Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702

maria: good morning, everyone, i'm maria bartiromo. today, president biden responds to the house oversight committee allegations of bribery. >> can you explain to americans why you interacted with so many of your son and brother's foreign business associates? >> i'm not going to comment, i did not, and it's just a bunch of lies. >> reporter: you didn't interact with -- >> they're lies. i did not. they're lies. maria: the ed and the impact with florida congressman and oversight committee member byron donalds coming up. plus, the national security threat of not holding china accountable for anything. the covid cover-up, surveillance balloon, a propaganda war, so much somewhere. key senator rand paul on the covid cover-up and whether another one is on its way over. plus, record apprehensions at the southern border. senate romer marshall on the battle over policy change at the u.s. border versus money to protect ukraine and its border. then, anti-semitism surging across the country with calls for university presidents to ten down for not reacting. trump media and technology president devin nuñes on why the anti-semitism started on social media. the former chairman of the house intelligence committee here on that as well as the fight over fisa and surveil answer of american citizens. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with the vote to further investigate president biden this upcoming week. house are republicans are expected to hold a vote on tuesday to formalize their impeachment inquiry against the president before leaving for the holiday break this thursday. a markup of the 14-page resolution put forth by north dakota congressman kelly armstrong, the full house vote expected to give the committees' investigation into president biden and his family more legal weight in its probes. meanwhile, house republicans announce their intention to formalize the impeachment inquiry, hours later the justice department indicted hunter biden. the first son is now facing nine charges including three felony counts for fail offto a pay at least $1.4 million in taxes from 20216-2019. if convicted, hunter biden faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison. hunter's attorney, abby lowell, said in a statement based on the facts and the law, if hunter's last name was anything other than biden, the charges in delaware and now california would not have been brought. the charges come as hunter biden is refusing a subpoena issued by chairman james comer to sit for a deposition behind closed doors this thursday, insisting instead on a public hearing amidst new evidence of a memo from 2018 of a bank manager reporting uncurable and erratic activity in several accounts owned by hunter biden with an initial $5 million payment from communist china with no business services rendered, something the bidens claim was a loan from china. joining me right now in a "sunday morning futures" exclusive is byron donalds, a key member of the house oversight committee, florida congressman. byron donalds is here. congressman, thanks very much for joining me this morning. >> good morning, maria. good to be with you. maria: in terms of that deposition scheduled for thursday, do these new charms, this indictment against hunter biden, does that mean that he won't show up on thursday to go under oath for you and your colleagues? >> listen, he's been threatening that for weeks now. so the fact that he's now been indicted should not encumber our ability in the house to be able to have, number one, a closed door session first and have written testimony under oath and then for him to be able to move towards an open hearing. but what hunter biden wants to do is to use the open hearing aspects of congressional hearings to put on a show, to put on a spectacle without actually having a deposition of his words under oath. before he reaches an open session. so we're not going to let that happen. he needs to sit for the closed door deposition first. every witness we bring to capitol hill has to do the same thing. he is no different. maria: i'm just wondering if the timing of this indictment on hunter biden is partly cover-up because the doj had this information. they've been sitting on this for a long time, but they decided to indict hunter biden the weekend before he was supposed to go under oath in a closed door testimony. >> i totally agree, the timing is suspect. maria: yeah. >> let's take a step back. his attorney abby lowell says, oh, the only reason he got indicted is because his haas name is biden. no, the onlien will be it took so long is because his last name is biden and because house republicans uncovered this web of corruption surrounding joe biden that implicates hunter and james biden. so that is the reason why it's taken so long for this to occur. maria: well, you could also argue that if his name wasn't biden, he wouldn't have been able to generate all those millions of dollars that james comer said that he did. i want to ask you about this impeachment inquiry, this form 5 impeachment inquiry that you'll vote on this week, on tuesday. do you feel you have the votes to go forward with a formal impeachment inquiry? >> i believe that we do. the oversight committee, judiciary committee and the ways and means committee, we've been working diligently, going through this entire situation, up covering the facts. so some of our colleagues who were leery earlier on in this congress about moving towards impeachment, now the facts are very clear about why we need to finish to our investigation, the impeachment inquiry. it will allow us to do that. by the way, maria, there's a white house official and three department of justice officials who are ignoring congressional subpoenas. we fully believe that a vote on the floor this week will give us the ability to fully enforce those subpoenas because there is no reason why federal government employees would spurn a house subpoena to come in and testify. but this is how deep the swamp is surrounding joe biden. so i expect house republicans to do the right thing, stand up, vote for the impeachment inquiry this week so we can finish our investigation. maria: well, your committee chairman, james comer, as well as judiciary chairman james jordan say we'll hold hunter biden in contempt of congress if he does not deliver and come through on thursday for that closed door testimony. what does that the mean exactly, is he really going to be afraid of that? >> well, first of all, that is what should happen. he should be held in contempt, number one. number two, look, this guy, hunter biden, he thinks nothing can touch him because his daddy's been protecting him for years right now. what we understand right now, maria, is if it wasn't for a federal judge actually looking at the first plea deal that a david weiss put together when he wasn't a special counsel, by the way, that plea deal was a joke. they were going to hide these tax charges under this gun charge which, by the way, didn't even follow through with what it needed to do. they were going to hide the fara violations under the gun charge. the only reason this is coming forward because of house republicans continuing this investigation. if hunter biden thinks he's going to run and hide now because his last name is biden and his daddy is president, he's got another thing coming. maria: what about the statute of limitations allowed to run out on hunter's egregious crimes in 2014 and 2015, is what some of your colleagues have said? is that evidence of a cover-up at the d, j? >> i 100% believe that. there is no reason why the department of cuts disdidn't bring these charges earlier except for the fact that hunter bide biden is a, quote-unquote, sensitive political purposement -- person. that's why those charges were allowed to lapse under statute of limitations, because the total intent was to not wring any charges or very limited charges against hunter biden and sweep this all under the rug. the entire purpose is to protect the big guy, joe biden. maria: so how does this all play out? if you know, last week we were talking about this "wall street journal" op-ed, kim strassel writes: hunter biden's missing services. we saw that e-mail from a bank money laundering expert who livessed all of these things about hunter biden's account, erratic activity, a $5 million initial payment into the account and there was no business services rendered. where do you see this going, congressman? >> well, what i see happening is over the next month or two we're going to finish our investigation. i do believe at that point it's going to be crystal clear that there are articles of impeachment that should be drafted for joe biden because, number one, he accepted bribes through his family from foreign nations, especially china and others. number two, he knew that his brother and his son were violating the foreign agents registration act. i believe he's a co-conspirator in that because if you knowingly understand that your family's getting money from overseas and you don't tell them to register the as foreign agents or foreign lobbyists or or whatever, however you want to define it, that's in violation of federal law. so i believe that is a situation right there for the more than people to see. i believe that's enough to draft articles of impeachment against joe biden, and i believe that is going to happen in the spring. maria: well, or let's talk about the other policy decisions that this president has made. you see an economy slowing down, and yet he keeps pushing bidenomics. now the democrats are talking about this being a messaging problem. what about the actual policy? if it looks like all of us are going to have to pay higher taxes now to pay for all of the will be reckless spending of the last two and a half years. >> look, you're absolutely right. there's no messaging problem, it's a policy problem. the democrats always like to sell their policies thinking everybody's just going to hear the cool phrases that they focus group and they poll test and ignore the reality. well, here's what's happened in america, everybody has fallen behind. especially if you're poor or middle income, you've fallen behind even further. so this situation with bidenomics or whatever you want to call it, i just call it stupid economic policy. no need to put his name to it, but we can do that for politics' sake. everybody has been hurting. our economy is stagnating. inflation is still here, still sticky, and it's caused a problem for the way americans live their lives today to day. when people can't even get ahead to buy a used car because they're too expensive or to put food on the table, energy's more expensive, none of this is working for the american people. they can call it whatever they want, but the american people understand that joe biden has been the architect of a disastrous economy that is hurting the very poorstest among us in america. maria: that's what i was getting at. i mean, the issue of policy is front and center for vote or. so you've got this impeachment inquiry formalized this week. if you've got some members of congress who decide they don't want to vote for impeachment inquiry of joe biden, putting the corruption aside, you know, just simple on policy, wide open border, a foreign policy disaster with the, with the exit from afghanistan, botched exit, and, of course, the policy on economics that you're talking about, do you think those congress people will see voters get upset and move to replace them? primary them? >> look, well, first of all, i can't speak to those colleagues. what i will say is we just had a vote a week ago where we expelled george santos. i did not vote to expel george. i felt he should is have had his day in court. but if you're going to take a vote to expel george santos, then you should easily be able to vote on an impeachment inquiry. because, look, with all due respect with everything that happened with george and the accusations are not good, but that pales in comparison to the act a sayingses that have been leveled -- accusations that have been leveled and the evidence that has come with those accusations against the biden family. i would urge my colleagues to vote for that impeachment inquiry this week. maria: i just want to be clear here, george san "forbes" we think, lied -- santos. is bob menendez still in the senate? >> he sure is, and that's one of the reasons why i did not vote for the expulse is because the president had been -- precedent had been you were in the confederate army or convicted in a court of law. that did not happen to george. so if new standard is ethics complaints, then bob menendez needs to go. maria: congressman, thanks very much. byron donalds joining us this morning. up next, overwhelmed, undermanned and tired, agents valiantly defend the border against a surge due to the president's wide open immigration policy. kansas senator roger marshall has been at the border plenty. he's here on his fight to stop the surge into america at the southern border. ♪ ♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? 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we got this new news that 5,000 people are being released into the country every day. >> right. the border situation is getting worse every day. record day, 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 people crossing every day. remember or, since joe biden became president, 10 million people have crossed the border illegally, and this is why fbi director wray is saying we've never had a more unsecure situation right now. all the lights are blinking red all at the same time for the first time in his career. where are these 10 million people? at least 1.7 million gotaways, where are those poem? what are they doing? -- those people? i think everybody should be watching their back. maria: we're looking at live pictures, i want to point out, of lukeville, a arizona. this is happening right now. these are live pictures here at the border in arizona, and, of course, we we know that can customs and border patrol had to move agents from lukeville to other areas of the border because all the border openings were basically seeing a massive surge. can you tell us a little about what's going on in texas and arizona right now? >> the border patrol officers can 1,000 people a day, so they're being overwhelmed when 11, 1,000 people are coming across the border. basically, these agents turn into babysitters and social workers and nurses. and again, maria, you've been to the border as a well, but my last trip there the border patrol officers said if you could give us one thing, make policy changes. so that's why we're saying no money for ukraine until we fix the border. it's the border, the border, the border. we have to secure the border. and with some simple policy changes like asylum and parole changes, we could impact 75% of the people that are coming to our southern border right now. so policy change alone would fix the problem. joe biden could have done that yesterday, the week before. he won't do it e, so we need to do it legal arely through congress. maria: well, i don't understand why. i'm going to get back to the fight in a moment because that's another head-scratcher, the fact that this president will not make any changes at the border until you agree to give more money to ukraine. we've already sent ukraine about $110 billion, i believe. what is this new element from senator dick durbin? the other day your colleague, dick durbin, proposed to allow illegal my grants to serve in the u.s. military. are you serious? >> yeah, i think that's a nonstarter for us. so we kicked military people out of the service because they refused the covid vaccine, but we're going to let people who have broken the law into the military. look, if you have illegal status -- legal status, there could be consideration. if you're an illegal person in the yates, you can't go in the military the right now. again, these people have not been evented. my goodness, there's been 60, 70,000 people, aliens from foreign countries of interest with as well, hundreds of terrorists have crossed our border as well. that's not a good institution so. maria: well, you questioned christopher wray, i saw the hearing. but everything he said was quite scary. he said we are now at a peak in terms of the potential for a terrorist attack on united states on u.s. soil. he tried to blame the hamas attack on israel instead of the wide with open border. then you've got these chinese migrants coming in, flooding in, and we've got pictures of these chinese nationals coming in. they're largely military-aged men. i mean, can you just pick up and leave china and say i'm going to go to america now? don't you need approval in is xi jinping directing these people to come into america and settle here? >> we have to assume so. look, it's a sad day when the chinese communist party a pays more attention to our southern border than the white house does. to your point, 24,000 chinese nationals have crossed the border under joe biden. those people now take positions throw out the country. they're running the police stations in new york city, and they're keeping track of their own folks making shower they're staying in order. they're the money collectors on the end of the fentanyl as well. they're setting up confucius schools. they've infiltrate thed our research and buying farmland next to military bases, all things you've reported on, maria. i would just say it's worse than what you're saying. it's even worse than what the media's describing chinese influence in this country. not to mention, you know, not to mention they're stealing $500 billion of intellectual property from us every year. 90% of the counterfits that come into this country. they gave us a virus that killed a million people. fentanyl's killing 300 people every day, hundreds of thousands of people have died because of chinese fentanyl under joe biden's watch. how does joe biden sleep at night? how does his, the hs secretary sleep at night? i just don't understand this. maria: and, of course, none of these issues ever come up when he meets with xi jinping. again, none of this came out with his last meeting with shi gin e ping -- xi jinping, and my question is, why? why does he have this wide opening border? -- open border? there is a report about new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis in staten island, and she says she got a portion of -- she submitted a request through the freedom of information law, and she got a portion of the contract between a nonprofit organization tasked with we recollecting emergency shelters for migrants, and she found in that contract that it obligates contractors of migrant shelters to hand out voter registration the cards. to hand out -- to help migrants in registering to vote and circulate campaign or materials within the shelter premises. is that what you know? do you have any information about that? is that a the point here? to get these migrants to vote democrat? >> absolutely. that's the only thing you can assume. if joe biden wanted to secure the border, he could secure it. but they're doing this in all government institutions whether it's a place you go to get your food stamps or whether it's a place you go to get free health care, they're infiltrating all of those, they meaning the biden administration with taxpayer dollars are out there the trying to get people rebelling aresterred as well. it is shul the only thing that makes sense. again, they're willing to crave 300 young americans every day to build their own democrat party. but i think the good news is americans are -- they know what's going if on, and that's why americans are leaving the democrat party in droves and looking for new leadership. there's a lot of why questions today, maria, but i think ultimately the ultimate choice will be coming november of 2024. will americans choose a new president. maria: on this fight in terms of money to ukraine, where is this going? you all are leaving for the holidays next thursday. are you going to agree to send money to ukraine, or are you going to hold the line until you see policy changes at the border? >> yeah. i've never seen the republicans so together standing up, all 49 of us voting against this big $100 billion supplemental a package from the president and chuck schumer unless we get meaningful border security. and i don't see that happening. i think that chuck schumer, joe biden bow to their immigration people, the immigration lobby. it's the same group of people that are pro-palestine, and they don't want to take this vote. we've given the democrats four opportunities to vote for stand-alone israel funding. they voted it down every time. we can attack every one of these, four prongs of the supplement supplemental riddle and figure out solutions, but none of it happens until we secure the border. it's the border or. maria: yeah. all right. real quick before you go, senator, i know you were at the young republicans' event last night in new york city where former president trump spoke. we have a sound bite of that. i want to get your reaction to what the crowd did after he said this, watch. >> these are not indictments in the traditional sense is, these are biden indictments against -- this is just against a political opponent. and with that, he's opened up a pandora's box that may never let our country be the same. they've opened up a pandora's box, and i only can say to joe is, be very careful what you wish for. because what you've done is a terrible thing. maria: wow, senator. will donald trump be the nominee? >> he is. he is the presumptive nominee. i think he's ahead by 50 or 60 points. i remember what bob dole always told me when there was tough decisions, go back and listen to the people of kansas. the republicans of kansas want donald trump to be their nominee and to be their next president as well. i would just caution people though as their listening to all this rhetoric, this is an hour-and-a-half long speech last night and, by the way, what came through to me was donald trump loves new york city. this is his home. he's so proud of new york city, and he's so upset that it's gone to h-e-l-l, right in he's so upset about this. i'm reminded of what newt gingrich told me in 2016, he said, look, donald trump's going to to be a third andrew jackson, a third teddy roosevelt and a third barnum and bailey. president trump spending a lot of time just shining a flashlight and letting that left national media chase the flashlight a lot. i wouldn't overreact to every word he says, but he's going to be the president on national security, secure the border, make the economy strong. his enemies will fear us and rut us. maria: -- respect us. maria: kansas senator roger marshall, we so appreciate your time. >> thank you, maria. maria: up next, four years after covid-19 claimed more than a million american lives and china tried to cover it up, president biden has yet to hold china accountable over the originningses of the deadly virus or the cover-up. now we talk to a truth-teller, kentucky senator rand paul is here on why the president has not made it a priority amidst the potential of another one potentially coming. stay with us, rand paul is coming up. ♪ th ♪ hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? 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>> you know, the problem is, is that the chinese have destroyed any kind of reputation they had. mine, we can no longer believe any kind of pronouncements they had which makes us suspicious. right now there's a host of disease affecting young people, respiratory disease and pneumonia in china, and they tell us, well, there's nothing to see here. maybe that's true, but they've destroyed any kind of foundation we had at trusting them, and they still haven't come clean. you know, in early 2020 when covid came out, they said, oh, we're not having human to human transmission, and we don't seem to be having an extraordinary amount of hospitalizations and gets. all of that was true. they also knew the sequence of the virus, and they kept that secret as well. i think they also knew that three of their workers got sick in november of 2019 at the wuhan institute of virology, and i think they absolutely know it now. and the only way they can restore trust is to own up to it. i think it was an accident. the cover-up is not an accident. if they were the come clean and say is, you know, we're punishing the scientists who did what they weren't supposed to, i think we could restore some trust, but right now we have really no the trust with the chinese government. maria: what about the accountability here and why the biden administration does not push for it? i mean, right now as we speak there are american investors continuing to underwrite the ccp by buying those companies that are tied to the chinese military. it seems this administration is not willing to pull the economic lever, and that is shut off the capital markets to chinese communist companies that may have been involved in that cover-up or tied to the military. >> we still continue to fight the biden administration every day just for unclassified information, and they resist at a every turn. we've had to basically withhold nominees and withhold legislation to try to get anything from the biden administration. and i'm ott not sure what it is. either it's sympathy or believing that relations with china are so important that the truth can be obscured, but there's the also a certain amount of culpability in the biden administration throughout several different departments. usaid, nih, hhs, they're withholding documents because they funded the lab in wuhan not just once, not just twice, but for a decade they were funding. and we have anthony fauci e on record as saying that even if a pandemic occurs, even if a gain of function research infects the scientists and a pandemic occurs, that the knowledge would be worth the risk. and i think most people who had a loved one die, you know, from covid either here or around the world would disagree and think anthony fauci made a disastrous judgment call. but he also took the research, and it didn't go before the normal scrutiny. there's a safety committee that was supposed to review this, and anthony fauci allowed this research to be done at his signature, at his conclusion, at his approval without the approval of the safety committee. and this, for this he really should go down in history perhaps as one of the worst people in public office ever and responsible for probably more deaths than any other individual in the medical world. maria: i mean, there was so much censorship of so much information that was slatal for americans to see -- vital for americans to see and understand about a covid and the vaccine, but they censored it. can we even trust health officials in this government? >> you know, it was directed explicitly by him. we go over this in the book because he commissioned scientists who were saying in private they thought it was manipulated in a lab and came from a lab, he convinced them in public to say the opposite. he commissioned and edited a paper that said that, absolutely, this does not come from the lab while privately all of these same scientists were saying in all likelihood it did come from a lab. so there really was an orchestrated cover-up on this. we also know he was visiting the cia in early 2020. the cia scientists, 7 of them, votes 6-1 to say it came a from the lab, and they were reversed by superiors. we need to know whether anthony fauci influenced the superiors or perhaps the opposite, did the cia influence annie fauci. we also a -- anthony fauci. our understanding he wasn't recorded on visitor log, but he was appearing frequently at the cia. you have to realize that he was not a scientist in charge of a cure for cancer, he was also in charge of a lot of bioweapons money and in charge of a lot of things that had dual use, and they won't reveal any of this to us. they had weekly meetings on dangerous, dual-use research concerns and gain of function, and not one item of any of those meetings has been reelited to us despite us asking for it for over three years. maria: do you believe covid was a bioweapon? >> i think that it was probably developed for a vaccine. i think they developed coronavirus, they inserted this cleavage site in it to make it more infectious to humans, and they had a vaccine very early on. then covid got out. but the interesting thing is the scientist who developed it died mysteriously two months after the development the of the virus. he fell from a tall building in beijing, and it's -- there's a lot of questions as to the circumstances of his e death. maria: wow, i did not realize that, that he died from a tall building in beijing. that's incredible. let me switch gears, ask you about the supplemental package. you all are leaving for the holidays next week, but you're right now debating this $100 billion supplemental package that joe biden wants money sent to ukraine. if you're going to send money to israel. the republicans so far have dug in saying we want policy changes at the border. where is this going? >> you know, we don't have the money, and the biggest threat -- while i agree the border should be secure, an even bigger threat is to the dollar and to our currency. i follow jim grant, i think he's one of the smartest guys out there, you know, looking at the economy and the fed. he predicted a lot of the things that happened in 2008 when we had the housing bubble burst. he thinks we're due for high interest rates for a long period of time, but we're accumulate aring debt at a trillion dollars every three months now. this is an extraordinary thing. and interest rates are now becoming the highest or one of the largest items in our budget. so really people can talk about wanting to help other countries, we don't have the pun many. it has to be finish the money. it has to be the printed up, and it's why it costs more to go to the grocery store. we can't allow this to happen. there is the a pocket we could -- possibility we could go too far and have a cataclysmic economic downturn, recession, depression, destruction of the currency. maria: wow. >> i know that sounds over the top, but that's what i'm worried about pause because we're accumulating debt so fast. maria: i agree with you about jim gran, he's a regular of mine on "mornings with maria, with the i but you've got a package at a hand a, and you've got a vote on this coming up. where is this going? are you guys going to go to the holiday and not send any money to ukraine? if what do you expect this to -- how does this play out, rather? pardon me. >> you know, my hope is that speaker johnson will stick to his word. he said israel aid would be pratt and paid for. he immediately voted for it, and the house passed it, and they paid for it by taking money away from the irs. i hope he stands by his word. i think he has enormous leverage if he'll use it. now, he's getting pushed by all the establishment republicans particularly on the senate side. he's being pushed to put all the a aid together with ukraine. i think if he keeps it separate and keeps it paid for, i think that he'll win the day, ultimately. but he needs to a realize he has all the power if he'll stay where with he is and not ca capitulate. maria: senator, we'll be watching all of that. thank you, again, for being a truth-teller on these issues. we appreciate your time, thank you. senator rand paul joining us. >> thank you. maria: quick break, and then ivy leagues disgraced as a leaders of america's most elite institutions fail to respond to anti-semitism on their campuses. the fireworks from the hearing on capitol hill. former chairman of the house intelligence committee and current ceo of trump media devin nuñes is here with reaction to that and the role the chinese communist party-backed tiktok plays in sowing discord in america. that's next. stay with us. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? 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>> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. these are unacceptable answers across the board. maria: house republican conference chair, congresswoman elise stefanik grilling university leaders for their failure to confirm a simple question, do calls for genocide of the jaw people violate university standards on their cam pauses. they couldn't do it. now the presidents of harvard and u-penn are backtrack, apologizing for their remarks, and at least one of them has already resigned, university of pennsylvania president liz magill announcing this weekend she will step down. meanwhile, house republicans opening an investigation into multiple universities across the country over their lack of response to anti-semitism on their campuses as many jewish students say they fear for their lives. they fare for their safety. fare for their safety. joining me with reaction is former chairman of the house intelligence committee and current ceo of trump media, devin nuñes back with me. thanks very much for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: you say all this anti-semitism starts on social media. explain. >> well, i think that's right. if you go back to, let's just say, october 5th, if you would have done a poll of kids under the age of 25, they probably wouldn't have even known where palestine is, what it is, definitely wouldn't know what the gaza a strip is, definitely wouldn't know this chant of, you know, from the sea to, you know, that's basically calling for the genocide of the jewish people. so how did that happen? i think it really happened because of tiktok. if i think the chinese run tiktok, i think that spread all through tiktok, and i think that's where a lot of kids all of a sudden became pro-hamas in this country. i think it's pretty simple. maria: i've said it many times that the chinese communist party follows our political debates, and they pile on to create discord in america. are you saying that this is another tool for the chinese communist party to undermine america? >> well, look, we've long said that. you know, even back when i was in congress, i think most of the members of the house intelligence committee also believed this and members of the foreign affairs committee. i mean, it's quite clear what this is. this is why the trump administration tried to take this tool away from the chinese, the chinese communist party and move it to the united states. if you remember, the trump administration tried to get tiktok if they were going to e main open in the u.s., they needed it to be somehow housed in the u.s. so that they could, it could be used as a tool for the chinese communist party. look, the whole entire country of india bans tiktok, the use of tiktok there. so the chinese have long been using this tool, and it should be put to an end, and i think it's driving horrible, horrible debate in this country and is dividing the democratic party apart. maria: tell me about the communist party of china. you've done an extensive investigation when you were chairman of the intel committee. you were working on pushing back against the aggression out of china way before it was front and and center. how would you assess their aggression today? and why aren't we responding to it? >> well,, the biggest threat that we have right now is if the united states loses the sal of its currency -- the value of its currency. right now we are the world's reserve currency. you are seeing china, russia, other bad actors around the world, even starting to see some of our more traditional allies like saudi arabia that are talking about joining in with these countries to effectively, what the result's going to be is to eliminate the united states' ability to be that world's reserve currency. if that happens, and this is part of the reason why the congress and the government has to get this spending under control, it's something that's going to lead to long-term, negative effects on not only our economy, but our stand thing around the globe. -- standing around the globe. maria: and we talked earlier about the university presidents. that's another issue that you mentioned, you know, on tiktok. were i you happy to see the university of pennsylvania president step down, and do you believe there will be more? >> it's rather remarkable to see in my time, seldom do you have a congressional hearing that results in something happening so quickly. and i would give the republicans a lot of credit here that they actually exposed what really is stupidity. i mean, for some of the smartest, well known universities around the country that are armed with lawyers, armed with pr people, armed with government relations people in washington, d.c. to not be able to simply say we do not condone genocide on any campus of ours. maria: yeah. unbelievable. we'll take a short break. we've got more with trump media ceo devin nuñes. we're going to talk about some comments the former president made last night. stay with us. ♪ the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. >> under no circumstances, you're promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. >> except for day one. >> except for -- >> he's going crazy. except for day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border, and i want to drill. over day one. we're closing the border, and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. maria: that was former president trump appearing at a town hall last week on fox news, and we are back with former house intelligence committee chairman and now the ceo of trump media, devin nuñes. devining your thoughts on what the 45th president just said. that comes from a slew of articles from mainstream media saying trump is a dictator, right? if. >> look, i think it's just donald trump. back in 2016 when he made the quip about rosie to donald, i mean -- rosie to o'donnell, how ridiculous is that he has to sit up there and be accused of being a dictator? one, a dictatorship would maybe raid the home of a former president, that's what dictators do. they would weaponize the justice system and the fbi, that's what a dictators do. they would maybe gag a u.s. citizen and in the let them talk about what's happening in a courtroom. that is what dictators do. now, is that donald trump? no. that's joe biden, the current administration. so what do you expect donald trump to do? i think this is why people like him. he's, like, screw it. you want to call me a dictator, i'm just going to embrace it. now, what really happened here, maria? this is the typical thing that we have seen now for many decades, but it's gotten really bad over the last 20 years where you have 95% of the fake news is controlled by the left. maria: right. >> it's a propaganda arm for the democratic party. no different than what we were talking about earlier tiktok is to china. maria: so the polling said call trump a dictator, and they just went with it. >> that is exactly right. they said we need a narrative, and seldom to you see even he they get 30 or 40 of them saying the same thing, the american people are not buying it. maria: devin, thank you so much. devin nuñes joining us. that'll do it for us here on "sunday morning futures." i'll see you tomorrow on fox business, "mornings withto y maria.." ed cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. in a rocky mountain setting? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702

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maria: good morning, everyone, i'm maria bartiromo. today, president biden responds to the house oversight committee allegations of bribery. >> can you explain to americans why you interacted with so many of your son and brother's foreign business associates? >> i'm not going to comment, i did not, and it's just a bunch of lies. >> reporter: you didn't interact with -- >> they're lies. i did not. they're lies. maria: the ed and the impact with florida congressman and oversight committee member byron donalds coming up. plus, the national security threat of not holding china accountable for anything. the covid cover-up, surveillance balloon, a propaganda war, so much somewhere. key senator rand paul on the covid cover-up and whether another one is on its way over. plus, record apprehensions at the southern border. senate romer marshall on the battle over policy change at the u.s. border versus money to protect ukraine and its border. then, anti-semitism surging across the country with calls for university presidents to ten down for not reacting. trump media and technology president devin nuñes on why the anti-semitism started on social media. the former chairman of the house intelligence committee here on that as well as the fight over fisa and surveil answer of american citizens. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with the vote to further investigate president biden this upcoming week. house are republicans are expected to hold a vote on tuesday to formalize their impeachment inquiry against the president before leaving for the holiday break this thursday. a markup of the 14-page resolution put forth by north dakota congressman kelly armstrong, the full house vote expected to give the committees' investigation into president biden and his family more legal weight in its probes. meanwhile, house republicans announce their intention to formalize the impeachment inquiry, hours later the justice department indicted hunter biden. the first son is now facing nine charges including three felony counts for fail offto a pay at least $1.4 million in taxes from 20216-2019. if convicted, hunter biden faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison. hunter's attorney, abby lowell, said in a statement based on the facts and the law, if hunter's last name was anything other than biden, the charges in delaware and now california would not have been brought. the charges come as hunter biden is refusing a subpoena issued by chairman james comer to sit for a deposition behind closed doors this thursday, insisting instead on a public hearing amidst new evidence of a memo from 2018 of a bank manager reporting uncurable and erratic activity in several accounts owned by hunter biden with an initial $5 million payment from communist china with no business services rendered, something the bidens claim was a loan from china. joining me right now in a "sunday morning futures" exclusive is byron donalds, a key member of the house oversight committee, florida congressman. byron donalds is here. congressman, thanks very much for joining me this morning. >> good morning, maria. good to be with you. maria: in terms of that deposition scheduled for thursday, do these new charms, this indictment against hunter biden, does that mean that he won't show up on thursday to go under oath for you and your colleagues? >> listen, he's been threatening that for weeks now. so the fact that he's now been indicted should not encumber our ability in the house to be able to have, number one, a closed door session first and have written testimony under oath and then for him to be able to move towards an open hearing. but what hunter biden wants to do is to use the open hearing aspects of congressional hearings to put on a show, to put on a spectacle without actually having a deposition of his words under oath. before he reaches an open session. so we're not going to let that happen. he needs to sit for the closed door deposition first. every witness we bring to capitol hill has to do the same thing. he is no different. maria: i'm just wondering if the timing of this indictment on hunter biden is partly cover-up because the doj had this information. they've been sitting on this for a long time, but they decided to indict hunter biden the weekend before he was supposed to go under oath in a closed door testimony. >> i totally agree, the timing is suspect. maria: yeah. >> let's take a step back. his attorney abby lowell says, oh, the only reason he got indicted is because his haas name is biden. no, the onlien will be it took so long is because his last name is biden and because house republicans uncovered this web of corruption surrounding joe biden that implicates hunter and james biden. so that is the reason why it's taken so long for this to occur. maria: well, you could also argue that if his name wasn't biden, he wouldn't have been able to generate all those millions of dollars that james comer said that he did. i want to ask you about this impeachment inquiry, this form 5 impeachment inquiry that you'll vote on this week, on tuesday. do you feel you have the votes to go forward with a formal impeachment inquiry? >> i believe that we do. the oversight committee, judiciary committee and the ways and means committee, we've been working diligently, going through this entire situation, up covering the facts. so some of our colleagues who were leery earlier on in this congress about moving towards impeachment, now the facts are very clear about why we need to finish to our investigation, the impeachment inquiry. it will allow us to do that. by the way, maria, there's a white house official and three department of justice officials who are ignoring congressional subpoenas. we fully believe that a vote on the floor this week will give us the ability to fully enforce those subpoenas because there is no reason why federal government employees would spurn a house subpoena to come in and testify. but this is how deep the swamp is surrounding joe biden. so i expect house republicans to do the right thing, stand up, vote for the impeachment inquiry this week so we can finish our investigation. maria: well, your committee chairman, james comer, as well as judiciary chairman james jordan say we'll hold hunter biden in contempt of congress if he does not deliver and come through on thursday for that closed door testimony. what does that the mean exactly, is he really going to be afraid of that? >> well, first of all, that is what should happen. he should be held in contempt, number one. number two, look, this guy, hunter biden, he thinks nothing can touch him because his daddy's been protecting him for years right now. what we understand right now, maria, is if it wasn't for a federal judge actually looking at the first plea deal that a david weiss put together when he wasn't a special counsel, by the way, that plea deal was a joke. they were going to hide these tax charges under this gun charge which, by the way, didn't even follow through with what it needed to do. they were going to hide the fara violations under the gun charge. the only reason this is coming forward because of house republicans continuing this investigation. if hunter biden thinks he's going to run and hide now because his last name is biden and his daddy is president, he's got another thing coming. maria: what about the statute of limitations allowed to run out on hunter's egregious crimes in 2014 and 2015, is what some of your colleagues have said? is that evidence of a cover-up at the d, j? >> i 100% believe that. there is no reason why the department of cuts disdidn't bring these charges earlier except for the fact that hunter bide biden is a, quote-unquote, sensitive political purposement -- person. that's why those charges were allowed to lapse under statute of limitations, because the total intent was to not wring any charges or very limited charges against hunter biden and sweep this all under the rug. the entire purpose is to protect the big guy, joe biden. maria: so how does this all play out? if you know, last week we were talking about this "wall street journal" op-ed, kim strassel writes: hunter biden's missing services. we saw that e-mail from a bank money laundering expert who livessed all of these things about hunter biden's account, erratic activity, a $5 million initial payment into the account and there was no business services rendered. where do you see this going, congressman? >> well, what i see happening is over the next month or two we're going to finish our investigation. i do believe at that point it's going to be crystal clear that there are articles of impeachment that should be drafted for joe biden because, number one, he accepted bribes through his family from foreign nations, especially china and others. number two, he knew that his brother and his son were violating the foreign agents registration act. i believe he's a co-conspirator in that because if you knowingly understand that your family's getting money from overseas and you don't tell them to register the as foreign agents or foreign lobbyists or or whatever, however you want to define it, that's in violation of federal law. so i believe that is a situation right there for the more than people to see. i believe that's enough to draft articles of impeachment against joe biden, and i believe that is going to happen in the spring. maria: well, or let's talk about the other policy decisions that this president has made. you see an economy slowing down, and yet he keeps pushing bidenomics. now the democrats are talking about this being a messaging problem. what about the actual policy? if it looks like all of us are going to have to pay higher taxes now to pay for all of the will be reckless spending of the last two and a half years. >> look, you're absolutely right. there's no messaging problem, it's a policy problem. the democrats always like to sell their policies thinking everybody's just going to hear the cool phrases that they focus group and they poll test and ignore the reality. well, here's what's happened in america, everybody has fallen behind. especially if you're poor or middle income, you've fallen behind even further. so this situation with bidenomics or whatever you want to call it, i just call it stupid economic policy. no need to put his name to it, but we can do that for politics' sake. everybody has been hurting. our economy is stagnating. inflation is still here, still sticky, and it's caused a problem for the way americans live their lives today to day. when people can't even get ahead to buy a used car because they're too expensive or to put food on the table, energy's more expensive, none of this is working for the american people. they can call it whatever they want, but the american people understand that joe biden has been the architect of a disastrous economy that is hurting the very poorstest among us in america. maria: that's what i was getting at. i mean, the issue of policy is front and center for vote or. so you've got this impeachment inquiry formalized this week. if you've got some members of congress who decide they don't want to vote for impeachment inquiry of joe biden, putting the corruption aside, you know, just simple on policy, wide open border, a foreign policy disaster with the, with the exit from afghanistan, botched exit, and, of course, the policy on economics that you're talking about, do you think those congress people will see voters get upset and move to replace them? primary them? >> look, well, first of all, i can't speak to those colleagues. what i will say is we just had a vote a week ago where we expelled george santos. i did not vote to expel george. i felt he should is have had his day in court. but if you're going to take a vote to expel george santos, then you should easily be able to vote on an impeachment inquiry. because, look, with all due respect with everything that happened with george and the accusations are not good, but that pales in comparison to the act a sayingses that have been leveled -- accusations that have been leveled and the evidence that has come with those accusations against the biden family. i would urge my colleagues to vote for that impeachment inquiry this week. maria: i just want to be clear here, george san "forbes" we think, lied -- santos. is bob menendez still in the senate? >> he sure is, and that's one of the reasons why i did not vote for the expulse is because the president had been -- precedent had been you were in the confederate army or convicted in a court of law. that did not happen to george. so if new standard is ethics complaints, then bob menendez needs to go. maria: congressman, thanks very much. byron donalds joining us this morning. up next, overwhelmed, undermanned and tired, agents valiantly defend the border against a surge due to the president's wide open immigration policy. kansas senator roger marshall has been at the border plenty. he's here on his fight to stop the surge into america at the southern border. ♪ ♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? 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we got this new news that 5,000 people are being released into the country every day. >> right. the border situation is getting worse every day. record day, 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 people crossing every day. remember or, since joe biden became president, 10 million people have crossed the border illegally, and this is why fbi director wray is saying we've never had a more unsecure situation right now. all the lights are blinking red all at the same time for the first time in his career. where are these 10 million people? at least 1.7 million gotaways, where are those poem? what are they doing? -- those people? i think everybody should be watching their back. maria: we're looking at live pictures, i want to point out, of lukeville, a arizona. this is happening right now. these are live pictures here at the border in arizona, and, of course, we we know that can customs and border patrol had to move agents from lukeville to other areas of the border because all the border openings were basically seeing a massive surge. can you tell us a little about what's going on in texas and arizona right now? >> the border patrol officers can 1,000 people a day, so they're being overwhelmed when 11, 1,000 people are coming across the border. basically, these agents turn into babysitters and social workers and nurses. and again, maria, you've been to the border as a well, but my last trip there the border patrol officers said if you could give us one thing, make policy changes. so that's why we're saying no money for ukraine until we fix the border. it's the border, the border, the border. we have to secure the border. and with some simple policy changes like asylum and parole changes, we could impact 75% of the people that are coming to our southern border right now. so policy change alone would fix the problem. joe biden could have done that yesterday, the week before. he won't do it e, so we need to do it legal arely through congress. maria: well, i don't understand why. i'm going to get back to the fight in a moment because that's another head-scratcher, the fact that this president will not make any changes at the border until you agree to give more money to ukraine. we've already sent ukraine about $110 billion, i believe. what is this new element from senator dick durbin? the other day your colleague, dick durbin, proposed to allow illegal my grants to serve in the u.s. military. are you serious? >> yeah, i think that's a nonstarter for us. so we kicked military people out of the service because they refused the covid vaccine, but we're going to let people who have broken the law into the military. look, if you have illegal status -- legal status, there could be consideration. if you're an illegal person in the yates, you can't go in the military the right now. again, these people have not been evented. my goodness, there's been 60, 70,000 people, aliens from foreign countries of interest with as well, hundreds of terrorists have crossed our border as well. that's not a good institution so. maria: well, you questioned christopher wray, i saw the hearing. but everything he said was quite scary. he said we are now at a peak in terms of the potential for a terrorist attack on united states on u.s. soil. he tried to blame the hamas attack on israel instead of the wide with open border. then you've got these chinese migrants coming in, flooding in, and we've got pictures of these chinese nationals coming in. they're largely military-aged men. i mean, can you just pick up and leave china and say i'm going to go to america now? don't you need approval in is xi jinping directing these people to come into america and settle here? >> we have to assume so. look, it's a sad day when the chinese communist party a pays more attention to our southern border than the white house does. to your point, 24,000 chinese nationals have crossed the border under joe biden. those people now take positions throw out the country. they're running the police stations in new york city, and they're keeping track of their own folks making shower they're staying in order. they're the money collectors on the end of the fentanyl as well. they're setting up confucius schools. they've infiltrate thed our research and buying farmland next to military bases, all things you've reported on, maria. i would just say it's worse than what you're saying. it's even worse than what the media's describing chinese influence in this country. not to mention, you know, not to mention they're stealing $500 billion of intellectual property from us every year. 90% of the counterfits that come into this country. they gave us a virus that killed a million people. fentanyl's killing 300 people every day, hundreds of thousands of people have died because of chinese fentanyl under joe biden's watch. how does joe biden sleep at night? how does his, the hs secretary sleep at night? i just don't understand this. maria: and, of course, none of these issues ever come up when he meets with xi jinping. again, none of this came out with his last meeting with shi gin e ping -- xi jinping, and my question is, why? why does he have this wide opening border? -- open border? there is a report about new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis in staten island, and she says she got a portion of -- she submitted a request through the freedom of information law, and she got a portion of the contract between a nonprofit organization tasked with we recollecting emergency shelters for migrants, and she found in that contract that it obligates contractors of migrant shelters to hand out voter registration the cards. to hand out -- to help migrants in registering to vote and circulate campaign or materials within the shelter premises. is that what you know? do you have any information about that? is that a the point here? to get these migrants to vote democrat? >> absolutely. that's the only thing you can assume. if joe biden wanted to secure the border, he could secure it. but they're doing this in all government institutions whether it's a place you go to get your food stamps or whether it's a place you go to get free health care, they're infiltrating all of those, they meaning the biden administration with taxpayer dollars are out there the trying to get people rebelling aresterred as well. it is shul the only thing that makes sense. again, they're willing to crave 300 young americans every day to build their own democrat party. but i think the good news is americans are -- they know what's going if on, and that's why americans are leaving the democrat party in droves and looking for new leadership. there's a lot of why questions today, maria, but i think ultimately the ultimate choice will be coming november of 2024. will americans choose a new president. maria: on this fight in terms of money to ukraine, where is this going? you all are leaving for the holidays next thursday. are you going to agree to send money to ukraine, or are you going to hold the line until you see policy changes at the border? >> yeah. i've never seen the republicans so together standing up, all 49 of us voting against this big $100 billion supplemental a package from the president and chuck schumer unless we get meaningful border security. and i don't see that happening. i think that chuck schumer, joe biden bow to their immigration people, the immigration lobby. it's the same group of people that are pro-palestine, and they don't want to take this vote. we've given the democrats four opportunities to vote for stand-alone israel funding. they voted it down every time. we can attack every one of these, four prongs of the supplement supplemental riddle and figure out solutions, but none of it happens until we secure the border. it's the border or. maria: yeah. all right. real quick before you go, senator, i know you were at the young republicans' event last night in new york city where former president trump spoke. we have a sound bite of that. i want to get your reaction to what the crowd did after he said this, watch. >> these are not indictments in the traditional sense is, these are biden indictments against -- this is just against a political opponent. and with that, he's opened up a pandora's box that may never let our country be the same. they've opened up a pandora's box, and i only can say to joe is, be very careful what you wish for. because what you've done is a terrible thing. maria: wow, senator. will donald trump be the nominee? >> he is. he is the presumptive nominee. i think he's ahead by 50 or 60 points. i remember what bob dole always told me when there was tough decisions, go back and listen to the people of kansas. the republicans of kansas want donald trump to be their nominee and to be their next president as well. i would just caution people though as their listening to all this rhetoric, this is an hour-and-a-half long speech last night and, by the way, what came through to me was donald trump loves new york city. this is his home. he's so proud of new york city, and he's so upset that it's gone to h-e-l-l, right in he's so upset about this. i'm reminded of what newt gingrich told me in 2016, he said, look, donald trump's going to to be a third andrew jackson, a third teddy roosevelt and a third barnum and bailey. president trump spending a lot of time just shining a flashlight and letting that left national media chase the flashlight a lot. i wouldn't overreact to every word he says, but he's going to be the president on national security, secure the border, make the economy strong. his enemies will fear us and rut us. maria: -- respect us. maria: kansas senator roger marshall, we so appreciate your time. >> thank you, maria. maria: up next, four years after covid-19 claimed more than a million american lives and china tried to cover it up, president biden has yet to hold china accountable over the originningses of the deadly virus or the cover-up. now we talk to a truth-teller, kentucky senator rand paul is here on why the president has not made it a priority amidst the potential of another one potentially coming. stay with us, rand paul is coming up. ♪ th ♪ hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? 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>> you know, the problem is, is that the chinese have destroyed any kind of reputation they had. mine, we can no longer believe any kind of pronouncements they had which makes us suspicious. right now there's a host of disease affecting young people, respiratory disease and pneumonia in china, and they tell us, well, there's nothing to see here. maybe that's true, but they've destroyed any kind of foundation we had at trusting them, and they still haven't come clean. you know, in early 2020 when covid came out, they said, oh, we're not having human to human transmission, and we don't seem to be having an extraordinary amount of hospitalizations and gets. all of that was true. they also knew the sequence of the virus, and they kept that secret as well. i think they also knew that three of their workers got sick in november of 2019 at the wuhan institute of virology, and i think they absolutely know it now. and the only way they can restore trust is to own up to it. i think it was an accident. the cover-up is not an accident. if they were the come clean and say is, you know, we're punishing the scientists who did what they weren't supposed to, i think we could restore some trust, but right now we have really no the trust with the chinese government. maria: what about the accountability here and why the biden administration does not push for it? i mean, right now as we speak there are american investors continuing to underwrite the ccp by buying those companies that are tied to the chinese military. it seems this administration is not willing to pull the economic lever, and that is shut off the capital markets to chinese communist companies that may have been involved in that cover-up or tied to the military. >> we still continue to fight the biden administration every day just for unclassified information, and they resist at a every turn. we've had to basically withhold nominees and withhold legislation to try to get anything from the biden administration. and i'm ott not sure what it is. either it's sympathy or believing that relations with china are so important that the truth can be obscured, but there's the also a certain amount of culpability in the biden administration throughout several different departments. usaid, nih, hhs, they're withholding documents because they funded the lab in wuhan not just once, not just twice, but for a decade they were funding. and we have anthony fauci e on record as saying that even if a pandemic occurs, even if a gain of function research infects the scientists and a pandemic occurs, that the knowledge would be worth the risk. and i think most people who had a loved one die, you know, from covid either here or around the world would disagree and think anthony fauci made a disastrous judgment call. but he also took the research, and it didn't go before the normal scrutiny. there's a safety committee that was supposed to review this, and anthony fauci allowed this research to be done at his signature, at his conclusion, at his approval without the approval of the safety committee. and this, for this he really should go down in history perhaps as one of the worst people in public office ever and responsible for probably more deaths than any other individual in the medical world. maria: i mean, there was so much censorship of so much information that was slatal for americans to see -- vital for americans to see and understand about a covid and the vaccine, but they censored it. can we even trust health officials in this government? >> you know, it was directed explicitly by him. we go over this in the book because he commissioned scientists who were saying in private they thought it was manipulated in a lab and came from a lab, he convinced them in public to say the opposite. he commissioned and edited a paper that said that, absolutely, this does not come from the lab while privately all of these same scientists were saying in all likelihood it did come from a lab. so there really was an orchestrated cover-up on this. we also know he was visiting the cia in early 2020. the cia scientists, 7 of them, votes 6-1 to say it came a from the lab, and they were reversed by superiors. we need to know whether anthony fauci influenced the superiors or perhaps the opposite, did the cia influence annie fauci. we also a -- anthony fauci. our understanding he wasn't recorded on visitor log, but he was appearing frequently at the cia. you have to realize that he was not a scientist in charge of a cure for cancer, he was also in charge of a lot of bioweapons money and in charge of a lot of things that had dual use, and they won't reveal any of this to us. they had weekly meetings on dangerous, dual-use research concerns and gain of function, and not one item of any of those meetings has been reelited to us despite us asking for it for over three years. maria: do you believe covid was a bioweapon? >> i think that it was probably developed for a vaccine. i think they developed coronavirus, they inserted this cleavage site in it to make it more infectious to humans, and they had a vaccine very early on. then covid got out. but the interesting thing is the scientist who developed it died mysteriously two months after the development the of the virus. he fell from a tall building in beijing, and it's -- there's a lot of questions as to the circumstances of his e death. maria: wow, i did not realize that, that he died from a tall building in beijing. that's incredible. let me switch gears, ask you about the supplemental package. you all are leaving for the holidays next week, but you're right now debating this $100 billion supplemental package that joe biden wants money sent to ukraine. if you're going to send money to israel. the republicans so far have dug in saying we want policy changes at the border. where is this going? >> you know, we don't have the money, and the biggest threat -- while i agree the border should be secure, an even bigger threat is to the dollar and to our currency. i follow jim grant, i think he's one of the smartest guys out there, you know, looking at the economy and the fed. he predicted a lot of the things that happened in 2008 when we had the housing bubble burst. he thinks we're due for high interest rates for a long period of time, but we're accumulate aring debt at a trillion dollars every three months now. this is an extraordinary thing. and interest rates are now becoming the highest or one of the largest items in our budget. so really people can talk about wanting to help other countries, we don't have the pun many. it has to be finish the money. it has to be the printed up, and it's why it costs more to go to the grocery store. we can't allow this to happen. there is the a pocket we could -- possibility we could go too far and have a cataclysmic economic downturn, recession, depression, destruction of the currency. maria: wow. >> i know that sounds over the top, but that's what i'm worried about pause because we're accumulating debt so fast. maria: i agree with you about jim gran, he's a regular of mine on "mornings with maria, with the i but you've got a package at a hand a, and you've got a vote on this coming up. where is this going? are you guys going to go to the holiday and not send any money to ukraine? if what do you expect this to -- how does this play out, rather? pardon me. >> you know, my hope is that speaker johnson will stick to his word. he said israel aid would be pratt and paid for. he immediately voted for it, and the house passed it, and they paid for it by taking money away from the irs. i hope he stands by his word. i think he has enormous leverage if he'll use it. now, he's getting pushed by all the establishment republicans particularly on the senate side. he's being pushed to put all the a aid together with ukraine. i think if he keeps it separate and keeps it paid for, i think that he'll win the day, ultimately. but he needs to a realize he has all the power if he'll stay where with he is and not ca capitulate. maria: senator, we'll be watching all of that. thank you, again, for being a truth-teller on these issues. we appreciate your time, thank you. senator rand paul joining us. >> thank you. maria: quick break, and then ivy leagues disgraced as a leaders of america's most elite institutions fail to respond to anti-semitism on their campuses. the fireworks from the hearing on capitol hill. former chairman of the house intelligence committee and current ceo of trump media devin nuñes is here with reaction to that and the role the chinese communist party-backed tiktok plays in sowing discord in america. that's next. stay with us. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? 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>> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. these are unacceptable answers across the board. maria: house republican conference chair, congresswoman elise stefanik grilling university leaders for their failure to confirm a simple question, do calls for genocide of the jaw people violate university standards on their cam pauses. they couldn't do it. now the presidents of harvard and u-penn are backtrack, apologizing for their remarks, and at least one of them has already resigned, university of pennsylvania president liz magill announcing this weekend she will step down. meanwhile, house republicans opening an investigation into multiple universities across the country over their lack of response to anti-semitism on their campuses as many jewish students say they fear for their lives. they fare for their safety. fare for their safety. joining me with reaction is former chairman of the house intelligence committee and current ceo of trump media, devin nuñes back with me. thanks very much for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: you say all this anti-semitism starts on social media. explain. >> well, i think that's right. if you go back to, let's just say, october 5th, if you would have done a poll of kids under the age of 25, they probably wouldn't have even known where palestine is, what it is, definitely wouldn't know what the gaza a strip is, definitely wouldn't know this chant of, you know, from the sea to, you know, that's basically calling for the genocide of the jewish people. so how did that happen? i think it really happened because of tiktok. if i think the chinese run tiktok, i think that spread all through tiktok, and i think that's where a lot of kids all of a sudden became pro-hamas in this country. i think it's pretty simple. maria: i've said it many times that the chinese communist party follows our political debates, and they pile on to create discord in america. are you saying that this is another tool for the chinese communist party to undermine america? >> well, look, we've long said that. you know, even back when i was in congress, i think most of the members of the house intelligence committee also believed this and members of the foreign affairs committee. i mean, it's quite clear what this is. this is why the trump administration tried to take this tool away from the chinese, the chinese communist party and move it to the united states. if you remember, the trump administration tried to get tiktok if they were going to e main open in the u.s., they needed it to be somehow housed in the u.s. so that they could, it could be used as a tool for the chinese communist party. look, the whole entire country of india bans tiktok, the use of tiktok there. so the chinese have long been using this tool, and it should be put to an end, and i think it's driving horrible, horrible debate in this country and is dividing the democratic party apart. maria: tell me about the communist party of china. you've done an extensive investigation when you were chairman of the intel committee. you were working on pushing back against the aggression out of china way before it was front and and center. how would you assess their aggression today? and why aren't we responding to it? >> well,, the biggest threat that we have right now is if the united states loses the sal of its currency -- the value of its currency. right now we are the world's reserve currency. you are seeing china, russia, other bad actors around the world, even starting to see some of our more traditional allies like saudi arabia that are talking about joining in with these countries to effectively, what the result's going to be is to eliminate the united states' ability to be that world's reserve currency. if that happens, and this is part of the reason why the congress and the government has to get this spending under control, it's something that's going to lead to long-term, negative effects on not only our economy, but our stand thing around the globe. -- standing around the globe. maria: and we talked earlier about the university presidents. that's another issue that you mentioned, you know, on tiktok. were i you happy to see the university of pennsylvania president step down, and do you believe there will be more? >> it's rather remarkable to see in my time, seldom do you have a congressional hearing that results in something happening so quickly. and i would give the republicans a lot of credit here that they actually exposed what really is stupidity. i mean, for some of the smartest, well known universities around the country that are armed with lawyers, armed with pr people, armed with government relations people in washington, d.c. to not be able to simply say we do not condone genocide on any campus of ours. maria: yeah. unbelievable. we'll take a short break. we've got more with trump media ceo devin nuñes. we're going to talk about some comments the former president made last night. stay with us. ♪ the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. >> under no circumstances, you're promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. >> except for day one. >> except for -- >> he's going crazy. except for day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border, and i want to drill. over day one. we're closing the border, and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. maria: that was former president trump appearing at a town hall last week on fox news, and we are back with former house intelligence committee chairman and now the ceo of trump media, devin nuñes. devining your thoughts on what the 45th president just said. that comes from a slew of articles from mainstream media saying trump is a dictator, right? if. >> look, i think it's just donald trump. back in 2016 when he made the quip about rosie to donald, i mean -- rosie to o'donnell, how ridiculous is that he has to sit up there and be accused of being a dictator? one, a dictatorship would maybe raid the home of a former president, that's what dictators do. they would weaponize the justice system and the fbi, that's what a dictators do. they would maybe gag a u.s. citizen and in the let them talk about what's happening in a courtroom. that is what dictators do. now, is that donald trump? no. that's joe biden, the current administration. so what do you expect donald trump to do? i think this is why people like him. he's, like, screw it. you want to call me a dictator, i'm just going to embrace it. now, what really happened here, maria? this is the typical thing that we have seen now for many decades, but it's gotten really bad over the last 20 years where you have 95% of the fake news is controlled by the left. maria: right. >> it's a propaganda arm for the democratic party. no different than what we were talking about earlier tiktok is to china. maria: so the polling said call trump a dictator, and they just went with it. >> that is exactly right. they said we need a narrative, and seldom to you see even he they get 30 or 40 of them saying the same thing, the american people are not buying it. maria: devin, thank you so much. devin nuñes joining us. that'll do it for us here on "sunday morning futures." i'll see you tomorrow on fox business, "mornings withto y maria.." ed cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. in a rocky mountain setting? 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