Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, wel welcome. >> this is nashville, man. you have to punch it. >> welcome to the fox nation patriot awards make it almost feels like we are in new york city or something. can you drop the hands into it with a country accent? just add an accent to it? >> i've got it. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fox nation -- we met one more time. >> we have to go. 2. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tonight in nashville. we are honoring the brave men and women who commit their all, patriots that deserve to be celebrated. that is why we have the best and brightest, sean hannity, jesse watters, laura ingram and so many more and performances from craig morgan and dennis quaid. also that we can salute you. >> welcome to nashville. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and here is your host. >> let's do this, nashville. >> what is up, everybody. [cheers] [applause] >> hello, everyone, good evening, fox nation. what a crowd we have. beautiful patriots. i think some of you have already been to broadway. it is so great to have you here. so john and i hammered this out in his cadillac. so ladies and gentlemen -- know, i can't do that. [laughter] >> welcome to the fifth annual fox nation patriot awards. [cheers] >> we are so glad that you are here. we are here in the year of our lord 2023 at the grand old opry house in nashville, tennessee. and you know, i am so honored to be joined by so many of my amazing colleagues from fox in the front. people that you know and see every day appear on stage. you know, it has been five incredible years of the patriot awards honoring our unsung heroes and amazing patriots. this is for you and this is because of you, but it's got us thinking as we planned the night night, what is the symbol of the five-year anniversary? does anyone know? it is wood. so this year's awards are made of wood and let me tell you about that. they are handcrafted by a 76-year-old patriot from florida. [cheers] [applause] >> he put in 15 hour days in his wood shop for the past two months to craft. let's give thanks to tony tonight. [cheers] >> i think that that is a theme that you're going to see tonight, the patriots that inspire activism and patriotism and others. also the famous opry circle, which i humbly stand in right now. in 1974 the wood is transplanted on the famous ryman auditorium in downtown nashville. legend says that the circle contains the dust from the cowboy boots of hank williams. not bad. so we are in good company tonight past and present. you cannot beat nashville. not bad. and we are so glad to be here. and you know what, these are not easy times for the country. who in the world knows what this next year is going to look like. you know, only god knows. it can't be worse. that is up to us, we the people. benjamin franklin said a republic, if you can keep it. and that is our charge today more than ever. keeping and saving this republic, it is up to us and because like you, like all of us, we see it. down is up, right is wrong my truth is twisted, patriots are targeted. it can feel like too much. so as things keep getting more complicated, i keep going back to the basics of god, family and freedom. the basics. >> king david wrote in the 33rd psalm the blessed is the nation whose god is the lord and our american experiment was founded from the beginning, from the outset, because it was founded with george washington on bended knee at valley forge. with a declaration that states upfront that we hold the truths to be self-evident. you know the words. that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator for certain unalienable rights. we knew it then and we know it now. and now it is time that we act like it. then i think of my family, and i think of your family, that is why i do what i do. that is why we serve, that is why we fight. and i know you asked the same question. what kind of of country are my grandkids going to inherit imac the question is sobering but also motivating. america is not america if we are not free and it's just not. in america without freedom is just another failed experiment in a very broken world. and tonight we are honoring the men and women, those known and unknown, seen and unseen to hold the line for freedom. [cheers] [applause] and that is what the patriot awards are all about. selfless everyday americans who never expected recognition for their service. the men and women that we will honor today never sought the spotlight. but at the fox nation patriot awards, the spotlight has found them tonight. [cheers] >> let's shine it right and let's do it right now. [cheers] >> here to present the first award of the evening, my cohost and a mama bear who is a spitfire, who as they said about michael jordan, cannot stop her, you can only hope container. joining her as is the man that knows it better than anyone else. joining me now rachel campos duffy and sean duffy. >> think you, pete. we are the proud parents of nine amazing children. >> and they are amazing. >> sean and i are passionate about their education. >> over the past two years my parents have lost confidence about what kids are learning in the classroom until one organization became a beacon of hope to all of us. 2 that's right, moms for liberty refounded by two mothers who turned a mission of transparency in schools into a movement that was so powerful that they were called domestic terrorists. >> let's take a look. >> i think these people are a sham and they have really twisted reality. >> the left wing media to discredit moms for liberty. >> these are people that are on the wrong side of history. >> this group is now considered extremist. >> what is moms for liberty? >> we our mothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents and concerned citizens, we are not domestic terrorists and we will not be silenced. >> it is a nonprofit grassroots organization founded to help parents to help detect rights. >> we were coming from the school board and we like to say that we saw saw behind the educational curtain? parents coming to the school district, they didn't know how to engage how to make change happen and we made at the experience that this could and if it moms and dads as they try to advocate for their children. >> i remember asking, are we ready to go national? and this is not ours to keep to ourselves. some people started calling and wanted to start chapters and now we are in 47 states, 100 30,000 members and it has spread like wildfire all over the country. >> schools are becoming indoctrination camps in a breeding ground for hatred oppressed state because they are of color is wrong. >> the heart of the organization is with the mothers on the ground who are standing up for their children. the work that they are doing is impactful. we are fighting for the survival of america. >> the real issue is that you believe you have to protect children from their parents. >> at moms for liberty we are going to fight so that our children can have a better life and it is a privilege to fight for this country. [cheers] [applause] >> boy, do i love those ladies. please welcome this year's mvp, the founders of moms for lib liberty. [cheers] [applause] >> thank you so much, we are so grateful for this award and we want to be clear that we are accepting this on behalf of moms and dads across america. and in just under three years, 48 states, 300 chapters, we know that you are working to empower parents at all levels of government. we are joyful warriors, children are being taught to hate each other in school, there is no future for america with that type of hate. so we are going to fight like heck with a smile on our faces. because the children are watching us and it is a privilege to fight for this country. >> we would also like to thank our families and the families of our mothers. and if i could just say one thing before we close out. we have the fundamental right given to us by god to raise our children to direct their upbringing and their education, their moral and religious upbringing. once we let the government into influencing our children, our country is at risk. this is the line in the sand. moms have drawn the line because we do not coparent with the government. thank you. >> so get off the couch come a run for school board, fight for the country, thank you so much. >> joey jones can attest to this as well. those two are freedom fighters and thank you, ladies, thank you for everything that you do. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> up next, windows comedy and also body slams, and the other does crime, both of them patriots. welcome to the stage, our next guest, everybody. tyrus and shawn. >> thank you, pete. we are honored to be presenting this year's award. absolutely, baby and you know as an officer, i know what it's like to go out each day not knowing what your shift is going to be. but the bottom line is that every officer, those that do the job, they just want to do a good job and get home safe to their families. >> amen. >> it's not about us right now come about what it is about, we all hear about the bad cops come of the violent videos, not the actual struggles of the job, that is why this year's recipient is making sure that the world hears the stories that would otherwise go unheard. >> the best-selling author out with a new book about real life heroes . >> a collection of honest and heartfelt stories by real police officers revealing what it's like to wear the uniform. >> i wanted to get to the truth, help the police. when you get up in the morning, you put on a vest, and people need to understand, it's nobody's job to put themselves in unnecessary danger. >> james patterson questioning the authenticity of "the new york times" bestsellers list. >> one of the crazy things is that in some places it's looked at as political. but yet it outsold all but three of the books on the list, i found it difficult to get appearances on a lot of the other networks. how can we get the truth out if we don't have all the information. >> james way of getting are stories out there are so important. we can actually see what we are going through. there's a lot of things going on that so many people do not see it. >> i would say that james patterson got it absolutely right. >> please welcome this year's recipient, best-selling author many times over, james patt patterson. [cheers] [applause] [cheers] >> thank you, thank you so m much. >> welcome a we are at the grand old opry. god bless america. [cheers] [applause] >> dolly parton gave me this jacket to wear. i am so humbled to be here representing half a million police officers to protect us, i have been writing about this for years and what i have heard from officers over and over again is thank you for telling our side of the story. and part of that story is that there is no such thing as a routine call for help, there are no routine car stops. every call could be a matter of life and death. a patrolman was approached by angry people on the streets of los angeles, a woman was yelling at him that you don't care about us. he said what i be out here in the freezing rain at 3:00 o'clock in the morning if i didn't care about you and i am proud to be up here standing in for all of these officers and to be honoring our police. go blue. 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[sfx: cards shuffling] this holiday, weathertech gift cards are perfect for people to pick exactly what they want. laser measured floorliners that fit your vehicle precisely. keep your seats safe from messes with the child car seat protector. sinkmat protects under your sink. there's even something for our furry friends with the pet feeding system. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the holidays at ♪ ♪ >> final preparations underway between israel and hamas to have have acease-fire since began jut hours from now. it kicked in at midnight, eastern time. civilian hostages being held will be freed tomorrow. a group of palestinians will also be released. the names of the hostages are not yet known, but this diplomatic breakthrough is promising some relief to the more than 2 million in gaza that have endured so much harsh bombardment. and a group of pro-palestinian protesters disrupting these festivities. the cops swooped in and made several arrests. >> so, folks, we are still just getting started. join me in welcoming to the stage the rockstar radio, the face of fox news, the one and only sean hannity. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello come in asheville. how are you all doing. [cheers] [applause] >> wow, in this is the part of the country were normal people are. it is so nice to be around normal people right now. how great of pete and the production and all they are doing. i will tell you how amazing. i mean, can you imagine garth brooks here, the memory of come of the dance we shared, for a moment, all the world was right. how great was that. and by the way, how much do you love his long, god, we need you, earth to god please come in. how many have thought about you had a second time in life come of what would you do? i would want to be on the stage, i would want to sing. one of the coolest things i ever got to do is sing on stage with charlie daniels, the devil went down to georgia. and the devil went to georgia my he said boy come and let me tell you what, you didn't know it, but i'm a fiddle player as well, i'll make a bet with you. i bet there is still a goal to get your soul because i bet i'm better than you. >> he said my name is johnny, but i'm going to take this but, and i'm the best it's ever been. so the way that i end of the song is this way and i will end with this. and the devil bowed his head because he knew that he had been beat and he laid the golden fiddle at johnny's feet. they said come on back of you ever want to try again, and he said you know, i told you i'm the best there's ever been. and this night is uniquely fox. it is a fox news night. because we honor what makes america great. the people that get up, paid her taxes, raise their kids, love each other, love others and would never burn a flag or take the side of terrorists. you are all such great americans. tonight is about honoring them. i love you come in asheville come up god bless you and god bless the heroes that we are bless the heroes that we are honoring tonight. ♪ ♪to ♪ h . by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. 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[cheers] [applause] >> this year's salute to service recipient. [cheers] [cheers] [cheers] 3 yes,' sir, it is an honor. >> i think you all very much. you made me teary-eyed, and i don't like to cry. two fox nation and to the awards committee that selected me to be reprerepresenting all veterans,i want to thank you. it is such an honor to repr represent. i heard the new figure of 125,000 of us left, i have asked god to be the last one out of the 125. [laughter] and knowing god as i do, he will let me be the last one. [cheers] [applause] from the war i got two things that i'm very proud to say, i survived, the second thing is that i met my wife who i was married to for 71 years. [cheers] [applause] >> she passed away 6.5 years ago at the age of 90 and so all you guys out there, if you can find one like me or you have one like me, you are blessed, that is what i had. i had one. and this is quite a thing. i was surprised to be selected for this particular job, but i represent all of the world war ii veterans that are still alive. [cheers] [applause] and for the other veterans from the other warriors, let me assure you that i represent you as well. iraq and all the rest of them. >> ladies and gentlemen, sergeant andy 3 thank you all very, very much. [cheers] [applause] >> thank you so much for your service. and we honor what you and your generation did to serve this country. [cheers] [applause] hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. 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[cheers] [applause] >> hey there, everyone. how are you. what an amazing crowd. and now i know what the beautiful people look like. all of you, absolutely incredible. i feel so blessed to be here and i want to thank everyone who is not on camera who makes fox nation and fox news possible. i thank you and in his first inaugural address, president thomas jefferson had stated that he believes that art government to be the strongest on earth and he said it this way. i believe it's the only one where every man will answer the call of duty and would fly to the standard of the law to do so, to meet the invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. and if you think about it come about as a very good definition of patriotism. we certainly heard a lot of stories tonight. we stand at the ready and as pete said come every generation has a different call. this is not a country of the elites, it is not a country of celebrities, it is a country that belongs to the people. so we must resist everyone and anybody who would do harm. i think too often that we end up leaving that only famous people have it. the ones on social media, television or radio and whatever. but that is not what the constitution says. it doesn't say that at all in fact. it doesn't start off with we the famous people or we the rich or the great people. it states that we the people of the united states are the ones who ordain and establish this constitution. so the u.s. government was founded by king. the constitution doesn't belong to a collection of lawyers and i speak as a recovering lawyer myself, and we are not governed by a panel of philosophers or technocrats. that's not how it works. in america we the people rule. and that has sustained us to this day. so i am very honored to hear so many stories every year and meet so many amazing people that make me feel so humbled. the patriot awards are so important. to take a pause from the political strife come of the cultural strife, we feel it very viscerally in our daily lives. but set aside the jokes at the beginning, this is a time to take a moment and think about how my goodness, the men and women whose blood is spilled not only on our own land but across the globe, because they answered their call of duty. they answered it without fear, and without any recognition. they did it because they understood that if they didn't do it that the country that they loved in the family that they left behind may not be there. so i would say tonight as we take this pause to honor those who have done so much to remind us of the greatness of america when so many want to tear it down, i am honored to be here, i am proud of all of you, you could do anything with your time, i am so blessed to be a part of fox and fox news and a small part of this american experiment and representative democracy that is the greatest on the face of the earth. i thank you tonight. great to see you all tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ..... >> with his powerful voice he's helping us to never forget those who have sacrificed so much. >> guys are doing amazing work. >> our foundation, we know what we do. we take care of first responders and gold star widows whose loved ones died in the line of duty leaving children behind. catastrophic service members. when we build these smart homes, you're a man of faith. >> there is definitely a role for every one of us to contribute in some sort of way. >> we don't hold any grudge with any sports rivalries because of what you guys do. >> i had the good fortune of being able to visit afghanistan and to see the sacrifice that our brave men and women make to provide our freedoms. i don't take that lightly. >> as i got involved i was inundated with calls about how people could help. >> it recognizes all the great hero of those who died on lieu9/11. >> the fact that this has touched every single person. they have to be a part of it. >> the reputation is impeccable. everybody knows where the money is calling. every single dollar. god bless you. >> we need your help to deliver mortgage-free homes to service members. and gold star families with young children. put it in check, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; 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[cheers and applause] >> and i just can't thank my mom and my community back home in northern california so much. i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them so i just really appreciate everyone, and i appreciate the support, and let's make sure we honor veterans every day and not just on the holidays. [cheers and applause] >> what an amazing young man. tyus, can we agree? >> amazing. i think i'll adopt him. >> i'll fight you for it. no, i won't. he gives me a lot of hope about future generations. this is the fifth year that we've had the honor to recognize the great patriots like preston sharp, and like so many of our colleagues here, it is a blessing and an honor each year to do so at the fox nation patriot awards. every year has a different moment, a different highlight and there have been many of those highlights and i stop right here, because she's my favorite. >> let's take a look at some of the highlights over the last five years of the patriot awards. >> welcome to the very first fox nation patriot awards. >> are y'all having a good time tonight? >> it's so great to see all of you. >> i'm telling you, this awards show will be unlike anything you've ever seen. >> this is an awards show that matters. [applause] >> i wouldn't be here without my faith, my family, and my friends. >> i'm honored to receive this service to veterans award. >> the young man we're about to introduce to you is truly extra ordinary. [cheers] ♪ >> when i heard someone would come up to me, it's amazing, you really inspire me. >> grateful recognition of your outstanding performance, i promote you to the rank of staff lieutenant. [cheers] >> i'm glad to see you guys, how warm you guys are treating me. >> this is your family now. >> that's what i would say, you guys are my family. >> too many of the stories of world war ii have not been told. thank you, tyus. >> this morning, we paid off their mortgages. they do not know. give them a round of applause. >> when you talk about a courage award, it's not just the bravery of running on the battlefield to do his job, it's the courage of working through the unknown. >> if i hadn't been wounded i might have been killed the next day by a sniper's bullet but what i've done is moved forward with what i can effect. >> treasure takes various forms in life. we found the treasure in this room tonight. [applause] >> for everybody who is here, everybody that's watching together, we're changing lives so god bless you, and god bless america. [cheers and applause] ♪ [applause] >> thank you all. >> it's been an amazing journey. one that i've been so honored to be a part of for the past five years. how about we do 50 more? [cheers] >> does that sound good? i love that optimistic message of laura ingram. we're going to make it bigger and better thanks to all of you. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at ♪ >> we've still got a few things left to celebrate, everybody. in fact, here's a big one. here to present our next award is the cast of america's number one cable news television show, the five. please welcome judge pirro, jessica, jesse watters, dana perino and joining us, janus d. ♪ >> thanks. we had to call in a meteorologist because this is the fox weather award for courage. >> i'm so happy to be here for fox weather. and, jesse, weather can be volatile and lethal. and what happened on march 24 is something that we have to take a look at. >> a tornado tore through the small town of rolling fork, mississippi. taking the lives of more than two dozen people. >> residents had just seconds to get to safety including those at a packed family restaurant. >> but thanks to the quick thinking of one courageous woman, no one there was injured. [siren] >> this is a fox weather alert. right now dangerous storms tearing across the south. a life-threatening tornado currently on the ground taking aim at several communities. rolling fork, this is knocking on your door. you guys have five minutes. it's crucial that you take shelter immediately. >> we knew we were going to have some storms. we just didn't know it would be this bad. and so we went on about our day an our night as usual. >> it was a typical night. a busy night. ♪ >> at 8:05, i got two messages from my daughter and sister saying get to safety. there is a tornado, and at that moment. the lights flickered. >> i could hear trees snapping and popping. >> i just hollered, cooler. my husband opened the door, when i said cooler and he started shoving us all in. nine of us in all. >> just as he was closing the door, he looked up and the roof was going, and he said i see the sky. >> we were squeezed tight and crying and screaming. >> and then all of a sudden it stops. >> the building was gone. our vehicles were totalled. >> everything that we could see was demolished. >> i didn't think we were going to make it out alive. the only thing left standing was a freezer. it was unbelievable. but i just thank miss tracy for her fast move to get into the cooler. she saved all of our lives. >> she was my guardian angel. ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, our award for the courage recipient, tracy harden. [applause] >> hello. what an honor, courage, i know that night, there was a much higher power holding me steady, allowing me to push through. for that i am grateful. >> i want to accept this award in memory of the 14 lives, 14 friends we lost during the tornado. and in honor of stephen, who was hurt but he had the courage to save all nine of us that cooler when we couldn't get out. our wonderful husband, who got us in safe. for all the people that were in the restaurant with us that night, they screamed courage. i'm here tonight, not for myself, but for my community. we are going forward strong. we're rising. [cheers and applause] >> and i am so proud. one other note. i just got a message that our boys won the state champs [cheers] >> thank you. [applause] ♪ and it breaks my heart. when they were in the military, no one would dare to leave them behind. the tunnel to towers foundation is making another promise. we're committed to eradicating homelessness amongst our veterans. veteran homelessness has become an epidemic. and we believe the problem is larger than currently reported. this number is estimated to be in excess of 50,000 in the united states. we all know the physical injuries that our service members have endured but many also have unseen wounds like ptsd, tbi, and addictions. the solution is giving them a place to call home but beyond that it's the ability to offer them the 4 comprehensive services they need within a community of healing to reclaim their lives. in order to end homelessness amongst our veterans, we've started building these veteran residences like this one in houston, and now we're building them all across america. we're counting onner american to join us on our mission. t2t has already helped more than a thousand families by paying off their mortgages and we've been building mortgage-free homes for our veterans and first responders. this commitment remains. we have a proven track record of helping our heroes and now we're expanding our commission. we made a promise to never leave our first responders of military families behind but now we need your help even more. join us on this mission to lift up these veterans who need a helping hand to provide them with the services they need to rebuild their lives and recapture their dignity. these heroes fought for us and now we're fighting for them. go to to change a veteran's life forever. god bless you. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. >> welcome to "fox news live." anxious moments for the families of those being held in gaza as a planned cease-fire nears. the temporary truce is set to begin in about 2 1/2 hours to be followed in nine hours by the planned release of 13 civilian hostages. a total of 50 captaives are expected to be freed. here at home, retailers mark the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season tomorrow with a above have i of discounts and other entice presidents. the so-called black friday could test the fortitude of our economy. there is concern, increased credit card debt and stubborn inflation will sour this year's holiday cheer. i'm claudia cowan wishing you all a happy thank. now back to the patriot awards. >> as we move on, you saw hits to ride here with my good friend john rich. i've had like three outfit changes by now. is he still finishing parking the car? john? where are you at, man? >> what's up, man? >> john, it took you a while, man. >> i'm right here. ♪ >> fox nation, how are you doing tonight? are y'all feeling good? [applause] >> welcome to music city. it's my great pleasure to have all of you here, a place i've call home for a very long time. nashville, tennessee. it looks like you're having great time, by the way. [applause] >> creating music in this town is a true gift and i love it when new artists make songs that carry deep significance. that is country music. that significance is about the good lord -- when it's about the good lord i especially love it. this artist needs no introduction. he's already a well-known actor and i'm thrilled to be welcoming him back to the stage, my friend and yours, mr. dennis quaid, performing his new gospel song, "fallen." check this out, guys. >> i was fortunate enough to be able to do a gospel record this year. it's called "fallen," a gospel record for sinners because i wanted the largest possible audience i could get. >> number one, me, i'll do the title track from it. it's called "fallen. >> it's from the prodigal son. i hope you like it. ♪ i went for a joyride down the devil's highway ♪ ♪ my internal soul hanging by the thread ♪ ♪ i was determined that the wheel was going my way ♪ ♪ wind up beside the road left for dead ♪ ♪ now i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ feeling so alone sdmoet ♪ all alone dudes go back home ♪ ♪ i was raised on the blood of orange ♪ ♪ taught the difference between wrong and right ♪ ♪ i was my mamma's precious angel ♪ ♪ i was my daddy's little man all right ♪ ♪ i had everything i needed to make something with my life ♪ ♪ but bad things happen to good people ♪ ♪ when you're riding with the devil along a foggy night ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ feeling so ashamed ♪ ♪ all i wanna do is go back home ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wish i had been more careful about what i wished for ♪ ♪ wished i had been more careful about the company i kept ♪ ♪ i wish i hadn't taken taken my daddy's money ♪ ♪ i wish i wasn't in devil's gate ♪ ♪ he came like a friendly stranger ♪ ♪ offering whiskey, women, glory and drugs ♪ ♪ i stood high up on top of that mountain ♪ ♪ not realizing the hole i had dug ♪ ♪ now i'm fallen ♪ ♪ fallen ♪ ♪ fallen out, help me jesus ♪ ♪ all i want to do is go back home ♪ ♪ yes, i'm fallen ♪ ♪ fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm a prodigal son ♪ ♪ all i want to do is go back home ♪ ♪ go back home ♪ ♪ go back home ♪ >> thank you, sweet people. thank you. >> been, 1773, one of the most daring and controversial events about to take place. this is the spark that lifted the torch of liberty. >> in two months, when that team is on the docks, the british will have their boots firmly planted. >> this is bigger than us. this is bigger than boston. >> is anyone willing to take a stand for liberty? >> their defiance galvanized the rebellion, and their story is now the stuff of legend. >> enjoy your freedom while it lasts. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. another excuse, i mean, reason for my family to crave a little pizza time. well, i've got one. my cuisinart indoor pizza oven, ready to bake up some bubbly, cheesy, savory sauciness with that perfect artisan crispy crust in about five minutes. it's great for snack time, dinner time, game time. me time. anytime. it's always time for home baked pizza. (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, >> when the rapture occurs the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange mind boggling and unbelievable footage that goes viral across the globe. >> then who alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air. >> when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant. but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe, but incredible, joyous joy in the skies. >> capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in the great disappearance. in 31 short easy to read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. the great disappearance by david jeremiah is available wherever books are sold. let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. our black friday deal is here. kardiamobile is now just $69, the lowest price ever. get it for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. ♪ >> our next speaker puts the prime in primetime. do it with me here. he may be watters, but tonight this is "our world." please welcome back to the stage, jesse watters. ♪ >> i love you. what i want to do tonight, and we'll see if you can follow directions, i want to call people out, and i want when i call you out to stand up so we can recognize you and give you a round of applause but i want you to stay standing, so you stay standing and i'll call another group out, and then we'll give them a round of applause, and then we'll all still stand. do you guy understand? do you guys understand? >> all right. so please stand up, if you've served the country in the u.s. mili military. >> thank you. thank you. [applause] >> please stand up if you've served your community in law enforcement. please stand up if you've served our children in schools. [cheers and applause] >> please stand up if you've served clients in business. >> there we go. pl [applause] >> please stand up if you've served viewers on television. even you, raymond. and please stand up if you've served a family, as a son, daughter, mother, father, uncle, cousin. everybody stand up. you guys are all patriots. i love you. god bless you. god bless america, and always remember, i'm watters and this is "your world." ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org why choose a sleep number smart bed? because no two people sleep the same. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number settings. it's so smart, it actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side for your ideal sleep temperature, and effortlessly responds to both of you. for your best sleep, night after night. and now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed, plus free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. ends cyber monday. shop for a limited time and sleep next level. only at sleep number. >> up next, they normally help you kick start your morning, but tonight they are up way past their bed times and i did that on purpose. i just wanted to make them feel a little bit of pain. please welcome fox and friends co-hosts, steve ducey, angela earhart, brian kilmeade and lawrence jones. [applause] >> thank you very much, pete. we've seen a lot of award recipients tonight. >> this is hallowed ground. i feel guilty standing here. i'm no carrie underwood. we're so grateful for the americans who act to brave and so courageous when called. these are our first responders who are called to be both on a daily basis. >> i'll take it from here. we want to take a moment to show you what that day can look like with events just from this year. ♪ >> we have an active shooter. get here now. [sirens] >> for people were killed this morning at a shooting at bank in louisvilleville, kentucky. >> officers got on the scene in just three minutes. [shots] >> day of shopping turns to tragedy at an outlet mall in allen, texas. >> mass shooter. >> got him. [shooting] >> active shooter at a wal-mart store in evansville, indy, has been shot and killed. >> get down. get out. >> body camera in georgia showing a woman trapped in a car. >> they are coming. >> three frankfurt police officers saved a family including a baby from their burning home. >> a lot of times we don't know what we're going to. we just know we have to do something. [siren] >> drop the gun. >> drag him. drag him. >> you're worth it. >> this is exactly why i joined the force was to help people. that's what we signed up to do. >> come on. come on. >> it is not something that comes easily, for people to react by staying there and going back inside the scene. keeping themselves in danger. that's super human. [cheers and applause] >> so the dedication and sacrifice deserve our recognition and our deepest gratitude. >> indeed, lawrence. nobody takes care of our first responders better than tunnel to towers. [cheers and applause] >> so we have teamed up. we've teamed up with tunnels to towers for a very, very special award. >> so please welcome our good friend, frank and stephen jr. to tell us more about it. [applause] >> tonight, we stand united under a banner of resilience and heroism and unwavering dedication to our fellow man. we gather here to honor not just individuals, but the unbreakable american spirit that resides within them. i'm frank, chairman and ceo of the tunnel-to-towers foundation. [cheers] >> but more importantly, i'm the proud uncle of my nephew, stephen jr., right here. [applause] >> named after my brother, a true hero, whose legacy we celebrate. my brother's heroic acts on the tragic events of 9/11. it epitomizes a commitment to duty and love for humanity. etching his story into the hearts of our nation. he ran with 60 pounds of gear on his back through the brooklyn battery tunnel toward danger. toward the unknown to save lives. that same spirit of courage and selflessness flows in the veins of all our heroes, and most certainly my brother, fdny firefighter, stephen, for whom this award is being named. [cheers and applause] >> this year in nashville they faced an unthinkable tragedy when a gunman entered the school. >> tonight we honor the six lives lost including three adults and three children. >> it took just minutes to get into the school and take down the shooter. watch. [siren] >> 911, what is the address of your emergency? >> 33 burton -- boulevard. >> like every other officer on the department, we took off running out of the office. >> we have units on the way an they have already been dispatched. >> we began to form operational plans outside. >> i had personnel with me. >> we have two kids, we don't know where they are. >> okay? >> yes, ma'am. >> we saw shell casings on the ground. bullet holes on the door. >> let's go. [siren] >> metro police. >> when we went through that door, not knowing what was walking into, started cleaning rooms as fast as possible, trying to find where the shooter was. ♪ >> we were upstairs in the hallway. in the art room. >> art room. >> they are coming. >> they are coming. >> just try to stay quiet. >> once you start hearing the first shots that's when everything kicked into overdrive for us. >> kept walking toward the sound of gunfire. >> upstairs. sounds like it's upstairs. >> go. go. [gunshots] >> move! move! stop moving! suspect down! suspect down! [siren] ♪ >> breaking tonight, three 9-year-old children and three adults murdered this morning at a church-run school in nashville. >> police were quick to arrive on the scene as police immediately ran toward the sound of gunfire. preventing an even larger tragedy. >> they formed together, they did what they were trained to do. they went right in. knowing that every second, every moment wasted could cost lives. >> they just wanted to save kids. pl [applause] >> tonight, tonight we're here, not to dwell on tragedy, but to honor the men and women who turn towards danger to safeguard others embodying the spirit of my father, spirit, and the soul of the tunnel-to-towers foundation. please welcome the recipients of the first ever in honor of my father, tunnel-to-towers, stephen siller, patriot award. >> we would like to introduce you to defective pelozzo, sergeant mathis and detective ryan -- [cheers and applause] >> thank you. appreciate it. >> so the detective and officer could not be here tonight but we'll make sure they get their patriot award so i've got to ask you the question on the mind of every american, why did you decide to go in on that day? >> that decision, it wasn't a decision. it was what was going to happen. pl [applause] >> we often, and i've been thinking about what the word "patriot" means since i found out about this. the only thing -- i can't think of a definition but i can think of people from times all the way across our history as a nation. for instance, hour moore, he led on the battlefield. you have montras, leaders eat last. they say good, let's go. but some of our personal montras, we put others first. that's our biggest thing. there are patriots, i'll accept this for, but patriots like our friend and detective on our team, eric wagner. he ran outside and was the stimulus of getting -- he got shot at, and that's when we found the work we needed to do. being a patriot is going for others, respecting each other. respecting your country. and most importantly putting your god first. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> i love what that detective said. it wasn't even a decision. we had to. that's the spirit. they had to. generations before had to. and we all have to. that's the spirit of what we can do together. ♪ >> as i got involved i was inundated with calls about how people could help and contribute. >> it represents all the great heroes that died on 9/11 and we're always going to hold it to the highest standards of any foundation in america. >> i couldn't find a more worthy cause the fact this is something that's literally touched and affected every single person, they just have to be a part of it. >> and their reputation beyond impeccable. everybody knows where the money is going. every single dollar. god bless you. >> we need your help to deliver mortgage-free homes to catastrophically injured service members, gold stars and fallen first responders' families. please contribute $11 per month to support their efforts. and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. the holidays wouldn't be worth celebrating without my family. ♪ [applause] >> so fox nation, what an incredible night it's been right here in nashville. [cheers and applause] >> it's another fantastic year in the books and how about we just make it a date and do it again here next year. [cheers and applause] >> i don't have that much power but i'll try. >> we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our presenters and recipients and we want to say thank you to everyone here in attendance who came in person and who are watching at home on fox nation. we also want to thank our sponsors whose support made this evening possible. tunnel-to-towers, healthcare ministries and bass pro shops. [cheers and applause] >> it's been an absolute honor, i'm humbled to be your host tonight. so from all of us at fox nation and fox news, here in nashville, god bless and good night. [cheers and applause] ♪ * ♪

Related Keywords

Applause , Job , Ground , Race , Point , Country , World , Going My Way , Things , Nation , Family Thinking , Special Edition , Ingraham Angle , It S America Now And Forever , Jesse Watters , Ladies And Gentlemen , Is Nashville , Man , Wel Welcome , It , Something , Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Hands , Country Accent , Accent , New York City , Fox Nation , One More Time , Go 2 , One , Men , Women , Wall , Downtown Nashville , 2 , More , Patriots , Best , Performances , Brightest , Dennis Quaid , Craig Morgan , Sean Hannity , Laura Ingram , Host , Welcome To Nashville , Cheers , Everybody , Everyone , Evening , Crowd , Beautiful Patriots , Broadway , Laughter , Fifth Annual Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Cadillac , Lord , Grand Old Opry House , 2023 , People , Many , Colleagues , Front , Tennessee , Heroes , Awards , Stage , U S , Five , Wood , Thinking , Night , Symbol , Anyone , Patriot , Florida , 76 , Thanks , Wood Shop , Tony Tonight , Two , 15 , Patriotism , Opry Circle , Theme , Others , Inspire , Activism , Circle , Legend , 1974 , Boots , Company , Beat Nashville , Dust , Hank Williams , Times , God , We The People , Republic , Charge , Keeping , Benjamin Franklin , Truth , All Of Us , Basics , Freedom , David Jeremiah , Blessed , The Basics , 33rd Psalm , 33 , Experiment , Beginning , Outset , Declaration , Truths , George Washington , Valley Forge , On Bended Knee , Rights , Words , Creator , Family , Question , Grandkids , Kind , America Without Freedom , Imac , Men And Women , Known And Unknown , Line , Selfless Everyday Americans , Service , Spotlight , Recognition , Patriot Award , Mama Bear , Cannot , Spitfire , Michael Jordan , Hope Container , Anyone Else , Rachel Campos Duffy , Sean Duffy , Pete , Parents , Nine , Children , Kids , Education , Confidence , Learning , Moms , Mothers , Hope , Liberty Refounded , Organization , Mission , Beacon , Classroom , Transparency , Schools , Terrorists , Take A Look , Movement , Side , Media , History , Reality , Group , Extremist , Uncles , Grandparents , Nonprofit Grassroots Organization , Citizens , Aunts , Saw , Change , Curtain , School District , School Board , It Moms , Experience , Dads , Calling , Chapters , States , 100 , 47 , 30000 , Members , Wildfire , Breeding Ground , Indoctrination Camps , Hatred , Work , Estate , Heart , Doing , Color , Issue , Survival , Fighting , Life , Privilege , Liberty , Boy , Ladies , Founders , Mvp , Behalf , Levels , 300 , Three , 48 , School , Each Other , Government , Faces , Future , Hate , Type , Smile , Check , Warriors , Families , Thing , Upbringing , Risk , Sand , Couch , Run , Joey Jones , Freedom Fighters , Everything , Mother , Up Next , Body Slams , Windows Comedy , Both , Crime , Guest , Tyrus , Award , Officer , Shift , Cops , Videos , Struggles , Stories , Recipient , Author , Book , Real Life , Collection , Police Officers , Uniform , Police , Vest , Danger , James Patterson , Bestsellers List , Nobody , The New York Times , Books , List , Lot , Appearances , Networks , Information , Patt Patterson , God Bless America , Jacket , Dolly Parton , Grand Old Opry , A Million , Story , Officers , Writing , Part , Help , Call , Car Stops , Matter Of Life And Death , Care , Woman , Patrolman , Streets , Los Angeles , Freezing Rain , 3 , 00 , Go Blue , Moderate , Skin , Skyrizi , Nothing , Music , Plaque Psoriasis , Study , Starter Doses , 5 , 90 , 4 , Infections , Doctor , Ability , Reactions , Plan , Infection , Symptoms , Vaccine , Psoriasis , Guy , Pops , Ugh , 1 , Son , Face , Shave , Gillettelabs , Razor , On Yuh Face , Shaving Experience , Dad , Process , Hairs , Green Bar , Gillette Labs , Gillette , Ya , Little Somethin , It Ain T My Dad , Gamechanga , Generation , Flexdisc , Shaving , Contours , Texts , Lookin , Bout Hookin , Bettuh , Sfx , Cards Shuffling , Safe , Weathertech , Floorliners , Child , Holiday , Messes , Vehicle , Car Seat Protector , Seats , Sink , Laser , Sinkmat , Friends , Holidays , Gift Card , Pet Feeding System , Eastern Time , Preparations , Acease Fire , Hamas , Israel , Hostages , Names , Breakthrough , Palestinians , Relief , Gaza , Bombardment , 2 Million , Protesters , Festivities , Arrests , Radio , Fox News , The One And Only , Rockstar , Asheville , Production , Memory , Income , Dance , Garth Brooks , Earth , Devil , Georgia , Charlie Daniels , Goal , Soul , Fiddle Player , Bet , Name , Johnny , Song , Back , Beat , Fiddle , Head , Feet , Fox News Night , Flag , Taxes , America Great , God Bless You , I Love You , Great Americans , To H , Freedoms , Dedication , Salute Discount , Dna , Chance , Difference , Ink Business , Commitment , Bass Pro Shops , Adventure , Discount , Premier , Cabela S , Cash , Purchases , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Borders , Products , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , Who , Sam , 5000 , 02 5 , 000 , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , Rapture , Concern , Globe , Strange , Video Footage , Mind Boggling , Billions , Planet , Instant , Clouds , Twinkling , Eye , Christ , In The Air , Disappearance , Chaos , Glimpse , Incredible , Announcer , Glorious Joy In The Skies , 31 , Event , Questions , Dr , Calendar , The Great Disappearance , Shop , College , Retirement , Advisor , Hard Work , Vanguard , Ones , Legacy , Teeth Sensitivity , Owner , Ownership , Investor , Value , Nerve , Somebody , Sensodyne Toothpaste , Tooth , Poking , Doc , Sensodyne , Patients , Addition , Mission Family , Marine Corps Tech Technician , Individual , D Day , 60 Million , 80 , World War Ii , 120000 , Testament , 99 , Sacrifice , Number , Artillery Unit , Valor , Armies , United Nations , Appearance , Invasion , Soils , Western Europe , Member , 128th Armory Artillery , 128 , Hand , Units , Grandfathers , Guys , Advantage , Way , Living , Honor , Sir , Yes , Two Fox Nation , Awards Committee , Teary Eyed , To Cry , Veterans , Left , Figure , 125000 , 125 , The Last One , War , Wife , 71 , You , Age , 6 5 , Iraq , Rest , Sergeant , Golo , 60 , Diet , Weight , Guitar Music , Insanity , Try Golo , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Sleep , Firmness , Beds , Comfort , Settings , Sleep Temperature , Night After , 13 , Home , Bed , Level , Base , Ends Cyber Monday , 50 , Fear , All Of You , Beautiful People , Camera , Address , Thomas Jefferson , Art Government , Call Of Duty , Strongest , Order , Standard , Law , Invasions , Definition , Celebrities , Elites , Harm , Anybody , It Doesn T , Constitution , Social Media , Television , Whatever , Fact , Constitution Doesn T , King , Lawyer , Lawyers , Ordain , Technocrats , Panel , Philosophers , Lives , Pause , Strife , Blood , Goodness , Jokes , Land , Anything , Greatness , Want , Greatest , American , Democracy , Responders , Foundation , Voice , Widows , Gold Star , Loved Ones , Homes , Duty , Service Members , Faith , One Of Us , Role , Fortune , Sort , Grudge , Sports Rivalries , Calls , Afghanistan , Person , Hero , Lieu9 , 11 , Money , Reputation , Impeccable , Dollar , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Results , Pill , Uc , Rinvoq , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Fatal , Tb , Stroke , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Death , Risks , Don T , Stomach , Intestines , Heart Attack , Tears , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Priority , Health Care , Community , Network Restrictions , Health Care Ministries , Provider , Expenses , Anytime Enrollment , Convenience , Christian , 40 , Mind , Peace , Chm , Dot Org , Daughter , Fox Family , Vietnam Veteran , Friend , Fox And Friends Weekend Co Host , Looks , Fab , Harris Faulkner , Will Cade , Hi , Flags , Flowers , Graves , California , 10 , Preston Sharp , My Name , Mom , George Shortstop , Grandfather , Cemetery On Veterans Day , Gravesite , Navy , 2015 , Cemetery , Weren T Being Honored , We Wouldn T , It Weren T , Preston , Place , Redding , Gravesites , Carnations , My 50th State , 17 , Veteran , Problem , Congratulations , Awareness , Award Isn T , Support , It Wasn T , Northern California , Generations , , Amazing , Tyus , Blessing , Highlights , Some , Look , The Patriot Awards , Highlight , Favorite , Show , Matters , Someone , Performance , Staff Lieutenant , Rank , Mortgages , Courage Award , Courage , Battlefield , I Hadn T , Bullet , Running , Unknown , Bravery , Sniper , Treasure , Room , Eforms , Message , Journey , Wasn T A Decision , Entrepreneurs , Cost , Four , Chm Story , Decisions , Bills , Worry , Blair , Price , Chministries Org Enroll , Big One , Cast , Cable News Television Show , Number One , Pirro , Jessica , Dana Perino , Janus D Thanks , Fox Weather Award , Meteorologist , Weather , March 24 , 24 , Tornado , Safety , Town , Family Restaurant , Residents , Mississippi , Rolling Fork , Siren , No One , Fox Weather Alert , Door , Storms , Communities , South , Aim , Shelter , Bad , Sister , Messages , 8 , 05 , Cooler , Trees , Popping , Lights Flickered , Husband , Roof , All In , It Stops , Sky , Screaming , Building , Vehicles , Standing , Miss , Freezer , Guardian Angel , Courage Recipient , Tracy Harden , Power , Honor Of Stephen , 14 , Couldn T Get Out , Restaurant , Champs , Boys , Note , Military , Homelessness , Promise , Epidemic , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Injuries , Addictions , Excess , Ptsd , Wounds , Tbi , 50000 , Services , Healing , Solution , Residences , Onner American , Houston , T2t , Commitment Remains , A Thousand , Commission , Track Record , Helping Hand , Dignity , Pulmonary Embolism , Gene , 23andme , 23 , Cease Fire , Truce , Fox News Live , 2 1 , Release , Total , Retailers , Black Friday , Presidents , Start , Discounts , Fortitude , Season , Above , Economy , Credit Card Debt , Inflation , Thank , Holiday Cheer , Claudia Cowan , John Rich , Parking , Outfit , Hits , Car , Pleasure , Music City , Gift , Artists , Songs , Artist , Significance , Country Music , Factor , Introduction , Fallen , Mr , Performing His New Gospel Song , Gospel Record , Audience , Sinners , Title Track , Prodigal Son , Joyride Down The Devil S Highway My Internal Soul Hanging , Wheel , Thread , Feeling , Road , Mamma , Dudes , Orange , Daddy , Angel , Little Man , Riding , Glory , Stranger Offering Whiskey , Wasn T In Devil S Gate , Whole , Top , Mountain , Drugs , Help Me Jesus , Events , Spark , Torch , 1773 , Team , Docks , Boston , British , Stand , Defiance , Rebellion , Stuff Of Legend , Brand , Porcupine , Pinching , Loo Colace , Stools , Trust Colace , Stimulants , Reason , Excuse , Savory Sauciness , Me Time , Bubbly , Crust , My Cuisinart , Cheesy , Pizza , Footage , Joyous Joy In The Skies , Ekg , Pads , Fingers , Anywhere , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Kardiamobile , 30 , Loved One , Deal , Kardia Com , Amazon , 9 , 69 , Speaker , Primetime , Prime , Watters , Directions , Group Out , Stand Up , Mili , Law Enforcement , Business , Clients , Viewers , Pl , Uncle , Raymond , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, wel welcome. >> this is nashville, man. you have to punch it. >> welcome to the fox nation patriot awards make it almost feels like we are in new york city or something. can you drop the hands into it with a country accent? just add an accent to it? >> i've got it. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fox nation -- we met one more time. >> we have to go. 2. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tonight in nashville. we are honoring the brave men and women who commit their all, patriots that deserve to be celebrated. that is why we have the best and brightest, sean hannity, jesse watters, laura ingram and so many more and performances from craig morgan and dennis quaid. also that we can salute you. >> welcome to nashville. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and here is your host. >> let's do this, nashville. >> what is up, everybody. [cheers] [applause] >> hello, everyone, good evening, fox nation. what a crowd we have. beautiful patriots. i think some of you have already been to broadway. it is so great to have you here. so john and i hammered this out in his cadillac. so ladies and gentlemen -- know, i can't do that. [laughter] >> welcome to the fifth annual fox nation patriot awards. [cheers] >> we are so glad that you are here. we are here in the year of our lord 2023 at the grand old opry house in nashville, tennessee. and you know, i am so honored to be joined by so many of my amazing colleagues from fox in the front. people that you know and see every day appear on stage. you know, it has been five incredible years of the patriot awards honoring our unsung heroes and amazing patriots. this is for you and this is because of you, but it's got us thinking as we planned the night night, what is the symbol of the five-year anniversary? does anyone know? it is wood. so this year's awards are made of wood and let me tell you about that. they are handcrafted by a 76-year-old patriot from florida. [cheers] [applause] >> he put in 15 hour days in his wood shop for the past two months to craft. let's give thanks to tony tonight. [cheers] >> i think that that is a theme that you're going to see tonight, the patriots that inspire activism and patriotism and others. also the famous opry circle, which i humbly stand in right now. in 1974 the wood is transplanted on the famous ryman auditorium in downtown nashville. legend says that the circle contains the dust from the cowboy boots of hank williams. not bad. so we are in good company tonight past and present. you cannot beat nashville. not bad. and we are so glad to be here. and you know what, these are not easy times for the country. who in the world knows what this next year is going to look like. you know, only god knows. it can't be worse. that is up to us, we the people. benjamin franklin said a republic, if you can keep it. and that is our charge today more than ever. keeping and saving this republic, it is up to us and because like you, like all of us, we see it. down is up, right is wrong my truth is twisted, patriots are targeted. it can feel like too much. so as things keep getting more complicated, i keep going back to the basics of god, family and freedom. the basics. >> king david wrote in the 33rd psalm the blessed is the nation whose god is the lord and our american experiment was founded from the beginning, from the outset, because it was founded with george washington on bended knee at valley forge. with a declaration that states upfront that we hold the truths to be self-evident. you know the words. that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator for certain unalienable rights. we knew it then and we know it now. and now it is time that we act like it. then i think of my family, and i think of your family, that is why i do what i do. that is why we serve, that is why we fight. and i know you asked the same question. what kind of of country are my grandkids going to inherit imac the question is sobering but also motivating. america is not america if we are not free and it's just not. in america without freedom is just another failed experiment in a very broken world. and tonight we are honoring the men and women, those known and unknown, seen and unseen to hold the line for freedom. [cheers] [applause] and that is what the patriot awards are all about. selfless everyday americans who never expected recognition for their service. the men and women that we will honor today never sought the spotlight. but at the fox nation patriot awards, the spotlight has found them tonight. [cheers] >> let's shine it right and let's do it right now. [cheers] >> here to present the first award of the evening, my cohost and a mama bear who is a spitfire, who as they said about michael jordan, cannot stop her, you can only hope container. joining her as is the man that knows it better than anyone else. joining me now rachel campos duffy and sean duffy. >> think you, pete. we are the proud parents of nine amazing children. >> and they are amazing. >> sean and i are passionate about their education. >> over the past two years my parents have lost confidence about what kids are learning in the classroom until one organization became a beacon of hope to all of us. 2 that's right, moms for liberty refounded by two mothers who turned a mission of transparency in schools into a movement that was so powerful that they were called domestic terrorists. >> let's take a look. >> i think these people are a sham and they have really twisted reality. >> the left wing media to discredit moms for liberty. >> these are people that are on the wrong side of history. >> this group is now considered extremist. >> what is moms for liberty? >> we our mothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents and concerned citizens, we are not domestic terrorists and we will not be silenced. >> it is a nonprofit grassroots organization founded to help parents to help detect rights. >> we were coming from the school board and we like to say that we saw saw behind the educational curtain? parents coming to the school district, they didn't know how to engage how to make change happen and we made at the experience that this could and if it moms and dads as they try to advocate for their children. >> i remember asking, are we ready to go national? and this is not ours to keep to ourselves. some people started calling and wanted to start chapters and now we are in 47 states, 100 30,000 members and it has spread like wildfire all over the country. >> schools are becoming indoctrination camps in a breeding ground for hatred oppressed state because they are of color is wrong. >> the heart of the organization is with the mothers on the ground who are standing up for their children. the work that they are doing is impactful. we are fighting for the survival of america. >> the real issue is that you believe you have to protect children from their parents. >> at moms for liberty we are going to fight so that our children can have a better life and it is a privilege to fight for this country. [cheers] [applause] >> boy, do i love those ladies. please welcome this year's mvp, the founders of moms for lib liberty. [cheers] [applause] >> thank you so much, we are so grateful for this award and we want to be clear that we are accepting this on behalf of moms and dads across america. and in just under three years, 48 states, 300 chapters, we know that you are working to empower parents at all levels of government. we are joyful warriors, children are being taught to hate each other in school, there is no future for america with that type of hate. so we are going to fight like heck with a smile on our faces. because the children are watching us and it is a privilege to fight for this country. >> we would also like to thank our families and the families of our mothers. and if i could just say one thing before we close out. we have the fundamental right given to us by god to raise our children to direct their upbringing and their education, their moral and religious upbringing. once we let the government into influencing our children, our country is at risk. this is the line in the sand. moms have drawn the line because we do not coparent with the government. thank you. >> so get off the couch come a run for school board, fight for the country, thank you so much. >> joey jones can attest to this as well. those two are freedom fighters and thank you, ladies, thank you for everything that you do. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> up next, windows comedy and also body slams, and the other does crime, both of them patriots. welcome to the stage, our next guest, everybody. tyrus and shawn. >> thank you, pete. we are honored to be presenting this year's award. absolutely, baby and you know as an officer, i know what it's like to go out each day not knowing what your shift is going to be. but the bottom line is that every officer, those that do the job, they just want to do a good job and get home safe to their families. >> amen. >> it's not about us right now come about what it is about, we all hear about the bad cops come of the violent videos, not the actual struggles of the job, that is why this year's recipient is making sure that the world hears the stories that would otherwise go unheard. >> the best-selling author out with a new book about real life heroes . >> a collection of honest and heartfelt stories by real police officers revealing what it's like to wear the uniform. >> i wanted to get to the truth, help the police. when you get up in the morning, you put on a vest, and people need to understand, it's nobody's job to put themselves in unnecessary danger. >> james patterson questioning the authenticity of "the new york times" bestsellers list. >> one of the crazy things is that in some places it's looked at as political. but yet it outsold all but three of the books on the list, i found it difficult to get appearances on a lot of the other networks. how can we get the truth out if we don't have all the information. >> james way of getting are stories out there are so important. we can actually see what we are going through. there's a lot of things going on that so many people do not see it. >> i would say that james patterson got it absolutely right. >> please welcome this year's recipient, best-selling author many times over, james patt patterson. [cheers] [applause] [cheers] >> thank you, thank you so m much. >> welcome a we are at the grand old opry. god bless america. [cheers] [applause] >> dolly parton gave me this jacket to wear. i am so humbled to be here representing half a million police officers to protect us, i have been writing about this for years and what i have heard from officers over and over again is thank you for telling our side of the story. and part of that story is that there is no such thing as a routine call for help, there are no routine car stops. every call could be a matter of life and death. a patrolman was approached by angry people on the streets of los angeles, a woman was yelling at him that you don't care about us. he said what i be out here in the freezing rain at 3:00 o'clock in the morning if i didn't care about you and i am proud to be up here standing in for all of these officers and to be honoring our police. go blue. 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[sfx: cards shuffling] this holiday, weathertech gift cards are perfect for people to pick exactly what they want. laser measured floorliners that fit your vehicle precisely. keep your seats safe from messes with the child car seat protector. sinkmat protects under your sink. there's even something for our furry friends with the pet feeding system. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the holidays at ♪ ♪ >> final preparations underway between israel and hamas to have have acease-fire since began jut hours from now. it kicked in at midnight, eastern time. civilian hostages being held will be freed tomorrow. a group of palestinians will also be released. the names of the hostages are not yet known, but this diplomatic breakthrough is promising some relief to the more than 2 million in gaza that have endured so much harsh bombardment. and a group of pro-palestinian protesters disrupting these festivities. the cops swooped in and made several arrests. >> so, folks, we are still just getting started. join me in welcoming to the stage the rockstar radio, the face of fox news, the one and only sean hannity. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello come in asheville. how are you all doing. [cheers] [applause] >> wow, in this is the part of the country were normal people are. it is so nice to be around normal people right now. how great of pete and the production and all they are doing. i will tell you how amazing. i mean, can you imagine garth brooks here, the memory of come of the dance we shared, for a moment, all the world was right. how great was that. and by the way, how much do you love his long, god, we need you, earth to god please come in. how many have thought about you had a second time in life come of what would you do? i would want to be on the stage, i would want to sing. one of the coolest things i ever got to do is sing on stage with charlie daniels, the devil went down to georgia. and the devil went to georgia my he said boy come and let me tell you what, you didn't know it, but i'm a fiddle player as well, i'll make a bet with you. i bet there is still a goal to get your soul because i bet i'm better than you. >> he said my name is johnny, but i'm going to take this but, and i'm the best it's ever been. so the way that i end of the song is this way and i will end with this. and the devil bowed his head because he knew that he had been beat and he laid the golden fiddle at johnny's feet. they said come on back of you ever want to try again, and he said you know, i told you i'm the best there's ever been. and this night is uniquely fox. it is a fox news night. because we honor what makes america great. the people that get up, paid her taxes, raise their kids, love each other, love others and would never burn a flag or take the side of terrorists. you are all such great americans. tonight is about honoring them. i love you come in asheville come up god bless you and god bless the heroes that we are bless the heroes that we are honoring tonight. ♪ ♪to ♪ h . by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. >> excited to introduce the newest addition to the fox mission family, after dennis quaid and along with our favorite marine corps tech technician, joey jones. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers] [applause] >> welcome thank you, p. we are really proud to be able to introduce all of you to a truly remarkable individual. >> we are coming up on 80 years since d-day. of the 60 million who fought in world war ii, only 120,000 are still with us today. that is why it is so important to keep our history as well as their stories alive. >> this 99-year-old, a testament to the greatest generation, of valor, of sacrifice, also believed to be the last living number of his artillery unit, he continues to inspire us. here is his story. >> the armies of the united nations have made their appearance on the soils of western europe? this is the supreme moment of invasion. >> i am 99 years old, as far as i know, i am the last surviving member of the 128th armory artillery, of world war ii. i am the last one. and to go back to france really hit me. people will come up to me and shake my hand and thanked me for my service, and i tell them really quickly, find out all you can about the units that their grandfathers were in so it can continue on and never end. i don't see why it's difficult to allow us to teach the story of our country. we are allowing the bad guys to take advantage. i saw a lot of horrible things that you could not let get the best of you. if you can't make the best of the days that the good lord gives you, your wasting your life, there is so much good that can do in this world. live your life to the best. that is my way of living. [cheers] [applause] >> this year's salute to service recipient. [cheers] [cheers] [cheers] 3 yes,' sir, it is an honor. >> i think you all very much. you made me teary-eyed, and i don't like to cry. two fox nation and to the awards committee that selected me to be reprerepresenting all veterans,i want to thank you. it is such an honor to repr represent. i heard the new figure of 125,000 of us left, i have asked god to be the last one out of the 125. [laughter] and knowing god as i do, he will let me be the last one. [cheers] [applause] from the war i got two things that i'm very proud to say, i survived, the second thing is that i met my wife who i was married to for 71 years. [cheers] [applause] >> she passed away 6.5 years ago at the age of 90 and so all you guys out there, if you can find one like me or you have one like me, you are blessed, that is what i had. i had one. and this is quite a thing. i was surprised to be selected for this particular job, but i represent all of the world war ii veterans that are still alive. [cheers] [applause] and for the other veterans from the other warriors, let me assure you that i represent you as well. iraq and all the rest of them. >> ladies and gentlemen, sergeant andy 3 thank you all very, very much. [cheers] [applause] >> thank you so much for your service. and we honor what you and your generation did to serve this country. [cheers] [applause] hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. why choose a sleep number smart bed? because no two people sleep the same. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number settings. it's so smart, it actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side for your ideal sleep temperature, and effortlessly responds to both of you. for your best sleep, night after night. and now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed, plus free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. ends cyber monday. shop for a limited time and sleep next level. only at sleep number. >> coming up next is a woman that you know who fights every night with no fear and a heart for god and country. laura ingram. [cheers] [applause] >> hey there, everyone. how are you. what an amazing crowd. and now i know what the beautiful people look like. all of you, absolutely incredible. i feel so blessed to be here and i want to thank everyone who is not on camera who makes fox nation and fox news possible. i thank you and in his first inaugural address, president thomas jefferson had stated that he believes that art government to be the strongest on earth and he said it this way. i believe it's the only one where every man will answer the call of duty and would fly to the standard of the law to do so, to meet the invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. and if you think about it come about as a very good definition of patriotism. we certainly heard a lot of stories tonight. we stand at the ready and as pete said come every generation has a different call. this is not a country of the elites, it is not a country of celebrities, it is a country that belongs to the people. so we must resist everyone and anybody who would do harm. i think too often that we end up leaving that only famous people have it. the ones on social media, television or radio and whatever. but that is not what the constitution says. it doesn't say that at all in fact. it doesn't start off with we the famous people or we the rich or the great people. it states that we the people of the united states are the ones who ordain and establish this constitution. so the u.s. government was founded by king. the constitution doesn't belong to a collection of lawyers and i speak as a recovering lawyer myself, and we are not governed by a panel of philosophers or technocrats. that's not how it works. in america we the people rule. and that has sustained us to this day. so i am very honored to hear so many stories every year and meet so many amazing people that make me feel so humbled. the patriot awards are so important. to take a pause from the political strife come of the cultural strife, we feel it very viscerally in our daily lives. but set aside the jokes at the beginning, this is a time to take a moment and think about how my goodness, the men and women whose blood is spilled not only on our own land but across the globe, because they answered their call of duty. they answered it without fear, and without any recognition. they did it because they understood that if they didn't do it that the country that they loved in the family that they left behind may not be there. so i would say tonight as we take this pause to honor those who have done so much to remind us of the greatness of america when so many want to tear it down, i am honored to be here, i am proud of all of you, you could do anything with your time, i am so blessed to be a part of fox and fox news and a small part of this american experiment and representative democracy that is the greatest on the face of the earth. i thank you tonight. great to see you all tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ..... >> with his powerful voice he's helping us to never forget those who have sacrificed so much. >> guys are doing amazing work. >> our foundation, we know what we do. we take care of first responders and gold star widows whose loved ones died in the line of duty leaving children behind. catastrophic service members. when we build these smart homes, you're a man of faith. >> there is definitely a role for every one of us to contribute in some sort of way. >> we don't hold any grudge with any sports rivalries because of what you guys do. >> i had the good fortune of being able to visit afghanistan and to see the sacrifice that our brave men and women make to provide our freedoms. i don't take that lightly. >> as i got involved i was inundated with calls about how people could help. >> it recognizes all the great hero of those who died on lieu9/11. >> the fact that this has touched every single person. they have to be a part of it. >> the reputation is impeccable. everybody knows where the money is calling. every single dollar. god bless you. >> we need your help to deliver mortgage-free homes to service members. and gold star families with young children. put it in check, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; 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[cheers and applause] >> and i just can't thank my mom and my community back home in northern california so much. i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them so i just really appreciate everyone, and i appreciate the support, and let's make sure we honor veterans every day and not just on the holidays. [cheers and applause] >> what an amazing young man. tyus, can we agree? >> amazing. i think i'll adopt him. >> i'll fight you for it. no, i won't. he gives me a lot of hope about future generations. this is the fifth year that we've had the honor to recognize the great patriots like preston sharp, and like so many of our colleagues here, it is a blessing and an honor each year to do so at the fox nation patriot awards. every year has a different moment, a different highlight and there have been many of those highlights and i stop right here, because she's my favorite. >> let's take a look at some of the highlights over the last five years of the patriot awards. >> welcome to the very first fox nation patriot awards. >> are y'all having a good time tonight? >> it's so great to see all of you. >> i'm telling you, this awards show will be unlike anything you've ever seen. >> this is an awards show that matters. [applause] >> i wouldn't be here without my faith, my family, and my friends. >> i'm honored to receive this service to veterans award. >> the young man we're about to introduce to you is truly extra ordinary. [cheers] ♪ >> when i heard someone would come up to me, it's amazing, you really inspire me. >> grateful recognition of your outstanding performance, i promote you to the rank of staff lieutenant. [cheers] >> i'm glad to see you guys, how warm you guys are treating me. >> this is your family now. >> that's what i would say, you guys are my family. >> too many of the stories of world war ii have not been told. thank you, tyus. >> this morning, we paid off their mortgages. they do not know. give them a round of applause. >> when you talk about a courage award, it's not just the bravery of running on the battlefield to do his job, it's the courage of working through the unknown. >> if i hadn't been wounded i might have been killed the next day by a sniper's bullet but what i've done is moved forward with what i can effect. >> treasure takes various forms in life. we found the treasure in this room tonight. [applause] >> for everybody who is here, everybody that's watching together, we're changing lives so god bless you, and god bless america. [cheers and applause] ♪ [applause] >> thank you all. >> it's been an amazing journey. one that i've been so honored to be a part of for the past five years. how about we do 50 more? [cheers] >> does that sound good? i love that optimistic message of laura ingram. we're going to make it bigger and better thanks to all of you. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at ♪ >> we've still got a few things left to celebrate, everybody. in fact, here's a big one. here to present our next award is the cast of america's number one cable news television show, the five. please welcome judge pirro, jessica, jesse watters, dana perino and joining us, janus d. ♪ >> thanks. we had to call in a meteorologist because this is the fox weather award for courage. >> i'm so happy to be here for fox weather. and, jesse, weather can be volatile and lethal. and what happened on march 24 is something that we have to take a look at. >> a tornado tore through the small town of rolling fork, mississippi. taking the lives of more than two dozen people. >> residents had just seconds to get to safety including those at a packed family restaurant. >> but thanks to the quick thinking of one courageous woman, no one there was injured. [siren] >> this is a fox weather alert. right now dangerous storms tearing across the south. a life-threatening tornado currently on the ground taking aim at several communities. rolling fork, this is knocking on your door. you guys have five minutes. it's crucial that you take shelter immediately. >> we knew we were going to have some storms. we just didn't know it would be this bad. and so we went on about our day an our night as usual. >> it was a typical night. a busy night. ♪ >> at 8:05, i got two messages from my daughter and sister saying get to safety. there is a tornado, and at that moment. the lights flickered. >> i could hear trees snapping and popping. >> i just hollered, cooler. my husband opened the door, when i said cooler and he started shoving us all in. nine of us in all. >> just as he was closing the door, he looked up and the roof was going, and he said i see the sky. >> we were squeezed tight and crying and screaming. >> and then all of a sudden it stops. >> the building was gone. our vehicles were totalled. >> everything that we could see was demolished. >> i didn't think we were going to make it out alive. the only thing left standing was a freezer. it was unbelievable. but i just thank miss tracy for her fast move to get into the cooler. she saved all of our lives. >> she was my guardian angel. ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, our award for the courage recipient, tracy harden. [applause] >> hello. what an honor, courage, i know that night, there was a much higher power holding me steady, allowing me to push through. for that i am grateful. >> i want to accept this award in memory of the 14 lives, 14 friends we lost during the tornado. and in honor of stephen, who was hurt but he had the courage to save all nine of us that cooler when we couldn't get out. our wonderful husband, who got us in safe. for all the people that were in the restaurant with us that night, they screamed courage. i'm here tonight, not for myself, but for my community. we are going forward strong. we're rising. [cheers and applause] >> and i am so proud. one other note. i just got a message that our boys won the state champs [cheers] >> thank you. [applause] ♪ and it breaks my heart. when they were in the military, no one would dare to leave them behind. the tunnel to towers foundation is making another promise. we're committed to eradicating homelessness amongst our veterans. veteran homelessness has become an epidemic. and we believe the problem is larger than currently reported. this number is estimated to be in excess of 50,000 in the united states. we all know the physical injuries that our service members have endured but many also have unseen wounds like ptsd, tbi, and addictions. the solution is giving them a place to call home but beyond that it's the ability to offer them the 4 comprehensive services they need within a community of healing to reclaim their lives. in order to end homelessness amongst our veterans, we've started building these veteran residences like this one in houston, and now we're building them all across america. we're counting onner american to join us on our mission. t2t has already helped more than a thousand families by paying off their mortgages and we've been building mortgage-free homes for our veterans and first responders. this commitment remains. we have a proven track record of helping our heroes and now we're expanding our commission. we made a promise to never leave our first responders of military families behind but now we need your help even more. join us on this mission to lift up these veterans who need a helping hand to provide them with the services they need to rebuild their lives and recapture their dignity. these heroes fought for us and now we're fighting for them. go to to change a veteran's life forever. god bless you. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. >> welcome to "fox news live." anxious moments for the families of those being held in gaza as a planned cease-fire nears. the temporary truce is set to begin in about 2 1/2 hours to be followed in nine hours by the planned release of 13 civilian hostages. a total of 50 captaives are expected to be freed. here at home, retailers mark the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season tomorrow with a above have i of discounts and other entice presidents. the so-called black friday could test the fortitude of our economy. there is concern, increased credit card debt and stubborn inflation will sour this year's holiday cheer. i'm claudia cowan wishing you all a happy thank. now back to the patriot awards. >> as we move on, you saw hits to ride here with my good friend john rich. i've had like three outfit changes by now. is he still finishing parking the car? john? where are you at, man? >> what's up, man? >> john, it took you a while, man. >> i'm right here. ♪ >> fox nation, how are you doing tonight? are y'all feeling good? [applause] >> welcome to music city. it's my great pleasure to have all of you here, a place i've call home for a very long time. nashville, tennessee. it looks like you're having great time, by the way. [applause] >> creating music in this town is a true gift and i love it when new artists make songs that carry deep significance. that is country music. that significance is about the good lord -- when it's about the good lord i especially love it. this artist needs no introduction. he's already a well-known actor and i'm thrilled to be welcoming him back to the stage, my friend and yours, mr. dennis quaid, performing his new gospel song, "fallen." check this out, guys. >> i was fortunate enough to be able to do a gospel record this year. it's called "fallen," a gospel record for sinners because i wanted the largest possible audience i could get. >> number one, me, i'll do the title track from it. it's called "fallen. >> it's from the prodigal son. i hope you like it. ♪ i went for a joyride down the devil's highway ♪ ♪ my internal soul hanging by the thread ♪ ♪ i was determined that the wheel was going my way ♪ ♪ wind up beside the road left for dead ♪ ♪ now i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ feeling so alone sdmoet ♪ all alone dudes go back home ♪ ♪ i was raised on the blood of orange ♪ ♪ taught the difference between wrong and right ♪ ♪ i was my mamma's precious angel ♪ ♪ i was my daddy's little man all right ♪ ♪ i had everything i needed to make something with my life ♪ ♪ but bad things happen to good people ♪ ♪ when you're riding with the devil along a foggy night ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ feeling so ashamed ♪ ♪ all i wanna do is go back home ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wish i had been more careful about what i wished for ♪ ♪ wished i had been more careful about the company i kept ♪ ♪ i wish i hadn't taken taken my daddy's money ♪ ♪ i wish i wasn't in devil's gate ♪ ♪ he came like a friendly stranger ♪ ♪ offering whiskey, women, glory and drugs ♪ ♪ i stood high up on top of that mountain ♪ ♪ not realizing the hole i had dug ♪ ♪ now i'm fallen ♪ ♪ fallen ♪ ♪ fallen out, help me jesus ♪ ♪ all i want to do is go back home ♪ ♪ yes, i'm fallen ♪ ♪ fallen ♪ ♪ i'm fallen ♪ ♪ i'm a prodigal son ♪ ♪ all i want to do is go back home ♪ ♪ go back home ♪ ♪ go back home ♪ >> thank you, sweet people. thank you. >> been, 1773, one of the most daring and controversial events about to take place. this is the spark that lifted the torch of liberty. >> in two months, when that team is on the docks, the british will have their boots firmly planted. >> this is bigger than us. this is bigger than boston. >> is anyone willing to take a stand for liberty? >> their defiance galvanized the rebellion, and their story is now the stuff of legend. >> enjoy your freedom while it lasts. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. another excuse, i mean, reason for my family to crave a little pizza time. well, i've got one. my cuisinart indoor pizza oven, ready to bake up some bubbly, cheesy, savory sauciness with that perfect artisan crispy crust in about five minutes. it's great for snack time, dinner time, game time. me time. anytime. it's always time for home baked pizza. (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, >> when the rapture occurs the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange mind boggling and unbelievable footage that goes viral across the globe. >> then who alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air. >> when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant. but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe, but incredible, joyous joy in the skies. >> capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in the great disappearance. in 31 short easy to read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. the great disappearance by david jeremiah is available wherever books are sold. let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. our black friday deal is here. kardiamobile is now just $69, the lowest price ever. get it for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. ♪ >> our next speaker puts the prime in primetime. do it with me here. he may be watters, but tonight this is "our world." please welcome back to the stage, jesse watters. ♪ >> i love you. what i want to do tonight, and we'll see if you can follow directions, i want to call people out, and i want when i call you out to stand up so we can recognize you and give you a round of applause but i want you to stay standing, so you stay standing and i'll call another group out, and then we'll give them a round of applause, and then we'll all still stand. do you guy understand? do you guys understand? >> all right. so please stand up, if you've served the country in the u.s. mili military. >> thank you. thank you. [applause] >> please stand up if you've served your community in law enforcement. please stand up if you've served our children in schools. [cheers and applause] >> please stand up if you've served clients in business. >> there we go. pl [applause] >> please stand up if you've served viewers on television. even you, raymond. and please stand up if you've served a family, as a son, daughter, mother, father, uncle, cousin. everybody stand up. you guys are all patriots. i love you. god bless you. god bless america, and always remember, i'm watters and this is "your world." ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org why choose a sleep number smart bed? because no two people sleep the same. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number settings. it's so smart, it actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side for your ideal sleep temperature, and effortlessly responds to both of you. for your best sleep, night after night. and now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed, plus free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. ends cyber monday. shop for a limited time and sleep next level. only at sleep number. >> up next, they normally help you kick start your morning, but tonight they are up way past their bed times and i did that on purpose. i just wanted to make them feel a little bit of pain. please welcome fox and friends co-hosts, steve ducey, angela earhart, brian kilmeade and lawrence jones. [applause] >> thank you very much, pete. we've seen a lot of award recipients tonight. >> this is hallowed ground. i feel guilty standing here. i'm no carrie underwood. we're so grateful for the americans who act to brave and so courageous when called. these are our first responders who are called to be both on a daily basis. >> i'll take it from here. we want to take a moment to show you what that day can look like with events just from this year. ♪ >> we have an active shooter. get here now. [sirens] >> for people were killed this morning at a shooting at bank in louisvilleville, kentucky. >> officers got on the scene in just three minutes. [shots] >> day of shopping turns to tragedy at an outlet mall in allen, texas. >> mass shooter. >> got him. [shooting] >> active shooter at a wal-mart store in evansville, indy, has been shot and killed. >> get down. get out. >> body camera in georgia showing a woman trapped in a car. >> they are coming. >> three frankfurt police officers saved a family including a baby from their burning home. >> a lot of times we don't know what we're going to. we just know we have to do something. [siren] >> drop the gun. >> drag him. drag him. >> you're worth it. >> this is exactly why i joined the force was to help people. that's what we signed up to do. >> come on. come on. >> it is not something that comes easily, for people to react by staying there and going back inside the scene. keeping themselves in danger. that's super human. [cheers and applause] >> so the dedication and sacrifice deserve our recognition and our deepest gratitude. >> indeed, lawrence. nobody takes care of our first responders better than tunnel to towers. [cheers and applause] >> so we have teamed up. we've teamed up with tunnels to towers for a very, very special award. >> so please welcome our good friend, frank and stephen jr. to tell us more about it. [applause] >> tonight, we stand united under a banner of resilience and heroism and unwavering dedication to our fellow man. we gather here to honor not just individuals, but the unbreakable american spirit that resides within them. i'm frank, chairman and ceo of the tunnel-to-towers foundation. [cheers] >> but more importantly, i'm the proud uncle of my nephew, stephen jr., right here. [applause] >> named after my brother, a true hero, whose legacy we celebrate. my brother's heroic acts on the tragic events of 9/11. it epitomizes a commitment to duty and love for humanity. etching his story into the hearts of our nation. he ran with 60 pounds of gear on his back through the brooklyn battery tunnel toward danger. toward the unknown to save lives. that same spirit of courage and selflessness flows in the veins of all our heroes, and most certainly my brother, fdny firefighter, stephen, for whom this award is being named. [cheers and applause] >> this year in nashville they faced an unthinkable tragedy when a gunman entered the school. >> tonight we honor the six lives lost including three adults and three children. >> it took just minutes to get into the school and take down the shooter. watch. [siren] >> 911, what is the address of your emergency? >> 33 burton -- boulevard. >> like every other officer on the department, we took off running out of the office. >> we have units on the way an they have already been dispatched. >> we began to form operational plans outside. >> i had personnel with me. >> we have two kids, we don't know where they are. >> okay? >> yes, ma'am. >> we saw shell casings on the ground. bullet holes on the door. >> let's go. [siren] >> metro police. >> when we went through that door, not knowing what was walking into, started cleaning rooms as fast as possible, trying to find where the shooter was. ♪ >> we were upstairs in the hallway. in the art room. >> art room. >> they are coming. >> they are coming. >> just try to stay quiet. >> once you start hearing the first shots that's when everything kicked into overdrive for us. >> kept walking toward the sound of gunfire. >> upstairs. sounds like it's upstairs. >> go. go. [gunshots] >> move! move! stop moving! suspect down! suspect down! [siren] ♪ >> breaking tonight, three 9-year-old children and three adults murdered this morning at a church-run school in nashville. >> police were quick to arrive on the scene as police immediately ran toward the sound of gunfire. preventing an even larger tragedy. >> they formed together, they did what they were trained to do. they went right in. knowing that every second, every moment wasted could cost lives. >> they just wanted to save kids. pl [applause] >> tonight, tonight we're here, not to dwell on tragedy, but to honor the men and women who turn towards danger to safeguard others embodying the spirit of my father, spirit, and the soul of the tunnel-to-towers foundation. please welcome the recipients of the first ever in honor of my father, tunnel-to-towers, stephen siller, patriot award. >> we would like to introduce you to defective pelozzo, sergeant mathis and detective ryan -- [cheers and applause] >> thank you. appreciate it. >> so the detective and officer could not be here tonight but we'll make sure they get their patriot award so i've got to ask you the question on the mind of every american, why did you decide to go in on that day? >> that decision, it wasn't a decision. it was what was going to happen. pl [applause] >> we often, and i've been thinking about what the word "patriot" means since i found out about this. the only thing -- i can't think of a definition but i can think of people from times all the way across our history as a nation. for instance, hour moore, he led on the battlefield. you have montras, leaders eat last. they say good, let's go. but some of our personal montras, we put others first. that's our biggest thing. there are patriots, i'll accept this for, but patriots like our friend and detective on our team, eric wagner. he ran outside and was the stimulus of getting -- he got shot at, and that's when we found the work we needed to do. being a patriot is going for others, respecting each other. respecting your country. and most importantly putting your god first. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> i love what that detective said. it wasn't even a decision. we had to. that's the spirit. they had to. generations before had to. and we all have to. that's the spirit of what we can do together. ♪ >> as i got involved i was inundated with calls about how people could help and contribute. >> it represents all the great heroes that died on 9/11 and we're always going to hold it to the highest standards of any foundation in america. >> i couldn't find a more worthy cause the fact this is something that's literally touched and affected every single person, they just have to be a part of it. >> and their reputation beyond impeccable. everybody knows where the money is going. every single dollar. god bless you. >> we need your help to deliver mortgage-free homes to catastrophically injured service members, gold stars and fallen first responders' families. please contribute $11 per month to support their efforts. and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. the holidays wouldn't be worth celebrating without my family. ♪ [applause] >> so fox nation, what an incredible night it's been right here in nashville. [cheers and applause] >> it's another fantastic year in the books and how about we just make it a date and do it again here next year. [cheers and applause] >> i don't have that much power but i'll try. >> we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our presenters and recipients and we want to say thank you to everyone here in attendance who came in person and who are watching at home on fox nation. we also want to thank our sponsors whose support made this evening possible. tunnel-to-towers, healthcare ministries and bass pro shops. [cheers and applause] >> it's been an absolute honor, i'm humbled to be your host tonight. so from all of us at fox nation and fox news, here in nashville, god bless and good night. [cheers and applause] ♪ * ♪

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Applause , Job , Ground , Race , Point , Country , World , Going My Way , Things , Nation , Family Thinking , Special Edition , Ingraham Angle , It S America Now And Forever , Jesse Watters , Ladies And Gentlemen , Is Nashville , Man , Wel Welcome , It , Something , Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Hands , Country Accent , Accent , New York City , Fox Nation , One More Time , Go 2 , One , Men , Women , Wall , Downtown Nashville , 2 , More , Patriots , Best , Performances , Brightest , Dennis Quaid , Craig Morgan , Sean Hannity , Laura Ingram , Host , Welcome To Nashville , Cheers , Everybody , Everyone , Evening , Crowd , Beautiful Patriots , Broadway , Laughter , Fifth Annual Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Cadillac , Lord , Grand Old Opry House , 2023 , People , Many , Colleagues , Front , Tennessee , Heroes , Awards , Stage , U S , Five , Wood , Thinking , Night , Symbol , Anyone , Patriot , Florida , 76 , Thanks , Wood Shop , Tony Tonight , Two , 15 , Patriotism , Opry Circle , Theme , Others , Inspire , Activism , Circle , Legend , 1974 , Boots , Company , Beat Nashville , Dust , Hank Williams , Times , God , We The People , Republic , Charge , Keeping , Benjamin Franklin , Truth , All Of Us , Basics , Freedom , David Jeremiah , Blessed , The Basics , 33rd Psalm , 33 , Experiment , Beginning , Outset , Declaration , Truths , George Washington , Valley Forge , On Bended Knee , Rights , Words , Creator , Family , Question , Grandkids , Kind , America Without Freedom , Imac , Men And Women , Known And Unknown , Line , Selfless Everyday Americans , Service , Spotlight , Recognition , Patriot Award , Mama Bear , Cannot , Spitfire , Michael Jordan , Hope Container , Anyone Else , Rachel Campos Duffy , Sean Duffy , Pete , Parents , Nine , Children , Kids , Education , Confidence , Learning , Moms , Mothers , Hope , Liberty Refounded , Organization , Mission , Beacon , Classroom , Transparency , Schools , Terrorists , Take A Look , Movement , Side , Media , History , Reality , Group , Extremist , Uncles , Grandparents , Nonprofit Grassroots Organization , Citizens , Aunts , Saw , Change , Curtain , School District , School Board , It Moms , Experience , Dads , Calling , Chapters , States , 100 , 47 , 30000 , Members , Wildfire , Breeding Ground , Indoctrination Camps , Hatred , Work , Estate , Heart , Doing , Color , Issue , Survival , Fighting , Life , Privilege , Liberty , Boy , Ladies , Founders , Mvp , Behalf , Levels , 300 , Three , 48 , School , Each Other , Government , Faces , Future , Hate , Type , Smile , Check , Warriors , Families , Thing , Upbringing , Risk , Sand , Couch , Run , Joey Jones , Freedom Fighters , Everything , Mother , Up Next , Body Slams , Windows Comedy , Both , Crime , Guest , Tyrus , Award , Officer , Shift , Cops , Videos , Struggles , Stories , Recipient , Author , Book , Real Life , Collection , Police Officers , Uniform , Police , Vest , Danger , James Patterson , Bestsellers List , Nobody , The New York Times , Books , List , Lot , Appearances , Networks , Information , Patt Patterson , God Bless America , Jacket , Dolly Parton , Grand Old Opry , A Million , Story , Officers , Writing , Part , Help , Call , Car Stops , Matter Of Life And Death , Care , Woman , Patrolman , Streets , Los Angeles , Freezing Rain , 3 , 00 , Go Blue , Moderate , Skin , Skyrizi , Nothing , Music , Plaque Psoriasis , Study , Starter Doses , 5 , 90 , 4 , Infections , Doctor , Ability , Reactions , Plan , Infection , Symptoms , Vaccine , Psoriasis , Guy , Pops , Ugh , 1 , Son , Face , Shave , Gillettelabs , Razor , On Yuh Face , Shaving Experience , Dad , Process , Hairs , Green Bar , Gillette Labs , Gillette , Ya , Little Somethin , It Ain T My Dad , Gamechanga , Generation , Flexdisc , Shaving , Contours , Texts , Lookin , Bout Hookin , Bettuh , Sfx , Cards Shuffling , Safe , Weathertech , Floorliners , Child , Holiday , Messes , Vehicle , Car Seat Protector , Seats , Sink , Laser , Sinkmat , Friends , Holidays , Gift Card , Pet Feeding System , Eastern Time , Preparations , Acease Fire , Hamas , Israel , Hostages , Names , Breakthrough , Palestinians , Relief , Gaza , Bombardment , 2 Million , Protesters , Festivities , Arrests , Radio , Fox News , The One And Only , Rockstar , Asheville , Production , Memory , Income , Dance , Garth Brooks , Earth , Devil , Georgia , Charlie Daniels , Goal , Soul , Fiddle Player , Bet , Name , Johnny , Song , Back , Beat , Fiddle , Head , Feet , Fox News Night , Flag , Taxes , America Great , God Bless You , I Love You , Great Americans , To H , Freedoms , Dedication , Salute Discount , Dna , Chance , Difference , Ink Business , Commitment , Bass Pro Shops , Adventure , Discount , Premier , Cabela S , Cash , Purchases , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Borders , Products , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , Who , Sam , 5000 , 02 5 , 000 , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , Rapture , Concern , Globe , Strange , Video Footage , Mind Boggling , Billions , Planet , Instant , Clouds , Twinkling , Eye , Christ , In The Air , Disappearance , Chaos , Glimpse , Incredible , Announcer , Glorious Joy In The Skies , 31 , Event , Questions , Dr , Calendar , The Great Disappearance , Shop , College , Retirement , Advisor , Hard Work , Vanguard , Ones , Legacy , Teeth Sensitivity , Owner , Ownership , Investor , Value , Nerve , Somebody , Sensodyne Toothpaste , Tooth , Poking , Doc , Sensodyne , Patients , Addition , Mission Family , Marine Corps Tech Technician , Individual , D Day , 60 Million , 80 , World War Ii , 120000 , Testament , 99 , Sacrifice , Number , Artillery Unit , Valor , Armies , United Nations , Appearance , Invasion , Soils , Western Europe , Member , 128th Armory Artillery , 128 , Hand , Units , Grandfathers , Guys , Advantage , Way , Living , Honor , Sir , Yes , Two Fox Nation , Awards Committee , Teary Eyed , To Cry , Veterans , Left , Figure , 125000 , 125 , The Last One , War , Wife , 71 , You , Age , 6 5 , Iraq , Rest , Sergeant , Golo , 60 , Diet , Weight , Guitar Music , Insanity , Try Golo , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Sleep , Firmness , Beds , Comfort , Settings , Sleep Temperature , Night After , 13 , Home , Bed , Level , Base , Ends Cyber Monday , 50 , Fear , All Of You , Beautiful People , Camera , Address , Thomas Jefferson , Art Government , Call Of Duty , Strongest , Order , Standard , Law , Invasions , Definition , Celebrities , Elites , Harm , Anybody , It Doesn T , Constitution , Social Media , Television , Whatever , Fact , Constitution Doesn T , King , Lawyer , Lawyers , Ordain , Technocrats , Panel , Philosophers , Lives , Pause , Strife , Blood , Goodness , Jokes , Land , Anything , Greatness , Want , Greatest , American , Democracy , Responders , Foundation , Voice , Widows , Gold Star , Loved Ones , Homes , Duty , Service Members , Faith , One Of Us , Role , Fortune , Sort , Grudge , Sports Rivalries , Calls , Afghanistan , Person , Hero , Lieu9 , 11 , Money , Reputation , Impeccable , Dollar , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Results , Pill , Uc , Rinvoq , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Fatal , Tb , Stroke , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Death , Risks , Don T , Stomach , Intestines , Heart Attack , Tears , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Priority , Health Care , Community , Network Restrictions , Health Care Ministries , Provider , Expenses , Anytime Enrollment , Convenience , Christian , 40 , Mind , Peace , Chm , Dot Org , Daughter , Fox Family , Vietnam Veteran , Friend , Fox And Friends Weekend Co Host , Looks , Fab , Harris Faulkner , Will Cade , Hi , Flags , Flowers , Graves , California , 10 , Preston Sharp , My Name , Mom , George Shortstop , Grandfather , Cemetery On Veterans Day , Gravesite , Navy , 2015 , Cemetery , Weren T Being Honored , We Wouldn T , It Weren T , Preston , Place , Redding , Gravesites , Carnations , My 50th State , 17 , Veteran , Problem , Congratulations , Awareness , Award Isn T , Support , It Wasn T , Northern California , Generations , , Amazing , Tyus , Blessing , Highlights , Some , Look , The Patriot Awards , Highlight , Favorite , Show , Matters , Someone , Performance , Staff Lieutenant , Rank , Mortgages , Courage Award , Courage , Battlefield , I Hadn T , Bullet , Running , Unknown , Bravery , Sniper , Treasure , Room , Eforms , Message , Journey , Wasn T A Decision , Entrepreneurs , Cost , Four , Chm Story , Decisions , Bills , Worry , Blair , Price , Chministries Org Enroll , Big One , Cast , Cable News Television Show , Number One , Pirro , Jessica , Dana Perino , Janus D Thanks , Fox Weather Award , Meteorologist , Weather , March 24 , 24 , Tornado , Safety , Town , Family Restaurant , Residents , Mississippi , Rolling Fork , Siren , No One , Fox Weather Alert , Door , Storms , Communities , South , Aim , Shelter , Bad , Sister , Messages , 8 , 05 , Cooler , Trees , Popping , Lights Flickered , Husband , Roof , All In , It Stops , Sky , Screaming , Building , Vehicles , Standing , Miss , Freezer , Guardian Angel , Courage Recipient , Tracy Harden , Power , Honor Of Stephen , 14 , Couldn T Get Out , Restaurant , Champs , Boys , Note , Military , Homelessness , Promise , Epidemic , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Injuries , Addictions , Excess , Ptsd , Wounds , Tbi , 50000 , Services , Healing , Solution , Residences , Onner American , Houston , T2t , Commitment Remains , A Thousand , Commission , Track Record , Helping Hand , Dignity , Pulmonary Embolism , Gene , 23andme , 23 , Cease Fire , Truce , Fox News Live , 2 1 , Release , Total , Retailers , Black Friday , Presidents , Start , Discounts , Fortitude , Season , Above , Economy , Credit Card Debt , Inflation , Thank , Holiday Cheer , Claudia Cowan , John Rich , Parking , Outfit , Hits , Car , Pleasure , Music City , Gift , Artists , Songs , Artist , Significance , Country Music , Factor , Introduction , Fallen , Mr , Performing His New Gospel Song , Gospel Record , Audience , Sinners , Title Track , Prodigal Son , Joyride Down The Devil S Highway My Internal Soul Hanging , Wheel , Thread , Feeling , Road , Mamma , Dudes , Orange , Daddy , Angel , Little Man , Riding , Glory , Stranger Offering Whiskey , Wasn T In Devil S Gate , Whole , Top , Mountain , Drugs , Help Me Jesus , Events , Spark , Torch , 1773 , Team , Docks , Boston , British , Stand , Defiance , Rebellion , Stuff Of Legend , Brand , Porcupine , Pinching , Loo Colace , Stools , Trust Colace , Stimulants , Reason , Excuse , Savory Sauciness , Me Time , Bubbly , Crust , My Cuisinart , Cheesy , Pizza , Footage , Joyous Joy In The Skies , Ekg , Pads , Fingers , Anywhere , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Kardiamobile , 30 , Loved One , Deal , Kardia Com , Amazon , 9 , 69 , Speaker , Primetime , Prime , Watters , Directions , Group Out , Stand Up , Mili , Law Enforcement , Business , Clients , Viewers , Pl , Uncle , Raymond , Cousin , Chm Dot Org , Bed Times , Morning , Fox And Friends Co Hosts , Purpose , Bit , Pain , Lawrence Jones , Angela Earhart , Steve Ducey , Brian Kilmeade , The Americans Who Act To Brave , Carrie Underwood , Shooter , Basis , Tragedy , Shooting , Scene , Shopping , Sirens , Shots , Bank , Outlet Mall , Louisvilleville , Kentucky , Got Him , Allen , Texas , Evansville , Indy , Wal Mart , Body Camera , Baby , Frankfurt , Force , Come On , Gun , Drag Him , Human , Gratitude , Towers , Tunnels , Lawrence , Frank , Stephen Siller , Individuals , Heroism , Resilience , Banner , Chairman , Ceo , American Spirit , My Nephew , Fdny Firefighter , A True Hero , Hearts , Humanity , Love , Etching , My Brother S Heroic Acts , 9 11 , Spirit , Selflessness , Brooklyn Battery Tunnel , Veins , Gunman , Six , Adults , Watch , Emergency , 911 , Office , Department , Plans , Personnel , Bullet Holes , We Saw , Ma Am , Shell Casings , Let S Go , Cleaning Rooms , Upstairs , Hallway , Art Room , Sound , Gunfire , Walking , Overdrive , Gunshots , Second , Father , Recipients , Defective Pelozzo , Mathis , Detective Ryan , Detective , Word , Montras , Instance , Hour Moore , Leaders , Eric Wagner , Stimulus , In America , Worthy , Standards , Stars , Direction , Efforts , Test , Wouldn T Be Worth , Kenzie , Presenters , Home On Fox Nation , Attendance , Sponsors , Healthcare Ministries , All Of Us At Fox Nation ,

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