Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20240622 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20240622

so any hot spots will need to be monitored very closely. this fire is well to the north and also to the east of concord, right throughout the delta and the locater on the fire that we have right now has this just to the south of california 12. winds southwest at 22 miles per hour. blowing this smoke off to the north towards isleton. temperature, 92. humidity of 35%. we will continue to see these winds gust anywhere from 15 to about 25 miles per hour as we continue throughout tonight. we'll be tracking that of course coming up in that full forecast. >> thanks, jeff. in other news tonight, we have new details now on the maddy middleton murder case in santa cruz. you are looking at the suspected killer, 15-year-old adrian gonzalez. appearing in court for the first time this morning. he's accused of kidnapping sexually assaulting and murdering maddy who was just 8 years old. nbc bay area's michelle roberts is live at the courthouse in santa cruz. you spoke with a childhood friend of the suspect today. >> reporter: yeah i did. she said that he did struggle with depression but says she never thought he had the ability to be violent. the hearing today was very brief. gonzalez did not enter a plea. that was postponed until september. so his lawyer has a chance to review the case. 15-year-old adrian gonzalez stood in the santa cruz courtroom in handcuffs. he is charged with murder, sexual assault and kidnapping. his defense attorney requested the arraignment be delayed. >> i've not received any police report yet. >> reporter: he wouldn't say if he plans to request the trial be moved to another county. gonzalez is accused of sexually assaulting and killing his 8-year-old neighbor maddy middletons. investigators believe he lured her into his family's apartment on sunday sexually assaulted and then killed her before leaving her body in a trash bin. >> we're confident the jurors of the county will be able to try this case. >> reporter: he is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. we blurred gonzalez's friend because she's under 18. >> you would never expect him to go after someone else. >> reporter: she came to court because she wanted to see her old friend in person and was hoping to walk away with answers or insight into the tragic murder of maddy middleton. >> there's not much empathy you can have for him. but i can feel empathy for the person i knew. >> reporter: gonzalez's mother was in the courtroom today. she appeared very distraught but did not answer any questions. gonzalez will be back here september 21st for his arraignment. reporting live in santa cruz, michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. >> michelle thank you. an emotional and powerful good-bye. today we got a glimpse of the life and impact of hayward police sergeant scott lunger. thousands of people many who didn't know him, filled the oracle arena. sergeant lunger was killed in the line of duty last week shot by a man during a traffic stop in the 3:00 a.m. hour. today's tribute begin at the chapel of chimes in hayward. we have multiple reports tonight. chuck coppola tells us who came to this memorial and from how far. but we begin with jodi hernandez. it was emotional watching on tv. how was it inside that arena? >> reporter: raj, nobody who came to oracle arena for the memorial could keep the tears from falling. it was that powerful as suggest scott lunger's family poured their hearts out. ♪ then sings my soul ♪ >> the whole country knows who you are, scott. >> reporter: and we're back here live. apparently we're having some technical difficulties. but the two-hour-plus memorial was very, very emotional. his colleagues and friends remembering him as a warrior. his father breaking down saying that he will always be his little boy. his two daughters also got up and talked this afternoon, a very, very difficult situation for them. they've lost a father, they've lost a best friend. a memorial certainly no one here will forget. and his colleagues are promising to carry on that warrior work. reporting live from oracle arena, i'm jodi hernandez. nbc bay area news. >> powerful moments after today's memorial has helicopters provided a final salute to sergeant lunger. the flyover above the arena involved police agencies from across the bay area. it happened as sergeant lunger's casket, his family and all the attendees were leaving the arena. a dispatcher also made an end-of-watch call over the police radio as part of the ceremony. >> sergeant scott lunger we thank you for your dedication loyalty and service to the citizens of hayward. you will never be forgotten. end of watch, july 22nd 2015. may you rest in peace. >> part of the reason sergeant lunger's memorial was moved to oracle arena was because of the countless number of people touched by lunger who was a role model and a mentor. nbc bay area's chuck coppola continues our team coverage tonight with more on the diverse crowd who came out to honor the fallen officer. chuck? >> reporter: absolutely right. his baseball teammates, girls softball team he coached, say they all learned something from scott lunger, do it right the first time. sergeant lunger not only wore a badge but also a coach's cap at freedom high school in oakley. >> he was always there for the girls. my daughter played for him last year. you can always count on him when the girls are having a rough game, he was there to support them. >> he was a great guy. and he always was so positive. >> reporter: but how lunger died drew most of the people here. >> this is one of those horrific situations where a peace officer is murdered in the line of duty. >> reporter: a solid blue line from new york chicago and dozens of california communities marched into oakland's oracle arena, including many who new sergeant scott lunger personally from his work or home in brentwood. >> scott did things the right way. >> he added what we consider brentwood is all about, family connections. >> reporter: lunger was gunned down during a traffic stop in hayward last week. today some hope the turnout -- >> reporter: his booming voice, his desire to be out on the street on patrol are qualities that his colleagues talked about. to others it was his positive nature that will be missed. reporting live in oakland, i'm chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. >> chuck, thank you. we had technical difficulties with jodi hernandez's report on the memorial. we want to take you inside the oracle arena and show you those special moments. ♪ then sings my soul ♪ ♪ my savior god to thee ♪ >> he led from the front. he worked hard every day. he mentored his men and women. >> if the residents of hayward only knew of the evil scott lunger stopped from victimizing them at night while they slept soundly in their homes. >> reporter: describing him as the ultimate warrior, sergeant scott lunger's colleagues came to honor their friend. the 48-year-old police officer was gunned down during a routine traffic stop last wednesday morning, leaving his two daughters without a father and his own dad mourning his young youngest son. >> you, scott, were my son and my sunshine. i was your dad and you'll always be to be my little boy. >> reporter: lunger's fellow police officers called him a leader in the department a mentor and a motivator. he made his officers keep posters of the guns they took off the street, encouraging them to find more. >> your warrior spirit will live on. we will take it from here. >> reporter: but his family saw him as a different kind of warrior, a devoted and loving dad, son and brother. >> this is pain that you can't put into words because it's just not real. and i'm so angry when i have to realize that it is. because you were my best friend. >> that was jodi hernandez reporting. for more coverage on sergeant lunger's memorial, head to we'll have much more on today's memorial including the powerful speech given by his partner. in san francisco, a hit-and-run that leads to a fight, it ends with a black man dying in police custody. tonight, the city's top cop is defending his officer's actions. nbc bay area's mark matthews is in san francisco. mark, what exactly happened there? >> reporter: raj, we're on lombard where the fight happened right over there at the ihop and the surf motel. but the hit-and-run was about a mile down towards the palace of fine arts. police say the driver of that green minivan came off the freeway and slammed into the back of that black bmw that was stopped at the light. >> catapulted that car through the intersection. >> reporter: the driver of the black bmw got out and noticed the minivan driver was still behind the wheel and talking to himself. >> hands on the steering wheel. airbag had been deployed and he was speaking something about god, god's will things about god. >> reporter: the chief says ultimately the man in the minivan got out of the van and walked away. he was spotted by two female officers blocks away in front of the surf motel where the officers tried to stop him. >> he struck one of the officers several times about the head and shoulders, beating her to the ground nearly unconscious and throwing her partner aside with such force that she damaged her knees and legs. >> reporter: both female officers were taken to the hospital. the chief says back-up officers took the suspect to the ground handcuffed him and then noticed that he wasn't breathing. cpr failed to revive the man. comments about the death almost instantly began showing up on social media sights some critical using the hashtag, black lives matter. but he says this is not a case of racial profiling or excessive force. >> i viewed a video of the scene that we have. and it appears that the officers used a reasonable amount of force until he was able to -- until they were able to get him handcuffed. then they stopped. >> reporter: the video the chief is talking about came from surveillance cameras over there at the surf motel. there are questions about how the man died in that he was laid facedown on the sidewalk with his hands cuffed behind him. at some point, if you are very obese as this man was, the weight of the body can actually make it hard to breathe. those questions will have to be answered by the medical examiner's report. when we get it, we'll let you know. reporting from san francisco, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. they came and broke the windows. >> still to come here at 6:00. better lock up. the record amount crooks stole from the south bay last year and the top items they're targeting. and the search for a missing san francisco teacher turns high tech. search teams using a tool never been used in these type of missions before. and we continue to follow our breaking news happening right now in the delta, these are live pictures from our nbc chopper. this mobile home park in flames. we're back in a moment with some updates. we want to take you back out to breaking news happening in am we want to get back to our breaking news we've been covering since the 5:00 hour. this is happening in the delta, not far from antioch. this is a mobile home park in isleton. it's technically in sacramento county but the solano county fire department is the lead agency. what we've seen in the last 90 minutes has been devastating. several mobile homes have been destroyed. right now, it appears to be firefighters are getting the upper hand because we no longer see any flames, just the smoke here. early reports, there are at least half a dozen mobile homes that have been destroyed. we're waiting to get updated numbers. important facts to pass along, thus far, no reported cases of any injuries. very good news considering the extent of the damage here. once again, this is in the delta in the town of isleton. technically in sacramento county but the solano county fire department is the lead agency. we'll continue to follow this fire and check in with the damage and any reports of injuries throughout this newscast. it is a sight becoming all too common. surveillance video catching burglars breaking into homes and businesses. in fact criminals took almost $80 million from people in san jose last year. that's almost double the amount taken just five years ago. nbc bay area's damian trujillo has more on what you can do to avoid being the next target. >> reporter: low police staffing levels and more brazen crooks experts tell me these are some of the reasons crime is costing san jose residents so much. >> this first time, they come and they go back. >> reporter: it's become an all-too-familiar sight, burglary victims eager to show us their surveillance video of a crime. jafar is just one of the latest victims. his store was hit less than a week ago, thieves broke a window with an elbow and ran off with about $1,000 in merchandise. >> i'm feeling very bad. the city's not safe. >> reporter: data we obtained from the california department of justice shows victims lost more than $47 million in cash and goods in 2010. that number jumped to more than $76 million in 2013. last year crime cost san jose victims nearly $80 million. >> historically these guys go in and they get things that are easily accessible and also easy to conceal. a lot of these guys are walking around with backpacks. they blend in with the community. >> reporter: at mojo burger a couple of weeks ago, burglars ripped out a bolted-down safe and wheeled it away. jaraf says the city needs more cops to protect his business and prevent the crooks. >> do you want to stay here and continue business in this city, this downtown? >> reporter: the department hopes the recent labor agreement on the measure for pension reform will encourage more veteran officers to stay and new ones to join the force. but until then he asks what is he supposed to do? >> am i able to stay here and do my business or do i have to move on? >> reporter: police tell me they also need more community cooperation, more witnesses at crime scenes to come forward to help solve those crimes. in san jose, i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> thanks damian. let's take a closer look at the hottest targets for thieves in san jose. at the top of the list, cars and trucks. stolen vehicles accounted for nearly $36 million worth of items stolen last year. jewelry accounted for nearly $15 million. and office equipment, like computers and laptops made up about $5 million worth of stolen items. they rescued a kidnapped girl by killing her captor. but now the fbi is being sued for $20 million by the captor's family. you might recall 16-year-old hannah anderson disappeared from her san diego home two years ago. police found the home burned down with the bodies of her mother and younger brother inside. the suspect, this man, 40-year-old james dimaggio after a massive search the fbi found the two in idaho in the wilderness. and dimaggio was shot dead. now his family plans to sue the fbi. they say he never got a chance for a fair trial before he was killed. for the first time ever, search crews are using a military drone to help track down a missing person. that man, a popular san francisco schoolteacher. ed cavanaugh teaches outdoor education at a high school in the city. he was last seen june 17th riding his blue yamaha motorcycle in the el dorado national forest. the drone relays instant images to the ground crews. crews are focuseded on the rock creek road trail. search and rescue experts say a drone can scan the rugged terrain much faster than a team of first responders. let's get a check of our forecast. we've had some really hot temperatures. fortunately it's cooling off a bit. >> we did see that 5 to 10 degrees of cooling today which was much welcome. but as the cooler air arrived, it helped to set up pretty tight wind gradient across the bay area. that's helping to fuel unfortunately this fire we've been tracking for over the past hour near isleton. they're beginning to get this under control but it is still burning with winds gusting as high as 22 miles per hour. it will stay gusty tonight. if you live in these areas, expect the smoke to be pushed near california 12 and near isleton. temperature of 89 degrees right now. let's take a look. we have high pressure that brought the heat the past three days continue to fade as we head through tonight. making way for this trough of low pressure tonight. that pumps up monsoonal moisture through the south. mainly humid as we head through the forecast tomorrow. let's go ahead and get a k loo. right now, it is a lot more comfortable. averaging 86 in the south bay. 91 for the tri-valley. up towards san francisco, 69. and the north bay currently at 80. your forecast for tomorrow will bring temperatures down another couple of degrees with an average of 69 in san francisco. tri-valley, 93. and the south bay, 87. what you want to notice here is a slight slight chance of maybe a few spotty showers in the south bay and also for the peninsula with that monsoonal moisture moving up from the south. it's mainly going to be about humidity. what's happening with el nino we're tracking a sea surface temperature increase across the equatorial center. there's a 92% chance that el nino will be arriving this fall and winter and could last into early 2016. the strength would be strong to strongest. not sure about any kind of official rainfall totals right now. but january could definitely hold some beneficial rainfall for us. >> jeff thank you. still to come here at 6:00 some traffic trouble in downtown los gatos. the popular detour that has the locals there fuming and what los gatos is doing about it. plus a bay area swimmer making the intense trek to the fairlawn islands has to stop short just a few hours short of his destination. the danger that made him get out of the water. an abrupt ending to an attempt to swim from safrancco to there was a fear of this. an abrupt ending to an attempt to swim from san francisco to the fairlawn islands. we told you about simon domingo swimming here on tuesday, a couple of days ago. he was attempting to be the first ever to swim to the islands from the city. he left tuesday night and after about 18 hours, which is four miles to go after great white shark showed up and started circling simon. the shark wouldn't leave. it's the shark's territory, of course. that convinced the pilot of simon's escort boat to abort the swim. simon's not sure if he'll try again. but his training partner says she'll still try in it a you feel can weeks. los gatos, about 20 miles from the beach, and yet it's plagued by beach traffic. on weeks, as you might note if you've been to los gatos, the beach crowd uses surface streets when highway 17 backs up. a gridlock on july 4th was the last straw. starting saturday more police will direct traffic and extra signs will point drivers toward the freeway and away from downtown. sometimes even driving apps instruct people to get off highway 17 when it backs up. that can dump t onto different traffic and standstill on downtown and residential streets. it took months but californians have finally saved enough water to meet the governor's concentration goals. overan water use across california fell by 27% in june exceeding governor brown's 25% mandate. the water resources control board says nearly two-thirds of california's water providers hit or came close to saving -- their saving goals. that includes san jose and san francisco which exceeded their goals. up next, we're keeping a close eye on all the fires burning across northern california right now. that includes this one, these mobile homes on fire in the delta. the latest on this firefight and when this fire season the latest on that in terms of california crews. plus wreckage we've heard washes up on a beach in the indian ocean. why investigators can't connect it to the missing malaysia airlines flight which vanished 16 months ago. san francisco trying to fill a number of teaching positions in an expensive city before the school year starts. but jarrettseducators say the cost of living is just one factor in all this. we're following breaking news in the delta... where fireippedthrough a mobile home park. right now 6:30. we continue to follow our breaking news in the delta. this fire ripping through a mobile home park. this is video from just about 30 minutes ago. this is in the community of isleton in the delta off of highway 12 near rio vista. the fire began around 4:15 this afternoon. we've been seeing home after home getting destroyed here. this is a mobile home park. it was evacuated and the owner of the mobile home park tells us everyone who lives there was able to get out safely. that's very good news. several homes, though have been destroyed and others damaged. still no word on what caused this fire. we'll continue to follow with some updates throughout this newscast. it is no secret wildfire season is raging this year. tonight we're getting a closer look at how california firefighters are attacking several major wildfires at once. in northern california alone, there are 14 wildfires burning right now. and this is all the big ones burning across the state of california. the california national guard has been called in to help in this firefight, nine of the guards' helicopters are flying over northern california wildfires doing water drops including the one near lake berryessa. crews are also fighting the fires from the ground and cal fire is using old military airplanes to carry fuel and flame retardant. >> i've done as many as seven drops on a fire just short bursts to do different things depending on what they need on that fire. >> of course the weather can help or hurt firefighting efforts. firefighters really need cooler temps this weekend. meteorologist jeff ranieri joins us with a look at forecast. >> we have had notable cooling across the bay area for today and the next two days. that's short-term good relief for parts of california. but the big-time problem is this block of high pressure that has helped to produce the drought. it's been in place, in and out for the past four years. you can see some of the driest levels when it comes to our drought continue across solano contra costa alameda, san mateo counties all under the level of extreme drought. what does the fire forecast look like for tomorrow? red flag fire warnings from seattle down to portland. you can see in redding, just outside of redding, red flag fire warnings there with 105 degrees. that's going to be a spot tomorrow that does not cool off. but throughout the bay area we'll see the cooling temperatures, 68 in san francisco. but the other source of problems we could see as we head throughout the forecast over the next 24 hours is lightning throughout the sierra. that may spark more wildfires. not good news over the next couple of days. >> jeff, thank you. too close for comfort, an afternoon fire came just feet from some east bay homes. it started in the noon hour in moraga. you can see the burn area next to a group of trees that lines people's backyards. this is near natalie drive. about 40 acres were scorched. thankfully no structures were damaged. it's almost back to school time but there's teacher trouble in san francisco. this evening, the district is scrambling to make sure they have enough teachers for all the students. at last count, they were dozens short. nbc bay area's christie smith is in san francisco with more on the specific reasons why san francisco's having such a tough time here. >> reporter: good evening. it's been a headline for quite some time how expensive it is to live here in san francisco. but that's just one part of the equation when it comes to finding and keeping teachers. there is a shortage that extends beyond san francisco. and now the district is reaching out. >> i really like teaching. >> reporter: claudia is a third grade teacher in san francisco. she lives in a rent controlled unit but says surviving here isn't always easy. >> it's always very uncertain here in san francisco because the rents are so high the property values going up so high. >> reporter: the school district has a growing issue on its hands. they need to fill dozens of teaching positions. while the cost of living is high, there's also retirement and the pool of teachers is shrinking. >> california and actually the nation is facing a teacher shortage. it's a serious problem. >> reporter: san francisco's school spokesperson says part of what happened is during the recession there was a drop in people pursuing teaching credentials. san francisco says recruiting efforts appear to be working. >> the result of those years of cuts, a lot of people left the teaching profession because they couldn't handle the annual cycle of pink slips. >> reporter: she says the average teacher makes about $69,500. less for new teachers. but kent trey with united educators of san francisco says something needs to give. >> when the average home in san francisco is $1.3 million and a new idealistic teacher making $52,000 a year do the math. >> reporter: but there is a movement to try and push for more options for things like affordable housing and use creative recruiting. >> we are exploring options with the district to increase affordable housing for educators. >> reporter: now, the district spokesperson says they're very confident that they're going to have those positions filled by the time that school starts on august 17th. they actually say vacancies are a little bit lower this year than last. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith nbc bay area news. >> thanks, christie. tonight, a south bay camp counselor is facing new molestation charges after new accusations emerge from another camper. prosecutors filed new charges against the counselor during a hearing this afternoon. he is now facing nine total counts of molestation and child porn. an argument turns deadly in the south bay. san jose police say a man was stabbed to death around 2:00 this morning. it happened near 680 in east san jose. witnesses say the victim was stabbed during an argument. no word on any suspect. the hunter is now the hunted. a minnesota dentist who killed a popular protected lion in zimbabwe is now in hiding. the death of the lion named cecil is now under investigation by the u.s. department of wildfire. palmer is being asked to contact them immediately. animal lovers swamped the yelp page for his dentistry practice with negative comments. still to come at 6:00 facebook has a new idea to bring internet to remote areas. we're going to show you the company's latest project. and there are new security concerns about windows 10. we'll tell you about the risks next. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at facebook is giving us a look at its high-flying plan to bring internet servicto remotearts of wo facebook is giving us a look at its high-flying plan to bring internet service to remote parts of the world. ceo mark zuckerberg posted this video to his facebook page today. it's a huge solar-powered drone that has the wingspan of a boeing 737 but it weighs less than 1,000 pounds. facebook says the drone will hover above the altitude of commercial planes. it will use lasers to send internet signals to stations on the ground and connect communities that don't have cell towers or land lines. >> it always improves lives. when you bring information highway to a place, it will really improve the livelihood. >> facebook is planning test flights later this year. worries over wi-fi. a new upgrade may leave your network vulnerable. microsoft is letting millions of people upgrade to windows 10 for free. but there might be a catch here. that latest operating system comes with a concerning new feature called wi-fi scent. if you don't opt out, it will allow your outlook contacts your skrip and facebook friends to access your wi-fi network if they're within range. they won't even need your password. jeff is here with great news. relief a little bit. >> i know. i woke up this morning, it felt like the a.c. was on outside. so nice. great way to start the day. live look outside the camera. you see in sunol, the hills are brown. talking about the possibility of a drop or two. details coming up in a few minutes. i'm sam brock. a family member of one of the victims of the colorado theater shooting wanted to create a law. but now they're stuck with a lawsuit fee. first they lost their daughter. now they could lose everything. the family of a loro shooting victim was orderedo pay $200k in court fees for the the family of a colorado shooting victim was ordered to pay $200,000 in court fees for the ammo dealers they tried to sue. >> how are the fees that high for a case that never went to court? sam brock has tonight's "reality check." >> reporter: shock and horror. as a gunman opens fire at a movie theater in aurora, colorado. and for sandy and lonnie phillips, devastation at the loss of a young daughter 24-year-old jessica gowey. three years later, their tragedy continues. >> they have taken our daughter and now they want to take everything else. >> reporter: after filing to sue several online retailers who sold ammo and other gear to james holmes the convicted aurora shooter, a colorado district court judge dismissed the case then ordered the phillips family to pay the retailers' attorney fees. >> we're on the hook for $200,000 right now which will drive us into bankruptcy. >> reporter: you heard that right. in his order this june judge richard p. mash wrote, quote, those who ignite a fire should be responsible for the cost of suppressing it before it becomes a conflagration. how could a case that didn't make it to trial cost so much? >> to me $200,000 sounds crazy. it isn't that high. >> reporter: robin thomas is the executive director at the center to prevent gun violence in san francisco. >> you'd be shocked how quickly the price can go up. >> reporter: in fact the court order tallies up all the costs. the phillips will be charged for attorneys' fees travel expenses even postage. but despite the shocking headline about costs, legal experts say the outcome of the case isn't really that surprising. >> there have been a number of cases that have worked their way through state or federal court. >> reporter: santa clara law school's professor says a federal law, a shield law, the protection of lawful commerce and arms act, makes it very difficult to bring any legal action ooens against arms or ammo makers and dealers. >> as it's written, it provides a fairly broad and blanket shield for those manufacturers. >> there's absolutely no other industry in this country that receives that kind of protection from our government. >> reporter: but is the law so ironclad that the phillips' stood no chance at all. the optics are not good in the family that they're looking to change the system and they end up with a $200,000 bill. is it justice or should they have expected that outcome? >> it would have been foolish to not have known the odds were stacked against them because of this law. that being said there are claims to be made. >> reporter: the reality is this couple is stuck with a $200,000 bill an exorbitant sum on its face. maybe not for this kind of case but the case never saw the light of day. according to our second amendment expert there could have been some holes poked in that federal law. and they still have that $200,000 bill. s that a travesty. i'm sam brock. that's this edition of "reality check." the mystery of the missing malaysia airliner is unraveling a wing found on an island east of africa is now being sent to france. the hope is that the test will confirm the wreckage is from the flight that disappeared 16 months ago. a local says he also found a tattered piece of luggage right where that piece of the wing was found. ever since the debris was discovered. search crews have been scouring the beaches and waters for any more clues. jeff ranieri is here. it felt like the natural a.c. was on. it was nice. refreshing, jeff. >> definitely. rolling right in throughout the bay. that's why we had the noticeable differences today. you felt that cold wind at your back. 86 degrees for the south bay. peninsula dropping to an average of 81. east bay, nope, 91 degrees. and in san francisco, 65. it was all about san francisco and that fog rolling in at the immediate coastline which is still dropping temperatures anywhere from 5 to 6 degrees compared to this time yesterday. fog at the immediately coastline at 6:49 means it's going to have an easy time rolling back in for tomorrow. not only for san francisco and the peninsula but even areas of patchy low clouds down towards the south bay and 62 degrees to start. my coldest temperature for the north bay will be for the north bay and 57. we have a change we've been talking about all week long. no major change with the rainfall. not much of it. but what this area of low pressure will be doing is continuing to push in the humidity right across california. we'll be tracking the possibility of a few storms. but as you're going to see on the radar view right now, most of those storms continue to remain off towards the south near los angeles, also right through the grapevine and right up here through lake tahoe. that's generally the zone it will head in over the next 24 hours. as we head throughout tomorrow morning, a little bit of activity may bubble up off towards the east of us. but for us it's about the clouds in the morning. by the afternoon hours, you'll see that the areas of rainfall will again remain to the south and right across lake tahoe. there's a slim chance we may see a small branch of that energy break off and impact the bay area. so what i've done is put where we may see that slight chance of showers for tomorrow. for the south bay, that will be in los gatos with a high of 88 degrees. for the peninsula, best chance would be in pacifica with 66. san francisco, it's the marina, slight chance at 64. and cool weather throughout the financial district tomorrow. north bay, east bay and tri-valley, not really any major chances of wet weather tomorrow. it's the humidity, increasing high cloud cover. napa, 86 for your high. east bay, 73 in oakland. fremont, 88. and check it out, very very nice compared to the past couple of days. 91 in danville. 93 in pleasanton. for this weekend, a few subtle changes in the forecasts with temperatures. overall, the humidity will be the biggest thing. a little muggy. you'll notice it. but it's good for the skin. adds some moisture. >> aren't cucumbers good for your eyes or something? >> true. >> the swelling of your eyes. >> thank you, jeff. coming up next, guess what? we are heading to wine country. wine, cheese and the raiders. yes, napa getting some heavy doses of silver and black. back in a moment. k this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. geraud on cam as the trade deadline good evening. as the trade deadline continues to creep closer, the giants hoped to make a run for another top notch starter to match madison bumgarner. david price picked up by the toronto blue jays today according to multiple reports. detroit in return received three left-handed minor league pitchers including daniel norris, a top 15 prospect. price will be a free agent come season's end. the silver and black rolled into napa today for the start of training camp. jack del rio gets to put his imprint on this squad that will need the younger players to step up. and they are ready. >> exciting, man. a lot of energy has been boiling up. a lot of hard work has been prepared and put in to come down to this moment and start day one of training camp. so we'll get it kicked off today with the conditioning sets and go from there. >> finally, for many years, the question has been pondered around the bay area, why isn't john brodie in the pro football hall of fame? today, the san francisco chamber of commerce took a step to resolve that issue. mindi bach as more. >> reporter: john brodie's smile was never louder. nearly a dozen of his former teammates were on hand as the san francisco chamber of commerce made the nomination to an official from canton. >> on behalf of the chamber, please accept this nomination of john riley brodie to be enshrined into the hall of fame. >> thank you. >> reporter: but it's those who know brodie best who can explain the magic behind his numbers. >> he was so tough. he would take a hit and get up. he was very very very -- not a fragile quarterback. he was as tough as we were. >> when they'd come in the huddle and it was a tough, tough game and you just needed to -- you'd say, guys give me a couple of more seconds and we've got six points. i would say that 80% of the time, it would happen. >> a great, great leader. and today we're here to right a wrong and let's just get it done. >> reporter: brodie suffered a stroke 15 years ago which impaired his ability to speak. but true to his spirit the 17-year nfl veteran didn't let that stop him from showing his appreciation. >> really beautiful guys. 14 years, really good -- cut it off. thank you. >> reporter: mindi bach, nbc bay area. for those that might not be old enough to know brodie was an nfl mvp, he threw 214 touchdown passes. when his football days were done he had a nice career on the senior pga tour. so quite the athlete back in the day. >> yeah. and the family is great also on the peninsula. thank you. the weekend is almost here. if you're looking for something to do, you might want to check out the annual fremont festival of the arts in downtown fremont. there's lots of food drinks crafts, fun and sun. you might also spot some familiar nbc bay area faces out there since we are a proud smon sponsor. new video, ben and jen's former nanny under siege today. >> is she really in love with ben or is she out for fame? now on "extra." ben affleck's nanny gate blows up. >> i have no comment. >> hours after ben denies the story, the nanny's friends claim there's a smoking gun. what we've uncovered about christine ouzounian. >> jennifer garner today how she's handling the allegations. >> a make up and a break up. clues that paula deen may be cooking up divorce plans.

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Fremont , California , United States , Malaysia , Solano County , Brentwood , Oakland , Minnesota , China , San Diego , El Dorado , Zimbabwe , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , San Francisco , Los Gatos , Sacramento County , Bach As , Midi Pyrées , France , Idaho , Redding , Pacifica , Danville , Colorado , Californians , Canton , Hannah Anderson , John Riley Brodie , Ben Affleck , Kent Trey , Daniel Norris , Maddy Middletons , Damian Trujillo , Adrian Gonzalez , Jodi Hernandez , Jeff Ranieri , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Chuck Coppola , Sam Brock , James Holmes , Christie Smith , Lonnie Phillips , James Dimaggio , El Nino , John Brodie , Madison Bumgarner , Maddy Middleton , Indian Ocean , Michelle Roberts , Robin Thomas ,

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so any hot spots will need to be monitored very closely. this fire is well to the north and also to the east of concord, right throughout the delta and the locater on the fire that we have right now has this just to the south of california 12. winds southwest at 22 miles per hour. blowing this smoke off to the north towards isleton. temperature, 92. humidity of 35%. we will continue to see these winds gust anywhere from 15 to about 25 miles per hour as we continue throughout tonight. we'll be tracking that of course coming up in that full forecast. >> thanks, jeff. in other news tonight, we have new details now on the maddy middleton murder case in santa cruz. you are looking at the suspected killer, 15-year-old adrian gonzalez. appearing in court for the first time this morning. he's accused of kidnapping sexually assaulting and murdering maddy who was just 8 years old. nbc bay area's michelle roberts is live at the courthouse in santa cruz. you spoke with a childhood friend of the suspect today. >> reporter: yeah i did. she said that he did struggle with depression but says she never thought he had the ability to be violent. the hearing today was very brief. gonzalez did not enter a plea. that was postponed until september. so his lawyer has a chance to review the case. 15-year-old adrian gonzalez stood in the santa cruz courtroom in handcuffs. he is charged with murder, sexual assault and kidnapping. his defense attorney requested the arraignment be delayed. >> i've not received any police report yet. >> reporter: he wouldn't say if he plans to request the trial be moved to another county. gonzalez is accused of sexually assaulting and killing his 8-year-old neighbor maddy middletons. investigators believe he lured her into his family's apartment on sunday sexually assaulted and then killed her before leaving her body in a trash bin. >> we're confident the jurors of the county will be able to try this case. >> reporter: he is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. we blurred gonzalez's friend because she's under 18. >> you would never expect him to go after someone else. >> reporter: she came to court because she wanted to see her old friend in person and was hoping to walk away with answers or insight into the tragic murder of maddy middleton. >> there's not much empathy you can have for him. but i can feel empathy for the person i knew. >> reporter: gonzalez's mother was in the courtroom today. she appeared very distraught but did not answer any questions. gonzalez will be back here september 21st for his arraignment. reporting live in santa cruz, michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. >> michelle thank you. an emotional and powerful good-bye. today we got a glimpse of the life and impact of hayward police sergeant scott lunger. thousands of people many who didn't know him, filled the oracle arena. sergeant lunger was killed in the line of duty last week shot by a man during a traffic stop in the 3:00 a.m. hour. today's tribute begin at the chapel of chimes in hayward. we have multiple reports tonight. chuck coppola tells us who came to this memorial and from how far. but we begin with jodi hernandez. it was emotional watching on tv. how was it inside that arena? >> reporter: raj, nobody who came to oracle arena for the memorial could keep the tears from falling. it was that powerful as suggest scott lunger's family poured their hearts out. ♪ then sings my soul ♪ >> the whole country knows who you are, scott. >> reporter: and we're back here live. apparently we're having some technical difficulties. but the two-hour-plus memorial was very, very emotional. his colleagues and friends remembering him as a warrior. his father breaking down saying that he will always be his little boy. his two daughters also got up and talked this afternoon, a very, very difficult situation for them. they've lost a father, they've lost a best friend. a memorial certainly no one here will forget. and his colleagues are promising to carry on that warrior work. reporting live from oracle arena, i'm jodi hernandez. nbc bay area news. >> powerful moments after today's memorial has helicopters provided a final salute to sergeant lunger. the flyover above the arena involved police agencies from across the bay area. it happened as sergeant lunger's casket, his family and all the attendees were leaving the arena. a dispatcher also made an end-of-watch call over the police radio as part of the ceremony. >> sergeant scott lunger we thank you for your dedication loyalty and service to the citizens of hayward. you will never be forgotten. end of watch, july 22nd 2015. may you rest in peace. >> part of the reason sergeant lunger's memorial was moved to oracle arena was because of the countless number of people touched by lunger who was a role model and a mentor. nbc bay area's chuck coppola continues our team coverage tonight with more on the diverse crowd who came out to honor the fallen officer. chuck? >> reporter: absolutely right. his baseball teammates, girls softball team he coached, say they all learned something from scott lunger, do it right the first time. sergeant lunger not only wore a badge but also a coach's cap at freedom high school in oakley. >> he was always there for the girls. my daughter played for him last year. you can always count on him when the girls are having a rough game, he was there to support them. >> he was a great guy. and he always was so positive. >> reporter: but how lunger died drew most of the people here. >> this is one of those horrific situations where a peace officer is murdered in the line of duty. >> reporter: a solid blue line from new york chicago and dozens of california communities marched into oakland's oracle arena, including many who new sergeant scott lunger personally from his work or home in brentwood. >> scott did things the right way. >> he added what we consider brentwood is all about, family connections. >> reporter: lunger was gunned down during a traffic stop in hayward last week. today some hope the turnout -- >> reporter: his booming voice, his desire to be out on the street on patrol are qualities that his colleagues talked about. to others it was his positive nature that will be missed. reporting live in oakland, i'm chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. >> chuck, thank you. we had technical difficulties with jodi hernandez's report on the memorial. we want to take you inside the oracle arena and show you those special moments. ♪ then sings my soul ♪ ♪ my savior god to thee ♪ >> he led from the front. he worked hard every day. he mentored his men and women. >> if the residents of hayward only knew of the evil scott lunger stopped from victimizing them at night while they slept soundly in their homes. >> reporter: describing him as the ultimate warrior, sergeant scott lunger's colleagues came to honor their friend. the 48-year-old police officer was gunned down during a routine traffic stop last wednesday morning, leaving his two daughters without a father and his own dad mourning his young youngest son. >> you, scott, were my son and my sunshine. i was your dad and you'll always be to be my little boy. >> reporter: lunger's fellow police officers called him a leader in the department a mentor and a motivator. he made his officers keep posters of the guns they took off the street, encouraging them to find more. >> your warrior spirit will live on. we will take it from here. >> reporter: but his family saw him as a different kind of warrior, a devoted and loving dad, son and brother. >> this is pain that you can't put into words because it's just not real. and i'm so angry when i have to realize that it is. because you were my best friend. >> that was jodi hernandez reporting. for more coverage on sergeant lunger's memorial, head to we'll have much more on today's memorial including the powerful speech given by his partner. in san francisco, a hit-and-run that leads to a fight, it ends with a black man dying in police custody. tonight, the city's top cop is defending his officer's actions. nbc bay area's mark matthews is in san francisco. mark, what exactly happened there? >> reporter: raj, we're on lombard where the fight happened right over there at the ihop and the surf motel. but the hit-and-run was about a mile down towards the palace of fine arts. police say the driver of that green minivan came off the freeway and slammed into the back of that black bmw that was stopped at the light. >> catapulted that car through the intersection. >> reporter: the driver of the black bmw got out and noticed the minivan driver was still behind the wheel and talking to himself. >> hands on the steering wheel. airbag had been deployed and he was speaking something about god, god's will things about god. >> reporter: the chief says ultimately the man in the minivan got out of the van and walked away. he was spotted by two female officers blocks away in front of the surf motel where the officers tried to stop him. >> he struck one of the officers several times about the head and shoulders, beating her to the ground nearly unconscious and throwing her partner aside with such force that she damaged her knees and legs. >> reporter: both female officers were taken to the hospital. the chief says back-up officers took the suspect to the ground handcuffed him and then noticed that he wasn't breathing. cpr failed to revive the man. comments about the death almost instantly began showing up on social media sights some critical using the hashtag, black lives matter. but he says this is not a case of racial profiling or excessive force. >> i viewed a video of the scene that we have. and it appears that the officers used a reasonable amount of force until he was able to -- until they were able to get him handcuffed. then they stopped. >> reporter: the video the chief is talking about came from surveillance cameras over there at the surf motel. there are questions about how the man died in that he was laid facedown on the sidewalk with his hands cuffed behind him. at some point, if you are very obese as this man was, the weight of the body can actually make it hard to breathe. those questions will have to be answered by the medical examiner's report. when we get it, we'll let you know. reporting from san francisco, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. they came and broke the windows. >> still to come here at 6:00. better lock up. the record amount crooks stole from the south bay last year and the top items they're targeting. and the search for a missing san francisco teacher turns high tech. search teams using a tool never been used in these type of missions before. and we continue to follow our breaking news happening right now in the delta, these are live pictures from our nbc chopper. this mobile home park in flames. we're back in a moment with some updates. we want to take you back out to breaking news happening in am we want to get back to our breaking news we've been covering since the 5:00 hour. this is happening in the delta, not far from antioch. this is a mobile home park in isleton. it's technically in sacramento county but the solano county fire department is the lead agency. what we've seen in the last 90 minutes has been devastating. several mobile homes have been destroyed. right now, it appears to be firefighters are getting the upper hand because we no longer see any flames, just the smoke here. early reports, there are at least half a dozen mobile homes that have been destroyed. we're waiting to get updated numbers. important facts to pass along, thus far, no reported cases of any injuries. very good news considering the extent of the damage here. once again, this is in the delta in the town of isleton. technically in sacramento county but the solano county fire department is the lead agency. we'll continue to follow this fire and check in with the damage and any reports of injuries throughout this newscast. it is a sight becoming all too common. surveillance video catching burglars breaking into homes and businesses. in fact criminals took almost $80 million from people in san jose last year. that's almost double the amount taken just five years ago. nbc bay area's damian trujillo has more on what you can do to avoid being the next target. >> reporter: low police staffing levels and more brazen crooks experts tell me these are some of the reasons crime is costing san jose residents so much. >> this first time, they come and they go back. >> reporter: it's become an all-too-familiar sight, burglary victims eager to show us their surveillance video of a crime. jafar is just one of the latest victims. his store was hit less than a week ago, thieves broke a window with an elbow and ran off with about $1,000 in merchandise. >> i'm feeling very bad. the city's not safe. >> reporter: data we obtained from the california department of justice shows victims lost more than $47 million in cash and goods in 2010. that number jumped to more than $76 million in 2013. last year crime cost san jose victims nearly $80 million. >> historically these guys go in and they get things that are easily accessible and also easy to conceal. a lot of these guys are walking around with backpacks. they blend in with the community. >> reporter: at mojo burger a couple of weeks ago, burglars ripped out a bolted-down safe and wheeled it away. jaraf says the city needs more cops to protect his business and prevent the crooks. >> do you want to stay here and continue business in this city, this downtown? >> reporter: the department hopes the recent labor agreement on the measure for pension reform will encourage more veteran officers to stay and new ones to join the force. but until then he asks what is he supposed to do? >> am i able to stay here and do my business or do i have to move on? >> reporter: police tell me they also need more community cooperation, more witnesses at crime scenes to come forward to help solve those crimes. in san jose, i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> thanks damian. let's take a closer look at the hottest targets for thieves in san jose. at the top of the list, cars and trucks. stolen vehicles accounted for nearly $36 million worth of items stolen last year. jewelry accounted for nearly $15 million. and office equipment, like computers and laptops made up about $5 million worth of stolen items. they rescued a kidnapped girl by killing her captor. but now the fbi is being sued for $20 million by the captor's family. you might recall 16-year-old hannah anderson disappeared from her san diego home two years ago. police found the home burned down with the bodies of her mother and younger brother inside. the suspect, this man, 40-year-old james dimaggio after a massive search the fbi found the two in idaho in the wilderness. and dimaggio was shot dead. now his family plans to sue the fbi. they say he never got a chance for a fair trial before he was killed. for the first time ever, search crews are using a military drone to help track down a missing person. that man, a popular san francisco schoolteacher. ed cavanaugh teaches outdoor education at a high school in the city. he was last seen june 17th riding his blue yamaha motorcycle in the el dorado national forest. the drone relays instant images to the ground crews. crews are focuseded on the rock creek road trail. search and rescue experts say a drone can scan the rugged terrain much faster than a team of first responders. let's get a check of our forecast. we've had some really hot temperatures. fortunately it's cooling off a bit. >> we did see that 5 to 10 degrees of cooling today which was much welcome. but as the cooler air arrived, it helped to set up pretty tight wind gradient across the bay area. that's helping to fuel unfortunately this fire we've been tracking for over the past hour near isleton. they're beginning to get this under control but it is still burning with winds gusting as high as 22 miles per hour. it will stay gusty tonight. if you live in these areas, expect the smoke to be pushed near california 12 and near isleton. temperature of 89 degrees right now. let's take a look. we have high pressure that brought the heat the past three days continue to fade as we head through tonight. making way for this trough of low pressure tonight. that pumps up monsoonal moisture through the south. mainly humid as we head through the forecast tomorrow. let's go ahead and get a k loo. right now, it is a lot more comfortable. averaging 86 in the south bay. 91 for the tri-valley. up towards san francisco, 69. and the north bay currently at 80. your forecast for tomorrow will bring temperatures down another couple of degrees with an average of 69 in san francisco. tri-valley, 93. and the south bay, 87. what you want to notice here is a slight slight chance of maybe a few spotty showers in the south bay and also for the peninsula with that monsoonal moisture moving up from the south. it's mainly going to be about humidity. what's happening with el nino we're tracking a sea surface temperature increase across the equatorial center. there's a 92% chance that el nino will be arriving this fall and winter and could last into early 2016. the strength would be strong to strongest. not sure about any kind of official rainfall totals right now. but january could definitely hold some beneficial rainfall for us. >> jeff thank you. still to come here at 6:00 some traffic trouble in downtown los gatos. the popular detour that has the locals there fuming and what los gatos is doing about it. plus a bay area swimmer making the intense trek to the fairlawn islands has to stop short just a few hours short of his destination. the danger that made him get out of the water. an abrupt ending to an attempt to swim from safrancco to there was a fear of this. an abrupt ending to an attempt to swim from san francisco to the fairlawn islands. we told you about simon domingo swimming here on tuesday, a couple of days ago. he was attempting to be the first ever to swim to the islands from the city. he left tuesday night and after about 18 hours, which is four miles to go after great white shark showed up and started circling simon. the shark wouldn't leave. it's the shark's territory, of course. that convinced the pilot of simon's escort boat to abort the swim. simon's not sure if he'll try again. but his training partner says she'll still try in it a you feel can weeks. los gatos, about 20 miles from the beach, and yet it's plagued by beach traffic. on weeks, as you might note if you've been to los gatos, the beach crowd uses surface streets when highway 17 backs up. a gridlock on july 4th was the last straw. starting saturday more police will direct traffic and extra signs will point drivers toward the freeway and away from downtown. sometimes even driving apps instruct people to get off highway 17 when it backs up. that can dump t onto different traffic and standstill on downtown and residential streets. it took months but californians have finally saved enough water to meet the governor's concentration goals. overan water use across california fell by 27% in june exceeding governor brown's 25% mandate. the water resources control board says nearly two-thirds of california's water providers hit or came close to saving -- their saving goals. that includes san jose and san francisco which exceeded their goals. up next, we're keeping a close eye on all the fires burning across northern california right now. that includes this one, these mobile homes on fire in the delta. the latest on this firefight and when this fire season the latest on that in terms of california crews. plus wreckage we've heard washes up on a beach in the indian ocean. why investigators can't connect it to the missing malaysia airlines flight which vanished 16 months ago. san francisco trying to fill a number of teaching positions in an expensive city before the school year starts. but jarrettseducators say the cost of living is just one factor in all this. we're following breaking news in the delta... where fireippedthrough a mobile home park. right now 6:30. we continue to follow our breaking news in the delta. this fire ripping through a mobile home park. this is video from just about 30 minutes ago. this is in the community of isleton in the delta off of highway 12 near rio vista. the fire began around 4:15 this afternoon. we've been seeing home after home getting destroyed here. this is a mobile home park. it was evacuated and the owner of the mobile home park tells us everyone who lives there was able to get out safely. that's very good news. several homes, though have been destroyed and others damaged. still no word on what caused this fire. we'll continue to follow with some updates throughout this newscast. it is no secret wildfire season is raging this year. tonight we're getting a closer look at how california firefighters are attacking several major wildfires at once. in northern california alone, there are 14 wildfires burning right now. and this is all the big ones burning across the state of california. the california national guard has been called in to help in this firefight, nine of the guards' helicopters are flying over northern california wildfires doing water drops including the one near lake berryessa. crews are also fighting the fires from the ground and cal fire is using old military airplanes to carry fuel and flame retardant. >> i've done as many as seven drops on a fire just short bursts to do different things depending on what they need on that fire. >> of course the weather can help or hurt firefighting efforts. firefighters really need cooler temps this weekend. meteorologist jeff ranieri joins us with a look at forecast. >> we have had notable cooling across the bay area for today and the next two days. that's short-term good relief for parts of california. but the big-time problem is this block of high pressure that has helped to produce the drought. it's been in place, in and out for the past four years. you can see some of the driest levels when it comes to our drought continue across solano contra costa alameda, san mateo counties all under the level of extreme drought. what does the fire forecast look like for tomorrow? red flag fire warnings from seattle down to portland. you can see in redding, just outside of redding, red flag fire warnings there with 105 degrees. that's going to be a spot tomorrow that does not cool off. but throughout the bay area we'll see the cooling temperatures, 68 in san francisco. but the other source of problems we could see as we head throughout the forecast over the next 24 hours is lightning throughout the sierra. that may spark more wildfires. not good news over the next couple of days. >> jeff, thank you. too close for comfort, an afternoon fire came just feet from some east bay homes. it started in the noon hour in moraga. you can see the burn area next to a group of trees that lines people's backyards. this is near natalie drive. about 40 acres were scorched. thankfully no structures were damaged. it's almost back to school time but there's teacher trouble in san francisco. this evening, the district is scrambling to make sure they have enough teachers for all the students. at last count, they were dozens short. nbc bay area's christie smith is in san francisco with more on the specific reasons why san francisco's having such a tough time here. >> reporter: good evening. it's been a headline for quite some time how expensive it is to live here in san francisco. but that's just one part of the equation when it comes to finding and keeping teachers. there is a shortage that extends beyond san francisco. and now the district is reaching out. >> i really like teaching. >> reporter: claudia is a third grade teacher in san francisco. she lives in a rent controlled unit but says surviving here isn't always easy. >> it's always very uncertain here in san francisco because the rents are so high the property values going up so high. >> reporter: the school district has a growing issue on its hands. they need to fill dozens of teaching positions. while the cost of living is high, there's also retirement and the pool of teachers is shrinking. >> california and actually the nation is facing a teacher shortage. it's a serious problem. >> reporter: san francisco's school spokesperson says part of what happened is during the recession there was a drop in people pursuing teaching credentials. san francisco says recruiting efforts appear to be working. >> the result of those years of cuts, a lot of people left the teaching profession because they couldn't handle the annual cycle of pink slips. >> reporter: she says the average teacher makes about $69,500. less for new teachers. but kent trey with united educators of san francisco says something needs to give. >> when the average home in san francisco is $1.3 million and a new idealistic teacher making $52,000 a year do the math. >> reporter: but there is a movement to try and push for more options for things like affordable housing and use creative recruiting. >> we are exploring options with the district to increase affordable housing for educators. >> reporter: now, the district spokesperson says they're very confident that they're going to have those positions filled by the time that school starts on august 17th. they actually say vacancies are a little bit lower this year than last. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith nbc bay area news. >> thanks, christie. tonight, a south bay camp counselor is facing new molestation charges after new accusations emerge from another camper. prosecutors filed new charges against the counselor during a hearing this afternoon. he is now facing nine total counts of molestation and child porn. an argument turns deadly in the south bay. san jose police say a man was stabbed to death around 2:00 this morning. it happened near 680 in east san jose. witnesses say the victim was stabbed during an argument. no word on any suspect. the hunter is now the hunted. a minnesota dentist who killed a popular protected lion in zimbabwe is now in hiding. the death of the lion named cecil is now under investigation by the u.s. department of wildfire. palmer is being asked to contact them immediately. animal lovers swamped the yelp page for his dentistry practice with negative comments. still to come at 6:00 facebook has a new idea to bring internet to remote areas. we're going to show you the company's latest project. and there are new security concerns about windows 10. we'll tell you about the risks next. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at facebook is giving us a look at its high-flying plan to bring internet servicto remotearts of wo facebook is giving us a look at its high-flying plan to bring internet service to remote parts of the world. ceo mark zuckerberg posted this video to his facebook page today. it's a huge solar-powered drone that has the wingspan of a boeing 737 but it weighs less than 1,000 pounds. facebook says the drone will hover above the altitude of commercial planes. it will use lasers to send internet signals to stations on the ground and connect communities that don't have cell towers or land lines. >> it always improves lives. when you bring information highway to a place, it will really improve the livelihood. >> facebook is planning test flights later this year. worries over wi-fi. a new upgrade may leave your network vulnerable. microsoft is letting millions of people upgrade to windows 10 for free. but there might be a catch here. that latest operating system comes with a concerning new feature called wi-fi scent. if you don't opt out, it will allow your outlook contacts your skrip and facebook friends to access your wi-fi network if they're within range. they won't even need your password. jeff is here with great news. relief a little bit. >> i know. i woke up this morning, it felt like the a.c. was on outside. so nice. great way to start the day. live look outside the camera. you see in sunol, the hills are brown. talking about the possibility of a drop or two. details coming up in a few minutes. i'm sam brock. a family member of one of the victims of the colorado theater shooting wanted to create a law. but now they're stuck with a lawsuit fee. first they lost their daughter. now they could lose everything. the family of a loro shooting victim was orderedo pay $200k in court fees for the the family of a colorado shooting victim was ordered to pay $200,000 in court fees for the ammo dealers they tried to sue. >> how are the fees that high for a case that never went to court? sam brock has tonight's "reality check." >> reporter: shock and horror. as a gunman opens fire at a movie theater in aurora, colorado. and for sandy and lonnie phillips, devastation at the loss of a young daughter 24-year-old jessica gowey. three years later, their tragedy continues. >> they have taken our daughter and now they want to take everything else. >> reporter: after filing to sue several online retailers who sold ammo and other gear to james holmes the convicted aurora shooter, a colorado district court judge dismissed the case then ordered the phillips family to pay the retailers' attorney fees. >> we're on the hook for $200,000 right now which will drive us into bankruptcy. >> reporter: you heard that right. in his order this june judge richard p. mash wrote, quote, those who ignite a fire should be responsible for the cost of suppressing it before it becomes a conflagration. how could a case that didn't make it to trial cost so much? >> to me $200,000 sounds crazy. it isn't that high. >> reporter: robin thomas is the executive director at the center to prevent gun violence in san francisco. >> you'd be shocked how quickly the price can go up. >> reporter: in fact the court order tallies up all the costs. the phillips will be charged for attorneys' fees travel expenses even postage. but despite the shocking headline about costs, legal experts say the outcome of the case isn't really that surprising. >> there have been a number of cases that have worked their way through state or federal court. >> reporter: santa clara law school's professor says a federal law, a shield law, the protection of lawful commerce and arms act, makes it very difficult to bring any legal action ooens against arms or ammo makers and dealers. >> as it's written, it provides a fairly broad and blanket shield for those manufacturers. >> there's absolutely no other industry in this country that receives that kind of protection from our government. >> reporter: but is the law so ironclad that the phillips' stood no chance at all. the optics are not good in the family that they're looking to change the system and they end up with a $200,000 bill. is it justice or should they have expected that outcome? >> it would have been foolish to not have known the odds were stacked against them because of this law. that being said there are claims to be made. >> reporter: the reality is this couple is stuck with a $200,000 bill an exorbitant sum on its face. maybe not for this kind of case but the case never saw the light of day. according to our second amendment expert there could have been some holes poked in that federal law. and they still have that $200,000 bill. s that a travesty. i'm sam brock. that's this edition of "reality check." the mystery of the missing malaysia airliner is unraveling a wing found on an island east of africa is now being sent to france. the hope is that the test will confirm the wreckage is from the flight that disappeared 16 months ago. a local says he also found a tattered piece of luggage right where that piece of the wing was found. ever since the debris was discovered. search crews have been scouring the beaches and waters for any more clues. jeff ranieri is here. it felt like the natural a.c. was on. it was nice. refreshing, jeff. >> definitely. rolling right in throughout the bay. that's why we had the noticeable differences today. you felt that cold wind at your back. 86 degrees for the south bay. peninsula dropping to an average of 81. east bay, nope, 91 degrees. and in san francisco, 65. it was all about san francisco and that fog rolling in at the immediate coastline which is still dropping temperatures anywhere from 5 to 6 degrees compared to this time yesterday. fog at the immediately coastline at 6:49 means it's going to have an easy time rolling back in for tomorrow. not only for san francisco and the peninsula but even areas of patchy low clouds down towards the south bay and 62 degrees to start. my coldest temperature for the north bay will be for the north bay and 57. we have a change we've been talking about all week long. no major change with the rainfall. not much of it. but what this area of low pressure will be doing is continuing to push in the humidity right across california. we'll be tracking the possibility of a few storms. but as you're going to see on the radar view right now, most of those storms continue to remain off towards the south near los angeles, also right through the grapevine and right up here through lake tahoe. that's generally the zone it will head in over the next 24 hours. as we head throughout tomorrow morning, a little bit of activity may bubble up off towards the east of us. but for us it's about the clouds in the morning. by the afternoon hours, you'll see that the areas of rainfall will again remain to the south and right across lake tahoe. there's a slim chance we may see a small branch of that energy break off and impact the bay area. so what i've done is put where we may see that slight chance of showers for tomorrow. for the south bay, that will be in los gatos with a high of 88 degrees. for the peninsula, best chance would be in pacifica with 66. san francisco, it's the marina, slight chance at 64. and cool weather throughout the financial district tomorrow. north bay, east bay and tri-valley, not really any major chances of wet weather tomorrow. it's the humidity, increasing high cloud cover. napa, 86 for your high. east bay, 73 in oakland. fremont, 88. and check it out, very very nice compared to the past couple of days. 91 in danville. 93 in pleasanton. for this weekend, a few subtle changes in the forecasts with temperatures. overall, the humidity will be the biggest thing. a little muggy. you'll notice it. but it's good for the skin. adds some moisture. >> aren't cucumbers good for your eyes or something? >> true. >> the swelling of your eyes. >> thank you, jeff. coming up next, guess what? we are heading to wine country. wine, cheese and the raiders. yes, napa getting some heavy doses of silver and black. back in a moment. k this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. geraud on cam as the trade deadline good evening. as the trade deadline continues to creep closer, the giants hoped to make a run for another top notch starter to match madison bumgarner. david price picked up by the toronto blue jays today according to multiple reports. detroit in return received three left-handed minor league pitchers including daniel norris, a top 15 prospect. price will be a free agent come season's end. the silver and black rolled into napa today for the start of training camp. jack del rio gets to put his imprint on this squad that will need the younger players to step up. and they are ready. >> exciting, man. a lot of energy has been boiling up. a lot of hard work has been prepared and put in to come down to this moment and start day one of training camp. so we'll get it kicked off today with the conditioning sets and go from there. >> finally, for many years, the question has been pondered around the bay area, why isn't john brodie in the pro football hall of fame? today, the san francisco chamber of commerce took a step to resolve that issue. mindi bach as more. >> reporter: john brodie's smile was never louder. nearly a dozen of his former teammates were on hand as the san francisco chamber of commerce made the nomination to an official from canton. >> on behalf of the chamber, please accept this nomination of john riley brodie to be enshrined into the hall of fame. >> thank you. >> reporter: but it's those who know brodie best who can explain the magic behind his numbers. >> he was so tough. he would take a hit and get up. he was very very very -- not a fragile quarterback. he was as tough as we were. >> when they'd come in the huddle and it was a tough, tough game and you just needed to -- you'd say, guys give me a couple of more seconds and we've got six points. i would say that 80% of the time, it would happen. >> a great, great leader. and today we're here to right a wrong and let's just get it done. >> reporter: brodie suffered a stroke 15 years ago which impaired his ability to speak. but true to his spirit the 17-year nfl veteran didn't let that stop him from showing his appreciation. >> really beautiful guys. 14 years, really good -- cut it off. thank you. >> reporter: mindi bach, nbc bay area. for those that might not be old enough to know brodie was an nfl mvp, he threw 214 touchdown passes. when his football days were done he had a nice career on the senior pga tour. so quite the athlete back in the day. >> yeah. and the family is great also on the peninsula. thank you. the weekend is almost here. if you're looking for something to do, you might want to check out the annual fremont festival of the arts in downtown fremont. there's lots of food drinks crafts, fun and sun. you might also spot some familiar nbc bay area faces out there since we are a proud smon sponsor. new video, ben and jen's former nanny under siege today. >> is she really in love with ben or is she out for fame? now on "extra." ben affleck's nanny gate blows up. >> i have no comment. >> hours after ben denies the story, the nanny's friends claim there's a smoking gun. what we've uncovered about christine ouzounian. >> jennifer garner today how she's handling the allegations. >> a make up and a break up. clues that paula deen may be cooking up divorce plans.

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