Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240709

tomorrow steve bannon is expected to turn himself in and appear in court after being indicted for contempt of congress. he has refused to testify before the house select committee investigating the january 6th violent insurrection. members of congress are believed to be particularly interested in these remarks bannon made on his podcast just a day before the attack on congress. >> it is going to be quite extraordinarily different. all i can say is strap in. the war room, a posse, you have made this happen and tomorrow it is game day. all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it's going to be moving. it's going to be quick. >> all hell did break loose. hundreds of police officers assaulted with poles and bats and sticks. armed insurrectionists invading the hallways of congress. a domestic terror attack as the fbi director later called it. ten months later we are not out of the woods. political violence and the threat of it is all around us. consider these three stories from the past few days. first, house democrats move to formally censure arizona republican congressman over an animated video that shows him killing democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio o cortez and later attacking president biden with swords. he accused everyone of gross mischaracterization of his video. i do not espouse violence or harm towards any member of congress or mr. biden. the cartoon depicts the symbolic nature of a battle between lawful and unlawful policies and is no way intended to be a targeted attack against representative cortez or mr. biden. it is a symbolic cartoon. it is not real life. just a symbol. a cartoon. it isn't real life he says. you know what is real life? the trial of kyle rittenhouse in which closing arguments are expected tomorrow. this is the 18-year-old white man charged with intentional and reckless homicide and other crimes after fatally shooting two men and injuring a third who were protesting the shooting, police shooting of a black man in kenosha, wisconsin. today kyle's mother who drove him across state lines to the protest was asked by nbc news why he was even there in the first place. >> what do you say to people who look at this case and think, this teenager had no business bringing a military style weapon to this chaotic scene. >> a lot of people shouldn't have been there. you know? and he brung that gun for protection. and to this day if he didn't have that gun my son would have been dead. >> whether she is right, whether her son is a murderer, i'll let a jury decide. what i do know is he shouldn't have been in a city and state that wasn't his own with a gun that he wasn't legally entitled to have shooting at people in the street. former president donald trump when asked about the january 6th rioters who threatened to hang mike pence, defended them quite emphatically, refused to condemn them. take a listen. >> were you worried about him during that siege? were you worried about his safety? >> no, i thought he was well protected and i had heard he was in good shape. no. because i had heard he was in very good shape. >> you heard those chants. that was terrible. >> he could have -- well the people were very angry. >> saying hang mike pence. >> because it's common sense, jon. it's common sense that you're supposed to protect. how can you -- if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to congress? >> it's common sense. donald trump there hanging mike pence out to dry. despicable and even by trump standards pretty shocking. so what do all these stories have in common? why should they worry us? why are they starting to keep me up at night? two words. political violence. we live in an era in which threats of violence from the likes of gosar, acts of violence from the likes of rittenhouse, and incitement of violence from the former president are not just all around us but are being normalized and even amplified daily. this is the modern right, the modern republican party. for nine days the republican leader in the house kevin mccarthy has been completely, shamefully silent about paul gosar's threat against aoc and even been silent about right wing threats against his own caucus members, the 13 republicans who dared to vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. one caller reports the "new york times" told adam kinzinger to slit his wrists and rot in hell. another hoped don bacon would fall down a stair case. nicole malliotakis with angry messages tagging her as a traylor because they voted against the party line and with those evil democrats. insanity right? it gets worse. sorry to inform you but these violent attitudes are far more widespread and main stream than you might want to believe. surveys taken throughout 2021 find nearly 1 in 20 americans, 21 million of them, find that use of force is justified to restore donald j. trump to the presidency. 21 million americans. nor is this theoretical or abstract. check out the actual violent threats against school board members, election officials, flight attendants who dare to ask people to wear masks in the air. guns, militias, in fact the near record number of gun sales this year. the domestic terrorists who keep getting caught including the guy arrested near the capital this summer after claiming to have a bomb in his pickup truck. i could go on because there is more. these days sadly there is always more. but are we on the verge of a new era of massive violence? new civil war even as some on the far right openly fantasize about? i can't believe i am having to ask this out loud. hey, what do i know? let's ask my expert guest a civil war historian and predictor. joann freeman is a yale history professor and author of the acclaimed book "the field of blood the previously untold story of the violence that helped spark the civil war" and a public policy professor at george mason university who warned of a trump-like figure coming to office many years ago and is now warning of civil conflict. the author of "revolutions a very short introduction." thank you both for joining me. joann, i want to read something you posted on twitter about the threat of political violence in 2021 america. you said i think dismissing this kind of talk as just talk is a mistake. it's about intimidation, pushing people into compliance or silence. threats need to be believable to have an impact not carried out. rage, hatred, fear, intimidation, their party platform. just to be clear, joanne, are you suggesting what we saw in terms of violent and dangerous rhetoric in the 1840s and the run up to the civil war your area of expertise is comparable to what we're seeing in america today specifically on the right? >> well, he wouldn't use the word civil war. i wouldn't say just like in the 1850s we're headed into a civil war. i think we need to be careful with words on all counts and the phrase civil war is one. i would say that kind of behavior i mentioned in the tweet and that kind of bullying behavior and you had an amazing list of much of it i would throw in the talk of banning books among other things. all of this talk, all of these threats, aren't necessarily being carried out but they don't have to be to have power. the goal of that kind of threat is to frighten people into silence or compliance. that is what it's all about and what you did see among southern slave holders in congress in the lead up to the civil war. they were afraid demographics were turning against them and they began to use threats and violence against northern congressmen to silence them so that they wouldn't stand up against slavery. you certainly see this kind of behavior. i don't want to say it is just words but the words have a real impact and shouldn't be dismissed as such. >> and threats against sitting members of congress are up a lot this year post insurrection. jack, you are someone who warned years ago that a trump like figure would emerge and you were right about that, sadly. you now refer to the civil war as the first civil war. given what joanne just said are you seriously predicting or warning of a second civil war because critics might say that signed hyperbolic. >> well, it does. we should be frightened because both the principles of political science and the history dr. freeman tells us are pointing in the same direction. they are suggesting that the next few years will be a period of political violence such as we haven't seen in this country for decades if not for over a century. i don't know if it will take the form of states seceding though ted cruz has openly raised the question for texas. but i do think we will see americans taking up arms against other americans. and for me, that is civil war. >> i mean, we don't even have the future tense we have seen this year, americans taking up arms not only against fellow americans but against their beloved law enforcement and police officers at the capitol january 6th and multiple attacks since. smart people who responded to my alarm on this show and elsewhere what i'm seeing and reporting on every day in the news by telling me america's checks and balances have worked before and they'll work again. the guard rails held in 2020 and they'll hold in 2024. i am not persuaded. given your knowledge of american history, are you? >> i think that is a dangerous thought. i'll respond to that sort of in two directions. i think we're in a moment that's highly contingent. we really don't know what is going to happen next. i think if americans have this sense we are exceptional and our government always works and things never slip in an authoritarian direction, that is not us, not the united states, i think that's dangerous. we certainly are seeing the rise of people who are dismissing the entire democratic process as unnecessary and sort of brushing it aside. now, that said, during this kind of moment when we don't know what's going to happen, the upside of that is we can work for positive change. moments of instability like the present are no fun to live through and we can all say that and i'm sure watching us is thinking the same thing. however, that can be a moment when people come together to try and move things in a better direction closer to what america can be as opposed to clinging to power and holding america back to what it was several decades ago. >> yes, holding america back. very well put. jack, you and some of your colleagues have used your research into revolutions and civil conflicts to create this political stress indicator, which is rising rapidly, much in the same way it did before the u.s. civil war. inequality i know is a big factor. what are the other big factors in that and is it fair to say that trump is a symptom of these factors and stresses? he is not the cause, is he? if it wasn't trump it would be another authoritarian taking advantage of america's problems. is that fair? >> i think that's fair. what we are seeing is accumulation of stresses including rising inequality, a collapse in trust in government that goes far beyond the issues of one candidate or president, and what we're seeing are both voices that are dangerous and silence that's dangerous. that is we're seeing voices in the media and politics encouraging people to be angry, to treat their political opponents as traitors. people who are a danger to america. and therefore people are naturally saying as was raised in one town meeting, when do we get to shoot people? if democrats are traitors who are ruining the country and we can't trust elections, what's the next step? so those are the voices we are hearing. but equally dangerous is the silence. we're not hearing political leaders say, put away those thoughts and words of violence. this is america. we all love this country. we'll settle our differences the way americans do at the ballot box. that is where we're going to win. we're not going to fight. we're going to take anyone who threatens or uses violence and treat them as an enemy, an outlier, not someone to be followed. but the silence is stunning whether kevin mccarthy or others. we're not hearing that. and the silence allows the voices that are building anger and fomenting hatred to grow. that's what really scares me. >> and in the case of kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell and others, clearly, their silence is shameful. it is cowardly. it is inciting future attacks on their own caucuses. it is consent i'm sorry to say in the way they're behaving. that is what their silence tells me. in the case of donald trump it is not even silence. he is telling jonathan karl on tape yeah what the guys did with pence was understandable. common sense. let me ask you this before we run out of time. we talk about the political stress indicator. people look at history and you know the great man theory of history. one person changed things around and a lot of people pushed back. in recent years we have obsessed over trump rightly and wrongly in many ways. isn't it true we need to think much more about the common factors that lead to political violence where the 1860s or 1960s or now the 2020s? >> i absolutely agree. i think trump is a symptom and not the cause in and of himself. the fact that he rose to power and has gotten the kind of support he's gotten for the kind of behavior and rhetoric that he is using, that's revealing. but i don't think you can pin everything to one man. and i think he helped strip confidence and trust in the national government down. he sort of helped pull that away from people. i think it's the process. if you can't really transplant the founders in here very often but one thing they would say is they counted on the process, the political process to be turned to. that is what they were creating with the constitution. a process that americans could turn to to help them in times of crisis. that is important. and if americans don't have faith in that process, that's a big problem and that doesn't boil down to one man. >> and the founders never anticipated rupert murdoch or mark zuckerberg's role in this either. that is another conversation for another day. appreciate your time and analysis. fascinating if rather depressing conversation but important. we need to be talking about this stuff. thank you so much. >> thank you. still to come, senator joe manchin says america is a center right country. really? that's not at all true. i'll explain why in my 60-second rant tonight. plus mixed reviews on cop 26. bill nye is here to talk about the war on science and climate change. a threat that is already killing people, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. after 14 days of marathon talks, the cop 26 climate conference has come to a close in glasgow. depending who you ask it was either an earth shattering success or a dismal failure. the deal includes a plan to tackle the use of fossil fuels as well as an agreement emissions have to fall by 45% by 2030. there is a plan for carbon markets, new mandate to tackle methane, and plans to end deforestation. there are some big things still missing. the wealthiest nations made no clear pledges on financial support for lower income countries. the language on reducing coal was watered down in a last-minute punt by coal giants china and india who managed to strong arm attendees to changing the language from phasing out the use of coal to phasing down as the guardian put it this week the goal of 1.5 degrees celsius of climate heating is alive but only just. here's why. each country's current emissions plans will only limit global warming to an estimated 2.4r degrees celsius well above the planned 1.5 in the paris climate accord. what is the solution for that? well, i guess we'll hold another conference of course. attendees have agreed to meet next year with the hopes of drawing a road map to reach the crucial 1.5 target. so what can the planet take from this deal? is it cause for celebration? or the final nail in the coffin? joining me for his take is science educator and prominent author bill nye. welcome back to the show. give me a score out of 10. what do you make of this deal in scotland? >> oh, this is an unexpected question. not 5. 2, 3. something like that. at least people are more, at least for the first time, for the first time, they are mentioning coal. coal was never even brought up. i was at cop 6 back in the hague. at least it's mentioned. i just feel that people, you know, the people who were protesting every day i guess a hundred thousand people over the course of two weeks, when young people are running the show, they're not going to put up with this and they're going to make changes. so for that i'm hopeful. it is way better that people are meeting than not meeting. >> yes. you mentioned coal, a major sticking point. china and india managed to get the wording watered down to phase down coal rather than phase out. how vital is it, bill, coal reduction? how vital is it when we look at climate change threat? >> people on my side of it, it is the key. a key. you can't keep burning coal. we can't keep spilling or allowing methane to leak into the atmosphere. we have to stop. so our side of it is the sooner the better. right now the better. so the thing is all conducted in english. whether it's in the hague in holland, whether it is in paris or buenos aires or wherever it is conducted in english. it is quite significant to change prepositions from phase out to phase down. but at least phase is in there. >> i admire your willingness to look for that silver lining. at least phase is in there. >> well, i mean -- >> if you could sit down with a coal state senator in the u.s. like joe manchin whose family business is coal, almost single handedly blocking climate action in the senate. you are an educator. what would you say to him to allay his concerns and objections when it comes to reducing fossil fuel emissions, specifically the burning of coal? >> what we always do is what makes you say that, senator? what makes you presume climate change is not this catastrophic threat? everybody's favorite word now. existential. it means our existence is threatened by this. what makes you think it is not a huge, dog gone big deal? you know, people say we can't affect or slow the economy while we're trying to recover from the economic downturn. no, the time is now. and so the problem everybody now understands, born in the u.s., from the u.s., an engineering degree from the u.s. whatever. so i am not perhaps objective. but as objective as i can be the united states has to lead. without the united states in the lead, none of this stuff can happen. so the senator from west virginia, you can sell all your coal stocks and still have a fine life. you'll make it to the end. very few people break a hundred, senator. you might. but i believe you can do it. just let go and let the young people make changes. >> i hope joe manchin is listening to you. you mentioned u.s. leadership on this. there hasn't been u.s. leadership at the global level primarily because the leadership at home is struggling to get the climate agenda passed in congress. joe biden is struggling to get the build back better bill with all the climate money through congress not just because of joe manchin and kyrsten sinema or gop obstructionism and climate denyism but also for want of a better phrase war on science the right has launched and facebook and social media has helped enable. bill, as someone who is famous for teaching americans especially kids including my kids about science, public messaging around science, how disappointed have you been in the way in which scientists have been ignored and even demonized in this country whether the battle against climate change or the fight against covid? how do we get past that? >> well, the longest journey, is this better? i just changed microphones. >> yes. much better. the science is working well. you sound clearer. go for it. >> somebody i could overhear one of your producers expressing concern if i can use that phrase. anyway, so this anti-science movement is very troubling and full of irony that the united states is the country that put people on the moon, is the united states that enables all these remarkable spacecrafts, the united states that has come up with the vaccines that most countries are embracing for this latest pandemic. it is heart breaking. i think young people are not going to put up with it. you know, when push comes to shove, you can't deny science and succeed. and i like to remind people, as i do so often, that in the u.s. constitution, which is available in paperback as i like to point out, i've done this many times on your network. in article 1 section 8 clause 8, refers to the progress of science and useful arts. so to deny science is if i may un-constitutional. and so that is a very difficult challenge. everybody, if you want to do something about climate change, people ask me continually, what should i do about climate change. talk about it. if we were talking about climate change the way we're talking about any number of other issues, we'd be doing something about it. so if you want to do something, this idea, this notion that individual action will solve the problem in the classic example recycle your water bottle and everything will be fine is just not the case with climate change. we need big ideas. we need big investment. and in my opinion which i got the impression you were seeking, the united states has to be in the lead. if we can do one thing, magic wand fashion, it would be to address this gerrymandering that has polarized us so strongly. where people are able to live in congressional or county voting districts where you can be of one opinion and not have to compromise on your candidate and not have to participate in a conventional way. if we can do one thing, talk about it, and then the second thing is let's ungerrymander the country >> i love it. you said i was interested in your views. i am definitely always interested in your views as are my kids. normally i just expect scientific opinions from you but tonight i've gotten the constitution and i've got gerrymandering. i love it. bill nye, we have to leave it there. last word? >> well, just where is anti-science coming from? from a small minority that has become very vocal. kind of by accident. we didn't intend to have these gerrymandering districts become so influential that the united states abandoned this clause of the constitution, but that's what's happened right now. so we got to shift this back and the sooner the better. and support young people who are involved in this fight because they are the future. so thank you. >> i could not agree with you more. i am so glad you highlighted the role of minority rule and minority opinion when it comes to all of this anti-scientific guff we're having to deal with these days. bill nye always appreciate you joining us on the show. thank you. coming up, is america a center left country? or a center right country? some might say it depend who you ask. if you want facts don't ask senator manchin. my 60-second rant is up next. but first richard lui is here with the headlines. >> hello. good evening you to. stories this hour, southwest airline employee in the hospital after unruly passenger assaulted her on saturday. according to police the passenger argued with several employees before punching one in the head. the victim is in stable condition. monday austria is locking down unvaccinated people, banned from restaurants, hotels, theaters, and ski lifts. violators face as much as 1,000 euro or more. europe had over 2 million new cases last week breaking all records. and the duke ellington school of arts set to rename its theater after dave chappelle is postponing the ceremony. he came under fire after statements from "the closer" were called anti-trans. more of the mehdi hasan show after this break. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris welcome back. it is time for what i call the 60 second rant. has congress finally set to vote on the build back better bill tomorrow joe manchin wants us to believe it is too right wing for america. >> we are a center if anything center right country as being shown. >> is he having a laugh? this is not a center right country. don't gas light us. facts matter. the republican body won the popular vote at the presidential level just once since 1988. check out the senate, never mentions how the 50 republican senators in the center right country represent 41 million fewer americans. the policies in the build back better bill, paid family leave, lowering prescription drug prices, hugely popular with americans. if you ignore the ways the electoral college and gerrymandering gave republicans a nice boost come election time but if you look at actual views and voting patterns they are very much center left. facts matter. coming up does the u.s. have the moral credibility to stand up to chinese authoritarianism? my interview with a world renowned artist and chinese dissident is next. plus did you know the mehdi hasan show is available as a podcast? now you can listen on the go any time for free wherever you get your podcasts. moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. one of the biggest challenges america faces on the global stage is a rising china. as beijing's influence around the world grows its economy is poised to overtake the u.s. by the end of this decade. what of human rights? in a new report released this week the u.s. holocaust memorial museum concluded the chinese government's horrific treatment of the uighur muslims may rise to the level of genocide. with so many american institutions still happily doing business with china while american politics gets more and more authoritarian you have to ask does the u.s. have the moral credibility to stand up to china? one of the biggest critics of the chinese government is internationally renowned artist ai weiwei the winner of multiple awards. you probably remember the bird's nest stadium he helped design for the 2008 beijing olympics. shortly after that he was taken into custody and held in secret detention for 81 days. in the years after his release he left the country and has continued to call out china's violation of human rights and lack of democracy. he is out with a powerful new memoir, "1,000 years of joys and sorrows" and i spoke with ai weiwei earlier today. thank you so much for joining me on this show tonight. you write toward the end of your new memoir, "1,000 years of joys and sorrows," quote, advocacy of freedom is inseparable from an effort to attain it, for freedom is not a goal but a direction. what direction do you think the united states is currently going in in terms of securing freedom, protecting democracy. you have been a victim of, a student of, critic of authoritarianism in china. is america on a path to authoritarianism in your view? >> you know, my view, unfortunately, i can see so many signs of american culture moving toward a different kind of authoritarian state. >> it is a different kind of state. how so? >> well, you have this capitalism which is dominating but that is really controlled by cooperative culture, which has become very global and actually it is a new sign of colonial, new colonial practice. and under that, in many ways, the u.s. culture becomes more polarized, education, media, and the general political condition becomes more and more seeking for other unified idea just to be politically correct. >> do you see any irony in a republican party that talks and warns of chinese authoritarianism abroad but is cracking down on voting rights and banning books at home? >> i think whoever the party is, as long as there is limited freedom of speech, it will be a disaster and the disaster follows any society if they crash down on freedom of speech. >> some might say china is a totalitarian state and what is happening to the uighurs is horrific. it is a nuclear armed super power now and we can't afford to start world war 3 with them not over the uighurs, not over taiwan, not over everything. what do you say to that argument that is often expressed here in the west? >> i think that is even before any kind of confrontation those people just try to find an excuse to see, surrender, surrender to authoritarianism and give up what we have. so i think that will quickly lead the u.s. or the west to a much worse condition. >> one of your most famous projects was the iconic birds nest stadium you worked on for the 2008 beijing olympics. the games of course were a big pr win for china on the global stage. given the brutal treatment you suffered at the hands of the ccp at the time and since, you must regret in hindsight looking back on your life and being unwittingly helping burnish china's image abroad at the time. >> well, at the time, i was focused on architecture. i think -- to help democracy and freedom in china. very soon close to the opening day i realized this was going to be pure propaganda for the party. that is why i openly criticized it. >> you did and you suffered for that criticism. last quick question. you're a world renowned artist who was imprisoned in china ten years ago. you write about it in great detail in your new memoir and tell the story of your father a renowned chinese poet yet he was sent to a labor camp. you write about how he was forced to clean toilets. what do you think it is about art and poetry that so bothers, gets under the skins of totalitarians? >> art and poetry is about independent mind. it is really coming from humanity, who we are, and always talks about the very basic human emotions and rights. so that is completely a violation of authoritarian control. they cannot stand not to do anything to that so they have to crash independent mind. >> yes they do. well said. ai weiwei thank you very much for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. next, a group of conservatives mainly conservatives are starting their own university in texas to help keep free speech alive. funny i didn't know it was dead. stick around. i'll break it down for you. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challengek season,” is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. i order my groceries online now. shingles doesn't care. i keep my social distance. shingles doesn't care. i stay within my family bubble. shingles doesn't care. because if you've had chicken pox, you're already carrying the virus that causes shingles. in fact, about 1 in 3 people will develop shingles, and the risk only increases as you age. so what can protect you against shingles? shingrix protects. now you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after vaccination with shingrix. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. talk to your pharmacist or doctor about protecting yourself with shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but we do. the bizarre conservative crusade against liberal education system continued last week. when a group of higher education critics announced plan to open a college, a university. dedicated to protecting free speech. the university of austin. according to to their web site. if it's good enough for musk and roguen. it's good enough for us. talk about inspiration. to be clear, this is a university when no degrees. no accreditation. no campus. but the mission is save free speech. check out some of the people behind it. you remember the ex"new york times" opinion editor. bullied out of the paper. or her work in college. she was part of the group that launched a campaign against palestinian professors. demanding they change the curriculum making it easier to file complaints against the professor. jeopardizing job security. sounds like cancel culture. conservative historian. in 2018, leaked e-mails exposed his attempt to clelkt what he called opposition research on a liberal student. a student. at stanford. joining such esteemed company. former clinton treasure secretary. summers was accused of trying to urnds mine and silence him while he was president at harvard university. another member of the board. openly voiced her support for a host of bans. free speech. and finally we have stacy hawk. chair of the texas gop 2020 victory committee. she's involved nd this college. that's the same texas gop that this year passed a bill banning td teaching of critical race theory and 1619 project. from "new york times." in schools chlts all this new so called university has a lot to say about the culture war issues. it's web site says absolutely nothing about the actual biggest threat to free speech in america. gop authoritarianism. republicans. not lefty students. who are banning books and silencing academics. it's not a revolutionary institution committed to the noble cause of free expression. it's a cash grab. by hypocritical right wingers. coming up. at the top of the hour. the cocreator of netflix show. discussing what fans can except from the new season. stick around. more after this. this. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ see blood when you brush or floss is anything but ordinary. can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ when a truck hit my car, ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou that's all from me for this hour. catch me on the choice on peacock. monday through thursday. now i'm handing it over to my colleague ayman. have you seen this latest bizarre attack by musk on another sitting united states senator? sanders tweeted. not targeting anyone in particular. we must demand the wealthy pay their fair share period. he responds i keep forgoting you are still alive. which is a charming thing for the world's richest man to say to a 80 year-old senator. after he made a crude comment to another senator. calling for a billionaire tax. his net worth went up 600% during the pandemic. he can say and do whatever he wants? >> it's just super-crass and rude. to say for a u.s. sitting senator. even sanders wasn't talking about him specifically. he didn't address him. he's calling on all wealthy billionaires and americans to pay their fair share of taxes. not even more. what makes it so ironic and what caught my attention. his companies benefitted from taxpayer dollars. they are the example of how subsidies in the country helped corporations. and even during the pandemic. he received the aid stimulus from the government. i find it hypocritical and rude he's attacking bernie sanders. he's going after him in crass way. it's vulgar behavior. i just find it completely vulgar to do something like that. yet again. >> don't worry. he's got a lot of support. who come after anyone who dare criticize the great man musk. he's compared to iron man. tony stark gave his life to save the universe. e won't even pay enough taxes. his fair share. to save the country. it's a ridiculous comparison. rant over. >> not to mention the other tweet again as you mention very crass and rude. directed to -- absolutely. i won't talk about that. thanks as always. great show. >> good night. >> good evening, everyone. new polls show major public support for biden social spending plan. yet some democrats still say we can't afford it. that is very interesting. that's not what they have been saying about defense spending. we'll tell you about that. latino representation continues to struggle on tv and film. i'll take a look at one show that's working to change that narrative. ahead of closing arguments in wisconsin on &. we sat down with wendy to discuss

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Symbol , It Isn T Real Life , Cortez , Nature , Man , Kyle Rittenhouse , Shooting , Closing Arguments , Third , Homicide , Crimes , Trial , Men , 18 , Two , People , Case , Nbc News , Mother , Black Man , Think , Protest , State Lines , Police Shooting , Place , Wisconsin , Kenosha , Business , Lot , Gun For Protection , Scene , Teenager , Weapon , Gun , Son , Murderer , Jury , Donald J Trump , State , Wasn T , Know , City , The Street , Rioters , Mike Pence , Listen , Siege , Safety , Shape , Chants , Common Sense , Vote , Fraudulent , Jon , Trump Standards , Despicable , Threats , Words , Paul Gosar , President , Incitement , Rittenhouse , Right , Leader , Silent , House , Kevin Mccarthy , Nine , Caller , Infrastructure Bill , Caucus Members , New York Times , Aoc , 13 , One , Another , Nicole Malliotakis , Stair Case , Messages , Rot , Wrists , Don Bacon , Adam Kinzinger , Surveys , Party Line , Stream , Traylor , Insanity , Attitudes , 2021 , Americans Don T , Use , Force , Them , Restore , 21 Million , 20 , 1 , Fact , School Board Members , Masks , Flight Attendants , Abstract , Gun Sales , Militias , Record Number , Who , Air , Dare , Guns , Terrorists , Guy , Capital , Pickup Truck , Bomb , Verge , Author , Public Policy Professor , The Field Of Blood , Story , Expert Guest , Joann Freeman , Yale History Professor , Predictor , Something , Figure , Warning , George Mason University , Civil Conflict , Joann , Revolutions A Very Short Introduction , Twitter , Silence , Kind , Talk , Impact , Hatred , Compliance , Intimidation , Mistake , Fear , Rage , Rhetoric , Joanne , Terms , Expertise , Area , Party Platform , 1840 , Counts , The Word , 1850 , Behavior , Books , Much , Tweet , List , Bullying , Things , He Didn T , Goal , Power , Lead , Demographics , Southern Slave Holders , Shouldn T , Congressmen , Wouldn T , Stand Up Against Slavery , Someone , First Civil War , Jack , Critics , Political Science , Second Civil War , Principles , Hyperbolic , Direction , Dr , Haven T , Question , Texas , Arms , Seceding , Ted Cruz , Form , Attacks , Law Enforcement , Tense , Capitol January 6th , Show , Guard Rails , Me America , News , Elsewhere , Alarm , Balances , Checks , 2024 , 2020 , Thought , Directions , Knowledge , Sort , American History , Government , Sense , Process , Upside , Rise , Thing , Say , Change , Instability , Fun , Yes , Move , Holding America Back , Research , Stress Indicator , Inequality , Colleagues , Conflicts , Revolutions , Cause , Factors , Symptom , Stresses , Factor , Problems , Wasn T Trump , Advantage , Collapse , Issues , Candidate , Trust , Accumulation , Voices , Media , Politics , Opponents , Traitors , Danger , Elections , Town Meeting , The Next Step , Thoughts , Hearing , Leaders , Anyone , Ballot Box , Differences , Enemy , Others , Outlier , Building Anger , Consent , Caucuses , Mitch Mcconnell , Pence , Guys , Jonathan Karl , Ways , Rightly , The Great Man Theory Of History , Isn T , 1860 , 1960 , 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Countries , Deforestation , Pledges , Nations , Punt , Phasing , Arm Attendees , Guardian , Climate Heating , 1 5 , Solution , Emissions , Warming , Paris Climate Accord , 2 4 , Course , Conference , Attendees , Hopes , Drawing , Target , Road Map , Celebration , Science Educator , Take , Score Out , Nail , Coffin , Scotland , 10 , Time , Least , 2 , 3 , 5 , Hague , Back , Cop 6 , A Hundred Thousand , Changes , Meeting , Bill , Wording , India , Key , Side , Atmosphere , Spilling , Magic Wand Fashion , Better , English , Paris , Buenos Aires , Holland , Phase , Prepositions , Willingness , Family Business , Coal State Senator , Silver Lining , Climate Action , Senate , Fossil Fuel Emissions , Educator , Burning , Objections , Concerns , Everybody , Word , Dog , Existence , Existential , Economy , Engineering Degree , Downturn , Whatever , None , Objective , Senator , Hundred , The End , Coal Stocks , West Virginia , A Hundred , Build , Leadership , Level , Climate , Agenda , There Hasn T , Climate Money , Social Media , Want , Kyrsten Sinema , Climate Denyism , Gop Obstructionism , Facebook , Country , Kids , Scientists , Teaching Americans , Messaging , Fight , Somebody , Microphones , Longest Journey , Covid , Movement , Irony , Producers , Concern , Moon , Pandemic , Vaccines , Spacecrafts , Heart Breaking , When Push Comes To Shove , U S Constitution , Clause , Article , Paperback , Progress , 8 , Challenge , Arts , Number , Idea , Action , Ideas , Example , Water Bottle , Notion , Gerrymandering , Opinion , Investment , Impression , County , Voting Districts , Views , Opinions , Minority , Accident , Gerrymandering Districts , Coming Up , Minority Rule , Guff , America A , Facts , Rant , Some , Headlines , Richard Lui , Passenger , Victim , Head , Employees , Hospital , Southwest Airline Employee , More , Condition , Violators , Theaters , Restaurants , Ski Lifts , Hotels , Europe , 1000 , 2 Million , 1000 Euro , Duke Ellington School Of Arts , Closer , Theater 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Center , Popular Vote , Body , Don T Gas Light Us , Laugh , 1988 , Senators , Prescription Drug Prices , Family Leave , 41 Million , 50 , Electoral College , Boost , Voting Patterns , Artist , Credibility , Interview , Voltaren , Wherever , Podcasts , Arthritis Pain Relief , Moves , Gel , Alternative , Family , Taste , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Choices , Moderate , Splash , Choice , Redness , Otezla , Cream , Injection , Pill , Skin , Plaques , Scaliness , Thickness , 75 , Ingestion , Risk , Muscle Pain , Depression , Prescribing Information , Joint Swelling , Diarrhea , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Requirement , Vomiting , Doctor , Treatment , Headache , Feelings , Weight Loss , History , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Planning , China , Stage , Human Rights , Challenges , Report , Influence , U S Holocaust Memorial Museum , Institutions , Genocide , American Politics , Uighur Muslims , Ai Weiwei , 2008 Beijing Olympics , Winner , Awards , Design , Bird S Nest Stadium , 2008 , Violation , Democracy , Custody , Detention , Lack , 81 , Memoir , Sorrows , Joys , Freedom , Quote , Effort , Advocacy Of Freedom , View , Critic , Student Of , Path , Signs , American Culture , Capitalism , Colonial , Cooperative Culture , Culture , Colonial Practice , Education , Seeking , Party , Voting Rights , Freedom Of Speech , Disaster , Society , Argument , Super Power , World War , Taiwan , West , Confrontation , Excuse , Surrender , Projects , Birds Nest , Stadium , Pr Win , Ccp , Hands , Games , Image , Architecture , Propaganda , Poet , Criticism , Father , Detail , Art , Poetry , Labor Camp , Skins , Toilets , Totalitarians , Mind , Rights , Humanity , Human Emotions , Control , Conservatives , Group , Next , Harvard University , Speech , Shawn , Season , Walgreens , Challengek Season , Prilosec Otc , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Shingles Doesn T Care , Distance , Groceries , Shingles , Virus , Chicken Pox , Bubble , Shingrix , Vaccine , 90 , Vaccination , Injection Site , Swelling , Dose , Reactions , Ingredients , Tiredness , Side Effects , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Stomach , Fever , Shivering , Pharmacist , College , Crusade , Liberal Education System , Musk , Web Site , Free Speech , Enough , Inspiration , Roguen , Degrees , Campus , Mission , Accreditation , Part , Campaign , Professors , Paper , Work , Ex , Opinion Editor , Curriculum , Complaints , Professor , Job Security , Sounds , Clinton Treasure Secretary , Student , Attempt , Company , Opposition Research , E Mails , At Stanford , Clelkt , 2018 , Summers , Board , Host , Bans , Chair , Stacy Hawk , Bill Banning Td Teaching , Schools , Project , Race Theory , Nd , 1619 , Nothing , Culture War Issues , Students , Institution , Academics , Expression , Right Wingers , Cash Grab , Fans , Cocreator Of Netflix Show , Liberty , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Liberty Uh , In My Life , Husband , Heart Attack , 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show 20240709

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tomorrow steve bannon is expected to turn himself in and appear in court after being indicted for contempt of congress. he has refused to testify before the house select committee investigating the january 6th violent insurrection. members of congress are believed to be particularly interested in these remarks bannon made on his podcast just a day before the attack on congress. >> it is going to be quite extraordinarily different. all i can say is strap in. the war room, a posse, you have made this happen and tomorrow it is game day. all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it's going to be moving. it's going to be quick. >> all hell did break loose. hundreds of police officers assaulted with poles and bats and sticks. armed insurrectionists invading the hallways of congress. a domestic terror attack as the fbi director later called it. ten months later we are not out of the woods. political violence and the threat of it is all around us. consider these three stories from the past few days. first, house democrats move to formally censure arizona republican congressman over an animated video that shows him killing democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio o cortez and later attacking president biden with swords. he accused everyone of gross mischaracterization of his video. i do not espouse violence or harm towards any member of congress or mr. biden. the cartoon depicts the symbolic nature of a battle between lawful and unlawful policies and is no way intended to be a targeted attack against representative cortez or mr. biden. it is a symbolic cartoon. it is not real life. just a symbol. a cartoon. it isn't real life he says. you know what is real life? the trial of kyle rittenhouse in which closing arguments are expected tomorrow. this is the 18-year-old white man charged with intentional and reckless homicide and other crimes after fatally shooting two men and injuring a third who were protesting the shooting, police shooting of a black man in kenosha, wisconsin. today kyle's mother who drove him across state lines to the protest was asked by nbc news why he was even there in the first place. >> what do you say to people who look at this case and think, this teenager had no business bringing a military style weapon to this chaotic scene. >> a lot of people shouldn't have been there. you know? and he brung that gun for protection. and to this day if he didn't have that gun my son would have been dead. >> whether she is right, whether her son is a murderer, i'll let a jury decide. what i do know is he shouldn't have been in a city and state that wasn't his own with a gun that he wasn't legally entitled to have shooting at people in the street. former president donald trump when asked about the january 6th rioters who threatened to hang mike pence, defended them quite emphatically, refused to condemn them. take a listen. >> were you worried about him during that siege? were you worried about his safety? >> no, i thought he was well protected and i had heard he was in good shape. no. because i had heard he was in very good shape. >> you heard those chants. that was terrible. >> he could have -- well the people were very angry. >> saying hang mike pence. >> because it's common sense, jon. it's common sense that you're supposed to protect. how can you -- if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to congress? >> it's common sense. donald trump there hanging mike pence out to dry. despicable and even by trump standards pretty shocking. so what do all these stories have in common? why should they worry us? why are they starting to keep me up at night? two words. political violence. we live in an era in which threats of violence from the likes of gosar, acts of violence from the likes of rittenhouse, and incitement of violence from the former president are not just all around us but are being normalized and even amplified daily. this is the modern right, the modern republican party. for nine days the republican leader in the house kevin mccarthy has been completely, shamefully silent about paul gosar's threat against aoc and even been silent about right wing threats against his own caucus members, the 13 republicans who dared to vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. one caller reports the "new york times" told adam kinzinger to slit his wrists and rot in hell. another hoped don bacon would fall down a stair case. nicole malliotakis with angry messages tagging her as a traylor because they voted against the party line and with those evil democrats. insanity right? it gets worse. sorry to inform you but these violent attitudes are far more widespread and main stream than you might want to believe. surveys taken throughout 2021 find nearly 1 in 20 americans, 21 million of them, find that use of force is justified to restore donald j. trump to the presidency. 21 million americans. nor is this theoretical or abstract. check out the actual violent threats against school board members, election officials, flight attendants who dare to ask people to wear masks in the air. guns, militias, in fact the near record number of gun sales this year. the domestic terrorists who keep getting caught including the guy arrested near the capital this summer after claiming to have a bomb in his pickup truck. i could go on because there is more. these days sadly there is always more. but are we on the verge of a new era of massive violence? new civil war even as some on the far right openly fantasize about? i can't believe i am having to ask this out loud. hey, what do i know? let's ask my expert guest a civil war historian and predictor. joann freeman is a yale history professor and author of the acclaimed book "the field of blood the previously untold story of the violence that helped spark the civil war" and a public policy professor at george mason university who warned of a trump-like figure coming to office many years ago and is now warning of civil conflict. the author of "revolutions a very short introduction." thank you both for joining me. joann, i want to read something you posted on twitter about the threat of political violence in 2021 america. you said i think dismissing this kind of talk as just talk is a mistake. it's about intimidation, pushing people into compliance or silence. threats need to be believable to have an impact not carried out. rage, hatred, fear, intimidation, their party platform. just to be clear, joanne, are you suggesting what we saw in terms of violent and dangerous rhetoric in the 1840s and the run up to the civil war your area of expertise is comparable to what we're seeing in america today specifically on the right? >> well, he wouldn't use the word civil war. i wouldn't say just like in the 1850s we're headed into a civil war. i think we need to be careful with words on all counts and the phrase civil war is one. i would say that kind of behavior i mentioned in the tweet and that kind of bullying behavior and you had an amazing list of much of it i would throw in the talk of banning books among other things. all of this talk, all of these threats, aren't necessarily being carried out but they don't have to be to have power. the goal of that kind of threat is to frighten people into silence or compliance. that is what it's all about and what you did see among southern slave holders in congress in the lead up to the civil war. they were afraid demographics were turning against them and they began to use threats and violence against northern congressmen to silence them so that they wouldn't stand up against slavery. you certainly see this kind of behavior. i don't want to say it is just words but the words have a real impact and shouldn't be dismissed as such. >> and threats against sitting members of congress are up a lot this year post insurrection. jack, you are someone who warned years ago that a trump like figure would emerge and you were right about that, sadly. you now refer to the civil war as the first civil war. given what joanne just said are you seriously predicting or warning of a second civil war because critics might say that signed hyperbolic. >> well, it does. we should be frightened because both the principles of political science and the history dr. freeman tells us are pointing in the same direction. they are suggesting that the next few years will be a period of political violence such as we haven't seen in this country for decades if not for over a century. i don't know if it will take the form of states seceding though ted cruz has openly raised the question for texas. but i do think we will see americans taking up arms against other americans. and for me, that is civil war. >> i mean, we don't even have the future tense we have seen this year, americans taking up arms not only against fellow americans but against their beloved law enforcement and police officers at the capitol january 6th and multiple attacks since. smart people who responded to my alarm on this show and elsewhere what i'm seeing and reporting on every day in the news by telling me america's checks and balances have worked before and they'll work again. the guard rails held in 2020 and they'll hold in 2024. i am not persuaded. given your knowledge of american history, are you? >> i think that is a dangerous thought. i'll respond to that sort of in two directions. i think we're in a moment that's highly contingent. we really don't know what is going to happen next. i think if americans have this sense we are exceptional and our government always works and things never slip in an authoritarian direction, that is not us, not the united states, i think that's dangerous. we certainly are seeing the rise of people who are dismissing the entire democratic process as unnecessary and sort of brushing it aside. now, that said, during this kind of moment when we don't know what's going to happen, the upside of that is we can work for positive change. moments of instability like the present are no fun to live through and we can all say that and i'm sure watching us is thinking the same thing. however, that can be a moment when people come together to try and move things in a better direction closer to what america can be as opposed to clinging to power and holding america back to what it was several decades ago. >> yes, holding america back. very well put. jack, you and some of your colleagues have used your research into revolutions and civil conflicts to create this political stress indicator, which is rising rapidly, much in the same way it did before the u.s. civil war. inequality i know is a big factor. what are the other big factors in that and is it fair to say that trump is a symptom of these factors and stresses? he is not the cause, is he? if it wasn't trump it would be another authoritarian taking advantage of america's problems. is that fair? >> i think that's fair. what we are seeing is accumulation of stresses including rising inequality, a collapse in trust in government that goes far beyond the issues of one candidate or president, and what we're seeing are both voices that are dangerous and silence that's dangerous. that is we're seeing voices in the media and politics encouraging people to be angry, to treat their political opponents as traitors. people who are a danger to america. and therefore people are naturally saying as was raised in one town meeting, when do we get to shoot people? if democrats are traitors who are ruining the country and we can't trust elections, what's the next step? so those are the voices we are hearing. but equally dangerous is the silence. we're not hearing political leaders say, put away those thoughts and words of violence. this is america. we all love this country. we'll settle our differences the way americans do at the ballot box. that is where we're going to win. we're not going to fight. we're going to take anyone who threatens or uses violence and treat them as an enemy, an outlier, not someone to be followed. but the silence is stunning whether kevin mccarthy or others. we're not hearing that. and the silence allows the voices that are building anger and fomenting hatred to grow. that's what really scares me. >> and in the case of kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell and others, clearly, their silence is shameful. it is cowardly. it is inciting future attacks on their own caucuses. it is consent i'm sorry to say in the way they're behaving. that is what their silence tells me. in the case of donald trump it is not even silence. he is telling jonathan karl on tape yeah what the guys did with pence was understandable. common sense. let me ask you this before we run out of time. we talk about the political stress indicator. people look at history and you know the great man theory of history. one person changed things around and a lot of people pushed back. in recent years we have obsessed over trump rightly and wrongly in many ways. isn't it true we need to think much more about the common factors that lead to political violence where the 1860s or 1960s or now the 2020s? >> i absolutely agree. i think trump is a symptom and not the cause in and of himself. the fact that he rose to power and has gotten the kind of support he's gotten for the kind of behavior and rhetoric that he is using, that's revealing. but i don't think you can pin everything to one man. and i think he helped strip confidence and trust in the national government down. he sort of helped pull that away from people. i think it's the process. if you can't really transplant the founders in here very often but one thing they would say is they counted on the process, the political process to be turned to. that is what they were creating with the constitution. a process that americans could turn to to help them in times of crisis. that is important. and if americans don't have faith in that process, that's a big problem and that doesn't boil down to one man. >> and the founders never anticipated rupert murdoch or mark zuckerberg's role in this either. that is another conversation for another day. appreciate your time and analysis. fascinating if rather depressing conversation but important. we need to be talking about this stuff. thank you so much. >> thank you. still to come, senator joe manchin says america is a center right country. really? that's not at all true. i'll explain why in my 60-second rant tonight. plus mixed reviews on cop 26. bill nye is here to talk about the war on science and climate change. a threat that is already killing people, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. only comcast business' secure network solutions give you the power of sd-wan and advanced security integrated on our activecore platform so you can control your network from anywhere, anytime. it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. after 14 days of marathon talks, the cop 26 climate conference has come to a close in glasgow. depending who you ask it was either an earth shattering success or a dismal failure. the deal includes a plan to tackle the use of fossil fuels as well as an agreement emissions have to fall by 45% by 2030. there is a plan for carbon markets, new mandate to tackle methane, and plans to end deforestation. there are some big things still missing. the wealthiest nations made no clear pledges on financial support for lower income countries. the language on reducing coal was watered down in a last-minute punt by coal giants china and india who managed to strong arm attendees to changing the language from phasing out the use of coal to phasing down as the guardian put it this week the goal of 1.5 degrees celsius of climate heating is alive but only just. here's why. each country's current emissions plans will only limit global warming to an estimated 2.4r degrees celsius well above the planned 1.5 in the paris climate accord. what is the solution for that? well, i guess we'll hold another conference of course. attendees have agreed to meet next year with the hopes of drawing a road map to reach the crucial 1.5 target. so what can the planet take from this deal? is it cause for celebration? or the final nail in the coffin? joining me for his take is science educator and prominent author bill nye. welcome back to the show. give me a score out of 10. what do you make of this deal in scotland? >> oh, this is an unexpected question. not 5. 2, 3. something like that. at least people are more, at least for the first time, for the first time, they are mentioning coal. coal was never even brought up. i was at cop 6 back in the hague. at least it's mentioned. i just feel that people, you know, the people who were protesting every day i guess a hundred thousand people over the course of two weeks, when young people are running the show, they're not going to put up with this and they're going to make changes. so for that i'm hopeful. it is way better that people are meeting than not meeting. >> yes. you mentioned coal, a major sticking point. china and india managed to get the wording watered down to phase down coal rather than phase out. how vital is it, bill, coal reduction? how vital is it when we look at climate change threat? >> people on my side of it, it is the key. a key. you can't keep burning coal. we can't keep spilling or allowing methane to leak into the atmosphere. we have to stop. so our side of it is the sooner the better. right now the better. so the thing is all conducted in english. whether it's in the hague in holland, whether it is in paris or buenos aires or wherever it is conducted in english. it is quite significant to change prepositions from phase out to phase down. but at least phase is in there. >> i admire your willingness to look for that silver lining. at least phase is in there. >> well, i mean -- >> if you could sit down with a coal state senator in the u.s. like joe manchin whose family business is coal, almost single handedly blocking climate action in the senate. you are an educator. what would you say to him to allay his concerns and objections when it comes to reducing fossil fuel emissions, specifically the burning of coal? >> what we always do is what makes you say that, senator? what makes you presume climate change is not this catastrophic threat? everybody's favorite word now. existential. it means our existence is threatened by this. what makes you think it is not a huge, dog gone big deal? you know, people say we can't affect or slow the economy while we're trying to recover from the economic downturn. no, the time is now. and so the problem everybody now understands, born in the u.s., from the u.s., an engineering degree from the u.s. whatever. so i am not perhaps objective. but as objective as i can be the united states has to lead. without the united states in the lead, none of this stuff can happen. so the senator from west virginia, you can sell all your coal stocks and still have a fine life. you'll make it to the end. very few people break a hundred, senator. you might. but i believe you can do it. just let go and let the young people make changes. >> i hope joe manchin is listening to you. you mentioned u.s. leadership on this. there hasn't been u.s. leadership at the global level primarily because the leadership at home is struggling to get the climate agenda passed in congress. joe biden is struggling to get the build back better bill with all the climate money through congress not just because of joe manchin and kyrsten sinema or gop obstructionism and climate denyism but also for want of a better phrase war on science the right has launched and facebook and social media has helped enable. bill, as someone who is famous for teaching americans especially kids including my kids about science, public messaging around science, how disappointed have you been in the way in which scientists have been ignored and even demonized in this country whether the battle against climate change or the fight against covid? how do we get past that? >> well, the longest journey, is this better? i just changed microphones. >> yes. much better. the science is working well. you sound clearer. go for it. >> somebody i could overhear one of your producers expressing concern if i can use that phrase. anyway, so this anti-science movement is very troubling and full of irony that the united states is the country that put people on the moon, is the united states that enables all these remarkable spacecrafts, the united states that has come up with the vaccines that most countries are embracing for this latest pandemic. it is heart breaking. i think young people are not going to put up with it. you know, when push comes to shove, you can't deny science and succeed. and i like to remind people, as i do so often, that in the u.s. constitution, which is available in paperback as i like to point out, i've done this many times on your network. in article 1 section 8 clause 8, refers to the progress of science and useful arts. so to deny science is if i may un-constitutional. and so that is a very difficult challenge. everybody, if you want to do something about climate change, people ask me continually, what should i do about climate change. talk about it. if we were talking about climate change the way we're talking about any number of other issues, we'd be doing something about it. so if you want to do something, this idea, this notion that individual action will solve the problem in the classic example recycle your water bottle and everything will be fine is just not the case with climate change. we need big ideas. we need big investment. and in my opinion which i got the impression you were seeking, the united states has to be in the lead. if we can do one thing, magic wand fashion, it would be to address this gerrymandering that has polarized us so strongly. where people are able to live in congressional or county voting districts where you can be of one opinion and not have to compromise on your candidate and not have to participate in a conventional way. if we can do one thing, talk about it, and then the second thing is let's ungerrymander the country >> i love it. you said i was interested in your views. i am definitely always interested in your views as are my kids. normally i just expect scientific opinions from you but tonight i've gotten the constitution and i've got gerrymandering. i love it. bill nye, we have to leave it there. last word? >> well, just where is anti-science coming from? from a small minority that has become very vocal. kind of by accident. we didn't intend to have these gerrymandering districts become so influential that the united states abandoned this clause of the constitution, but that's what's happened right now. so we got to shift this back and the sooner the better. and support young people who are involved in this fight because they are the future. so thank you. >> i could not agree with you more. i am so glad you highlighted the role of minority rule and minority opinion when it comes to all of this anti-scientific guff we're having to deal with these days. bill nye always appreciate you joining us on the show. thank you. coming up, is america a center left country? or a center right country? some might say it depend who you ask. if you want facts don't ask senator manchin. my 60-second rant is up next. but first richard lui is here with the headlines. >> hello. good evening you to. stories this hour, southwest airline employee in the hospital after unruly passenger assaulted her on saturday. according to police the passenger argued with several employees before punching one in the head. the victim is in stable condition. monday austria is locking down unvaccinated people, banned from restaurants, hotels, theaters, and ski lifts. violators face as much as 1,000 euro or more. europe had over 2 million new cases last week breaking all records. and the duke ellington school of arts set to rename its theater after dave chappelle is postponing the ceremony. he came under fire after statements from "the closer" were called anti-trans. more of the mehdi hasan show after this break. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris welcome back. it is time for what i call the 60 second rant. has congress finally set to vote on the build back better bill tomorrow joe manchin wants us to believe it is too right wing for america. >> we are a center if anything center right country as being shown. >> is he having a laugh? this is not a center right country. don't gas light us. facts matter. the republican body won the popular vote at the presidential level just once since 1988. check out the senate, never mentions how the 50 republican senators in the center right country represent 41 million fewer americans. the policies in the build back better bill, paid family leave, lowering prescription drug prices, hugely popular with americans. if you ignore the ways the electoral college and gerrymandering gave republicans a nice boost come election time but if you look at actual views and voting patterns they are very much center left. facts matter. coming up does the u.s. have the moral credibility to stand up to chinese authoritarianism? my interview with a world renowned artist and chinese dissident is next. plus did you know the mehdi hasan show is available as a podcast? now you can listen on the go any time for free wherever you get your podcasts. moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. one of the biggest challenges america faces on the global stage is a rising china. as beijing's influence around the world grows its economy is poised to overtake the u.s. by the end of this decade. what of human rights? in a new report released this week the u.s. holocaust memorial museum concluded the chinese government's horrific treatment of the uighur muslims may rise to the level of genocide. with so many american institutions still happily doing business with china while american politics gets more and more authoritarian you have to ask does the u.s. have the moral credibility to stand up to china? one of the biggest critics of the chinese government is internationally renowned artist ai weiwei the winner of multiple awards. you probably remember the bird's nest stadium he helped design for the 2008 beijing olympics. shortly after that he was taken into custody and held in secret detention for 81 days. in the years after his release he left the country and has continued to call out china's violation of human rights and lack of democracy. he is out with a powerful new memoir, "1,000 years of joys and sorrows" and i spoke with ai weiwei earlier today. thank you so much for joining me on this show tonight. you write toward the end of your new memoir, "1,000 years of joys and sorrows," quote, advocacy of freedom is inseparable from an effort to attain it, for freedom is not a goal but a direction. what direction do you think the united states is currently going in in terms of securing freedom, protecting democracy. you have been a victim of, a student of, critic of authoritarianism in china. is america on a path to authoritarianism in your view? >> you know, my view, unfortunately, i can see so many signs of american culture moving toward a different kind of authoritarian state. >> it is a different kind of state. how so? >> well, you have this capitalism which is dominating but that is really controlled by cooperative culture, which has become very global and actually it is a new sign of colonial, new colonial practice. and under that, in many ways, the u.s. culture becomes more polarized, education, media, and the general political condition becomes more and more seeking for other unified idea just to be politically correct. >> do you see any irony in a republican party that talks and warns of chinese authoritarianism abroad but is cracking down on voting rights and banning books at home? >> i think whoever the party is, as long as there is limited freedom of speech, it will be a disaster and the disaster follows any society if they crash down on freedom of speech. >> some might say china is a totalitarian state and what is happening to the uighurs is horrific. it is a nuclear armed super power now and we can't afford to start world war 3 with them not over the uighurs, not over taiwan, not over everything. what do you say to that argument that is often expressed here in the west? >> i think that is even before any kind of confrontation those people just try to find an excuse to see, surrender, surrender to authoritarianism and give up what we have. so i think that will quickly lead the u.s. or the west to a much worse condition. >> one of your most famous projects was the iconic birds nest stadium you worked on for the 2008 beijing olympics. the games of course were a big pr win for china on the global stage. given the brutal treatment you suffered at the hands of the ccp at the time and since, you must regret in hindsight looking back on your life and being unwittingly helping burnish china's image abroad at the time. >> well, at the time, i was focused on architecture. i think -- to help democracy and freedom in china. very soon close to the opening day i realized this was going to be pure propaganda for the party. that is why i openly criticized it. >> you did and you suffered for that criticism. last quick question. you're a world renowned artist who was imprisoned in china ten years ago. you write about it in great detail in your new memoir and tell the story of your father a renowned chinese poet yet he was sent to a labor camp. you write about how he was forced to clean toilets. what do you think it is about art and poetry that so bothers, gets under the skins of totalitarians? >> art and poetry is about independent mind. it is really coming from humanity, who we are, and always talks about the very basic human emotions and rights. so that is completely a violation of authoritarian control. they cannot stand not to do anything to that so they have to crash independent mind. >> yes they do. well said. ai weiwei thank you very much for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. next, a group of conservatives mainly conservatives are starting their own university in texas to help keep free speech alive. funny i didn't know it was dead. stick around. i'll break it down for you. oh... -shawn? yes. thank you. you're welcome. have a great day. if it's “that will leave a mark season,” it's walgreens season. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challengek season,” is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. i order my groceries online now. shingles doesn't care. i keep my social distance. shingles doesn't care. i stay within my family bubble. shingles doesn't care. because if you've had chicken pox, you're already carrying the virus that causes shingles. in fact, about 1 in 3 people will develop shingles, and the risk only increases as you age. so what can protect you against shingles? shingrix protects. now you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after vaccination with shingrix. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. talk to your pharmacist or doctor about protecting yourself with shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but we do. the bizarre conservative crusade against liberal education system continued last week. when a group of higher education critics announced plan to open a college, a university. dedicated to protecting free speech. the university of austin. according to to their web site. if it's good enough for musk and roguen. it's good enough for us. talk about inspiration. to be clear, this is a university when no degrees. no accreditation. no campus. but the mission is save free speech. check out some of the people behind it. you remember the ex"new york times" opinion editor. bullied out of the paper. or her work in college. she was part of the group that launched a campaign against palestinian professors. demanding they change the curriculum making it easier to file complaints against the professor. jeopardizing job security. sounds like cancel culture. conservative historian. in 2018, leaked e-mails exposed his attempt to clelkt what he called opposition research on a liberal student. a student. at stanford. joining such esteemed company. former clinton treasure secretary. summers was accused of trying to urnds mine and silence him while he was president at harvard university. another member of the board. openly voiced her support for a host of bans. free speech. and finally we have stacy hawk. chair of the texas gop 2020 victory committee. she's involved nd this college. that's the same texas gop that this year passed a bill banning td teaching of critical race theory and 1619 project. from "new york times." in schools chlts all this new so called university has a lot to say about the culture war issues. it's web site says absolutely nothing about the actual biggest threat to free speech in america. gop authoritarianism. republicans. not lefty students. who are banning books and silencing academics. it's not a revolutionary institution committed to the noble cause of free expression. it's a cash grab. by hypocritical right wingers. coming up. at the top of the hour. the cocreator of netflix show. discussing what fans can except from the new season. stick around. more after this. this. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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sanders tweeted. not targeting anyone in particular. we must demand the wealthy pay their fair share period. he responds i keep forgoting you are still alive. which is a charming thing for the world's richest man to say to a 80 year-old senator. after he made a crude comment to another senator. calling for a billionaire tax. his net worth went up 600% during the pandemic. he can say and do whatever he wants? >> it's just super-crass and rude. to say for a u.s. sitting senator. even sanders wasn't talking about him specifically. he didn't address him. he's calling on all wealthy billionaires and americans to pay their fair share of taxes. not even more. what makes it so ironic and what caught my attention. his companies benefitted from taxpayer dollars. they are the example of how subsidies in the country helped corporations. and even during the pandemic. he received the aid stimulus from the government. i find it hypocritical and rude he's attacking bernie sanders. he's going after him in crass way. it's vulgar behavior. i just find it completely vulgar to do something like that. yet again. >> don't worry. he's got a lot of support. who come after anyone who dare criticize the great man musk. he's compared to iron man. tony stark gave his life to save the universe. e won't even pay enough taxes. his fair share. to save the country. it's a ridiculous comparison. rant over. >> not to mention the other tweet again as you mention very crass and rude. directed to -- absolutely. i won't talk about that. thanks as always. great show. >> good night. >> good evening, everyone. new polls show major public support for biden social spending plan. yet some democrats still say we can't afford it. that is very interesting. that's not what they have been saying about defense spending. we'll tell you about that. latino representation continues to struggle on tv and film. i'll take a look at one show that's working to change that narrative. ahead of closing arguments in wisconsin on &. we sat down with wendy to discuss

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