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gutfeld have air. happy monday. control yourself. put your pants back on. >> so let's talk about january six. i know, i know. but was it really as our mainstream contends, 911 and pearl harbor rolled into one.r well, thanks to the new house speaker, mike johnson, video from inside the capitol building was just releasednsid almost three years later, showing what mane y who attendee the protests have been contending all along that not only were the capitol doors more open than hunters knows on a saturday night, but in a many cases, the capitol policeet escorted the protesters in like ushers at a wedding or stoodin k by objecting. now, let's be clear. no one's defending the chaoss o on the capitol, so spare meto the gutfeld supports insurrection, tweets from substitute teachers in brooklyn still traumatized by trump, slappingd s hillary into retirement. t riot >> i may not support riots, but i do support the truth and have the right to hear the whole story, especially when many of the protester y ess were veterans and average citizens who just wanted their voices heardaverag and hav been prosecuted like they were hamas. actually, worse than ifus they were hamas because no one's defending the jan six sixers on campus efending. just look at who was selectedle for the so-called so. u coul-called you couldn't get a worse roster if you combined cnn's lineupdn, the cast of saved by the belofl usually to get that kind of kangaroo court, you'd have to hop on a flight tkangarooav . that's an australian airline. >> yeah.. yeah. there you go. wh clear that any video that didn't fit the committee's narrative was ditched like one of joe biden's grandkids. >> so exactly. was on thi s so-calle d so-calle bipartisan select committee. well, on the democrat sided bip well, it doesn't matter. the faces change, but the bu step remainse, but the the same. one of them is house dem jamie raskin, who's already complaining about the released footage ras kie beyond the partn nature of it. >> it's thd e truly a security risk, what they're doing. the reason the capitol police have opposed releasing tens of thousands of hours from every house office building, everevery hoy senate office bui, every part of the capitol is because it's like giving a diagram to future insurrection listsurrect and terrorists and anybody tee our body. and anybody >> i think he's fully i wonder if he knows you could take a tour and see most of the capitol if you wanke a tout to. and most committee hearings are open to the public . givi but the chances of the demsngat giving conservative protesters and veteransivrs a fair shake are roughly equivalent to jesse watters giving his hairstylist the day off and any committee formed to uncover truth that includes adam is likeik making ted bundy, the head of visiting angels. >> that would be a bad choice. b >> the committee claimed to be bipartisan because it included liz cheney and adam kinzinger. >> and i'lz l it was good to hae women represented from the republican side. but did we to oh, sexist would twt did we to oh, sexist would kinzinger cried more times during those hearings thans a cardassian at an onion eating contest in the puddles below adam's desk were so large, the hearings should have hadgua a lifeguard on duty. but kinzinger got what he wantedon dot w, of course, a job kissing up to dems over at cnn. cnn grownly whems over at cnn. men cry, especially when the ratings come in. hey adam maybe shoot a bit higher next time i hear media matters needs a janito r. re i needs a janito >> then there's liz cheney, who reportedly still has who political aspirations. >> she just needs to bump her likability numbers jus up a bit. right now, she ranks just above jerry sandusky and just below isis. >> so, liz, let's review some of the great work from greatj. eo oreat work from >> here's new video of matthew perna, a man who had no criminalf record whatsoever walking calmly into the capitol that day. d now, i don't know what happened diw, i don't know what happened the are not concerned or even directing the protesters to leave. g the protperna was initially cs with trespass, a charge he reportedlpass.chargey acceptc but when the department of justice decided to add a terrorism enhancement, it wase more than he could take. matthew perna took his own lif life. >> here's another new video of police. videoe releasingt se a protester. >> you don't see too many terrorists. that fist bump de too t fisto. a except for hamas.ft they do that after they kill innocent children and they'rheye still the toast of the ivy league. so matthew perna gets it. terroriso m, which adds yearse,w to a sentence while the antifa thugs who destroyed a police station in seattle attacked a federal courthouse and shut downseattl while pretending to care about the palestinians. >> they don't even investigate . >> you can even attack democratic national headquarters as long as you're anti-trump you can ev. >> meanwhile, literally hundreds of january six protesters are looking decades in jail. and it's trump that this select committee referred forrer prosecution for mean tweeting. >> nowtion for, one of the firso you know, you're on to something is when the legacy tha starts to sing in unison,so like the beach boys on auto-tune. >> here are just a few since headlines since the full videos came out. notice the repetition. conspiracy theories, disinformationetition. and nevew republican. it's always far right. that'sayrigh how know we're over the target. eft theget. to the left these days were the terrorists. and hamas is the political partse amasy. now, let me say it againain so to even the halfwits on the view. get it? i don't suppor et. attacking the capitol building. i've seen thos thee same three january 6 videos. >> the committee in the mainstream media wanted us to see over and over a thousand com times. and it's cut together so well. it was umittee up an oscar in te category of best editing. but i've also seen a few other things from the same sources. like crossfire, hurricane, conspiracy. thanks to two other cnn contributorso othe, peter strzok and andrew mccabe, you won't find two bigger at an adult toy store. >> by the way, you can't sayt a medical term, but. >> and of course, there wasof t the dismissal of the laptop from as russianheto propaganda and there's the four criminal cases against trump thatr cas wouldn't have been brought against any other living soul or even a dead one like nancy pelosi. t >> and yes, these new january 6 six videos that contradict commi everything the select committee told us. sadly, it's totto for matthew i' perna, but maybe it's not too lae some otherr pet's not too people from the capitol that day need to be investigatedpitol . and i'm not talking about protesters. let's just say a certainrs. select group. and if the republicans have a big day next november, it could be all over. >> but the crying world said,us] i guess ironically, he moved. from dc to a fartom to deal t with less. fox newso de contributor charlie herd looks charm, intelligence ,all things. she's complimented me for having most of the hoop. emily oster. a he's got the voice of an angel of that angel marvel reds. for 30 years, comedian jim florentine. and finally, she has a full time intern just to clean her glasses. oh, stop. kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedasses.y. all right, charlie. >> it's not just a farm, by the way. it's such. ai'm literally right acrossacrs the street from a dairy. and do you know how much cow gets created by a dairy? no. amazing. dairy? it's lot.stil >> oh. but i still roll the window down when i get close becaus e it smells so mucith better thant d.c.. >> no, that just sayer s as you say. that just means that the inside of your car smells reall iy badu >> but. and it's also less than you get on the street around new york. >> that is true. and there's no cattle here. >>o. here's no cattle here. yeah, no. very bad. what do you make of this latest release videos? what d of thisare you surprised? >> did you learn anything? well, yeah. i meanare learn , at first i thoughto up that the reason democrats were so upset about the the video being released toi thoughtsed they were just trying to like trying to, you know, because trying to, you know, because this is notht a political issue that's going to work in in i in an election. and so i thought maybe they were trying to like trying this were trying to like trying something secret about all this stuff. >> but now, i think when you look at th whee video, miled and miles of video, where people are noteo anything and ta biggest lie is what you pointed out. t nobody supported this. >> there's not a single person w at fox or in any sort of andl ri i hang out with some real right wingers. >>t wingers. i'm a real like evt you don't get more right-wing than my da wthan md. dad is like, this is disgusting. this is terrible. we should be nobod y but theybe nobod have no hiding in argentina. >> so that's so. so they so they have to builde this lieto that there are all these people who are, like, supporting this stuff. >> and then. supportithis stubut it turns ouy what it is, it's a bunch of old grandmasa and, you know,e up people that were are upset about their country and upset about their governmentseeiuntryo and think that the election was was stolen. >> yeah. i means stolen, emily, that wasn attempted coup. that's like the most polite attempted i've ever seen. imagine, though, like if forre , though, like if i think there were four people from january among the protesters that committed suicidour f e if that were the blm, hama that were the blm, pro-palestinian hamas people that had committed suicidple the would be monuments everywhere. >> instead, we don't even know their names now. >> they're freedom fighters, greg. the proble m america is preaching, we are serving justice by trying these people who apparently were veryrategi peaceful, but they strategically did not show us that parca t of the media., yo and instead, right now, you mentioned blm. me down businesses to the ground. they robbed chanel and guccigrod in the name of black lives. we have pro-hama.d chens groups that are barricading the borders of the white house that are throwink g they're putting free gaza on police cars, shadowing, shattering windows and vandalizing and killing in l.a. and i haven't heard any outrage. they put a coffee on benjamin franklin's head. they've ripped down statues. and it's true, though, they've ripped down american flags all over manhattan. where' icans the outrage. where is the justice now, a america? how come we are very selectivenh on something that happened three years ago when right now they're destroying our own countrine but righy as we speak. no outrage there. yeah speak.. b >> yeah. when i saw ben franklin with a that. saw ben franklin with a >> fidel, go. fidel castro. fidel >> yeah. c you know, jim, i'm going to read you a question that wass written. written by one of my writers. okay, jim, what dotr rea you thk is a worse event january 6 or one of your standup shows? e of sure. that was my agent that is this just another cover up? >> it is and it's also that's a lot of footage to be putting out there. th40000 hours.. yeah. you know, at least canat you break it up in like a ten0 part netflix series? it's likparte a watch it slowly know and i mean, that's going to be a lot of boring stuff. yeah. , 0040000 hours., >> that is it. but you point out, though, kind of an interesting differencepu that the democrats know how to put on a show they like. they it put all ty like. it together and knew everybody was going to watch it. all the networks are going to tak ld take it. >> and then what we do is wee just release all of it and it just like kind of like, yeah, that's like tarantino's our director. he let it go 40 miles an hour, like his movies, you know, but they should at least put like a bloopers reel out, like someone that made a mistake and went to the lincoln memorial and instead, you know,o much. >> and maybe they made themselves like, this is stop stuff like that. mae a, coolcool. soundtrack behind a 40000 hours, like some cool music. hours, like some cool music. have like, i don't knowso you know somebody narrated that be cool. >> yeah like who should be youal actually with your voice i would dolyr yeah. >> morgan freeman yes. >> morgan freeman yes. if he's doing voice overs or hollywood, i go intovo morgan freeman dies. i got no shot. yeah, everything. i'g. ow arething. >> you're just waiting so patiently. kennedy, how are you? hi. >>yeah. does this infuriate you? it kind of bugs me becauseit kic i knowause that there's nothing, that can be done. >> and there are people. we actually have political prisoner a havs in ama right now, and we go on with our lives. >> yeah, we have s in russia. and people go on with their lives as journalists. journaliand no one seems to car. but yeah, to emily's point, like all this stuff is happening here, yet we reserve words like insurrection for a group of people that we're politically opposed to, and that's how, you know,hyp a hyper politicized process is actually dangerous for everya because you are creating a climate where you could be imprisoneteoud essentiallys, without due process because someone doesn't like your idea s . but what they never consider is, well, what happens if the pendulum swing if e pes. and the people i hate are in charge and now they don't like my ideas. n well, guess what? they can throw you in prison just as easily. prisonjust aand it will happen country because our sense of justice is sor se skewed andt is so incredibly out of control and imbalanced. and, you know, it's like i watched those protesters walk upi watcosprotesto to the whitet their little bloody bomb prints on everythinittlg. >> i was like, insurrection. yeah. oh, yeah. and it's sad in kindergarten.wes >> it's too, you know. yeah. all right. we shallhall 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possibilities. shop now at show allegiance .com. yeah ha ha ha ha ha ha. thank you. i deserve it. another year around the sunas toother year around the sunas president bidedan turned 81 yeas old and he celebrated with a fresh bottle of embalming fluiw . >> i'm kidding. they actualld. y sang happy birthday to him. biy, it's my birthda birthday today. >> they can actually sang birthday as well. you know, it's difficult turning 60. >> typical >> typical >> well, i think g joe knows60 all about turning 60. he's done it three times. that but after that song, joe stripped down and had doe stripped down and had the liver spots with their sharpies. >> but bloombergwn pre calls his his biggest liability for 2024. you know, if you don't count hunter, the open border,ukra the bad economy, the war in ukraine, the war in israel, the botcheinar i d withdrawal, i the rising crime rate pay off from china, and of course the pricrimee of gas and eggs., >> meanwhile, politico reports, quote, even those in biden's inner circle, including family members, worryiden's about the s of age. some acknowledge that the president can at timese appear frail, can at times appear frail. that's an understatement. he's so frail, just comes out when he . >> he's so frail. he broke his hip reading. his the wall street journal called his running for reelection an act of profound selfishness. >> quote, people, even ifg peop they're not surrounded by yes men, can be the last to notice time's toll. yeah. especially whehen these yes men say yes to everything joe says. >> except did i myselfn sa? and biden's case is aging. brain can't tell the difference. between a six year old girl and a teenager. >> behol the difd oh, my god.>> oh, >> m i love your ears. oh, my god. i love thego>> them. your really cool. what's your name? ame?catherine.l what a beautiful name. and my mom's name. well, they say.d ar >> how old are you?e yo 17. >> six. mm-hmm. you know, that's the kind of mistake that gets most men. 15 to 20 or a seat on jeffrey epstein's private jet. >> so what do you get? the man who has it all yet for rememberhas nothing. let's well, let's see what his pals got him. you'llse has guess what.e fo >> kamala got joe for his birthday. check it out. joe and the eighth year inre's a row. a row. >> his brother got himhi the usual money. >> the girls in the secretarial pool, him some new snipping material. dr. gail got him a special card he's supposed to keep in his wallet. o >> the crew of air force one got him this for the next time he tries to board. finall >> and finally, those cheapskate taliban. all they got him was cary,d. . you know, emily, i think it's i it's a bad thing for republicans to focus on age becaus e that gives them a free pass on everything else. >> i'm literally crying from his birthday presents right now. okay. i don' -- [inaudt ever want to bash age anyone's age because may you live until 128 and god bless you. >> i agree. it's our audiencs you.e. it's just you. >> you don't have to run for president. but you know what? it is his birthdays . bid so i actually wrote a little letter for biden that i'd like to share. happy birthday. presidents may live until 120. may you have another year of single handedly ruining the economy, creating a ne whe economy, creating a ne called byte inflation, which i use every single day now. opening our borders, welcoming so many new friends and hamas terrorists. and last o not least, first single handedly sending billions to iran to keep uut no, terror. >> thank you so much, mrr.. president. you know, jim, i made this point on the five and nobody laughed. >> so i'm going to say it to you on. ump is >> it's funny when you see because trump is not much younger thanr than joe, but meanwhile, trump is doing standup while joe ca t n stand up.le joe ca t >> thank you. t a laugh here. okay. i said that, too. e. i said that too. >> what's a guy who sits above jesse and just >> he wasn't even listeningning anyway. was there a mirror nearby? yes, it wa s a mirror. do yo >> what do you think about his birthday? k abouhiknow he's old. >> i mean, you're saying, like, a lot of people are worried. like, what if there's a national security threate in the middle of the night? he'll be able to handle it. he's 81. t,he's getting up ten times geti a night. going that fast. yeah, he's goingng u10 be fine. >> if anyone's going to be awake, it's going to be him. that's true. that's tru e. >> it's real. but, i mean, i got an idea. liket's you.'s john f kennedy was 43 when he was sworn in. right. so he wa joe biden, if he getstion the second nomination, it'll be 86 when he's out of office. a so the biden team should just go, hey, listen, you're not goinoug to vote in one old man. >> you're going to vote in to jfk. that might work. that might work. that might wor greg: tk. >> i don't know if it will.y. kennedy. what do you think of thi s? he >> the age thing is the age the worst thing about joe? no. rig there are people turning a hundred left and right. i mean, there are people ther who aree are people e in their nineties and close to 100 who are running circles around him. >> yeah. look. t >> doocy yeah. th doocy yeah. it is incredible. is un isp at two in the morning single handedly running this network. yesingles. >> he's so spry. he's too important here. we can't let him greg: h go the country. yes, yes. joe biden. it's -- it's countr the fact that he's in mental decline that is never goinl declg to itself. in like he he's never going to be spry. he's never he's never he's never going to have his former strength. so the wall streetfo so journal is right. >> it is an act of selfishness. it's also an acts. of cruelty.u. >> you know, the yes. men and women that you talk, they're the ones who are propping him up. he's incredibly stubborn . s he's been to the anyone who has beeanyonne wne president nevever r wants to gii away that power, and they're letting him. and shame on them. ng, and he should have the wisdm to step aside, but he can't, because kamala's horrible. >> yeah, that's exactl bute t bl less popular than he is. kamala is his insurance plan, right? >> you know, i heard that, like, joe actually applied for i joey nature commercial for and they said no . relaxium, though relaxium sleepy joe could sell one or two bottles. >> charlie they keeps of talking about this bubble wrap strategy like the analogy of justn bu wrapping him in bubble wrap? what couldbb that mean? i >> well, i mean, i thinks an it's an admission that it's not going to get better from here. yeah, and i agree with youand . you know, his age is probably his least terrible liability. but it is a it is a problem.s and it's it's, you know, is he going to fall less? yeah. anah. to get worse. and i don't think that donald trump isdon't thd going if trus up being the nominee, i don't think that he's goinnomihink he him get away with doing trying the whole the basement strategy. ld the bbut you know, carrying h what candy said, you know, it wh is absolutely selfish,, it but it's also two levels of selfishness. ofit's not just his ownhi selfishness in his own self regard, but it's also he's like surroundeds self-reg by family e like still making money off of it. that's true. and they have to prop him up. >> and they and it's the most it's the cruelest thing i feel like we've ever seen in recent politics. >> yeah, i'm sure it's like havings. like a an entertainer in your family who's really old, . and so you just wheel him out f and try it for the fanor t fans and then you just takeu the money. you take the money like liza minnelli. remembertake their mone that oh that the oscars when lady gaga wheeled out and it was really sad. >> am i doing a show right now ? >> he's no, you're not. it's like he's there atm machin>> it'e. chine, yeah, he's very big machine. yeah, except things come out of him regret. i did three different places. i didn't know when you meant bubble wrap analogy. i thought you literally meant physically wrapping it on himeam all so much. >> and then i was like, oh, that actually, that's only when wrap actually, that's only when hen e. . >> all right. up next, gen z wants a pass for sitting on their. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember? >> rick, her neighbor? sure. who still runs marathons, right? >> sadly. e insura >> anymore. a wow. so suddegain, e we?n. we're not about to have. we're not about to have. >> we need life insurance conversation again. are we know we're having are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. >> conversation. >> conversation. soh. a month plan from colonial penn. >> i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that 995 plan today. today. >> is it time for you to call about 995 plan? >> i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance ou'g company. ng a sometimes we just need a reminder not to take todayt j granted. granted. if your age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed accept his whole life insurance 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you should hire them for gen-y yo quality, notfor their productivity. i should stop there.gest yeah. america's youngest generation of adult workers think gen theio bring a fun atmosphere to the office more than outweighs their lack skor of skills. >> there's even a new word foril it. personality hire, which is not to be confused with a sympathy ki be confused with a sympathy the kids say a personality hire is an essential part of the corporatdsir e, providing laughter and playful vibes to their fellowlaught staff. in other words, think of me and then think of someone who's the total of. >> so forget about skills,r] talent and ethic. gen z wants to monetize their strongest suit being. they dream of a perfect world where companies pay to do tik-tok. gossip about taylor swift and call your boss, your besti e perfe . and i dream of a perfectct world to one where i die before these idiots take over. you know, jim, basicallyor they're there. you that's what you do for a living, is what they're saying a . doing it. they're saying you're a comedian. they're saying they're going to be a comediantoe but. but at the office. doesn't that you off? that'du like you going up and doing standup, but then just doing filind doing? >> no, actually, i think it would be good, like ifwould be a here, like, you know, 100,000 a year. i'll just hang by ther yeae andl jokes all day. anh, that's what we have jesse for, by the way. >> is it their fault, thoughult? when you think about it,wh you think about like, the shutdown delayeden you theil work experience. their education is giving them nothing. ther ioe, learning nothing. right. and no one's going to mentor them becausein you might lose your job if you say the wrong thing. >> yeah. i mean they saying it doesn't matter if your good work or just for their wit and wisdom. i yeah. they want you around that's going to really work out well when their company goes bankrupt ant arrk out. yeah. i think it's saying like song parodies on tik tok about it. yeah . >> really funny. i mean, that's. that's like hiring as on for a personality. >> yeah. you know, i don't want to make me laugh. just get the job donn't wante t. i'm just saying, that's tooe. late. yeah, that's what you said. yes, kennedy, i. >> you know what? they don't have any experience. and maybe that's the fault of the people in front fth them. >> no, i think it's their fault. oh, i love generational warfar i loe love generational warfar . yeah, and all over gen z,warfa it's a hobbyat that i embrace completely, even though i've pretty much got gen z kidsi embn yeah. i'm only hiring old people from this point on. you know why? becaus h e they know there's not going to be any social security, so they're going ans. dibl so they're going they have an incredible work ethic. they're never going to go th.. re never going to go >> yeah, someone was bornou can in this country. you can threaten an old person e that you're going to deport them and they'll work even evene they they don't even care. >> you are a terrible boss. absolutely>> greg: right.or o but i'm a great boss forr our silver americans. yes. you know american, are the ones who like to buy the my pillow and the sheets. . >> so thank you very much. they will only go to h.r. if it's on the same floor and then to complain about themselves. >> yes, yes, yes. isn't it funny, charlie, that people that want to be known for their personality tend to have terrible personalities? >> it's like. >> that.e ke. >> it's like the guy that goes, yeah, i'm known for my joke. like, no, you're noto be. >> you're worse. and i think it's actually even worse. >> ie people are even dumber than we realize because i think they look at successfurl people and think, oh, they justo got there by being whatever. and they see that and it's like it's like you got rich having a speedboat. yeah. and so jusboatt give me a speedt and everything. be cool. no, it's actually they had to work their ass ofually thwor they got the money to buy a speedboat. but i also think that it's par t this whole therapy thing. you know, you have therapy, dog. you have therapyu have dogs., t, kangaroos. and so they kind of view themselves being like a therapy animal for the office. >> wow. wowand if i actually hired onef those, i would be arrested those, i would be arrested >> i keep thinking that maybe they would do better if they just sold their bontter iee marrow to us. >> oh, my god. i just want to sayw as to a genzert ,every time there's a headline that starts with gen z, i'm already liketo, god, these people just keep embarrassing me every single day. like i do not claing me m guys,i just think that this makes a lot of sense now. think universities have been doing these personality hires for the last 20 years because i can't think of another tangible explanation 2 to whyxplana my professors are so dumb. yeah, so maybe they've beetis ts that like an experimental try and we see that it's not working, but i can hav beeimene to think as a gen z or can i now become a neurosurgeon? us i have some good vibes over here. i'll give like, you know, viben the open, it'llnow, be good. or maybe i could go like i've always wanted to bgo, i'vee a pt and an astronaut, but i can like pick up the phone now and be likanronaute, ladiesleme, and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. i have never flown a plane tr my life, but i can guaranteey you the vibes will be great. soli but abc on the other side? >> maybe not, but the vibes are great and that's all that matters. greg it is. >> it is. i think that it's their parents that had put personality before productivity. they instilled this nonsensey . o instilled this nonsensey >> it's all them. coming up, snl finally has a funny take. while a democrat insult the state. >> do you have too much body fat it tends to accumulate on your stomach hips, thighs. are you struggling to lose weight? does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid excess body 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probably didn't watch because you were too busy watching himp . >> yes, snl is no longerbeca hig from our friend joe biden. and did donna brazile go too far? askes noonged and annoyed bill . first up, snl mockeddonn biden n their cold open. true, it only took them toue, it only took them is super old to keep things thi on the rails. >> i'm going to readngs on t the teleprompter. d all right. great meeting with president roman numerag withl 11 excuse m, president. mresident. to ask you about the handling of the border crisisi woul. >> oh, good. c yay! all righomntt, border. all right, i got to.let me got to get something. let me take the elevator real quick. >> just one sec, sir.e >> very tom shillue. then snl also finally realized men don't belong in women's sports with this fake documentary. >> if any men oudocumentt therek they have what it takes to beat me, let's. eve eventually, sharna found an opponent. athe biggest star in men'ste tennis, ronnie dunster. i feel like i was an odd choice for sharna because at the time l i was the largest man to ever play tennis. >> t and here comes the first serve. f >> credit to them for finally realizing that men competing as women in sports is a jokeall. but boy, did they wait till it was safe. it's like me saying i could ti's like me saying i could he's not here right now and he could throw me through a windouw . meantime, democrat strategist donna brazile and vivek ramaswam mh a y got ih over how she intentionally mispronounced his name on tvowh >> vivek needs to just shut the up and go home. it's vague. well, what i'm the way. tever >> whatever. would you would you sayat that about other. >> i'm donna vache. is it vivek ramaswamy ramaswamy ramaswamy. thank you so much. c i know so much when i comeom on this show. vivek needs to go right nothis >> i agree. i just feel like there's something wrong with everybodyrl refusing to learn to say his name. i just feel there's a little racis how m there, there a little racist. >> what the heck is going on with bill? tlhe's finally taking shotsinaly at his fellow democrats? so maybe marijuana doe taks cauw major changes in the human brain. but it's good to see he's lessas tribal than elizabeth warren. the vague slap brazile on x quote. i wonder what they do if a white republican intentionally mispronounce donna's nam eispronounce donna's nam and then told her to return home. well, don is originallnd y from new orleans. so anyone telling her to go back to that criminal go. cck to that criminal >> attempted murder. know >> so. kennedy you know, i waswa watching snltching and i'm thinn man, chevy chase mustkima be rolling in his gravn,e. >> he's still alive, greg.e' oh, but i still thought >> did i stand corrected or sit for matter?d fo gerald ford, who did a horrible impression of which is very funny. >> yeah, that was so funny. he wasn't trying to act like wasn't gerald at all. yeah, and that was actually funny. was actuallbut so when i do ans of elvis, i do an impression of eddie murphdo ay. s >> impression of elvis. we got to witness race, which is noth is not elvis at all.t so what snl is doing is clearly an impression. clearl >> shallow. yes, it it should lose biden.ressio sog come everything comes full circle. and, you know, obviously, they're watchinghey thisf it's show because they realize if it' it's just one sided, it's lopsided. >> and you need symmetry for comedy. >> that's what my doctor told me. but the bar is so loctor w. it's it's a remarkable it's so unfunny because they have, you knowunfunn. , an they get they get free laughs. they get. and it's and the same thing going back wit t g h the talk about the january 6 stuff where adam kinzinger was talking about building ada diagram for future insurrection. >> the bar is so low, the mediah like just runs with anything and they become genuinely stupid and their comedians become genuinely unfunny. ans havethey go home.aty. thing that donna brazile saysan that republic would get destroyed. >> yeah, exactly. exactly. get der and think i mean, i lik. i think her family name used to be braswell all right.ight? >> yeah, i don't know. i don't know either. >> but i made it up.t hi i you know, if you get namedoes' wrong, you know, who really doesn't care if you get his name wrong? viveer if yogek could care less. >> and that's not the break, charlie, but that's you biggest. >> but that's the point is thas. tupid b it's also stupid? but it gets applied to one sidet but not the otheone sir. >> and your last name is hurt. mm-hmm. and that hurtsis hur you.e how many people are hurt by your last name? i don't feel safe around you, emily, i. >> i, i welcome people joiningmi the club of making funng of everything. >> but, man, they waited, didn't they? it's not even that they waited. and what's>> it's t evthey is. n although they're making fun of it, we still have thiits goig on. we still have leah thomas with herwith out. >> got her out there in a frickin thong bikini dominatinge women's sports. n', soso it's like on one hand,e able to laugh at this because it's a joke. it's literally use it's laughing stock of a problem that we have here in the united statese in . a but how can we laugh and laugh at it while we simultaneously he it happen? it is still happening. there's still no outrageni about it. but at least now we're mutually understood. like we can laugh at men in women's okay, we ca sports, s just let them, like, dominate women's sports. let them take over. miss universe womee as trans pe, it's all good, but let's laugh at it now. une caught on to like the go won't go broke maybe the ratings yeah. >> o broh and i'm sure this wasv probably their biggest hit they've had ind and one becausee i haven't even heard of snl before this skit. >> interestingven of i. jim.nder i always wonder, like, they'll do this, but they would never hire someones bu like you, righ? >> no, no, no. i never even i knew aud they weren't going to hire me. but you're first of all, knew biden is 100 timestom is better than that guy. yeah. yeah, definitely not eve a hn. >> and they watched his show. >l >> i told tom if he was on snl.s otom he'd be doing arenas right now. yeah, down at arenas. ribut so you're saying he doesu my show and he's just barely skatin doeg by now? yeah, i didn't think about that way. way. ratings, like, okay, this is working. therkay, this ise. there now we can hit biden a little bit. there was only two jokes in that whole sketch and watch.x it was like 6 minutes. so boring. yeah, i hate him just twice or l whatever. remember, they tried to make him cool by jim carrey, dressed up with sunglassesarey. on, yeah. men in black. there's nothing cool about joe biden. yeah there i, but it is tough to maa a sketch about joe biden's press conferencetc. it's tough to make that funny because there's not that funny in an actual t fu joe.g fu >> yeah, right. yes. just crying. crying, crying. all right. up next, trump denies with a 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time. >> benjamin hall returns to ukraine for a special intervie we are american made fm beginning to. shop now at show allegiance .com. >> a story in five wordsreg: t trump says no golden showersru did started with russia russia russia remembe r that he wase with four you think that was het? four you think that was go up and tell my wife it's not true. darling, i love you very much. it's noty true, actually. that one she didn't believe because she said he's a germaphobet on. >> he's not into that.believ you know, he's not into golden showers, as they say.n't li they call them stuff. i don't likeke that. i love, candy, that the mediai going i can't believe he's talkinge he's that in fron. of families. you guys introduced. for >> yeah, you forced it upon us. you created the circular logic with the buzzfeed article and now the fbi so now he has every license to talk about it and as someoneut who enjoys wat sports. >> i looked at our former president and i said there is no way he is part of this party. >> yeay he'sh yeah to be fair t. joe biden doesn't need for him to wet the bed. used >> you know, i yes, i haveto a roommate that was in the golden showers. ohe , really? >> yeah. yeah. which actually good for me because the waterbed was super lo s, me right. >> but even even if trump said e he did like golden showers the trump fans would have no problem with. >> yeah, yearsulo problem wih, . the next day they'd be selling hats make america yellow againul . yes, i'd buy it. yeah, i would have got one. >> yeah. hi, emily. emi dilyd you know a golden shower o was. you just assumed it was an older person taking a showerlde >> so i learned whenth the controversy first came about. but my favorite part, all of all this was my mom asking me, what's a cold showerf this? a gn >> and i couldn't even tellen t her. i'm like, mom, go to urban dictionary and google itell . ry but you would not send your momy to urban. why now? sentou not sur her there? it reminds me of i was 11 in mii miami beach and was stung by a man or jellyfish. and i watched the heartbreak kid with ben stiller. so i'm like, okay, a jellyfish stung me. i've 10 seconds before i die. i'm goinstung sg run to the lie and i'm like, greg yeah, sirard,, you have ton on me. and he goes, what are you talking about? and goes whi, i'm going to die. a man was stung when he goes, sweetheart, i sprayed vinegar on m e and i was like, okay. so i almost had a golden shower, which was point. >> but mentally i had one., i wa i was prepared for one. that whole jellyfish, that whole jellyfish. urban legend was created by lly yeah. es, my ramen. yeah. >> last word to you, charlie. of course you can get that. just down the street. yes, exactly. but everybody knew that. everybod>>y said he'ss a germophobe. this can't be true. but the fba i the cia, all ofia our intelligence, senate committees, house committees, everybody for it. >> yeah, exactly. well, there you go. don't go away. >> we'll be right back. >> we plan to 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Pricrimee , Crime Rate Pay , Family Members , Gas , Ukraine , Inner Circle , China , Eggs , Israel , Some , Timese , Understatement , Frail , Peop , His Running For Reelection An Act Of Profound Selfishness , Hip Reading , Yes Men , Wall Street Journal , Ifg , Men , Last , Case , Everything Joe , Toll , Name , Mom , Oh , Brain , Girl , Tears , Teenager , Difference , Difd Oh , Behol , Mi , How Old Are You , Seat , They Say D , Jeffrey Epstein , 20 , 17 , 15 , Fo Kamala , Got Joe , Pals , Jet , Rememberhas , Let S See , You Llse , Row , Inre , Gail , Dr , Brother , Wallet , Material , Girls , Snipping , Pool , Special Card , Crew , Air Force One , Finall , Cheapskate Taliban , Thing , Pass , Everything Else , Inaudt , Birthdays , E It , Bid , Audiencs , God Bless You , 128 , Single , Letter , Presidents , Friends , Byte Inflation , 120 , Billions , Five , Terror , Uut No , Iran , Mrr , Ump , Joe Ca Tn Stand Up Le T , Thanr , Thank You , Guy , He Wasn T , Oyo , Mirror , It Wa Sa Mirror , Readngs On T , Security , Saying , Threate , K Abouhiknow He S Old , Ten , Idea , Fast , Liket , Tru E It S Real , Iowa , Goingng U10 Be Fine , 43 , Office , Nomination , Oman , Wor Greg , It Will Y , Listen , Tk , 86 , Age , Circles , Nineties , Th Doocy , Aree , 100 , Him Greg , Countr , Isp , H Go The Country , Fun , Yesingles , Wall Streetfo So Journal , Strength , Decline , Goinl Declg , Act Of Selfishness , Ones , Nevever R , You , Facts , Cruelty , Beeanyonne Wne , Summit Um , Plan , Insurance , Wisdm , King , Shame , Horrible , Joey Nature , Exactl Bute T Bl , Sleep Relaxium , Analogy , Bubble Wrap , Bottles , Strategy , Sleepy Joe , Justn Bu Wrapping , Admission , Youand , Problem , Isdon T Thd , Nominee , It S , He S Goinnomihink , Anah , Candy , Carrying H , Bbut You Know , Ofit , It Wh , Selfishness , Basement Strategy , Levels , Self Regard , Ownhi Selfishness , Ld , Family E , Politics , Family , Entertainer , Surroundeds Self Reg , Havings , Remembertake , Mone , Fanor T , Fans , Oscars , Liza Minnelli , Lady Gaga , Atm Machin , Places , Chine , Big Machine , It E , Up Next , Wrap , Hen E , Gen Z , Sister , Text , Himeam , Wow , E Insura , Neighbor , Marathons , Brick , So Suddegain , Life Insurance , Coverage , Conversation , Colonial Penn , Soh , 995 , Reminder , Life Insurance Ou G Company , Todayt J , Granted , 85 , 50 , Health Reason , Life Plan Option , Health Question , 9 95 , 95 , Information , Beneficiary Planner , Rate , 35 , 0 35 , 1 , 90860604 , Gift , Hello , Arkansas , 809 , 08606 , 0860601 , Sleep , Product , Amount , Tossing , Night , Ingredients , Refreshed , Thousands , Needs , Health , Benefits , Feeling , Relief , Marriage , Wrist , Miracle , Neurologist , Side Effects , My Life , Relaxium Sleep , Fears , Mike Huckabee , Risk , Deal , Seamless , Try Relaxium Com , Ship Position , 800 9196467 , 9196467 , Box , Cost , Shipping , Label , Half , Tv , Lab Diamonds , Carat Diamonds , Slash , Go Ship Station , Jewelry Exchange , Carat , Exchange , Jewelry , Studs 599 , Carat Ovals , 1490 , 5991 , 599 , 29 95 , Right , Ith , Workers , Thingring , Vibe , Settle Down T , Brass Ring , Settle Down , Job T Skill Of Creatinheg , Skills , Productivity , Theio , Adult Workers , Employees , There Gest Yeah , Generation , Gen Y , Atmosphere , Jancee , Lack Skor , Personality Hire , Foril , Sympathy , Corporatdsir E , Kids , Laughter , Ki , Vibes , Ethic , Staff , Total , Talent , Suit Being , Fellowlaught , Boss , Idiots , Companies , Tik Tok , Besti E Perfe , Gossip , Taylor Swift , Basicallyor , Living , Doesn T , Comedian , Comediantoe , Standup , That Du , Ther Yeae Andl , Filind , Ifwould , 100000 , Fault , Thoughult , Jesse For , Anh , Shutdown Delayeden You Theil Work Experience , Matter , Job , Education , Learning Nothing , Ther Ioe , Personality , Wisdom , Wit , Parodies , Arrk Out , Bankrupt Ant , Experience , Donn T Wante , Tooe , Hobbyat , Warfa It , Fth , Love Generational Warfar , Kidsi Embn Yeah , Generational Warfar I Loe , Social Security , Point On , Work Ethic , Dibl , Greg , Boss Forr , Silver , Isn T It Funny , Floor , Pillow , Sheets , H R , Joke , Personalities , Noto Be , That E Ke , Ie , Speedboat , Ofually Thwor , Speedt , Therapy Thing , Onef , Par , Therapy , Kangaroos , View , Dog , Therapy Animal , Wowand , Therapyu Have Dogs , Genzert , Iee Marrow , Bontter , Sayw , Headline , Personality Hires , Universities , Beetis Ts , Professors , Neurosurgeon , Try , Beeimene , Explanation , 2 , Pick , Captain Speaking , Plane Tr My Life , Astronaut , Gentlemen , Phone , The Open , Viben , Likanronaute , It Llnow , Ladiesleme , I Vee A Pt , Bgo , Matters , Parents , Nonsensey , Abc , Soli , Body Fat , Insult , Estate , Stake , Thighs , Stomach Hips , Then Snl , Coming Up , Weight , Black , Exercise , Midsection Body Fat Increases , Diet , Obesity Research Institute , Limousine , Weight Loss Breakthrough , Awareness , Labels , Solution , Light Cuisine , Size , Ship , 2995 , Metabolism , Energy , Position , Double Blind Study , Lipa Zayn , Pound , Participants , Fat , 78 , Number , Lip Buzzing , Screen , Maybelline , Light Bar Scene , Let S Go , Honor , 9290319 , 800 9290319 , Hi , Test , Won T Reality The World , Game Show Special World S Toughest Test Mondays At Nine On Fox , On Fox , Hulu , Driving , Camping , Dude , Drivingaf , Buddy Lukeng , Havod Thingew , Don T Drive , Dexcom G7 , Dexcoe Diar , Jeans , Peace Of Mind , Signature Jeans , Mission , Low , Vow , Founder , Alejandro , Stretch , Masking , Style , Comfort , Fit , Balance , Flexibility , Products , Singer , Spoon , Oh My God , Elimination , Fake , Rock , Crock , Eye , It Snake Oil , Snake Oil , Flavor , November 29th On Fox , Presents Stop , Wednesday , Watching Himp , Wednesday November 29th , 29 , Bill , Donna Brazile , Snl Mockeddonn Biden N , Hig , Friend , True , Cold Open , Them Toue , Longerbeca , Askes Noonged , Numerag Withl , Rails , Teleprompter , Meeting , Excuse M , Roman , Mresident , 11 , Righomntt , Border , Sir E , Elevator , Handling , Crisisi Woul , Sec , Tom Shillue , Men Don T Belong In Women S Sports , Documentary , Oudocumentt Therek , Eve , They Say N T Li , Sharna , Opponent , Odd Choice , Star , Athe Biggest , Men Ste Tennis , Ronnie Dunster , Tennis , Serve , Jokeall , Credit , Women In Sports , Vivek Ramaswam Mh Ay , Windouw , Boy , Ti , Tvowh Vivek Needs , Got Ih , Ramaswamy , Tever Whatever , Vivek Ramaswamy , Donna Vache , Everybodyrl , Tlhe , Racis , Check , Shotsinaly , Human Brain , Racist , Taks Cauw , Mispronounce Donna , Originallnd Y , Slap Brazile On X Quote , Nam Eispronounce Donna S , Elizabeth Warren , Thinn Man , Criminal Go , Kennedy You , E He S , Attempted Murder , Chevy Chase , Snltching , New Orleans , Cck , Mustkima , Gravn , Impression , Sit , Gerald Ford , Greg E , Race , Noth , Elvis , All T So What Snl , Actuallbut , Eddie Murphdo Ay , Wasn T Gerald At All , Doing , Symmetry , Full Circle , Clearl Shallow , Watchinghey Thisf , Lopsided , Bar , Loctor W It , Talk , Laughs , Comedy , You Knowunfunn , Doctor , Wit Tgh , Mediah , Comedians , Building Ada Diagram For Future Insurrection , Ans Havethey Go Home Aty , Get Der , Family Name , I Don T Know , Republic , Saysan , The Point Is Thas , Break , Sidet , Wrong , Namedoes , Tupid B , Doesn T Care , Yogek , Viveer , Emily , Sir , Club , Making Funng Of Everything , Otheone , Hurtsis , Leah Thomas , Thiits Goig On , Didn T , Herwith Out , Evthey Is , Hand , Stock , Frickin Thong Bikini Dominatinge Women S Sports , United Statese , N , Soso , Miss Universe Womee , Sports , Good , Outrageni , Laugh , Okay , Tape , Pune , Someones , Snl , Becausee , The Go Won T , Interestingven , O Broh , Skit , Hit , Righ , Wind , Ribut , Arenas , Snl S Otom , Skatin Doeg , Sketch , Whatever , Jokes , Son , Therkay , Watch X , Biden A Little Bit , Ise , Sunglassesarey , Funny , Fu Joe G Yeah , Men In Black , Press Conferencetc , Sam , Twinklyingcryinge , Smarter Liket , Chasing Business Cardnius , Cash , Cashr , Smart Ideas , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough , Beans , Purchases , Rer Purchases , Genius , Spending Potential , Plusli , Otheant , Coffee Grinder , 5000 , 02 5 , , More , Ink Business Premier Card , Reality , Aneurysm , Chase For Business , Selectquote , Another , Trust Me , A Million , 2 Million , Policy , Exam , Whatcom , Waiting , Time , Intervie , American Made Fm , Benjamin Hall , 3482867 , 800 3482867 , Golden Showersru , Wordsreg , Darling , Germaphobet On , I Love You , Wife , That Believ , Showers , Families , I Don T Likeke That , Guys , Talkinge , Mediai , Fron , Someoneut , License , Logic , Article , Wat Sports , Fbi , Buzzfeed , President , Party , Yeay He Sh Yeah , Bed , Roommate , Waterbed , Ohe , Trump Fans , Hats , Yearsulo Problem Wih , America Yellow Againul , Showerlde , Golden Shower O , Dilyd You , Emi , Whenth , Cold Showerf , Controversy , Tellen T , Gn , Momy , Sentou , Go To Urban Dictionary , Google Itell , Ry , Mii , 11 Gu Greg Yeah , Jellyfish , The Heartbreak Kid , Miami Beach , Ben Stiller , Sirard , Goinstung Sg Run , 10 , Whi , Sweetheart , Vinegar , Lly Yeah , Everybod , Urban Legend , My Ramen , House Committees , Intelligence , A Germophobe , Cia , Ofia , Fba , Don T Go Away , Co Cash , Retirement , Key , Mineventry , Licies , Policies , Everyone , Lifesh , Cai , Clue , Itce , 00000 , 00 , Goldmine , Premiums , Term , Combination , Fda , Coventrragey , Mine , O Anymore , Call Coventry , Coventry , Anythingcreen , Attention Boring , 6200 , 878 , Option , Qualifying , Awards , Navy , Victims , Conditions , Exposure , Camp Lejeune , U S Navy , 50000 , 550000 , 2023 , September 2023 , Marines , Civilians , Cancers , Blood , Kidney Disease , Parkinson S , Spouses , Cash Awards , Costs , Share , Attorney , Fee , Option Claims , 80 , No Consultation , Rights , Law Firm , Help , Meyer Blair , 804 , 467 , 800 467 3800 , 3800 , Flags , Stress Points , Commitment , Flag , Overseas , Tacking , Beard , Materials , Stitching , Needle Lock , Beginning , Ma Well , American Seamstresses , Third , Huh , Champ , You Don T Pay , Melon , Pickleball , Win , Melons , Concussion , Exhaling , Breathe , On H Ship , Wow Sine , Vicks , Go To Ship Station , Faceso Charli , Emily Off The Gym Floor ,

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