Wayne County Mobile Home Tax Bills will be mailed tomorrow (April 22), and they are due July 1st. Anyone paying after July 1st will be subject to a $25 per month penalty. The total amount extended this year is $91,605.77 for 965 mobile homes. Last year, the extension was $98,248.35 cents for 1,040 mobile homes. Payment may be made in person at the Wayne County Courthouse, in the drop box on the courthouse's west side, or by mail. Anyone with questions can call the office of Wayne County Treasurer Donna Masterson at 842-5087. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The Fairfield Community High School Board of Education will meet tonight at 6 in the school study hall. In new business, members are anticipated to approve flooring for the Study Hall from K&M, approve Prairie Farms for dairy services for FY23, and move money to Operations and Maintenance. The board will then enter executive session to discuss personnel, including a superintendent evaluation, and property acqu
COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available for Fairfield residents, and will be distributed on Tuesday, March 16
th. Anyone interested in making an appointment to receive the vaccine should contact the Wabash County Health Department at 263-3873.
The much-anticipated decision on the fate of the Wayne County Courthouse will not be known for at least some time. The board failed to take any action during the meeting concerning the building, but an Executive Session at the conclusion of the meeting concerned the possible purchase, lease or acquisition of property. No action was taken by the board at the conclusion of the Executive Session. David Harl addressed the board in support of keeping the courthouse, citing its architectural and historic value to the community. Jail Committee Chairman Nathan Jones stated that the board was investigating its options if the Qualified Immunity for Police Bill passes in the Illinois Legislature. Jones stated that the board fully supports the Wayn