By Anne Dachel In my book, The Big Autism Cover-Up , I devoted a whole chapter to journalist Sharyl Attkisson. In the early 2000s Sharyl did groundbreaking stories on the rise of autism and the link to vaccines. These were.
By Elizabeth Hart Is Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch’s News Corp media group dictating Australia’s vaccination policy? The Murdoch media group’s relentless No Jab, No Play campaign was adopted by the Australian government, becoming the coercive No Jab, No Pay law.
congress has had a year to act on the question of vaccine mandates already. as the chief justice points out it appears the federal government will go agency by agency as a workaround to its inability to get congress to act . remember just like i have been saying, people have made u their minds. the vaccination debate is over. there is nothing that biden, pouch e, harris or dr. lenski will say that will change anybody s mind. people are willing to lose thei salary, their benefits and pensions because they believe s strongly that they don t want it . do you agree or disagree? it s up to you. it doesn t matter. that s the reality in my view. these mandates will resort result in more workers quitting. we have 4.5 million in november alone. that means more staff shortages skyrocketing costs for businesses. the liberal justices on the court predictably seem less concerned with the constitution
theit has fuelled the vaccination debate in serbia, where less than half of the country s population are fully vaccinated. so where does all this leaves the serbian government s vaccination campaign? from belgrade, our balkans correspondent guy de launey reports. this time last year serbia was leading the european race to vaccinate its people against coronavirus. while other countries were struggling for supplies, serbians could choose from four different covid jabs, but now the campaign s gone from plain sailing to being stuck in the doldrums. translation: we would vaccinate 5,000 or 6,000 people a day - at the belgrade fair. then it dropped to 2,000 during the summer, and in recent weeks the number has fallen drastically to 300 doses per day. all that means that only around half of serbians are fullyjabbed, and that s why the vaccine hesitant stance of novak djokovic isn t as controversial here as it is in australia. still, serbians who are getting jabbed are hoping the sporting icon
0 when you lose your real property , you are screwed. we all know that freedom stands on the shoulder of property rights. we need to protect american farmers and farm land. great to see you tonight. thanks so much. that is it for us tonight. tucker carlson tonight featuring andrew doyle. we are out of time. we will see you monday. have a great evening. welcome to hannity on this busy news breaking friday night. news breaking on multiple fronts . the biden economy continues to crater bad news all across the board with yet another dismal jobs report. we have coverage straight ahead. another day and another excuse from kamala harris on democrats failing agenda straight ahead. but first biden s draconian workplace vaccine mandates were front and center in the u.s. supreme court today where the conservative justices rightly pushed back against the broad, unprecedented, coercive exercis of government power which takes aim at americans who are unvaccinated and affects nearly 100 mill