Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

tcu. rachel: why don't you take over this segment? you when you're getting picked on. before why are you kicking on me? he has been picking on me. pete: you have been admitting you haven't been -- insufficiently taken care of sean duffy all week. she thinks taking care of the house is sufficient. need to be called when they are injured. rachel: could have done a better job. i could have done a better job. i did for sean what i thought i would want but that was not what he wanted, one of the lessons of 25 years, still learn how to be better and i have to learn that. shoulder surgery and very intense. not quite himself. will: in fort worth, texas, the tcu colorado game a little later today. >> reporter: sean can watch this game. a lot of eyes will be on this one at noon. they might not have been as good on paper last year but people were excited to see deion sanders had what he would do with his team. he overturned a lot of players, only 10 scholarship players for 2,022 but people will see if that will do something on the field. i will talk to these ladies later about their excitement. they are already getting warmed up, people are flooding into the stadium as we speak. it is only 7:00 a.m. . we have a lot to look forward to later. will: it is a big noon kickoff. you know, deion sanders is head coach of colorado and has since taken on -- he looks good in it. pete: deion sanders is one of the football icons of our era. will: i love that. that's what cheerleaders do. will: one of the icons, flashy guy. a lot of eyes, not usually on the coach, we will see how that translates on the field. pete: to another topic. you've heard the white house has a war room. it's been months in the making, dozens of lawyers and communications experts, they anticipate the house will open an impeachment inquiry. we been hearing about that for a wild but speaker kevin mccarthy says they are getting closer to consensus in the republican caucus about moving forward. mccarthy believes they should do it differently, they did snap impeachment, no vote on it, he thinks they can get a vote and it would be helpful. years speaker mccarthy to breitbart news, to open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter and house republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes, the american people deserve to be heard on this matter. if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry it will occur through a vote on the floor of the people's house and not a declaration by one person. this is democrats don't play by these rules or take it deliberately. that's part of the reason those impeachments are so easily dismissed. they looked like quick, fast, partisan endeavors and based on mounting evidence that is there, but the left still denies, we play a clip of that. few take a deliberate of approach and reveal the evidence maybe it becomes the kind of impeachment based on evidence that really sticks. rachel: the vindictive side of me seeing one standard for impeaching donald trump that democrats use, why is that standard good enough for president biden? why does he deserve a higher standard. in my opinion what he is being accused of, what they want to impeach him for his more serious -- will: may be an ineffective standard. rachel: part of me says if they want to do it that way we ought to do it that way. on the other hand, kevin carthy, i can understand they are trying to say this really is serious and we will go through proper procedures and maybe it will have more consensus. i don't think that will happen with the media. that would be my -- will: the way they handled donald trump versus kevin mccarthy proposing to handle an impeachment against president biden. this is the previous standard, this is what nancy pelosi said about an impeachment of donald trump. >> there is no requirement that we have a vote. we are not here but we are here to find youth and uphold the constitution of the united states. this is not a game for us, this is deadly serious. pete: if president biden was found to have committed bribery or treason this is the type of thing you would want the senate to weigh in on meeting and impeachment has gravatar's to it, not just pro forma vote in the house like nancy pelosi and donald trump. if bank records come out, if phone voicemails come out, things like more than whistleblowers we could be in that territory. rachel: that whistleblowers were not allowed to do -- pete: how the media will treat this. will: i found this absolutely fascinating from august 24th, a columnist for the washington post, the comedy cell a usa podcast. i want to get the name of the host right. he deserves a lot of credit for simple curiosity. nome doorman is sitting there with philip bump and starts presenting questions. columnist, the biden impeachment. i want you to watch this and watch the stunning lack of curiosity and literally running from the face of evidence. >> what do you take from the text message to his adult water -- adult daughter. >> no idea what that means. it is circumstantial evidence. i have no idea. >> has anybody asked? >> i don't know. don't you think somebody should ask? >> i just said i don't know. you want me to walk out in the middle of this. >> is this the standard, the way the washington post handles people who disagree? >> when i agreed to be on for 45 minutes and i get on for an hour and 15. rachel: this is why i don't think going through the process will make a difference. they don't care. the media simply doesn't want to see it. they went with the suppression of a laptop story when everyone knew it was there, that it was real. they accuse sitting senators grassley and johnson of being purveyors of russian disinformation. they don't care. will: i think this is so embarrassing for philip bump, it is incredibly embarrassing. in one interview, that one clip, you have an illustration of everything. that's why this is important. he says to doorman i know you prefer circumstantial evidence to direct evidence. no. that' s a false choice you just presented. you, bump, or pretending circumstantial evidence doesn't exist. and not try to get to direct evidence. rachel: it is not the whistleblowers. >> he closes his eyes and plugs his years and says i can't hear you, i don't know what that means and runs out at the end. pete: here's what he posted on x, he cobbled together interview splicing and new arguments after the fact that have little traction and the new york post wildly and dishonestly cherry picked, that post has since been deleted because i'm sure the new york post just recorded the interview. he didn't like the fact that people notice. he thought he would go on the comedy cellar usa podcast. rachel: he is probably a stand in for every other dc reported that take with president biden and doesn't care about what has come out of the laptop, doesn't care about bank records, don't care about the bank records or that whistleblowers were told not to investigate anything that led to president biden which is why we have to rely on circumstantial evidence until the house investigation. will: he says the same thing regularly, karine jean-pierre says i don't know about that, don't have an answer to that, talk to somebody else about that except when she is -- amazing to think about the level of delusion or propaganda that goes into using your greatest weakness or one of them, meaning of a failure at the border, facilitation of the legality at the border and spinning it somehow as one of the greatest strengths. here is what she said at the podium. >> the president has done what he can from here from the federal government, from the white house to manage our border in a safe and humane way to respect the dignity of every human as he says all the time, making sure our communities are safe and you've seen him do that. we want to do this in a bipartisan way, republicans refuse to do that. to secure the borders deal with this issue. he really has. rachel: when we read this, we watched this clip for the first time a day ago when i was feeling and for ainsley and as she said it, steve, brian and i busted up laughing. we couldn't even, we came out of the clip laughing, so on its face a lie, part of doing this, their own members are turning on them because they are facing voters, their own democrat voters who are now upset about what's happening at the border. one of them is aoc who went to the border in her white jeans crying a, she had a new york times interview when they asked happened you been back to the border? she said i am planning a trip. it is so bad down there but i have to worry about what's going on in my district. thanks to your governor and others down there, ron desantis sending so many of these immigrants to the cities that these cities are facing it, her district is facing it, resources -- pete: sanctuary cities, just flood them. i heard this story when i was in hawaii from some people working, and border patrol, you finally have a border. rachel: in hawaii. the misallocation of resources, they know the way their hands have been tied as does chad wolf. >> border patrol agents processing in border patrol stations and where they should be is on the line doing their national security mission making sure they are stopping not only bad individuals but bad narcotics, doesn't surprise me. this is a strategy by the biden administration, it is not by choice or random coincidence we see these numbers spiking across the border. this is what has been designed over the last 2 and a half years and they will implement this and see the number of got aways increase. known or suspected terrorists if you track that number continues to inch up month after month after month under this administration. pete: it is their plan and it is working swimmingly at record levels. let's turn to a fox news alert. legendary musician and business mogul jimmy buffett has passed away. we are remembering the singer with classic like margaritabill who turned sailing, surfing and the beach like into a billion-dollar business. marianne rafferty joins us. >> reporter: overnight a message was posted on jimmy buffett's social media page saying jimmy passed away peacefully on the night of september 1st surrounded by family, friends, music and dogs. he lived his life like a song to the last breath and will be missed beyond measure by so many. buffett was a two time grammy nominee reporting 50 albums come most of them going gold, platinum or multiplatinum. he is best known for hit songs like it's 5:00 summer, not. monday, cheeseburger in paradise, and margaritaville, just to name a few. ♪ it helps me hang on ♪ handgun ♪ hang on ♪ wasted away again ♪ in margaritaville ♪ >> reporter: buffett turned the beach lifestyle into a billion-dollar business empire known for his chain of margaritaville restaurants, land shark of beer and an apparel line and more. 's death his death comes months after he was hospitalized for an unspecified medical issue. the exact cause of his death has not been released. jimmy buffett leaves behind his wife who he has been married to since 1977 and his three children plus a legion of fans known as parent heads. his 50 year legacy will live on forever through his music. back to you guys. rachel: coming up, a policy applauded by california parents. [cheers and applause] rachel: new outrage as the state attorney general sues the school district over its rule to tell parents if their student changes gender. pete: vivek ramaswamy joins us live, what he is hearing from voters in new hampshire. will: we go to break with the sounds of jimmy buffett. ♪ ♪ ♪ southeast of disorder ♪ you can shake the hand of the man go man get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus free home delivery when you add a base shop now only at sleep number. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: california's attorney general suing the school district over a policy requiring parents to be notified of their student changes their gender identity. >> i refuse to stand by and allow any district's board of education to put our children at risk or infringe upon their rights. rachel: here to react is amy davlin, mother of three. i'm intrigued by this. they call this the outing bill, you are outing your child, the school's outing the child by informing the parent. >> it is ludicrous. and what world our parents not allowed to know what's going on with our children? the measure proposed by our school board is simply to inform parents of anything going on with their child especially if they are identifying is something other than their biological check -- sex. the children outing themselves by wanting to identify is something else publicly at school, what the school system is doing, to keep secrets from parents. rachel: not just that the schools responding to a child saying i want to be a different gender. i interviewed a california mom who won one hundred thousand dollars suing the school district because her child went to the council to say i am upset and the counselor told this 11-year-old maybe you are just in the wrong body, maybe you're not a girl, you are a boy. it's more insidious than just keeping a secret which as you rightly point out is not really a secret if the kid is identifying that way at school or using different pronouns were different bathroom, but they are introducing these ideas that are so harmful to impressionable kids and behind the backs of the parents. >> exactly. it is insidious and it is in my view part of a marxist agenda to disrupt, dismantle and destroy the family is under attack. our own government in california have so much bad legislation this cycle, there's an actual bill 8665 in which they want to remove children for no allegations of abuse, no suicidal tendencies, if they simply say they want to leave their home, put them in group home. what is this agenda to leverage our children a way to confuse them, poison their minds with ideas of gender confusion, this was not an issue when i was at school. there's a 4,000 fold increase in gender confusion especially among teenage girls. rather than forcing kids to read about harvey knows they should read abigail schreier, that ought to be required reading because they are not being taught to think long term. no one's thinking long-term about the health of these children other than their parents, government is trying to silence parents. rachel: i hope you keep fighting. i know it is not easy. thank you for joining us. still ahead. as the us and china economically compete could the communist country's days of thriving be behind them? 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it has been described as a paper tiger. pete: a massive economy but command and control, both ccp, top officials in china dictate what is built where, they have an oligarchs system so you have giant cities built up out of nowhere. you can see huge housing complexes completely emptied because they overbuilt based on a giant bargain that people will move from the countryside to the city centers and be part of an industrial revolution much of which has happened but there's a lot of dissatisfaction among rank and file chinese who don't want to be part of that. will: facing deflation and decline. look at this, 21% unemployment in the youth. how does that manifest in the future? pete: considering they have less than they used to because of their one china policy which was in effect for decades. the bell curve of age and china is backwards, there are more old people they have to provide for the young people to work and they can't put them to work. compare that to the united states age 15 to 24, we have 8% to 9% unemployment. will: there is overthrow of the government or external war. pete: external wars another option as well. let's look at the changing quarterly gdp, a dip for china during covid, a rebound and i don't know what to make of this. this is a very straight line, solid chinese -- will: everything is fine. pete: until he gave a virus to the whole world. will: the attitude in the united states and various generations towards products in china. you see are favorable view of labor parts and baby boomers at the bottom. jens z at the top. pete: people saying let's buy our stuff from china. where are they getting their information from? tiktok? they might be. will: look at the share of the world gdp, 15% of world gdp china, 19. will: china big and growing, dynamics can change quickly. just because they are big doesn't mean they will continue to grow. hopefully their vulnerabilities get the best of them. will: be careful what you are tied to. pete: from the basket of deplorable from this comment from speaker pelosi. >> there's annulment of the population who will go for him, people who don't share our values in terms of respect for dignity and worth of every person. will: democrats have no problem bashing republicans before a presidential race. we have vivek ramaswamy joining us next. lowe's knows your style can live anywhere. that's why we carry the samsung bespoke french door refrigerator. and the full line of bespoke appliances. including the samsung bespoke washer. because here, saving is always in style. shop labor day deals now in store, and online. 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will: 15 years old, metallica, enter sandman. metallica was big, is big. rachel: is there a teen resurgence? we have to see. pete: nancy pelosi ramping up the rhetoric on trump and his supporters saying they lack respect for human dignity. >> he is popular among his group. interesting to see how there is a certain element of the population who will go for him. they don't share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person. rachel: her comments as the new york times slam our next guest for, quote, emulating the gop front runner in his fight for nomination. will: here is vivek ramaswamy. good morning. >> good to see you guys. will: there's a lot to talk to you about this morning. let's start with americans living paycheck to paycheck, 61% the port they are living paycheck to paycheck. what is your plan for the economic recovery of americans? >> the clear economic problem in this country is stagnant wages, prices are up 16% since biden took office. clear answer. unlock american energy, supply of oil and gas by drilling, burning coal, embracing nuclear. these are sensible policies that address inflation and deliver economic growth. the next issue is people at home have seen prices go up but we are not seeing economic growth to pace with the. the number one reason is businesses cannot find enough people to staff open positions, stop using taxpayer money to pay people more to stay-at-home than to go to work, that's economic growth combined with stabilizing the us dollar and dismantling the regulatory state. that's the wet blanket on businesses across the country. that's how we will restore gdp growth in this country and how we will combat inflation in this country and the economic revival is one of the inputs to national pride. the reason we have a crisis in national pride, people aren't proud of our country, not making enough money in that country. pete: you have the worst of scrutiny following that debate performance. we mentioned the new york times. and at times pieces they said vivek ramaswamy in clashes with his new media, the upstart retreated from past comments and they say lied about on the record statements. how are you managing everyone diving into what you said in the past, positions you had in the past, things change as you get older but what you say to voters who say who is vivek today versus what we might see from the past? >> they dug up the age of 18. i was asking out sharpton a question and didn't come out of the birth canal spouting republican talking points. i came to my views based on my experience. i was ceo who like so many ceos was browbeaten into making statements on behalf of black lives matter after george floyd died. among ceos in america i was unique say and i refused to do it. business should stay out of politics, focus on profits. that ultimately led me to a journey that caused me to arrive at pro-american views that i espoused today. that's where my convictions are deeper than a standard politician who will recite a slogan by their super pac, that's not me. and independent patriot who speaks the truth. that's why i have been clear and my convictions so strong. i don't say things the way a standard politician was that's why we are having success. will: you state these pencils clearly but the question for many on the right is when did you make that transition to pete's point? i've been your website where you address these issues regarding masks or climate change or whatever it may be, there does seem to be a transition your political ideology and that makes people question is it legitimate or is it convenient? when did this transformation take place? >> it started in 2,020. i was apolitical before 2020. people pointed out i've it didn't vote in my 20s. i was disillusioned by partisan politics, i voted libertarian in my first election and sat out for mccain and obama and romney and obama. i came to this in 2020 which i was a biotech ceo, what we saw with the black lives matter protests, that was the your i brought my first son into the world, that gives me a deeper conviction. i don't think of myself as a standard political partisan but standing for the pro-american agenda. when your experiences bring you to your views you hold from the that much more strongly. over the last three years there has been no powerful advocate in this country against woke capitalism, against the toxic esg agenda and not just writing books about it but doing something about it, starting a company called strive, the leading competitor of black rock. that tells you where i am. rachel: you would not be the first republican candidate for president who was a democrat or not a republican for many years before. that would be ronald reagan and donald trump. let me get to this. you have said nothing made the gop establishment or big donors more not want to support youth and your position on ukraine. you called for an immediate peace negotiation, you want that were to end, don't think it's in our interests. why you think it makes donors and establishment so angry and i want to know if you think we are being told the truth about what is happening on the ground in ukraine? >> i don't think we are getting all the facts, look at their reluctance to investigate how our money has been spent, we have 0 transparency, $200 of taxpayer dollars in resources have gone and that's shameful. can't speak for why the establishment is so attached to further engagement to ukraine but my top job when it comes to foreign policy is to assert american interests while keeping us out of world war iii. we have no idea what russia's red lines are now. we are sleepwalking into major conflict with a nuclear power. that's a problem in this country and we should use those resources to protect our southern border, i worry we are driving russia further into china's arms. it is not 1980 anymore, the top threat we face is communist china, not russia. we need to focus on getting rushed out of china's camp without further engagement in ukraine, is doing the opposite while increasing the risk of a conflict i do not think we should be in and i'm the only candidate willing to say it. rachel: sometimes it seems too good to be trend that's why some have come after you, you sound like chat gpt. a lot of people like what you are seeing, you are having a moment and have to face that scrutiny and we wish you luck. >> good seeing you. will: at tcu, college football returns to fox. ♪ trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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(intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. pete: college football season kicks off at noon on fox. will: live at tcu ahead of the big game against colorado. >> reporter: a lot of excitement later today. if you are looking at this game you might be thinking colorado, tcu, why is it important, it has to do with deion sanders, what's making people excited? >> you've got prime time, deion sanders and college football and what he has done. people don't understand 85 scholarship players, colorado has flipped and turned over this roster. it's fascinating to see how things will play out and we will find out today. >> reporter: the colorado team went one and 11 last year but it's completely right different roster. will that be enough to turnaround? >> do they have enough depth? college football season is a long season. if they have injuries, especially in a hot environment and get tired out, do they have the depth to still be competitive? his son is talented as a quarterback, travis hunter is a two way player. look for travis hunter who will play wide receiver and cornerback, he's a ton of fun and explosive player but other than that we will see who emerges from colorado. >> reporter: people will be watching this game and games across the country. speak broadly to the overall college football season. every year brings a new set of expectations. >> we haven't had a team for repeat, they are trying that. we haven't had that since minnesota in the 1930s. you've got georgia trying to do something we haven't seen in a long time. new quarterbacks in ohio state and alabama, michigan, and while since they won a national championship. the entire offense and defense back, so many storylines. >> reporter: the ladies are starting to cheer, they are ready to go. keep an eye on this game at noon. will: thank you. 95 degrees at noon, good luck, colorado. that is cool for texas. pete: the rest of us can watch it in the air-conditioned confines of our home or office. rachel: we will get into the football spirit by tailgating, stick with us. e. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at ♪ ♪ ♪ just one look at you and i know it's gonna be -- ♪ a lovely day ♪ will: if id had given you five guesses, i don't think you would have gone with -- you wouldn't have gone with queens. look at that. you'd either guess north carolina, florida, right in that's queens. new york.

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General , Gender Identity , Amy Davlin , Rights , Board Of Education , Child , Outing , Parent , Outing Bill , The School , World , School Board , Check , Sex , School , Schools , School System , Doing , Secrets , Girl , Mom , Counselor , Council , Saying , Body , Boy , One Hundred Thousand , 11 , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Secret , Kid , Pronouns , Ideas , Kids , Bathroom , Backs , Agenda , View , Attack , Marxist , Bill , Legislation , Allegations , Abuse , Cycle , Group Home , Suicidal Tendencies , 8665 , Gender Confusion , Minds , Increase , Girls , Reading , Abigail Schreier , Harvey , 4000 , Health , No One , Term , Country , China , Off The Wall , Waiting , Sick , Laws , Kids Online Safety Act , Hearts , Heart , Aah , It Doesn T , Who , Honking , Manual , Wh , Get Kardiamobile , Ekg , Anywhere , Checkup , Pads , Fingers , 30 , 20000 , Stroke , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Heart Rhythm , Bradycardia , Costs , Hundreds , Fda , Tachycardia , 9 , 79 , Gas , Hotel , Don T Wait , Tank , Kardia Com , Amazon , Views , Craft Beers , Faves , Ding , Choicehotels Com , Spa , Cambria , Wall , Car , Spot , Carvana Dot Com Today , Offer , Carvana , Sleep , Breeze , Tempur Pedic , Air Conditioning , Sweating , Adjustable Mattress Sets , 700 , Businesses , Dynamic Trade Relationship , Workers , Changes , Tensions , Dependence , Relationship , Top Supplier , Chinese Communist Party , Let S Go Off The Wall , Economy , Transformation , Trade , Goods , Lead , Washington Dc , 16 , Stuff , Internally , Powerful , Imports , Trade Deficit , 83 Billion , 6 , 383 Billion , Products , Surface , Parties , Poverty , Men , Purchase , Jobs , Economics , Goals , Comparative Advantage , Electronics , Minerals , Party , Chinese , Intellectual Property , I Wasn T , Ambitions , Computer Parts , Source , Graphite , 95 , One Hundred , Materials , Medicine , Water , Half , Pharmaceuticals , Arsenic , Power , Ltds Vermonters , 100 , Wants , Power Grid , Semiconductors , Energy , Earth , Control , Officials , Command , Both , Oligarchs System , Ccp , Paper Tiger , Housing Complexes , Out Of Nowhere , Cities , Bargain , Unemployment , Countryside , City , Centers , Dissatisfaction , Deflation , Who Don T Want , Rank And File , Industrial Revolution , 21 , One China Policy , Manifest , Age , Bell Curve , Effect , Gdp , War , Overthrow , Option , Wars , Dip , Everything Is Fine , Rebound , Virus , Covid , Generations , Labor , Attitude , Bottom , Top , Share , World Gdp , Information , Jens Z , Tiktok , Best , Vulnerabilities , Dynamics , China Big And Growing , 19 , Population , Don T Share , Comment , Basket , Problem , Respect , Worth , Terms , Values , Race , Next , Style , Store , Saving , Appliances , Bespoke Washer , Samsung , Door Refrigerator , French , Lowe S , Weight , Golo Commercial , Golo , Solution , Announcer , Measures , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Side Effects , Verge , Ways , Release , Shirt Off , Golo For Life , The Sun , 300 , Cravings , Hunger , Sugar , Efficiency , Meal , 75 , Times , Weight Loss , Prescription , Starvation Dieting , 80 , In My Life , Product , Natural , Jitters , Insulin Levels , Muscle , Hormones , Key , 4xl Shirt , Change , Weight Loss Surgery , Stairs , Jason , Katie , 424 , Golo Com , Break , 20 , A Hundred , Won T , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Copd , Vision Changes , Eye , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Pain , Swelling , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Tongue , Hit Florida , Hurricane Idalia , Households , Georgia , Hit , Area , Valdosta , Big Bend , 10000 , 67000 , 70 , Disturbance , Coast , Hurricane Activity , Outlook , Atlantic Ocean Basin , Africa , Chance , Development , West , Nobody , Ten , Beaches , Threat , Areas , Swells , Bermuda , Atlantic Seaboard , Heat , Long Island , 94 , New York , Stretch , Rally , East Coast , 92 , Estate , Headlines , Law Inmates , Life Sentence , Lawmakers , Prisoners , Resentencing , Union , Inmate , Bus Driver Strike , Petition , Bars , June Of 1990 , 1990 , Metallica , Strike , Students , Chief Of Staff , Contract , Greats , Business As Usual , World Tour , 90000 , Guest , Storm , Tens Of Thousands , Band , Show , Seat , Los Angeles , Son , Master , Puppies , Owners , Songs , Resurgence , Enter Sandman , Big , Supporters , Trump , Teen Resurgence , Human Dignity , Rhetoric , Group , Element , Comments , Nomination , Fight , Slam , Front Runner , Quote , Paycheck , Port , 61 , Recovery , Office , Prices , Drilling , Soil , Nuclear , Supply , Burning Coal , Wages , Growth , Policies , Positions , Address Inflation , Pace , Dollar , Work , Taxpayer Money , Pride , People Aren T , Revival , Gdp Growth , Inputs , Crisis , Inflation , Scrutiny , Money , Worst , Debate Performance , Statements , Upstart , Record , Clashes , Question , Ceo , Sharpton , Experience , Talking Points , Didn T Come Out Of The Birth Canal Spouting , 18 , Politics , Lives , Ceos , Behalf , George Floyd , Focus On Profits , Politician , Convictions , Journey , Slogan , Super Pac , Patriot , Success , Pencils , The Truth , Transition , Point , Website , Right , Climate Change , Issues , Masks , Ideology , Election , 2020 , Conviction , Sat , Protests , Mccain , Obama , Romney , Experiences , Competitor , Company , Books , Capitalism , Advocate , Esg , Black Rock , Candidate , Ronald Reagan , Establishment , Ukraine , Position , Donors , Peace Negotiation , Interests , Ground , Truth , Facts , Taxpayer Dollars , Transparency , Reluctance , 200 , 0 , Engagement , Foreign Policy , Russia , World War Iii , Lines , Conflict , Sleepwalking , Top Threat , Arms , 1980 , Opposite , Camp , Luck , Trend , Some , Chat Gpt , College Football , Tcu , Safelite , Nicorette , Suv , Good , Woman , Noon On Fox , Craving Loop , Singers , Replacement , Service , Safelite Repair , The One , Space , Kitchen , Janet , Tanya , Timeline , Space Station , Intercom , Add Power , Round Brush Head , Ethan , Flightdeck , Teeth , Dentist , Opendoor , Feeling , Flexibility , House Warming , Plaque , Tooth , Superior Clean , Oral B Round , Oral B Brush , Season , Pro , Big Game , Thinking Colorado , Prime Time , 85 , Roster , Depth , Environment , Injuries , Travis Hunter , Player , Quarterback , Cornerback , Ton , Wide Receiver , We Haven T , Games , Expectations , Set , Quarterbacks , Ohio State , Repeat , Minnesota , Alabama , Michigan , 1930 , Storylines , Cheer , Back , Offense , Championship , Defense , Confines , Rest , Football Spirit By , Stick , Amd , E He , Vision Loss , Spots , Warning Signs , Form , Disease , Struggle , Wavy , Faces , Light , Challenge , Trouble , Risks , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes , Someone , Eye Doctor , Goal , A1c , Health Care Provider , Getrealaboutdiabetes Com , Lovely Day Will , Id , Gonna , Queens , Guesses , North Carolina , Five ,

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