Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

specifically south carolina. florida governor ron desantis, he will join us in a few moments. but first hear with the very latest on the ground in charleston tonight is katie bern. what is going on there? >> reporter: here in charleston, we are getting over a high tide which was what a lot of people were right about. what happened was streets turned into flooded roads like this because the seawall which is right in this direction, you can't see right now because of how dark it is. with watch for hours, waste from the charleston harbor crash over the seawall and unfortunately, flooded roads in charleston saturday. and also, across downtown charleston. those sea walls typically protect the charleston peninsula where, you know, we have got these gorgeous historic homes. businesses where people have sandbags laid out to try to stop some of the water from getting in but it is not just flooding that we have been monitoring here in the state of south carolina. we have seen tornadoes touched down across the state. you can see video here that shows one strong enough to pick up a car and flip it over. that was about 18 miles from us here in charleston in a town called goose creek. 20 -- but we know from this flooding right now is that it is up there with her conflating. the harbor reached over 9 feet which is -- has only happened four other times during hurricanes and unfortunately, the water has not really started receiving what she had. we are in a spot where we are close to the huy quan but it gets deeper as you walk into roads like this and we will have to wait until they lead to more to see what kind of damage is done, sean. >> sean: and katie, you have not expensed the rest of this, have you? >> reporter: high tide was what people were really preparing for. a, 30 is what it happened. we are hoping that after 8:30 this water would recede pretty quickly but we have not seen the water receipting just yet. what we do know is that when was pushing that water this way and that one is going to change directions and hopefully push the water back into the harbor in the next couple of hours. >> sean: okay, katie byrne, we will check in later. we continue to attract the tropical storm. we will bring a shocking new evidence tonight of collusion between joe biden's weaponized doj and hunter biden's legal team and what now appears to be a joint effort to derail serious allegations of misconduct. of course, we are talk about joe biden's bribery and of course, of money laundering scandal allegations and also to allegations made by two irs whistleblowers. house oversight committee chairman james comer will join us. he has the very latest there. plus, an important update about hunter's trips on air force two and how they may have benefited the family syndicate. we turn our attention back, the tropical storm idalia unlike the devastation in maui, the top knost toxic disaster that was east palestine in ohio where joe biden was completely m.i.a., w,well, president biden today amazingly got to a podium relatively quickly even to address the ongoing storm. unfortunately, he shifted the conversation as per usual to himself. , appearing and commiserating over his own tragic kitchen fire. the kitchen fire lasted a whopping 20 minutes before the fire department extinguished what they referred to as a minor incident. he nearly lost his precious 67 corvette, his casket and is why. no, for over a year biden has proudly heartlessly compared almost every major disaster to what is an insignificant kitchen fire that almost destroyed his precious little cat and corvette. take a look. >> president biden: lightning struck my house and we have to get out of the house for about seven months. so much damage was done to the house and half the house almost collapsed. i don't want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, jill and i, what it is like to lose a home. years ago, now 15 years, i was in washington, the meet the press. lightning struck at home. a little lake that is outside of our home. and hit the wire and came up underneath our home into the ducks, the air conditioning d duct. story short, i almost lost my wife, my 1967 corvette and my cat. i know from experience how much anxiety and fear concern there are in the people. we did -- lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of our home about 15 years ago. >> sean: joe, maui was -- so many homes were wiped out. many people never go back to their home ever. they may not afford to be able to rebuild, joe and some people now in florida, their lives are going to be upended for at least another year. at least. if they can afford to rebuild. it. it is not always about you, joe. no one really cares about your idiotic a small kitchen fire in delaware that nearly -- you nearly lost your precious corvette a decade ago but nobody really cares about that tonight. on the bright side, at least joe is finally talk about a hurricane in real time. i guess that is progress. but maybe it is just convenient timing since the storm made landfall on one of the few days biden is not on vacation this month. take a look at. >> did you guys realize that the initial hawaii wildfire response was not that good or is it just easier for people to get help from the white house when the president is not on vacation? >> the premise of a question and the way you post your question, i disagree for the record. so if you talk to -- to tune your reporting and speak to governor of hawaii, the senators of hawaii, the folks on the ground, they would say that the president reacted in record time when it came to dealing with the wildfires. when it came to dealing and making sure that they got everything that they need on the federal level to do with what was going on. let's not forget that we are more than 600 federal employees on the ground already to assist with the wildfires in maui. so your question is wrong. is flawed in many, many ways. and i would advise you to go speak through the governor in the local state officials and -- in hawaii. >> sean: record time just a flat out lie. biden took two separate vacations before he finally made his way to maui. according to joe, it was important that he remain on vacation because he was -- would just get in the way. the only problem with that phony excuse was it was nothing in the way left in the way to get in front of. for almost two weeks before he showed up. and when asked about the devastation, the loss of life, no comment. he said that not once but he said it twice. and by the way, so -- someone should really put karine jean-pierre in her binder because we are almost now an entire month after the maui wildfires that devastation, not exactly a kitchen fire. and we still have no idea how many people lost their lives. how is that possible? and as of now, least 115 people have, and those are confirmed that. but anywhere between 350 and a thousand people are still missing. how do we a month later not know the exact numbers here? how come emergency alert system was not activated on the island? how come an environmental nutcase according to reports withhold vital and necessary water that firefighters bravely and desperately needed for nearly six hours? how did that happen? this is a gruesome, some indication that the federal response joe biden's response has been totally inept, and it is not the first time. because we saw a similar level of incompetence in east palestine in the -- in ohio. joe promised he would visit the rosberg committee. it is over six months. no sign of joe biden. plenty of vacation time. no sign of joke. how are you feeling about joe and ohio tonight? despite the fairytales about his administration, all for the working class, working-class communities, the midwest, middle-class joe, scranton joe, would rather spend his time in an -- in a luxurious mansion in lake tahoe over sitting on his tired old ass on a beach in delaware, feature that is too busy, too heavy to even move in his pathetic condition. and speaking of vacation, guess who is planning another trip to the beach? despite a hurricane, on the east coast of florida. and the hundreds of missing people in maui. and other important duties that a normal u.s. president would be taken care of. you know, like let's see, the energy crisis influence skyhigh, inflation still out of control. borders where we now have confirmed that in fact people on the terror watch list across our country -- are crossing into our country. don't worry, your president is headed right back to work for another weekend of rest and relaxation and no plans to call off his fun in the sun. take a look. >> reporter: are you making contingency plan on early schedule either with his labor day with your own personal travels and also for your international travels that are coming up next week that need to be reshuffled? im i make i just don't know yet. >> sean: while joe has had the beach under his little umbrella, he has a hard time moving it. florida governor desantis has been hard at work. that is what leaders do in times of crisis. they show up. they get to work. natural disasters don't take a break during a holiday weekend. and today on twitter, the first lady of florida casey desantis, she posted this picture on twitter. so far, 100-year old oak tree at the governor's mansion where the first lady of florida and her children were at the time. likely, thank god nobody was injured from this fallen tree. but the death toll in florida, georgia, the carolinas, exactly is it expected to rise. i hope it does not. our prayers are with everyone in the southeast tonight. all right are joining is not with the very latest from his home state, actually the free state of, governor ron desantis. wow. hundred-year-old oak tree. i'm sure a little scary for you and your family, governor. but the devastation that i saw this morning on tv, what is your assessment at this hour? >> well, sean, we were ready for this. so we had search and rescue teams staged national guards, we have 5500 national guard. we had 1.2 million gases -- gallons of gasoline in the event of fuel shortages. we had over 30,000 climbing to restore power and so as soon as the storm passed, our first responders were on the scene and checking on people. the good news is that we have not seen the type of loss of life like we did in hurricane ian in the coastal areas. they did expense significant storm surge. most of the people did inequity. and so we are consciously a permit is -- optimistic that we will end up okay on that and the storm hit in a land for probably about 8:00 a.m. this morning. we have since restored 370,000 power to the customers. and there's about 175,000 outstanding. so all those linemen have been working to get people back connected. we know that there's going to be a lot of things we need to do, but we wanted to get everybody back on their feet as quickly as possible. >> sean: my understanding is that storm surge was great but it receded quicker than most people were predicting. true. >> yeah, look, i think that, i mean, this was a category four storm all the way up until maybe about 15 miles on the coast and then it went to a high cat three. so it did drive up a lot of storm surge and some of the areas. some of it over 70 feet. i think maybe even 10 feet. but i think that people protected themselves when hurricane ian hits, you remember that down in south as florida and i know you know that area well, they were frantic calls to 911 that the water was rising so quickly. we did not see those types of phone calls like we did in hurricane ian and so i think it is a combination of the surge was a little more manageable and i think it was a combination of people did he did evacuation warnings. they got off the barrier islands and they got into places that were on higher ground and not susceptible to the surge. >> jesse: go back to last year's hurricane and fort myers and sanibel, i mean, it was utter devastation. you just never know with these hurricanes. however, i mean, being prepared for having everybody in place, getting electrical power up, especially tomorrow, i understand it is supposed to be extremely hot in florida tomorrow. that means older people especially because they're going to need going to need their air conditioners working. it looks like you are on track to get everybody up and running as soon as possible. >> yeah, we have got a lot of linemen that are there to help with the -- and a lot of this part of florida is without power. a lot of are like rural cooperatives, other types of municipal electrical. so they may not have as much resources as some of the private companies like a florida power & light. so we have all these extra linemen that are there to offer the assistance and we want to get that done as quickly as possible. there are going to be some serious because there's massive amounts of debris with all the forests and everything like that. some of the powerlines got chopped up pretty good. so some of it is going to take elluminate more time than others will. but the problem -- bottom line is we have an overwhelming number of personnel that are on the ground working to restore everybody across the board. >> sean: let me ask you about a problem that has emerged as an article about the new york post and other articles i have read about this, based on the number of hurricanes and the amount of damage, homeowners insurance, especially in coastal areas have gone up anywhere from 25%, 30%, or even higher and it is especially in this recession, this biden economy, it is forcing people to self-insure. because the premiums are up, in there so significantly. is there anything that maybe ought -- on the state level you can do, the federal government needs to do to deal with the rising costs dramatically higher costs for insuring your home? >> we have done a number of reforms in the last year, sean, including my state, florida home program, people god grants to fortify their homes and make improvements and they get lower rates. we also did huge reforms and the structure of our market earlier this year. that has led to we now have four new companies that are actually entering into florida's property insurance market, which was not happening for so many years. and we have a fifth company on deck. and as you know, you need to have consumers need to have choices. that is how you keep premium increases in check. so we have got four in the hopper. one on the way. and i think you make up when this hurricane season is over, have more companies that are going to be willing to get in the market. but we have had a lot of issues with inflation generally as you know. and then particularly having hurricane ian, which was one of the most costly storms in the history of the united states. >> sean: all ready the governor, our prayers are with the people of my future state, and i mean it, florida. our prayers are with everybody tonight. and we will be following closely. thank you for being with us. all right are joining us now is someone who all too familiar with joe biden's incompetence. great to see you again, how are you? >> grade, sean. thanks for having me. >> sean: what happened to joe's promised that he was going to go he was going to go to east palestine? did anybody ever helped the people out in the community? >> it is shameful and disgraceful, sean. joe biden promised he would visit east palestine, and he has broken that promise and more importantly, sean, he has refused to actually employ the services of his government to help the people of east east palestine. i was there just a couple weeks ago and let me tell you, people feel abandoned and forgotten because their own government get their own president who promised to show up did not show up and they really feel it. when you compare what is happening in east palestine and marycate you see a guy, promised, he ran for president saying that he would bring decency and empathy back to the oval office. donald trump showed up in east palestine and joe biden never did and he has not showed up anywhere else either. i wish this guy would just stay in his bunker and leave people alone. but if he but if he is going to pretend to be the head of our government, he ought to get out there and do his job. >> sean: oh, yeah, i would like to think so. how is the community doing because that was really disastrous at the time and how does a person make a promise? one of the things i always believed as a parent, if you make a promise to your kids, all right, you get straight a's, i'm going to take you to disney or whatever the promise happens to be could you got to keep your promise. if they do their part that you got to do their part. it is a president's drop to show up in maui could not two weeks later. it is a president's job if he tells the people of ohio he is going to go and he is going to helped them to show up. why is this so hard for this president. his vacation? >> it is so hard, sean, because i think he just does not care. this is a guy who ran for president to be called mr. president, not to actually do something for the people of the country and you see that every single day. you ask how the people of east palestine are doing. sean, in a lot of ways, they are still struggling. they are trying to rebuild. and i really believe it is one of the strongest, most hard-working, and most courageous groups of people that i have hour. so they are going to come back stronger than ever, sean. but their government is not helping them, and there are a lot of problems that are still there. number one indoor air quality for people who are living in areas, where they are still smelling toxic fumes. number two, cleaning up the creek, cleaning of the watershed so that you don't have poisonous waterways. the government has failed there as well. so they are coming back, sean. but at the same time, they are coming back in an environment where the government has failed them every single day. it is not good at all. and i think they would be doing so much better if joe biden got off his rear end and actually used his government to serve the people of this country for once. >> sean: all right, seems to -- money for the people of ukraine than he does for people in our own country. i guess that is what america's policies look like. senator jd vance, wait to see you again. thank you. house republicans are demanding answers on hunter biden's use of air force two. how much money did he make of those trips? plus, you won't believe what irs whistleblower gary shapley -- gary shapley's attorney is now alleging. we will check in with h house government oversight and accountability chair, james comer, when we continued. thank you for being with us. ♪ ♪ clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, investigations are wrapping up. the walls are closing in on their experience hunter and joe biden, his father. earlier today, the house oversight committee chair james comer demanded the national archives hand over records from hunter biden's use of air force two following reports that he made over a dozen trips with then vice president joe biden. by the way, some deals were consummated not long after. the national archives and the history of stonewalling house republicans. according to a recent lawsuit, they acknowledge the existence of more than 5,400 biden pseudonym e-mails. but get this. they are not going to release them, they say, without joe biden and barack obama's approval. i'm sure there will be forthcoming because they are so transparent. and don't forget, back in january, they also denied house republicans when they sought information on biden's classified documents. meanwhile, according to irs whistleblower gary shapley's attorney, he met with the deputy attorney general, merrick garland's doj who immediately met with hunter's lawyers and david weiss the guy who wasted five years investigating hunter biden with every intention of giving him outright. is only days before the hunter a sweetheart deal was struck. the work that was struck out of court. anyway, now david weiss has been appointed special counsel in the hunter biden probe, admitting that he and merrick garland will likely get a free pass and by the way, jim jordan is now seeking answers on a special counsel attorney meeting with the white house counsel and the fbi, only weeks before president trump was indicted. in what world -- any of this appropriate? how is that an independent apartment of justice? why are the national archives and the doj repeatedly denying republican lawmakers' requests for information? oversight is part of their job and their duty. why did the special counsel attorney meet with the white house counsel? why did that happen? we need answers. we need them now. here with reaction, house oversight committee chairman james comer is with us circa how are you. >> i'm well. >> sean: let's talk about these trips. some 15 i think you have confirmed that hunter biden flies with daddy. peter schweizer made the case that two weeks after hunter flew with his father, to asia and stockton -- stopped in china, then the bank of china, the $1 billion deal that became $1.5 billion deal was struck as far as we have been able to find. hunter has no experience in that, just like he has no experience in energy. you believe that hunter was enriching himself on these trips vis-à-vis the free travel of his father? >> there's no question hunter biden was enriching himself and his family while riding on air force two at the expense of the american taxpayer. but what is more concerning is what joe biden's role was in all of this. and again, sean, this is an investigation of joe biden and what we're doing now is we are putting a timeline together of all these bank transfers that we have identified, all the bank wires that we are trying to get now put a timeline with communications that hunter had with his father, with his so called associates and we are finding that now he was on air force two a whole lot more than anyone thought. so joe biden's role in this family influence peddling scheme continues to grow on a daily basis. i mean, he was front and center in this. they can claim plausible deniability all they want. but i am here to tell you, sean, joe biden was front and center. he met with every one of these people that he claimed he never met with, that never spoke to, and we are putting together the timeline where hunter biden was traveling to many of these countries on air force two while joe biden was vice president. >> sean: and now we know from e-mails, from hunter's laptop that the person that was in charge of money, rosemont se seneca, and which are worn, hunter was asking which accounts should i pay dad's home repair bills on. hunter saenz he gives have his income to parks. hunter complained bitterly about paying for those home repairs and you try to bring and tony barber linsky and asked him about 10% for the big guy? >> yeah, i expected to see tony barber linsky in front of an oversight committee hearing very soon. i think he wants to tell his story and i know the american people want to hear the story. so we are definitely going to hear from volpiansky very soon we have been trying to communicate with sherman but look, sherman is going to have to answer for all of these transactions and we are -- where you reference sean where hunter biden was paying for things for joe biden. in these accounts, these are the accounts that we are now asking for. these are the accounts we are probably going to head to court in the very near future to try to obtain. >> sean: evan stone fall -- stonewall your investigation the entire time. it took a long time for you to get that suspicious activity reports, the 1023 reports, you have to threaten contempt of congress for a direct array of director wray before he finally handed them over. now the national archives is claiming that joe biden was using aliases or pseudonyms, robert peters, robin ware, jrb ware, and they are saying that you need to get permission from joe biden to get the pseudonym e-mail accounts that are critical to your oversight investigation? and you are going to need barack obama's approval? that is never going to happen. that sounds to me like they are covering for joe and they are tried to run out the clock so you can finish your investigation. what tools do you have in your disposal to expedite this? >> well, i think there's consensus in our conference now that we are going to have to go to the enrichment in court. obviously, there will be speaker mccarthy's call. but i feel like we are there now, sean. i feel like i feel like that is eminent. and i believe that that will be a tool in our toolbox when we go to court with our subpoena. look, we requested these documents, the house oversight committee has legislative jurisdiction over the national archives. they have stonewalled us in the biden mishandling of classified documents. now they are, you know, we hope they don't stonewall us in the pseudonym request. there's 5400 e-mails, at least three -- >> sean: have you seen them? have you seen any of these e-mails. have you seen any of them? >> i have seen of you. yes, i have. the same one that had hunter biden, copied. and that is the most concerning thing. that is where the democrats have gone stone cold started in washington in their defense of joe biden. there was an e-mail that was through a pseudonym that was joe biden. space that had hunter copied on it, and it was an e-mail about ukraine policy at the same time that devon archer testified that the owners of burisma were squeezing hunter to call washington for help and that is when dan goldman said, he could have called anybody in washington and i'm sure they just talked about the weather. that is not true. >> sean: i want to make sure mike tomlin is] correct me if i'm wrong. october of 2015, it became official after an interagency study, it officially became obama administration policy to give the $1 billion in loan guarantees to ukraine because they made enough progress regarding corruption. same year, 2015, december 4th, hunter is in dubai with burisma executives asked him for exactly what you mentioned. dc help. they called joe biden in dc. get him on the phone. five days later, he was in ukraine, leveraging a billion dollars. to get a prosecutor fired. sun of a b, they fire the guy in six hours. and hunter biden as a result continues to get paid for work by his own admission. he had no qualifications being paid for. is that correct? is that timeline right? >> that is 100% correct. and that is very concerning and think about this, that is what the first trumpet impeachment was about. double tuck simply asking, zelenskyy what he knew about that. that was the quid pro quo. the quid pro quo was joe biden withholding american tax dollars to ukraine in exchange for then firing the prosecutor who is investigating his son, hunter, for corruption. >> sean: last question, are you investigating bribery and money laundering as it relates through the president of the united states? >> yes, that is under investigation. we know that the president's son committed money laundering. we are investigating whether or not joe biden committed money laundering. but we are pretty certain he has committed some pretty serious offenses. >> sean: and nine members of the biden family got paged through the shell corporations. you have stated that fact. and we believe now you have evidence that joe biden benefited financially himself, although that is not even with the statute calls for. correct? >> i think so. yes. >> sean: james comer, thank you. straight ahead tonight,. >> alarmists called avenue does have a new victim. they are attacking martha stewart? i will defend her when we come back. we set out to identify the root causes that are behind students academic challenges. one of the things we found is that many students who struggle are missing. important foundational knowledge. learning is a sequential process. it's like a chain of interlinked concepts. if one link is missing, there isn't anywhere to connect the next concept yourselves. acellus team responded by developing a technology called vectored instruction, which takes into account a student's existing knowledge gaps and dynamically provides targeted lessons to bridge those gaps. we had a student who was struggling in algebra, acellus gold recognize that the student was missing concepts from two grade levels before and automatically provided the basic lessons needed for the student to move forward. in a acellus academy. we're seeing student lesson scores increase by as much as 25% after receiving assistance through vectors instruction. all students possess the capacity to learn as a teacher. acellus gold provides me with the tools that i need to help the student succeed. ♪ ♪ >> sean: the climate alarmist cult has a new victim tonight. martha stewart. really? arthur stewart, that is who they are going after? she is under attack over this instagram post during a trip to the agreement. martha stewart held up a cocktail and wrote, "we actually captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight. woke up this little remark is sparking predictable outrage from the claimant alarmist religious cultists and according to, one commentator wrote, "martha the ice caps are melting. don't put them in your drink." "arthur, you can use all the ice caps you want." martha stewart hits back with this picture of an iceberg captured -- captioned pleated icebergs, perfect for cocktails. good for her. here with, fox & friends we can't cohost pete has thick and reince priebus. okay. these lunatics now, donald trump -- ever reach three dollars an average in this country. we are now headed back to the five dollars per gallon per diesel. everything we buy at every store we go to is going to cost more. we are -- cost of the four dollars national average for gasoline. is well over five dollars and a lot of liberal states. i'm sorry. i am tired of as putting ourselves in an economic bind that is so preventable because of their adherence to their religious cult because they are nuts. what do we do. >> well, it is so true. and you know, i look at 2016. and it is not just this story. i get the feeling and i'm sure you and pete feel the same way. things are boiling over just like they were in 2016. prop ee look at crime. people out there are nuts with going to cvs trying to buy a bottle and having to call the store clerk because everything is locked up. whether it be, you know, transylvania where everywhere that you can find women in sports, schools and the local environment that our kids are subjected to, him/him/she/there are no american pride what whatsoever. our border, homelessness, lawlessness, all over the place. and is not because you see environment. look, we can care and act without being insane. there is a group and you have had them on the air, american conservation, religion, normal things that normal people can do to help the environment. but i look back at 2016. and you see this boiling over that is happening in america but i never thought that things could be more volatile than they were in 2016. i have told people that donald trump was the biggest middle finger that the american people could find in 2016 and they found it and here we are again. it is all of these things. and when you only have to move 100,000 people in five states to make the difference in the electoral college, that is all we are talking about. this kind of stuff, not just the nonsense of what is happening here in greenland, but it is all these other things that are boiling over. and the american people know it. the people watching know it. people are sick and tired of it all. >> sean: pete, i actually would give $10,000 to martha stewart's charity if she could somehow bring some of that arctic ice home and i could buy it from her and i will give her 10 grand. i would like to try a cocktail with that ice. >> sean, sean, come on, i really peek into the punch year. i already ordered some ice. , would way it. you can order eisberg ice? where do you order that? >> iceberg ice, if martha stewart likes it, i love it. it is phenomenal. it is the best ice. she is the best out there. why aren't we going for it? >> sean: wait a minute. do you buy this on and costco? where do you get it. >> dry ice straight from agreement. i was hoping greenland would be the 51st state. but that is where i get it. and there's a recipe for unhinged liberals turns out in her cookbook. martha has been over her skis on this a long time. the recipe for unhinged liberals is one, perpetual anger, two parts perpetual ignorance. they are like your muscles except it is online and you just repeat every day and that is how you do it. martha gets it. she is not going to pay attention to this. she is just going to bring us iceberg ice and we're going to love it all the way until the end. >> sean: reince, i'm shockede ie curve, ahead of his time. an open bar and only use iceberg ice. i think that is a great idea. >> it is very clever. i'm thinking of making it old-fashioned right now. it sounds great. >> sean: by the way, nobody our age brings an old-fashioned anymore. if you are from wisconsin -- next thing -- straight up. you guys are just in milwaukee and more old-fashioned. is that true? i think wisconsin drinks -- [overlapping speakers] >> sean: go ahead. >> they drink more brandy than every say i think in the country combined and it is -- that is the state drink outside of a miller light. >> sean: your drink of choice so everyone knows. >> i think -- you know, there's no gen in this. but there will be in a moment. >> sean: all right. we will stick by that story. are not buying it. i think that is -- i'm guessing. and we can thank you both. up next, really bad today. mitch mcconnell rose up again for over 30 seconds while taking questions from the press. we will talk to some doctors coming up next. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? - good. - you sure? - i think so. - how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon. 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running for reelection. >> that is -- >> did you hear the question, senator, running for reelection in 2026? alright, i'm sorry, you all. we are going to need a minute. >> go ahead outside for me. come with us. >> okay. >> does anybody else have a question? please speak up. or when there's -- this is not the first time this has happened. it happened recently. >> just trying to -- [whispering] >> is he okay? >> are you okay, mitch? >> anything else you want to say? do you want to say anything else? >> lets go back. >> go ahead. >> lets go back. >> go ahead, john. >> sean: let's bring in fox news medical 18 contributors dr. nichols half are and dr. marc siegel, i was told by a doctor friend of mine and he was very clear, dr. nicole, that, you know, he has not examined mitch mcconnell. so it is always difficult to make a diagnosis. certainly you got to get inside. you got to get pictures and radiological studies. but there was a report that he had fallen prior to the first incident and his guest was maybe he suffered a subdural hematoma and maybe now having posttraumatic seizure. is that a possibility? or what do you think is the likely culprit here? >> well, listen, sean, first of all, the nechaev -- h of the senate is 62, approaching medicare age. and some of the risks that comes with the stagnation of our political class is, you know, having these, you know, cognitive declines. and, you know, it is very sad watching mitch mcconnell, senator feinstein, even president biden as they are starting to struggle. and whether, you know, watching mitch mcconnell today, i will be honest, it was very sad as a physician but also as a human watching him. he was clearly struggling. he was lost for thought. he was trying to hold himself up. it seemed like he even had a deviation where his eyes were looking upwards. and my eye -- thoughts were similar. was he having some sort of seizure activity, not enough blood to go to -- blood flow to the brain. bottom line is i don't know. but he is over 80. he has already exceeded the life expectancy for, you know, average americans. one point as a society do we say, it's time to just take a break and bask in retirement? who are the people who are continuing to prop them up and have them be facing these situations? at some point, maybe they should just be relaxing and enjoying their time with their friends and family. i'm not sure that they are mentally or physically fit for the job of protecting and leading our nation. >> sean: and your take, i saw earlier, dr. siegel, that you thought this might be related to the parkinson's. >> well, sean, our head of we have at nyu, traumatic brain injury specialist, feels like what dr. safire just said that you had a blow to the brain and that he could be later on having seizures. but -- and this could be a mild seizure. but the neurologist i spoke to made this point. the people around him are looking at him as though they know this is happening other -- either that or they are under reacting and a stroke or something and you're supposed to be rushed to medical attention. so it perhaps speaks through the fact that it might have been something that they knew about and parkinson's, you have the shuffling gait which he seems to have. the fall which he has done and you don't always have tremors. but you can have a brain freeze just like this. he has had repeated brain freezes, literally the word you used when you just go blank and when you go rigid. so yes, it could be parkinson. i want to make one other point. first of all, i don't think it is -- we have to worry about age. we have to worry about fairness because we all no people and i have a book editor at 80 that is smarter when he was -- than when he was 60. it is not h. it is fitness and the for this year is in question for feinstein for sure. other people voting for her. mcconnell, want to say there that he has shown from a very early age battling polio, he is valid and we have to honor that. but maybe there comes a point where you have to say, enough is enough already. and one of the things we're doing here is we are putting it out to the democrats and republicans. that is with the democrats should do. healthfirst. politics second. >> sean: all right, well said. i think a lot of these, senator feinstein, fetterman, obviously joe, way past their prime. maybe it is time for at least temporarily, you know, stand down as leader. all right, more -- we wish you the best. more. >> bryan: after the break, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ independently homeschooling their children. acellus courses from power homeschool provide a self-paced learning solution that automatically adapts to help each student succeed. power homeschool has really transformed our child's experience. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. visit our website at power homeschool dot org. to learn more and start your child's educational journey. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. >> sean: >> okay ♪ >> sean: all right, unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. before we go, quick programming note. next week, live studio audience shows wednesday and thursday, new york city tickets free, just go to to register. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. thank you for making this show possible and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by will put a smile on your face. have a great night. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> tyrus: all right, woo! what it is. i'm tyrus and i'm in for the little fellow. but he sent a clip of what he's been up to. check it out. ♪ ♪

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