Two years ago when Elon Bus mosque. Twitter, he vowed to keep it nonbiased. He posted at the time it may be politically neutral which means upsetting the far right in the far left equally. It was a message he repeated frequently in interviews after purchasing the platform. The goal is to be as fair and evenhanded as possible. Not favoring any political ideology. That quickly turned out to be hollow. Instead he used his influence on his own Plaut Form to tell followers to vote republican. He voiced his support for Ron Desantis. There was one prominent republican that he was not a fan of, Donald Trump. He said he was too old and he should hang up his hat and sail up into the sunset. As you can imagine, trump did not take it well. He said the other day, i have never voted for republican. He told me he had voted for me. He escalated when he claimed that mosque came to the White House begging, adding that i could have said drop to your knees and beg. He would also go on to mock his Campaign
Mag a cheerleader. Plus trump is going all in on his lies and aggressive attacks. On the eve of October 7 attacks on israel, more of my conversation about his vision of a land for all. Lets do it. Two years ago one Elon Musk bought what was once called twitter he vowed to keep it a nonbiased platform. That was his mission statement. He posted at the time it must be politically neutral which effectively means upsetting the far right and far left equally. A message he repeated frequently in interviews after purchasing the platform. The goal of twitter is to be as fair as possible, not favoring any political ideology. That quickly turned out to be a hollowed sentiment. Instead he used his influence on his platform to tell his followers to vote republican in the 2022 midterms and voiced his support for ron as president. There was one republican he was not a fan of, trump. He said the former president was too old and he should hang up his hat and as you imagine trump did not Take That advic
That fits in this new immunity we invented. We will ask you have a murderers row of legal analyst s. What a night. And when we are finished with that, cassidy hutchinson is going to join us. Unbelievable. She is part of what got this story moving. I envy you. That is an awesome lineup. Have a great show. Thank you. The vice president of the united states was taking notes. Donald trump always hated seeing people take notes in the white house when he was speaking, but taking notes was the least of donald trump s problems with mike pence during a meeting in which the president of the united states was trying to get the vice president of the united states to join what jack smith calls a criminal conspiracy and commit a crime against the united states of america. A crime that special prosecutor jack smith in a 165 page motion today calls a conspiracy against the rights of millions of americans to vote and have their votes counted. It was january 4, 2021. The discussion was one of several d
Lawrence Its 8 00 on the east coast, thursday, september 26, thIs Is Fox And FrIends. We start thIs hour wIth our exclusIve IntervIew wIth MelanIa Trump, her fIrst IntervIew In over two years talkIng about polItIcs, her famIly and recountIng the moment she found out about the fIrst AssassInatIon Attempt Onner had husband. I go to the tv and I rewInd It and I watched It, I was only a few mInutes behInd. See hIm on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. BrIan and Kamala HarrIs breakIng down her economIc PolIcy Proposal wIthout servIng up another word salad. LookIng holIstIcally at the IncentIve to engage In plannIng In holIstIc manner. BrIan draggIng words out of her. Steve Take A Look at the screen, HurrIcane Helene In the gulf rIght now, could brIng potentIally deadly Storm Surge, they say It could be unsurvIvable event. That Is why governor Ron DesantIs Is goIng to joIn us on the states preparatIons as helene comes ashore sometIme, probably tonIght. Lawrence
Ingraham anglE from Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EE EvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to JoE BidEns Town Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thE EntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and ZElEnskyy