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♪ >> ainsley: it's 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. is that right? >> steve: it's 72 degrees. >> brian: already have a fact-check? >> ainsley: june 19th. and this is "fox & friends." president biden offering on dolences but no real solutions after illegal immigrant is arrested for the murder of a maryland mother of five. we will ask maryland's governor wes moore is that response is enough. >> steve: plus, the veepstakes are heating up as contenders hit the ground running for donald trump. but former kamala harris aides say one in particular keeps them up at night. >> i think j.d. vance would be -- pose the greatest threat to kamala harris in some respects. is he super smart, is he sharp. and quick-whited. >> lawrence: wow. and justin timberlake probably crying himself a river this morning arrested for another dwi despite claiming he had one martini. >> steve: that's all it takes. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. get dressed. >> ainsley: president biden will be back at his beach house in delaware today after appearing to forget homeland security secretary alejandro marcus' name during an event at the white house. >> lawrence: latest incident sparking concerns over his age and mental health. >> brian: but the administration is doubling down on its accusation that g.o.p. is manipulating videos of the 81-year-old. >> steve: lucas tomlinson joins us from the white house. lucas, how dare you manipulate video. i didn't see the edits but apparently that's going on. >> that's right. steve. we got veepstakes and cheap stakes. not talking about meat. that's the term they are losing here at the white house. i could not find that in the dictionary. here is karine jean-pierre yesterday in the briefing room. >> i think there is so much misinformation, disinformation as we have been talking about, you talked about. the video of the president wandering. and it's not true. right? the president wasn't wandering. he was talking to a parachuter that was right in front of him. and what you saw is the republican party really manipulating what was being said and what was being seen by the american people. it's also very insulting to the folks, the viewers who are watching it. and so we believe -- we have to call that out. >> we will play the video from italy and let the audience figure out for themselves what is going on here, guys. and here is also the fun from the fundraiser in los angeles the a listers. white house blames the president froze. some blame president obama for taking the president's hand and guiding him off stage. you mentioned off the top, the president appearing to forget his dhs chief's name. >> my name is joe biden. i'm jill biden's husband. [laughter] >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary --- [garbled] all kidding asides. >> no kidding aside the president will be in rehoboth beach today for his debate prep as that first debate with former president donald trump looms in a battle week, guys. >> thank you so much,. >> and it's interesting because, as that first clip that lucas played that, was somebody over at msnbc talking about how the president had wandered off. so, obviously, the white house has a different narrative, which is, you know, the president was looking at something else. he was intrigued with the show. just taking it all in. it doesn't look like that. if you didn't have the description from the white house, and you looked at it, it looks like is he freezing. looks like somebody grabs him and drags him off stage. >> brian: easy to forget about this if he ever sat down and took interviews and ever took questions. that was a bad moment. when he was sitting with the other world leader and answered 10, 12, 15 questions that would have been the argument. that's all you see, gets two questions. gets mad at people for asking about gaza. doesn't do any interviews. goes to that closed door meeting with the hollywood celebrities. goes closed door fundraiser with terry mcauliffe. we are left with shouted answers. shouted questions. chopper rolling and b roll. b roll that looks damning. and nobody can spin it differently. >> she said it's not true. he wasn't wandering. we saw that video. we saw the prime minister of italy go over and turn him around and nudge him to face the cameras. we saw barack obama grab his wrist. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> steve: there is a parachutist in front of the world leaders. >> lawrence: set only one. >> steve: joe biden has been in politics for 100 years. he knows where the pack of reporters is he turns hisback on it and the prime minister goes hey, mr. president, we are all looking this way. this does not look good for you. got to bail you out. watch how long it takes to get the glass on. always like this. also always in slow-mo. i guess the big question is taking his hands down so slow. >> lawrence: how many times do we get to be right about this and accused of being wrong. it's like every single scandal. we are ahead of the curve. and we are calls crazy. got russia, the hunter biden laptop, we got the failed impeachment. i mean, it's just like scandal after scandal his mental acuity, spying on journalists when they spied on us. and we said that it was happening. and they say oh, don't forget the covid pandemic and what happened with the wuhan lab. >> brian: that was a daily occurrence. >> lawrence: how many times do we say guys just so you know all you elitist this is happening. they call us extremist, right wingers or whatever they want to right. years later it comes out it was true. >> steve: don't believe your lying eyes. >> ainsley: you make the choice. we show you the video. it was live on air all over the world and you get to decide. do you believe the white house that it was fake, that it was edited or do you believe the video you saw? >> steve: all about the narrative. >> brian: lyin' eyes. >> steve: steely dan. >> brian: eagles? lie lyin' eyes we're watching you. >> ainsley: that's a different song. right? >> brian: eagle's lyin' eyes? >> steve: do you have spotify. >> brian: i have to start looking into this. >> steve: don't take our word for it that it's not manipulated. listen what they are saying on the other channels and you be the judge. >> it's a serious question in light the president's halting gate at times but also the recent wake of right wing media selectively editing video claiming he. >> you selectively edited vehicle he was wandering off like a dementia patient. growing and insidious media broadcast, print and social media that is to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos of president biden directly from republican national committee social media accounts and then use those videos to spread messages, virally to cast doubt on president biden's fitness for office. >> lawrence: how do these networks still employ the intelligence people sign on that letter said it was false. our guy dan hoffman asked done a part of that letter who said no. >> brian: 51 intel agents on the laptop. >> lawrence: still employ it people. got it right and this happens. >> brian: james clapper on cnn says do you regret signing the letter? no. i don't regret it. and john brennan we expected he is a political analyst and totally disgraced. meanwhile talk about the v.p. stakes probably the most infreak treegs and even on other channels you see they love the horse race. and the audition process that president trump has set up. so, one of the finalists is tim scott. one of the finalists is j.d. vance. they both have one thing in common. they both can raise tremendous money for the president. >> ainsley: yeah. so tim scott he is marking juneteenth today with his policy summit. and including some of the world's wealthiest people. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: talk about tax policy and crypto among other things. sponsored by advocacy group which is called the great opportunity policy. he spent -- that network also spent $14 million to boost the black and hispanic support. so, that is something that donald trump is going to look at and say tim scott is helping me there is he seeking donations about $250,000 from this group of billionaires today. and he has collected 134 million from donors already. >> steve: just think about that right there. as he has been a u.s. senator, tim scott has become a money machine, $134 million from donors, including at least a dozen billionaires whose combined net worth is exceeding $325 billion. and ultimately, and great article in bloomberg today that talks about. this the more money tim scott can raise, the bigger the financial war chest he can offer to deploy if he is selected as donald trump's vice president. >> lawrence: tim scott was the highest fundraiser back when he was in the primary as well. actually, when he got out of race, he was still raising the most money. and then he came back and he said listen, america is not telling no. but it's not your time yet, tim. but, is he not the only candidate. you got j.d. vance who is in the race as well. this is hot president is probably aligned the most with when it documents ideology. and then you have got doug burgum who he likes as a person, former businessman as well. really likes the guy. then you got marco rubio as well who is still on the foreign policy. >> brian: before we go j.d. vance. he was on that last night and asked that question by bret baier. mark rowan, bill ackman who is not quite on the trump train yet but might be. and venture capitalist mark van dreeben. what i would like to do and what is the most valuable they don't just show up and drink wine. they talk. they can talk what can make this better? what is the crypto policy for a 78-year-old who made his money in real estate? who knows how much he knows about crypto so let's learn. who knows what tax policy is working? why haven't more companies come back after the tax plan? were they coming back until the transition in power? that's what they say trump does best. he brings these people together and he listens to the issues like what happened in silicon valley. now, for senator j.d. vance, is he also extremely well-connected, and he talked about the president's preparation for the debate. very different from traditional ways of precinct. >> again, i think if you sort of talk to him, is he really worried about the number of illegal immigrants that have come to this country. is he really worried about inflation. is he really worried about the fact that young americans can't afford a home. and he really cares about becoming president again not for his own reasons but because he wants to make those problems better for american citizens. debate prep is really, i think, at least in my limited experience with him, he's thinking about how to translate these really, really important topics into a message that works. >> ainsley: that debate is next thursday night. so we talked about tim scott meeting with the billionaires at the summit. j.d. vance was in court with donald trump supporting him in new york. he had this silicon valley donor network. we saw all the money they raised when they were out in silicon valley last week. he was a marine in the iraq war. and he worked as a venture capitalist in tech. the author of hillbilly he will i didn't. >> steve: great movie. >> ainsley: debate prep this time they bring somebody in to play joe biden. they are not going to do that. instead of a mock debate what they are doing is having policy discussions with v.a.ous senators. they wanted to do something on immigration so they brought in tom homan. and so topics that are likely to come up. that's so i bring in tom homan and you talk about immigration he listens to billionaires. he knows he has talking points a week from tomorrow when things come up. regarding the joe biden debate prep, it says line ron klain, long time adviser, former chief of staff, sounds like is he pretending to be donald trump. >> lawrence: if you are the former president, what you have to do that you didn't do the last time, think about like a football quarterback. you got to stay in the pocket. you don't have to do more. you don't have to -- all you have to do is stay in the zone because right now when you look at -- especially our latest fox news polling of all the issues, whether it's the economy, the border, the american trust when it comes to national security, he wins on the issues. so, just explain. >> brian: do you know what jake tapper and dana bash going to say did you lose the last election 2020. what happened on january 6th? are you going to release all the january 6th people have that have been arrested. best thing you can do is watch the sunday shows. that's all they talk about and then they end with will you accept the results of 2024. those aren't hard answers for trump. >> just get in your head and parrot it. you take that in and talk about the issues that matter. let me tell you what the american people care about. you care about january 6th. that's fine. but let me tell you what the american people care about. >> lawrence: that's it. >> brian: inflation is this. unemployment is that. >> ainsley: that's a good way to put it. he does need to prep for and this make sure he has those answers down pat. >> brian: they are obsessed. >> lawrence: annoyed continue to push those buttons impact them day-to-day basis. then say enough of that i want to talk about what the country cares about right now and go into your stump speech. >> ainsley: doug burgum i didn't realize this reading how many places trump and his campaign are sending him around the country to campaign. florida, nevada, virginia, new hampshire, minnesota, vermont, north carolina and california. most of those are speaking engagements to the g.o.p. and dinners and lunches and those various towns. but he is the north dakota governor and donald trump has said he will most likely name his v.p. at the convention, which is in a month. >> steve: very exciting absolutely. >> brian: do you know how he flies? coach, usually. if he is not on trump's plane. he will fly coach with his team. multi billionaire. why we do that? >> lawrence: that's probably how he saved all that money. >> ainsley: right. true. >> brian: pay for the headsets and pay for the jell-o. >> steve: jell-o? >> ainsley: what? >> brian: when you want jell-o you have to pay for it. >> lawrence: who likes jell-o on the plane? >> brian: move eat it. easy to make. comes in a packet. exciting. >> steve: are you thinking about jell-o or are you thinking about the little orange juices in jell-o container. >> brian: same thing. >> ainsley: next time you fly i don't want the coca-cola i would like jell-o. >> brian: and teeth. >> steve: one of the things out there in the zeitgeist. >> and the microchondria. >> steve: 7:15 in the east and carley. >> carley: i have this image of brian riding coast between two people opening up a snack pack. [laughter] >> carley: this is exciting. >> brian: lunchables. >> carley: i do have more news to get. to say leave that image there starting with. this the white house canceling a high stakes meeting with israel that was planned for tomorrow. the move coming after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted a video calling out the biden administration for withholding military aid. >> when secretary blinken was recently here in israel. we had a candid conversation. i said i deeply appreciated the support the u.s. has given israel from the beginning of the war. but i also said something else. i said it's inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding wednesday and ammunitions to israel. >> carley: report that president biden's top advisers were, quote: enraged by the video. the administration continues to strongly deny they have blocked any arms shipments. but it has delayed delivering certain heavy bombs since may over concerns about civilian casualties in gaza. the ftc referred its complaint against tiktok and bytedance to the justice department. they began their investigation in 2020 after tiktok allegedly failed to live up to a 2019 agreement to protect children's privacy. the ftc says the investigation uncovered reason to believe named defendants are violating or about to violate the law that a proceeding is in a public interest. tiktok says they have been working with the ftc for over a year and are disappointed by this development. and dr. anthony fauci continues to make the rounds for his book tour on tuesday. this time admitting this was a mistake to close schools during covid. >> i kept on saying close the bars, open the schools. open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can but, initially, to close it down was correct. >> i'm not talking about initially. >> after a year was not a good idea. >> carley: a totally different sentiment than what we heard from fauci a few years back. >> brian: play it. >> right now, we have to start implementing both containment and mitigation. and what was done when you do closing the schools is mitigation. >> if you have a situation in which you don't have a rile good control over an outbreak and you allow children to gather together, they likely will get infected. and, if they get infected the likelihood they will bring the infection home. >> carley: now studies show the more time students spent doing remote learning the further behind they fell academically. and those are your headlines, guys. >> brian: is that book on the fiction side or nonfiction side. >> carley: wow, how bold of him. >> lawrence: if he says that, it's true. he should put a montage together and release it so we can see it. if he would have said open the schools, they would have been open. everybody was listening to fauci. >> brian: teacher's union. >> steve: right. in the describer he said initially the decision was right to close the schools. remember, the whole country shut down. >> brian: over a year. >> steve: right, exactly. because the teachers unions they wanted the new ventilation, all that stuff. they never got it. they would still be closed today if it wasn't. >> lawrence: do you remember, steve of him saying open the schools? great passion right there. >> brian: trump was saying two weeks to slow the spread. he was happy to do it for a year. >> ainsley: if he had said that we would have remembered it. >> lawrence: 100 percent. >> ainsley: our schools were closed. i would have been jumping for joy. >> brian: if you please return the book. >> steve: such a soundbite, we had to play it. >> carley: exactly. what a flashback. >> brian: do not do it again. >> carley: okay, noted. >> steve: i bet there are people on airplanes all over america watching us on the little screams back there. >> brian: screaming at us. >> steve: dropping their jell-o. [laughter] >> brian: probably still moving right on the ground. [ laughter ] >> ainsley: next month justin timberlake's case is expected to come up in court again after he was arrested for driving while intoxicated yesterday in new york. >> brian: sag harbor. one witness said he was wasted timberlake claims he only had one martini. >> lawrence: brooke sing man has the details. >> he has a court date next month where his lawyer will represent him after he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. the pop star was pulled over after blowing through a stop sign and veering out of his lane in the hamptons after midnight on tuesday. sources tell the "new york post" the officer who pulled him over was too young to recognize timberlake or even know his name. the officer gave the singer a field sobriety test which he failed and led him away in cuffs. he claims he only had one martini but refused to take a breathalyzer test despite multiple requests from law enforcement. one witness claims he was, quote: wasted at a party and seen sipping other people's drinks before getting behind the wheel. now, this new surveillance foot tang shows timberlake driving in the hamptons just minutes before being pulled over. and this picture from the daily mail shows timberlake in handcuffs. he pleaded not guilty during a short arraignment. now, just hours before his run-in with the law, timberlake's wife jessica behl seen filming upcoming series in new york city. she has not spoken out about her husband's arrest. timberlake told officers this would ruin his world tour which he is churengtly in the middle of. he is apparently planning to perform in chicago on friday night. guys? >> steve: he will have plenty to talk about. brooke, thank you very much. >> brian: i think he would rather sing. >> steve: i think so, too. you mentioned brian, he was sag harbor at the american hotel. a witness told the "new york post" that he looked wasted. witness said justin timberlake drank somebody else's drink when the person went to the bathroom. he might have only ordered one martini according to the "new york post" he might have had somebody else's. >> brian: sounds like something chris chulo has done. >> ainsley: can you still be charged with dwi. >> lawrence: if you deny the breathalyzer then you are going to the slammer every single time. >> steve: apparently the body cam video from the officer who arrested him best evidence. showed signs of being drunk after blowing through the stop sign, swerving, eyes were bloodshot, glassy. strong odor of booze. unable to attention. performed poorly in field sobriety test. other than that he was fine. >> ainsley: his wife jessica behl two children together. he has so much money. order a uber. >> steve: order a limo. >> ainsley: one martini and stay with a friend ands that when he was caught. >> brian: i still have never had a martini. >> steve: you haven't? they are great. >> ainsley: can you do vodka or begin. >> brian: drink too quick. i feel like i could have too many. >> lawrence: drink expresso martini. >> brian: morning show host. >> steve: a stimulant and a depressant. >> ainsley: is that what is in your coffee cup? >> lawrence: i set myself up for that. >> brian: anybody in a relationship with morning show host knows that you can't date late friday night. after a week getting up 3:00 in the morning. >> lawrence: you are done. >> brian: brian meanwhile, this now toss to ainsley. >> ainsley: new polls surprising insight where independent voters stand with less than a month until the first convention. we have the numbers, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? 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>> steve: do you know what? you brought up a good point yesterday in the east room, he introduced his secretary of the department of homeland security and let's see if anybody can identify his name from this description. >> my name is joe biden, i'm jill biden's husband. [laughter] >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary. [garr belled] i'm not [inaudible] all kidding aside the white house would say apartment i manipulation editing. >> yes, i think we can say that was unedited and unmanipulated video of the way the president talks striking thing is go back to the president's early months in office. go back to his first news conference in march of 2021, he spoke much more clearly. his enunciation was much better. you don't have to go back 25 years to when he was a senator or 10 years to when he was the vice president. the decline in the president's verbal ability has been noticeable since he has been president. >> steve: indeed it has. all right, byron, thank you very much for joining us today with your perspective. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: you bet. have a good day. meanwhile, the white house is offering condolences, but no actual solutions to the family of maryland mother of five who was killed at the hands of an illegal migrant. governor wes moore of the great state of maryland is going to react, next. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. it's waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it's all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. >> brian: illegal immigrant accused of tying up and raping a 13-year-old girl knife point due in court today. new details about his arrest and how he got into this country to begin with. doug luzader joins you now. doug? >> good morning, an illegal immigrant accused of horrific crime in new york will be in court today after a community banded together to catch him. christian inga-landi is accused of threatening two 13-year-olds a girl and boy before tying them up and raping the girl. he expect him to face this list of charges, rape, robbery, kidnapping, sex abuse, menacing behavior. unlawful imprisonment. injuring a child. and criminal possession of a weapon. he is a migrant from ecuador. he was caught by a group of community members who then held him, waiting for police to arrive. that's quite a story in and of itself. the biden administration meantime is offering condolences to the family of rachel morin, the maryland mother of five who police say was killed by a 23-year-old illegal immigrant. this is the white house statement. we extend our deepest condolences to the family, and loved ones of rachel morin. we cannot comment on active law enforcement cases but fundamentally, we believe that people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if they are found to be guilty. now, former president trump said biden border policies are to blame. >> another biden migrant was arrested for the savage murder of an innocent american woman. rachel morin, 37 years old. mother of five. beautiful woman. nice woman. everybody loved her. if i was president, he would never have been able to come in. he would have never been able to come in. >> okay, now rachel's mother, as you might imagine, is incensed. calling this an american crisis. >> it's a senseless death. i mean, who would expect almost 2,000 miles from the southern border somebody coming from another country, coming into our small town, and just randomly attacking someone and brutally murdering them. that's -- it's like we have opened our doors and you let a stranger into your house. >> and an el salvador native was arrested in oklahoma sitting in a bar. brian. >> brian: name is victor hernandez, thanks so much, doug. grizzly recap. joining us now to react to this gruesome maryland. maryland governor rest moore. i want to talk to you about the bridge and what you are doing with marijuana pardons but i have got to start here in a murder happens in maryland and you find out that victor hernandez didn't even belong here to begin with a horrible record in el salvador and brings that to america. your thoughts? >> i'm infuriated. and our state is still mourning. i mean, this is a mother of five. someone who had her life ahead of her, many celebrations with her family ahead of her. and her life was cut short. and, you know, when people think about the border crisis, and they think this is only impacting a handful of states, hartford county, in our state, where this brutal murder happened is 1800 miles away from the border. and so when people think this is only impacting a few states. this is impacting every single one of us. this naxz we continue to see to get any form of sensible immigration policy done is impacting all of us. because all of us in local jurisdictions deal with the consequences of this. >> brian: so, governor, i saw on sunday, you said if the republicans only didn't get in the way of bipartisan legislation, things like this wouldn't happen. when you see victor hernandez, he was stopped in el paso, rejected. stopped in new mexico twice, rejected. the third time he came through as a got away he got through. these criminals are able to get through. we got 7.4 million. even if that legislation had passed as is, 4,000 are let through annually. it wouldn't have even kicked in to 270 days. so would you say -- to say the legislation not passing or passing is a bit of a reach, doesn't even apply here? >> no, i don't think this is partisan either. i don't put the blame on a singular political party because the truth is that many of the anchors of the bill were republicans. i mean, senator lankford was one of the authors and was one. >> brian: i'm saying nothing to do with this. >> well, no, my point is we are not talking about a singular bill. we are talking about something that has been broken for a very long time. this is not just about this congress. this is not just about this group of legislators. >> brian: no one has been worse than this current president no. one has been worse than him. you have to agree with that. >> this thing is so longstanding and there has been a lack of courage that we have been -- that we have seen for a long period of time in washington that has allowed this to take place. that's allowed our states to then and the people of our states who we protect and there is nothing i take more seriously than public safety. allowing people in my state to become victims because of a long-standing inaction that we continue to see across congress. and we got to move on this. >> brian: okay. let's talk about something you have moved on. governor moore, you are issuing pardons for 175,000 people who have been convicted of marijuana in some way, shape, or form. you pointed tout me it's not so much people in prison but it's on their record. you are going tokes punk it. >> yes. yes. what happened is this is the largest mass pardon that we have seen of cannabis convictions in the history of this country. over 175,000 marijuana convictions were just pardoned because you now have a burgeoning industry. a multi billion dollars industry in this country of legalized industry my state of maryland and i have people who still cannot go school. who cannot get jobs. who can't get home loans. i had one person with me the day i signed that pardon, a guy named shiloh who received gubernatorial pardon from me that day. >> this is a person who had the only thing on his record is a misdemeanor marijuana conviction. and he has not been able to find consistent employment. he recently got a job. was fired on the second day of the job because he couldn't pass a background check. this is not fair. and so really this is about how do we focus on write writing wrongs having something so disproportionately impacting communities and at the same time allowing people to enter back into the economy. we have got get our economy going. that means getting more people to participate. >> brian: i have to give you credit on something unrelated. the bridge, disaster had nothing to do with you. bridge collapses, waterways going to be stopped. waterways going to be crushed. have you managed to knock out bureaucracy, forget about partisanship and show up every day and make sure that waterway is clean. when can we see the bridge rebuilt? >> i want that bridge built asap. because the bridge is a core artery for the health of the port of baltimore. and that first morning i gave four directives we need give closure and comfort to the families of these six marylanders we lost. we need reopen the federal channel. they told us it could take up to 11 months. instead of 11 months we got that federal channel done in 11 weeks. we need to be able to support the thousands of port workers and the first responders and their families directly impacted francis scott key bridge rebuilt. we are really proud in record time got those first three objectives done. have been able to support the workers. we have got to get this bridge rebuilt. >> brian: republican told me when this bridge collapsed this is going to be a test for governor moore. people think he is going to be presidential material. and if he can get this done quickly, this would be a great launching pad for him. so far you are doing it. and that's why people are floating your name as a possible president biden replacement. should the wheels come off. come august convention. your reaction? >> i am full throated in my support of president biden because i know so much of the momentum that we have been able to see in the state of maryland. when i was first inaugurated we were 43rd in unemployment. now we have amongst the lowest unemployment rates in the entire country that we have been able to slash the homicides rates and violent crime rates in the state of maryland where baltimore now is the fastest drop of homicides of almost any major american city in country. we have done it because we have moved bipartisan. we have done it because we have moved and built bridges. we have done it in partnership with the biden administration. and i'm excited for another four years to have a chance to work with president biden. >> brian: what about if your name was offered as a possible replacement should something happen at the convention. how would you feel about that? do you think you are ready? >> i think president biden is going to -- is not just the nominee. president biden is the best candidate for the presidency and is the reason i'm supporting him. and the reason that i look forward to engaging all threat the campaign season to get him reelected. >> brian: i know the number you just talked about crime going down good thing in baltimore. long way to go anyone been through there and i think you know it. what do your constituents say about the state of the me in this country? >> yeah. well, i think people see also that they're linked. this drop in -- this drop in violent crime, this increase in public safety that we have seen in baltimore, also is directly correlated to economic growth. and i said we have got to get our economy moving. for the five years before i was governor, maryland's economy grew by .2 percent. the average has grown by 7.5%. that means working to make maryland a more hospitable business environment. more supportive to our entrepreneurs. investing in trade and apprenticeship programs. everybody does not need a 4 year college degree in order to be economically successful. these two things work together and it's working in maryland because we are working in a bipartisan fashion to get it done. >> brian: gave me 20 seconds to end. thank you so much, governor wes moore for your time. appreciate it. talk to you again soon. >> thanks so much, brian, thank you. >> brian: meanwhile straight ahead. one of the worst things you can imagine becoming the victim of an i porn scheme. while senator ted cruz, talking to him and a student victim next. next. ♪ and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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