Wayne County Mobile Home Tax Bills will be mailed tomorrow (April 22), and they are due July 1st. Anyone paying after July 1st will be subject to a $25 per month penalty. The total amount extended this year is $91,605.77 for 965 mobile homes. Last year, the extension was $98,248.35 cents for 1,040 mobile homes. Payment may be made in person at the Wayne County Courthouse, in the drop box on the courthouse's west side, or by mail. Anyone with questions can call the office of Wayne County Treasurer Donna Masterson at 842-5087. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The Fairfield Community High School Board of Education will meet tonight at 6 in the school study hall. In new business, members are anticipated to approve flooring for the Study Hall from K&M, approve Prairie Farms for dairy services for FY23, and move money to Operations and Maintenance. The board will then enter executive session to discuss personnel, including a superintendent evaluation, and property acquisition. Upon its return to open session, it could act to rehire Bob Wells as Assistant Principal/Principal and to hire a custodian to fill an upcoming vacancy. Several municipalities have clean-up days and rummage sales in the coming days. Renew Fairfield is scheduled for this Saturday, and the Village of Wayne City will hold its clean-up day on May 3rd. Cisne's will take place May 9th, and Geff's is scheduled for May 18th. The City of Albion will hold its city-wide rummage sale this Saturday, and Wayne City's will be on the 29th and 30th. Fairfield's will be on the 30th, Cisne's on May 7th, and Geff's on May 14th. The Illinois Department of Transportation says Norfolk Southern will improve the railroad crossing in Mt. Carmel just south of Railroad Street on Illinois 15 next week. Lane closure will be necessary for the project; a temporary crossing will be provided, and a full road closure will not be necessary. Work is scheduled to begin Monday and should be completed at the end of the day on Thursday. Illinois added nearly 5,700 teachers in the last school year, more than the past five years combined, according to a survey by the Illinois State Board of Education, and the statewide vacancy rate was about 1.5 percent. However, Director of Teaching and Learning Jennifer Kirmes says the shortage continues in low-income and specialty fields. The Illinois Eastern Community College Board of Trustees met Tuesday at Frontier Community College. They approved an increase in fees for the truck driving program to reflect the current cost of operating a semi, and they awarded a bid for D&R Bennett, Incorporated, to resurface the gymnasium at Wabash Valley College. In personnel matters, the board approved the employment of Billy Fornwalt as Truck Driving Instructor for WVC, effective May 16th. It accepted resignations from Amy Hohlbaugh as Student Services Specialist at FCC, effective May 13th; Lucas Harms as custodian at WVC, effective March 29th, and Terry Chrtt as FCC Information Systems Technician, effective May 14th. The board accepted a retirement notice from Sandra Craig as Director of the WVC Learning Resource Center, effective August 1st. The New Hope Grade School Scholastic Bowl Team took first place in the Quin County Conference Championship competition held yesterday at Center Street School in Fairfield. New Hope took the championship match on its final question and defeated St. Mary's 195-175. Team members include Grady Simpson, Allison Breuer, Logan Hodges, Aiden Dunn, Alivia Rice, Karoline Book, Wren Braddock, Carly Fleener, and Kamden Vaughan, and the team is coached by Ardis Barbre. Other participating teams included Geff, Cisne, Flora, Mt. Carmel, Clay City, Albion, West Salem, and Wayne City grade schools. The Cisne FFA Agricultural Issues team of Cierra Reed, Rylee Beckel, Emily Milner, Noah Atwood, and Kevin Hyder won its District V Leadership Development Event Tuesday at SIU Carbondale. The team submitted a 10-page portfolio documenting research and local forums on their topic, "Farm Subsidies: Do They Still Have a Place at Ag's Table?" They now advance to the state level in June. Cisne FFA members Isabella Cline, Atwood, and Emma Hedrick also represented the chapter in District V Public Speaking Tuesday. Cline won the Invitational Extemporaneous division, and Hedrick took third in Invitational Extemporaneous. Atwood finished fourth in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking. Fairfield FFA members Kayden Wells and Sara McGehee took part in the Public Speaking contest. McGehee took second in JV Prepared Speaking, and Wells placed sixth in the FFA Creed. Fairfield FFA also participated at Murray State Field Day recently in Livestock Judging, Dairy Judging, Ag Mechanics, and Tool ID. The Ag mechanics team of Caleb Vaughan, Trey Mason, Parker McGill, and Bronson Rilea placed sixth, and Vaughan took first individually. 62 teams from three states were at the event in Murray, Kentucky. Frontier Community College has introduced a Small Business Development Center, or SBDC, in conjunction with a grant with Southeastern Illinois College, and the college will host an SBDC Open House today in Clemence Elizabeth Cox Hall, or the Learning Resource Center. The event will run from 1 to 3 p.m., and anyone attending is also welcome to stay for a Bobcats baseball game at 3. Claire Vaughan serves as a consultant for the SBDC, and she says they can help with virtually any aspect of business from legal issues, marketing, business plans, and taxes. She says the SBDC will also refer people to local businesses for help if they need more expertise. Anyone with questions can call 842-3711, extension 4516, or email [email protected]. The IDPH reported one new case of COVID-19 in Wayne and Lawrence counties yesterday. Marion County added six, and Clay County added four, while Richland, Edwards, and White counties held steady. Jefferson, Wabash, and Hamilton counties saw their totals decrease on the state website. As a state, Illinois announced 3,931 new cases and nine additional deaths. The Illinois Department of Transportation is asking people to "think before you throw." IDOT is increasing efforts to clean up debris along Illinois roads and urges everyone to do their part to reduce litter. Officials remind people littering is illegal and could result in fines of up to $1,500. Last year, IDOT spent more than $41 million on clean-up efforts. Trees Forever continues to have success with a Buffer Partnership Program. Field Coordinator Debbie Fluegel says the organization has partnered with livestock groups in Illinois to reduce erosion and improve wildlife and pollinator habitat. More information can be found at treesforever.org/illinois_buffer_partnership. River stages as of this morning: the Little Wabash east of Fairfield stands at 19.71 feet, above the 17 ft. flood stage. Meanwhile, the Skillet Fork at Wayne City has a reading of 5.87 feet (flood stage is 15 ft.). The Little Wabash below Clay City is at 8.17 feet (flood stage is 18 ft.). Bonpas Creek at Browns reads 3.36 feet, and the Little Wabash at Main Street in Carmi reads 22.18 feet. The Wabash River at Mt. Carmel sits at 14.77 feet. Today's crude oil price is $95.75, up $0.25 from yesterday. The May crude oil price is $103.88, up $0.14 from yesterday morning.