Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704

[ applause ] [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: happy thursday everybody! all right! let's get to the newsmac doctors and messages have a successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a patient which is a medical milestone. the patient is a recovering nicely and the donor is expected to return to work any day. [ laughter ] you kind of hoped... to three i know. researchers say loneliness is was and how that than alcoholism, obesity and smoking. you better say doctor keith! [ laughter ] he's very lonely. so lonely they don't even laugh. rumors are sick leading online that french president emmanuel macron's wife is actually a man. we would like to dispel these rumors by going to her for comments. >> i can assure you i'm not a man, sports! >> greg: glad we settled that. a trio of child bank robbers double the little rascals were arrested in houston, authorities found them by following a trail of snot and cheerios. airline ceos are planning to meet with the disaster prone boeing to discuss production problems. here they are arriving. [ laughter ] to comply with the new state law, of the 40 police are posting photos of suspects with lego heads to protect their identities kamala harris is a very helpful if you already look like a lego. [ laughter ] i'll get a call tomorrow. what are you saying, i look like a lego? a study from south korea says woman with long hair have more sex than short haired woman. experts in america are calling it the randy weingarten effect? is equal to betelgeuse is in the works, this time alec baldwin is not entered because he was not comfortable with their shooting schedule. a couple in brazil pays their gym extra to let them work out naked? hey, if i wanted to see two naked people exercise at which is set up two mirrors. [ laughter ] the global fertility rate will continue to drop according to a new study. i did my part said one man. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and rosie o'donnell turned 62 today. in a gesture of goodwill, donald trump sent her a new trough. [ laughter ] remember what he called her -- all right, is a time to break google's hold so the truth can be told? when used their worlds most popular search engine you assume you are getting unbiased answers. that's what made will it a popular phrase just like just do it, think different and mr. got fell, these wrist restraints are chafing! but it turns out when ddi took over attack, the truth alright. last week uses at the gemini was almost totally incapable of rendering images of white people. essentially turning any images search into a tyler perry movie. matter what instructions he gave the ai, it would grade in an image of a nonwhite person. searches would return images of a black pope, vikings of color and of course black nazis. as one of former google employees that got it is embarrassingly hard to get google gemini to acknowledge that white people exist. that's the same feeling i get when i go to red lobster. >> what would he say! >> greg: back in the old days we still worry about ai building robots out of look like arnold schwarzenegger. now the only thing terminators that are terminated as white people. google claim it was an error, and fl on that candlestick? -- i fell on that candlestick. [ laughter ] but now, and ask google executive said it was not a mistake that the company prioritized ddi over good is in his practice is correct of former partner are google ventures said it "google gemini's failures it reveals had a broken google's culture is, it is a symptom of a larger cultural phenomenon taking the company over four years" and other words di blinded them to reality so much so they think pictures of black nazis are a sign of progress. what's next? googling for pictures of 911 terrorists and getting this? [ laughter ] you have to be a certain age to recognize that. equity demands everybody must be included in all things, including pushing genocide. according to one ex-employee, your so -- ai is indicated to google, even for the miners software fixes. think about that! imagine being a plumber, every time you have to unclog a toilet, has to write an essay on how it encourages representation of people of different races, genders keg sects orientations and disciplined ischemic talk about a load of [ bleep ]. and it's an opportunity cost! once ddi gets priority, the company's business turns into managing they de ip back and the product becomes its slave? instead of improving the skewed research results, is nonsense paperwork that set -- justifies the existence of dei grove. it is true that dei is a scam but we have to look at google more broadly. this week a new study released found that google had been interfering in elections for years. scooping search results against her publicans, promoting democrats and suppressing news critical of abide and be back in other words google searches buried anything that ran counter to their point of view regardless of truth. google became no different than your average woke professor, curating a left wing anti- west perspective while getting high onto the scent its own forts. so instead of helping people search for relevant information, the force of their own version of the world to us. this is why google fired james do more who spoke out about the companies ideological echoed chamber, they preferred to give the radical names under lock and key just a guy do with my dream journal of kevin sorbo. because they knew that you view found out the one at tool you relied on so much was actually deceiving you, google used to be good for finding stuff but now they can to find their way out of this mess. because solving this huge problem would require making people accountable for their horrible decisions, and lefties just hate to judge people especially ones that look like they're straight off as a city college brochure. one thing you never do is take over there but -- hand over the reins of accountability to those who should also be accountable, the bosses. elon musk at a similar problem, at twitter was taken over by political operatives only there to enforce ideological conformity. so he bought it and gave twitter a companywide anime, maybe that should happen to google? gave a few berliners for the sake of the company, for the sake of the world -- enema. maybe google should do some soul-searching, but i would not use google to do it, all you would get is pictures of feet. [ applause ] let's welcome today's guests! stevie wonder, he also doesn't get to see his kids. actor comedian, jamie six i. liz mcdonald. dog owners ask if she bites, new york times best-selling offer, that an author bracket and they call him the time machine because you can knock people into next week, best-selling author and comedian! jamie i do not write this question. if google really did interfere with the elections, teasing also interfered with your failed marriage? >> i take some of the blame. [ laughter ] i knew something was going on with google, that they were choosing aside politically be! i google imaged an airplane the other day and it also had a left-wing -- only had a left-wing. >> greg: i file google does have an obligation because you will feel a like it's in cycle media britannica and they think it's facts and it's so biased. it's a real issue. google is like kleenex or tissue? you say google for look it up. like nobody ever goes, we don't believe me? bing it. why don't you duck duck ago it? taking on that role, if you like they do have that allegation. it's gaze me, of the machines takeover, that will suck. you know it was like worse? if it's annoying woke leap leap machines. >> yes. >> we will be the first to go! soon and very worried. i just noticed the other day, i started being super polite to alexa you know? as they please and thank you, if she plays the wrong song "know, your right. that's what is better. [ laughter ] we have to be careful, even my tv smart. meant to be so smart, the other day they view came on and it smashed itself on the ground. ripped its wires out. >> greg: lives, jamie, my favorite comic, really important problem. google is coke but we have no pepsi. you know? it sagwanay cnn arrived, something came later and destroyed. but nothing has been able to destroy google but is google even salvageable? >> i'm not sure. your right, microsoft being, it's like fansites on even pepsi. i don't know. what's happening is if google is allowed to falsify results like ai, and cc is always going after businesses for falsifying results. what a find interesting is google is allowing ai to develop these images, giving people credit for things they don't dpmac is not privilege? i don't know. i did not know how the depth of what google was doing until about the reports on a. and you're right, you wonder if the democrats in congress step up to do anything? probably not. >> greg: it is a creasing stage four or five of the disease were the cancers everywhere, and you just can have to clean the house or somebody has to buy a cat. have you ever searched for something on google, for an article you know exists, you know it's there, and it does not show up because the content is not somehow amendable? >> if you look for something on google, i just google what i was doing and i added the word write it -- reddit. is out of strange information on reddit. that is good or bad depending on how you look on it. we still do have books. >> greg: yes! what are those? >> maybe books will make a comeback. it's true. even going back to reddit, people with relationship always go to read it and went to my, but you do not be able to google's self like that, should there not be advice? everything is so sanitized on google. >> greg: the worst place to get relationship advice is where it all is on instagram. everybody, it is all these crazy eyed woman giving advice about how men want those unwanted thoughts, and they are mise miserable, miserable! i guess that's more of a comment than a question. >> think reddit is a worse place to get advice actually. >> to be fair there's a lot of dudes giving marital advice that really should stop. >> greg: yes. [ laughter ] >> you got good with one, you have no idea what the rest are up to be! stay out of it broke. just stay in your bunker, stay out of it. that's what i do. whenever somebody gets powered, for whatever reason, whatever their good deeds or when they started out, in their influence has become more important. the people who are running google, they want this. this is part of who they are and they have support. the media supports it. left-wing supports it. the smaller group which is calling like, hey, this is not right, they don't care because we are flawed anyways kamala harris we are conservative or freethinkers or libertarians be! we don't want your angle on how it is, which is one how it is. that's a problem when people get into power, it always kind of ends up that way. google was a quick fix. i don't see this issue because i don't use it for anything to do you don't use google? >> not all. i feel like an idiot saying this but i still have my and cycle media britannica, i have a dictionary and i actually read books. what google was was a shortcut for idiots for those who know what the [ bleep ] is going on. [ laughter ] [ applause ] so my entire life the short award has never worked. and i don't trust anyone. especially my experience through wikipedia, when i went to sign an autograph they would get mad and make me shorter and fatter. article from 6-foot eight, 5-foot 11 and 700 pounds because john 8 million, i did not sign his 40 or -- 40 year old were diverted skateboard. one i founded this stuff can change any can change anything you want, it's not information. yet to do with the old-fashioned way and turn the page, the quickfix never works. even with my kids, i help them. the library is that way, will take you let's go. watching them go, what did you do again? you did what? ativan an index card? but then they find the book and they actually do read and when they talk about it, your so empowered? and started of just cutting and pasting on a piece of paper. turn the babysitter off, teacher kids what you learned. >> greg: and don't turn the babysitter on. [ laughter ] [ applause ] all get the latest and newest set of an cycle media britannica. i'm sold. it sells? >> its own ebay! you can get them on ebay. >> greg: up next, why a police department enjoys making crooks look like toys.- [ applause ]ah ng to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. [ applause ] >> greg: thank you. thank you. but you clothes back on. cops getting sarcastic turning criminals has into pasta, the police department in california has been superimposing legal heads on colonel's faces to comply with a new state law that protects the identities of suspects accused of nonviolent crimes. here is one such image of the suspects in the back of a squad car. best part in a crowded jail cell they can be stacked on top of each other. [ laughter ] here's another guy getting arrested, sure his parents must be thrilled? look at them? here are taught a woman suspects, you can tell their woman by the eyelashes in the cold hard started expressions on their lego faces. could have been wars, could have used these. here you go. here's one it check with the barbie head. not bad. can is thinking, i should have had that three-way with those cabbage patch dolls. here's a dude wearing a real shrek t-shirt, so the cops put a shrek had on him. i only hope one of the arrest summary with a stupid short they can replace his head with this. [ laughter ] that was a long way for a joke. of course is as california where the groom has rights to privacy trumps the rights of victims in the public. susie is the only ways that were inside of witnesses, cone is gets to put into a relocation program. police warned that even though these camaros are not actually made of legos it would still be painful if you stepped on them when barefoot. lives, telling holton please ignore longer user toy heads, that's a bad move. lego should be in support of this. >> free advertisement no kidding. here's the thing, why are the cops that their thinking is a good idea, aren't you supposed to know whose dangers out there with mugshots? >> greg: no choice here. >> california law! but etta love the county is at san diego says we are doing edge to get social media traction, and get more likes. art california cops social media influencers? what's going on? >> greg: if they can to be arresting, at least be arresting. >> wears a diversity? where spongebob squarepants? where south park? >> greg: if they needed more and they needed more color i think. if you ever get arrested, whitehead would you prefer? would you prefer oh barbie? lego? >> i would post my picture. >> greg: of course he would. >> of which sell merchandise. i don't know. i do think that, i'm not that concerned about it but also i don't know why we really need to see mugshots of people they have already arrested. >> greg: because they get released. >> i guess. i don't really need to see the face of the guy got arrested because he had heroin on him, i don't think it keeps me any safer. i also don't think that making a law like this is the best use of california's time, but also to liz's point, i also want to know where they assigned to do this lego thing? or the cops do exist only in their own time? during work hours? it seems like they made quite a few of these. >> greg: i actually applaud this. i have to say, you know what, they think it's observe -- absurd they can do this so they said we will just put funny little faces on them, tyrus soon as he gets grade, although i'm not in favor of everybody being yellow but it's fine. the only mistake they made, you can do this with relevant, current toys. you know? you can't use it lego or barbie. there's a whole plethora of toys that did not make it? there's it go bots out there, a no? there's toys struggling. there's toys that are struggling that never made it, companies would not fight you and it would be nice to see like a bunch of fred flintstone action figures across the thing. so many movies out of bombed! so he lost characters pack 70 struggling actors not relevant anymore. use them! put them across the board. be more creative. i know smart asked three when i see it, and this is a sarcastic police officer after my heart. can show their face? fine, lego u as articles. to get the heat off because lego stepped in, fine, no problem. i guarantee if you go and buy all of those, go bots where the competition's transformers. they did not make it. there are not gonna see you, hey,, maybe we can move these toys québec. >> greg: exactly. they are like the cracked magazine. crazy. >> it like new coke across-the-board photos, stuff they did not work, for bees! stuff like that. >> greg: doctor pepper? i had a -- i have an idea for show. jamie i was seeing the other day, we should make crime more fun. >> he were just saying that and is that how? and then they did it. i just got an update that lego batman has captured all of these cohen does. [ laughter ] they have all -- i got sort of upside because my kids are little, and they saw this story and the thought it was real. that these legal guys had actually -- we are playing legos last night and my daughter was like i want to be the carjacker. you get to be the murder, and i was like this is not what it was twomak as he had a are covering up their faces and that's great but it'll be a terrible time to be a criminal was very distinctive shoulders. [ laughter ] you know? i'm not sure if it's you but somebody with the exact shoulders rob the bank. [ laughter ] can read -- is there anyway? can we defund just this part of the police? left lack. >> greg: i think they put the fun in defunding. >> that's amazing. >> greg: know it's not. how is your eye by the way? >> i got bit by a spider while sleeping, on my eyelid. i went to the doctor and they gave me steroids and a spider-man uniform. [ laughter ] >> greg: i'm glad he had a joke for that! >> we think to do that is so funny. up next, a creep should be ashamed for calling aaron a faih o game try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct, and you're getting the best outcome possible. for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish try turbotax live full service. visit today. brand power. helping you buy better. 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[ applause ] >> greg: a perv learns a lesson it tweeting his barron up session, former and busy executive avis tonights creep of the week, commemorating barron troubles birthday tweeting [ inaudible ] trumpet turns 18 today, he's fair game now. after a ton of backlash, mike deleted the post and told news quote, "i posted he was fair game winning as an adult he's fair game for criticism from the press. sure he did a palpable when i asked my dealer if he had any mushrooms i was referring to portobello. [ laughter ] is that really wanted my comment? a look at his past tweets about barron shows he's being obsessed with him for a while before he was 18. he is on from 2018 "first son [ inaudible ] trumpet was always as well as birthday, let's take a look back ". i hope this moron does not live near schools back 2019 "first son could be a model, very fashionable barron towers over his father who is 6-foot three" and in 2020 "everybody's talking but hotels are mike trump is, for his family sake of wishing the best that he be gay and an able marrying a guy from a [ bleep ] country and my nice home in mexico". now sington could not be reached for further question since he's crouched near some bushes near a middle school. [ laughter ] i'm getting. and why? i don't know. tyrus, as a data, what he think he might about calling barron fair game? >> he wants to have sex with him u it's not a joke. of this was anyone of your kids and they turned 18 and the neighbors says they are fair game now. know you are. he was sexualizing an 18-year-old boy is what he was doing. there's no fair game to the meteor press, nobody talked that way. she's 18 she's fair game now. she street legal now. wanted said to a young woman, it's you have to apologize but because whatever, you can say whatever you want to a young man who was 18, you can call him anything, especially if he's white, you can literally talk about how he is ripe and ready. you're talking about some ways away. how is that even, it doesn't work for that. he should be fired. he's literally telling you, i can turn your kid out. so this whole fair game to the media, they don't need you to post thoughts to offer him. of course it will go after him. they will compared to hunter. has nothing to do with what he specifically said and you can't saany different, literally that he's fair game? he's 18, it's not against the law anymore. when he was 17 media could not make fun of him? come on as few three the tweed trail... people giving him him a free ride, but it's not like you needed barron were anymore trumpet battle. has in the family, you have all of these targets! >> even if you did mean criticism from the press that ststill [ bleep ] weird. barron just kind of chills. all this is happening, barron is not responded. it's not true. novi talks about tiffany because tiffany is just, i'm just tiffany. just because of who his dad's? go after barron for what exactly? that's what i think it does not make any sense at all. it's a weird up session. it's also just because of who he's dad's which is on the he can choose. do want media to like follow him? smoking a cigarette? it's just wide? even if that was the explanation, that is so strange and it shows a weird obsession with the family in general for three out would call him a cr creep. >> you should. c3 i would -- james here dad. >> who rarely sees his kids. >> greg: would this upset you? >> it certainly would. i always do breathe a sigh of relief when the creep over the week is not me. [ laughter ] tyrus is right, you know what you meant. but say we take his crazy creative law he came up after the fact, why would it be okay to go after somebody was 18? we did not go after him, he came to us at age 50. and you know where i stand on hunter, i've seen all his mo movies. [ laughter ] by he came to us with all these movies, barron has on nothing. he is the most innocent looking young man, seems a cool kid. from the very little i've seen because he has said nothing. hunter is a totally different story, the sun of this prison this prison. when somebody's giving you all this stuff. when i was watching hunter movies, also so when he and i was like what if his penis is actually blurry. [ laughter ] if he was one of those lego heads, you would know it was him. >> greg: it's true. it's true. what is your take on this guys? this guy's defense? i think he's getting a free ride from the media. >> he is, he's a creep? maybe it's a good thing we found out he's a creep because his twitter, his twitter expiration is that he is in hollywood insider with an expertise on lifestyle, pop-culture and fair game for what? bullying? you are right, all of you guys are right. look at him. is just so strange what he said and what he's doing,'s prior tweets are disgusting. i'm so glad you're calling him out. there's people out there, people like this, it's like they are so open-minded and tolerant, their brains are falling out of their heads and they could see the back of their skull. it's i'm glad we are calling him out because leave barron alone. call him out, fair game for what? tyrus is right, for what? six predatory thinking about him? or you want to bully him, for what? he has never done anything. >> greg: exactly let. [ laughter ] [ applause ] arike, daelyn caused a billion bucks! now he admits his song sucks. 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[ ♪♪ ] [ singing ] these are the gays, these are the gays, these are the gaze of girlhood. [ ♪♪ ] [ singing ] these are the gaze, of girlhood. >> greg: i will give you all a moment to vomit. [ laughter ] and then come back here. i can hear that country just retching. kata that it was dylan's new song, we have seen it like three times, codecs call it misogynistic and insulting to young woman and now it dylan admits that of the lyrics stupid and the song is bad. now he is against dylan mul mulvaney! [ laughter ] >> i think this is pretty obvious the rage bait twomak obviously annoying song, rbc over the top annoying. but it wagged because we are talking about a right now, everybody's talking about it. it's been so-so and out of this annoying, maybe it would be ignored. but dylan mulvaney is good at this. whatever happened with bud light, she made millions of dollars last year, forbes authority under 30. we are falling for it i guess. >> greg: i don't fall for anything! i love this story! >> if it wasn't so open noxious, then people would not watch it. it has a lot of lessons and abuse or whatever. it was clearly by designed to make it as over-the-top. >> greg: does she have a point that what dylan mulvaney is addicted to is not positive or negative, it just any attention? >> attention. he seems unhinged. he is murdering silence in realtime. i ride to the lyrics weekends are for kissing friends -- i did not know that, i better warn my friends. other lyrics said stay up all night, state asleep in our makeup. you are not a girl. twenty-seven years old, that is not a girl. and he wants to cuddle with teteenage girls at a prodromal party. i mean... i don't know. i almost did not want to watch the video but i had to for the segment. now i can't see it. >> greg: yes. [ applause ] do not go to hr and tell them i made you watch that. they already have a file on me. jamie, in her defense, she said it's like girls just want to have fun. or woman phased, she's comparing to an earnest anthem. what do you say? >> out on things it. a watch the video and i have a what i can only describe as a demolition. before the show i looked up what is the opposite of an erection? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: that's funny. she just wants attention, there's not a lot of talent. i misunderstood this whole story from the get go, are member of bud light, there was 11 months to go exactly and i turned the can opener when dylan was on there and i thought i misunderstood, as i was a warning, and i thought like, hey,, if you drink too many of these beers you will sleep with somebody with a penis. [ laughter ] i've been sober for 11 months. >> greg: good for you! whatever it takes. >> would like to take that beer. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: rage! >> greg: roll the credits! >> good night! [ laughter ] >> i'm choking. [ laughter ] >> you killed cat. >> greg: tyrus, last word to you. do think dylan mulvaney -- >> he sucked when he was a man, and he tried to be talented, he failed miserably. who can forget the ridiculous prices right dance because you did not realize all he did was when a small prize and it was on dancing with the stars afterwards. he comes from a lot of money, he failed miserably as a man trying to get on khaki thought he found his thing being a woman of with bud light, he ruined them. and then he thought he was clever and made a video. him and trying to claim he knew what he was doing, only further let's me know, heat is worse at talent as a woman than he is a man. he made that a video with the effort because he thought this would be the thing to turn it around. and america once again said no, you are still untalented. does not matter. you have defined it -- there's 75 other sections to try. [ laughter ] [ applause ] one of those 75 has to have you do something talented. but as far as men and women to go, you suck broke. 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[ applause ] >> five more words... >> greg: olympics, no air, just condoms be! jamie, summer olympians in france, summer olympians in their housing will not have air-conditioning. and started they will get a 300,000 condoms. this is to help reduce of the olympics carbon footprint. what do you say? >> given as it draws out choose the court -- condoms. [ laughter ] i have a production, predict of this year's olympics is filled with a very and very energetic woman. i think the country that takes the gold is a country that has the most loser nerds. because they will have all the energy from not having sex. they do this intimacy band, i remember when i was married, as it i don't want an engagement ring. and... of been doing that in support of the olympics. for the last 16 years. [ laughter ] >> you know what, sometimes you guys are [ bleep ] [ laughter ] >> greg: tyrus can you imagine the french? no air conditioning? they don't smell great to begin with. >> this and you want to have a lot of murder? turn off the ac and give men condoms and the summertime. that will be a really good idea. then throw some alcohol at the end of the night, oh, yeah. be a lot of fun. unfortunately we know that the russian checks to be there to beat everybody up. and probably take most of the condoms? >> greg: lives, would this not harm the athletes performance not having any air-conditioning in the summer? sue and i can't imagine, is in this why the french invented perfume? i don't know. i did the math. 300,000 condoms, that is taught to a day for every athlete. they will need that air-conditioning. [ laughter ] by the way when will you have time to compete? electric air-conditioning bad but electric cars good? i don't get it at all. >> greg: all the electricity used for all those tv stations, networks, getting those athletes in and out, that's okay. no air -- >> private jets to watch and go, little suites will have ac. they will be watching those games with the ac swede, i can guarantee that to the cat with the 300,000 condoms may be the athletes can sell them together to make a full body condom. >> to do athletes even use condoms? [ laughter ] they are so good-looking they don't have to do they! >> just wondering! >> oh, my god. [ laughter ] >> it's not a bad question. >> greg: it's a really good question! >> after the olympics, there was still be 300,000 condoms. [ laughter ] left over. i mean air-conditioning, think we can do with less of it. >> greg: usa not because you are biased. >> all right, only men should be comfortable. got it. >> greg: woman are always cold. >> because it vents -- temperatures are always set for men's bodies and one woman compared -- complete about ac and the sexism when they say so what accused. of it saturday because, why can't i turn the terms are 3 degrees kmiec. >> greg: isn't because you can put on a kobe can take take off your skin? [ laughter ] >> i actually -- >> you can to redeem yourself here! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> now i think it ruins of the joy of summertime, the four seasons we have our cold outside, cold inside and cold outside again. i don't like having to bring a parka with me in july to go to a restaurant and its [ bleep ] of freezing and there. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: don't go away, youlo will bvee right back. 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[ inaudible ]

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