Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

and it is dangerous. >> the vague takes on the squad. >> plus, don't block the roads. get ou roadst by the ground of your ground. >> down. >> the fox news alert. white house visitor logs just released suggest that joe biden is personally running the prosecutions of donald trump. the biden whit e house was much more involved in the mar-a-lago raid than we ever realized.litia white house visitor logs suggests that the raid itselfel may have been hatched inside the biden white house and the special counsel prosecution on donald trump is still being coordinated by the white house. >> jayion on brad, who's now thp aide to the special counsel, jack smith, was a justice department official and was summoned to the white house twichousjack we in the fall of e to meet with joe biden's deputy chief of staff, carolyn sabr, and an adviser to the chief of staff, katherine riley. >> this was while donald trump was negotiating with the national archives. jay brad didn't want a negotiation. jay brad wanted a raid and lobbied the biden white house to raid mar-a-lago. jay brad even visited e mar-a-lago and told donald trump everythingn was fine. just put a lock on the basement door. bu jod toldt everything wasn't fin. joe biden and his white house counsel signed off on revokin trump's privilege. >> and weeks later, armemed fbi agents got a warrant from a trump hating judge who happened ileg to be an obama donor and went in hard. >> and the biden justicee depa department indicted donald trump. then jay in brad was tapped to be the top aide for special counsel jack smith and what do you know? the biden white house summoned brad brack the to the white houseeet ag to meet with again. biden'aiths deputy chief of sta. that was just in march. and weeks later, donald trump was indicted over the mar-a-lago documents. why is the biden white house conspiring with the justice department and the special counsel's office to prosecute donald trump? joe biden personally told us that he had nothing to do with the prosecution, and it was totally independent. >> i have never once, not one single time suggested the justice department what they should dice depa whato to bring any charge and operate a charge. charges.i'm honest, that's a l. >> not only do white housebiden' visitor logs prove that joe biden's team is workinamg with the special counsel's office to raid and prosecute joe biden's top political opponent. the new york times reported that joe biden was behind the urgent timelincal e. >> joe biden, quote, confided to his inner circle that he believed former president donald j. trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecute it,be and that biden himself felt like garland should, quote, act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who's willin g to take decisive action. >> all of the evidence now al joe biden waspersonal personally behind the prosecution of donalind d trump and the timing of his trial in order to interfere with the election. >> today, a democrat d.c. judge ruled that the january six trial again prosecuted by jack smith, will begin march 4th, a day before super tuesday. what a coincidence. and the mar-a-lago tuesday docun trial begins in may, but the appeals proces s will take years and that worries the left. yesterday, msnbc admitted the trump trials aren't about administering justice. they're about to swallowhe fying donald trump from having his name on the ballot. ha as far as i'm concerned. the the all of these court cases, all of these indictments don't mean anything if he's still able to run for president nextthese in year ins he is found disqualified for running for president, he is still a danger to our democracy. so if this is a step in the direction of preventing him from running again or forcing him to step down, then it's great. >> democrat state officialsstat will be taking legal action if donald trump's convicted to removewill his name from the bae and force the courts to figure it out. abc news reports the plane ball is already in the works in new hampshire. ot forjoe biden isn't even commc to debating donald trump. thisomto isn't a battle of idea. there's no effort at persuasion. fforthis is the removal of a political opponent through brute force, through handcuffs and ballot gimmickry. but the democrats soviet style tactics have alienated their most loyal voting bloc. the mugshot has breathedfe new life into the trump campaign and brought in his appeal to black americans. over the weekend, with the helpc of mugshot merchandise, the trump campaign rakedanhe in over $7 million. >> today, my garbage man told me he's buying mug shot t-shirts for everyone he knows. muis christmasbage. the mug shots up on the side of buildings in the inner city. the 2016 phenomenon thn. ppening all over agai trump won that election because of a laser like focus on the forgotten man. a bond was formed back then that can never be broken. and there's a new forgotten man. cannotn. tha democrats have forgotten about them. the media and the professionalk. class are so fixated with smearing and disqualifying one man that they've forgotten that the democratic party shouldman,y have be fixated on g problems better wages, better jobs, better schools, better health care. >> democrats have overpromised and under-delivered for black americans for decades, and as this election rolls around, democrats once again are obsessed with trump. instea d of their most dependable voter. >> the mug shot crystallized that he got indicted and trump got a target on his back. just like a black man. yeah ac, keep a widow, a trump. go ahead and wipe that white paint out your face, man. you black now you good in the hood? >> as far as i know, trump is>>e black. >> when are you guys goingo to learn? the more you indict, the moreor we unite gangsters. how about trump?mp 2020. thought you heard me weep. gangsters. the hood got this man back. it's trump 2024. wha >> that's what it's going to be. we hav going to bee nothing elsg donald trump. >> not once, not twice, no t b three times, but four times. did something i thought was impossible. did soit made donald trump into a sympathetic character, made madellionaire a victim of the man. i know it sounds crazy. ablack americans throughout our history have felt unfairly victimized by the systemblacruth historically. >> there is some truth to that. the mugshot unintentionall ty created a bond between donald trump and black americans. that. got to make trump look like that. i don't appreciate none ofte not because the media, somehow these other presidents t be saying good to you, but doing bad stuff to trump might be saying some bad stuff, but he was doing some good stuff. chec goo k the records put out to people. this man could a free man, a free lil wayne mane h, a go e kodak, you know, say, hey ya, do not make trouble if y'all got him in one of my three big trump. >> donald trump support black americans has steadily been going blac up. in 2020, biden won 91% of the black vote. >> trump had eight. just three years later, biden is down 30 points with black america. trump'n 30s up 12%. there's a reason for that. a few of them metropolitan areas areas are rapidly decaying under democrat a leadership.le not to mention inflation's eating away atadersh black bank accounts. time for talks ovet r joe biden more than any other president represents the system he represents the man. he represents the permanent washington power broker whosesht callous policies created the forgotten maonn. and what better way to send a message to the system thante to vote for the manyste who the system is trying to destroy? destroy. this video is for every singlese black person out there.y wa if you really want to hold thist government that has over your ancestors, if you really want to over this government that helped kill martin luther king jr. then i'm asking into the faith, go vote for donald trump. they know because they've been made up fo r the longest and it's been their vote for donald trump. the democrats have made trump a martyr. they've made voting for donald trump the biggest political message in years. >> jermaine clutch williams is a louisiana voter who joins us now . >> so, jermaine, tell us what people are saying. i mean, like, is this is this debacle is going on amongst me and my peers about the fact that, like what's being done to donald trump has been done to us. so i think is like wha resonatin with a lot of my people in ways that the democratic partyparty probably didn't. you know, like like, lik e they probably didn't envision it, you know what i'm saying? so to set e the the issues, and the and when it boiled downe cal to it was just phone calls. donald trump colons.ust cay chicken only mention making sure everything is going fine and dandy and they making this big deal out of it and to the point to where they you know they like beat trump up, you know what i'm saying? so it's kind of it kind ofh a lo resonate with with a lot of black people because we've bee n in that position. so i think is is like galvanizbe and sympathy from a lot of black people and have you and your friends voted democrat in the pasvoted t? oh, definitely. definitely. but,i mean, like like like now i think the the, uh, the the, the the lines are blurred and people are most of people are more focusepeople adw we're being treated and which candidate is going to takeh some political responsibility for the african-american voterrs . >> do you and your friends feel like the democratic party is kin d of neglected, the black voter? >> i mean, aroun od every every election they talk a big game and then, you know, there's not always results. is that how you feel? jesse j, check this out. check this out., i'm going to keep it real with you. check this out , man. real. the stuff the stuff they're buying, the stuff that biden promised. and first of all, i just want to say, ift to if, if we go if e go down donald trump behind, suppose it racism, then you gotf to know the history of racismh h as it pertains to joe cri biden with the 1994 crime law. a lot of people still in jail right now. a lot of familie a los got destroyed from that crime bill. you know, they, uh. joe biden pays you for under the bill clinton administration . you know what i'm saying? so even out of even out ofadmint plagiarism, out of remarks he made about the, uh, the 7-eleven and the indians and, you know, artist stuff that i think people forgot, you know what i'm saying? but the the, the, the thin gthe th about it is, is like when, wheit you looking at this, what you got to understand is it's about who'ant s actually puttino stuff in the plate. it's about who's actually like ,like putting the pen to the paper. and if you check the facts, i thini think donald trump exhid that way better than any other,t uhed tha, any other president wd in a long time. all right. and i'm saying, even if even tif clutch. how'd you get that name, by the wa get y? . because i'm quick. i come through in the credits, you knowwhen t you, when the gae on the land, you know, you can count on me. all right, well, we're goingvemn to be counting on you than year.r next thanks for. thanks for joining us. no problem. hav no problem. all right. we'll have you back coming up. u bai. >> johnny hits venice beach and so-called conspiracy beaci. s flying in mau oh, boy. hey, jeff bezotheos. you got what you wanted, oprah. you got what you wanted. tasting america. can we talk? 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burn, this is interesting. >> less than a month before the fire, the democrat governor of hawaiia mont the, j, signed an emergency proclamation concernin g hawaiian real estate. >> to my knowledge, this was the first emergency proclamation in the country that didn't have a preceding incident. this was just from minor knowledge was just to streamline development on maui and it is allocated all decision making power to one person. the housinpower g officer of the governor, nonie medeiros, who is unelectedovernor,, who cn trump every single thing that you do. they're meeting with developers, private, private landowners, and not a lot of community. >> maui residents say this is highly suspicious. the emergency housing proclamation was declare suspics before the actual emergency created a housing emergency. this emergency proclamation has been described as a gift eme to developers. the residents are apoplectic because ofdescribe all the emera powers. they go to a housing czar and residents get no say. >> now the residents think developers, government officials and all those hav billionaires have bought up land in hawaii. >> like zuckerberg, oprah, bezos are going to take advantage of the devastation we busted out. and this is what we get. get nobody called us. our phones didn't work from five in the morning. the fire was not 10:00 when i went to work. the fire was still there. there was no waterng. u we tell me if that'snt a coincidence. no water, no warning, and everybody talkinteg about te satellite city before the fire behind. i'm going to beat up a satellite city. well, jeff bezos, you got what you wantea ted, oprah. you got what you wanted. and the guy who wants on not you got what you wanted. >> that's all over. many of the maui residentsui are worried that their town is going to be turned into a smar residen t city, a tech hub where wealthy people work remotely. cie data is collected and middle class people are priced out. >> primetime has. >> no idea what's going on. the governor of hawaii calls this all a conspiracyf ha theory. >> but when all of these tragedies and mishaps convergees ,it leaves vulnerable people searching anywhere for answers. >> representative diamond garcia is a member of the hawaiipeople s house ofof rp representatives. all right, diamond, tell us what people are thinkinresenc here. well, the fact is people are confused. it's been three weeks, jesse, and there's not been any clear answers. i mean, these people have lost everything, their homes, their familiest everytr s,, thed ones, their children. and they're crying for answers. e cryithey need answers. and unfortunately, the response from the federal statefrom pre and county governments has been pretty quiet. when askedtt what the death couw was for children, the answer was, i don't knoerw. when asking fema and calling fema for more resource mors, they get the voice mail. so people are frustrated here in hawain i and it's really sad to see this kind of federal response. >> s federalo if you have real , probably the most expensive in the entire ine country, and there's a lot of poor people in maui. there just are. a loople iand then a fire comes. and just ripped to shreds. and developersther are licking their chops. is this why people are so concerne d, especially when the fire water wasn't ready or, you know, wasn't given to the firefighters? and all of these things keep adding u to p? absolutely. the fact is, just days afterthei the fire burned down the entire town of lahaina, realtor and developers were calling residents who lost their homesot and offering to buy their properties. so people immediately caughtpr on to what was going on.lo and it looks like a right when this happened. >> the developers came down like vultures and tried to take their propertyvelopers. >> oh, it's unbelievable. unbelievable. this this guy green, who runs this island. i hope he does the right thing because we're going to hold them to account. and i'm mark my worde.s, we're going to hold this guy to account. diamond, thanks as always. tell everybody in mauiccount we sendlove our love. >> thank you, jesse. aloh youa. >> well, joe biden justid we' said we're all getting the new covid shot this fallre. try this and don't try this in a small town from the mountains to the fruited plains. >> it's the best part about this land. and to those of you who hearquat the cally , answer save big on top quality gear during the fall hunting class to get passed through shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. >> my employees and i are excited to announce it's our 20th anniversary. and to celebrate, we're bringing you a limited dish in my pillow that gives elegance. mypillow is made with the most amazing cotton, two inch pipe cuts. it comes in four custom mop levels, and it's machine washable and drivable. when i got mypillow, i'm asleep almost immediately. i stay asleep at night and i wake up more while rested in the morning. >> my patterns and feel adjust your exact individual needs and helps keep your neck supported in line. that's why we've been around for 20 years. >> because mypillow works. go to my pillowcase or call the number on your screen. use your promo code to get your limited edition. 20th anniversary. mypillow queen size retails for 6998. not only 1998. that's right. only 1998. >> with a 60 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose. >> three men. how many bathroom trips are you making each day if your daily bathroom trips are on the rise? 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>> don't miss the premiere of snake oil wednesday, september 27th on fox. now. i can' oh, i love that t you walk. >> no, i mean, yeah, just hit my balance. should we see a doctor? >> i can't tell a doctor. i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathlete doing . >> oh, i had a concussion. the most happened doing ordinary things. don'h thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like you're sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. do you know where you are? >> i'm in a dream here. in my dream, we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. tell me where you went today. nowhere. july. >> i take it, then, that you are yourself among the afflicted? we don't consider ourselves afflicted. good to see you here. good to see you here. well, then, let's get started. >> hi, i'm stacey, and i'veldn' lostt fl £60 on golo.had lo i decided to tryst golo when i had an international flight coming up, and i realized i couldn't. being the size that i was.i was my sister in law tried goloho b and hae liked lost £50, so i tha i'd give golo a trkey. i didn't expect the results i got on golo. i was hopeful, but i did not expect it to be like this. >> golo just makes sense. >> this plan works. change your life at goal. okay, that's low income climate alarmists. despite the trillions of dollars the government spent on vanity projects that notollas only don't reduce the earth's temperature, but mostly just line the pocketst , rich donors are just downright unsatisfied with the progress being even though it's not progress at all. it's theot progr opposite. t so they've been reduced to tantrums, throwing oil at priceles s works of art, cannonball into italian s and, of course, blocking traffic. >> these tactics may founking in europe or in manhattan, but as jason aldean said, try that. id >> in a small town in rural america, blocking roadthats canl be deadly. in the city. there' roads cs a subway or abo6 other avenues you can wiggle through. >> but in nevada, there's one road and it leads to ther hospital or the police station or your house. that's it. and if that road's blockedd , it's an actual emergency, not a climate emergenc if thay. these rangers from the pyramid lake pilot triberanger, police f nevada, watch this. [siren i want you outs]. you better get out now. t of the crowd for environmental protest about thei environmental mob was blocking the road to burning man, a festivalng in the desert wheh wealthy people congregate and experiment with hallucinogens, setting offe one of a traffic jam. >> now, it's illegal for protesters to block the road, but what are the officers supposed to do here? >> paul muro is an attorney and retired nypd inspector and he joins us now. >> so are those proper tacticsjp to just zip your your ranger jeep throughnger the people? kn, >> you know, listen, they might not have had many options. we don'tn, the know how long tht these folks were standing there. they had a very big metal barrier that was't kno acrosshes the road. right. and if you see the rest of the video, there's a line of cars a linrs stu stuck in the hs the desert that goes back four miles. that's a concernin.'s ag. it's a dangerous condition. they have to undo that as quickly and as sort of just as neatly as you can, i guess, u for lack of a better term.t so what are they going to do? they're going to get out. they're going to negotiate with these folks. they're not going to listen. so he did what he had to do. i my impression here is that thest goe activists thought we'h doing this on indian reservation lande . >> oh, they could get away with it since it's the indian reservation. but they didn't thinkdidn't the indian ranger was going to come out with a taser or pointed gu t indiarangern. t that's right. so, listen, i after 911, we hawd some indian reservation police here in new york helping us out. and let's just say that thisp is not the kind of thing that they're going to put up there. >>l, no, they don't tolerate what we do now. >> now, these are like sort of frontier cops. we went that way. >> what happens when a citizen gets out of his cahen a r and he hase is to get to work or he has to go to the hospital because lar, is he in labo i allowed to get out of the car and do something to these people now? >> to th and it's kind of wrong. and so, again, i know, but that's not the answer anybodyr wants to hear. but you know what? my suggestion would be this. and let me just put my lawyeanyr head on. don't take the bait. okay? all right. it's what they want. ththey're a phalanx of lawyers e lined up from here to california. >> they're going to come here, sit in traffice afte, listen toc news on satellite roll. call the reservation police. they'll comeale re on.>> we >> right. we need some reservation police here in new york. in n d uys let'o, guys. >> let's go. paul, thank you. thank you. >> well, biden said covid shots are coming back, like it or not. and that's not all.cts in >> k two school districts in kentucky have already canceled classes because cases s are spiking in theec second ween of school. nothing has been learned from last time. >> our children's lives were destroyed, their brains decimateildren'sedd. d. >> remember what happened? they lost about two years of learning. and it'sthey l not just elementy schools. >> colleges are making students. wear masks again. >> that's right. morris brown college in atlant collegeanew ma . >> new mask mandate. rutgers universityandate in new jersey still requires students to be masked and vaxxed. but according to a new studymasd released today and 95 max could actually give you cancer and cancer kills. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joins us now. >> let's get to this biden announcement. he says there's a new vaccine and he wants all americans, not just the elderly, all americans ,to get jabbed. is this a good idea? >> first of all, what if itricas surprise you to know that i think he's confuse td. he's confusing two vaccines, one the one that's coming out in september or october. i think he may mean that, but he says we're working on new vaccine and we're going to give a lot of money towards it. that's a differentward a vaccia and those are not anywhere near coming out. and he's gettingrentaccine ready to mandate a vaccine that doesn't even exist. so i think that's what he's talking he doesn't know he's talking about. and no, the vaccine that's coming out in september or septer should nor should not bed for anyone. it should be targeted to very high risk groupsated who haven't had covid recently, which they still haven't told us is, okay. >> what about masks. >> if they start mandating masks again, i'm done. dr. siegel especially now thate. they may cause cancer. >> right. wellespecial, they actually have volatile organic compounds in them, according to this study from south korea.e vola and i thought maybe it's just that one nasty study. but i checketi d it. every mask that actually works has this plastic o on it.othe the ones that don't work, justsa eat the cloth ones. they're safefe.but th, but theyu work at all. so the ones that actually workay actually, you're breathing in something eight times more. according to this studeight ticn the epa says it's safe. now, it hasn't been tested s yet.e's hasn't been tested human yet. only in mice. all right. but all right. so here'thpomandatess the point. we could be deadlier than covid. i'm guessing they giveif they gu you cancer. >> cancer could kill you. i'm saying that mandates could be deadlier than covidou. i mean, if you want to maket a personal choice to wear a mask when you're in a medicatl center or in a tight place, fine. but when the government starts tellink ing you to do it, it's because they don't know what they're talking about and don't have a medical degre e. >> now, are we going to now have more school closings? >>ree are closing schools again. >> siegel are we going to do the mass ballots again closingsl ,i wonder if the teachers unions are involved, because the only one that benefit from working remotely is a teacher sitting behind a video screen kids. >> how many times do we say two years ago that there hot going to be able to read, that they weren't going to be able to do math? here's the punch lin e. they spread more covid in the communities. there was never a reason to closemath. schools. you it's a disgrace thatll b they're talking about it now. next thing you know, you and mee are going to be remote and we won't have this great discussion. >> all right. well, nothins discussion.>>g isl us apart. dr. siegel, thank you. thank god for that. good to se.god ate the diversitm exposed. a whistleblower joins us next. >> grisly murders of four college students in idaho. a suspect arrested, a criminology student showing little emotion is brian cody barker. we investigate and fill in the blanks of his past. speaking with those who knew him, we learn exclusive details that paint a picture of the man who makes headlines. brian cobourg or i am blank streaming now on fox nation for a limited time. get the first three months of your fox nation subscription for only 199. sign up today. >> looks like you've been sleeping well. >> meghan he's back. the mypillow guy 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relief. they're all works works. try their works and get back at it when you can't watch. >> listen, get the latest news business end news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> rfk jr sits down with jesse from solving america's border crisish yourself dirty. >> you get 15% off and free shipping at tri wish ecom. vivek ramaswamy is everywhere. love him or hate him,k an he doesn't hold back. >> and that's refreshing to a lot of americans. knows >> he certainly knows how to keep his name in the news and in politics we call that earned media. >> it was only a matter of time before vivek in the squady a ma collided. a little while back, squad member ayanntta pressleybefore said that we don't want any more brown faces that don'tothe. want to be a brown voice similar to joe biden's d you ain't black remark. if you have dark skin, you got to be a democratt ow. >> no freedom, no independence. only people of a certain race can vote for a certain party. >> the message to minorities is simple voting republican makes you a racial traitor. so beware. al tra vivek, who is anit indian-american and seeking the republican nomination, called these words, quote, the modern. grand wizard's of the modern kkk. mon. he is on cn what i said is the grand wizard of the kkk would be proud of what they would hear her say because there's nothing more racist than saying that your skin color predicts something about.t sa the media. you didn't just say that or you just say they would. for ayanna pressleth. y to tell me that, that because of my skin color, i can't express my views ,that is wrong. it is divisive. that is driving hate. that is a debate. that is this is is >> that is a debate breakinga point. squad ayanna pressley responded and said vick put her life in danger. >> the verbal assault lobbied against myself and dr. kennedyrm tis shameful. it is deeply offensive and it is dangerous. it is not that long ago that wen were a besieged by images of bee white supremacist carrying tiki torches in charlottesville. it was not that long ago that a white supremacist mob seized the waving confederate flags and erecting, an nooses on the t lawn of the capitol. e >> now, the squad's terrified of debating whether democrat policies are effective. that's the last conversation any democrat wants to havets. a conversation about results. that's dangerous. 'swhat democrats prefercially is racially bullying people into tribesin and thenin cobbling together tribal coalitions to achieve power and patronage. they can't allow minority voices to be successfuanl outsie of their tribe shows that it's possible. it showsac people thinking for themselves and independent thought. th that's the greatest threat to the democrats political stranglehold on america's minorities. job >> now, if anybody has a jobcort in corporate america, i'm suret you've been made to sit through diversity training sessions mandatorh y diversity and inclusion is at the heart of our brand promise and always has been. it's in our dnr a. we see it come to life everyin e day in the people who drink coca-cola products. they come from every race, ethnicity, gender, background rac and walk of life. >> we put inclusioe,nd and diversity at our very center. we honor divers individuality, humanndivd dignity and equality. >>uahuma we're approaching dive, equity, inclusion, accessibility the same way with our fuliversityl commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. >> companies pay diversityonsuln consultants big money to train their employees, and then they check a little box in their annual report. company is not racis please buy our product. but it's a shakedownuct.. diversity, equity and inclusion is a three and a half billion includollar industry. and now a former diversity trainer is blowing the whistle and saying these seminars are killing us. former diversity trainere an eric smith joins me now. >> all right. so, eric, you know, i have noicj probleoinow.m with diversity. w diversity is great. but why are these silly training sessionits? >> such a problem? well, it's not really diversity how we know it, right? it's diversity of bodies. yes. of colors, of ethnicities. but one thought and that thought abides by a particularss narrative that basically says any problem, basical a black pet is because of racism. any proble m? so when you were doing these training sessions, what were you discovering and why did it make you come forward you t? ect i >> well, this was a while ago when i was a diversity officer, and i realized how useless it was because, well, a, you can't really compel people to do certain things or think certain things. you can't be a thought. policeyo a when it comes to the. things. and secondly, i was always preachin g to the choir.. it wasn't working. there's nothing pragmatic about a lot of these roles. it's just it's idealistic. idel we need to have a diversity person so that people don't calld us racist. >> period. perit was more about the project of diversity than actual having diversity in the workforce. >> it wasn't authentic. precisely. okay. and someone's getting paid a lot of money, right? >> eric? oh, yeah. i mean, think about it. if you're makingright, all thaty off of racism, the last thing you want is for racism to go away. or are you going to perpetuate it? you're going to see it wher it isn't. the mind, the major tenet of critical social justice justi pedagogy is don't ask if racism happened. ask how it manifests in this situation, which is to sayin there's racism everywhere. siright. and, you know the saying, if you're a hammer, the thena crit everything is a nail. well, if you're a critical social justice activist, everything's racisiciat. >> so they were seeing racism where racism never existedt in order to perpetuate it, in order to get paid. do you think these things are going to continue at rate? because, i mean, fema's doing a three hour diversity training session while 500 kids are still missing. >> com0 kidse on. >> well, it's not going to gocoe away tomorrow. but what we have to do is start pushing back. a lot of people are afraid . a lot of people are complying with this, but they don't really want to. 't reall to.they just don't wand mobbed on social media. they don't want to lose their jobs very much against this. the people who can speak out agt like me need to be loudd an and clear about how detrimental this is to minorities. wellties. it's going to be hard to defund the diversity industrial complex if it's three and a half billion dollars a year.5 billi. i, i think we're going to be finding a lot more racismg a lo the more they keep looking for it. but you're very bravt e to speag out about this. and i'm i'm glad you're telling everybody in the audienc for e that because, oh, my god, the hours maki are waste ared could have n used making this show even better if that was possibl ie. eric, thanks. yes, exactly. very welcome.ver >> so how are things going over in california now? down h joe biden, it's pretty popular down here, isn't he? >> y you see my face and back iny day, we didn't have all of these types of fancy chicken. >> sure, you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. >> well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue . >> and he had to walk uphill both ways. and it's not every time. yeah, right where you're from. >> if need dental implants. we have great news. reset. smile. is a dentist approved more affordable way to replace your missing teeth from home? 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what's happened in this countryo ? >> that it's too expensive where everyone comes to be free unless gavin newsom's locking you down. >> that's the only thingryone cn that i wonder. >> how is the governor doing? if we met some people that much, you had to be living well off of it. he looks like a ken doll. and the way i sethat muce love, she's probably good. >> and who's the governor.overno john macgregor. santa. ohr?, no, that's just my guy. >> are you kidding me? >> sir. jerry brown, i believe, is the governor. who the hell race these guys? what kind of people are they? >> as a californian, how proud are you? of kamala harris. >> he said, no, you don't. all she does is. >> what has she done for my community? she used to smoke weed and listen l to park. >> and yet, who was she locking up while she was a deer? i'm very proud. who's kamala harris is influencing. c.she's not influencing anyone. >> i call her kamikaze kamala. and that littl we was me. her where can i find pencil neck? excuse, little pencil neck. >>am schiff. >> why is everyone leaving california? there is the homeless situation's of control.. look how packed it is. evuldn't you want to leave? too expensive. i don't care if you've been a couple. you can't do it. not even a throuplene? >> no, because it's too high. there's a lot of crime. >> how do you fight crime? education. someone comeics up to you with a gun, you're going to whip out some education. >> oh, no. i'm a whip outr goin of roundhoe kick. >> avoid being outside late at by being protected. use a lot of protection. beingsidei and then i run awaa >> you smell that? what is thatot o? >> what? what's that smell? what happened in venice beach? it used to be so beautiful. >> it's the weekend. i mean, the weekda y. >> sort of. a streets are almost like a skidlm roos w in los angeles out here.yo but what do they let you just camp out, shoot up heroicampn? h >> that's what it's like. actually, fentanylatseem is the popular one right now. >> thanks, china. oh, chin popa. joe biden pretty popular down here, isn't he? you see, my face?>> you >> no, not in my household. houl >> they're lying to you. we don't like them. i don't like them. >> at least. yeah. what's his biggest accomplishment? um pass. yeah. pass a pass. >> i figured the stupid son of a . donald trump has been indictedbn four times. are you happy? his policies were good. our timehe indicted for what? for things that everybody had done in the white house. they didn't done same.white >> so what?ngs he things that he did did d help people little faster. trump versus biden. who are you voting for? i'll have to see i aref shot>> i the cameras. would you tell me? am i? i'm like maga lady. >> she loves trump. you're going to be on jesse waters, prime time fox news channel. >> do you want to tell him >>ink wates prime r? >> four bottles a day? that's good. jesse, get to venice beach right now. come shoot some hoop shoot s. . >> little gigi was baptized yesterday at a wonderful ceremony at saint bridget's. >> look at emma, gorgeouts as. >> always. there's our little gigi. we're so proud of her. and therttle gige everybody is. >> jesse junior, sophie, ella, the whole family was in attendance. it was a big bash, and i'm a little tired. see,and greg mom texts steve. everybody. congratulations, gigi. we lov lations e you. slcompeaking of babies, let' welcome freddy lamarca to the prime time family. he was born friday, weighing in at £7, 11 ounces. and we assume he'll be riding a scooter with a helmet in any o daoty. now. >> now, there he is with his mom and dad, senior producer mike lamarca and his wife, liz. everyone happy and healthy. freddy is already hiccuping hic and we love him. >> mike's watching every night so texas, your advice fornd wil tom parents and we will read it . patty from fremont in fremont michigan really enjoyed and your interview with clutch. he really gets it and isn't afraid to speak his mindto . fo >> thank you for giving airtime to regular patriotic people like him. >> gary from florida. clutch williams is a clutch hitter for americans because h he is no fooittel and speaksr the truth. all he needs is a trump mugshot t-shirt. thuth., trust doug. bluffton, south carolinathings >> did you consider that maybe the doj needed to make all those trips to the white house to talk to joe about the weather? i'm sure it was mostly about the weather. helen from oregon. heather.y jesse if biden can wiw the basement, trump can wiinnwir from the courtroom. >> great line, juliuom thes. you don't hear that name very much anymore from utah. should ver i get a tattoo of trump's mugshot? >> i don't a t think you should get a tattoo of anything. that's just my personal opinio n . >> terry from ohio, god blesse a those two veterans. if you want to act like a traffic cone, you'll yot liked like one. one luke from tennessee. e neva i just called the nevada sheriff's office and sent an email thankingdaeriff's , the o. >> i said, we need more tribal police here. they c maybe they could knock some heads together. ouemaria from staten island. my husband just said it's sanitation worker, not garbagerm man. i'm sure he doesn'ant, but i stand corrected. sanitation person if you're going to go all the way, jack from ponte vedra beach, florida, where did you get that giant iphone way? iant want one? it's not a bigger phone. i just have a lot of credit cards in there. >>of credi always remember, i'm. this is my world. >> all right. welcome to "hannity". this monday night.terrib >> tonight. coming up, terrible polls for joe biden as stammers back froma weeks and weeks of vacation. anplus, a dire new warningffectl about the side effects linked to 95 masks as now a new pushmat for mask mandates, covides restrictions and even a ne, wck, an vaccine. they're back and it's getting bigger by the day. lated gettingr, also bring youe showing the climate alarmists cult blocking traf

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Development , Maui , Decision Making Power , Proclamation , Incident , Developers , Thing , Nonie Medeiros , Person , Who Cn Trump , Landowners , Private , Housinpower G , Unelectedovernor , Residents , Community , Housing Emergency , Emergency Housing Proclamation , Emergency Proclamation , Gift Eme , Government Officials , Hav Billionaires , Hawaii , Housing Czar , Emera Powers , Zuckerberg , Phones , Devastation , 10 , 00 , Everybody , U , Waterng , Water , Warning , Satellite City , That Snt , Guy , Town , Maui Residentsui , Wantea Ted , What S Going On , Smar Residen T City , Primetime , Cie Data , Tech Hub , All A Conspiracyf Ha Theory , Answers , Member , Diamond Garcia , Tragedies , Mishaps , Hawaiipeople , Diamond , Rp Representatives , House Ofof , Ones , Everytr S , Familiest , Need Answers , Thed , E Cryithey , Answer , Response , Governments , County , I Don T Knoerw , Askedtt , Resource Mors , Death Couw , Statefrom Pre , Mail , Federalo , Ine Country , Hawain , Loople Iand , Things , Developersther , Wasn T , Fire Water Wasn T , Chops , Concerne D , Shreds , Realtor , Homesot , Lahaina , Guy Green , Propertyvelopers , Properties , Offering , On Lo , Unbelievable , Jesse Waters , Mauiccount , Island , Mark My Worde S , Aloh Youa , Don T , Covid , Joe Biden Justid We , Fallre , Part , Mountains , Fruited Plains , Adventure , Shops , Hearquat The Cally , Save Big , Cabela S , Dish , Mypillow Guy , Elegance , 20th Anniversary , 20 , Cotton , Pipe Cuts , Mop Levels , Drivable , Machine Washable , Line , Pillowcase , Patterns , Needs , Neck , Limited Edition , Individual , Feel , Mypillow Works , Size , Retails , Queen , Men , Nothing To Lose , 1998 , 60 , 6998 , Trips , Formula , Bathroom , Super Beater , Bathroom Trips , Blend , Rise , Category , Prost , Help , Retailers , Stream , Bathroom Interruptions , Walmart , Emptying , Normalcy , Melasma , Muesli , Suffering , Skin Care , Door , Makeup , The Elephant In Room , People Aren T , Newsweek Com , Woman , Tv , Last Resort , Program , Talk , Powerhouse , Fans , Cube , Baby , Theme Music , One Man Show , Big 12 , Dare , College Football , Nicole Gilbert , Joel , Gus , 20 Bucks , Animals , Range , Petr It , Owners , Bruises , Motion , Affection , Big , Pets , 4 Million , Game Show , Snake Oil , It Snake Oil , Miss , September 27th On Fox , Premiere , Product Isn T Real , David Spade , Wednesday September 27th , Doctor , Triathlete Doing , Balance , Toy , 27 , Mess , Concussion , Damage , Melon , Don H , Dream , Numbers , Hope , Nowhere , July , Afflicted , Coming Up , Law , Golo , Sister , Goloho B , Stacey , Lostt , I Veldn , Hae , 0 , 50 , Life , Plan Works , Climate , Goal , Income , Golo , Sense , Golo A Trkey , Alarmists , Vanity Projects , Donors , Trillions , Temperature , Earth , Pocketst , Soil , Priceles S Works Of Art , Italian , Tantrums , Progress Being Made Ma , Theot Progr Opposite , Cannonball , In The City , Traffic , Id , Subway , Avenues , Roadthats Canl , Europe , Manhattan , Jason Aldean , Roads Cs , Road , Hospital , Nevada , Police Station , Rangers , Climate Emergenc If Thay , Blockedd , Police F , Pilot Triberanger , Pyramid Lake , Siren , Crowd , Protest , Festivalng , Setting , Hallucinogens , Burning Man , Thei Environmental Mob , Desert Wheh , Paul Muro , Officers , Attorney , Protesters , Tacticsjp , Traffic Jam , Inspector , Retired Nypd , Folks , We Don Tn , Metal Barrier , The Road , Options , Listen Toc News On Satellite Roll , Ranger Jeep Throughnger , Kno Acrosshes , Kn , Rest , Hs The Desert , Sort , Better Term T , Condition , Concernin S Ag , Linrs Stu , Cars , Impression , Goe Activists , Thinkdidn T The Indian Ranger , Indian Reservation , On Indian Reservation Lande , Thest , Police , Thisp , Taser , Gu T Indiarangern , New York , L , 911 , Way , He Hase , Citizen , Wrong , Car , Lar , Frontier Cops , Cahen Ar , California , Lawyers E , Suggestion , Head On , Bait , Phalanx , Anybodyr , Lawyeanyr , Ththey , Sit In Traffice Afte , Reservation Police , Shots , All Cts In K Two , Let S Go , Guys , Comeale , Uys Let O , Lives , Classes , Cases , School Districts , Brains Decimateildren Sedd , D Remember , Theec Second Ween Of School , Kentucky , Students , New Jersey , Colleges , Mask Mandate , Learning , Morris Brown College , It Sthey L , Atlant Collegeanew Ma , Wear , Rutgers Universityandate , Cancer , Contributor , Marc Siegel , Studymasd , Fox News , Vaxxed , 95 , Vaccine , Jabbed , Elderly , Biden Announcement , Itricas , Vaccines , Td , Differentward A Vaccia , Risk , Anyone , Who Haven T , Bed , Septer , Groupsated , Gettingrentaccine , Masks , Study , Compounds , Wellespecial , South Korea E Vola , Mask , Plastic O , Cloth Ones , Don T Work , Theyu , Justsa Eat , It Othe , It Hasn T , Studeight Ticn , Human , Yet E , Mice , Gu You Cancer , The Point , Mandates , Fine , Choice , Covidou , Don T Have A Medical Degre E , Medicatl Center , Ballots , School Closings , Benefit , Video Screen Kids , Teacher , Teachers , Unions , Ree , Communities , Closemath , Math , Thatll B , Punch , Lin E , Mee , Se God , Diversitm , Discussion , Whistleblower , Nothins , Next , Isl , Student , College Students , Criminology , Suspect , Blanks , Murders , Brian Cody Barker , Idaho , Emotion , Details , Headlines , Picture , Brian Cobourg , Fox Nation Subscription , 199 , Better , Good , Meghan He S Back , Looks , Commercial , Success , Support , Percale Bed Sheets , Prices , King Size , Set , Manufacturing , Chair , Twin , Room , 39 , 35 , Bed Sheets , Promo , Offer , Once In A Lifetime , Credit , App , Credit Builder , Struggling , Quick , Lift , Five Star Bank , Rate , Business , Truckload , Rates , Credit Up , Struggle , Fees , Track , 100 Million , Work , Credit Up Builder Economy , Go To Credit Builder , Um , Magnesium , Health , Cuny , Strength , Muscle , Bone , Nerve , High , Value , 48 , 100 , Muscle Cramps , Spasms , Fast Muscle Relief , News Headlines , Solving America , Audio , Border , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , News Business End , Rfk Jr Sits , Everywhere , K An He Doesn T Hold Back , Shipping , Vivek Ramaswamy , Tri Wish Ecom , 15 , News , Jerry Brown , Politics , Matter , Ayanntta Pressleybefore , Don Tothe , Squady A Ma , Minorities , Race , Ain T Black Remark , Party , Freedom , Skin , Voice , Similar , Independence , Democratt Ow , Words , Al Tra Vivek , Mon , Cn , Traitor , Nomination , Anit Indian American , The Modern , About T Sa The Media , Skin Color , Racist , Views , Vick , Debate , Hate , Ayanna Pressleth , Debate Breakinga Point , Ayanna Pressley , Divide At , Bee , Assault , Images , Kennedyrm Tis Shameful , Wen , Mob , Tiki , Carrying , Torches , Erecting , Nooses , Flags , Charlottesville , Conversation , Debating , Havets , T Lawn , Capitol , Minority , Power , Patronage , Coalitions , Tribesin , Democrats Prefercially , Successfuanl Outsie , Thenin Cobbling , Swhat , Tribe , Job , Stranglehold , It Showsac , Inclusion , Heart , Brand Promise , Corporate America , Diversity Training Sessions Mandatorh Y , Anybody , Dnr , Jobcort , Diversity , Products , Life Everyin , Ethnicity , Center , Background Rac , Gender , Divers Individuality , Inclusioe , Nd , Coca Cola , Humanndivd Dignity , Companies , Dive , Commitment , Accessibility , Equality , Fuliversityl , Uahuma , Product , Report My , Report , Shakedownuct , Big Money , Box , Includollar Industry , Noicj Probleoinow M , Eric Smith , Trainer , Whistle , Seminars , Training Sessionits , Colors , Ethnicities , Bodies , A Particularss , Ect , Proble , Training Sessions , Narrative , Basical A Black Pet , Diversity Officer , Policeyo , Don T Calld , G , Idel , It Wasn T Working , Choir , Roles , Someone , Workforce , Project , Perit , It Wasn T Authentic , Mind , Tenet Of Critical Social Justice , Makingright , Thaty Off Of Racism , Situation , Justi Pedagogy Is Don T Ask , Thena Crit Everything , Hammer , Saying , Siright , Social Justice , Activist , Nail , Everything S Racisiciat , Existedt , Diversity Training Session , Com0 Kidse , Gocoe , 500 , Agt , Loudd , Social Media , Reall To , Wand , Diversity Industrial Complex , Billi , Wellties , Bravt E , Audienc , Racismg , Ared , Possibl Ie , Isn T He , Down H , Welcome Ver , Sweet Bourbon , Fancy Chicken , Fried Chicken , Types , Garlic Farm , Buffalo Wings , Smile , Reset , Dentist Office Visits , Dentist , Need , Dental Implants , Teeth , Dentists , Technology , Material , Kit , 3d , Confidence , Chewing Food , 3 , Earwax , System Wax , Fail , Wax , Hearing , Conditioning Formula , Drops , Wax Or X , Softening , Relaxium Sleep , Mike Huckabee , System , Amount , Tossing , Walgreens , Arkansas , Night , Sleep Relaxium , Refreshed , Ingredients , Body , Thousands , Benefits , Relief , Hundreds , Feeling Refreshed , Marriage , Miracle , American , Neurologist , Side Effects , Fears , 1000 , Visit , Dot Com , Bottle , Bottles , 800 9196467 , 9196467 , 800 , Harry S , Overpaying , Blade Closeness , Don T Have To , Each , Half , Refills , Comfort , Close Shave , , 2 , Oncologist , John David Compton , Ior , L My Name , Kimberly Stegman , Ior Focus On Cancer Prevention , Dr , King , Care , Child , Purpose , Sorryou , Patients , Faces , Smiles , Treatments , Research , Utn A Critical Partner , Cancg , Cancer Research , Fight , He Human Lives , Stand Up To Cancer , Impactse , Battle , Employee , Cash Payments , Employee Retention Credit Program , W 2 , 26000 , 2021 , 6000 , Some , Com Venice Beach , R , Greats Remembeeautiful Placer , Beautiful B , Wunder Trust , La , Son , Heck , Homeles E S , Johnny , California Vacationing , He Hit Venice , Countryo , Doing , Locking , Gavin Newsom , Thingryone Cn , Ohr , Governor Overno , Ken Doll , Muce Love , John Macgregor , Santa , Hell Race , Sir , Kamala Harris , Weed , Deer , Pencil Neck , Influencing C She , Littl , Kamikaze Kamala , Excuse , Am Schiff , Control , Couple , Throuplene , Evuldn T , Crime , Education , Gun , O , Protection , Outr Goin , Beingsidei , Roundhoe Kick , Awaa , Streets , Venice Beach , Smell , Weekda Y , Skidlm Roos W , Fentanylatseem , Out Here Yo , Heroicampn , Household , China , Chin Popa , Houl , A , Accomplishment , Pass , Um Pass , Timehe , Trump Versus Biden , Shot , Prime Time , Maga Lady , Cameras , Wates , Hoop Shoot , Little Gigi , Ceremony , Saint Bridget , Emma , Gorgeouts , Mom , Attendance , Therttle Gige , Ella , Sophie , Big Bash , Steve , Greg , Freddy Lamarca , Congratulations , Babies , We Lov Lations E You , Slcompeaking , 11 , Mike Lamarca , Freddy , Liz , Helmet , Scooter , Mom And Dad , O Daoty , Fo , Patty , Clutch , Mindto , Advice , Fremont , Interview , Parents , Airtime , Fornd Wil Tom , Texas , Michigan , Isn T Afraid , Clutch Williams , T Shirt , Clutch Hitter , The Truth , Florida , Speaksr , South Carolinathings , Gary , Fooittel , Thuth , Trust Me Hot Doug , Bluffton , Weather , Basement , Doj , Heather Y Jesse , Helen , Oregon , Tattoo , Courtroom , Great Line , Opinio N , Juliuom Thes , Utah , Veterans , Traffic Cone , Luke , Sheriff , Terry , Ohio , God Blesse , Tennessee , Thankingdaeriff S , Sanitation Worker , Heads , Husband , Staten Island , O , Ouemaria , Ponte Vedra Beach , Phone , Sanitation Person , Jack , Iant , Credi , World , Credit Cards , Warningffectl , Hannity , Polls , Vacation , Monday Night Terrib Tonight , Anplus , Restrictions , Traf , Mask Mandates , Pushmat , Ne , Youe , Lated Gettingr , Wck , Climate Alarmists Cult ,

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