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>> and welcome to hannity. and we are broadcasting tonight live fro g lim our nation's capital right here in the swamp, in the sewer of washington, d.c here >> welcome, everybody. thank you all for being here. now, today's the end of a busy day for lawmakers with a flurrye of votes, including one to possibly censures in anti-semitic congresswoman to leave a measure that was killed by democrats. and coming up, we'll talk joewly elected speaker, mike johnson. majority leader steve scalishnsa many other gop lawmakers. make no mistake,ke with just 369 days until the 2024 election, house republicans and i'm saying to all of you in this room and all of you that are watching at homeng at, you willk to see succeed together or you will fail together. >> ther there won't be some winnerh and some lunar losers. the only people that wile only e if you lose are the american people. there's too slim majority forlim a divisive infighting. and y messagmaritye to lawmakers and we'll discuss this throughout the hour is pleasl de aside personal grudges, individual agendas. it is time. the american people need leadership. thesn lee are consequential tims and they need all of you in thisd alou room with me tonight to deliver big on issues that will improve this country and increase our border security, increase our energy independence. we got to bring fiscal to thistc city. we need law and ordeity.r and safety and security for every american in every town and every city we needf to uphold the rule of law. >> we need moral clarity in this time of terrorism. house republicans, they can't control what happenss cannot ine the u.s. senate, and they certainly can't force joe biden to sign anainly ca y bill into law. but this is what they can do. they can stop joe biden's unitcal agenda if they remain united. they can investigate his corruption and they ca estigaten a bright light on the federal government's gross abusepowe of power. >> again, if they stay united, y they can also force democrats to show their true colors and a series , very important votes, put them on the record. >> they can get appropriations done in a timely manner that are als o beneficial to the american people. we've got to stop robbing from future generationse got to. eras keep it simple. i if house republicans get lost in the weedst simpepublica if td down with petty disagreements, if their egos get in the way, voters, i predict, would punish them. all of you in thise voters wil r 2024, again, they will succeed or they will fail together. and by the way, the stakes are very high for every single a american and frankly, for the world at large at thiskly f unfortunately, we don't know. we. how bad things can get under biden. and one party democratic rul bie is pretty bad now. record breaking inflation, record higad nowh debt, record d gas prices, record breaking illegal immigration, including record numbers of special interestillegal ing aliens. oh, let's see.ntries from countries like iran, iran, syria, other countries in theeat middle east, of course, china, russia, america's enemiesica's around the world. >> they are emboldenedens arouno of what the world is now, you know, looking likef headed. towards war. >> there is a better way forward. and ththere better e house hasy critical role to play. and they are the last line defense against the most radical agenda in the histormos our country. and they are a powerful checkrep owon the weaponization of ourt l government. >> so what will happen the next few weeks? e what does it look like for the house gop? here with a sneak peak, we begire is n tonight with the spa of the house. >> let's give a warm welcome to your new speaker, mike johnsonm welc. well i certainly know my place in the people's house because you got a much better reception >> t. i did.t that's not true if they had seen it. but where you began. you're ais n rock star here.. >> and welcome back to the house. thank you for having us back and having having ushaving us b. i think this is important for all the reasons i mentioneimpor' before we get to that, let's go to the news that the evening the censuring of congresswoman swomanto leave the expulsion of george santos, those two things did not happen tonighingst. 't >> they didn't. it was resolved on the floor. and we allow the members it. ant foeir conscience that. it's -- it's important for us to beat the democrats o beon policy. f there's a lot of issues that are before us right now. but, you know, there a view here that if you go down that road and you begin a to censure one another, you kind of open a pandora's box. a lot of members open , congresy a lot of really foolish things, a lot of talk show host. >> there is wellsh thing, too. that too. not you, of course. but -- but liste n we we have very serious business, very serious matters in front of us. >> i wouldn'very sert change a d of your opening there. you're exactly right on all those agenda items. e right here is a i unified team. we are ready to get to work, . i hopegethera un i hope the cameras will pan this audience to see the faces of all the leaders here. >> they're ready to work for the american people. let me ask you and we can we dow have the ability to pance. the audience and please raise your hands if you if you want to answeaise your. >> is it possible on these issues that we're talking about border security or israel, or if we're talking about energy independence or law and order? i mean can you all uniteyou all together? >> do you all agreunite toe thal will succeed together or fail together? >> yes. yes, yes, yes. we all agree. goin with a slim majority, that is going to be a really difficult challenge. it is. but we're building this on teamwork and trust. and that's what this ork an group hast in common here. they're ready to get to work. i tell you what, we all went home for the weekendk. week the w while, i didn't. but some day they get to go home for the weekend to to be in their districtene in the s and ifou talk you talk to people individually, they'll tell you there's a real sense of excitemen t in.people the base people are believing again. they're hopeful about the future are believing. and the people in this room are we believe america's best days are ahead of use ahea. bide we're going to get through these biden years and we're going to turn this country around. and that work beginsn right now. >> we're ready to do. mr. speaker, let me go tot the fbi director wray yesterday and a very dire warning n about national security and threats to our homeland. secuhreatsy that tape. >> the ongoing war in the>> middle east has raised the o tht of an attack against americans in the united whole states to a whole nother level. we assess that the actions a of hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since isis launched its so-called caliphath we hsince sl years ago. in just the past few weeks, wees multiple foreign terrorist organizations have calle,d for attacks against americans and the west. here in the united states,edia our most immediate concern is that violent extremistste, oa individuals or small groups will draw inspiration. carry the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans goins g their daily lives. wr now, that's the fbi director wray. and then he was asked the questionthen h, if our couny is safer under president biden. >>t biden. we call it in televin and radio. >> dead air. yeah, he didn't for nearly 10 seconds too long period of time. >> i think that was verywhat revealing. >> what do you make of that answer? what he just described therete is completely foreseeable. it's related. exactlly foreseey our border. i mean, it's an abject failure. the biden administration, the most glaringfailur example s failures, the failures of the whole administration of what's theofhappening on the border. and so we've had it open for alm almost three years now. we've had millionsos , millionsof peopl of people come in and also known terrorists. and so it would notif ter be surprising to us if terrorist cells are setting up shop around the countrells areyn we have been everyone in this room has been jumping up and down saying everythingmping can to wear blue in the face. >> secure the border. that's what the american people want. it's athre the b priority of out has not been for the white house. >> well, then let me plahe white y tape. a tape. and this would be joe biden and kamala harris and karine jean-pierreld chairje and circle back, jen psakik and secretartoy mayorkas. they have been telling us forel three long years that the borderling u is secure and the border is closed. >> now, we have an estimated 8 million illegal immigrants that i would argue joe biden , force a not only didn't enforce our law, but he was aiding and abetting but h and allowings all to happen. and anyway, so this is them. >> for the last three years, they've been telling the american the people this sos to most folks like a crisis. >> well, look, it's way downwe now. and we've now gotten control>> precisely that the border is closed. nor could i have been clearer and continue to be so. >> which is the border is closed. the united states will continu.n ,enforce our laws and securelawa our bordernd at the border.der,w wee are working to make the border more secure. you're confident this borderar secure? we have a secure border and that that is a priority fort any nation, including oursng ou in our administration. >> we agree that the borded our is secure. ight. all right. have they been lying to us fory. three years? they have. everyone in the country knows that that's not true. they can everyo see it with their own had two eyes. thankfully, fox has had correspondents down there on that border ence in since all this began. and we've seen it with our own two eyes. all of us in this room have been it with own two to the bor. we've seen it ourselves. the human tragedy that has becomey that border. and i told my caucus when he was in the house judiciary committee, man iy months back, i said, i'm not sure t what you've done at that department other than great depa mean. it's inexcusable what he's done. i believe he's committed impeachable offensesinexcusa. >> but we only have so much time and resources to go after that. all right. you're going to stay us for the full hour. let's invite in your leadership. and that means let's checkor in by the way, with we have steve scalise. >> congressman out, elise stefanik, congressman, as you know and i want to ask all three of you, in light of what we've been talking about, in light of wha we t director said and i think it's really, really important that we we go to what also was said, secretary mayorkas, yesterday. he thisasked a very simple question was asked by senator johnsod byn of wisconsin about w many people have come into this country illegally. >> watch thie has. >> just my let me see. >> i need numbers again. don't feel about me. how many people has this administration let into the country. let me say at the outsetstratiob that our job would be a lot easier if the broken immigration systemt easi in thi sector. >> i want a number. numb you letuntry?vent a into this country? i should also. how? okay, i'll abe yo give you the number. >> it's about 6 million. about 1.7 million. as no one got is now again, wen don't know who these are. we ju we just know that they've comesd to country and they're residing somewhere. king >> we ask you too much. you're the secretarysecuri of homeland security. the director of the fbi is saying we havrector oee thres that are increasing and they don't know how manin dony people they've allowed into the country. >> can you explain that? sean, this is alarming . rming. in fact, if you go under president obama, jeh johnson, when he was homelandou go un sed ,said a thousand people coming across was too mansecretary. we've got millions that have come across. they can't tell you how many cy are on the terrorist watch list. some of the countries you talked about, places t fromg foreign adversaries at a time, adveis is a hen terror is getting on the rise. this is a major concern. that's why we passed h.rn..strog two the strongest border security package. this group here came togethees b passed a strong border security package to fix this problecurit >> joe biden doesn't want to talk about it. but look, this isn't a republican or democrat issue t'tsssues. . democrat. mayors around the country recognize this is a major demoayors reism. they're calling on president biden to fix this as well. i think the country has come a long way to recognizing this is one of the top issues, a majos r threat to our national security. >> joe biden's the only one mia on this. congresswoman is tn let me giveu the numbers that i think should startle everybody. i'd like to know why wthat sarte 659 iranians at our southern border? >> i'd like to know why we havee 538 syrians. 5i'd like to know why we have tens of thousands of people from chinands of p and, russia, and also from the middle east. thousands of what call specialen interest illegal immigrants wanting to get in. and could you possibly explain the policy that allows chinese nationals to buy up thousands and thousands of acres of farmland, ranch land and land near military installations? fir >> well, first of all,use of it's because of joe biden's failed border policies. y distri and every district, every state, every community has become a border district. i state i represent a district w york. and we see as the majority leader jusrepresent net said, ce new york city democrat, elected officials who are speaking out en against joe biden's failed border policies. and it's not only a national securityailed bo crisis from a g time, they were first. >> well, they were they weree. very welcoming. and now the shoe is on the other foot because they see the impacte shoe i and that's we republicans are on offense in places that were traditionally blue. ense and but you also asked about not only the national security crisis, but i believe it's an cs humanitarian crisis as well. the 87,000 minors, those underge the age of 18 that have been lost due to human trafficking under joe biden's failed policies. we as republicans will stand up for border security. and i believ for bordere that we of the winning issues moving into 2024 under speaker johnson's leadership and or this united conference. >> i askr speajohnson congress, i think this is really, really important. i want thi to play an exchange.x and this was, again, secretaryoi mayorkas with josh hawley of missouri, and get missouro th your reaction to this exchange. >> this is a paraguay tower, a hamas paraglider depicted here with a machine gun flying into israel. she posted under her online alias with the celebratory free palestine. >> mr. secretary, what's going on here? is this is this typica l of people who work at dhs? this is an asylum and immigration officer wh o is posting these, frankly, pro genocidal sloganosting ts and images on the dayaughte that israelis are being slaughtered in their beds. redswhat have you done about th? four things i'd like to sayik to you. number one, your question to to suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the department of homeland security is despicable. omen of i'm sorry, what have you. this person works fors fo the department of homeland security. >> have you fired her? that was one of four answers. have her you fired her? one. have you fired her? don't comee you fi. to this hearing room. when israel has been invaded and jewish studentsraes are barricaded in libraries in this country and cannotin lie be escorted out because they are threatened for their lives. you have employees who arede a celebrating and you are saying it's despicable fo r me to asktion the question, celebrating and the persons not fired.s thig and i guess this goes to the theme of the night is everyn int republican in the house, you have powerhe here. you have the power of the purse. you also would have the powe r to impeach secretary mayorkas. what do you think the besth way forward would be for the republican conference? >> well, first off, i thinkad this team ha ad a lot of succes. in the first ten months. we now have a new speaker,we noh a great leader, the right man at the right time that this whole group has unified. an do we can do some big things yet, sean. and on this issuso big tngs.e, u holding the biden administration accountable. it's about the ongoing investigations that jamie colmer and jim jorda the ongn a. committees are doing. it's about the weaponization of government against your politicalit's abo wea oppo. republicans are doing all that investigation at the same time . you hit on the biggest thing that our speaker is interestedgt in, in taking back, which is the power of the purse. powee had it for years. >> we start doing the appropriations processn and he has set us down the road on and we finish it. guess what? we can tak.ese that power of the purse and we can start to hold this renegade out of control executive branch accountable. a prspeaker, how do you force a president that is picking and choosing what laws he will enforce and laws he will not enforce the laws on immigration in this country are clear. they are unambiguous. we have a constituar tionals. process. we have three branches of government. he does no e three branchest get to dictate this, but he's been allowed to. he is enable dicd, aided and abetted 8 million people to enter our countrabetted,y illegv >> you know, we have watched now, you know, people fromw hostile regimes, our geopolitical walking into wi this country. into. ting allowedng >> i mean, is this not a clear and present danger to america? of course, it and as we go forward, what can we do? well, with our appropriations bills fo>> whar ukraine fundingr example, we're going to marry that with border security. marrthose two things are goingr. to be handled together because we believe it's a top priority e . we can't be expected to takere care of other countries and other conflicts if of oties we can't seal our own border. but the other responsibility we the is the power of the purse ,but also accountability. and that's why our investigations go forward. we're holding thes litye federalcc agencies accountable. they have been weaponized. they're being used againstounta the very people they're designed to protect and serve. and we have to seek and forcebiy accountability. and that way. and our committees have been very, very i busy at that, all the committees of jurisdiction. >> and they'll continue that. ey will fromction ction everybody in the room on the state. the cognitivfrody in thee statee biden. >> the first tape i'm going to plathy. >> you're all laughing. the first tape, i'm going to play was puaytht together byb rnc. y the second tape was joe bidenp recently flying back froe was mr israel and he had a gaggle on air force one. one.k. ay them back to bac >> and then i have a question on the other side. let's roll the taption oe. mother nature, not the political coverage that looks some of the political players and some e of the let me ask rhetorical question. >> no. yway >> anyway, can you talk about the impact of needing the survivors and first responders not so. >> first, i spent an hour and a half, about 17 or 18 was children and somehow i say this virtually every mass shooting, , every circumstance where large number of people have been victimized, the most outspoken part, defensertment department. so it's highly unlikel sit's hii and it wast' really a different footprint in intercept anyway. yes. and so that's why ifdidn't you notice, i didn't say first, i do. i want to make sure i don't you know, and look and i suggested that hamas deliberately didn't either. instead, they got a lot of shoestrings. you know, it's not the first time hamas has launched something functional. >> i'll start. you're in leadership. i'll ask you for. is joe biden cognitively mentally strong enough to beo bo our president? >> mr. speaker, i think everur y american feels the same way we do. you heard gasps in the room. yo to watch..for i think it's very dangerous. i think everybody can draw their own conclusions from that. ody caaw theirthis is a dangero on the world stage. we have to project strength and projectingstag weakness, invites the wolves. and so we know that. and that's why it's so it's soe for us to watch that. >> congressman emmer, i'm going bu try to be kintod sean, but like every professional athlete and we have some tha prt in the room, sometimes they stick around to silence. >> here's a pretty stick agood briefing. >> so and there's one of them. how, but sometimes they stick around a little too long. they stick around after they'voe lost a little bit, lost a little, a little too long, a little. >> and i was gracious. congresswoman joe bide wasnoe bd is unfit to be president of the united states. >> and i think whether you're republicaent toenn, demor independent, the american people understand that. >> doe rcan,s it not put emphass on why all of you uniting and leadership even? more important? absolutely. those challenges watching this ,the ayatollahs watching this in iran, putin's watching this, pollis they're all moving against our allies right now. >> they see this weakness. these are scary timer als. talka we're going to talk about iran. we're going to talk about the middle east. we've got a lot more to get to. bod thast.we have by the way, tu just last exit question. is there anybody. the room? raise your hand. hi. if you think joe biden is cognitively strong enough to be our president, is there anybody wrong room? okay. just checking. when we come back, house republicans are moving forward with critical n into joe biden along with other probes into government corruption. we'll check in chairman jim jordan, chairmanec james colmer, chairman jason smith. comer, chafdin mysel and speaker johnson as we continue from our nation'sson as capital. >> thank you for being with us. >> icy hot ice works fast heat makes it less feel the power of contrast there. so you can rise from pain. >> i see her. show her. you remember the jewelry exchange has bands 189 half carat anniversary bands 399 one carat, 699, two carat, three stone rings, 1490 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct. are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? 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that lot. but, you know, title it's verya. concerning because the president told everyon>> ite in that debate that his family never took any money from china. they've taken millionsfamilyer . china. and now we have evidence that joe biden himself benefited. and this is in energy. and hunter biden did with goodviewn hi morning america and he said he had no experience in energygd ,oil, gas, ukraine,energy and certainly he didn't have any in china, either. and so 5 million in this particular wirin g. and then we got the burisma money. again, no experiencethe at a ti where he admittedly was addicted to drugwhs. >> but here's what we know. didn't joe biden as a candidate and a president repeated n as a, we say he never once talked to his son, brother or anybody for abot that matter, about these foreign business deals and didn't. no foreignw, don't we know thats on phone calls with these business partners? i've never been to the cafe milano, wasn't he? dow, don't we have dates and times and places meeting with the likes of russian oligarchs and thes wite shellcor corporations and nine biden family members being paid? that'sat right. phone calls, dinners, private meetings, trips on air force two. >> now we havenow evidencwee t, you know, he was involved in the money laundering. i mean, this dering family, the crimes that they've committed, it's not just money laundering or what do you call it when you get paid for something? >> well, it's like that. >> well, it looks like it's him right? >> right. that's right. that's right. and, you know, the fac . fact that that they're trying to say everything's a loan. the $250,000. why we found three weeks ago, that was from china to hunter biden that listed joe biden's house as the as the beneficiary address they said that was a loan. they said these last two checks to joe's a loan. you're to continue to hear the white house say loan, loan, loan as we continue to more money that's been floating around in the e biden sphere. >> loans are a way to not paye a tax reasons for impeachment,x ev aren't they? >> bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. >> aren't s. all asked the three of you, chairman and speaker, we look at a potential joe biden was involved in bribery. >> >> i mean, they cannot explain what they dilain whad to get th. >> jim jordan, let's talk about the latest developments in your committe e. ee. well, on one hand, you got the department of justice that said parentave ths werentse terrorists, pro-life catholics were extremists. and last week we learnedre sp they were spying on capitol hill. staffers here workin stafferg wg on investigating them when they were doing the whole en they g, notyoane thin to mention the other things you brought up. so and then on the other hand, you gou t just same justice d department that slow walks to hunter biden and investigatee and that we're david wise tells us different stories all thel t time. >> the white house can't get their story straight. and then really, i thinkhoe cant that the example that tells it best is burisma, because joe biden did all these things that jamieal is focused on, the the bank records, suspicious activity reports. jason. his committee are looking at the whistleblowers who came forward who, by the way, their story haing at ws.s not wn their testimony has been tested, has been cross-examined, and it hasy r a stood up under all that. >> and then we're looking at the way the justice department . handledjustic the investigation into hunter biden. but burismdepartmedled thea is t example. hunter biden gets put on the board of burisma. fact numbet examr one. fact number two, he's not qualified to be on the board of burisma. fact numbee r three, the head of burisma metal asked hunter biden, cana you help us relieve the pressure we are under from the ukrainian prosecutor. fact number four, joe biden does just that. after hunter biden asked to. goes he goes to ukraine and gets the prosecutor fired. to uthat is, i think, the most compact and compelling way you can tell this stor y in addition to all the stuff that the whistleblowers have brought forward on the investigation the w ht and jamie's uncovered in his book. >> so we leverage a billion taxpayer dollars uncovere. >> this is, what, four ore five days after joe biden got on a caldays al with hunter and burisma executives, the had a problem at the time. the problem was the prosecutor investigating them, viktor shokin wereigating . >> and then lo and behold, you know, as a consequence, joe gets the guy fired with ourr money and thenedou hunter conti. to get paid by bridges, our tax american tax dollars, they get it done there in dubai. devon archer, who we depose, tells us they're in duba ddubaid the head of burisma. ask him, can you weigh in? can you help us? o hunter immediately calls his dad. five days later, his dad, joe, then vice president, leverages american tax dollars to get the prosecutorenrages. that all happened. and we have that fromd we h the deposition with hunterhunteb biden's business partner, devon archer. let's go to the ways and means committee, becausecher. you're you're following a lot of the financial aspects around this. what io to t and means the latest, of course. >> just last month, we released over 700 additional pages that came from our two irs whistleblowe addr. >> are there more whistleblowers? it's the two that we're working on right now, but they continue to giv>>e are us more informatin and confirm their testimony as the liberal mediaan them, they want to defend themselves and they've been providing the information. what we have learned is that joe biden was not justed the bras is joh and that the fae that that they were using to sell over the country, all over the world. but in fac, alt he was benefiti fromwas selling it. >> one example is for the the irs whistleblowers claimed that they were going to investigate joe biden's campaign for a loan that kevin morris had done to pay more than $2 million worth tha of taxes of hunter biden'sn . and this happened at the beginning of the 2020 campaign, which would have been a huge, huge message in that campaign. but what did they do? the justice department, they wouldn't allodepartme notw >> they said they had no interest in investigating the the biden campaign. >> let me ask an exact of allen of you and then i'll ask the entire room. before i get atire to that congresswoman nancy mace on your committethate, you told, congresswoman, she thinks the biden family, wheninks tha and done, that they will have received the nine family members, the shell corporations, the funnelinamily etc., the money laundering involved in itns, the , surrount in excess north of 50 million, maybe more. you believe you believe that that that family got that much money, their own traveling, the grandkids. >> they're on track to exceedhe that number. >> and what are the 30 million a mile that. well, they expertsfo in oil and no, they weren't experts anything. >>y weren' day, they've never said what they did to receive the money. rew we hav te joe biden's bank records and he was just as bad as hunter. the only reason we don't know anything about jim, he didn't leave a laptop lying around. an the question is this is an impact on not a lot of people do of peop, actually. >> but are we really did thisn impeachment inquiry? mr. speaker, is this leadingim to impeachment? do you believe that the evidence that they'rdo ye accumulating in these three committees is now leadinut to ultimate impeachment in the house of representatives of johe biden next to the declaration of war? >> impeachment is probably the most serious dwar, imp thats has. we do not wield it for political purposes, but welowing are following the truth where it leads. and you hear the evidence, you hear this laid out than summarized. of course, you know, there's much more than what we're able to do in one segment. we'r we ie going to follow thee where it leads because we have a constitutional responsibility to do so. we'r becaue have ae on it. >> we're going to continue. let me scan the room. how many of you think that that's where this the ro y? >> please raise your hand herew. . >> wow. the whole room. thank you. the wh all and cruciate.en w you've been with us when wee come back. straight ahead tonight, despite risingco straigh threats, the bn administration is doing nothing to secure their southern border. strations we'll in with more with speakern johnson about the border agendae and we'll hear from congressman chip roy. >> congresswoman kat, comi wc and also byron donalds as we continue from our nation's capital. thank you for being with us. thank you for being with us. this is your season to smileam with new dentures from aspen dental to raise a toast and gather together to wrap up and gather together to wrap up the fun and round up the gan to get you ready. your aspen dental dental teainm is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic of affordable care with an epic anniversary savingd 20% ofres. don't miss enjoying a moment with faster payers in our co labs and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture back guarantee so you can smile with confidence as the dental book today pilots our bri all around. they're laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. not everyone makes it through here. we want to go out. we want to succeed. you must prove what you're capable of under the most extreme conditions. one or 2 seconds sometimes to be the difference between life and death. talk is cheap action. that's what.ust go premieres monday, november 6th on fox nation. on fox nation. military veterant . >> sign up for your free or fox nation now. fox nation now. hey,y, not a i just got a text m my sister. >> you remember rick, her neighbor. wow.sure. >> he's the 76-year-old guyout who still runs marathonsto h. sa >> sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. the need life insurance conversation$9 are we know we're having though. >> we are getting coverage so conversation. >> sis it timeo you're calling e conversation. 995 a month plan from colonial penn? 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sa the way, kamala harris today says the police and iys are announcing the first national strategy, combat islamophobia. >> i thought we were in the middle of an epidemiamophobic of anti-semitism, which is strange. >> my question is, what are we to do here?do ukraine ha heas already gotten o billion. they want. joe wants anothen. wantr 61.61 billion. israel is offerings anothe for 4 billion. the border is only offering 14 billion. and he wants to give 100 million to to the people of gazvea. not and i would argue they're not going to get a dime. but as previous humanitarian has been built, building outtunl these terror tunnels and buying rockets to fire into israel. >> s too is that are thosehe the right numbers? >> how will republicans joe's proposal? >> well, sean, look we're all all here united, standing shoulder to shoulder with israe standl. we're ready to send overnd a social legislation that would focus on israel that is paid for. >> unfortunately, i think our democratt is colleagues are more interested in siding with the irs and expanding it to go after the american interer people. >> they are to side with israel at this point. what you want to do is take it isra>> what nt to dos takem thet that would have to hire 87 thousand irs agents to harass me further. >> right. >> and harass other americans. yeah. but meanwhile, this is also the resulticans. of an appeasementof a strategy under this biden administration, where we are allowingn ap iran to enrich itself, selling oil to china because we don't put the sanctions in place. we haven't continued to fund to the united nation s and unwra and through the human rights council, we've been funding all manner have bes centers thrh the the perpetuation of hate with the palestiniantions. we've been funding the universities that are teaching our young that it's e teachiperfectly fine and accee to perpetuate should we stop funding universities that, allow that to go on. >> i no question. why are we funding these universities with massivw e endowments to continue to perpetuate hate? >> we should be funding alsoper >> congressman, what are weat to do in the las aret two weeks there's been 27 attacks against american soldiers in iraq and syria? joe biden ha andd two little pinprick responses to empty warehouses. ck rnsesthat's it. and they're firing at our soldiers. yeah soldi. >> what should our response be? well, think about this, john. just tonightk abt thin, over 50s voted to in in enrich the uranium program with iran. they saiogramd that they were oy with a nuclear iran. nu a resolution on the househ floor. >> 50 democrats said that they were okay with a nuclear iran50 deme ok. g you so that tells you everything you need to know about the democratic party today. we have gotten so far away from the basics, and that's what we th focusing on our national defense, rebuilding our military, having our readiness. but when you have a commander in chief who is more like a trafficker in chier-in-chis my who wants an open border crime in the streets, spen, whod us io oblivion, we have no capability to actually be prepared for the war or the conflicts that are coming. and certainly where we hav we he money, taxpayer money going. we have not got a strategy. there'y,s accountability. >> and for the american people,i their fear infuriatetyd and rightfully so. they deserve a plan. they deserve accountability, sotheytransparency and we need to have the backs of our men and women in uniform every day, all day. >> the head of the snake. i mean, look at the challenges israel's l. they got hamas, gaza in the south. they got hezbollah lebanon in the north. now, the houthis have declaredn war. ah, do want us saber rattling, ththreateniney ag israel. you got the mullahs in iran threatening the same. you got putin meeting with hamas leaders. how do we cut off the head of the snake? it does this all go back to iran? >> and what should america do? back to iwell, where i'm gettig the exit music in my ear. but here's what we need to do. stanit musicd israel.d in m the first act that we had in myp speakership was the resolution whereakerse formally stood with israel. and now we're pushing the funding package to do and providushinge for them whaty exactly what they need. >> we're going to get it. we've given too much money haviven too to ukraine. yeah, go ahead. does israel deserve the support next? >> yes. okay sup thank you all. good to see you guys. thank you. all right. coming up, congressman byron. p, congr donalds and mike lawlor as we continue from capitol hill. thanelask you for being with us. >> fox nation is forever grateful to those who put great country first. we're continuing to offer all active and veterans their first year of fox nation for free stream exclusive shows that celebrate our country that you can only watch on fox nation. they are hands down the top combat pilots anywhere. plus, binge the shows that continue honor the heroes who helped to protect our nation. if you're active military or a veteran, go to fox nation .com to receive this special offer. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? 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>> and everybody unite behind that agenda? >> no question. look, i want a district that joe biden wont by ten>> sa points that has 70,000 more democrats. that's hom >> that e bill and hillary clinton. >> all right. and the reason i was able to win herclinto se that the ree i was able to win was because i talked about the issuees thats that cut across party line affordability, public safety, the at our southern border folks in my district are verctyt about eric adams shipping migrants up into my community. t why? because new york city has had the most disastrou disass polics sanctuary cities, a refusal to cooperate with ice and law enforcement, the right to shelter, spending, millions thein taxpayer money on free housing, health care, education for illegal immigrants. w >> people can't afford to live in new york. you know as well as i do you know, our neighbors are leaving. i am getting the hell out of there. that's that's the sad truth of what's happening in new york. whatappening beenon i've able to win on these issues. >> that's right. a lot of a lot of my constituents hav my coe moved ts district. >> but it's we can win on the issues that cute issus pe party line, energy, immigration. >> these are the thing sthin the american people care about, you know, vibrant. >> i think if you focus justif the bread and butter those issues and then hold votes on important issues and holdwinnin these democrats accountable, that's a winning formula. >>g ula. you're absolutely rig. look at my district, southwest florida, verrea,y area. >> what do they want to do? collow the constitution, cutfolw spending, get our debt under control, secure the southern border, be strong acrosseverybod the globe. that doesn't mean fight everybody's fight across the globe. y's figh obe, iit means be strong acrossr the globe so our allies are safe, that they canbehind be friends with us. and we will have their back. we'll stan them.d behind them. that's what my voters want. listen, i was with the speaker w at the republican jewish coalition convention in las vegas. they're comip to me saying, byron, i like this guy. where did you find this guy? he's awesome. m an magic johnson. he's great. it's like we were at the mgm and you hit the jackpou t. they love him.s and at the same when i went saee, voters said thsaid t same thing to me. >> i have a great, great fund raising week. i noticed that wi did,e did.orking >> we did. liberty by god's grace, look, we oppoy, l ng for libert opportunity and security for the american people. they want to hear the hopeful message. and we'r that. we e that we stand for what's great about america and we're optimistic about the futuremistic t the fu. >> can you on these 90, ten, you 20, 70, 30 issues, can you look in the camera. blican i >> and assure every conservative and republican in the country at mai that that that main agenda can get done and will get done. that is going to be our agenda. we're going to deliver for the people and govern well. and d i i think that we'll be an to grow our majority when we do that from our nation'so th capi. >> more "hannity" straight ahead. >> after home ago cleaned our place for $19. we fired our old housekeeper home ago, tackled everything from our kitchen to our bathroom, all our laundry. you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> i was a teacher for 30 years, and today i'm a grandmother of nine. >> technology is essential to our everyday lives. and that's why i'm concerned about our foreign adversaries influence over the internet. our adversaries believe in censorship and control. that's not the future i want for my grandchildren or yours. congress needs to protect our democratic values and strengthen, not weaken, american technology. this is going to be i'll want to go. welcome to reality. the world's toughest test. that's a long way down. he's back. oh, my god. why are you here? 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Conservativest Judicial Activist Leonard Leiga , Attorney General , On Monday , House Ways And Means Committee , The House , Association , Privacy , Donor , Witr , House Judiciary Committee Chair , House Oversight Committee Chairman , Sehouse Wa Meanse , Joinin Fciation G , You G , Audio , On Radio , Media , Video , Anotherio , Family Money , Link , Countless Timesl , Influence Peddling , Investigatioe Media The Liken O , Peoplwe V Te , T Sohe We , Bank Accounts , Knowledge , Shell Companies , Involvement , Pv , Source , Enoughen Bankrace , Fy Shady Business Dealings , Th Te , Message , Swat , Whatsapp Messagestsmessage , Whatsapp , It00h , Ites All The Way , Hunter Sayin , 200000 , Commitment , Threateninitment , Whyor , Father , Grudg , Five , Hunter , Shakedown , Fee , 00000 , 5 Million , A Million , 5 Million Dollars , Guy , Tker Johnso N , Cfc , 1 , 400 , Joe Bidenhis Ij , Ite , Debate , Everyon , Big Guy , Millionsfamilyer , Position , Verya , Evidence , Hunter Biden , Soil , 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