Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

>> welcome to "hannity". a big show coming up. more fallout from the other debacle that is known as mst and see nbc will never be the same again. after the network of course allowed there far left-wing host to bring out their pitchforks and torches against the only actual conservative hired there in a number of years. nbc's reputation in tatters and worse than ever. also tonight florida government -- governor ron desantis is here. he signed two new groundbreaking measures into law including a bill that will ban young kids under 14 from using social media and another that is protecting property owners from squatters. this now a much bigger problem than anybody knew. governor desantis has accomplished more in half a week then joe biden will get done in the entire year. the biden administration is clearly a dumpster fire. his campaign not really much better. we are tonight only 222 days away from the 2024 election. that will flyby. democrats are in panic mode. event barack obama is getting very anxious. a number of report so there about this. and apparently he's reportedly very afraid joe biden will in fact lose to donald trump. he is now making numerous phone calls to top white house aides and campaign advisors. according to the new york times, obama is also having regular conversations with biden himself. you have obama and bill clinton, they are now set to headline a star-studded fundraiser in new york. i think at radio city music hall the president just wasn't enough of a draw for big donors apparently. now the democrats have a big problem come november and his name is joe biden. there's nothing that barack obama or bill clinton or frankly anybody else can do that will turn the mumbling bumbling stumbling incompetent 81-year-old career politician into a viable candidate. in fact biden's press secretary doesn't even want to answer even the obvious questions. somewhat consider them tough but i don't think it's that tough. the question that everybody has on their mind, the question that polls are showing that a vast majority of americans agree with , and that has to do with her bosses cognitive decline. watch this. >> when i told a number of people that i was talking to you today, it was interesting, they all said would you please just ask her, does the president have dementia? so before i move on from it, does he? >> i can't even believe you are asking me this question. that is incredibly offensive to ask. >> but you know people ask it. >> no, no, mark, you are taking us down this rabbit hole and so i'm not even going to truly, truly really, you know, take the premise of your question. i think it is incredibly insulting and so we can move onto the next question. >> gas prices and grocery prices then. big topics in north carolina. how does mr biden win votes when people don't have as much disposable income? >> the president understands all the important grocery, those costs have gone down because of what the president has been able to do. with that, thank you, have an amazing day. >> wow. >> she hung up. >> sean: offensive, insulting. grocery prices are down. karine jean-pierre needs to go shopping. the writing is on the wall. anxiety running high and while democrats panic, the president does nothing. today no scheduled events at all whatsoever. president trump meanwhile just accepted an invitation. he will attend the wake for nypd officer who was murdered by a 34-year-old career criminal with more than 20 prior arrests. house that defund, dismantle, reimagine the police thing working? no bail laws working? biden probably isn't even aware of the violent crime now erupting in major cities. he certainly hasn't ever tried to address it. tonight he seems more worried about a political challenge from the left. that being rfk junior who is now peeling off a significant amount of support from biden and on truth social president trump wrote this, "rfk junior is the most radical left candidate in the race by far, he's a big fan of the green new scam and other economy killing disasters. i guess this would mean that he's going to take votes from crooked joe biden which would be a great service to america." then he continued, "it is great for m a g a but the -- they will make it hard for him to get on the ballot." kennedy is fighting against a bureaucratic nightmare. team biden is going full force against him but he's vowing to get on the ballot in all 50 states. he's considering running as a libertarian now. if he does, polls show clear wins for donald trump in the following states, georgia, nevada, arizona, michigan, north carolina, wisconsin and pennsylvania. in other words, that would be an electoral blow out. but even without rfk junior, trump is consistently pulling ahead of biden in almost all of the key battleground states. as it turns out, americans seam to miss prosperity and peace and stability and safety and security. they see what biden is doing at the border, they know he's been spending recklessly, they see biden inflation. it is starting to serve yet again. they reject the overbearing green new deal regulations, you know, you have to get an electric vehicle, they want to take away your stove, your refrigerator, your air conditioner, even your meat. the high taxes he's pushing for, the vilification of those that work hard, risk capital and definitely pay their fair share and then some. they look at their phones and tv and they see a decrepit politician struggling to get up the stairs of air force one, the baby steps, and is so obviously unable to perform the duties of his job. there is nothing that obama can do, clinton can do to cover up that disaster. he might even say -- you might even say is like putting lipstick on a pig at this point. here with reaction, former presidential candidate is with us. you think clinton and obama, the big fundraiser and then going all in to bailout joe, will that work? >> i don't think it's likely to persuade voters but the reality is it doesn't show who's really pulling the strings in the democratic party. joe biden's cognitive deficits, they are not a bug, they are a feature for the managerial class underneath him, around him that's pulling the strings and advancing their puppet. so right now i am really glad about how optimistic we can be with the poll numbers we are seeing but we cannot be complacent. we know the left, we understand how they behave, they behave like they are in a war. we need to understand and approach this election with the same mentality. i like what we are seeing but we can't get complacent. keep in mind it's not joe biden we need to worry about, it's the machine underneath him propping him up. that's really what we are up against and that's what i take away from the obama and clinton machine and involvement. >> sean: will let's talk about where we are in the rfk factor. team biden is very aggressively, you know, set up their own little war room to go to battle with rfk junior. he's not conservative. i mean i've interviewed him, he's supported every left-wing radical democratic candidate over the years. he wanted to be the democratic nominee. they rejected him. he's a radical environmentalist, believes in the radical, you know, new green deal and climate alarmism. 's policies are far left. do you see him getting on the ballot in all 50 states? do you think the libertarian party will take him on? >> look i think the beauty of our country is we have a free system where people are able to have ballot access if they meet certain criteria. the democratic party will probably try to do everything they can to keep this man off the ballot just as they were trying to stifle him when he was running as a democrat. the thing that has become clear is that he's free to have his own views on the climate change agenda which i do think is a threat to the sovereignty of the united states, on abortion, on a range of other questions, he's anti-second amendment. he better aligns with democrats. so if he does make it on the ballot, it should take votes away from the democrats and there should be a good development not only for president trump but i believe for the country because what we need this november is a decisive moral mandate. a landslide of reagan 1980/84 proportions. i think we have an opportunity to do it and if rfk being in the race helps it, i think it can be a good thing for the country and i'm against any democratic effort to remove him or keep them off the ballot as they will try to do. >> sean: you are on the campaign trail for president trump. have you thought at all about maybe joining his administration to that happen? >> look on laser focused on winning the election this november. we have to keep in mind this is still the third, fourth, fifth ending of the process. we can't take our eye off the ball so my focus has been how can we help attract the kind of voters that republicans may not historically have connected with, young voters across the country who are hungry for direction and purpose, that president trump will be able to provide with national pride, the joe biden isn't. you think about even the asian-american community, indian americans, many of whom went decisively for biden and yet their core values of meritocracy, free speech, of the american dream aligned with the republican party of today and donald trump's vision for the country. and so i see an opportunity to build a multiethnic working-class coalition that defies historical partisan boundaries. we have to keep our eye on the ball and win in november. we can't take our eye off and figure out what comes after. let's deliver a victory and that's how we will save the country. >> sean: great to see you, thank you for joining us. the biden campaign is now so desperate some are floating a walk down memory lane to the dog days of covid. biden himself has even recently evoked the pandemic in the president wants you to forget the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates, the lockdowns, the school closures, the mass hysteria. he certainly doesn't want you to remember that more people died in 2021 under his watch then died in the year that it started in january of 2020 as he lives in the past. after all it was a better time for joe biden, the beginning of his presidency and the last time his poll numbers were significantly underwater. far left policies had yet to wreak havoc on you. every american. and here with more, a governor who has kept south dakota free. congratulations, although north dakota beat you by one tenth of a point when it comes to having the lowest on employment in the country. i'm sure that kind of irritated you. that would irritate me. >> just a little bit. yes of course, we are always competitive with other states but you were talking about covid and i was just remembering those first days and i thank god that president trump was the president and was in the white house during that time because he actually let me as governor do my job. he let me be governor, make decisions for our people that were the best for our state and our state is thriving today because of that. everybody is working, earning a lot more income, women owned businesses are doing better, we've got historic revenues and visitation, people moving in. we are growing and it's all because of president trump. we've only seen our country decline since joe biden has been the administration that i have to get up and fight every day. so if biden wants to go back and visit covid, boy have i got stories of what happened on day one when biden took over the white house because our military declined, he attacked our people and tried to mandate vaccines and masks and hurt our children and set them back. it was tragic what his policies did to the country. >> sean: with 222 days outside of election day, how do you assess the race right now? >> gosh, freedom is doing well. i think that it's resonating with people and they recognize that the only person who will keep them free's president donald j trump. that's what i think is amazing, that you see people rallying around a man that gets up every day and fights for america. what america meant back when our pounders brought it forward and gave us our constitution, and he's the only one who stood there and defended our freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. so that's what great. we have to keep talking. i'm spending a lot of time and a lot of the states that need to make up their minds and that we have to win in order to win the presidency, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, ohio. that all effects who wins the white house. there's a lot of work to do. i think it's looking good but that means we double down and press our foot on the gas. >> sean: the democrats seam focused on a very aggressive strategy now, probably out of panic more than anything else, and that's attack trump. democracy and payroll, january 6th, lying and demagogy about abortion, trying to convince people that he's done a great job. i don't think that's going to is innate at all. and as i'm watching the campaign, then i think of two advantages they might have. democrats are not resistant at all to voting early, voting by mail. they have pretty much mastered the laws where you are allowed to have legal ballot harvesting. republicans, and i know trump is working on this, but 222 days it's a heavylift, to match hopefully surpass democratic issues on that. where do you stand on it? should republicans get over their reluctance and resistance to voting early and by mail? do they have to do a better job of legal ballot harvesting and how do you accomplish that in that short period of time? >> you work with the laws you have in your state and you make sure your secretary of state is following the laws and then you go hard and make sure weak win overwhelmingly in these states and that it isn't a slim margin that we win by. that we win big and win big recognizing the different in the candidates. the democrats will take a gallon of gas and throw it on trump and laid it on fire and tried to burn him and his family and everybody close to him and then manipulate and bend election laws in every single state how they can. we have to be smarter, faster, work harder and we are going to have to spend some resources to get it done. that's a problem we face right now, that they are strategically going after trump so that he's spending his money on legal battles and they are putting money in joe biden's campaign account to come after our freedom. >> sean: all right, great to have you, thank you for joining us. now we turn to a more horrific follow from biden's border crisis. according to a local report any illegal immigrant in alabama now allegedly has been charged with raping a 14-year-old mentally incapacitated young girl. so far this year dozens of americans have been violently raped and murdered or assaulted by so-called asylum-seekers. in other words joe biden's 10 million plus unvented a legal immigrants from all over the world. and why? because of his insane border policies, him aiding and abetting in lawbreaking. he just doesn't seem to care. what is the impact on the race? joining us now, senior fellow at the hoover institution along with the host of -- tommy laren. what impact do you see here on, you know, the people in this country? they are watching it like we watch it. now joe, they are floating the idea of maybe people that have been here ten years, they get a green card and a path to citizenship. thoughts? >> yeah well i think the present policy is unsustainable and they may high-five that they got 10 million people in, they feel that was valuable for constituents, but it's blowing up in their face. if you saw that 60 minute interview with the president of mexico, when he just flat out said that we owe him $20 billion , we've got to start the embargo of venezuela, restore relations with cuba and give amnesty to every mexican national here, you can see where he's coming from. he said he has absolute contempt for us. all we would have to do, any normal president would slap a 1n that goes to mexico, they would declare the cartels a foreign terrorist organization, finish the wall and may be help out with the military on the border and he would not talk like that. he would have more respect and they would be much nicer to us, the mexican government, because they would have some deference to us, but now they are ridiculing us and they think it's a joke. you see all of these people coming out of the woodwork that think the border is over for good and they can come and go as they please. they are essentially right. at least for the next nine or ten months. >> sean: can you believe that we are now going to get lectured on giving billions of dollars to foreign countries, he's demanding citizenship of mexican nationals, and the embargo on cuba and venezuela, the sanctions on venezuela, really? we are going to get lectured by mexico and joe does nothing? >> yeah, you know, back during the trump administration it was the other way around. donald trump said if mexico does not play ball, they will have a tariff slapped on them and then lo and behold, mexican military decided they were going to cooperate with the united states border patrol and law enforcement and they had to do their part. also remain in mexico. mexico had much more incentive to control their own border because they did not want people remaining in mexico and that they could not send on through to the united states under donald trump but once again we are leading from behind and joe biden, he might be cognitively slowing down but he's not stupid and neither are democrats. they are willing to risk american sovereignty and american safety with biden's border bloodbath. and again they like to use that word bloodbath and it's true when it comes to what biden is allowing into our country, it is going to be an even worse of a bloodbath because we have 10 million plus people, also hundreds of thousands of got a ways that we don't know where they are from, what they are doing here and they are now residing in our country because joe biden and democrats want congressional seats, they want these people to be included in the senses and they want them to be future voters. they are willing to risk and sacrifice american lives and the american economy in order to get votes and more congressional seats and that tells you everything you need to know about the democrat party. they play the long game, they are okay with this being unpopular right now because they see the future and they see this as locking in their voting block for generations to come. they might be sinister but they are not stupid. >> sean: all right, hope new york is paying attention. thank you. coming up, earlier today florida governor ron desantis signed legislation that he says ends "squatters and the squatter scam and protects property owners." what a shock. how sad is it that he even has to bring up a bill like that? we will explain that and much more straight ahead as wewo continue. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. the underside features an innovative solution. shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. wow, no damage! protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at >> sean: this is a fox news alert, i'm kevin corke in washington. the ntsb revealing new details into the deadly cargo crash that brought down the bridge in baltimore. data from the ships black box shows multiple alarms sounded and the ships pilot asked nearby tugboats for help. the ntsb also says there's 764 tons of hazardous material on the ship. some of which has been breached. meanwhile the bodies of two bridge workers have now been found. four others are missing and presumed dead. lawmakers on capitol hill mourning a former colleague. four term senator and vise presidential nominee joe lieberman has died. according to his family he passed away earlier today of complications from a fall. he was al gore's running mate back into thousand and was 82 years old. i'm kevin corke, back to "hannity". [♪♪] [♪♪] >> sean: so the issue of squatting now has been on the rise all across the country. that's where people take over vacant homes or they rent a property and never leave. can you imagine, you own a property and can get rid of somebody in your house. often times it could take the property owners month or even years to get the squatters thrown out. now the state of florida is taking action. governor ron desantis just signed legislation that gives police the right to remove squatters as soon as they are found and makes it a felony to do more than $1000 worth of damage to a home while squatting. take a look at this. >> today in the state of florida we say very simply what passes muster in new york and california is not passing muster here. you are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private property and expect to get away with it. we are in the state of florida ending the squatter scam once and for all. >> sean: and it is a scam. i know somebody in new york, four and a half years of squatter stayed at some buddy else's house. the governor of florida also recently signed a bill banning any children in the state under the age of 14 from having a social media account. after years of research has now revealed the serious dangers that these online platforms are posing to our kids. joining us now, florida governor ron desantis. great to have you. i doubt when you got into politics that you ever imagined a day we would be hearing story after story after story of, you know, people just commandeering other people's homes and then the courts protecting them. i know a case in new york that went on for and a half years before they were finally legally allowed to take back their home. is this america? this doesn't sound like the america i know. >> no. i mean you think about things like this idea of squatting. when americans were settling like the old west, you didn't know who owned it, there weren't records, so people started a community that someone came six or seven years later and claimed it was theirs, that was different. is an adverse possession. it was never intended that you could just go into some subdivision and break into a house and start living there and then all of a sudden have all of these rights. in new york there was a case and it was reported where the homeowner went when someone had taken over her house and the police did not evict the squatters, the police ended up arresting the homeowner. what kind of a country is that? and like on so many issues, what new york does, what california does, florida will do the opposite and so the squatter scam ends today with our legislation and it's important because you know now being a florida resident, we've got people that will be here for seven months of the year and then they will go to michigan or new york or even canada. so what, you come back after the summer and someone's in your house and then they just get to stay there for six months? now in florida you call up, you fill out a form, sheriff comes and the sheriff kicks them out of your property. >> sean: and i've owned property in florida for over 20 years. i am a permanent resident of florida. i have my florida license to prove it. and every other legal thing i had to do. but it's even worse than that. people can start out, maybe they will pay the first month's rent and then they will never pay again. if you try to kick them out, you are right, the home you were describing, that was over $1 million that property and they arrested the homeowner. and i'm thinking to myself, what country is this that they are rest of the the squatter gets to stay in that person's house? you can't make that up. >> and it's like the private property rights. that's the bedrock of a free society and a constitutional republic. what i think the left is doing with some of these activists, hack, even the illegal aliens are going on social media and talking about squatting and urging other foreign nationals to come to this country illegally and commandeer property. if we don't have private property rights, we will not have a free society so it is the bedrock. florida stands by that. we are proud to do it and, you know, it's like yet another reason why people are going to choose to flee from the new york to the california and end up coming down here to the sunshine state. >> sean: let me tell you, you have baby boomers that have yet to retire, people that have just gotten fed up with the crime, the high taxes, the way of life, they are going to be leaving in droves so the next two decades, i don't think this migration is ending anytime soon. let me ask you about social media and kids and 14 -year-olds and because there is a lot of danger. there are predators out there that are targeting our children online. you were very successful with the legislation. i think it's been misconstrued by -- misconstrued by some of the media. not a big shock but your reaction? >> look, i'm a dad. i've got a first grader, edna gardner, preschooler, so my wife and i are thinking as they get older, you know, what is this landscape going to even look like? the reality is it's hard for parents to keep up with everything that's out there and so what our legislation says is for 14 and 15 -year-olds, social media companies cannot issue them their own social media account unless the parent consents so then this way the parent can kind of know the dangers and then make that decision. thirteen and under, social media companies cannot issue an account and here's the thing, under 13 is already prohibited under federal law, it's just not enforced. so you do have eight -year-olds and ten -year-olds who have these. what we've said is we are not really regulating the use. i mean if a 12-year-old has something, it's not really about that, it's about holding the social media companies accountable. if a parent wants to have a social media account and let their 11-year-old use it, they are free to do it. i think it strikes the right balance, to try to help parents navigate this really perilous landscape, and you are right, the predators, you used to have to worry about the predator if that kid is out in the neighborhood, someone would come by in a van. now the predator can come right into your house. the kid can be there, your kid can be, you know, just save as can be and then through that internet and through the social media apps. so i think we struck a good balance here and here's the thing, we are not talking about the content, we are talking about apps and social media networks that have addictive qualities. so if they don't have the addictive qualities, the bill need not apply. >> sean: i know a group of parents that actually have all come to an agreement, no cell phones for their kids until eighth grade. i thought it was a great decision and many of the parents , what they have decided to do, i haven't had a landline in years, i don't know about you governor, i don't even know what one looks like anymore. they just decided that if they allow any phone use it's going to be a landline in their house that they can hear the conversation. pretty creative. >> it's interesting, last year we did a bill that i signed that said cool districts could say no cell phones during class time. there was a huge uproar about that. people were saying that somehow this was too restrictive and yet what's happened this school year, the kids are learning better. everyone is happier because the attention is on what's happening in the classroom. i would also say as a parent, my wife and i have talked about this, our kids are too young to have any phones, we've decided that when they do get a phone, probably not going to be a smart phone, it will be one of those old flip phones we used to have where they can make a call if they need anything from us but we don't have to worry about all the hundreds of different apps. and here's the thing too, apart from all the really significant harms with the predators, it's not healthy to have kids buried in their phones eight hours a day. >> sean: thank you for being with us governor ron desantis. coming up, nbc news, mcdaniel problem got a whole lot bigger.i we will tell you why right after this straight ahead. [♪♪] [♪♪] liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. ♪ ♪ ♪ [♪♪] [♪♪] >> sean: nbc no conservative views allowed. news executives caved to the liberal lunacy of their msnbc host in the temper tantrums over ronna mcdaniel's hiring. it has resulted, he's been forced out leaving the network in shambles and according to one report forcing nbc reporters who largely did not participate in the meltdowns to pick up the pieces. some said we love to interview republicans like liz chaney. really? anyway, here with reaction democratic pollster and fox news contributor. joe, i think this goes very deep now into something i said back in 2007, right on this network, right on this show, journalism in america is dead. they are not journalists, they are talk show hosts. but now it's our you are have you ever been a republican or a donald trump supporter. if so they don't want to here from you. reaction. >> and this will damage the nbc news brand which was already damaged. nbc now is officially the home to only far left of democrats only. all of these on air self-proclaimed journalists now come across as scene as -- and it's all there own doing from their president who sent a memo to staff announcing mcdaniel's firing, that in a newsroom needed to be cohesive and aligned. in other words, either you conform or you get eliminated. kristin moderated a 2020 presidential debate and fired the first shot at management on meet the press saying i had nothing to do with this hiring. you don't do that publicly, you take the conversation behind closed doors. chuck todd same thing, the poster boy for insubordination who called out his bosses also on the air to apologize while appearing on his former show meet the press. talk about the hubris of the oblivious. and then the avalanche at nbc, msnbc followed from their led by top conspiracy theorist rachel maddow who pushed trump russia collusion for years, dismissed the hunter biden laptop, declared that if you are vaccinated you can't transmit covid. we only have finite time here so look, rachel even said on her show this week when talking about ronna mcdaniel that she is "part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government." this is mitt romney's niece we are talking about that most trump supporters are crazy about so at this point, this is where we are at as far as this network is concerned. they just declared that the diversity of thought is dead at 30 rock so i guess good luck with that because now you are only going to be a show that conforms to maybe 30% of the country. >> sean: you know, there was a day at a time, and i know this won't surprise you, i knew peter jennings, came on my tv show, tim, i get calls from tim just random calls, what are conservatives thinking about this? just asking out of curiosity. he moderated a debate with me once before he passed away. these were great icons of news. they might have slanted left but they had curiosity, they were willing to here the other side. what do you make of this? >> look, i'm really concerned about what's going on with free speech, viewpoint discrimination , all of these issues. i think joe is right. nbc now really shot themselves in the head or the foot or what have you. >> sean: i think the head. >> a lot of republicans probably did not watch msnbc but they did watch nbc and for them to basically throw down against someone who is head of the rnc is incredible. it does say that these people are living in a cocoon. it says look, you had governor newsom on in a debate. it says they are not even willing to have a debate on air. that is -- that it is on debatable that they are right. that's not journalism but it's not even opinion. it's not even the kind of conflict and clash of ideas that are central to american democracy. it needs to be restored. this is really a very shameful episode. >> i would just say to these ivory tower elitists, get ready, buckle up, politico says lawsuit likely headed your way. joe, mark, thank you. only come back, a left is trying to run away from bidenomics. i thought they were bragging about it but guess what, the american people are suffering enough, they are not being fooled. later, a disturbing new trend appears to be on the rise in new york. we have the video, women randomly punched in the face in new york city. wait until you hear this story, coming up. 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biden's economy is faltering. according to a new fox news poll, over 50% of the american people, that means you, say they are worse off financially than they were four years ago under donald trump. and others on the economy is a mess, trader joe's now has increased the price of the bananas at their stores for the first time in more than two decades. meanwhile california, gavin newsom working hard to destroy california's economy and he's facing a massive multi billion dollar budget deficit but a lot of this is because of a new 20-dollar minimum wage law like my favorite out there in and out burger. all across the state they have to lay off and pull in -- employees because they cannot afford to pay them. california is also leading the fight and gas powered cars, being the first day pledging to fully ban the sale of all gas powered cars by 2035. seven other states are joining as well. limitations by the way coming as soon as 2026. here with reaction, larry along with the cohost of the big-money show on foxbusiness, brian. larry, i'm looking at this, they can say all they want, americans are doing fine, that is not the reality that most americans are living. then you add to this mandates, they want to shove and ev into your driveway whether you like it or not. they want to take away your gas stove whether you like it or not they don't like your refrigerator, they don't like your air conditioner and they don't like the fact that you eat meat. if that is the party they want to be, fine, i want to be part of a party that believes in liberty, freedom and choices. that's right, choices, freedom, words that democrats use but don't really mean. >> well thank you for having me back. i agree with you. look, years ago as a young man i worked for ronald reagan and people started talking about something called reaganomics. it was a term of attack and ridicule and then all of a sudden when his tax cuts and deregulation came into play and the economy exploded, growing it 10-12 percent the first couple years after the carter recession , reaganomics became a term of endearment and a term of respect and a rallying cry. the trouble with mr biden is, bidenomics now pulls very poorly but as you suggested, you can't afford the biden economy. prices are raising faster than wages. mortgage payments are a problem, credit card payments are a problem, automobile payments are a problem, all of these things should be built into the consumer price index. inflation remains a very difficult and sticky problem. so bidenomics is not popular because ordinary working folks are not doing well and they preferred to go back to the trump policies of drill baby drill, tax cuts and deregulation >> sean: well said. brian i ask you, you look at the carter years, double-digit inflation, 21 and a half percent interest rates, reagan comes in, cuts taxes dramatically from 70-28 percent, became the longest period of peacetime economic growth in history up to that time, the same policies implemented under donald trump, they worked again. they work when they are put into action. 21 million new jobs under reagan and if you look at the unemployment rate, for every demographic, african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, african-american youth unemployment, they were sinking to record lows after record low on dirt donald trump's policies prepandemic. those policies were working and will work again -- under donald trump's policies -- >> when the policies deliver, the brand works. when the brand doesn't represent anything that works, you have to offend in the brand. the problem with biden is yes, he stepped away from bidenomics but he hasn't stepped away from the substance of bidenomics. look at him out there now, he may not be saying the word but he's still talking about forgiving student loans and subsidizing your mortgage and regulating businesses and making it nearly impossible eventually to buy a gas powered car. so he can abandon bidenomics but if he sticks with the substancey americans are experiencing isn't going to change. so don't be satisfied that he doesn't say the word, forced him to change what the word means and then life might get a little bit better. >> listen, i've got to tell you an anecdote, this is one of the problems with bidenomics. rich came on the show from the national review and he tells the story, he went out a couple weeks ago, he went to mcdonald's okay and he had two fries and a shake and it cost, are you ready for this, two fries and a shake, $17. now that's worse than raising the banana price by four sense. that's $17 for two fries and a shake. that is the problem with bidenomics in a nutshell. >> sean: you know, maybe they need to get out and talk to the 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck. maybe they should talk to people that are not making ends meet and are putting bare necessities on credit cards with high interest. >> they should talk to me and brian. [ laughter ] >> sean: all right guys, good to see you both. when we come back, disturbing reports, people randomly being punched right in the face, right on the street of new york city. can't make it up, sad but true, we will show you the video straight ahead. [♪♪] [♪♪] file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ us troubling new string of violence in new york city is multiple women on tiktok a claim were randomly punched in the face by strangers take a look. >> i was walking and demand came and punched me in the face it hurts so bad i can't even talk i fell to the ground. oh, my god. >> reality star bethany franco said she was randomly punched a new york city street earlier this year 1 of the suspects in the cases was arrested and charged with assault but no bail laws in new york and a liberal court system. that's all of our time left this evening thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity let not your heart be troubled greg is standing by to put a smile on your face have a great night. >> ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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>> welcome to "hannity". a big show coming up. more fallout from the other debacle that is known as mst and see nbc will never be the same again. after the network of course allowed there far left-wing host to bring out their pitchforks and torches against the only actual conservative hired there in a number of years. nbc's reputation in tatters and worse than ever. also tonight florida government -- governor ron desantis is here. he signed two new groundbreaking measures into law including a bill that will ban young kids under 14 from using social media and another that is protecting property owners from squatters. this now a much bigger problem than anybody knew. governor desantis has accomplished more in half a week then joe biden will get done in the entire year. the biden administration is clearly a dumpster fire. his campaign not really much better. we are tonight only 222 days away from the 2024 election. that will flyby. democrats are in panic mode. event barack obama is getting very anxious. a number of report so there about this. and apparently he's reportedly very afraid joe biden will in fact lose to donald trump. he is now making numerous phone calls to top white house aides and campaign advisors. according to the new york times, obama is also having regular conversations with biden himself. you have obama and bill clinton, they are now set to headline a star-studded fundraiser in new york. i think at radio city music hall the president just wasn't enough of a draw for big donors apparently. now the democrats have a big problem come november and his name is joe biden. there's nothing that barack obama or bill clinton or frankly anybody else can do that will turn the mumbling bumbling stumbling incompetent 81-year-old career politician into a viable candidate. in fact biden's press secretary doesn't even want to answer even the obvious questions. somewhat consider them tough but i don't think it's that tough. the question that everybody has on their mind, the question that polls are showing that a vast majority of americans agree with , and that has to do with her bosses cognitive decline. watch this. >> when i told a number of people that i was talking to you today, it was interesting, they all said would you please just ask her, does the president have dementia? so before i move on from it, does he? >> i can't even believe you are asking me this question. that is incredibly offensive to ask. >> but you know people ask it. >> no, no, mark, you are taking us down this rabbit hole and so i'm not even going to truly, truly really, you know, take the premise of your question. i think it is incredibly insulting and so we can move onto the next question. >> gas prices and grocery prices then. big topics in north carolina. how does mr biden win votes when people don't have as much disposable income? >> the president understands all the important grocery, those costs have gone down because of what the president has been able to do. with that, thank you, have an amazing day. >> wow. >> she hung up. >> sean: offensive, insulting. grocery prices are down. karine jean-pierre needs to go shopping. the writing is on the wall. anxiety running high and while democrats panic, the president does nothing. today no scheduled events at all whatsoever. president trump meanwhile just accepted an invitation. he will attend the wake for nypd officer who was murdered by a 34-year-old career criminal with more than 20 prior arrests. house that defund, dismantle, reimagine the police thing working? no bail laws working? biden probably isn't even aware of the violent crime now erupting in major cities. he certainly hasn't ever tried to address it. tonight he seems more worried about a political challenge from the left. that being rfk junior who is now peeling off a significant amount of support from biden and on truth social president trump wrote this, "rfk junior is the most radical left candidate in the race by far, he's a big fan of the green new scam and other economy killing disasters. i guess this would mean that he's going to take votes from crooked joe biden which would be a great service to america." then he continued, "it is great for m a g a but the -- they will make it hard for him to get on the ballot." kennedy is fighting against a bureaucratic nightmare. team biden is going full force against him but he's vowing to get on the ballot in all 50 states. he's considering running as a libertarian now. if he does, polls show clear wins for donald trump in the following states, georgia, nevada, arizona, michigan, north carolina, wisconsin and pennsylvania. in other words, that would be an electoral blow out. but even without rfk junior, trump is consistently pulling ahead of biden in almost all of the key battleground states. as it turns out, americans seam to miss prosperity and peace and stability and safety and security. they see what biden is doing at the border, they know he's been spending recklessly, they see biden inflation. it is starting to serve yet again. they reject the overbearing green new deal regulations, you know, you have to get an electric vehicle, they want to take away your stove, your refrigerator, your air conditioner, even your meat. the high taxes he's pushing for, the vilification of those that work hard, risk capital and definitely pay their fair share and then some. they look at their phones and tv and they see a decrepit politician struggling to get up the stairs of air force one, the baby steps, and is so obviously unable to perform the duties of his job. there is nothing that obama can do, clinton can do to cover up that disaster. he might even say -- you might even say is like putting lipstick on a pig at this point. here with reaction, former presidential candidate is with us. you think clinton and obama, the big fundraiser and then going all in to bailout joe, will that work? >> i don't think it's likely to persuade voters but the reality is it doesn't show who's really pulling the strings in the democratic party. joe biden's cognitive deficits, they are not a bug, they are a feature for the managerial class underneath him, around him that's pulling the strings and advancing their puppet. so right now i am really glad about how optimistic we can be with the poll numbers we are seeing but we cannot be complacent. we know the left, we understand how they behave, they behave like they are in a war. we need to understand and approach this election with the same mentality. i like what we are seeing but we can't get complacent. keep in mind it's not joe biden we need to worry about, it's the machine underneath him propping him up. that's really what we are up against and that's what i take away from the obama and clinton machine and involvement. >> sean: will let's talk about where we are in the rfk factor. team biden is very aggressively, you know, set up their own little war room to go to battle with rfk junior. he's not conservative. i mean i've interviewed him, he's supported every left-wing radical democratic candidate over the years. he wanted to be the democratic nominee. they rejected him. he's a radical environmentalist, believes in the radical, you know, new green deal and climate alarmism. 's policies are far left. do you see him getting on the ballot in all 50 states? do you think the libertarian party will take him on? >> look i think the beauty of our country is we have a free system where people are able to have ballot access if they meet certain criteria. the democratic party will probably try to do everything they can to keep this man off the ballot just as they were trying to stifle him when he was running as a democrat. the thing that has become clear is that he's free to have his own views on the climate change agenda which i do think is a threat to the sovereignty of the united states, on abortion, on a range of other questions, he's anti-second amendment. he better aligns with democrats. so if he does make it on the ballot, it should take votes away from the democrats and there should be a good development not only for president trump but i believe for the country because what we need this november is a decisive moral mandate. a landslide of reagan 1980/84 proportions. i think we have an opportunity to do it and if rfk being in the race helps it, i think it can be a good thing for the country and i'm against any democratic effort to remove him or keep them off the ballot as they will try to do. >> sean: you are on the campaign trail for president trump. have you thought at all about maybe joining his administration to that happen? >> look on laser focused on winning the election this november. we have to keep in mind this is still the third, fourth, fifth ending of the process. we can't take our eye off the ball so my focus has been how can we help attract the kind of voters that republicans may not historically have connected with, young voters across the country who are hungry for direction and purpose, that president trump will be able to provide with national pride, the joe biden isn't. you think about even the asian-american community, indian americans, many of whom went decisively for biden and yet their core values of meritocracy, free speech, of the american dream aligned with the republican party of today and donald trump's vision for the country. and so i see an opportunity to build a multiethnic working-class coalition that defies historical partisan boundaries. we have to keep our eye on the ball and win in november. we can't take our eye off and figure out what comes after. let's deliver a victory and that's how we will save the country. >> sean: great to see you, thank you for joining us. the biden campaign is now so desperate some are floating a walk down memory lane to the dog days of covid. biden himself has even recently evoked the pandemic in the president wants you to forget the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates, the lockdowns, the school closures, the mass hysteria. he certainly doesn't want you to remember that more people died in 2021 under his watch then died in the year that it started in january of 2020 as he lives in the past. after all it was a better time for joe biden, the beginning of his presidency and the last time his poll numbers were significantly underwater. far left policies had yet to wreak havoc on you. every american. and here with more, a governor who has kept south dakota free. congratulations, although north dakota beat you by one tenth of a point when it comes to having the lowest on employment in the country. i'm sure that kind of irritated you. that would irritate me. >> just a little bit. yes of course, we are always competitive with other states but you were talking about covid and i was just remembering those first days and i thank god that president trump was the president and was in the white house during that time because he actually let me as governor do my job. he let me be governor, make decisions for our people that were the best for our state and our state is thriving today because of that. everybody is working, earning a lot more income, women owned businesses are doing better, we've got historic revenues and visitation, people moving in. we are growing and it's all because of president trump. we've only seen our country decline since joe biden has been the administration that i have to get up and fight every day. so if biden wants to go back and visit covid, boy have i got stories of what happened on day one when biden took over the white house because our military declined, he attacked our people and tried to mandate vaccines and masks and hurt our children and set them back. it was tragic what his policies did to the country. >> sean: with 222 days outside of election day, how do you assess the race right now? >> gosh, freedom is doing well. i think that it's resonating with people and they recognize that the only person who will keep them free's president donald j trump. that's what i think is amazing, that you see people rallying around a man that gets up every day and fights for america. what america meant back when our pounders brought it forward and gave us our constitution, and he's the only one who stood there and defended our freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. so that's what great. we have to keep talking. i'm spending a lot of time and a lot of the states that need to make up their minds and that we have to win in order to win the presidency, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, ohio. that all effects who wins the white house. there's a lot of work to do. i think it's looking good but that means we double down and press our foot on the gas. >> sean: the democrats seam focused on a very aggressive strategy now, probably out of panic more than anything else, and that's attack trump. democracy and payroll, january 6th, lying and demagogy about abortion, trying to convince people that he's done a great job. i don't think that's going to is innate at all. and as i'm watching the campaign, then i think of two advantages they might have. democrats are not resistant at all to voting early, voting by mail. they have pretty much mastered the laws where you are allowed to have legal ballot harvesting. republicans, and i know trump is working on this, but 222 days it's a heavylift, to match hopefully surpass democratic issues on that. where do you stand on it? should republicans get over their reluctance and resistance to voting early and by mail? do they have to do a better job of legal ballot harvesting and how do you accomplish that in that short period of time? >> you work with the laws you have in your state and you make sure your secretary of state is following the laws and then you go hard and make sure weak win overwhelmingly in these states and that it isn't a slim margin that we win by. that we win big and win big recognizing the different in the candidates. the democrats will take a gallon of gas and throw it on trump and laid it on fire and tried to burn him and his family and everybody close to him and then manipulate and bend election laws in every single state how they can. we have to be smarter, faster, work harder and we are going to have to spend some resources to get it done. that's a problem we face right now, that they are strategically going after trump so that he's spending his money on legal battles and they are putting money in joe biden's campaign account to come after our freedom. >> sean: all right, great to have you, thank you for joining us. now we turn to a more horrific follow from biden's border crisis. according to a local report any illegal immigrant in alabama now allegedly has been charged with raping a 14-year-old mentally incapacitated young girl. so far this year dozens of americans have been violently raped and murdered or assaulted by so-called asylum-seekers. in other words joe biden's 10 million plus unvented a legal immigrants from all over the world. and why? because of his insane border policies, him aiding and abetting in lawbreaking. he just doesn't seem to care. what is the impact on the race? joining us now, senior fellow at the hoover institution along with the host of -- tommy laren. what impact do you see here on, you know, the people in this country? they are watching it like we watch it. now joe, they are floating the idea of maybe people that have been here ten years, they get a green card and a path to citizenship. thoughts? >> yeah well i think the present policy is unsustainable and they may high-five that they got 10 million people in, they feel that was valuable for constituents, but it's blowing up in their face. if you saw that 60 minute interview with the president of mexico, when he just flat out said that we owe him $20 billion , we've got to start the embargo of venezuela, restore relations with cuba and give amnesty to every mexican national here, you can see where he's coming from. he said he has absolute contempt for us. all we would have to do, any normal president would slap a 1n that goes to mexico, they would declare the cartels a foreign terrorist organization, finish the wall and may be help out with the military on the border and he would not talk like that. he would have more respect and they would be much nicer to us, the mexican government, because they would have some deference to us, but now they are ridiculing us and they think it's a joke. you see all of these people coming out of the woodwork that think the border is over for good and they can come and go as they please. they are essentially right. at least for the next nine or ten months. >> sean: can you believe that we are now going to get lectured on giving billions of dollars to foreign countries, he's demanding citizenship of mexican nationals, and the embargo on cuba and venezuela, the sanctions on venezuela, really? we are going to get lectured by mexico and joe does nothing? >> yeah, you know, back during the trump administration it was the other way around. donald trump said if mexico does not play ball, they will have a tariff slapped on them and then lo and behold, mexican military decided they were going to cooperate with the united states border patrol and law enforcement and they had to do their part. also remain in mexico. mexico had much more incentive to control their own border because they did not want people remaining in mexico and that they could not send on through to the united states under donald trump but once again we are leading from behind and joe biden, he might be cognitively slowing down but he's not stupid and neither are democrats. they are willing to risk american sovereignty and american safety with biden's border bloodbath. and again they like to use that word bloodbath and it's true when it comes to what biden is allowing into our country, it is going to be an even worse of a bloodbath because we have 10 million plus people, also hundreds of thousands of got a ways that we don't know where they are from, what they are doing here and they are now residing in our country because joe biden and democrats want congressional seats, they want these people to be included in the senses and they want them to be future voters. they are willing to risk and sacrifice american lives and the american economy in order to get votes and more congressional seats and that tells you everything you need to know about the democrat party. they play the long game, they are okay with this being unpopular right now because they see the future and they see this as locking in their voting block for generations to come. they might be sinister but they are not stupid. >> sean: all right, hope new york is paying attention. thank you. coming up, earlier today florida governor ron desantis signed legislation that he says ends "squatters and the squatter scam and protects property owners." what a shock. how sad is it that he even has to bring up a bill like that? we will explain that and much more straight ahead as wewo continue. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. the underside features an innovative solution. shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. wow, no damage! protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at >> sean: this is a fox news alert, i'm kevin corke in washington. the ntsb revealing new details into the deadly cargo crash that brought down the bridge in baltimore. data from the ships black box shows multiple alarms sounded and the ships pilot asked nearby tugboats for help. the ntsb also says there's 764 tons of hazardous material on the ship. some of which has been breached. meanwhile the bodies of two bridge workers have now been found. four others are missing and presumed dead. lawmakers on capitol hill mourning a former colleague. four term senator and vise presidential nominee joe lieberman has died. according to his family he passed away earlier today of complications from a fall. he was al gore's running mate back into thousand and was 82 years old. i'm kevin corke, back to "hannity". [♪♪] [♪♪] >> sean: so the issue of squatting now has been on the rise all across the country. that's where people take over vacant homes or they rent a property and never leave. can you imagine, you own a property and can get rid of somebody in your house. often times it could take the property owners month or even years to get the squatters thrown out. now the state of florida is taking action. governor ron desantis just signed legislation that gives police the right to remove squatters as soon as they are found and makes it a felony to do more than $1000 worth of damage to a home while squatting. take a look at this. >> today in the state of florida we say very simply what passes muster in new york and california is not passing muster here. you are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private property and expect to get away with it. we are in the state of florida ending the squatter scam once and for all. >> sean: and it is a scam. i know somebody in new york, four and a half years of squatter stayed at some buddy else's house. the governor of florida also recently signed a bill banning any children in the state under the age of 14 from having a social media account. after years of research has now revealed the serious dangers that these online platforms are posing to our kids. joining us now, florida governor ron desantis. great to have you. i doubt when you got into politics that you ever imagined a day we would be hearing story after story after story of, you know, people just commandeering other people's homes and then the courts protecting them. i know a case in new york that went on for and a half years before they were finally legally allowed to take back their home. is this america? this doesn't sound like the america i know. >> no. i mean you think about things like this idea of squatting. when americans were settling like the old west, you didn't know who owned it, there weren't records, so people started a community that someone came six or seven years later and claimed it was theirs, that was different. is an adverse possession. it was never intended that you could just go into some subdivision and break into a house and start living there and then all of a sudden have all of these rights. in new york there was a case and it was reported where the homeowner went when someone had taken over her house and the police did not evict the squatters, the police ended up arresting the homeowner. what kind of a country is that? and like on so many issues, what new york does, what california does, florida will do the opposite and so the squatter scam ends today with our legislation and it's important because you know now being a florida resident, we've got people that will be here for seven months of the year and then they will go to michigan or new york or even canada. so what, you come back after the summer and someone's in your house and then they just get to stay there for six months? now in florida you call up, you fill out a form, sheriff comes and the sheriff kicks them out of your property. >> sean: and i've owned property in florida for over 20 years. i am a permanent resident of florida. i have my florida license to prove it. and every other legal thing i had to do. but it's even worse than that. people can start out, maybe they will pay the first month's rent and then they will never pay again. if you try to kick them out, you are right, the home you were describing, that was over $1 million that property and they arrested the homeowner. and i'm thinking to myself, what country is this that they are rest of the the squatter gets to stay in that person's house? you can't make that up. >> and it's like the private property rights. that's the bedrock of a free society and a constitutional republic. what i think the left is doing with some of these activists, hack, even the illegal aliens are going on social media and talking about squatting and urging other foreign nationals to come to this country illegally and commandeer property. if we don't have private property rights, we will not have a free society so it is the bedrock. florida stands by that. we are proud to do it and, you know, it's like yet another reason why people are going to choose to flee from the new york to the california and end up coming down here to the sunshine state. >> sean: let me tell you, you have baby boomers that have yet to retire, people that have just gotten fed up with the crime, the high taxes, the way of life, they are going to be leaving in droves so the next two decades, i don't think this migration is ending anytime soon. let me ask you about social media and kids and 14 -year-olds and because there is a lot of danger. there are predators out there that are targeting our children online. you were very successful with the legislation. i think it's been misconstrued by -- misconstrued by some of the media. not a big shock but your reaction? >> look, i'm a dad. i've got a first grader, edna gardner, preschooler, so my wife and i are thinking as they get older, you know, what is this landscape going to even look like? the reality is it's hard for parents to keep up with everything that's out there and so what our legislation says is for 14 and 15 -year-olds, social media companies cannot issue them their own social media account unless the parent consents so then this way the parent can kind of know the dangers and then make that decision. thirteen and under, social media companies cannot issue an account and here's the thing, under 13 is already prohibited under federal law, it's just not enforced. so you do have eight -year-olds and ten -year-olds who have these. what we've said is we are not really regulating the use. i mean if a 12-year-old has something, it's not really about that, it's about holding the social media companies accountable. if a parent wants to have a social media account and let their 11-year-old use it, they are free to do it. i think it strikes the right balance, to try to help parents navigate this really perilous landscape, and you are right, the predators, you used to have to worry about the predator if that kid is out in the neighborhood, someone would come by in a van. now the predator can come right into your house. the kid can be there, your kid can be, you know, just save as can be and then through that internet and through the social media apps. so i think we struck a good balance here and here's the thing, we are not talking about the content, we are talking about apps and social media networks that have addictive qualities. so if they don't have the addictive qualities, the bill need not apply. >> sean: i know a group of parents that actually have all come to an agreement, no cell phones for their kids until eighth grade. i thought it was a great decision and many of the parents , what they have decided to do, i haven't had a landline in years, i don't know about you governor, i don't even know what one looks like anymore. they just decided that if they allow any phone use it's going to be a landline in their house that they can hear the conversation. pretty creative. >> it's interesting, last year we did a bill that i signed that said cool districts could say no cell phones during class time. there was a huge uproar about that. people were saying that somehow this was too restrictive and yet what's happened this school year, the kids are learning better. everyone is happier because the attention is on what's happening in the classroom. i would also say as a parent, my wife and i have talked about this, our kids are too young to have any phones, we've decided that when they do get a phone, probably not going to be a smart phone, it will be one of those old flip phones we used to have where they can make a call if they need anything from us but we don't have to worry about all the hundreds of different apps. and here's the thing too, apart from all the really significant harms with the predators, it's not healthy to have kids buried in their phones eight hours a day. >> sean: thank you for being with us governor ron desantis. coming up, nbc news, mcdaniel problem got a whole lot bigger.i we will tell you why right after this straight ahead. 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biden's economy is faltering. according to a new fox news poll, over 50% of the american people, that means you, say they are worse off financially than they were four years ago under donald trump. and others on the economy is a mess, trader joe's now has increased the price of the bananas at their stores for the first time in more than two decades. meanwhile california, gavin newsom working hard to destroy california's economy and he's facing a massive multi billion dollar budget deficit but a lot of this is because of a new 20-dollar minimum wage law like my favorite out there in and out burger. all across the state they have to lay off and pull in -- employees because they cannot afford to pay them. california is also leading the fight and gas powered cars, being the first day pledging to fully ban the sale of all gas powered cars by 2035. seven other states are joining as well. limitations by the way coming as soon as 2026. here with reaction, larry along with the cohost of the big-money show on foxbusiness, brian. larry, i'm looking at this, they can say all they want, americans are doing fine, that is not the reality that most americans are living. then you add to this mandates, they want to shove and ev into your driveway whether you like it or not. they want to take away your gas stove whether you like it or not they don't like your refrigerator, they don't like your air conditioner and they don't like the fact that you eat meat. if that is the party they want to be, fine, i want to be part of a party that believes in liberty, freedom and choices. that's right, choices, freedom, words that democrats use but don't really mean. >> well thank you for having me back. i agree with you. look, years ago as a young man i worked for ronald reagan and people started talking about something called reaganomics. it was a term of attack and ridicule and then all of a sudden when his tax cuts and deregulation came into play and the economy exploded, growing it 10-12 percent the first couple years after the carter recession , reaganomics became a term of endearment and a term of respect and a rallying cry. the trouble with mr biden is, bidenomics now pulls very poorly but as you suggested, you can't afford the biden economy. prices are raising faster than wages. mortgage payments are a problem, credit card payments are a problem, automobile payments are a problem, all of these things should be built into the consumer price index. inflation remains a very difficult and sticky problem. so bidenomics is not popular because ordinary working folks are not doing well and they preferred to go back to the trump policies of drill baby drill, tax cuts and deregulation >> sean: well said. brian i ask you, you look at the carter years, double-digit inflation, 21 and a half percent interest rates, reagan comes in, cuts taxes dramatically from 70-28 percent, became the longest period of peacetime economic growth in history up to that time, the same policies implemented under donald trump, they worked again. they work when they are put into action. 21 million new jobs under reagan and if you look at the unemployment rate, for every demographic, african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, african-american youth unemployment, they were sinking to record lows after record low on dirt donald trump's policies prepandemic. those policies were working and will work again -- under donald trump's policies -- >> when the policies deliver, the brand works. when the brand doesn't represent anything that works, you have to offend in the brand. the problem with biden is yes, he stepped away from bidenomics but he hasn't stepped away from the substance of bidenomics. look at him out there now, he may not be saying the word but he's still talking about forgiving student loans and subsidizing your mortgage and regulating businesses and making it nearly impossible eventually to buy a gas powered car. so he can abandon bidenomics but if he sticks with the substancey americans are experiencing isn't going to change. so don't be satisfied that he doesn't say the word, forced him to change what the word means and then life might get a little bit better. >> listen, i've got to tell you an anecdote, this is one of the problems with bidenomics. rich came on the show from the national review and he tells the story, he went out a couple weeks ago, he went to mcdonald's okay and he had two fries and a shake and it cost, are you ready for this, two fries and a shake, $17. now that's worse than raising the banana price by four sense. that's $17 for two fries and a shake. that is the problem with bidenomics in a nutshell. >> sean: you know, maybe they need to get out and talk to the 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck. maybe they should talk to people that are not making ends meet and are putting bare necessities on credit cards with high interest. >> they should talk to me and brian. [ laughter ] >> sean: all right guys, good to see you both. when we come back, disturbing reports, people randomly being punched right in the face, right on the street of new york city. can't make it up, sad but true, we will show you the video straight ahead. [♪♪] [♪♪] file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ us troubling new string of violence in new york city is multiple women on tiktok a claim were randomly punched in the face by strangers take a look. >> i was walking and demand came and punched me in the face it hurts so bad i can't even talk i fell to the ground. oh, my god. >> reality star bethany franco said she was randomly punched a new york city street earlier this year 1 of the suspects in the cases was arrested and charged with assault but no bail laws in new york and a liberal court system. that's all of our time left this evening thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity let not your heart be troubled greg is standing by to put a smile on your face have a great night. >> ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause

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, Democracy , Attack Trump , Panic , Strategy , Demagogy , Payroll , Anything Else , January 6th , 6 , Mail , Voting , Advantages , Laws , Ballot Harvesting , Heavylift , Issues , Resistance , Reluctance , Isn T A Slim Margin , Secretary Of State , Gallon , Family , Candidates , Different , Fire , Bend , Money , Resources , Battles , Faster , Campaign Account , Follow , Immigrant , Horrific , Border Crisis , Alabama , Assaulted , Asylum Seekers , Dozens , Mentally Incapacitated Young Girl , Border Policies , All Over The World , Immigrants , Lawbreaking , Care , Aiding And Abetting , 10 Million , Impact , Senior Fellow , Hoover Institution , Tommy Laren , Idea , Citizenship , Green Card , Now Joe , Path , Ten , Face , Policy , Constituents , Thoughts , Five , Embargo , Of Mexico , Interview , Amnesty , Venezuela , Cuba , Restore Relations , 20 Billion , 0 Billion , 60 , 1n , Mexico , Contempt , 1 , Respect , Terrorist Organization , Cartels , Deference , Mexican , Woodwork , Joke , Least , Nine , Countries , Billions , Nationals , Sanctions , Way , Mexican Military , Law Enforcement , Tariff , United States Border Patrol , Lo And Behold , Part , Behind , Incentive , Bloodbath , Word , Border Bloodbath , Thousands , Hundreds , Ways , Economy , Seats , Lives , Senses , Locking , Voting Block , Generations , Game , Legislation , Squatter , Attention , Coming Up , Shock , Heat , Wewo , Pain , Power , Contrast Therapy , Icy Hot , Impactliner , Beating , Trucks , Weathertech , Wow , Underside , Anything , Cargo , Bed , Dropping , Hauling , Scrapes , Dents , Solution , Truck , Rings , Rugged Impactliner , Shock Absorbing , Wt Com Sean , Products , Protection Add , Kevin Corke , Fox News Alert , In Washington , Cargo Crash , Bridge , Alarms , Tugboats , Details , Pilot , Data , Ntsb , Baltimore , Black Box , Others , Bridge Workers , Tons , Hazardous Material , Ship , Bodies , Four , 764 , Term , Complications , Senator , Colleague , Running Mate , Lawmakers , Capitol Hill Mourning , Al Gore , Squatting , Rise , Issue , 82 , Property , Times , Somebody , Homes , Action , Felony , 1000 , 000 , Look , California S , Muster , Home , Dangers , Age , Research , Buddy Else , Politics , Platforms , Case , Courts , Hearing Story After , Story Of , Sound , Someone , Community , There Weren T Records , Old West , Seven , Six , Rights , Subdivision , Possession , Theirs , Break , Homeowner , Police , Resident , Squatter Scam Ends , Summer , Canada , Sheriff , Form , Month , Rent , License , Rest , 1 Million , Million , Society , Bedrock , Constitutional Republic , Aliens , Activists , Hack , Reason , Life , Droves , Baby Boomers , Predators , Danger , Migration , Wife , Media , Preschooler , Grader , Dad , Edna Gardner , Parents , Landscape , Social Media Companies , 15 , Parent , Decision , Account , Consents , Thirteen , 13 , Something , Use , 12 , Eight , Balance , 11 , Kid , Predator , Neighborhood , Van , Qualities , Social Media Networks , Internet , Content , Social Media Apps , Cell Phones , Group , Grade , Agreement , Phone , Landline , Haven T , Looks , Behind Closed Doors , Districts , Everyone , Classroom , Uproar , Learning , Flip Phones , Smart Phone , Call , Apps , Mcdaniel Problem , Harms , Mia , Count , Accuracy , Liaming , 100 , Turbotax , Brand , Ego , Cut , Blades , Cut Mower , Three , Dealers , Charge , Ace , Lowe S , Msnbc , News Executives , Lunacy , Ronna Mcdaniel , Hiring , Reporters , Temper Tantrums , Shambles , Meltdowns , Pieces , Liz Chaney , Fox News , Pollster , Contributor , 2007 , Show , Journalism , Journalists , Supporter , Talk Show Hosts , Doing , Memo , Scene , Debate , Firing , Management On Meet The Press , Newsroom , Shot , Kristin , Hair , Poster Boy , Insubordination , Chuck Todd , Rachel Maddow , Oblivious , Hubris , Avalanche , Led , Russia Collusion , Project , Hunter Biden Laptop , Transmit Covid , Supporters , Niece , Mitt Romney , Tv Show , Thought , Diversity , Luck , Won T Surprise You , 30 Rock , Peter Jennings , 30 , Calls , Curiosity , Conservatives , Tim , News , Icons , Side , Viewpoint , Discrimination , Head , Gavin Newsom , Rnc , Cocoon , Clash , American Democracy , Ideas , Opinion , Conflict , Episode , Lawsuit , Politico , Buckle Up , Ivory Tower Elitists , Bidenomics , Trend , Guess What , Story , Video , Relief Factor , Back , Supplement , Quickstart , 19 95 , 9 95 , 3 , Devie Duckduckgo , Blocks Cooi , Like Google , Ads , Companie , Fo , Searchs , Pi , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Privacy , Devices , Catch , Duckduckgo , Millions , Fre , Time , Take A Look , Wealthy , Fun , Congress , Chart , Bidenomics Is Working , Nobody , Working Hard , Stores , Price , Trader Joe S , Mess , Bananas , Minimum Wage Law , Dollar Budget Deficit , Cars , In And Out Burger , Employees , Fight , Favorite , Pull , Sale , Limitations , Larry , 2026 , 2035 , Fine , Big Money Show , Cohost , Brian , Foxbusiness , Gas Stove , Ev , Mandates , Driveway , Party , Choices , Liberty , Reaganomics , Ronald Reagan , Attack , Tax Cuts , Ridicule , Deregulation , Play , 10 , Endearment , Recession , Trouble , Rallying Cry , Prices , Credit Card Payments , Mortgage Payments , Wages , Biden Economy , Inflation , Folks , Automobile Payments , Consumer Price Index , Drill Baby , Interest Rates , 21 , Cuts , Growth , History , 70 , 28 , Demographic , African Americans , Unemployment Rate , Jobs Under Reagan , 21 Million , Hispanic Americans , Asian Americans , Record , Youth Unemployment , Dirt , Lows , Women In The Workplace , Policies Prepandemic , Works , Brand Doesn T , He Hasn T , Brand Works , Substance , Mortgage , Car , Student Loans , Bit , Say The Word , Fries , Anecdote , Problems , Rich , Mcdonald S , National Review , Shake , Banana Price , Cost , Sense , 17 , 7 , Paycheck , Ends , Nutshell , Necessities , Street , Reports , Interest , Credit Cards , Laughter , Guys , Sad But True , Credits , Edition , Taxpayers , 37 , 1040 , String , Demand , Tiktok A , Strangers , Violence , Reality Star Bethany Franco , Ground , Cases , Assault , Suspects , Court System , Heart , Dvr , Night , Standing , Smile , Applause , Cheers ,

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