Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170902 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170902

pulled into the parking lot about an hour ago. >> it felt like i was on the florida coast. a little bit humid on the estuary and we just aren't getting a chance to cool down. >> today will be a near repeat to yesterday. gear up. we've got another hot and hazy one. get a load of the sun there. we have the smoke and haze with us still and it's going to continue as we get into your saturday afternoon. a lot of 100s coming our way. we broke several records yesterday, including the hottest day ever recorded. and the heat warning will expire at 9:00 p.m., coastline, san mateo coastline and monta ray -- monterrayey. for the coast, it's going to get a little bit better by tomorrow, and everybody else will follow suit as we get into monday. the red flag warning in place today, the very dry conditions, we have our hills with a little bit of wind and it's just enough for the national weather service to up the possibility of fire danger that will be with us through the afternoon. that doesn't expire until tonight, as well. giving you a look at the temperatures, 77 degrees in san francisco. we have 74 in, in ovad -- novado. 74 in concord and mid-70s to start for you, as well. and how much warmer from yesterday morning, by 7 degrees in oaknd, by 5 degrees in portions of the north bay like napa and the south bay by four degrees. we're already off to a warmer start. are likely to meet or exceed what we had yesterday afternoon. take a look at the inlet east bay going back up 110 in some areas. and livermore, not much of a break, 100 for oakland, 103 in redwood city. san francisco expected to get to about 95. upper 80s to near 90 in pacifica, santa cruz and the mid-90s with a spare the air day. i'll have a look at the air quality in the area and in the extended forecast when the temperatures are going to be coming down. >> what, october? >> bring the relief, please. >> not that far out. as rosemary mentioned another spare the air alert has been issued for today because of the extreme heat out there. >> the buy air quality management district says triple digit temperatures along with smoke from several fires burning across the state is causing unhealthy ozone levels through on the the area. they say the unhealthy conditions could continue through the entire labor day weekend. poor air quality could be particularly harmful for children, seniors and respiratory problems. people are being asked to car pool and use public transportation. and the extreme heat also has firefighters on alert this weekend. >> i bet they do. the fire danger high all around the bay area. ktvu's tom vacar, joins us to talk about how firefighters are preparing. good to have you with us. >> reporter: thank you. where there's extreme heat there's high probably ability of fire. the red flag says it all. this is a red flag day all along the hills and pretty much throughout the entire bay area. the potential for really big problems is high because the grassy hillsides make wildfires run much hotter and speedier. that's why oakland berkeley hills fire departments are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard, they work to say something and work to abate it. in the fire storm that was long ago, the fire incinerated more than 3,300 homes up here and apartments and it also killed 25 people and injured 150. a holiday weekend with scorching temperatures could be a recipe for disasters. here's what firefighters had to say about that. >> people are going to be home enjoying barbecues, doing homeimprovement projects -- home prove month project -- improvement projects, can increase the significant wildfire. >> reporter: so the best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames, no power tools, nothing that could spark or cause a fire. coming out live, again the red flag through out the hills and every hill in the bay area. there's way to prevent fires and only you can prevent them and if we take that seriously we won't have a problem. reporting live from piedmont, tom vacar. >> you were asking berkeley fire if you live in the hills if you can get your vehicle off the road and on your property, it will certainly help if they have an emergency, as well? >> reporter: it's extraordinarily tough because they are narrow and when people jam them up, the fire trucks can't get through and can't abate, all they're doing is buying insurance for themselves by doing so. >> precautionary measures being taken. the extreme heat is also causing problems for bart. riders can expect ten to 20-minute delays train speeds are being reduced as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails, by reducing speed, bart says the tracks have been heat treated and no problems are expected. in, remain is i experiencing -- in muni, the excessive heat led to delays in service. there was some concern are older vehicles might overheat and the air train at fso was knocked out of service. shuttles picked up passengers at the rental car facility. and they'll be rolling closures on the bridge during the demolition. the demolition set to happen between 10:45 and 11:45 a.m. crews will blow up the foundation over six weekends and it all kicks off today ending in november. bart says it will hold chains at the west oakland and embarcadero stations. we'll take you live during the 9:00 hour. >> and with triple digits temperatures in store, people are looking for ways to escape the heat. >> we'll tell you what some resent it is are doing to stay -- residents are doing to stay cool and how the hot weather is impacting local distances. >> we're not used to this kind of heat all day long. >> because it's hot and we need a place to relax and cool off and watch a good movie. >> the regal cinema's oasis, while outside it was still 104 rat 7:00 p.m. >> it was freezing and now we're sweating already. >> pleasanton, not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even 114, depending on location. that meant sidewalk dining, normally busy, a bust. >> seats are empty because of the heat. everybody is also out of town. >> the in reppid respiratory -- intrepid were award a cool driven. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everywhere is going to be hot. >> it's more like a sauna. more like a sauna instead of just hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> in this region so full of hot air, kids shaw shortened school days, recess indoors. >> we went inside the multipurpose room and we watched a movie and ate our food there? >> yeah, because it was too hot. >> so far we sold over 100 casings of water. >> pleasanton ran fans throughout the store and selling lots of them. >> we have our fans here. we started out with two pal on thes and this is what we have -- pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> 40 of them gone by mid-week, even priced at $300. >> i'm sure we could have sold a lot more. could it be any hotter? hot enough for you? yeah. president trump will travel to texas and louisiana today to get a firsthand look at the damage caused by hurricane harvey. >> this is his second trip to texas this week. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he's expected to meet with volunteer comes people affected by the storm and he'll head to louisiana and land back in washington, d.c. later tonight. the president said he's asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion to help with recovery efforts. >> to the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every single step of the way. we will help you recover, we will help you rebuild, we will support you today, tomorrow, and the day after. >> the white house says president trump is pledging 1 $1 million of his own money but hasn't said which organization that will go to yet. 710 time:10, the military released video of this helicopter rescue yesterday in the greater houston area. an rover was lowered down to her home where he was able to help a family including a little boy and girl the crew belongs to the 100 00 west wing in new york. engineers will release water from the reservoir, which will keep homes flooded for two weeks and two explosions in crosby, the epa is monitoring for any potential toxic chemicals in the area and beaumont, 120,000 people are still without clean drinking water leading to long lines of people waiting for bottled water there. many people returned only to find there wasn't much left. >> we need trailers. if anybody has some trailers they're not going to use, some clothes, we need that. >> some people are also worried about potential health hazards from the mold and bacteria in the water. the governor of texas says it could take year for that state to recover from the hurricane. >> look at that mess there. back here in the bay area, heat waves can cause all sorts of problems. hear from an emergency room doctor on the warning signs and the people who are at most risk. and a jailhouse interview with a bay area woman linked to a deadly shooting of a sheriff's deputy. mornings on 2 continues. s. ♪ good morning, folks, happy saturday to you. we are giving you a live view there into san francisco and you can see, yes, it's going to be another yucky one. we've got hot weather, record-breaking temperatures coming our way in addition to all that haze and smoke from wildfires coming our way. more on the air quality coming up. the trump administration is ordering the russian consulate to close today. >> some black smoke billowed from the building yesterday as workers were seen carrying out boxes out of the building. we talked with some of the neighbors speculating what exactly may have been burning. reporter: black smoke could be seen billowing from the russian consulate just in the afternoon. neighbors called 911 thinking it would be unusual to burn anything when the mercury climbed to 100 degrees. >> i think they're burning sensitive documents. >> fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm, the fire was quote not unintentional and people were burning things in their fireplace. >> they're trying to do some housecleaning before they take off. >> reporter: the so-called housecleaning comes one day after the trump administration ordered the consulate to close, a response to the kremlin cutting the diplomats this month. >> translator: we'll have a tough response to the things that come totally out of the blue to hurt us and are driven solely by the desire to spoil our relations. >> we are not happy. we are leaving the bay area and it's awkward. >> reporter: the u.s. government is only trying to bring parity to the number of lip lom ats in each -- diplomats in each country. >> reporter: the trump administration says this consulate has to close by saturday and it could be facing some excessive smoke violations by air quality officials. meanwhile, neighbors say they're going to miss having it here because they would get their visas if they needed to travel to russia. now they wonder what will happen to this building, which sits on prime real estate overlooking the san francisco bay. in san francisco, tara moriarti, ktvu's fox 2 news. upon. there's good sleeping weather and bad sleeping weather. >> last night really stunk. >> if you were up until 10:00, no one could sleep. >> even if do you have a.c., you have to find a happy medium. >> i have no a.c. and it's not going to get any better, at least not tonight. we have better weather coming our way, at least for some on the back end of the weekend and into labor day monday, improving weather for everybody. we've got one more really tough day to get through, giving you a view there of an orange sky and hazy sky. these folks were sending me messages saying the skies are clear but not blue, they're brown and sort of grayish. this looks like emoryville from san francisco. a spare the air alert in place right, no surprise, here's a look at the numbers for the north bay along the coast and the central bay, we are above that 100 mark threshold, which mean that is shade of orange, are sensitive groups. if you are sensitive, have asthma, respiratory issues, including you especially for our younger kids and older grandparents and folks like that, but as you bet into the east bay and the santa clara valley, above the 150 mark means everybody needs to be careful and avoid outdoor activities in the afternoon. 70 degrees in okay land, up -- oakland, inland, upper 60s, low 70s. i showed you are already warmer than yesterday by five, ten or so, 76 in belmont, 66 in wood side, the inner east bay, 76 in antioch to start your morning, 69 in danville and low 70s reported lafayette, as well as maraga. afternoon highs, just like yesterday, likely to break records, 105 for movada, and 98 in berkeley, the inner east bay, 112 for antioch, 113 for pleasanton and 96 by the water in santa cruz, so there is no escaping the heat. 104 in redwood city, 95 in the ci of san francisco and the stretch at pacifica, and half moon bay had been stuck under the cloud cover for weeks, now very, very warm. it's going to be hot for the afternoon as we get into the bay area weekend though, so the heat warnings still in place. heat advisories for everyone today. that coast will turn on at least, inside the bay, temperatures will drop some, but 106 the afternoon high, and temperatures will continue to cool into tuesday, and wednesday. we've got another rough day coming our way. >> 113 in antiock just rolled off your tongue. >> i had to say it so much yesterday. >> could today feel hotter than it was yesterday in. >> we're starting out warmer. the hills are picking up a little bit of wind and that's why the fire danger for the hills. >> find a pool. an alert to bart riders this labor day weekend, work crews are performing track maintenance and perform electrical system. no trains will run between the 19th street and west oakland and fruitdale stations. lake merit stations will be closed but they'll be free bus service between these areas this weekend. 7:21. a major scientific find in colorado, coming up what a construction crew found during a dig that is 66 million years old. plus the proposal to extend last call at bars and nightclubs across the state. why that idea is now off the table. welcome back. it is 7:24. robert mueller, looking into the alleged connections to russia has received a termination letter that was written by james comey. that draft of the letter was never sent because white house lawyers stepped in and advised the president to send a much shorter version. the first draft which sources say is several pages long and is described as a rant laid out the president's long list of frustrations with comey including his supervision of the alleged russian ties to his campaign. the second shorter version said comey was being fired for how he handled the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail server. the white house says president trump will announce his decision on the dhaka program on tuesday. dreamers have been working and going to school under the program created by president obama and has given mixed signals by president trump. a decision is weighing heavily on him, the white house says. >> we love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president's priorities on immigration are to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers. the president's been very clear. he loves people and wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. >> they are now urging the president to spare the program. a plan to allow cities to close late at bars and eye club, would have allowed bars to serve alcoholntil 4:00 a.m. opponents said it would lead to more accidents and deaths and the night life employs hundreds of thousands of people in middle and working class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not be dictating to local communities what time their bars and nightclubs close and let's let these communities make their own decisions and they can have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2:00 a.m. here in california since 1935. state lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue and a report is due back by the end of 2019. a rock climber who set a record has been honored at the state capital. the there-year-old of sacramento -- the 32-year-old was recognized for making the 3,000 foot climb by himself and without the safety of ropes. he says he prepared for the climb for two years. >> there was nothing but positive sensations the whole way. i felt good and confident. >> one of the state senators offered the resolution and said his historic climb was more than just a personal goal. happening today, war year fans will get a chance to see the nba championship trophy, the larry o'brien championship trophy. of course named after a form commissioner will be at the team store in san francisco on market street from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. if you want to head into the city. if you can't make it the trophy will be at the warriors team store in the east bay at walnut creek on main street tomorrow since the warriors won the 2017 title, the trophy has traveled more than 25,000 miles including kevin durant taking it to his home town and in a parade in maryland all the way to the republic of georgia. and the dove s open up against the nuggets september 30th. back is back. >> that went fast. time to get back to work. she's barely five feet tall and she did some things not many women have done before. >> a young lady who happens to play high school with her florida high school with a touchdown to remember. have a look at this, where there's extreme heat there's chance for a fire storm, there's why red flags are waving all over the bay area as the orange sunrises through smoke and haze. that story coming up at the top of the hour. we are back. good to have you with us on this hot little saturday. >> we all know it's hot yesterday, we think it would be hot today. we're trying to find out when we're going to see some relief. >> and i said october. am i close? >> the end of october. usually by halloween. usually the first couple weeks of october, it could still be quite warm. those offshore winds pick up, the fire danger picks up and the temperatures pick up, as well. that's the bay area summer. this afternoon, excessive heat, once again and we have warnings in place across the board. here's a live view there. that shot doesn't look too bad, but we do have poor air quality in store, hot and hazy and we do get the hot and hazy on occasion, but this is even rare for us. we are talking about setting records that have never been set before. san francisco broke a record yesterday, they reached 103 or 104 in the afternoon. the advisory for the coastline goes until about 9:00 p.m., meaning the coast will see some improving weather by tomorrow. here's a look where the warning is. the north bay you can see the darker shade of pink, coastline, san mateo, and into monterrey. and all the way until about monday night, the cooling effect it will come steps, meaning the coast will get it tomorrow, and the take a while before the inland communities start to feel it. and most of us are very light calm conditions and stagnant conditions unfortunately. we have a little bit of wind in our heals and that has heightened the fire danger here. -- heels and that has heightened the fire danger. temperature wise already off to a warmer start. 70 in concord, 70 in oakland, 77 in downtown san francisco. chances are we're going to be just as warm, even hotter than where we were yesterday. up by six in santa rosa and san jose up by four. when i come back i'll have a look at the afternoon highs and when that cool down is coming our way, as well as a check on the air quality coming up. >> with those triple digits temperatures across the bay on the way it means more fire danger. >> we'll show you how firefighters in the east bay are getting prepared. >> reporter: why don't you take a look at this because that red flag says it all and what it says is there's extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are just tender dry and it makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that's why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard they work to abate it. the fire in sinirated more than 25 people -- initsinirated. >> people will be home enjoying projects and compound with the extreme heat that we're experiencing in the bay area, and the oakland hills, that can come pound the opportunity for a significant wild land fire. >> reporter: best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames, no tour tools, nothing, absolutely nothing that could spark or caused a fire because that red flag may mean there's fire underway. that's the situation here in the oakland hills, tom vacar, ktvu 2 news. doctors are warning people and children and senior citizens, especially with respiratory problems they'll have to deal with it all weekend. we'll talk about the health risks. >> reporter: as the heats to record levels, so do the worries. >> we definitely have our staff standing by taking calls about how we can help individuals, especially the elderly. >> reporter: working ahead of the forecast, the conttra-costa office of -- contr acosta department of health and human services are weighing options. >> they're ensuring if people call in if they have concerns about the heat they know they can go do cooling centers to be able -- to cooling centers to be able to cool off to make sure they're healthy and safe. >> at least 16 cooling centers will open in contra costa county. over 400 visitors could be welcomed after only a handful showed up. >> we have ice water, chairs, a few colors, coloring books to read, and another room for pets. >> and on a slow day, this e.r. doctor says it's still early and they're prepared. >> we're anticipating quite a bit of heat-related illness. we have seen a few mainly er elderly. >> reporter: he's seen signs of some trouble. >> confusion, lack of sweating, excessive thirst. >> one way to avoid the e.r. is to think about what's going into your body, especially are the elderly. >> they should make sure they're drinking before they're thirsty and fruits and vegetables in high water content. >> reporter: these simple tips and knowing where to go do cool off can do wonders to protect the most vulnerable. ktvu news. 7:37, dozens of people gathered in el dorado to honor a sacramento sheriff's deputy that was shot and killed inhe line of duty. friends and family of deputy robert french held a vigil to celebrate his life. the base of the hills was a favorite place for him and you his three adult children and his girlfriend. >> thank you. thank you-all for coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team painted his badge number never forgotten. he was shot and killed part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud remains hospitalized this morning in critical condition. he was wounded in a gun battle when they first spotted two women leaving in a stolen bmw. one woman was released, the other is being held on $150,000 bail in woodlands and journalists were able to conduct jailhouse interviews. she's currently on suicide watch and met one reporter wearing just a green blanket. >>she said she had no idea was car was stolen buts quote i'm sorry things had to end up like they did. he's stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. a respected judge is asking not to sign a recall petition to receive judge aaron persky from the bench. >> if this recall succeeds judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wins before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised. >> the recorded message came under fire. he faced controversy for putting a man in jail for six months for hitting an unconscious woman. and oakland police are asking for help to find a person of interest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police released these photos. a $15,000 award is being offered for information leading to an arrest in the case. 40-year-old david deport was sitting at a telegraph cafe when a man stole his laptop. he chased the robber and was dragged to death by the getaway car. this is the type of car police are looking for, a mid sized audi suv two california marijuana farmers have been charged with attempting to bribe a sheriff's office accused a brother and sister for trying to brave the sister at siskew county and offered $1 million to turn a blind eye to their pot-growing operations. authorities are trying to locate the other one. the arrest of a nurse in utah is making national headlines after video of her arrest went viral. >> this body camera video from july shows the detective grabbing the nurse and taking her into custody and happened after the nurse refused draw blood from her unconscious patient. she told the officer he needed a warrant or consent and he took out his handcuffs. she was trying to protect her patient's rights. 7:41. coming up, an alert to bart riders, the station that'll is closed even the weekend and how it is train is reducing their speeds, as well. >> and the state has issued an emergency warning and we'll tell you what's complicating those fire fighting efforts. it's going to be blazing hot. another poor air quality day around the region. i'll have the details coming up. the music choice is making me laugh a little bit. several large wildfires are keeping cal trans busy. in southern california, about 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank near latuna canyon park. the los angeles fire department says this fire started about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. so far it has raged across 2 hnd 200 acres. interstate 210 has shut down and multiple resources have been sent to contain that fire and no homes have been damaged. that is good news there. governor jerry brown discovered an imagine for the ponda rosa county east of orville and spread to 3,700 acres, so far destroyed 44 homes, more of threatened. the fire is 40% contained right now. and the pleasant fire burning in nevada county burning off highway 49, 392 acres have burned here. all evacuations and road closures have been lifted. the cause is under investigation. and smoke from some of those fires creating unusually hazy conditions and poor air quality. this is a live picture of fs oh, this morning. you can barely see the mountains. >> mount diablo was almost disappeared the last couple days. it's not only hot, but the air is just awful. >> >> it feels like you could swallow the smog. on occasion we know we're going to get the hot weather, we get the drift, but wow, with the record heat in place, and the amount of smoke, it just seems rare for us even though bee get it from time to time. this is one of the worst ones. giving you a view at some time at least from what i understand, folks that were even born and raised don't remember it being this bad. in addition to the arizona quality, we are likely to set records once again. some of us setting all time records, that's just how hot it is out there. temperatures starting out warmer than yesterday. hazy conditions, the north bay, the coast, and the central bay, that air quality just up above the 100 mark meaning that shade of orange if you're sensitive to the pollution, if you have asthma, respiratory issues, this is for you. the inner east bay, as well as the santa clara valley, everybody is included. we are loob looking at it temperatures reaching above -- looking at temperatures reaching above 110 for our inland folks. we have a lot 80s and 90s expected right along the coastline. here's a look at the temperatures outside right now. 71 to start around the bay, 75 in hayward, 73 fso. 63, half moon bay, 67 in san francisco. as we get into the numbers along the peninsula, 76 for belmont, 81 in the loss altos hills, so the higher elevations are hotter. 70 degrees in danville. so as we've been talking about, the overnight hours we didn't really cool off. 105 in the afternoon, 100 for petaluma, 110 expected for santa rosa. closer to the water, 99 in salsalito. >> make sure you have the sun flock. south bay, 1 monday 4, and south bay -- sun block. south bay, 104, and south bay, everybody above 100 degrees. along the peninsula, 104 in redwood city, upper 80 for pacifica and half moon bay. temperatures begin to come down as we get into the back end of the weekend. the coast will feel it for the. that on-shore breeze coming back into the bay area, improving the air quality, and will take a couple days before the inland cities drop out of the triple digits. we'll get back to 90 degrees on wednesday. >> when will the fog come back? >> never. >> the fog is coming back tomorrow into monday. >> remember back in june we had six straight days of a hundred? this seems worse. >> this is worse because now we have the smoke and the air quality. >> 110, 115, i don't remember it being that hot. >> 110, are you kidding? >> that's phoenix weather. >> 103 for san francisco? well, we'll hunker down. time now is 7:50. kind of a cool story. there's nothing unusual about a construction crew digging in some dirt, but a recent dig was hiding something quite spectacular. they found some dinosaur bones. >> dinosaur bones that had been there more than six million years the possible wouldn't move and the lead p a lent ologis it from the -- palentolog ist from colorado has not seen one of these yet. >> we've not hit one of these yet. >> it turned out to be a trier is tops -- triceratops. >> we're so in /á -- we're so in sig 95 senate. and don't worry about throwing anything else. a teen shows she's as talented on the football field as any of the guys. we'll have more from this impressive female quarterback. . and serena williams checked into the hospital on wednesday and had a scheduled c-section today. the baby weighed six pounds, 13 ounces. both mother and baby are said to be doing well. williams is engaged and this is the couple's first child. >> we hear the baby already picked up a racket. when you give up six runs in the ninth, it's not a good sign. the giants bullpen imploded as they got a visit from the cardinals. johnny cuedo looks a little bit rusty here. it's a 2-run bomb. first major league home run. cards down 3-2. watch brandon crawford play up secretary base, pop, i don't need a glove, bare hands it and fires a stroke to first. giants use nine pitchers. wong breaks a 5-5 tie with a solid single and game winner. 11-6 at at&t. a's visiting seattle. mike zu niño going yard here and for the fourth straight time, 3-2, up in seattle. today cut down day in the nfl. every team including the niners and raiders must trim their roster from 90 to the final 53, which means 1,200 players will get pink slipped. raiders are busy, and george atkinson, 3 roam, and maiii, meaning the team will keep the two qbs and the rookie out of iowa who had an impressive season. the bears haven't won a game on the road in nearly two years, so a new coach hopefully a new -- outlook. san jose state will host cal poly. stanford getting a break after that big road trip win against rice in australia. a teenage girl in florida is doing her best derrick carr impersonation. she threw a touchdown on her very first pass for her high school varsity football team. she completed the 42-yard pass in the fourth quarter and is the second girl to play football and the first girl to ever throw a touchdown in the varsity game in florida. >> coach graham pulled me to the side and he was all, like, you can do this. i was a little nervous. i knew i could do it mentally. the feeling of the coach telling you makes you feel bet about it. >> unfortunately her team lost 21-7, but the was the only score in the game. holly's only 5'2" tall, but hopes other kids will learn they can do anything no matter their color, race, size, and gender. >> her first pass goes for 42 and a. >> good for holly, bring it on. got an a/c in the house, rosemary said if you loved yesterday you're going to love today. we've got another hot one and a little bit of fire danger. more on that coming up. and holding up the eastern span of the bay bridge are coming down, the immotion happening today -- implosion it could have and the impact over the bay bridge. stay right there. welcome back to mornings on 2 . >> that ac fails good. >> it's great to be here. i do not have air conditioning at my house. good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. the big story everyone is talking about is it's hot here and it's going to be hot again today. triple digits all over the bay area depending where you are. day two of that excessive heat warning is on again today. >> all that hot weather means fire danger and more unhealthy air. today is another spare the day -- spare the air day. caltrans begins tearing down the old pier. >> it will impact traffic on the current span along with delays on bart. we will take you there shortly but first let's talk about the hits. instead, let's talk about president trump. he is heading back to texas to meet with victims of hurricane harvey. >> we were. you his visit in the money he is asking for to help the storm battered region. the big story is over here, bringing the heat again. >> breaking records all over the place. san francisco hit 106 taking the all-time record of 103. >> san francisco has only hit 110 times since the late 1800s. that's incredible. >> reporter: it is expected to go to 95 today. i don't think we were expecting 106 yesterday. it's going to be a hot and hazy one here's a live look at mount diablo where we have orange, gray and brown sky to start the day. this is the second part of day and notice how still it is. there is not a breeze. we do have some wind in the hills. that is causing the heightened fire danger and the red flag warning. for the rest of us, the excessive heat and poor air quality. these are the records from yesterday. look at all the triple digit heat. away from the coast it was widespread. inside the bay and inland cities. oakland airport hit 101. 108, san jose. 105, santa cruz. today, a near repeat. as we get into the second part of the day, triple digit heat is expected again. the excessive heat warning goes the entire day and will expire on the coast tonight at 9:00. for the rest of us it continues along with the high fire danger that will expire later this evening for the hills. the spare the air alert for today is likely to be carried over into tomorrow. here is a look at the temperatures. 73 degrees, oakland. 57, san francisco. in the inner east bay, livermore, 74. look at the 24 hour temperature change. up by 6 in santa rosa. when i come back i will have the afternoon highs for today, the air quality and when we will cool down in the extended forecast. there are more triple digit temperatures across the bay and that means fire danger. >> how firefighters in the east bay are preparing >> reporter: look at this. that red flag says it all and what it says is there is extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are tinder dry and it makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that is why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard they say something and work to abate it. the fire incinerated more than 3000 homes and apartments killing 25 and injuring 150 years ago. with that in mind, a holiday weekend with high temperatures could be a recipe for disaster. >> people will be home enjoying barbecues and doing home improvement projects. with that, compounded with the extreme heat that we are experiencing, that can compound the opportunity for a significant wildland fire. >> reporter: the best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames. no power tools, nothing that could spark or cause a fire. that red flag may actually mean that there is a fire underway. that's the situation here in the oakland hills. tom vacar , ktvu fox 2. theory -- the extreme heat is cutting problems for bart. delays will be 10-20 minutes for the heat wave process. train speeds are reduced as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails. by reducing the speed, operators will have more time to react to abnormal conditions on the rails. those tracks have been heat treated and no problems are expected. muni is also experiencing heat related issues. it alerted riders that the excessive heat led to delays. there was some concern that the older vehicles may overheat. high temperatures also knocked the air train at sfo out of service. shuttles. the passengers at the rental car facility and drop them off at the airport terminal. caltrans will start to remove the final peers that used to hold of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. they will be -- there will be a rolling closures as a precaution. the demolition is said to happen between 1045 and 1145 this morning. crews will blowup the foundations over six weekends. it kicks off today and will and in november. bart said it will hold trans outside the transbay tube but two stations during the implosions may cause 15 minute delays. we will take you there live shortly. president trump will travel to texas and louisiana to get a look at the damage caused by hurricane harvey. >> this is his second trip to texas. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he is expected to meet with volunteers and people affected by the storm. he will then head to louisiana and then land in washington later tonight. during his weekly address, the president said he asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion to help in the recovery efforts. to the people affected we are with you every single step of the way we will help you recover. we will help you rebuild. we will support you today, tomorrow and the day after. >> the white house had president trump is pledging $1 million of his own money to help victims but has not said which organization the money will go to. one week since harvey made landfall, rescue efforts continue for people stranded. the military released video of a helicopter rescue in the greater houston area. the offer -- the officer was lower down to a home where he was able to help the family. they were pulled onto the chopper for safety. neighborhoods in houston are under new evacuation orders as engineers work to release water from two reservoirs that are full. they could keep nearly 20,000 homes flooded for another two weeks. evacuation orders are placed -- in place in crosby after explosions at a chemical street chemical plant. the epa is monitoring for toxic chemicals in the area. in beaumont, 120,000 with that clean drinking water leading to long lines waiting for bottled water. many returned home yesterday to find there was not much left. >> we need trailers. if anyone has trailers or not going to use. we need clothing. >> people are worried about potential health hazards from mold and back area. the governor of texas said it could take years for his state to recover. honoring a sacramento and killed in the line of duty. how people are remembering and celebrating his life. the russian consulate in san francisco is set to close today. one day after black smoke load from the building. what firefighters are saying about what may have been burned. good morning. we are soaking up plenty of sun and smoke and haze this morning and into the afternoon. record-setting temperatures expected again today. today is going to be the worst of it. we do have and onshore breeze coming back to call us down into the days ahead. >> i want the fog to come back. >> you have no choice today. the trump administration is ordering the russian consulate in san francisco to close. >> meanwhile black smoke was billowing from the building yesterday as workers were seen carrying boxes out of the consulate. tara moriarty spoke with some of the neighbors. >> reporter: acrid smoke could be seen billowing from the russian consulate just after noon. neighbors called 911 thinking it would be unusual for someone to burn something on this spare the air day when america reclined to 100 degrees. >> i think they are burning sensitive documents. >> reporter: fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm. the fire was not unintentional and people were burning something in the fireplace. two they are trying to do house placing -- housecleaning before they take off. >> reporter: the housecleaning comes one day after the trump administration ordered the consulate to close. response to the kremlin cutting the number of u.s. diplomats in russia earlier this month. >> we will have a tough response to the things that come out of the blue to hurt us and are driven solely by the desire to spoil our relations. >> reporter: russian americans who came out of the building are annoyed by its closure as the diplomatic fight escalates. >> we are leaving the bay area. >> reporter: the u.s. government said it's trying to bring parity to the number of diplomats in each country. >> the decision to bring total parity was taken to stop the increasing spiral of escalations in our relationship. >> reporter: administration said the conflict is to close by saturday and could face excessive smoke violations by air quality officials. neighbors say they will miss having it here because they would get their visas if they needed to travel to russia. now they wonder what will happen to this building that sits on prime real estate overlooking the san francisco bay. all this heat can be dangerous. we've been talking about it all morning. how do you spot signs if someone is not doing well? vulnerable people? kids? hourly? >> and how do you know the difference between heat exhaustion or a heat stroke? all these questions coming into play with this heat in play. the national weather service has issued this graphic that shows you the early signs. we know paralysis and things like that are obvious signs of a stroke. what about if you have a headache? this is what they are comparing it to. if you are faint or dizzy, that is heat exhaustion. if you have a throbbing headache, chances are you may be having a stroke. if you are sweating, that is a sign of heat exhaustion. if you're not sweating, that could be serious. that could mean mean you are experiencing a stroke. these are all good tips to know. coming up we will have a doctor onset who will talk about how to protect yourself from getting sick during this heat. as you have been reporting, the hospitals are reporting more folks are coming in and people are actually getting sick. i read something that said dehydration can cause a stroke. i did not know that. maybe the doctor can confirm or give us more about that. here is a look at the hot conditions expected today. you will need to protect yourself once again. there is a spare the air alert in place. here are the numbers for your area. the north bay irma coast and central bay, we are and that orange in the 100 mark. if you are sensitive or have respiratory issues, this includes you. the darker red shade, above 150 index indicating everybody needs to pay attention and avoid outdoor act dvds. especially vigorous activity. as we've been looking around the bay area, i would say avoid it now if you can. 70, walnut creek. 67, san francisco. 68, napa and san jose. the inner east bay, antioch, 77. moraga, 75. if you see the giants today it will be hot. 94 degrees with a west and northwest a breeze. mostly sunny skies. sitting in the stands, it could easily feel above 100. please be careful. watch your little ones and drink plenty of water. here is a look at the north bay numbers. 104, petaluma. 99, sausalito. 98, alameda. 114, livermore. san jose, 104. 109, los gatos. santa cruz, 96. daly city, 86. 95, san francisco for the afternoon hi. yesterday san francisco hit 106 breaking an all-time record. temperatures do begin to come down. the seabreeze begins to trickle in and the coastal get it first tomorrow. which -- with each day we take better steps toward better weather. >> even at night it would be nice. i walked out of here last night at 8:30 pm and it was 95 degrees. >> how we like that seabreeze. with triple digit temperatures again today, people are looking for ways to escape the heat. here are what some residents in pleasanton are doing this weekend to stay cool and how the hot weather is impacting local businesses. >> we are not used to this heat all day long. >> reporter: three tickets for air-conditioning, please. >> is hot and we need a place to relax and call off. >> reporter: the regal cinema is an oasis. 70 degrees inside while outside it was still 104 at 7 pm. >> it was freezing in there. we had sweaters. now we are sweating. >> reporter: pleasanton is not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even 114 depending on the location. that meant sidewalk dining normally busy was a bust. >> everyone is out of town for labor day. and the heat. people do not want to leave their house. >> reporter: the intrepid were rewarded with a mint watermelon slushy on the house when they walked in the door. these two on a date came from tracy. the frying pan to the fire. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everyone will be hot. >> it feels like a sauna. a sauna instead of hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> reporter: in this region so full of hot air, kids saw shorten school days, sports were canceled, recess was endured. >> weed inside the multipurpose room and watched a movie and ate our food there. because it was too hot. >> we did not think we would be in the water business but the last couple of days we've sold over 100 cases. >> reporter: ace hardware dimmed the lights to save power, running fans throughout the store and selling lots of them.  >> we started this morning with two pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> portable air conditioners were gone by midweek. even priced up to $300. >> they did not question the price on that. we could have sold a lot more. >> earlier we told you about how the heat is impacting public transit. another transit agency also impacted is caltrain. it sent out tweets yesterday including this one about heat restrictions on different lines. under those restrictions passenger trains can go no faster than 60 miles an hour. freight trains, 40 miles an hour. an alert to bart riders over the weekend where crews are using the weekend to perform met -- track maintenance. no trains will run between the 19th street and fruitville stations or between west oakland and fruitville station. the lake merritt station will be closed. there will be free bus service between those areas over the weekend. a san francisco lawmaker proposes to extend last call at bars and nightclubs across the state. why the bill is on thin ice. eight treat -- where the nba fans -- where fans can see the nba championship trophy over the weekend. the white house said president trump will announce his decision on the daca program on tuesday. -- protects immigrants from deportation. 800,000 young people known as dreamers registered under the program. they have been working and going to school. the program was created by president obama. president trump has given mixed signals about his decision over the plan. the white house suggested the decision is weighing heavily on his mind. >> i love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president priority on immigration is carried assistant that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy. the president has been very clear. he loves people and he wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. that's what he is doing now. finalizing that part. >> the house speaker is among those urging the president to spare the program. a plan to allow cities to extend last call at bars and nightclubs is now on ice. the bill sponsored by scott wiener would have allowed bars to serve alcohol until 4 am at the discretion of local lawmakers. opponents said extending hours would lead to more alcohol- related accidents and deaths. supporters argue the nightlife industry employs hundreds of thousands of people in the state, middle-class and working- class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not be dictating to local communities what time there bars and nightclubs close. let's let these communities make their own decisions and have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2 am in california since 1935. lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue. that report is due by the end of 2019. a rock climber who set a record by free climbing el capitan has been honored at the state capital. alex channel was recognized for making the 3000 foot climb by himself without the safety of ropes. he said he prepared for two years. >> one i summitted it was nothing but positive sensations. i felt good and confident. >> one of the senators offer the resolution thing he believes the climb was more than just a physical accomplishment. >> i've seen those pictures three times this morning and it still gets me. warrior fans will have a chance to see the championship trophy. it will be at the team store at the westfield mall in san francisco on market street. that is from 10 am through 5 pm. if you can't make it into san francisco, the trophy will be at the team store in walnut creek on south main street on sunday. sent the warriors one the finals trophy, the trophy has been on a road trip. 25,000 miles traveled including kevin durant's hometown in maryland and the republic of georgia in europe. >> basketball is not too far away. the tip off the season opener at oracle on september 30. >> football season started. basketball season is around the corner. >> they are still playing baseball. not too well in these parts but they are still playing. firefighters across the state are busy with large wildfires. the state of emergency issued and what is complicating the efforts. another day of extreme heat. hi fired danger warnings across the area. how firefighters are coping. good morning. a nice view. you can see the golden gate bridge. >> it looks like an afternoon shot, not 8 am. usually it is covered in fog but we have no fog insight. >> temperatures are also afternoon--ish as well. it's good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm allie rasmus. let's start with the weather. that is the big story. we can't escape it. 90 degrees is our calls by. 86 in daly city for the afternoon today. many folks are heading to the beach but expected to be warm and make sure you have the sun block. here is a view outside our doors. this is a look across san jose and santa clara toward levi's stadium in the distance. haze and smoke will remain in the forecast today. this was sent into the national weather service last night. a smokey sunset at shark park beach in pacifica. although it's unhealthy and we don't like it in our area, it does provide some beautiful sunsets and often, sunrises. that smoke and haze will remain in place for another day. the onshore breeze will trickle back as we get into sunday. that will allow our beachside communities to cool down. with that, the excessive heat warning goes through tonight for beachside communities from the north bay down through the san mateo county coastline and monterey. that expires at 9 pm. the rest of us will have that warning until 9:00 monday night. the heat is not going away anytime soon although it will begin to improve as we get into sunday and monday. the high fire danger is in place for most of us. the wind is very light and stagnant but in the hills we are seeing some wind. that has triggered the red flag warning until 9 pm. temperatures outside our heating up. 79, san francisco. 73, oakland. 74, livermore. 78, san jose. 74, nevada. most of us are warmer than where we started yesterday. temperatures today as hot or hotter. we will set records once again. we will look at the afternoon highs and the cool down in the extended forecast. struck with more triple digit temperatures across the bay, that means a risk for diet -- fire danger. tom vacar shows us how firefighters are preparing. >> reporter: that red flag says it all. what it says is there is extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are just dry and that makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that is why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard, they will say something and work to abate it. and the fires from long ago, that fire incinerated 1000 homes and apartments killing 25 and injuring 150. with that in mind, a holiday weekend with scorching temperatures could be a recipe for disaster. >> people will be home enjoying barbecues and doing home improvement projects. with that, compounded with the extreme heat that we are experiencing, that can compound an opportunity for a significant wildland fire. >> reporter: the best advice, no open flames. no power tools. absolutely nothing that could spark or cause a fire because that red flag may actually mean there is a fire underway. that is the situation here in the oakland hills.tom vacar . several large wildfires kept cal fire cruise busy. we're watching two fires in northern california and one in los angeles county. 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank in a community near latina canyon park. the los angeles fire department said the fire started around 1:30 pm yesterday. so far it is raged through 200 acres. here are some live pictures from a helicopter. you can see the smoke spreading over the hills. the wind in that area is causing a lot of the problems, spreading embers on both sides of the freeway. interstate 210 has been shot down. multiple agencies have sent resources to contain the blaze. according to fire officials no homes have been damaged. we will continue monitoring this picture. this is a live look of a wildfire in los angeles county. in northern california, governor brown has declared a state of emergency for the ponderosa fire. temperatures are complicating efforts. the fire is east of oroville and has spread to 3900 acres. it has destroyed 44 homes. we have just learned the fire is now 45% contained. 65% containment on the pleasant fire burning and nevada county. it started wednesday and is burning off of highway 49. 392 acres have burned. evacuations and road closures have been lifted. because is still under investigation. smoke from some of those fires is drifting into the bay area creating hazy conditions and poor air quality. this is a live look at sfo. as we mentioned, you can barely see the horizon of the hills behind the airport. dozens gathered last night and el dorado county to honor a deputy shot and killed in the line of duty this week. friends and family of deputy robert french holding a vigil to remember and celebrate his life. the base of the el dorado hills was a favorite place for the officer. people in attendance included deputies and his children, his grandkids and his girlfriend. >> this would wreck him in a good way. so thank you. thank you offer coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team different supported painted his badge number with the words, never forgotten, on the rock at the memorial site. french was shot and killed wednesday at a sacramento ramada inn. he was part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud of castro valley remains hospitalized this morning. using critical condition. he was wounded during a gun battle. the incident began when two woman were spotted in a stolen bmw leaving the ramada inn. they were chased and taken into custody. one woman was released and the other is being held on bond. she is a yellow county jail. one is charged with felony vehicle theft and debating authorities. journalists were able to conduct interviews with her but no cameras were allowed. she is currently on a suicide watch and did meet one rick order wearing just a green blanket. she said "how did i end up like this? sometimes i want to end my life." she said she had no idea that the car was stolen or that littlecloud was armed. she said i'm sorry things ended up the way they did. i love him but he is stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. start respected judges asking voters in santa clara county to not sign a recall position to remove aaron persky from the bench. >> if this recall succeeds, judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wins before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised, which means that we will all suffer. >> the recorded message from the judge went out to 100,000 voters. judge persky came under fire for sentencing former stanford student, brock turner, to six months in jail for sexually assaulting a woman. the judge points out that judge persky was cleared of accusations of bias after an extensive review. oakland police are asking for help to find a person of interest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police releasing photos of them and they want to talk to. $15,000 reward is being offered for information that may lead to an arrest.dave deporis of oakland was sitting at a cafi on telegraph avenue last month when a man stole his laptop. police say he chased the robber and was dragged to his death by the getaway car. this is the car police are looking for. it's similar to the getaway car. a midsized red audi suv. two marijuana farmers have been charged with attempting to bribe a sheriff. they are accused of trying to bribe the sheriff of siskiyou county. he was allegedly offered $1 million to turn a blind eye to their pot growing operation. one sibling was arrested on thursday. authorities are trying to locate the other sibling. our heat wave can cause health problems. next we will hear from an er doctor on the warning signs to look for among people who are most at risk. that is next. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quily as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. welcome back. you can see dehayes in that picture of downtown san francisco. the bay bridge is in the background. a lot of hot weather across the bay area. san francisco broke a record at 106 we are expecting more hot weather today. also bad air quality conditions. a lot to think about. >> it is so hazy i'm having a hard time seeing exactly what we are looking at. salesforce tower in the foreground. the dangerously high conditions have led to heat related illnesses. that leads us to our next topic. could you identify the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke? the national weather service has issued this graphic that shows you the early signs and differences. if you are faint or dizzy, that is likely heat exhaustion. if you have a pounding headache coming that could be a sign of stroke. if you are sweating, heat exhaustion versus not sweating. that could mean a stroke. >> is a lot to digest and we have the assistant director of the emergency department at summit medical center to tell us what to look for. we were talking off-camera and you said you've had so patience and yesterday. >> there are a fair number of people who have come in with symptoms such as generalized weakness, headache and fatigue. those could be there early signs of heat exhaustion. we did not see any heat stroke patients yesterday but this is a long weekend and i anticipate given the heat conditions that will continue, that we will likely see some serious heat related illness. you mentioned people and east bay do not have air conditioning. when it gets so hot and did not cool down overnight, what can you do to keep your kids cool, elderly? who are most vulnerable? >> the first thing is to avoid the heat if you can. obviously during the midday hours when the temperature is the highest, avoid going out if you can. stay indoors. if you have air-conditioning, use a. also, wearing loosefitting, light-colored clothing if you do need to go out. >> what a towel help? >> wet towels will help. especially if you feel, if you're experiencing heat related illness. evaporative cooling measures such as getting a fan on with wet towels can help cool the body. >> from what i understand, avoid vigorous activity, don't exercise when it's 105. i never thought about dehydration. i know we say to make sure to drink a lot of fluids but dehydration can be a cause of stroke. >> absolutely. dehydration is difficult to ascertain just from the individual person. often if you feel thirsty, you are probably dehydrated. and the patient population we encounter, meeting the elderly and people who have comorbidities, they are not able to really understand that they need more fluids when the temperature is higher. how do you assess how much fluid you need? i think it's impossible to actually give you a straight number. in general we tell people they should be aiming for about 8-10 glasses of water per day and increase that by up to 4 glasses when it gets hotter. i think everyone has different fluid requirements. >> it's a holiday weekend so a lot of barbecues and people enjoying a beer or two. that is a no-no as well. >> beer would be fine but i think that excess will lead people to susceptibility to heat related illness. alcohol will 10 to rehydrate -- dehydrate the body further. >> what are some of the early warning signs you would not expect to see in small kids? they can't tell you they are overheated. >> the biggest thing is lethargy meaning that the kid seems not interested in doing anything and is just lying around. that would be my warning sign for my kids. i need to get some fluids into them. having some juice and popsicles ready to go would be a good idea. >> thank you for coming in. i hope it is not busy this weekend for your. maybe rosemary can turn off the he a little bit. any help us out? >> how about after one more day. can you handle one more day? we have another hot one coming our way. the air quality is really bad out there. as the doctor suggested, drink a lot of water. make sure your kids are drinking water coming even when they say they are not thirsty. here is a look from san francisco where everywhere we see this morning there is a haze in the sky. the air quality for today is suffering once again. it is another spare the air day here is a look at in your neighborhood. for the north bay come at the coast and central bay, we are above the 100 index mark that shade of orange indicates folks sensitive to pollution. if you have asthma or seasonal allergies, things like that. the red indicates something more serious. it's for everyone. that is for the inner east bay and the santa clara valley. air quality will begin to improve as we get into sunday, monday and tuesday for today, it's not going away and neither is the heat. 100 degree plus weather around the bay. nearing 114 for inland communities. even if you are trying to beat the heat by heading to the coast, it will also be hot there with temperatures in the mid-80s to the mid-90s from daly city stretching down through santa cruz. 73, oakland. in the north bay, 78, nevada. 78, san jose. 79, belmont into the afternoon, 95, san francisco. 112, concord. 112, san jose. temperatures just as hot as yesterday, maybe even harder for some. if you're going to see the giants, well into the 90s and could feel above 100. take it easy and drink plenty of water. as we get into the second part of the weekend, temperatures begin to fall although the heat will remain inland through monday. it was slowly get better tuesday into wednesday. today will be the worst day if you do not count yesterday. >> those official temperatures are in the shade, i like to point out. in the sun it's even hotter than that. >> especially at a ball game. a proposal to extend last call at clubs and nightclubs across the state. why that idea is now off the table. a youtube video of a local football coach goes viral and i think you know why. the moves that have made him an internet sensation. alonzo carter is in his first year as the running backs coach for san jose state. >> as jason appelbaum shows us, the description does not come close to telling this man's remarkable story. >> high anti-. if you don't recognize coach carter here, search dancing football coach on youtube where he is the number one hits. [ music playing ] >> reporter: this video of a nimble footed carter went viral twice. first this past spring and again before the spartan season opener in late august. >> many of my friends are hitting me up saying is that your coach? yes that is. he's all over the news. >> reporter: if his moves look too good, a little too familiar, it's because in a former life, 30 years ago, he not only perfected them, he invented them. as a backup dancer and head choreographer for mc hammer himself. >> he made me the posse leader. i was that guy. >> reporter: and happened fast. carter was a junior at cal state hayward where he played football when he and some buddies auditioned for hammer's let's get it started video. the audition went so well, hammer invited them on tour. >> i was going for the summer. he said i want you back in the fall. the rest is history. >> reporter: and what a journey it was. three years on tour, 12 music audios, appearances on arsenio hall and oprah, even the grammys. it's something carter will always be grateful to hammer for. >> he had a lot of faith and belief in a young men from west oakland. >> reporter: his roots run deep and west oakland. he was one of four children raised by a single mother. his dad was in and out of jail. >> no father figure in my life. it was tough. many times i would play football with myself. throw the ball up and catch it in a make it -- imagine i would make it to the nfl. >> reporter: dancing was in the cards and it turns out that stage of his life planted the seed for what eventually be a long career in coaching. >> they are similar. our game and our show is the field. that was my first introduction to coaching. i was responsible for nutrition and training and other stuff. >> reporter: after touring with hammer, carter returned home in the early 90s, inspired to get back to his community. he volunteered as a football and track coach at the high school. his alma mater. it did not take long for carter's highly successful head- coaching career to take off. in 18 seasons, carter one, carter 111 league championships and seven coach of the year awards. with all of his accomplishments there was one thing missing left unfinished when he set out to tour the world with hammer. that was a college degree. >> i went for it. working a full-time job. coaching. i went to school and persevere through it and got my degree and finally walk the stage this past june. >> reporter: that degree made him eligible to take his career to the next level. division i san jose state for his positive energy rubs off on his players. >> he brings passion and happiness. it makes me want to dance. it makes the game more fun. >> reporter: the first game of the season began with his past interlaced with the present when hammer showed up to give his support. >> he was a perfectionist. and entertainer. i got a lot of that from working with him and wanting to be the best. i want to be a role model. i'm going to be a walking example of that. if you give 100%, hard work, perseverance and faith, you can do it. >> he still has the moves. how about some baseball? when you give up six runs in the ninth inning, is not a good sign. the giants imploded and were handled by the cardinals last night. 11 ditch-six. johnny cueto pitching his first game since july and he looked little rusty. this one is up and out. it's a two run bomb. first major league home run for this. no glove need it. a top to first. nice play. the giants used nine pitchers in the game. it fell apart in the ninth. the tie was broken with a base hit and an rbi. st. louis got five more. the a's visiting seattle. jed lowrie a sharp liner. marcus semien will come home and oakland gets 2. seattle scores all the runs in the third. mike zunino going big. the a's have lost four in a row. today is cut down day for the nfl. every team must trim their roster from 90 players to the final 53. raiders cuts include gabe holmes and running back george atkinson the third. the 49ers cuts include matt barkley which likely means the team will keep two quarterbacks. brian hoyer and cj bothered. college football is in full force. will hit the road for kickoff in north carolina. san jose state will host cal poly this afternoon. stanford is off this weekend. another day of extreme heat. how long the hot weather is expected to last in the bay area. an alert to bart riders. the bart station that is closed this weekend and how the heat is causing trains to reduce speed. welcome back. it is saturday, september 2. i'm allie rasmus . >> i'm frank mallicoat. good morning. we will talk about your weather in a moment. firs here is some news. the news is the weather. triple digits again today all around the bay area. another excessive heat warning. >> there is fire danger included with that. also more unhealthy air. today is another spare the air day. in more than an hour, caltrans begin tearing down the last piers of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. the mcdouble impact traffic on the current spent on along with with delays on bart. if you're heading to the city around 10:30 am or 11:30 am, you will be delayed. it was pushing 80 degrees this morning. >> usually when we get to work this early, it's a little chilly but not this morning. >> not at all. is started out mild and already heating up. we could be near 100 by lunch time for some. expect the noon hour to be quite warm. here's a look at the hazy start to the day. that smoke is still with us. we are very stagnant. most of us see a little wind in the hills. the red flag warning continues for the hills throughout the afternoon and into tonight. here's a brief look at some of the records we broke yesterday. look at all that triple digit heat. 100, santa rosa. 110, calistoga. 101 at the airport in oakland. 105 in santa cruz. temperatures are starting rmer today and we are likely to be just as hot. we could even be hotter as we get into the afternoon. i cannot go without saying 106 in san francisco yesterday breaking the all-time record of one or three setback in 2000. very hot today. another spare the air day with poor air quality. the heat warning, the excessive heat warning goes for the coast until 9 pm tonight and then will expire. for the rest of us it goes until monday night here the temperatures right now. upper 70s and oakland. 78, livermore. san jose, 83. if you are going to see the giants, it's going to be a scorcher. mid-90s for the second part of the day. hazy skies and a very light breeze coming in from the west and northwest. we will look at the afternoon highs for the region and talk about a cool down in the extended forecast. another spare the air alert has been issued today because of the extreme heat. >> you can practically see the air out there. the bay area area called quality districts that smoke from fires burning across the state is causing unhealthy ozone levels throughout the bay area. they say the unhealthy conditions could continue through the labor day weekend. or air quality can be harmful for kids, seniors and people who may have respiratory problems. people arbeing urged to help reduce pollution in the air by doing things like carpooling and using public transportation. with all the heat people are looking for ways to keep cool. debora villalon tells us what some residents in pleasanton are doing to avoid the heat and how this weather is impacting some of the local businesses. >> we are not used to this heat. >> reporter: three tickets for air conditioning, please. >> it's hot and we need a place to relax and cool off. >> reporter: the regal cinemas is an oasis. 70 degrees inside while outside it was still 104 at 7 pm. >> it was freezing in there. we had sweaters. now we are sweating already. >> reporter: pleasanton, not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even one fort teen depending on location. that meant sidewalk dining, normally busy was a bust. >> it's empty because of the heat. also people were out of town for labor day. people do not want to leave the house. >> reporter: the intrepid were rewarded with a mint watermelon slushy on the house when they walked in the door. these two were on a hot date and came from tracy. the fine pri to the fire. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everywhere will be hot. >> it feels like a sauna. a sauna instead of just hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> reporter: in this region, so full of hot air, kids saul shorten school days, sports canceled, recess in doors. >> we went inside the multipurpose room and watched a movie and ate our food. because it was too hot. >> we did not think we would be in the water business but the last couple of days we sold over 100 cases. >> reporter: ace hardware dimmed its lights to save power running fans throughout the store and selling lots of fans. >> we have our fans right here. we started that with two pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> reporter: portable air conditioners were gone by midweek. even priced up to $300 per >> they do not question the price on them. everyone comes in and says, could it be any hotter? sure. is it hot enough for you? >> the extreme heat is difficult for people but also an issue for machines. bart is telling riders to expect delays of 10-20 minutes while the heat way process. speeds are being reduced in certain areas as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails. reducing the speed, that gives train operators more time to react to abnormal conditions. bart said the tracks have been heat treated. no problems are expected and this is being done as a precaution. >> muni is also experiencing issues. they are alerted riders that the excessive heat led to delays in service. there was concerned that older vehicles might overheat. caltrans will start to remove the final piers that used to hold up the eastern span of the bay bridge. >> there will be rolling closures during the demolition as a precaution. tom vacar joins us live to talk about the implosions and the impact if you're heading into the city. >> reporter: that's going to happen between 10:00 and noon. there will be some closures happening. take a look at these barges. this is where the action will be the action will be the implosion of those piers that have been knocked down to the water level but need to be taken down. this is going to be a 5-8 process to get rid of the last 13. this is exactly what will happen. >> reporter: the tops removed, a few feet of the massive pilings remain above water. every other weekend from september through november, 2 are 3 each time will be explosively demolished and the debris immediately barged away leaving only the original a bottom. the pressure wave, from 30 pounds of explosive per piers, will be surrounded by curtain of bubbles. the bubbles will absorb almost all of the shock to minimize disturbance to wildlife. >> if it's good for the environment, it goes faster. everybody saves money. the taxpayers. >> reporter: the savings, $10 million and half the days to finish the blasting. these remaining piers are likely to be used to create a public observation deck, something that's been planned for many years and could be approved in a few weeks. on the east side there is a chance to have a walkway from the land out to peer 19. >> reporter: coming back live we want to show you what we are talking about. we are talking about these piers. they are sticking up out of the water. there are potential plans to put some sort of walkaway or bikeway or some sort of pathway that goe1000feet into the bay so people can have recreational opportunities, possibly some food or kayaking. that is to be determined if two things happen. one, they can get the funding, which is fairly likely and two, the cities need to agree to take over these locations so that caltrans, once it's done building, will not have them as a responsibility. if that happens, we will have some pretty exciting stuff going on in the path of the old bay bridge. the bottom of the bay will be as good as it was before these bridges were built back in the 1920s and 1930s. that is the situation starting at 10:00. they will have rolling stops until they have the perfect conditions for the perfect conditions require that there is no sea life around, especially large birds or sea mammals. if there is any problem there, they will wait until those animals clear the area.reporting live, tom vacar . >> i need to ask you. was that project part of the project from the onset or something they said, this might be a good thing to do? >> reporter: it was actually part of the plan from the beginning of the project but it was going to be subject to later approval. now we are at the point where we can seek that approval. the question is, will they want to put up the money? when you think about the rare opportunity to put a pier in the bank, it is rare and probably the cities of oakland and san francisco will want to take advantage. the one on your bueno island will be like this large dance floor where people can look at the tower. >> that's interesting. nice job. thank you. despite the heat, bart said it's getting important work done on some of the tracks. workers are using the weekend to perform maintenance and upgrade electrical systems. no trains will run between the 19th street and fruitvale stations are between west oakland and for help the lake merritt station will be closed. there will be bus service between these areas and stations mentioned over the weekend. the president will return to texas and louisiana today to get a look at the damage caused hurricane harvey. >> this is a second trip to texas. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he will meet with volunteers and people affected by the storm. then he will head to louisiana and then head back to dc. during his weekly address the president said he has asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion in aid to help with recovery efforts. two to the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every single step of the way. we will help you recover. we will help you rebuild. we will support you today, tomorrow and the day after. >> the white house said president trump is pledging $1 million of his own money to help victims but he is not said which organization the money will go to pick one week since harvey made landfall, rescue efforts continue for people stranded in floodwaters. the military released a video of this helicopter rescue yesterday in houston. an officer was lowered down to a home where he can help a family including a young boy and girl. they will pulled onto the chopper for safety. neighborhoods in houston are still under evacuation orders as engineers work to release water from two reservoirs which could keep nearly 20,000 homes flooded for another two weeks. evacuation orders are in place in crosby, texas, after two explosions at a chemical plant. the epa is monitoring for any potentially toxic chemicals in the air in that area. and beaumont, 120,000 people are without clean drinking water leading to long lines in people waiting for bottled water. decision day is near on an important immigration program. when the white house plans to announce president trump's decision on something known as the daca program. > good morning. here's a live look from san francisco across the bay. it is a hot and hazy one. perhaps not hot yet but it is going to get there as we get into the afternoon. is going to be hard to beat the heat today with temperatures from the mid-80s on the coast to above 100 inland. i will look at what you can expect coming up. in response to moscow forcing the u.s. to reduce staff at a diplomatic mission in russia, the administration issued a deadline of today for the ssian consulate in san francisco two) >> there was an unusual sight coming from the building yesterday. neighbors in pacific heights calling 911 after seeing black smoke billowing from a chimney. it was unusual since yesterday was a spare the air day when temperatures and san francisco hit 106. fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm saying people inside were burning something in the fireplace. >> i think they are burning sensitive documents. >> we are leaving the bay area. it was very comfortable to get passports. >> neighbors said they liked having the consulate there because it was easy to obtain a visa if they had to travel to russia. many wonder what will become of the building which sits on prime real estate overlooking the bay. congresswoman jackie spears said the smoke confirms something about her notions about the building. she tweeted, if there was ever doubt that espionage was going on in the consulate, black smoke clears the air on that issue. the white house said president trump will announce his decision on the daca program on tuesday. the program protects immigrants who were brought to the u.s. illegally as children from deportation. nearly 800,000 young people known as dreamers have been working and going to school under the program created by president obama. president trump has given mixed signals about the plan. the white house suggested the decision is weighing heavily on the president. >> we love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president priori on immigration is to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers. the president has been clear. he loves people and he wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. that's what he is doing now. finalizing that part. >> house speaker paul ryan is among those urging the president to spare the program. the white house plans to nominate an oklahoma congressman to be the next administrator. he entered congress in 2013 serving on the armed services committee -- armed services committee. he was in aviator in the u.s. navy reserves having fun combat missions in iraq and afghanistan. the nomination drew criticism from both of the florida senators who expressed concerns about his lack of experience and partisanship. normally i would say if you don't like the weather, go to the coast. >> not this weekend.  it is hot all around, raking records. rosemary is here to tell us about it. and when we can expect some relief. some relief coming tomorrow. just a little. it will take its time. it begins at the coast. it takes an extra day before it moves into the bay and inland areas. the ones who want it the most, get it last. here's a live look as we look at the hazy skies this morning. here is san jose where temperatures are off to a mild start. we mentioned a spare the air day is in place. here is another live your from san francisco. the air quality will begin to improve a little tomorrow. sea breeze, the onshore breeze will eventually work its way back towards us. for the coast, that could be as early as sunday. here is what we expect today. around the north bay, coast and central bay, we are above that 100 index mark which indicates a shade of orange which indicates that folks that suffer from respiratory issues, you may want to avoid outdoor activities. at least the vigorous kind into the afternoon. for the inlet, east bay and the santa clara valley, above 150 indicates everyone needs to pay attention. i think everyone needs to pay attention. all the views we have seen this morning are showing as hazy skies. that will remain in place for the day. here's a look at what you can expect on the coast. upper 80s for the kohler spots. most areas will be above 90.  for the bayside communities come 100 degrees or above for hotter locations. in our inland cities, back above 110 for areas like antioch and brentwood. 80, fairfield right now. upper 70s and oakland. san francisco, 80. 75, santa rosa. 83, san jose. 83, antioch. 77, lafayette. as we get into the afternoon, 99, sausalito. 105, napa. 110, sta rosa. 98, alameda and berkeley. one of four, castro valley. 114, livermore. san jose, 104. cupertino, 104. 103, san mateo. upper 90s expected for downtown. here's a look or extended forecast. temperatures begin to come down as early as tomorrow. it will still remain quite hot for inland cities. into monday we fall below the triple digits. a little bit of calling on tuesday and even better on wednesday. a major scientific finding colorado. what a construction crew discovered during a dig. an item that is 66 million years old. a plan to allow cities to extend last call california bars and nightclubs is on ice. the bill would have allowed bars to serve alcohol until 4 am at the discretion of local lawmakers. opponents said extending hours would lead to more alcohol related accident and death spirit supporters argue the nightlife industry employs hundreds of thousands of people in middle and working-class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not dictate to local communities what time there bars and nightclubs close. let's let these communities make their own decisions and have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2 am in california since 1935 state lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue . the report is due by the end of 2019. struck a rock climber who set a record by free climbing the el catan has been honored at the he was recognized from making the 3000 foot climb by himself without the safety of ropes. he said he prepared for two years. >> one i summitted it was nothing but positive sensations. i felt good and confident. >> one of the senators offer the resolution saying he believes that the historic climb was more than just a physical accomplishment. license plates taking center stage at an international gathering. people came together to buy and sell the plates which they say have historical value. >> reporter: it's something we see every day and for most of us , it really doesn't mean much. >> this is beautiful. >> reporter: for these folks, it means a lot. >> how do they want for this? that's not my level yet. >> the automobile license plates collectors association. >> reporter: license plate lovers are here, buying, selling and collecting those thin, flimsy placards of automotive history. one collector is from poland. >> how much for connecticut? >> reporter: he is new to the collecting world. he's been doing it for a little over a year. after a couple hours of peaking, picking and paying, he proudly shares his plates. >> 40 license plates i purchased today. >> how much that acosta? >> $120. >> reporter: like anything collectible, some plates are rare and valuable like this one, issued before colorado is a state. and it's made of leather. it's not for sale. >> that's a good one. >> reporter: but for our greenhorn, he would have stayed much longer but for one simple fact. >> i have five dollars left. from $150. >> reporter: so many plates, not enough cash. >> priceless. that's right. >> very interesting. who knew they were that popular. >> i have a few but they are my old ones. i don't think i would shell out money for others. coming up, firefighters across the state are busy with several large wildfires. the state of emergency issued and we will talk about what is complicating those efforts. >> reporter: and a half hour we begin a series of 5-8 weeks of blasting to get rid of the last of the pillars of the old bay bridge. we will have a live reports coming up quickly. if you need a trim or a facial, we have the place for you. a cutter thought is that the avalon school of cosmetology in alameda. it started at 8:30 am and goes through 4:00. all the proceeds go to a special cause. schema of ago to the american red cross to help people affected by hurricane harvey. that money will go into a relief fund. this is happening in alameda. that is the only cosmetology school from this chain in the bay area. there are also cut his sons like this happening at two arizona -- two locations in arizona. many organizations, private, nonprofit and big businesses are coming together to help the victims of the hurricane. >> and they are busy. a lot of folks in there. welcome back. it's 931 on saturday. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm allie rasmus. let's get a quick look at the weather. it is hot and it's not going away. >> right. at least for one more day. as we get into the afternoon, just as hot and hazy as yesterday. here's a live look toward the bay bridge and into san francisco. there is a nice bird there. it's just perched, enjoying the warmth. it is going to be hot this afternoon. by noon, some folks will already be approaching 100. here's a look the excessive heat warning that remains in place. the darker shade of pink in here, that heat warning expires at 9:00 tonight. we know we have another hot day coming but there is good news. if it expires tonight, that means the coast is going to be a little better by tomorrow. the rest of us have this warning in place until monday nights. but we will begin to feel that beautiful, cool sea breeze trickle in by tomorrow. it will not be my old but it will not be as hot for sunday. here's a look at what we have going on in the hills. we do have some wind and because of that there is a red flag warning. that will expire tonight. here are the temperatures right now. 78, livermore. 82, concord. eddie to, san francisco. 83, hayward. mid-70s in santa rosa. it's easy to see why by noon some of us will be nearing 100. temperatures up a few degrees in areas like oakland and hayward. we are already warmer than yesterday. temperatures will be just as hot or warmer for some. 110, santa rosa. a lot of triple digit heat around the bay. 99, san francisco. if you're going to see the game it is going to be hot. 88, pacifica. temperatures begin to fall as early as tomorrow. i will look at the air quality in the extended forecast coming up. caltrans will start to remove the final piers that used to hold up the eastern span of thbay bridge. >> there will be a rolling closures during the demolition as a precaution. m vacar joins us to talk about the implosion impact to traffic and he has found a friend there. what kind of bird is that? do we know? >> reporter: that cormorant is key to all of that. as long as the bird sits there and is watching and is not near the blast area, this can go forward. if a bird should start fishing out there, this is held off until they clear the area. there will be a cannon shot to scare the birds away but that will not guarantee they will go away. i want to show you some other things that will happen in rapid succession starting around 10:00. if we go out to these barges, by those barges are the first three pillars they will get rid of. they are down to the water level. they will implode those and then the cranes will come in to remove that. the situation here is basically that there can be no see life, seals, sea lions, there can be no fishing birds or anything like that or the environmental community will not allow that. that is part of the deal they made. over here you will see eight remaining piers. these may become some sort of a raised platform going 1000 feet into the bay. that will be a place where people can come to recreate, maybe have food or go fishing. all of that is undecided but these will remain until they decide whether or not they want to do that. if they do not, these will also go out as well. starting around 10:00, whenever they decide to do these explosions, the chp will have rolling outages. that is to say rolling stops so people cannot cross the bridge at the time the blasting is going on. there is no danger to the people on the bridge except the fact they may get spooked by the sound of the explosions. they are not that loud but they are not taking any chances. this will happen every other weekend until november when all those piers are gone. then the decision will be made whether or not to keep these. this begins a 10:00. it will go into november every other weekend. >> you said in order for that pier and rates platform to be a possibility, you said cities would need to agree to take over a. which cities? would it be shared? >> reporter: on this side it will mostly be oakland. on your valbuena ihlen, that would be the city and county of san francisco. that is the situation. those decisions have not been made yet. >> we wait to see what comes of that. a really good tourist spot. great pictures there. thank you. several large wildfires kept fire crews busy. there are fires burning in northern california. also one in los angeles county. 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank. the los angeles fire department said the fire started around 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon and has so far raised 2000 acres due to high wind that had carried embers across the foothill freeway. this is a live picture of that area this morning. it's very hard to see exactly what we are looking at because of the heavy smoke coming from the fire burning in los angeles county. both sides of interstate 210 have been shut down. earlier you could see the interstate in the distance. it looks like the helicopter camera is zooming in on some of the fire on the hillside. this is what it looked like last night. multiple agencies have sent additional resources. according to fire officials, no homes have been damaged. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency for the ponderosa fire in butte county. temperatures are complicating firefighting efforts. the fire is east of oroville and has spread to 3700 acres. it has destroyed 44 homes. more homes are threatened. the fire is 40% contained. fire crews have reached 65% containment on the pleasant fire burning in nevada county. this started wednesday and is burning off of highway 49. 392 acres have burned. all evacuations and road closures have been lifted. because is still under investigation. start smoke from those fires is drifting into the bay area creating hazy can editions. it looks like -- we were showing you this picture all morning of sfo. you can see the haze and smoke in the air. we also have very hot temperatures. this is something to be aware of. poor air quality throughout the bay area. dozens gathered in el dorado county to honor is killed this week in the line of duty. wrens and family of deputy robert french held a vigil to remember and celebrate his life. the base of the hills was a favorite place for the deputy. people in attendance included fellow officers, his children grandchildren and girlfriend. >> this would wreck him. in a good way. so, thank you. thank you for coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team that fred supported painted his badge number with the words never forgotten on one of the rocks at the memorial site. french was shot and killed wednesday at a ramada inn as part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud, remains hospitalized this morning. using critical condition. he was wounded during a gun battle with the parties. the incident began with a first spotted two women in a stolen bmw leaving the hotel. the chase after them and took him into custody. one woman was released but the other is held on $150,000 bail in woodland. the suspect was charged with felony vehicle theft and evading authorities. journalists were able to conduct an interview with the suspect but no cameras were allowed. she is currently on a suicide watch. one reporter said the suspect met her and she said she looked lost and was only wearing a green blanket at the time. she said, how did i end up like this? sometimes i want to end my life. she said she had no idea the car was stolen nor that her boyfriend, littlecloud, was armed. she said i'm sorry things ended up the way they did. i love him but it was stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. a respected judge is asking voters in santa clara county to not sign the recall petition for judge aaron persky. >> if this recall succeeds, judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wind before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised which means that we will all suffer. >> the recorded message from the judge went out to 100,000 voters. judge persky came under fire for sentencing a former stanford student to six months in jail for sexually assaulting and unconscious woman. the judge points out persky was cleared of accusations of bias in the case after an extensive review. oakland police are asking for help finding a person of inrest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police released a photo of the man they want to talk to. a $15,000 reward is being offered for any information that may lead to an arrest. dave deporis of oakland was sitting at a cafi in oakland last month when a man stole his laptop that had his music on a. police say he chased the robber and was then dragged to his death by the getaway car. this is the car police are looking for. it's similar to the getaway car. and midsized red audi suv. a youtube video of a local football coach goes viral for the right reasons. the moves that have made him an internet sensation and more on his and per -- incredible personal journey. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. good morning. who is up for a haircut? live images of a connauton at avalon school of cosmetology in alameda. this will go until 4 pm. proteins from haircuts and facials go to the relief fund for hurricane harvey on behalf of the american red cross. if you are looking for a facial or a trim, head out there. they are open until 4:00. warriors fans will have a chance to see the nba trophy. the trophy will be at the team store at the westfield san francisco centre on market street. it will be open from 10 am through 5 pm. the trophy will also be at the team store in walnut creek on south main street tomorrow. since the warriors won the finals, the trophy has traveled more than 25,000 miles this summer including kevin durant taking it to his hometown and to the republic of georgia. alonzo carter is in his first year as a running backs cart for san jose state. but as jason appelbaum shows his, the job title does not come close to telling his remarkable story. >> reporter: if you don't recognize coach carter here, search dancing football coach on youtube where he is the number one hit. [ music playing ] >> reporter: this video of the nimble footed carter went viral twice. first this past spring and again before the spartan season opener in late august. >> many of my friends are hitting me up saying, isn't that your coach? yes it is. he's all over the news. >> reporter: if his moves look good, a little too familiar, it's because any former life, 30 years ago, he not only perfected them, he invented them. as a backup dancer and had choreographer for mc hammer himself. he made me what is called a posse leader. i was that guy. >> reporter: it happened fast. carter was a junior at cal state hayward where he played foot when he and some buddies auditioned for a video. the audition went so well, hammer invited them on tour >> i was going for the summer but he said he wanted us back for the fall. >> reporter: what a journey it was. three years on tour, 12 music videos, appearances on arsenio hall and oprah and even the grammys. it's something carter will always be grateful to hammer for. >> he had lot of faith and roots run deep ng man from west and stoakland. he was one of four children raised by a single mother. his dad was in and out of jail. >> no father figure in my life. it was tough. many times i would play football with myself. throwing the ball, catching it and imagine i would make it to the nfl. >> reporter: will pro football was not in the cards, dancing was. it turns out that stage of his life planted the seeds for what would be a long career in coaching. >> they are very similar. you expect the best. advergame and our show is the field. that was my first introduction to the culture. i was responsible for nutrition and training. many different stop. the choreography. >> reporter: after touring, carter returned home in the early 90s and aspired to get back to his community. he volunteered as a football and track coach at the high school. both his anne hammer's alma mater. it did not take long for carter's successful career to take off. in 18 seasons, he won 11 league championships in 7 coach of the year awards. with all of his accomplishments there was one thing missing. left unfinished when he set out to tour the world. that was a college degree. >> i went for it. working a full-time job. coaching. i went to school and persevered through it and got my degree. i walk the stage this past june. >> reporter: that degree made the coach eligible to take his career to the next level. division i san jose state where his positive energy rubs off on his players. >> he brings more passion and happiness, he makes me want to dance and makes the game more fun. >> reporter: the first game of the season began with his past interlaced with the present when hammer showed up to give his support. >> he was a perfectionist. an entertainment. i got a lot of that from working with him and wanting to be the best. i want them to see a role model , a living example. if can do it, you can do it. i think i am a walking example of that. you give 100% and persevered and have faith, you can do it. >> i love that story. >> i also love it. he can still move. >> why did this moves look your? that's why. >> a little mc hammer goes a long way. san jose state opens today at 4:30 pm against cal poly. the coach will be there front and center. weather is a big topic today because it is hot. front and center. it's going to be hot at the game. it's going to be hot everywhere. make sure you have a lot of fluids. you ball cap come a glasses intake shade if you can. here is a view across the bay. we are dealing with hayes this morning. we have hayes everywhere we look. there is a view of the city skyline. today, we will be mostly clear. no fog to speak of. we will have that brown and grayish kind of sky. here are the numbers when it comes to air quality. the north bay, the coast in the central bay, orange indicates sensitive groups, younger folks and older folks and those sensitive to pollution. respiratory issues are asthma. the red for the inner east bay and the santa clara valley indicates everybody. if you get outdoors, you see the hayes and smell the smoke, that is a good indicator that you do not want to run and that step avoid activities, especially the vigorous type of heat warning continues for another day. for the beach, it expires tonight. high fire danger as well. a little bit of wind in the hills. it's hot and dry and with that wind, the hills are experiencing heightened fire danger and a red flag warning until 9 pm.82, half moon bay and san francisco. 83, hayward. 82, concord. we are warming up fast as expected. 83, menlo park. into the afternoon, look at all these triple digits. 105, napa. 105, santa rosa. 99, sausalito. 98, berkeley. 112, walnut creek. 114, brentwood. 108, morgan hill. 103, santa clara. 96 in santa cruz. if you're going among the peninsula, redwood city, 104. 99, san francisco. san francisco beat its all-time record yesterday hitting 106. and the extended forecast, tempers start to come down but it will be quite hot inland sunday into monday. finally falling out of the triple digits on labor day and a little cooler by wednesday. it takes a while to cool down. >> that's not cool overnight which is when we usually get relief. if you do not have ac in your house, it never goes away. >> especially in the city. 114? >> hang in there. thank you. there is nothing unusual about a construction crew digging in dirt but a recent date uncovered a spectacular find. a colorado construction crew found dinosaur bones. approximately 66 million years. the construction worker noticed the large fossil because it would not budge. it turned out to be a triceratops skull and skeleton. the fourth found in the front range. >> pretty interesting. >> lord knows what's under the dirt. we will be right back with the sports and some weather after the break. when you give up six runs in the ninth, that's not a good thing. the bullpen imploded. the giants were hammered last night. 11-6. johnny cueto was back since july. a little rusty. that is a homerun. the cardinals down 3-2. brandon crawford, no glove need it. he throws to first and pitches a strike. the giants used nine pitchers in the game and it came apart in the ninth. colton long had the tiebreaker. they went on to score 5. the giants go to down. 11-6 was the final. today is cut down day for the nfl. every team must trim the roster from 90 every team must trim the roster from 9253. the latest cuts include gabe holmes and running back george atkinson the third. the 49ers cuts include matt barkley, which means the team will keep just two quarterbacks. college football today. north carolina hosting cal and san jose state will pay -- will play cal poly. one more check on the weather. >> hot and hazy. >> yucky, as you said. >> maybe some relief by the middle of the week? >> a little relief coming tomorrow. >> 106 tomorrow. >> it's all relative. >> temperatures dropping a little at the coast, even inland temperatures will come down. you can't call it a cool down. 106 is not cool. into the labor day monday, a litter better. even better tuesday into wednesday. baby steps. today will be the worst of it. >> 119 and then 90 on wednesy. that feels much better. stay cool out there. thank you for joining us. tune into the latest on our website at >> enjoy, everybody. we will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. - [voiceover] the discovery of planets in other solar systems has been one of the most exciting developments in modern science and it's opened up a whole universe of possibilities. - about one out of five stars has a planet around it that could harbor life. - [voiceover] we'll visit planet hunters and see the technology bringing us closer to new worlds. super earths, hot jupiters and more on xploration outer space. - welcome to xploration outer space. i'm emily calandrelli. as long as we've been looking up at the stars, people have wondered are there other planets out there like the earth? but because of the vast distances involved until recently we had no way of finding out. now with new technology, scientists are discovering

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170902 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170902

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pulled into the parking lot about an hour ago. >> it felt like i was on the florida coast. a little bit humid on the estuary and we just aren't getting a chance to cool down. >> today will be a near repeat to yesterday. gear up. we've got another hot and hazy one. get a load of the sun there. we have the smoke and haze with us still and it's going to continue as we get into your saturday afternoon. a lot of 100s coming our way. we broke several records yesterday, including the hottest day ever recorded. and the heat warning will expire at 9:00 p.m., coastline, san mateo coastline and monta ray -- monterrayey. for the coast, it's going to get a little bit better by tomorrow, and everybody else will follow suit as we get into monday. the red flag warning in place today, the very dry conditions, we have our hills with a little bit of wind and it's just enough for the national weather service to up the possibility of fire danger that will be with us through the afternoon. that doesn't expire until tonight, as well. giving you a look at the temperatures, 77 degrees in san francisco. we have 74 in, in ovad -- novado. 74 in concord and mid-70s to start for you, as well. and how much warmer from yesterday morning, by 7 degrees in oaknd, by 5 degrees in portions of the north bay like napa and the south bay by four degrees. we're already off to a warmer start. are likely to meet or exceed what we had yesterday afternoon. take a look at the inlet east bay going back up 110 in some areas. and livermore, not much of a break, 100 for oakland, 103 in redwood city. san francisco expected to get to about 95. upper 80s to near 90 in pacifica, santa cruz and the mid-90s with a spare the air day. i'll have a look at the air quality in the area and in the extended forecast when the temperatures are going to be coming down. >> what, october? >> bring the relief, please. >> not that far out. as rosemary mentioned another spare the air alert has been issued for today because of the extreme heat out there. >> the buy air quality management district says triple digit temperatures along with smoke from several fires burning across the state is causing unhealthy ozone levels through on the the area. they say the unhealthy conditions could continue through the entire labor day weekend. poor air quality could be particularly harmful for children, seniors and respiratory problems. people are being asked to car pool and use public transportation. and the extreme heat also has firefighters on alert this weekend. >> i bet they do. the fire danger high all around the bay area. ktvu's tom vacar, joins us to talk about how firefighters are preparing. good to have you with us. >> reporter: thank you. where there's extreme heat there's high probably ability of fire. the red flag says it all. this is a red flag day all along the hills and pretty much throughout the entire bay area. the potential for really big problems is high because the grassy hillsides make wildfires run much hotter and speedier. that's why oakland berkeley hills fire departments are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard, they work to say something and work to abate it. in the fire storm that was long ago, the fire incinerated more than 3,300 homes up here and apartments and it also killed 25 people and injured 150. a holiday weekend with scorching temperatures could be a recipe for disasters. here's what firefighters had to say about that. >> people are going to be home enjoying barbecues, doing homeimprovement projects -- home prove month project -- improvement projects, can increase the significant wildfire. >> reporter: so the best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames, no power tools, nothing that could spark or cause a fire. coming out live, again the red flag through out the hills and every hill in the bay area. there's way to prevent fires and only you can prevent them and if we take that seriously we won't have a problem. reporting live from piedmont, tom vacar. >> you were asking berkeley fire if you live in the hills if you can get your vehicle off the road and on your property, it will certainly help if they have an emergency, as well? >> reporter: it's extraordinarily tough because they are narrow and when people jam them up, the fire trucks can't get through and can't abate, all they're doing is buying insurance for themselves by doing so. >> precautionary measures being taken. the extreme heat is also causing problems for bart. riders can expect ten to 20-minute delays train speeds are being reduced as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails, by reducing speed, bart says the tracks have been heat treated and no problems are expected. in, remain is i experiencing -- in muni, the excessive heat led to delays in service. there was some concern are older vehicles might overheat and the air train at fso was knocked out of service. shuttles picked up passengers at the rental car facility. and they'll be rolling closures on the bridge during the demolition. the demolition set to happen between 10:45 and 11:45 a.m. crews will blow up the foundation over six weekends and it all kicks off today ending in november. bart says it will hold chains at the west oakland and embarcadero stations. we'll take you live during the 9:00 hour. >> and with triple digits temperatures in store, people are looking for ways to escape the heat. >> we'll tell you what some resent it is are doing to stay -- residents are doing to stay cool and how the hot weather is impacting local distances. >> we're not used to this kind of heat all day long. >> because it's hot and we need a place to relax and cool off and watch a good movie. >> the regal cinema's oasis, while outside it was still 104 rat 7:00 p.m. >> it was freezing and now we're sweating already. >> pleasanton, not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even 114, depending on location. that meant sidewalk dining, normally busy, a bust. >> seats are empty because of the heat. everybody is also out of town. >> the in reppid respiratory -- intrepid were award a cool driven. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everywhere is going to be hot. >> it's more like a sauna. more like a sauna instead of just hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> in this region so full of hot air, kids shaw shortened school days, recess indoors. >> we went inside the multipurpose room and we watched a movie and ate our food there? >> yeah, because it was too hot. >> so far we sold over 100 casings of water. >> pleasanton ran fans throughout the store and selling lots of them. >> we have our fans here. we started out with two pal on thes and this is what we have -- pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> 40 of them gone by mid-week, even priced at $300. >> i'm sure we could have sold a lot more. could it be any hotter? hot enough for you? yeah. president trump will travel to texas and louisiana today to get a firsthand look at the damage caused by hurricane harvey. >> this is his second trip to texas this week. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he's expected to meet with volunteer comes people affected by the storm and he'll head to louisiana and land back in washington, d.c. later tonight. the president said he's asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion to help with recovery efforts. >> to the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every single step of the way. we will help you recover, we will help you rebuild, we will support you today, tomorrow, and the day after. >> the white house says president trump is pledging 1 $1 million of his own money but hasn't said which organization that will go to yet. 710 time:10, the military released video of this helicopter rescue yesterday in the greater houston area. an rover was lowered down to her home where he was able to help a family including a little boy and girl the crew belongs to the 100 00 west wing in new york. engineers will release water from the reservoir, which will keep homes flooded for two weeks and two explosions in crosby, the epa is monitoring for any potential toxic chemicals in the area and beaumont, 120,000 people are still without clean drinking water leading to long lines of people waiting for bottled water there. many people returned only to find there wasn't much left. >> we need trailers. if anybody has some trailers they're not going to use, some clothes, we need that. >> some people are also worried about potential health hazards from the mold and bacteria in the water. the governor of texas says it could take year for that state to recover from the hurricane. >> look at that mess there. back here in the bay area, heat waves can cause all sorts of problems. hear from an emergency room doctor on the warning signs and the people who are at most risk. and a jailhouse interview with a bay area woman linked to a deadly shooting of a sheriff's deputy. mornings on 2 continues. s. ♪ good morning, folks, happy saturday to you. we are giving you a live view there into san francisco and you can see, yes, it's going to be another yucky one. we've got hot weather, record-breaking temperatures coming our way in addition to all that haze and smoke from wildfires coming our way. more on the air quality coming up. the trump administration is ordering the russian consulate to close today. >> some black smoke billowed from the building yesterday as workers were seen carrying out boxes out of the building. we talked with some of the neighbors speculating what exactly may have been burning. reporter: black smoke could be seen billowing from the russian consulate just in the afternoon. neighbors called 911 thinking it would be unusual to burn anything when the mercury climbed to 100 degrees. >> i think they're burning sensitive documents. >> fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm, the fire was quote not unintentional and people were burning things in their fireplace. >> they're trying to do some housecleaning before they take off. >> reporter: the so-called housecleaning comes one day after the trump administration ordered the consulate to close, a response to the kremlin cutting the diplomats this month. >> translator: we'll have a tough response to the things that come totally out of the blue to hurt us and are driven solely by the desire to spoil our relations. >> we are not happy. we are leaving the bay area and it's awkward. >> reporter: the u.s. government is only trying to bring parity to the number of lip lom ats in each -- diplomats in each country. >> reporter: the trump administration says this consulate has to close by saturday and it could be facing some excessive smoke violations by air quality officials. meanwhile, neighbors say they're going to miss having it here because they would get their visas if they needed to travel to russia. now they wonder what will happen to this building, which sits on prime real estate overlooking the san francisco bay. in san francisco, tara moriarti, ktvu's fox 2 news. upon. there's good sleeping weather and bad sleeping weather. >> last night really stunk. >> if you were up until 10:00, no one could sleep. >> even if do you have a.c., you have to find a happy medium. >> i have no a.c. and it's not going to get any better, at least not tonight. we have better weather coming our way, at least for some on the back end of the weekend and into labor day monday, improving weather for everybody. we've got one more really tough day to get through, giving you a view there of an orange sky and hazy sky. these folks were sending me messages saying the skies are clear but not blue, they're brown and sort of grayish. this looks like emoryville from san francisco. a spare the air alert in place right, no surprise, here's a look at the numbers for the north bay along the coast and the central bay, we are above that 100 mark threshold, which mean that is shade of orange, are sensitive groups. if you are sensitive, have asthma, respiratory issues, including you especially for our younger kids and older grandparents and folks like that, but as you bet into the east bay and the santa clara valley, above the 150 mark means everybody needs to be careful and avoid outdoor activities in the afternoon. 70 degrees in okay land, up -- oakland, inland, upper 60s, low 70s. i showed you are already warmer than yesterday by five, ten or so, 76 in belmont, 66 in wood side, the inner east bay, 76 in antioch to start your morning, 69 in danville and low 70s reported lafayette, as well as maraga. afternoon highs, just like yesterday, likely to break records, 105 for movada, and 98 in berkeley, the inner east bay, 112 for antioch, 113 for pleasanton and 96 by the water in santa cruz, so there is no escaping the heat. 104 in redwood city, 95 in the ci of san francisco and the stretch at pacifica, and half moon bay had been stuck under the cloud cover for weeks, now very, very warm. it's going to be hot for the afternoon as we get into the bay area weekend though, so the heat warnings still in place. heat advisories for everyone today. that coast will turn on at least, inside the bay, temperatures will drop some, but 106 the afternoon high, and temperatures will continue to cool into tuesday, and wednesday. we've got another rough day coming our way. >> 113 in antiock just rolled off your tongue. >> i had to say it so much yesterday. >> could today feel hotter than it was yesterday in. >> we're starting out warmer. the hills are picking up a little bit of wind and that's why the fire danger for the hills. >> find a pool. an alert to bart riders this labor day weekend, work crews are performing track maintenance and perform electrical system. no trains will run between the 19th street and west oakland and fruitdale stations. lake merit stations will be closed but they'll be free bus service between these areas this weekend. 7:21. a major scientific find in colorado, coming up what a construction crew found during a dig that is 66 million years old. plus the proposal to extend last call at bars and nightclubs across the state. why that idea is now off the table. welcome back. it is 7:24. robert mueller, looking into the alleged connections to russia has received a termination letter that was written by james comey. that draft of the letter was never sent because white house lawyers stepped in and advised the president to send a much shorter version. the first draft which sources say is several pages long and is described as a rant laid out the president's long list of frustrations with comey including his supervision of the alleged russian ties to his campaign. the second shorter version said comey was being fired for how he handled the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail server. the white house says president trump will announce his decision on the dhaka program on tuesday. dreamers have been working and going to school under the program created by president obama and has given mixed signals by president trump. a decision is weighing heavily on him, the white house says. >> we love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president's priorities on immigration are to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers. the president's been very clear. he loves people and wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. >> they are now urging the president to spare the program. a plan to allow cities to close late at bars and eye club, would have allowed bars to serve alcoholntil 4:00 a.m. opponents said it would lead to more accidents and deaths and the night life employs hundreds of thousands of people in middle and working class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not be dictating to local communities what time their bars and nightclubs close and let's let these communities make their own decisions and they can have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2:00 a.m. here in california since 1935. state lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue and a report is due back by the end of 2019. a rock climber who set a record has been honored at the state capital. the there-year-old of sacramento -- the 32-year-old was recognized for making the 3,000 foot climb by himself and without the safety of ropes. he says he prepared for the climb for two years. >> there was nothing but positive sensations the whole way. i felt good and confident. >> one of the state senators offered the resolution and said his historic climb was more than just a personal goal. happening today, war year fans will get a chance to see the nba championship trophy, the larry o'brien championship trophy. of course named after a form commissioner will be at the team store in san francisco on market street from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. if you want to head into the city. if you can't make it the trophy will be at the warriors team store in the east bay at walnut creek on main street tomorrow since the warriors won the 2017 title, the trophy has traveled more than 25,000 miles including kevin durant taking it to his home town and in a parade in maryland all the way to the republic of georgia. and the dove s open up against the nuggets september 30th. back is back. >> that went fast. time to get back to work. she's barely five feet tall and she did some things not many women have done before. >> a young lady who happens to play high school with her florida high school with a touchdown to remember. have a look at this, where there's extreme heat there's chance for a fire storm, there's why red flags are waving all over the bay area as the orange sunrises through smoke and haze. that story coming up at the top of the hour. we are back. good to have you with us on this hot little saturday. >> we all know it's hot yesterday, we think it would be hot today. we're trying to find out when we're going to see some relief. >> and i said october. am i close? >> the end of october. usually by halloween. usually the first couple weeks of october, it could still be quite warm. those offshore winds pick up, the fire danger picks up and the temperatures pick up, as well. that's the bay area summer. this afternoon, excessive heat, once again and we have warnings in place across the board. here's a live view there. that shot doesn't look too bad, but we do have poor air quality in store, hot and hazy and we do get the hot and hazy on occasion, but this is even rare for us. we are talking about setting records that have never been set before. san francisco broke a record yesterday, they reached 103 or 104 in the afternoon. the advisory for the coastline goes until about 9:00 p.m., meaning the coast will see some improving weather by tomorrow. here's a look where the warning is. the north bay you can see the darker shade of pink, coastline, san mateo, and into monterrey. and all the way until about monday night, the cooling effect it will come steps, meaning the coast will get it tomorrow, and the take a while before the inland communities start to feel it. and most of us are very light calm conditions and stagnant conditions unfortunately. we have a little bit of wind in our heals and that has heightened the fire danger here. -- heels and that has heightened the fire danger. temperature wise already off to a warmer start. 70 in concord, 70 in oakland, 77 in downtown san francisco. chances are we're going to be just as warm, even hotter than where we were yesterday. up by six in santa rosa and san jose up by four. when i come back i'll have a look at the afternoon highs and when that cool down is coming our way, as well as a check on the air quality coming up. >> with those triple digits temperatures across the bay on the way it means more fire danger. >> we'll show you how firefighters in the east bay are getting prepared. >> reporter: why don't you take a look at this because that red flag says it all and what it says is there's extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are just tender dry and it makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that's why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard they work to abate it. the fire in sinirated more than 25 people -- initsinirated. >> people will be home enjoying projects and compound with the extreme heat that we're experiencing in the bay area, and the oakland hills, that can come pound the opportunity for a significant wild land fire. >> reporter: best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames, no tour tools, nothing, absolutely nothing that could spark or caused a fire because that red flag may mean there's fire underway. that's the situation here in the oakland hills, tom vacar, ktvu 2 news. doctors are warning people and children and senior citizens, especially with respiratory problems they'll have to deal with it all weekend. we'll talk about the health risks. >> reporter: as the heats to record levels, so do the worries. >> we definitely have our staff standing by taking calls about how we can help individuals, especially the elderly. >> reporter: working ahead of the forecast, the conttra-costa office of -- contr acosta department of health and human services are weighing options. >> they're ensuring if people call in if they have concerns about the heat they know they can go do cooling centers to be able -- to cooling centers to be able to cool off to make sure they're healthy and safe. >> at least 16 cooling centers will open in contra costa county. over 400 visitors could be welcomed after only a handful showed up. >> we have ice water, chairs, a few colors, coloring books to read, and another room for pets. >> and on a slow day, this e.r. doctor says it's still early and they're prepared. >> we're anticipating quite a bit of heat-related illness. we have seen a few mainly er elderly. >> reporter: he's seen signs of some trouble. >> confusion, lack of sweating, excessive thirst. >> one way to avoid the e.r. is to think about what's going into your body, especially are the elderly. >> they should make sure they're drinking before they're thirsty and fruits and vegetables in high water content. >> reporter: these simple tips and knowing where to go do cool off can do wonders to protect the most vulnerable. ktvu news. 7:37, dozens of people gathered in el dorado to honor a sacramento sheriff's deputy that was shot and killed inhe line of duty. friends and family of deputy robert french held a vigil to celebrate his life. the base of the hills was a favorite place for him and you his three adult children and his girlfriend. >> thank you. thank you-all for coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team painted his badge number never forgotten. he was shot and killed part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud remains hospitalized this morning in critical condition. he was wounded in a gun battle when they first spotted two women leaving in a stolen bmw. one woman was released, the other is being held on $150,000 bail in woodlands and journalists were able to conduct jailhouse interviews. she's currently on suicide watch and met one reporter wearing just a green blanket. >>she said she had no idea was car was stolen buts quote i'm sorry things had to end up like they did. he's stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. a respected judge is asking not to sign a recall petition to receive judge aaron persky from the bench. >> if this recall succeeds judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wins before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised. >> the recorded message came under fire. he faced controversy for putting a man in jail for six months for hitting an unconscious woman. and oakland police are asking for help to find a person of interest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police released these photos. a $15,000 award is being offered for information leading to an arrest in the case. 40-year-old david deport was sitting at a telegraph cafe when a man stole his laptop. he chased the robber and was dragged to death by the getaway car. this is the type of car police are looking for, a mid sized audi suv two california marijuana farmers have been charged with attempting to bribe a sheriff's office accused a brother and sister for trying to brave the sister at siskew county and offered $1 million to turn a blind eye to their pot-growing operations. authorities are trying to locate the other one. the arrest of a nurse in utah is making national headlines after video of her arrest went viral. >> this body camera video from july shows the detective grabbing the nurse and taking her into custody and happened after the nurse refused draw blood from her unconscious patient. she told the officer he needed a warrant or consent and he took out his handcuffs. she was trying to protect her patient's rights. 7:41. coming up, an alert to bart riders, the station that'll is closed even the weekend and how it is train is reducing their speeds, as well. >> and the state has issued an emergency warning and we'll tell you what's complicating those fire fighting efforts. it's going to be blazing hot. another poor air quality day around the region. i'll have the details coming up. the music choice is making me laugh a little bit. several large wildfires are keeping cal trans busy. in southern california, about 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank near latuna canyon park. the los angeles fire department says this fire started about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. so far it has raged across 2 hnd 200 acres. interstate 210 has shut down and multiple resources have been sent to contain that fire and no homes have been damaged. that is good news there. governor jerry brown discovered an imagine for the ponda rosa county east of orville and spread to 3,700 acres, so far destroyed 44 homes, more of threatened. the fire is 40% contained right now. and the pleasant fire burning in nevada county burning off highway 49, 392 acres have burned here. all evacuations and road closures have been lifted. the cause is under investigation. and smoke from some of those fires creating unusually hazy conditions and poor air quality. this is a live picture of fs oh, this morning. you can barely see the mountains. >> mount diablo was almost disappeared the last couple days. it's not only hot, but the air is just awful. >> >> it feels like you could swallow the smog. on occasion we know we're going to get the hot weather, we get the drift, but wow, with the record heat in place, and the amount of smoke, it just seems rare for us even though bee get it from time to time. this is one of the worst ones. giving you a view at some time at least from what i understand, folks that were even born and raised don't remember it being this bad. in addition to the arizona quality, we are likely to set records once again. some of us setting all time records, that's just how hot it is out there. temperatures starting out warmer than yesterday. hazy conditions, the north bay, the coast, and the central bay, that air quality just up above the 100 mark meaning that shade of orange if you're sensitive to the pollution, if you have asthma, respiratory issues, this is for you. the inner east bay, as well as the santa clara valley, everybody is included. we are loob looking at it temperatures reaching above -- looking at temperatures reaching above 110 for our inland folks. we have a lot 80s and 90s expected right along the coastline. here's a look at the temperatures outside right now. 71 to start around the bay, 75 in hayward, 73 fso. 63, half moon bay, 67 in san francisco. as we get into the numbers along the peninsula, 76 for belmont, 81 in the loss altos hills, so the higher elevations are hotter. 70 degrees in danville. so as we've been talking about, the overnight hours we didn't really cool off. 105 in the afternoon, 100 for petaluma, 110 expected for santa rosa. closer to the water, 99 in salsalito. >> make sure you have the sun flock. south bay, 1 monday 4, and south bay -- sun block. south bay, 104, and south bay, everybody above 100 degrees. along the peninsula, 104 in redwood city, upper 80 for pacifica and half moon bay. temperatures begin to come down as we get into the back end of the weekend. the coast will feel it for the. that on-shore breeze coming back into the bay area, improving the air quality, and will take a couple days before the inland cities drop out of the triple digits. we'll get back to 90 degrees on wednesday. >> when will the fog come back? >> never. >> the fog is coming back tomorrow into monday. >> remember back in june we had six straight days of a hundred? this seems worse. >> this is worse because now we have the smoke and the air quality. >> 110, 115, i don't remember it being that hot. >> 110, are you kidding? >> that's phoenix weather. >> 103 for san francisco? well, we'll hunker down. time now is 7:50. kind of a cool story. there's nothing unusual about a construction crew digging in some dirt, but a recent dig was hiding something quite spectacular. they found some dinosaur bones. >> dinosaur bones that had been there more than six million years the possible wouldn't move and the lead p a lent ologis it from the -- palentolog ist from colorado has not seen one of these yet. >> we've not hit one of these yet. >> it turned out to be a trier is tops -- triceratops. >> we're so in /á -- we're so in sig 95 senate. and don't worry about throwing anything else. a teen shows she's as talented on the football field as any of the guys. we'll have more from this impressive female quarterback. . and serena williams checked into the hospital on wednesday and had a scheduled c-section today. the baby weighed six pounds, 13 ounces. both mother and baby are said to be doing well. williams is engaged and this is the couple's first child. >> we hear the baby already picked up a racket. when you give up six runs in the ninth, it's not a good sign. the giants bullpen imploded as they got a visit from the cardinals. johnny cuedo looks a little bit rusty here. it's a 2-run bomb. first major league home run. cards down 3-2. watch brandon crawford play up secretary base, pop, i don't need a glove, bare hands it and fires a stroke to first. giants use nine pitchers. wong breaks a 5-5 tie with a solid single and game winner. 11-6 at at&t. a's visiting seattle. mike zu niño going yard here and for the fourth straight time, 3-2, up in seattle. today cut down day in the nfl. every team including the niners and raiders must trim their roster from 90 to the final 53, which means 1,200 players will get pink slipped. raiders are busy, and george atkinson, 3 roam, and maiii, meaning the team will keep the two qbs and the rookie out of iowa who had an impressive season. the bears haven't won a game on the road in nearly two years, so a new coach hopefully a new -- outlook. san jose state will host cal poly. stanford getting a break after that big road trip win against rice in australia. a teenage girl in florida is doing her best derrick carr impersonation. she threw a touchdown on her very first pass for her high school varsity football team. she completed the 42-yard pass in the fourth quarter and is the second girl to play football and the first girl to ever throw a touchdown in the varsity game in florida. >> coach graham pulled me to the side and he was all, like, you can do this. i was a little nervous. i knew i could do it mentally. the feeling of the coach telling you makes you feel bet about it. >> unfortunately her team lost 21-7, but the was the only score in the game. holly's only 5'2" tall, but hopes other kids will learn they can do anything no matter their color, race, size, and gender. >> her first pass goes for 42 and a. >> good for holly, bring it on. got an a/c in the house, rosemary said if you loved yesterday you're going to love today. we've got another hot one and a little bit of fire danger. more on that coming up. and holding up the eastern span of the bay bridge are coming down, the immotion happening today -- implosion it could have and the impact over the bay bridge. stay right there. welcome back to mornings on 2 . >> that ac fails good. >> it's great to be here. i do not have air conditioning at my house. good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. the big story everyone is talking about is it's hot here and it's going to be hot again today. triple digits all over the bay area depending where you are. day two of that excessive heat warning is on again today. >> all that hot weather means fire danger and more unhealthy air. today is another spare the day -- spare the air day. caltrans begins tearing down the old pier. >> it will impact traffic on the current span along with delays on bart. we will take you there shortly but first let's talk about the hits. instead, let's talk about president trump. he is heading back to texas to meet with victims of hurricane harvey. >> we were. you his visit in the money he is asking for to help the storm battered region. the big story is over here, bringing the heat again. >> breaking records all over the place. san francisco hit 106 taking the all-time record of 103. >> san francisco has only hit 110 times since the late 1800s. that's incredible. >> reporter: it is expected to go to 95 today. i don't think we were expecting 106 yesterday. it's going to be a hot and hazy one here's a live look at mount diablo where we have orange, gray and brown sky to start the day. this is the second part of day and notice how still it is. there is not a breeze. we do have some wind in the hills. that is causing the heightened fire danger and the red flag warning. for the rest of us, the excessive heat and poor air quality. these are the records from yesterday. look at all the triple digit heat. away from the coast it was widespread. inside the bay and inland cities. oakland airport hit 101. 108, san jose. 105, santa cruz. today, a near repeat. as we get into the second part of the day, triple digit heat is expected again. the excessive heat warning goes the entire day and will expire on the coast tonight at 9:00. for the rest of us it continues along with the high fire danger that will expire later this evening for the hills. the spare the air alert for today is likely to be carried over into tomorrow. here is a look at the temperatures. 73 degrees, oakland. 57, san francisco. in the inner east bay, livermore, 74. look at the 24 hour temperature change. up by 6 in santa rosa. when i come back i will have the afternoon highs for today, the air quality and when we will cool down in the extended forecast. there are more triple digit temperatures across the bay and that means fire danger. >> how firefighters in the east bay are preparing >> reporter: look at this. that red flag says it all and what it says is there is extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are tinder dry and it makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that is why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are seriously patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard they say something and work to abate it. the fire incinerated more than 3000 homes and apartments killing 25 and injuring 150 years ago. with that in mind, a holiday weekend with high temperatures could be a recipe for disaster. >> people will be home enjoying barbecues and doing home improvement projects. with that, compounded with the extreme heat that we are experiencing, that can compound the opportunity for a significant wildland fire. >> reporter: the best advice, anywhere in the bay area, no open flames. no power tools, nothing that could spark or cause a fire. that red flag may actually mean that there is a fire underway. that's the situation here in the oakland hills. tom vacar , ktvu fox 2. theory -- the extreme heat is cutting problems for bart. delays will be 10-20 minutes for the heat wave process. train speeds are reduced as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails. by reducing the speed, operators will have more time to react to abnormal conditions on the rails. those tracks have been heat treated and no problems are expected. muni is also experiencing heat related issues. it alerted riders that the excessive heat led to delays. there was some concern that the older vehicles may overheat. high temperatures also knocked the air train at sfo out of service. shuttles. the passengers at the rental car facility and drop them off at the airport terminal. caltrans will start to remove the final peers that used to hold of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. they will be -- there will be a rolling closures as a precaution. the demolition is said to happen between 1045 and 1145 this morning. crews will blowup the foundations over six weekends. it kicks off today and will and in november. bart said it will hold trans outside the transbay tube but two stations during the implosions may cause 15 minute delays. we will take you there live shortly. president trump will travel to texas and louisiana to get a look at the damage caused by hurricane harvey. >> this is his second trip to texas. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he is expected to meet with volunteers and people affected by the storm. he will then head to louisiana and then land in washington later tonight. during his weekly address, the president said he asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion to help in the recovery efforts. to the people affected we are with you every single step of the way we will help you recover. we will help you rebuild. we will support you today, tomorrow and the day after. >> the white house had president trump is pledging $1 million of his own money to help victims but has not said which organization the money will go to. one week since harvey made landfall, rescue efforts continue for people stranded. the military released video of a helicopter rescue in the greater houston area. the offer -- the officer was lower down to a home where he was able to help the family. they were pulled onto the chopper for safety. neighborhoods in houston are under new evacuation orders as engineers work to release water from two reservoirs that are full. they could keep nearly 20,000 homes flooded for another two weeks. evacuation orders are placed -- in place in crosby after explosions at a chemical street chemical plant. the epa is monitoring for toxic chemicals in the area. in beaumont, 120,000 with that clean drinking water leading to long lines waiting for bottled water. many returned home yesterday to find there was not much left. >> we need trailers. if anyone has trailers or not going to use. we need clothing. >> people are worried about potential health hazards from mold and back area. the governor of texas said it could take years for his state to recover. honoring a sacramento and killed in the line of duty. how people are remembering and celebrating his life. the russian consulate in san francisco is set to close today. one day after black smoke load from the building. what firefighters are saying about what may have been burned. good morning. we are soaking up plenty of sun and smoke and haze this morning and into the afternoon. record-setting temperatures expected again today. today is going to be the worst of it. we do have and onshore breeze coming back to call us down into the days ahead. >> i want the fog to come back. >> you have no choice today. the trump administration is ordering the russian consulate in san francisco to close. >> meanwhile black smoke was billowing from the building yesterday as workers were seen carrying boxes out of the consulate. tara moriarty spoke with some of the neighbors. >> reporter: acrid smoke could be seen billowing from the russian consulate just after noon. neighbors called 911 thinking it would be unusual for someone to burn something on this spare the air day when america reclined to 100 degrees. >> i think they are burning sensitive documents. >> reporter: fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm. the fire was not unintentional and people were burning something in the fireplace. two they are trying to do house placing -- housecleaning before they take off. >> reporter: the housecleaning comes one day after the trump administration ordered the consulate to close. response to the kremlin cutting the number of u.s. diplomats in russia earlier this month. >> we will have a tough response to the things that come out of the blue to hurt us and are driven solely by the desire to spoil our relations. >> reporter: russian americans who came out of the building are annoyed by its closure as the diplomatic fight escalates. >> we are leaving the bay area. >> reporter: the u.s. government said it's trying to bring parity to the number of diplomats in each country. >> the decision to bring total parity was taken to stop the increasing spiral of escalations in our relationship. >> reporter: administration said the conflict is to close by saturday and could face excessive smoke violations by air quality officials. neighbors say they will miss having it here because they would get their visas if they needed to travel to russia. now they wonder what will happen to this building that sits on prime real estate overlooking the san francisco bay. all this heat can be dangerous. we've been talking about it all morning. how do you spot signs if someone is not doing well? vulnerable people? kids? hourly? >> and how do you know the difference between heat exhaustion or a heat stroke? all these questions coming into play with this heat in play. the national weather service has issued this graphic that shows you the early signs. we know paralysis and things like that are obvious signs of a stroke. what about if you have a headache? this is what they are comparing it to. if you are faint or dizzy, that is heat exhaustion. if you have a throbbing headache, chances are you may be having a stroke. if you are sweating, that is a sign of heat exhaustion. if you're not sweating, that could be serious. that could mean mean you are experiencing a stroke. these are all good tips to know. coming up we will have a doctor onset who will talk about how to protect yourself from getting sick during this heat. as you have been reporting, the hospitals are reporting more folks are coming in and people are actually getting sick. i read something that said dehydration can cause a stroke. i did not know that. maybe the doctor can confirm or give us more about that. here is a look at the hot conditions expected today. you will need to protect yourself once again. there is a spare the air alert in place. here are the numbers for your area. the north bay irma coast and central bay, we are and that orange in the 100 mark. if you are sensitive or have respiratory issues, this includes you. the darker red shade, above 150 index indicating everybody needs to pay attention and avoid outdoor act dvds. especially vigorous activity. as we've been looking around the bay area, i would say avoid it now if you can. 70, walnut creek. 67, san francisco. 68, napa and san jose. the inner east bay, antioch, 77. moraga, 75. if you see the giants today it will be hot. 94 degrees with a west and northwest a breeze. mostly sunny skies. sitting in the stands, it could easily feel above 100. please be careful. watch your little ones and drink plenty of water. here is a look at the north bay numbers. 104, petaluma. 99, sausalito. 98, alameda. 114, livermore. san jose, 104. 109, los gatos. santa cruz, 96. daly city, 86. 95, san francisco for the afternoon hi. yesterday san francisco hit 106 breaking an all-time record. temperatures do begin to come down. the seabreeze begins to trickle in and the coastal get it first tomorrow. which -- with each day we take better steps toward better weather. >> even at night it would be nice. i walked out of here last night at 8:30 pm and it was 95 degrees. >> how we like that seabreeze. with triple digit temperatures again today, people are looking for ways to escape the heat. here are what some residents in pleasanton are doing this weekend to stay cool and how the hot weather is impacting local businesses. >> we are not used to this heat all day long. >> reporter: three tickets for air-conditioning, please. >> is hot and we need a place to relax and call off. >> reporter: the regal cinema is an oasis. 70 degrees inside while outside it was still 104 at 7 pm. >> it was freezing in there. we had sweaters. now we are sweating. >> reporter: pleasanton is not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even 114 depending on the location. that meant sidewalk dining normally busy was a bust. >> everyone is out of town for labor day. and the heat. people do not want to leave their house. >> reporter: the intrepid were rewarded with a mint watermelon slushy on the house when they walked in the door. these two on a date came from tracy. the frying pan to the fire. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everyone will be hot. >> it feels like a sauna. a sauna instead of hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> reporter: in this region so full of hot air, kids saw shorten school days, sports were canceled, recess was endured. >> weed inside the multipurpose room and watched a movie and ate our food there. because it was too hot. >> we did not think we would be in the water business but the last couple of days we've sold over 100 cases. >> reporter: ace hardware dimmed the lights to save power, running fans throughout the store and selling lots of them.  >> we started this morning with two pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> portable air conditioners were gone by midweek. even priced up to $300. >> they did not question the price on that. we could have sold a lot more. >> earlier we told you about how the heat is impacting public transit. another transit agency also impacted is caltrain. it sent out tweets yesterday including this one about heat restrictions on different lines. under those restrictions passenger trains can go no faster than 60 miles an hour. freight trains, 40 miles an hour. an alert to bart riders over the weekend where crews are using the weekend to perform met -- track maintenance. no trains will run between the 19th street and fruitville stations or between west oakland and fruitville station. the lake merritt station will be closed. there will be free bus service between those areas over the weekend. a san francisco lawmaker proposes to extend last call at bars and nightclubs across the state. why the bill is on thin ice. eight treat -- where the nba fans -- where fans can see the nba championship trophy over the weekend. the white house said president trump will announce his decision on the daca program on tuesday. -- protects immigrants from deportation. 800,000 young people known as dreamers registered under the program. they have been working and going to school. the program was created by president obama. president trump has given mixed signals about his decision over the plan. the white house suggested the decision is weighing heavily on his mind. >> i love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president priority on immigration is carried assistant that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy. the president has been very clear. he loves people and he wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. that's what he is doing now. finalizing that part. >> the house speaker is among those urging the president to spare the program. a plan to allow cities to extend last call at bars and nightclubs is now on ice. the bill sponsored by scott wiener would have allowed bars to serve alcohol until 4 am at the discretion of local lawmakers. opponents said extending hours would lead to more alcohol- related accidents and deaths. supporters argue the nightlife industry employs hundreds of thousands of people in the state, middle-class and working- class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not be dictating to local communities what time there bars and nightclubs close. let's let these communities make their own decisions and have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2 am in california since 1935. lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue. that report is due by the end of 2019. a rock climber who set a record by free climbing el capitan has been honored at the state capital. alex channel was recognized for making the 3000 foot climb by himself without the safety of ropes. he said he prepared for two years. >> one i summitted it was nothing but positive sensations. i felt good and confident. >> one of the senators offer the resolution thing he believes the climb was more than just a physical accomplishment. >> i've seen those pictures three times this morning and it still gets me. warrior fans will have a chance to see the championship trophy. it will be at the team store at the westfield mall in san francisco on market street. that is from 10 am through 5 pm. if you can't make it into san francisco, the trophy will be at the team store in walnut creek on south main street on sunday. sent the warriors one the finals trophy, the trophy has been on a road trip. 25,000 miles traveled including kevin durant's hometown in maryland and the republic of georgia in europe. >> basketball is not too far away. the tip off the season opener at oracle on september 30. >> football season started. basketball season is around the corner. >> they are still playing baseball. not too well in these parts but they are still playing. firefighters across the state are busy with large wildfires. the state of emergency issued and what is complicating the efforts. another day of extreme heat. hi fired danger warnings across the area. how firefighters are coping. good morning. a nice view. you can see the golden gate bridge. >> it looks like an afternoon shot, not 8 am. usually it is covered in fog but we have no fog insight. >> temperatures are also afternoon--ish as well. it's good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm allie rasmus. let's start with the weather. that is the big story. we can't escape it. 90 degrees is our calls by. 86 in daly city for the afternoon today. many folks are heading to the beach but expected to be warm and make sure you have the sun block. here is a view outside our doors. this is a look across san jose and santa clara toward levi's stadium in the distance. haze and smoke will remain in the forecast today. this was sent into the national weather service last night. a smokey sunset at shark park beach in pacifica. although it's unhealthy and we don't like it in our area, it does provide some beautiful sunsets and often, sunrises. that smoke and haze will remain in place for another day. the onshore breeze will trickle back as we get into sunday. that will allow our beachside communities to cool down. with that, the excessive heat warning goes through tonight for beachside communities from the north bay down through the san mateo county coastline and monterey. that expires at 9 pm. the rest of us will have that warning until 9:00 monday night. the heat is not going away anytime soon although it will begin to improve as we get into sunday and monday. the high fire danger is in place for most of us. the wind is very light and stagnant but in the hills we are seeing some wind. that has triggered the red flag warning until 9 pm. temperatures outside our heating up. 79, san francisco. 73, oakland. 74, livermore. 78, san jose. 74, nevada. most of us are warmer than where we started yesterday. temperatures today as hot or hotter. we will set records once again. we will look at the afternoon highs and the cool down in the extended forecast. struck with more triple digit temperatures across the bay, that means a risk for diet -- fire danger. tom vacar shows us how firefighters are preparing. >> reporter: that red flag says it all. what it says is there is extreme fire danger. the potential for big problems is because grassy hillsides are just dry and that makes wildfires hotter and run faster. that is why oakland berkeley hills fire crews are patrolling the hills. if they see a fire hazard, they will say something and work to abate it. and the fires from long ago, that fire incinerated 1000 homes and apartments killing 25 and injuring 150. with that in mind, a holiday weekend with scorching temperatures could be a recipe for disaster. >> people will be home enjoying barbecues and doing home improvement projects. with that, compounded with the extreme heat that we are experiencing, that can compound an opportunity for a significant wildland fire. >> reporter: the best advice, no open flames. no power tools. absolutely nothing that could spark or cause a fire because that red flag may actually mean there is a fire underway. that is the situation here in the oakland hills.tom vacar . several large wildfires kept cal fire cruise busy. we're watching two fires in northern california and one in los angeles county. 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank in a community near latina canyon park. the los angeles fire department said the fire started around 1:30 pm yesterday. so far it is raged through 200 acres. here are some live pictures from a helicopter. you can see the smoke spreading over the hills. the wind in that area is causing a lot of the problems, spreading embers on both sides of the freeway. interstate 210 has been shot down. multiple agencies have sent resources to contain the blaze. according to fire officials no homes have been damaged. we will continue monitoring this picture. this is a live look of a wildfire in los angeles county. in northern california, governor brown has declared a state of emergency for the ponderosa fire. temperatures are complicating efforts. the fire is east of oroville and has spread to 3900 acres. it has destroyed 44 homes. we have just learned the fire is now 45% contained. 65% containment on the pleasant fire burning and nevada county. it started wednesday and is burning off of highway 49. 392 acres have burned. evacuations and road closures have been lifted. because is still under investigation. smoke from some of those fires is drifting into the bay area creating hazy conditions and poor air quality. this is a live look at sfo. as we mentioned, you can barely see the horizon of the hills behind the airport. dozens gathered last night and el dorado county to honor a deputy shot and killed in the line of duty this week. friends and family of deputy robert french holding a vigil to remember and celebrate his life. the base of the el dorado hills was a favorite place for the officer. people in attendance included deputies and his children, his grandkids and his girlfriend. >> this would wreck him in a good way. so thank you. thank you offer coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team different supported painted his badge number with the words, never forgotten, on the rock at the memorial site. french was shot and killed wednesday at a sacramento ramada inn. he was part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud of castro valley remains hospitalized this morning. using critical condition. he was wounded during a gun battle. the incident began when two woman were spotted in a stolen bmw leaving the ramada inn. they were chased and taken into custody. one woman was released and the other is being held on bond. she is a yellow county jail. one is charged with felony vehicle theft and debating authorities. journalists were able to conduct interviews with her but no cameras were allowed. she is currently on a suicide watch and did meet one rick order wearing just a green blanket. she said "how did i end up like this? sometimes i want to end my life." she said she had no idea that the car was stolen or that littlecloud was armed. she said i'm sorry things ended up the way they did. i love him but he is stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. start respected judges asking voters in santa clara county to not sign a recall position to remove aaron persky from the bench. >> if this recall succeeds, judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wins before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised, which means that we will all suffer. >> the recorded message from the judge went out to 100,000 voters. judge persky came under fire for sentencing former stanford student, brock turner, to six months in jail for sexually assaulting a woman. the judge points out that judge persky was cleared of accusations of bias after an extensive review. oakland police are asking for help to find a person of interest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police releasing photos of them and they want to talk to. $15,000 reward is being offered for information that may lead to an arrest.dave deporis of oakland was sitting at a cafi on telegraph avenue last month when a man stole his laptop. police say he chased the robber and was dragged to his death by the getaway car. this is the car police are looking for. it's similar to the getaway car. a midsized red audi suv. two marijuana farmers have been charged with attempting to bribe a sheriff. they are accused of trying to bribe the sheriff of siskiyou county. he was allegedly offered $1 million to turn a blind eye to their pot growing operation. one sibling was arrested on thursday. authorities are trying to locate the other sibling. our heat wave can cause health problems. next we will hear from an er doctor on the warning signs to look for among people who are most at risk. that is next. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quily as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. welcome back. you can see dehayes in that picture of downtown san francisco. the bay bridge is in the background. a lot of hot weather across the bay area. san francisco broke a record at 106 we are expecting more hot weather today. also bad air quality conditions. a lot to think about. >> it is so hazy i'm having a hard time seeing exactly what we are looking at. salesforce tower in the foreground. the dangerously high conditions have led to heat related illnesses. that leads us to our next topic. could you identify the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke? the national weather service has issued this graphic that shows you the early signs and differences. if you are faint or dizzy, that is likely heat exhaustion. if you have a pounding headache coming that could be a sign of stroke. if you are sweating, heat exhaustion versus not sweating. that could mean a stroke. >> is a lot to digest and we have the assistant director of the emergency department at summit medical center to tell us what to look for. we were talking off-camera and you said you've had so patience and yesterday. >> there are a fair number of people who have come in with symptoms such as generalized weakness, headache and fatigue. those could be there early signs of heat exhaustion. we did not see any heat stroke patients yesterday but this is a long weekend and i anticipate given the heat conditions that will continue, that we will likely see some serious heat related illness. you mentioned people and east bay do not have air conditioning. when it gets so hot and did not cool down overnight, what can you do to keep your kids cool, elderly? who are most vulnerable? >> the first thing is to avoid the heat if you can. obviously during the midday hours when the temperature is the highest, avoid going out if you can. stay indoors. if you have air-conditioning, use a. also, wearing loosefitting, light-colored clothing if you do need to go out. >> what a towel help? >> wet towels will help. especially if you feel, if you're experiencing heat related illness. evaporative cooling measures such as getting a fan on with wet towels can help cool the body. >> from what i understand, avoid vigorous activity, don't exercise when it's 105. i never thought about dehydration. i know we say to make sure to drink a lot of fluids but dehydration can be a cause of stroke. >> absolutely. dehydration is difficult to ascertain just from the individual person. often if you feel thirsty, you are probably dehydrated. and the patient population we encounter, meeting the elderly and people who have comorbidities, they are not able to really understand that they need more fluids when the temperature is higher. how do you assess how much fluid you need? i think it's impossible to actually give you a straight number. in general we tell people they should be aiming for about 8-10 glasses of water per day and increase that by up to 4 glasses when it gets hotter. i think everyone has different fluid requirements. >> it's a holiday weekend so a lot of barbecues and people enjoying a beer or two. that is a no-no as well. >> beer would be fine but i think that excess will lead people to susceptibility to heat related illness. alcohol will 10 to rehydrate -- dehydrate the body further. >> what are some of the early warning signs you would not expect to see in small kids? they can't tell you they are overheated. >> the biggest thing is lethargy meaning that the kid seems not interested in doing anything and is just lying around. that would be my warning sign for my kids. i need to get some fluids into them. having some juice and popsicles ready to go would be a good idea. >> thank you for coming in. i hope it is not busy this weekend for your. maybe rosemary can turn off the he a little bit. any help us out? >> how about after one more day. can you handle one more day? we have another hot one coming our way. the air quality is really bad out there. as the doctor suggested, drink a lot of water. make sure your kids are drinking water coming even when they say they are not thirsty. here is a look from san francisco where everywhere we see this morning there is a haze in the sky. the air quality for today is suffering once again. it is another spare the air day here is a look at in your neighborhood. for the north bay come at the coast and central bay, we are above the 100 index mark that shade of orange indicates folks sensitive to pollution. if you have asthma or seasonal allergies, things like that. the red indicates something more serious. it's for everyone. that is for the inner east bay and the santa clara valley. air quality will begin to improve as we get into sunday, monday and tuesday for today, it's not going away and neither is the heat. 100 degree plus weather around the bay. nearing 114 for inland communities. even if you are trying to beat the heat by heading to the coast, it will also be hot there with temperatures in the mid-80s to the mid-90s from daly city stretching down through santa cruz. 73, oakland. in the north bay, 78, nevada. 78, san jose. 79, belmont into the afternoon, 95, san francisco. 112, concord. 112, san jose. temperatures just as hot as yesterday, maybe even harder for some. if you're going to see the giants, well into the 90s and could feel above 100. take it easy and drink plenty of water. as we get into the second part of the weekend, temperatures begin to fall although the heat will remain inland through monday. it was slowly get better tuesday into wednesday. today will be the worst day if you do not count yesterday. >> those official temperatures are in the shade, i like to point out. in the sun it's even hotter than that. >> especially at a ball game. a proposal to extend last call at clubs and nightclubs across the state. why that idea is now off the table. a youtube video of a local football coach goes viral and i think you know why. the moves that have made him an internet sensation. alonzo carter is in his first year as the running backs coach for san jose state. >> as jason appelbaum shows us, the description does not come close to telling this man's remarkable story. >> high anti-. if you don't recognize coach carter here, search dancing football coach on youtube where he is the number one hits. [ music playing ] >> reporter: this video of a nimble footed carter went viral twice. first this past spring and again before the spartan season opener in late august. >> many of my friends are hitting me up saying is that your coach? yes that is. he's all over the news. >> reporter: if his moves look too good, a little too familiar, it's because in a former life, 30 years ago, he not only perfected them, he invented them. as a backup dancer and head choreographer for mc hammer himself. >> he made me the posse leader. i was that guy. >> reporter: and happened fast. carter was a junior at cal state hayward where he played football when he and some buddies auditioned for hammer's let's get it started video. the audition went so well, hammer invited them on tour. >> i was going for the summer. he said i want you back in the fall. the rest is history. >> reporter: and what a journey it was. three years on tour, 12 music audios, appearances on arsenio hall and oprah, even the grammys. it's something carter will always be grateful to hammer for. >> he had a lot of faith and belief in a young men from west oakland. >> reporter: his roots run deep and west oakland. he was one of four children raised by a single mother. his dad was in and out of jail. >> no father figure in my life. it was tough. many times i would play football with myself. throw the ball up and catch it in a make it -- imagine i would make it to the nfl. >> reporter: dancing was in the cards and it turns out that stage of his life planted the seed for what eventually be a long career in coaching. >> they are similar. our game and our show is the field. that was my first introduction to coaching. i was responsible for nutrition and training and other stuff. >> reporter: after touring with hammer, carter returned home in the early 90s, inspired to get back to his community. he volunteered as a football and track coach at the high school. his alma mater. it did not take long for carter's highly successful head- coaching career to take off. in 18 seasons, carter one, carter 111 league championships and seven coach of the year awards. with all of his accomplishments there was one thing missing left unfinished when he set out to tour the world with hammer. that was a college degree. >> i went for it. working a full-time job. coaching. i went to school and persevere through it and got my degree and finally walk the stage this past june. >> reporter: that degree made him eligible to take his career to the next level. division i san jose state for his positive energy rubs off on his players. >> he brings passion and happiness. it makes me want to dance. it makes the game more fun. >> reporter: the first game of the season began with his past interlaced with the present when hammer showed up to give his support. >> he was a perfectionist. and entertainer. i got a lot of that from working with him and wanting to be the best. i want to be a role model. i'm going to be a walking example of that. if you give 100%, hard work, perseverance and faith, you can do it. >> he still has the moves. how about some baseball? when you give up six runs in the ninth inning, is not a good sign. the giants imploded and were handled by the cardinals last night. 11 ditch-six. johnny cueto pitching his first game since july and he looked little rusty. this one is up and out. it's a two run bomb. first major league home run for this. no glove need it. a top to first. nice play. the giants used nine pitchers in the game. it fell apart in the ninth. the tie was broken with a base hit and an rbi. st. louis got five more. the a's visiting seattle. jed lowrie a sharp liner. marcus semien will come home and oakland gets 2. seattle scores all the runs in the third. mike zunino going big. the a's have lost four in a row. today is cut down day for the nfl. every team must trim their roster from 90 players to the final 53. raiders cuts include gabe holmes and running back george atkinson the third. the 49ers cuts include matt barkley which likely means the team will keep two quarterbacks. brian hoyer and cj bothered. college football is in full force. will hit the road for kickoff in north carolina. san jose state will host cal poly this afternoon. stanford is off this weekend. another day of extreme heat. how long the hot weather is expected to last in the bay area. an alert to bart riders. the bart station that is closed this weekend and how the heat is causing trains to reduce speed. welcome back. it is saturday, september 2. i'm allie rasmus . >> i'm frank mallicoat. good morning. we will talk about your weather in a moment. firs here is some news. the news is the weather. triple digits again today all around the bay area. another excessive heat warning. >> there is fire danger included with that. also more unhealthy air. today is another spare the air day. in more than an hour, caltrans begin tearing down the last piers of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. the mcdouble impact traffic on the current spent on along with with delays on bart. if you're heading to the city around 10:30 am or 11:30 am, you will be delayed. it was pushing 80 degrees this morning. >> usually when we get to work this early, it's a little chilly but not this morning. >> not at all. is started out mild and already heating up. we could be near 100 by lunch time for some. expect the noon hour to be quite warm. here's a look at the hazy start to the day. that smoke is still with us. we are very stagnant. most of us see a little wind in the hills. the red flag warning continues for the hills throughout the afternoon and into tonight. here's a brief look at some of the records we broke yesterday. look at all that triple digit heat. 100, santa rosa. 110, calistoga. 101 at the airport in oakland. 105 in santa cruz. temperatures are starting rmer today and we are likely to be just as hot. we could even be hotter as we get into the afternoon. i cannot go without saying 106 in san francisco yesterday breaking the all-time record of one or three setback in 2000. very hot today. another spare the air day with poor air quality. the heat warning, the excessive heat warning goes for the coast until 9 pm tonight and then will expire. for the rest of us it goes until monday night here the temperatures right now. upper 70s and oakland. 78, livermore. san jose, 83. if you are going to see the giants, it's going to be a scorcher. mid-90s for the second part of the day. hazy skies and a very light breeze coming in from the west and northwest. we will look at the afternoon highs for the region and talk about a cool down in the extended forecast. another spare the air alert has been issued today because of the extreme heat. >> you can practically see the air out there. the bay area area called quality districts that smoke from fires burning across the state is causing unhealthy ozone levels throughout the bay area. they say the unhealthy conditions could continue through the labor day weekend. or air quality can be harmful for kids, seniors and people who may have respiratory problems. people arbeing urged to help reduce pollution in the air by doing things like carpooling and using public transportation. with all the heat people are looking for ways to keep cool. debora villalon tells us what some residents in pleasanton are doing to avoid the heat and how this weather is impacting some of the local businesses. >> we are not used to this heat. >> reporter: three tickets for air conditioning, please. >> it's hot and we need a place to relax and cool off. >> reporter: the regal cinemas is an oasis. 70 degrees inside while outside it was still 104 at 7 pm. >> it was freezing in there. we had sweaters. now we are sweating already. >> reporter: pleasanton, not so pleasant reporting unofficially 112, even one fort teen depending on location. that meant sidewalk dining, normally busy was a bust. >> it's empty because of the heat. also people were out of town for labor day. people do not want to leave the house. >> reporter: the intrepid were rewarded with a mint watermelon slushy on the house when they walked in the door. these two were on a hot date and came from tracy. the fine pri to the fire. >> i don't think anywhere you go will cool you off. everywhere will be hot. >> it feels like a sauna. a sauna instead of just hot air. >> it's like a burning. >> reporter: in this region, so full of hot air, kids saul shorten school days, sports canceled, recess in doors. >> we went inside the multipurpose room and watched a movie and ate our food. because it was too hot. >> we did not think we would be in the water business but the last couple of days we sold over 100 cases. >> reporter: ace hardware dimmed its lights to save power running fans throughout the store and selling lots of fans. >> we have our fans right here. we started that with two pallets and this is what we have left for the weekend. >> reporter: portable air conditioners were gone by midweek. even priced up to $300 per >> they do not question the price on them. everyone comes in and says, could it be any hotter? sure. is it hot enough for you? >> the extreme heat is difficult for people but also an issue for machines. bart is telling riders to expect delays of 10-20 minutes while the heat way process. speeds are being reduced in certain areas as a precaution. extreme heat can be an issue for the rails. reducing the speed, that gives train operators more time to react to abnormal conditions. bart said the tracks have been heat treated. no problems are expected and this is being done as a precaution. >> muni is also experiencing issues. they are alerted riders that the excessive heat led to delays in service. there was concerned that older vehicles might overheat. caltrans will start to remove the final piers that used to hold up the eastern span of the bay bridge. >> there will be rolling closures during the demolition as a precaution. tom vacar joins us live to talk about the implosions and the impact if you're heading into the city. >> reporter: that's going to happen between 10:00 and noon. there will be some closures happening. take a look at these barges. this is where the action will be the action will be the implosion of those piers that have been knocked down to the water level but need to be taken down. this is going to be a 5-8 process to get rid of the last 13. this is exactly what will happen. >> reporter: the tops removed, a few feet of the massive pilings remain above water. every other weekend from september through november, 2 are 3 each time will be explosively demolished and the debris immediately barged away leaving only the original a bottom. the pressure wave, from 30 pounds of explosive per piers, will be surrounded by curtain of bubbles. the bubbles will absorb almost all of the shock to minimize disturbance to wildlife. >> if it's good for the environment, it goes faster. everybody saves money. the taxpayers. >> reporter: the savings, $10 million and half the days to finish the blasting. these remaining piers are likely to be used to create a public observation deck, something that's been planned for many years and could be approved in a few weeks. on the east side there is a chance to have a walkway from the land out to peer 19. >> reporter: coming back live we want to show you what we are talking about. we are talking about these piers. they are sticking up out of the water. there are potential plans to put some sort of walkaway or bikeway or some sort of pathway that goe1000feet into the bay so people can have recreational opportunities, possibly some food or kayaking. that is to be determined if two things happen. one, they can get the funding, which is fairly likely and two, the cities need to agree to take over these locations so that caltrans, once it's done building, will not have them as a responsibility. if that happens, we will have some pretty exciting stuff going on in the path of the old bay bridge. the bottom of the bay will be as good as it was before these bridges were built back in the 1920s and 1930s. that is the situation starting at 10:00. they will have rolling stops until they have the perfect conditions for the perfect conditions require that there is no sea life around, especially large birds or sea mammals. if there is any problem there, they will wait until those animals clear the area.reporting live, tom vacar . >> i need to ask you. was that project part of the project from the onset or something they said, this might be a good thing to do? >> reporter: it was actually part of the plan from the beginning of the project but it was going to be subject to later approval. now we are at the point where we can seek that approval. the question is, will they want to put up the money? when you think about the rare opportunity to put a pier in the bank, it is rare and probably the cities of oakland and san francisco will want to take advantage. the one on your bueno island will be like this large dance floor where people can look at the tower. >> that's interesting. nice job. thank you. despite the heat, bart said it's getting important work done on some of the tracks. workers are using the weekend to perform maintenance and upgrade electrical systems. no trains will run between the 19th street and fruitvale stations are between west oakland and for help the lake merritt station will be closed. there will be bus service between these areas and stations mentioned over the weekend. the president will return to texas and louisiana today to get a look at the damage caused hurricane harvey. >> this is a second trip to texas. on tuesday he met with state and local leaders. today he will meet with volunteers and people affected by the storm. then he will head to louisiana and then head back to dc. during his weekly address the president said he has asked congress to approve nearly $8 billion in aid to help with recovery efforts. two to the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every single step of the way. we will help you recover. we will help you rebuild. we will support you today, tomorrow and the day after. >> the white house said president trump is pledging $1 million of his own money to help victims but he is not said which organization the money will go to pick one week since harvey made landfall, rescue efforts continue for people stranded in floodwaters. the military released a video of this helicopter rescue yesterday in houston. an officer was lowered down to a home where he can help a family including a young boy and girl. they will pulled onto the chopper for safety. neighborhoods in houston are still under evacuation orders as engineers work to release water from two reservoirs which could keep nearly 20,000 homes flooded for another two weeks. evacuation orders are in place in crosby, texas, after two explosions at a chemical plant. the epa is monitoring for any potentially toxic chemicals in the air in that area. and beaumont, 120,000 people are without clean drinking water leading to long lines in people waiting for bottled water. decision day is near on an important immigration program. when the white house plans to announce president trump's decision on something known as the daca program. > good morning. here's a live look from san francisco across the bay. it is a hot and hazy one. perhaps not hot yet but it is going to get there as we get into the afternoon. is going to be hard to beat the heat today with temperatures from the mid-80s on the coast to above 100 inland. i will look at what you can expect coming up. in response to moscow forcing the u.s. to reduce staff at a diplomatic mission in russia, the administration issued a deadline of today for the ssian consulate in san francisco two) >> there was an unusual sight coming from the building yesterday. neighbors in pacific heights calling 911 after seeing black smoke billowing from a chimney. it was unusual since yesterday was a spare the air day when temperatures and san francisco hit 106. fire crews told ktvu there was no need for alarm saying people inside were burning something in the fireplace. >> i think they are burning sensitive documents. >> we are leaving the bay area. it was very comfortable to get passports. >> neighbors said they liked having the consulate there because it was easy to obtain a visa if they had to travel to russia. many wonder what will become of the building which sits on prime real estate overlooking the bay. congresswoman jackie spears said the smoke confirms something about her notions about the building. she tweeted, if there was ever doubt that espionage was going on in the consulate, black smoke clears the air on that issue. the white house said president trump will announce his decision on the daca program on tuesday. the program protects immigrants who were brought to the u.s. illegally as children from deportation. nearly 800,000 young people known as dreamers have been working and going to school under the program created by president obama. president trump has given mixed signals about the plan. the white house suggested the decision is weighing heavily on the president. >> we love the dreamers. we love everybody. thank you very much. >> the president priori on immigration is to create a system that encourages legal immigration and benefits our economy and american workers. the president has been clear. he loves people and he wants to make sure that this decision is done correctly. that's what he is doing now. finalizing that part. >> house speaker paul ryan is among those urging the president to spare the program. the white house plans to nominate an oklahoma congressman to be the next administrator. he entered congress in 2013 serving on the armed services committee -- armed services committee. he was in aviator in the u.s. navy reserves having fun combat missions in iraq and afghanistan. the nomination drew criticism from both of the florida senators who expressed concerns about his lack of experience and partisanship. normally i would say if you don't like the weather, go to the coast. >> not this weekend.  it is hot all around, raking records. rosemary is here to tell us about it. and when we can expect some relief. some relief coming tomorrow. just a little. it will take its time. it begins at the coast. it takes an extra day before it moves into the bay and inland areas. the ones who want it the most, get it last. here's a live look as we look at the hazy skies this morning. here is san jose where temperatures are off to a mild start. we mentioned a spare the air day is in place. here is another live your from san francisco. the air quality will begin to improve a little tomorrow. sea breeze, the onshore breeze will eventually work its way back towards us. for the coast, that could be as early as sunday. here is what we expect today. around the north bay, coast and central bay, we are above that 100 index mark which indicates a shade of orange which indicates that folks that suffer from respiratory issues, you may want to avoid outdoor activities. at least the vigorous kind into the afternoon. for the inlet, east bay and the santa clara valley, above 150 indicates everyone needs to pay attention. i think everyone needs to pay attention. all the views we have seen this morning are showing as hazy skies. that will remain in place for the day. here's a look at what you can expect on the coast. upper 80s for the kohler spots. most areas will be above 90.  for the bayside communities come 100 degrees or above for hotter locations. in our inland cities, back above 110 for areas like antioch and brentwood. 80, fairfield right now. upper 70s and oakland. san francisco, 80. 75, santa rosa. 83, san jose. 83, antioch. 77, lafayette. as we get into the afternoon, 99, sausalito. 105, napa. 110, sta rosa. 98, alameda and berkeley. one of four, castro valley. 114, livermore. san jose, 104. cupertino, 104. 103, san mateo. upper 90s expected for downtown. here's a look or extended forecast. temperatures begin to come down as early as tomorrow. it will still remain quite hot for inland cities. into monday we fall below the triple digits. a little bit of calling on tuesday and even better on wednesday. a major scientific finding colorado. what a construction crew discovered during a dig. an item that is 66 million years old. a plan to allow cities to extend last call california bars and nightclubs is on ice. the bill would have allowed bars to serve alcohol until 4 am at the discretion of local lawmakers. opponents said extending hours would lead to more alcohol related accident and death spirit supporters argue the nightlife industry employs hundreds of thousands of people in middle and working-class jobs. >> all we're saying is the state should not dictate to local communities what time there bars and nightclubs close. let's let these communities make their own decisions and have their own debates locally. >> last call has been set at 2 am in california since 1935 state lawmakers voted to create a task force to study the issue . the report is due by the end of 2019. struck a rock climber who set a record by free climbing the el catan has been honored at the he was recognized from making the 3000 foot climb by himself without the safety of ropes. he said he prepared for two years. >> one i summitted it was nothing but positive sensations. i felt good and confident. >> one of the senators offer the resolution saying he believes that the historic climb was more than just a physical accomplishment. license plates taking center stage at an international gathering. people came together to buy and sell the plates which they say have historical value. >> reporter: it's something we see every day and for most of us , it really doesn't mean much. >> this is beautiful. >> reporter: for these folks, it means a lot. >> how do they want for this? that's not my level yet. >> the automobile license plates collectors association. >> reporter: license plate lovers are here, buying, selling and collecting those thin, flimsy placards of automotive history. one collector is from poland. >> how much for connecticut? >> reporter: he is new to the collecting world. he's been doing it for a little over a year. after a couple hours of peaking, picking and paying, he proudly shares his plates. >> 40 license plates i purchased today. >> how much that acosta? >> $120. >> reporter: like anything collectible, some plates are rare and valuable like this one, issued before colorado is a state. and it's made of leather. it's not for sale. >> that's a good one. >> reporter: but for our greenhorn, he would have stayed much longer but for one simple fact. >> i have five dollars left. from $150. >> reporter: so many plates, not enough cash. >> priceless. that's right. >> very interesting. who knew they were that popular. >> i have a few but they are my old ones. i don't think i would shell out money for others. coming up, firefighters across the state are busy with several large wildfires. the state of emergency issued and we will talk about what is complicating those efforts. >> reporter: and a half hour we begin a series of 5-8 weeks of blasting to get rid of the last of the pillars of the old bay bridge. we will have a live reports coming up quickly. if you need a trim or a facial, we have the place for you. a cutter thought is that the avalon school of cosmetology in alameda. it started at 8:30 am and goes through 4:00. all the proceeds go to a special cause. schema of ago to the american red cross to help people affected by hurricane harvey. that money will go into a relief fund. this is happening in alameda. that is the only cosmetology school from this chain in the bay area. there are also cut his sons like this happening at two arizona -- two locations in arizona. many organizations, private, nonprofit and big businesses are coming together to help the victims of the hurricane. >> and they are busy. a lot of folks in there. welcome back. it's 931 on saturday. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm allie rasmus. let's get a quick look at the weather. it is hot and it's not going away. >> right. at least for one more day. as we get into the afternoon, just as hot and hazy as yesterday. here's a live look toward the bay bridge and into san francisco. there is a nice bird there. it's just perched, enjoying the warmth. it is going to be hot this afternoon. by noon, some folks will already be approaching 100. here's a look the excessive heat warning that remains in place. the darker shade of pink in here, that heat warning expires at 9:00 tonight. we know we have another hot day coming but there is good news. if it expires tonight, that means the coast is going to be a little better by tomorrow. the rest of us have this warning in place until monday nights. but we will begin to feel that beautiful, cool sea breeze trickle in by tomorrow. it will not be my old but it will not be as hot for sunday. here's a look at what we have going on in the hills. we do have some wind and because of that there is a red flag warning. that will expire tonight. here are the temperatures right now. 78, livermore. 82, concord. eddie to, san francisco. 83, hayward. mid-70s in santa rosa. it's easy to see why by noon some of us will be nearing 100. temperatures up a few degrees in areas like oakland and hayward. we are already warmer than yesterday. temperatures will be just as hot or warmer for some. 110, santa rosa. a lot of triple digit heat around the bay. 99, san francisco. if you're going to see the game it is going to be hot. 88, pacifica. temperatures begin to fall as early as tomorrow. i will look at the air quality in the extended forecast coming up. caltrans will start to remove the final piers that used to hold up the eastern span of thbay bridge. >> there will be a rolling closures during the demolition as a precaution. m vacar joins us to talk about the implosion impact to traffic and he has found a friend there. what kind of bird is that? do we know? >> reporter: that cormorant is key to all of that. as long as the bird sits there and is watching and is not near the blast area, this can go forward. if a bird should start fishing out there, this is held off until they clear the area. there will be a cannon shot to scare the birds away but that will not guarantee they will go away. i want to show you some other things that will happen in rapid succession starting around 10:00. if we go out to these barges, by those barges are the first three pillars they will get rid of. they are down to the water level. they will implode those and then the cranes will come in to remove that. the situation here is basically that there can be no see life, seals, sea lions, there can be no fishing birds or anything like that or the environmental community will not allow that. that is part of the deal they made. over here you will see eight remaining piers. these may become some sort of a raised platform going 1000 feet into the bay. that will be a place where people can come to recreate, maybe have food or go fishing. all of that is undecided but these will remain until they decide whether or not they want to do that. if they do not, these will also go out as well. starting around 10:00, whenever they decide to do these explosions, the chp will have rolling outages. that is to say rolling stops so people cannot cross the bridge at the time the blasting is going on. there is no danger to the people on the bridge except the fact they may get spooked by the sound of the explosions. they are not that loud but they are not taking any chances. this will happen every other weekend until november when all those piers are gone. then the decision will be made whether or not to keep these. this begins a 10:00. it will go into november every other weekend. >> you said in order for that pier and rates platform to be a possibility, you said cities would need to agree to take over a. which cities? would it be shared? >> reporter: on this side it will mostly be oakland. on your valbuena ihlen, that would be the city and county of san francisco. that is the situation. those decisions have not been made yet. >> we wait to see what comes of that. a really good tourist spot. great pictures there. thank you. several large wildfires kept fire crews busy. there are fires burning in northern california. also one in los angeles county. 200 homes were evacuated north of burbank. the los angeles fire department said the fire started around 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon and has so far raised 2000 acres due to high wind that had carried embers across the foothill freeway. this is a live picture of that area this morning. it's very hard to see exactly what we are looking at because of the heavy smoke coming from the fire burning in los angeles county. both sides of interstate 210 have been shut down. earlier you could see the interstate in the distance. it looks like the helicopter camera is zooming in on some of the fire on the hillside. this is what it looked like last night. multiple agencies have sent additional resources. according to fire officials, no homes have been damaged. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency for the ponderosa fire in butte county. temperatures are complicating firefighting efforts. the fire is east of oroville and has spread to 3700 acres. it has destroyed 44 homes. more homes are threatened. the fire is 40% contained. fire crews have reached 65% containment on the pleasant fire burning in nevada county. this started wednesday and is burning off of highway 49. 392 acres have burned. all evacuations and road closures have been lifted. because is still under investigation. start smoke from those fires is drifting into the bay area creating hazy can editions. it looks like -- we were showing you this picture all morning of sfo. you can see the haze and smoke in the air. we also have very hot temperatures. this is something to be aware of. poor air quality throughout the bay area. dozens gathered in el dorado county to honor is killed this week in the line of duty. wrens and family of deputy robert french held a vigil to remember and celebrate his life. the base of the hills was a favorite place for the deputy. people in attendance included fellow officers, his children grandchildren and girlfriend. >> this would wreck him. in a good way. so, thank you. thank you for coming. thank you. >> a youth soccer team that fred supported painted his badge number with the words never forgotten on one of the rocks at the memorial site. french was shot and killed wednesday at a ramada inn as part of an auto theft task force investigating the area. the accused gunman, thomas littlecloud, remains hospitalized this morning. using critical condition. he was wounded during a gun battle with the parties. the incident began with a first spotted two women in a stolen bmw leaving the hotel. the chase after them and took him into custody. one woman was released but the other is held on $150,000 bail in woodland. the suspect was charged with felony vehicle theft and evading authorities. journalists were able to conduct an interview with the suspect but no cameras were allowed. she is currently on a suicide watch. one reporter said the suspect met her and she said she looked lost and was only wearing a green blanket at the time. she said, how did i end up like this? sometimes i want to end my life. she said she had no idea the car was stolen nor that her boyfriend, littlecloud, was armed. she said i'm sorry things ended up the way they did. i love him but it was stupid for what he did. i should have been there for him. a respected judge is asking voters in santa clara county to not sign the recall petition for judge aaron persky. >> if this recall succeeds, judges will be looking over their shoulders, testing the wind before making their decisions. if this recall succeeds, the independence of our judiciary will be forever compromised which means that we will all suffer. >> the recorded message from the judge went out to 100,000 voters. judge persky came under fire for sentencing a former stanford student to six months in jail for sexually assaulting and unconscious woman. the judge points out persky was cleared of accusations of bias in the case after an extensive review. oakland police are asking for help finding a person of inrest in the dragging death of an east bay musician. police released a photo of the man they want to talk to. a $15,000 reward is being offered for any information that may lead to an arrest. dave deporis of oakland was sitting at a cafi in oakland last month when a man stole his laptop that had his music on a. police say he chased the robber and was then dragged to his death by the getaway car. this is the car police are looking for. it's similar to the getaway car. and midsized red audi suv. a youtube video of a local football coach goes viral for the right reasons. the moves that have made him an internet sensation and more on his and per -- incredible personal journey. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. good morning. who is up for a haircut? live images of a connauton at avalon school of cosmetology in alameda. this will go until 4 pm. proteins from haircuts and facials go to the relief fund for hurricane harvey on behalf of the american red cross. if you are looking for a facial or a trim, head out there. they are open until 4:00. warriors fans will have a chance to see the nba trophy. the trophy will be at the team store at the westfield san francisco centre on market street. it will be open from 10 am through 5 pm. the trophy will also be at the team store in walnut creek on south main street tomorrow. since the warriors won the finals, the trophy has traveled more than 25,000 miles this summer including kevin durant taking it to his hometown and to the republic of georgia. alonzo carter is in his first year as a running backs cart for san jose state. but as jason appelbaum shows his, the job title does not come close to telling his remarkable story. >> reporter: if you don't recognize coach carter here, search dancing football coach on youtube where he is the number one hit. [ music playing ] >> reporter: this video of the nimble footed carter went viral twice. first this past spring and again before the spartan season opener in late august. >> many of my friends are hitting me up saying, isn't that your coach? yes it is. he's all over the news. >> reporter: if his moves look good, a little too familiar, it's because any former life, 30 years ago, he not only perfected them, he invented them. as a backup dancer and had choreographer for mc hammer himself. he made me what is called a posse leader. i was that guy. >> reporter: it happened fast. carter was a junior at cal state hayward where he played foot when he and some buddies auditioned for a video. the audition went so well, hammer invited them on tour >> i was going for the summer but he said he wanted us back for the fall. >> reporter: what a journey it was. three years on tour, 12 music videos, appearances on arsenio hall and oprah and even the grammys. it's something carter will always be grateful to hammer for. >> he had lot of faith and roots run deep ng man from west and stoakland. he was one of four children raised by a single mother. his dad was in and out of jail. >> no father figure in my life. it was tough. many times i would play football with myself. throwing the ball, catching it and imagine i would make it to the nfl. >> reporter: will pro football was not in the cards, dancing was. it turns out that stage of his life planted the seeds for what would be a long career in coaching. >> they are very similar. you expect the best. advergame and our show is the field. that was my first introduction to the culture. i was responsible for nutrition and training. many different stop. the choreography. >> reporter: after touring, carter returned home in the early 90s and aspired to get back to his community. he volunteered as a football and track coach at the high school. both his anne hammer's alma mater. it did not take long for carter's successful career to take off. in 18 seasons, he won 11 league championships in 7 coach of the year awards. with all of his accomplishments there was one thing missing. left unfinished when he set out to tour the world. that was a college degree. >> i went for it. working a full-time job. coaching. i went to school and persevered through it and got my degree. i walk the stage this past june. >> reporter: that degree made the coach eligible to take his career to the next level. division i san jose state where his positive energy rubs off on his players. >> he brings more passion and happiness, he makes me want to dance and makes the game more fun. >> reporter: the first game of the season began with his past interlaced with the present when hammer showed up to give his support. >> he was a perfectionist. an entertainment. i got a lot of that from working with him and wanting to be the best. i want them to see a role model , a living example. if can do it, you can do it. i think i am a walking example of that. you give 100% and persevered and have faith, you can do it. >> i love that story. >> i also love it. he can still move. >> why did this moves look your? that's why. >> a little mc hammer goes a long way. san jose state opens today at 4:30 pm against cal poly. the coach will be there front and center. weather is a big topic today because it is hot. front and center. it's going to be hot at the game. it's going to be hot everywhere. make sure you have a lot of fluids. you ball cap come a glasses intake shade if you can. here is a view across the bay. we are dealing with hayes this morning. we have hayes everywhere we look. there is a view of the city skyline. today, we will be mostly clear. no fog to speak of. we will have that brown and grayish kind of sky. here are the numbers when it comes to air quality. the north bay, the coast in the central bay, orange indicates sensitive groups, younger folks and older folks and those sensitive to pollution. respiratory issues are asthma. the red for the inner east bay and the santa clara valley indicates everybody. if you get outdoors, you see the hayes and smell the smoke, that is a good indicator that you do not want to run and that step avoid activities, especially the vigorous type of heat warning continues for another day. for the beach, it expires tonight. high fire danger as well. a little bit of wind in the hills. it's hot and dry and with that wind, the hills are experiencing heightened fire danger and a red flag warning until 9 pm.82, half moon bay and san francisco. 83, hayward. 82, concord. we are warming up fast as expected. 83, menlo park. into the afternoon, look at all these triple digits. 105, napa. 105, santa rosa. 99, sausalito. 98, berkeley. 112, walnut creek. 114, brentwood. 108, morgan hill. 103, santa clara. 96 in santa cruz. if you're going among the peninsula, redwood city, 104. 99, san francisco. san francisco beat its all-time record yesterday hitting 106. and the extended forecast, tempers start to come down but it will be quite hot inland sunday into monday. finally falling out of the triple digits on labor day and a little cooler by wednesday. it takes a while to cool down. >> that's not cool overnight which is when we usually get relief. if you do not have ac in your house, it never goes away. >> especially in the city. 114? >> hang in there. thank you. there is nothing unusual about a construction crew digging in dirt but a recent date uncovered a spectacular find. a colorado construction crew found dinosaur bones. approximately 66 million years. the construction worker noticed the large fossil because it would not budge. it turned out to be a triceratops skull and skeleton. the fourth found in the front range. >> pretty interesting. >> lord knows what's under the dirt. we will be right back with the sports and some weather after the break. when you give up six runs in the ninth, that's not a good thing. the bullpen imploded. the giants were hammered last night. 11-6. johnny cueto was back since july. a little rusty. that is a homerun. the cardinals down 3-2. brandon crawford, no glove need it. he throws to first and pitches a strike. the giants used nine pitchers in the game and it came apart in the ninth. colton long had the tiebreaker. they went on to score 5. the giants go to down. 11-6 was the final. today is cut down day for the nfl. every team must trim the roster from 90 every team must trim the roster from 9253. the latest cuts include gabe holmes and running back george atkinson the third. the 49ers cuts include matt barkley, which means the team will keep just two quarterbacks. college football today. north carolina hosting cal and san jose state will pay -- will play cal poly. one more check on the weather. >> hot and hazy. >> yucky, as you said. >> maybe some relief by the middle of the week? >> a little relief coming tomorrow. >> 106 tomorrow. >> it's all relative. >> temperatures dropping a little at the coast, even inland temperatures will come down. you can't call it a cool down. 106 is not cool. into the labor day monday, a litter better. even better tuesday into wednesday. baby steps. today will be the worst of it. >> 119 and then 90 on wednesy. that feels much better. stay cool out there. thank you for joining us. tune into the latest on our website at >> enjoy, everybody. we will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. - [voiceover] the discovery of planets in other solar systems has been one of the most exciting developments in modern science and it's opened up a whole universe of possibilities. - about one out of five stars has a planet around it that could harbor life. - [voiceover] we'll visit planet hunters and see the technology bringing us closer to new worlds. super earths, hot jupiters and more on xploration outer space. - welcome to xploration outer space. i'm emily calandrelli. as long as we've been looking up at the stars, people have wondered are there other planets out there like the earth? but because of the vast distances involved until recently we had no way of finding out. now with new technology, scientists are discovering

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