Trump making remarks at his momentous butler, pennsylvania return. Lets keep listening in. Hes doing very well this the polls it is hard to beat somebody thats been there a long time but hes been there a long time and he did nothing. He did nothing and his name is David Mccormick hes greats i hope hes going to be your next senator. [applause] and i see somebody else i didnt know was here. Mike kelly i see mike kelly. [applause] stand up. Oh boy am i lucky am i lucky i spotted him if i didnt spot you mike i was in big trouble. Right . This is a man who is beloved in this state and hes fantastic so thank you, thank you. We also have some terrific people from Law Enforcement Butler County Sheriff Mike Sloop thank you mike great job. Thank you mike for your help too i could tell you thank you for your help. I can say that. Thank you very much. Butler, Commissioner Leslie Oche great job. Rnc chairman Michael Watley hes doing a great job hes doing great came from North Carolina we won North
Trump making remarks at his momentous butler, pennsylvania return. Lets keep listening in. Hes doing very well this the polls it is hard to beat somebody thats been there a long time but hes been there a long time and he did nothing. He did nothing and his name is David Mccormick hes greats i hope hes going to be your next senator. [applause] and i see somebody else i didnt know was here. Mike kelly i see mike kelly. [applause] stand up. Oh boy am i lucky am i lucky i spotted him if i didnt spot you mike i was in big trouble. Right . This is a man who is beloved in this state and hes fantastic so thank you, thank you. We also have some terrific people from Law Enforcement Butler County Sheriff Mike Sloop thank you mike great job. Thank you mike for your help too i could tell you thank you for your help. I can say that. Thank you very much. Butler, Commissioner Leslie Oche great job. Rnc chairman Michael Watley hes doing a great job hes doing great came from North Carolina we won North
Whroong my friends president trump making remarks at his momentous butler, pennsylvania return. Let s keep listening in. He s doing very well this the polls it is hard to beat somebody that s been there a long time but he s been there a long time and he did nothing. He did nothing and his name is david mccormick he s greats i hope he s going to be your next senator. [applause] and i see somebody else i didn t know was here. Mike kelly i see mike kelly. [applause] stand up. Oh boy am i lucky am i lucky i spotted him if i didn t spot you mike i was in big trouble. Right? this is a man who is beloved in this state and he s fantastic so thank you, thank you. We also have some terrific people from law enforcement butler county sheriff mike sloop thank you mike great job. Thank you mike for your help too i could tell you thank you for your help. I can say that. Thank you very much. Butler, commissioner leslie oche great job. Rnc chairman michael watley he s doing a great job he s doing great
Bradburn, traces the president s military career from french and indian war, through the American Revolution. Here we are again. Welcome back to mt. Vernon. My name is doug bradburn. Im the president and ceo of George Washingtons mt. Vernon. And its been my delight to have these opportunities to talk about the story of George Washington. Last wednesday we were in our museum, this is what we call our Education Center here at mt. Vernon. It focuses on the life of George Washington. Really, a grand sense of his biography and why he matters and how he impacted the age that he lived in and why his legacy Still Matters to us today. Last time we were looking at his youth, a youth that youll remember we said is oftentimes enwrapped in romance. Its wrapped in myth. Its hard to get at because its the period where its least documented. But it really is an interesting period to understand George Washington in the context of the 18th century. Of course, hes most known to americans and perhaps to fo
And Andrea Mitchell from msnbc and nbc news is my pleasure to welcome you just might anniversary of the National Book festival presented by the library of congress we are thrilled to have our authors David Rubenstein has authored a new book how to read and it is an extra ordinary conversation the leadership that makes people believers very special people David Rubenstein domestic policy advisor private equity firm and history buff and the philanthropist you saved the great panda and brought the magna carta to the archives is willing having a very Popular Television interview show. I didnt feel i was good as a leader so in the book i really went out to the most famous people that i could those in the business or culture or the arts or sports that is a summary of what they told me of what it takes to be a leader. And to get more specific tell me where you found and that connective thread among them . Persistence is number one. Nobody has ideas that are so brilliant they say yes that is g