you can add beans and extra firm tofu, lightly stir fried. it's so good. >> it's a leap of faith. >> do we have to have tofu? can we have more broccoli? >> nope! joe's conversation with mary mccartney is amazing. we'll have it for you coming up. >> we'll go live to the mexican side of the border for our firsthand look at the implications. plus -- >> president biden wins that reaction to russia's provocation on the world's state. we'll go live to london for the latest when "morning joe" comes back in two-minutes. ning joe" c back in two-minutes. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. all right, top of the hour exactly. welcome to "morning joe," jonathan lemire and donny deutsche is still with us. the people that attacked the capitol. what drove them there other than the lies spread by former president trump? ayman is telling us the story. the radicalization of one of the capitol rioters. ayman is joining us now. tell us what you found out. >> the country was consumed of this tragedy. i received a facebook message from an old high school friend of mine who told me his sister in law was among those that died at the capitol. roseanne boylen was radicalradi. the family given us exclusive access to speak to them and her close friends and trying to understand how this young woman who was very a political had never voted in her life transformed into a trump supporter and a qanon. >> for most of her life, roseanne boylen hated politics. >> she was super involved. we are always into each other's business and hanging out. >> reporter: the summer of 2020, her family started to notice something is a bit off. >> she started getting close off and distant and on christmas she was here but she was on her phone all the time. she was not participating in the opening of presents. >> reporter: roseanne began to withdraw and instead going down qanon rabbit hole. >> she's like hey have you heard about this and i said no. i left there about 5:00 in the evening and she texted me at 7:00 in the morning, she had been up all night watching youtube. >> reporter: roseanne has a history of substance abuse and they were afraid to confront her will push her away. do you believe she was radicalized? she went to the rally with her friend. her family watched in horror the events of that day unfolded. we watched the news and the second that they said the second person died, there was more than one death, i knew it was her. i just had this gut feeling it was her. >> reporter: late that night roseanne's family got the call they were dreading. roseanne had died at the capitol trying to force her way into the police line. body camera painted as brutal picture. >> she died but because of a prescription drug overdose. >> do you believe explanation as to why she die is not -- >> i think they did a rush halfhearted investigation because she's trump supporter who died doing what she did. >> reporter: in the months of her death, boyland have set to understand how roseanne was radicalized. some were capture on body cam video that had not been released. >> ultimately, we just want to find out what happened to her. >> joe, and mika, as you guys though i cover radicalism and extreme overseas. what i have learned about roseanne's life, i sum up of what i call a 3-d, she had physical abuse of relationships and consumed of information online. what i think is difference is the presence of donald trump, he's a demagogue, he exploited vulnerability of people like her that led to her tragic death. >> and ayman , you can see the story and hear from the family talking and we have seen this overseas and we have seen this throughout history that so many times there are people who isolated and alone and they want to be apart of that community. they go online and see the community and the idea of meeting everybody to crack something that's been perceived in justice. it gives them an escape from that loneliness and people preying on them very wealthy and rich and powerful people praying on those suffering alone and my god, that's a story as old as politics and time itself. >> you are absolutely right. you nail it right on the head. her last message on parlor, the social conservative site that a lot of those used, her last words were "i am going to be with my true brothers and sisters." it gives you a sense of purpose that she found, it was all based online. it was apart of a conspiracy theory that she felt was going there. this was the only way can keep her in office to overthrow the election. you are absolutely right, they find a sense of purpose based on the house of lies. >> all right, the first episode of msnbc's newest original pod cost series, "american radical" hosted by ayman . we'll be watching your show on msnbc weekends, we appreciate you being on this weekend. turning now to the coronavirus pandemic and the spread of the omicron variant. demand for covid-19 vaccinations is spiking across the country as more and more americans become eligible for booster shots. retail pharmacy like cvs and walgreens are keeping up with surging demands. many vaccine seekers are waiting days or weeks for appointments to get a booster. according to the cdc, nearly 200 million americans are fully vaccinated as of saturday that accounts for almost 60% of the total population. a senior official tells nbc news the u.s. is expected this week to announce a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming winter olympics in beijing. it would mean no u.s. government officials would attend the games but that american athletes would still be allow to compete. china's ministry warns of a possible repercussion. if the u.s. insist in clinging to its course, china will take resolute counter measures. >> what else? what have you been doing to bring us to this point, what else? seriously? the nation is celebrating five more kennedys. >> there is alana. they were all honored for their lifetime's achievements in washington, d.c. at a white house reception before the ceremony, joe biden recognized each artist and had this to say about lauren michaels. >> mr. wise guy over here. >> he's trying out seven guys to play me. >> a hallmark of many democratic society. >> the ceremony will air later this month on cbs. should be fun to watch. turning back to our panel now, we have joining us now matt lewis, rich lowry and sofia nelson joins us. with that, we tease this in your piece you talk about how republicans are not deserving of the majority. they'll likely win the midterms, quote, ironically, republicans are now the poster child for the perils of protectionist policies. in a free market, superior products get rewarded while inferior -- we are seeing the political version of that right now, the gop's mean girl fights between represents lauren boebert and marjorie taylor green are making headlines and greene make racist comments about a colleague, ilhan omar. the gop is set to feel the new crop. this is not the behavior of a serious party, it's doing everything possible to preserve victory. if and when republicans win, despite of failing to get the own house in order, it will only reaffirm their believes that they don't have to. this was what i was asking you earlier, joe, there appears to be no consequences for behavior that's antidemocratic, let's leave it there. >> i would say losing the white house. the house of the senate. >> matt lewis, we are going to read next to rich, the list of things that democrats are doing. you have this great quote and i guess because i am an old man looking back and i am so frustrated, can anybody here play this game? right now does not look like many building behind you know how to play the game well. you should have consumers out there and two parties buying for their vote. that would create incentives to behave well. if few lose an election, you would want to win so fix the things that you messed up. the problem is we don't have this free market. part of the reason for that is our structural issues where republicans can win without winning 50% plus one. the other problem you alluded to is i don't think the democratic party is playing their role either, forcing the republicans to compete, this morning you were talking about this hyper individualism in the republican party whether it's guns orozco covid and doubling down on individualism and autonomy. there is that life issue of being pro-life and the democratic party could potentially see some of that ground and make themselves hospital to pro-life. they have not done that. the republican party is the game in town. >> so matt argues that democrats have squandered their chance had governing. for ten months now i have documented the mistakes joe biden and democrats have made. becoming something to a kin at least. biden had a golden opportunity to incorporate disaffected republicans into his moderate coalition. but he managed to blanket away in a matter of a few months. both parties seemed committed to minority status. either party could capitalize on the vulnerability, but why should they when they can often win without avoid from hitting rock bottom. to paraphrase leonard cohen, one of them can't be wrong. we can look at what's happening in virginia and we can talk about 2020 and 2021. we go back the past 20 years and we see republicans win big. >> and republicans backlash and trump. i am just curious what your thoughts are when the republicans took control of the house in 1994. it was a first time in 40 years that a gop was in charge of congress what's happening in politics but not 20 or 21, why is this the new reality? >> it's more competitive politics. what democrats did not realize, his super power was not being bernie sanders and not being donald trump. besides that there was not a lot there. he created unnecessary debacles on the border and little republicans can do in my mind to mess this up. they're going to take the house one way or another. marjorie taylor greene was not on the ballot. glenn youngkin did not offend trump voters. he did not say anything in defensible. he created an image of himself acceptable. the proof in the putting won't be 2022. we'll see. >> that's such a great point while democrats desperately want to win in 2022. 2022 is not going to be the town because right now you look at history and you look at redistricting, it would be next to impossible for democrats when republicans supposed to win big, they ended up winning the house with four seats. gingrich is run out of town because of it. the question is how do democrats self-correct in time past '22 to present themselves and all the suburbs that voted against trump in 2020. >> that's a tough question, joe. i live here in virginia and i am going to push back on rich that i think this was a local election here. i am not sure virginia is the right model going forward. glenn youngkin had some good global issues that helped him. we have a cultural war going on. i kind of disagree it's really about the economy or infrastructure. the thing that voters get excited about and more money in their pocket. we are seeing america being more divided. democrats are going to bounce back, they got to get order. and effective phrases that republicans use very well for these campaigns particularly when you get to congressional or senate races where they national things that are particularly for those of trump voters and in virginia don't forget 57% of white women carried the vote for white women. democrats have to win white women back. suburban mothers and soccer moms and they're the ones that carry the date. democrats have to do some work with them. >> yes, donny, you look at studies that came out people are talking about crt and culture war issues, you talked to people that shifted away from joe biden, we wanted to vote for youngkin. what i find telling is about their own personal lives. they were upset of schools being shutdown for so long and democrats don't seem to feel bad about it. >> i want to get virginia economy going. it worked extraordinary well. what is he talking about? cutting sales tax on grocery items in the middle of an inflation spike. oh my god. hitting people where they live. i can't say enough to democrats. i am curious of what you think. it's the economy stupid. is the economy stupid? it will always be the economy stupid. >> yeah, first of all, once and for all stay away from woke. woke is a dirty word. you will lose from that. it's a different point. go back to what you talked about early in terms of life and death. i am really stuck on that in terms of turning upside down what a pro-life party is universal pre-k and getting better drug prices and across the board, more jobs and ira better, people responding to their own personal lives and i love using some blanket of lives verses deaths and your lives are better. that's what it comes down. it's simple and so simple that it's kind of stunning and simplicity. i love it. bring it back. the overall banner of better lives but underneath it, all the economic facts that are in your corner. you are not going to win in any cultural war. >> he's someone who has extremely high rating from both parties. again we are talking about republican primary and hey, i appoint the three justices. is there any scenario where he's beaten within the gop which we don't think there is, if therefore, if gop rolls in '22. >> yes, so i mean no one knows he's going to do and he's not going to decide until late '23 until the last moment he has to decide. he thinks if trump gets in, he'll clear the field and will be a nominee. i am not sure if it's right. the best case if you are not into trump, just a tiny little bit kind of week by week and month by month he's losing his grip. if he runs in 2024, someone shows up on the stage and people will run against them. it will be relatively small. you lost to joe biden, you lost to the guy that's done all the damage to the country and who's a pathetic leader the it's your fault. it will land. at the moment it would land. trump is at the stage with other republicans. that could be two or three years from now. i don't know. >> sofia, there is kevin mccarthy and how he's handling all the different controversies brewing within the republican members of congress. what's the strategy? >> mika, i think you and i agree kevin mccarthy can't do anything, he's going to continue to alarm boebert and marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz. i want to push back a little bit that if you agree if the economy is it, why are democrats leading into the polls going into '22. they should be. i am concerned they're not lan landing that message and kevin mccarthy and his group is focused on that cultural divisive issues that does not just play to their base but it's moving some independent voters who were concerned of those things like wokism and critical race theory and all the other boogie man. i don't think there is a strategy other than keep your heads down. as we think of bob dole's passing. it's a really sad republican party that we see now. i was a senate intern in 1988. men like that don't exist in our government too much anymore. it's unfortunate. >> all right, former republican council for the house, sofia nelson. thank you so much. it's great to have you here. i want to ask matt and rich your thoughts on the mississippi case and i will start with you, matt, what impact do you think overturning of roe would have not only on '22 but more importantly in '24. this is an issue we have been fighting over for like 50 years and it's obviously a hot button issue. most likely i wrote there would be a backlash against the republican party in the midterm. i no longer believe that and it's based on what we have seen recently. we see in virginia where youngkin won. then we had that texas law, i am pro-life but i thought it was a bad law because of the bounty hunter aspect of it and the vigilante aspect of it. it has receded and kind of gone away. i think what has happened is that the abortion issue really is no longer the dominant hot button issues of america. yes, it will be important and if roe is overturned, we'll see 50 states or maybe 30 states having serious fights about it. in terms of being the dominant national issue that it's going to be just political tsunami, i no longer think that it would be that crazy. >> yes, it's so interesting you say that. and the same conclusion for me and the reasons you had. rich, i thought the texas ruling was absolutely horrific of the texas law was horrific. i thought the consequences of that terrible whether you are a conservative or liberal. a null of the supreme court put into constitution for half a century a expect a much more blow back from it. if that was going to be a driving issue, it would have been a driving issue. certainly in a purplish blue state. do you agree that abortion is not the driving issue it once was. >> maybe. it will go up and polls in the issues they care about. how long lasting will it be? i begin to have my doubts as well. the texas law did not travel. no one in virginia believed that richmond was going follow. it's different. i think we'll have a different phenomenon. we are in a state that had a super majority. the wake up outrage and reading the headlines, nothing will happen. and a lot of the redder states, you will have restrictions that'll be popular. texas law polls very well i believe in texas. you will have some states that are highly contested like florida. this is unlikely to be democratic, trump's card in the midterms. >> let me bring sofia back in. you were talking about women breaking for republicans and so i am wondering what your thoughts are on the possibility of roe being overturned and if they are, what's the political impact on '22 and '24. i think it's too early to tell. if someone is admitted, i am disappointed if they're going to start overturning precedents in 40 or 50 years then we are moving in a bad direction. i think that's a complicated issue for the public as matt was saying, what texas does is texas so maybe people are looking at this, i live in virginia and we are not going to create a texas law here, well, i hope not. i am pro-life like the rest of this panel. i think i am libertarian on this that i agree another woman can make a choice different from what i may choose. i think it's too early to tell but i think if it's overturned, it becomes the issue when it's weaken. i think you will see groups like that really ratcheted it up going into '22 and it will be a big challenge for democrats. >> sofia nelson, rich lowry, matt lewis, thank you all for being on for this incredible conversation, we really appreciate it. nbc's keir simmons joins us next with the new reporting. president biden's virtual meeting with vladimir putin tomorrow. plus, talks on restoring the 2015, iran nuclear deal are at a risk of collapse. we'll talk to richard haas about the new iranian official driving a hard bargain. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. you are wat we'll be right back. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. it's 37 past the hour. president biden will hold a video call with vladimir putin tomorrow amid growing concerns that kremlins plan to invade ukraine. joining us now is senior international correspondent keir simmons joining us live with the latest. >> reporter: hi mika, talking to sources in russia and here in europe, it appears a split screen of those who fear we could see a deadly conflict in europe within months. those believe president putin is using the threat of conflicts to push president biden. we heard reports from russia that call tomorrow will take place at 10:00 eastern time. >> reporter: tens of thousands of russian troops deployed from its border in ukraine revealed in these satellite images. >> what we see is having weapons, we see armor units and drones. >> reporter: a kremlin official telling nbc news "i really hope it will not explode." ukraine forces are not taking any chances. >> president biden hold virtual meeting with vladimir putin on tuesday. >> we'll have a long discussion. >> reporter: while multiple diplomatic sources. putin has not decided to invade ukraine yet. >> reporter: and president biden is vowing to make any invasion very difficult for president putin. the russians do worry about sanctions when i sat down with president putin's spokesperson. he wants to talk about a set of sanctions going through congress targeting several individuals. having said that, one european diplomatic force tells me that russia enjoys this, it distracts washington from domestic issues and disstabilizes washington. some believe russia is getting this through ukraine. >> nbc's keir simmons. thank you very much. let's bring in richard haas for more on this. it seems people are pushing the line on a number of front. putin said he has not decided whether or not he wants to ukraine. what do all reports look like he's doing? >> what we know is capablecapab. he has the able to go in. so, what the united states and others have to do is essentially look at more than anything else, how do we deter this? what do we do in terms of threats and sanctions and military aide to ukraine. what is there a role for diplomacy. is there something that could be started with putin that would whine things down or at least pull things back from the blink. that's where we are. >> so richard, you talk about caabilities of invading. what are our caabilities when it comes inflicting cause when it does. >> people around him heavily sanctioned and there are still some things we can add that would make a difference. the other thing is build up ukraine's capability more to giver them the ability to impose cause. if he goes big in ukraine, joe and he gets very ambitious there. you are looking at large areas of urban military build-up. if the lesson of afghanistan for putin, what you don't want the russian people see large numbers of body bags coming home, one of the things that may give them pause is the west will build up ukraine. it could impose series cost which is something that putin does not want. >> putin was able to distract americans for five years as it pertains investigation into russia and russian hacking and wikileaks. it was a home run for vladimir putin. an outside impact of international affairs for a power that has been in decline. obviously not as much in decline now but here he is getting into the headlines, distracting at america. i am curious how much of it is vladimir putin, do you believe this is vladimir putin wanting to be in the center of international conversation. how much is at play to get the united states to back at nato and into ukraine. >> one other thing, i think this is part of vladimir putin's legacy. you listen to what he said of the great tragedy of the dissolution of the soviet empire. this would be a big thing so i take that seriously that putin has ambitions here in addition to what you are talking about of distraction or being seen as a great power, trying to get nato to back off. i don't think any of these are mutually exclusive. >> as we know the biden administration wants china, particularly, there are things in the way. russia is a distraction. they hope to put putin in a box after the summit in june. do you feel his obsession could lead him to take that faithful step and there is also iran. a lot of pestimism. >> you got these talks going badly with iran. iran is inching its way on short order. if you go back to the 2015 agreement, the odds are very small. they have to agree on the sequencing and we have to transfer massive amounts of aides. i don't see it's happening. iran has zero interest. the only question is whether you get something less. we need certain image on what you are doing and in ex changes for that, you will get certain some of the sanctions relieved. it would not be a big deal or a mini deal, it would not solve a problem but it would stabilize it. puts something of a ceiling on it. that is a possibility. it could be formal or informal. you could have certain signals. israelis prepared to use military force and cyber as you see. hey, if you do this, you will cross the red line and you will pay a physical price. >> richard haass, thank you very much for joining us on this issue. coming up, number of people donald trump may have exposed to covid after keeping his first positive test a secret. >> that's next. >> and, spewing it all over. >> and the fact that he never reported. >> he's extraordinary reckless because he had a positive test and he was sick and we still don't know the complete story behind it but we'll talk about it when we return on "morning joe." when we return on "mornin joe. ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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"the washington post" has new analysis on just how many people former president donald trump came in contact with after secretly testing positive for covid last year. the post looked at the first week between his first undisclosed positive test and when he was hospitalized. the paper reports he came into contact with more than 500 people. that includes 150 people on the day he received the positive result that he kept hidden. some 200 people on the day he received the result, he announced publicly. there were rallies, fundraisers, white house events inbetween both indoor and outside. more than two dozen people in trump's orbit ultimately tested positive for covid in the weeks after his diagnosis. >>on than, you were there. . i know you were tracing all of this. many people suspected trump had covid even before we knew about the positive test by that blithering performance during the first debate. but look at that timeline, and tell me, give me behind the scenes look at all the stuff, all the reckless things he was doing. i know he had a bogus negative test which obviously was bogus because the guy obviously had covid from that first positive test. >> yeah. and the -- one of the things that was always confusing in the moment was the timeline of his illness. that he went to the hospital just about 24 hours after he revealed a positive test. that doesn't usually happen. covid doesn't accelerate that quickly. it stands to reason in terms of the course of the illness this time, i'm provided, mind you, by the president's own chief of staff, mark meadows. he was diagnosed a week prior. it built for a few days as he was getting sicker and sicker and then had to be air lifted to walter reed on that friday as opposed to just testing positive the night before. it is extraordinary document and timeline of recklessness. the big rallies are the big rallies. he's at least up on stage not near anyone else, but he's behind the scenes talking to people, his own staff. he never wore a mask. the gold star reception, we talked about that last week. these people lost loved ones in the line of duty to defending their nation and he's exposing them to covid and then blamed them after, suggesting they might be the people that gave it to him. these are private fundraisefund. one was a dinner one. no masks. back on air force one we've talked about that. he got at least one reporter sick from -- because he came back on the plane and talked to the press. and then, of course, the debate itself where he and his family defied the rules not just about testing but to wear masks. and at the time the biden team was angry about it. they have only grown more since considering that now the hundreds of people the president put in danger back then. >> literally, a human souper spreader. >> the thing about the blame game for gold star families. they tried to blame everybody, but, of course, the person who had covid -- let's bring in, soccer analyst and co-he's of men in blazers, roger bennett. he's a best-telling author of "reborn in the usa". what an epic. roger, take us through the weekend of some pretty entertaining action. >> yes. the big story of the weekend, the footballing manchester united. owned by the tampa bay buccaneers. he looks like mid level account, but he's got one of the worst almost difficult jobs in sports. in his first game against crystal palace, the best crystal against gail. united charge forward like a game full of jonathan taylors. big air. like watching a portuguese simon and garfunkel. mason green wood playing the penguin in "happy feet". he's there, he's there. he's every everywhere. then look at this. the world needs more fred joy. united's new era starts off with a double. just three points off four plays. they're back like alabama. the other manchester team city went. but the cruise control 3 -1 win. the shimmy shimmy shimmy. give me the mic so i can take it away. man city took over type of the table. chelsea shocked at the last. massi walker. going hammer time. this as close as we may come to watching the e walks win the battle for endor, but bubbles. the world needs more bubbles. liverpool football club held goalless until the 94th minute. a cult hero, super power, trotting on to the field, scoring clench goals. titles, joe, are one of moments like this. build a statue. he is like america. he's only got one pitch, but no one, no one can hit it. how would you explain it to the world? >> you know, he just is -- this year especially, you know, he's just -- he's been -- i must say about airigi. he's a guy that doesn't get a lot of playing time, but every time he trots on to the field in the 75th or 80th minute, as a liverpool fan, you go that's a guy that's going to score when we need him to come through. isn't it -- it's really -- it's something. he always comes through in the clutch, even if he has limited playing time. >> if we were living in ancient greece, epic poems would be written about him. there is the heat of love, the pulsing rush of longing, the longest whisper. that is the only way to describe him to america. and it's wonderful humanly, and as someone who is not a liverpool fan, it's awful to watch. i'm happy for you. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> we will be watching the member in blazers show tonight at 5:30 eastern on nbc sports. i said it before, i'll say it now. >> improves your back hand, makes your life better, reverses male baldness. it does everything. coming up, an amazing conversation with mary mccartney. what she says about her famous dad, and meatless mondays which we're starting today in our house. plus last week new york city announced a vaccine mandate for private school workers. this morning outgoing mayor bill de blasio is back to announce his next steps in the fight against covid in new york city. hear it first right here on "morning joe." first, a look at the new special issue of "the atlantic". the cover story reads like a warning. january 6th was 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house. today the president is going to speak about his build back better act and in particular, about the cost of prescription drugs. so that's today. but then tomorrow he's going to have a meeting with vladimir putin which we were just talking about. obviously stakes are high there. he hits the road again this week on wednesday. he is off to kansas city, missouri. his first time visiting a state won by donald trump. part of his barn storming tour for his agenda. thursday and friday will be worth watching. this is when he's had his virtual summit of democracies which will include tie waub. russia is not happy they got excluded. we're going to see to focus folks on foreign policy this week and particularly on russia and china, we also anticipate that, indeed, the u.s. before the week is out, will announce they will not be sending a diplomatic etourage to the beijing olympics in february which we suspect will not go over well with the chinese. >> busy week. >> yeah. and in just a moment, we'll be joined by the outgoing mayor of new york city, bill de blasio. he has an exclusive announcement on a new measure when it comes to the city's fight against covid. >> and i will say this. you look at new york city. you look at the numbers in new york. >> which was ground zero. >> which started as ground zero. >> just a nightmare. >> going to be remembered. de blasio is going to be remembered for pushing the vax rates into the 90s and having the smallest number of deaths and infections per capita of so many cities. everybody likes to kick the mirror around. this is something, what he's doing now is going to be remembered for some time, because, again, he's showing courage where a lot of people are halting or even playing to the crowds in a way that actually makes the crowds more sick. >> plus for those still getting through that new beelgts documentary, paul isn't the only mccartney making headlines. a look at what his daughter is serving up this morning. i say that in quotes. it's a great conversation with joe. first, we're closing in on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the u.s. capitol, if you can believe it. with that, just one month away, the atlantic is dedicated its january and february issues to american democracy in crisis. the headline of the cover story is jarring. quote, january 6th was practice. joining us now, the magazine's editor and chief jeffrey goldberg. and jeffrey writes this for the new issue's editor's note. quote, there is insufficient space in any one issue of that magazine to trace the republican party's decomposition from lincoln's day to ours. it is enough to say that it's most recent and it catastrophic turn toward authoritarianism nativism threat ens the republican it was founded to save. stating plainly that one of america's two major parties, the party punitively devoted to a advancing the ideas and ideals of conservatism has now fallen into autographic disrefute is unnerving for a magazine committed to be of no party or clique. >> talk about your decision to dedicate this special issue to this topic. as we look behind you at a very ominous cloud hovering over the capitol. >> yeah. i arranged that for you, joe. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> the -- you know, we have three years until an election. that might be unlike any election we've ever seen which is to say the following. democracy depends on the consent of the losers. on the willingness of the party that is lost to say we lost. we'll try next time. but meanwhile, we're support an elected president. we are heading into a situation because of donald trump's behavior and because of the people who abet his behavior in which that is not entirely clear. it's not entirely clear that's going to happen. so i thought we should really focus now, start to really focus now on these -- it's a whole range of threats, a whole range of things that trump and his minions are doing to try to guarantee that by hook or by crook that they win in 2024, and so we've pulled together this special issue just to outline for our readers all the things that could go wrong and all the things that are happening right now that the republican party or much of the republican is doing to make sure that the situation is geared to their favor. >> jeffrey, what do you say. this is a debate that mika and i often have, in our house, and i'm not steadfastly on one side and she's not steadfastly on the other. but i am more in the corner of it was an ugly ride. it is an ugly ride. but the system held. voters put the anti-trump party in power of all of washington, not because they love democrats but because they were repulsed by donald trump and his minions. and the federal judiciary, my god, i wish somebody would write a book about the federal judiciary. what they did in november, december, and january of 2020 and 2021 was exactly what our founders envisioned. >> right. no, obviously nothing is settled here. the future is not determined. but i would say this is -- to borrow something my colleague once said. he said the velociraptors have learned how to turn the door handles now. that's why we call this peace january 6th was practice. that was a dry run in some ways for a more determined, more deliberate and more serious effort to undermine the functioning of democracy. and you see it now. i mean, and joe, you cover this every day. so you certainly see it. in terms of voter suppression. in terms of changing the narrative around january 6th so that ashley bab bot is not a rioter but a martyr. in terms of pushing out local election officials, donald trump sort of recruiting people in many, many key states to take over election commissions. you see what's happening in wisconsin, obviously. where the republicans are trying to take over. all the mechanisms of election oversight. and so yeah, you know, one does not want to be overly alarmist, but on the other hand, this is not -- this is not conjecture about something that might just start happening in 2024. this is stuff going on right now that we can watch. >> right. >> it's not hidden. it's just there. >> right. it's in the open. exactly. >> i mean, to the debate that goes on between me and joe, i feel to be optimistic, to ignore what's happened before our eyes and yes, your cover makes it plain. january 6th was practice. but january 6th, we saw thousands of people descending upon our capitol interrupting our democracy and process, and bashing police with trump flags and american flags. i don't know how much worse it can get. and if you speak to people like madeleine albright and those who have come from this type of thing who know it so well, their fear is that january -- we're well over the edge. we're well over the edge, and we're not where we should be in terms of turning this ship around. and if you look at the way that republicans are acting right now in congress, it can't be looked at as oh, they're the crazies on the far right. this is now the behavior that's being embraced. >> right. people -- people like madeleine albright who come out of europe or asian experiences or african experiences with authoritarianism, they're warning us. the warning is don't think you're special. human beings are human beings. societies are societies. people are prey to the same weaknesses and temptations across the planet. and just because we've managed to stave off authoritarianism in the past doesn't mean that you're able to stave it off in the future when you have a determined group trying to manipulate democracy to result in their permanent domination. and that's what they're saying. so i just take that very seriously. >> jeffrey, it's jonathan lamire. good morning. look, government and law enforcement i've spoken to over the last few months suggest that violence is going to be part of the discourse of the landscape much more so than ever before. in the midterms, perhaps, but into the 2024 election. they're taking the theme that january 6th was a template and we should be prepared for more political violence going forward. as you say, there's more insidious, quieter devolving of the government process to the trump and his allies are doing. how confident are you that the -- whether it's the judiciary or the secretaries of state, the local level, those last sort of lines of defense that did hold barely last time around, how confident are you that they will again? >> yeah. well, i mean, i'm confident, and i think we're all confident in the people who have already proven themselves to be willing to hold the line. but you know, you're really tapping into it, an important theme here. at a certain point, either because of threats made against them or their families, either because of public, the constant public attacks, the threat of violence, and just manipulation by people who know better now how to manipulate the system, those people are going to be either pushed out of their positions or decide that it's just not worth it. the safety or their family isn't worth it. you know, remember what a second trump administration would look like compared to the first. the first trump administration, he brought in a whole bunch of establishment figures. john kelley, rex tillerson, people like that, and across the cabinet. then he found himself frustrated by their adherence to norms. the second time around, i don't think you're going to see that adherence to norms. you're not going to see people brought in who are from let's say from the broad consensus. and so it's going to be very, very, very lonely and very, very dangerous for the disdents across state, local government to hold power. i'm not convinced you can hold forever with the same group of dedicated servants. >> editor and chief of "the atlantic", jeffrey goldberg. thank you very much. we'll be speaking with atlantic reporters throughout the week for much more on this impactful issue of "the atlantic". thank you. since the omicron variant was detected. 17 states have had confirmed cases. at least 10 of which are in the tristate area. at least one case was detected in a person who had just went to a convention at new york city's javits center. an event attended by more than 50,000 people. joining us now, the mayor of new york. new york city bill de blasio. and bill, you are revealing right now new measures to keep covid infection cases down. what are they? >> yeah. mika, look, we just talked about an attack on democracy. we're under attack a different way right now from the coronavirus. and we've got omicron has a new factor. we've got the colder whether which is going to really create additional challenges with the delta variant. we've got holiday gatherings. we in new york city have decided to use a preemptive strike to really do something bold to stop the further growth of covid and the dangers it's causing to all of us. as of today, there's a first in the nation measure. our health commissioner will announce a vaccine mandate for private sector employers across the board. all private sector employers in new york city will be covered by this vaccine mandate as of december 27th. we'll have other measures as well to focus on maximizing vaccination quickly to get ahead of omicron and the other challenges we're facing right now with covid. >> and curious, first, that's anybody and everybody who works in new york city has a vaccine mandate at this point. how do you enforce this? >> we're going to work with the business community. we've seen a lot of cooperation so far when we put in place our mandate, for example, for restaurants, indoor entertainment, indoor fitness, we got a lot of cooperation. there were a few times we had to penalize people, but it was rare. we'll work with the business community. i'll tell you something, the fact this is universal, and this is my advice, use the vaccine mandates and the more universal they are, the more likely employees will say okay, it's time. i'm going to do this. because you can't jump from one industry to another or one company to another. it's something that needs to be universal to protect all of us. >> so mr. mayor, one of the other measures is requiring vaccination for indoor dining, fitness, entertainment for children. children have access to vaccine ages 5 to 11. i am surprised more cities have not followed new york city's lead. even washington d.c. does not require proving vaccination status to go into a restaurant. i want to go to the mandate for the private sector workers. the biden administration effort to do this is tied up in court. how confident are you you can prevail? >> we are confident because it's universal. i don't know all the intricacies of what the biden administration has been through, but i know this. our health commissioner has put a series of mandates in place. they have won in court every single time. and it's because they're universal and consistent. and they're about protecting the public right now from a clear and present danger. our youngest kids, we got to reach them now. right now in the city it's about 20% have gotten vaccinated. and that 5 to 11 range, it's new. the vaccine is relatively new, but we're trying to say it's urgent. before omicron grows and delta stresses us worse in the winter, get your kids vaccinated. a lot of parents want to take their kids out to wonderful things happening this holiday season. here's a reminder. get your child vaccinated. one dose will immediately qualify any child to be able to participate in those activities. i'm a parent and i remember vividly when my kids went into school. you don't end up in a situation where a child is left unprotected. i urge parents really strongly. get that vaccination. it's safe. it's been proven. here's another incentive to do it. >> just one dose for children but two now for adults. is that right for the program? >> we're going to be phasing in two for adults as of december 27th. >> and secondly, just give us an update on the omicron variant. we know there was at least a couple cases tracked. you and the governor gave an app on friday that gave more cases in new york city and new york state. where are you seeing spread? how concerned are you about the new variant? >> i am very concerned. we have to assume community spread at this point. we'll track the cases. we have strong test and trace, but true for new yorkers and all americans. at this point, omicron is here. it looks like it's very transmissible. that's just going to make a tough situation even harder. the timing is horrible with the winter months. so i think this comes down to a recognition of we've got to put this covid era behind us. we've been living this for most of two years. we've got to put it behind us. and vaccine mandates, in my experience are the one thing that really breaks through. and we do know this. vaccines every single time, every single time there's a fear the vaccine won't have an impact on a new variant? guess what, every single time the vaccines have worked. that's a good record. let's lean into it more. >> mayor, thank you very much, and thank you for announcing that right here on "morning joe." keep us posted. this is bizarre, this next story. an italian man is facing fraud charges after attempting to use a fake arm to dodge a covid-19 vaccine. >> come on. come on. >> bizarre episode occurred as a vaccine hub in northern it after the country announced several measures barring unvaccinated people from social, cultural, or sporting events. >> the 50-year-old man completed all the paper work, lifted his sleeve for a health care worker to administer the shot. after looking closer and touching the arm, asked the man to take off his shirt and discovered the fake limb. the unnamed man asked the work tore look the other way. the worker refused to do it telling a news outlet they felt offended as a professional. in a statement, local officials said in part, quote, the case borders on ridiculous if it were not for a fact that we are talking about a gesture of enormous gravity. the man's actions were unacceptable when faced with the sacrifice our entire community has paid during the pandemic. >> i would guess they're probably a little touchier in northern italy. obviously because that region got so much -- >> hammered. >> i think under the new york city, i mean, northern italy, especially at the beginning, my gosh. just got hammered. still ahead on "morning joe," president biden has been forced by a court order to restart the controversial remain in mexico program. we'll go live to tijuana to see how the new version of the plan differs from president trump's. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ight back. vo: just getting by, it's an ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all 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seekers to stay in mexico until their immigration hearing in the u.s. the biden administration previously ended the remain in mexico policy before a federal judge ordered that it resume. the administration says it still hopes to end the program eventually. joining us fromtijuana, mexico. gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: good morning, this is a migrant tent camp in tijuana. they t remain in mexico program, or migrant protection protocols. that's the name given by the trump administration, is set to begin here in tijuana and several other locations across the border in the coming days. now, mika, the situation with this policy is very controversial. advocates are upset the biden administration has not done more to do away with it. as you mentioned, the administration did get rid of it earlier this year. the state of texas sued and now because of the court order is being reimplemented. the biden administration did get some -- did come to an agreement with mexico, and now what's different is that these migrants are supposed to have access to lawyers, and their cases are supposed to be adjudicated within six months. several advocates question if it's realistic or if this will contribute to bottle necks at different parts of the border including in tijuana that could turn into a humanitarian disaster. mika, as you said, the biden administration is saying that it does plan to do away with this program eventually. but it's in an awkward spot as it has to reimplement it because of the court order. no timetable for when the biden administration might try to eventually get rid of this. >> hey, gabe, jonathan lamire. as you say, they tried to get rid of this program, but the biden administration picked up backlash from progressives because they have not tried to get rid of title 42. it's a title that allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants in the u.s. without giving them a chance to apply for asylum. what's the latest there? has there been any rethinking in the biden administration on this? or are they giving way to the pressure immigration advocates or is this something that's going to stay with us throughout the pandemic and beyond. >> reporter: for the foreseeable future, it will stay on. as you mentioned title 42, the public health rule put in by the trump administration to get -- to expel migrants. and many of the migrants that have piled up on this side of the border, it's because of that. migrant advocates are upset at not just the title 42 still being around. as they see it, they see this remain in mexico policy, this new version of it, so to speak, that it's also being expanded by the biden administration. and that it doesn't just apply now to spanish speaking countries in the northern triangle but will also now apply to all countries in the western hemisphere. so haitians, for example, will now be under the remain in mexico policy. you couple that with the continuance of title 42, and yes, the biden administration is now being pitted against many of the advocates in his own party who really say that the administration has not done enough to move away from the policies of the trump administration. as you mentioned. >> nbc news national correspondent gabe gutierrez reporting live from tijuana, mexico. thank you very much. up next, joe's conversation with the daughter of beatles legend paul mccartney. she got her dad to cook and other celebrities she sat down with. plus why she's calling -- calling her dad sir paul is not enough of an honor. she'll explain that. it's a great conversation straight ahead right here on "morning joe." 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because we grew up seeing your mom's photography, and i just think it's so cool. >> thank you. >> that legacy lives on, her legacy lives on through you. >> i love instagram. it is instant. so a great way of communicating with people. i love the way you can sort of stay in touch with people globally. so yeah. >> so talk about your portraits. and -- >> that's my -- you know, you're talking about my mom. i grew up watching her take photographs. i thought everybody had an eye to take pictures so i never thought to do it as a career. one day i was looking at one of my best friend's holiday pictures. they were awful. i was like well, maybe i can help everyone do this. i phoned my mom and i was like i'm going to do it. i'm going to make the leap and become a professional photographer. it's challenging. when you pick up the camera, i don't know, you guys are comfortable here. but when i pick up the camera, often it changes. what i love about it is collaborating, putting someone at ease. it's a lot like the cooking show. it's the same sensibility. it's like cooking for someone, making them happy photographing them. my stylists to not go in and overpower, but i love going in, being invited into people's homes and taking pictures of them. but i love that you touched on the lyrics book. i have a few pictures in that as well. everyone loves my dad, but i kind of love this. i've grown up with collaborating together. >> what's so cool about the lyrics book is your dad is always -- you know, and i can't imagine being yanked at like that throughout your entire life and asking questions. he's like okay, i've answered this 8 billion times yeah, well -- >> no, no. >> but here's the lyrics. the lyrics. yeah. >> usually it's like what happened when the meteor fell on your house. >> it's a lovely day. >> but in this -- >> i like that impersonation. i like that. >> it's really scary. i've been listening to him my whole life. but in this book, he talks about his dear dad. and his mom who you're named after. and it really is -- it's extraordinarily revealing. >> honest. it's very honest and intimate. and you know, he's a guest on one of the episodes of the show. i do my celebration meal for him. >> of course i know, because we watch your show. >> good get. >> it's cute. going back to what you're saying about the lyrics, we go back to i made yorkshire puddings, a full roast dinner. i think you call them popovers, yorkshire pudings. so his mom would always keep -- serve them as a deserve with golden syrup. we have them with gravy with the main meal. i hold one back for him. >> i'm excited about your recipes use you're vegan. if you want to eat less meat, it's hard to get started. having good recipes can be a good start. your sister is one of my favorite designers. though, i don't have much of her work, but she also does not use any animal skin. and you are also committed vegan. what is it about how you were raised that gave you such an awareness of animal welfare? >> well, we were brought up as a vegetarian family, and it wasn't like rammed down our throats. it was something we enjoyed. so when mom and dad sat down, they were like mom particularly didn't want to cook meat anymore, but mom and dad made the decision together. and so they were like we're not going to have meat in the house anymore. and because as a family we talked about food. we thought about how something gets to your plate, we grew up enjoying it rather than -- where i come in, and why i did the cooking show is as you say, people do meat free monday or want to reduce their carbon footprint, for the environment or ethical reasons, they're like but what do i do? and i've grown up that way and sustained it. because i enjoy it. like you said, something stella takes into her fashion, it's very much engrained in our family ethos. i'm proud of mom and dad that they didn't make us do it. we do it because we want to. that makes it more kind of genuine. and less sort of i never want to be that preachy person of you can't eat what you want. it's like you need to do it because you want to. right? >> it's a feature of your show, the new season starts out. with significant guests, how do you decide what to cook with them? how does that collaboration come about? have you found people not vegan into it while doing it with you? >> well, oprah and reese aren't vegan, but -- and a lot of my friends aren't. if i'm cook for you, i'll get a feeling for the flavors you like, imagine you coming over to my place, and then i'll sort of think of flavors for you. so with oprah, it was about entertaining, and i was imagining her inviting friends around in a bit of a cocktail party. so it's all bite-sized things. but reese witherspoon had messaged me saying i want to learn a family-style male that i can put down on the table -- meal that i can put on the table. we did a big pasta dish. i think of that person and get inspired by them. >> it sounds like an invitation. >> yes. >> your dad's episode, he actually shows his strength. the macarita. >> by the way, i noticed you get the shot. i'm going okay, that's great. but then another orange liquor. he tells everybody, only drink one, but you've had more than one, right? >> yeah. it's one and two if you're eating with it. that's the right amount. but no more than that. it packs a punch. but it's so good. and what is really sweet with the show, because i said to him, do you want to come on, and he was like let me think about it. but when we did it, i kind of -- i kind of -- we set it up like we would at home. the lighting is quite soft. and the meal, i'm like he tests all the things i am making for our christmas dinner, and then as we do at home, he is sort of making the cocktail while i'm finishing off cooking. it's chilled, because all of it is make ahead. i'm just heating it all up. i've made it all before. that's my kind of style. the show is full of shortcuts and make ahead. i want to hang out with people. >> that's my kind. when you have a dinner party, you don't want to be in the kitchen finishing up. you want to have your cocktail and hang out. >> jonathan and i hate when we're in the kitchen and everybody is hanging around. >> we would get you watching in the kitchen. it's a great collaboration. >> i want to talk about the atmosphere. because it really is -- it was such a home atmosphere, and your dad, you almost forget for a second that he's, like, you know, our century's mozart. he's just your proud dad. it's so cute. but the whole thing has this very mellow, homey feel. >> did you get that feeling of a proud dad? i like it. >> i did. especially when he walked out. he's like okay, i'm done here. but you asked him a lot of cool questions. the three people that he wanted to have dinner with, i thought that was neat. which people will love on the show. but your plan ahead, though -- >> plan ahead. >> it's like a brilliant concept. you showed -- and then you put it in the freezer. >> and you know what was sweet? going back to what you were saying. we kind of set it up so that it would be -- i want people to enjoy any food experience i'm involved in. so whether i cook for you, i want you to enjoy it. i'm feeding you, but we made the setting so dad literally, we were chatting and cooking, and then i'd start talking to the camera. he forgot we were on the set, and i was like -- it was so cute. and then he started talking to the camera. mission accomplished. >> the only time there was a problem was when your dad had to actually get the orange -- he's like wait. that's it. because mika -- my wife always goes buzz, buzz. and so mary gives and it's like. >> we had a beautiful glass blown that you use. he's like i'm used to -- i said to them, this is going to be a problem, because he's an electric squeezer guy. >> well, exactly. i want to talk -- >> that was funny, that part. he was tipping it on the table, and i was like -- >> by the way, i saw while he was doing that, i saw some very good edits. suddenly, he's going like this. and i'm going he's not going to get enough. and then the next second you go, and now we pour in the 12 gallons of orange juice, and it works. >> that's so funny. >> very smooth. i want to talk about, though, your mom and how she's influenced this, and how proud she would be. i remember the first time i got to see your dad live was in '89. it was like flowers in the dirt tour. and i -- >> she was there. >> yeah. and she was there. >> did you saw all her lav va lamps? >> yes. so it's the first time i get a chance to see your dad who really was my biggest influence growing up on anything. and so i go to the store and they've got the mccart thi store. i'm like okay, paul mccartney ear muffs and a clock. >> did you really get ear muffs? >> no, i'll tell you this. whatever they were selling, i bought it. but then i saw your mom's cook book. i put down my hamburger and said well, this is interesting. and -- >> yeah. >> what was at that point pretty revolutionary still. >> completely. >> my 13-year-old son last week who, he's a big, strapping baseball player. he comes home from school and goes dad, i think i want to be a vegan. >> what? >> and what i thought was first, how cool. he wanted to do it. first of all -- >> how great for you to say how cool? in the past it was like how are you going to get your protein? >> exactly. >> that's so amazing. the times have changed so much. >> well, that's what i was going to say. from '89 to now the fact that my southern athletic baseball-loving son, and he wanted to do it for animal welfare, for his health, and he wanted to do it for the environment. so your mom would be so proud to see your show, wouldn't show? >> but that lewis hamilton is -- the formula one racer, he's vegan. there are a lot more athletes now, the guy who won wimbledon, he's vegan. but that's great. do you know -- are you going to go into the cooking show for ideas? >> i am. but this is what i've wanted to do for a long time, because i'm not going to lie, i'm, like, meat and potatoes guy. >> there's no judgment here. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> no, i mean. >> what i always wanted to do and i what i thought would be a cool start. you don't have to jump all the way in. but you always have been pushing, meatless mondays. i always thought okay, well, that's cool. if i could just figure out how to do it on monday, and then i could do it on a friday. and now i have a 13-year-old son who is going to require it. so talk about meatless monday. >> it's about me and stella and dad started promoting it about 11 years ago. we love it because it's a really simple idea. it's a community, a word of mouth. it's like stop eating meat on a monday, and by doing that, you reduce your carbon footprint, i think it's, like, not driving a car for as much as driving a car for a month, just reducing it by one day for the year. so it makes a big difference. >> your show helps by giving people ideas. for people that haven't seen the show, talk about what they're going to see in terms of planning meals out. >> in each episode, i do four recipes. at the end of the episode, i have a great guest i cook with. i'm a people person and a portrait photographer. that gives me a chance to interact with people. but the recipes are plant-based. they're really quick. they're simple. they're make-ahead. and i use as many shortcuts as i can. everything is -- but it's hearty and delicious and satisfying as well. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> before we leave, have we figured out what we call her dad? i asked, is it sir paul? she said well, that's a little -- >> he actually was given another honor after that. commander of honor. >> commander? >> commander. >> it's one above sir. >> sir is not good enough. >> it's not. >> we just call him paul. >> all right. well, the new episodes are available now on discovery plus. mary, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> it was great to have you here. >> thank you. >> and we will prepare in the household for meatless mondays. my son, jack thanks you. we'll be right back. l be right . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. feel stuck with student loan debt? ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and feel what it's like to get your money right. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ♪ i'm chi lan, i am a mom, and a real estate agent. after having a kid, everything that you used to do for yourself goes out the window. the lines that i was seeing in my forehead were getting deeper than i was used to them being. and i realized, you know, what i can focus again on myself. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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"politico" reports perdue will file the paperwork today and has discussed getting trump's endorsement. the one-term senator lost a key runoff race last year to democratic senator jon ossoff, the winner of the primary will likely face democrat stacey abrams who announced her candidacy last week. and up next, more americans are having to wait for covid vaccines as demand for boosters grow. will concerns over the latest variant motivate the unvaccinated to get their shots? that's the hope. and after a dramatic manhunt, the parents of accused michigan school shooter, they're in custody. the very latest with those charges as the couple and their son are now behind bars. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage after a final quick break. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... ask your doctor only from discover. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. whatever the new world of work takes your business,s. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. . hey there, i'm stephanie ruhle live at msnbc headquarters here in new york city. it's monday, december 6th, and we've got all the facts you need to know at this hour, so let's get smarter. this morning new restrictions go into place for millions of travelers as more states confirm cases of the omicron covid variant. meanwhile, in the state of

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Ambitions , Box , Summit , Pestimism , Talks , Agreement , Odds , Interest , Amounts , Aides , Sequencing , Ex , Ceiling , Military Force , Signals , Israelis , Price , Red Line , Test , Over , Secret , Reckless , Costs , Struggle , Working Families , Mornin Joe , Share , Prescription Drugs , Healthcare Premiums , Energy , Taxes , Done , Google , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Turn , Cowboys , Record , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Vo , Parabens , Skin , Fragrances , Dyes , Washington Post , Contact , Covid Last Year , Positive , Post , Analysis , Paper , 200 , 150 , Rallies , Fundraisers , Orbit , Tracing , Diagnosis , Debate , Timeline , Performance , Behind The Scenes , Covid , Negative , Doesn T , Illness , Covid Doesn T , Mark Meadows , Document , Recklessness , Anyone Else , Walter Reed , Scenes , Staff , Reception , Duty , Loved Ones , Gold Star , Dinner One , Fundraisefund , Air Force One , Team , Sick , Plane , Testing , 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Safe , Customers , Return , Flow , Workplace , My Nunormal , Eosinophils , Angie , Injection Site Reactions , Lou , 5g , Xfinity , Smart Kid , Yep , 400 , Store , Holiday Season , Switch Squad , Gotta , Go , Moon Christmas Special , There , Beautiful Day , East Coast , 8 , Title , Jonathan Lamire , Particular , Act , Road , Kansas City , Agenda , Barn Storming Tour , Stakes , Missouri , Democracies , Folks , Foreign Policy , Watching , Tie Waub , Etourage , Beijing Olympics , Measure , City , Nightmare , Vax , Ground Zero , Capita , Cities , Crowds , Mirror , Daughter , Paul Isn T , Quotes , Beelgts Documentary , Attack , Anniversary , Jeffrey Goldberg , Magazine , Editor , Headline , Crisis , Jarring , Space , Decomposition , Lincoln , Editor S Note , Authoritarianism Nativism , Conservatism , Ideas , Ideals , Party Punitively , Autographic Disrefute , Decision , Clique , Topic , Cloud , Consent , Following , Losers , Willingness , Elected , Range , Minions , Readers , By Hook Or 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Holiday Gatherings , Strike , Delta Variant , Employers , Health Commissioner , Dangers , Sector , Growth , December 27th , 27 , 11 , Billion , 1 , 1 Billion , 10 Million , Six , 42 , 1 888 Xarelto , 888 , 8 Billion , 89 , 13 , 000 , 1000 , 51 , Monday December 6th ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

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i had a dream that i would be here receiving something from the president but i thought it would be the front door's key. >> bob dole receiving the presidential medal of freedom from the man he lost the election to a couple of months earlier. we are going to remember the life of the american hero and republican statesman. first, the greatest of bob dole in stark contrast. over the weekend we got a sampling from some of the far-right's finest, first on the big lie from donald trump who once tweeted that -- on saturday, he admitted he lost the 2020 election or he called himself stupid releasing a statement "anybody does not think there wasn't massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election is either very stupid or very corrupt. >> on covid, it's marjorie taylor greene tweeted a thread comparing the virus to cancer. more than 600,000 people in the u.s. die from cancer. the country has never once shutdown. not a single school has closed. every year, people of all ages and races die from cancer. >> this is really simple, is it? >> unless you are really extraordinary simple. it seems congresswoman thinks cancer is a contagious respiratory disease. >> gun violence? thomas massey tweeting out a epiphany of a gun fetish, this family photo of everyone holding a long gun, merry christmas, ps, santa, please bring the ammo, four days after the school shooting in michigan. and and joe, you tweeted, "too many politicians act as if life begins at conception and ends at birth. they claim the mantle of life but promote a culture of violence on medicine and obsession with executions over refusal to support overwhelmingly popular gun safety laws and massive pentagon budgets. they oppose even the most basic safety net guarantees and fight and endless war against decent healthcare for all americans. if supporting a guaranteed healthcare is socialist then margaret thatcher was a socialist, hint, she was not. >> of course she was not. if you go back to all of these things and all the big whine up just looking at the weekend how we are seeing especially kevin mccarthy's house delegation go, more extreme, more hateful. and the contrast craig shirley was talking about this week with bob dole. a gentleman who understood you can be a conservative without checking your decency at the front door, without being hateful, without being spike full. you talk about compassionate and conservative, that was bob dole. here i find -- i don't even say the guy's name because i don't want to give more credence. i had to hear people having to yap on and on about a war on christmas. if you were a christian and you are concerned and somebody put xmas up some where and there is going to be 87, it's not much of a faith. you don't have that strong faith in jesus christ. anymore than this, all of this garbage we are seeing here like the war on christmas. you want a war or christmas? you look at that picture, again, the picture i don't want to show and the picture i feel sorry for the guy's family so i don't want to show their faces. nothing has been done over the past year by city councils that really does more violence to the essence of what christmas celebrates than that picture. it comes of course the party that's been whining about a war on christmas for decades that drive up ratings or whatever or trying to get votes. imagine that. it's hard for me, too. these are such bizarre times. if you read the bible and you read the red letters and you understand what christmas celebrates is becoming of a savior who's called what? the prince of peace. the prince of peace. who talks about blessed the meek and the poor and spirit and those who are hunger or thirst, blessed of all the things this party have stop being the extreme members of this party. no grace. blessed of the peacemaker. none of that shows up in so much of this but especially in that christmas card. i don't know if that was meant to own the lips. it owns people actually understand who jesus christ is if you are a christian. that's who it would deeply offend. again, this culture of life mika, a culture of life where again these are people that are screaming fry them, execute them whether we know they're guilty or innocent. don't give kids healthcare. people who are allowing school shootings to continue throughout the united states. >> defy science. >> without any efforts to support legislation that 90% of americans support, expanded universal background checks. tougher gun safety laws. i own guns. it's about being reasonable and being responsible. but, mika, again, let's be very careful/clear here. this is not the party of life. they show it every single day. 700,000 people are going to be dead by covid, god knows how many by the end of the year. and if you read the garbage this weekend that they were spewing and they were saying this is not a party dedicated to saving lives. this is a party that's -- >> that's the opposite to be honest. >> it's like this cult and what do they worship? >> they worship a failed game show host, they focus on this hyper -- this perverted hyper individualism that says everybody should be carrying around military style weapons that says nobody should have to wear a mask or take a vaccine. nobody should have to treat their neighbordecently. that's what we see in kevin mccarthy's house. >> and the racism. we have a great panel to talk about all of this. the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire, donny deutsche, mara gaye, it's great to have all of you this morning. >> the party of life, please, it's a joke. i heard people say it before that republicans believe that life against conception but end at childbirth. it's never more true than now. >> you interestingly frame what could be an overall position for democrats. that kind of irony of what you talked about is interesting, usually when you talk, i am like what are you talking about? this one really hit home. it's really thoughtful and when you think about across the board, lack of life or certainly a lack of cherishing of life. i think democrats going forward, the way they fight this is they need to stick to their facts, and stick to the economy how it's getting better for everyone. stick to the granularity of both of the bills going through. you get into a culture war, the problem is democrats don't know how to fight it properly. the only thing that beats a cultural war is good economic number. i love your overall framing and i would love to see some blanket kind of bangor and underneath it just hitting with the facts. >> well, mara, it's true, donny talked about cherishing life, you can take down the issue if you want to talk about the pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people have died. they worship hyper individuality, more than they cherish life. if you talk about gun safety legislation, they worship hyper individuality despite the fact 90% of americans support universal background checks and they worship that hyper individuality more than they cherish life. you talk about healthcare, it's the same thing, everything is about this hyper, hyper individuality and if you ever talk about helping your neighbor and your community, helping the poorest among us, suddenly you are a socialist, i threw that in the book, margaret thatcher broke the union and tough as hell. she understood she was not going to take away the british healthcare system because every britt needed it. >> well, there is nothing christian about any of this as you know, joe. it reminds me of that quote from gandhi. if we can call it christmas photo on twitter was the four families in oxford, michigan, what kind of christmas are they going to have who lost their young children and yet another school shooting because we refused to come together as a country to do the right thing. obviously i think don is frame k it exactly right, democrats don't know how to talk about this. you are giving them al good road map to do so. unfortunately, they continue to play defense when in actuality everything that we are talking about this is extremely powerful message and beyond the politics of it is true. the republican party advocated this point at any moral high ground. you think of bob dole and the republican party in the early '90s was much closer morally to the democratic party. and at this point is such a stark contrast is hard as a christian to even square it and everything from hypocrisy and abortion and to the pandemic. it's not just about owning the libs, we are talking about americans and communities across the country who are refusing to wear masks or get vaccinated to protect one another. this is about covid rates in red states america. the cruelty of the heart of this is punishing people in their own communities. it's not punishing us here in new york or people who are vaccinated. who's suffering at this point? i don't understand it. >> it's all such an interesting point mara. if you look at new york city and 90% have been vaccinated. again, if there is any frustration that any one of these are showing towards a lack of vaccination or a lack of basic safety measures. we are talking for the most part about people in red state america that's adversely affected. i am very concerned about small business owners. i am really concern about family restaurants. i am really concerned of entrepreneurs who are struggling right now and should not have to go through another wave of this because people won't get vaccinated. where do these people and family built up small businesses over generations and i see it in pensacola when a huge hurricane would come through and wiping out family businesses on the beach and they would not have business for a year or two, it's devastating. we are seeing one way after another waves. first couple of waves was hard to do anything about it but now we know the answer. and you know it's very -- i have to point this out because we are saying gop and we are talking about republicans, once again, jonathan lemire, you look at the united states senate and for the most part their approach towards vaccinations and being responsible on the vaccine. you start with mitch mcconnell who repeatedly talked about vaccine and tommy touberville would go and do psas, other republican leaders have done psas but not in mccarthy's house. if i were in the house, i would put a statement out. if i were in the house, that's not acceptable and that's not what the republican party stands for and not what my republican party stands for. they have to power to do this. far too many of them remained silent especially let's start with kevin mccarthy. >> your point of the senate is a good one in terms of senate leader mcconnell. there are some exceptions, ted cruz picked a fight with big bird when big bird got the covid-19 shot and josh hawley and others have been speaking out. the mandates are in the house. it's clear that leader mccarthy has little control over those in his caucus or desire to try because he's so closely associated with marjorie taylor greene and the former president who loudly backed them. it's clear he sees something in them and their supporters is reminisce of his supporters. every decision mccarthy makes is viewed to the prism of his calculation as to how he can be speaker of the house. his trend suggests that he stands a good chance to do that. this is the kind of thing will endanger that where you have republicans engaging in terrible racist rhetoric and threats to democrats and colleagues. the picture we are talking about will certainly not play well across of america. the terrible shooting in michigan and as much as democrats were nervous about their chances and how lawmakers up on capitol hill are worried of biden's low approval rating. they still have time to turn it around. also, to donny's point they feel like if they can get the second build back better bill passed soon with minimal drama then they can have time to run on that next year and point out tangible benefits. hey, we are delivering this for you. we are trying to change your life. if they feel like that can happen and fire case goes down, they think they can buck the trend. >> joe, you can level out concerns when something like this is happening when you are talking about party of death or you can even or when you talk to donny or looking at a branding strategy of democrats of the party of death or destruction whether it's gun culture or january 6th where trump said at the top avoiding any accountability and while people are being marched up to jail for the felony conviction they face for storming our capitol and vandalizing it and naming people and attacking cops with the american flag and the trump's flags or on covid. people at the top get the vaccines and boosters and get the greatest meds and survived. their followers don't get the vaccine and are dying of covid. it's the risk they put on people whether it's death or destruction. you would think democrats can do something about this. it seems this just continues with -- it's frustrating to watch. it seems to continue with no accountability and no consequences. >> it's what we heard and what we heard for 40 years when donald trump was president. the only thing i will remind watching this, republicans after four years of donald trump lost the white house, lost the united states senate, and they lost the house of representatives, donald trump tried to overthrow election results and the united states supreme court and circuit courts and district court judges. >> but they continued -- >> all parties stopped them dead in their tracks, by the way, completely shut them out. i am still optimistic because i have seen and you have seen, you at home at seen, again, take a deep breathe and get off of twitter once in a while and just look out over the rise. you will see the republican party, the first party, the first kind since herbert hoover in 1932, a first term president lost the white house, the house and the senate. that's about a sweeping of condemnation of everything that went on four years before. and listen, i usually, when it comes to politics for me is not analytical, it all comes from the gut. i look at it on the political battlefield and oh, i can do this and that. i feel like democrats were so easy to beat because they don't know what they believe in and they tried to have it both ways. i don't feel that way now. i would love to be a democratic member of congress like going against the republican especially after what the economy is going to look like next year after they pass one or two more bills and after they obsess about the economy in 2022 which is what they need to do and start comparing the cultural war, the nonsense to actually, the safer roads, the safer bridges, cleaner drinking water -- >> healthcare. >> faster internet and soon the better healthcare, universal pre-k, all of the things that democrats have done to make people's lives better without help from republicans. that's a wonderful contrast but democrats have to get this, democrats have to get a lot tougher, they're just not tough at this game. they need to get tougher and they need to lay it out and they need to hold down hall meetings every week especially those members in this district that are challenging. you are in a tight race, hold down hall meetings every single weekend, i don't care what else you got going. hold, one, two, four, five, get the message out there. it sinks in and it makes a huge difference. >> again, all of this is in comparison, the life and legacy of world war ii veteran long time u.s. senator and former republic and nominee for president, bob dole, who passed away yesterday at the age of 98. we are going to speak with jon meacham. president biden is expected to hold a virtual meeting with vladimir putin tomorrow. we'll talk with richard haas about that escalation. what we know about an expected announcement concerning a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming winter olympics in beijing. and after a dramatic manhunt, the parents of accused michigan school shooters are in custody. the couple and their son are now behind bars but could a fourth person also be charged? also, italian man makes global headlines for trying to get a coronavirus vaccine certificate without getting the shot? we'll explain what he did trying to fake out doctors. that's a strange one. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. e watching we'll be right back. biden: when i think about climate change the word i think of is jobs. these investments are a win win win for this country. creating jobs, cutting energy costs, protecting our climate. so let's not waste any more time. let's get to work. ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating 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stories of resilience over many years as he recovers from those wounds and he put forces himself into the arena. he was elected as representative when john kennedy was president. a legislative force, really a creature of a senate in the sound of nostalgic. he supported the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. he's a vanished kind of republican. in many ways that human story is so amazing. i think we have all seen and talk about sort of because he never quite finishes because he cries about the way russell kansas rallies to him. the song "you will never walk alone" is one that he played over and over again as he recovered. i think he brought that kind of resilience to politics. >> anybody reading his story "what it takes" could be wiping a tear from their eyes as you hear him trying to regain use of his legs and regain use of his arms. a solitude, pull himself up over and over again and yet he fought his way back. i had forgotten just how terrible he had been wounded. many people believing he would not have use of his arms and legs again and just left there to be wither away. >> the last hour of the war, he's wounded in italy on the 14th of april, 1945, 16 days adolph hitler will kill himself is at the end of everything. there is this pesistent theme of tragedy. he's a lot in common with richard nixon, both farm kids who rose to power, his life was in many ways in helix of george walker bush. the last time i saw him was the moment so wonderfully captured what he insisted on being held up to salute the casket of george h.w. bush and 2018. that's the rotunda there, the statues there are dwight eisenhower and gerald ford, ronald reagan, martin luther king, you know we forget sometimes american history is pretty brief, right? those were all figures on statues that dole and bush sometimes intercepted, sometimes in alliance with. what i was thinking about yesterday when the news came is bob dole was imperfect. he was a hatchet man as he was called. when he made that comment in 1976, i went for the jugular -- that kind of awareness, that understanding that you can do things wrong, you can make mistakes but basically we are part of a covenant with each other in the same way russell kansas was with him. >> when you suffer on the battlefield, you understand what life is really like and losing a presidential race or losing a vote finds its proper proportion. bob dole is a great example that characters destiny. >> jon meacham, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. we appreciate you being here. >> mara, i want to touch on and expand on something that john said there. bob dole would not want to be romantic size. . >> the thing i love about bob dole of what we can remember was he was very partisan and harsh. he spent his life with democrats seeing him as a political enemy. he worked with them and brussels when anybody attacked judge mcgovern. he believed there were limits and guard rails and the country always came first. >> it's interesting but we lost bob dole now, i put him in the category of john dingle and john mccain. i find it interesting but we have not heard from former president trump. every time one of these die, we heard from him trying to insert himself with these great men or more likely trying to insult them. the thing about losing dole is the sense of decency of character and perseverance and a sense that this was a great american and where are all those great americans in the republican party today. that's y the nostalgia lies and the concern for our democracy. bob dole was imperfect. i agree with him on most things. you do see somebody who worked across the isle to again, the pivotal votes were the 1964 voting rights act and also by the way the ability that he had to work across the isle to create the entitlement for free school lunch for kids which continues to help millions today. that's a good example. >> and intense physical therapy and i am doing great but i have to admire the perseverance that comes from the long and arduous recovery that bob dole had. reading about it last night and i was struck and it reminded me of john mccain also had endured serious recoveries in his life. it really does build character. we saw bob dole paid back forward through public service, throughout his life, what an example. >> also the sound byte that alex opened our show today of bob dole conceding and being apart of the process of losing a presidential election. win or lose is such an honor from the presidency on down to state and local government to be apart of this great american process and he did that with elegance. >> he did. let's just say what ensures the greatness of the system i know al gore have done a lot in the house and senate as vice president. he was extraordinary grace and dignity he showed when few others and his party wanted him to show that grace and dignity when he understood that five republicans appointed members of supreme court voted against him being president and four democratic appointed supreme court, nominees voted for his presidency and yet he went there and understood the importance, just like bob dole. donald trump did release a brief statement but i will say and again yesterday speaking of bob dole and mara brought up the civil rights act, voting rights act, i had a friend who had a terrible accident in college and has been a terrible -- sent me a picture with bob dole where he went to visit him to thank him for the american disabilities act. he touched so many people throughout his life. and we'll be revisiting this conversation on the legacy of bob dole who passed away at the age of 98. now to the school shooting in michigan, there are new details o f the moments leading up to the deadly shooting last week. the suspected teenage shooter and his parents are all in custody. there is growing scrutiny on the school itself. meghan fitzgerald has the latest. >> reporter: the suspected high school shooter and his parents are under close surveillance. >> all three of them are in isolation and segregated. we have advance watch on them. >> james and jennifer crumbly joining their son in jail. >> not guilty. >> the couple was arrested inside the arts studio early saturday morning where police say they were hiding out. a person of interest speaking to nbc news. >> he didn't know they were fugitives. the minute he found out, he went to the police department wanted to give them information. >> the school releasing details what happens in the hours leading up to the t shooing. the teacher discovered the suspect's disturbing drawing. >> reporter: the incident was reported to the school's counselor but the suspect told them the drawing was part of a video game he was drawing. his parents arrived, the parents refused to take their son home. after counselor determined the 15-year-old was not a threat, they sent him back to class. hours later, the suspect opened fire in a packed hallway killing four students. >> is it possible that school officials can face charges? >> reporter: the impact of the latest tragedy on full display on saturday night. >> please rise for a moment of silence as we honor those who were lost. paying special tribute to the high school running back, tate mear. >> dedicating the game of his courage and what he did. >> how heartbreaking. let's bring in right now. after the shooting, dave, i suggested that parents need to be liable if they left guns around the house or if they did not lock them up. i was talking about and i always have a professor who would say, there is and there is what ought to be. that's always the rub when you are talking about laws. i was talking about what ought to be. are there laws on the books right now that would hold these parents liable. >> there are several states that require people to lock up their guns so children don't get access to them. michigan is not one of those states. parents can still be charged when they act so recklessly that they put other people in great danger and that's what's happening here. that's why they are charged with involuntary man slaughter. it's not because they are accused of intending to create this situation. they act so recklessly by buying their child a gun and giving them easy access to it. later on the mother texted her son to say lol, i am not mad at you, make sure you don't get caught. the next day when the teacher finds the son making disturbing drawing of pictures of blood and guns and killing people. the parents went to the administration and called to the office and never told the school that their son had access to a gun. they never asked their son where the gun was and never searched his backpack. they did not take him home. they refused to do that and left him. >> reported and her mind going right to the point where she knew possibly it was him or probably was. the father reportedly ran home to check for the gun. it shows a sense of concern that they had that their child could have done this and they did not take seriously when confronted by the school. all these things will be born out in court and see what happens there. i am concerned about this school being held liable. what do you make of that? do you consider that to be fair game in a situation like this? >> you have to prove they violated their duty of care and you have to show more likely or not eventhough they charged him criminally. they only told parents to make sure he has counseling in 48 hours. difference between school officials and the parents is the access of the gun. the parents bought it for him after all. as long as they did not know he had access to a gun, they'll be sued criminally but not charged criminally. there should be an investigation. i was talking to local school officials here they said they would have kept this kids out of class and get counselor within 24 hours. they could have done so. there is a lot of changes that should have happened. you will start to see some legislative proposals out there to make sure a tragedy like this never happens again. >> state attorney for palm beach county, thank you very much for being with us this morning. coming up, one of our next guests says joe biden's democrats are a joke and so are trump's republicans. both parties seemed committed to minority status, begging the question can anybody play this game? we'll talk about that just ahead. before we go to break, a look at the active weather across the country. our meteorologist michelle grossman joins us for that. >> it's a busy morning. let's talk about what's happening right now, a line of showers and storms stretching from ohio valley down to the central states. we are looking at winds gusting to 60 miles per hour, we are looking at the potential of some isolated tornados as well. that'll be the threat today. on the backside of this system is frigid, we are looking at temperatures below zero once you factor in some winds gusting to 60 miles per hour. this morning, 12 degrees in minneapolis, feels like 10 below zero with that windchill ls and tomorrow morning waking up to a frigid start once again, really warm in the northeast before we had that frigid air moving in. let's take a look outside because we are looking at a shot of the rockefeller center. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. g joe," we'll be right back. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on 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it this way on the flanks of the all-new grand wagoneer. moving boldly and unstoppably forward. i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ when a truck hit my car, ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou on friday i had a chance to interview mary mccartney. >> so cool. >> i had been wanting and as you know i am a burger guy. state and potato guy. i am what i am. i have been trying for a long time because i know mary and her father, their family pushing meatless mondays, sort of a step into moving away and the health effects and impact on climate change and you just go through it. so much is wrapped up on that. me and mika and the kids are going to start that today. what do you think? would you like to join us? >> i am going to put a twist on there, a little meat-loaf on monday. is this just monday? >> maybe we'll add tuesday and wednesday and thursday. >> can we eat chicken? >> we are working on this tonight with jack. >> yes, we are. i have jack's menu with brown rice and florets, you can add beans and extra firm tofu, lightly stir fried. it's so good. >> it's a leap of faith. >> do we have to have tofu? can we have more broccoli? >> nope! joe's conversation with mary mccartney is amazing. we'll have it for you coming up. >> we'll go live to the mexican side of the border for our firsthand look at the implications. plus -- >> president biden wins that reaction to russia's provocation on the world's state. we'll go live to london for the latest when "morning joe" comes back in two-minutes. ning joe" c back in two-minutes. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. all right, top of the hour exactly. welcome to "morning joe," jonathan lemire and donny deutsche is still with us. the people that attacked the capitol. what drove them there other than the lies spread by former president trump? ayman is telling us the story. the radicalization of one of the capitol rioters. ayman is joining us now. tell us what you found out. >> the country was consumed of this tragedy. i received a facebook message from an old high school friend of mine who told me his sister in law was among those that died at the capitol. roseanne boylen was radicalradi. the family given us exclusive access to speak to them and her close friends and trying to understand how this young woman who was very a political had never voted in her life transformed into a trump supporter and a qanon. >> for most of her life, roseanne boylen hated politics. >> she was super involved. we are always into each other's business and hanging out. >> reporter: the summer of 2020, her family started to notice something is a bit off. >> she started getting close off and distant and on christmas she was here but she was on her phone all the time. she was not participating in the opening of presents. >> reporter: roseanne began to withdraw and instead going down qanon rabbit hole. >> she's like hey have you heard about this and i said no. i left there about 5:00 in the evening and she texted me at 7:00 in the morning, she had been up all night watching youtube. >> reporter: roseanne has a history of substance abuse and they were afraid to confront her will push her away. do you believe she was radicalized? she went to the rally with her friend. her family watched in horror the events of that day unfolded. we watched the news and the second that they said the second person died, there was more than one death, i knew it was her. i just had this gut feeling it was her. >> reporter: late that night roseanne's family got the call they were dreading. roseanne had died at the capitol trying to force her way into the police line. body camera painted as brutal picture. >> she died but because of a prescription drug overdose. >> do you believe explanation as to why she die is not -- >> i think they did a rush halfhearted investigation because she's trump supporter who died doing what she did. >> reporter: in the months of her death, boyland have set to understand how roseanne was radicalized. some were capture on body cam video that had not been released. >> ultimately, we just want to find out what happened to her. >> joe, and mika, as you guys though i cover radicalism and extreme overseas. what i have learned about roseanne's life, i sum up of what i call a 3-d, she had physical abuse of relationships and consumed of information online. what i think is difference is the presence of donald trump, he's a demagogue, he exploited vulnerability of people like her that led to her tragic death. >> and ayman , you can see the story and hear from the family talking and we have seen this overseas and we have seen this throughout history that so many times there are people who isolated and alone and they want to be apart of that community. they go online and see the community and the idea of meeting everybody to crack something that's been perceived in justice. it gives them an escape from that loneliness and people preying on them very wealthy and rich and powerful people praying on those suffering alone and my god, that's a story as old as politics and time itself. >> you are absolutely right. you nail it right on the head. her last message on parlor, the social conservative site that a lot of those used, her last words were "i am going to be with my true brothers and sisters." it gives you a sense of purpose that she found, it was all based online. it was apart of a conspiracy theory that she felt was going there. this was the only way can keep her in office to overthrow the election. you are absolutely right, they find a sense of purpose based on the house of lies. >> all right, the first episode of msnbc's newest original pod cost series, "american radical" hosted by ayman . we'll be watching your show on msnbc weekends, we appreciate you being on this weekend. turning now to the coronavirus pandemic and the spread of the omicron variant. demand for covid-19 vaccinations is spiking across the country as more and more americans become eligible for booster shots. retail pharmacy like cvs and walgreens are keeping up with surging demands. many vaccine seekers are waiting days or weeks for appointments to get a booster. according to the cdc, nearly 200 million americans are fully vaccinated as of saturday that accounts for almost 60% of the total population. a senior official tells nbc news the u.s. is expected this week to announce a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming winter olympics in beijing. it would mean no u.s. government officials would attend the games but that american athletes would still be allow to compete. china's ministry warns of a possible repercussion. if the u.s. insist in clinging to its course, china will take resolute counter measures. >> what else? what have you been doing to bring us to this point, what else? seriously? the nation is celebrating five more kennedys. >> there is alana. they were all honored for their lifetime's achievements in washington, d.c. at a white house reception before the ceremony, joe biden recognized each artist and had this to say about lauren michaels. >> mr. wise guy over here. >> he's trying out seven guys to play me. >> a hallmark of many democratic society. >> the ceremony will air later this month on cbs. should be fun to watch. turning back to our panel now, we have joining us now matt lewis, rich lowry and sofia nelson joins us. with that, we tease this in your piece you talk about how republicans are not deserving of the majority. they'll likely win the midterms, quote, ironically, republicans are now the poster child for the perils of protectionist policies. in a free market, superior products get rewarded while inferior -- we are seeing the political version of that right now, the gop's mean girl fights between represents lauren boebert and marjorie taylor green are making headlines and greene make racist comments about a colleague, ilhan omar. the gop is set to feel the new crop. this is not the behavior of a serious party, it's doing everything possible to preserve victory. if and when republicans win, despite of failing to get the own house in order, it will only reaffirm their believes that they don't have to. this was what i was asking you earlier, joe, there appears to be no consequences for behavior that's antidemocratic, let's leave it there. >> i would say losing the white house. the house of the senate. >> matt lewis, we are going to read next to rich, the list of things that democrats are doing. you have this great quote and i guess because i am an old man looking back and i am so frustrated, can anybody here play this game? right now does not look like many building behind you know how to play the game well. you should have consumers out there and two parties buying for their vote. that would create incentives to behave well. if few lose an election, you would want to win so fix the things that you messed up. the problem is we don't have this free market. part of the reason for that is our structural issues where republicans can win without winning 50% plus one. the other problem you alluded to is i don't think the democratic party is playing their role either, forcing the republicans to compete, this morning you were talking about this hyper individualism in the republican party whether it's guns orozco covid and doubling down on individualism and autonomy. there is that life issue of being pro-life and the democratic party could potentially see some of that ground and make themselves hospital to pro-life. they have not done that. the republican party is the game in town. >> so matt argues that democrats have squandered their chance had governing. for ten months now i have documented the mistakes joe biden and democrats have made. becoming something to a kin at least. biden had a golden opportunity to incorporate disaffected republicans into his moderate coalition. but he managed to blanket away in a matter of a few months. both parties seemed committed to minority status. either party could capitalize on the vulnerability, but why should they when they can often win without avoid from hitting rock bottom. to paraphrase leonard cohen, one of them can't be wrong. we can look at what's happening in virginia and we can talk about 2020 and 2021. we go back the past 20 years and we see republicans win big. >> and republicans backlash and trump. i am just curious what your thoughts are when the republicans took control of the house in 1994. it was a first time in 40 years that a gop was in charge of congress what's happening in politics but not 20 or 21, why is this the new reality? >> it's more competitive politics. what democrats did not realize, his super power was not being bernie sanders and not being donald trump. besides that there was not a lot there. he created unnecessary debacles on the border and little republicans can do in my mind to mess this up. they're going to take the house one way or another. marjorie taylor greene was not on the ballot. glenn youngkin did not offend trump voters. he did not say anything in defensible. he created an image of himself acceptable. the proof in the putting won't be 2022. we'll see. >> that's such a great point while democrats desperately want to win in 2022. 2022 is not going to be the town because right now you look at history and you look at redistricting, it would be next to impossible for democrats when republicans supposed to win big, they ended up winning the house with four seats. gingrich is run out of town because of it. the question is how do democrats self-correct in time past '22 to present themselves and all the suburbs that voted against trump in 2020. >> that's a tough question, joe. i live here in virginia and i am going to push back on rich that i think this was a local election here. i am not sure virginia is the right model going forward. glenn youngkin had some good global issues that helped him. we have a cultural war going on. i kind of disagree it's really about the economy or infrastructure. the thing that voters get excited about and more money in their pocket. we are seeing america being more divided. democrats are going to bounce back, they got to get order. and effective phrases that republicans use very well for these campaigns particularly when you get to congressional or senate races where they national things that are particularly for those of trump voters and in virginia don't forget 57% of white women carried the vote for white women. democrats have to win white women back. suburban mothers and soccer moms and they're the ones that carry the date. democrats have to do some work with them. >> yes, donny, you look at studies that came out people are talking about crt and culture war issues, you talked to people that shifted away from joe biden, we wanted to vote for youngkin. what i find telling is about their own personal lives. they were upset of schools being shutdown for so long and democrats don't seem to feel bad about it. >> i want to get virginia economy going. it worked extraordinary well. what is he talking about? cutting sales tax on grocery items in the middle of an inflation spike. oh my god. hitting people where they live. i can't say enough to democrats. i am curious of what you think. it's the economy stupid. is the economy stupid? it will always be the economy stupid. >> yeah, first of all, once and for all stay away from woke. woke is a dirty word. you will lose from that. it's a different point. go back to what you talked about early in terms of life and death. i am really stuck on that in terms of turning upside down what a pro-life party is universal pre-k and getting better drug prices and across the board, more jobs and ira better, people responding to their own personal lives and i love using some blanket of lives verses deaths and your lives are better. that's what it comes down. it's simple and so simple that it's kind of stunning and simplicity. i love it. bring it back. the overall banner of better lives but underneath it, all the economic facts that are in your corner. you are not going to win in any cultural war. >> he's someone who has extremely high rating from both parties. again we are talking about republican primary and hey, i appoint the three justices. is there any scenario where he's beaten within the gop which we don't think there is, if therefore, if gop rolls in '22. >> yes, so i mean no one knows he's going to do and he's not going to decide until late '23 until the last moment he has to decide. he thinks if trump gets in, he'll clear the field and will be a nominee. i am not sure if it's right. the best case if you are not into trump, just a tiny little bit kind of week by week and month by month he's losing his grip. if he runs in 2024, someone shows up on the stage and people will run against them. it will be relatively small. you lost to joe biden, you lost to the guy that's done all the damage to the country and who's a pathetic leader the it's your fault. it will land. at the moment it would land. trump is at the stage with other republicans. that could be two or three years from now. i don't know. >> sofia, there is kevin mccarthy and how he's handling all the different controversies brewing within the republican members of congress. what's the strategy? >> mika, i think you and i agree kevin mccarthy can't do anything, he's going to continue to alarm boebert and marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz. i want to push back a little bit that if you agree if the economy is it, why are democrats leading into the polls going into '22. they should be. i am concerned they're not lan landing that message and kevin mccarthy and his group is focused on that cultural divisive issues that does not just play to their base but it's moving some independent voters who were concerned of those things like wokism and critical race theory and all the other boogie man. i don't think there is a strategy other than keep your heads down. as we think of bob dole's passing. it's a really sad republican party that we see now. i was a senate intern in 1988. men like that don't exist in our government too much anymore. it's unfortunate. >> all right, former republican council for the house, sofia nelson. thank you so much. it's great to have you here. i want to ask matt and rich your thoughts on the mississippi case and i will start with you, matt, what impact do you think overturning of roe would have not only on '22 but more importantly in '24. this is an issue we have been fighting over for like 50 years and it's obviously a hot button issue. most likely i wrote there would be a backlash against the republican party in the midterm. i no longer believe that and it's based on what we have seen recently. we see in virginia where youngkin won. then we had that texas law, i am pro-life but i thought it was a bad law because of the bounty hunter aspect of it and the vigilante aspect of it. it has receded and kind of gone away. i think what has happened is that the abortion issue really is no longer the dominant hot button issues of america. yes, it will be important and if roe is overturned, we'll see 50 states or maybe 30 states having serious fights about it. in terms of being the dominant national issue that it's going to be just political tsunami, i no longer think that it would be that crazy. >> yes, it's so interesting you say that. and the same conclusion for me and the reasons you had. rich, i thought the texas ruling was absolutely horrific of the texas law was horrific. i thought the consequences of that terrible whether you are a conservative or liberal. a null of the supreme court put into constitution for half a century a expect a much more blow back from it. if that was going to be a driving issue, it would have been a driving issue. certainly in a purplish blue state. do you agree that abortion is not the driving issue it once was. >> maybe. it will go up and polls in the issues they care about. how long lasting will it be? i begin to have my doubts as well. the texas law did not travel. no one in virginia believed that richmond was going follow. it's different. i think we'll have a different phenomenon. we are in a state that had a super majority. the wake up outrage and reading the headlines, nothing will happen. and a lot of the redder states, you will have restrictions that'll be popular. texas law polls very well i believe in texas. you will have some states that are highly contested like florida. this is unlikely to be democratic, trump's card in the midterms. >> let me bring sofia back in. you were talking about women breaking for republicans and so i am wondering what your thoughts are on the possibility of roe being overturned and if they are, what's the political impact on '22 and '24. i think it's too early to tell. if someone is admitted, i am disappointed if they're going to start overturning precedents in 40 or 50 years then we are moving in a bad direction. i think that's a complicated issue for the public as matt was saying, what texas does is texas so maybe people are looking at this, i live in virginia and we are not going to create a texas law here, well, i hope not. i am pro-life like the rest of this panel. i think i am libertarian on this that i agree another woman can make a choice different from what i may choose. i think it's too early to tell but i think if it's overturned, it becomes the issue when it's weaken. i think you will see groups like that really ratcheted it up going into '22 and it will be a big challenge for democrats. >> sofia nelson, rich lowry, matt lewis, thank you all for being on for this incredible conversation, we really appreciate it. nbc's keir simmons joins us next with the new reporting. president biden's virtual meeting with vladimir putin tomorrow. plus, talks on restoring the 2015, iran nuclear deal are at a risk of collapse. we'll talk to richard haas about the new iranian official driving a hard bargain. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. you are wat we'll be right back. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. it's 37 past the hour. president biden will hold a video call with vladimir putin tomorrow amid growing concerns that kremlins plan to invade ukraine. joining us now is senior international correspondent keir simmons joining us live with the latest. >> reporter: hi mika, talking to sources in russia and here in europe, it appears a split screen of those who fear we could see a deadly conflict in europe within months. those believe president putin is using the threat of conflicts to push president biden. we heard reports from russia that call tomorrow will take place at 10:00 eastern time. >> reporter: tens of thousands of russian troops deployed from its border in ukraine revealed in these satellite images. >> what we see is having weapons, we see armor units and drones. >> reporter: a kremlin official telling nbc news "i really hope it will not explode." ukraine forces are not taking any chances. >> president biden hold virtual meeting with vladimir putin on tuesday. >> we'll have a long discussion. >> reporter: while multiple diplomatic sources. putin has not decided to invade ukraine yet. >> reporter: and president biden is vowing to make any invasion very difficult for president putin. the russians do worry about sanctions when i sat down with president putin's spokesperson. he wants to talk about a set of sanctions going through congress targeting several individuals. having said that, one european diplomatic force tells me that russia enjoys this, it distracts washington from domestic issues and disstabilizes washington. some believe russia is getting this through ukraine. >> nbc's keir simmons. thank you very much. let's bring in richard haas for more on this. it seems people are pushing the line on a number of front. putin said he has not decided whether or not he wants to ukraine. what do all reports look like he's doing? >> what we know is capablecapab. he has the able to go in. so, what the united states and others have to do is essentially look at more than anything else, how do we deter this? what do we do in terms of threats and sanctions and military aide to ukraine. what is there a role for diplomacy. is there something that could be started with putin that would whine things down or at least pull things back from the blink. that's where we are. >> so richard, you talk about caabilities of invading. what are our caabilities when it comes inflicting cause when it does. >> people around him heavily sanctioned and there are still some things we can add that would make a difference. the other thing is build up ukraine's capability more to giver them the ability to impose cause. if he goes big in ukraine, joe and he gets very ambitious there. you are looking at large areas of urban military build-up. if the lesson of afghanistan for putin, what you don't want the russian people see large numbers of body bags coming home, one of the things that may give them pause is the west will build up ukraine. it could impose series cost which is something that putin does not want. >> putin was able to distract americans for five years as it pertains investigation into russia and russian hacking and wikileaks. it was a home run for vladimir putin. an outside impact of international affairs for a power that has been in decline. obviously not as much in decline now but here he is getting into the headlines, distracting at america. i am curious how much of it is vladimir putin, do you believe this is vladimir putin wanting to be in the center of international conversation. how much is at play to get the united states to back at nato and into ukraine. >> one other thing, i think this is part of vladimir putin's legacy. you listen to what he said of the great tragedy of the dissolution of the soviet empire. this would be a big thing so i take that seriously that putin has ambitions here in addition to what you are talking about of distraction or being seen as a great power, trying to get nato to back off. i don't think any of these are mutually exclusive. >> as we know the biden administration wants china, particularly, there are things in the way. russia is a distraction. they hope to put putin in a box after the summit in june. do you feel his obsession could lead him to take that faithful step and there is also iran. a lot of pestimism. >> you got these talks going badly with iran. iran is inching its way on short order. if you go back to the 2015 agreement, the odds are very small. they have to agree on the sequencing and we have to transfer massive amounts of aides. i don't see it's happening. iran has zero interest. the only question is whether you get something less. we need certain image on what you are doing and in ex changes for that, you will get certain some of the sanctions relieved. it would not be a big deal or a mini deal, it would not solve a problem but it would stabilize it. puts something of a ceiling on it. that is a possibility. it could be formal or informal. you could have certain signals. israelis prepared to use military force and cyber as you see. hey, if you do this, you will cross the red line and you will pay a physical price. >> richard haass, thank you very much for joining us on this issue. coming up, number of people donald trump may have exposed to covid after keeping his first positive test a secret. >> that's next. >> and, spewing it all over. >> and the fact that he never reported. >> he's extraordinary reckless because he had a positive test and he was sick and we still don't know the complete story behind it but we'll talk about it when we return on "morning joe." when we return on "mornin joe. ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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"the washington post" has new analysis on just how many people former president donald trump came in contact with after secretly testing positive for covid last year. the post looked at the first week between his first undisclosed positive test and when he was hospitalized. the paper reports he came into contact with more than 500 people. that includes 150 people on the day he received the positive result that he kept hidden. some 200 people on the day he received the result, he announced publicly. there were rallies, fundraisers, white house events inbetween both indoor and outside. more than two dozen people in trump's orbit ultimately tested positive for covid in the weeks after his diagnosis. >>on than, you were there. . i know you were tracing all of this. many people suspected trump had covid even before we knew about the positive test by that blithering performance during the first debate. but look at that timeline, and tell me, give me behind the scenes look at all the stuff, all the reckless things he was doing. i know he had a bogus negative test which obviously was bogus because the guy obviously had covid from that first positive test. >> yeah. and the -- one of the things that was always confusing in the moment was the timeline of his illness. that he went to the hospital just about 24 hours after he revealed a positive test. that doesn't usually happen. covid doesn't accelerate that quickly. it stands to reason in terms of the course of the illness this time, i'm provided, mind you, by the president's own chief of staff, mark meadows. he was diagnosed a week prior. it built for a few days as he was getting sicker and sicker and then had to be air lifted to walter reed on that friday as opposed to just testing positive the night before. it is extraordinary document and timeline of recklessness. the big rallies are the big rallies. he's at least up on stage not near anyone else, but he's behind the scenes talking to people, his own staff. he never wore a mask. the gold star reception, we talked about that last week. these people lost loved ones in the line of duty to defending their nation and he's exposing them to covid and then blamed them after, suggesting they might be the people that gave it to him. these are private fundraisefund. one was a dinner one. no masks. back on air force one we've talked about that. he got at least one reporter sick from -- because he came back on the plane and talked to the press. and then, of course, the debate itself where he and his family defied the rules not just about testing but to wear masks. and at the time the biden team was angry about it. they have only grown more since considering that now the hundreds of people the president put in danger back then. >> literally, a human souper spreader. >> the thing about the blame game for gold star families. they tried to blame everybody, but, of course, the person who had covid -- let's bring in, soccer analyst and co-he's of men in blazers, roger bennett. he's a best-telling author of "reborn in the usa". what an epic. roger, take us through the weekend of some pretty entertaining action. >> yes. the big story of the weekend, the footballing manchester united. owned by the tampa bay buccaneers. he looks like mid level account, but he's got one of the worst almost difficult jobs in sports. in his first game against crystal palace, the best crystal against gail. united charge forward like a game full of jonathan taylors. big air. like watching a portuguese simon and garfunkel. mason green wood playing the penguin in "happy feet". he's there, he's there. he's every everywhere. then look at this. the world needs more fred joy. united's new era starts off with a double. just three points off four plays. they're back like alabama. the other manchester team city went. but the cruise control 3 -1 win. the shimmy shimmy shimmy. give me the mic so i can take it away. man city took over type of the table. chelsea shocked at the last. massi walker. going hammer time. this as close as we may come to watching the e walks win the battle for endor, but bubbles. the world needs more bubbles. liverpool football club held goalless until the 94th minute. a cult hero, super power, trotting on to the field, scoring clench goals. titles, joe, are one of moments like this. build a statue. he is like america. he's only got one pitch, but no one, no one can hit it. how would you explain it to the world? >> you know, he just is -- this year especially, you know, he's just -- he's been -- i must say about airigi. he's a guy that doesn't get a lot of playing time, but every time he trots on to the field in the 75th or 80th minute, as a liverpool fan, you go that's a guy that's going to score when we need him to come through. isn't it -- it's really -- it's something. he always comes through in the clutch, even if he has limited playing time. >> if we were living in ancient greece, epic poems would be written about him. there is the heat of love, the pulsing rush of longing, the longest whisper. that is the only way to describe him to america. and it's wonderful humanly, and as someone who is not a liverpool fan, it's awful to watch. i'm happy for you. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> we will be watching the member in blazers show tonight at 5:30 eastern on nbc sports. i said it before, i'll say it now. >> improves your back hand, makes your life better, reverses male baldness. it does everything. coming up, an amazing conversation with mary mccartney. what she says about her famous dad, and meatless mondays which we're starting today in our house. plus last week new york city announced a vaccine mandate for private school workers. this morning outgoing mayor bill de blasio is back to announce his next steps in the fight against covid in new york city. hear it first right here on "morning joe." first, a look at the new special issue of "the atlantic". the cover story reads like a warning. january 6th was practice. we're back live in two minutes. world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. whatever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask 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house. today the president is going to speak about his build back better act and in particular, about the cost of prescription drugs. so that's today. but then tomorrow he's going to have a meeting with vladimir putin which we were just talking about. obviously stakes are high there. he hits the road again this week on wednesday. he is off to kansas city, missouri. his first time visiting a state won by donald trump. part of his barn storming tour for his agenda. thursday and friday will be worth watching. this is when he's had his virtual summit of democracies which will include tie waub. russia is not happy they got excluded. we're going to see to focus folks on foreign policy this week and particularly on russia and china, we also anticipate that, indeed, the u.s. before the week is out, will announce they will not be sending a diplomatic etourage to the beijing olympics in february which we suspect will not go over well with the chinese. >> busy week. >> yeah. and in just a moment, we'll be joined by the outgoing mayor of new york city, bill de blasio. he has an exclusive announcement on a new measure when it comes to the city's fight against covid. >> and i will say this. you look at new york city. you look at the numbers in new york. >> which was ground zero. >> which started as ground zero. >> just a nightmare. >> going to be remembered. de blasio is going to be remembered for pushing the vax rates into the 90s and having the smallest number of deaths and infections per capita of so many cities. everybody likes to kick the mirror around. this is something, what he's doing now is going to be remembered for some time, because, again, he's showing courage where a lot of people are halting or even playing to the crowds in a way that actually makes the crowds more sick. >> plus for those still getting through that new beelgts documentary, paul isn't the only mccartney making headlines. a look at what his daughter is serving up this morning. i say that in quotes. it's a great conversation with joe. first, we're closing in on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the u.s. capitol, if you can believe it. with that, just one month away, the atlantic is dedicated its january and february issues to american democracy in crisis. the headline of the cover story is jarring. quote, january 6th was practice. joining us now, the magazine's editor and chief jeffrey goldberg. and jeffrey writes this for the new issue's editor's note. quote, there is insufficient space in any one issue of that magazine to trace the republican party's decomposition from lincoln's day to ours. it is enough to say that it's most recent and it catastrophic turn toward authoritarianism nativism threat ens the republican it was founded to save. stating plainly that one of america's two major parties, the party punitively devoted to a advancing the ideas and ideals of conservatism has now fallen into autographic disrefute is unnerving for a magazine committed to be of no party or clique. >> talk about your decision to dedicate this special issue to this topic. as we look behind you at a very ominous cloud hovering over the capitol. >> yeah. i arranged that for you, joe. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> the -- you know, we have three years until an election. that might be unlike any election we've ever seen which is to say the following. democracy depends on the consent of the losers. on the willingness of the party that is lost to say we lost. we'll try next time. but meanwhile, we're support an elected president. we are heading into a situation because of donald trump's behavior and because of the people who abet his behavior in which that is not entirely clear. it's not entirely clear that's going to happen. so i thought we should really focus now, start to really focus now on these -- it's a whole range of threats, a whole range of things that trump and his minions are doing to try to guarantee that by hook or by crook that they win in 2024, and so we've pulled together this special issue just to outline for our readers all the things that could go wrong and all the things that are happening right now that the republican party or much of the republican is doing to make sure that the situation is geared to their favor. >> jeffrey, what do you say. this is a debate that mika and i often have, in our house, and i'm not steadfastly on one side and she's not steadfastly on the other. but i am more in the corner of it was an ugly ride. it is an ugly ride. but the system held. voters put the anti-trump party in power of all of washington, not because they love democrats but because they were repulsed by donald trump and his minions. and the federal judiciary, my god, i wish somebody would write a book about the federal judiciary. what they did in november, december, and january of 2020 and 2021 was exactly what our founders envisioned. >> right. no, obviously nothing is settled here. the future is not determined. but i would say this is -- to borrow something my colleague once said. he said the velociraptors have learned how to turn the door handles now. that's why we call this peace january 6th was practice. that was a dry run in some ways for a more determined, more deliberate and more serious effort to undermine the functioning of democracy. and you see it now. i mean, and joe, you cover this every day. so you certainly see it. in terms of voter suppression. in terms of changing the narrative around january 6th so that ashley bab bot is not a rioter but a martyr. in terms of pushing out local election officials, donald trump sort of recruiting people in many, many key states to take over election commissions. you see what's happening in wisconsin, obviously. where the republicans are trying to take over. all the mechanisms of election oversight. and so yeah, you know, one does not want to be overly alarmist, but on the other hand, this is not -- this is not conjecture about something that might just start happening in 2024. this is stuff going on right now that we can watch. >> right. >> it's not hidden. it's just there. >> right. it's in the open. exactly. >> i mean, to the debate that goes on between me and joe, i feel to be optimistic, to ignore what's happened before our eyes and yes, your cover makes it plain. january 6th was practice. but january 6th, we saw thousands of people descending upon our capitol interrupting our democracy and process, and bashing police with trump flags and american flags. i don't know how much worse it can get. and if you speak to people like madeleine albright and those who have come from this type of thing who know it so well, their fear is that january -- we're well over the edge. we're well over the edge, and we're not where we should be in terms of turning this ship around. and if you look at the way that republicans are acting right now in congress, it can't be looked at as oh, they're the crazies on the far right. this is now the behavior that's being embraced. >> right. people -- people like madeleine albright who come out of europe or asian experiences or african experiences with authoritarianism, they're warning us. the warning is don't think you're special. human beings are human beings. societies are societies. people are prey to the same weaknesses and temptations across the planet. and just because we've managed to stave off authoritarianism in the past doesn't mean that you're able to stave it off in the future when you have a determined group trying to manipulate democracy to result in their permanent domination. and that's what they're saying. so i just take that very seriously. >> jeffrey, it's jonathan lamire. good morning. look, government and law enforcement i've spoken to over the last few months suggest that violence is going to be part of the discourse of the landscape much more so than ever before. in the midterms, perhaps, but into the 2024 election. they're taking the theme that january 6th was a template and we should be prepared for more political violence going forward. as you say, there's more insidious, quieter devolving of the government process to the trump and his allies are doing. how confident are you that the -- whether it's the judiciary or the secretaries of state, the local level, those last sort of lines of defense that did hold barely last time around, how confident are you that they will again? >> yeah. well, i mean, i'm confident, and i think we're all confident in the people who have already proven themselves to be willing to hold the line. but you know, you're really tapping into it, an important theme here. at a certain point, either because of threats made against them or their families, either because of public, the constant public attacks, the threat of violence, and just manipulation by people who know better now how to manipulate the system, those people are going to be either pushed out of their positions or decide that it's just not worth it. the safety or their family isn't worth it. you know, remember what a second trump administration would look like compared to the first. the first trump administration, he brought in a whole bunch of establishment figures. john kelley, rex tillerson, people like that, and across the cabinet. then he found himself frustrated by their adherence to norms. the second time around, i don't think you're going to see that adherence to norms. you're not going to see people brought in who are from let's say from the broad consensus. and so it's going to be very, very, very lonely and very, very dangerous for the disdents across state, local government to hold power. i'm not convinced you can hold forever with the same group of dedicated servants. >> editor and chief of "the atlantic", jeffrey goldberg. thank you very much. we'll be speaking with atlantic reporters throughout the week for much more on this impactful issue of "the atlantic". thank you. since the omicron variant was detected. 17 states have had confirmed cases. at least 10 of which are in the tristate area. at least one case was detected in a person who had just went to a convention at new york city's javits center. an event attended by more than 50,000 people. joining us now, the mayor of new york. new york city bill de blasio. and bill, you are revealing right now new measures to keep covid infection cases down. what are they? >> yeah. mika, look, we just talked about an attack on democracy. we're under attack a different way right now from the coronavirus. and we've got omicron has a new factor. we've got the colder whether which is going to really create additional challenges with the delta variant. we've got holiday gatherings. we in new york city have decided to use a preemptive strike to really do something bold to stop the further growth of covid and the dangers it's causing to all of us. as of today, there's a first in the nation measure. our health commissioner will announce a vaccine mandate for private sector employers across the board. all private sector employers in new york city will be covered by this vaccine mandate as of december 27th. we'll have other measures as well to focus on maximizing vaccination quickly to get ahead of omicron and the other challenges we're facing right now with covid. >> and curious, first, that's anybody and everybody who works in new york city has a vaccine mandate at this point. how do you enforce this? >> we're going to work with the business community. we've seen a lot of cooperation so far when we put in place our mandate, for example, for restaurants, indoor entertainment, indoor fitness, we got a lot of cooperation. there were a few times we had to penalize people, but it was rare. we'll work with the business community. i'll tell you something, the fact this is universal, and this is my advice, use the vaccine mandates and the more universal they are, the more likely employees will say okay, it's time. i'm going to do this. because you can't jump from one industry to another or one company to another. it's something that needs to be universal to protect all of us. >> so mr. mayor, one of the other measures is requiring vaccination for indoor dining, fitness, entertainment for children. children have access to vaccine ages 5 to 11. i am surprised more cities have not followed new york city's lead. even washington d.c. does not require proving vaccination status to go into a restaurant. i want to go to the mandate for the private sector workers. the biden administration effort to do this is tied up in court. how confident are you you can prevail? >> we are confident because it's universal. i don't know all the intricacies of what the biden administration has been through, but i know this. our health commissioner has put a series of mandates in place. they have won in court every single time. and it's because they're universal and consistent. and they're about protecting the public right now from a clear and present danger. our youngest kids, we got to reach them now. right now in the city it's about 20% have gotten vaccinated. and that 5 to 11 range, it's new. the vaccine is relatively new, but we're trying to say it's urgent. before omicron grows and delta stresses us worse in the winter, get your kids vaccinated. a lot of parents want to take their kids out to wonderful things happening this holiday season. here's a reminder. get your child vaccinated. one dose will immediately qualify any child to be able to participate in those activities. i'm a parent and i remember vividly when my kids went into school. you don't end up in a situation where a child is left unprotected. i urge parents really strongly. get that vaccination. it's safe. it's been proven. here's another incentive to do it. >> just one dose for children but two now for adults. is that right for the program? >> we're going to be phasing in two for adults as of december 27th. >> and secondly, just give us an update on the omicron variant. we know there was at least a couple cases tracked. you and the governor gave an app on friday that gave more cases in new york city and new york state. where are you seeing spread? how concerned are you about the new variant? >> i am very concerned. we have to assume community spread at this point. we'll track the cases. we have strong test and trace, but true for new yorkers and all americans. at this point, omicron is here. it looks like it's very transmissible. that's just going to make a tough situation even harder. the timing is horrible with the winter months. so i think this comes down to a recognition of we've got to put this covid era behind us. we've been living this for most of two years. we've got to put it behind us. and vaccine mandates, in my experience are the one thing that really breaks through. and we do know this. vaccines every single time, every single time there's a fear the vaccine won't have an impact on a new variant? guess what, every single time the vaccines have worked. that's a good record. let's lean into it more. >> mayor, thank you very much, and thank you for announcing that right here on "morning joe." keep us posted. this is bizarre, this next story. an italian man is facing fraud charges after attempting to use a fake arm to dodge a covid-19 vaccine. >> come on. come on. >> bizarre episode occurred as a vaccine hub in northern it after the country announced several measures barring unvaccinated people from social, cultural, or sporting events. >> the 50-year-old man completed all the paper work, lifted his sleeve for a health care worker to administer the shot. after looking closer and touching the arm, asked the man to take off his shirt and discovered the fake limb. the unnamed man asked the work tore look the other way. the worker refused to do it telling a news outlet they felt offended as a professional. in a statement, local officials said in part, quote, the case borders on ridiculous if it were not for a fact that we are talking about a gesture of enormous gravity. the man's actions were unacceptable when faced with the sacrifice our entire community has paid during the pandemic. >> i would guess they're probably a little touchier in northern italy. obviously because that region got so much -- >> hammered. >> i think under the new york city, i mean, northern italy, especially at the beginning, my gosh. just got hammered. still ahead on "morning joe," president biden has been forced by a court order to restart the controversial remain in mexico program. we'll go live to tijuana to see how the new version of the plan differs from president trump's. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ight back. vo: just getting by, it's an ongoing struggle. that's why president biden and democrats in congress have a plan to lower costs for america's working families. lower costs of healthcare premiums and the price of prescription drugs. pay less for electric bills by moving to clean energy. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. whatever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company now you know. for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. 24 past the hour, the trump era remain in mexico policy is set to restart today after the biden administration reached a deal with the mexican government over how the program will be implemented. it requires asylum seekers to stay in mexico until their immigration hearing in the u.s. the biden administration previously ended the remain in mexico policy before a federal judge ordered that it resume. the administration says it still hopes to end the program eventually. joining us fromtijuana, mexico. gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: good morning, this is a migrant tent camp in tijuana. they t remain in mexico program, or migrant protection protocols. that's the name given by the trump administration, is set to begin here in tijuana and several other locations across the border in the coming days. now, mika, the situation with this policy is very controversial. advocates are upset the biden administration has not done more to do away with it. as you mentioned, the administration did get rid of it earlier this year. the state of texas sued and now because of the court order is being reimplemented. the biden administration did get some -- did come to an agreement with mexico, and now what's different is that these migrants are supposed to have access to lawyers, and their cases are supposed to be adjudicated within six months. several advocates question if it's realistic or if this will contribute to bottle necks at different parts of the border including in tijuana that could turn into a humanitarian disaster. mika, as you said, the biden administration is saying that it does plan to do away with this program eventually. but it's in an awkward spot as it has to reimplement it because of the court order. no timetable for when the biden administration might try to eventually get rid of this. >> hey, gabe, jonathan lamire. as you say, they tried to get rid of this program, but the biden administration picked up backlash from progressives because they have not tried to get rid of title 42. it's a title that allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants in the u.s. without giving them a chance to apply for asylum. what's the latest there? has there been any rethinking in the biden administration on this? or are they giving way to the pressure immigration advocates or is this something that's going to stay with us throughout the pandemic and beyond. >> reporter: for the foreseeable future, it will stay on. as you mentioned title 42, the public health rule put in by the trump administration to get -- to expel migrants. and many of the migrants that have piled up on this side of the border, it's because of that. migrant advocates are upset at not just the title 42 still being around. as they see it, they see this remain in mexico policy, this new version of it, so to speak, that it's also being expanded by the biden administration. and that it doesn't just apply now to spanish speaking countries in the northern triangle but will also now apply to all countries in the western hemisphere. so haitians, for example, will now be under the remain in mexico policy. you couple that with the continuance of title 42, and yes, the biden administration is now being pitted against many of the advocates in his own party who really say that the administration has not done enough to move away from the policies of the trump administration. as you mentioned. >> nbc news national correspondent gabe gutierrez reporting live from tijuana, mexico. thank you very much. up next, joe's conversation with the daughter of beatles legend paul mccartney. she got her dad to cook and other celebrities she sat down with. plus why she's calling -- calling her dad sir paul is not enough of an honor. she'll explain that. it's a great conversation straight ahead right here on "morning joe." 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because we grew up seeing your mom's photography, and i just think it's so cool. >> thank you. >> that legacy lives on, her legacy lives on through you. >> i love instagram. it is instant. so a great way of communicating with people. i love the way you can sort of stay in touch with people globally. so yeah. >> so talk about your portraits. and -- >> that's my -- you know, you're talking about my mom. i grew up watching her take photographs. i thought everybody had an eye to take pictures so i never thought to do it as a career. one day i was looking at one of my best friend's holiday pictures. they were awful. i was like well, maybe i can help everyone do this. i phoned my mom and i was like i'm going to do it. i'm going to make the leap and become a professional photographer. it's challenging. when you pick up the camera, i don't know, you guys are comfortable here. but when i pick up the camera, often it changes. what i love about it is collaborating, putting someone at ease. it's a lot like the cooking show. it's the same sensibility. it's like cooking for someone, making them happy photographing them. my stylists to not go in and overpower, but i love going in, being invited into people's homes and taking pictures of them. but i love that you touched on the lyrics book. i have a few pictures in that as well. everyone loves my dad, but i kind of love this. i've grown up with collaborating together. >> what's so cool about the lyrics book is your dad is always -- you know, and i can't imagine being yanked at like that throughout your entire life and asking questions. he's like okay, i've answered this 8 billion times yeah, well -- >> no, no. >> but here's the lyrics. the lyrics. yeah. >> usually it's like what happened when the meteor fell on your house. >> it's a lovely day. >> but in this -- >> i like that impersonation. i like that. >> it's really scary. i've been listening to him my whole life. but in this book, he talks about his dear dad. and his mom who you're named after. and it really is -- it's extraordinarily revealing. >> honest. it's very honest and intimate. and you know, he's a guest on one of the episodes of the show. i do my celebration meal for him. >> of course i know, because we watch your show. >> good get. >> it's cute. going back to what you're saying about the lyrics, we go back to i made yorkshire puddings, a full roast dinner. i think you call them popovers, yorkshire pudings. so his mom would always keep -- serve them as a deserve with golden syrup. we have them with gravy with the main meal. i hold one back for him. >> i'm excited about your recipes use you're vegan. if you want to eat less meat, it's hard to get started. having good recipes can be a good start. your sister is one of my favorite designers. though, i don't have much of her work, but she also does not use any animal skin. and you are also committed vegan. what is it about how you were raised that gave you such an awareness of animal welfare? >> well, we were brought up as a vegetarian family, and it wasn't like rammed down our throats. it was something we enjoyed. so when mom and dad sat down, they were like mom particularly didn't want to cook meat anymore, but mom and dad made the decision together. and so they were like we're not going to have meat in the house anymore. and because as a family we talked about food. we thought about how something gets to your plate, we grew up enjoying it rather than -- where i come in, and why i did the cooking show is as you say, people do meat free monday or want to reduce their carbon footprint, for the environment or ethical reasons, they're like but what do i do? and i've grown up that way and sustained it. because i enjoy it. like you said, something stella takes into her fashion, it's very much engrained in our family ethos. i'm proud of mom and dad that they didn't make us do it. we do it because we want to. that makes it more kind of genuine. and less sort of i never want to be that preachy person of you can't eat what you want. it's like you need to do it because you want to. right? >> it's a feature of your show, the new season starts out. with significant guests, how do you decide what to cook with them? how does that collaboration come about? have you found people not vegan into it while doing it with you? >> well, oprah and reese aren't vegan, but -- and a lot of my friends aren't. if i'm cook for you, i'll get a feeling for the flavors you like, imagine you coming over to my place, and then i'll sort of think of flavors for you. so with oprah, it was about entertaining, and i was imagining her inviting friends around in a bit of a cocktail party. so it's all bite-sized things. but reese witherspoon had messaged me saying i want to learn a family-style male that i can put down on the table -- meal that i can put on the table. we did a big pasta dish. i think of that person and get inspired by them. >> it sounds like an invitation. >> yes. >> your dad's episode, he actually shows his strength. the macarita. >> by the way, i noticed you get the shot. i'm going okay, that's great. but then another orange liquor. he tells everybody, only drink one, but you've had more than one, right? >> yeah. it's one and two if you're eating with it. that's the right amount. but no more than that. it packs a punch. but it's so good. and what is really sweet with the show, because i said to him, do you want to come on, and he was like let me think about it. but when we did it, i kind of -- i kind of -- we set it up like we would at home. the lighting is quite soft. and the meal, i'm like he tests all the things i am making for our christmas dinner, and then as we do at home, he is sort of making the cocktail while i'm finishing off cooking. it's chilled, because all of it is make ahead. i'm just heating it all up. i've made it all before. that's my kind of style. the show is full of shortcuts and make ahead. i want to hang out with people. >> that's my kind. when you have a dinner party, you don't want to be in the kitchen finishing up. you want to have your cocktail and hang out. >> jonathan and i hate when we're in the kitchen and everybody is hanging around. >> we would get you watching in the kitchen. it's a great collaboration. >> i want to talk about the atmosphere. because it really is -- it was such a home atmosphere, and your dad, you almost forget for a second that he's, like, you know, our century's mozart. he's just your proud dad. it's so cute. but the whole thing has this very mellow, homey feel. >> did you get that feeling of a proud dad? i like it. >> i did. especially when he walked out. he's like okay, i'm done here. but you asked him a lot of cool questions. the three people that he wanted to have dinner with, i thought that was neat. which people will love on the show. but your plan ahead, though -- >> plan ahead. >> it's like a brilliant concept. you showed -- and then you put it in the freezer. >> and you know what was sweet? going back to what you were saying. we kind of set it up so that it would be -- i want people to enjoy any food experience i'm involved in. so whether i cook for you, i want you to enjoy it. i'm feeding you, but we made the setting so dad literally, we were chatting and cooking, and then i'd start talking to the camera. he forgot we were on the set, and i was like -- it was so cute. and then he started talking to the camera. mission accomplished. >> the only time there was a problem was when your dad had to actually get the orange -- he's like wait. that's it. because mika -- my wife always goes buzz, buzz. and so mary gives and it's like. >> we had a beautiful glass blown that you use. he's like i'm used to -- i said to them, this is going to be a problem, because he's an electric squeezer guy. >> well, exactly. i want to talk -- >> that was funny, that part. he was tipping it on the table, and i was like -- >> by the way, i saw while he was doing that, i saw some very good edits. suddenly, he's going like this. and i'm going he's not going to get enough. and then the next second you go, and now we pour in the 12 gallons of orange juice, and it works. >> that's so funny. >> very smooth. i want to talk about, though, your mom and how she's influenced this, and how proud she would be. i remember the first time i got to see your dad live was in '89. it was like flowers in the dirt tour. and i -- >> she was there. >> yeah. and she was there. >> did you saw all her lav va lamps? >> yes. so it's the first time i get a chance to see your dad who really was my biggest influence growing up on anything. and so i go to the store and they've got the mccart thi store. i'm like okay, paul mccartney ear muffs and a clock. >> did you really get ear muffs? >> no, i'll tell you this. whatever they were selling, i bought it. but then i saw your mom's cook book. i put down my hamburger and said well, this is interesting. and -- >> yeah. >> what was at that point pretty revolutionary still. >> completely. >> my 13-year-old son last week who, he's a big, strapping baseball player. he comes home from school and goes dad, i think i want to be a vegan. >> what? >> and what i thought was first, how cool. he wanted to do it. first of all -- >> how great for you to say how cool? in the past it was like how are you going to get your protein? >> exactly. >> that's so amazing. the times have changed so much. >> well, that's what i was going to say. from '89 to now the fact that my southern athletic baseball-loving son, and he wanted to do it for animal welfare, for his health, and he wanted to do it for the environment. so your mom would be so proud to see your show, wouldn't show? >> but that lewis hamilton is -- the formula one racer, he's vegan. there are a lot more athletes now, the guy who won wimbledon, he's vegan. but that's great. do you know -- are you going to go into the cooking show for ideas? >> i am. but this is what i've wanted to do for a long time, because i'm not going to lie, i'm, like, meat and potatoes guy. >> there's no judgment here. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> no, i mean. >> what i always wanted to do and i what i thought would be a cool start. you don't have to jump all the way in. but you always have been pushing, meatless mondays. i always thought okay, well, that's cool. if i could just figure out how to do it on monday, and then i could do it on a friday. and now i have a 13-year-old son who is going to require it. so talk about meatless monday. >> it's about me and stella and dad started promoting it about 11 years ago. we love it because it's a really simple idea. it's a community, a word of mouth. it's like stop eating meat on a monday, and by doing that, you reduce your carbon footprint, i think it's, like, not driving a car for as much as driving a car for a month, just reducing it by one day for the year. so it makes a big difference. >> your show helps by giving people ideas. for people that haven't seen the show, talk about what they're going to see in terms of planning meals out. >> in each episode, i do four recipes. at the end of the episode, i have a great guest i cook with. i'm a people person and a portrait photographer. that gives me a chance to interact with people. but the recipes are plant-based. they're really quick. they're simple. they're make-ahead. and i use as many shortcuts as i can. everything is -- but it's hearty and delicious and satisfying as well. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> before we leave, have we figured out what we call her dad? i asked, is it sir paul? she said well, that's a little -- >> he actually was given another honor after that. commander of honor. >> commander? >> commander. >> it's one above sir. >> sir is not good enough. >> it's not. >> we just call him paul. >> all right. well, the new episodes are available now on discovery plus. mary, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> it was great to have you here. >> thank you. >> and we will prepare in the household for meatless mondays. my son, jack thanks you. we'll be right back. l be right . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. feel stuck with student loan debt? ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and feel what it's like to get your money right. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ♪ i'm chi lan, i am a mom, and a real estate agent. after having a kid, everything that you used to do for yourself goes out the window. the lines that i was seeing in my forehead were getting deeper than i was used to them being. and i realized, you know, what i can focus again on myself. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? 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"politico" reports perdue will file the paperwork today and has discussed getting trump's endorsement. the one-term senator lost a key runoff race last year to democratic senator jon ossoff, the winner of the primary will likely face democrat stacey abrams who announced her candidacy last week. and up next, more americans are having to wait for covid vaccines as demand for boosters grow. will concerns over the latest variant motivate the unvaccinated to get their shots? that's the hope. and after a dramatic manhunt, the parents of accused michigan school shooter, they're in custody. the very latest with those charges as the couple and their son are now behind bars. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage after a final quick break. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... ask your doctor only from discover. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes... the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. whatever the new world of work takes your business,s. and do it all by making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. it'd be a win for the everyday american family. right when they could really use one. congress, let's get this done. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. . hey there, i'm stephanie ruhle live at msnbc headquarters here in new york city. it's monday, december 6th, and we've got all the facts you need to know at this hour, so let's get smarter. this morning new restrictions go into place for millions of travelers as more states confirm cases of the omicron covid variant. meanwhile, in the state of

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Servicenow , 24 , Challenge , Nexium 24hr , Cake , Acid , Night Protection , Chocolate Cake , Once In A Lifetime Opportunity , Gift , Comcast Business , Network , Deal , Prepaid Card , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Voice , 00 , 4 99 , 500 , 64 99 , Savings , Possibilities , Price Guarantee , Shooter , Authorities , Massacre , Thoughts , Injuries , Resilience , Forces , Stories , Wounds , Force , Arena , Representative , Creature , John Kennedy , Human Story , Civil Rights Act Of 1964 , Sound , Voting Rights Act Of 1965 , Nostalgic , 1964 , 1965 , Sort , Finishes , Russell Kansas , Song , Story , Anybody Reading , Arms , Use , Legs , Eyes , Tear , Solitude , Away , Italy , 14th Of April , 16 , 14 , 14th Of April 1945 , 1945 , Pesistent Theme , The End Of Everything , Adolph Hitler , Tragedy , Farm Kids , Common , Richard Nixon , Power , Helix , George Walker Bush , Casket , Rotunda , George H W , 2018 , Statues , History , Brief , Gerald Ford , Martin Luther King , Ronald Reagan , Dwight Eisenhower , News , Dole , Figures , Alliance , Comment , Hatchet Man , Awareness , Jugular , Mistakes , 1976 , Other , Covenant , Kansas , Vote , Proportion , Example , Characters , Destiny , Size , Enemy , Judge , Limits , Mcgovern , Brussels , Guard Rails , John Mccain , Former , Category , John Dingle , Men , Sense , Perseverance , Character , Democracy , Concern , Nostalgia , Isle , Ability , Kids , Free School Lunch , Entitlement , Physical Therapy , Reading , Recovery , Public Service , Recoveries , Build Character , Process , Conceding , Alex , Honor , State , Presidency , Government , Elegance , System , Greatness , Dignity , Vice President , Democratic Appointed Supreme Court , Nominees , Importance , Friend , College , Accident , Terrible , American Disabilities Act , Conversation , Details , Scrutiny , Meghan Fitzgerald , Reporter , Latest , High School Shooter , Three , Surveillance , Isolation , Jennifer Crumbly , James , Nbc News , Police , Studio , A Person Of Interest , Information , T Shooing , Fugitives , Police Department , Suspect , Drawing , Counselor , Teacher , The Incident , Video Game , Impact , Threat , School Officials , Class , Students , Charges , Hallway , Display , 15 , High School , Tate Mear , Running Back , Saturday Night , Silence , Tribute , Courage , Dave , Professor , Laws , Books , States , Access , Situation , Danger , Intending , Man Slaughter , Child , Mother , Office , Administration , Pictures , Blood , Killing , Backpack , Mind , Father , Court , The School , Liable , Duty Of Care , 48 , Investigation , Changes , State Attorney , Palm Beach County , Proposals , Republicans , Status , Guests , Minority , Coming Up , Look , Question , Michelle Grossman , Weather , Line , Morning , Showers , Storms , Talk , Let , Ohio Valley , Backside , Potential , Tornados , Zero , 60 , Start , Windchill Ls , Minneapolis , 12 , 10 , G Joe , Air , Rockefeller Center , Pay , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Set , Flight , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Mobile , Markets , One Last Look , Weekend Trip , Dashboard , Take Off , Fifteen , Thirteen , App , Investing Style , Smart , Thanks , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Reactions , Asthma , Breathing , Add On Injection , Breathing Problems , Face , Mouth , Swelling , Count , Tongue , Trouble , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Headache , Infection , Back Pain , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Women , One Direction , Isn T Backwards , Uniforms , Flanks , Grand Wagoneer , Result , Idea , Best , Barnes , Worth C Call , Worth , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , Accident Case , Car , Worth H Barnes , Truck Hit , Firm , Rich Barnes , Insurance Companyed , Wasn T Fair , Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , T Ouour , Burger Guy , Mary Mccartney , I Am What , Potato , Step , Health Effects , Pushing Meatless Mondays , Meat , Twist , Florets , Brown Rice , Menu , Jack , Tofu , Beans , Broccoli , Leap Of Faith , Border , Side , Plus , Implications , Russia , C Back , Reaction , Ning Joe , Provocation , London , Owner , Investor , Advice , Plan , Future , Tools , Vanguard , Right , Ayman , Lies , Radicalization , Capitol Rioters , Roseanne Boylen , Law , Sister , Facebook , Radicalradi , Woman , Exclusive , Political , Friends , Supporter , Qanon , Most , Phone , Presents , Opening , Rabbit Hole , 7 , 5 , Substance Abuse , Youtube , Rally , Events , Second , Horror , Night Roseanne , Call , Body Camera , Police Line , Prescription Drug Overdose , Explanation , Rush Halfhearted Investigation , Boyland , Capture , Body Cam Video , Overseas , Radicalism , Abuse , 3 D , Relationships , 3 , Presence , Vulnerability , Demagogue , Led , Justice , Loneliness , Escape , Head , Parlor , Purpose , Site , Words , Brothers And Sisters , Conspiracy Theory , Series , American Radical , Episode , House Of Lies , Original Pod Cost , Msnbc , Spread , Demand , Omicron Variant , Booster Shots , Demands , Retail Pharmacy , Cvs , Walgreens , Booster , Appointments , Cdc , 200 Million , Official , Population , Games , Officials , Athletes , China , Ministry , Counter Measures , Repercussion , Clinging , Nation , Else , Kennedys , Alana , Ceremony , Lifetime , Achievements , Washington D C , Artist , Lauren Michaels , Wise Guy , Guys , Mr , Seven , Matt Lewis , Society , Hallmark , Fun , Cbs , Sofia Nelson , Rich Lowry , Midterms , Poster Child , Majority , Piece , Free Market , Policies , Perils , Products , Protectionist , Version , Inferior , Comments , Taylor Green , Lauren Boebert , Mean Girl Fights , Colleague , Ilhan Omar , Behavior , Crop , Victory , Order , Antidemocratic , List , Building , Consumers , Incentives , Reason , Few , Issues , Role , 50 , Hyper , Guns Orozco Covid , Life Issue , Autonomy , Hospital , Town , Ten , Least , Opportunity , Kin , Coalition , Matter , Avoid , Rock Bottom , Leonard Cohen , Virginia , 20 , 2021 , Backlash , Charge , 1994 , Reality , 21 , Super Power , Bernie Sanders , Little , Debacles , One Way Or Another , Voters , Glenn Youngkin , Image , Won T , Proof , Win Big , Redistricting , Seats , Gingrich , 22 , Suburbs , Cultural War Going On , Model , Money , Infrastructure , Pocket , Phrases , Campaigns , 57 , Studies , Ones , Yes , Mothers , Soccer Moms , Culture War Issues , Schools , Well , Virginia Economy Going , Inflation Spike , Grocery Items , Sales Tax , Middle , Oh My God , Hitting People , Stay , Turning , Upside Down , Deaths , Drug Prices , Blanket , Ira , Simplicity , Stunning , Banner , Corner , Someone , Rating , Scenario , Justices , 23 , Field , Stage , Grip , 2024 , Leader , Fault , Damage , Sofia , Controversies , I Don T Know , Strategy , Can T , Bit , Matt Gaetz , Group , Polls , Lan Landing , Race Theory , Wokism , Boogie Man , Heads , Intern , Passing , 1988 , Council , Don T Exist , Roe , Matt , Overturning , Mississippi , Hot Button Issue , Fighting , Midterm , Aspect , Texas Law , Bounty Hunter , Hot Button Issues , Abortion Issue , Vigilante , Fights , 30 , Crazy , Tsunami , Texas , Conclusion , Reasons , Ruling , Null Of The Supreme Court Put Into Constitution , Liberal , Driving Issue , Purplish Blue State , Blow , Doubts , No One , Richmond , Super Majority , Phenomenon , Restrictions , Law Polls , Redder , Wake Up Outrage , Florida , Possibility , Direction , Overturning Precedents , Public , Saying , Rest , Choice , Groups , Keir Simmons , Iran , Reporting , Collapse , 2015 , Hard Bargain , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Anna , Night , It Starts , Sleep , Amazing , Walks , Old , Thud , Jerry , Ding , Trust Me , Truck , Mom , Dad , Stuff , Workspace , Tailgate , Bed , Flexing , Chevy Silverado , Still Flexing , Multi Flex , Huh , Relief , Dinner , Flexibility , Laptop , Email , Daddy , Imaginay , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Pain Hits Fast , Wait , Packs , Safelite , Medicine Fast , Water , Laser , Pill , Gels , Pain Relief , Drilled Holes , Tylenol Rapid , Rock Music Man , Expert Service , Livelihood , Windshield , Truck Ve , Service , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Network Solutions , Security , Activecore Platform , Devices , Cyberthreat , Sd Wan , 1200 , Big Day , Anywhere , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Video Call , Concerns , Kremlins , 37 , Ukraine , Sources , Conflict , Europe , Split Screen , Eastern Time , Conflicts , Satellite Images , Troops , Tens Of Thousands , Armor Units , Drones , Kremlin , Discussion , On Tuesday , Invasion , Sanctions , Russians , Individuals , Spokesperson , It Distracts Washington From Domestic Issues , Disstabilizes Washington , Reports , Front , Doing , Capablecapab , Putin , Aide , Diplomacy , Blink , Caabilities , Capability , Cause , Big , Areas , Military Build Up , Lesson , Afghanistan , Cost , Numbers , Body Bags , West , Hacking , Affairs , Decline , Home Run , Wikileaks , Center , Nato , Dissolution , Soviet Empire , Distraction , Great Power , Addition , Ambitions , Box , Summit , Pestimism , Talks , Agreement , Odds , Interest , Amounts , Aides , Sequencing , Ex , Ceiling , Military Force , Signals , Israelis , Price , Red Line , Test , Over , Secret , Reckless , Costs , Struggle , Working Families , Mornin Joe , Share , Prescription Drugs , Healthcare Premiums , Energy , Taxes , Done , Google , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Turn , Cowboys , Record , Hang On , Ooo , Tex , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Vo , Parabens , Skin , Fragrances , Dyes , Washington Post , Contact , Covid Last Year , Positive , Post , Analysis , Paper , 200 , 150 , Rallies , Fundraisers , Orbit , Tracing , Diagnosis , Debate , Timeline , Performance , Behind The Scenes , Covid , Negative , Doesn T , Illness , Covid Doesn T , Mark Meadows , Document , Recklessness , Anyone Else , Walter Reed , Scenes , Staff , Reception , Duty , Loved Ones , Gold Star , Dinner One , Fundraisefund , Air Force One , Team , Sick , Plane , Testing , The Press , Rules , Blame Game , Human Souper Spreader , Roger Bennett , Blazers , Author , Soccer Analyst , Co He S , Action , The Big Story Of Weekend , Epic , Reborn In The Usa , Manchester United , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Level , Account , Sports , Crystal , Crystal Palace , Jonathan Taylors , Big Air , Portuguese , Simon And Garfunkel , Gail , Everywhere , Happy Feet , Mason Green Wood , Penguin , Points , Cruise Control , Double , Joy , Manchester , Alabama , , Mic , Type , Man City , Table , Shimmy , Chelsea , Bubbles , E Walks Win The Battle For Endor , Massi Walker , Titles , Cult Hero , Goals , The Field , Liverpool Football Club , 94 , Statue , Pitch , Airigi , Fan , Playing Time , Isn T , 75 , 80 , Pulsing Rush Of Longing , Epic Poems , Love , Clutch , Whisper , Ancient Greece , Humanly , Male Baldness , Back Hand , Nbc Sports , Vaccine Mandate , Meatless Mondays , Bill De Blasio , Steps , Private School Workers , Cover Story , The Atlantic , Warning , Servicenow Platform , Safe , Customers , Return , Flow , Workplace , My Nunormal , Eosinophils , Angie , Injection Site Reactions , Lou , 5g , Xfinity , Smart Kid , Yep , 400 , Store , Holiday Season , Switch Squad , Gotta , Go , Moon Christmas Special , There , Beautiful Day , East Coast , 8 , Title , Jonathan Lamire , Particular , Act , Road , Kansas City , Agenda , Barn Storming Tour , Stakes , Missouri , Democracies , Folks , Foreign Policy , Watching , Tie Waub , Etourage , Beijing Olympics , Measure , City , Nightmare , Vax , Ground Zero , Capita , Cities , Crowds , Mirror , Daughter , Paul Isn T , Quotes , Beelgts Documentary , Attack , Anniversary , Jeffrey Goldberg , Magazine , Editor , Headline , Crisis , Jarring , Space , Decomposition , Lincoln , Editor S Note , Authoritarianism Nativism , Conservatism , Ideas , Ideals , Party Punitively , Autographic Disrefute , Decision , Clique , Topic , Cloud , Consent , Following , Losers , Willingness , Elected , Range , Minions , Readers , By Hook Or Crook , Much , Favor , Judiciary , December , November , January Of 2020 , Founders , Peace January 6th , Velociraptors , Effort , Run , Functioning , Determined , Voter Suppression , Narrative , Ashley Bab Bot , Election Commissions , Rioter , Key , Martyr , Recruiting , Wisconsin , Hand , Election Oversight , Mechanisms , Conjecture , The Open , Cover , Bashing , Madeleine Albright , Over The Edge , Fear , Ship , Experiences , Crazies , Asian , Authoritarianism , Human Beings , Societies , Temptations , Weaknesses , Planet , Domination , Law Enforcement , Theme , Discourse , Landscape , Allies , Template , Devolving , Secretaries , Lines , Attacks , Manipulation , Isn T Worth , Safety , Positions , John Kelley , Adherence , Norms , Establishment Figures , Bunch , Cabinet , Rex Tillerson , Consensus , Say , Disdents , Reporters , Servants , Cases , Tristate Area , Convention , Event , Javits Center , 50000 , Measures , Infection Cases , Factor , Challenges , Coronavirus , Have , Holiday Gatherings , Strike , Delta Variant , Employers , Health Commissioner , Dangers , Sector , Growth , December 27th , 27 , 11 , Billion , 1 , 1 Billion , 10 Million , Six , 42 , 1 888 Xarelto , 888 , 8 Billion , 89 , 13 , 000 , 1000 , 51 , Monday December 6th ,

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