Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20240622

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20240622

thank you for waking up with us. welcome to mornings on 2. it is saturday, august 1st, i'll claudine wong. >> i'm paul chambers. happening now, b.a.r.t. is repairing a vital section of track near the transbay two, no service from west oakland and embarcadero stations. service will resume early monday morning. 80,000 riders who rely on the transit system on weekends must find another way around. >> made plans with my friends. >> so those plans are out of window? >> now they are out the window, of course. >> what this is addressing is some of the wear and tear of a system that's almost 45 years old. >> now, starting saturday, september 5th, b.a.r.t. will again shut down the transbay tube during the labor day weekend. both closures will allow b.a.r.t. to cross trains from one track to another from the west oakland station to the transbay tube. with these changes b.a.r.t. says if there is a delay they can move trains around easier and reduce the length of the delay. taking a look at this map from b.a.r.t., since there's no service this weekend, b.a.r.t. will instead run buses between the 19th street station in oakland and the temporary transbay terminal in san francisco. it's about a two block walk to the embarcadero station. the other options, ac transit and san francisco bay are adding extra service this weekend. people can take a water taxi but it will cost you about $15 for round-trip from the berkeley marina to the san francisco ferry building. the tight line water taxi is launching a new service across the bay for commuters. and of course some b.a.r.t. riders will decide to take a look across the bridge. you can see not very many cars going across at this hour but of course it's still early. traffic will definitely pick up throughout this morning, especially with more buses crossing the bridge. our allie rasmus will have a live report of the tube shut down at 5:30. >> b.a.r.t. said don't use it unless this is an emergency. this is not going to carry all the amount of traffic we have. we know we have lots of festivals and things going on in the city. people want to get in. rosemary maybe they will have great weather? >> cooler weather. inland areas, not bad at all for today, low to mid-80s in the forecast for you there so it's going to be nice, going to be warm but not going to feel that triple-digit heat we felt recently. giving you a live look into oakland this morning, waking up with partly sunny, mostly cloudy skies along the coast, into the east bay and over portions of the north bay this morning. this is going to peel back. mostly sunny skies away from the coastline by about 10:00, 11:00 and into your lunch hour, more sunshine, fairfield reporting an onshore breeze at 22 miles per hour, gusting even faster than that so again the marine layer deeper, the onshore breeze is stronger and for the afternoon temperatures will be following off. right now numbers, 65 degrees in livermore, 62 walnut creek, 64 in concord, good morning to you, oakland, 64 in your neighborhood, low 60s san francisco and 61 in novato. into the south bay we have 62 right now in san jose. as we get into the second half of the day, let me show you how it goes, the monsoonal moisture pulled out of the bay area but if you are going to the sierra, thunderstorms will remain a possibility there. we will have low clouds right along the coastline, don't really clear from here, but inside the bay and our inland communities mostly sunny skies in store for today, 60s at the coast, upper 60s, low 70s expected for our east bay shoreline, a lot of 70s, 80s out there and the 90s back in the central valley. no 90s in store for us today. when i come back -- actually i got a little bit of time. 83 degrees in concord for the afternoon, 81 in napa, 74 expected in oakland today. if you're going to see the as play later, nice weather in store with the onshore breeze, 81 degrees for mountain view, 81 in san jose, mostly cloudy, 66 in pacifica. temperatures are going to continue to cool down as we get into the second part of your weekend. i will have a look at those numbers and in the extended forecast how low i expect we will go coming up. >> thank you. 7:04, we are following a developing story from san jose where this morning there was a carjacking, high-speed chase and gun fire. police were patrolling near the light rail station at san carlos street and al madone boulevard. police say a suspect carjacked a vehicle and drove onto highway 101, then during that pursuit the suspect tried to ram an officer who, fearing for his life, shot at him but missed. the suspect later crashed into another car at almadon expressway and brandon lane. officers were eventually able to track him down and he was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. police say he was not shot and he will be booked on a charge of attempted homicide on an officer. no officers were hurt during the chase. california's wildlife season turned deadly. a u.s. forest firefighter was killed. 38-year-old david rural of rapid city, south dakota was on temporarily assignment -- temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning. cause of death still under investigation. governor jerry brown released a statement ruling follows a rural's death, he says -- who left his home state to help protect one of california's majestic forests. rural will be remembered for his service and bravery and we extend our deepest condolences to otherwise families, friends and colleagues. capital flags will be flown at half staff in his honor. governor jerry brown also declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burned dangerously out of control across the state. the governor's proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief and activates the state's national guard to help with the disaster response. brown says california's severe drought and extreme weather has made this fire season an extremely dangerous one, one of the most dangerous fires is burning in lake county this morning, more than 18,000 acres has burned so far and the number is expected to grow. deborah villalon has more on the quick actions by firefighters to get residents out of harm's way. >> reporter: the big picture becomes so big it becomes hard to grasp. more than 18,000 acres and still burning. >> my nephews, my -- >> reporter: but evacuees have to think small, what they can grab fast and throw into a car, what's irreplaceable. >> it's been crazy, scary, intense. >> reporter: intense also describes the battle on this fire, even with schooler weather it rages on, devouring dry fuels for a third day, foiling firefighters' efforts to slow or stop it as they scramble to save home and livestock custom to the rolling hills. the air attack used every last bit of daylight dropping water and retardant. as engines keep rumbling into the fire zone, new evacuees head out. >> i could come back home without a house. >> reporter: important papers, cell phone, laptops, toiletries now headed to a friend's house. >> i thought are you going to not be able to sleep all night waiting for the firemen to come to get you out? i thought, no, no. i will just go. >> reporter: for some in the early path of the fire, it's too late. >> i'm pretty shooken up, i lost a lot of my parents' stuff yesterday and my grandma's house burnt to the ground. >> reporter: this house is one of those lost. >> we have lost two dogs and my grandparents' house is completely gone. >> we are worried that it could come this way. >> reporter: now the unease spreads to clear lake as people in this neighborhood have been told they may have to leave. school buses and drivers have already been put on standby to help those who don't have cars. >> we have been watching for about, i'm sure, two days now and it just seems to be getting slowly closer and closer. >> when it stopped glowing red, we thought, okay, maybe they got that contained and then recently we started seeing the flames again. >> there is more concern today for firefighters, a high fire danger has been issued for the northern part of the state today due to the possibility of thunderstorm activity and winds. we will continue to follow the latest developments of all the fires burning here in california, for the latest updates go to our website, an event being held today in the east bay will help teach people about border saving techniques. the defeat the drought -- people will be able to get tips on how to create water efficient gardens and pick up free water saving devices. representative eric swalwell will be there to meet people from his district. it starts at 9:00 and ends at noon. to bay area water districts are past their water conservation goals in june. the beer gulch district had a goal of cutting water usage by 36%. the district slashed its usage by more than 40% compared to the same time last year, and los altos district had a goal of reducing water usage of 32% and also ended up cutting more than 40%. now, california has launched a new website designed to allow residents to report water wasters. the site lets people send details and photos about people breaking water rules. the complaints can be made anonymously. the tips are then sent to local agencies where the alleged offense occurred. california issued several water restrictions including a ban of watering lawns within two days after it rains but enforcement can be challenging and it varies wildly across the state. new this morning, people who live in los altos no longer have to boil their water after -- showed no e. coli in the system. e. coli was found in the water supply last sunday days after a water main was repaired. more than 850 people, we are told -- people were told to boil their water for a minute before drinking it. gas prices here in california could soon drop to under $2.50 a gallon. i want it. when's it coming?, refineries continue producing at capacity when they switch over to winter gas in the fall. if that's the case, the nationwide average would fall below $2 a gallon. drivers have not seen prices like that since of recession of 2008. a gallon of regular gas in san francisco will cost you $3.60, in oakland a gallon of regular will cost you $3.50 and a gallon of regular gas in san jose costs $3.49. >> bring the $2.50 right now. i want to stock up on it. a major status update for facebook's founder, the big announcement from mark zuckerberg and the personal struggles they are now sharing. we are out there and can't see them until they are really, really close and preventative measures are always awesome. >> and lifeguards in southern california keeping an eye on the beach from the shore but now they are getting a look from the sky. why they say the high tech help makes beachgoers safer. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. ♪[ music ] makes me want to head to the beach. not going to be a beach day. oakland estuary where we are making up with mostly cloudy skies, our cooling trends will continue into your bay area weekend, eventually we are falling below average when it comes to the temps. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your neighborhood coming up. preventing a shark attack, one california beach community is using new technology in the hopes of keeping people safe. fox news correspondent will carr has the story. >> reporter: with recent shark attacks in the headlines, lifeguards in seal beach, california are using new technology to keep swimmers and surfers safe, investing $1400 on a drone to spot sharks from the air. >> it's faster, i can come over here and in 15, 20 minutes, i can film the whole beach and know what's out there. >> reporter: they now know there are 10 to 15 sharks swimming consistently along the shore and when we tagged along, they spotted a great white shark within 20 seconds. >> and we have five to 6-foot juvenile great white sharks that are bottom feeders, they haven't shown any aggression in seal beach where they haven't circled people, haven't bumped people and nothing has been bitten so far. >> reporter: lifeguards say they will shut the beach down if the sharks become too big or too aggressive with surfers. >> we are out there and we can't really see them until they are really, really close, if that's the case and, i mean some preventative measures are always awesome. >> reporter: the seal beach lifeguards have applied for an faa permit to fly the drone on a regular basis and they say in the future, they think the drone could also be used in other emergencies. >> we all think that a missing swimmer situation where someone got submerged, it can be an excellent tool. >> reporter: couple of a drone with new apps that track the location of great whites and beachgoers may be more educated than ever when this comes to their own safety. some say they are used to seeing sharks so fine going in the water. others say when they hear about great whites, they are more than happy to stay on the beach. will carr, fox news. a man who was walking along the railroad tracks at the bottom of san francisco's hill was hit and killed by a train. it happened about 4:20 yesterday afternoon near 22nd street. caltrans says it's still unclear why the man was there. about 400 people were on the trains and were forced to exit as trains were stopped in both directions. the tracks reopened about an hour later, caltrans says it's the 16th fatality on bay area tracks this year. your time now is 7:16. much cooler outside, i had my windows open last night and i could feel that breeze. it felt good. >> enjoy that breeze. i love it, just blowing through. i love it. >> you're right. nice change, right? >> yes. >> really nice. >> temperatures are going to continue to cool as we get into the weekend and as i mentioned a little bit earlier, eventually we are going to be below the seasonal norm for this time of year. i'll have a look at that in the extended forecast. take a look at what is going on outside our door this morning. live from ktvu, you can see the clouds there across the bay, san francisco in the back drop, we are waking up with the clouds, even a little bit of drizzle reported in santa rosa earlier this morning. temperatures slightly cooler for some, right now santa rosa checking in at 60 degrees, san francisco 62, oakland 64, mid- 60s in concord and san jose 63, outside your door at this hour. so where are we? we have done a little bit of a flip. san jose now only area where we are just a tad cooler than where we woke up yesterday morning. most of us within a degree or two of where we were yesterday morning. as we get into the second part of your day, we will have mostly sunny skies away from the coastline, have this system here that's developing off the coast, continue our onshore breeze, continue the marine layer, this morning about 2000 feet deep and continue again our cooldown. so morning clouds followed by afternoon sunshine away from the coastline today. the monsoonal moisture has pushed out of the area so we are drier for today as well and in the extended forecast that cooling trend is going to continue all the way into the business week. i'll show you that coming up. 68 degrees at game time for the as this afternoon, a westerly breeze, mostly sunny skies, a nice day out there at the park as we get into the afternoon today, we have 79 in novato, 79 expected for kentfield, low 80s for sonoma, napa, santa rosa, 86 expected for saint helena, a hot day in clearlake but not as hot as we have been. we will call it warm, very warm for the firefighters in the lake county area that continue to battle the rocky fire. 74 in oakland for the second half. we have 77 in castro valley, 82 for danville, brentwood will go to 85 and you're one of the warmer locations for today. 81 san jose, upper 80s morgan hills as well as gilroy. santa cruz, 78 beautiful day for you there, 81 for cupertino as well as sunnyvale, 68 for san francisco. the extended forecast here with your bay area weekend always in view, notice the cooldown will continue as we get into the second part of your weekend, monday even cooler than that, tuesday looks like our temperatures will bottom out with temperatures in the upper 70s for our inland communities. that's a mild summer day. 60s at the coast, wednesday still looking good but temperatures will be slightly warmer. >> i love it when 86 is cooler. going to feel dramatically cooler. >> you're right. >> 106 a couple days ago, yeah. >> little miserable for some. >> love the weather in the bay area. facebook founder mark zuckerberg and his wife priscilla are having a baby and the couple made the announcement yesterday, where else, but of course on facebook. they are expecting a girl. they also talked about their struggle to have a child. they say they have been trying for a couple of years now and had three miscarriages. the zuckerbergs also shared this photo. priscilla has the beautiful baby bump. she is a doctor and met her husband while she was a medical student at ucsf. >> one smart baby. it hasn't happened in at least 15 years, but straight ahead, the legal action that's being taken against an american big game hunter who is accused of killing a lion at an african animal sanctuary. of course it's time for our pet of the day. meet sassy. she is a 3-year-old. what is that? >> staffordshire. >> mix and currently at petaluma pet pals. she was used as a breeding dog and then dumped at the shelter with an infection, an a.c. infection. but now she is doing better and ready to go home to a loving family. to find out more about sassy, go to our website,, and click on pet of the day under the morning show 2 tab on our home page. federal officials in new york city are investigating reports of a possible drone sighting near jfk international airport. authorities say a pilot reportedly -- reported seeing a drone last night. faa rules do not allow people to fly drones above 400 feet because of the potential of a collision with commercial aircraft. and in new york city people who operate drones are required to have official clearance to fly within 5 miles of an airport. debris that's believed to come from missing malaysian airlines flight 370 arrived in france today. officials are going to use sophisticated technology to make the final determination. a part of the plane's wing was found earlier this week on a remote french island in the indian ocean. investigators are confident the debris came from the boeing 777. the same type of aircraft as the malaysia airlines jet that disappeared in march of 2014. boeing technicians are in france to help with the analysis. a preliminary report could come as early as next week. pressure is mounting on the u.s. to allow zimbabwe to prosecute an american for illegally killing a lion in africa. the u.s. has not extradited anyone to zimbabwe since a treaty took effect years ago. but the zimbabwe government has started extradition proceedings. he shot and killed a lion with a crossbow last month. cecil the lion was illegally lured out of that park sanctuary and killed. >> initial legal review and the united states officials will need to determine whether or not the crime he has been charged with is a crime in both counties. >> palmer closed his dental practice and has gone into hiding. he did send a representative to talk to the u.s. fish and wildlife service which is investigating the circumstances of the lion's death. secretary of state john kerry is in the middle east today in hopes of assuring some of america's allies about the nuclear deal with iran. first stop in egypt and qatar but not visit israel. the obama administration says it isn't giving up on convincing israel about the merits of the deal. the white house says kerry's trip is a follow-up to president obama summit with leaders. clinton's presidential campaign released her tax records and health information yesterday. it came on the same day that the state department released more than 2200 pages of e-mails sent from her personal account while she was secretary of state. now, e-mails include discussions on honduras, egypt and the united arab emirates. >> they have been updated to -- upgraded to confidential. >> claims she followed protocol and never knowingly handled classified information on her private e-mail account which was on her private server. more on a spike in violence that has prompted an emergency meeting and where police say they will focus their efforts. we are live in downtown oakland, while b.a.r.t. transbay tube is shut down. we will show you how 10s of thousands of people are getting around during that closure. outside our door, i'm updating your current conditions and what you can expect for the afternoon coming up. welcome back. 7:30. here's a look at some of our top stories we are following this morning. >> california's wildfire season has turned deadly. a u.s. forest service firefighter was killed while battling the frog fire in the modoc national forest. 38-year-old david ruhl of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning. an investigation now underway. and governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burn dangerously out of control in our state. one of the biggest fires is the rocky fire which is burning in lake county. we got an update on that fire, 22,500 acres has burned and it's 5% contained. three houses have already been destroyed. and there are signs at all b.a.r.t. stations notifying riders that -- there are no trains running between san francisco and oakland. ktvuktvu fox 2 news reporter allie rasmus is live on the shut down. you are with some of the buses that are bringing at least some of the people across the bay. >> reporter: that's right. while the transbay tube is shut down, b.a.r.t. during the week and days leading up to this told people if you can, stay on your side of the bay but of course people have jobs to get to, flights to catch, and for many people b.a.r.t. is their own option. there's about 98,000 people on a typical saturday who take the b.a.r.t. from oakland to san francisco so while the transbay tube is shut down for these repairs, b.a.r.t. set up this bus bridge to coordinate this. it seems like things are running pretty smoothly. we are at 20th and broadway. this bus bridge spans an entire city block. all of the people in the yellow vests are directing b.a.r.t. passengers which buses to get onto, telling people where to go. we have seen a lot of people running thinking if they don't catch the bus they are going to miss out entirely but they have been telling people these buses come frequently, about every 45 seconds to a minute, so as soon as one takes off another one comes in right in to take its place. the transbay tube is shut down all weekend long so b.a.r.t. can replace a half mile section of crossover track, that crossover track is from west oakland station to the tube, it's 45 years old. the wooden ties are rotting. it's the kind of work you're seeing in this video over here. obviously that's not the work they are doing but it's just like the video you see, we are showing you right now. b.a.r.t. officials say once the repairs are done, the tracks should be good for another two to three decades so they are hoping that this inconvenience will pay off in the long run. so far we have talked to some people who had to take the bus bridge this morning and they say so far, so good. >> so far it's been pretty okay. i was really hesitant about the b.a.r.t. being shut down but it seems they have managed the system pretty well. >> reporter: you see some of the people boarding one of the buses here. b.a.r.t. is contracted with a number of different transit agencies across the bay area to provide these buses. again, they are running frequently, about every minute or so and so far a lot of the buses we have seen this morning have been pretty full. you can expect all of this to take place again on labor day weekend, b.a.r.t. is going to shut down the transway tube again in about a month from now in order to complete those repairs and coming up at 8:00, we will be hearing from b.a.r.t. spokesperson jim alison about the track repairs. that's in about half an hour. back to you guys. >> appreciate that report. certainly it can be a little rough ride. we have seen closures in the past when we talk about bridge closures. it's okay for the first few hours of the morning and then it starts to build up and back up. anytime you take one major thoroughfare away. >> as you said earlier, don't rely on the buses because they will be packed, packed, packed. rosemary, probably a nice day to take the ferry, enjoy the ride, give yourself extra time and enjoy your ride across the water. >> i love the ferry. we will have cloudy skies this morning, but by lunchtime crossing over into san francisco going to be a nice view giving you a look here at the clouds beginning to clear and we are with mostly sunny skies for the second half of the day. along the coastline i think we will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy the entire day and giving you a look here from up above, we've got the clouds all the way through the east bay over portions of the north bay and down in and around santa cruz and over areas of the south bay, areas like gilroy, but partly cloudy in san jose with 63 degrees, 64 in oakland right now, 60 in napa, good morning to you, walnut creek looking at 63 outside your door, temperatures along the peninsula, we've got 63sfo, 64 redwood city, 65 in mountain view. mid-60s to start your day palo alto, 63 in belmont and fortunate city 63 outside your door as well as san mateo. morgan hill 61, 62 degrees for saratoga, afternoon highs for today falling off from yesterday by a few degrees, 81 expected in napa for the afternoon, 78 san rafael, low 70s for berkeley, 74 expected in oakland. the inner east bay will be a warm day but not nearly as hot as we have been recently, 84 in antioch for the afternoon. we shift south and take a look at what's happening here in the south bay for today, 81 san jose, 87 morgan hill, 78 santa cruz, 65 half moon bay. so temperatures very comfortable for a summer day. we are going even cooler, i'll have a look at what you can expect for your sunday in the extended forecast, just how long this cooling trend is going to last coming up. >> thanks, rosemary. the san francisco sheriff's department says an inmate found dead inside the county jail appears to have committed suicide. now the family -- the man's family and the public defender's office are questioning whether the sheriffs department took proper precautions to prevent it. the jail staff had been warned three times. that 50-year-old alberto carlos pet lino might have mental health issues. last saturday his family called and said he had gone to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. a judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation on monday but he was found dead the next day. >> certainly we are concerned about the level of care our clients are getting while in custody. >> the public defender's office says this is their third client to die in the jail this year and they want a review of jail policies to prevent another incident. the san francisco police department and the medical examiner are conducting independent investigations. and we are hearing from the father of maddy middleton, the 8-year-old santa cruz girl who was kidnapped and then killed last weekend. mike middleton released a statement thanking the community for their support. he adds, quote, my hope is that she is never forgotten and she will remain in our hearts for all eternity. please help us keep her spirit alive and thriving and help celebrate her passing as this community has continued to do so. the 15-year-old boy charged with killing maddy is being tried as an adult but some child advocates are questioning the decision of the santa cruz county district attorney. they say adrian gonzalez may be too young to understand the acts he's accused of committing. an attorney with the youth law center in san francisco says the d.a. should have consulted with a judge before filing the charges. >> it's a mistake to rush to justice and in particular it's a mistake to think that automatically because it's this kind of an offense that he should be tried in the adult system. >> because gonzalez is a minor, he cannot receive the dealt penalty. at most he can get life in prison. crime victim advocates say they are confident that a jury can weigh all the circumstances and decide whether he should be locked up for the rest of his life in an adult. the investigation continues in the shooting death of sergeant scott lunger. they returned to the suspect's home, the defense attorney says police served a search warrant and collected items that may have been previously overlooked. the suspect, 21-year-old marc anthony estrada lived with his parents in east oakland. according to his mother, investigators removed a poster and artwork. the defense attorney says authorities are still investigating if estrada has possible kabang ties -- gang ties. san jose police say all available officers are going to hit the streets this weekend after a surge in violence. police say last weekend there were two stabbings, three attempted sexual assaults and five shootings, two of which were deadly. authorities say violent and property crimes are slightly up this year as compared to last. though homicides are not. police plan to target hot spots in hopes of keeping people safe. >> we owe it to our community to go ahead and get out there in force, working with our community to go ahead and curb some of the violence. >> now police say the stepped- up enforcement will last as long as it's necessary. time now 7:38. football season is approaching. the 49ers start their training camp today and we are learning that some of the 49er faithful may not be that faithful after all. ktvu found a couple of fans who are looking to sell their season tickets because of all the chang's to the -- changes to the team. >> reporter: talk about a difference a year and a half makes, december 2014, 49ers one win way to the super bowl. now the hype surrounding the red and gold not as high. >> the hype is different. it's wait and see. >> reporter: he has been a 49er season ticketholder since the candlestick days. he went to eight home games last year. this year he's looking at going to just two. >> you go to games because of the player talent that's on the field and now that you know that some of that talent is gone, it's kind of hard to see. >> reporter: he sent a mass text to his friends last week looking to sell his season tickets. >> all home games are available. please message me if you're interested. thank you. >> reporter: so far? >> so far no response. >> reporter: not surprising says ryan, founder of the blog niner with the accidents of veteran -- exit of veteran players. not to mention end of the har hrabock -- harbock coaching regime. tickets dropped 30% compared to last year. this while newly built levi's stadium is set to host super bowl 50. >> it's sad because here's a billion dollar stadium and now people want to sell their tickets and kind of just jump off ship. >> reporter: he is quick to point out still some talented players are on the team and new coach jim to tomsula is well received. this die hard fan plans to remain faithful. >> i don't think anybody expected them to win the championship but we pulled through. who knows what to expect from the 49ers? >> reporter: despite these doubts there's still a lot of interest in the 49ers. the niners just announcing that they have doubled the attendance letting 20,000 fans view practice here at levi's on august 9th. and today is day 2 of training camp for the oakland raiders. the team is working out in the napa valley training complex while the rangers have only won 11 games in the past three seasons combined, there's plenty of optimism along the silver and black. the raiders' first preseason game is friday, august 14th against the st. louis rams at the coliseum. ktvu fox 2 and kciu will show that game. >> big deal in football this year. people hoped the niners would be able to play in a super bowl at home but questionable. let's keep the faith. we are following developing news in san jose where a chase ended with an exchange of gun fire. coming up at 8:00, more on this shooting, carjacking and crash and who is in custody. if you can lighten the load on this, it's a good thing. >> and it's been in the works for years but a key rail line in san francisco has finally become a reality. it happens today. more on who is going to serve and how it will change the way people get around on the waterfront. a cooldown in your bay area forecast weekend. giving a live look over the oakland estuary, the sun rays pouring through some of the clouds, partly sunny to partly cloudy along the coast and around the bay and over portions of the north bay. as we get into the second half of your afternoon, mostly sunny skies expected for today, the marine layer is deep, the onshore breeze is stronger and we are going to be with this pattern for your weekend, a system off the coastline is bringing us the pattern shift. we felt it yesterday and it's going to continue as we get into saturday, sunday and beyond. actually, i think our cooler days are going to be monday and tuesday, more on that in the extended forecast here in just a moment. let me take you through your saturday as we get through the morning hours, the low clouds will continue along the coastline for today, but by noontime we are mostly sunny inside the bay, our inland communities as well. notice this other type of cloud cover that's beginning to push across the central valley and into the sierra, the thunderstorms will be back for the second half of the afternoon, the monsoonal moisture has moved out of our area but still very unstable over areas of lake tahoe as well as yosemite so if this is your place to be for the weekend, that to consider, make sure you check the forecast. for us here at home, mostly sunny away from the coastline, temperatures will be falling off a few degrees from what we had yesterday afternoon. going to see the as play later today? 68 degrees, westerly breeze with mostly sunny skies and game time at about 6:05. so a nice day here at the ballpark. meanwhile, the rest of us looking good as well, 81 degrees in napa for the afternoon today, 79 expected in novato, upper 70s san rafael, 70 degrees for sauce lead toe -- sausalito, 66 for stenson beach. mid-80s for the warmer locations, brentwood looking at 85 today. not that long ago we were hitting 105 in some of these areas so it's going to feel quite nice. 84 for livermore, 82 in danville, 82 for walnut creek. along the east bay shoreline, low to mid-70s expected for today. 71 in alameda, 74 for hayward. south bay, 81 san jose, upper 80s for morgan hill, saratoga go to about 84, mostly sunny in santa cruz for the second half of the day and 78 expected for you into the afternoon. 81 woodside, 76 san mateo, 68 in san francisco for today, and right along the coastline, again, partly to mostly cloudy, 60s in the forecast, pacifica, half moon bay as well as daly city. notice the gradual cooldown continuing each passing day. tomorrow we will be slightly cooler than today as we get into monday, temperatures cool off a bit more, bottoming out on tuesday when our inland communities only reaching into the upper 70s for the afternoon. back to you. >> thank you, rosemary. starting today, san francisco will have a new rail line along cities waterfront. the e embarcadero will connect 4th and king by at&t park with fisherman's wharf using historic street cars. rob roth tells us the service was proposed years ago but just now getting started. >> reporter: san francisco leaders announced the launching of the e line. >> ready? one, two, three. >> reporter: run from the caltrans transportation at fourth and king streets to fisherman's wharf making stops all along the way. >> connects some pretty critical destinations from the ballpark to the new wharf, ferry building, exploratory -- explore auditorium -- we have a ring of activity. >> reporter: currently passengers have to take the f line to market street and transfer if they want to go along the embarcadero but with the new line they won't have to transfer. more than 20,000 passengers a day ride the f line and as we saw those street cars were so full they didn't even stop to pick up passengers waiting in front of the ferry building. >> i think it's going to lighten the load on the f, which is good. >> reporter: the idea was first proposed in the 1980s but was put on the back burner until now. muni says it actually -- immuneee says it -- muni says it got great reviews from passenger. tourists say the e line should make it a lot easier to get around. >> come here and always have questions so it seems that would be a very good idea. >> reporter: and locals say it will help in other ways. >> look at this. it's backed all the way up probably to the stadium. so if you can lighten the load on this, it's a good thing. >> reporter: initially the e line will be open on weekends only from 10:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening but beginning next year the e line will be running seven days a week. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. the city of richmond is a step closer to adopting a rent control ordinance. the city has debated the issue for months but this past tuesday a proposal stalled during a late night city council hearing. but last night the council passed a measure that caps rents to their july 21st rates. rents in richmond went up an average of 13% last year, however, the contra costa times -- 40% of certain fees onto tenants. a program in san francisco that helps low income inner- city youth is celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> 28 years of being alive and free and educated so let's raise our glasses to that. >> the omega boys clubs can now boast of 200 college graduates. last night a group of former members came out to celebrate the success. each of them came from a residence filled with violate crime. >> be myself and be whoever i want to be and express myself how i want to and not be judged. >> the theme of the program is alive and free. it focuses on saving the lives of inner-city youth and keeping them out of prison. the club meets once a week in a classroom environment for a mixture of reading and writing. if you're a wine lover we have something for you. more than 1000 wine lovers are expected to take part in this year's 10th annual urban wine experience. the event gives people the opportunity to taste wine from family owned wineries in oakland, berkeley, alameda and castro valley. festivities also include food from local restaurants and musical entertainment. wine makers whose product will be featured at the event joke with each other about east bay's urban wine country. >> as long as they are grown somewhere good. >> the event takes place this afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in jack london square. tickets cost $70. this year proceeds go to support alameda county food bank. rosemary will be heading out there to give us a look at it, happening about 9:30 this morning. and thousands of people will be heading to downtown oakland today and tomorrow to enjoy the art and soul festival. the 15th annual festival features music, food, art and family fun. crowds will fill in with 10 block radio around franco gala plaza, tickets cost about $12 for adults, $7 for seniors and youth between ages of 13 and 17, children 12 and under get in for free. it starts at noon and ends at 6:00 both days. i just got back from vacation but always looking for another one, right? >> of course. always. love vacations. >> yes. and you're looking for an escape, stay with us, coming up in 20 minutes, going to tell you how you can get some amazing last minute deals on travel both here and california and of course those tropical destinations. but first, a story of survival, how a young girl and an injured chihuahua found each other and the bond they now share. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. a private funeral will be held for bobbi kristina brown today. the 22-year-old died last sunday in hospice care six months after she was found face down and unresponsive in a bathtub. the investigation into brown's death is still open but early autopsy results showed no obvious signs of foul play. she will be buried on monday in new jersey next to her mother. a federal judge in san francisco has blocked a release of recordings by an antiabortion group. the video allegedly shows planned parenthood leader discussing the use of aborted fetuses for research. the center for medical progress claims it's proof that planned parenthood makes a profit from fetal tissues. the national abortion federation sued the center for medical progress claiming the group cut into meetings under false pretenses. the federation says audio or video would jeopardize the lives of providers. a little dog who was burned and tortured and then dropped off at an east bay animal shelter now in his forever home. when a dog whose name was fireman was just a few weeks old was left at the antioch animal shelter with what appeared to be chemical burns to his ears and stomach. with a lot of tlc, the chihuahua mix was nursed back to health and now he's found his forever home right there with a young girl you see there, a 12-year-old girl who also survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world you don't meet on burn survivors and then meeting a dog like this is even more special. >> now, umbrella of hope got thousands of offers to adopt the little dog. they say chloe stood out because they had an instant connection. they say they got teary eyed when she told them, quote, i understand him, i know what he's been through and i think he understands me too. the san francisco giants returned to arlington, texas, last night, that's where they won their first world series in 2010. texas rangers, though, got a bit of revenge last night. madison baumgart -- bomb deport baumgartner. the pitcher flew to texas and will start for the giants on sunday. as fans weren't many fireworks on the field. the as could only muster up one run against the cleveland indians with a score tied 1-1 in the top of the 9th inning. indians centerfielder hit that winning run. they drop three straight. >> not good for the as. people in cleveland say it's a little payback from the warriors, right? >> uhhh. there's the major b.a.r.t. closure this weekend. what you need to know if you plan to travel. it's been crazy, it's been scary, it's been intense. >> and let's talk about fires this morning. we have some new information about a wildfire burning out of control in lake county and we are going to tell you about the extra assistance the governor is now giving state firefighters to try to help. improving weather for the firefighters out there in lake county, improving weather for us if you just don't like the heat. we have a cooldown in store for your bay area weekend. i'll update your current conditions and the afternoon highs for your neighborhood coming up. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at the tracks bay tube -- transbay tube is shut down but people are making their way from oakland to san francisco using public transit. but so far things are moving smoothly. a live report coming you know. california's wildfire season takes a turn for the worst. how fellow firefighters are honoring a south dakota man killed while fighting a fire here in california. mornings on 2 continues. >> this is ktvu mornings on 2. good morning to you. time now is 8:00. welcome to mornings on 2, it is saturday, august 1st. i can't believe we are in august already. i'm claudine wong. >> i'm paul chambers. we will get a check of weather and traffic -- not traffic. we can check traffic for you a little bit too. happening now the transbay tube shut down at this hour, 80,000 people who normally take b.a.r.t. to cross the bay on weekends must find another way to get around this morning. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live in oakland where b.a.r.t. says this closure is needed to speed up a future service. >> reporter: well, paul, that other way to get to work is a bus. bus bridges that b.a.r.t. has set up along with the half a dozen other transit agencies across the bay area. they have been pretty packed so far this morning. on a typical saturday there's about 98,000 people who rely on b.a.r.t. to get from oakland to san francisco. transbay tube as you know is shut down, but people are still finding ways to get there. you can see pretty steady stream of people making their way over to this bus bridge at 20th and broadway where we are and there's a number of people from b.a.r.t. and ac transit sort of directing folks which buses to go, how to get to where they need to get to. these buses are going to take people to san francisco, they will be dropping them off at the transbay terminal in san francisco, about two blocks away from the embarcadero station but they have muni buses giving people free rides. i have with me jim alison, b.a.r.t. spokesperson. is there any other way to do this or is this it? >> we urgently need to do work on this section of tracks and if we were to try to do it in the -- say one day at a time it would extend it over many, many weekends, so we prefer just to do these two weekend shutdowns, get the work done and get everything back in service as quickly as possible. >> reporter: and you said two weekend shutdowns. labor day weekend is the next time we are going to have a repeat of this? >> that's right, a three-day weekend on labor day so that's a great opportunity for us to do the work. >> reporter: and what is the work that you guys are doing? repair, maintenance of a crossover track. how essential that piece of work? >> it's very essential. we really -- if we did not do this work right now, somewhere down the line 2 or three years, we would not be able to run trains even straight through the transbay tube. right now we are just not using it as a crossover. so this is the system that's more than 40 years old, the railroad ties are just worn out. they need to be replaced. this is the best way to do it, just get it done in two weekend shutdowns. >> reporter: and once the two weekend shutdowns are done with, once the work is done, the repairs will make the tracks good for another couple of decades? >> right. once we get this big shutdown done, we should be okay for the next 40 years. so if we just look at it, we need to keep batt in place for the future generations of riders. >> reporter: thanks so much, jim alison, b.a.r.t. spokesperson. short-term pain for long-term pave. they are hoping once they get these repairs done this weekend and then a month from now, those tracks should be good for several decades to come and in the meantime, folks we talked to are relying on this bus bridge this morning and say so far everything seems to be running smoothly. these buses come pretty frequently. as soon as one pulls out, another one comes up in its place, so coming every 45 seconds to one minute is when a new bus comes by. so far, so good out here. back to you. >> thank you. you said it's going pretty smoothly so far this morning. have a lot of people been out showing up to take the buses and stake it across the bay -- take it across the bay? >> reporter: yeah, a lot of these buses full, 98,000 people taking b.a.r.t. on a saturday, take a look inside here, the photographer is going to show us, this bus just pulled up a few seconds ago and there's already about a dozen people on it but they are expecting, come out here, you can see a steady stream of people making their way to the bus as well so the buses are pretty full. this is a service that they are definitely utilizing in light of this transbay shutdown. >> looks like a lot of room on that bus. thank you very much. with transbay service shut down, the bay bridge expected to pick up over the extra burden. we told you we would take a look at the traffic. there it is, it looks pretty smooth right now, smooth sailing across the bay bridge toll plaza, it is still early, of course, but traffic will definitely pick up throughout this morning, especially with more buses crossing the bridge. time now is 8:04, looks pretty gray out there but we have been talking about it all morning, it's kind of nice to see. i'm happy. i love the sun but a lot of -- not a love of love -- but a lot of love lately. >> we've had our dose, vitamin d. i am definitely one for a beautiful sunrise but we have to keep in mind it's these clouds that keep us relatively cool and mild into the afternoon and giving you a live look there at plenty of cloud cover from the coast inside the bay, over portions of the north bay this morning, seeing that as well. the marine layer is deeper, the onshore breeze is stronger and we know what that means, right? temperatures will be coming down as we get into the afternoon. the cooling trend actually started yesterday but is going to continue in your saturday afternoon. so there they are along the coast, we showed you a live look over the bay and you can see it here, a different vantage point showing you gray skies, oakland, hayward in through fremont. as we get into your winds we have the onshore breeze at napa, 30 miles per hour, 14 in concord, generally light out there but if you're through the delta region, it's a breezy one, 31 degrees reported at travis with a gust to about 36, so small communities in that area breezy to start your morning. 63 in fairfield right now, 66 in concord, 67 in livermore. hayward mid-60s. napa starting out at 61. 60 in santa rosa, the last half hour we went to the peninsula. this time we will go the inner east bay. 63 outside your door antioch, 61 lafayette and 63 in danville. the second half of the morning and into the afternoon we will have mostly cloudy skies along the coastline. that's not really going to change so cloudy and cool at the coast. upper 60s, low 70s for the east bay shoreline, 70s and 80s for our inland communities. notice that shade of red staying away from the bay area, it will be in the central valley for the afternoon today but for us temperatures going to feel quite nice. when i come back, i will put numbers on the screen, talk about how long this cooling trend is going to last. back to you. california's wildfire season turned deadly. a u.s. forest service firefighter was killed while battling the frog fire. 38-year-old david ruhl of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and the cause of death is under investigation. governor jerry brown is also -- has also declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burned dangerously out of control in our state. the governor's proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief and activates the state's national guard to help with disaster response. brown says california's severe drought and extreme weather has made this fire season an extremely dangerous one. one of the most dangerous fires is burning in lake county this morning. that fire has grown to 22,500 acres and is only 5% contained. ktvu's deborah villalon has more on the quick actions by firefighters to get residents out of harm's way. >> reporter: the big picture is so big, it becomes hard to grasp, more than 18,000 acres and still burning. >> my nephews, my grandkids, son and daughter-in-law. >> reporter: but evacuees have to think small. what they can grab fast and throw into a car. what's irreplaceable. >> it's been crazy. it's been scary. it's been intense. >> reporter: intense also describes the battle on this fire. even with cooler weather, it rages on, devouring dry fuel for a third day, foiling firefighters' efforts to slow or stop it as they scramble to save homes and livestock custom to the rolling hills. the air attack used every last bit of daylight dropping water and retardant. lower lake has ash falling from the sky, and as engines keep rumbling into the fire zone, new evacuees head out. >> i could come back home without a house. >> reporter: important papers, cell phones, lab tops -- laptops, toiletries, now headed to a friend's house. >> i thought are you not going to be able to sleep all night waiting for the firemen to come to get you out? i thought, no, no. i will just go. >> reporter: for some in the early path of the fire, it's too late. >> i am pretty shooken up. i lost a lot of my parents' stuff yesterday and my grandma's house burnt to the ground. >> reporter: this lower lake home is one of those lost, the family also saw the blaze burn right up to another doorstep. >> we have lost two dogs and my grandparents' house is completely gone. >> we are worried that it could come this way. >> reporter: now the unease spreads to clear lake, as people in this neighborhood called the avenues have been told they may have to leave. school buses and drivers have already been put on standby to help those who don't have cars. >> we have been watching for about, i'm sure, two days now and it just seems to be getting slowly closer and closer. >> when it stopped glowing red, we thought, okay, maybe they got that contained and then recently we started seeing the flames again. >> reporter: we are going to move to developing news now from san jose. this morning there was a carjacking there, a high-speed chase and gun fire. it actually started late last night. police say they were patrolling near the light rail station which is on san carlos street and almadon boulevard. they say several people started running when the officers arrived on scene and approached them and then police say someone in the crowd shot at the officers who returned fire. police say the gunman then carjacked the vehicle and drove onto highway 101. there was a pursuit and the suspect tried to ram an officer and police say fearing for his life, that officer then shot at the suspect but missed. the suspect later crashed into another car at almadon expressway and brannon lane. he was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. we are not sure about the specifics of those injuries but we do know the place say he was not shot and going to be booked on a charge of attempted homicide on an officer. no officers were hurt during this incident. police are investigating a shooting in bodega bay that seriously injured a woman and left the suspected gunman dead in the apparent suicide. it happened yesterday morning at a home on taylor street. the suspected gunman tracked down his ex-girlfriend at a home where she was staying with two friends. authorities say he briefly held the three women hostage but they were eventually able to run away. police say the man shot the friend of his ex-girlfriend as she was running and then went back inside the home and shot himself. the ex-girlfriend had just taken out a restraining order against him. gas prices here in california could soon drop to under $2.50 a gallon. now, according to, if refineries continue producing at full capacity when they switch over to the winter blend prices in the fall -- nationwide average would fall below $2 a gallon. drivers haven't seen levels like that since the recession in 2008. well, 8:11, we have talked about it before. do you want to get away? >> yes, i do. >> up next our travel expert, is going to be joining us in studio and he always has the best ideas on those last minute summer vacation deals. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. good morning sunshine. giving you a live look there over the east bay hills, mount diablo, nice start to the day, widespread 60s outside our doors, temperatures this afternoon right about where they should be, i'll have a look at what you can expect coming up. summer is in full swing and if you still haven't booked a summer trip yet, guess what? it's not too late. joining us this morning is senior travel zoo editor gabe sagliay with how you can get a good deal. >> i'm a procrastinator so i'm still trying to wrap my head around summer, especially with kids. 53 days until summer is gone and, of course, the school around the corner, it's an even shorter season but august is a time when a lot of destinations, a lot of really attractive destinations begin to see more availability, prices begin to come down so actually not a bad time to scope out some good travel deals. >> goodness. the first day of august. we can do close, a little bit further and then further away. >> yeah. >> start with right here locally. >> let's begin in san jose, heading out there for business or do a little bit of a cultural getaway. this is one of the best places to stay, it's the fairmont san jose, which is a aaa properties, celebrities have stayed here and -- right now $145 a night with valley parking, do this deal through the end of the year. >> presidents? >> i'm not sure -- i think -- >> you don't have to tell me which one but that's good enough itself. >> further out. where can we go? >> wine country is a buzz now because these vines. some picking has already happened. the harvest begun for sparkling wine producers. this is down in san luis obispo county. the farm inn. great wineries here across the valley and closer to hurst castle as well. $119 a night here, upgrade, winery tastings as well. great little three hour drive south, great way to discover wine country there in central california. >> i'm embarrassed to say i've been in the bay area for eight years now and only gone to hawaii one time. >> time to go back. >> time to go back. >> rosemary tells me her husband has never been so going to hook her up with a family getaway to hawaii. >> hook them both up. >> yeah, sure. >> that's right. >> august 20th is the magic day, folks, for hawaii, prices on airfare, hotel prices begin to come down, sort of the unofficial end of the summer rush. this is a beautiful property there in kauai, the plantation hale suites on the tropical royal coconut coast. 129 gets you a one bedroom suite with breakfast daily and again we are seeing right after the 20th of august, particularly, prices drop in some cases 50% or more on some of these really neat hawaiian properties. >> really quickly, come back to jamaica. i've been to jamaica. go there. >> although today is the official beginning of what they call heightened hurricane season, it's still a great time to go. throw in a little bit of travel insurance, at another seven to 10% to your travel cost and great way to go. this is jewel paradise cove resort and spa, adult only property. one of the best adult properties in the caribbean. airfare out of sfo and a four night all-inclusive stay, 9959 a person and get free -- 955 a person and get free golf as well. >> thank you so much. let's go to claw -- claudine. live hook over the east bay hills where we have partly cloudy skies this morning, the marine layer is deeper, pushing in a little bit farther. temperatures at this hour 60 degrees santa rosa, here's another view where you can see more gray, partly sunny, a few peeks of sunshine there over the bay area at this time. 62 in san francisco, mid-60s in upland, concord 67 and san jose starting out with 64 degrees. the onshore breeze is back, generally light for most of us but take a look at what's going on through fairfield, our delta community is seeing a big push of that to pacific air, 36 miles per hour the gusts there, sustained at 31 so that cool air again pulling through and is going to help to cool you down a little bit more as we get into the afternoon. a live look here from up above, you can see, i love this satellite view, it's a water vapor view and it gives us an idea of the circulation going on in the atmosphere, you see this counterclockwise spin, that's the system that will be working closer to the bay area as we get into the coming days. that is going to continue the onshore breeze, that is going to continue to cool us down. so as we get into saturday afternoon, we do have partly to mostly cloudy skies right along the coastline, going to be a cool day in areas like pacifica and half moon bay but inside the bay or in the communities, mostly sunny skies by about lunchtime, notice that monsoonal moisture still pulling in over portions of the central valley and over the sierra, tahoe as well as yosemite, thunderstorms in the forecast for today. so if you're going out, heading in that direction, heading up the hill for your weekend, be prepared for that, but for us it has moved out and we have dry, cooler air in place for your afternoon. 81 degrees for napa today, 79 in novato, 78 for petaluma, 81 in sonoma, going to be beautiful for your afternoon. to the east bay shoreline where we have 71 in alameda for the afternoon, upper 70s castro valley, low to mid-80s for our warmer locations, wow, what a difference. we were hitting 105 earlier this week. no longer the case. 87 degrees for morgan hill, 81 for san jose and along the peninsula for today, 80 degrees redwood city, 73 san bruno, along the coast i'll say it once again, going to be partly to mostly cloudy, it's going to be cool, the extended forecast there with your bay area weekend always in view, sum it up by saying the gradual cooldown will continue with each passing day, temperatures continuing to fall off, we bottom out on tuesday when our inland cities will be in the upper 70s. >> kind of love it, though. >> i'm saying i might want to go for a run again. [ laughter ] >> at 108, it was -- >> brutal. >> brutal. >> i took a break. >> can be unhealthy. >> sit on the couch. it's time again, let's do it. >> sounds good. thanks, rosemary. >> you got it. time now on 8:21 and we've got a sad ending to tell you about in the story of an eagle rescued in the east bay. what happened three months after that bird was released back into the wild, coming up next. notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic burrito? this ain't it. you're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] new this morning, security researchers are warning people about a wave of bogus spam e- mails claiming to offer free upgrades to the new windows 10 operating system. the attachments contain a ransom ware program that when opened looks like all the data on the computer and demands payment to release them. the e-mails are designed to look like an official upgrade notice from microsoft but some words have random out of place letters and punctuation. microsoft says its update -- notice on their screens, not via e-mail. it took a year, but a wedding album that was left at an airport in los angeles has been returned to its owners in modesto. a couple accidentally left their wedding album at the international terminal after a flight from afghanistan last year. the airport held the album in lost and found for months but no one claimed it so airport police used facebook to track down the couple. police posted about the lost wedding album and a relative of the couple responded. >> our officers in lost and found recognized it was an heirloom, a treasure and it's worth trying to find the family. >> how it could be found? it was totally a miracle for me. >> great story. now, along with the album, the officers also returned ceremonial keepsakes from the couple's wedding that were found with that album. facebook founder mark zuckerberg and his wife priscilla are having a baby. the couple made the announcement on facebook yesterday. they are expecting a girl. they also talked about their struggle to get pregnant. they say they have been trying for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages. the zuckerbergs also shared this photo. you can see priscilla there, a little bit of a baby bump. prosecute sill la is a -- priscilla is a doctor and met her husband as a medical student. rescue and rehabilitate rescued birds in the area. released golden eagle back to the wild on may 1st. the bird was nursed back to health after found with severe injuries to its head. they followed the eagle with a gps tracker but she clipped a wind turbine at the altamont pass last saturday. her injuries prevented her from flying ever again. she was euthanized hours later. the newest penguins at the san francisco zoo will be joining the rest of the colony today. this year's march of the penguins feature one male check and female check. they graduated from fish school where they learned how to eat whole fish, swim and accept food from animal staff. this video shows what fish school looks like at the zoo. today's event will start at 10:00 a.m., visitors with a zoo membership will get to submit possible names for a random drawing. got to love that. >> got to love that. >> all right. stepping up enforcement in san jose, more on the spike in violence that prompted an emergency meeting and where police say they are going to focus their efforts. b.a.r.t.'s transbay tube is shut down but 10s of thousands of people are still going to be getting across from oakland to san francisco in spite of the closure. we will tell you about it coming up. b.a.r.t. shut down on saturday, sunday, that's going to be a big problem. >> right now the transbay tube is shut down and delays are expected for people getting in and around san francisco today. what you need to know to get you around the weekend's closure. welcome back to morning on 2. it's saturday, august 1st. yes, it is august 1st. i am paul chambers. >> i can't believe it. i'm still in july. i haven't quite crossed over yet. good morning to you. i'm claudine wong. happening now, b.a.r.t. is repairing a vital section of track near the transbay tube, that means b.a.r.t. has halted all service between san francisco and oakland this weekend. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live for us at the 19th street b.a.r.t. transportation in oakland with one of the options for riders. allie. this is really the only public transit option for riders trying to get from oakland to san francisco. it's this bus bridge that b.a.r.t. has set up here. this is 20th and broadway. turn the camera around and show you, people are taking advantage of it. we have seen all morning people getting on these buses, b.a.r.t. has contracted with four other agencies, transit agencies in the bay area to provide bus service across the bay and they have 98 buses that will be going back and forth across the bay during the weekend while this transbay closure is in effect. and these buses have been pretty full. we have seen as many as, you know, a couple of these buses totally packed with people. the estimate is about 98,000 people on a given saturday rely on b.a.r.t. to get from oakland to san francisco, so they are taking these buses instead. a lot of them are. a lot of folks are staying home but people have jobs and flights to catch and places to get to, so this is the only alternative. the transbay tube is shut down because b.a.r.t. is going to be repairing a half mile section of crossover track just beyond the west oakland station. that section of track is about 45 years old. the wooden ties are rotting and b.a.r.t. officials say they absolutely had to get this work done in order to keep the track going. once the work is done, the track should be good for another two to three decades, according to b.a.r.t. so they are hoping there's going to be short-term pain for some long-term payoff. b.a.r.t. spokesman jim allen told us this morning there was no other way to complete the work than by shutting down the tube for an entire weekend. >> we urgently need to do work on this section of track and if we were to try to do it in the city one day at a time, it would extend it over many, many weekends. so we prefer just to do these two weekend shutdowns, get the work done and get everything back in service as quickly as possible. >> here you go. >> reporter: we talked to quite a few passengers this morning about the bus bridge. everyone says that it's been running pretty well. they have had no problem getting a bus. the buses come pretty frequently, every 45 seconds to a minute. so passengers told us so far, so good this morning. >> so far it's been pretty okay. i was really hesitant about the b.a.r.t. being shut down but it seems that they have managed the system pretty well. >> reporter: you heard jim allen reference it early this morning. they are going to be shutting down the transbay tube again. expect a repeat of all of this about a month from now, labor day weekend all three days, but for now, they are also going to have a bus bridge over labor day weekend when they do the shutdown again but for now, people seem to be doing pretty well. you see a lot of folks have suitcases, trying to get across the bay to get to the airport, what not. but people are getting on the buses, the buses are pretty packed but so far things are pretty calm and moving along very smoothly. claudine, back to you. >> we only hope it lasts like that throughout the day and tomorrow. thanks so much, allie. we have talked about buses, b.a.r.t., ferries. >> you know what's next? weather. let's talk about the great weather. >> how nice it will be when everyone is taking their alternate routes into the city. >> still looks cloudy where allie is this morning but going to burn off? >> definitely not as hot as we have. the cooldown started yesterday, going to continue into your saturday afternoon, so it will be a great day to be outdoors and enjoy some outdoor activities. giving you a live look here over the east bay hills where the clouds have cleared, we had partly cloudy skies just a few moments ago and i can see just a few still hanging over mount diablo. we will have mostly sunny skies, not only over the east bay but for most of us today at least away from the coast. the coast will be partly to mostly cloudy, a live look here from up above, you can see the clouds still holding close to the coast, the peninsula, into the east bay, portions of the south bay as well, we have partly to mostly cloudy skies in gilroy, over portions of the north bay, farther north received a tweet from one of our viewers, all the way in the clear lake area, they are getting a little bit of rain there this morning and there may be good news for the rocky fire burning in the lake county area but for the rest of us closer to the bay, we have got onshore breeze, we have drier weather moving in for your afternoon, that monsoonal moisture pulling out and leaving us with dry weather for your weekend. 36 miles per hour, the onshore breeze through fairfield and i have been tracking that all morning long, it's been pretty strong at times and that's going to continue cooling us off as we get into the afternoon, we know we need that onshore breeze to keep the inland areas comfortable and that's what we will see for the second half. right now 63 degrees in fairfield, 67 in livermore, upper 60s walnut creek so temperatures are beginning to rebound here. widespread 60s around the bay as well. 62 san francisco, 65 in hayward, 64 into the south bay of san jose and as we head into the north bay, temperatures are slightly cooler here, 61 napa, 60 degrees for santa rosa. these numbers very similar to how we started yesterday within a degree or two for most of us, slightly warmer in areas like sfo, slightly cooler in san jose, by 2 degrees warmer in oakland as well as hayward. i'll give you a sneak peek of what you can expect, 66 pacifica, upper 60s san francisco, low to mid-70s for the east bay shoreline and our warmer spots into the low to mid-80s, we've got beautiful weather coming our way. temperatures continuing to cool down for sunday. i'll have a look at what you can expect for the back half of the weekend and extended forecast coming up. san francisco sheriff's department says an inmade found dead inside the county jail appears to have committed suicide. the man, family and the public defender's office are questioning whether the sheriff's department took proper precautions to prevent it. the public defender's office says jail staff had been warned three times that 50-year-old alberto carlos petrolino might have mental issues. last saturday petrolino's family called 911 to say he had gone to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. the chp says they alerted jail staff about the suicide call when they took him in on an outstanding warrant. a judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation on monday but found dead the next day. >> certainly we are concerned about the level of care our clients are getting while in custody. >> the public defender's office says this is their third client to die in the jail this year and they want a review of the jail policy to prevent another incident. the sheriff's department says there's an internal affairs unit, the san francisco police department and the medical examiner are all conducting independent investigations. the investigation continues into the shooting death of sergeant scott lunger. yesterday hayward police returned to the suspect's home. defense attorney richard pointer says police served a search warrant and collected items that may have been previously overlooked. the suspect, 21-year-old marc anthony estrada lived with his parents in east oakland. according to his mother investigators removed a poster and artwork. the defense attorney says authorities are still investigating if estrada has possible gang ties. he is right now being held in the infirmary at the sanity rita -- santa rita jail because of a bullet wound. police say last weekend there were two stabbings, three attempted sexual assaults and five shootings. two of which were deadly. authorities say violence and property crimes are slightly up this year compared to last, although homicides are not. police plan to target hot spots in the hopes of keeping people safe. >> we owe it to our community to go ahead and get out there in force, working with our community to go ahead and curb some of the violence. >> police say stepped-up enforcement will last as long as necessary. new this morning, people who live in los altos no longer have to boil their water before drinking it. a boil water advisory lifted for all customers after test results showed no e. coli in the system. it was found in the water supply last sunday days after a water main was repaired. more than 850 people were told to boil water a minute before drinking it. there have been no reports of anyone becoming sick from the water. and california has launched a new website as you can see right there, designated to allow residents to report water wasters. the site lets people send detailed photos about other people breaking water rules. the complaints can be made anonymously. the tips are then sent to local agencies where their alleged offenses occurred. california has issued severalout restrictions -- several drought restrictions including a ban on watering lawn within two days after it rains but enforcement can be challenging and varies wildly across the state. the city of richmond a step closer to adopting a rent control ordinance. the city has debated the issue for months but then this past two a proposal stalled during a late night city council hearing. then last night the council passed a measure that does cap rents to their july july 21st rates. rents in richmond went up an average of 13% last year. however, according to the contra costa times. the ordinance will allow landlords to pass 40% of certain onto tenants. a second reading of the ordinance is set for wednesday. and a program in san francisco that helps low income inner-city youth is celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> 28 years of being alive and free and educated so let's raise our glasses to that. >> the omega boys club in pa taro hill can -- patero hills can boast college graduates. last year former members came out to celebrate the success. each of them came from neighborhoods filled with violence and crime. >> when i come in this room and in this building i feel like i can be myself and be whoever i want to be and express myself how i want to and not be judged. >> the theme of the program is alive and free. it focuses on saving the lives of inner-city youth and keeping them out of prison. that club meets once a week in a classroom environment for a mixture of reading and writing. now more than 1000 wine lovers are expected to take part in this year's 10th annual urban wine experience. the event gives people the opportunity to taste wine from family owned wineries in oakland, berkeley, alameda and castro valley. festivities also include food from local restaurants and musical entertainment. wine makers produce their own product will be featured at the event. they also joked about each other -- with each other about the east bay urban's wine country. >> the grapes don't care they are made into wine, as long as they are grown somewhere good. >> the event takes place this afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 in sac london square. supports alameda county food bank. rosemary will be going out there to give us a look this morning. >> sounds like fun assignment. >> that's right. 8:41. after a huge spike in gas prices, relief could soon be on the way. coming up in 20 minutes, we are going to tell you how much less you could be spending to fill up and when that should go into effect. but first, a real life treasure hunt and being led by a bay area man. what he's on the hunt for and the challenges he faces to get it. our bay area cooling trend will continue for your weekend. i'll have a look at what's going on outside your doors right now, what you can expect for the afternoons and how long this trend is going to last coming up. good morning to you. hopefully this song has you bopping around your living room this morning. we have mostly sunny skies, that is a beautiful shot right there. away from the coast we have mostly sunny skies. let me clarify that. because we will be partly to mostly cloudy along the coastline for today, we have a cooldown in store for the weekend and i have those numbers for you coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. it's 8:44. starting today, san francisco will have a new rail line along the city's waterfront. the e embarcadero will run from the caltrans station at fourth and king street to fisherman's wharf making stops all along the way. passengers used to have to take the f line to market street and transfer if they wanted to go along the embarcadero. but with the new line, they won't have to transfer at all. >> it connects some pretty critical destinations from the ballpark to the new brannon street wharf, ferry building, exploratorium, the cruise ship terminal, pier 39, fisherman's west africa, we have a ring -- fisherman's wharf, we have a ring of activity. >> the idea was first proposed in the 1980s but put on the back purposer until now. at first the e line will open only on weekends from 10:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening but starting next year the e line will be running seven days a week. think of it as a cross between survivor and indiana jones, the discovery channel's treasure quest snake island features five people searching for hundreds of dollars worth of lost gold. they have traced it to an island off of brazil. that island is populated with thousands of deadly vipers. scary. we have more on that hunt. >> reporter: for hundreds of years people have been searching for this treasure. now a team of five are taking their shot and it's caught on camera. joining me now, court graham, long time san francisco resident and expedition leader on treasure quest snake island. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> you've had a lot of adventures but you call this the greatest adventure of your life. tell me why. >> we were in places in brazil that were amazing visually, so striking, also were in extreme danger in terms of where we had to go in looking for the sinka treasure and when people see us responding to, for instance, the snakes, those are real responses. i was -- the way i describe it is kind of like when i was in central america we had line mines, except in brazil they would move. instead of having them on the ground or maybe down in the bushes, you would have the snakes in the trees above us, worried about whether you're going to grab a branch and knock one down on top of you and get hit. if you don't get medical attention within six hours you're going to die. >> we are seeing some of your adventures now. in addition to the snakes and there are a lot of them, what are the dangers you guys face out there? >> heat exhaustion, i was hit by that, dealing with the tropical storms that we had out there. we had lightning bolts blow up above the boat. we had a superstructure on our speedboat and nobody has ever -- not very many people have seen what happens when a lightning strike hits a boat and it's like having a mortar go off in a boat. we were lucky on some of the dangers we were confronted with. >> and you're taking great risks but may be a great reward, we are talking about millions of dollars worth of inca gold. that's what you're after. >> yes. stolen from the incas in the 15 hundreds, and it was garcia was the portuguese conquistador, gone in there, stolen the gold and his tribe, the indians he had made a deal with actually took him, killed him and took the gold away from him and then it brings in this whole mystery about the jesuits and that's the answer we are looking for in this great mystery. >> we are talking about caves, deep ocean diving, extreme temperatures, have you had any close calls? >> we had quite a few and some of them are captured. sometimes we didn't have a camera running. there was one situation where i looked at the director and said, did you catch that? did you have a gopro going on now? because that was more dangerous than the last thing we almost got hit by. >> must feel good to come home to san francisco, then. >> yes. very relaxing. i have family here, lived here since 1977, i graduated from carl monte high school in belmont and i now live in alaska but i have my family that i come and visit every year. >> you left your heart here, as they say. >> yes. >> cork graham, thank you for joining us this morning. good luck to you in your hunt. if you would like to see how the treasure hunt winds up you can see more of cork graham's team on the discovery channel friday nights at 10:00. back to you guys. >> deadly vipers. >> that's right. >> i don't know. >> that sounds something up your alley, though. the adventure part of it. >> adventure, maybe. >> that's you. i saw the hiking and climbing, that made me think of you. >> that sounds fun as long as weren't deadly vipers. are you with me, rosemary? >> i'm afraid of bugs. >> i like outdoors, adventures, i don't like deadly vipers. >> no control. i do like this nicer weather. >> don't we all? >> yes, it's been a nice change that came our way, came yesterday for many of us, our inland communities cooled off by 10 degrees or so so that was nice. great news for the firefighters and for the folks up in the lake county area where actually lake county area getting a little bit of rain this morning. giving you a live look outside our doors and from san francisco this morning, san francisco, i believe so, where they have the mostly cloudy skies and the marine layer is thicker this morning. the onshore breeze is stronger, you're feeling that through the delta. all this is going to continue our cooling trend for your saturday afternoon. right now santa rosa reporting 60 degrees, 63 in san francisco, mid-60s in oakland, concord at 67 and san jose 64 at this time. a look at the system that's developing off the coastline here and bringing us this change in our weather pattern, this is going to be shifting closer to the bay area in the coming days and it's going to continue our cooldown. in fact, we are going to keep cooling off all the way into monday, tuesday. i'll show you that in the extended forecast but eventually our temperatures are going to fall below the seasonal average for this time of year. as we get into your futurecast model for your saturday here at home we've got mostly cloudy skies along the coastline we are mostly sunny around the bay and inland, notice this cloud cover here, still a bit of that monsoonal moisture moving through portions of the valley and take a look at what's going on for the sierra. into the afternoon are you going to tahoe, maybe yosemite? thunderstorms, isolated thunderstorms in the forecast for the higher elevations lasting through today, maybe a little bit for tomorrow as well. but for us here at home, mostly sunny skies away from the coast. afternoon highs for today, 78 for san rafael, 78 in petaluma, low 80s for areas around sonoma, napa, 92 in clearlake so a warm day out there at the rocky fire once again but not as hot as we had been. triple-digit heat in the forecast -- or i should not say in the forecast as what we had on thursday. not in the forecast for today. 84 in antioch, 85 for brentwood, closer to the water, we have low and mid to upper 70s, 73 san leandro. warm in san jose, 81, little toasty in morgan hill but not too bad. 87 expected for you there. 78 for santa cruz, for the peninsula this afternoon, 70s and low 80s, palo alto going to 82, 73 for san bruno, 68 for san francisco, mid to upper 60s with mostly cloudy skies pacifica and half moon bay. the extended forecast there with your bay area weekend always in view, so this slow cooling trend continuing, tomorrow will be slightly cooler than today, the next day after that, slightly cooler than the day before. it goes on and on until we get to tuesday when temperatures bottom out in the upper 70s for our inland communities, upper 70s in august. wow, that's going to be a nice day for some. we will see temperatures rebound as we get into wednesday but not bad. >> thanks, rosemary. >> thank you. >> we will take it. >> sure will. >> thank you. it's a facelift for your credit card but that's not all. coming up in 20 minutes, how it's also going to protect your personal information. but first, a story of survival, how a young girl and an injured chihuahua found each other and the bond they now share. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. you're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] 20 minutes ago debris believed to have come from missing malaysian airlines flight 370 arrived at a testing facility in france. officials are going to use sophisticated technology to make the final determination as part of the plane's wing was found earlier this week on a remote french island in the indian ocean. investigators are confident that the debris did come from a boeing 777. the same type of aircraft as the malaysia airlines jet that disappeared in march of 2014. boeing technicians are in france to help with the analysis. a preliminary report could come as early as next week. and pressure is mounting on the u.s. to allow zimbabwe to prosecute an american for illegally killing a lion in africa. the u.s. has not extradited anyone to zimbabwe since a treaty took effect 15 years but the zimbabwe government has now started extradition proceedings. minnesota dentist walter palmer is accused of shooting and killing cecil the lion with a crossbow last month. officials say the lion was illegally lured out of a park sanctuary. >> initial legal review and the united states officials will need to determine whether or not the crime that he's been charged with is a crime in both countries. >> palmer did close his dental practice and has gone into hiding. he did send a representative to talk to the u.s. fish and wildlife service which is investigating the circumstances of the lion's death. a little dog we first told you about back in april who was burned and tortured then dropped off in an east bay animal shelter is now in his forever home. when the dog whose name is fireman was just a few weeks old he was left at the antioch animal shelter with what appeared to be chemical burns to his ear and stomach. his ears were so badly damaged that they were amputated. both a lot of tlc, the chihuahua mix was nursed back to health and now found his forever home with pay 12-year- old girl who also survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world you don't meet other burn survivors and then meeting a dog like me is like even more special. >> what a cute story there. umbrella of hope got thousands of offers to adopt the little dog. they say chloe stood out because they had an instant connection. they say they got teary eyed when she told them, quote, i understand him, he know what he's been through and i think he understands me too. grumpy cat better watch out. there's a new internet sensation that's captured the attention of many with his grumpy face. his name is earl but lately he's been referred to as grumpy dog. the pug beagle mix lives with a family in iowa. look at that face. his vet says he is as healthy and as happy as any other puppy. he looks grumpy because of his underbite and wrinkles. earl's family describes him as a mellow sweetheart. >> he's not that grumpy. look at that face. >> that's a face that only a pet owner would love. >> ah, i love that face. he's cute. 8:57. acrackdown on -- a crock yawn -- crackdown on park visitors. what they will be looking for and the citations people could face. following developing news in san jose where a chase has ended with gun fire. more on the shooting, carjacking and crash and who is in custody. cooler weather in store for your bay area weekend. when i come back we will have a look at your current conditions and the numbers expected for the afternoon today coming up. . they are getting around. we will show you how. >> wildfire season takes a turnpike for the worse. how fellow firefighters are honoring a south dakota man while fighting a fire here. "mornings on 2" continues. . welcome to "mornings on 2". it is saturday, august 1st. >> i am claudine wong. >> i am paul chambers. we will get a look with the weather with rosemary. >> especially if you like it on the mild side, temperatures will be right about the seasonal average. 80s in the forecast. and 60s and 70s. around the bay. expected along the coastline and giving you a view there from san francisco across the bay and looking towards the east. we are looking up with low cloud and marine layer is thicker. and 2-tale signs that the cool down will continue for today. >> it is 35 miles an hour. it has been at this for the last hour or two. maybe even a little longer than that. and sustained wind at 28-miles-an-hour. so a cool pacific breeze pushing through. >> 71 at walnut creek. >> 65 in fairfield. >> # 0 degrees in livermore around the bay area. >> temperatures in the 60s. 63 san francisco. to the north bay. 62 in napa and novato. and a lot of 60s this morning. and six. 69. palo alto and bell month at this time. >> 54 for half moon bay. >> shifting into the bay. we have six # in morgan hill and scott's valley checking in at 59 degrees. >> we get into the afternoon, the cloud will remain right along the coastline here. >> we have mostly sunny skies. and 60s and 70s. for the east shoreline. and for the end land communities. into the east bay and the south bay. the shade of red back into the central valley. no 90s in the forecast for us today. >> we will have the numbers. >> in the extended forecast. how long the cooling trend will last in just a bit. >> 9:02. >> no bar trains running between san francisco and the bay. >> they shut down for what bart called repairs. >> this is in oakland with what has become a popular alternative for the bart riders. it looks like they are loading up behind you. >> they have been taking people back and forth across the bay t so the same hours. bart would normally run and while it is closed. they asked people to stay on the side of the bay and if at all possible. a lot of people work on weekend. luckily. we don't have to rely on bart tickets and we have flights to catch. and so, lots of people have been packing the buses this morning. they step inside. >> step inside the bus and show how it is. >> a lot of the seats are full. >> good morning. good morning. >> this is a couple of buses that they have out here. >> this is part of the bus bridge. >> it is about 98,000 people who take the bart from oakland to salve and back on a saturday. tens of thousands of people will be relying on the bus bridges. they are coming freaky. don't worry, ladies, they come every 45 seconds to a minute. a lot of people are relieved when they hear that. >> they have been coming very frequently. bart bart is shutting down because they have to repower a half mile section of crossover track. it is similar to the work we are showing you in the video here. >> fire officials say. once it is done. it should be done for another two or three decades. they had to spend the entire eke winds -- weekend working on it. and some of the wooden ties are rotten. and they are replacing 930 of those wooden ties on the subject. and he said. there is no other way to get this work complete. we talked to a lot of passengers who are taking it in stride and so far. things are good. >> what do you think about the bus. > >> temporary though. >> i am happy. >> inconvenience of it. >> let us know ahead of time. they will still have a bus bridge on labor day weekend as well. they contracted with four other transit agencies in the bay area to provide the buses: we are seeing so far and golden gate, transit is going to have buses and muni and they are pointing out to me. it is an unusual sight to see on this side of the bay in oakland. so far, the bus bridge is moving slowly and heading into peak ridership. and as we head into the afternoon. if you can avoid crossing the bay with public transit. it is best to stay on your side, you have to. and with the tube shut down, you will be able to get across using the buses they have here. >> claudine, paul, back to you guys. >> thanks so much. >> with the bay bridge down, it is expected to pick up and take over the burden. you are taking a live look at the bay bridge. it looks pretty good and honestly. when we see it at this point in the day in the weekend, it doesn't have as many cars. we know that could change. very, very quickly. and there could be a way to, as the morning progresses, it is angel's advice. give yourself of extra time as you roll on through there. >> just little bit more. >> especially if you are going in a couple of hours from now. >> all right. the time is 9:06. wildlife season. it is the firefighter and battling the frog fire and in the national forest near the oregon border. david rule of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and cause of death is still under investigation. governor brown followed his death. we were saddened to learn of the u.s. forest service fighter david rule who left to protect california's majestic forest. he will be remembered in his service. and cal fire tells us there are 23 large wall fires currently in california. governor brown has declared a state of emergency because of the fires. the proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief while activating the national guard to help with the disaster response. >> the severe drought and text stream weather are making this much more dangerous than normal. >> they posted this image of all the major fires in california. >> check out that map. the fires highlighted in red. you can see up near the oregon border. some of the fires were sparked by lightning storms. storms that are gray in color. means they are 100% contained. not enough gray on the map. >> this is one of the large active fires burning 2200 acres. right now. it is only 5% contained. sky fox blew over the blaze and looked at the enormous size. hundreds of people have been forced to evacuate. there is a evacuation advisory for the city of clear lake. it effects 5,000 homes. >> there is little resistance to the fact that they tear through bone dry lands. and they have time to grab what they can. and get out. >> it has been crazy. it has been scary. it has been intense. >> i thought. are you going to not be able to sleep all night. waiting for the firemen to come and get thank you out. >> i thought. no, i will just go. >> bus drivers are on stand by to help them out of clear lake oaks. if the evacuation advisory becomes mandatory. >> we are continuing to follow the latest developments. and all the latest updates. go to the website at >> now, we are following developing story in san jose. there was a carjacking. >> high speed chase and gunfire. they were patrolling near the light rail station at san carlo street. just before 11:30 last night. officers say as they approached the crowd, civil people started running and a man fired at the officers. >> they did return fire and it didn't end there. >> the police carjacked the vehicle on to highway 101 and during the pursuit, he tried to ram an officer and also shot at him and missed. >> later, crashed into another car at the expressway and brand ham lane. they tracked him down and he was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. >> we don't know the ex tentsd of his injuries. but police say he was not shot. >> he will be booked on an attempted homicide on an officer. >> there is heartache with everyone to rescue and rehabilitate injured birds in the area. >> lindsay rehabilitation hospital released a golden eagle back to the nest. >> twation nursed back to health after it was found with severe head injuries. they followed the female eagle with a gps tracker. she was clipped by a wind turbine at the pass last saturday. she was brought back to the hospital and prevented her from flying ever again and she was youth thannized hour it is later. >> new this morning. they are cracking down on visitors who are broadway breaking park rules. >> they are walking their dogs off leash and cyclists on restricted trails. >> the number of rangers needs to continue crease. >> according to the foot people. which is an informal association of trail users, lastier, there were 358 trail violations and only 200 citationless issued. >> right now. >> they have $1,100. and there is a deputy sheriff on patrol. >> get ready. it could drop to under $2 per gallon. >> they are requiring to switch at full capacity. >> they could drop dramatically. >> the national average would fuel bee be2-dollars a gallon. >> they haven't seen it since 2028. >> ready for them. >> filling up is painful recently. >> remember, it was close to five thras. >> now we want $2.50. >> always wanted it cheaper. >> key rail probably -- becomes a reality today and who it is going to serve and how people get around the waterfront. changes are coming to the debit and credit card. >> we will talk about the new chips on your card and how they work. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. feduring sleep train's you'retriple choice sale. to save big for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale, on now at sleep train. ♪ sleep train your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ . new this morning, they are warning people about tboag gus spam e-mails about free upgrades to the windows 10 operating system. >> it contains ransom wear and demands to lock it up and needs payment to release it. it looks like an official letter from microsoft. >> it is an update system. provides computer openers with a notice on their screens not via e-mail. >> you might notice the look of your debit cards are changing. they have a special security chip. >> this is stephanie erickson at visa to tell us how they all work. >> thanks for coming in. >> you have one of the cards with you. >> they don't look all that different. >> it looks like the same card you have today. in addition we have a chip being added to it. >> tell me what the chip does. it protect it is your identity and information. >> the way the chip works. it has a unique code and the benefit of that. if the data is still in for the data breach and they can't use that to create counterfeit cards or counterfeit frauds. >> that is huge. >> that is two thirds of the fraud we see in the store is count ter fit fraud. >> that is what the thin does is protect against that. >> we are confident. they will get around it. and they seem to get around everything. >> this is used all around the world for 20 years. this this is a very effective way and most of the countries that have moved to chip. they reduced it by 60% or more. >> which is great. >> we are seeing it. and does it change any more the way it works. and just an example. it is similar. maybe it swiped differently. for consumers. it is different at the checkout rather than swiping the card today. and insert the card into the terminal. and that's when the unique one time code is being generated and being inserted into the terminal. >> the transaction tips just today. >> into your pip and not have to sign like you do today for a cup of coffee for example. >> this isn't something people left to request. it will start coming to them and new card are being issued. will they wait. when the card expires or it is issued out. >> most of the banks will be reieshing them when they text pier. >> based on when they have expired. >> we will see 60% of the cards converted to a chip by the end of the year. in two years. 98% of the cards will be converted. >> anything else they need to do to be different. >> it is one of things they look in thundershower wall let and realize they didn't have one. >> they should look in their wallets and see what they have. >> it will change. and move forward. >> the chip is going to be more prevalent and prompted to incompetence cert is the card instead of swiping it. and they are protected with zero liability. or whether they are using. a chip for all of them to up great and read the strip q. >> so they can use it. >> everywhere you want it just like today. >> how our stuff is being protected. >> and they already have them. >> good information for everyone. >> at home and spending pony like that. and dhiengs, claudine k. >> we have a cool do you know for the bay area weekend. >> you can see the sun races giening to four flew. >> through noortly sunny. >> around the bay and portions of the north bay. we get into the second half of the afternoon: mostly strong and it is this pattern for the weekend. system off the coast lien is bringing us the pattern shift. it is going to continue as we get into saturday and sunday and beyond. the cooler day it is will be monday and tuesday. >> more like that. >> low clouds will continue. we are mostly sunny inside the bay and inland communities as well. >> in the the cloud cover that is going to push across the central valley and they will be back for the second half of the afternoon. >> monsoonal moisture has moved out of the area. and as well as as yosemite. that is to consider. >> check the forecast for us here at home. >> mostly sunny away from the coastline. >> falling off from what we had yeed aif land. >> mostly sunny skies. and game time at 6:05. >> mean while, the rest of us looking good as well. >> for the afternoon today. 79 expected in novato vad toe. >> 0 degrees for sausalito. and we head to the east bay. mid-80s for the warmer locations. >> looking at 85 for today. >> hitting 105 in some of areas. >> quite nice. >> 82 in dan vel and 82 for walnut creek and the east bay shore line. >> low to mid-70s and 74 for haywood. and shifting into the south bay. >> san jose s for morgan hill. >> you will go to 84. >> mostly sunny. for second half of day and expected into the afternoon. >> 76 in san mateo. and for today. >> right along the coastline. >> partly to mostly cloudy. >> pacifica half moon bay. >> always in view. >> notice the cool down. >> each passing day. >> as we get into the temperatures on tuesday. only reaching into the upper 70s for the afternoon. back to you. >> 9:21. wrestling link agenda has died. piper whose name is roddick tombs and known for his on air feud with hulk hogan. he was inducted into the wwe hall of fame in 2,005. >> according to tmz, he died from cardiac arrest in his sleep. >> he was 61 years-old. >> big loss. >> huge wrestling fan. >> he was around forever. >> so. >> sad day. >> hive guard keep an eye on the beach from the shore. >> we are you out there. and we can't see them. and preventive measures. >> they are so awesome. >> why it will help them safer. >> rs . preventing a shark attack and one california beach community wants to use new technology to help keep people safe. we have the story. >> reporter: with recent shark attacks in the headlines, they are using new technology to keep swimmers and surfers safe. irch veesing 14 -- investing on $1,400 for a droap to look from theary. >> i can film the whole beach and know what is out there. there tb 10 to 15 sharks swimming consistently along the shore. they spotted a great white shark within 20 seconds. we have five to 6-foot great white sharks that are bottom feeders. haven't shoney aggression. they haven't circled people and nothing is bitten so far. >> they will shut the beach down if they become too big or aggressive with surfer. >> we can't see them until they are really, really close. preventive measures are always awesome. >> they have applied for a permit to fly the drone in the future. it could be used in other emergencies. >> where someone got submerged, it could be a excellent tool. beach goers may be more educated than ever when it comes to their own safety. sam say they agree up in the area. and they are fine with going in the water. when they hear about great whites. they are more than happy to stay on the beach. >> will carr. >> a wedding album was left at an airport was returned to the owners. they left their wedding album at the international terminal after a flight fromming afghanistan last year. they hold the album for one hont. though one claimed it. >> police posted about the album and a relative of the couple responded. along with the album, the officers also rushed ceremonial keep sake assist from the couple's wedding that was found with the album. >> facebook founder. and his wife priscilla are having a a baby. >> where else? >> on facebook, of course. they are expecting a girl. they have been trying for a couple of years and had a miscarriage and hope by sharing their experience. people will have the same open and feel comfortable sharing their own stories. you can see a little baby bump on priscilla. she is a doctor and she and mark met while she was a medical student at ucff, congratulations to them. >> congratulations. >> now, stepping up. >> more on the violence that prompted an emergency meeting. where they will focus their efforts. bus us packed with people. the only way to take it. and it is closed. we will have an update coming up. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. they have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. it's perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. i'm going to cabo! [ music plays ] don't settle for u-verse. xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. sign up today or get started with this great offer. call or go online today. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at . here is a look at top stories we are following for you this morning. leading police on a high speed chase and shooting at san jose police officers. when they went to a suspicious group of people, the group started running and one person shot at an officer. >> police say the suspect then carjacked the vehicle and tried to ram the officer. >> in fear for his life. shot at the suspect and missed. >> eventually, the suspect was caught at almaden expressway and police say he was not shot. wildlife service turned deadly. a firefighter was killed in the national forest. 38 year old david rule from south dakota was on special assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and investigation is underway. >> they are alerting riders there is no service between san francisco and oakland. >> bart is repairing tracks and ktvu, allie rasmus is live with us in oakland. and they are offering the free shuttle buses. it is every 45 seconds or so. they need to. ther coming freaky. and many people rely on bart to get to oakland and back. and they can't take bart. and they can rely on this instead. they have been on a bus bridge instead. they worked with four other transit agencies. if you take a look at this bus. it says. marin transit. this is one of the four agencies helping out with bart and providing the service. you can see them inside the bus and things are moving very smoothly with the bus and it is alternate form of transportation. jim alison works with me this morning. why did the work have to be done over an entire weekend. no way you could have done it one night at a time or few nights as a time and then lay it for a couple of weeks end. then one day at a time. >> that will extends the project over many, many weeks. >> doing it in two weekends, gives us the ability to get in there and tear it apart and do it again. so they can rely on bart again. >> this is the type of work that is being done. what needs to be done. >> sure. >> it is the half mile section of track that is between west oakland station and this is the nainler focus of this work. we had to replace. 200 feet of rail and 932 railroad ties. so, as you can imagine. it imagines tearing stuff up and putting it back together again and takes elbow grease and that is what they are working on for nine hour it is now. >> so far, the work is going well. >> everything is scheduled k. >> the work is going well. >> every update i have is right on the time schedule. >> right on track. >> no pun intended. jim alison with bart. and they will have it going throughout the weekend. while it is shut down. they will be taking people over here to oakland. anal 19th street. and the bart station. between 19th and 20th on broadway k over to the temporary terminal in san francisco. >> that is two blocks away. >> and they will have three buts rides. with taking them from the station. >> to tell bark dear row station. in case they don't want to walk that difference k. >> back to you guys. >> thank you, allie. it is working there. so far, so good. >> still early. >> everyone be patient. and keep your fingers crossed. >> get a check of the weather. we will talk to rosemary. and she has left the building and she is down there live. where are you? >> it looks pretty down there. >> where is she? >> yes, i am bringing this. especially for you two. right here along the waterfront at the square. isn't that a beautiful view as i look up to the sky. blue skies beginning to push through. as we say good-bye to the clouds. little bit later into the morning and afternoon. we will be mostly sunny away from the coastline. temperatures will cool. numbers will be down by a few degrees from yesterday. >> right now across the bay and inland. cloudy skies and inside the bay and portions of the north bay. but the sunshine will pull through as we get to the second half of the day and the afternoon highs for the day. 60s at the coast and low 70s. around the bay. and 74 for oakland this afternoon and into the inner east bay. we have temperatures in the low to mid-# 0s. it as human difference for what we had. when we had triple digit heat. >> it continues for the saturday and continue into sunday s and beyond. i will show you that and back here live at the square, we happen to be right here in urban wine country. >> right here in the east bay and with the largest wine tasting events going on today. tenth urban wine experience inside, they are going to have music and food. and wine. and 20 vintners showing off their wine. tasting and selling bottles. when i come back out here in continue, 15 minutes. i will give you a sneak peek and how much it will cost. >> whether you know nothing about east bay wines or a lot. why you may want to come. >> sneak peek or taste. > >> booth. >> that's what -- both. >> that's what i figured. all officers will be on the streets after a surge in violence. police say last weekends, there were two stabbings. three attempt td sexual assaults and five shootings. two of which were deadly. >> property crimes are up slightly this year as compared to last. >> homicides are not. beall go out there in force and go curb some of the violence. know how, they stepped up enforcement as is necessary. >> the san francisco sheriff's department said a the man committed suicide. now the public defender's office is wondering whether they took pro precautions to prevent it. >> the jail staff had been warned that albert doe carlos might have mental health issues. >> last st, they called to say he went to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. they did alert jail staff about the suicide call when they took him in on an outstanding warn. a judge order add psychiatric evaluation on monday. but he was found dead account next day k. >> we are concerned about the level of care, our clients are getting while in custody. this is their third client to die in the jail. and they want to review another incidents. their internal affairs unit. the medical examiner are conducting independent investigations. talking about investigation, it continues in the shooting death tf sergeant scott lunger, they returned to the suspect's home. rich chand pointer said they served a warrant. and may have been previously overlooked. mark anthony estrada lived with his parent it is in east oakland. they removed a poster and art work. defense attorney said authorities are still investigating if he has possible gang ties. >> estrada is being held in the infirmary because of a bullet wound. federal judge in san francisco has blocked the release of anti abortion groups. it shows the planned parenthood leader discussing thg for research. the medical progress claims, this is prove that planned parenthood makes profit from feet tall tissue. >> the national abortion center sue std for false pretenses. they said releasing audio or video would jeopardize lives of providers. >> they are going to have a new rail line. >> it is along the waterfront. >> it is to pusher man's whaive. >> peaks up to this point have had to use the f line hand trr if they want to go along the embarcadero. >> they will not have to transfer any more. >> this is critical destinations from the ballpark to the new wharf. >> ferry building. exploratory. >> cruiseship terminal. fisherman's wharf. we have a ring of activity. >> the idea was to be back in the 1980s on put on the burden of proofer until toe. >> they will db open on the weekend. until seven at night. >> start something next year dwrvment. >> it is running seven day it is a week. >> my favorite time. >> football season is fast approaching. >> they started their training catch today. and some of the failgtful might not tb faithful at all t and lacking to sell season particulars. >> talk about a talk about a difference a year makes. now, surrounding the red and gold, the hype is not as high. >> we will wait and see. >> it as 49er ticket holder. he went to eight home games last year. this year. he is looking to go to two. >> you go because of the player talent on the field and now that you know some of the talent is gone, it is kind of hard to see. >> he sent a mass text to his friends. looking to sell his season tickets. >> all home game dallas are available. >> message me in you are interested. >> not surprising. >> founder of the blog. with set ran players. frank gore and work horse patrick lewis. not to mention the end of the harbaugh regime. >> we don't know how the team will gel. >> new defensive coordinator. and everything is kind of in limbo right now. >> ticket prices for 4-9der games. were dropped nearly 30% compared to last year. >> newly built heavy stadium. >> is kind of and now they want it. and jump off ship. >> there are still players on the team. >> new coach is well received despite the unneen. this fan plans to remain faithful. >> they had coaching changing and no one expected them to win the trp. >> from a warrior stand point. >> there is interest in the 49ers and they doubled the attendance. and led 20,000 fans. practice here or august 9th. in santa clara, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> today is day three of raiders training camp. >> they are working out of the complex. >> there is excitement this season. with head coach and native jack dell rio and also the emergence of derrick carr who has new weapons on the offense. and michael crabtree. and first round pick. amare cooper. >> all right. >> paul is excited. >> football season. bring it. i love it. they are celebrating years of success. this is marked by the program that puts inner city youth on the path to college. . they are expected to trick part in the wine experience. it kickoff this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. fox two reporter and weather meteorologist rosemary orozco is in jack lemon square with a wine glass in hand. rosemary. >> and what would you expect? >> it is empty. >> it is still empty. >> not for very long though. >> yes, start at 1:00. >> 20 vintner's will be showing off wine and selling wine as well. >> i have adam nelson from 2 mile with me. >> thank you for joining me. >> thank you for coming. >> you said you were going to pour me a dessert wine. >> breakfast. dessert. >> is it sweet. >> something that is crisp. does well with eggs. >> it is really bright and perfect for like quiche and since it is 9:45 in the morning. >> the find the name of your winery very interesting. >> where does it come from. >> there was a 2 mile prohibition zone until the 60s t that's why all the liquor stores on the there. and the fairmont hotel and believer in wine country. and to the history of making wine. and overall distribution. >> spirits. wine, beers. >> i live in the east bay. they said you are standing in urban wine country. >> i had no idea. >> exactly. >> people don't realize. you know, the immigrant experience in the u.s., it is many italian immigrant. and russian came in to oakland and berkeley. and their experience from their homeland. that they would make it. and whatever they share with their neighbors. >> berkeley and a lot. where they come from is really the origin of what created napa and sonoma. and it is a renaissance of making wine and close in the community that a way. >> that is pretty fascinating. >> they are pulling it grapefrom all over california and making a huge variety. >> yes, as an urban winemaker, you can choose what ever fruit for the winety want to make. >> i make it from paso robles and the this is from contra costa and great flexibility and opportunity. it is not all that different from the way it is made in napa. and sonoma. and there is a lot of exchange tf grape. >> 20 vintners. >> some tf them are tasty. >> you may not know. >> we are doing it today. one to four. >> tickets are $70. we have designate td driver tickets. >> and it is a great opportunity where several winemakers have done that. and support everyone. anal make sure they are out there. and it is going to be fun. >> thank you. >> cheers to you. >> # dollars to get in the tore. >> 35 in you are a member. okay. some of the money will go towards the proceed and towards alameda. and it is quite a bit. good cause as well. >> our own dave clark will be out and meanwhile in the extended forecast. it will be cooling off as we get into tomorrow and few degrees cooler. and all the way into tuesday t they bottom out in the 70s and slightly warmer on wednesday. >> i will send it back to you. >> perfect weather to drink a little wine. >> right. >> for more information. click on the web link section which is on the home page. >> lieutenant governor gavin newsome is winning the battle for governor. he had five and a half million dollars in his campaign war chest. >> that is yahoo ceo melissa meyer. and chairman eric schmitt. he has received from the nursing association. and the union healthcare branch. >> it is 9:49. city of richmond is a step to dropting ago rent control ordinance. >> they have decks bait distinguished it for months. >> they pass a measure this they go to the july july 21st rates. >> it went up 13% last year. >> however, they report that the ordinance will allow them to pass 48% of some fee it is on to tenants. >> this helps low income of the celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> if it says. 20 years of being educated. we will race your glass of that. >> in the pettry low hill. >> neighborhood. >> could boast. two naits coim out for a ceremony to celebrate their success. >> they faced boat violent. and grime crime. >> i can be myself and whoever i want to be. >> ex rest how i want to. and not be judged: the program is alive and free. >> focusing the live tion. and keeping them out of it police none. >> this is a niks tour of reading and wriewting. it is not a happy return from the rft giants to the ballparks. >> the anger wild over into action. >> they caused it to clear. >> feget up to 48 months righinterest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale is on now at sleep train. . a little dog we told you about back in april. that was burned and tortured and dropped off in a shelter is now in his for ever home. >> he was a few-weeks-old and left at the antioch shelter with chemical burns to her ear answer stomach. >> her ears were so damaged, they had to be tamp of amp tighted and with al are the of tlc, she was nursed back to health. and he has found his forever home with a girl who survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world, you don't need other burns and then meeting a dog like me. it is like even more special. now, umbrella of hope got them to adopt the little dog. chloe stood out pause they had an instant connection. she told them. i under him. i know what he has been through and i think he understands me too. people live there and don't have to boil water to drink it. it is lifted for all customer it is after it showed no e.coli in system and found in the water slide after a water main was repaired. >> they were told to boil water for a minute before drinking it. and no reports of anyone getting sick from the water. >> california launched an if you website to report water wasters and lets them send details with people breaking water rules. >> they can be made anonymously. where thele ledged offense reserved. >> this is within two days after it remains. >> it can be challenging. >> it varies across the strit. >> they lost the and the game may have taken a back seat to the bench clearing result. >> he tried to break a double play. >> now, after the last out. madison bumgarner started at the bench and both team it is sprung out of it their dugout thes. >> they were up a against again this evening. >> 2,000 people went for fire yorks fight. >> there wouldn't any fire porks in the immediately. >> with the game request tie td at one. >> michael sworn smashed this. >> and they drop another 12-1. >> 956, we have a last check of weather. >> rose mary. >> out. >> little bit of wine this morning. >> . >> still here and things are starting to happen here. we have the wine experience going on later today from one to four right here at the square. >> east bay vintners are coming in. and offering wine facing. >> food and music. >> like our own ktvu's dave clarke is going to be here. and some of the them will go to the al rah media great news. >> what is tbriet about this event. >> it is the largest. and some of these folks have their own tasting rooms. >> you will get a chance to taste some wines. > s $70 at the door or 35 if you are a member. >> it will cool off as you get into the afternoon today. >> shaving off a few degrees today t and it will fin with the coolest kay being certainly. >> looks greet up there. >> it is dessert wine. >> what did good you have. > >> it is still here. >> if you let knee go. >> i might be able to finish it. >> i will bring did you back some. > >> that is our report for this morning. thanks for watching. stay tuned for the latest with the bart shut down. we will have all the developments on and facebook and twitter. >> have yourself a great day and beautiful weekend. bye-bye. ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] football season is on its way, and we're looking ahead this week on sports stars of tomorrow! we're focusing on the college game... who are the players to watch this season? we'll look at names to know in the heisman trophy race... and the national title picture... that's all coming up next! (shoe open) welcome to the sho

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20240622 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20240622

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thank you for waking up with us. welcome to mornings on 2. it is saturday, august 1st, i'll claudine wong. >> i'm paul chambers. happening now, b.a.r.t. is repairing a vital section of track near the transbay two, no service from west oakland and embarcadero stations. service will resume early monday morning. 80,000 riders who rely on the transit system on weekends must find another way around. >> made plans with my friends. >> so those plans are out of window? >> now they are out the window, of course. >> what this is addressing is some of the wear and tear of a system that's almost 45 years old. >> now, starting saturday, september 5th, b.a.r.t. will again shut down the transbay tube during the labor day weekend. both closures will allow b.a.r.t. to cross trains from one track to another from the west oakland station to the transbay tube. with these changes b.a.r.t. says if there is a delay they can move trains around easier and reduce the length of the delay. taking a look at this map from b.a.r.t., since there's no service this weekend, b.a.r.t. will instead run buses between the 19th street station in oakland and the temporary transbay terminal in san francisco. it's about a two block walk to the embarcadero station. the other options, ac transit and san francisco bay are adding extra service this weekend. people can take a water taxi but it will cost you about $15 for round-trip from the berkeley marina to the san francisco ferry building. the tight line water taxi is launching a new service across the bay for commuters. and of course some b.a.r.t. riders will decide to take a look across the bridge. you can see not very many cars going across at this hour but of course it's still early. traffic will definitely pick up throughout this morning, especially with more buses crossing the bridge. our allie rasmus will have a live report of the tube shut down at 5:30. >> b.a.r.t. said don't use it unless this is an emergency. this is not going to carry all the amount of traffic we have. we know we have lots of festivals and things going on in the city. people want to get in. rosemary maybe they will have great weather? >> cooler weather. inland areas, not bad at all for today, low to mid-80s in the forecast for you there so it's going to be nice, going to be warm but not going to feel that triple-digit heat we felt recently. giving you a live look into oakland this morning, waking up with partly sunny, mostly cloudy skies along the coast, into the east bay and over portions of the north bay this morning. this is going to peel back. mostly sunny skies away from the coastline by about 10:00, 11:00 and into your lunch hour, more sunshine, fairfield reporting an onshore breeze at 22 miles per hour, gusting even faster than that so again the marine layer deeper, the onshore breeze is stronger and for the afternoon temperatures will be following off. right now numbers, 65 degrees in livermore, 62 walnut creek, 64 in concord, good morning to you, oakland, 64 in your neighborhood, low 60s san francisco and 61 in novato. into the south bay we have 62 right now in san jose. as we get into the second half of the day, let me show you how it goes, the monsoonal moisture pulled out of the bay area but if you are going to the sierra, thunderstorms will remain a possibility there. we will have low clouds right along the coastline, don't really clear from here, but inside the bay and our inland communities mostly sunny skies in store for today, 60s at the coast, upper 60s, low 70s expected for our east bay shoreline, a lot of 70s, 80s out there and the 90s back in the central valley. no 90s in store for us today. when i come back -- actually i got a little bit of time. 83 degrees in concord for the afternoon, 81 in napa, 74 expected in oakland today. if you're going to see the as play later, nice weather in store with the onshore breeze, 81 degrees for mountain view, 81 in san jose, mostly cloudy, 66 in pacifica. temperatures are going to continue to cool down as we get into the second part of your weekend. i will have a look at those numbers and in the extended forecast how low i expect we will go coming up. >> thank you. 7:04, we are following a developing story from san jose where this morning there was a carjacking, high-speed chase and gun fire. police were patrolling near the light rail station at san carlos street and al madone boulevard. police say a suspect carjacked a vehicle and drove onto highway 101, then during that pursuit the suspect tried to ram an officer who, fearing for his life, shot at him but missed. the suspect later crashed into another car at almadon expressway and brandon lane. officers were eventually able to track him down and he was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. police say he was not shot and he will be booked on a charge of attempted homicide on an officer. no officers were hurt during the chase. california's wildlife season turned deadly. a u.s. forest firefighter was killed. 38-year-old david rural of rapid city, south dakota was on temporarily assignment -- temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning. cause of death still under investigation. governor jerry brown released a statement ruling follows a rural's death, he says -- who left his home state to help protect one of california's majestic forests. rural will be remembered for his service and bravery and we extend our deepest condolences to otherwise families, friends and colleagues. capital flags will be flown at half staff in his honor. governor jerry brown also declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burned dangerously out of control across the state. the governor's proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief and activates the state's national guard to help with the disaster response. brown says california's severe drought and extreme weather has made this fire season an extremely dangerous one, one of the most dangerous fires is burning in lake county this morning, more than 18,000 acres has burned so far and the number is expected to grow. deborah villalon has more on the quick actions by firefighters to get residents out of harm's way. >> reporter: the big picture becomes so big it becomes hard to grasp. more than 18,000 acres and still burning. >> my nephews, my -- >> reporter: but evacuees have to think small, what they can grab fast and throw into a car, what's irreplaceable. >> it's been crazy, scary, intense. >> reporter: intense also describes the battle on this fire, even with schooler weather it rages on, devouring dry fuels for a third day, foiling firefighters' efforts to slow or stop it as they scramble to save home and livestock custom to the rolling hills. the air attack used every last bit of daylight dropping water and retardant. as engines keep rumbling into the fire zone, new evacuees head out. >> i could come back home without a house. >> reporter: important papers, cell phone, laptops, toiletries now headed to a friend's house. >> i thought are you going to not be able to sleep all night waiting for the firemen to come to get you out? i thought, no, no. i will just go. >> reporter: for some in the early path of the fire, it's too late. >> i'm pretty shooken up, i lost a lot of my parents' stuff yesterday and my grandma's house burnt to the ground. >> reporter: this house is one of those lost. >> we have lost two dogs and my grandparents' house is completely gone. >> we are worried that it could come this way. >> reporter: now the unease spreads to clear lake as people in this neighborhood have been told they may have to leave. school buses and drivers have already been put on standby to help those who don't have cars. >> we have been watching for about, i'm sure, two days now and it just seems to be getting slowly closer and closer. >> when it stopped glowing red, we thought, okay, maybe they got that contained and then recently we started seeing the flames again. >> there is more concern today for firefighters, a high fire danger has been issued for the northern part of the state today due to the possibility of thunderstorm activity and winds. we will continue to follow the latest developments of all the fires burning here in california, for the latest updates go to our website, an event being held today in the east bay will help teach people about border saving techniques. the defeat the drought -- people will be able to get tips on how to create water efficient gardens and pick up free water saving devices. representative eric swalwell will be there to meet people from his district. it starts at 9:00 and ends at noon. to bay area water districts are past their water conservation goals in june. the beer gulch district had a goal of cutting water usage by 36%. the district slashed its usage by more than 40% compared to the same time last year, and los altos district had a goal of reducing water usage of 32% and also ended up cutting more than 40%. now, california has launched a new website designed to allow residents to report water wasters. the site lets people send details and photos about people breaking water rules. the complaints can be made anonymously. the tips are then sent to local agencies where the alleged offense occurred. california issued several water restrictions including a ban of watering lawns within two days after it rains but enforcement can be challenging and it varies wildly across the state. new this morning, people who live in los altos no longer have to boil their water after -- showed no e. coli in the system. e. coli was found in the water supply last sunday days after a water main was repaired. more than 850 people, we are told -- people were told to boil their water for a minute before drinking it. gas prices here in california could soon drop to under $2.50 a gallon. i want it. when's it coming?, refineries continue producing at capacity when they switch over to winter gas in the fall. if that's the case, the nationwide average would fall below $2 a gallon. drivers have not seen prices like that since of recession of 2008. a gallon of regular gas in san francisco will cost you $3.60, in oakland a gallon of regular will cost you $3.50 and a gallon of regular gas in san jose costs $3.49. >> bring the $2.50 right now. i want to stock up on it. a major status update for facebook's founder, the big announcement from mark zuckerberg and the personal struggles they are now sharing. we are out there and can't see them until they are really, really close and preventative measures are always awesome. >> and lifeguards in southern california keeping an eye on the beach from the shore but now they are getting a look from the sky. why they say the high tech help makes beachgoers safer. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. ♪[ music ] makes me want to head to the beach. not going to be a beach day. oakland estuary where we are making up with mostly cloudy skies, our cooling trends will continue into your bay area weekend, eventually we are falling below average when it comes to the temps. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your neighborhood coming up. preventing a shark attack, one california beach community is using new technology in the hopes of keeping people safe. fox news correspondent will carr has the story. >> reporter: with recent shark attacks in the headlines, lifeguards in seal beach, california are using new technology to keep swimmers and surfers safe, investing $1400 on a drone to spot sharks from the air. >> it's faster, i can come over here and in 15, 20 minutes, i can film the whole beach and know what's out there. >> reporter: they now know there are 10 to 15 sharks swimming consistently along the shore and when we tagged along, they spotted a great white shark within 20 seconds. >> and we have five to 6-foot juvenile great white sharks that are bottom feeders, they haven't shown any aggression in seal beach where they haven't circled people, haven't bumped people and nothing has been bitten so far. >> reporter: lifeguards say they will shut the beach down if the sharks become too big or too aggressive with surfers. >> we are out there and we can't really see them until they are really, really close, if that's the case and, i mean some preventative measures are always awesome. >> reporter: the seal beach lifeguards have applied for an faa permit to fly the drone on a regular basis and they say in the future, they think the drone could also be used in other emergencies. >> we all think that a missing swimmer situation where someone got submerged, it can be an excellent tool. >> reporter: couple of a drone with new apps that track the location of great whites and beachgoers may be more educated than ever when this comes to their own safety. some say they are used to seeing sharks so fine going in the water. others say when they hear about great whites, they are more than happy to stay on the beach. will carr, fox news. a man who was walking along the railroad tracks at the bottom of san francisco's hill was hit and killed by a train. it happened about 4:20 yesterday afternoon near 22nd street. caltrans says it's still unclear why the man was there. about 400 people were on the trains and were forced to exit as trains were stopped in both directions. the tracks reopened about an hour later, caltrans says it's the 16th fatality on bay area tracks this year. your time now is 7:16. much cooler outside, i had my windows open last night and i could feel that breeze. it felt good. >> enjoy that breeze. i love it, just blowing through. i love it. >> you're right. nice change, right? >> yes. >> really nice. >> temperatures are going to continue to cool as we get into the weekend and as i mentioned a little bit earlier, eventually we are going to be below the seasonal norm for this time of year. i'll have a look at that in the extended forecast. take a look at what is going on outside our door this morning. live from ktvu, you can see the clouds there across the bay, san francisco in the back drop, we are waking up with the clouds, even a little bit of drizzle reported in santa rosa earlier this morning. temperatures slightly cooler for some, right now santa rosa checking in at 60 degrees, san francisco 62, oakland 64, mid- 60s in concord and san jose 63, outside your door at this hour. so where are we? we have done a little bit of a flip. san jose now only area where we are just a tad cooler than where we woke up yesterday morning. most of us within a degree or two of where we were yesterday morning. as we get into the second part of your day, we will have mostly sunny skies away from the coastline, have this system here that's developing off the coast, continue our onshore breeze, continue the marine layer, this morning about 2000 feet deep and continue again our cooldown. so morning clouds followed by afternoon sunshine away from the coastline today. the monsoonal moisture has pushed out of the area so we are drier for today as well and in the extended forecast that cooling trend is going to continue all the way into the business week. i'll show you that coming up. 68 degrees at game time for the as this afternoon, a westerly breeze, mostly sunny skies, a nice day out there at the park as we get into the afternoon today, we have 79 in novato, 79 expected for kentfield, low 80s for sonoma, napa, santa rosa, 86 expected for saint helena, a hot day in clearlake but not as hot as we have been. we will call it warm, very warm for the firefighters in the lake county area that continue to battle the rocky fire. 74 in oakland for the second half. we have 77 in castro valley, 82 for danville, brentwood will go to 85 and you're one of the warmer locations for today. 81 san jose, upper 80s morgan hills as well as gilroy. santa cruz, 78 beautiful day for you there, 81 for cupertino as well as sunnyvale, 68 for san francisco. the extended forecast here with your bay area weekend always in view, notice the cooldown will continue as we get into the second part of your weekend, monday even cooler than that, tuesday looks like our temperatures will bottom out with temperatures in the upper 70s for our inland communities. that's a mild summer day. 60s at the coast, wednesday still looking good but temperatures will be slightly warmer. >> i love it when 86 is cooler. going to feel dramatically cooler. >> you're right. >> 106 a couple days ago, yeah. >> little miserable for some. >> love the weather in the bay area. facebook founder mark zuckerberg and his wife priscilla are having a baby and the couple made the announcement yesterday, where else, but of course on facebook. they are expecting a girl. they also talked about their struggle to have a child. they say they have been trying for a couple of years now and had three miscarriages. the zuckerbergs also shared this photo. priscilla has the beautiful baby bump. she is a doctor and met her husband while she was a medical student at ucsf. >> one smart baby. it hasn't happened in at least 15 years, but straight ahead, the legal action that's being taken against an american big game hunter who is accused of killing a lion at an african animal sanctuary. of course it's time for our pet of the day. meet sassy. she is a 3-year-old. what is that? >> staffordshire. >> mix and currently at petaluma pet pals. she was used as a breeding dog and then dumped at the shelter with an infection, an a.c. infection. but now she is doing better and ready to go home to a loving family. to find out more about sassy, go to our website,, and click on pet of the day under the morning show 2 tab on our home page. federal officials in new york city are investigating reports of a possible drone sighting near jfk international airport. authorities say a pilot reportedly -- reported seeing a drone last night. faa rules do not allow people to fly drones above 400 feet because of the potential of a collision with commercial aircraft. and in new york city people who operate drones are required to have official clearance to fly within 5 miles of an airport. debris that's believed to come from missing malaysian airlines flight 370 arrived in france today. officials are going to use sophisticated technology to make the final determination. a part of the plane's wing was found earlier this week on a remote french island in the indian ocean. investigators are confident the debris came from the boeing 777. the same type of aircraft as the malaysia airlines jet that disappeared in march of 2014. boeing technicians are in france to help with the analysis. a preliminary report could come as early as next week. pressure is mounting on the u.s. to allow zimbabwe to prosecute an american for illegally killing a lion in africa. the u.s. has not extradited anyone to zimbabwe since a treaty took effect years ago. but the zimbabwe government has started extradition proceedings. he shot and killed a lion with a crossbow last month. cecil the lion was illegally lured out of that park sanctuary and killed. >> initial legal review and the united states officials will need to determine whether or not the crime he has been charged with is a crime in both counties. >> palmer closed his dental practice and has gone into hiding. he did send a representative to talk to the u.s. fish and wildlife service which is investigating the circumstances of the lion's death. secretary of state john kerry is in the middle east today in hopes of assuring some of america's allies about the nuclear deal with iran. first stop in egypt and qatar but not visit israel. the obama administration says it isn't giving up on convincing israel about the merits of the deal. the white house says kerry's trip is a follow-up to president obama summit with leaders. clinton's presidential campaign released her tax records and health information yesterday. it came on the same day that the state department released more than 2200 pages of e-mails sent from her personal account while she was secretary of state. now, e-mails include discussions on honduras, egypt and the united arab emirates. >> they have been updated to -- upgraded to confidential. >> claims she followed protocol and never knowingly handled classified information on her private e-mail account which was on her private server. more on a spike in violence that has prompted an emergency meeting and where police say they will focus their efforts. we are live in downtown oakland, while b.a.r.t. transbay tube is shut down. we will show you how 10s of thousands of people are getting around during that closure. outside our door, i'm updating your current conditions and what you can expect for the afternoon coming up. welcome back. 7:30. here's a look at some of our top stories we are following this morning. >> california's wildfire season has turned deadly. a u.s. forest service firefighter was killed while battling the frog fire in the modoc national forest. 38-year-old david ruhl of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning. an investigation now underway. and governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burn dangerously out of control in our state. one of the biggest fires is the rocky fire which is burning in lake county. we got an update on that fire, 22,500 acres has burned and it's 5% contained. three houses have already been destroyed. and there are signs at all b.a.r.t. stations notifying riders that -- there are no trains running between san francisco and oakland. ktvuktvu fox 2 news reporter allie rasmus is live on the shut down. you are with some of the buses that are bringing at least some of the people across the bay. >> reporter: that's right. while the transbay tube is shut down, b.a.r.t. during the week and days leading up to this told people if you can, stay on your side of the bay but of course people have jobs to get to, flights to catch, and for many people b.a.r.t. is their own option. there's about 98,000 people on a typical saturday who take the b.a.r.t. from oakland to san francisco so while the transbay tube is shut down for these repairs, b.a.r.t. set up this bus bridge to coordinate this. it seems like things are running pretty smoothly. we are at 20th and broadway. this bus bridge spans an entire city block. all of the people in the yellow vests are directing b.a.r.t. passengers which buses to get onto, telling people where to go. we have seen a lot of people running thinking if they don't catch the bus they are going to miss out entirely but they have been telling people these buses come frequently, about every 45 seconds to a minute, so as soon as one takes off another one comes in right in to take its place. the transbay tube is shut down all weekend long so b.a.r.t. can replace a half mile section of crossover track, that crossover track is from west oakland station to the tube, it's 45 years old. the wooden ties are rotting. it's the kind of work you're seeing in this video over here. obviously that's not the work they are doing but it's just like the video you see, we are showing you right now. b.a.r.t. officials say once the repairs are done, the tracks should be good for another two to three decades so they are hoping that this inconvenience will pay off in the long run. so far we have talked to some people who had to take the bus bridge this morning and they say so far, so good. >> so far it's been pretty okay. i was really hesitant about the b.a.r.t. being shut down but it seems they have managed the system pretty well. >> reporter: you see some of the people boarding one of the buses here. b.a.r.t. is contracted with a number of different transit agencies across the bay area to provide these buses. again, they are running frequently, about every minute or so and so far a lot of the buses we have seen this morning have been pretty full. you can expect all of this to take place again on labor day weekend, b.a.r.t. is going to shut down the transway tube again in about a month from now in order to complete those repairs and coming up at 8:00, we will be hearing from b.a.r.t. spokesperson jim alison about the track repairs. that's in about half an hour. back to you guys. >> appreciate that report. certainly it can be a little rough ride. we have seen closures in the past when we talk about bridge closures. it's okay for the first few hours of the morning and then it starts to build up and back up. anytime you take one major thoroughfare away. >> as you said earlier, don't rely on the buses because they will be packed, packed, packed. rosemary, probably a nice day to take the ferry, enjoy the ride, give yourself extra time and enjoy your ride across the water. >> i love the ferry. we will have cloudy skies this morning, but by lunchtime crossing over into san francisco going to be a nice view giving you a look here at the clouds beginning to clear and we are with mostly sunny skies for the second half of the day. along the coastline i think we will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy the entire day and giving you a look here from up above, we've got the clouds all the way through the east bay over portions of the north bay and down in and around santa cruz and over areas of the south bay, areas like gilroy, but partly cloudy in san jose with 63 degrees, 64 in oakland right now, 60 in napa, good morning to you, walnut creek looking at 63 outside your door, temperatures along the peninsula, we've got 63sfo, 64 redwood city, 65 in mountain view. mid-60s to start your day palo alto, 63 in belmont and fortunate city 63 outside your door as well as san mateo. morgan hill 61, 62 degrees for saratoga, afternoon highs for today falling off from yesterday by a few degrees, 81 expected in napa for the afternoon, 78 san rafael, low 70s for berkeley, 74 expected in oakland. the inner east bay will be a warm day but not nearly as hot as we have been recently, 84 in antioch for the afternoon. we shift south and take a look at what's happening here in the south bay for today, 81 san jose, 87 morgan hill, 78 santa cruz, 65 half moon bay. so temperatures very comfortable for a summer day. we are going even cooler, i'll have a look at what you can expect for your sunday in the extended forecast, just how long this cooling trend is going to last coming up. >> thanks, rosemary. the san francisco sheriff's department says an inmate found dead inside the county jail appears to have committed suicide. now the family -- the man's family and the public defender's office are questioning whether the sheriffs department took proper precautions to prevent it. the jail staff had been warned three times. that 50-year-old alberto carlos pet lino might have mental health issues. last saturday his family called and said he had gone to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. a judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation on monday but he was found dead the next day. >> certainly we are concerned about the level of care our clients are getting while in custody. >> the public defender's office says this is their third client to die in the jail this year and they want a review of jail policies to prevent another incident. the san francisco police department and the medical examiner are conducting independent investigations. and we are hearing from the father of maddy middleton, the 8-year-old santa cruz girl who was kidnapped and then killed last weekend. mike middleton released a statement thanking the community for their support. he adds, quote, my hope is that she is never forgotten and she will remain in our hearts for all eternity. please help us keep her spirit alive and thriving and help celebrate her passing as this community has continued to do so. the 15-year-old boy charged with killing maddy is being tried as an adult but some child advocates are questioning the decision of the santa cruz county district attorney. they say adrian gonzalez may be too young to understand the acts he's accused of committing. an attorney with the youth law center in san francisco says the d.a. should have consulted with a judge before filing the charges. >> it's a mistake to rush to justice and in particular it's a mistake to think that automatically because it's this kind of an offense that he should be tried in the adult system. >> because gonzalez is a minor, he cannot receive the dealt penalty. at most he can get life in prison. crime victim advocates say they are confident that a jury can weigh all the circumstances and decide whether he should be locked up for the rest of his life in an adult. the investigation continues in the shooting death of sergeant scott lunger. they returned to the suspect's home, the defense attorney says police served a search warrant and collected items that may have been previously overlooked. the suspect, 21-year-old marc anthony estrada lived with his parents in east oakland. according to his mother, investigators removed a poster and artwork. the defense attorney says authorities are still investigating if estrada has possible kabang ties -- gang ties. san jose police say all available officers are going to hit the streets this weekend after a surge in violence. police say last weekend there were two stabbings, three attempted sexual assaults and five shootings, two of which were deadly. authorities say violent and property crimes are slightly up this year as compared to last. though homicides are not. police plan to target hot spots in hopes of keeping people safe. >> we owe it to our community to go ahead and get out there in force, working with our community to go ahead and curb some of the violence. >> now police say the stepped- up enforcement will last as long as it's necessary. time now 7:38. football season is approaching. the 49ers start their training camp today and we are learning that some of the 49er faithful may not be that faithful after all. ktvu found a couple of fans who are looking to sell their season tickets because of all the chang's to the -- changes to the team. >> reporter: talk about a difference a year and a half makes, december 2014, 49ers one win way to the super bowl. now the hype surrounding the red and gold not as high. >> the hype is different. it's wait and see. >> reporter: he has been a 49er season ticketholder since the candlestick days. he went to eight home games last year. this year he's looking at going to just two. >> you go to games because of the player talent that's on the field and now that you know that some of that talent is gone, it's kind of hard to see. >> reporter: he sent a mass text to his friends last week looking to sell his season tickets. >> all home games are available. please message me if you're interested. thank you. >> reporter: so far? >> so far no response. >> reporter: not surprising says ryan, founder of the blog niner with the accidents of veteran -- exit of veteran players. not to mention end of the har hrabock -- harbock coaching regime. tickets dropped 30% compared to last year. this while newly built levi's stadium is set to host super bowl 50. >> it's sad because here's a billion dollar stadium and now people want to sell their tickets and kind of just jump off ship. >> reporter: he is quick to point out still some talented players are on the team and new coach jim to tomsula is well received. this die hard fan plans to remain faithful. >> i don't think anybody expected them to win the championship but we pulled through. who knows what to expect from the 49ers? >> reporter: despite these doubts there's still a lot of interest in the 49ers. the niners just announcing that they have doubled the attendance letting 20,000 fans view practice here at levi's on august 9th. and today is day 2 of training camp for the oakland raiders. the team is working out in the napa valley training complex while the rangers have only won 11 games in the past three seasons combined, there's plenty of optimism along the silver and black. the raiders' first preseason game is friday, august 14th against the st. louis rams at the coliseum. ktvu fox 2 and kciu will show that game. >> big deal in football this year. people hoped the niners would be able to play in a super bowl at home but questionable. let's keep the faith. we are following developing news in san jose where a chase ended with an exchange of gun fire. coming up at 8:00, more on this shooting, carjacking and crash and who is in custody. if you can lighten the load on this, it's a good thing. >> and it's been in the works for years but a key rail line in san francisco has finally become a reality. it happens today. more on who is going to serve and how it will change the way people get around on the waterfront. a cooldown in your bay area forecast weekend. giving a live look over the oakland estuary, the sun rays pouring through some of the clouds, partly sunny to partly cloudy along the coast and around the bay and over portions of the north bay. as we get into the second half of your afternoon, mostly sunny skies expected for today, the marine layer is deep, the onshore breeze is stronger and we are going to be with this pattern for your weekend, a system off the coastline is bringing us the pattern shift. we felt it yesterday and it's going to continue as we get into saturday, sunday and beyond. actually, i think our cooler days are going to be monday and tuesday, more on that in the extended forecast here in just a moment. let me take you through your saturday as we get through the morning hours, the low clouds will continue along the coastline for today, but by noontime we are mostly sunny inside the bay, our inland communities as well. notice this other type of cloud cover that's beginning to push across the central valley and into the sierra, the thunderstorms will be back for the second half of the afternoon, the monsoonal moisture has moved out of our area but still very unstable over areas of lake tahoe as well as yosemite so if this is your place to be for the weekend, that to consider, make sure you check the forecast. for us here at home, mostly sunny away from the coastline, temperatures will be falling off a few degrees from what we had yesterday afternoon. going to see the as play later today? 68 degrees, westerly breeze with mostly sunny skies and game time at about 6:05. so a nice day here at the ballpark. meanwhile, the rest of us looking good as well, 81 degrees in napa for the afternoon today, 79 expected in novato, upper 70s san rafael, 70 degrees for sauce lead toe -- sausalito, 66 for stenson beach. mid-80s for the warmer locations, brentwood looking at 85 today. not that long ago we were hitting 105 in some of these areas so it's going to feel quite nice. 84 for livermore, 82 in danville, 82 for walnut creek. along the east bay shoreline, low to mid-70s expected for today. 71 in alameda, 74 for hayward. south bay, 81 san jose, upper 80s for morgan hill, saratoga go to about 84, mostly sunny in santa cruz for the second half of the day and 78 expected for you into the afternoon. 81 woodside, 76 san mateo, 68 in san francisco for today, and right along the coastline, again, partly to mostly cloudy, 60s in the forecast, pacifica, half moon bay as well as daly city. notice the gradual cooldown continuing each passing day. tomorrow we will be slightly cooler than today as we get into monday, temperatures cool off a bit more, bottoming out on tuesday when our inland communities only reaching into the upper 70s for the afternoon. back to you. >> thank you, rosemary. starting today, san francisco will have a new rail line along cities waterfront. the e embarcadero will connect 4th and king by at&t park with fisherman's wharf using historic street cars. rob roth tells us the service was proposed years ago but just now getting started. >> reporter: san francisco leaders announced the launching of the e line. >> ready? one, two, three. >> reporter: run from the caltrans transportation at fourth and king streets to fisherman's wharf making stops all along the way. >> connects some pretty critical destinations from the ballpark to the new wharf, ferry building, exploratory -- explore auditorium -- we have a ring of activity. >> reporter: currently passengers have to take the f line to market street and transfer if they want to go along the embarcadero but with the new line they won't have to transfer. more than 20,000 passengers a day ride the f line and as we saw those street cars were so full they didn't even stop to pick up passengers waiting in front of the ferry building. >> i think it's going to lighten the load on the f, which is good. >> reporter: the idea was first proposed in the 1980s but was put on the back burner until now. muni says it actually -- immuneee says it -- muni says it got great reviews from passenger. tourists say the e line should make it a lot easier to get around. >> come here and always have questions so it seems that would be a very good idea. >> reporter: and locals say it will help in other ways. >> look at this. it's backed all the way up probably to the stadium. so if you can lighten the load on this, it's a good thing. >> reporter: initially the e line will be open on weekends only from 10:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening but beginning next year the e line will be running seven days a week. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. the city of richmond is a step closer to adopting a rent control ordinance. the city has debated the issue for months but this past tuesday a proposal stalled during a late night city council hearing. but last night the council passed a measure that caps rents to their july 21st rates. rents in richmond went up an average of 13% last year, however, the contra costa times -- 40% of certain fees onto tenants. a program in san francisco that helps low income inner- city youth is celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> 28 years of being alive and free and educated so let's raise our glasses to that. >> the omega boys clubs can now boast of 200 college graduates. last night a group of former members came out to celebrate the success. each of them came from a residence filled with violate crime. >> be myself and be whoever i want to be and express myself how i want to and not be judged. >> the theme of the program is alive and free. it focuses on saving the lives of inner-city youth and keeping them out of prison. the club meets once a week in a classroom environment for a mixture of reading and writing. if you're a wine lover we have something for you. more than 1000 wine lovers are expected to take part in this year's 10th annual urban wine experience. the event gives people the opportunity to taste wine from family owned wineries in oakland, berkeley, alameda and castro valley. festivities also include food from local restaurants and musical entertainment. wine makers whose product will be featured at the event joke with each other about east bay's urban wine country. >> as long as they are grown somewhere good. >> the event takes place this afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in jack london square. tickets cost $70. this year proceeds go to support alameda county food bank. rosemary will be heading out there to give us a look at it, happening about 9:30 this morning. and thousands of people will be heading to downtown oakland today and tomorrow to enjoy the art and soul festival. the 15th annual festival features music, food, art and family fun. crowds will fill in with 10 block radio around franco gala plaza, tickets cost about $12 for adults, $7 for seniors and youth between ages of 13 and 17, children 12 and under get in for free. it starts at noon and ends at 6:00 both days. i just got back from vacation but always looking for another one, right? >> of course. always. love vacations. >> yes. and you're looking for an escape, stay with us, coming up in 20 minutes, going to tell you how you can get some amazing last minute deals on travel both here and california and of course those tropical destinations. but first, a story of survival, how a young girl and an injured chihuahua found each other and the bond they now share. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. a private funeral will be held for bobbi kristina brown today. the 22-year-old died last sunday in hospice care six months after she was found face down and unresponsive in a bathtub. the investigation into brown's death is still open but early autopsy results showed no obvious signs of foul play. she will be buried on monday in new jersey next to her mother. a federal judge in san francisco has blocked a release of recordings by an antiabortion group. the video allegedly shows planned parenthood leader discussing the use of aborted fetuses for research. the center for medical progress claims it's proof that planned parenthood makes a profit from fetal tissues. the national abortion federation sued the center for medical progress claiming the group cut into meetings under false pretenses. the federation says audio or video would jeopardize the lives of providers. a little dog who was burned and tortured and then dropped off at an east bay animal shelter now in his forever home. when a dog whose name was fireman was just a few weeks old was left at the antioch animal shelter with what appeared to be chemical burns to his ears and stomach. with a lot of tlc, the chihuahua mix was nursed back to health and now he's found his forever home right there with a young girl you see there, a 12-year-old girl who also survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world you don't meet on burn survivors and then meeting a dog like this is even more special. >> now, umbrella of hope got thousands of offers to adopt the little dog. they say chloe stood out because they had an instant connection. they say they got teary eyed when she told them, quote, i understand him, i know what he's been through and i think he understands me too. the san francisco giants returned to arlington, texas, last night, that's where they won their first world series in 2010. texas rangers, though, got a bit of revenge last night. madison baumgart -- bomb deport baumgartner. the pitcher flew to texas and will start for the giants on sunday. as fans weren't many fireworks on the field. the as could only muster up one run against the cleveland indians with a score tied 1-1 in the top of the 9th inning. indians centerfielder hit that winning run. they drop three straight. >> not good for the as. people in cleveland say it's a little payback from the warriors, right? >> uhhh. there's the major b.a.r.t. closure this weekend. what you need to know if you plan to travel. it's been crazy, it's been scary, it's been intense. >> and let's talk about fires this morning. we have some new information about a wildfire burning out of control in lake county and we are going to tell you about the extra assistance the governor is now giving state firefighters to try to help. improving weather for the firefighters out there in lake county, improving weather for us if you just don't like the heat. we have a cooldown in store for your bay area weekend. i'll update your current conditions and the afternoon highs for your neighborhood coming up. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at the tracks bay tube -- transbay tube is shut down but people are making their way from oakland to san francisco using public transit. but so far things are moving smoothly. a live report coming you know. california's wildfire season takes a turn for the worst. how fellow firefighters are honoring a south dakota man killed while fighting a fire here in california. mornings on 2 continues. >> this is ktvu mornings on 2. good morning to you. time now is 8:00. welcome to mornings on 2, it is saturday, august 1st. i can't believe we are in august already. i'm claudine wong. >> i'm paul chambers. we will get a check of weather and traffic -- not traffic. we can check traffic for you a little bit too. happening now the transbay tube shut down at this hour, 80,000 people who normally take b.a.r.t. to cross the bay on weekends must find another way to get around this morning. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live in oakland where b.a.r.t. says this closure is needed to speed up a future service. >> reporter: well, paul, that other way to get to work is a bus. bus bridges that b.a.r.t. has set up along with the half a dozen other transit agencies across the bay area. they have been pretty packed so far this morning. on a typical saturday there's about 98,000 people who rely on b.a.r.t. to get from oakland to san francisco. transbay tube as you know is shut down, but people are still finding ways to get there. you can see pretty steady stream of people making their way over to this bus bridge at 20th and broadway where we are and there's a number of people from b.a.r.t. and ac transit sort of directing folks which buses to go, how to get to where they need to get to. these buses are going to take people to san francisco, they will be dropping them off at the transbay terminal in san francisco, about two blocks away from the embarcadero station but they have muni buses giving people free rides. i have with me jim alison, b.a.r.t. spokesperson. is there any other way to do this or is this it? >> we urgently need to do work on this section of tracks and if we were to try to do it in the -- say one day at a time it would extend it over many, many weekends, so we prefer just to do these two weekend shutdowns, get the work done and get everything back in service as quickly as possible. >> reporter: and you said two weekend shutdowns. labor day weekend is the next time we are going to have a repeat of this? >> that's right, a three-day weekend on labor day so that's a great opportunity for us to do the work. >> reporter: and what is the work that you guys are doing? repair, maintenance of a crossover track. how essential that piece of work? >> it's very essential. we really -- if we did not do this work right now, somewhere down the line 2 or three years, we would not be able to run trains even straight through the transbay tube. right now we are just not using it as a crossover. so this is the system that's more than 40 years old, the railroad ties are just worn out. they need to be replaced. this is the best way to do it, just get it done in two weekend shutdowns. >> reporter: and once the two weekend shutdowns are done with, once the work is done, the repairs will make the tracks good for another couple of decades? >> right. once we get this big shutdown done, we should be okay for the next 40 years. so if we just look at it, we need to keep batt in place for the future generations of riders. >> reporter: thanks so much, jim alison, b.a.r.t. spokesperson. short-term pain for long-term pave. they are hoping once they get these repairs done this weekend and then a month from now, those tracks should be good for several decades to come and in the meantime, folks we talked to are relying on this bus bridge this morning and say so far everything seems to be running smoothly. these buses come pretty frequently. as soon as one pulls out, another one comes up in its place, so coming every 45 seconds to one minute is when a new bus comes by. so far, so good out here. back to you. >> thank you. you said it's going pretty smoothly so far this morning. have a lot of people been out showing up to take the buses and stake it across the bay -- take it across the bay? >> reporter: yeah, a lot of these buses full, 98,000 people taking b.a.r.t. on a saturday, take a look inside here, the photographer is going to show us, this bus just pulled up a few seconds ago and there's already about a dozen people on it but they are expecting, come out here, you can see a steady stream of people making their way to the bus as well so the buses are pretty full. this is a service that they are definitely utilizing in light of this transbay shutdown. >> looks like a lot of room on that bus. thank you very much. with transbay service shut down, the bay bridge expected to pick up over the extra burden. we told you we would take a look at the traffic. there it is, it looks pretty smooth right now, smooth sailing across the bay bridge toll plaza, it is still early, of course, but traffic will definitely pick up throughout this morning, especially with more buses crossing the bridge. time now is 8:04, looks pretty gray out there but we have been talking about it all morning, it's kind of nice to see. i'm happy. i love the sun but a lot of -- not a love of love -- but a lot of love lately. >> we've had our dose, vitamin d. i am definitely one for a beautiful sunrise but we have to keep in mind it's these clouds that keep us relatively cool and mild into the afternoon and giving you a live look there at plenty of cloud cover from the coast inside the bay, over portions of the north bay this morning, seeing that as well. the marine layer is deeper, the onshore breeze is stronger and we know what that means, right? temperatures will be coming down as we get into the afternoon. the cooling trend actually started yesterday but is going to continue in your saturday afternoon. so there they are along the coast, we showed you a live look over the bay and you can see it here, a different vantage point showing you gray skies, oakland, hayward in through fremont. as we get into your winds we have the onshore breeze at napa, 30 miles per hour, 14 in concord, generally light out there but if you're through the delta region, it's a breezy one, 31 degrees reported at travis with a gust to about 36, so small communities in that area breezy to start your morning. 63 in fairfield right now, 66 in concord, 67 in livermore. hayward mid-60s. napa starting out at 61. 60 in santa rosa, the last half hour we went to the peninsula. this time we will go the inner east bay. 63 outside your door antioch, 61 lafayette and 63 in danville. the second half of the morning and into the afternoon we will have mostly cloudy skies along the coastline. that's not really going to change so cloudy and cool at the coast. upper 60s, low 70s for the east bay shoreline, 70s and 80s for our inland communities. notice that shade of red staying away from the bay area, it will be in the central valley for the afternoon today but for us temperatures going to feel quite nice. when i come back, i will put numbers on the screen, talk about how long this cooling trend is going to last. back to you. california's wildfire season turned deadly. a u.s. forest service firefighter was killed while battling the frog fire. 38-year-old david ruhl of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and the cause of death is under investigation. governor jerry brown is also -- has also declared a state of emergency as 18 fires burned dangerously out of control in our state. the governor's proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief and activates the state's national guard to help with disaster response. brown says california's severe drought and extreme weather has made this fire season an extremely dangerous one. one of the most dangerous fires is burning in lake county this morning. that fire has grown to 22,500 acres and is only 5% contained. ktvu's deborah villalon has more on the quick actions by firefighters to get residents out of harm's way. >> reporter: the big picture is so big, it becomes hard to grasp, more than 18,000 acres and still burning. >> my nephews, my grandkids, son and daughter-in-law. >> reporter: but evacuees have to think small. what they can grab fast and throw into a car. what's irreplaceable. >> it's been crazy. it's been scary. it's been intense. >> reporter: intense also describes the battle on this fire. even with cooler weather, it rages on, devouring dry fuel for a third day, foiling firefighters' efforts to slow or stop it as they scramble to save homes and livestock custom to the rolling hills. the air attack used every last bit of daylight dropping water and retardant. lower lake has ash falling from the sky, and as engines keep rumbling into the fire zone, new evacuees head out. >> i could come back home without a house. >> reporter: important papers, cell phones, lab tops -- laptops, toiletries, now headed to a friend's house. >> i thought are you not going to be able to sleep all night waiting for the firemen to come to get you out? i thought, no, no. i will just go. >> reporter: for some in the early path of the fire, it's too late. >> i am pretty shooken up. i lost a lot of my parents' stuff yesterday and my grandma's house burnt to the ground. >> reporter: this lower lake home is one of those lost, the family also saw the blaze burn right up to another doorstep. >> we have lost two dogs and my grandparents' house is completely gone. >> we are worried that it could come this way. >> reporter: now the unease spreads to clear lake, as people in this neighborhood called the avenues have been told they may have to leave. school buses and drivers have already been put on standby to help those who don't have cars. >> we have been watching for about, i'm sure, two days now and it just seems to be getting slowly closer and closer. >> when it stopped glowing red, we thought, okay, maybe they got that contained and then recently we started seeing the flames again. >> reporter: we are going to move to developing news now from san jose. this morning there was a carjacking there, a high-speed chase and gun fire. it actually started late last night. police say they were patrolling near the light rail station which is on san carlos street and almadon boulevard. they say several people started running when the officers arrived on scene and approached them and then police say someone in the crowd shot at the officers who returned fire. police say the gunman then carjacked the vehicle and drove onto highway 101. there was a pursuit and the suspect tried to ram an officer and police say fearing for his life, that officer then shot at the suspect but missed. the suspect later crashed into another car at almadon expressway and brannon lane. he was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. we are not sure about the specifics of those injuries but we do know the place say he was not shot and going to be booked on a charge of attempted homicide on an officer. no officers were hurt during this incident. police are investigating a shooting in bodega bay that seriously injured a woman and left the suspected gunman dead in the apparent suicide. it happened yesterday morning at a home on taylor street. the suspected gunman tracked down his ex-girlfriend at a home where she was staying with two friends. authorities say he briefly held the three women hostage but they were eventually able to run away. police say the man shot the friend of his ex-girlfriend as she was running and then went back inside the home and shot himself. the ex-girlfriend had just taken out a restraining order against him. gas prices here in california could soon drop to under $2.50 a gallon. now, according to, if refineries continue producing at full capacity when they switch over to the winter blend prices in the fall -- nationwide average would fall below $2 a gallon. drivers haven't seen levels like that since the recession in 2008. well, 8:11, we have talked about it before. do you want to get away? >> yes, i do. >> up next our travel expert, is going to be joining us in studio and he always has the best ideas on those last minute summer vacation deals. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. good morning sunshine. giving you a live look there over the east bay hills, mount diablo, nice start to the day, widespread 60s outside our doors, temperatures this afternoon right about where they should be, i'll have a look at what you can expect coming up. summer is in full swing and if you still haven't booked a summer trip yet, guess what? it's not too late. joining us this morning is senior travel zoo editor gabe sagliay with how you can get a good deal. >> i'm a procrastinator so i'm still trying to wrap my head around summer, especially with kids. 53 days until summer is gone and, of course, the school around the corner, it's an even shorter season but august is a time when a lot of destinations, a lot of really attractive destinations begin to see more availability, prices begin to come down so actually not a bad time to scope out some good travel deals. >> goodness. the first day of august. we can do close, a little bit further and then further away. >> yeah. >> start with right here locally. >> let's begin in san jose, heading out there for business or do a little bit of a cultural getaway. this is one of the best places to stay, it's the fairmont san jose, which is a aaa properties, celebrities have stayed here and -- right now $145 a night with valley parking, do this deal through the end of the year. >> presidents? >> i'm not sure -- i think -- >> you don't have to tell me which one but that's good enough itself. >> further out. where can we go? >> wine country is a buzz now because these vines. some picking has already happened. the harvest begun for sparkling wine producers. this is down in san luis obispo county. the farm inn. great wineries here across the valley and closer to hurst castle as well. $119 a night here, upgrade, winery tastings as well. great little three hour drive south, great way to discover wine country there in central california. >> i'm embarrassed to say i've been in the bay area for eight years now and only gone to hawaii one time. >> time to go back. >> time to go back. >> rosemary tells me her husband has never been so going to hook her up with a family getaway to hawaii. >> hook them both up. >> yeah, sure. >> that's right. >> august 20th is the magic day, folks, for hawaii, prices on airfare, hotel prices begin to come down, sort of the unofficial end of the summer rush. this is a beautiful property there in kauai, the plantation hale suites on the tropical royal coconut coast. 129 gets you a one bedroom suite with breakfast daily and again we are seeing right after the 20th of august, particularly, prices drop in some cases 50% or more on some of these really neat hawaiian properties. >> really quickly, come back to jamaica. i've been to jamaica. go there. >> although today is the official beginning of what they call heightened hurricane season, it's still a great time to go. throw in a little bit of travel insurance, at another seven to 10% to your travel cost and great way to go. this is jewel paradise cove resort and spa, adult only property. one of the best adult properties in the caribbean. airfare out of sfo and a four night all-inclusive stay, 9959 a person and get free -- 955 a person and get free golf as well. >> thank you so much. let's go to claw -- claudine. live hook over the east bay hills where we have partly cloudy skies this morning, the marine layer is deeper, pushing in a little bit farther. temperatures at this hour 60 degrees santa rosa, here's another view where you can see more gray, partly sunny, a few peeks of sunshine there over the bay area at this time. 62 in san francisco, mid-60s in upland, concord 67 and san jose starting out with 64 degrees. the onshore breeze is back, generally light for most of us but take a look at what's going on through fairfield, our delta community is seeing a big push of that to pacific air, 36 miles per hour the gusts there, sustained at 31 so that cool air again pulling through and is going to help to cool you down a little bit more as we get into the afternoon. a live look here from up above, you can see, i love this satellite view, it's a water vapor view and it gives us an idea of the circulation going on in the atmosphere, you see this counterclockwise spin, that's the system that will be working closer to the bay area as we get into the coming days. that is going to continue the onshore breeze, that is going to continue to cool us down. so as we get into saturday afternoon, we do have partly to mostly cloudy skies right along the coastline, going to be a cool day in areas like pacifica and half moon bay but inside the bay or in the communities, mostly sunny skies by about lunchtime, notice that monsoonal moisture still pulling in over portions of the central valley and over the sierra, tahoe as well as yosemite, thunderstorms in the forecast for today. so if you're going out, heading in that direction, heading up the hill for your weekend, be prepared for that, but for us it has moved out and we have dry, cooler air in place for your afternoon. 81 degrees for napa today, 79 in novato, 78 for petaluma, 81 in sonoma, going to be beautiful for your afternoon. to the east bay shoreline where we have 71 in alameda for the afternoon, upper 70s castro valley, low to mid-80s for our warmer locations, wow, what a difference. we were hitting 105 earlier this week. no longer the case. 87 degrees for morgan hill, 81 for san jose and along the peninsula for today, 80 degrees redwood city, 73 san bruno, along the coast i'll say it once again, going to be partly to mostly cloudy, it's going to be cool, the extended forecast there with your bay area weekend always in view, sum it up by saying the gradual cooldown will continue with each passing day, temperatures continuing to fall off, we bottom out on tuesday when our inland cities will be in the upper 70s. >> kind of love it, though. >> i'm saying i might want to go for a run again. [ laughter ] >> at 108, it was -- >> brutal. >> brutal. >> i took a break. >> can be unhealthy. >> sit on the couch. it's time again, let's do it. >> sounds good. thanks, rosemary. >> you got it. time now on 8:21 and we've got a sad ending to tell you about in the story of an eagle rescued in the east bay. what happened three months after that bird was released back into the wild, coming up next. notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic burrito? this ain't it. you're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] new this morning, security researchers are warning people about a wave of bogus spam e- mails claiming to offer free upgrades to the new windows 10 operating system. the attachments contain a ransom ware program that when opened looks like all the data on the computer and demands payment to release them. the e-mails are designed to look like an official upgrade notice from microsoft but some words have random out of place letters and punctuation. microsoft says its update -- notice on their screens, not via e-mail. it took a year, but a wedding album that was left at an airport in los angeles has been returned to its owners in modesto. a couple accidentally left their wedding album at the international terminal after a flight from afghanistan last year. the airport held the album in lost and found for months but no one claimed it so airport police used facebook to track down the couple. police posted about the lost wedding album and a relative of the couple responded. >> our officers in lost and found recognized it was an heirloom, a treasure and it's worth trying to find the family. >> how it could be found? it was totally a miracle for me. >> great story. now, along with the album, the officers also returned ceremonial keepsakes from the couple's wedding that were found with that album. facebook founder mark zuckerberg and his wife priscilla are having a baby. the couple made the announcement on facebook yesterday. they are expecting a girl. they also talked about their struggle to get pregnant. they say they have been trying for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages. the zuckerbergs also shared this photo. you can see priscilla there, a little bit of a baby bump. prosecute sill la is a -- priscilla is a doctor and met her husband as a medical student. rescue and rehabilitate rescued birds in the area. released golden eagle back to the wild on may 1st. the bird was nursed back to health after found with severe injuries to its head. they followed the eagle with a gps tracker but she clipped a wind turbine at the altamont pass last saturday. her injuries prevented her from flying ever again. she was euthanized hours later. the newest penguins at the san francisco zoo will be joining the rest of the colony today. this year's march of the penguins feature one male check and female check. they graduated from fish school where they learned how to eat whole fish, swim and accept food from animal staff. this video shows what fish school looks like at the zoo. today's event will start at 10:00 a.m., visitors with a zoo membership will get to submit possible names for a random drawing. got to love that. >> got to love that. >> all right. stepping up enforcement in san jose, more on the spike in violence that prompted an emergency meeting and where police say they are going to focus their efforts. b.a.r.t.'s transbay tube is shut down but 10s of thousands of people are still going to be getting across from oakland to san francisco in spite of the closure. we will tell you about it coming up. b.a.r.t. shut down on saturday, sunday, that's going to be a big problem. >> right now the transbay tube is shut down and delays are expected for people getting in and around san francisco today. what you need to know to get you around the weekend's closure. welcome back to morning on 2. it's saturday, august 1st. yes, it is august 1st. i am paul chambers. >> i can't believe it. i'm still in july. i haven't quite crossed over yet. good morning to you. i'm claudine wong. happening now, b.a.r.t. is repairing a vital section of track near the transbay tube, that means b.a.r.t. has halted all service between san francisco and oakland this weekend. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live for us at the 19th street b.a.r.t. transportation in oakland with one of the options for riders. allie. this is really the only public transit option for riders trying to get from oakland to san francisco. it's this bus bridge that b.a.r.t. has set up here. this is 20th and broadway. turn the camera around and show you, people are taking advantage of it. we have seen all morning people getting on these buses, b.a.r.t. has contracted with four other agencies, transit agencies in the bay area to provide bus service across the bay and they have 98 buses that will be going back and forth across the bay during the weekend while this transbay closure is in effect. and these buses have been pretty full. we have seen as many as, you know, a couple of these buses totally packed with people. the estimate is about 98,000 people on a given saturday rely on b.a.r.t. to get from oakland to san francisco, so they are taking these buses instead. a lot of them are. a lot of folks are staying home but people have jobs and flights to catch and places to get to, so this is the only alternative. the transbay tube is shut down because b.a.r.t. is going to be repairing a half mile section of crossover track just beyond the west oakland station. that section of track is about 45 years old. the wooden ties are rotting and b.a.r.t. officials say they absolutely had to get this work done in order to keep the track going. once the work is done, the track should be good for another two to three decades, according to b.a.r.t. so they are hoping there's going to be short-term pain for some long-term payoff. b.a.r.t. spokesman jim allen told us this morning there was no other way to complete the work than by shutting down the tube for an entire weekend. >> we urgently need to do work on this section of track and if we were to try to do it in the city one day at a time, it would extend it over many, many weekends. so we prefer just to do these two weekend shutdowns, get the work done and get everything back in service as quickly as possible. >> here you go. >> reporter: we talked to quite a few passengers this morning about the bus bridge. everyone says that it's been running pretty well. they have had no problem getting a bus. the buses come pretty frequently, every 45 seconds to a minute. so passengers told us so far, so good this morning. >> so far it's been pretty okay. i was really hesitant about the b.a.r.t. being shut down but it seems that they have managed the system pretty well. >> reporter: you heard jim allen reference it early this morning. they are going to be shutting down the transbay tube again. expect a repeat of all of this about a month from now, labor day weekend all three days, but for now, they are also going to have a bus bridge over labor day weekend when they do the shutdown again but for now, people seem to be doing pretty well. you see a lot of folks have suitcases, trying to get across the bay to get to the airport, what not. but people are getting on the buses, the buses are pretty packed but so far things are pretty calm and moving along very smoothly. claudine, back to you. >> we only hope it lasts like that throughout the day and tomorrow. thanks so much, allie. we have talked about buses, b.a.r.t., ferries. >> you know what's next? weather. let's talk about the great weather. >> how nice it will be when everyone is taking their alternate routes into the city. >> still looks cloudy where allie is this morning but going to burn off? >> definitely not as hot as we have. the cooldown started yesterday, going to continue into your saturday afternoon, so it will be a great day to be outdoors and enjoy some outdoor activities. giving you a live look here over the east bay hills where the clouds have cleared, we had partly cloudy skies just a few moments ago and i can see just a few still hanging over mount diablo. we will have mostly sunny skies, not only over the east bay but for most of us today at least away from the coast. the coast will be partly to mostly cloudy, a live look here from up above, you can see the clouds still holding close to the coast, the peninsula, into the east bay, portions of the south bay as well, we have partly to mostly cloudy skies in gilroy, over portions of the north bay, farther north received a tweet from one of our viewers, all the way in the clear lake area, they are getting a little bit of rain there this morning and there may be good news for the rocky fire burning in the lake county area but for the rest of us closer to the bay, we have got onshore breeze, we have drier weather moving in for your afternoon, that monsoonal moisture pulling out and leaving us with dry weather for your weekend. 36 miles per hour, the onshore breeze through fairfield and i have been tracking that all morning long, it's been pretty strong at times and that's going to continue cooling us off as we get into the afternoon, we know we need that onshore breeze to keep the inland areas comfortable and that's what we will see for the second half. right now 63 degrees in fairfield, 67 in livermore, upper 60s walnut creek so temperatures are beginning to rebound here. widespread 60s around the bay as well. 62 san francisco, 65 in hayward, 64 into the south bay of san jose and as we head into the north bay, temperatures are slightly cooler here, 61 napa, 60 degrees for santa rosa. these numbers very similar to how we started yesterday within a degree or two for most of us, slightly warmer in areas like sfo, slightly cooler in san jose, by 2 degrees warmer in oakland as well as hayward. i'll give you a sneak peek of what you can expect, 66 pacifica, upper 60s san francisco, low to mid-70s for the east bay shoreline and our warmer spots into the low to mid-80s, we've got beautiful weather coming our way. temperatures continuing to cool down for sunday. i'll have a look at what you can expect for the back half of the weekend and extended forecast coming up. san francisco sheriff's department says an inmade found dead inside the county jail appears to have committed suicide. the man, family and the public defender's office are questioning whether the sheriff's department took proper precautions to prevent it. the public defender's office says jail staff had been warned three times that 50-year-old alberto carlos petrolino might have mental issues. last saturday petrolino's family called 911 to say he had gone to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. the chp says they alerted jail staff about the suicide call when they took him in on an outstanding warrant. a judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation on monday but found dead the next day. >> certainly we are concerned about the level of care our clients are getting while in custody. >> the public defender's office says this is their third client to die in the jail this year and they want a review of the jail policy to prevent another incident. the sheriff's department says there's an internal affairs unit, the san francisco police department and the medical examiner are all conducting independent investigations. the investigation continues into the shooting death of sergeant scott lunger. yesterday hayward police returned to the suspect's home. defense attorney richard pointer says police served a search warrant and collected items that may have been previously overlooked. the suspect, 21-year-old marc anthony estrada lived with his parents in east oakland. according to his mother investigators removed a poster and artwork. the defense attorney says authorities are still investigating if estrada has possible gang ties. he is right now being held in the infirmary at the sanity rita -- santa rita jail because of a bullet wound. police say last weekend there were two stabbings, three attempted sexual assaults and five shootings. two of which were deadly. authorities say violence and property crimes are slightly up this year compared to last, although homicides are not. police plan to target hot spots in the hopes of keeping people safe. >> we owe it to our community to go ahead and get out there in force, working with our community to go ahead and curb some of the violence. >> police say stepped-up enforcement will last as long as necessary. new this morning, people who live in los altos no longer have to boil their water before drinking it. a boil water advisory lifted for all customers after test results showed no e. coli in the system. it was found in the water supply last sunday days after a water main was repaired. more than 850 people were told to boil water a minute before drinking it. there have been no reports of anyone becoming sick from the water. and california has launched a new website as you can see right there, designated to allow residents to report water wasters. the site lets people send detailed photos about other people breaking water rules. the complaints can be made anonymously. the tips are then sent to local agencies where their alleged offenses occurred. california has issued severalout restrictions -- several drought restrictions including a ban on watering lawn within two days after it rains but enforcement can be challenging and varies wildly across the state. the city of richmond a step closer to adopting a rent control ordinance. the city has debated the issue for months but then this past two a proposal stalled during a late night city council hearing. then last night the council passed a measure that does cap rents to their july july 21st rates. rents in richmond went up an average of 13% last year. however, according to the contra costa times. the ordinance will allow landlords to pass 40% of certain onto tenants. a second reading of the ordinance is set for wednesday. and a program in san francisco that helps low income inner-city youth is celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> 28 years of being alive and free and educated so let's raise our glasses to that. >> the omega boys club in pa taro hill can -- patero hills can boast college graduates. last year former members came out to celebrate the success. each of them came from neighborhoods filled with violence and crime. >> when i come in this room and in this building i feel like i can be myself and be whoever i want to be and express myself how i want to and not be judged. >> the theme of the program is alive and free. it focuses on saving the lives of inner-city youth and keeping them out of prison. that club meets once a week in a classroom environment for a mixture of reading and writing. now more than 1000 wine lovers are expected to take part in this year's 10th annual urban wine experience. the event gives people the opportunity to taste wine from family owned wineries in oakland, berkeley, alameda and castro valley. festivities also include food from local restaurants and musical entertainment. wine makers produce their own product will be featured at the event. they also joked about each other -- with each other about the east bay urban's wine country. >> the grapes don't care they are made into wine, as long as they are grown somewhere good. >> the event takes place this afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 in sac london square. supports alameda county food bank. rosemary will be going out there to give us a look this morning. >> sounds like fun assignment. >> that's right. 8:41. after a huge spike in gas prices, relief could soon be on the way. coming up in 20 minutes, we are going to tell you how much less you could be spending to fill up and when that should go into effect. but first, a real life treasure hunt and being led by a bay area man. what he's on the hunt for and the challenges he faces to get it. our bay area cooling trend will continue for your weekend. i'll have a look at what's going on outside your doors right now, what you can expect for the afternoons and how long this trend is going to last coming up. good morning to you. hopefully this song has you bopping around your living room this morning. we have mostly sunny skies, that is a beautiful shot right there. away from the coast we have mostly sunny skies. let me clarify that. because we will be partly to mostly cloudy along the coastline for today, we have a cooldown in store for the weekend and i have those numbers for you coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. it's 8:44. starting today, san francisco will have a new rail line along the city's waterfront. the e embarcadero will run from the caltrans station at fourth and king street to fisherman's wharf making stops all along the way. passengers used to have to take the f line to market street and transfer if they wanted to go along the embarcadero. but with the new line, they won't have to transfer at all. >> it connects some pretty critical destinations from the ballpark to the new brannon street wharf, ferry building, exploratorium, the cruise ship terminal, pier 39, fisherman's west africa, we have a ring -- fisherman's wharf, we have a ring of activity. >> the idea was first proposed in the 1980s but put on the back purposer until now. at first the e line will open only on weekends from 10:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening but starting next year the e line will be running seven days a week. think of it as a cross between survivor and indiana jones, the discovery channel's treasure quest snake island features five people searching for hundreds of dollars worth of lost gold. they have traced it to an island off of brazil. that island is populated with thousands of deadly vipers. scary. we have more on that hunt. >> reporter: for hundreds of years people have been searching for this treasure. now a team of five are taking their shot and it's caught on camera. joining me now, court graham, long time san francisco resident and expedition leader on treasure quest snake island. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> you've had a lot of adventures but you call this the greatest adventure of your life. tell me why. >> we were in places in brazil that were amazing visually, so striking, also were in extreme danger in terms of where we had to go in looking for the sinka treasure and when people see us responding to, for instance, the snakes, those are real responses. i was -- the way i describe it is kind of like when i was in central america we had line mines, except in brazil they would move. instead of having them on the ground or maybe down in the bushes, you would have the snakes in the trees above us, worried about whether you're going to grab a branch and knock one down on top of you and get hit. if you don't get medical attention within six hours you're going to die. >> we are seeing some of your adventures now. in addition to the snakes and there are a lot of them, what are the dangers you guys face out there? >> heat exhaustion, i was hit by that, dealing with the tropical storms that we had out there. we had lightning bolts blow up above the boat. we had a superstructure on our speedboat and nobody has ever -- not very many people have seen what happens when a lightning strike hits a boat and it's like having a mortar go off in a boat. we were lucky on some of the dangers we were confronted with. >> and you're taking great risks but may be a great reward, we are talking about millions of dollars worth of inca gold. that's what you're after. >> yes. stolen from the incas in the 15 hundreds, and it was garcia was the portuguese conquistador, gone in there, stolen the gold and his tribe, the indians he had made a deal with actually took him, killed him and took the gold away from him and then it brings in this whole mystery about the jesuits and that's the answer we are looking for in this great mystery. >> we are talking about caves, deep ocean diving, extreme temperatures, have you had any close calls? >> we had quite a few and some of them are captured. sometimes we didn't have a camera running. there was one situation where i looked at the director and said, did you catch that? did you have a gopro going on now? because that was more dangerous than the last thing we almost got hit by. >> must feel good to come home to san francisco, then. >> yes. very relaxing. i have family here, lived here since 1977, i graduated from carl monte high school in belmont and i now live in alaska but i have my family that i come and visit every year. >> you left your heart here, as they say. >> yes. >> cork graham, thank you for joining us this morning. good luck to you in your hunt. if you would like to see how the treasure hunt winds up you can see more of cork graham's team on the discovery channel friday nights at 10:00. back to you guys. >> deadly vipers. >> that's right. >> i don't know. >> that sounds something up your alley, though. the adventure part of it. >> adventure, maybe. >> that's you. i saw the hiking and climbing, that made me think of you. >> that sounds fun as long as weren't deadly vipers. are you with me, rosemary? >> i'm afraid of bugs. >> i like outdoors, adventures, i don't like deadly vipers. >> no control. i do like this nicer weather. >> don't we all? >> yes, it's been a nice change that came our way, came yesterday for many of us, our inland communities cooled off by 10 degrees or so so that was nice. great news for the firefighters and for the folks up in the lake county area where actually lake county area getting a little bit of rain this morning. giving you a live look outside our doors and from san francisco this morning, san francisco, i believe so, where they have the mostly cloudy skies and the marine layer is thicker this morning. the onshore breeze is stronger, you're feeling that through the delta. all this is going to continue our cooling trend for your saturday afternoon. right now santa rosa reporting 60 degrees, 63 in san francisco, mid-60s in oakland, concord at 67 and san jose 64 at this time. a look at the system that's developing off the coastline here and bringing us this change in our weather pattern, this is going to be shifting closer to the bay area in the coming days and it's going to continue our cooldown. in fact, we are going to keep cooling off all the way into monday, tuesday. i'll show you that in the extended forecast but eventually our temperatures are going to fall below the seasonal average for this time of year. as we get into your futurecast model for your saturday here at home we've got mostly cloudy skies along the coastline we are mostly sunny around the bay and inland, notice this cloud cover here, still a bit of that monsoonal moisture moving through portions of the valley and take a look at what's going on for the sierra. into the afternoon are you going to tahoe, maybe yosemite? thunderstorms, isolated thunderstorms in the forecast for the higher elevations lasting through today, maybe a little bit for tomorrow as well. but for us here at home, mostly sunny skies away from the coast. afternoon highs for today, 78 for san rafael, 78 in petaluma, low 80s for areas around sonoma, napa, 92 in clearlake so a warm day out there at the rocky fire once again but not as hot as we had been. triple-digit heat in the forecast -- or i should not say in the forecast as what we had on thursday. not in the forecast for today. 84 in antioch, 85 for brentwood, closer to the water, we have low and mid to upper 70s, 73 san leandro. warm in san jose, 81, little toasty in morgan hill but not too bad. 87 expected for you there. 78 for santa cruz, for the peninsula this afternoon, 70s and low 80s, palo alto going to 82, 73 for san bruno, 68 for san francisco, mid to upper 60s with mostly cloudy skies pacifica and half moon bay. the extended forecast there with your bay area weekend always in view, so this slow cooling trend continuing, tomorrow will be slightly cooler than today, the next day after that, slightly cooler than the day before. it goes on and on until we get to tuesday when temperatures bottom out in the upper 70s for our inland communities, upper 70s in august. wow, that's going to be a nice day for some. we will see temperatures rebound as we get into wednesday but not bad. >> thanks, rosemary. >> thank you. >> we will take it. >> sure will. >> thank you. it's a facelift for your credit card but that's not all. coming up in 20 minutes, how it's also going to protect your personal information. but first, a story of survival, how a young girl and an injured chihuahua found each other and the bond they now share. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. you're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] 20 minutes ago debris believed to have come from missing malaysian airlines flight 370 arrived at a testing facility in france. officials are going to use sophisticated technology to make the final determination as part of the plane's wing was found earlier this week on a remote french island in the indian ocean. investigators are confident that the debris did come from a boeing 777. the same type of aircraft as the malaysia airlines jet that disappeared in march of 2014. boeing technicians are in france to help with the analysis. a preliminary report could come as early as next week. and pressure is mounting on the u.s. to allow zimbabwe to prosecute an american for illegally killing a lion in africa. the u.s. has not extradited anyone to zimbabwe since a treaty took effect 15 years but the zimbabwe government has now started extradition proceedings. minnesota dentist walter palmer is accused of shooting and killing cecil the lion with a crossbow last month. officials say the lion was illegally lured out of a park sanctuary. >> initial legal review and the united states officials will need to determine whether or not the crime that he's been charged with is a crime in both countries. >> palmer did close his dental practice and has gone into hiding. he did send a representative to talk to the u.s. fish and wildlife service which is investigating the circumstances of the lion's death. a little dog we first told you about back in april who was burned and tortured then dropped off in an east bay animal shelter is now in his forever home. when the dog whose name is fireman was just a few weeks old he was left at the antioch animal shelter with what appeared to be chemical burns to his ear and stomach. his ears were so badly damaged that they were amputated. both a lot of tlc, the chihuahua mix was nursed back to health and now found his forever home with pay 12-year- old girl who also survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world you don't meet other burn survivors and then meeting a dog like me is like even more special. >> what a cute story there. umbrella of hope got thousands of offers to adopt the little dog. they say chloe stood out because they had an instant connection. they say they got teary eyed when she told them, quote, i understand him, he know what he's been through and i think he understands me too. grumpy cat better watch out. there's a new internet sensation that's captured the attention of many with his grumpy face. his name is earl but lately he's been referred to as grumpy dog. the pug beagle mix lives with a family in iowa. look at that face. his vet says he is as healthy and as happy as any other puppy. he looks grumpy because of his underbite and wrinkles. earl's family describes him as a mellow sweetheart. >> he's not that grumpy. look at that face. >> that's a face that only a pet owner would love. >> ah, i love that face. he's cute. 8:57. acrackdown on -- a crock yawn -- crackdown on park visitors. what they will be looking for and the citations people could face. following developing news in san jose where a chase has ended with gun fire. more on the shooting, carjacking and crash and who is in custody. cooler weather in store for your bay area weekend. when i come back we will have a look at your current conditions and the numbers expected for the afternoon today coming up. . they are getting around. we will show you how. >> wildfire season takes a turnpike for the worse. how fellow firefighters are honoring a south dakota man while fighting a fire here. "mornings on 2" continues. . welcome to "mornings on 2". it is saturday, august 1st. >> i am claudine wong. >> i am paul chambers. we will get a look with the weather with rosemary. >> especially if you like it on the mild side, temperatures will be right about the seasonal average. 80s in the forecast. and 60s and 70s. around the bay. expected along the coastline and giving you a view there from san francisco across the bay and looking towards the east. we are looking up with low cloud and marine layer is thicker. and 2-tale signs that the cool down will continue for today. >> it is 35 miles an hour. it has been at this for the last hour or two. maybe even a little longer than that. and sustained wind at 28-miles-an-hour. so a cool pacific breeze pushing through. >> 71 at walnut creek. >> 65 in fairfield. >> # 0 degrees in livermore around the bay area. >> temperatures in the 60s. 63 san francisco. to the north bay. 62 in napa and novato. and a lot of 60s this morning. and six. 69. palo alto and bell month at this time. >> 54 for half moon bay. >> shifting into the bay. we have six # in morgan hill and scott's valley checking in at 59 degrees. >> we get into the afternoon, the cloud will remain right along the coastline here. >> we have mostly sunny skies. and 60s and 70s. for the east shoreline. and for the end land communities. into the east bay and the south bay. the shade of red back into the central valley. no 90s in the forecast for us today. >> we will have the numbers. >> in the extended forecast. how long the cooling trend will last in just a bit. >> 9:02. >> no bar trains running between san francisco and the bay. >> they shut down for what bart called repairs. >> this is in oakland with what has become a popular alternative for the bart riders. it looks like they are loading up behind you. >> they have been taking people back and forth across the bay t so the same hours. bart would normally run and while it is closed. they asked people to stay on the side of the bay and if at all possible. a lot of people work on weekend. luckily. we don't have to rely on bart tickets and we have flights to catch. and so, lots of people have been packing the buses this morning. they step inside. >> step inside the bus and show how it is. >> a lot of the seats are full. >> good morning. good morning. >> this is a couple of buses that they have out here. >> this is part of the bus bridge. >> it is about 98,000 people who take the bart from oakland to salve and back on a saturday. tens of thousands of people will be relying on the bus bridges. they are coming freaky. don't worry, ladies, they come every 45 seconds to a minute. a lot of people are relieved when they hear that. >> they have been coming very frequently. bart bart is shutting down because they have to repower a half mile section of crossover track. it is similar to the work we are showing you in the video here. >> fire officials say. once it is done. it should be done for another two or three decades. they had to spend the entire eke winds -- weekend working on it. and some of the wooden ties are rotten. and they are replacing 930 of those wooden ties on the subject. and he said. there is no other way to get this work complete. we talked to a lot of passengers who are taking it in stride and so far. things are good. >> what do you think about the bus. > >> temporary though. >> i am happy. >> inconvenience of it. >> let us know ahead of time. they will still have a bus bridge on labor day weekend as well. they contracted with four other transit agencies in the bay area to provide the buses: we are seeing so far and golden gate, transit is going to have buses and muni and they are pointing out to me. it is an unusual sight to see on this side of the bay in oakland. so far, the bus bridge is moving slowly and heading into peak ridership. and as we head into the afternoon. if you can avoid crossing the bay with public transit. it is best to stay on your side, you have to. and with the tube shut down, you will be able to get across using the buses they have here. >> claudine, paul, back to you guys. >> thanks so much. >> with the bay bridge down, it is expected to pick up and take over the burden. you are taking a live look at the bay bridge. it looks pretty good and honestly. when we see it at this point in the day in the weekend, it doesn't have as many cars. we know that could change. very, very quickly. and there could be a way to, as the morning progresses, it is angel's advice. give yourself of extra time as you roll on through there. >> just little bit more. >> especially if you are going in a couple of hours from now. >> all right. the time is 9:06. wildlife season. it is the firefighter and battling the frog fire and in the national forest near the oregon border. david rule of rapid city, south dakota was on temporary assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and cause of death is still under investigation. governor brown followed his death. we were saddened to learn of the u.s. forest service fighter david rule who left to protect california's majestic forest. he will be remembered in his service. and cal fire tells us there are 23 large wall fires currently in california. governor brown has declared a state of emergency because of the fires. the proclamation directs all state agencies to assist with emergency relief while activating the national guard to help with the disaster response. >> the severe drought and text stream weather are making this much more dangerous than normal. >> they posted this image of all the major fires in california. >> check out that map. the fires highlighted in red. you can see up near the oregon border. some of the fires were sparked by lightning storms. storms that are gray in color. means they are 100% contained. not enough gray on the map. >> this is one of the large active fires burning 2200 acres. right now. it is only 5% contained. sky fox blew over the blaze and looked at the enormous size. hundreds of people have been forced to evacuate. there is a evacuation advisory for the city of clear lake. it effects 5,000 homes. >> there is little resistance to the fact that they tear through bone dry lands. and they have time to grab what they can. and get out. >> it has been crazy. it has been scary. it has been intense. >> i thought. are you going to not be able to sleep all night. waiting for the firemen to come and get thank you out. >> i thought. no, i will just go. >> bus drivers are on stand by to help them out of clear lake oaks. if the evacuation advisory becomes mandatory. >> we are continuing to follow the latest developments. and all the latest updates. go to the website at >> now, we are following developing story in san jose. there was a carjacking. >> high speed chase and gunfire. they were patrolling near the light rail station at san carlo street. just before 11:30 last night. officers say as they approached the crowd, civil people started running and a man fired at the officers. >> they did return fire and it didn't end there. >> the police carjacked the vehicle on to highway 101 and during the pursuit, he tried to ram an officer and also shot at him and missed. >> later, crashed into another car at the expressway and brand ham lane. they tracked him down and he was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. >> we don't know the ex tentsd of his injuries. but police say he was not shot. >> he will be booked on an attempted homicide on an officer. >> there is heartache with everyone to rescue and rehabilitate injured birds in the area. >> lindsay rehabilitation hospital released a golden eagle back to the nest. >> twation nursed back to health after it was found with severe head injuries. they followed the female eagle with a gps tracker. she was clipped by a wind turbine at the pass last saturday. she was brought back to the hospital and prevented her from flying ever again and she was youth thannized hour it is later. >> new this morning. they are cracking down on visitors who are broadway breaking park rules. >> they are walking their dogs off leash and cyclists on restricted trails. >> the number of rangers needs to continue crease. >> according to the foot people. which is an informal association of trail users, lastier, there were 358 trail violations and only 200 citationless issued. >> right now. >> they have $1,100. and there is a deputy sheriff on patrol. >> get ready. it could drop to under $2 per gallon. >> they are requiring to switch at full capacity. >> they could drop dramatically. >> the national average would fuel bee be2-dollars a gallon. >> they haven't seen it since 2028. >> ready for them. >> filling up is painful recently. >> remember, it was close to five thras. >> now we want $2.50. >> always wanted it cheaper. >> key rail probably -- becomes a reality today and who it is going to serve and how people get around the waterfront. changes are coming to the debit and credit card. >> we will talk about the new chips on your card and how they work. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00, tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. feduring sleep train's you'retriple choice sale. to save big for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale, on now at sleep train. ♪ sleep train your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ . new this morning, they are warning people about tboag gus spam e-mails about free upgrades to the windows 10 operating system. >> it contains ransom wear and demands to lock it up and needs payment to release it. it looks like an official letter from microsoft. >> it is an update system. provides computer openers with a notice on their screens not via e-mail. >> you might notice the look of your debit cards are changing. they have a special security chip. >> this is stephanie erickson at visa to tell us how they all work. >> thanks for coming in. >> you have one of the cards with you. >> they don't look all that different. >> it looks like the same card you have today. in addition we have a chip being added to it. >> tell me what the chip does. it protect it is your identity and information. >> the way the chip works. it has a unique code and the benefit of that. if the data is still in for the data breach and they can't use that to create counterfeit cards or counterfeit frauds. >> that is huge. >> that is two thirds of the fraud we see in the store is count ter fit fraud. >> that is what the thin does is protect against that. >> we are confident. they will get around it. and they seem to get around everything. >> this is used all around the world for 20 years. this this is a very effective way and most of the countries that have moved to chip. they reduced it by 60% or more. >> which is great. >> we are seeing it. and does it change any more the way it works. and just an example. it is similar. maybe it swiped differently. for consumers. it is different at the checkout rather than swiping the card today. and insert the card into the terminal. and that's when the unique one time code is being generated and being inserted into the terminal. >> the transaction tips just today. >> into your pip and not have to sign like you do today for a cup of coffee for example. >> this isn't something people left to request. it will start coming to them and new card are being issued. will they wait. when the card expires or it is issued out. >> most of the banks will be reieshing them when they text pier. >> based on when they have expired. >> we will see 60% of the cards converted to a chip by the end of the year. in two years. 98% of the cards will be converted. >> anything else they need to do to be different. >> it is one of things they look in thundershower wall let and realize they didn't have one. >> they should look in their wallets and see what they have. >> it will change. and move forward. >> the chip is going to be more prevalent and prompted to incompetence cert is the card instead of swiping it. and they are protected with zero liability. or whether they are using. a chip for all of them to up great and read the strip q. >> so they can use it. >> everywhere you want it just like today. >> how our stuff is being protected. >> and they already have them. >> good information for everyone. >> at home and spending pony like that. and dhiengs, claudine k. >> we have a cool do you know for the bay area weekend. >> you can see the sun races giening to four flew. >> through noortly sunny. >> around the bay and portions of the north bay. we get into the second half of the afternoon: mostly strong and it is this pattern for the weekend. system off the coast lien is bringing us the pattern shift. it is going to continue as we get into saturday and sunday and beyond. the cooler day it is will be monday and tuesday. >> more like that. >> low clouds will continue. we are mostly sunny inside the bay and inland communities as well. >> in the the cloud cover that is going to push across the central valley and they will be back for the second half of the afternoon. >> monsoonal moisture has moved out of the area. and as well as as yosemite. that is to consider. >> check the forecast for us here at home. >> mostly sunny away from the coastline. >> falling off from what we had yeed aif land. >> mostly sunny skies. and game time at 6:05. >> mean while, the rest of us looking good as well. >> for the afternoon today. 79 expected in novato vad toe. >> 0 degrees for sausalito. and we head to the east bay. mid-80s for the warmer locations. >> looking at 85 for today. >> hitting 105 in some of areas. >> quite nice. >> 82 in dan vel and 82 for walnut creek and the east bay shore line. >> low to mid-70s and 74 for haywood. and shifting into the south bay. >> san jose s for morgan hill. >> you will go to 84. >> mostly sunny. for second half of day and expected into the afternoon. >> 76 in san mateo. and for today. >> right along the coastline. >> partly to mostly cloudy. >> pacifica half moon bay. >> always in view. >> notice the cool down. >> each passing day. >> as we get into the temperatures on tuesday. only reaching into the upper 70s for the afternoon. back to you. >> 9:21. wrestling link agenda has died. piper whose name is roddick tombs and known for his on air feud with hulk hogan. he was inducted into the wwe hall of fame in 2,005. >> according to tmz, he died from cardiac arrest in his sleep. >> he was 61 years-old. >> big loss. >> huge wrestling fan. >> he was around forever. >> so. >> sad day. >> hive guard keep an eye on the beach from the shore. >> we are you out there. and we can't see them. and preventive measures. >> they are so awesome. >> why it will help them safer. >> rs . preventing a shark attack and one california beach community wants to use new technology to help keep people safe. we have the story. >> reporter: with recent shark attacks in the headlines, they are using new technology to keep swimmers and surfers safe. irch veesing 14 -- investing on $1,400 for a droap to look from theary. >> i can film the whole beach and know what is out there. there tb 10 to 15 sharks swimming consistently along the shore. they spotted a great white shark within 20 seconds. we have five to 6-foot great white sharks that are bottom feeders. haven't shoney aggression. they haven't circled people and nothing is bitten so far. >> they will shut the beach down if they become too big or aggressive with surfer. >> we can't see them until they are really, really close. preventive measures are always awesome. >> they have applied for a permit to fly the drone in the future. it could be used in other emergencies. >> where someone got submerged, it could be a excellent tool. beach goers may be more educated than ever when it comes to their own safety. sam say they agree up in the area. and they are fine with going in the water. when they hear about great whites. they are more than happy to stay on the beach. >> will carr. >> a wedding album was left at an airport was returned to the owners. they left their wedding album at the international terminal after a flight fromming afghanistan last year. they hold the album for one hont. though one claimed it. >> police posted about the album and a relative of the couple responded. along with the album, the officers also rushed ceremonial keep sake assist from the couple's wedding that was found with the album. >> facebook founder. and his wife priscilla are having a a baby. >> where else? >> on facebook, of course. they are expecting a girl. they have been trying for a couple of years and had a miscarriage and hope by sharing their experience. people will have the same open and feel comfortable sharing their own stories. you can see a little baby bump on priscilla. she is a doctor and she and mark met while she was a medical student at ucff, congratulations to them. >> congratulations. >> now, stepping up. >> more on the violence that prompted an emergency meeting. where they will focus their efforts. bus us packed with people. the only way to take it. and it is closed. we will have an update coming up. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. they have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. it's perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. i'm going to cabo! [ music plays ] don't settle for u-verse. xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. sign up today or get started with this great offer. call or go online today. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at . here is a look at top stories we are following for you this morning. leading police on a high speed chase and shooting at san jose police officers. when they went to a suspicious group of people, the group started running and one person shot at an officer. >> police say the suspect then carjacked the vehicle and tried to ram the officer. >> in fear for his life. shot at the suspect and missed. >> eventually, the suspect was caught at almaden expressway and police say he was not shot. wildlife service turned deadly. a firefighter was killed in the national forest. 38 year old david rule from south dakota was on special assignment. his body was found yesterday morning and investigation is underway. >> they are alerting riders there is no service between san francisco and oakland. >> bart is repairing tracks and ktvu, allie rasmus is live with us in oakland. and they are offering the free shuttle buses. it is every 45 seconds or so. they need to. ther coming freaky. and many people rely on bart to get to oakland and back. and they can't take bart. and they can rely on this instead. they have been on a bus bridge instead. they worked with four other transit agencies. if you take a look at this bus. it says. marin transit. this is one of the four agencies helping out with bart and providing the service. you can see them inside the bus and things are moving very smoothly with the bus and it is alternate form of transportation. jim alison works with me this morning. why did the work have to be done over an entire weekend. no way you could have done it one night at a time or few nights as a time and then lay it for a couple of weeks end. then one day at a time. >> that will extends the project over many, many weeks. >> doing it in two weekends, gives us the ability to get in there and tear it apart and do it again. so they can rely on bart again. >> this is the type of work that is being done. what needs to be done. >> sure. >> it is the half mile section of track that is between west oakland station and this is the nainler focus of this work. we had to replace. 200 feet of rail and 932 railroad ties. so, as you can imagine. it imagines tearing stuff up and putting it back together again and takes elbow grease and that is what they are working on for nine hour it is now. >> so far, the work is going well. >> everything is scheduled k. >> the work is going well. >> every update i have is right on the time schedule. >> right on track. >> no pun intended. jim alison with bart. and they will have it going throughout the weekend. while it is shut down. they will be taking people over here to oakland. anal 19th street. and the bart station. between 19th and 20th on broadway k over to the temporary terminal in san francisco. >> that is two blocks away. >> and they will have three buts rides. with taking them from the station. >> to tell bark dear row station. in case they don't want to walk that difference k. >> back to you guys. >> thank you, allie. it is working there. so far, so good. >> still early. >> everyone be patient. and keep your fingers crossed. >> get a check of the weather. we will talk to rosemary. and she has left the building and she is down there live. where are you? >> it looks pretty down there. >> where is she? >> yes, i am bringing this. especially for you two. right here along the waterfront at the square. isn't that a beautiful view as i look up to the sky. blue skies beginning to push through. as we say good-bye to the clouds. little bit later into the morning and afternoon. we will be mostly sunny away from the coastline. temperatures will cool. numbers will be down by a few degrees from yesterday. >> right now across the bay and inland. cloudy skies and inside the bay and portions of the north bay. but the sunshine will pull through as we get to the second half of the day and the afternoon highs for the day. 60s at the coast and low 70s. around the bay. and 74 for oakland this afternoon and into the inner east bay. we have temperatures in the low to mid-# 0s. it as human difference for what we had. when we had triple digit heat. >> it continues for the saturday and continue into sunday s and beyond. i will show you that and back here live at the square, we happen to be right here in urban wine country. >> right here in the east bay and with the largest wine tasting events going on today. tenth urban wine experience inside, they are going to have music and food. and wine. and 20 vintners showing off their wine. tasting and selling bottles. when i come back out here in continue, 15 minutes. i will give you a sneak peek and how much it will cost. >> whether you know nothing about east bay wines or a lot. why you may want to come. >> sneak peek or taste. > >> booth. >> that's what -- both. >> that's what i figured. all officers will be on the streets after a surge in violence. police say last weekends, there were two stabbings. three attempt td sexual assaults and five shootings. two of which were deadly. >> property crimes are up slightly this year as compared to last. >> homicides are not. beall go out there in force and go curb some of the violence. know how, they stepped up enforcement as is necessary. >> the san francisco sheriff's department said a the man committed suicide. now the public defender's office is wondering whether they took pro precautions to prevent it. >> the jail staff had been warned that albert doe carlos might have mental health issues. >> last st, they called to say he went to the golden gate bridge to commit suicide. they did alert jail staff about the suicide call when they took him in on an outstanding warn. a judge order add psychiatric evaluation on monday. but he was found dead account next day k. >> we are concerned about the level of care, our clients are getting while in custody. this is their third client to die in the jail. and they want to review another incidents. their internal affairs unit. the medical examiner are conducting independent investigations. talking about investigation, it continues in the shooting death tf sergeant scott lunger, they returned to the suspect's home. rich chand pointer said they served a warrant. and may have been previously overlooked. mark anthony estrada lived with his parent it is in east oakland. they removed a poster and art work. defense attorney said authorities are still investigating if he has possible gang ties. >> estrada is being held in the infirmary because of a bullet wound. federal judge in san francisco has blocked the release of anti abortion groups. it shows the planned parenthood leader discussing thg for research. the medical progress claims, this is prove that planned parenthood makes profit from feet tall tissue. >> the national abortion center sue std for false pretenses. they said releasing audio or video would jeopardize lives of providers. >> they are going to have a new rail line. >> it is along the waterfront. >> it is to pusher man's whaive. >> peaks up to this point have had to use the f line hand trr if they want to go along the embarcadero. >> they will not have to transfer any more. >> this is critical destinations from the ballpark to the new wharf. >> ferry building. exploratory. >> cruiseship terminal. fisherman's wharf. we have a ring of activity. >> the idea was to be back in the 1980s on put on the burden of proofer until toe. >> they will db open on the weekend. until seven at night. >> start something next year dwrvment. >> it is running seven day it is a week. >> my favorite time. >> football season is fast approaching. >> they started their training catch today. and some of the failgtful might not tb faithful at all t and lacking to sell season particulars. >> talk about a talk about a difference a year makes. now, surrounding the red and gold, the hype is not as high. >> we will wait and see. >> it as 49er ticket holder. he went to eight home games last year. this year. he is looking to go to two. >> you go because of the player talent on the field and now that you know some of the talent is gone, it is kind of hard to see. >> he sent a mass text to his friends. looking to sell his season tickets. >> all home game dallas are available. >> message me in you are interested. >> not surprising. >> founder of the blog. with set ran players. frank gore and work horse patrick lewis. not to mention the end of the harbaugh regime. >> we don't know how the team will gel. >> new defensive coordinator. and everything is kind of in limbo right now. >> ticket prices for 4-9der games. were dropped nearly 30% compared to last year. >> newly built heavy stadium. >> is kind of and now they want it. and jump off ship. >> there are still players on the team. >> new coach is well received despite the unneen. this fan plans to remain faithful. >> they had coaching changing and no one expected them to win the trp. >> from a warrior stand point. >> there is interest in the 49ers and they doubled the attendance. and led 20,000 fans. practice here or august 9th. in santa clara, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> today is day three of raiders training camp. >> they are working out of the complex. >> there is excitement this season. with head coach and native jack dell rio and also the emergence of derrick carr who has new weapons on the offense. and michael crabtree. and first round pick. amare cooper. >> all right. >> paul is excited. >> football season. bring it. i love it. they are celebrating years of success. this is marked by the program that puts inner city youth on the path to college. . they are expected to trick part in the wine experience. it kickoff this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. fox two reporter and weather meteorologist rosemary orozco is in jack lemon square with a wine glass in hand. rosemary. >> and what would you expect? >> it is empty. >> it is still empty. >> not for very long though. >> yes, start at 1:00. >> 20 vintner's will be showing off wine and selling wine as well. >> i have adam nelson from 2 mile with me. >> thank you for joining me. >> thank you for coming. >> you said you were going to pour me a dessert wine. >> breakfast. dessert. >> is it sweet. >> something that is crisp. does well with eggs. >> it is really bright and perfect for like quiche and since it is 9:45 in the morning. >> the find the name of your winery very interesting. >> where does it come from. >> there was a 2 mile prohibition zone until the 60s t that's why all the liquor stores on the there. and the fairmont hotel and believer in wine country. and to the history of making wine. and overall distribution. >> spirits. wine, beers. >> i live in the east bay. they said you are standing in urban wine country. >> i had no idea. >> exactly. >> people don't realize. you know, the immigrant experience in the u.s., it is many italian immigrant. and russian came in to oakland and berkeley. and their experience from their homeland. that they would make it. and whatever they share with their neighbors. >> berkeley and a lot. where they come from is really the origin of what created napa and sonoma. and it is a renaissance of making wine and close in the community that a way. >> that is pretty fascinating. >> they are pulling it grapefrom all over california and making a huge variety. >> yes, as an urban winemaker, you can choose what ever fruit for the winety want to make. >> i make it from paso robles and the this is from contra costa and great flexibility and opportunity. it is not all that different from the way it is made in napa. and sonoma. and there is a lot of exchange tf grape. >> 20 vintners. >> some tf them are tasty. >> you may not know. >> we are doing it today. one to four. >> tickets are $70. we have designate td driver tickets. >> and it is a great opportunity where several winemakers have done that. and support everyone. anal make sure they are out there. and it is going to be fun. >> thank you. >> cheers to you. >> # dollars to get in the tore. >> 35 in you are a member. okay. some of the money will go towards the proceed and towards alameda. and it is quite a bit. good cause as well. >> our own dave clark will be out and meanwhile in the extended forecast. it will be cooling off as we get into tomorrow and few degrees cooler. and all the way into tuesday t they bottom out in the 70s and slightly warmer on wednesday. >> i will send it back to you. >> perfect weather to drink a little wine. >> right. >> for more information. click on the web link section which is on the home page. >> lieutenant governor gavin newsome is winning the battle for governor. he had five and a half million dollars in his campaign war chest. >> that is yahoo ceo melissa meyer. and chairman eric schmitt. he has received from the nursing association. and the union healthcare branch. >> it is 9:49. city of richmond is a step to dropting ago rent control ordinance. >> they have decks bait distinguished it for months. >> they pass a measure this they go to the july july 21st rates. >> it went up 13% last year. >> however, they report that the ordinance will allow them to pass 48% of some fee it is on to tenants. >> this helps low income of the celebrating a milestone this weekend. >> if it says. 20 years of being educated. we will race your glass of that. >> in the pettry low hill. >> neighborhood. >> could boast. two naits coim out for a ceremony to celebrate their success. >> they faced boat violent. and grime crime. >> i can be myself and whoever i want to be. >> ex rest how i want to. and not be judged: the program is alive and free. >> focusing the live tion. and keeping them out of it police none. >> this is a niks tour of reading and wriewting. it is not a happy return from the rft giants to the ballparks. >> the anger wild over into action. >> they caused it to clear. >> feget up to 48 months righinterest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale is on now at sleep train. . a little dog we told you about back in april. that was burned and tortured and dropped off in a shelter is now in his for ever home. >> he was a few-weeks-old and left at the antioch shelter with chemical burns to her ear answer stomach. >> her ears were so damaged, they had to be tamp of amp tighted and with al are the of tlc, she was nursed back to health. and he has found his forever home with a girl who survived severe burns. >> normally in the human world, you don't need other burns and then meeting a dog like me. it is like even more special. now, umbrella of hope got them to adopt the little dog. chloe stood out pause they had an instant connection. she told them. i under him. i know what he has been through and i think he understands me too. people live there and don't have to boil water to drink it. it is lifted for all customer it is after it showed no e.coli in system and found in the water slide after a water main was repaired. >> they were told to boil water for a minute before drinking it. and no reports of anyone getting sick from the water. >> california launched an if you website to report water wasters and lets them send details with people breaking water rules. >> they can be made anonymously. where thele ledged offense reserved. >> this is within two days after it remains. >> it can be challenging. >> it varies across the strit. >> they lost the and the game may have taken a back seat to the bench clearing result. >> he tried to break a double play. >> now, after the last out. madison bumgarner started at the bench and both team it is sprung out of it their dugout thes. >> they were up a against again this evening. >> 2,000 people went for fire yorks fight. >> there wouldn't any fire porks in the immediately. >> with the game request tie td at one. >> michael sworn smashed this. >> and they drop another 12-1. >> 956, we have a last check of weather. >> rose mary. >> out. >> little bit of wine this morning. >> . >> still here and things are starting to happen here. we have the wine experience going on later today from one to four right here at the square. >> east bay vintners are coming in. and offering wine facing. >> food and music. >> like our own ktvu's dave clarke is going to be here. and some of the them will go to the al rah media great news. >> what is tbriet about this event. >> it is the largest. and some of these folks have their own tasting rooms. >> you will get a chance to taste some wines. > s $70 at the door or 35 if you are a member. >> it will cool off as you get into the afternoon today. >> shaving off a few degrees today t and it will fin with the coolest kay being certainly. >> looks greet up there. >> it is dessert wine. >> what did good you have. > >> it is still here. >> if you let knee go. >> i might be able to finish it. >> i will bring did you back some. > >> that is our report for this morning. thanks for watching. stay tuned for the latest with the bart shut down. we will have all the developments on and facebook and twitter. >> have yourself a great day and beautiful weekend. bye-bye. ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪] football season is on its way, and we're looking ahead this week on sports stars of tomorrow! we're focusing on the college game... who are the players to watch this season? we'll look at names to know in the heisman trophy race... and the national title picture... that's all coming up next! (shoe open) welcome to the sho

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