Transcripts For MSNBC Kendis Gibson and Lindsey Reiser Repor

Transcripts For MSNBC Kendis Gibson and Lindsey Reiser Report 20240709

>> tomorrow is a big day for president biden as he gets ready to step signed that landmark bipartisan infrastructure bill into law. but donald trump is now threatening the republicans who supported it. plus -- >> bracing for a verdict. closing arguments in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, set to begin tomorrow morning. the national guard on standby, prepared for rising tensions in kenosha. >> everyone is on edge on what the results are either way. >> i'm just. white >> either way, people are going to be upset, no matter what. >> fair to play. packers quarterback aaron rodgers back on the field tonight, after coming down with covid. and the misleading the public about his vaccination status. all of that and more as we say good morning. it is sunday november 14th. i'm lindsey reiser. >> and i'm kendis gibson. we have a lot to get to right now. here from headquarters at nbc. we're gonna take you overseas right away from the live pictures taking place at this hour. our team of correspondents there on standby. those live pictures taking place overseas right now, this remembrance airmen were prince charles is there instead of his mother. of course, boris johnson is there. the queen was expected to make an appearance there. >> that was scrapped no fewer than two hours before she was supposed to show up here at this event. this is an event to honor the war dead in this country here. we just saw prince charles there. the royal family is out. we do know that this is due to a back sprain. not necessarily due to the medical issues that she has been dealing with over the last couple weeks that have kept her out the public. i >> will get into that in a moment. let's listen in and take in some of these pictures that are coming in from london at high noon, as it is there. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> so, the queen has been undertaking like duties at home. again, she was supposed to be at this event that was scrapped just about two hours before set to get begin. let's go now to matt bradley lose their. matt, we know that buckingham palace statement reads in part quote, her majesty is disappointed that she will miss the service. what more do we know? ore do we know >> well we've been speaking with royal ruptures. apparently this event was sacrosanct. that was the word they were using before the queen -- because remember guys, this remembrance day is the day that the treaty was signed and ding world war i. but the state doesn't just mark veterans who have lost their lives in world war i. it also marks all wars. the sacrifice made by all british men and women who died or were wounded in any work. that's why this is so important. the queen here wasn't just representing the state. she is of course, the head of state. she's also the head of the military. she's also representing a generation of british people who fought and died in successive worse. so important to this country. that's way of course, she's going to be that had to be missing this today. as you mentioned, this back spring, the palace ink that it is unrelated to these events of the past month. it's really raise a lot of worries about the queens health. remember, she was hospitalized for one night last month. that was the first time she'd been hospitalized in about seven or eight years. quite startling. she was supposed to attend -- excuse me, the united nations cup 20 negotiations for climate change in glasgow. she did didn't do that. instead she was able to record a video greeting for all the heads of states who did a ten. that was also a big deal for the queen, because all the members of the royal family, climate change is one of the few political issues where they actually do take a political stance. she had been, according to people who are close through oil family, really looking forward to attending the conference in glasgow. now, the fact that she's not attending this event today, that's going to raise even more concern. this is the seventh time in seven years of her reign that she's missed this event. you're speaking to me right in the middle of this event. it's happening down the street from where i am. this is of course buckingham palace, but it's happening at the cenotaph in whitehall, down the street. it's a very simple war memorial. as i said, prince charles is going to be there laying a reef. they sickly on her behalf. prince charles has laid the wreath on the queen's behalf for the past several years, mostly because the queen is still at an advanced age. even when she's healthy, she's 95 years old. next year, she's going to be celebrating 70 years of ruling this country. so, again, we talk about these issues, health problems. it's unclear just how serious they are. this back sprain, this is going to be a big issue for anybody who is 95 years old. even when we're talking about minor health hiccups, when your 95 years old, that's a big problem. when you're the head of state, when you have a constitutional role, that's going to raise a lot of concern. guys? >> absolutely. a lot of people wishing her well. princess and right now, laying air reef. and while you are speaking prince william as well as prince andrew -- prince edward, rather, did the same. i'm not sure if i've seen prince andrew there. of course, he is controversial member of the royal family. well we continue to watch these pictures and while matt, you can stand by right there, just down the road at buckingham palace. we want to bring in our guests camilla to mooney. nbc news royal contributor and analysts. camilla, did i pronounce your last name correctly? >> tammy. really appreciate you being here and on the line as we watch these pictures. what are we to make of this late word that we got from buckingham palace that the queen, she was supposed to make her first public appearance in several weeks, is now out because of a back screen? >> i think the last-minute nature of the decisions we've been given indicate just how this decision went down to the wire. and that would mean of course the queen would've been advising her against it she doesn't take these positions lightly. this is a day in the diary. it's not just for remembering her own generation but also of course, extra point in this year because of the death of the duke of edinburgh. his service in the royal navy during world war ii. so a very significant day. of course there are going to be concerns she's. 95 years old. but there are issues that need to be taken into account. the fact that she's been -- is indicative of the fact that the police has her understandably to be comfortable on engagement. some of these engagements as you know, require a lot of staffing and a lot of walking. as she's five years off her 100th birthday, she needs to be assured that she can be as comfortable as possible in such circumstance in. so yes it's going to be alarming when people talk about her health. but i actually think this is more of a case of her comfort and mobility at the state. >> camilla, it's all lindsey, thanks for joining us. when you talk about this event being sacrosanct to the queen. matt had mentioned the fact that she had to miss cop26. she just did a virtual appearance there and we knew that event meant a lot to her as well. we know it's still early. this news is really just breaking. what is the chatter this morning so far? what is the moon this morning so far with these events. matt saying this is the seventh time in nearly 70 years missing this event. >> of course when there is something wrong with the help of a 95 years old, it's only natural. but we need to take into account that she is the a.g.'s. but she's always been in robust physical and psychological health. we've enjoyed her being sprightly and sparkling for many years. and as matt said, we prepare to set her jubilee next year. but i think because of what lies ahead in the fact that she has got a busy schedule next year and she's been incredibly busy since the pandemic restrictions were lifted, she's returned to work with great gusto. perhaps too much gusto. perhaps she did too much. i think doctors are raining her in now because they know there's a great deal on the calendar next year. key events that like the cenotaph, she won't want to miss. >> camilla, do you feel as if buckingham palace has been on the up an up when it comes to what is exactly going on with the queens health. she had that stay in the hospital. we did not find out about it until after she had left the hospital. then she was on the docket for this appearance, scheduled to make this appearance here today. and just within hours of that is when they said she had a back spring. so unless that back strain happened within the last couple hours, it's leaving a lot of people to wonder how honest buckingham palace is. i think on the late notice it will be because they were going down to the wire because they wanted her to go. i think that probably is the explanation for that. there were concerns that the palace had been keeping the palace public in the dark, which really found out after she returned to windsor castle. it's difficult balancing. because yes there is public interest about knowing the queens health. and we have to write to notice if she isn't well. but we don't have a right to running commentary of her health. and to be given every point of what she's been tweet treated for, when and how. because of course we must respect her privacy. not least because she's 95. so yes, buckingham palace need to be straight with public, but they also need to be respectful of the fact that her majesty, alongside anybody, has the right to confidential medical records. >> that, indeed. and as we continue to look at these pictures that are taking place, it is 11 am in london. this is a warm remembrance ceremony that is taking place. it is one of the most solemn days on the british calendar. we got the news just within the last couple hours from buckingham palace that 95 year old queen who was supposed to make her first public appearance here in quite some time is out. unable to attend because of a back sprain. we noted some of her previous appearances that we saw, she was walking around with a key, which is the first time we've seen her do that in quite some years. since she had some surgery years back. once again, seen walking around with a cane. but now she is not making a public appearance as well. it is a very sad moment for many royal watchers who were hoping to see the queen back up and sprite at this event. >> including the queen herself. all right, we will say our thanks to matt bradley and camilla tominey. thank you both so much for joining us on this and we will stay tuned to come to do if they're any developments. >> will continue to watch the pictures from london as they continue to play. out there's a lot to talk about here in the u.s. as well. tomorrow, the former trump advisor steve bannon will surrender himself. now indicted for contempt of congress. >> it's a big move in the investigation into the january six investigation. democrats are hoping it will get other key witnesses, like mark meadows for example, to take this seriously and actually respond to subpoenas. it's set to be a big day in washington. nbc news reporter julie tsirkin is on capitol hill with a first look for us. julie, good morning. u>> good morning, tomorrow's going to be an important day for the january 6th select committee, because it crystallizes their congressional authority when investigating the attack on the capitol on january 6th. look, it doesn't bring them any closer to actually hearing from steve bannon. the former trump campaign advisor. because he is sure to drag out this court process at every step of the way. obviously, the january 6th select panel scored a legal victory here in steve bannon's indictment. and many on the committee and democrats in washington, despite the fact that they may not hear from steve bannon, despite this indictment, still think the department of justice took a very crucial step. the panel of course, face an uphill battle for many months during their investigation. largely because they are operating under a cloud of obstruction. because of the lack of support from republicans. let's hear from a democrat in the house though, his reaction on what message steve bannon's indictment sends to other witnesses subpoenaed by the committee. let's take a listen. let's take a listen. >> it sends a message that no american is above the law. that when congress asked for basic documents, when congress asked for you to testify, you comply. he should do but any american would do, which is comply with congress's request. >> connor there, top progressive in the house. he clearly backs bannon's indictment. what the committee hopes this will do is send a strong warning to mark meadows, former presidents chief of staff, that you mentioned at the top there. he actually miss his deposition on friday morning. the committee now hopes that bannon's indictment will course metals to cooperate. >> that right, julie tsirkin, thank you for your reporting. >> we're going to dive into all of this with some of our favorite legal and political experts next. including where former trump security adviser michael flynn could fit into all of this. and a little later in the hour -- (calls dog) buttercup... 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>> i would hope so. i mean, with the news that this event has drew, it shows that congressional democrats as well as the justice department are serious about enforcing these subpoenas. unfortunately, i think we are missing a lot of the trump -- finest in the court, trying to run out the clock as much as possible. >> and, in the meantime, we have michael flynn who tells tucker carlson, he would respond to the demands of the committee, but it is not exactly clear what he meant. do you expect to see more witnesses taking the process a little bit more seriously? >> i would hope, so i would hope that is what bannon's indictment means, but republicans love to say that they are for transparency, accountability, and rule of law but however they are showing over here they are taking zero accountability for their parties role in some of these bad actors, and i would say, criminal wrongdoers for the violent insurrection that happened on january 6th. they would just like to sweep this under the rug, continue to pedal the false narrative that the former president has been peddling on his road to 2024 campaign trail, and it is dangerous. so i would hope that bannon's indictment does cause some of these republicans to rethink their, whether or not they are above the law, which is what they think, quite frankly. that is extremely dangerous for the future of our democracy, if this is what they will continue to do. hopefully, they will not continue to obstruct this congressional committees efforts. but again, we have seen so much more from them, and it is really disheartening that this has become such a political issue when this is congress's job to be able to get to the bottom of what happened that day. the truth is pretty clear, accepted republicans refused to see the truth for what it is. >> sarah, i kind of want to go off of what ashley was just talking about here, and play a clip from yesterday. we had msnbc legal analyst on to talk about, really, what all of this means for the future. and, if it could be setting a precedent, let's listen. >> the reason this is so really prosecuted, is that by definition, 192 is a political prosecution. and by that i mean, it is unique, and that congress decides to prosecute. a committee decides to prosecute, and then the attorney must bring the prosecution so, if we as a society are comfortable going after someone like bannon, we must be prepared for when the other party gets in power, will they use the same criminal statute, now that the floodgates are open? >> sarah, what is your take on that? >> yes i mean, lindsey, the floodgates are open. and let's not forget that the doj has not charged anybody with congressional contempt in 38 years, last time was in 1983. but this is very significant. an indictment against bannon, because it sends a couple of messages. number one, this doj, at least this issue of insurrection of our government, he is not playing. this is hopefully not a one-off, it will be the first of many indictments against those who defy congressional subpoenas. and the larger, broader message is that this is no longer the trump doj that is, you know, weaponized political tool, to shield the president and his allies against criminal exposure. this is now the doj, back to its normal business, enforcing the rule of law, where no man is above the law, and that includes the president. so, we are dealing with a very different doj. we are dealing with an attorney general garland, keeping his promise that he made, that he will impose the rule of law. this case is very significant. because although it is unprecedented that we have had insurrection, and had to deal with the defiance of congressional subpoenas, it will set precedent going forward. >> tim, i want your take on all of this, because, and mind you, it is not related to the whole investigation into january 6th, but, perhaps michael flynn made some outrageous comments last night at an event. i will quote it here. he says, while he was speaking on stage, if you are going to have one nation under god, which we must, then we have to have one religion. it kind of gives you a sense, a statement, this outlandish statement, the kind of people that former president trump surrounded himself with, doesn't it? >> this is really just an extension of what we saw from the trump administration, an administration that is kind of a symbol of bigotry, pushing out as much discrimination, and oppression as you see there. michael flynn is the embodiment of all of that. that comment really kind of brings out the light of some of these concerns, legal concerns about whether or not this sets precedent for moving forward, if republicans, if this is something they should worry about. i do not think there is anything seen in the past, especially in 40 years, that shows the republicans would not, the ones who take over, would not be extremists, would not be going after their political opponents in a way that would be considered to be oppression. so i am not concerned about the legal precedent, because the trump administration, has broken almost every precedent you can think of in the last four years, the genie is out of the bottle at this point >> we will have to leave it there at this, point sara azari, ashley pratte oates and tim lim, thank you all for being here this morning, we appreciate. it >> the great town of kenosha this morning, hundreds of national guard troops are on standby, and a verdict in the trial that is dividing the country, a preview of tomorrow's closing arguments, with our legal expert. with our legal expert. voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. >> the city of kenosha, wisconsin, on edge bracing for a verdict in the trial kyle rittenhouse of. >> hundreds of national guard troops are on standby in case of unrest, as closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow morning. >> nbc's alison barber is in kenosha with the details. alison? >> kenosha wisconsin is a city on edge. i >> think everyone is in limbo. scared. >> the national guard activated and on alert. the state's governor authorizing 500 troops to support local law enforcement if needed, in the week of a verdict in the kyle rittenhouse homicide trial. >> we're really fragile right out, so everyone is on edge on what the results are either. we that violence will happen again. >> violence like one kenosha witness in august of last year, when then 17 year old kyle rittenhouse armed with an assault style rifle was on the chaotic streets of kenosha during protests following the police shooting of a black man. rittenhouse testifying this week that he shot three men, killing two, with what he says was self-defense. >> i didn't do anything wrong. i defended myself. >> the prosecution and defense are set to present closing arguments on monday. a judge will then deliver instructions through the jury. >> when it comes to jury instructions, how important are those in a case like this? >> jury instructions are everything in a criminal case. the judge is telling the jury what the law is. they've just spent a week or so listening to the facts and now the judge will tell them what to do with those facts. critical will be the actual homicide instructions that the judge decides to give. >> rittenhouse stands accused of six charges including intentional homicide. the judge in the case still set to rule whether not lasted charges requested by the prosecution may also be considered. 18 jurors are also following the proceedings but only 12 will decide rittenhouse's fate. they'll be selected randomly out of the strung. 18 jurors, all but one or white. >> all right, for more on this let's bring in criminal defense attorney -- senior trial counsel art joey jackson law. good morning, thank you for joining us on this. i want to ask you what your expectations are for tomorrow's closing's? what are you going to be watching for? >> the closing arguments are good to be long. long in the sense that the judge has already limited the closing arguments to two and a half hours for each party. tomorrow, both parties, the prosecution and the defense are going to leave it all on the floor. this is the last time that the jury will be able to hear from both sides and they want to make sure that they give it their all. the defense is going to focus that this instance took so quickly, five seconds. he had no other choice but to defend himself because he was scared of being killed. the prosecution is going to argue, look, kyle rittenhouse, not from kenosha, came into our city, into a volatile situation, armed with an ar-15 rifle that had 30 cartridges in sight of the firearm. and he was ready for whatever and was the one who provoked, provoked, this incident. >> and this nbc legal analysts are barbara mckee married wrote an op-ed about this case saying wisconsin's self-defense law is essentially generous and complicates things for the prosecution. she says quote, can rittenhouse argue even if he provoked others to attack him by openly cap carrying his rifle, he was stable able to use deadly force under wisconsin law because he reasonably believed he had no other alternatives at those moments to avoid death or great bodily harm. i mean, is she right here? especially when we know one of the victims here -- one of the people that the judge says we should refer to as victims -- was unarmed and essentially through a plastic bag at rittenhouse. is this going to be a crux of what it comes down to? s down to? >> absolutely. the law in wisconsin is so generous to the point where it doesn't make sense because they have this jury instruction of provocation. so normally if you provoke someone or your that nashville a rusher as we see in other states, then you can't avail yourself a self-defense. meaning, you start today and wants to start it you can't say oh, no, no, no. i was defending myself and had to kill the person. but under wisconsin law, it says that even though you promote provoke the incident, if you find within the incident as it happened that you had no other choice and used everything else you could have and you couldn't leave the situation, that you can still prevail yourself of justification. in addition to that, wisconsin is still one of 30 states that has the stand-your-ground's law. and it says there is no duty to retreat. so it's almost calling for this type of action out in wisconsin. >> okay, we're going to switch gears the gear -- for the man accused in ahmaud arbery's killing. day seven continues tomorrow. the defense attorney is expected to issue a formal apology after saying the court should limit the number of black pastors at that trial. we know msnbc host reverend al sharpton was there when he said that. the ref spoke to brian crump, one of the attorneys for arbery's family. let's listen. >> i've been in the civil rights struggle for decades. i went to numerous trials, police killings, racial killings -- i've never had anyone suggests that i or ministers should not be allowed to sit with the family. >> it is a completely asinine position that he took, reverend al. it is offensive on every level. we think it's an effort for him to try to get a mistrial, because the evidence is so overwhelming -- >> do you agree? and how agree just would that be? >> i don't think the judge is not going to issue a mistrial in this case. obviously the statements were not made in the presence of the jury. however, when i would say is this sends a loud message. the attorney for william bryant, for him in open court, in a courtroom that is open to everyone as long as you're not interfering or injuring with the proceedings or intimidating any of the witnesses or the parties inside of the court, then you are allowed to come in. that right is so big in this country, that convictions have been overturned when judges have told their -- clothes their courtrooms are not allowed individuals in. i will say this, the overturns makes you wonder. now i see why 11 of the qualified african american jurors were taken off of this jury. it just gives more emphasis to the racial overtones and potential discrimination during jury selection. i wonder what the judges thinking now. maybe i should've granted the grand prosecution -- >> all right we'll bernada villalona, have to leave it there. good to have you, thank you. >> we should mention in the next hour we're going to speak with a criminal defense attorney who has his own experience with the rittenhouse judge. he's going to weigh in on all that criticism. and the trump mcconnell feud ramps up. but now donald trump is calling him out. mcconnell that is. for hiding from angry republican voters. as we continue to watch these live pictures from the uk. just after 11:30 in the morning. this is remembered sunday. the queen was expected to be there. the other royals are there in her said. there was a last-minute change because of a health issue for the queen. ♪ ♪ ♪ and it works fast. in as little as 7 days try fast acting biotic gummies from align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at (music) at aetna, we're putting all other medicare plans on notice. with coverage and services that may include a $0 monthly plan premium telehealth emergency coverage while you travel an over-the-counter allowance plus dental, vision and hearing. because the right medicare plan should make you feel... yeah, like that aetna medicare advantage plans medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. call today to learn more. ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? 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>> yes, though there's a real disconnect in these numbers when you look at support for the presidents economic agenda, but then a low rating for his handling of the economy. specifically, his overall approval rating at 41%. but 39% saying they disapprove of his handling -- only 39% i should say -- approve of his handling of the economy. 70% of americans in the survey also saying they would rate the economy as negatively. most concerning for democrats, if you pull the generic ballot in the congressional elections next year, the midterms in 2022, 46% of voters say they would pick a republican republican candidate for congress. only 43% say they would choose the democratic candidate. this is why the president is going to be hitting the road after he signs the bill here at the white house tomorrow. trying to really get those numbers back up. we've got a preview of his message on friday, when he held his cabinet meeting. you talked about the importance of showing congress, democrats and republicans can work together. take a listen. take a>> proving we can still ce together. it's hard but we can still come together to get something big done for the american people. and the bill represents critical investments that are well overdue in our country. from rebuilding our roads and highways to getting rid of lead pipes and building clean water to thousands of -- actually, tens of millions of people around the nation. >> the white house says these invited all of those lawmakers, republicans and democrats, who worked on this bill. including those who voted for this bill. that would include senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. but mcconnell has said he's not going to attend. that actually drew some notice from former president donald trump, put out a statement yesterday saying that mitch mcconnell should attend the ceremony, since he supported what trump is calling the elected democrats in 2022, 2024 act. he saying mcconnell should really just absorb all the scorn that he has rightfully deserved for supporting what is actually a political victory for the president. an interesting sign of the discontent still between the republican leader in the senate and the former president. >> it has a certain ring to it. i don't know if they can fit on a red hat. elect, 2020 -- i. i'm not good at the marketing. [laughs] ,. . >>, -- busy week for the president. this is going to be the first. it's not in person but virtual summit between these two leaders. they've spoken by phone a number of times. this is a relationship that's ten years in the making. i was with then vice president biden when he traveled to china in 2011, to meet with then china vice president, xi jinping. so this is a reunion, if virtually. what the white house is saying this is an opportunity for these two leaders, obviously very complicated, but important relationship to continue to navigate areas of responsible competition, as they put it. but also fine areas where they can collaborate. as we saw, the deal come together at cop26 in scotland just overnight, this is an area where we have seen recent cooperation between the u.s. and china. obviously a lot of areas where they disagree, but they want to continue to focus on the areas they agree as well. >> all right, mike memoli, joining us from the white house. mike, appreciated. >> dodgers star aaron rodgers is set to take the field today in green bay, following all that controversy over his vaccination status. now another high-profile quarterback is being sidelined. today at 10 pm eastern, don't walk on by. >> i knew it was coming. [laughs] dion warwick -- it was an even on the prompter, guys. joins jonathan capehart life to discuss covid vaccinations, new music. watch the sunday show with jonathan capehart today at 10 am eastern. >> not singing. [laughs] on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. theo is saving big, holiday shopping at amazon. so now, he's free to become, thoughtful theo. and he's got a gift for everyone. so thoughtful. when you hear the word healthy it always feels a little out of reach. but it's all about the baby steps. maybe it's a jump or eating something green. or taking mom to get that vaccine. ♪ healthier means bringing stuff to the folks ♪ ♪ that really need it. ♪ ♪ like help at 2 am or care that's right at home. ♪ ♪ believe it. ♪ ♪ and caring for them all means ♪ ♪ we're doing healthier right. ♪ ♪ so, let's do it all together people, ♪ ♪ 'cause this is what healthier looks like. ♪ this is the greatest idea you'll ever hear. okay, it's an app that compares hundreds of travel sites for hotels and cars and vacation rentals like kayak does for flights. so it's kayak. yeah, like kayak. why don't you just call it kayak. i'm calling it... canoe. compare hundreds of travel sites for thousands of trips. kayak. search one and done. compare hundreds of travel sites for thousands of trips. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. >> just a matter of hours from tide pods child-guard packaging. now, people in wisconsin, reigning nfl mvp aaron rodgers is set to play for the first time since he raged against the so-called woke mob, and threats themself into the vaccination debate. he sends walked back some of those comments, but today, we will see how his home town fans will react. >> news reporter gary greenback is in green bay, wisconsin, where the flurries are falling, a couple of inches in the forecast this morning. gary, i am wondering, though, how will fans react to? have you gotten a chance since you have been down there to talk to anybody? >> yes. well, you know, aaron rodgers is playing, good enough news for packers fan, who want to see a big win against the socks, it is how we got to this point that is the real story here aaron rodgers says he was immunized, way back in august when he was asked, and then on november 3rd, he said he tested positive for coronavirus, the nfl placed him on a ten-day mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated players, for the world to know aaron rodgers is not vaccinated. then he went on this online sports talk show and said that he was, as you say, against the counsel culture or the woke mob, and says also, experiencing some symptoms, so he was administered antibodies and a horse dewormer, ivermectin. ivermectin is a very good horse dewormer, not a very good cure for coronavirus, so it is popular in some circles. he also said he was speaking to trusted adviser joe rogan. now, joe rogan is a very good podcast host, but again, not exactly a medical adviser. and that really speaks to the misinformation, or disinformation coming from high-profile figures and athletes like aaron rodgers. people look up to aaron rodgers, kids want to be like aaron rodgers. and when he says some information, or disinformation, that is a real issue that people are finding to be one. and kareem abdul-jabbar, all kinds of people across the spectrum are really speaking out against this saying rodgers did apologize. here is what he had to say. >> i do realize i am a roll auto to a lot of people. so i just want to start the show off by saying, acknowledging, that i made some comments, that people might have felt or misleading. you know, into anybody who i misled with those comments, i take full responsibility for those comments. >> now, while he will be playing today, the damage is really already done, they lost last week's games without him against the kansas city chiefs, sponsors also started to drop aaron rodgers. on a different, ben raffensperger, the quarterback for the pittsburgh steelers has also tested positive for coronavirus. but because he is vaccinated, he can come back in play into negative tests. guys? >> asking joe rogan for medical advice is sort of like asking gary for advice on pass plays, because just because you stayed at a motel six last night. >> holiday inn express. >> holiday inn express, so much better when you get it right. >> gary grumbach, thanks. all right, it is easy to be cynical, right, about celebrities who are saying, go vote, go vote, go vote >> the most critical vote right now is the one that this country may never get to see, it is yours. >> i believe anybody could find a reason to vote but if you need one, let me help you. >> well, our next guest says their influence really does have a voter who gets in office. how famous people in this country could sway the midterms. >> these live pictures from london right now continue to watch the remembrance sunday taking place. the queen, missing this appearance due to a back sprain, it was a last-minute decision. we will have an update on this in the next hour. in the next hour exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... keeping crews connected as they help build communities... or providing patients the care they need, even at home. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and facebook advertising, on us. network. support. value. no trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris call the barnes firm now when that car hit my motorcycle, yoyou ght t beurprpris insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, >> hey. and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million this is lady gaga. i am voting for america, which means i am voting for joe biden. and, if you live in minnesota, pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, florida or arizona, i encourage you to vote. if you have a friend who lives there, tell them to vote. >> see? celebrities, they are just like us. they are just american voters, just like the rest of us. and as much as we like to complain about celebrities getting political, they actually have quite an impact. there is no shortage of them encouraging millions of fans to vote in the last presidential election, as we gear up to head to the midterms and 2022, a new book by the author dan goldberg takes a deep dive into the influenced pop culture had over donald trump's failed reelection bid last november. danny goldberg, the author of the new books, crossroads 2020, art and resistance to trump joins us right now. thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> good morning. you have the nbc news exit polling from 2020, showing president biden did incredibly well with the youngest voters, beating trump out by nearly 25%. how much would you say celebrity endorsements had to do with that? >> well, there is no way of knowing it, but i think that the big issue for younger voters's turnout. i do not think that a celebrity changes the mind of anybody about whether they like or dislike donald trump, but i do think that the artists and entertainers affect the atmosphere, the culture about the level of urgency, whether or not to vote. there has been an issue with getting younger people to show up and vote. also, there has been a certain percentage that wondered, is there any difference between the parties i think that kind of reluctant, uncertain voter can be influenced by a sense of urgency, by other cultural messengers, who might connect better than cable news or the new york times. especially during an election cycle when the president himself is a product of hollywood, and was only famous because of a reality television show, on nbc for 14 years, prime time. people in hollywood know that reality television has little to do with actual reality, these shows are edited -- >> let me get to this though, the book revealed -- there is this >> i am sorry. >> no, i want to get to kylie jenner, that instagram post that showed, she may have sparked an 80% increase in voter registration, in all of your reporting, i have to be quick right here, in your reporting, for this book, do certain things like this actually matter? >> well, that seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me [laughs] , but i do think that repetition matters. i do think people have a lot on their minds, particularly, the younger people are not so sure whether voting really matters. and hearing from whether it is comedians, seniors, seeing political art can create a sense of urgency, a sense of intensity that might not be there. when taylor swift first got involved in the 2018 midterms, on her website, 65,000 people registered to vote within 24 hours. that is one thing we do know. >> yes. danny, thank you so much. i have to wrap it up, there we will head to london for the breaking news, really appreciate you being there, what's an interesting topic to read, and the impact that these celebrities, from lebron james and others, who told us, have been told shot up and dribble, what impact they have on the weigh in on politics? thank you so much, i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> we begin a new hour of msnbc right now right no the queen canceling her first planned public appearance after her hospitalization. we're live in london and talking to royal experts. former trump adviser steve bannon setdv to surrender to authorities tomorrow after being indicted for contempt of congress, a potential turning point forl trump ally mark meadows who skipped his deposition with the january 6th committee. former nixon white house lawyer john dean says this could spring him into action. >> i think his lawyers will be back in touch with the committee, if not over the weekend, certainly on monday morning, given that different circumstances now apply. former president trump donald trump targeting repu

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Instructions , Instructions , Charges , Homicide Instructions , Rittenhouse , Homicide , Jurors , Proceedings , Fate , 12 , Criminal Defense Attorney , White , Expectations , Closing , Let , Senior Trial Counsel Art Joey Jackson , Parties , Sides , Choice , Instance , Ar 15 , 15 , Incident , Sight , Cartridges , Firearm , Whatever , Provoked , Barbara Mckee , 30 , Things , Self Defense Law , Quote , Others , Op Ed , Victims , Alternatives , Force , Bodily Harm , Crux , Plastic Bag , States , Jury Instruction , Provocation , Nashville , Rusher , Person , Meaning , Your , Stand , Justification , Ground , Addition , Action , Type , Gear , Ahmaud Arbery , Reverend Al Sharpton , Defense Attorney , Number , Killing , Pastors , Apology , Attorneys , Trials , Rights , Killings , Police Killings , Anyone , Brian Crump , Level , Position , Offensive , Effort , Ministers , Mistrial , Evidence , William Bryant , Statements , Presence , Courtroom , Any , Convictions , Judges , Courtrooms , 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Approval Rating , Independents , 41 , Mike Memoli , Numbers , Yes , White House , Policies , Disconnect , Let S Go On Over , Handling , Economy , Rating , 39 , Americans , Elections , Midterms , Survey , Ballot , 2022 , 46 , Bill , Candidate , Say , Democratic , 43 , Ce , Cabinet Meeting , Importance , Investments , Lead , Thousands , Roads , Pipes , Highways , Minority Leader , Senate , Lawmakers , Nation , Millions , Tens , Mitch Mcconnell , Ceremony , Act , Scorn , Sign , Leader , Marketing , Discontent , Ring , Elect , Red Hat , 2020 , Relationship , Leaders , China , Times , Phone A Number , Making , 2011 , Areas , Xi Jinping , Competition , Opportunity , Reunion , Area , Cooperation , Scotland , Controversy , Dodgers , Green Bay , Quarterback , Prompter , Don T Walk On By , Jonathan Capehart , Dion Warwick , Sunday Show , Sunday Night , Covid Vaccinations , Theo , Medicine , Nighttime , Sleep , Coughing , Cold , Saving Big , Stuffy , Sneezing , Sniffling , Aching , Holiday 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Crossroads 2020 , Exit Polling , Celebrity , Turnout , Celebrity Endorsements , 25 , Urgency , Culture , Mind , Entertainers , Atmosphere , Artists , Percentage , Cable News , Messengers , Product , New York Times , Reality Television Show , Reality Television , Reality , Prime Time , On Nbc , Hollywood , Kylie Jenner , Instagram Post , Shows , Bit , Voter Registration , Increase , 80 , Repetition Matters , Minds , Laughs , Exaggeration , Voting , Intensity , Comedians , Seniors , Taylor Swift , Thing , Website , 2018 , 65000 , 24 , Lebron James , Topic , Politics , Dribble , Weigh , Steve Bannon Setdv , Hospitalization , Authorities , John Dean , Turning Point Forl Trump , Weekend , Lawyers , Circumstances , Monday Morning , Targeting Repu , Former ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Kendis Gibson And Lindsey Reiser Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Kendis Gibson and Lindsey Reiser Report 20240709

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>> tomorrow is a big day for president biden as he gets ready to step signed that landmark bipartisan infrastructure bill into law. but donald trump is now threatening the republicans who supported it. plus -- >> bracing for a verdict. closing arguments in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, set to begin tomorrow morning. the national guard on standby, prepared for rising tensions in kenosha. >> everyone is on edge on what the results are either way. >> i'm just. white >> either way, people are going to be upset, no matter what. >> fair to play. packers quarterback aaron rodgers back on the field tonight, after coming down with covid. and the misleading the public about his vaccination status. all of that and more as we say good morning. it is sunday november 14th. i'm lindsey reiser. >> and i'm kendis gibson. we have a lot to get to right now. here from headquarters at nbc. we're gonna take you overseas right away from the live pictures taking place at this hour. our team of correspondents there on standby. those live pictures taking place overseas right now, this remembrance airmen were prince charles is there instead of his mother. of course, boris johnson is there. the queen was expected to make an appearance there. >> that was scrapped no fewer than two hours before she was supposed to show up here at this event. this is an event to honor the war dead in this country here. we just saw prince charles there. the royal family is out. we do know that this is due to a back sprain. not necessarily due to the medical issues that she has been dealing with over the last couple weeks that have kept her out the public. i >> will get into that in a moment. let's listen in and take in some of these pictures that are coming in from london at high noon, as it is there. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> so, the queen has been undertaking like duties at home. again, she was supposed to be at this event that was scrapped just about two hours before set to get begin. let's go now to matt bradley lose their. matt, we know that buckingham palace statement reads in part quote, her majesty is disappointed that she will miss the service. what more do we know? ore do we know >> well we've been speaking with royal ruptures. apparently this event was sacrosanct. that was the word they were using before the queen -- because remember guys, this remembrance day is the day that the treaty was signed and ding world war i. but the state doesn't just mark veterans who have lost their lives in world war i. it also marks all wars. the sacrifice made by all british men and women who died or were wounded in any work. that's why this is so important. the queen here wasn't just representing the state. she is of course, the head of state. she's also the head of the military. she's also representing a generation of british people who fought and died in successive worse. so important to this country. that's way of course, she's going to be that had to be missing this today. as you mentioned, this back spring, the palace ink that it is unrelated to these events of the past month. it's really raise a lot of worries about the queens health. remember, she was hospitalized for one night last month. that was the first time she'd been hospitalized in about seven or eight years. quite startling. she was supposed to attend -- excuse me, the united nations cup 20 negotiations for climate change in glasgow. she did didn't do that. instead she was able to record a video greeting for all the heads of states who did a ten. that was also a big deal for the queen, because all the members of the royal family, climate change is one of the few political issues where they actually do take a political stance. she had been, according to people who are close through oil family, really looking forward to attending the conference in glasgow. now, the fact that she's not attending this event today, that's going to raise even more concern. this is the seventh time in seven years of her reign that she's missed this event. you're speaking to me right in the middle of this event. it's happening down the street from where i am. this is of course buckingham palace, but it's happening at the cenotaph in whitehall, down the street. it's a very simple war memorial. as i said, prince charles is going to be there laying a reef. they sickly on her behalf. prince charles has laid the wreath on the queen's behalf for the past several years, mostly because the queen is still at an advanced age. even when she's healthy, she's 95 years old. next year, she's going to be celebrating 70 years of ruling this country. so, again, we talk about these issues, health problems. it's unclear just how serious they are. this back sprain, this is going to be a big issue for anybody who is 95 years old. even when we're talking about minor health hiccups, when your 95 years old, that's a big problem. when you're the head of state, when you have a constitutional role, that's going to raise a lot of concern. guys? >> absolutely. a lot of people wishing her well. princess and right now, laying air reef. and while you are speaking prince william as well as prince andrew -- prince edward, rather, did the same. i'm not sure if i've seen prince andrew there. of course, he is controversial member of the royal family. well we continue to watch these pictures and while matt, you can stand by right there, just down the road at buckingham palace. we want to bring in our guests camilla to mooney. nbc news royal contributor and analysts. camilla, did i pronounce your last name correctly? >> tammy. really appreciate you being here and on the line as we watch these pictures. what are we to make of this late word that we got from buckingham palace that the queen, she was supposed to make her first public appearance in several weeks, is now out because of a back screen? >> i think the last-minute nature of the decisions we've been given indicate just how this decision went down to the wire. and that would mean of course the queen would've been advising her against it she doesn't take these positions lightly. this is a day in the diary. it's not just for remembering her own generation but also of course, extra point in this year because of the death of the duke of edinburgh. his service in the royal navy during world war ii. so a very significant day. of course there are going to be concerns she's. 95 years old. but there are issues that need to be taken into account. the fact that she's been -- is indicative of the fact that the police has her understandably to be comfortable on engagement. some of these engagements as you know, require a lot of staffing and a lot of walking. as she's five years off her 100th birthday, she needs to be assured that she can be as comfortable as possible in such circumstance in. so yes it's going to be alarming when people talk about her health. but i actually think this is more of a case of her comfort and mobility at the state. >> camilla, it's all lindsey, thanks for joining us. when you talk about this event being sacrosanct to the queen. matt had mentioned the fact that she had to miss cop26. she just did a virtual appearance there and we knew that event meant a lot to her as well. we know it's still early. this news is really just breaking. what is the chatter this morning so far? what is the moon this morning so far with these events. matt saying this is the seventh time in nearly 70 years missing this event. >> of course when there is something wrong with the help of a 95 years old, it's only natural. but we need to take into account that she is the a.g.'s. but she's always been in robust physical and psychological health. we've enjoyed her being sprightly and sparkling for many years. and as matt said, we prepare to set her jubilee next year. but i think because of what lies ahead in the fact that she has got a busy schedule next year and she's been incredibly busy since the pandemic restrictions were lifted, she's returned to work with great gusto. perhaps too much gusto. perhaps she did too much. i think doctors are raining her in now because they know there's a great deal on the calendar next year. key events that like the cenotaph, she won't want to miss. >> camilla, do you feel as if buckingham palace has been on the up an up when it comes to what is exactly going on with the queens health. she had that stay in the hospital. we did not find out about it until after she had left the hospital. then she was on the docket for this appearance, scheduled to make this appearance here today. and just within hours of that is when they said she had a back spring. so unless that back strain happened within the last couple hours, it's leaving a lot of people to wonder how honest buckingham palace is. i think on the late notice it will be because they were going down to the wire because they wanted her to go. i think that probably is the explanation for that. there were concerns that the palace had been keeping the palace public in the dark, which really found out after she returned to windsor castle. it's difficult balancing. because yes there is public interest about knowing the queens health. and we have to write to notice if she isn't well. but we don't have a right to running commentary of her health. and to be given every point of what she's been tweet treated for, when and how. because of course we must respect her privacy. not least because she's 95. so yes, buckingham palace need to be straight with public, but they also need to be respectful of the fact that her majesty, alongside anybody, has the right to confidential medical records. >> that, indeed. and as we continue to look at these pictures that are taking place, it is 11 am in london. this is a warm remembrance ceremony that is taking place. it is one of the most solemn days on the british calendar. we got the news just within the last couple hours from buckingham palace that 95 year old queen who was supposed to make her first public appearance here in quite some time is out. unable to attend because of a back sprain. we noted some of her previous appearances that we saw, she was walking around with a key, which is the first time we've seen her do that in quite some years. since she had some surgery years back. once again, seen walking around with a cane. but now she is not making a public appearance as well. it is a very sad moment for many royal watchers who were hoping to see the queen back up and sprite at this event. >> including the queen herself. all right, we will say our thanks to matt bradley and camilla tominey. thank you both so much for joining us on this and we will stay tuned to come to do if they're any developments. >> will continue to watch the pictures from london as they continue to play. out there's a lot to talk about here in the u.s. as well. tomorrow, the former trump advisor steve bannon will surrender himself. now indicted for contempt of congress. >> it's a big move in the investigation into the january six investigation. democrats are hoping it will get other key witnesses, like mark meadows for example, to take this seriously and actually respond to subpoenas. it's set to be a big day in washington. nbc news reporter julie tsirkin is on capitol hill with a first look for us. julie, good morning. u>> good morning, tomorrow's going to be an important day for the january 6th select committee, because it crystallizes their congressional authority when investigating the attack on the capitol on january 6th. look, it doesn't bring them any closer to actually hearing from steve bannon. the former trump campaign advisor. because he is sure to drag out this court process at every step of the way. obviously, the january 6th select panel scored a legal victory here in steve bannon's indictment. and many on the committee and democrats in washington, despite the fact that they may not hear from steve bannon, despite this indictment, still think the department of justice took a very crucial step. the panel of course, face an uphill battle for many months during their investigation. largely because they are operating under a cloud of obstruction. because of the lack of support from republicans. let's hear from a democrat in the house though, his reaction on what message steve bannon's indictment sends to other witnesses subpoenaed by the committee. let's take a listen. let's take a listen. >> it sends a message that no american is above the law. that when congress asked for basic documents, when congress asked for you to testify, you comply. he should do but any american would do, which is comply with congress's request. >> connor there, top progressive in the house. he clearly backs bannon's indictment. what the committee hopes this will do is send a strong warning to mark meadows, former presidents chief of staff, that you mentioned at the top there. he actually miss his deposition on friday morning. the committee now hopes that bannon's indictment will course metals to cooperate. >> that right, julie tsirkin, thank you for your reporting. >> we're going to dive into all of this with some of our favorite legal and political experts next. including where former trump security adviser michael flynn could fit into all of this. and a little later in the hour -- (calls dog) buttercup... 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>> i would hope so. i mean, with the news that this event has drew, it shows that congressional democrats as well as the justice department are serious about enforcing these subpoenas. unfortunately, i think we are missing a lot of the trump -- finest in the court, trying to run out the clock as much as possible. >> and, in the meantime, we have michael flynn who tells tucker carlson, he would respond to the demands of the committee, but it is not exactly clear what he meant. do you expect to see more witnesses taking the process a little bit more seriously? >> i would hope, so i would hope that is what bannon's indictment means, but republicans love to say that they are for transparency, accountability, and rule of law but however they are showing over here they are taking zero accountability for their parties role in some of these bad actors, and i would say, criminal wrongdoers for the violent insurrection that happened on january 6th. they would just like to sweep this under the rug, continue to pedal the false narrative that the former president has been peddling on his road to 2024 campaign trail, and it is dangerous. so i would hope that bannon's indictment does cause some of these republicans to rethink their, whether or not they are above the law, which is what they think, quite frankly. that is extremely dangerous for the future of our democracy, if this is what they will continue to do. hopefully, they will not continue to obstruct this congressional committees efforts. but again, we have seen so much more from them, and it is really disheartening that this has become such a political issue when this is congress's job to be able to get to the bottom of what happened that day. the truth is pretty clear, accepted republicans refused to see the truth for what it is. >> sarah, i kind of want to go off of what ashley was just talking about here, and play a clip from yesterday. we had msnbc legal analyst on to talk about, really, what all of this means for the future. and, if it could be setting a precedent, let's listen. >> the reason this is so really prosecuted, is that by definition, 192 is a political prosecution. and by that i mean, it is unique, and that congress decides to prosecute. a committee decides to prosecute, and then the attorney must bring the prosecution so, if we as a society are comfortable going after someone like bannon, we must be prepared for when the other party gets in power, will they use the same criminal statute, now that the floodgates are open? >> sarah, what is your take on that? >> yes i mean, lindsey, the floodgates are open. and let's not forget that the doj has not charged anybody with congressional contempt in 38 years, last time was in 1983. but this is very significant. an indictment against bannon, because it sends a couple of messages. number one, this doj, at least this issue of insurrection of our government, he is not playing. this is hopefully not a one-off, it will be the first of many indictments against those who defy congressional subpoenas. and the larger, broader message is that this is no longer the trump doj that is, you know, weaponized political tool, to shield the president and his allies against criminal exposure. this is now the doj, back to its normal business, enforcing the rule of law, where no man is above the law, and that includes the president. so, we are dealing with a very different doj. we are dealing with an attorney general garland, keeping his promise that he made, that he will impose the rule of law. this case is very significant. because although it is unprecedented that we have had insurrection, and had to deal with the defiance of congressional subpoenas, it will set precedent going forward. >> tim, i want your take on all of this, because, and mind you, it is not related to the whole investigation into january 6th, but, perhaps michael flynn made some outrageous comments last night at an event. i will quote it here. he says, while he was speaking on stage, if you are going to have one nation under god, which we must, then we have to have one religion. it kind of gives you a sense, a statement, this outlandish statement, the kind of people that former president trump surrounded himself with, doesn't it? >> this is really just an extension of what we saw from the trump administration, an administration that is kind of a symbol of bigotry, pushing out as much discrimination, and oppression as you see there. michael flynn is the embodiment of all of that. that comment really kind of brings out the light of some of these concerns, legal concerns about whether or not this sets precedent for moving forward, if republicans, if this is something they should worry about. i do not think there is anything seen in the past, especially in 40 years, that shows the republicans would not, the ones who take over, would not be extremists, would not be going after their political opponents in a way that would be considered to be oppression. so i am not concerned about the legal precedent, because the trump administration, has broken almost every precedent you can think of in the last four years, the genie is out of the bottle at this point >> we will have to leave it there at this, point sara azari, ashley pratte oates and tim lim, thank you all for being here this morning, we appreciate. it >> the great town of kenosha this morning, hundreds of national guard troops are on standby, and a verdict in the trial that is dividing the country, a preview of tomorrow's closing arguments, with our legal expert. with our legal expert. voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. >> the city of kenosha, wisconsin, on edge bracing for a verdict in the trial kyle rittenhouse of. >> hundreds of national guard troops are on standby in case of unrest, as closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow morning. >> nbc's alison barber is in kenosha with the details. alison? >> kenosha wisconsin is a city on edge. i >> think everyone is in limbo. scared. >> the national guard activated and on alert. the state's governor authorizing 500 troops to support local law enforcement if needed, in the week of a verdict in the kyle rittenhouse homicide trial. >> we're really fragile right out, so everyone is on edge on what the results are either. we that violence will happen again. >> violence like one kenosha witness in august of last year, when then 17 year old kyle rittenhouse armed with an assault style rifle was on the chaotic streets of kenosha during protests following the police shooting of a black man. rittenhouse testifying this week that he shot three men, killing two, with what he says was self-defense. >> i didn't do anything wrong. i defended myself. >> the prosecution and defense are set to present closing arguments on monday. a judge will then deliver instructions through the jury. >> when it comes to jury instructions, how important are those in a case like this? >> jury instructions are everything in a criminal case. the judge is telling the jury what the law is. they've just spent a week or so listening to the facts and now the judge will tell them what to do with those facts. critical will be the actual homicide instructions that the judge decides to give. >> rittenhouse stands accused of six charges including intentional homicide. the judge in the case still set to rule whether not lasted charges requested by the prosecution may also be considered. 18 jurors are also following the proceedings but only 12 will decide rittenhouse's fate. they'll be selected randomly out of the strung. 18 jurors, all but one or white. >> all right, for more on this let's bring in criminal defense attorney -- senior trial counsel art joey jackson law. good morning, thank you for joining us on this. i want to ask you what your expectations are for tomorrow's closing's? what are you going to be watching for? >> the closing arguments are good to be long. long in the sense that the judge has already limited the closing arguments to two and a half hours for each party. tomorrow, both parties, the prosecution and the defense are going to leave it all on the floor. this is the last time that the jury will be able to hear from both sides and they want to make sure that they give it their all. the defense is going to focus that this instance took so quickly, five seconds. he had no other choice but to defend himself because he was scared of being killed. the prosecution is going to argue, look, kyle rittenhouse, not from kenosha, came into our city, into a volatile situation, armed with an ar-15 rifle that had 30 cartridges in sight of the firearm. and he was ready for whatever and was the one who provoked, provoked, this incident. >> and this nbc legal analysts are barbara mckee married wrote an op-ed about this case saying wisconsin's self-defense law is essentially generous and complicates things for the prosecution. she says quote, can rittenhouse argue even if he provoked others to attack him by openly cap carrying his rifle, he was stable able to use deadly force under wisconsin law because he reasonably believed he had no other alternatives at those moments to avoid death or great bodily harm. i mean, is she right here? especially when we know one of the victims here -- one of the people that the judge says we should refer to as victims -- was unarmed and essentially through a plastic bag at rittenhouse. is this going to be a crux of what it comes down to? s down to? >> absolutely. the law in wisconsin is so generous to the point where it doesn't make sense because they have this jury instruction of provocation. so normally if you provoke someone or your that nashville a rusher as we see in other states, then you can't avail yourself a self-defense. meaning, you start today and wants to start it you can't say oh, no, no, no. i was defending myself and had to kill the person. but under wisconsin law, it says that even though you promote provoke the incident, if you find within the incident as it happened that you had no other choice and used everything else you could have and you couldn't leave the situation, that you can still prevail yourself of justification. in addition to that, wisconsin is still one of 30 states that has the stand-your-ground's law. and it says there is no duty to retreat. so it's almost calling for this type of action out in wisconsin. >> okay, we're going to switch gears the gear -- for the man accused in ahmaud arbery's killing. day seven continues tomorrow. the defense attorney is expected to issue a formal apology after saying the court should limit the number of black pastors at that trial. we know msnbc host reverend al sharpton was there when he said that. the ref spoke to brian crump, one of the attorneys for arbery's family. let's listen. >> i've been in the civil rights struggle for decades. i went to numerous trials, police killings, racial killings -- i've never had anyone suggests that i or ministers should not be allowed to sit with the family. >> it is a completely asinine position that he took, reverend al. it is offensive on every level. we think it's an effort for him to try to get a mistrial, because the evidence is so overwhelming -- >> do you agree? and how agree just would that be? >> i don't think the judge is not going to issue a mistrial in this case. obviously the statements were not made in the presence of the jury. however, when i would say is this sends a loud message. the attorney for william bryant, for him in open court, in a courtroom that is open to everyone as long as you're not interfering or injuring with the proceedings or intimidating any of the witnesses or the parties inside of the court, then you are allowed to come in. that right is so big in this country, that convictions have been overturned when judges have told their -- clothes their courtrooms are not allowed individuals in. i will say this, the overturns makes you wonder. now i see why 11 of the qualified african american jurors were taken off of this jury. it just gives more emphasis to the racial overtones and potential discrimination during jury selection. i wonder what the judges thinking now. maybe i should've granted the grand prosecution -- >> all right we'll bernada villalona, have to leave it there. good to have you, thank you. >> we should mention in the next hour we're going to speak with a criminal defense attorney who has his own experience with the rittenhouse judge. he's going to weigh in on all that criticism. and the trump mcconnell feud ramps up. but now donald trump is calling him out. mcconnell that is. for hiding from angry republican voters. as we continue to watch these live pictures from the uk. just after 11:30 in the morning. this is remembered sunday. the queen was expected to be there. the other royals are there in her said. there was a last-minute change because of a health issue for the queen. ♪ ♪ ♪ and it works fast. in as little as 7 days try fast acting biotic gummies from align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at (music) at aetna, we're putting all other medicare plans on notice. with coverage and services that may include a $0 monthly plan premium telehealth emergency coverage while you travel an over-the-counter allowance plus dental, vision and hearing. because the right medicare plan should make you feel... yeah, like that aetna medicare advantage plans medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. call today to learn more. ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? 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>> yes, though there's a real disconnect in these numbers when you look at support for the presidents economic agenda, but then a low rating for his handling of the economy. specifically, his overall approval rating at 41%. but 39% saying they disapprove of his handling -- only 39% i should say -- approve of his handling of the economy. 70% of americans in the survey also saying they would rate the economy as negatively. most concerning for democrats, if you pull the generic ballot in the congressional elections next year, the midterms in 2022, 46% of voters say they would pick a republican republican candidate for congress. only 43% say they would choose the democratic candidate. this is why the president is going to be hitting the road after he signs the bill here at the white house tomorrow. trying to really get those numbers back up. we've got a preview of his message on friday, when he held his cabinet meeting. you talked about the importance of showing congress, democrats and republicans can work together. take a listen. take a>> proving we can still ce together. it's hard but we can still come together to get something big done for the american people. and the bill represents critical investments that are well overdue in our country. from rebuilding our roads and highways to getting rid of lead pipes and building clean water to thousands of -- actually, tens of millions of people around the nation. >> the white house says these invited all of those lawmakers, republicans and democrats, who worked on this bill. including those who voted for this bill. that would include senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. but mcconnell has said he's not going to attend. that actually drew some notice from former president donald trump, put out a statement yesterday saying that mitch mcconnell should attend the ceremony, since he supported what trump is calling the elected democrats in 2022, 2024 act. he saying mcconnell should really just absorb all the scorn that he has rightfully deserved for supporting what is actually a political victory for the president. an interesting sign of the discontent still between the republican leader in the senate and the former president. >> it has a certain ring to it. i don't know if they can fit on a red hat. elect, 2020 -- i. i'm not good at the marketing. [laughs] ,. . >>, -- busy week for the president. this is going to be the first. it's not in person but virtual summit between these two leaders. they've spoken by phone a number of times. this is a relationship that's ten years in the making. i was with then vice president biden when he traveled to china in 2011, to meet with then china vice president, xi jinping. so this is a reunion, if virtually. what the white house is saying this is an opportunity for these two leaders, obviously very complicated, but important relationship to continue to navigate areas of responsible competition, as they put it. but also fine areas where they can collaborate. as we saw, the deal come together at cop26 in scotland just overnight, this is an area where we have seen recent cooperation between the u.s. and china. obviously a lot of areas where they disagree, but they want to continue to focus on the areas they agree as well. >> all right, mike memoli, joining us from the white house. mike, appreciated. >> dodgers star aaron rodgers is set to take the field today in green bay, following all that controversy over his vaccination status. now another high-profile quarterback is being sidelined. today at 10 pm eastern, don't walk on by. >> i knew it was coming. [laughs] dion warwick -- it was an even on the prompter, guys. joins jonathan capehart life to discuss covid vaccinations, new music. watch the sunday show with jonathan capehart today at 10 am eastern. >> not singing. 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have you gotten a chance since you have been down there to talk to anybody? >> yes. well, you know, aaron rodgers is playing, good enough news for packers fan, who want to see a big win against the socks, it is how we got to this point that is the real story here aaron rodgers says he was immunized, way back in august when he was asked, and then on november 3rd, he said he tested positive for coronavirus, the nfl placed him on a ten-day mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated players, for the world to know aaron rodgers is not vaccinated. then he went on this online sports talk show and said that he was, as you say, against the counsel culture or the woke mob, and says also, experiencing some symptoms, so he was administered antibodies and a horse dewormer, ivermectin. ivermectin is a very good horse dewormer, not a very good cure for coronavirus, so it is popular in some circles. he also said he was speaking to trusted adviser joe rogan. now, joe rogan is a very good podcast host, but again, not exactly a medical adviser. and that really speaks to the misinformation, or disinformation coming from high-profile figures and athletes like aaron rodgers. people look up to aaron rodgers, kids want to be like aaron rodgers. and when he says some information, or disinformation, that is a real issue that people are finding to be one. and kareem abdul-jabbar, all kinds of people across the spectrum are really speaking out against this saying rodgers did apologize. here is what he had to say. >> i do realize i am a roll auto to a lot of people. so i just want to start the show off by saying, acknowledging, that i made some comments, that people might have felt or misleading. you know, into anybody who i misled with those comments, i take full responsibility for those comments. >> now, while he will be playing today, the damage is really already done, they lost last week's games without him against the kansas city chiefs, sponsors also started to drop aaron rodgers. on a different, ben raffensperger, the quarterback for the pittsburgh steelers has also tested positive for coronavirus. but because he is vaccinated, he can come back in play into negative tests. guys? >> asking joe rogan for medical advice is sort of like asking gary for advice on pass plays, because just because you stayed at a motel six last night. >> holiday inn express. >> holiday inn express, so much better when you get it right. >> gary grumbach, thanks. all right, it is easy to be cynical, right, about celebrities who are saying, go vote, go vote, go vote >> the most critical vote right now is the one that this country may never get to see, it is yours. >> i believe anybody could find a reason to vote but if you need one, let me help you. >> well, our next guest says their influence really does have a voter who gets in office. how famous people in this country could sway the midterms. >> these live pictures from london right now continue to watch the remembrance sunday taking place. the queen, missing this appearance due to a back sprain, it was a last-minute decision. we will have an update on this in the next hour. in the next hour exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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celebrities, they are just like us. they are just american voters, just like the rest of us. and as much as we like to complain about celebrities getting political, they actually have quite an impact. there is no shortage of them encouraging millions of fans to vote in the last presidential election, as we gear up to head to the midterms and 2022, a new book by the author dan goldberg takes a deep dive into the influenced pop culture had over donald trump's failed reelection bid last november. danny goldberg, the author of the new books, crossroads 2020, art and resistance to trump joins us right now. thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> good morning. you have the nbc news exit polling from 2020, showing president biden did incredibly well with the youngest voters, beating trump out by nearly 25%. how much would you say celebrity endorsements had to do with that? >> well, there is no way of knowing it, but i think that the big issue for younger voters's turnout. i do not think that a celebrity changes the mind of anybody about whether they like or dislike donald trump, but i do think that the artists and entertainers affect the atmosphere, the culture about the level of urgency, whether or not to vote. there has been an issue with getting younger people to show up and vote. also, there has been a certain percentage that wondered, is there any difference between the parties i think that kind of reluctant, uncertain voter can be influenced by a sense of urgency, by other cultural messengers, who might connect better than cable news or the new york times. especially during an election cycle when the president himself is a product of hollywood, and was only famous because of a reality television show, on nbc for 14 years, prime time. people in hollywood know that reality television has little to do with actual reality, these shows are edited -- >> let me get to this though, the book revealed -- there is this >> i am sorry. >> no, i want to get to kylie jenner, that instagram post that showed, she may have sparked an 80% increase in voter registration, in all of your reporting, i have to be quick right here, in your reporting, for this book, do certain things like this actually matter? >> well, that seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me [laughs] , but i do think that repetition matters. i do think people have a lot on their minds, particularly, the younger people are not so sure whether voting really matters. and hearing from whether it is comedians, seniors, seeing political art can create a sense of urgency, a sense of intensity that might not be there. when taylor swift first got involved in the 2018 midterms, on her website, 65,000 people registered to vote within 24 hours. that is one thing we do know. >> yes. danny, thank you so much. i have to wrap it up, there we will head to london for the breaking news, really appreciate you being there, what's an interesting topic to read, and the impact that these celebrities, from lebron james and others, who told us, have been told shot up and dribble, what impact they have on the weigh in on politics? thank you so much, i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> we begin a new hour of msnbc right now right no the queen canceling her first planned public appearance after her hospitalization. we're live in london and talking to royal experts. former trump adviser steve bannon setdv to surrender to authorities tomorrow after being indicted for contempt of congress, a potential turning point forl trump ally mark meadows who skipped his deposition with the january 6th committee. former nixon white house lawyer john dean says this could spring him into action. >> i think his lawyers will be back in touch with the committee, if not over the weekend, certainly on monday morning, given that different circumstances now apply. former president trump donald trump targeting repu

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