Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

>> sean: welcome to hannity some very that news report -- full in county georgia more porn star drama from the kangaroo court. and robert f kennedy as the boy scouts of america are extinct because of local what left-wing politics this moment from capitol hill you need to see it and believe it take a look. >> jew force your daughter to undress a bathroom of boys we will play the education secretary's response coming up but we do begin with a serious story out of washington dc the nation's capital for the first time in american history you are spineless and gutless and cowardly president has abandoned our closest ally in the middle east and the greatest hour of need. breaking tonight joe biden says he pledged to cut off weapons to israel if the world's only jewish state to continues to fight back against hamas terrorists were holding israeli and american hostages. the same terrorists who raped killed and tortured thousands of men and women and children burning babies alive in their cribs just a few months ago. terrorists who state in their charter they want israel's complaint destruction. the joe biden message to the entire world american lives don't matter our allies lives don't matter joe never has your back just what the terrorists have their way and hope for the best. if radical ignorant freaks on college campuses and anti-semitic and anti- american islamic extremists yell loud enough your president will do whatever they want to take a look. >> president joe biden: i made it clear if they go into their they haven't yet but i said if they go in there i'm not supplying the weapons to do with this. they've made it clear to the war cabinet they are going to get her support think on these these population centers were not walking away from israel's security walking away from their ability to wage wars in those areas. >> it's not over the red line yet? >> not yet we filled up the weapons. we held up a shipment and older shipment we held up. >> sean: and all joe said to russia and putin and they ran was don't but here's what he saying to israel defending themselves. joe they were the victims of the worst terror attack in their history joe biden is likely sealed the fate of every hostage now in captivity all for what a few votes in michigan wisconsin pennsylvania no moral compass no moral care ready -- clarity no courage no decency honestly has a brain barely functioning he can't distinguish right from wrong, a good from evil he's now impotent and cowardly when it comes to standing for the cause of liberty and freedom over radical terrorists. 10 years ago the obama defence secretary robert gates said biden has been wrong on every dish nearly every major foreign policy and security issue over the past from fraud decades. he was right then and right now. as our allies see what joe biden is doing to israel and they all know as look at the national security disaster created at home this is because of joe biden's open borders allowing unvented illegal immigrants from hostile enemy countries from china, russia, syria iran, iraq, yemen afghanistan it was creating a clear and present danger to you and your family security and safety. the world is less safe our country is less safe because joe biden is your president. all that it comes amid spiking inflation unaffordable housing cross i'm levels the roof multiple wars overseas now he surrenders to a radical mob that controls his party surrendering in terms of fighting a war against radical islamic terrorism choosing to abandon america's role as the leader of the free world emboldening these islamic radicals worldwide the neville chamberlain of her time a president only those in iran could be proud of the consequences incalculable in the end a sad day for america on moral feeling of a magnitude we can't even begin to calculate and these actions low dire consequences for this country and for the world it's only a matter of time. reaction is lindsey graham. senator wants your reaction to this? >> i'm heartbroken because i know in jerusalem they're trying to figure out what to do the only reason they are dancing in iran is because they don't believe in dancing. what is this mean to america it changes the game in all the worst ways in the war on terror here's what joe biden is asking is asking the israelis to turn the world over to him to my friends in israel don't do that fight without the weapons do not let joe biden and lauren austen run this war it will do for you what they've done for america my fear is the hostage it was hard and out some possible. saudi arabia thinking of recognizing israel their work at the biden a ministration for a year to bring the deal about they would have a heart rate time right now this continues signing up a defense agreement with joe biden and his team who in their right mind and saudi arabia would turn their national security over to joe biden it's heartbreaking and dangerous pouring gasoline on the fire every problem in the middle east just got worse a nightmare to be his or for israel to be demanded by their best friend in the world and the only way that changes is at the ballot box in november. >> sean: i don't know what it means for israel i don't know what it means for every country in the region. look at what he's already done with iran not only did he turn a blind eye to the sanctions to allow the iranians to cell oil and get rich hundred billion dollars he was importing oil since march of 2021 from iran giving a waiver to iraq to give them 10 million wanting to give them 6 billion in a ransom exchange. what part of iran being though a world's number 1 state sponsor of terror does he not understand what part of what happened to israel on october 7th is he not understanding here. >> i don't think he does understand and that's a problem. october 7th the largest loss of life of jewish people since the holocaust surrounded by iran who wants to wipe out the jewish state. thomas said they would do it again and again their charter is to destroy israel the need of the palestinians and then in the group in lebanon their strata by radical islamic terrorists trained to destroy the jewish state not help the palestinians and what is joe biden's response war they can't afford to lose. what do we do after we were attacked in pearl harbor we drop new clear weapons on japanese cities to make sure our soldiers didn't have to invade japan where million lives could be lost what does joe biden do making it impossible for allies throughout the world to trust us >> sean: that's the equivalent of losing 8000 americans a day taken off american soil and taken hostage. let me play your exchange on this issue you're speaking to it the secretary of defense secretary austen. >> you are telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and cannot use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews and you are telling me if we withhold weapons in this fight existential flight for the life of the jewish state won't send the wrong signal to still think was a good idea. >> i support the president's decision. >> i think it was a disastrous decision we stop the weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time a great peril we pay a price it's obscene absurd give israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose. >> sean: if they are ever successful that was a great exchange and then he brought up the issue and were we wrong to use atomic weapons and world war 2 was his answer? >> it was a delayed answer as the chairman a joint chief see if you are around in world war ii ottawa would you drop the atomic bomb he said well you did in the war yes the relays israel is in a fight for its life this isn't some normal exchange in the middle east they want to kill the jewish state and what do they do they put command centers on hospitals and hide weapons in schools they use human shields to make a heart for israel to kill the terrorists without killing the palestinian people israel's a terrible spot because they are fighting a vicious enemy and joe biden picked michigan over mideast a bit stability domestic politics over world stability what you did tonight my friend and she made every terrorist in the world high as a kite but her friends in israel a box here is what i would do if i was israel i would save appreciate the support in the past we will do what we have to do to destroy hamas we are not turning it over to lord austen who thought it was a good idea to get out of afghanistan's like asking him to secure the border to my friends in israel do what you have to do destroy the battalions and don't let joe biden what the terrorists win. >> they will win the war without joe biden. >> sean: they will and it said because if they were ever successful in destroying israel as their charter calls for we are next. i promise on most every american tonight not just a biden's moral compass lacking we had another episode from his own personal everest climbing the stairs of air force one. course after multiple falls the big boy has been out of the question for some time now with his new supergroup sneakers still by the way the struggle israel take a look at your screen earlier today able to slowly shuffled to the top appeared to lose his balance desperately grabbing on to the rail for balance before finally ducking inside he now needs to be surrounded walking to and from marina 1 is she is shortened significantly because he can't give it coherent speech today he visited wisconsin or to the delight of no 1 he forced a captive audience to sit for nothing but rambling story after rambling story of a catholic school the green bay packers and a priest named riley last name. >> president joe biden: i went to a catholic high school in delaware top by the nor routine priest in a town called green bay. here's the deal rate. where the only high school in delaware. i'll tell you why it was a joke every single sunday not only did they have great teams of the time still do but not only that my theology professor at the calf exclaim it went to was the name name riley and he was drafted by the green bay packers he decided to become a priest before that sweden go riley last name. fro from our years paused a the new york post never happened just a bunch of malarkey lake being arrested for apartheid in south africa this time is a big rig driver living in a black jerk and is puerto rican heritage and who could ever forget uncle posey the guy eaten by cannibals tonight's biggest told tales about his own presidency take a look. >> we are aware of many of these cost of buying a home in the united states is double what it was when you look at them and flea cost for the pandemic real income when you account for inflation is down since you took office's economic growth far short of expectations consumer confidence to no surprises narrow 2 year low with less than 6 months to go until election day are you worried you're running around out of time to turn it around. >> strongest economy in the world we see a world. >> gdp was far short of expectations. >> there is real pain throughout 30% or more since the beginning of the pandemic people spend more in grocery and food any time compared to the last 30 years real day-to-day pain. >> it really is and it's real but if you look at what people have the money to spend on. >> there was a rare sit out the interview with a president as the biden campaign tries to hide their boss because they know he's an embarrassment to the democratic party everybody around him knows it now the biden campaign is run by anti- trump government lawyers and that's not going well in atlanta another back in the news further wrong reasons the georgia appeals court has agreed to review whether or not they can remain on the case as it was disintegrating before a very ice meanwhile more embarrassment for democrats in the media mob thanks to the kangaroo court in new york led by a judge who donated to biden a prosecutor who donated to biden another prosecutor the furred and demand at his department of justice so you have his hand-picked doj guy running the case against his opponent for president. the cold of 43-year-old career porn star to the stand who hates donald trump was already ordered to pay trump 500 grant and legal expenses after a failed defamation suit and tuesday's testimony was par for the course none of that material are relevant and she was coast but -- coached by the prosecutors. >> to cross-examine her responses were disasters the sheet donald trump of course she does that's a big deal when they hate the persons whose liberty is at stake that's a big dang deal she is putting out tweets fantasizing about him being in jail undermines her credibility the factory ozone $500,000 by order of a court owes him half a million dollars and said i would defy a court order the defenses going to say she is willing to defend a court order why would she respect of the oath she took. >> the material the caiman was not relevant to the criminal case at all and i think it shows shoestring to get it trump i think there is a motive she said she hates and would like to see him in prison as finches purposely throwing this out to make sure the jurors were prejudiced. >> sean: coached by the prosecution when you loose fake news cnn your case might be in trouble but if it's new york don't expect anything way too good to come out of the courtroom the classified documents case also in florida is now in serious jeopardy thanks to records recently unsealed by the federal judge in that case it appears his department of justice which is mishandled the same doc -- donald trump a mishandling during the unprecedented rate evidence was staged documents from mixed up stored out of order there were not properly manager is dropping dismissed entirely seems like an appropriate response so with low-fare imploding what will democrats try a ted cruz is with us looks like every case is falling apart girl it's about the cases in new york i don't think trump can get a fair trial there not with a judge that should have recused himself are hundreds of reasons. >> he can't judge is a hard left product partisan so is the other last trial the prosecutor was. that's about 1 attacking donald trump because they hate his guts the real target is democracy in american voters it's about stopping the voters from reelecting donald trump as president in november this is selection interference at large the most grotesque example of trying to interfere an election we've ever seen seeing it at the biden department of justice which is weapon eyes to and is attacking their opponents with the district elected das democrats weather in new york or georgia willing to abuse their power to stop the voters the judge yesterday talked about throwing trump in jail because these during the exercises first amendment rights to speak out i talked to my potted cast verdict with ted cruz all on the question with the church they fro trump in jail i think the short answer is no he'll keep putting fines but i don't think he will put them in jail i think if he tried the court of appeals would reverse and if miracle of miracle they did actually send trump to jail trump would win over 300 electoral votes in november you want to talk about shocking the voters if this is garbage that would do it and they are so consumed with partisan hate they are willing to abuse power and the willingness has no limits. >> sean: if allegations they benefited from the outcome in the case a gag order that only applies to trump but nobody else involved in the case there on cable news all over social media they can for gifts and money and from people they can say whatever they want paid political consultant for the dnc it's a kangaroo court it's not about crimes if his name were donald smith the cases never brought their trying to bootstrap a nonfederal violation into a nonstate violation get this done the testimony which was salacious that's the point of listen no person on planet earth leaves donald trump is been celibate his life that's not news that they wanted dragon for the gather because this is a political smear job it's not about the rule of law is tragic what's happening because this protects all of us. this is what banana republics do is or 1 democrat with the courage to speak out against them. i don't know a single democrat senator who says enough is enough they are turned on the constitution and rule of law because of a partisan hatred and desire for power is more important to them than anything else shredding the constitution before our eyes senator. i've learned an awful lot about your opponent to edit radical views in the past starting to come to surface we will get to that. senator cruise thank you for being with us. a bizarre story rfk a word or room died in his brain not a joke we explained if reaction next. israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now. 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hashtag on twitter is always been keep it in the ground he is against fracking and fossil fuels of all kinds and some people think he's going to take away votes from donald trump i don't think so. if reaction is errani jackson and trait travis good to see you both. i guess it's possible parasite each your brain and set a common occurrence i haven't heard of it before moping to learning the science behind it. >> it's not that uncommon actually there thousands hospitalized for it every year in the united states tens of thousands who have or who were hospitalized typically and immigrant populations which suffer we should be worried about with the open border more this coming in places like africa you get it from ingesting the ages of the tapeworm and you get that either from eating contaminated undercooked meat from a pig and get the tapeworm yourself, ingesting your food with your stool which is the eggs in it or you can get it from somebody else with the tapeworm and get your food contaminated with their stool and ingest the egg is to get into your bloodstream they deposit themselves to be a muscle tissue your eye or commonly in your brain where they pharmacist and die there but they cause all kinds of issues in the interim such as seizures and headaches and cognitive issues we just cut you short here and glad he's okay it'll mean more about parasites and i would ever want to know and glad he's okay and i mean that sincerely. did a town haul with them nice enough guy i will tell you that. however there conservatives who thank you might draw votes away from donald trump. he won't come back on the show is not returning her calls a little offended but whatever it's not the first time sophie won't answer to these radical positions he's old some people think he's a conservative over 1 issue and that would be covid-19 that's why i want to know those other positions and he's a hundred percent rate on all of the things he said about covid-19 and vaccine mandates and i understand why that's attractive to some people still angry about what happened to deservedly so it is 0 percent chance of winning and if you chose to vote for him in my opinion you are throwing away your vote particularly if you are in michigan minnesota, pennsylvania wisconsin north carolina georgia nevada and arizona where the election could be decided you don't have the luxury of voting for anybody else if we were going to find somebody's brains wasn't working well what odds would you have given that it wouldn't be via biden. you think of trump. abiding can barely talk he almost fell over trying to climb and speak in wisconsin the g erie claimed that the speech heed always been a packers fan because 1 of his teachers that can the day got drafted by the packers and the packers have never drafted anybody named riley. his brains broken. >> sean: and remember it was reilly's last -- rally last name they can find his name so they said riley last name from from more years that so checked out this guy is well that brings up the other issue which is his cognitive state i would defer to you as i'm not a medical doctor i don't thank you need to be a medical doctor to see about it is what annoys me more than anything is everybody around joe and everybody in the media mob circling the wagons protecting them now he goes up the little boy stairs he is a circle walking to them from marina 1 quality over quantity because he can't do quantity i see a significant decline and i'm not a medical doctor. rfk was saying he had early issues of long-term memory short-term memory cognitive stuff even though we have a current president was a lot of similar issues we can rely brain warms because if there was a worm in his head it would starve to death because he's got significant issues. if they try to put them in there for another 4 years it will be a national disaster for the country he has no business having a job with any level of responsibility certainly not commander-in-chief and had a state we need to stop this now he of issues with rfk as well medical issues we don't know about hepatitis c some arrhythmia has mercury poisoning and brain norms this is crazy we need to like the 1 person out there who can get the country back here in in the 1 person healthy enough to do it it's donald trump. >> sean: i had a friend call me before the show and said he's 100% certain they will go replace joe you've speculated about art that are you still there. >> i just don't see underway a dish anyway they run him. their strategy right now is having people shield him so all of us can't see how bad he walks they changed shoes i think they will pull a bait and switch rate around my more real day biden's not gonna run i don't see anyway they toss them out there. >> thank you both appreciated. when we come back the boy scouts pretty much extinct we tell you why just announced a massive the change as they want to be more inclusive with biden's education secretary grow by house republicans over title ix during a hearing getting explosive we get reaction from alabama senator straight ahead. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up ♪(fun music)♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. if you're a mom, then you really need weathertech for mother's day. it's the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. from laser-measured floorliners for the front and rear... to protector... and seat back protectors... we've got mom's covered. your turn. 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you have kids. >> would you force your daughter to undress her boys were also undressing. >> were not commenting on athletics. >> you can't say yes or no on that. >> i would be happy to talk to make if your daughter felt uncomfortable in a boys presence in a bathroom locker room with that not be considered by year group is bigotry. >> as an educator for toy 5 years i'd love to respond your questions. >> would it be considered discrimination. >> as an educator for 25 years. >> sean: like a robot. i'm at your for 25 years. here with reaction senator on me ask you this the question was simple would you force your daughter to undress a bathroom with boys are also undressing and if your daughter reported she felt uncomfortable in a boys presence in a bathroom or locker room with that be considered by your administration to be a discrimination or bigotry yes or no why is that a hard question to answer that simple for me the answer is hell no i wouldn't want my daughter in the same locker room bathroom and undressing if other young people i wouldn't want that. >> this should be a simple answer august the particularly when you say does the young woman feeling comfortable it is that discrimination it's a simple answer that's the problem with administration every single term they work to blur the lines this title ix and the rule in proposal coming out look at in the proposal they also say if your child goes to school and says if they are a different gender that teacher is not obligated to tell you is apparent that i'm not going to coparent the federal government ever rate is apparent to understand what happens in the classroom we know what their grades are we know happens on the playground and we should certainly know if they are trying to assimilate to a different gender is not between them and it teacher that's between my child and me. this administration biden has it all wrong again and as a parent i am sick and tired of continual attacks from the left we see them in sports the spaces. >> he knows the answer's answers with every other parent would answer here's the problem he's afraid of that woke mob incapable of stating a simple truth that's the reality but they want to impose that. >> they sexualize her children and it's totally unacceptable and look at what you're talking about boy scouts and girl scouts i am raising a young man and a young woman i believe not only is it okay it is necessary in many arenas to create spaces where they can grow and thrive and learn as in women and young men. when i'm raising a young man i look at the fact it how the word boy is toxic to the left and needs to be removed. or having a young woman what we sing about girl scouts what about the longevity of girl scouts the same thing happening to women sports completely and totally unacceptable absurd and more the same from the biden administration that's why we need him back in the white house you bring common sense understand the values the nation was built on and it would not bend it to the woke mob he will let children be children but them grow in 5 and learn to stand for the flag love this country and be who they are. >> sean: go woke go broke the boy scouts we can declare them dead as of tonight after however many years that organization is never going to be respected again senator thank you appreciate your time. and republicans in the house introducing a crucial election integrity bill in the congressman joining a straight ahead i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you! ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: as the election gets closer republicans work to prevent illegal voting. mike johnson at a press conference alongside leaders in the house and senate. that way they can promote the safeguard american voter eligibility act coming amid a flood of the legal unvented joe biden immigrants welcomed into the country would require just a simple thing proof of american citizenship to be able to register to be able to vote in federal elections congressman good to have you thank you for being with us yes out the offer of the end of everything victor davis hanson. let's talk about the act you have here they don't want people the only reason i could think of that you don't want proof of residency proof that you're a citizen's you don't want election integrity measures if you don't want voter id laws and signature verification laws yet to be work thinking at a work to my poetical advantage why would anybody be against simple measures like this when you need an idea to buy a sixpack of beer a jewel pod a sixpack is cigarettes give me a break you have to be kidding me. >> your right thank you fred me on those proud to stand alongside mike johnson who showed great leadership we've been working to move this bill forward it's pretty simple we think only citizens should vote in the united states people would tell you that's already federal law that's true it's already federal law only citizens are supposed to vote some problem's the motor voter bill for habit states from ashley doing the work of ensuring only citizens vote in arizona for example they have 2 different citizen their systems 1 for state offices where they do the checking necessary federal elections they can't so we go to fixed up ago a step further and the constitution week can say states are required to do that not that difficult and 87% tissue recent poll commissioned 87% of americans including 80% of democrats agree only citizens should vote we should check curve make sure it citizens voting because there is fraud going on we know it we know the type of people here legally rampant numbers of the millions of illegals dumped in the united states. including those who have been disrupting our entire society they should not be voting that's all this is we will see what happens we should pass it and see what them and the democrats will do i think that's the point i love your take on this. >> were in new territory 20 to 30 illegal aliens prior to the biden administration so 35 million here legally the same time a force multiplier election day is a construct we used 70% vote on election day now it's only 30% you can buy in 70% mail and belts in most states 20 million illegal aliens then even though it's against federal law the vote in a federal election if you aren't a citizen in all the states have laws prohibiting nonce citizens from voting they are voting because in places like maryland they vote local school board elections upheld by left-wing judges so we're seeing an erosion of citizenship making it basically the same synonymous with residency mcafee keve a unique attribute of citizenship other than holding office that hasn't been eroded you get federal entitlements if you are legal you can vote in school board elections go back and forth across the u.s. border without permission of the government if your legal it's 1 of the last few bastions holding office in voting otherwise citizenship is meaningless are there any democrats that have integrity or want integrity in our elections? >> i hope so a lot of people assuming they wouldn't support i believe in forcing votes were set to put on the florets put it there hopefully democrats join with us send it to the senate is it it's an 87% tissue as they talked about were dealing with the critical issue of the rule of law and faith in our elections people coming into the country they believe it's a rule of law. i'm tired of a trope that somehow it's anti-immigrant or we want to stop immigration or there isn't good illegal immigration there are 51 and a half million people coming in 16% of the population guess what we are allowing a million people year there blowing the door open that's what this bill will do what's forced the vote. >> a new president for sure. and a sneak pretty peek at my brand-new special straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ nity center. every aspect of this building has been designed with accessibility in mind. i saw on the blueprints, it looks amazing. this is going to have a rehabilitation center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. it■s going to have art therapy. we've got a fitness center. we've got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. we've got a game room for the kids. we've got an indoor gymnasium, a full size movie theater in here. two outdoor kitchens fully equipped with propane grills and refrigerators we got an entire children's neverland village, got a splash down center for the kids. you name it. we've built it here. until you see it yourself, you will not know how far your eleven dollar donation goes. i'm really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment. not being able to have to try to find a place that can accommodate the wheels. i look forward to the pool and probably the clubhouse i'm hoping that this village will allow us to share and open up more. if more people are talking about communities like this, we■ll develop communities like this. and it■s not something special it becomes the norm. it■s going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. they understand where i'm coming from. i see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of, the american people has backed through tunnel to towers you see where every bit of your money goes. i donate so they should donate to i really am honored to having a house here. when i was presented with the opportunity to work for them it was a no brainer for me. this is not possible without donor support. to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month. chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? with our lifetime transferable no clogs warranty. we'd be glad to come out for a free no-hassle inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833-leaffilter today or visit (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. the first episode of my new special out right now take a look. >> they send forests to show down with billy the kid and the regulators. his paucity of corrupt the law men and hired guns pointed the regulators in the house dylan's men set their set fire to the house that's all the time we have left to see thank you for making show possible in being with us never missed an episode of hannity and let not your heart the troubled greg gutfeld is standing by with a great show to put a smile on your face thank you for being with us have a good night. >> ♪ ♪

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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>> sean: welcome to hannity some very that news report -- full in county georgia more porn star drama from the kangaroo court. and robert f kennedy as the boy scouts of america are extinct because of local what left-wing politics this moment from capitol hill you need to see it and believe it take a look. >> jew force your daughter to undress a bathroom of boys we will play the education secretary's response coming up but we do begin with a serious story out of washington dc the nation's capital for the first time in american history you are spineless and gutless and cowardly president has abandoned our closest ally in the middle east and the greatest hour of need. breaking tonight joe biden says he pledged to cut off weapons to israel if the world's only jewish state to continues to fight back against hamas terrorists were holding israeli and american hostages. the same terrorists who raped killed and tortured thousands of men and women and children burning babies alive in their cribs just a few months ago. terrorists who state in their charter they want israel's complaint destruction. the joe biden message to the entire world american lives don't matter our allies lives don't matter joe never has your back just what the terrorists have their way and hope for the best. if radical ignorant freaks on college campuses and anti-semitic and anti- american islamic extremists yell loud enough your president will do whatever they want to take a look. >> president joe biden: i made it clear if they go into their they haven't yet but i said if they go in there i'm not supplying the weapons to do with this. they've made it clear to the war cabinet they are going to get her support think on these these population centers were not walking away from israel's security walking away from their ability to wage wars in those areas. >> it's not over the red line yet? >> not yet we filled up the weapons. we held up a shipment and older shipment we held up. >> sean: and all joe said to russia and putin and they ran was don't but here's what he saying to israel defending themselves. joe they were the victims of the worst terror attack in their history joe biden is likely sealed the fate of every hostage now in captivity all for what a few votes in michigan wisconsin pennsylvania no moral compass no moral care ready -- clarity no courage no decency honestly has a brain barely functioning he can't distinguish right from wrong, a good from evil he's now impotent and cowardly when it comes to standing for the cause of liberty and freedom over radical terrorists. 10 years ago the obama defence secretary robert gates said biden has been wrong on every dish nearly every major foreign policy and security issue over the past from fraud decades. he was right then and right now. as our allies see what joe biden is doing to israel and they all know as look at the national security disaster created at home this is because of joe biden's open borders allowing unvented illegal immigrants from hostile enemy countries from china, russia, syria iran, iraq, yemen afghanistan it was creating a clear and present danger to you and your family security and safety. the world is less safe our country is less safe because joe biden is your president. all that it comes amid spiking inflation unaffordable housing cross i'm levels the roof multiple wars overseas now he surrenders to a radical mob that controls his party surrendering in terms of fighting a war against radical islamic terrorism choosing to abandon america's role as the leader of the free world emboldening these islamic radicals worldwide the neville chamberlain of her time a president only those in iran could be proud of the consequences incalculable in the end a sad day for america on moral feeling of a magnitude we can't even begin to calculate and these actions low dire consequences for this country and for the world it's only a matter of time. reaction is lindsey graham. senator wants your reaction to this? >> i'm heartbroken because i know in jerusalem they're trying to figure out what to do the only reason they are dancing in iran is because they don't believe in dancing. what is this mean to america it changes the game in all the worst ways in the war on terror here's what joe biden is asking is asking the israelis to turn the world over to him to my friends in israel don't do that fight without the weapons do not let joe biden and lauren austen run this war it will do for you what they've done for america my fear is the hostage it was hard and out some possible. saudi arabia thinking of recognizing israel their work at the biden a ministration for a year to bring the deal about they would have a heart rate time right now this continues signing up a defense agreement with joe biden and his team who in their right mind and saudi arabia would turn their national security over to joe biden it's heartbreaking and dangerous pouring gasoline on the fire every problem in the middle east just got worse a nightmare to be his or for israel to be demanded by their best friend in the world and the only way that changes is at the ballot box in november. >> sean: i don't know what it means for israel i don't know what it means for every country in the region. look at what he's already done with iran not only did he turn a blind eye to the sanctions to allow the iranians to cell oil and get rich hundred billion dollars he was importing oil since march of 2021 from iran giving a waiver to iraq to give them 10 million wanting to give them 6 billion in a ransom exchange. what part of iran being though a world's number 1 state sponsor of terror does he not understand what part of what happened to israel on october 7th is he not understanding here. >> i don't think he does understand and that's a problem. october 7th the largest loss of life of jewish people since the holocaust surrounded by iran who wants to wipe out the jewish state. thomas said they would do it again and again their charter is to destroy israel the need of the palestinians and then in the group in lebanon their strata by radical islamic terrorists trained to destroy the jewish state not help the palestinians and what is joe biden's response war they can't afford to lose. what do we do after we were attacked in pearl harbor we drop new clear weapons on japanese cities to make sure our soldiers didn't have to invade japan where million lives could be lost what does joe biden do making it impossible for allies throughout the world to trust us >> sean: that's the equivalent of losing 8000 americans a day taken off american soil and taken hostage. let me play your exchange on this issue you're speaking to it the secretary of defense secretary austen. >> you are telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and cannot use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews and you are telling me if we withhold weapons in this fight existential flight for the life of the jewish state won't send the wrong signal to still think was a good idea. >> i support the president's decision. >> i think it was a disastrous decision we stop the weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time a great peril we pay a price it's obscene absurd give israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose. >> sean: if they are ever successful that was a great exchange and then he brought up the issue and were we wrong to use atomic weapons and world war 2 was his answer? >> it was a delayed answer as the chairman a joint chief see if you are around in world war ii ottawa would you drop the atomic bomb he said well you did in the war yes the relays israel is in a fight for its life this isn't some normal exchange in the middle east they want to kill the jewish state and what do they do they put command centers on hospitals and hide weapons in schools they use human shields to make a heart for israel to kill the terrorists without killing the palestinian people israel's a terrible spot because they are fighting a vicious enemy and joe biden picked michigan over mideast a bit stability domestic politics over world stability what you did tonight my friend and she made every terrorist in the world high as a kite but her friends in israel a box here is what i would do if i was israel i would save appreciate the support in the past we will do what we have to do to destroy hamas we are not turning it over to lord austen who thought it was a good idea to get out of afghanistan's like asking him to secure the border to my friends in israel do what you have to do destroy the battalions and don't let joe biden what the terrorists win. >> they will win the war without joe biden. >> sean: they will and it said because if they were ever successful in destroying israel as their charter calls for we are next. i promise on most every american tonight not just a biden's moral compass lacking we had another episode from his own personal everest climbing the stairs of air force one. course after multiple falls the big boy has been out of the question for some time now with his new supergroup sneakers still by the way the struggle israel take a look at your screen earlier today able to slowly shuffled to the top appeared to lose his balance desperately grabbing on to the rail for balance before finally ducking inside he now needs to be surrounded walking to and from marina 1 is she is shortened significantly because he can't give it coherent speech today he visited wisconsin or to the delight of no 1 he forced a captive audience to sit for nothing but rambling story after rambling story of a catholic school the green bay packers and a priest named riley last name. >> president joe biden: i went to a catholic high school in delaware top by the nor routine priest in a town called green bay. here's the deal rate. where the only high school in delaware. i'll tell you why it was a joke every single sunday not only did they have great teams of the time still do but not only that my theology professor at the calf exclaim it went to was the name name riley and he was drafted by the green bay packers he decided to become a priest before that sweden go riley last name. fro from our years paused a the new york post never happened just a bunch of malarkey lake being arrested for apartheid in south africa this time is a big rig driver living in a black jerk and is puerto rican heritage and who could ever forget uncle posey the guy eaten by cannibals tonight's biggest told tales about his own presidency take a look. >> we are aware of many of these cost of buying a home in the united states is double what it was when you look at them and flea cost for the pandemic real income when you account for inflation is down since you took office's economic growth far short of expectations consumer confidence to no surprises narrow 2 year low with less than 6 months to go until election day are you worried you're running around out of time to turn it around. >> strongest economy in the world we see a world. >> gdp was far short of expectations. >> there is real pain throughout 30% or more since the beginning of the pandemic people spend more in grocery and food any time compared to the last 30 years real day-to-day pain. >> it really is and it's real but if you look at what people have the money to spend on. >> there was a rare sit out the interview with a president as the biden campaign tries to hide their boss because they know he's an embarrassment to the democratic party everybody around him knows it now the biden campaign is run by anti- trump government lawyers and that's not going well in atlanta another back in the news further wrong reasons the georgia appeals court has agreed to review whether or not they can remain on the case as it was disintegrating before a very ice meanwhile more embarrassment for democrats in the media mob thanks to the kangaroo court in new york led by a judge who donated to biden a prosecutor who donated to biden another prosecutor the furred and demand at his department of justice so you have his hand-picked doj guy running the case against his opponent for president. the cold of 43-year-old career porn star to the stand who hates donald trump was already ordered to pay trump 500 grant and legal expenses after a failed defamation suit and tuesday's testimony was par for the course none of that material are relevant and she was coast but -- coached by the prosecutors. >> to cross-examine her responses were disasters the sheet donald trump of course she does that's a big deal when they hate the persons whose liberty is at stake that's a big dang deal she is putting out tweets fantasizing about him being in jail undermines her credibility the factory ozone $500,000 by order of a court owes him half a million dollars and said i would defy a court order the defenses going to say she is willing to defend a court order why would she respect of the oath she took. >> the material the caiman was not relevant to the criminal case at all and i think it shows shoestring to get it trump i think there is a motive she said she hates and would like to see him in prison as finches purposely throwing this out to make sure the jurors were prejudiced. >> sean: coached by the prosecution when you loose fake news cnn your case might be in trouble but if it's new york don't expect anything way too good to come out of the courtroom the classified documents case also in florida is now in serious jeopardy thanks to records recently unsealed by the federal judge in that case it appears his department of justice which is mishandled the same doc -- donald trump a mishandling during the unprecedented rate evidence was staged documents from mixed up stored out of order there were not properly manager is dropping dismissed entirely seems like an appropriate response so with low-fare imploding what will democrats try a ted cruz is with us looks like every case is falling apart girl it's about the cases in new york i don't think trump can get a fair trial there not with a judge that should have recused himself are hundreds of reasons. >> he can't judge is a hard left product partisan so is the other last trial the prosecutor was. that's about 1 attacking donald trump because they hate his guts the real target is democracy in american voters it's about stopping the voters from reelecting donald trump as president in november this is selection interference at large the most grotesque example of trying to interfere an election we've ever seen seeing it at the biden department of justice which is weapon eyes to and is attacking their opponents with the district elected das democrats weather in new york or georgia willing to abuse their power to stop the voters the judge yesterday talked about throwing trump in jail because these during the exercises first amendment rights to speak out i talked to my potted cast verdict with ted cruz all on the question with the church they fro trump in jail i think the short answer is no he'll keep putting fines but i don't think he will put them in jail i think if he tried the court of appeals would reverse and if miracle of miracle they did actually send trump to jail trump would win over 300 electoral votes in november you want to talk about shocking the voters if this is garbage that would do it and they are so consumed with partisan hate they are willing to abuse power and the willingness has no limits. >> sean: if allegations they benefited from the outcome in the case a gag order that only applies to trump but nobody else involved in the case there on cable news all over social media they can for gifts and money and from people they can say whatever they want paid political consultant for the dnc it's a kangaroo court it's not about crimes if his name were donald smith the cases never brought their trying to bootstrap a nonfederal violation into a nonstate violation get this done the testimony which was salacious that's the point of listen no person on planet earth leaves donald trump is been celibate his life that's not news that they wanted dragon for the gather because this is a political smear job it's not about the rule of law is tragic what's happening because this protects all of us. this is what banana republics do is or 1 democrat with the courage to speak out against them. i don't know a single democrat senator who says enough is enough they are turned on the constitution and rule of law because of a partisan hatred and desire for power is more important to them than anything else shredding the constitution before our eyes senator. i've learned an awful lot about your opponent to edit radical views in the past starting to come to surface we will get to that. senator cruise thank you for being with us. a bizarre story rfk a word or room died in his brain not a joke we explained if reaction next. israel is under attack. israel has been 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hashtag on twitter is always been keep it in the ground he is against fracking and fossil fuels of all kinds and some people think he's going to take away votes from donald trump i don't think so. if reaction is errani jackson and trait travis good to see you both. i guess it's possible parasite each your brain and set a common occurrence i haven't heard of it before moping to learning the science behind it. >> it's not that uncommon actually there thousands hospitalized for it every year in the united states tens of thousands who have or who were hospitalized typically and immigrant populations which suffer we should be worried about with the open border more this coming in places like africa you get it from ingesting the ages of the tapeworm and you get that either from eating contaminated undercooked meat from a pig and get the tapeworm yourself, ingesting your food with your stool which is the eggs in it or you can get it from somebody else with the tapeworm and get your food contaminated with their stool and ingest the egg is to get into your bloodstream they deposit themselves to be a muscle tissue your eye or commonly in your brain where they pharmacist and die there but they cause all kinds of issues in the interim such as seizures and headaches and cognitive issues we just cut you short here and glad he's okay it'll mean more about parasites and i would ever want to know and glad he's okay and i mean that sincerely. did a town haul with them nice enough guy i will tell you that. however there conservatives who thank you might draw votes away from donald trump. he won't come back on the show is not returning her calls a little offended but whatever it's not the first time sophie won't answer to these radical positions he's old some people think he's a conservative over 1 issue and that would be covid-19 that's why i want to know those other positions and he's a hundred percent rate on all of the things he said about covid-19 and vaccine mandates and i understand why that's attractive to some people still angry about what happened to deservedly so it is 0 percent chance of winning and if you chose to vote for him in my opinion you are throwing away your vote particularly if you are in michigan minnesota, pennsylvania wisconsin north carolina georgia nevada and arizona where the election could be decided you don't have the luxury of voting for anybody else if we were going to find somebody's brains wasn't working well what odds would you have given that it wouldn't be via biden. you think of trump. abiding can barely talk he almost fell over trying to climb and speak in wisconsin the g erie claimed that the speech heed always been a packers fan because 1 of his teachers that can the day got drafted by the packers and the packers have never drafted anybody named riley. his brains broken. >> sean: and remember it was reilly's last -- rally last name they can find his name so they said riley last name from from more years that so checked out this guy is well that brings up the other issue which is his cognitive state i would defer to you as i'm not a medical doctor i don't thank you need to be a medical doctor to see about it is what annoys me more than anything is everybody around joe and everybody in the media mob circling the wagons protecting them now he goes up the little boy stairs he is a circle walking to them from marina 1 quality over quantity because he can't do quantity i see a significant decline and i'm not a medical doctor. rfk was saying he had early issues of long-term memory short-term memory cognitive stuff even though we have a current president was a lot of similar issues we can rely brain warms because if there was a worm in his head it would starve to death because he's got significant issues. if they try to put them in there for another 4 years it will be a national disaster for the country he has no business having a job with any level of responsibility certainly not commander-in-chief and had a state we need to stop this now he of issues with rfk as well medical issues we don't know about hepatitis c some arrhythmia has mercury poisoning and brain norms this is crazy we need to like the 1 person out there who can get the country back here in in the 1 person healthy enough to do it it's donald trump. >> sean: i had a friend call me before the show and said he's 100% certain they will go replace joe you've speculated about art that are you still there. >> i just don't see underway a dish anyway they run him. their strategy right now is having people shield him so all of us can't see how bad he walks they changed shoes i think they will pull a bait and switch rate around my more real day biden's not gonna run i don't see anyway they toss them out there. >> thank you both appreciated. when we come back the boy scouts pretty much extinct we tell you why just announced a massive the change as they want to be more inclusive with biden's education secretary grow by house republicans over title ix during a hearing getting explosive we get reaction from alabama senator straight ahead. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up ♪(fun music)♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. if you're a mom, then you really need weathertech for mother's day. it's the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. from laser-measured floorliners for the front and rear... to protector... and seat back protectors... we've got mom's covered. your turn. 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you have kids. >> would you force your daughter to undress her boys were also undressing. >> were not commenting on athletics. >> you can't say yes or no on that. >> i would be happy to talk to make if your daughter felt uncomfortable in a boys presence in a bathroom locker room with that not be considered by year group is bigotry. >> as an educator for toy 5 years i'd love to respond your questions. >> would it be considered discrimination. >> as an educator for 25 years. >> sean: like a robot. i'm at your for 25 years. here with reaction senator on me ask you this the question was simple would you force your daughter to undress a bathroom with boys are also undressing and if your daughter reported she felt uncomfortable in a boys presence in a bathroom or locker room with that be considered by your administration to be a discrimination or bigotry yes or no why is that a hard question to answer that simple for me the answer is hell no i wouldn't want my daughter in the same locker room bathroom and undressing if other young people i wouldn't want that. >> this should be a simple answer august the particularly when you say does the young woman feeling comfortable it is that discrimination it's a simple answer that's the problem with administration every single term they work to blur the lines this title ix and the rule in proposal coming out look at in the proposal they also say if your child goes to school and says if they are a different gender that teacher is not obligated to tell you is apparent that i'm not going to coparent the federal government ever rate is apparent to understand what happens in the classroom we know what their grades are we know happens on the playground and we should certainly know if they are trying to assimilate to a different gender is not between them and it teacher that's between my child and me. this administration biden has it all wrong again and as a parent i am sick and tired of continual attacks from the left we see them in sports the spaces. >> he knows the answer's answers with every other parent would answer here's the problem he's afraid of that woke mob incapable of stating a simple truth that's the reality but they want to impose that. >> they sexualize her children and it's totally unacceptable and look at what you're talking about boy scouts and girl scouts i am raising a young man and a young woman i believe not only is it okay it is necessary in many arenas to create spaces where they can grow and thrive and learn as in women and young men. when i'm raising a young man i look at the fact it how the word boy is toxic to the left and needs to be removed. or having a young woman what we sing about girl scouts what about the longevity of girl scouts the same thing happening to women sports completely and totally unacceptable absurd and more the same from the biden administration that's why we need him back in the white house you bring common sense understand the values the nation was built on and it would not bend it to the woke mob he will let children be children but them grow in 5 and learn to stand for the flag love this country and be who they are. >> sean: go woke go broke the boy scouts we can declare them dead as of tonight after however many years that organization is never going to be respected again senator thank you appreciate your time. and republicans in the house introducing a crucial election integrity bill in the congressman joining a straight ahead i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you! ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: as the election gets closer republicans work to prevent illegal voting. mike johnson at a press conference alongside leaders in the house and senate. that way they can promote the safeguard american voter eligibility act coming amid a flood of the legal unvented joe biden immigrants welcomed into the country would require just a simple thing proof of american citizenship to be able to register to be able to vote in federal elections congressman good to have you thank you for being with us yes out the offer of the end of everything victor davis hanson. let's talk about the act you have here they don't want people the only reason i could think of that you don't want proof of residency proof that you're a citizen's you don't want election integrity measures if you don't want voter id laws and signature verification laws yet to be work thinking at a work to my poetical advantage why would anybody be against simple measures like this when you need an idea to buy a sixpack of beer a jewel pod a sixpack is cigarettes give me a break you have to be kidding me. >> your right thank you fred me on those proud to stand alongside mike johnson who showed great leadership we've been working to move this bill forward it's pretty simple we think only citizens should vote in the united states people would tell you that's already federal law that's true it's already federal law only citizens are supposed to vote some problem's the motor voter bill for habit states from ashley doing the work of ensuring only citizens vote in arizona for example they have 2 different citizen their systems 1 for state offices where they do the checking necessary federal elections they can't so we go to fixed up ago a step further and the constitution week can say states are required to do that not that difficult and 87% tissue recent poll commissioned 87% of americans including 80% of democrats agree only citizens should vote we should check curve make sure it citizens voting because there is fraud going on we know it we know the type of people here legally rampant numbers of the millions of illegals dumped in the united states. including those who have been disrupting our entire society they should not be voting that's all this is we will see what happens we should pass it and see what them and the democrats will do i think that's the point i love your take on this. >> were in new territory 20 to 30 illegal aliens prior to the biden administration so 35 million here legally the same time a force multiplier election day is a construct we used 70% vote on election day now it's only 30% you can buy in 70% mail and belts in most states 20 million illegal aliens then even though it's against federal law the vote in a federal election if you aren't a citizen in all the states have laws prohibiting nonce citizens from voting they are voting because in places like maryland they vote local school board elections upheld by left-wing judges so we're seeing an erosion of citizenship making it basically the same synonymous with residency mcafee keve a unique attribute of citizenship other than holding office that hasn't been eroded you get federal entitlements if you are legal you can vote in school board elections go back and forth across the u.s. border without permission of the government if your legal it's 1 of the last few bastions holding office in voting otherwise citizenship is meaningless are there any democrats that have integrity or want integrity in our elections? >> i hope so a lot of people assuming they wouldn't support i believe in forcing votes were set to put on the florets put it there hopefully democrats join with us send it to the senate is it it's an 87% tissue as they talked about were dealing with the critical issue of the rule of law and faith in our elections people coming into the country they believe it's a rule of law. i'm tired of a trope that somehow it's anti-immigrant or we want to stop immigration or there isn't good illegal immigration there are 51 and a half million people coming in 16% of the population guess what we are allowing a million people year there blowing the door open that's what this bill will do what's forced the vote. >> a new president for sure. and a sneak pretty peek at my brand-new special straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ nity center. every aspect of this building has been designed with accessibility in mind. i saw on the blueprints, it looks amazing. this is going to have a rehabilitation center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. it■s going to have art therapy. we've got a fitness center. we've got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. we've got a game room for the kids. we've got an indoor gymnasium, a full size movie theater in here. two outdoor kitchens fully equipped with propane grills and refrigerators we got an entire children's neverland village, got a splash down center for the kids. you name it. we've built it here. until you see it yourself, you will not know how far your eleven dollar donation goes. i'm really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment. not being able to have to try to find a place that can accommodate the wheels. i look forward to the pool and probably the clubhouse i'm hoping that this village will allow us to share and open up more. if more people are talking about communities like this, we■ll develop communities like this. and it■s not something special it becomes the norm. it■s going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. they understand where i'm coming from. i see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of, the american people has backed through tunnel to towers you see where every bit of your money goes. i donate so they should donate to i really am honored to having a house here. when i was presented with the opportunity to work for them it was a no brainer for me. this is not possible without donor support. to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month. chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? with our lifetime transferable no clogs warranty. we'd be glad to come out for a free no-hassle inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833-leaffilter today or visit (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. the first episode of my new special out right now take a look. >> they send forests to show down with billy the kid and the regulators. his paucity of corrupt the law men and hired guns pointed the regulators in the house dylan's men set their set fire to the house that's all the time we have left to see thank you for making show possible in being with us never missed an episode of hannity and let not your heart the troubled greg gutfeld is standing by with a great show to put a smile on your face thank you for being with us have a good night. >> ♪ ♪

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Gag Order , Willingness , Limits , Allegations , Gifts , Consultant , Cable News , Social Media , Name , Violation , Nonstate , Crimes , Donald Smith , Person , Point , Dragon , Planet Earth , Job , Wall , Rule Of Law , Banana Republics , Courage , Lot , Constitution , Desire , Hatred , Word , Views , Story Rfk , Room , Help , Attack , Skies , Rockets , Drones , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Emergency Teams , Emergency Aid , Gift , Holy Land , 5 , 45 , Massacres , Emergency Resources , October 7 , Fact , United States Tens Of Thousands , Terrorist Attacks , Emergency , Families , Don T Wait , Relief Factor , Times , Wife , Call , Scan , Three , Supplement , Quickstart , 3 , Opendoor , Houses , Couple , Vo , Don T Worry , 19 95 , 9 95 , Doors , House , Absorbine Pro , Thing , Pain Won T , Pain Relief , Solution , Pro , Passions , Anesthetics , Two , Attention , Headline , Doctors , New York Times , Parasite , Candidate , Health , Piece , Everything , Comments , Candidates , Carbon Tax Supporting Reformations , Fichte , Nra , Action , John Kerry , Kinds , Ground , Fossil Fuels , Fracking , Hashtag On Twitter , Travis Good , Moping , Occurrence , Errani Jackson , Thousands , Science , Places , Tapeworm , Populations , Wages , Ingesting , Stool , Eggs , Pig , Meat , Eating , Tapeworm Yourself , The Egg , Somebody , Bloodstream , Issues , Headaches , Muscle Tissue , Pharmacist , Seizures , Conservatives , Parasites , Town Haul , Show , Time , Sophie Won T , Positions , Covid 19 , 19 , Things , Vaccine , 0 , A Hundred , Vote , Chance , Opinion , Minnesota , Voting , Anybody , Arizona , Luxury , Georgia Nevada , North Carolina , Speech Heed , Wouldn T , Brains Wasn T Working Well What Odds , G Erie , Packers , Brains , Teachers , Fan , Last , Reilly , Doctor , Mob Circling , Quantity , Wagons , Circle Walking , Little Boy , Decline , Stuff , Long Term Memory Short Cognitive , Head , Death , Worm , 4 , Responsibility , Level , Business , Commander In Chief , Norms , Mercury Poisoning , Arrhythmia , Art , 100 , Day Biden , Can T , Run , Shoes , Strategy , Bait , Boy Scouts , Change , Hearing , Explosive , House Republicans , Title Ix , Alabama , Hearts , Bad , Prayer , Hallow , Fun Music , Mom , Camping , Mother S Day , Woods , Fun , Floorliners , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Front , Rear , Weathertech , Back Protectors , Seat , Turn , Laughter , Hose Spraying , Wt Com , Gutters , Leaffilter , Porch , Gutter Solution , Visit Leaffilter Com , Damage , Leaf , 833 , 833 Leaf Filter , Organization , Victim , Attempt , Girl Scouts , Programs , Youth , Parity , Lawmakers , Concerns , Men And Women Sports , The Hill , Questions , Kids , F , Fashion , Presence , Locker Room , Athletics , Discrimination , Bigotry , Educator , Toy , Like A Robot , 25 , Administration , Undressing , Proposal , Rule , Term , Child , Gender , Teacher , Playground , Classroom , Grades , Parent , It Teacher , Left , Spaces , Answers , Attacks , Truth , Reality , Arenas , Boy , Men , Women , Longevity , Women Sports , Same , Nation , White House , Sense , Flag , Go Woke , Republicans , Bill , Integrity , Congressman , Ahead , Franklin Graham , God , Jesus Christ , Sins , Blood , Rescue Mission , Sin , Faith , Heart Problem , Human Heart , Trust , Love , Savior , Sinner , Say , Someone , Number , Mike Johnson , Leaders , Press Conference , Senate , Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act , Citizenship , Proof , Flood , Elections , Offer , The End Of Everything , Victor Davis Hanson , Citizen , Residency , Talk , Work Thinking , Signature Verification Laws , Voter Id Laws , Measures , Election Integrity Measures , Advantage , Right , Sixpack , Cigarettes , Break , Beer , Jewel Pod , Law , Citizens , Leadership , Habit States , Motor Voter , State Offices , Constitution Week , Step , Tissue , States , Poll , 80 , 87 , Fraud , Numbers , Illegals , Millions , Type , Curve , Society , Aliens , 35 Million , 20 , Election Day , Construct , Force Multiplier , Belts , Mail , 70 , Laws , Nonce , 20 Million , Judges , Erosion , School Board , Maryland , Hasn T , Entitlements , Mcafee Keve A Unique Attribute , Permission , Florets , Immigration , Trope , Isn T Good , 51 , Population , 16 , Peek , Sure , Special , Aspect , Building , Nity Center , Pools , Fitness Center , Therapy , Art Therapy , Accessibility , Ramp Access , Blueprints , Rehabilitation Center Aquatic Therapy , Residents , Game Room , Movie Theater , Gymnasium , Propane Grills , Kitchens , Refrigerators , Donation , Place , Workout Equipment , The Kids , Splash Down Center , Neverland Village , Eleven , Eleven Dollar , Clubhouse , Pool , Village , Wheels , Something Special , Communities , Interaction , Norm , Veterans , Center , Tunnel , Towers , Sa Beacon , No Brainer , Community , Opportunity , Eleven Dollars , Chris Counahan , Inspection , Warranty , Clogs , 833 Leaffilter , Reporter , Kev , Trade , Reporters , Trade Rumors , Regulators , Billy The Kid , Forests , Guns , Paucity Of Corrupt The Law Men , Dylan S Men Set Their Fire , Hannity , Making , Greg Gutfeld , Face , Night , Smile ,

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